****************************************************************************** **<*><*><*><*><*><*> © 2003 David Turnbull (DvdjTurnbull) <*><*><*><*><*><*>** ****************************************************************************** ** 888888888888 1881 ** ** 888888888888 1881 ** ** 1881 1881 188 884 ** ** 1881 1888888888 188888881 ** ** 1881 1885 7881 1885 788 ** ** 1881 1881 1881 18888888881 ** ** 1881 1881 1881 1881 ** ** 1881 1881 1881 8884 1888 ** ** 1881 1881 1881 2888882 ** ** ** ****************************************************************************** ** ** ** 888888888881 ** ** 222288822221 ** ** 888 888 1888 188 888884 ** ** 888 1881 88881 885 888527888 ** ** 888 788 188888 1881 1881 1888 ** ** 888 1881885188 885 888 888 ** ** 888 788881 88888 1884 1888 ** ** 888 18885 18881 788888888 ** ** 222 2221 222 222221 ** ** ** ****************************************************************************** ** ** ** 188888888888 ** ** 122278852222 ** ** 1881 1888884 888 1888 188 188888 1881888 8888884 ** ** 1881 8885278881 1881 88881 885 188822888 1888881 885117881 ** ** 1881 8881 888 788 188888 1881 888 888 1881 18888 ** ** 1881 888 888 1881885188 885 8888888888 188 178888888 ** ** 1881 7884 1885 788881 88888 7881 188 2788 ** ** 1881 788888885 18885 18881 888888881 188 1888888885 ** ** 1221 22222 1221 222 22221 122 122222 ** ** ** ****************************************************************************** ** ** ** 18888888881 1884 88888 ** ** 18888888881 188881 18888888888 ** ** 1881 888888 8885 7888 ** ** 1881 18811888 1885 7881 ** ** 1888888888 1888 7884 1881 1881 ** ** 1885222222 8884 8881 1884 1881 ** ** 1881 188888888888 8881 884 8881 ** ** 1881 1888 7884 1888881888881 ** ** 1881 8881 8881 288888888888 ** ** 1881 1888 8811 271 ** ** ** ****************************************************************************** **<*><*><*><*><*><*> © 2003 David Turnbull (DvdjTurnbull) <*><*><*><*><*><*>** ****************************************************************************** The Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers! For Playstation 2 FAQ/Walkthrough Version 2.40 Saturday May 10 2003 Author: Gordon Stewart (Grdnstwrt) Editor: David Turnbull (DvdjTurnbull) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Version History!<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Version 0.01:- Have started the FAQ and completed the version history and the table of contents as well as the copyright stuff! Version 0.10:- Have finished the story and characters sections and have found some new in-game skill upgrades! Version 0.12:- Have finished the first two level guides as well as correcting some roman numeral mistakes in the credits list! Version 0.18:- Have finished the third level guide and corrected a few errors in the story section as well as start Aragorn's upgrades and edit the dividing lines! Version 0.25:- Have Finished Aragorn's Upgrades and did Gimli's and Legolas's as well. Hooray 1/4 of the way done! :) Version 0.50:- Got a bit ahead of myself and did the credits section of the guide as well as the guide for the forth, fifth and sixth levels. Yes, half way there at last! :D Version 0.80:- Did the walkthrough for the seventh, eighth and ninth levels and corrected some spelling mistakes! Also I have made version 1.00 of the cheats section. Version 0.90:- Have done the level guides for levels ten and eleven and made version 2.00 of the cheats section as it was totally changed! Almost there :) Version 1.00:- I have finally finished my first ever FAQ by completing the level guides for levels twelve and thirteen. I have also updated the copyright disclaimer with better information. WOOHOO! Version 1.10:- I have decided to add a pickups section to the FAQ to complete it a bit more. Version 1.50:- Added an Unlockables Section to the FAQ in addition to adding both Frodo and Gandalf to the Characters Section. Version 1.75:- Completed the Character section for the bad guys. Version 2.00:- Huge overhaul of spelling and grammar contained within this FAQ by the editor. Over 101 mistakes identified and corrected! Also the ASCII art has been added at the top. Version 2.10:- Found a better layout of dividing lines to make it easier to see where the sections start and stop so I have changed them. Version 2.20:- Added a dedication to my late mother Valerie Stewart! Version 2.30:- Got my FAQ posted on Neoseeker.com and edited the disclaimer to say that! Version 2.40:- Found new info about Skill Bonus Blocks in the Hornburg Courtyard level. Thanx 2 Luis Felipe Posadan Tobon and Hordace Coldfire for the info! :) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Copyright!<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> This FAQ is © 2003 Gordon Stewart (Grdnstwrt). This FAQ may neither be used nor distributed for commercial use. It cannot be distributed at all without written permission from the author (That's Me By The Way!). The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers and The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers logo are copyright 2002 New Line Cinema. This guide must be displayed in its entirety. No pieces of it may be removed and/or copied to another location for public display. This FAQ is only to be shown on the following websites: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com If you have any questions, comments or contributions to my FAQ then you can E-mail me at grdnstwrt@hotmail.com. I hope you find this FAQ helpful and that's about it so happy hunting! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ****************************************************************************** This FAQ is dedicated to my loving mother Valerie Stewart who died on Thursday 6th March 2003 of lung cancer. You will be missed greatly. :'( ****************************************************************************** <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ***************** List Of Contents! ***************** I - Story II - Characters III - Controls IV - Upgrades V - Pickups (New Section) VI - Unlockables (New Section) VII - Walkthrough i - Prologue ii - Weathertop iii - Gates Of Moria iv - Balin's Tomb v - Amon Hen vi - Fangorn Forest vii - Plains Of Rohan viii - The Westfold ix - Gap Of Rohan x - Helms Deep (The Deeping Wall) xi - Helms Deep (The Breached Wall) xii - Helms Deep (The Hornburg Courtyard) xiii - Secret Level VIII - Secrets IX - Credits <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ********* I - Story ********* The story is taken from the LOTR manual (pages 5 and 6), with slight changes. One ring to rule them all, One ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them! It began with the forging of the great rings. Three were given to the Elves - immortal, fairest and wisest of all beings. Seven to the dwarf lords - great miners and craftsmen of the mountain halls. Nine rings were gifted to the race of Men who, above all else, desire power. For within these rings was bound the strength and will to govern each race: but they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged, in secret, a master ring to control all others. And into this ring he poured his cruelty, his malice and his will to dominate all life. The One Ring, an innocent looking gold band, is by far the most powerful object in middle earth. Put it on and the wearer becomes completely invisible. Using its powers of invisibility it draws the attention of the Dark Lord Sauron, who may, & will, dispatch sinister creatures to retrieve The One Ring. The One Ring has a strange corruptive influence, causing greed and powerlust in many who are exposed to it. Possessing The One Ring can prolong the life of its keeper, but corruption from the one ring will eventually transform a normal hobbit into a selfish, hideous monster. Gollum, is an example of this. The One Ring was forged thousands of years ago by Sauron in the fires of Mount Doom. He was close to using The One Ring's full powers to fully dominate Middle-earth when it was cut from his hand in battle. Sauron has been trying to reclaim The One Ring ever since losing it and, if he does, Middle-earth will be plunged into another age of darkness and sorrow. To prevent Sauron from possessing The One Ring it must be destroyed forever, and this can be accomplished only by throwing it back into the fiery chasm of Mount Doom. Frodo shows a remarkable resistance to The One Ring's Evil Influence, so he volunteers to carry it on the perilous journey to Mount Doom. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> *************** II - Characters *************** This sectiobn is now fully complete! We are up from a mere three good guys (Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas) to fourteen in total! Much of these character descriptions are taken from the Two Towers Manual (Pages 11-14) but have been edited accordingly for this FAQ to include more background information about the characters which I hope will be of interest to all you fellow gamesters! ******************************* The Good Guys ******************************* ******* Aragorn ******* Men are weak, or at least this is the commonly held belief in Middle-earth. Three thousand years ago Isildur, King of the men of Gondor gained great renown when he cut The One Ring from the hand of Sauron, ending his villainous reign. Soon after, however, he chose not to destroy The One Ring when he had the chance to cast it into the fires of Mount Doom and, thus, men are known to be weak in character and not entirely trustworthy. Aragorn can change all of that. He is a ranger, a strong man skilled in the use of many weapons including swords. Aragorn is trained to survive in every situation. Many know him as Strider, but few are aware of his true identity as son of Arathorn and heir to Isildur's throne. He is the rightful King of Gondor and a force to be reckoned with. ******* Legolas ******* Legolas is a noble Elven price, deadly accurate with his Elven bow and knowledgeable in wilderness lore. Because he is an elf, Legolas has exceptional sight and hearing and although he will never die of old age he can be hurt or killed in battle. Legolas is kind and graceful and he has a deep love for the peaceful side of nature. He and his valuable bow attack are great assets to the fellowship. ***** Gimli ***** Gimli is a stubborn dwarf who makes up for his lack of height and grace with great strength, bravery and tenacity. Gimli fears nothing when he has his trusty axe in hand and his temper makes him formidable when angry. His gruff disposition keeps him from making friends easily, but as a member of the fellowship he is a tough and loyal ally. Gimli especially dislikes elves, however, during his adventures with the fellowship he develops an unlikely friendship with Legolas. Gimli is very proud of his heritage and looks forward to seeing his cousin Balin in the mines of Moria. ************* Frodo Baggins ************* Frodo is the Ringbearer, a brave Hobbit whose cleverness keeps him alive in the face of tremendous danger. His adventurous uncle Bilbo left him The One Ring, along with the troubles that accompany it. However, Frodo shows great resistance to the sinister powers of The One Ring and volunteered at the Council of Elrond to take it to Mount Doom. There he has to destroy it by casting it into the fiery chasm from whence it came for the good of Middle-earth. There could not be a more difficult task. **************** Gandalf the Grey **************** Gandalf the Grey is a wizard, one of the five Istari who came from the lands beyond the Sea. He is known and respected throughout Middle-earth as a great conjurer and a genuinely wise man. He is not young, but he can use staffs and swords skillfully in combat. Nevertheless, Gandalf's true strength lies in his vast repertoire of magic spells and abilities. He is the only character capable of using magic and he uses it well. Gandalf serves as a father figure to Frodo providing leadership and protection to the young Hobbit. He would carry The One Ring himself, but his knowledge of magic is too dangerous to expose to the corruptive powers of The One Ring. ******************************** The Bad Guys ******************************** ****** Sauron ****** The Dark Lord himself has not been physically present on Middle-earth for some time. In fact, it was over 3'000 years ago that Isildur cut The One Ring from Sauron's hand, ending his last evil reign. Today, however, Sauron grows more powerful with every passing minute. His vile armies are spreading throughout Middle-earth in an ever-expanding search for the One Ring. If he gets it, Middle-earth will be plunged into an age of unimaginable terror and violence, and Sauron will take physical form once again. ********** The Nazgul ********** These nine Black Riders were once great kings of men, hellishly corrupted to the point of no return when they fell victim to Sauron who gave to them nine rings of power. This slowly turned turned them to wraiths and they are now completely under the Dark Lord's control. They appear across Middle-earth in hooded black robes in attempts to recover The One Ring for their master. ***************** Saruman the White ***************** Saruman is a wizard, one of the five Istari who came from the lands beyond the Sea. Once a trusted friend and advisor to Gandalf, Saruman became corrupt when he studied too far into the subject of the rings of power, desiring to gain The One Ring for himself. In the meantime he has joined the sinister forces of the Dark Lord Sauron. His powerful magic inspires fear in all those who oppose him and his fortress of Orthanc in Isengard is home to a vast army of his own foul creation: the Uruk-Hai. One cannot hope to overpower Saruman, for merely surviving any confrontation with this brilliant wizard is considered a true victory. *********** The Watcher *********** The Mines of Moria rarely see visitors and the Watcher is one of the main reasons why. The boss at the end of the third level is a multi-tentacled monstrosity which waits outside the entrance to the mines patiently, until tasty pray comes along! Rarely does a man-sized meal escape its writhing grasp which is exactly what you must do! (Is it only me who sees a small problem here?!) ********** Cave Troll ********** Dumb, Fat, Slow-Witted and Stupid. No, not me! That's what the Cave Troll is, other than a major problem. It's an awkward brute that might not be taken so seriously if it was not so horrifying, strong and fast. It has a very thick hide and strong constitution to make fighting one an epic event, especially when playing as Legolas! Thankfully, it's decision-making skills are lacking, if not non-existent, and Cave Trolls despise direct sunlight. ***** Lurtz ***** Saruman the White created Lurtz as the first leader of his Uruk-Hai army. At Amon Hen the fellowship fights to protect Frodo from this army. Lurtz, being their leader, is bigger and more fierce than the rest of his army and slaying him will prove no easy task, although thankfully he doesn't have two brain cells to rub together (That means he's dumb!). ******** Uruk-Hai ******** Saruman has succeeded in crossbreeding Men and Orcs. The result is an army of stronger, faster, uglier Orcs that do not weaken in sunlight. They are capable of melee attacks, ranged attacks with bows and pike attacks and are therefore no easy feat to dispose of. Genetic Enhancement makes the Uruk-Hai larger, stronger and far more dangerous than their standard Orc counterparts. **** Orcs **** The foot soldiers of Sauron's evil forces, Orcs can be found throughout Middle-earth. Although mutated from Elves, Orcs are corrupt forms that stand just over five feet tall. However, taking their strength and determination for less than full-size can be a deadly mistake especially when multiple Orcs are involved in battle. Capable of both melee attacks as well as ranged attacks with bows, Orcs have no obvious weaknesses. ***** Wargs ***** The great Wargs are a terrifying breed of huge wolf-like carnivores, driven by a hunger for blood and preditory intelligence. Saruman recruits Warg Riders in his campaign to crush the nation of Rohan. Worked into a killing frenzy by the murderous Orcs the Wargs fall upon ruined Rohan refugees as they flee their burning homes. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ************** III - Controls ************** Basic Controls; Move-------------------------Left Analogue stick Speed Attack-----------------X button or right analogue stick LEFT/RIGHT Fierce Attack----------------Triangle button or right analogue stick UP/DOWN Knock Back-------------------Circle button or R3 Parry------------------------Square Button or R1 Killing Move-----------------R2 button Equip Ranged Weapon----------L1 Button (Hold) Fire Ranged Weapon-----------X button or right analogue stick LEFT/RIGHT (While L1 is pressed down) Jump Back--------------------L2 button Basic Combination Moves; Three Hit Speed Combo--------X button, X button, X button Double Hit Fierce Combo------Triangle button, Triangle Button Intermediate Combos; Linked Attack----------------Successful Parry (Square), X button, R2 button Shoulder Rush----------------X button, Circle button Devastating Attack-----------Triangle button (Hold and release) <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ************* IV - Upgrades ************* I have divided the upgrade section into three parts. One for Aragorn, one for Legolas and one for Gimli. Each will show what the upgrade is called, what the buttons are if it's a combo move and how many experience points are needed for that item. ******* ARAGORN ******* Level 1 Upgrades; Triple Strike----------------------------X,X,X---------------------Purchased Double Hack-----------------------Triangle,Triangle----------------Purchased Shadow Strike-----------------------------R2-----------------------Purchased Combat Kick-----------------------------Circle---------------------Purchased Sword Parry-----------------------------Square---------------------Purchased Dunedain Bow----------------------------L1 + X---------------------Purchased Level 2 Upgrades; Rush Attack-----------------------------X,Circle-----------------------3,000 Rising Attack------------------------------X---------------------------8,000 Isildur's Swift Terror----------------X,X,Triangle---------------------5,000 Isildur's War Rush--------------------X,Circle,R2----------------------5,000 