1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ======================================================== ======================================================== ==The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King - PS2=== ======================================================== ======================================================== Version 1.1 =========== Version History ================ 1.8 - 06/07/04 - MASSIVE grammar update thanks to a note for 'Alex'. A tip from him as well has been added. 1.7 - 13/06/04 - Added some cheats 1.6 - 13/05/04 - Added a contribution 1.5 - 19/04/04 - Added my website to the allowed list. 1.4 - 16/04/04 - Broadband! Woot! 1 contribution added 1.3 - 06/04/04 - Yay! 2 week holiday! Yay! Not much to add, Contributions from others would be reeeaaalll nice. 1.2 - 21/03/04 - Wow, long time no update! Added some contributions. Checked for grammar mistakes. 1.1 - 16/02/04 - Added a load of contributions, created a league table of KO.S 1.0 - 25/01/04 - Added more contributions. 0.9 - 23/01/04 - Added some contributions. 0.8 - 20/01/04 - Checked some grammar, minor update. 0.7 - 17/01/04 - Added some contributions. 0.6 - 14.01.04 - Path of the Hobbits complete. Secret codes are up and some grammar. Finished section 14, 15. 0.5 - 13/01/04 - Shelob's Lair is complete. Corrected some grammar errors. 0.4 - 11/01/04 - Completed the Path of the King. Started on the Path of the Hobbits. 0.3 - 10/01/04 - Completed the Path of the Wizard. Started the Path of the King 0.2 - 04/01/04 - Finished sections 7 and 9. 0.1 - 03/01/04 - Started the guide. Finished sections 1 - 7. Finished Aragorn, Gandalf and Legolas in section 7. =================================== Contents ======== 1. Legal Stuff, contact info 2. Introduction 3. Some tips 4. Basic Controls 5. Characters 6. Tips using characters 7. Enemy list 8. Combo list for all starting characters 9. Level List 10. FAQ: Path of the Wizard 11. FAQ: Path of the King 12. FAQ: Path of the Hobbits 13. Secret codes. 14. League Tables 15. Updates to come. 16. Thanks 1. Legal Stuff, contact info, random info. ========================================== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Basically, if you want to use it on your website, just email me and label it VERY clear so I can find it in my junk mail folder. Then wait for me to respond This FAQ is only found on these websites: www.gamefaqs.com www.faqs.ign.com www.webspawner.com/users/index/1313mockingbiredlane www.cheatcc.com www.neoseeker.com http://groups.msn.com/---TheLordOfTheRings---/_whatsnew.msnw www.groups.msn.com/StreetSoldierAlliance If you want to contribute to my guide. 1st have a hotmail account and email me at bruce_ridley@hotmail.com Label the email clearly. Sorry if I don't respond immediately but it can't be helped. Try again. You will get full credit if you send in a useful tip. Ok, I've come to the conclusion that there isn't enough contributing from other players. If you DO find this guide helpful, do rate it. Also, if you have any battle tactics you think are really useful send them in. =================== =================== ==2. Introduction== =================== =================== Well, this is my first and hopefully one of many guides I'll write for my favourite games out there for www.gamefaqs.com. I thought I'd write this guide because A) This is my favourite game for the PS2 at the moment. B) I've lots of good tips in my opinion to help gamers through the game. C) The more FAQ’s on the website, the more opinions people have to choose from, and the better chance they'll find a style they like more than the others. If you wish to use this guide on your site, just email me and I'll give you permission, just email me or contact me on msn messenger like one guy did. Feel free to print it for personal use. If you get a score and a rating your proud of on a level, send it to me and label it very clear on the email. If it's better than the score on that level, you have the best score for it until some one else beats it. :) ================= ================= ==3. Some tips.== ================= ================= Now we've got that out the way, we can start getting down to business. When playing Lord of the Rings you'll notice certain objects in the landscape with a blue circle around the base of it. When you stand very close to these objects they are usable by pressing the R1 button. Also, if your a beginner, it is advisable that you try to prevent yourself from being surrounded. Do this by using the 'jump back' button, L2, then proceed to use range attacks like there's no tomorrow. This works great of your either Gandalf or Legolas. If you're Aragorn or any of the others, it's best to retreat then fight, retreat the fight until all enemies are killed. Here is a list of some of the weapons you can find in the game: Brazier - An iron basket of fire that you can spill over enemies. Cauldrons - I personally don't know what's in them, but pour them over enemies for a quick kill War pikes - The most basic of them all, pick up and throw...and hope. Siege Weapons - You'll find a few dotted around the landscape. Bridges - No don't laugh, I'm serious. You'll see later in the FAQ when you're the hobbits. Barrels of gunpowder - Yes, again you'll find them on some levels, you'll be grateful when you’re on the path of the hobbits. Look out for other environmental hazards to use on the enemy. =============== =============== ==4. Controls== =============== =============== ============================================================================== ==Action======================================Control========================= ============================================================================== ==Move.........................Left analog stick == ==Speed attack.................X button or right analog stick left/right == ==Fierce attack................Triangle button or right analog stick up/down== ==Physical attack..............Circle Button == ==Parry........................Square Button == ==Action button................R1 == ==Killing button...............R2, enemy must me on the floor == ==Ranged attack................L1 + x, hold longer for more power == ==Jump Back....................L2 == ==Special ability..............R1+R2+L1+L2 == ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ================= ================= ==5. Characters== ================= ================= Gandalf Gandalf knows that desperate plans are required as the spectre of darkness grows over Middle Earth and Sauron's armies issue forth from Mordor to destroy the world of Men. The White Wizard liberates Rohan and the war is turned towards Minas Tirith, the last great stronghold of the free people, where he intends to distract Sauron's gaze with a final, bold defence. As and advisor of Men, Gandalf musters the defence of Gondor to stand firm in the face of darkness. As a warrior on the battlefield, Gandalf conjures shockwaves from his staff to knock enemies aside and then with his sword, he slays them with ease. But victory cannot be won with forces of arms alone, and Gandalf's plans are meant to buy time, knowing all hope rests in the success of Frodo's quest. Aragorn As the last descendant of the kings of Men, Aragorn is fated to claim the long empty throne of Gondor, should he prove worthy of this task. But to fulfil his destiny, Aragorn must first pass through the horrible Paths of the Dead to attempt to command the foes that once betrayed Gondor. Then he must return to Minas Tirith and fight Sauron's hoard in defence of the besieged city. And should he survive this path, Aragorn must at last face The Dark Lord's servants before the very gates of Mordor. As a ranger and Elf friend, Aragorn's ability with the bow allows him to defeat opponents at long range. His true prowess however, lies in close combat. Wielding a reforged Narsil, the legendary sword that once defeated Sauron, Aragorn is a deadly combatant on the battlefield, easily defeating multiple foes. Legolas Although the Fellowship that set out from Rivendell has been divided, still the friendship that binds these combatants together holds true. In support of Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli fight beside each other through hardship and peril, despite their differences. Yet their greatest challenges are yet to come, as they enter this war alone and vastly outnumbered. As a fighter, Legolas' skill with matched blades has won him the respect of his friends. But it is the bow of Legolas that will often turn the tide of battle, his deadly accuracy often stopping foes in their tracks. Legolas risks his immortality in the cause of all free Men and he will not permit Aragorn or Gimli to go on without him - to whatever end. Gimli As sturdy in spirit as he is in stature, Gimli he dwarf is a formidable warrior. His skill with his weapons and his unflappable spirit earn for him a strong and unlikely bond with Aragorn and Legolas. Despite the distrust between Elf and Dwarf, all three of these warriors share a deep admiration for each other, forged in the firs of combat. Armed with axes and the sheer force of his will, Gimli can quickly defeat enemies nearly twice his size. His ferocity in combat is a perfect compliment to the swordplay of Aragorn and the bow skill of Legolas. Together these companions intend to become and an irresistible force, helping Gandalf turn the tide in their war against Sauron. Frodo In the final days of the War of the Ring, the fate of all Middle Earth rests in the hands of Frodo Baggins. Now upon the most difficult part of his long journey, Frodo and his trusted companion Sam at last approach the devastated land of Mordor, home of The Dark Lord Sauron. With every step taken toward that fell place the burden upon Frodo grows heavier. Relentlessly pursued by Ringwraiths mounted upon huge flying beasts, Frodo and Sam must trust Gollum, if they hope to find an encircling passage through the Orc forces. While huge armies rage around them, these two small Hobbits must never falter, for failure will bring about the ruin of the world. Sam Often the unlikely may become the greatest of heroes and Sam Gamgee is destined to become the greatest hero ever. Every step taken by a weary and worn Frodo brings these two Hobbits closer to Mount Doom and the fulfilment of their quest. Sam is always at Frodo's side, his unswerving loyalty and conviction of heart giving them hope, despite the seeming impossibility of their task and the odds of their success. Sam is a warrior created by necessity, determined, ferocious and deadly despite his small size. His quick thinking and ability to use stealth to his advantage must get him - and Frodo - out of some very tight spots. Yet Sam's greatest strength is his love for his friend and his commitment to see things through. ============================ ============================ ==6. Tips using characters== ============================ ============================ Gandalf Well, apart from being old and wrinkly, Gandalf is one powerful dude. After a few upgrades his ranged attack becomes very powerful and useful. In my opinion he's one of the best characters. He has a great charged triangle move. Charge up his triangle move and use his special ability and you've got a good game plan. A charged-ranged attack can do amazing damage. Aragorn He is probably the best character in the game, a really strong fierce attack, a mediocre speed attack, which is in my opinion his best attack, he may not be the fastest guy but he can hack his way through a load of enemies with minimal fuss. A good choice if you want to get straight in their and kick some orc butt. Legolas His speed attack is probably his only saving grace along with his ranged attack, use these things and victory is certain. DO NOT linger in the middle of a melee, he will get killed very quickly. When being Legolas, execute an orc bane if you have it on a small orc then run away and fire arrows until you are out. Then repeat. Or block constantly to build up the skill meter and then fight hopefully getting into perfect mode in the process. Gimli A little battle tank. Run... or in Gimli's case jog into a load of enemies and let him rip. he can cut through them very easily, but in my games with him, his combos are too easily interrupted. To counter this, try and use quick combos such as orc hewer. Another tactic is to get the crowd down to a easier number, say 3 or 4. Hobbits They're not the most powerful characters to choose, but they are surpassingly strong for their height. In my opinion their ranged attack sucks. But their special ability is very useful. Whenever you play as a hobbit, think of the big nasty orcs who are getting their butt's kicked by a guy barely half their size. :) ================= ================= ==7. Enemy List== ================= ================= Small orcs. You'll find these generally everywhere. Especially in Gandalfs path. Some have a shield others have a helmet and some wear no armour. Easy to kill, simply speed attack or Orc Bane them. Basically every combo is effective against these. If you can avoid using fierce attacks. Large orcs. These are not Uruk Hai but not far off, you'll face them in every path like the small orcs. Either use the Bane of Sauron or, you can speed attack them and follow up with some good combos like Final Judgement. Fairly easy to kill. Just don't get surrounded. Some come with shields so fierce attack them first to rid them of that privilege . Orc archers. These get very irritating. Zig zag your way towards them and then take them out. They come in a variety of sizes, large orc, small orc and Uruk Hai archers Uruk Hai. These are a bit tricky since some come with shields. Fierce attacks work well, but use speed attacks since you'll take them out quicker. Combos are a must. The shielded ones get quite annoying. So make sure you either block then use a bane move on them, or a shield-busting combo. Beserkers. You remember these guys? From Helm's Deep with the big swords? Well, they're back but only make a few appearances. Since you can't use a bane move on them. Block their first few attacks then use a fierce attack followed by a few combos Champions. Well, I really hate these guys. I find that parrying their first wave of hits then get in a combo like orc hewer is effective. Use whatever tactic you find comfortable. Any other tips you have to defeat these? Please send them in. Vamsi Mohan sends this: here's the deal on the orc champions..... u block their first attack...then hit them about 2 times with a fierce attack on the fat champions..the shield will fall of..making him look like he just went on atkins. after that...u can pummel him with the fast attack X as long as u want...just make sure no one else is around to distract u Alex sends this: Ok, first of all, I'm assuming that the vaguely described "champions" you speak of are the ogres with hammers and swords, but this will work with any shielded foe. This will also work with any character. Simply charge up your ranged attack and chuck it at em. (This will even work as a level 1 Hobbit) Any charged up ranged attack will instantly destroy ALL their shields. Then, use combos like Orc Hewer, and they'll never lay a finger on you. And as for the spiders, use a fierce attack (which will knock them over) and then kill move em. Simple as that. Trolls. Big boys with big clubs. Relatively easy to kill, grab a war pike and throw it at it to kill it in one shot. Or use a charged up ranged attack to take a chunk of health off. Or, using Gandalf, use his special ability then casually stroll up to the troll and attack it or simply stand there. Orc hewer works well. Easterlings. These guys can get annoying, especially the ones with the spears and shields. The trick is to block the use Warrior bane then cut through them with perfects. No real weaknesses or strengths. Spiders Use final judgement and orc hewer and these guys are a piece of cake. Can get very tricky if they attack in groups of 4+. More enemies will be added as time goes by. ============================================= ============================================= ==8. Combo list for all starting characters== ============================================= ============================================= [] = Square X = X /\ = Triangle o = circle Gandalf ------Level 2 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Orc Bane |[] + R2 |5000 | 8000 | |Fog of War |/\ (hold) |4000 | N/A | |Strength of Stone|N/A |5000 | 15000 | |Orc Hewer |X X /\ |1000 | 3000 | |Final Judgement |X O R2 |5000 | 8000 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 3 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Wizards Power |R1+R2+L1+L2 |3500 | N/A | |Rising Revenge |X |10000 | 20000 | |Light of the Pilgrim|L1+X |5000 | N/A | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 4 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Wrath of Anor |/\ (hold) |5000 | N/A | |Balrog's Gambit |X O /\ |5000 | 8000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 5 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Warrior Bane |[] R2 |7000 | 10000 | |Strength of Iron |N/A |5000 | 15000 | |Light of the Forges |L1 + X |5500 | N/A | |Dark Deliverance |/\ X X /\ |7000 | 11000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 6 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Flame of Udun |/\ (hold) |7000 | N/A | |Shield Cleaver |/\ /\ O /\ |7000 | 11000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 7 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Bane of Sauron |[] R2 |9000 | 12000 | |Power of the Palantir|R1+R2+L1+L2 |7000 | N/A | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 8 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Lightning Strike |X /\ X X |7000 | 11000 | |Killing Zone |N/A |10000 | 20000 | |Strength of the Fellowship|N/A |5000 | 15000 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 9 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Helm's Hammer | /\ /\ /\ |12000 | 20000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 10 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Swift Justice | X X X X |12000 | 20000 | |Enchantment of the Havens|R1+R2+L1+L2 |10500 | N/A | |Power of the Istari |N/A |25000 | N/A | |Light of the Valar |L1 + X |7000 | N/A | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Aragorn - All men ------Level 2 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Orc Bane |[] + R2 |5000 | 8000 | |Ranger Fury |/\ (hold) |4000 | N/A | |Strength of Stone|N/A |5000 | 15000 | |Orc Hewer |X X /\ |1000 | 3000 | |Final Judgement |X O R2 |5000 | 8000 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 3 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Gondorian Sword Master|R1+R2+L1+L2 |3500 | N/A | |Rising Revenge |X |10000 | 20000 | |Dunedain Arrows |L1+X |5000 | N/A | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 4 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Wilderness Rage |/\ (hold) |5000 | N/A | |Balrog's Gambit |X O /\ |5000 | 8000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 5 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Warrior Bane |[] R2 |7000 | 10000 | |Strength of Iron |N/A |5000 | 15000 | |Light of the Forges |L1 + X |5500 | N/A | |Dark Deliverance |/\ X X /\ |7000 | 11000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 6 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Wrath of Numenor |/\ (hold) |7000 | N/A | |Shield Cleaver |/\ /\ O /\ |7000 | 11000 | |Rivendell Arrows |L1 + X |5500 | N/A | |Strength of the Fellowship|N/A |5000 | 15000 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 7 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Bane of Sauron |[] R2 |9000 | 12000 | |King Maker |R1+R2+L1+L2 |7000 | N/A | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 8 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Lightning Strike |X /\ X X |7000 | 11000 | |Killing Zone |N/A |10000 | 20000 | |Mithril Arrows |L1+X |7000 | N/A | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 9 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Helm's Hammer | /\ /\ /\ |12000 | 20000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 10 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Swift Justice | X X X X |12000 | 20000 | |Sword Mastery of Kings |N/A |25000 | N/A | |Strength of the Evenstar |N/A |5000 | N/A | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Legolas ------Level 2 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Orc Bane |[] + R2 |5000 | 8000 | |Mirkwood arrows |L1 + X |4000 | N/A | |Orc Hewer |X X /\ |1000 | 3000 | |Final Judgement |X O R2 |5000 | 8000 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 3 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Light of Lothlorien |R1+R2+L1+L2 |3500 | N/A | |Rising Revenge |X |10000 | 20000 | |Strength of Stone |N/A |5000 | 15000 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 4 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Elven Fury |/\ (hold) |5000 | N/A | |Balrog's Gambit |X O /\ |5000 | 8000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 5 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Warrior Bane |[] R2 |7000 | 10000 | |Lothlorien Arrows |L1 + X |5500 | N/A | |Dark Deliverance |/\ X X /\ |7000 | 11000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 6 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Strength of Iron |N/A |5000 | 15000 | |Shield Cleaver |/\ /\ O /\ |7000 | 11000 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 7 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Bane of Sauron |[] R2 |9000 | 12000 | |Galadriel's Gift |R1+R2+L1+L2 |7000 | N/A | |Arrows of the Valar |L1 + X |5500 | N/A | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 8 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Elrond's Rage | /\ (hold) |7000 | N/A | |Lightning Strike |X /\ X X |7000 | 11000 | |Killing Zone |N/A |10000 | 20000 | |Strength of the Fellowship|N/A |5000 | 15000 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 9 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Helm's Hammer | /\ /\ /\ |12000 | 20000 | |Mithril Arrows | L1 + X |7000 | N/A | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 10 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Swift Justice | X X X X |12000 | 20000 | |Elevn Bow Mastery | N/A |25000 | N/A | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gimli ------Level 2 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Orc Bane |[] + R2 |5000 | 8000 | |Dwarven Fury |/\ (hold) |4000 | N/A | |Orc Hewer |X X /\ |1000 | 3000 | |Final Judgement |X O R2 |5000 | 8000 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 3 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Lonely Mountain Lore |R1+R2+L1+L2 |3500 | N/A | |Rising Revenge |X |10000 | 20000 | |Strength of Stone |N/A |5000 | 15000 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 4 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Mountain Rage |/\ (hold) |5000 | N/A | |Balrog's Gambit |X O /\ |5000 | 8000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 5 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Warrior Bane |[] R2 |7000 | 10000 | |Erebor Axes |L1 + X |5500 | N/A | |Dark Deliverance |/\ X X /\ |7000 | 11000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 6 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Wrath of Moria |/\ (hold) |7000 |N/A | |Shield Cleaver |/\ /\ O /\ |7000 | 11000 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 7 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Bane of Sauron |[] R2 |9000 | 12000 | |Axe Mastery of Kings |R1+R2+L1+L2 |7000 | N/A | |Moria Axes |L1 + X |5500 | N/A | |Strength of the Fellowship|N/A |5000 | 15000 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Level 8 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Lightning Strike |X /\ X X |7000 | 11000 | |Killing Zone |N/A |10000 | 20000 | |Strength of Gloin |N/A |5000 | 15000 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 9 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Helm's Hammer | /\ /\ /\ |12000 | 20000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 10 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Swift Justice | X X X X |12000 | 20000 | |Dwarven Axe Mastery | N/A |25000 | N/A | |Strength of Khazad-Dum | N/A |25000 | N/A | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sam - All Hobbits ------Level 2 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Orc Bane |[] + R2 |5000 | 8000 | |Orc Hewer |X X /\ |1000 | 3000 | |Final Judgement |X O R2 |5000 | 8000 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 3 