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You may contact me at || || mcgregorr@xtra.co.nz for any authorizations, comments, || || or corrections or additions. Please make sure your || || subject line contains "The Terminator" or "Dawn Of Fate" || || in it somewhere however. || || || || If you wish to put this walkthrough on a web site, || || e-mail notification is needed. If you do wish to use || || this on a page in HTML please make sure you tell me || || before doing so with information on how and where it || || will be used. This document may not be sold or used for || || profit. || || || || This FAQ is not authorized by, endorsed, or associated || || in any way with Atari Interactive, Paradigm || || Entertainment or any a associated or affiliated || || company(ies). This FAQ should not be confused with any || || publication that is distributed or authorized by Atari || || Interactive or any associated or affiliated || || company(ies). The Terminator, all characters, locations, || || etc. (c) & TM 1984, 2002 by StudioCanal. || ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 00 // t a b l e o f c o n t e n t s XX. Section ------------------------------- | Last Updated | 01. Introduction -------------------------- | 05/06/2003 (Version 1)*| 02. Walkthrough --------------------------- | 05/06/2003 (Version 1)*| 03. Secrets & Codes ----------------------- | 05/06/2003 (Version 1)*| 04. Revision History & End Bit ------------ | 05/06/2003 (Version 1)*| * New/Updated section. CURRENT WALKTHROUGH COMPLETION = 100% COMPLETE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 // i n t r o d u c t i o n Welcome to this guide to "The Terminator: Dawn Of Fate" for PlayStation2 and X-Box. While early previews and reviews of this game didn't sound as promising as I'd hoped, being one of the many fans of The Terminator, I managed to pick the title up cheaply very recently and found it to be better than I was expecting... even though I didn't actually realize a lot about the games actual contents until I played it the first time. I was still fairly annoyed over Fox's dropping of Cameron's other future solider invention for Aliens - their Colonial Marines title for PS2. This however nearly makes up for it, telling the events which lead up to the original Terminator. Anyway, it seems heaps of people have been looking for a guide for this game and so here I am with a walkthrough. Yay! Anyway, enough of my rambling, lets get onto the guide. - Rob ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 02 // w a l k t h r o u g h Notes: ------ - This guide was written using the PlayStation 2 version, so the button actions have been associated with this version. With the X-Box edition, please check the control instructions to associate which buttons control action, shooting, and so forth. The PS2 only instructions are kept at a minimum, and should be able to clearly be associated against the buttons of the X-Box version. - Directions are according to the map. When I say west I mean the left side of the map, north is the top of the map, etc. This hopefully makes navigating the areas of the game more clearer for you reading. - Talk to everyone you meet along the way. They all have something to say and will give you health items and weapons. I won't be noting everything you need to collect from these people, just the most important ones. - Enemies will drop refills of the weapon you're currently using more often than any other. This is good as certain weapons are more effective against certain types of enemies. It's like the old RPG system where enemies carry items which either cure their status effects on you or will kill them. =) - Important things to check out flash as little circles on your map so make sure you check these out. - Pressing L1 uses the adrenaline shots which makes you more likely to strike harder or give critical hits against machines. Apart from the strong suggestion to use this against bosses, it's best left up to you to choose when to use it, but the best idea is to wait until there are enemies you have trouble with. - Some of the weapons have a zoom function you can use by pressing R1. You can zoom into objects by a few times. - On the same note, when using Turrets you can also zoom in 4X by pushing down on the left analog stick (L3). 