Lord of the Rings: Return of the King-------------------GUIDE FOR PLAYSTATION 2 EA Games THX New Line Cinema Productions **************** -Version Update- **************** 0.05 2/19/05- Started initial draft for Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 0.40 2/20/05- Finished I., II., III., and started the Path of the King. 0.80 2/21/05- Finished Path of the King 0.81 2/22/05- Started the Path of the Hobbits 1.00 2/23/05- Completed Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Guide and finished fine tuning ******************* -Table of Contents- ******************* I. Introduction II. Helms' Deep III. Path of the Wizard a) Road to Isengard b) Minas Tirith: Top of the Wall c) Minas Tirith: Courtyard IV. Path of the King a) Paths of the Dead b) King of the Dead c) The Southern Gate d) Pelennor Fields e) The Black Gate V. Path of the Hobbits a) Escape from Osgiliath b) Shelob's Lair c) Cirith Ungol d) The Crack of Doom ******* -Legal- ******* This guide was thought up and written originally, by myself. GameFAQ has my permission to post this guide on their website. If you wish to use any information from this guide and post it ANYWHERE, it must be credited in this format: Information used from LOTRROTK Guide By: Nick Hoffman Email: Phanlanx6243@aol.com ***************** -I. Introduction- ***************** MEET THE HEROES ********* -Gandalf- ********* Gandalf knows that desperate plans are required as the specter of darkness grows over Middle-Earth and Sauron's armies issue from Mordor to destroy the world of Men. The White Wizard liberates Rohan and the war is turned to Minas Tirith, the last great stronghold of free people, where he intends to distract Sauron's gaze with a final, bold defense. As an advisor of Men, Gandalf musters the defenses of Gondor to stand firm in the face of darkness. As a warrior on the battlefeild, Gandalf conjures shockwaves with his staff to knock enemies aside and then with his sword, he slays them with ease. But victory cannot be won by force of arms alone, and Gandalf's plans are meant to buy time, knowing all hope rests in the success of Frodo's quest. Gandalf is a good character for those who are just beginning the game. He is well balanced with ranged and melee attacks. He is skilled with a staff and a sword. Most of his upgrades are good to have in different areas of the game. ********* -Aragorn- ********* As the last descendant of the Kings of Men, Aragorn is fated to claim the long-empty throne of Gondor, should he provide worthy of this task. But to fulfill his destiny, Aragorn must first pass through the Paths of the Dead and attempt to command horrible foes who once betrayed Gondor. Then he must return to Minas Tirith and fight Sauron's hoard in defense of this besieged city. And, should he survive this path, Aragorn must face The Dark Lord's servants before the very gates of Mordor. As a Ranger and Elf friend, Aragorn's ability with the bow allows him to defeat opponents at long range. His true powers, however, lie in close combat. Weilding a reforged Narsil, the Legendary sword that defeated Sauron, Aragorn is a deadly combatant on the battlefeild, easily defeating multiple foes. Aragorn is another great begginer character. He is balnced well with ranged and melee attacks. His sword upgrades are phenomenal. ********* -Legolas- ********* Although the Fellowship that set forth from Rivendell has been divided, still the friendship that binds these comrades together holds true. In support of Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli fight beside each other through hardship and peril, despite their differences. Yet their greatest chalenges are yet to come, as they enter this war alone and vastly outnumbered. As a fighter, Legolas's skill with matched blades has won him the respect of his friends. But it is the bow of Legolas that will tunr the tide of battle, his deadly accuracy stopping foes in their tracks. Legolas risks his immortality in the cause of all free Men, and he will not permit Aragordn or Gimli to go on without him; to whatever end. Legolas is a character to work on. Legolas has great attacks with his blades, yet most of them are hard to aquire. His final move to purchase is in level 10. He can shoot two arrows at once. This can really help you in a tight spot. ******* -Gimli- ******* As sturdy in spirit as he is in stature, Gimli the Dwarf is a formidable warrior. His skill with his weapons and his unflappable spirit earn for him a strong and unlikely bond with Aragorn and Legolas. Despite the distrust between Elf and Dwarf, all three of these