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Cloak of Haldir |R1+R2+L1+L2 |3500 | N/A | |Rising Revenge |X |10000 | 20000 | |Strength of Stone |N/A |5000 | 15000 | |Poison Blade |/\ (hold) |4000 | N/A | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 4 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Warrior Bane |[] + R2 |7000 | 10000 | |Balrog's Gambit |X O /\ |5000 | 8000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 5 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Warrior Bane |[] R2 |7000 | 10000 | |Erebor Axes |L1 + X |5500 | N/A | |Dark Deliverance |/\ X X /\ |7000 | 11000 | |Strength of Iron |N/A |5000 | 15000 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 6 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Bane of Sauron |[] + R2 |9000 | 12000 | |Shield Cleaver |/\ /\ O /\ |7000 | 11000 | |Cloak of Celeborn |R1+R2+L1+L2 |7000 | N/A | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 7 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Morgul Daggers |L1 + X |5500 | N/A | |Strength of the Fellowship|N/A |5000 | 15000 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------Level 8 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Lightning Strike |X /\ X X |7000 | 11000 | |Killing Zone |N/A |10000 | 20000 | |Halfling Strength |N/A |5000 | 15000 | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 9 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Helm's Hammer | /\ /\ /\ |12000 | 20000 | |Cloud of Rage | /\ (hold) |7000 | N/A | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| ------Level 10 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Upgrade | Combo | XP needed | Fellowship upgrade| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Swift Justice | X X X X |12000 | 20000 | |Cloak of Galadriel | N/A |10500 | N/A | |Strength of the Gaffer | N/A |25000 | N/A | |Baggins Strength | N/A |5000 | N/A | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| ================= ================= ==9. Level List== ================= ================= Path of the Wizard - Helm's Deep (Tutorial level) - Road to Isengard - Minas Tirith - Top of the wall - Minas Tirith - Courtyard Path of the King - Paths of the Dead - The King of the Dead - The Southern Gate - Pelennor Fields - The Black Gate Path of the Hobbits - Escape from Osgiliath - Shelob's Lair - Cirith Ungol - The Crack of Doom =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ==10. Path of the Wizard======================================================= =============================================================================== =============================================================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Helm's Deep++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ **Gandalf Only** Ok, first level. Be ready as soon as Eomer shouts "To the King!". You start surrounded by Uruk Hai, hack your way out and keep fighting whilst listening to Gimli's advice. After killing quite a few, Legolas will ask for aid. Head over to Legolas taking out lots of Uruk Hai on the way. When you reach the ladder an Uruk with a shield will be waiting for you. Use a fierce attack on his shield and then finish him off. Climb the ladder and parry instantly as a flurry of arrows will be heading your way. After parrying use range attacks until Aragorn calls for help. Ignore the charging Uruk Hai and press R1 in the blue circle to follow Legolas. When down, kill any charging Uruks and set off the siege weapons one by one for victory. However some orcs seem to have other ideas, either have fun practising your fighting technique or ignore them and finish the level. =P +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Road to Isengard+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When you start charge forward after the Uruks who are fleeing. 3 or 4 Uruks will pop out of the bushes and attack you. If you bought Orc Hewer use that on each of them. A cutscene with an ent will occur after this and when it is finished you will be attacked by two Uruks and a Uruk archer. Quickly take out the 2 Uruks on the floor and use a ranged attack on the archer. Some explosives will be ahead so fire a ranged attack at that too. There is another load of explosives further ahead near the bridge. Fire at that too before advancing. A shielded Uruk will be waiting, so quickly dispatch him so you can take out the two archers on the bridge. Cross the bridge and keep going till two Uruks come after you. Kill them and an archer will appear on the ledge to your right. Kill him with a range attack and another will appear a little further on. After that little scrap. Two uruks and two little orcs will block your path. Orc bane one of the little orcs and use speed attacks on the rest. After the cutscene run down the ledge and 4 little orcs will attack you. You can try to do an orc bane on one of them and kill the others with a speed attack. But I find the camera angle too dodgy. This bit can get annoying. The ents are having some fun and want you to join in. However, they still feel the need to step on you as well as the other orcs. You can either: A) Use your ranged attacks to take some out. B) Charge in and take out the enemies on the outskirts. Your goal is to kill 75 either way. The ents will take loads out anyway. If you really want to take lots out. Stand next to the entry points and have some fun. When you have killed 75 an ent will smash a barricade allowing you to pass. Go along the new path and kill the two uruks that block you. Two archers will be on the ledge behind the uruks. Slightly hid by the bush. When you have killed the archers two more come in so kill them quick and get out. Carry on and a load of little orcs and Uruks will be waiting. Orc hewer or bane your way through them. More will attack you but they're easy to kill. Isengard will be in sight now. Follow the path till you see an orc archer near a cart load of explosives. Blow up the cart and carry on. You'll see a load of towers with some carts below them. Aim for the carts below each one to destroy the tower. Some orcs will attack you while you are doing this so orc bane one and speed attack the others. Cross the bridge and fierce attack the two uruks. Turn left and kill the two little orcs continue up the hill to get find a XP block. Go right this time back where you came and if you they didn't attack you back when you crossed the bridge. You'll meet them now. One shielded uruk, an uruk and a few little orcs. Dispatch them and continue right. Kill the two little orcs coming up the hill and range attack the two archers. Down the hill, there are two archers on a platform to your left and some orcs will attack from your right. After dealing with these continue on. A cutscene will begin with an ent trying to break the dam. ******** **Boss** ******** A beserker from Helm's Deep. Block his first attack then use orc hewer, repeat this till he dies. Take out the archers and guard the ent until he breaks the dam. People will attack from the platform near the dam and from where you are. You will have to use ranged attacks to take out the archers on the platform. When the dams health is depleted you win. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Minas Tirith - Top of the Wall+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ **Current highest number of kills on Top of the Wall held by me: 88.