02 // 01 // g r a v e i n t r o d u c t i o n BASE CONTROL ROOM Once the cool lengthy opening movie and the transmission with Perry is over you'll be left to play as Kyle Reese in the control room. Your first objective is to take out the two large computer banks at the back of the room. Target them by holding R1 and hold SQUARE to shoot them until the explode. Once both are destroyed, you'll be told the task is complete at the bottom of your screen. Check the room for some scattered weapons, then make your way up the left side set of stairs. Talk to the guy if you wish, then approach the door. TRIANGLE is your action button, and pressing it here will open the door through to the next room. BASE CORRIDOR Once you make your way down the hallway you'll meet John Connor. Once the talk is over, you'll be assigned the task of turning off the flame jet. Make your way towards the camera through the open fence and go around to the boiler. Press TRIANGLE and the flames will be reduced allowing passage. Make your way through the open area and talk to the first guy you meet for a canister bomb. Move around to the back of the room, then exit the room. BASE POWER PLANT AND BARRACKS Make your way through the power plant (both ways will lead you to the same door) and talk to the guy there for another canister bomb. Go through the open doorway and through the next area until a cutscene takes place. Kill the machines that make their way into the room, then follow through the hole they made and destroy any others around. Once they're gone and the talk with Connor is over, talk to the other guy in the room for a Shotgun. Check the room thoroughly for a medical kit, body armor (hanging in a locker) and SkyNet Tech Points. Once you've grabbed everything make your way through the double doors to the west of the room. BASE ENTRANCE AND STORAGE Once the scene with Connor is over, run to the south until another cutscene takes place. Time to take out the machines with a turret gun. Be warned that these things can overheat from prolonged use, so try to keep your attacks to shortened bursts and let it cool while new enemies appear. You use it like a normal weapon, by pressing SQUARE, and targeting with the LEFT ANALOG stick. Be sensible in targeting enemies as well. Shooting for the head will likely disable them quicker than shooting anywhere else. Once you've destroyed all the invading machines, you'll close the doors. Once you have control again, check behind the sandbags to the right of the doorway for some more points and a medical kit. Return down the stairs and meet back up with Connor. You'll get another task, so follow the path to the east. As you approach a larger room a cutscene will take place of some machines jumping through a hole. This is in the next room you're coming to. Kill the machines as quickly as you can, then check the northern most point for a crate which has some C4 sitting on it before the next lot of machines can get close. Head south to where John has gone, and grab the tech points as you go past. As you continue following the tunnel to the east, you'll see two grey fuel barrels with red tops sitting by a pillar. Get near them, then hold L2. A drop down menu will appear from the top left of the screen. Select "C4 EXPLOSIVE" from the list and then press SQUARE to attach the C4 to the fuel tanks. Run forward to John then press SQUARE again to detonate the C4. Once the short scene is over, exit through the doors ahead. HOTEL BASEMENT Move straight ahead and talk to the wounded guy on the ground for a medical pack (WTF? I think he needs it more than you do... LOL), but before you go through the doors to the left, back track a bit and check the path leading to the north and follow it until it ends. You'll find weapons, armor, tech points, and if you talk to the guy here you'll also get another shotgun. Once you've done that, return to the wounded guy and then go through the door he's beside. WATER PROCESSING STATION Before you continue, hold L2 and select SHOTGUN from the list. You're going to be glad you have it in a second. Move forward a few steps and then the "flying manhole covers" the guy talked about in the last corridor will attack. These machines can be difficult against most weapons, but the shotgun will make short work of them. For their attacks, they let off a small charge which takes a few seconds to work, so make sure to move back from them when it gets close to "exploding" to avoid damage. Shooting them at moderate range will still take them out easily. Once they're all destroyed (and there is quite a few of them) head upstairs and pick up the numerous weapons and tech points that are sitting around the room. Once that's done, exit out the door upstairs. HOTEL BASEMENT (2) Once Connor is finished talking about the people in the hotel, grab the tech points at the blocked end, then continue east along the hall until your near the door. Another discussion will take place about TechCom soldiers upstairs. Talk to the guy by the fire for a shotgun, then go through the door to the east. HOTEL POWER PLANT Run to where John is then take note of what the camera shows you as he tells you to get the power on. You need to flip the middle switch, then hit one of the two switches on the outside. Wait for a while after this because that part needs to power up. Once the light has stopped blinking yellow and is fully green, then you can flick the other red switch. Once that is fully up and running, power will be restored. Grab the tech points and then follow the path east, and head up the stairs to the 2nd floor of the power plant. Follow the path around the 2nd floor either