The Matrix: Path of Neo Bonus Objectives and Secrets Guide Written by ManiacOVG Date originally started:November, 23, 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Table of Contents: I.Legal Stuff II.Introduction III.Version History IV.Bonus Objectives O1."They're Coming for you, Neo"+"He's Heading for the Street O2.All Training Missions O3."Storming the Drain" O4."Helicopter Rescue" O5."Red Pill Rescue"-The Security Guard O6."Red Pill Rescue"-The Key O7."Taking the Floor" V.Secrets S1."Kung Fu Training" S2."Sword Training" S3."Weapon Training" S4."The Chase:Get me an Exit!" S5."Captain Rescue"-Morpheus and Trinity S6."Seraph's Apology" S7."Burly Brawl" S8."The Frenchman" S9, S10, S11, S12."Distorted Dimensions" S13."Downside Up" S14."Ministry of Smiths" S15."Aerial Battle" VI.FAQ VII.Credits VIII.Contact Info and Ending ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I.Legal Stuff This FAQ is Copyrited (c) by Christopher Nguyen. You must email me at: to ask permission to use this FAQ on your site. The only sites that this FAQ can be used on is: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II.Introduction Hi, I'm ManiacOVG. I bought this game the day before it came out officially, and I was very excited. However, without an official strategy guide, I had a hard time in achieving all the Extras. So, I've made this FAQ to help others. I have many people to thank, mainly board users, which I will list in the credits. Well, let's begin, shall we? And just so you know, you can use Ctrl + F to search for the unlocked item you want, the objective, or secret strategy you want. Well, let's do this first... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III.Version History Version 1.9-Fixed certain grammatical errors, most likely final version Version 1.6-Extra info on B.O. for "Red Pill Rescue"-The Security Guard Version 1.5-Additional webistes and FAQs Version 1.4-Additional websites granted permission Version 1.3-Additional FAQs, Kung Fu Training info added, Additional website granted permission Version 1.2-Additional websites granted permission to use this FAQ Version 1.1-Updated Rewards Version 1.0-First written FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV.Bonus Objectives Now let us begin with Bonus Objectives. I shall list them per level, the strategy to complete it,and then list the unlocked item. Okey dokey now here we go! I'll label the objectives by O1, O2, O3, etc. Also note that when you have acquired a bonus objective, you must get to the end of the level and move onto the next, then whatever reward is unlocked. 01.Level-"They're Coming For You, Neo" + "He's Heading for the Street" Bonus Objective-"Make your escape without being captured" Now, this objective appears all through both levels, and is very basic. All you have to do is follow Morpheus's instructions. Once you reach the second level, you will encounter cops who can cuff you. You can fight back with rapidly tapping the triangle button. You must do so to any cop that gets hold of you. Note that in the first level if you are getting cuffed, you cannot fight back and automatically fail the level. Just keep going through the building, avoiding being shot and cuffed, and you'll be within the outside and on Trinity's motorcycle in no time! Unlocked Item-Media Viewer:"Level Concepts", you also see the cutscene of Neo riding with Trin, and skips to the part where you will start training. If you got the secret, good job! It's one of the few times where you can change what Neo actually did in the story. 02.Level-All Training Missions Bonus Objective-"Complete all objectives to unlock a secret" This is very simple. All you need to do is complete every level, up to and including "The Dojo", and you have your reward! Unlocked Item-Media Viewer:"Character Concepts Part 1" O3.Level-"Storming the Drain" Bonus Objective-"Reach the 2 highest platforms in the room" This is also quite simple. After the room with the agent, you must continue forth into another toom where you must get to the other side, with SWAT and such there as well. However, the room with this objective may be the room right after that. Either way, the correct room will spawn a message saying that the objectives are updated. Now, on the right wall, climb up the ladder, and go right. You should see a ledge sticking out. Climb on, then jump to the ledge on the left. Then, get onto the bigger ledge with guns on it. It will tell you you have 1/2 leedges reached. Get back on the previous ledge, and continue going right, across ledges. Note to keep away from the wall if you do Focus jumps, or else you may wall