** **Rating: Perfect** Straight away set about knocking down any ladders and killing any orc that is on the wall. Try and swift and take out enemies as quickly as possible. Try and knock down every ladder that shows up and then take out the orcs that have climbed it. Ladders can be identified by red dots on the diagram on the top right corner of the screen. The Orc meter has to be kept low down. When it is full, start worrying. After a while, siege towers will start coming along with ladders. Try and rush to the siege tower to destroy it quickly. Use charged range attacks to kill it quickly. If you have them, orc hewer and final judgement work brilliantly on the orcs hanging around. A tip on Minas Tirith Top of the wall, When the siege towers appear. A blue dot appears on the map appears and if you return to the centre and head to the back wall and move to the left where you will find a catapult (if you go to the right staircase there is health) you can take out the siege towers, to the left, with two fires of the catapult. But on the second tower, when you fire, a Nazgul appears on it's fell beast. Shoot it down quickly or it will steal one of the catapult men and kill him. Also on this level, as you go towards the second siege tower that appears, as soon as you turn you will find another stairway where there is about 6 experience blocks. Eventually a siege tower will make it to the wall. Head over there quickly to take out a load of orcs. After that destroy the siege tower using ranged attacks. There will be a cutscene with "Grom" the siege ram. Follow the stream of Gondorian soldiers down the staircases. Eventually 'Grom' will break through. Phew! Level cleared. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Minas Tirith - Courtyard+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I hate this level for numerous reasons. 1) Possible THE most annoying camera angle EVER!!! 2) The Gondorian soldiers don't help apart from the rare occasion 3) The women seem to love wandering into marauding bands of orcs Straight away move towards the staircase behind you. Meet almost all enemies there. Take out the band of orcs coming towards you at random times during the level by doing one of 3 things. A) Executing your special ability. B) The good ol' fashioned way. C) Holding /\ for a bit before they reach you. (not really effective) Go about guarding the door way and occasionally wandering around killing loitering gangs of orcs. Ideally use orc bane on one of them then speed attack the rest. After a while, some orc archers will show up near the gate. Use range attacks on them. Lots of them will show up when you least expect it. Champions will show up so use a charge up range attack or two then either keep firing at them or orc hewer. Block his first attack then orc hewer him. More will show up so repeat that OR use the war pikes hanging around. Orc bane whenever possible to rack up some perfects. Very soon 3 trolls will show up. You can either use the war pikes on 2 of them then kill the others with ranged attacks. Or you can use your special ability on them then orc hewer whilst doing that. Now it's a test of endurance and skill, champions and trolls and orcs will pour into the courtyard. Now is the perfect time for my 'Blaster' technique. Basically, stand on the stairs and keep firing your ranged attack at anything that moves. You can't actually see the enemy so it's basically fire randomly. After your ranged attack is depleted, go in search of some more arrows then go back to blasting. Combo anything and everything and if you have better luck than me you won't have to replay the mission 5 times. Congratulations you have completed The Path of the Wizard. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ==11. The Path of the King===================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++The Paths of the Dead++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Quite easy but can get tricky in the later stages. Follow the path until you reach a cutscene when some ghost soldiers come through the wall. Kill them and then keep following the path. Another cutscene will begin which has a stone rising from the ground. Defeat all the ghosts that come out of it and carry on. As you walk through some mist, some ghosts will ambush you. Take them out and keep going. There will be two archers on a bridge ahead of you as you advance. Stop and fire arrows at them, then turn left and two soldiers will rise up. Kill them and another two come up to attack you. Kill them and carry on. Keep on the right hand side and as you advance, two soldiers will appear in-front of you. Kill them and keep going. DON'T go left but straight on. Push the rock down onto the soldiers to kill them all. Go back then along that path. Collect the XP block and as you come back you'll get attacked. Despite the annoying camera angle it should be an easy fight. Turn right and keep going. Then take the first left. Then follow it. Take the lower path to get some health. As you come back up two shielded ghosts will be waiting. Use a fierce attack on the shield then carry on to the other ghosts and kill them too. As you continue 3 more ghosts will block your way in the next chamber. Quickly dispatch them to carry on. The next obstacle you face is a drawbridge. There is a red potion to the left of it. On the right is the wheel. Once you start to pull it archers appear on the ledge in-front of you. Take them out and continue to lower the drawbridge. The drawbridge will bring itself back up so you have to go forward. As you go forward however an ambush will be triggered. Defeat all ghosts to go forward. Another cutscene and all the pillars fall down. Zig zag your way through taking out the ghosts as you go. Go through the mist and you'll see a ladder at the other side of the chamber head towards it and kill the enemies in your way. Another rock comes up from the ground as you go forward. This time after killing a load of ghosts. It also produces a ghost champion. Speed attack each ghost and occasionally fierce attack the champion. Alternatively, you can use 3 charged arrows to take out the champion. Follow the path until you reach a huge statue. Ghosts will spawn around it so before touching the statue, take out the ghosts then push the statue to create a bridge. The gate in-front is closed so turn left to go beneath the fallen statue and follow it round to get to the gate winch. But two champions will spawn next to you. Introduce them to god the hard way then proceed to open the gate using the wheel. Go back the way you came but some ghosts will appear in-front of you. Hack your way through until you get to the gate. Go through it and follow the path and you will get to a bridge. Cross it until you trigger a cutscene. ******** **Boss** ******** Trapped between two big rocks. The goal is to kill 35 ghosts of different varieties and live to tell the tale. If you have orc hewer, this is a piece of cake. Simply hack at whoever comes towards you. After this encounter, run to the end of the bridge and to victory. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++King of the Dead+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Firstly be ready to block, he'll attack 3 times so after each attack do a orc hewer. After doing this 3 times he'll disappear into the ground. Giving thanks to my friend from school here Tom Burton, you can get an extra shot in when he's sinking into the ground by pressing R2. He'll appear near the bridge and summon some dead soldiers or archers. Kill them so you can get at the king again. Repeat this process until he reaches yellow health. He'll summon a wind to attack you. Oooooh! Scary you say. Well it's a nasty wind that hurts you. Hide behind a rock then pop out again and hit him with a charged arrow (thanks again Tom). Repeat this process twice until the rock has been destroyed. Then do the same as before but this time, he'll attack 5 times. Repeat the same process as before and he'll eventually use the wind on you again. Repeat the above steps to kill him. The King has yielded but now you have to run. Time is of the essence. Now the tactic is to run...fast. Legolas and Gimli will abandon you so at least you don't have to worry about leaving them behind. Follow the path and try to avoid the rocks dropping around. When you cross over the statue a rock will appear and spawn ghosts.(I thought we'd beat their king?!?). Anyway, pound them to a pulp and continue. Another rock will appear after awhile to block your passage on a bridge. Hack through them and then kill the two champions to proceed. Keep following the path and avoiding the falling rocks. After walking through the mist, you'll meet Legolas and Gimli, and a ghost rock...which spawns a small army you must hack through, INCLUDING CHAMPIONS. Use any combo you have and block an awful lot. After killing a lot of ghosts including a small number of champions, you meet 3 champions. Orc hewer is your best friend in this scrap. Once you kill them all keep advancing and you'll win. Phew! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++The Southern Gate++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Yay! My favourite level First keep going towards the gate, and a troll will jump down. Run off the bridge and grab a war pike and throw it at the troll to kill it in one. Now simply have fun slaughtering countless numbers of orcs until the level is cleansed. Don't set off any catapults, except the one on the right hand side of the path. There doesn't seem to be any use for it. Once you start struggling set off one catapult on the left hand side. Then keep fighting or if you wish to just finish the level quickly, set off both catapults. Then run to the fallen debris to cross the river then climb the ladder to the top. Use bane combos whenever possible. It is quite easy to get 3 levels up doing this. When up there you'll be confronted with 2 orcs. Make short work of them and keep going. You'll next be confronted with a troll. The key is to use a charged up arrow to take it out. Use as many as you need. Or, if you can get a perfect on one of the orcs just before hand, you can kill it very quickly. Ladders will appear as well, so knock them down if you want to stem the flow of orcs or you can use this tactic from Mike Kennedy: "In The Southern Gate, he right hand catapult is of use! There are siege ladders that take over the top of the structure-thing. This catapult takes out several orcs and the landing area that the siege ladders will now TRY to take. This has worked for me and I hope it will work for you." This is from Bmxhammerguy: "On the southern gate level I have 413 kills I got some when you go up the ladder to kill the cavetroll don’t kill him and endless orcs will climb up the ladders and come out the building until you kill the cavetroll" After fighting for a bit, a Mumakil will appear. You can either A) Use arrows on him. B) Go to the left most part of the gate and use two war pikes on it to smash some of it's armour then use arrows. Be careful as it fires a lot of arrows itself. Either way once it's dead, continue to slaughter orcs on the gate and when you feel you've had enough, or there are no more orcs, turn the wheel and open the gate. 8 orcs will try to block the gate so you can either kill em the good ol' fashioned way, or cheat. If you want to cheat simply pour the two cauldrons on top of them and wait for a few seconds. Otherwise go back the way you came down the ladder and have some fun. Level cleared! NOTE: It is advisable to be at least level 8 before going onto the next level Also have all the "Bane" combos. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Pelennor Fields++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Can get very annoying, lets go! First you have to kill 60 Orcs/Easterlings. This is relatively easy. Apart from the Easterling champions that have a knack to just go for you. This is why it is preferable to have the bane combos. Use one then, cut through the waves of enemies trying to kill you. You should reach 60 in no time. Try not to get surrounded. A cutscene will start with Eowyn and Merry. The task now is to kill any Mumakil which come near you. How? Well here is a diagram of the valley: --------------------------------------- | \ | / | | | | | | | | V | | | | \ \ | | | \ \ \| | | | \ \ | | | |\ \ \ | | | \ \ | | | | | | | X / / X | --------------------------------------- The arrow is the direction of the Mumakil. The X is where to go to hit the With King. The Mumakil will come down the valley. They have shields on one side of them. You have to get to the side of the valley where the Mumak's shields are. Then you fire arrows at it to kill it. Or use the siege weapons and war pikes. Then depending on which valley side you are on, get to the 'X' to fire charged arrows at the witch king. Try and take out enemies very very fast. When switching between valley sides, do not engage any enemies. Repeat the above process until victory is achieved. Level cleared +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++The Black Gate+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ******* *Boss** ******* The Mouth of Sauron. Simply speed attack him or use Helm's Hammer if you have it. This fight is very easy. CHECKPOINT I hate this level. A)It seems you are the only one fighting. B)Gimli, Gandalf and Legolas seem incapable of self defence. C)The amount of archers that appear on this level. Now a massive army comes to say hello. The goal is to kill 6 champions. Also, whenever of your allies appears on the top of the screen with a health bar, stick near them for a bit and kill any orcs or Easterlings around them. This should prove no problem until champions pour in. Use the war pikes on them and tip the Braziers over them too. Use fierce attacks lots, and use Bane combos to get perfects. CHECKPOINT Oh yeah! A cutscene will start with the enemy circling the entire hill. Keep fighting, and check the sides for archers on small platforms. More and more champions will come so try to take them out even quicker now. CHECKPOINT Hell yeah! ******* *Boss** ******* 3 Ringwraiths Remember Wheathertop in The Two Towers Video Game? Where you used fire to kill them? Well run to each Brazier and topple it to kill the Ringwraiths and throw war pikes at them too. Block constantly and helm's hammer works ok on them but try not to attack then with your sword. Arrows work very very well on them charged or not charged. Congratulations!!!! You've completed The Path of the King!!! =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ==12. Path of the Hobbits====================================================== =============================================================================== =============================================================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Escape from Osgiliath++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ First go forward through the arc on your left and you'll be greeted by two orcs. Reply by sticking your sword through them and carry on. When you've killed them, there is a staircase with an orc archer at the top. Throw some daggers at him and go forward.2 orcs will come at you so finish them and proceed forward. A catapult will blast away the wall and the orcs so go through the newly created door and throw some daggers at the orcs archer in the rubble. Kill the two orcs that charge down at you and then follow Smeagol. A timer will appear in the top right corner. You have to be under some sort of shelter before it fills otherwise you lose. Kill the orcs attacking the men and run for the stairs. Dispatch the orcs guarding the stairs and wait for the Nazgul meter to disappear. You can take the two orc archers out from the stairs without being seen by the Nazgul. Run to the shelter of the building on the other side of the roof. A catapult will take care of most of the orcs around it. You should only have to deal with two of them. Climb down the ladder and kill both archers whilst they have their backs turned. Climb down this ladder too and you'll be attacked by two orcs. "Negotiate" with them then carry on, killing all orcs in the vicinity and dealing with the archer on the stairs. Go through the door the archer was guarding and climb the stairs whilst killing the orcs. Watch out for the 2 archers. At the top, there is a man and 3 orcs including an archer. You can knock them off the ledge by using the circle button. Anyway, head outside after that for a checkpoint. Go through the arch and two orcs will appear from nowhere and attack you. Get rid of them and climb the ladder. Run forward and up the bridge taking out all 7 orcs. Then orc archers will appear ahead, side-step to the right and hide from the nazgul for a bit. Take shots at the archers with your daggers as well. But before you do that, take out any orcs that fancy a fight. When the meter is depleted start again taking out any surviving orcs. Head towards the ladder and climb down it after dealing with the orc. Go right down to the bottom and eliminate the orcs down there. Climb the stairs but be wary of any orcs that chuck themselves down at you. When at the top, kill the last orc and push the bell onto the pursuing