way and exit out the only door up there. HOTEL STORAGE If you came up here before the power is on, you won't be able to see anything. Now the power is on, you can easily take on the machines with no problems. You will probably also want to change back to your AP50 guns, so hold L2 and select them from the list. Close combat here by pressing X might also not be too bad if you can keep clear of being shot. Then again maybe not changing from the Shotgun is worth it as well, as some of the "manhole covers" are flying around here too. Once all the machines are gone, check the west side of the room for a blocked stairwell that has some tech points, and any weapons in the rest of the room you can find. Then check the east end for some more points by a vending machine. The "battle music" should still be going even if enemies don't seem to be around because of a machine struggling to hold on in the broken elevator shaft near the eastern side of the room. Go into the elevator shaft and shoot it a couple of times until it drops, and doing so will give you the ability to exit the area as it takes down part of the broken beams with it. Walk across the bridge that is made and through the hole in the wall. Collect the weapons sitting on the shelves, then exit through the door at the end. HOTEL LAUNDRY Check the area just as you enter for some weapons and more tech points, then head to the west where a scene will take place with more machines entering the area. Once the first lot are taken care of, head into the second area of the Laundry where you will find a couple of bionets and more machines. Destroy them all until the music stops, but the nets won't disappear. Collect all the weapons and tech points in the area then backtrack into the first part of the room again to find more machines to destroy. Once you get rid of this second lot of machines, which also includes more of those flying things, Kyle will tell John they're good to go. Make your way to where the bionets were on the doors, and you'll find one of them has disappeared. Exit through this doorway. EMERGENCY EXIT STAIRWELL Once the talk is over, check under the stairwell for some more tech points, then walk up the two flights of stairs to the next level. Once the guy is finished talking, go through the door to finish the level and be taken to the ranking screen. RANKING SCREEN Just for this first time, I'm going to go through the ranking screen options with you. From here onwards, you'll just have to work through the screen yourself after finishing the next levels. Firstly, you should go buy some upgrades with the points you got. The better options early on are the amount of healing and max weapon ammo you can collect. Personally health is the #1 but you can decide what you want to buy (especially if you didn't collect enough points). Press L1 to see your score and see if you won any awards on this level. Pressing L1 will show you the awards you've won here, out of the six types. Getting four of the six on any level will unlock a bonus feature for you. Check the secrets section for more information on this. Once you're ready, save your game, then once you've done that, select continue to carry on in the game. 02 // 02 // f i n a l d e l i v e r y HOTEL LOBBY Once the scene is over, you'll start in one of the lobby's side rooms. There are some weapons here (PLM40 and a Shotgun) if you want them. You need to take on the machines and cover Connor's position inside the lobby. Once all of the machines have been destroyed, go upstairs and try to exit (or talk to John) and you'll find out about some troops caught down in the restaurant. Make your way back down the stairs, and enter one of the two sets of doors under the balcony John is on to continue. HOTEL RESTAURANT Make your way down the hall to the middle of the area, then head into the restaurant, where the machines, already swarming around the men, are joined by many more who crash through the roof. The battle will take some time, and you'll need to explore the small area thoroughly, including the kitchen, to destroy them all. Once you have you'll complete the task, then return back to the Lobby. HOTEL LOBBY (2) Make your way back upstairs and meet back with John, then exit through the door to the left of where he is standing. BALLROOM LOBBY Once the cutscene is over you'll be split up, and Reese will be stuck downstairs. Move to the north where you will find some tech points, and notice the path leading under the 2nd floor and behind the rubble sitting on the ground where you started. You'll find a guy here who will give you a medical pack and a door leading out of the lobby. HOTEL BALLROOMS It's full on machine chaos in the ballrooms. You might want to equip the shotgun to take out the flyers before taking on the rest with the PLM40. Once they're all destroyed, the bionet blocking the exit will go. Pick up any items, weapons, and tech points around that you haven't collected already, and then go through the