warriors share a deep admiration for each other, forged in the fires of combat. Armed with axes and sheer force of his will, Gimli can quickley defeat enemies nearly twice his size. His ferocity in combat is a perfect compliment to the swordplay of Aragorn and the bow skill of Legolas. Together these companions intend to become an unstoppable force, helping Gandalf turn the tide in their war against Sauron. Gimli has got to be the slowest character of them all. But, just because he is the slowest doesen't mean he is the worst. What Gimli lacks in speed, he makes up for in strength. His axes cause great damage to foes. He will run into combat with Aragorn, while Legolas stays behind a little and fires arrows. ******* -Frodo- ******* In the final days of the War of the Ring, the fate of all Middle-Earth rests in the hands of Frodo Baggins. Now upon the most difficult part of his long journey, Frodo and his trusted companion Sam at last approach the devastated land of Mordor, home of the Dark Lord Sauron. With every step taken toward that fell place, the burden of Frodo grows heavier. Relentless pursued by the Ringwaiths mounted upon huge flying beasts, Frodo and Sam must trust Gollum, if they hope to find safe passage through the encircling Orc forces. While huge armies rage around them, these two small hobbits must never falter, for failure will bring about the ruin of the world. Frodo is not the greatest character. That comes into play when he has to fight Gollum. Frodo needs all the power he can get to defeat Gollum, so upgrading all characters at the end of each level is a good idea. ***** -Sam- ***** Often the unlikely may become the great heroes, and Sam Gamgee is destined to become the greatest hero of all. Every step taken by a weary and worn Frodo brings these two hobbits closer to Mount Doom and the fullfilment of their quest. Sam is always at Frodo's side, his unserving loyalty and conviction of heart giving them hope, despite the seeming impossibility of their task and the odds against their success Sam is a necessity, dermined, ferocious and deadly despite his small size. His quick thinking and ability to use stealth to his advantage must get him, and Frodo, out of some very tight spots. Yet Sam's greatest strength is his love for his friend and his commitment to see things through. Sam is probably the fastest character in the game. This can get him into or out of battle quickly. The hobbits are the weakest characters, though. If you are looking for a well balanced character, cross of the hobbits. ********** -Controls- ********** Move | D-pad or Left Analog Stick Speed Attack | X Button or Right Analog Stick Fierce Attack | Triangle-Button Physical Attack | Circle-Button Parry | Square-Button Action Button | R1 Button Killing Move | R2 Button Ranged Attack | Hold the L1 Button to activate, then press the X Button to fire Jump Back | L2 Button Special Ability | Hold all together the L1, L2, R1, and R2 Buttons ******** -Set Up- ******** _ _ | | | A | |_ _|_ _ _ _ _ _C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | B | | E | |_ _|_ _ _ _D_ _ _ _ _ |_ _| A- This is your Ranged Weapon counter. You only get a limited number of ranged shots. When the number appears at 0, that means you have no Ranged Shots left. You can replenish the number of Ranged Shots you have by picking up stocks of them left by defeated enemies. B- This shows the character you are using and your Special Meter. By holding L1, L2, R1, and R2 together you can activate your characters Special Ability. When your characters Special Ability is active, their face circle will turn white. As the white on your Special Meter goes down, that means your active Special Ability is running out of time. You can repeat this when the meter is not white at all. C- This is your Experience Meter. As you kill enemies, and use some cheats, your Experience Meter will go up. Once you hit a certain number of Experience Points, your character will gain 1 level and the meter will be set back to zero. D- This is your Health Meter. Your Health Meter will start of at green. When enemies, or some other things, attack and hit you, this meter goes down. When the meter is in the "Red Zone" you are close to dying. To replenish your health meter, pick up Health Items. Your Health will immidiately increase when you pick up a health item. E- This is your Skill Meter. By making successful hits, your Skill Meter will increase and when it hits max, you will go into Perfect Mode. While in Perfect Mode all of your attacks increas in damage and the Experience Points received are