orcs. Even better, if you bought it for the entire fellowship and you've gone up a level with Sam on this level use orc bane on the last orc and push the bell down and get perfects! Here's a useful tip from Bill on the first level of the hobbits. after the first checkpoint when you get to the bell tower where you roll the bell down the stairs. before you roll the bell down the stairs there is a bell hanging in the middle with a rope. stand a hair left of the rope looking outside. there is the dragon flying by. when he passes going to the right time out a dagger throw hit the rider and you get 2000exp points per hit. if your standing to the left of the rope you throw when the dragons head is even with the broken pillar to the right. if you are full of daggers you can get 60000exp points right there. Hope this helps. Run back down the stairs and through the new door and kill the orcs outside. Climb the stairs and swiftly kill all the orcs. Go up the stairs and kill all the orcs whilst running. Head for the shelter where the man is fighting two orcs. Help him out and wait till the Nazgul meter has depleted. When it has, kill the archers and kill all the orcs, I made it 5 orcs. Clear the sheltered area of orcs and archers, then wait for the meter to deplete. Run across the roof, killing all orcs you meet. Keep going until you reach a ladder under a roofed building. Go down it until you reach the bottom. Kill the welcome party of orcs then go down the next ladder. Follow this tunnel and kill any orcs in the way. You'll eventually meet a champion. Get very close and use your special ability then get behind him and backstab him. Clear out the orcs and open the gate and you've won! Alternatively, throw your daggers at the orcs around the champion then use the special ability and backstab him. Level Cleared!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Shelob's Lair++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Okay, you can get lost pretty easy in the level (or is it just me?) I also have a phobia of spiders. >.< Here's a tip from dogsoldiers12 "in shelobs lair, your going the right way if you hear frodo calling for you." Keep on the right path and don't turn left and eventually a spider will attack from the left. Knock it on it's back with speed attacks then finish it off with R2. Keep going down the right hand path. Another spider will try and kill you. Dispatch it then keep following this path to collect an XP block. When you try to leave, a load of spiders will jump down for a fight. Final judgement works really well on spiders. After killing them all head back to the fork and take the left turn now. See the black stuff on the floor that’s moving? Whatever you do don't walk into it. Don't try to kill it either. Keep going and turn right. Take the tunnel the spider comes out of after killing it. Going down this a spider will attack from the right. Kill him and keep going straight to get an XP block. Deal with the spiders that stop you. Take the path that the spider attacked you from. Follow it until you get to a fork. Kill any spiders and take the left path. In total, 6 spiders will attack you as you continue down this path, maybe more. Throw the torch into the black spiders to make a path (a bit like Moses eh?) continue on. Throw the torch at the web after dealing with the trapeze loving spiders. When the camera angle shifts as you go into this chamber, two spiders will attack from the rear. Kill them and go on. Throw the torch at the cocoon hanging down then slaughter the orcs. Use orc bane mostly and orc hewer if you have them. This is very difficult thanks to the dumb camera angle. Alternatively, follow the path around and avoid the congregation of orcs and deal with any orcs blocking your path. Follow the new path and a shielded orc and a regular orc will try to stop you. Quickly dispatch them and continue on. Throw the torch at the cocoon above the waiting spiders and orcs. Any survivors left should be dealt with. Take the right path, dealing with spiders as you go. You'll come to a gathering of orcs. Take the right path and orc bane one of the orcs and kill the other, push R1 in the blue circle to push a load of rocks onto the orcs waiting. Haha! Take that suckers. Go through the tunnel at the end of the chamber where the orcs were. A cutscene with Shelob scuttling down the wall will start now. Take out the orcs on the bridge, killing any orcs in the way. Or throw the torch at the cocoon hanging above them all (how dumb can a group of orcs get?!?). Kill the spiders in the next tunnel and throw the torches at the black spiders on the floor. As you near the torch, two spiders will jump down. Deal with them and throw the torch at the spiders on the floor. Use the other torch to your left to burn the web. Stick to the wall on the left side to get to the web without going through the black spiders. Take out the spiders coming out of the tunnel. Go forward and two orcs will want a fight. Once they're dead, go forward to the torch at the fork. Throw the torch at the spider group on the right. Then go through the gap. Deal with the spiders dropping down and go to the end of the tunnel and throw the torch at the web. Go back to the torch at the fork and throw it this time at the spiders on the right. Throw the next torch at the next row of spiders. As you do this, some orc archers show up. Block the waves of arrows then reply with your own. Then throw the torch at the spiders to get through, Do this for each blockade of spiders. Go through the tunnel and some spiders will come for a fight. Take them out then go out the tunnel and to Shelob. You see Shelob has got a kill. It's Frodo. Time to fight! ******** **Boss** ******** Sneak up behind her with a combo like orc hewer. Then block her first three attacks and then charge up your fierce attack by holding triangle. When she lunges in use it. Another good tactic is to keep doing orc hewer after blocking the attacks. Eventually you stick a sword into her eye, and she's not impressed one bit. She'll run off onto the wall and stay there. (No you can't hit her). She'll send spiders after you so kill them to get back at Shelob. NOTE: If you stand still for a few seconds when the little spiders come out. She'll bellyflop on top of you, which, seriously, scares the bejesus outta, you. Repeat the process until you chop a leg off. Now she's mad. She'll run around so dodge her as best you can. She'll send out the troops again so deal with them, then back to Shelob. Repeat the above tactics to win. Eventually, two orcs come down and take away Frodo. Level Cleared. Phew! No more spiders. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Cirith Ungol+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You have to kill 80 orcs including champions in this level. A Piece of cake for Samwise Gamgee. Run into the room until the champion comes after you. Use your special ability and then backstab him and clear the room of the remaining orcs. Lower the bridge to allow an orc and a big orc to run into the area. Take them out. You need all the kills you can get. Run up the bridge, or stay put and let your special ability recharge. Once it has take out the two orcs that charge out the tunnel when you get near it. Go down the tunnel and two orcs and a champion will greet you. Quickly take the orcs out and get very close to the champion before using the special ability. Once you have backstabbed him continue on. Go to the end of the tunnel and throw the war pike at the large orc. Head down the stairs and dispatch the two orcs fighting. Once down the stairs, eliminate all of them and preferably, use a bane on one and spill the braziers. Take the first possible left and kill the orcs that stop you. Kill the shielded orc that blocks your path then follow this passage. You should be in a chamber with orcs fighting and two braziers. Bane one enemy then spill a brazier. Take out the surviving orcs. Then go through the door. the room your in now has a staircase on the wall that you must climb to make this whole area sooooooooooo easier. Climb the staircase and before just before you reach the top, orc bane and orc then cut the rope using R1 after killing the champion very