doorway. When you get part way into this kitchen more machines will begin to attack, dropping in from both ends of the room. Once you kill several more of these, the next bionet will drop allowing you to exit from the kitchen into the second ballroom. Once you get inside, yet more machines will come in for the attack. Once more, clear the area, then collect anything you haven't already. Exit through the door where the final bionet cleared once you're finished. BALLROOM LOBBY (2) You'll probably hear John as you arrive on the other side of the lobby. Grab the tech points to the west of where you start, then go east into the center of the lobby. Meet up with John by the stairwell, and then fight some machines. Make your way up the stairs, then turn around and follow the balcony running along the stairs, and exit out the door to the northwest of the map. EXIT ESCALATORS Make your way through the room, and talk to some of the guys around for some items. Continue down the escalators. There are some more guys and tech points near the bottom of the escalators (check to the left and right), then go through the broken doorways and exit through the western doors. PARKING GARAGE Starting in the garage, there are a couple of large medical packs if you need them. Run forward and take a hold of the turret gun, and start shooting machines. Watch out because some of them like throwing grenades. And of course, don't forget that the gun can overheat as well. When you're ready, head to the western end of the area where the bionet is which is allowing the machines through. Here you'll find another mounted gun which you can use against the machines coming through. Keep shooting them all until they're all gone and the bionet drops allowing you to continue through the garage. As you exit this first part, make sure you pick up any tech points that are sitting around on the ground (and double check the area in front of the first gun as well) then continue around and up the ramp to the next area. As you make your way up the ramp, more machines will come down. Take them out, then man the gun mounted at the next corner. Another bionet is setup ahead, so start shooting at anything which comes through. Once they're all gone, and the bionet drops, walk forward and collect the tech points. Once that's done, just after walking past where the net was, a short scene will show T-500's invading the area. These are defiantly more difficult to destroy. You can either stand and shoot, or move back and use the turret to take them out. Eitherway, once you've killed enough of them, the levels final cutscene will take place, and you'll be taken to the ranking screen. 02 // 03 // m a s s d e s t r u c t i o n PARKING GARAGE A bit of a change now, as you're going to play as Justin Perry and work your way back into the hotel in order to blow it all up. A bionet will go up behind you as you start and you'll have an awesome R-6 PAK mini-RPG launcher to take out the machines in the area. Shoot them all then make your way back down to the bottom floor of the garage, destroying anymore on your way there. The two bionets at both ends will spawn numerous machines, so be careful because you're being attacked from both sides. Once you've killed them all (and any stragglers from upstairs), collect any weapons, items, and tech points they've dropped, then go through the eastern door on the bottom floor where the bionet disappeared. EXIT ESCALATORS Check the area directly to the north of where you start for some medical packs, and the area to the south for some tech points. Go through the broken doorway, and then check the area to the southwest corner by the glass window for more tech points, and just across from that for more medical packs. Climb up to the top of the escalators and destroy the two machines here. Grab the weapons they drop as well as the ones sitting along the west wall. Once you have a guy will approach you, who is the one who will rig the place with C4. You need to protect him while he does his work, so as you make it through the next series of rooms, fight the machines while he plants the explosives. In here he will place 4 lots. When he's finished, he'll tell you the C4 is placed then come back to you. Wait for him to plant all the explosives in the escalator area, then exit through the doors on the north west wall. BALLROOM LOBBY You'll arrive back out on the second floor in the middle of some more machines, including flying ones which are now very easy to take down with your new explosive toy. The guy will blindly walk through the chaos to plant the C4, so make sure you make the machines focus on you and destroy them before they have a chance to get close. Once you move forward, more will attack... but the guy will probably be way ahead on the C4's by then. Make your way downstairs, and take out any more machines which may appear. When the guy is finished if he isn't already, exit through the only way out downstairs. HOTEL BALLROOMS Back here