Ranger Fury--------------------------Hold Triangle---------------------2,000 Strength Of The Stewards----------------------------------------------10,000 Level 4 Upgrades; Goblin Bane---------------------------Square,X,R2----------------------4,000 Charge Attack---------------------------X,Circle-----------------------4,000 Isildur's Death Charge-------------X,Circle,Triangle-------------------5,000 Isildur's Gambit--------------------X,Triangle,X,X---------------------5,000 Rohan Bow-------------------------------L1 + X-------------------------4,000 Strength of Isildur---------------------------------------------------10,000 Level 6 Upgrades; Orc Bane------------------------------Square,X,R2----------------------6,000 Isildur's Deliverance------------Triangle,X,X,Triangle-----------------5,000 Strength Of Elendil---------------------------------------------------10,000 Wilderness Rage----------------------Hold Triangle---------------------4,000 Master Swordsman------------------------------------------------------10,000 Level 8 Upgrades; Bane Of Saruman-----------------------Square,X,R2----------------------8,000 Isildur's Judgement--------Triangle,Triangle,Circle,Triangle-----------5,000 Strength Of The Argonath----------------------------------------------10,000 Wrath Of Numenor---------------------Hold Triangle---------------------6,000 Gondor Bow------------------------------L1 + X-------------------------6,000 ******* Legolas ******* Level 1 Upgrades; Triple Strike----------------------------X,X,X---------------------Purchased Double Hack-----------------------Triangle,Triangle----------------Purchased Shadow Strike-----------------------------R2-----------------------Purchased Combat Kick-----------------------------Circle---------------------Purchased Knife Parry-----------------------------Square---------------------Purchased Mirkwood Longbow------------------------L1 + X---------------------Purchased Level 2 Upgrades; Rush Attack-----------------------------X,Circle-----------------------3,000 Elrond's Swift Terror-----------------X,X,Triangle---------------------5,000 Elrond's War Rush---------------------X,Circle,R2----------------------5,000 Elven Fury---------------------------Hold Triangle---------------------2,000 Force Of Celeborn-----------------------------------------------------10,000 Rivendell Longbow-----------------------L1 + X-------------------------4,000 Level 4 Upgrades; Goblin Bane---------------------------Square,X,R2----------------------4,000 Rising Attack------------------------------X---------------------------8,000 Charge Attack---------------------------X,Circle-----------------------4,000 Elrond's Death Charge--------------X,Circle,Triangle-------------------5,000 Elrond's Gambit---------------------X,Triangle,X,X---------------------5,000 Lothlorien Longbow-----------------------L1 + X------------------------6,000 Level 6 Upgrades; Orc Bane------------------------------Square,X,R2----------------------6,000 Elrond's Deliverance-------------Triangle,X,X,Triangle-----------------5,000 Dragonfire Arrows------------------------L1 + X------------------------8,000 Force Of Galadriel----------------------------------------------------10,000 Gil-gilad's Rage---------------------Hold Triangle---------------------4,000 Level 8 Upgrades; Bane Of Saruman-----------------------Square,X,R2----------------------8,000 Elrond's Judgement---------Triangle,Triangle,Circle,Triangle-----------5,000 Mithril Arrows---------------------------L1 + X-----------------------10,000 Elven Bow Mastery-----------------------------------------------------10,000 ***** GIMLI ***** Level 1 Upgrades; Triple Strike----------------------------X,X,X---------------------Purchased Double Hack-----------------------Triangle,Triangle----------------Purchased Shadow Strike-----------------------------R2-----------------------Purchased Axe Thrust------------------------------Circle---------------------Purchased Axe Parry-------------------------------Square---------------------Purchased Erebor Axes-----------------------------L1 + X---------------------Purchased Level 2 Upgrades; Rush Attack-----------------------------X,Circle-----------------------3,000 Balin's Swift Terror------------------X,X,Triangle---------------------5,000 Balin's War Rush----------------------X,Circle,R2----------------------5,000 Dwarven Fury-------------------------Hold Triangle---------------------2,000 Might Of Rock---------------------------------------------------------10,000 Might Of Iron---------------------------------------------------------10,000 Level 4 Upgrades; Goblin Bane---------------------------Square,X,R2----------------------4,000 Charge Attack---------------------------X,Circle-----------------------4,000 Rising Attack------------------------------X---------------------------8,000 Balin's Death Charge---------------X,Circle,Triangle-------------------5,000 Balin's Gambit----------------------X,Triangle,X,X---------------------5,000 Rune Of Protection----------------------------------------------------10,000 Level 6 Upgrades; Orc Bane------------------------------Square,X,R2----------------------6,000 Balin's Deliverance--------------Triangle,X,X,Triangle-----------------5,000 Might Of Balin--------------------------------------------------------10,000 Might Of Gloin--------------------------------------------------------10,000 Moria Axes-------------------------------L1 + X------------------------4,000 Mountain Rage------------------------Hold Triangle---------------------4,000 Level 8 Upgrades; Bane Of Saruman-----------------------Square,X,R2----------------------8,000 Balin's Judgement----------Triangle,Triangle,Circle,Triangle-----------5,000 Might Of Khazad-dum---------------------------------------------------10,000 Wrath Of Moria-----------------------Hold Triangle---------------------6,000 Misty Mountain Axes---------------------L1 + X-------------------------6,000 Axe Mastery Of Kings--------------------------------------------------10,000 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> *********** V - Pickups *********** I have decided to add this section to make the FAQ a bit more full and complete. I know there are only a few pickups but I might as well tell you about them, what they do and where you find them. **************** Red Health Phial **************** This is a small health potion that replenishes a small amount of your health. It looks like a little round flask with a red liquid in it. It is found in plentiful supply everywhere because tons of your enemies drop it when you kill them. ****************** Green Health Phial ****************** This is a large health potion that replenishes all your health when you pick it up. It looks like a big bottle with a green liquid in it. These ones are understandably rarer than the red ones. They are found in chests and usually also when you beat a sub-boss like a mountain troll or Samurai Orc. ************************** Arrow Quiver/Throwing Axes ************************** These are pickups found that restocks your ammo supply back up to full. What it looks like is character dependent. If you play as Aragorn or Legolas it looks like a quiver of arrows with a purple glow around it. However, if you're playing as Gimli it looks like two crossed throwing axes also with a purple glow to it. These are also found in plentiful supply because the enemies that don't drop red health potions usually drop these. ***************** Skill Bonus Block ***************** These are the rarest of all the pickups and are only found a couple of times in any given level if at all. See the walkthrough section for details on where they are. They look like a grey block with a spiral design on them, they have a blue glow and a sort of humming noise about them. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> **************** VI - Unlockables **************** There are 14 things in The Two Towers that you can unlock. I am going to tell you what they are and how you get them without revealing what the secret level is and who the secret character is. ***************** Production Photos ***************** There are three sets of production photos to unlock in addition to the set which is available from the start. ****************************************************************************** ********* Photo Set ************************** How To Unlock ***************** ****************************************************************************** * Concept Art * Available from Outset * * The Fellowship of the Ring * Complete 'Balin's Tomb' Level * * Fangorn and Orthanc * Complete 'Fangorn Forest' Level * * Rohan and Helm's Deep * Complete 'Plains of Rohan' Level * ****************************************************************************** ************************ Cast and Crew Interviews ************************ There are three Cast and Crew Interviews to unlock in addition to the four interviews which are available from the start. ****************************************************************************** *** Cast and Crew Interview ****************** How To Unlock ***************** ****************************************************************************** * Peter Jackson & Barry Osborne * Available from Outset * * Elijah 'Frodo' Wood * Available from Outset * * Sir. Ian 'Gandalf' McKellen * Available from Outset * * The Making of the Video Game * Available from Outset * * Viggo 'Aragorn' Mortensen * Reach Level Five with Aragorn * * Orlando 'Legolas' Bloom * Reach Level Five with Legolas * * John 'Gimli' Rhys-Davies * Reach Level Five with Gimli * ****************************************************************************** ************************ Secret Level & Character ************************ In The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, there is only one Secret Level, but you have to unlock the level four times. The level is playable with all characters but to play through it with Gimli, Aragorn or Legolas you must have reached Level Ten with that character and completed the 'Hornburg Courtyard' level with any character. You can then move on and play the Secret Level with the Secret Character. ***** Codes ***** Once you have beaten the Secret Level with the Secret Character you will have unlocked a list of 6 Secret Codes which you can use on all levels thereafter. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ***************** VII - Walkthrough ***************** Here it is the walkthrough for the game in the greatest possible detail I could come up with! -------------------------------(i - Prologue;)-------------------------------- When you control Isildur in this level he has all his upgrades so you get to use all of his combos which makes this level a lot easier. You gain control of Isildur about half way through the prologue movie. This level is extremely easy to complete and get a perfect first time. The easiest way to do this is to use the combo called Isildur's Judgement (Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle) If you hit an orc with this combo it's almost certain your perfect meter will become full. Keep using speed attacks to kill as many orcs as possible gaining you more and more perfects until the first cutscene comes. (If at any point your meter goes back to normal do the combo again to get it back up). After the first cutscene orcs with shields appear and to kill them you need to use fierce attacks when your meter is up. Sometimes using the combo even though your meter is full is also a good idea. Keep doing this until the next cutscene. After the second cutscene a combination of Orcs with and without shields appear and the best way to do this part of the level is to just constantly use Isildur's Judgement and kill as many as possible. After a while the final cutscene of the level appears. Well done, the level's over! I would like to point out two things. 1 - there are no skill bonuses in this level and 2 - if you want you can kick orcs into the lava river at the top or off the cliff at the bottom and gain excellents for killing them. ------------------------------(ii - Weathertop;)------------------------------ Another easy level but this one is harder to get a perfect on. As soon as you get control of Aragorn run up to the Nazgul and use your fierce attack to set him on fire with the lit torch you are holding. If you are luckly this will activate your perfect meter and allow you to get the next two Nazgul as perfects and maybe even that one. Now kill the next one that is running about hopefully getting another perfect. (Note: only a lit torch harms the Nazgul.) Now a cutscene shows Frodo putting on the ring and running about. At this point your torch will probably have run out so run back to the fire and use triangle to relight it. Then kill the Nazgul chasing Frodo and Hopefully get your perfect meter up once again. Then another cutscene shows Frodo being stabbed by a Morgul blade which will turn him into a wraith if your not quick. Use the torch once again to kill the two Nazgul relighting when you need to. Once you dispatch them the missions over well done. Once again there are no skill bonuses on this level. ---------------------------(iii - Gates of Moria;)---------------------------- At this point in the game you get to choose between Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli to fight with. You can go whoever you like but I find Aragorn to be the best at this level. Bear in mind you have to complete the level with all three in the end but only with one to progress to the next level. At the start of the mission you and Gimli (Aragorn if you are playing as Gimli) go to find a route into Moria. SKILL BONUS 1: [On the left hand side of the screen right now is a box covered in snow. Smash it to get rid of the snow then again to open it up. Then walk into the blue light to get the bonus.] Carry on down the path and Gimli says there are many orcs simply use speed attacks to get them and carry on down the path. At this point the wall explodes and some orcs come out of there dispatch them and carry on and more orcs come out of another wall and some climb down the cliff on the left hand side. Use speed or fierce attacks to get rid of these and then, if needed, there is health in the alcove where the second lot of orcs came from in a box simply smash it for the health. Carry on down the path for a bit and Gimli runs ahead and is almost killed before Aragorn (or Legolas) saves him. Now prepare for your first bow (or axe if you're Gimli) lesson! There are orcs up ahead raised above the ground firing arrows at you so equip your bow/axes and get them back by using L1 + X. Move on and kill some more orcs that jump down the cliff and carry on till the next cutscene. After the cutscene which shows you coming under fire attack the orcs back but watch out for the ones that run at you. Move along and some orcs climb up the cliff and attack you. Kicking them off using Circle is the easiest way to kill them. After they are all dead look in the corner for a crate containing arrows/axes. Carry on up the path and you will see two archers: either shoot them or run up and kick them off the edge. Once you get to where they were you are attacked by a swarm of orcs. Once you have killed them with speed attacks carry on and kill two more orcs and two more archers and carry on till you see water. Then you need to move along and kill four more orcs then keep going till more slide down the cliff from the left. SKILL BONUS 2: [On the left here there is another box with a skill bonus in it. Smash it and claim the bonus.] Carry on going killing more orcs and archers. You should hug the cliff as there is a health potion there in a box. Eventually you come to the first boss in the game. BOSS - THE WATCHER: A cutscene plays showing Gimli (Aragorn if you are playing as Gimli) getting whacked away by the watcher then he rises out of the water. When you gain control of your character wait for one of the watchers tentacles to attack you then parry (R1) and when the tentacles wobble run in and quick attack it. Then the watcher rises up and you run back to the ground and hit it with an arrow/axe. Repeat until you've finished the level. I have mentioned the skill bonuses but there is one point of interest. You can knock orcs off the cliffs at any point in the level to gain an Excellent! ---------------------------(iv - Balin's Tomb;)------------------------------- As the level starts a cutscene plays which shows the door break down and gives you an idea of the amount of orcs you need to kill - Lots! When you gain control of the character (I say Legolas is the best for this level) start hacking away at the orcs with fierce and speed attacks depending on whether they have a shield or not. Eventually a cutscene plays and the level boss enters. BOSS - THE CAVE TROLL: When the troll enters the first thing you want to do is get an idea of where he is compared to you. Then run and up and slash him with one, yes that's one, fierce attack then jump away by pressing L2 as he swings his club OR Run away and constantly fire arrows/axes at him till the next cutscene plays. If you are controlling Aragorn,however, you can run up to the troll (carefully so you don't get squashèd!), press, hold and let go of triangle to move into the cutscene quickly. When his health is low enough a cutscene shows him breaking his club and picking up a chain (Oh S***!). Then you'll find yourself on a ledge facing the troll. The First order of business is to run left and kill the orc that's up here. Then run behind a pillar and wait for the troll to hit it with his chain when he does this run and fire 3 arrows/2 axes at him and go back behind the pillar. He'll then break it and you should run out and hit him with 2 arrows/ 1 axe and head to another pillar. Repeat until he dies with a diseased walrus sort of sound. There are once again no skill bonuses in this level and no other points of interest! -----------------------------(v - Amon Hen;)---------------------------------- Ah! This is my favourite level and my favourite part in the first film. As there are plenty of Uruk-Hai in this level it's fairly easy and straight forward to get a perfect rating. I would say that Aragorn would be the best choice for this level. At the start of the level use all the combos you have against the Uruk-Hai to get your