doubled. ************** -Action Items- ************** Throughout the game there are many useful objects you can pick up off of the ground, shoot, or push using the Action Button (R1). I have them listed them here for you: Spears | Used to throw at enemies; usually one hit K.O.'s Torches | Used to scatter spiders, kill enemies and burn webs Pots of Hot Coal | Used to pour on enemies and kill them Levers | Used to open drawbridges, gates, etc. Burnig Fire Pits | Used to push over and burn a string of enemies Explosive Carts | Used to explode enemies;do THIS by using your Ranged Attack Bells | Used to squish enemies and break open new pathways ***************** -II. Helm's Deep- ***************** Character(s) Availible: Gandalf Difficulty: Easy Before you atually get to start the game, a storyline is given to you. After, you become Gandalf, the White Wizard. He and his Army of Rohan soldiers rush into battle to save Helm's Deep. You begin your fighting on the feilds. Try out some of your attacks while hear. After a while you will be called to go up to the top of the wall. Fight your way through some Uruk-Hai over to the wall and find a ladder. Climb up the ladder to get to the top of the wall. When on the wall need to fight some Uruk-Hai soldiers. After you defeat them, you need to head back down the ladder to the catapults to stop the Uruk-Hai from braking through the Main Gate. Fire each catapult using the Action Button. Once all of the catapults are fired, the Helm's Deep mission is fully complete. You will receive ratings at the end of each mission and your Experience Points will be added up. You will porbably gain a level, or even more, each time you finish a level. After this is done, you can purchase new abilities from the levels you are at or have passed. The last level to purchase abilities is 10. ************************* -III. Path of the Wizard- ************************* a) Road to Isengard Character(s) Availible: Gandalf Difficulty: Normal/Difficult The Uruk-Hai have realized they lost the battle at Helm's Deep. In fear they flee through the forests twords Isengard. You must follow the Uruk-Hai through the forests back ti Isengard. In the beginning you will fight a few Uruk-Hai soldiers. Then you will view a scene where an Ent comes through smashing a few Uruk-Hai. After that you come up to some more Uruk-Hai. Kill the Archer that is standing on top of the fallen tree and then the soldier. Using your Ranged Attack, fire at the cart and it will explode killing a few Uruk-Hai. But, more come. Try to finish off the soldiers quickly using your Fierce Attacks. Then, kill the archers on the bridge. You will come to a U-turn and get attacked by more Uruk-Hai. Be careful at this part because they can easily surround you and corner you, which will lead to your death. So, try to move around a lot during this part. After this, you will come to a large circle area where Ents are going around stomping on Uruk-Hai. You need to help them kill 75 Uruk-Hai. Watch out because the Ents won't know you from an Uruk-Hai and they will stomp on you. For an easy way out, you could let the Ents kill all 75 Uruk-Hai; but that's no fun. When this part is over, a gate will smash open and you must go to that area to progress on. Take this path while killing some Uruk-Hai on your way. You will come to an area with huge towers and Archers are on them firing away at you. Use your Ranged Attack to hit the carts to make them explode and take down the towers. Hit all carts to take down all of the towers. Cross the bridge and fight two Uruk-Hai. These two are kind of difficult since their heavy shields block your attacks. Continue down the path provided while killing some Uruk-Hai. Try to get as much Health as you can becasue you will about to enter the final fight. -FINAL FIGHT- Difficulty: Normal/ Difficult The Ent needs to brake the dam to release the river, and you must help keep the Uruk-Hai from stopping him. The first thing always to kill needs to be the Archers because they are the ones that stop the Ent. Note that there are Archers on the other side of the dam and more come after some are killed. After the Archers are gone, concentrate on saving yourself from the Uruk-Hai Soldiers and Warriors. Once the Ent has enough time, he will release the river. ********************************LEVEL COMPLETE********************************* b) Minas Tirth: Top of the Wall Character(s) Availible: Gandalf Difficulty: Hard/Very Hard This section took me so long to complete. There is so much going on at once that you need to get a rythm set. The first part