WELCOME TO RANDY MURTHA'S ULTIMATE [][][] [] [] [][][] [] [] [] [] [] [][][] [][][] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [][][] [][][][] [] [][][] [][][] [][][] [][][] [][][] [] [] [][][][] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [][] [] [] [][][][] [] [][][] [][][] [][][] [][][] [] [] [] [] [] [][] [][] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [][] [] [] [][][][][][] [] [] [][][] [] [] [][][] [] [] [][][][] WALKTHROUGH FOR THE PS2, XBOX, OR PC Walkthrough Version 3.0 April 2008 E-mail: randym1375@yahoo.com ======================================================================= This document is Copyrighted by Randy Murtha, March 2005 and may not be reproduced in part or in full without the written consent of the author. Nor shall this be posted on a website or printed in a magazine without my consent. All Rights Reserved. ======================================================================= ******************* TABLE OF CONTENTS ******************* 1) Introduction to Walkthrough 2) More Walkthroughs by me, Version History 3) The Suffering's Story and Background 4) Weapons and Items 5) Using the Insanity Meter, Moral Meter, and Alternate Game Endings 6) Assembling the Flamethrower 7) Enemies 8) Game Walkthrough 9) Unlockable Secret 10) Cheat Codes 11) A Really Funny E-Mail 12) Credits, E-mail Rules, and Legal Issues THIS WALKTHROUGH IS BEST VIEWED AT 960x600 SCREEN RESOLUTION AND USING A FIXED WIDTH FONT SUCH AS COURIER NEW. IF USING HIGHER SCREEN RESOLUTIONS FOR BEST VIEWING RESULTS CHANGE TO A HIGHER DPI SETTING SO YOU WON'T HAVE TO USE A MAGNIFYING GLASS WHILE READING THIS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ********** * NOTICE * ********** The only websites this walkthrough is legally posted on are: Game FAQ's - www.gamefaqs.com Neoseeker - www.neoseeker.com Game Spot - www.gamespot.com Honest Gamers - www.honestgamers.com Super Cheats - www.supercheats.com Cheat Code Central - www.cheatcodecentral.com Game Radar - www.gamesradar.com Cheat Planet - www.cheatplanet.com ONLY THESE EIGHT SITES MAY POST MY GUIDE! If you have viewed this on any other site than the ones listed, or have seen this plagerised, please e-mail me and let me know which site you viewed this on, I will highly appreciate it. If you've seen this plagerised or on a website this isn't supposed to be on, there is a $CASH$ reward for informing me of who the violator is. ======================================================================= ********************************* 1) INTRODUCTION TO WALKTHROUGH ********************************* Welcome to my very in-depth and extensive walkthrough for The Suffering for the PS2, Xbox, or your PC. I've played damn near every horror game on the market and this is without a doubt the most twisted, creepiest, weirdest, sickest, disturbing, bloodiest, bugged out, demented, foul mouthed, best damn horror game ever made and Midway has a lot of balls for publishing it, I applaud them. I can't imagine the hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of complaints Midway and Surreal received for this game. The person(s) who thought up this game better take their ass to a shrink, medication is definitely in order for their dilapidating mental condition, time for the Thorazine shuffle I say. But all said and done, thanks Surreal for making this shockingly brutal and apalling game. And one more thing, this is an M rated game so if you have children or younger siblings, be responsible and don't play this game in front of them, or any other M rated game around them. Kids have enough crap to try and digest these days and seeing horrific bloody images, hearing loads of swear words (this game has so much foul language in it that it makes the movie "Goodfellas" seem rated G), and watching monsters running around slaughtering people won't help much, unless your parental goal is to raise a serial killer. And let me tell you, if a young child sees this game not only will they never sleep again, they most certainly will be emotionally scarred. I know some evil brothers out there would find it funny to play this game in front of their six year old sibling, but it won't be so funny when that sibling sticks a Shiv in your ear while you're sleeping, now will it? ======================================================================= ********************************************* 2) MORE WALKTHROUGHS BY ME, VERSION HISTORY ********************************************* -- Other Walkthroughs I have written: 1) Armorines Project S.W.A.R.M. 2) Fable: The Lost Chapters 3) Neverwinter Nights 4) Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide 5) Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark 6) Neverwinter Nights Gold Edition 7) Neverwinter Nights Platinum Edition 8) Quake II 9) Shadow Man 10) Shadow Man 2econd Coming 11) The Suffering: Ties That Bind 12) Turok 2: Seeds of Evil You can ALWAYS find all my guides and latest versions at: www.gamefaqs.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- VERSION HISTORY: Version 1.0 March 12, 2005 This is the first, complete version of my guide. Version 1.5 March 15, 2005 I added a cheat code section. Version 2.0 February 6, 2006 Sorry if I haven't been answering the numerous e-mail's promptly, I've been without the internet for a little while because of a dispute with the cable company, but I'm up and running again, and DSL isn't available in my area, can you believe that crap? I added an Assembling The Flamethrower section because I'm sick and tired of all the e-mails people keep sending me asking how to make the damn thing. I also added a really funny e-mail I got from this religous freak I thought you all would get a kick out of. Version 2.5 January 2008 Fixed typos and shit as usual and added "Quake II," "Fable: The Lost Chapters" and "The Suffering: Ties That Bind" to other walkthrough I wrote. Version 3.0 April 2008 Added in the location of the Gonzo Gun that a reader sent in, thank you Charles Valentino. ======================================================================= ************************* 3) BACKGROUND AND STORY ************************* *** Word for word from the instruction manual, I did this for all the people who bought this game used that didn't come with the instruction manual and wanted to know a little bit more about the history of the locales they'll be playing the game in. I know some people will appreciate this and for those of you who do you're welcome, I'm glad I can help you understand this demented game a little better. - CARNATE ISLAND - STATE OF MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS CONFIDENTIAL INTERNAL MEMO: NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE FACILITY LOCATION STATUS REPORT: CARNATE ISLAND Carnate Island is certainly among the most bizarre and unique of the properties owned and maintained by the Department of Corrections (D.O.C.) and the decision to locate Abbott State Penitentaiary there was dubious at best. The D.O.C. has received innumerable complaints from facility staff, who resent living in such a remote location with such a storied history, not to mention unseasonably poor weather. Penetentiaries are not meant to be pleasent, of course, but Carnate takes this principle to a new level. The island is located ten miles off the coast of Maryland. A Puritan village was the first recorded group of Caucasian settlers in the late 17th century. After only a few decades a horrifying event transpired that involved the tragic deaths of a number of townspeople. This resulted in the disbanding of the community. A lighthouse was built on the island in 1834, and is still in operation to this day. It is now automated, though it is plagued by frequent breakdowns. In the late 19th century, a wealthy family purchased the entire island and built a sizeable estate on its west side. The family's stay was short lived. Apparently they were deeply traumatized by an undisclosed incident and immediately moved away. The mansion was subsequently converted into a mental institution, though whether it was offically accredited remains uncertain. The Carnate Institution for the Alienated, as it was called, was run by one Dr. Killjoy until some time in the 1920's. Files indicate that Killjoy's methods were unscientific at best, barbaric and depraved at worst. The asylum still stands today, and anyone who has paid it a visit will have a ghost story to tell you. The federal government acquired this island in the 1940's for use by the US Army during World War II. Following the war, ownership was transfered to the state of Maryland, and the facilities were converted into Abbott State Penitentiary. Operation of the facility continues to this day. The D.O.C. also provides barracks for corrections officers and their families, necessary since their is no regular ferry service to the mainland. Employee retention rate at Abbott is low; unsurprising, given the bizarre living arrangements that are required of employees, not to mention the generally unsettling and unpleasent nature of the island itself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - ABBOTT STATE PENITENTIARY - FACILITY STATUS REPORT: ABBOTT STATE PENITENTIARY STATE OF MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS CONFIDENTIAL INTERNAL MEMO: NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE Unfortunately for the Maryland Department of Corrections, Abbott State Penitentiary is a facility whose reputation is hopelessly tarnished. The facility has been represented consistently and negatively in the media, but the facts do not paint a pretty picture. Among Abbott's failings: one of the highest homicide rates of any penitentiary in the country; an extremely volatile population, with six full-scale riots in the last twenty years; an extremely low retention rate among wardens (there have been eight in the last fifteen years), not to mention the continually disgruntled corrections officers (officers have been known to quit rather than accept transfer to Abbott); an aging facility that has not been properly maintained, with the sea air having corroded and worn the facility; and finally the ominous history of Carnate Island itself. As difficult as it may be for us within the D.O.C. to admit, few who have visited it would deny that Abbott's reputation is deserved. Origionally, Abbott's central structures were used by the United States Army as a prisoner of war camp during World War II. Maryland acquired the property shortly after the war, and the D.O.C. established Abbott there in 1948. A rock quarry was used to provide the raw materials for construction, while the inmates provided the labor. Maryland transfers only its highest risk and most violent inmates here, and the corrections officers struggle just to keep themselves safe. It is this writer's opinion that the officers have given up on trying to maintain a facility that is safe for inmates. One can hardly blame them. The state carries out its death sentences at Abbott. Fortunately, due to geographical reality, death penalty protesters have a difficult time making it to the penitentiary, which the D.O.C. views as a plus. A few protesters have tried, with some unfortunate results. Over the years, Abbott has employed a number of execution methods: the electric chair, the gas chamber, and lethal injection, which is the only one still in use today. Further contributing to Abbott's dark reputation is the story of Captain Hermes Haight, a Corrections Officer who served as executioner for some 27 years. In a truly surreal incident, Haight ended up taking his own life in the gas chamber. Unfortunately, this is the type of behavior that Carnate Island seems to bring out in people. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - MAIN CHARACTER (TORQUE'S) INMATE REPORT - ABBOTT STATE PENITENTIARY INMATE REPORT STATE OF MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT: NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE COMPLETED BY: Supervising Corrections Officer Ethan Edwards INMATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 16229A HEIGHT: 5'10" WEIGHT: 180 lbs HAIR: Dark brown/black EYES: Brown MARKS/SCARS/TATTOOS: Large tattoo across his back. NEXT OF KIN: None. OFFENSE: 3 counts of first degree murder. Convicted, 8/2 SENTENCE: Death by lethal injection. RELEASE DATE: Scheduled date of execution is Dec. 15 CURRENT LEGAL STATUS: No appeals pending. ASSIGNED HOUSING UNIT: D-Block, unit #DX-02. MEDICAL STATUS: Inmate claims to be prone to black outs, during which time he has no memory of his actions. No medical data has ever been presented to back up his claims. Inmate has anger management issues. NOTES: Corrections officers will need to be mindful of inmate's safety due to the nature of his crime. D.O.C. regulations prohibit discussion of the specifics of an inmate's crime between officers, but do to the high level of publicity surrounding this inmate's offense I will make an exception: inmate was convicted of killing his ex-wife and two young children. Penitentiary population does not look well on child killers. That said, inmate has a record of violent (and sometimes lethal) altercations during previous sentence carried out at Eastern Correctional Institution. In short: it seems he is able to take care of himself. Despite periodic outbursts of violence (primarily against other inmates), inmate has been very cooperative with corrections personnel. This inmate will need to be watched closely, though the ammount of trouble he could cause on death row is certainly minimal. ====================================================================== ********************** 4) WEAPONS AND ITEMS ********************** - WEAPONS - SHIV: Commonly referred to as the Shank by many inmates, this homemade blade serves its purpose of bleeding the freaks. MOLOTOV COCKTAIL: Feel like watching some freaks burn? Then toss one of these homemade gasoline bombs their way. AXE: Hack, slash, and chop your way through the never ending hordes! TNT: Toss a stick of this at an enemies head and watch what happens. GRENADES: Need I say more? REVOLVER: A .357 Magnum that packs quite a punch. This is the weapon most frequently used throughout the game and around the third level you can carry two of them so you can get all Clint Eastwood and lay down the law. TOMMY GUN: Run around and pretend to be Al Capone with this machine gun that packs a good wallop. PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN: Works great at close range but don't use it if an enemy is more than ten yards away. It also has a slow reload time so make sure you load it after you wipe a room of freaks out, not while in a room full of freaks attacking you. BROWNING M2: These stationary heavy machine guns are set up in strategic positions throughout the game and you can't pick them up to carry around. FLAMETHROWER: You won't find this until very late in the game and ammo for it is extremely scarce. To assemble this weapon you'll need to find a bicycle pump, flare, and a can of gasoline. GONZO GUN: This weapon just adds to the weirdness of this game. This is a chicken gun. Yes, a chicken gun...that shoots eggs...quite lame if you ask me. - ITEMS - FLASHLIGHT: To help you see and make your way through the dark prison. BATTERIES: For your flashlight. MAPS: To navigate your way around this hellacious place. XOMBIUM: Pain killers that also heal any damage you have taken, you can only carry a maximum of nine bottles. FLARES: To see in really dark places. FLASH BANG GRENADES: Temporarily blinds the enemy. CLEM'S NOTEBOOK: This little book contains detailed information about all of the creatures you encounter throughout the game. When you first fight an enemy never seen before, its description will go into this book. You don't even have to read the descriptions, they're narrated. CONSUELA'S JOURNAL: This narrated journal contains photos and detailed information about Carnate Island and its corrupted history. You have to find all the entries for this book by entering certain areas. ====================================================================== ******************************************************* 5) INSANITY METER, MORAL METER, AND ALTERNATE ENDINGS ******************************************************* - INSANITY METER - Next to your health meter is the insanity meter. You fill it up by killing enemies and when it starts flashing you can change into a horrific beast and literally tear the enemies apart with your insanely sharp claws. The more you use this the bigger your meter becomes. When you fill the meter up to the max, you get a new devistating attack to wreak havoc on all the monsters running around. - MORAL METER - In the bottom right hand corner of the gameplay screen there is a little blue bar that pops up every so often. This is your moral meter. If you play the game as a good boy and don't go haywire using insanity mode, then the meter should remain full. If you use insanity mode a lot and kill people you can help then the meter will drop, thus determining which ending of the game you'll receive. - ALTERNATE ENDINGS - There are three different endings you can expierience for this game: a good ending, a bad ending, and an insane ending. The ending depends on your actions while you play the game. If you help people that need your help throughout the game and don't use insanity mode too much, you'll get the good ending. If you decide to kill the people that need help instead of helping them and don't use insanity mode that much, you'll get the bad ending. And if you kill everybody and use insanity mode a lot, you'll get the insane ending. And what is each ending like you ask? Find out for yourself, I'm not spoiling them. ====================================================================== ******************************** 6) ASSEMBLING THE FLAMETHROWER ******************************** Am I ever sick of all the e-mails I get asking how to make the Flamethrower so here's what you need to do: you must have a bicycle pump, a flare, and a can of gasoline. After you've collected all three pieces the Flamethrower will automatically be added to your weapons. You won't be able to assemble this weapon until late in the game. Very late, like in second last level of the game late. But if you're really lucky you can find one lying on the ground somewhere by a pickup truck...or in a cave... ====================================================================== ************ 7) ENEMIES ************ *** During this game you will encounter the freakiest enemies you've ever had to face in a video game. Some of these creepy things literally sent chills down my spine. What kind of whacked out deviant thought up these enemies? Whomever did I think it's time for the Thorazine shuffle, little green smiley face slippers and a straight- jacket, along with several years of elctro-shock therapy, let's not forget the little padded room you should be in also, strapped to the fuckin' wall and kept hidden from the world like Sloth from "The Goonies." Because of the many brutal executions and torture that went on at Carnate Island, most of the enemies represent one form of torture or another. While fighting any enemy in this game, move, move, move! DO NOT stand in one spot trying to get all John Wayne or you'll just be a sitting duck because these creeps are way too fast and powerful. For more detailed information on enemies, read Clem's Notebook during the game because my descriptions are short and to the point. SLAYER: These are the freakiest freaks of all the freaks you will encounter, and also the most abundant. Instead of limbs these creeps have wickedly sharp blades. These things are really fast, climb on walls and ceilings, crawl very low to the ground, and are extremely deadly at close range. Some of these things are larger than others and thus deadlier. MARKSMAN: These big monstrosities are a bunch of guys melted into one. These things are quite big and have numerous rifles fused into its back. These weirdos are pretty fast considering their size and will do some heavy damage if you let them. MAINLINER: These cretants have syringes sticking out all over the place, their eyes are even syringes, very creepy. They shoot flourescent green fluid at you and if they get too close they'll stick you and pump some lethal injection fluid in you. These are one of the deadliest enemies in the game so be careful while you fight them. When you kill them they'll bleed this green fluid and it will be smoldering on the ground, don't walk through it or you'll lose health. BURROWER: A very disturbing enemy to say the least. These things are wrapped in a canvas tarp and whip chains at you. They move around underground, you'll see the soil moving and when you do be careful. Although these are very weak creatures (one shotgun blast should kill one) they are extremely deadly and if two or more are around you, you're in a heap of trouble. NOOSEMAN: These bloody decaying torsos with a head and arms drop down from the ceiling and choke the crap out of you. They will surprise you 'cause you never see them coming. You can usually tell when one will drop down by the big blood stain on the ceiling but who in the hell plays a game looking at the ceiling all the time? I know I don't. (And as the sun goes down I say, it's a good day to die, a good day to die, from the hangmans noose - Devil Driver). FESTER: These things are definitely the ugliest bastards you've ever seen. They are huge and carry around morning stars to seriously mess you up. They also release exploding rats to chase you down. The best way to kill these cretants are with fire or explosive weapons. If you got a pair of brass balls you can hack these things up with an axe, but you're risking your life if you try this because it'll take a minute. Also note that if you don't kill these freaks with fire then their stomachs will burst open releasing a bunch of exploding rats, which are damn near impossible to kill them all before they reach you to inflict massive damage. INFERNA: Evil little girls that are on fire. These pyro's are the deadliest enemies in the game and will prove to be quite the menace in the later levels. The only way to kill them is to destroy their ashes when they fall. If you don't destroy their ashes they'll just keep respawning and set you on fire some more. BOSSES: I won't spoil them for you up here, look in the walkthrough section below to find out who, or what, they are. ====================================================================== ********************* 8) GAME WALKTHROUGH ********************* ********** * NOTICE * ********** This game is great and it is intended for adults, it will disturb you, if not scare the living daylights out of you. Throughout your quest you will see and hear some very sick shit that is not for the faint or easily offended. If you get offended by the F word and every other swearword known to man, don't play this game. If you get offended by extreme violence and grossed out by lots of blood, don't play this game. If you get offended by seeing dead children, don't play this game. If you get offended by references to necrophilia (having sex with dead people), don't play this game. And the list goes on and on, I think you get my point. Parents, once again I strongly advise that no one under the age of 17 should play or view this game. What makes this game even better is that you can play it in first or third person. I highly recommend first person view, especially while facing enemies and the graphics are slightly better in first person. I fail to mention A LOT of enemies throughout the game, this was to heighten the scare factor and I didn't want to spoil all of your fun, and some things you see I won't even mention because they're too good to spoil. I tried to make this guide as spoiler free as possible, meaning I'll tell you to open a door to see a ghost, or see some weird stuff going on to your left and so on; I won't describe the details because I don't believe in spoiling the strange things going on in this game, that would be cruel. I don't want to be responsible for robbing you of a great video game expierience. The visions you see and the background voices you hear while playing the game will vary depending on your actions, and the moral decisions you make will slightly alter the story, which to me is good because it adds significantly to the replay value. I will also fail to mention tons of ammo and health since these items are in pretty much every room and area you will be exploring so keep your eyeballs peeled. This game is in no way cheap on the ammo and health and you'll almost always have a maxed out inventory...unless you really suck and if that's the case then go back to playing spank the Monkey Balls and Ratchet and Wank, I mean Clank. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ THE WORST PLACE ON EARTH ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "My first day on the island I knew my life was over. I had reached the heart of darkness, a stygian abyss, the supreme nexus of despair. I knew." Ranse Truman After the smile inducing opening cut scene and the chaos commences, put a pair of your grandmothers depends on in case you shit yourself! If you're a total yuppie who doesn't like hearing bad words, stop playing now because it gets a WHOLE lot worse. Leave your cell and go to the locked gate, a guard will run up to you and freak out...for good reason. A cell door will fall behind you so go in there and pull the Shiv out of that poor souls back. Check out the naked babe pics on the wall and leave the cell, the cell door where that guard was just at will fly off, nearly decapitating you in the process. Go through it and a control room will be on the left, go in there and open the locker for some flashlight batteries, press the red button on the wall to open the cells where you just came from, and take a look on the TV monitors. You can look at every monitor you see throughout the game, just letting you know. Go back into the cell area and search two cells for an Xombium bottle in each. Run past the control room to a door, kick it in to be in another hallway and hang an immediate left. On the wall ahead you will see signs, showers pointing to the left and right to administration. Go into the showers and open the lockers on the right for a nice surprise, next to the lockers are two Xombium bottles, the lockers across these ones have batteries in it, and don't forget to check out the bloody bar of soap in the middle of the shower by the floor drain. Am I the only one who finds this hilarious? A dropped bloody bar of soap in the middle of the shower, in a prison. Gives a whole new meaning to that old saying "don't drop the soap..." unless you want to be bleeding from the ass that is. Leave the showers, answer the phone on the little desk if you want, and go into the administration office and search this slaughter fest for items. Some serious shit went down in this room, damn. In most dark rooms you can flick the light switch to brighten the place up which is located on the wall near the door where you enter rooms, common sense I know but a lot of people out there don't have any and will search for a light switch for a half hour, then e-mail me asking where it is. Seriously. Some people are really fuckin' stupid and have no business playing video games. Run back past the hallway that leads to your old cell and you'll see some dude saying to follow him. Do so and laugh, then turn around to see a locked cell door, walk up to it and a guard will appear. After the shockingly brutal awesome little scene, the door to the control room on the left will fall off. Go in there to find the Death House Map, an Urgent Note, and some batteries, push the red button on the wall to make the gate open where the guard just was, and take a look at the monitors if you want. Head through the gate to reach a checkpoint. Head forwards and go through the door on the left, the one to your right is locked. Hang a right and you'll have your first encounter with a Slayer, a message should've appeared in the upper left corner saying the Slayer was added to Clem's Notebook. Waste the freak with your Shiv and take a look at this things description in the notebook. You'll see some stairs going down on the left and a mens room on the right. Go try to open the mens room door and hear someone shooting monsters behind it, then a guard will open the door and tell you to "freeze or he'll blow your fucking off." Go into the bathroom and look in the locked stall for some really weird imagery to pop up on the screen. You'll hear conflicting voices in your head, one urging you to kill the guard and one urging you to help him. You have a choice here, you can kill him to be covered from head to toe in blood and take his .357, or you can help him out and get the gun in two minutes, the choice is yours. Remember that killing people you can help results in a worse ending for the game. Go down the hallway to the right of the stairs and go through the door to find a flashlight. Leave this room and go down the stairs and a locked cell gate will be ahead of you and a control room to the left of it. If you're helping the guard, he'll go into the control room and open the gate for you. If you whacked the guard then it will fall down. Either way the locked cell door gets opened so head through it, then another one to be in a large room. Go into the door across from you to be in the prison morgue, in here is some revolver ammo and four bottles of Xombium. Leave the morgue and the guard will get fried just to the right in the entrance to the electric chair room, if you killed him then this door will be closed and locked. It still counts that you helped him 'cause he died on his own, you had nothing to do with it. Go pick up his .357 and check out the chair. Leave the room and on your right will be some debris blocking the doorway, break through it with the Shiv and answer the phone if you want. Grab the bottle of dope next to the headless guards body and you'll see a vending machine blocking a door behind it. Pull it back, go through the door it was blocking and head down the hall on the right to reach another checkpoint. Go through the first door on the right to be in the chairs control room, search for ammo and stuff, take a look at the TV monitors if you wish, and pull the switch to juice up the chair for a good laugh. If you haven't noticed yet, when you look at the monitors for a few minutes you'll often see some weird shit going on. Leave this room and go right into a room with a checkered floor. To your left are the main prison doors and a metal detector with some ammo next to it, there's also a little room with more ammo in it. Across from where you entered this room is a door, to the left of it is an open cell gate with a statue blocking the way. Go and pull the statue 7 steps back, then go into the door to the right of you for a Carnate Island Map. Push the red button in here and you'll see a cell gate open in front of you, the one that was behind the statue, the statue should now be blocking another gate from closing. If the statue's not preventing the gate from closing, you didn't pull it back far enough so press the red button to open the gate back up to try again. Go through the gate behind the statue and you'll see a beast run down a corridor to the right, follow it to be in the gas chambers control room. The Death House archive page should now be added to Consuela's Journal, check it out if you want. You'll see a guard trapped in the chamber, you can gas the bastard if you please via the yellow button. Leave the room and hang a right, then go through the second door on the right to wind up in the lethal injection control room, search for ammo and such. Leave the room and go left, then through the first door on the left. You'll see that beast thing again, follow the corridor to the open door on the right and it will slam shut. You are now in the room with the gas chamber and a spirit will pop up and talk some weird smack to you, then he'll turn on the gas. If you gassed the guard, then the door to the chamber will fall open and lethal gas starts pouring into the room. If you didn't gas the guard before then you get to watch him die right now, when he does he'll fall into the door to open up the chamber. Go stand near the viewing glass to see a Slayer. Get its attention and it'll jump into the glass eventually busting through it. Go through the broken window and go down the corridor to the left, then run down the stairs. Behind the stairs there's health and ammo along with the Death House Basement Map. Go through the cell gate at the bottom of the stairs and through the door to the next level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DESCENDING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Take away a mans light, his clothes, his food, his friends, his air, and you leave him with nothing but himself. And for most that is not pleasent company." RT So what do you think of this game so far? Pretty sick, twisted, and morbid isn't it? Never before has a gaming company had the balls or the audacity to release something like this. This game puts all others in the horror genre to shame! Thank you Midway and Surreal, even though you're probably helping a few serial killers realize their potential. The Resident Evil series is more like the Kirby's adventure series compared to this. Yeah, I said it, eat that shit Capcom! Don't see a lame ass disclaimer depicting "extreme blood and gore" when I play this. And what gore are they disclaiming anyways? What a joke. Go straight for some items and Tommy Gun ammo, you'll be finding the gun for it in a little bit. Go through the narrow corridor on the right to watch yet another disturbing cut scene and meet Dr. Killjoy, Hermes, and Horace. Pretty dreary shit in this game. Head down the stairs and kill all the Slayers (be careful of the oxygen tanks in here, if you shoot them or use your claws on them, kablooie), after you kill five or six you'll have an insanity meter. After you kill a few more freaks the meter will start flashing, this means you can turn into a horrific beast, do so and test insanity mode out. After you obliterated all the creeps go through the door down here and take the flares off the floor, follow the corridor through some water and enter a room with a generator. Pull the lever to the left of the doorway to make a wall blow out behind you. Go to the back of the generator room and climb onto the locker, then to the ledge above you and go through the door to reach a checkpoint. You'll see some weird monstrosity, follow it to watch it waste a guard, then kill it. This monster, Marksman, should now be added to Clem's Notebook. Go through the door to the right of where the guard was just executed, pull the lever and go into the room on the right with a bunch of coffins leaning upright against the wall. Exit this room to the left to be in a hallway that goes left or right, left are some red lights but hang a right. Enter another room with three alcoves blocked by 2x4's, bust them down if you're in need of health and ammo and to hear some freak talking vile stuff to you. Across from the alcoves are some oxygen tanks next to a door, stand back and shoot the tanks to blow the door off its hinges. Go through the blown out door for some Flash Bangs and head through the next door for lots of other goodies. Continue down the corridor to a steel crate blocking a door, pull it back. When the crate is pulled back look at the ceiling, you'll see a recessed area up there, rembember this spot 'cause you'll find the Gonzo Gun up there the next time you come back in here in about 12 levels. Continue along through the door that was blocked by the steel crate and waste all of the cretants in this room and look for a hole in the wall. Go through it and you'll see a little crank on the wall, turn it to see a door open directly in front of you, go through it to a