perfect meter glowing. Then use combos and fierce attacks to take them all out. SKILL BONUS 1: [Once you have killed all of them turn around and run up the stairs of the structure you see in the opening cutscene. When you go up them there is a chest containing the first skill bonus of the level.] Once you have the skill bonus go back to the field and run along the path and attack the two Uruk-Hai that attack you, kill the archer in the trees on the left and carry on till the first cutscene shows Lurtz ordering the Uruk-Hai to "Find The Halfling". After this plays you will see a bridge ahead of you with three archers - One on top and two on the bottom. Dispatch them with arrows/axes and carry on till a few more attack from the left hand side (before the bridge). Once they're dead go behind the tree on the left and smash the box for an arrow/axe pickup. Move on a bit and a few more attack from the right (also before the bridge). Kill them and go under the bridge. SKILL BONUS 2: [When the camera angle changes, head to the left, go up a ramp to the top of the bridge and smash the crate there for a skill bonus.] Go back down the ramp and carry on a bit. Then Lurtz tells the Uruk-Hai to attack you and a bunch run out the trees. This is another good perfect-getting opportunity! Use combos to get perfects and where they are all dead run on till you see three archers in the distance. Use arrows/axes to kill them and if you're lucky you'll still get perfects as your meter may still be glowing from the last bunch. Carry on when they're dead and another cluster run out of the trees, again use combos to get perfects for killing them but watch out for the archer who is on a big rock. If you go on a bit further a cutscene shows three archers charge at you and then set the ground around you on fire. Kill them with arrows/axes and the fire will extinguish and you can run on safely. After this you approach some old ruins. An archer appears so use arrows/axes to kill him and go down the stairs onto the first stone level. SKILL BONUS 3: [You will see a doorway now: it is easy to spot as an Uruk-Hai runs at you from very close to it. Kill him and smash the vines that cover the door. Then go in and there is a skill crate in there - Smash for the bonus.] Then go back out and down to the big stone area where lots of Uruk-Hai appear. Again (by using combos) get your perfect meter up and kill them for lots of perfects. Watch out for the archers who need to be dispatched from a distance then run down stairs on the left and you meet with your companions. (How in the heck did they get there?). Anyway let them kill the two Uruk-Hai they are attacking and carry on to the bridge. At this point a cutscene plays and you get surrounded. It is really hard to get perfects here so just slash at them until a cutscene plays showing Frodo escaping. After this happens run as fast as you can to the left ignoring all Uruk-Hai and run till a cutscene plays. BOSS - LURTZ: This guy is tough but luckily for you he's about as smart as a concrete post. The hardest part of this boss is actually taking on the henchmen he calls out now and again to attack you. When the boss starts immediately hit him with an arrow/axe. Then wait, he fires bursts of 3 arrows and in between them you should fire one at him. After a few shots he switches to his sword. Now comes the camera angle of death. It is hard to see where he is but it is easy enough to kill him. Run to a statue and try and keep one between you and him and all costs. He will swing at you and get his sword stuck in the statue. When he does this run up to him and use your rage attack (Hold Triangle). Do this a few times and he will die and you've beaten him. Remember to watch for the Uruk-Hai that runs down to get you every now and again. Well done: there are no other points of interest except where does Frodo disappear to during the opening cutscene! as he does not put on the ring or move anywhere? ---------------------------(vi - Fangorn Forest;)----------------------------- OH MY GOODNESS! I hate doing this level with Legolas - ARGH! But hey lets just do it. I would say Aragorn is the best at this level. When you start head up the path until you come to a log. Use a fierce attack to smash it and carry on past an Ent (in the background) and you come to a dead end. Then shielded orcs smash the tree down and some non-shielded orcs jump down behind you and surround you. This is another good perfect opportunity. Use combos to rid yourself of them all and carry on through the giant tree and a samurai orc (God, I hate these) jumps down. At this point they are really hard to beat unless you have the rising attack. If you do let it hit you down and press X as you get up and that should knock it down then press R2 to kill it. If you don't parry until it hits you then fire an arrow when it backs off after it has hit you. Repeat until it dies. Smash a log and carry on till a cutscene shows orcs being lobbed at you. Go around the corner until you see your first Mountain Troll. To kill him run up to it and press Triangle then L2 to jump back and repeat till it dies. It takes forever with Legolas but with Gimli - Blink and you miss it. After he is dead smash the big wooden fence behind it and go on through it. Now You will see a cutscene in which an orc is shoved into a pit with some sort of vicious beast in it. Then you regain control. I like to go and kick the second shielded orc from the left in to see how he likes it then get more perfects by using combos. SKILL BONUS 1: [Once they are all dead go back to where you came from at the start of this cutscene and head left outside of the camp and there is a box containing the bonus. Back inside the camp at the other side of the pit to the far right there is a box containing a green health potion which you may need.] Carry on by taking the north exit of the camp and there is a shielded orc and two archers there. kill the shielded orc with Fierce attacks and then kick the archers over the edge of the waterfall. Then carry on along the river which contains five orcs. you can easily see them by their air bubbles. Once you kill them move along the river and go under a waterfall and prepare for your second encounter of the big, fat, stupid and ugly kind. Another Troll bursts out of the wall and you need to kill him the same way as before - Fierce attack, Jump back, repeat. SKILL BONUS 2: [Once he is dead run to where he burst out of the wall of the cave and there is a box there with the all magic blue light in it.] Then carry on along the cave and smash another wooden fence and you come to a bunch of vines blocking your path. BEWARE! as soon as you smash these one of those samurai orcs appear and you need to kill him the same way you did the first one (look at paragraph 2 of this level for details). Then carry on and you come to a point with a couple of orcs with axes and one with a shield & an archer in the distance. Kill them all (it's quite easy) and go and smash the log with a fierce attack and go into a big spaced out area. At this point about 30 of your basic non-shielded orcs attack you in groups of 3 and 4. This part just screams out "PERFECTS" and you should use all available combos to get some. Once that's done smash the log and prepare for the level boss. BOSS - TWO MOUNTAIN TROLLS: As the cutscene plays you see your opponents take out three orcs (But that's a good thing right?) anyway take the right route and smash the vines and go through them. Remember that crate it has a green health potion in it if you need it. These Trolls are quite kind as usually you only have to fight one at a time and the other just cheers on its mate. Just use my magic three step program to beat them (Triangle,L2,Repeat) it shouldn't be too hard. Once there dead don't run off there's another skill bonus. SKILL BONUS 3: [Just before the big entrance covered in vines there is another box with a skill bonus in it. You know the score smash it and take it] Once you have done that smash those big vines and run through there to finish the level and meet The White Wizard! I would just like to point out the two Ents in this level - One right at the start whom I've mentioned and one on the river just before the second mountain troll. Also during the cutscene where the orc gets pushed down the pit look behind your character for a giant catapult - It's the boss on the last Helm's Deep level. ---------------------------(vii - Plains Of Rohan;)--------------------------- Isn't it great now that Gandalf is back and can use all his wizardry to help you through this level? Where would we be without him? Anyway If you want the best: "You have to go for Gimli" (Quote from the John-Rhys Davies Interview which you should have unlocked after doing the last level). Ok here we go! At the start you should be able to get your perfect meter up by killing these two armoured Uruk-Hai. Then head into the village and Gandalf will use his magic to kill plenty of Uruk-Hai for you. Then your perfect should still be glowing after he does this so go get a few perfects and kill everyone else that's about (Uruk-Hai not the villagers). Then Gandalf blows a door down for you and you have to be quick when