consists of running back and forth keeping the ladders down. This part isn't too difficult. You can also use the grappling hooks to go down and kick off ladders without fighting Orcs. After doing this for a time, you get a scene where Trolls are pushing ladders towards the city. You must head up to the catapult near the left side of the wall. When you get there, fire the catapult twice using the Action Button to knock down the tower. You then need to head to the left side of the wall to stop the second tower. At this part you need to use your Ranged attack to hit the tower and knock it over. If you think it's over, guess again. Another one pops up on the left side and you must use the catapult. When the Nazgul appears shoot it to bring it down. Follow the path and a tower crashes into the city. Your Overrun Meter will hugely increase and you must use the grappling hooks to get to another one and climb up it. Go towords the tower and shoot it to bring it down. Go to the top of the tower to pick up Experience Points and go down stairs while following the soldiers. You will view a scene. ********************************LEVEL COMPLETE******************************** c) Minas Tirith: Courtyard Character(s) Availible: Gandalf Difficulty: Hard The Orcs have invaded the city and are killing everyone in their path, man and women. You are Gandalf and you need to save as many citizens as possible. As you get farther into this level, it gets harder. The harder the enemy, the more there are citizens. The citizens come out from each side of the courtyard and they need to get to the escape point. This part can get difficult and frustrating, so just relax. Be sure to use the spears for quick killing. Make sure to use the spears on the Trolls. Don't let yourself get cournered by the Orcs or you will have a difficult time getting out. Keep this pattern going and soon you will be victorious. (200 citizens) ********************************LEVEL COMPLETE******************************** ********************** -IV. Path of the King- ********************** a) Paths of the Dead Character(s) Availible: Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli Difficulty: Normal Aragorn must summon an army greater than any other. This task leads him to the Paths of the Dead. In the beginning, you enter into a dark place. Travel forward and you will encounter some Dead Soldiers. These soldiers have betrayed Gondor and a curse was put on them. They can easily be killed with a few blows. Then you will see some Dead Archers on top of a bridge. Kill them using your Ranged Attack. Hopefully you are using Legolas or Aragorn because Gimli is useless during this part, considering his fattness. You will come to places where there are two or more different ways to go. It doesn't matter which way you choose because you'll end up at the same place. Soon you will come to a place that sort of looks like the Grand Canyon. Keep following the path you are on. At some spots, the path is blocked off by Dead Spirits. You must defeat all of the spirits that come out before you can pass. Sometimes there are other weapons lying around, like spears, that you can pick up, using the Action Button, and throw at an enemy. The spears will instantly kill an enemy. Watch out for Hero Soldiers; the ones that have their life gauge shown. Eventually you will come to a part where Dead Archers are shooting at you. You need to use the lever to let down the bridge to get across. Use your Ranged Attack to kill the Archers an then use the lever, by pressing the Action Button, to let the bridge down and cross. In the blue bog, Dead Soldiers will come oout an attack you from tomb like objects. Kill all of them before you pass into the next room. Soon enough you will come to a gate which needs to be opened to pass through it. Cross the bridge to get to the gate. There is another little hill you can go down to reach the opposite side of the gate. When you get there you will be attacked by two Hero Soldiers. Kill them first and then use the lever to open the gate. Hurry through the gate to the next room. The last part is crossing the bridge to get to the King of the Dead. You will be blocked in by two Spirit Blocks. You need to kill 35 Dead soldiers to be able to pass. When you are finished, hurry to the other side of the bridge. *******************************LEVEL COMPLETE********************************* b) King of the Dead Character(s) Availible: Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli Difficulty: Hard/Very Hard You now must fight the King of the Dead to prove yourself worthy to