cracked wall and see some more weird visuals pop up on the screen. Go down the corridor on the right to some stairs, some weird guy will be talking to you through a locked gate to the left, that's Horace, you'll be seeing plenty of him. Go up the stairs and take the Tommy Gun and continue along to a ladder, climb it and go through the door to the next level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SLUMBER OF THE DEAD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "When you compare killing a person to putting down a dog, you cheapen all human life. And life in Abbott is the cheapest you'll find anywhere." RT This will be a short level, sorry to say. Follow the corridor to doors that will be on your left and right. Go into the one on the left and turn on the monitor to see more of the infallible Dr. Killjoy, you must turn on the monitor to trigger the cut scene. It's a funny cut scene but very twisted, it's okay to laugh, you're not demented if you do. When the lesson is over, leave the room and go through the door ahead of you, well you have to wait for an inmate to come through. You can either kill him or help him, your choice. Go through the door to be outside, follow the path to a dead guard and grab the tommy ammo next to him. You'll see a hole in the wall leading to the room you just saw Killjoy in, there's a bunch of Xombium bottles in there so stock up if you're running low. Go through the hole in the fence by the bloodied and very dead guard to reach a checkpoint. Follow the descending path and you'll see a dead guard with flourescent needles sticking out of him and pick up the revoler next to him, you can now use both at the same time to really wreak some havoc. Go to the right of the dead junkie to see some scaffolding lit up by flood lights. Waste all the Slayers you see climbing down the wall, then climb up the ladder furthest right to be on the scaffolding. Jump over the fence on the right and follow the path to a door, go through it to be back in the prison and put this short played level to an end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ABBOTT PRISON BLUES ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "They prime us to kill eachother and then smile when we do. But I don't blame the psychos, or the gangs, or even the hacks. Abbott sucks us all down." RT If you're helping that dude out, he's still with you and will be to the end of this level so get used to his jib-jab. Follow the corridor to some debris blocking your progress, bust through it and then push or pull the crate so you can advance further into this hellacious place. Follow the corridor to a closed door on the left (health is in there) and an open one on the right. Go through the open one to a door, open it and continue along to be in a control station. Push the red button to open some cells and you'll see this freak with flourescent needles sticking out of it all over the place! Go through the door in here and follow the hallway to T-Block and you'll also reach a checkpoint. You'll see the cells you just opened up to your right and some stairs going down. Search the cells if you want and listen to your new buddies story about his junky friend, pretty funny. Can you believe all the foul language in this game? You gotta love it. One of these days I'm going to count how many times the fuck word was used in this game and I bet the count will be far greater than in that movie "Goodfellas." Head down the stairs and get ready to kill some of those things with green needles sticking out of them you saw through the window, Mainliners, they are now added to Clem's Notebook. These things are pretty tough and very lethal, inside those needles are the chemicals used for executing scumbags so don't let one of these little bastards get close enough to stick one in you. If they do happen to stick you, you'll be disoriented and the screen will get blurry for a few seconds and half your health will be depleted. When they die, a puddle of chemicals will be smoldering around them, don't step in it or you'll lose health. When you've wasted them all, look for a door just past the bottom of the stairs on the right, a locked gate will be to the left. Go through the door and down the steps, open the door down here to see a ghost and don't forget the East Cellblock Yard Map. Go back to where you just wasted all the Mainliners, in a cell on the right is an inmate begging you to lock him in, kill him or do him that simple favor. Across from his cell is a control station, go in there and pull the lever on the wall to lock the cells and that guy will be grateful for your assistance. Push the red button in here to see two cell gates open up through the window in front of you, there's also an East Cellblock Map in here. Leave the control room and go left to the two cell gates you just opened. Go through the one on the right for a little scene you'll enjoy I'm sure. Sometimes there's no scene to see here, don't ask me why 'cause I don't know, it may have to do with your Moral Meter if it's too low. Leave this area and go back through the gate, to your right are the showers. You now have two choices to exit the prison to be back outside. You can either go into the showers (which has A LOT of Mainliners waiting to piss on your parade) and look in the back far right corner for a corridor blocked by flames, just shoot the fire extinguisher on the wall to the right to put out the fire, then go through the door on the right. OR, you can go through the now open gate (with a lot less enemies) just past the bottom of the stairs on the left. In this corridor there will be electric currents blocking a hallway on the left, just shoot the fuse box to stop the flow of electricity and follow the corridor to a door leading outside. Now choose a way to leave, either way you go you'll wind up in the same place to reach a checkpoint. Follow the prison wall to the right, hang a left at the fence and then go through another one to see corn stalks growing (of all things) and a small shack. You can enter the courtyard just ahead for a nice little shootout with some latino gang members, if you're still helping that inmate out the words exchanged are much better than they would be if you're by yourself. If you are still helping that guy out, be careful not to shoot him by accident more than three times or he'll turn on you and start capping rounds in your ass. Go back to the shack and you'll see a large metal crate next to it. Check the shack for items and then go to the metal crate. In front of the crate is a small wooden one, move the metal crate so that it is in front of the wooden one, against the shack. Jump onto the wooden crate, then the steel one and pull yourself up onto the shack to be on a catwalk, Horace appears on the left. To your right is a crank, turn it to lower a ladder for that annoying inmate if you're still helping him. Follow the catwalk to a guard house, go in it for an East Cellblock South Map and some ammo. Leave the guard house and continue along the catwalk to a door, head on through to reach another checkpoint. There's a locked cell gate ahead of you, go through the open one on the right, grab the Flamethrower Instructions off the dead guard and the go into the Library on the left. To your right are two doors, behind one of them is a room with a heap of items, and behind the other one are some stairs. Waste all the little freaks crawling around and go down the stairs and follow the corridor to a split, the door on the right is locked so go into the one on the left. Turn on the light in this darkened room, to your right is the door you must go through to advance, but check out what's behind all the other doors in here if you want, and answer the phone if you please. Go through the door you need to and you'll see two inmates hanging upside down freaking out. Go through the door on the left to reach a checkpoint. Now you get to meet the warden of this fine establishment. He's in a little room manning a heavy machine gun trying to whack you so run up to the window and toss a flash bang greande in there to blind him, then waste him. Waste all the guards running around, if you're helping that inmate out he'll shoot 'em too. When all the guards are wasted, go man the machine gun and waste a ton of Slayers that drop into the room, be careful not to kill your fellow inmate or let the Slayers slice him up. DO NOT let the Slayers get into the room you're in, there are so many of them that they will overwhelm and kill you in a heart beat. When they're all good and dead, press the red button by the machine gun and see a cell gate open through the window, so head through it for another checkpoint. It's time to free this asshole if you're still helping him. As soon as you enter the room there is a dumpster to your right. Climb on top of it and pull yourself up onto a ledge above you. Head through the door up here and follow that ghost into the bathroom and watch some whacky scene. Go into the control room just before the bathroom and push the red button on the wall to free that idiot and hear some encouraging words. Finally, you won't have to put up with this dickheads jib-jab any more. Search the room for items and then leave, go into the door directly across from you for the next level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NO MORE PRISONS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "How many have come to Abbott without guilt? Too many. But I don't worry about the innocent, because on Carnate none of us is without sin for long." RT This level is extremely short and I don't know why it's considered a level all by itself. Don't let the name of this level fool you either, you'll still be in the prison for a while yet. You'll start off on a catwalk, enter the guard house in front of you if you need tommy ammo, if not then go down the stairs on the right, then down some more to wind up in the courtyard to see that weird ghost thing again, that's Hermes by the way, you'll be seeing more of him. Go past the burning car on the right for a checkpoint. Run along the path to a machine gun and man it, 'cause you're about to face a ton of foe. Cut them all down with machine gun fire and then continue along to a fence. Go through the gate, not the hole, and go back into the prison on the right for the next level. If you're lucky maybe you'll be toting a Shotgun now. If not don't worry, you'll have it soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I CAN SLEEP WHEN I'M DEAD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Abbott's high homicide rate is well known. But only whispered is its staggering suicide rate, which is highest of any prison in America." RT So am I doing a good job of walking you through this game and not spoiling it? I'm always open to feedback so feel free to e-mail me and let me know what you think. Go down the corridor to a door, open it and look for a West Cellblock Map and listen to the guy over the radio, interesting stuff. Leave this room and and hang a left, ignore the corridor on the right leading to S-Block, go straight to a locked gate, guards will be shooting like crazy on the other side, go into the Officer's Station on the right and push the red button to open the gate you were just at, go through it for a checkpoint. Hang a right and go into another Officer Station, push the red button on the wall to release some prisoners from their cells, they'll thank you and haul ass out of this place. Leave the station and go left, past the hallway you just came up, and go through the door the Mainliner busts through. Continue along and a bathroom will be on the left with items, if you don't need any go through the door on the right to enter the visitation area. Go to the right and you'll see a Nooseman for the first time through the glass. You'll hear someone calling you through the visitor glass so go over there and pick up the phone. After you hang up the phone, waste all the Slayers and go through the cell gate one of them