run, jump, then have to start over. Keep going right and you should find another weapon filled ledge. It also will tell you 2/2 ledges reached. Congrats! You got another bonus! Unlocked Item-Special Combo:"Quick Kicks" O4.Level-"Helicopter Rescue" Bonus Objective-"Defeat the enemy helicopter" You must be wary on this one, or else you'll miss it. In this level you will be using a gun of the helicopter Trinity is flying. First, you should gun down SWAT and soldiers from the roof you are near, and also note that destroying certain areas or even that crane can cause extra mayhem! Now, as you fly around you will need to shoot down SWAT and agents(which can only be killed when you focus while you shoot) as you pass by buildings. In between flying around the buildings, you will get a glance of the enemy helicopter. Always Focus Shoot it to get the most damage. After all the buildings, you will go against the helicopter, so Focus shoot, but try not to overheat. If you do not kill it during this encounter with it, you will get one more chance at it. It would be a distance away from you, however, so just focus shoot it and eventually the health bar will be empty, and the enemy copter will smash into the building. Congrats on a job well done! Complete the level and claim your prize! Unlocked Item-Media Viewer:"Art Graveyard" O5.Level-"Red Pill Rescue"-The Security Guard Bonus Objective-"Defeat 5 enemies in 30 seconds" This time , you might get a little beaten. As you chase the guard up the church, be sure to defeat the 4 SWAT along the way to acquire their guns and a box of grenades. After you reach the stairs that break down, you'll see a cutscene of some shielded SWAT and a soldier.When you get back into the game, A timer will appear counting down from 0:30. This is it! Throw all your grenades at the 5 enemies, and you should make it. I only needed to throw one and they all died, so I don't have the greatest strategy. An alternate strategy to getting this objective is just run to the top of the church before the timer runs out, which is much easier to do. If you do need more assistance, contact me at my email address(found in the Contacts section). Unlocked Item-Special Combo:"Ultimate Hyper Strike" 06.Level-"Red Pill Rescue"-The Key Bonus Objective-"Complete the level without using a gun" This one shouldn't be too hard. This objective appears after you reach the weapon room(which is the same one that Morpheus, Trinity, and Seraph fought in during The Matrix Revolutions). All you have to do is defeat all the enemies(which would be 6) without using a gun. Bullet Stop can help for a bit, but try to get up close and use combos so you can quickly take out the enemies without being shot at. Keep killing the enemies until there are no more. If you did this correctly, you will not be alerted that you've completed it. Also, any other time you visit the level, there will be no objective. Just make sure you have the reward in the Extras if you completed the objective, and you're set to go.(thanks to Lawman_316 for this info) Unlocked Item-The Making of....:"Story Board Sequence 1" O7.Level-"Taking the Floor" Bonus OBjective-"Defeat 3 waves of Smith before you exit the level" This objective will not begin until after the Key Maker has opened the door to leave. You must defeat 3 waves, and it will alert you when you defeat one wave. After killing all 3 waves, you may exit and unlock your reward. For a strategy...keep bullets away, as they have SMGs that can hurt. Take any health packs you can get, and note that Killing Blow Level 3 with a pole is really sweet and can help. Also note that if the Key Maker or Morpheus dies, you will fail the level. So watch out for them as well. If you win, congrats again! You've completed all the Bonus Objectives in this game! Unlocked Item-Media Viewer:"Character Concepts Pt.2" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV.Secrets Now, did you do all the Bonus Objectives? If you did, good job, but be wary, because now comes the harder part! Secrets appear as open suitcases with a red light inside. Some are just lying around in a level, but some will be dropped after completing a certain task, similar to a Bonus Objective. I shall list them as S1, S2, and so on. Just like Bonuses, you must complete the level after finding the secret to claim the reward. I'll list level, secret strategy, and unlocked item. Onwards! S1.Level-"Kung Fu Training" In order to acquire this secret, you must first get to the control room area. It would be a better idea to first take out the 2 people in there silently, but I am pretty sure it isn't neccessary. Go into the door, and you will see 3 ninjas(I guess they are) chopping wood...pretty badly. Silently kill 3 of them, and the reward will drop in front of the third! However, it has been told that the secret may be dropped in a different part of the room, so look around if you don't see it.