you go in here. You will see three people trapped but you can save them by smashing the barrel of water standing beside the stairs and putting the fire out. SKILL BONUS 1: [Once the fire is out run to where they were and run behind the counter smashing tables as you go. Go all the way down the counter and you will reach a chest containing the skill.] After this a cutscene shows a guy being thrown over the stairs and being that he is so nice he absorbs all the fire for you so you can go upstairs and kick some more butt. Be careful though as an Uruk-Hai comes in from the door and you must dispatch him first. You now smash your way through to a group of people upstairs and you kill all two of the Uruk-Hai and the archer at the door and in doing this should get your perfect meter up. Then run out the door and round the corner there is a samurai orc. Kill him and then throw arrows/axes at the two archers to kill them. SKILL BONUS 2: [There is a barrel here in some fire smash it with an axe/arrow and you get a skill bonus and you free the guy who keeps running into the fire] Carry on over the thatched roof and you come to a blocked ramp. Aim with your ranged weapon and smash the water barrel on the blockage to put out the fire and then use a fierce attack on the blockade to get past and free all the people. Go up and kill the two Uruk-Hai who attack you here then stop! SKILL BONUS 3: [At the top of that ramp there are two water barrels smash them and run back down the ramp and go to the right of it and there is a chest in there with a skill bonus in it!] Carry on and a man runs out a building on fire. He's dead so just go in and go down the stairs and kill the Uruk-Hai you meet there. Go towards the door and kill the one that breaks down the door and go out to be reunited with Gandalf. Help him kill the Uruk-Hai using combos to get perfects and watch out for the samurai who is up a level attacking two villagers. You have to get him with arrows/axes to kill him. When he's dead smash the cart and run up the ramp to meet with the boss. BOSS - S*** Load Of Uruk-Hai: The cutscene shows a family being thrown into a burning building and you have to save them as well as kill all the Uruk-Hai. Make your way to the door and smash the blockade with your fierce attack to free the family. Then use combos to get as many perfects as you can against the remaining Uruk-Hai. Well done. Another level completed! ---------------------------(viii - The Westfold;)----------------------------- This level is relatively easy: the only problem is there are suicide Uruk-Hai who are just as annoying as their Samurai brethren. They have explosives strapped to their back and when they get anywhere near you they light them and blow up. But other than that it's not hard at all. The cutscene at the start shows one of them blowing up 3 or 4 Rohan soldiers and one of the officers in the army says you have to stand together and that's what you do. He is about to get killed and you save him by blowing up some explosives with an arrow/axe. You now gain control of your character and you wait for some of the Uruk-Hai to appear and then using your ranged weapon blow up the explosive barrels. Go round the corner and you will see many Uruk-Hai Running towards you. At this point wait till they get near the explosives and blow them up with your ranged weapon killing many of them. Then target the explosives in the distance and kill the archer with them and also run and kill the Uruk-Hai with a combo. SKILL BONUS 1: [When you come to the river turn left and go up the river slightly and there is a chest containing a skill bonus] When you have crossed the river you have to take on two orcs with axes and one with a shield. Use Combos here and it's possible to get a perfect. If you get a perfect waste no time in going on till you turn the corner and using your ranged weapon to kill the three suicide Uruk-Hai who run at you getting perfects hopefully. Then run down and fight all the Uruk-Hai in the street. While you are killing them with combos to get perfects watch out for the suicide Uruk-Hai who run in from the gate, make sure you get them with ranged weapons. When they're all dead run out the gate and the next cutscene plays showing the Rohan soldiers being overpowered by Uruk-Hai. When the cutscene stops watch out for the shielded orc who is standing right beside you. Kill him and fire an arrow/axe at the explosives you can target way down the hill. Run down and just shoot all the explosives to kill the orcs quickly or use combos on them to get perfects. When they are all dead run under the gate but be careful the camera angle changes here very suddenly and it's terrible. SKILL BONUS 2: [When you go under head to the right and go up some stairs. After the first flight use your ranged weapons to hit the barrels up at the top and run up and smash every barrel up there. Then go back down and back under the gate the fire has been put out and you can smash the crate and get the bonus] Then you need to go up the path killing more Uruk-Hai as well as some of the suicide ones (Watch out as they come in mass numbers). When you get to the top you come into village area. Watch out for the Uruk-Hai who lunges at you right away from the left so dispatch him then blow up all the explosive barrels with your ranged weapons or use combos to get perfects. Then find the cart blocking the route and smash it and go through and wait for the cutscene. BOSS - EXPLOSIVE CONVOY: At the start of the boss attack the two archers by blowing up the barrels beside both of them. Now blow up the suicide orc in the water and the other one running with him should die as well. Then run into the water and watch out as a few orcs pop up just waiting for you to kill them. So kill them and proceed to the other side of the water killing all the suicide Uruk-Hai that come from the left. When you get to the other side use combos on the archers and the shielded orcs to get some last minute perfects then stand back and target the explosives with your ranged weapon and BOOM! You've just completed the level! I would like to point out that you can kill the Rohan soldiers in red with the explosives as can the Uruk-Hai (Kill them that is). The soldier in gold that helps you however cannot be killed no matter what! --------------------------(ix - The Gap Of Rohan;)---------------------------- I found this level hard but with my help you shouldn't. I would advise that Legolas is going to get you through here the easiest so go him first time. At the start a cutscene shows two Wargs jumping through the burning building and preparing to attack you and the other two characters. I have found an easy way to do this. First of all wait for one of them to pounce and press L2 to jump to safety then using the Swift Terror combo X,X,Triangle or the Death Charge X,Circle,Triangle attack it from behind and that will probably get you an excellent and then quickly attack the second one with a combo to get your meter glowing. SKILL BONUSES 1 AND 2: [There is a barrel to the right containing a skill bonus and also one just before you enter the burning building also containing a skill bonus] Go through and the building collapses sadly trapping your companions on the other side and leaving you to fight at least 4 Wargs and The Boss all by your lonesome. Straight away press L2 to jump out of the way of the two pouncing Wargs and then wait for them to split up and use the same tactic as you used on the other two to get these two and get your meter glowing. Then using your ranged weapon kill the two who jump down to get two perfects and prepare for the boss. BOSS - WARG LEADER: The boss is actually easy enough. The best method I have found is to stay in the middle of open area and run left when he starts to run then when he gets near you press L2 to jump the other way so he misses you. Then he'll go back up and try again but do the same thing and you'll be ok. After two or three times his Warg rears up and at this point you run in and fierce attack its belly. Then when it comes down use your rage attack (Hold Triangle) twice to kill him - Easy Peasy! However if for some reason you don't kill him he will send in another Warg to attack you and you kill him either with combos or arrows/axes then wait for the Captain Warg to repeat his process and then kill him this time. Be careful not to stand to near him as his Warg will pick you up and slap you about (Thanks to my good friend Craig Parker for that phrase) and he may do this more than once in a go. I have also heard rumours that if you stand in the water he will never get you. It's not true sometimes he does sometimes he doesn't and its not a very good strategy anyway as you then have to run all the way up to attack him and sometimes you don't make it. So there you go level 9 complete! -------------------(x - Helm's Deep (The Deeping Wall);)---------------------- Here we are! Finally we have reached the Helm's deep levels so buckle your seatbelts and prepare for a bumpy ride. Again Aragorn is the best in my opinion for this level. The Cutscene plays showing Theoden preparing for war and also Gimli and Legolas setting an example for you by kicking the ladders