knocked down, follow the corridor to the break room and reach another checkpoint. Enter the room on the left to have another enlightening encounter with Dr. Killjoy. When the projector shuts off the good Dr. appeared from the room will be ablaze. Go into the sprinkler access door, break through the debris and turn the crank on the wall to turn the sprinklers on. Go back into the room that's burning and pull one of the vending machines over the drain in the middle of the floor to extinguish the fire. This is the most common idiotic e-mail I receive is asking how to extinguish this fire. I CANNOT explain in any greater detail on how to put this fire out, this is as laymen as one can get and if you still can't figure it out then tough shit for you. Like I stated above, some people just don't have any common sense and shouldn't play video games. Board games like CLUE maybe but not video games. Go through the gate the fire was blocking, there's a locked gate in front of you so go into the room on the right to open it via the red button, search the room for items. Go through the now opened gate to R-Block and reach a checkpoint. Follow the corridor to a cell area with some stairs leading up. Head into the Officers Station and press another red button to open a cell gate, head up the stairs to get choked by a Nooseman, it was just added to Clem's Notebook. Go back down the stairs and head through the gate you just opened to enter a room with a whole bunch of shelves on the left. The shelves are LOADED with items so go stock up. Head into the laundry room and pull the lever on the wall to open a door next to you, go into the room with big washing machines, you can go up the stairs in here if you need health and want to listen to a phone call. Go through the gate by the machines to enter another room full of washing machines. Drop down through the hole in the floor and head down the stairs to a lever, pull it to open a gate behind it and head on through, walk down a couple flights of stairs, waste all the freaks and go through the hole in the wall for a checkpoint. Follow the tunnel you're now in to a ledge, climb it and then climb another one to see some more weird imagery on your television screen. Now go and climb up through the hole in the ceiling to be back in the prison. Go up the stairs you see and search the cells if you wish and then climb onto the bunkbed that's not in a cell, climb up another ledge and this level will be over. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL IS GONE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "No matter how tough you are, a measure of fear can help keep you alive. In Abbott a man who isn't afraid is too stuid to live." RT You'll start off on the prisons roof, head towards the dead guard on the right and drop onto the catwalk left of him. Go to the guard house in front of you and climb up the ladder on the side of it. Jump to the roof across from you and a guard will open up a door and freak out when he sees you and slams the door shut. Go through the door and down the stairs to find the guard cowering under them. Help him or splatter his brains for some nice wall decoration, this place needs a little color. Man this guy is really wigging out, too bad you can't share your bottles of dope to calm his ass down. Go through the door at the end of the corridor to reach a checkpoint. Go up the stairs to be on a catwalk and you'll see a spotlight. Go turn it on and shine it down the catwalk, you'll see a couple of Slayers burn up from the light. If you don't shine the light down the catwalk, endless Slayers will drop down onto it and shit all over your parade. Follow the catwalk to two more spotlights. Shine the one on the right down the catwalk towards the fire. Continue along to yet another spotlight, shine it down into the yard below so the light is going into the fiery pit you see. Behind you is a ladder, walk up to the hole it's going down and you'll see oxygen tanks down there, shoot them to blow the door off its hinges. Go down the ladder and through the door you just blew apart and enter a baseball diamond, get ready to waste a whole bunch of Marksmen. After you lay down the law, run to the fence on the other side of the baseball diamond to the Radio Station. If you're helping the guard, this is where you'll part ways so you don't have to listen to his pussy ass whining anymore. Search the station for items and an Urgent Note. Climb up the ladder and jump to the fiery roof across from you, drop down and head through the door for the next level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DARKEST NIGHT, ETERNAL BLIGHT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "I worked the cemetary for one week. I had to quit, couldn't face it anymore. I knew some day I would end up here, buried forever on Carnate. I couldn't handle that reality." RT You'll start off in a room that's on fire, a fence is ahead of you and a little room to your right with a Shotgun in it. Climb ontop of the little room if you need more items. Climb up the ladder in front of the fence and break through the cardboard boxes on the left and head through the door they were blocking. Jump through the hole in the wall to be outside. Run through the cemetary ahead of you, it's now logged into Consuela's Journal, and you'll see some people standing over a grave. Follow the path to the left for some sticks of TNT. Turn around and follow the path to three guards who will start shooting at you, waste them (it doesn't affect you moral meter if you shoot these guard's so blast away). Keep following the path, the wires overhead will guide you, and you'll see something moving just beneath the soil. Stand still and wait for the Burrower to reveal its freaky self and blast it with the shotgun, Burrower should now be added to Clem's Notebook. The best way to deal with a Burrower is to face the direction the soil is moving and stand still until it pops up in front of you for an easy kill. Keep going and you'll reach a checkpoint. Keep following the path and you'll see little girls running away and laughing, you'll find out about these evil little wenches later on in the game. Eventually you'll come to a fence with a crane behind it, go to the right to spot a dilapidating shack and some rusty stairs going down to the left of it. Search the shack for items and then go down the stairs and drop into the quarry. Kill all the creeps and then climb up the ladder, run through the cave (the quarry should be in the journal now) to a guard and watch what happens. Past the guard are some rusty steps, go up them and head through the hole in the fence to reach the next level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OBLIVION REGAINED ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "The quarry legend goes: prisoners were trapped by a cave in, the guards wouldn't lift a finger to save them. Personally, I think the hacks were doing them a favor." RT Follow the path to a tunnel on the right, go through it to a walkie-talkie lying on the ground. Enter the watery area just past it and break all the wooden crates on the right to reveal a plunger. Just past the plunger are 2x4's blocking a cave, break them down for some items and to see some imagery on the screen. Go push the plunger to blow up some rocks, then climb up a couple ledges the explosion made. Follow the path to a catwalk, the ladder across the gap takes you to some items if you need any, just jump to it, cross the catwalk and enter the tunnel to reach a checkpoint. Follow the tunnel and a bunch of Marksmen will appear. Beware of all the boxes of TNT lying around, don't get close to them or a Marksmen will shoot it to blow you up, so use the explosive boxes to your advantage to blow them up. Waste all the freakity freaks and follow the tunnel to emerge outside. Follow the path to a fence, go through the gate and go up the stairs, through another fence and walk towards yet another fence in front of you for another checkpoint. Drop down to the left and some guards will be below you wasting a crapload of Slayers. Use the crane controls to maneauver the large stone it's supporting into a large boulder, it will fall and crush all the Slayers. Behind the crane controls is a ledge you can climb to reach a generator, turn it on to flood the quarry below with light. Drop into the quarry and go past where the boulder just fell, climb up a ledge on the left and follow the path to another hole. Drop into it and push the plunger down under the leantoo to blow the rocks blockig the tunnel. Go through the tunnel and go up the hill to a shack that will be on the left. Search it for items and go right to a fence, go through it to some more crane controls. Some dude is shouting to you on the right for help, use the crane controls to maneaver the rock it's holding to free the guy or just say screw 'em. Place the rock in- between the two rusty catwalks, jump across and go staright to some more crane controls. You'll see them evil girls again wanting to play, use the crane to knock over the water tower to extinguish the fire leading into a tunnel. Enter the tunnel for the next level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ YOU'VE MISTAKEN ME FOR SOMEONE ELSE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "The worst crimes aren't commited by the body, they're invented in the mind. The urge to kill is the purest evil and supressing it only lasts so long. Dr. Killjoy realized this." RT This will be another extremely short level. Exit the cavern and to the left is a beat up truck with some items by it. Follow the fenceline to a hole, go through it and follow the path to some rocks. Climb them and jump over the wall and you'll be by a lake. Go to the gazeebo on the right for an encounter with someone, then go to the right of the gazeebo to see some hedges with steps behind them. Walk past the steps and look for a dead, decaying body and take the Asylum Map. Go up the stairs you just passed and hang a left, then go up some more stairs and go right. Follow the path to a cage blocking a door, pull it out of the way and enter the Asylum. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HATE THE SIN NOT THE SINNER ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "From what I know, Dr. Killjoy's motives were pure. That he commited crimes against humanity shouldn't surprise, given where he did his work." RT This place can be confusing so pay attetion to detail and follow my directions to a tee. Enter the door ahead of you for another lovely chat with the ever so freaky Dr. Killjoy. When the fun is over, a door will be blocked by a projected gate, the Asylum also gets added to the journal. Shoot the projector that's on a shelf to destroy it and the gate will disappear, go through the door it was blocking. Go up the stairs and into the first door you see for some visuals, then shock the guy lying on the bed if you want. Leave this room and follow the corridor all the way to the end and then hang a right, then go through the double doors on the left to meet a guard that's stoned off his ass. Check out the size of that bowl he's tokin' from, holy shit! You could probably stuff a quarter ounce in that thing, check out the hukah (bong) on the floor. This dude's in the midst of absolute chaos and don't give a flying fuck, just sitting there non-chalant smoking weed, just your typical stereo type stoner. After you listen to his stoner ranting he asks you to turn on a generator for him so go through the door next to him and drop into the room below to see more of this joker Killjoy. When the scene is over another projected gate will be on a door. You'll see stairs leading up to the second floor, ignore them for now. Head through the open door and follow the corridor to a split, hang a left and go into the last door at the end of the hallway. Destroy the projector in this room and the phone will ring, answer it if you please and leave this room and enter the first door on the left. You'll