(thanks to MatNeo27 for this info) It has been told this secret cannot be acquired in Hard mode, so if you want the secret, switch to Normal or Easy mode. Unlocked Item-The Making of....:"View Staff Combos" S2.Level-"Sword Training" This secret is quite simple. Go accross to the other side of the area, and go behind the waterfall. Destroy the vases and the secret shall appear. Unlocked Item-The Making of....:"View Sword Combos" S3.Level-"Weapon Training" As you are going back towards the restaurant, some men will pop out of a dark hallway, unopened when you first go through. Go inside the dark hallway, and the Operator will tell you you have found his secret stash. That's your secret! Unlocked Item-Special Combos:"Code Breaker" S4.Level-"The Chase:Get Me an Exit!" Now, I'll give you exact directions: when you start, go forward until you can go left into a three way intersection. Head left again, and forward until you see a grill blow up.It is near a health pack. Go behind the stands near the grill and health pack, onto the sidewalk, and you have your secret. Good job! Unlocked Item-Special Combos:"Machine Gun Kick" S5.Level-"Captain Rescue"-Morpheus and Trinity To acquire this secret, fly down from the start point, then go forward in the street. Turn left, then go forward and turn left towards the stairs. Turn your body left again, and fly up to a higher balcony. Your secret is up there, along with a nice gun(grenade launcher I think). Unlocked Item-Media Viewer:"Level Studies" S6.Level-"Seraph's Apology" To acquire this secret, first defeat Seraph in the first battle, the second on the poles, and the third in the movie theater. During the fourth battle, kick all the pillars holding up the roof. Break them all, and a secret will fall down to the middle of the floor. Unlocked Item-Special Combos:"The Beginning of the End" S7.Level-"Burly Brawl" All you need to do is defeat 30 Smiths. Afterwards, walk around the ground in the middle area for the secret. It will probably be crowded with Smiths, so look hard and you will get it. Unlocked Item-Special Combos:"The One" S8.Level-"The Frenchman" After defeating the 6 of the Frenchman's minions, go through the only door you can go through. Keep going until you end up in the dungeon. Go forward, kill the 2 doberman that show up, and when you reach the area where it splits in 2, turn right. go to the end of the hall, and you'll find the secret. Unlocked Item-The Making of....:"Storyboard Sequence 2" S9, S10, S11, S12.Level-"Distorted Dimensions" Yes there are 4 secrets here. Since I'm no good at directions, I'll take some entries from the game boards. This one is from Greenday561, who gets the credit: "Ok I am going to try and post this as clear as I can... Case #1 Unlocking I believe Story Board Sequence 2 When you first enter into the Dimensioned Room, hop the gap in front of you and go up the staircase. At the top turn to your left and you should see a small sideways arch with a focus item on it, jump to it. hop over the sideways staircse onto the floor, turn left and head to the wall, jump upwards to the opening for the 1st Case. Case # 2 Unlocking Story Board Sequence 3 Go through the correct door after getting Case 1. Defeat the ant and then proceed to hop the gap over to the right side spiral staircase. Go up the set of spiral stairs, and at the top immediately do a 180 turn and look alittle to the right for a small platform above you with one wall of tile and the other of white wallpaper. Jump to it, if you are where you should be you will have just gotten a focus item. To the right of the tiled wall you can see sideways arches on the side of a "building", and there on the bottom of the arch is the 2nd Case. Case # 3 Unlocking Story Board Sequence 4 Go through the correct door after getting Case 2. Defeat the couple of ants here. and head straight ahead on over to the redish stained glass dome. It is on the opposite of where you start. From the front of it turn around so it is directly behind you, hop the gap to the ground below. Now facing the same way proceed to walk off of here. Now go all the way to the far left of where you are, and proceed to walk off, and there is the 3rd Case. Case # 4 Unlocking Story Board Sequence 5 DO NOT GO THROUGH THE NEXT DOOR Directly after getting Case 3 go back to the stained glass dome, and