down. I would also advise that if you have not done so already turn Subtitles ON and I will tell you why in a little bit. First of all I would like to draw your attention to the diagram at the top right of your screen. It shows you two things - Firstly the red triangles show where on the wall the Uruk-Hai have placed their ladders and secondly the bar in the middle shows you the amount of Uruk-Hai on the wall and that must be kept as low as possible because if it fills up you fail. Now in your head divide the wall into three sections Left, Middle and Right. Two ladders are put up on the left side and therefore its your least priority. Three are put up on the middle and right sections but the middle is the danger area as it only has elves guarding it where the right has Legolas (Gimli if your playing as him) and the left side has Gimli (Aragorn if your playing as him). So lets get started. SKILL BONUS 1: [Where the left side meets the middle there is a barrel on the opposite side from the canmera. In here is your skill bonus.] I would like to point out that knocking ladders down is your primary objective because if they cant get up on the wall how can they beat you. So run around kicking the ladders off by pressing circle and only attack the enemy if they block your path. Keep knocking down ladders for a period then a movie shows a general telling archers to fire on the wall. After this cutscene arrows fly in from all directions and try and avoid them but they don't do too much damage. Now just keep knocking ladders down for what seems like a lifetime until (This is why subtitles are on) Aragorn yells "Down, get down" and explosive arrows fly in mass number and you really need to avoid taking to many of these. Soon after this another cutscene plays showing Them load up the catapult I told you about in The Fangorn Forest level. Now a few Explosive bombs drop from the sky so avoid them but it gets much harder from here. Only Armoured Uruk-Hai climb over the ladders now and the ladders come back up much faster and more arrows fly at you. Not to worry though because after about a minute of this the final cutscene of the level plays. A Squadron of Elven Archers appear and wipe out all the Uruk-Hai on top of the wall (I love the way the last one falls dead with an arrow in his head.) Well done only three more levels to go. -------------------(xi - Helm's Deep (The Breached Wall);)-------------------- This is the hardest and most boring level in the game in my opinion. All you have to do in this level is to stop a gate from taking too much damage which doesn't sound to hard but wait till you actually have to do it. I would suggest to once again do the level as Aragorn first as he's the best again. SKILL BONUS 1: [Right at the start of the level quickly run to the right hand side and over the shallow pool. On the other side there is a crate containing the skill bonus!] At the start of the level plenty of suicide Uruk-Hai run in and the best thing to do here is to dispatch them with your ranged weapon so they don't get anywhere near the gate. After a while waves of orcs with shields and without make a break for the gate these are harder to stop as the suicide guys also keep coming and you have to get them. Here's an idea - If you're gate gets swamped allow a suicide guy to come and detonate and he'll take down all his buddies as well. Keep digging in as each new wave becomes harder to destroy but just get the ones that attack you then go for the ones at the gate and use the rage attack (Hold Triangle) all the while being on the look out for the suicide orcs and killing them. After another while a cutscene plays and it triggers lots of cutscenes with a short space in between them. At this point the archers from the cutscene walk in and fire upon you. Also a Samurai Orc charges in and as soon as you kill him the next cutscene comes so try and get the archers first. Now you see the Uruk-Hai wheeling up the almighty catapult and in the background you see your next challenge a Mountain Troll. Now more suicide orcs come in and any archers you didn't kill before should be handled now before the troll comes. Now use the usual technique to kill the troll (Triangle,L2, Repeat) all the while remembering to kill the suicide orcs who keep appearing. When the trolls dead another samurai orc comes in with some back up and once you kill them the final level cutscene plays. Finally they wheel the catapult in and you now have to actually fight it. BOSS - THE ALMIGHTY CATAPULT: This boss is fairly easy to defeat - if you know how. Straight away the general runs at you and you should kill him then head to the left and fight your way through to the left hand side of the catapult. Now once you have killed all who oppose you here position yourself between the bit of wood on the left and the bit on the front. Now you need to use your rage attack (Hold Triangle) to get both bits at the same time. Then move round to the other side and use your rage attack to get that bit as well. Mission Accomplished! I would like to point out that how come you don't die when the bomb blows up the catapult and where were Legolas and Gimli when we needed them to help us before? -----------------(xii - Helm's Deep (The Hornburg Courtyard);)---------------- This level is reasonably hard but that is only because there are more orcs than you can shake a stick at. Although on second thoughts that's a very good thing. That is because it is unbelievably easy to get a perfect rating I got one the first time I did it with every character. Now I would once again advise you to put subtitles on for this level and I will tell you why when it comes to it. I would also say you should once again go Aragorn first time as he is the best at this level. Now during this level you will encounter every type of baddie in the game except the suicide orcs (Whew!) and the troublesome Mountain Trolls although the boss is two cave trolls! After the cutscene you are thrown in at the deep end of battle. The first thing you should do is head over to the gate and start hacking away and anything that is even thinking about touching it. Constantly use every combo you have especially the Judgement combo (Triangle,Triangle,Circle,Triangle) which you should have by now. This strategy should get you more perfects than you can count unless you're a centipede which I doubt. Anyway keep hacking away at the ones attacking the gate and eventually a cutscene plays showing one of your allies (Legolas or Aragorn if you're playing as Legolas) being overpowered by Uruk-Hai and the general you thought you killed in the last level but didn't. Then run across the court and up the stairs and along the wall trying to avoid being attacked by orcs and not attacking them unless they block your path. When you get to the end run up the stairs and kill the three Uruk-Hai that attack your comrade then head back to the door the way you came. SKILL BONUS 1: [When you are fighting alongside your comrade hack away at all the barrels up on that platform and one of them contains a skill bonus!] When you get about half way along the wall a cutscene plays showing your gate guarding comrade being overpowered. Now during this movie you can still move but because of a glitch you have to turn the stick to the left to keep running so do this as it cuts down the time and also the chance of getting in a fight. When you get back to the gate again use combos to kill the groups of enemies that are attacking the gate. Now here is where the subtitles come into play. After about two minutes since you got back Aragorn shouts "Archers on the wall". At this point run back up onto the wall and avoid attacking the orcs just use your ranged weapon on the orcs in the distance. I think there are eleven of them. When you get them all run back down to a big problem. Some Samurai orcs have joined the party and you need to kill about five of them and wait about a minute before the Bosses (Yes, that's plural) hop over the wall. BOSS - TWO CAVE TROLLS: As soon as the cutscene is over just run at them and attack them with all combos to kill them as quickly as possible. Forget about the old strategy. You can't really afford to let them get to the gate as they do a heck of a lot of damage to it. Just kill them with combos and then one of them falls on the gate and smashes it and the mission is over. Enjoy the final cutscene of the game as it's a very good one and it gives you a clip from the upcoming film The Return Of The King. SKILL BONUS 2: [During your fight with the trolls the first one you kill will drop a skill bonus for you, awwwwww he shouldn't have!] I would advise that by this point if none of your characters have reached level 10 to use the add 1000 skill cheat (see secrets section) to one of your characters because if none of them does reach level 10 you cannot unlock the secret level and you can't do the levels over again with the others either. As far as I am aware there are no skill bonus's in the level and no points of interest. -------------------(xiii - Secret Level - Tower Of Orthanc;)------------------ This level is not really a level but more of a survival challenge of 20 mini- levels. This is because you have