him. The first part of the battle consists of blocking and attacking. He will strike you three times and after the third, go in for an attack. Or, after the third parry you can use a combo, ? then R2, if you have it. The King of the Dead will disappear into the ground and come out at the other end. He will summon forth 4 Dead Soldiers to attack you. You must kill these soldiers before you can start attacking the King of the Dead again. He will disappear into the ground again and come up near you. Use the block 3 times and strike technique. Then, a spirit will leave him allowing you to be able to shoot him with your Ranged Attack. But first, you will be behind a rock and he will blast a wind at you. After the wind has gone come out and shoot a few Ranged Attacks at him. Repeat until he disappears into the ground again. He will come out on the other side again and this time summon forht Dead Archers. Kill the Archers and the King will come up near you again. This time he will strike at you 5 times. So, each hit and then strike him. He will keep repeating this until you destroy him. When he realizes he has lost, he starts to destroy the whole place. You must run backwards out of hear. Watch out for falling rocks because they will immediately kill you. Try staying to one side. After running backwards for a little while the shaking will stop, but not for long. You need to quickly kill all of the Dead Soldiers before you can pass through. If you don't kill them quick enough, the place will start to fall apart and you will die. Try to stay back and just fire your Ranged Attack at will. When the path is cleared, start running again and you will come to another spot where you must kill all of the Dead Soldiers quickly before you can pass. Watch out for the Hero Soldiers. After, keep on running while avoiding falling rocks. Your final fight will be with your companions. You need to kill all of the Dead Soldiers before you can get out of the place. Watch out for the Hero Soldiers. If you are Legolas, try to stay back and use your Ranged attack. If you are Aragorn, you can either go in at use melee attacks or use Ranged Attacks. If you are Gimli, go in and fight like crazy. Soon you will view a cutscene with the companions going out. ********************************LEVEL COMPLETE******************************** c) The Southern Gate Character(s) Availible: Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli Difficulty: Normal/Hard Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli find themselves at the Southern Gate of Gondor. They need to pass through to help save the city of Minas Tirith. In the beginning you will go up to the gate to walk through. Easy, you think? Well as soon as you go to enter through the gate, a massive Troll closes the gate and comes down to attack you. Through a spear at him for an easy kill. Then, go to each of the catapults and fire them. Two will hit the tower and one will hit a Troll. Do not even bother trying to kill all of the Orcs becasue they just keep coming. When the tower is down, go to it and climb up a ladder to get to the top of the gate. Quickly fefeat the Troll and kncok down the ladder where Orcs are coming up. When you get a chance after fighting some Orcs, use the lever to open up the gate as fast as you can. Knock over the hot coal onto some Orcs for easy kills. Go back down the way you came and enter through the gate. ********************************LEVEL COMPLETE******************************** d) Pelennor Feilds Character(s) Availible: Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli Difficulty: Hard/Very Hard After passing through the Southern Gate, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli end up on the Pelennor Feilds. The first part consists of killing 60 Easterlings and Orcs. This part is pretty easy because you could just stand at the corner and fire your Ranged Shots while everyone else is fighting. But if you do have a hunger for Experience Points, just make sure you don't jump into the battle too quickly or you will be overwhelmed by enemies. After you defeat 60 enemies, you need to save Merry and Eowyn from the Mumakil. Do this by going to the top of the hill and fire your Ranged Shots at the cart on the Mumakil, or use the catapults. Either way works. Then, jsut when you think it's over, another Mumakil appears on the other side. Rush over to the other hill and do the same thing as before. Finally, the last thing you have to do is ward off the Witch King of Angmar. Fire your Ranged Shots at the Witch King of Angmar and he will go down quickly. Then he