quickly. Or dodging the champion and cut the rope first. That counts as a load of automatic perfects and now turn your attention to the orcs coming up behind you. Kill them all except one and orc bane him. Go through the door on the right and spill the cauldrons for even more perfects. After this point I had killed 80+. Go down the stairs and through the arcs at the other side. Kill all orcs and keep going to the right. Dodge through the orcs but Bane one of them and pull the bridge lever to crush a load of orcs and get some perfects. Kill all remaining orcs and go up the bridge and left to climb a ladder. Up here, bane one of the orcs after backstabbing the other and push the barrels onto the orcs fighting below to get even more perfects. Go up the ramp and a cutscene will happen. After this, go to the catapult and backstab the champion. Set off the catapult and wait for a bit. Now run up the bridge to the tower without stopping because it collapses behind you. ********** ***Boss*** ********** Your now in the room with Frodo. But you have to kill that mean orc. When he goes to pick a shield up throw a war pike at him. Then throw another at him to daze him and then either attack him normally or use the war pikes. Keep doing this until his health is depleted. This fight is easy. NOTE: When he is on the floor you can stab him using R2 when he is in red health. Level cleared! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++The Crack of Doom++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Naughty Smeagol, oh well, prepare to die. I personally don't like this level. Your melee attacks don't hurt him, nothing does. So get him to the edge of the platform. (You can't fall off). Using a fierce attack makes him jump back and to the left and a speed makes him jump back and to the right. This can be useful. I find it a lot easier to run to the edge and wait until Gollum chases you. Then move yourself so he's got his back to the edge. Then using combinations of speed attacks, fierce attacks and pushing him to knock him off. He'll grab onto the ledge though so use R2 to see to that. He'll come back up so follow the same pattern until he's off again. The third time after you do this lava will pour onto the platform, so stick to the edges. After knocking him off again a bit of the platform breaks off. After the fifth time rocks fall on and after that, lava and rocks. Knock him off once more for victory. Congratulations, you've completed The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King =============================================================================== =============================================================================== +++++++++++++++++++ ++13.Secret Codes++ +++++++++++++++++++ Start a level and pause it and hold R1+R2+L1+L2. Invincibility Square, Circle, Square, Up Infinite Missile Weapons Square, Square, Down, Circle Restore Health Square, Square, Circle, Circle Perfect Mode Circle, Down, Triangle, X All Attack Upgrades Up, Down, Triangle, Square Always Devastating Triangle, Up, Triangle, Down Target Indicator Down, Circle, Up, Square On the game you have to change the up and down directional buttons around. Invincibility - Self explanatory. Can't be killed. Infinite missile weapons - Can't run out of arrows. Restore health - Get health back. Perfect mode - Every kill is a perfect. All attack upgrades - Get to level 10. Always devastating - Means that even speed attacks do the same damage as fierce. (Thanks to Paul) Target Indicator - Shows which orcs will attack you. Chester Chew sends this: to add to your perfect kills simply get your character to perfect mode, then do the characters 1k exp. cheat. You will receive 1000 exp. for that character but your kills will increase. I tried it on Gollum on the final stage of the path of the hobbits and it gave me 200 kills even though I only killed Gollum. 1000 Experience Points Pause the game and hold all four shoulder buttons and then enter one of the following codes, depending on which character you are playing as. Can be used as many times as you want. Up, Square, Triangle, X - 1000 Experience for Aragorn Up, Triangle, Up, Down - 1000 Experience for Frodo Circle, Triangle, Up, Down - 1000 Experience for Gandalf Circle, Circle Triangle, X - 1000 Experience for Gimli X, Triangle, Up, X - 1000 Experience for Legolas Triangle, X,, Down, X - 1000 Experience for Sam Square, Triangle, Up, Square - Faramir Down, Down, Square, X - Merry Triangle, X, Square, X - Pippin Thanks to Sameyeam123@aol.com =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 14. League Tables The basic layout will be this Level Rank Person Kills +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Helms Deep++Rank++Person++++++++++++++++Kills++ ++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Road to Isengard++Rank++Person+++++++++++++++++Kills++ ++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ +++ ++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Minas Tirith, Top of the Wall++Rank++Person++++++++++++++++Kills++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++ ++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++ ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Minas Tirith, Courtyard++Rank++Person++++++++++++++++Kills++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Paths of the Dead++Rank++Person++++++++++++++++Kills++ +++++++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++ +++ +++++++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++ +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++The King of the Dead++Rank++Person++++++++++++++++Kills++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++ +++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++ +++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Southern Gate++Rank++Person++++++++++++++++Kills++ +++++++++++++++++ 1 ++Bmxhammerguy++++++++++ 413 ++ +++++++++++++++++ 2 ++PyroHawk89++++++++++++ 285 ++ +++++++++++++++++ 3 ++outlawstar++++++++++++ 267 ++ +++++++++++++++++ 4 ++Bruce Ridley *me*+++++ 262 ++ +++++++++++++++++ 5 ++Paul Kelaita++++++++++ 240 ++ +++++++++++++++++ 6 ++ ++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Pelennor Fields++Rank++Person++++++++++++++++Kills++ +++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++The Black Gate++Rank++Person++++++++++++++++Kills++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Escape from Osgilliath++Rank++Person++++++++++++++++Kills++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Shelob's Lair++Rank++Person++++++++++++++++Kills++ +++++++++++++++++ 1 ++Owen Terry++++++++++++ 127 ++ +++++++++++++++++ 2 ++ ++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Cirith Ungol++Rank++Person++++++++++++++++Kills++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++Crack of Doom++Rank++Person++++++++++++++++Kills++ +++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++ ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =============================================================================== =============================================================================== **15. Updates to come** Palantir of Saruman. Palantir of Sauron. Possibly a guide for every level with every character. More tips on levels. New cheats. And anything else that crosses my mind and if you have any ideas, send them in to me, look in the contact info. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== 16. Thanks. Thanks to me. Thanks to you if you read this. Thanks to the game makers. Thanks to dogsoldiers12 for the help on Shelob's Lair. Thanks to Conman511111 for the help on Top of the Wall at Minas Tirith. Thanks to Paul for confirming some of the cheats. Thanks to all the people who sent stuff in for the league tables: Owen Terry, Paul Kelaita, PyroHawk89, outlawstar, Bmxhammerguy. Thanks to Mike Kennedy for help on the Southern Gate. Thanks to Chester Chew for sending in a cheat. Thanks to Vamsi Mohan for sending in some info on champions Thanks to Bill for the tip on Escape from Osgilliath. Thanks to Sameyeam123@aol.com for some cheats Thanks to Alex for the help on the champions and spiders and the grammar. More to be added as they send stuff in. Copyright 2004 Bruce Ridley