twenty floors of the tower to beat to complete the level. To be able to do this level the character you want to do it with has to be at level 10. For example if you want to do it with Aragorn he has to be at level 10 and the same with Legolas and Gimli. So lets get down to it. I have divided the level into it's 20 floors with all the enemies you have to face in it mentioned and a simple strategy to beat each floor and also the rating you should get from the floor i.e. Perfect, Good etc. During this level none of the enemies drop any health or arrow pickups so try and conserve them. However when you beat each floor you get a small amount of each added to your totals. ******** Cutscene ******** Saruman the White appears and says "Your end is near" then he laughs and throws his private army at you. ******* Floor 1 ******* Rating:- Perfect Enemies:- 5 Uruk-Hai Strategy:- This floor is simple. Use combos to get perfects against the Uruk-Hai. The best is the Judgement combo (Triangle,Triangle, Circle,Triangle) ******* Floor 2 ******* Rating:- Perfect Enemies:- 2 Uruk-Hai 4 Shielded Orcs Strategy:- Use the same strategy as Floor 1 to beat this floor. ******* Floor 3 ******* Rating:- Perfect Enemies:- 2 Uruk-Hai 4 Orcs with dual-axes Strategy:- Again just use combo's to get perfects. ******* Floor 4 ******* Rating:- Perfect Enemies:- 3 Uruk-Hai 3 Shielded Orcs Strategy:- Simple, just use combos, combos and combos (In that order) ******* Floor 5 ******* Rating:- Perfect Enemies:- 3 Shielded Orcs 3 Orcs with dual-axes Strategy:- Just use the Judgement combo and kick some butt! ******** Cutscene ******** Saruman says "You have elected the way of pain". Then he swings his staff and laughs. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ******* Floor 6 ******* Rating:- Excellent Enemies:- 8 Archers Strategy:- Run at all the Archers and kick them off the edge. While you're doing this try and block the arrows because remember you're trying to conserve your health ******* Floor 7 ******* Rating:- Excellent Enemies:- 4 Archers 2 Uruk-Hai 2 Orcs with dual-axes Strategy:- Use the "Bane of Saruman" and "Orc Bane" combos to take out the Uruk-Hai and Orcs and then kick the archers off the edge. ******* Floor 8 ******* Rating:- Perfect Enemies:- 4 Archers 4 Shielded Orcs Strategy:- Use combos on the shielded Orcs to kill them and get perfects then when your meter is full quickly use your ranged weapon on the archers to get even more perfects. ******* Floor 9 ******* Rating:- Perfect Enemies:- 4 Archers 2 Shielded Orcs 2 Orcs with dual-axes Strategy:- Same strategy as the last floor combos for perfects then quick fired arrows/axes on the archers for some more. ******** Floor 10 ******** Rating:- Perfect Enemies:- 2 Archers 6 Armoured Uruk-Hai Strategy:- Use the magic C-word (Combos) on the Uruk-Hai to get your perfect meter up then quick fire arrows/axes on the archers for more perfects. ******** Floor 11 ******** Rating:- Good Enemies:- 8 Archers with exploding arrows Strategy:- I can only get good because it's too hard to kick these guys over the edge because of their special arrows so just kill them anyway so you can progress. ******** Floor 12 ******** Rating:- Perfect Enemies:- 2 Archers 4 Orcs with dual-axes 2 Armoured Uruk-Hai Strategy:- Once again just use all the combos you have on the orcs and Uruk-Hai then ranged weapons on the archers to get more perfects. ******** Floor 13 ******** Rating:- Perfect Enemies:- 4 Archers 4 Armoured Uruk-Hai Strategy:- I will say again use your combos on the Uruk-Hai to get your perfect meter up and then quick fired arrows/axes. ******** Floor 14 ******** Rating:- Perfect Enemies:- 2 Archers 2 Shielded Orcs 4 Armoured Uruk-Hai Strategy:- *cough cough combos cough* - You know the score! ******** Floor 15 ******** Rating:- Good Enemies:- 1 Cave Troll 4 Archers Strategy:- Now is the first really challenging floor as there is a Cave Troll! For this floor run away from the Troll and use your ranged weapon on the archers then use the normal strategy against the Troll (Triangle,L2,Repeat). ******** Cutscene ******** Saruman appears again and says "Your end is near!" ******** Floor 16 ******** Rating:- Excellent Enemies:- 2 Archers 2 Samurai Orcs Strategy:- Wait for the Samurai Orcs to come to you and use the Bane of Saruman (Square,X,R2) combo on them to get excellents then quick fired arrows/axes to get another 2 excellents. ******** Floor 17 ******** Rating:- Perfect Enemies:- 4 Archers 2 Armoured Uruk-Hai 2 Samurai Orcs Strategy:- Use the judgement combo on the armoured Uruk-Hai to get your perfect meter up then use arrows on the Samurais and Archers to get more perfects. ******** Floor 18 ******** Rating:- Good Enemies:- 4 Archers 1 Samurai Orc 1 Mountain Troll Strategy:- First of all take out the Samurai with The Bane Of Saruman combo. Then take out the archers however you want then go for the troll in the usual way. ******** Floor 19 ******** Rating:- Good Enemies:- 2 Archers 2 Orcs with dual-axes 1 Cave Troll 1 Mountain Troll Strategy:- Run away from them all and take out the archers with your sword axe then take out the Orcs with your ranged weapon (If the Trolls haven't already taken them out that is). Then dispatch the trolls in the usual manner. ******** Floor 20 ******** Rating:- Perfect Enemies:- 3 Archers 2 Shielded Orcs 1 Cave Troll 2 Mountain Trolls Strategy:- This floor is easier than it sounds right at the start before the guys even appear run straight to the right and charge up your rage attack then when the guys appear you should have a Troll on either side of you so let go of your attack and you should kill both of them. Then use the judgement combo on the Shielded Orcs to get your perfect meter up then kill the troll to get another perfect. ******** Cutscene ******** At last you reach the top of Orthanc and you come face to face with Saruman and what does he do, he calls you a fool and goes into a fit of madness and casts a spell to the effect of "Aboo Booya Moo yaha" and then disappears in a fit of evil laughter after a swish of the staff. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well done! You've just completed the game. if this FAQ has helped you please E-mail me with your comments at Grdnstwrt@hotmail.com. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ************** VIII - Secrets ************** I have made a list for all of the button codes making clear definitions of what they do and what the buttons are. Also I have given information on the secret character and what you can do with him and also on a fact that makes getting more experience points easier that you "unlock" so to speak when you unlock the secret character. ************ BUTTON CODES ************ To enter these codes pause the game at any point and hold down The top four buttons L1,L2,R1,R2 at the same time and then press the desired buttons. You should then hear a chime indicating the cheat has been entered correctly. Then to enter the next cheat let go of the top buttons and press them again then enter the new buttons. The ones marked with a * can only be entered when the game has been completed. Restore Health-------------------------------------Triangle,Down,X,Up Restore Ammo---------------------------------------X,Down,Triangle,Up Add 1000 Skill---------------------------------------X,Down,Down,Down Get Level 2 Skills--------------------------Circle,Right,Circle,Right Get Level 4 Skills----------------------------Triangle,Up,Triangle,Up Get Level 6 Skills----------------------------Square,Left,Square,Left Get Level 8 Skills--------------------------------------X,X,Down,Down Invinsibility*-------------------------------Triangle,Square,X,Circle Infinite Ammo*-------------------------------Square,Circle,X,Triangle Devastating Attacks*----------------------Square,Square,Circle,Circle All Combo Upgrades*-------------------Triangle,Circle,Triangle,Circle Small Enemies*----------------------------------Triangle,Triangle,X,X Slow Motion*---------------------------------Triangle,Circle,X,Square **************** Secret Character **************** The secret character you get to control is...........Isildur! That's right you get to do The Tower Of Orthanc level with him. That's not all you get to do with him though. Once you complete The Tower Of Orthanc level with him you get to do every other level with him and you can also do the other levels with the other characters which lets you get more experience points to get them all fully upgraded. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ************ IX - Credits ************ I would like to thank three people. 1st of all Professor Tolkien for writing The Lord Of The Rings in the first place and Peter Jackson for turning it into the epic it has become. I would also like to thank the editor David Turnbull for getting me interested in Lord of the Rings; helping me through the 'Breached Wall' Level; typing out the Unlockables Section; being the Editor of this FAQ and correcting all spelling mistakes in it (so he says!). Also this FAQ is dedicated to my mum who died on the 6th march 2003. I hope this FAQ has helped you beat the game and made it more enjoyable for you. This FAQ is © 2003 Gordon Stewart (Grdnstwrt).