comes back, but with much less Health. Kill him quickly. If you don't kill him quick enough, another Mumakil will come. ********************************LEVEL COMPLETE******************************** e) The Black Gate Character(s) Availible: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf Difficulty: Extremely Hard Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, and the soldiers of Rohan and Gondor make one last attempt to distract Sauron's gaze so that Frodo and Sam can complete their quest. But, they aren't quite sure if he is still alive or not. The Mouth of Sauron says that Frodo was kill, but hope still lies in everyone's hearts. So, moving on now. The First part of the battle consists of you fighting the Mouth of Sauron. He is pretty easy. Just go about with an all-out Feirce Attack/ Balrogs Gambit strategy. His Health is pretty low. The next part of the Black Gate level is to kill 6 Hero Soldiers. Easy enough, you think? Well you have to do this while protecting the rest of your Fellowship members. If their Health starts to get dangerously low, go over and help them. If you satnd next to them, their Health will start to gradually increase. Keep repeating this pattern. ************ -Boss Fight- ************ When the 6 Hero Soldiers are killed, you will view a cutscene with 3 Nazgul and Fell Beasts flying out. You must kill the three Nazgul (they are off of their Fell Beasts now) while protecting your Fellowship members. To kill them easily, use the spears that are provided at the corners of the arena. Take them out one by one because you will never keep up with every single one of them. Fight these things like you never have before! ********************************LEVEL COMPLETE******************************** ********************* -Path of the Hobbits- NAZGUL METER: ********************* _ _ _ / _ _ \ a) Escape from Osgiliath | /NZL\ | Character(s) Availible: Sam | \_M_/ | Difficulty: Very Easy \_ _ _/ You are Samwise Gamgee, Frodo Baggins's best friend. You need to follow Smeagol to get you and Frodo out of Osgiliath. At first you will view a scene and then a cutscene with Sam and Frodo dodging a Nazgul. Let Smeagol show you where to go, and then follow him. At the end of the cutscene go to the outside. You will fight an Orc. You will then get to a ramp and an Orc Archer is standing shooting you. Use your Ranged Attck to kill him or dodge his arrows and use your sword. When you get to the top, help the Ranger kill the Orcs. Then you will notice the wall blow up and it will give you a path to follow. Kill some Orcs and go up the ramp. You will notice that you have a new meter. This is your Nazgul Meter. If it fills up, the Nazgul will fly down and take you away, leading to the end of the game. So, if your meter gets a little risky, hide in a shaded spot for a little while until the meter goes down. Climb up some stairs and you will find yourself in an area with bombs flying everywhere. Try to get across as fast as you can. Go down the ladder provided. You will fight some Orcs. Climb up the stairs. When you get to the top, there is a large bell and some Health. Push the bell down the stairs, using the Action Button, and it will kill some Orcs and open up a new pathway. When you go through, you will have to climb up some stairs and go outside to a little ledge. Climb up the ladder on the right side. At the top will be a crazy area. Run over to a shaded little hut while killing some Orcs. Grab the Health underneath the hut. When your Nazgul meter gets to nothing, run up the ramp in the middle next to the hut. Don't bother killing all of the Orcs, just run across to the other side to a little dome, killing only what is needed to be. Wait under the dome until your Nazgul Meter gets to nothing. Then, run to the second little dome and go down the ladder. At the end of the ladder, kill the orcs and go down the final ladder. You will arrive in the sewers. Kill the orcs that think you are a spy. ************ Health Meter: -Boss Fight- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ************ |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| Character(s) Availible: Sam Difficulty: Medium/Hard I don't know whether I should really call this a boss fight or a final fight. But whatever it is, it's a fight and it is at the end of the level. The Orc you must fight is a Hero Orc. There is a meter above his head. That is his Health Meter. This Orc's armor is very hard. So, you will need to use your Fierce Attack on him. His one weapon, the one on the chain, can knock you over with one hit, and if you are lying