this time hop up onto it, you should be standing on or near a gate. now turn left and head all the way down to the edge. Turn Right and jump the two small gaps in front of you, turn right and there is the 4th Case. Proceed to finish the level and in the extras menu you should have all of the previous stated. I really don't know how much more precise I can be, I hope that helps those who can't find them out." I'll need to split line this to make it more clear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is another from hailkingmon. It only lists 3 locations, however, so try and find the 4th from Greenday's: "Yay, I'm back with better direction to the 3 in the Distorted Dimension thingy. BTW, I did all this w/out the flight ability, so you can go everywhere without it. When you first appear in the area: Turn right, hop gap, go up stairs. Turn left at top and hop gap towards yellow item. Jump to the diagonal strip, turn a littel left. Jump up into opening for #1. (Correct door is on white area to the right of first appearing, follow hallway around back) Next appearance, no cases. (I think correct door is farthest left of the 3 brown oens) Next appearance: Look diagonal left, and jump between two of the pillars and land on the bottom white platform. Run to end and jump gap. Run up wall directly ahead. Go right, jump two small gaps, turn right for Case #2. Next appearance, no cases. Next appearance: (Can someone confirm this one for me? i know theres one aroudn there, but it may have been a little higher up.) Go around fire and jump small gap. Jump to narrow adjacent ledge (on right), follow to end. Jump miny gap and turn right. Try to jump to curve for Case #3." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Finally, one more entry from MatNeo27. Here we go, for another 3 locations: "The first one is the one we knew about before The second one is after the 1st door (its in the area where you fight the 1st ant-thing), jump on the small "wall" that is horozontal. It has a focus-item on it...anyway, from there you can see a sideways arch against a wall (looks like a backwards "C") and the case is on the flat part inside on the far edge. There is a 3rd one after the 2nd door. After the 2 ant-things attack, head "forward-right" from the door you came from. There is a small "wall" platform with a focus-item on it. Climb as high as you can, and you should find another focus-item. From there, there is a large platform thing with a number of long "windows" along the floor. When you get to the end of the platform, continue walking slowly off the edge. You will either fall directly onto the case (like me) or onto a higher platform. if you land on the platform, turn right and fall again. That should land you on the platform. Be careful to WALK off the edges so that you don't roll. Another way to get there is to find the large stained glass thing (it will be on a wall opposite the door you came from) and get on top of it where the gate is. Get to the far edge (without any walls)and to the right, you will see a floating block, and 2 platforms on the same level as you. Jump to the far one and turn right again. The case will be there. On a side note, I believe that the same cases can be found in a couple rotations of the place...after finding my 3rd case in the area, I continued to follow hailkingmon's directions, and I think they led me to the same area, just rotated into another position. There are definitely 3 cases, and each can be found once (rotating the room doesn't bring them back)...also, this area is hell to give directions for...I found the cases using his directions...and tried to help with my own...the cases are difficult to see in shady areas, and appear dark in code-vision. Unlocked Items-The Making of...:"Storyboard Sequence 3, Storyboard Sequence 4, Storyboard Sequence 5, View Hand-to-Hand Combos" S13.Level-"Downside Up" When you reach the third room of enemies and defeat all of them, you will be sent backwards to the start. Go forward onto the first one again, and there will be the pillars.As you get close to them, they will open, with a Vamp jumping from each one and tackling you. Have all the Vamps from each pillar come out, making sure at least one is alive at all times, or else if all of them are dead, nothing will appear, and the rest of the pillars will stay closed. Defeat ALL the Vamps, and the secret will appear in the middle of the Floor. Unlocked Item-Media Viewer:"Renderings Pt.1" S14.Level-"Ministry of Smiths" First, enter the main area of the church, where you will be ambushed by smiths. Go up to the second floor, and head to the