see 2x4's blocking a door, shoot them off and then leave this room the way you came in and go into the next door on the right. There is a hole in the floor and a beast locked behind a fence, push the yellow button to shock the beast and witness something very interesting. Leave this room and follow the corridor to a set of double doors, go through them to reach a checkpoint. The projector rolls once again and Dr. Killjoy makes another appearence. Waste all the Slayers and go onto the stage, next to the projected gate blocking a door is an axe inside a case. Take the axe and use it on the rope directly across from you, this will make an object fall onto the projector opening the door where you found the axe. Go through it to be in the Slayer dressing room. Walk around the shelves and shoot the 2x4's off the door and go through it and follow the corridor to take the first left. Go straight into a room with a projectoed gate and go up the stairs. Follow the corridor to four doors on the right. Search these padded looney cells and behind one of the doors is a guard cut in half with no arms, put him out of his misery and search another room for a cage. Pull it out into the hallway and push it to the end, then use it to climb through the hole in the ceiling to be in the attic. You'll see a fence, and to the left of it is this weird contraption suspended in mid-air, go to the other side of it and turn the crank to lower the object, you'll also reach a checkpoint. Waste all the freaks and a projected gate will block the hole you climbed through to get up here. Go behind the fence and look in the left corner for a projector to destroy. Do so and go pull the cage back housing another projector until the gate disappears over the hole. Drop down through the hole and follow the corridor, down the steps, that one door is still gated, go down the corridor and take the first left, enter the room with the hole in the floor and drop into the basement. Walk alongside the wine racks and Killjoy will make ANOTHER appearence and a door will will be locked via a projected gate. Look for a cage in-between two wine racks, break the boards blocking it and pull it out to tumble the racks down so the door will be degated. Turn around and go behind the corner to destroy another projector. Look for the generator down here to turn on for the stoned guard. Go through the door down here and follow the basement to a door blocked by 2x4's, knock them down and go through the door. Follow the corridor and take two rights to be at the door that's been locked by a projected gate this entire level, it is now unlocked. Go through the door to reach a checkpoint. The curtains will open and you get to see the final cut scene involving Dr. Killjoy 'cause you're about to destroy him. Go through the door to be in the room he's in. You'll see three projectors, a beast that's strapped to the window, and a table with that weird contraption above it you lowered from the attic. Slayers will be popping up all over the place so watch your ass. Destroy the three projectors, then look for a rope anchored to the wall, shoot it to lower a cage, then look for a fuse box to shoot. Killjoy is now dead, well gone anyways, how in the hell can you kill a projected image? Walk up to the table with the weird contraption above it, push the yellow button and the contraption will charge up and fill you with psychosomatic energy. Shoot some of the energy at the beast strapped to the window to free it, it will then jump through the window and so should you to end this level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A LONELY PLACE TO DIE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "In the end none of it matters: the size of our family, how much stuff we have, or who we count as friends. In the end we all die alone. It's not death I fear, it's dying here." RT Walk towards the headless guard and grab the two bottles of dope, then head up the stairs on the right. If you want to experience some more weird shit, then go into the hedge maze on the left, if not then head through the Asylum's main gates ahead of you. Search around this area for a path leading to an old burned up house, it will get added to Consuela's Journal. Go back through the main gate and follow the brick road and you'll hear someone killing monsters. Go past the burning corpses and cross the bridge to reach a checkpoint. Continue down the brick road and kill all the Slayers and Marksmen. For the rest of the game all Slayers will respawn if you don't blow them to pieces or shoot their heads off, just letting you know. Continue along and that guy you keep hearing will set a fire, blocking the road. To your left are ledges, to your right is a cavern you can enter for items. Climb the ledges and grab the items on the wood crate, then continue along to a broken bridge. To the right of the bridge is a pickup truck. Go to it and use the jack to lift it up, it will then roll down the hill and crash into the crick. Go to the broken bridge and drop down, if you want to see more strange things then go through the cave on the left, if not then climb onto the pickup and and follow the road to the next level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DANCING AT THE DAWN OF THE APOCOLYPSE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Inmates all know the story of the slaves locked below deck and devoured by rats. But they also know the true horror lasted 250 years. It continues today, everywhere." RT Follow the road and you'll meet Clem. Yes, the Clem who wrote the notebook you're carrying around. You can either kill him or help him. I'd recruit his help if I were you, he helps out a lot in the killing of freaks department. Kill all the Slayers and then head on down the road to a dock, there's a bunch of items at the end of it. Waste all the freaks and have your first encounter with a Fester, it will be added to the notebook. The best way to kill these things are with a Jack Daniel's bomb, you just found some on the dock so test them out. If you just throw a grenade or TNT at them, then their stomachs will burst open and you'll be attacked by the pack of rats that were in it but if you burn them, then all the rats will fry in Festers tummy. Run along the beach a little ways and you'll reach a checkpoint under an old slave ship. Clem will take you to his raft and ask you to kill the Fester's inside the ship. Enter the ship and go right, a Fester will break down the gate so set his ass on fire. Run up the plank and you'll see an opening to your right and a ledge to your left. Go into the opening and you'll see two barrels across from you. Burn or blow up the barrels to knock them down and set the area below on fire. Climb up the ledge to be on the ships deck. Run to the left side and look down at Clem, help him kill the last couple of Fester's and he'll sail away on his raft thanking you. Jump to the ledge the sewer drain is on and go in there, you'll get a map to end this level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SURFACING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "Many try to bury the sins of the past. But if you deny them, pretend they never happened, wish them all away, they will come back to the surface a million times stronger." RT When the scene is over, wade through the shit water and you'll get attacked by a bunch of rats. Go left, right, right, and then left to a ladder, climb it. Walk to the left of the generators and run down the corridor and up some stairs. Kill some Fester's and go through the door they came out of, a Burrower will bust through some 2x4's. Kill it and head through the corridor and go through a few rooms collecting lots of items. You'll come to a room with three cranks on the wall, go turn them to slide a gate open ahead of you. Behind the cranks are two steel crates, pull them out and break through the wall behind them for a gas can, Flamethrower piece number two. Run up the stairs past the gate you just opened and go into the room directly ahead of you for a checkpoint. To your right are Slayers locked in a cage, pull the lever on the wall in here to open the gate next to it, go through it. Follow the narrow corridor to watch some visuals pop up on the screen, go down the hallway the Fester is in to be in a large room. This place should look familiar to you because you were in here during the second level of the game. Remember that area I told you to remember in the Descending level where you pulled the steel crate back blocking a door? Climb the crate to get to the ceiling and grab the Gonzo Gun (thanks Charles Valentino for sending in this secret). The Gonzo Gun is really lame if you ask me even though it is a powerful weapon and kills most foe with one egg; ammo for it is EXTREMELY scarce so only use this weapon in dire situations. Go left of the hole in the wall, then through the door on the right with the red lights behind them, make a right at the coffin, hang another right to see a lever, run past it and go left to be in the room where the guard was executed by a Marksman the last time you were in here oh so long ago. Horace will appear through a locked gate on the right and opens it for you. Go through the gate and down the corridor to the right and follow it to a door, go through it to end this level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AN EYE FOR AN EYE MAKES THE WHOLE WORLD BLIND ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "They say Horace doesn't rest. His crime was horrible, but his execution was worse. Every now and again I catch a scent of him, and I want to die myself." RT Follow the corridor and go up the stairs, head through the door on the left to be in the viewing room for the electric chair, step to the window and get ready to destroy Horace. While you're fighting him, listen to his sick ass rantings about killing his girl, and then how he screwed her when she was dead. Pretty vile shit. To get rid of Horace, shoot the five fuse boxes around the chair on the wall. Wait until the electricity ball around them dissapear and shoot them at point blank range with the shotgun to destroy them in one shot. Beware of the rings of electricity shooting out from the chair, just jump over them to avoid getting shocked, and watch out for the lightning bolts Horace tosses at you. When you've destroyed all the fuse boxes, pull the lever on the generator to put Horace out of his misery and finally end his suffering. Go back through the viewing glass and go left in the corridor to reach a checkpoint. Go through the door and make your way through the gas chamber and enter the corridor, there's a fire blocking the left hallway so go right and up the stairs. Go through the door and hang a right, then the next left to be at your old cell. Listen to the three people talking to you and then a projector will turn on, follow the light to Dr. Killjoy's Diagnosis of you lying on the bed, read it if you want. A wall will break open and a Fester will appear, burn the bastard alive and go through the hole he made, then go through the door on the left. Follow the corridor to some stairs, go down them to see a fire ahead of you, go up to it and through the hole on the right to end this level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WHO WANTS TO DENY FOREVER? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "When we gaze into the blackest oblivion, all we see is ourselves. People on Carnate are fixated on that void, but I try my best to look away." RT Walk along the fence to the right and go through the hole and down the incline. Help the guards kill some freaks and then they'll lead you to a door with a bunch of items behind it. Kill the Fester's on the right and then go through the hole in the wall to be in a courtyard. Head through the gate on the other side of the yard to be back at the radio station, go in there to find an Urgent Ticker Tape. You'll hear the Coast Guard over the radio saying the lighthouse beacon needs to be lit in order for them to rescue any survivors. Leave the station and go to the right of the truck, go through the hole on the right for some grenades and test them out on the Fester's. When you've killed them, man the machine gun and mow down a bunch of Slayer's. When they're all good and dead, go through the door behind where they all came from for the next level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DEATH BE NOT PROUD ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "When no evidence exsists, the cunning will find some. Guilt by association can be sufficient. Still, I think the colonel honestly believed in the evil he did." RT Go through the fence on the left and you'll see a large metal crate. Push/pull the crate so it is against the building on the right. Climb onto the roof and man the machine ahead of you, mow down all the freaks below and then shoot the chocks out from under the school buses back wheels, this will send the bus crashing through a gate. Drop down and climb over the bus to reach a checkpoint. Follow the road to see Hermes perform more evil deeds. When the scene is over, walk up to the tree in front of you and drop down to the tunnel below you. Follow it, jump over the river and follow another tunnel to a ledge. Climb it and go into the little guard shack on the left for some goodies. Leave the shack and follow the road to a caved in tunnel, go right and up the incline for some weird imagery and The Bluff gets added to the journal. Man the machine gun and waste all the Marksmen that surface. When they're all dead, turn around and follow the path to a little shack, you can't go in it but you can hug the wall around it for lots of items. Climb onto the shack, then to a ledge above you and follow the path to a crashed Nazi spy plane, Crashed Plane just got added to the journal. Go back to the machine gun and hang a left, walk towards the cave and some asshole will toss some dynamite your way, enter the cave for the next level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SINGLE BULLET THEORY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "In the end, the island took the soul of the colonel. It left him with no alternative but the bullet. It was the same gun he used at the executions." RT Follow the cavern to a Y split, go right if you want lots of ammo and health, go to the left of the Y and continue through the cave, you'll hear that dude and he's still tossing TNT at you. When you hear him say "step to yo grave mutha fucka" and a stick of dynamite nearly blows your head off, climb up the ledge on the right. Jump to the tunnel across from you and follow it to reach a checkpoint. Continue along and you'll see a Fester and two Slayers, let the Fester smash the Slayers, then kill it. Wade through the water on the left and you'll see an evil girl, climb up through the hole in the ceiling to be in an old Army Bunker, it will be added to Consuela's Journal. Search among the bunks for a diary entry and go through the door, follow the corridor to some stairs and head on down. Man the machine gun and shoot the boxes of explosives under the stairs to blow a hole in the wall and waste all the enemies that surface. When the slaughter fest is over, go through the hole in the wall to be back in a cave. That asshole that was tossing TNT at you is trapped behind the rubble and wants you to free him. Go to the right and you'll see a bunch of TNT, blow up the wall to the left of the TNT if you want to free the guy but I say fuck 'em, let him rot. Run through the cave to the right and emerge outside, straight are some items but lots of foe so climb up the ladder on the left. Run along the thin ledge and cross the natural bridge, continue through another cave and then climb up the ladder you'll run into. Follow the cave to enter a building's basement and you'll reach a checkpoint, watch the cut scene. If you were helping that inmate out that was tossing dynamite at you, you don't have to worry about his dead sorry ass anymore. Okay, you are about to destroy Hermes and he can be a real pain in the ass to kill. Poisonous gas is flowing into the basement so act quickly. In each corner of the basement are pipes with valves on them, go shut them off. There is an open grate anchored to a rope on the wall, shoot the rope to slam the door shut. Look for another open grate and shoot the exploding crates behind it to shut the door. Next to the dead inmate is a large steel crate, pull it over the vent in the floor opposite him, now all the gas is off so you don't have to worry about that anymore. Now look for the furnace, leave the door open. In front of the furnace is a large pipe with a crank on it. Wait for Hermes to appear in front of the furnace, then turn the crank TOWARDS HIM to make steam shoot out of the pipe, blowing him into the furnace. Quickly run up and slam the furnace door shut to destroy Hermes. It may take him a couple of minutes to pop up in front of the furnace so have patience. Don't stand in one spot or Hermes will blow some poison gas your way, and definitely don't stand in front of the furnace with your hand on the crank or he won't appear in front of it to blow him in, he's not that stupid. When he's dead, go through the gate that falls to the left of the furnace and follow the corridor to a ladder you must climb. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ AND A CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "When they burned the accused witches, they thought they were doing God's will. But that's the trick about killing someone, you can't take it back later." RT You start off in the Lighthouse and it gets added to the journal. You can't do anything in here yet so go through the door ahead of you, kill the three little girls that turn into firey foes and you'll get some help from a guard, the little wenches are now in the notebook. The only way to dispose of these little freaks are to destroy their ashes when they fall or they'll keep on respawning to burn you up some more. DO NOT KILL THE GUARD! He will be a GREAT help to you on this level. If you are going for the bad ending and killed everyone you were supposed to help thus far, you've killed enough people to earn the bad ending so don't kill Ernesto, unless you're aiming for the insane ending and if thats the case then waste Ernie. If you do kill him, then search around for the areas I mention below, they're not hard to find. At first he'll just talk smack to you, follow him to a locked gate and a guard house, then he'll decide two people are better than one. He likes to talk a lot so get used to it. Follow him and he'll lead you to a cemetary which gets added to your journal. Kill all the bitches and then follow Ernie to a building with a fence next to it, go in the building for items and a phone call. Go through the hole in the fence and turn on the generator to power up the lighthouse. Follow the guard and he'll lead you to where the accused witches got burned alive, this place will get added to the journal. Follow the guard to a cave, he's too scared to go in. Go in the cave and take the first left to see three inmates who get pretty pissed off at your presence, and for good reason. These are the three dudes you released about ten levels ago. Wade through the water and follow the cavern to some ledges, climb them to find a bike pump, the last piece to the Flamethrower which will automatically be added to your weapons, provided you have a flare and the can of gasoline I led you to. Ammo is scarce so use it sparingly, short bursts will conserve your fuel. And one more thing, I can't believe I'm saying this but like I stated before some people are really fucking stupid and have not one shred of common sense so here it goes: THE FLAMETHROWER WILL NOT DAMAGE THE LITTLE GIRLS. Now exit this cavern and go back to the guard. He'll lead you back to the lighthouse so go in. Go through the door ahead of you, collect the Ticker Tape and climb the ladder, then go up the winding staircase to a generator. The gears are jammed with debris so break them off with the axe, then turn the crank to start the generator. You'll hear the Coast Guard over the radio saying they can see the light and to meet them at the docks. Go back down to Ernesto and follow him to the locked gate you were at earlier. An old friend appears and opens the way, head on through for the last level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LAST BREATH BEFORE DYING ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "It all makes sense now. This place is magnification, concetration, purification. Now the world goes black. I see my reflection in a pool of blood. I kiss it all goodbye." Ranse Truman To your immediate left is some health and ammo, conserve your health, fair warning. Follow the road, wasting cretants everywhere, and you'll enter a tunnel. A little wench starts a fire to trap you and Ernie inside. Climb the scaffold over the fence and blast away at the pipe to make some water start flowing to extinguish the fire. Exit the tunnel and continue along to a broken bridge, watch the cut scene. When it's over, quickly jump out of the way and then climb over the bus to be on the other side of the bridge. I keep getting e-mails about this part of the game 'cause some people can't trigger this scene. You have to kill ALL of the enemies along the path to trigger the bus scene so please stop e-mailing me and asking how to make the bus appear. Continue along to a town which gets added to your journal and you and the guard will part ways, if you managed to keep him alive, if not, oh well, the town still gets added even if Ernie dies. Continue up the road to a house, go in for some health. Exit stage right to be on the docks, they get added to the journal. Okay, it's boss time, three of them! You are on a dock with a big crane supporting that contraption you saw in the Asylum, and there are four fences. Behind one of them is the crane, behind another is a machine gun, behind another are the crane controls, and behind another are grenades. Talk to somebody to make the first boss appear, turn insane and hack 'em up to bloddy little pieces, way too easy to kill. Talk to someone else and the second boss will appear, stay Torque and shoot 'em full o' holes, he's as easy to kill as the last one. Talk to someone else and then a HUGE monstrosity will bust through the dock. Shoot at it to make it go away and then go into the fence to the right of it. Lower the contraption on the crane via the controls. Walk under the contraption to get charged up with psychosomatic energy. To kill the boss, you must shoot the energy at that red circle on its chest. You can tell you're hitting it when electrical shocks cover the monsters body. Keep charging up the psycho energy and blast away at the freak till it dies, then it'll get added to Clem's Notebook, so will the three people you talked to. Watch the ending and then save when prompted to. If you don't save the game, then you don't get to see the secret level. Well, this game is over, finished, gone, done, out! Now try to beat the game on all difficulties and try to see each of the three endings. ======================================================================= *********************** 9) UNLOCKABLE SECRET *********************** To get this you must beat the game on any difficulty and it doesn't matter which ending you get. This was supposed to be the first level of the game and the director decided to take it out and add it as a bonus for beating the game. I think he made the right decision. To access this level, just start a new game and you'll start off here. If you didn't save while prompted to after beating the final boss, you're pretty much fucked 'cause you won't be able to see this level. You'll be in a pen with other inmates, when a crow lands go step on it to hear the director tell you why this level wasn't the first one in the game. I don't know if this level is available on the PC version. PC games ALWAYS lack unlockable