on the ground heplessly he will attack and kill you. So, you need to make sure you block his attacks and then go in with your Fierce Attack. He isn't too hard if you get the rythm down. ********************************LEVEL COMPLETE******************************** b) Shelob's Lair Character(s) Availible: Sam Difficulty: Hard It is very, very easy to get lost inside Shelob's Lair. The first part of Shelob's Lair is finding the way to the next part. To get to the next part, you need to find the exit. When you get to a place where there are torches, little spiders, and a large web blocking your way, you are at the exit. First, use one of the torches to scatter the spiders, and then use the second torch to burn through the web. When you walk through, you'll end up at an Orc camp. You can sneak around; the smart idea, or you can fight them; the not so smart idea. Whatever you choose, just get yourself to the tunnel. Fight a fes Orcs and spiders. Throw a torch and burn up a few Orcs and spiders. Keep going until you get to an overpass. You will view a cutscene and a giant spider, Shelob, will crawl under the overpass. Keep pushing foward. Along the way there will be a lot of spiders and Orcs. Try to kill them using as little of your Health as possible. You need to save all of the Health you can for Shelob. When you get to the last exit, head out to Shelob to view a cutscene. ************ -Boss Fight- ************ Character(s) Availible: Sam Difficulty: Very Hard This fight against Shelob can get on even the most calm person's nerves. Shelob can move around very fast. You need to let her come to you. At the first part of the fight she doesn't notice you. Go up to her and use your strongest Combo Attack. Shelob will start to circle you for a little while. Don't even bother trying to catch up her; she is too fast. Let her come and attack you. When she does, block her legs. When you get a free chance, go in and give her an all out attack. After a while, she will run away up onto the wall. While up there she calls out a ton of little spiders. Finish them quickly. When Shelob jumps down, watch out. If she hits you, you'll get knocked over and you'll be toast. Keep repeating this pattern. You have to keep chopping off her legs until she retreats. ********************************LEVEL COMPLETE******************************** c) Cirith Ungol Character(s) Availible: Sam Difficulty: Hard After you fight Shelob, the Orcs come down and take Frodo away. You must go to the top of the tower and save Frodo. For this level you must be very sneaky. For the first part, walk into the room and kill all of the Orcs by dumping over a hot coal bucket. Then, use the lever to open the drawbridge. When you get to the next room, you need to defeat 80 Orcs. This isn't as hard as it seems. The Orcs are fighting each other so you can sneak around a stab them. They come back eventually. In the room that looks like an arena, you can go up the stairs and use the Action Button to knock down the chandelier to kill all of the Orcs. When you kill all 80, use the Action Button to let down yet another drawbridge. Follow the path and soon you will end up at a place with a ton of Orcs. Go up and they will run to a bridge. You will fight some orcs and then come to a hero Orc. This is the same type of hero Orc you fought at Osgiliath. Defeat him the same way you did before. Then, fire the catapult straight at the bridge where all of the Orcs are standing. They all will die. Quickly, run across the bridge before it collapses to go save Frodo. You will then view a cutscene. ************ -Boss Fight- ************ Character(s) Availible: Sam Difficulty: Medium/Hard You need to kill this Orc to be able to save Frodo. This is more of a strategy fight. You need to figure out the Orc's pattern to be able to win. The spears that are layimg around need to be used. When the Orc goes and gets a shield, you need to throw two spears at him to break it. Then, go in with your strongest Combo Attacks. Helm's Hammer and Swift Justice work really good on the Orc. Keep repeating this patter. Don't forget to duck!! ********************************LEVEL COMPLETE******************************** d) The Crack of Doom Character(s) Availible: Frodo Difficulty: Hard/Very Hard You probably are hoping for a total spoiler hear, right? Well I'm sorry but I am not going to tell you the ending. I taught you enough about the game so far; use what I taught you! And remember to always do your best! ********************************LEVEL COMPLETE******************************** Copyright(c) Nick Hoffman (2005)