front. On each side, there are 2 statues. On the right ledge of the second floor, destroy the statue on the right, and a secret will appear. If you are not sure on these directions, just destroy all the statues. Unlocked Item-Media Viewer:"Renderings Pt.2" S15.Level-"Aerial Battle" Now, for the final secret in the game. All you must do is continue to fight against Smith. Eventually, one of you will be smashed into the Kira Rowan building. Inside, there is a secret on the ground.Pick it up, finish the level, and you have the final secret! Unlocked Item-Movies:"PON Cinematics" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI.FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) Q)How do I unlock the cheats? A)Cheats are unlocked by completing the game, with 2 cheats per difficulty level. However if you complete the game on a higher difficulty first, you unlock those cheats plus cheats unlocked from below dificulties. Q)Is there any way to playthrough the game again on the same memory card with all abilities? A)Unfotunately, if you are using the same game file on a memory card, you cannot. The levels "Red Pill Rescue" and "Captain's Rescue" will be fully completed, allowing you only to do one of the challenges per level, therefore not giving you enough chances to unlock all abilities. You will need a new memory card, or delete and then remake a new file on your current memory card to playthrough the game completely. Q)How do I unlock the Extra ________? A)All of the extras are mentioned in this guide. If you need more specific directions, email me. My email address is in the Contact section of this guide. Q)What happens if I missed a secret or objective in a past level? A)Thanks to the Level Select feature, you can always go back and redo a level and find a secret you missed. Q)My game won't load past the starting screen! It keeps showing the green code! A)In this case you will need to get a new copy. I am so sorry. Apparently Shiny rushed some copies.... Q)In Kung Fu training, I stealth kill the 3 bad guys, but I don't see any briefcase! A)It has been said that this secret cannot be acquired in Hard Mode(the One), so try to do it in an easier difficulty. If that doesn't work, well, you should probably make a new save file. Q)What does the Spoon Atmin Principle do? A)Activate it, then complete the level with it. You will now unlock the Zion Archives in the Level Select. Q)What can I do in the Zion Archives? A)This question has been asked frequently.All we know is that this area allows you to view character designs that were not put in this game. There is no combat nor weapons used here. Walk around as you feel and look at the designs, but it doesn't really have much else. However, if you do find another purpose for this small mini-level, e-mail me and I will credit you, along with including your findings. Q)Can I use this guide on my site? A)You must ask permission first, or else you're gonna have some legal trouble. Q)You forgot something in your guide/made an error/forgot to acknowledge me! A)Please, if I did, contact me and I will credit you plus correct my error. Q)I have a quesion! Where can I ask? A)You can email me, or you can post it on the message boards on Q)How come you don't answer your e-mails anymore? A)Sorry, this FAQ is quite old now. I will no longer check mail regarding this guide, so I apologize for any inconvenience. But do note, that you can contact me at ManiacOVG2 on the AIM Messenger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VII.Credits(Acknowledgements) I have so many people to thank! -I thank Gamefaqs for putting this guide on their beloved website -I thank Shiny for making a great game -I thank the Gamefaqs users for helping me make a FAQ and contributing things Now, as for contributers, I was sure to make a list! I have these people to thank: Lyudmila DMT_vile john-doggit MatNeo27 CloudSFF7 LivingNightMare185 ens06 hailkingmon Shaggy Glucose Lawman_316 DatfoolChil95 AmienZero blind5lde Perfect Shot Greenday561 RavinStorm pt78 These people have contributed info, as well as encourage me to make this FAQ. Thanks a million! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII.Contact Info and Ending If I have made an error in the guide or crediting your name in anyway, you have a question, would like permission to use this guide on your site, or have anything more to contribute on this guide, email me at: (Updated) As the last question in the FAQ states, I am no longer responding to e-mails. Contact me at ManiacOVG2 on the AIM messenger for more help. This is ManiacOVG saying happy holidays and I hope this helps!