secrets and cheats so if you're playing this on your PC then don't be surprised if this secret isn't available. ======================================================================= **************** 10) CHEAT CODES **************** **** From www.gamespot.com Cheat codes are for pussies. -- PLAY STATION 2 CHEATS -- WHILE PUTTING IN THESE CODES DURING GAMEPLAY YOU MUST HOLD R1, L1, AND X. UP, DOWN, LEFT, AND RIGHT ARE PERFORMED ON THE DIRECTIONAL PAD, NOT THE JOYSTICK: XOMBIUM BOTTLE FULL: Right, Right, Up, Up, R2, Left, Right, R2, Right, Up, Right, R2 FULL HEALTH METER: Down, Down, Down, R2, Up, Up, Down, Up, R2 GET GONZO GUN: Left, R2, R2, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Up, R2, R2, R2, Down, Up, Down, Up, R2 REFILL CURRENT THROWN WEAPONS: Left, Left, Up, Down, Right, Left, Right, Right, R2 GET ALL WEAPONS EXCEPT GONZO GUN: Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, R2, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, R2, Down, Down, Down, R2 ACID MODE: Left, Left, R2, Right, Right, R2, Up, Up, R2, Down, Down, R2 LET DEMON CONDEM US (RAISE EVIL LEVEL): Left, Left, Down, Up LET THE FAITH FREE (RAISE GOOD LEVEL): Up, Up, Right, Up FAMILY PIC DIRTY, BLOODY, AND WRINKLED: Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, R2 BRAND NEW FAMILY PIC: Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Right, R2 RESEMBLE THE DEMON: Up, Down, Left, Right SQUEAKY CLEAN: Down, Up, Right, Left SHOTGUN MAYHEM: Left, Left, Left, Down, Down, Down GOOD OLD DAYS (BLACK AND WHITE): Up, R2, Left, R2, Down, R2, Right, R2 OVERCOME INSANITY: Right, Right, Right, R2, Left, Left, Right, Left, R2 FADE TO BLACK: Down, Down, Down, Down DEPTHS OF HELL: Up, Up, Up, Right, Right, Right SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND: Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, R2, Left, Left, Right, Right, R2, Down, Up, Left, Right, R2 HELL IN A BOTTLE: Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up THE BIG BANG: Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left LET US ALL SEE THE LIGHT: Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right,Down, Left, R2 INFORMATION HOG: Right, Left, Up, Left, R2, Right, Down, Right DIRECTION WIZARD: Left, Right, Down, Right, R2, Left, Up, Left SUICIDE: Down, Down, Down, Down, R2 GET FLAMETHROWER: Up, Up, Up, Right, Right, Right GET ALL MAPS: Left, Right, Down, Right, R2, Left, Up, Left MOLOTOV COCKTAILS: Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up FRAG GRENADES: Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- XBOX CHEATS -- WHILE PUTTING IN THE CODES DURING GAMEPLAY YOU MUST HOLD L, R, AND X. UP, DOWN, LEFT, AND RIGHT ARE PERFORMED ON THE DIRECTIONAL PAD, NOT THE JOYSTICK: RESTORE HEALTH: Down, Down, Down, A, Up, Up, Down, Up, A PILL BOTTLE REFILL: Right, Right, Up, Up, A, Left, Right, A, Right, Up, Right, A FILL AMMO FOR CURRENT GUN: Right, Right, Down, Up, Left, Right, Left, Left, A FILL SHOTGUN AMMO: Left, Left, Left, Down, Down, Down GET GONZO GUN: Left, A, A, A, Right, Left, Right, Left, Up, A, A, A, Down, Up, Down, Up, A ALL WEAPONS EXCEPT GONZO: Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, A, Up,Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down FRAG GRENADES: Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left MOLOTOV COCKTAILS: Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up INCREASE NEGATIVE KARMA: Left, Left, Down, Up, A OVERCOME INSANITY: Right, Right, Right, A, Left, Left, Right, Left, A BLOODY TORQUE: Up, Down, Left, Right CLEAN TORQUE: Down, Up, Right, Left OLD MOVIE MODE: Up, A, Left, A, Down, A, Right, A ACID MODE: Left, Left, A, Right, Right, A, Up, Up, A, Down, Down, A NEW FAMILY PICTURE: Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Right, A WRINKLED FAMILY PICTURE: Up, Up, Right, Up DIRTY FAMILY PICTURE: Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, A COMMIT SUICIDE: Down, Down, Down, Down CONSTANT IMAGES: Enable all weapons code and two more of your choice and you'll see constant images from Dr. Killjoy's room GOOD OLD DAYS (BLACK AND WHITE): Up, A, Left, A, Down, A, Right, A BIG BANG: Right, Right, Right, Left, Left, Left, A FADE TO BLACK: Down, Down, Down, Down, A HELL IN A BOTTLE: Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, A ======================================================================= **************************** 11) A REALLY FUNNY E-MAIL **************************** I just got this today and thought you all would laugh your asses off as hard as I did: Hail and well-met, You are a heretic, Randy Murtha. We condemn and damn you for writing a faq about a game full of unacceptable heresy ("The Suffering"). You can do whatever you desire, but it is our wish to tempt you away from such games before you lose all your faith and sanity. We hope that you understand our concerns and demand that you join our immortal crusade against The Suffering before your twisted and dark soul is beyond all redemption. Even a lost one such as you can tread on the path of our Lord. We thank you. Thine sincerely, Archbishop Honorius, Bringer of Justice, Leader of the Holy War Pretty amusing wouldn't you say? Good luck waging war on your immortal crusade there Gonorius<--not a typo. You're probably the leader of some whacko cult that wears pink too-toos, bunny ear slippers, and flourescent green capes who picket in front of EB Games holding signs that say video games are corrupting our youth and society. Your mother is probably one of the founders for the PMRC who gave us head-bangers Hell back in the mid-to-late '80's and early '90's trying to ban our music. Why, just why can't people keep their religion to themselves and leave the rest of us alone? You ever have some of them Jehova Witness or Mormon people show up at your doorstep passing out comic books and wanting to talk God at nine 'o clock on a Saturday morning? Here's how to get rid of these people for good, note that this method has been tried, tested, and is therefore true: Invite them in, serve some coffee minus the cake 'cause they don't deserve any treats, ask a bunch of idiotic questions to keep them talking (it helps if your girl is playing along so discuss the situation beforehand while the coffee is brewing), and then after the second cup of java or so get this insane look in your eyes and tell them you're a Satanist who just drugged their coffee so you can drag them into the basement to perform a ritual on them in your super deluxe size sacrificial chamber (at this point and to permanently seal the deal, have your girl walk into the room with some rope and duct tape). Never, and I mean never, will you see someone get up out of their chair and haul ass out of your house so quickly, they'll leave so fast it's almost as if they vanished into thin air, like life skipped about thirty frames. Goodbye and good riddance I say, they'll never bother you or anyone else on your street ever again. Guaranteed. ====================================================================== ******************************************* 12) CREDITS, E-MAIL RULES AND LEGAL THINGS ******************************************* CREDITS: - Midway for having the balls to publish this game - Surreal Software for making the best damn horror game period! - www.gamespot.com for the cheat codes - Charles Valentino for sending me the location of the Gonzo Gun E-MAIL RULES: randym1375@yahoo.com - DO NOT SOLICITE! I don't care what your crappy product is all about or how cheap you're selling it, I don't want it. - NO CHAIN LETTERS! I will not send them on and if I go bankrupt, get a horrible disease, an anvil drops on my head, I die, blah, blah, blah, because I don't send the letter on, oh well. I'm not a superstitious fool. - NO JUNK MAIL! If you write a crappy newsletter, send me political jargon asking for money instead of my vote, ask me to join some pathetic singles website with nothing but supposively extremely hot single chics in my neighborhood who want to hook up and get all freaky, news about how Paris maxed out her dramaticaly life changing 23 day COUNTY jail sentence, celebrity bullshit about who's fucking who (and who cares anyways?), or just feel like sending out trash to me DO NOT FEEL FREE TO DO SO! If you do then I'll send you a virus. How does that appeal to your server? - NO FAN CLUB STUFF! I don't care what your geeky little club is all about, I will not join. - NO MONEY MAKING SCHEMES! That means you EXCEL (not Microsoft affiliated for all you who don't know about that scam artist company Excel) and all of you other bullshit scam artists out there. - If I don't know or trust you, I will not open up any attachments so don't bother to send me any. Even though I state this, it's amazing all the idiots out there that still send me attachments. - I don't care what kind of language you use, just don't swear directly at me. If you do, well then "Fuck you too," you won't be hearing from me. - If the answer is in the walkthrough you will most likely not get a response from me, maybe a smart ass comment depending on the mood I'm in at the time. I have better things to do than to answer questions that have clearly been answered. Go back to the third grade and take up some Reading Comprehension classes, I think it's time to renew your subscription to Highlights magazine. Hooked on Phonics worked for me, maybe it'll work for you too. - And as long as were talking about e-mail I'll most likely ignore, please write ledgible e-mail's without all these modern day acronyms all you tennie boppers IM and text eachother with, I'm kind of old school and aren't hip to all their meanings and don't ever plan on being. - And one more thing: I KNOW THERE ARE TYPOS in this guide. I typed it in word pad and if you knew anything at all, then you should know word pad doesn't have spell check, plus I'm only human and thus not perfect. When you type in a million plus characters you're bound to make a mistake. It's amazing all these anal retentive asshole yuppies out there who e-mail me and make a big deal because I didn't use proper grammer or spelled a word wrong, whick 98% of the time is due to a typo and not my ability to spell. Get a life you pathetic morons! Maybe someday I'll notice the typos and fix them, then again maybe I won't just to piss you off! LEGAL THINGS: This document is Copyrighted by Randy Murtha, March 2005 and may not be reproduced in part or in full without the written consent of the author. Nor shall this be posted on a website or printed in a magazine without my consent. All Rights Reserved. WEBMASTERS: If you want to post my guides I'll most likely let you but you HAVE TO ASK ME AND GET MY PERMISSION FIRST! Don't just take it upon yourself to post my guides without my consent 'cause I'll sue you if you do and it will be my name as the webmaster for your site. I always check out the website you ask to post my guides on and if it's a crappy amateur site then don't bother asking me to post my guides on your cheeseball site 'cause you can't. If you send me an e-mail asking to post my guides and I don't respond, that means no and you should know that NO MEANS NO! If you have viewed this walkthrough on any other websites than the ones listed near the top of this document, or have seen this plagerised, please e-mail me and let me know which site you viewed this on, I will highly appreciate it. If you've seen this plagerised or on a website this isn't supposed to be on, there is a $CASH$ reward for informing me of who the violator is. It's a lot of hard work, time, and sore wrists to write a game guide and there's nothing worse for us FAQ writers than having some dickless douchebag claiming credit for our work and dedication to all the frustrated gamers out there who read our guides with great appreciation. If you plagerise this document or post this without my permission, or any other guides I wrote, then I will prosecute your dickless self to the fullest extent of the law. ***** Copyrighted March 2005 by Randy Murtha, All Rights Reserved *****