again, and more bionets block the exit. The guy will go straight ahead planting C4, so go to work on destroying the machines. At the back of the room you will also find some large medical packs and some more tech points. Make your way into the kitchen when the net clears, and continue to destroy the invading machine force. They'll drop lots of items, so make sure you collect them too. Once the guy has placed the one lot of C4 in the kitchen and the machines have been dealt to, go to the last part of the ballrooms and destroy the remaining machines. As soon as they are gone, and all the C4 is placed, the bionet will drop and you'll be able to exit through the doors to the north. BALLROOM LOBBY (2) There will be machines upstairs, but before you go up the climbable rubble, check around down on the ground floor for some items and tech points near the northeastern wall. The guy will plant the second lot of C4 in this area too. When you're ready climb up the rubble that is sitting in front of the door you used to arrive here, and follow the winding path up, shooting any machines around. Once they're taken care of, go through the door you arrive at the top of the rubble. HOTEL LOBBY Back in lobby again, and another restaurant mission is given to you, this time by Luna. The C4 guy will stay in the lobby you go to check things out. Head down the stairs and grab the weapons by the doors, also check the area near the opposing flight of stairs for some body armor. Explore the rest of the lobby for some more weapons and tech points, then exit through one of the double doors leading back into the restaurant. HOTEL RESTAURANT You'll arrive to find a few soldiers taking on some machines. Destroy them then run to what is left of the restaurant. A turret gun is set for you to shoot at the H/K's flying around, but another craft will drop machines in now and then. Do not use the turret to kill these, instead press triangle to leave the turret and go out and fight them with your own weapons. This makes you less prone to getting shot, but also allows you to pick up weapons, points, and especially health they will drop. Repeat the pattern of running around destroying machines, collecting items, then returning to the turret to shoot at the H/K, then go back to running around again. Also keep in mind that if you're waiting for the H/K and then get shot from somewhere, it's likely from either the gaps in the left and right of the building. Also the quickest way to kill the machines who drop into fight you is with the R-6 PAK. Once the H/K is destroyed and the task complete, return back to the Hotel Lobby. HOTEL LOBBY (2) A cutscene will take place in which one of the machine H/K battle tanks will roll in through the wall, but will get stuck in the rubble, spinning up it's treads. Once you're back in control, targeting the tank will lock onto one of 4 targets at the very top. Start destroying them as quickly as you can. Be careful not to get too close to the tank because it has flame jets and throws grenades as well. Beside that some machines will also drop in too and you'll have to contend with them at some stage. Once they're all destroyed, avoid any of it's attacks it's still throwing until the guy placing the C4 is finished (wouldn't it have been easier for him to do this when I was fighting the HK before???). Destroy anymore invading machines again by now, and when the guy is finished with the C4, find him and approach him. Press triangle and he'll give you a bunch of C4. Now you need to approach the tank. Hold L2 and pick "C4 EXPLOSIVE" from the list. Get the treads on both the left and right sides as safely as you can and then plant some C4 on them. Stand back after doing each and blow each of the treads. As soon as both of the treads are disabled, it'll let Perry make his escape. Level over. 02 // 04 // e n e m y w i t h d r a w l FEDERAL RESERVE VAULT 1 This is a full on action level, so be prepared. Once the talking is over, run through the open vault towards the first vault area. Another scene will take place and some discussion with Connor will take place. You'll then be shown the locked door and the way to disable the locks before you'll be thrown into the action. Continue to the end of the vault hall. Shoot any machines that get in your way. First we need to unlock the switch which is assessable in this area. From the exit of the hallway, take the path to the north around the top floor balcony. Follow the balcony around the corner and you'll reach a small room. Go inside and collect the two small medical packs and then flick the switch at the back of the room using TRIANGLE. Exit out of the room and back onto the balcony. From here you can continue to destroy all machines coming into the room and collect all the weapons, armor, health and tech points on both floors if you wish, or continue to the west on the top floor and go through the door to the next vault room. Either way do this when you're ready. FEDERAL RESERVE VAULT 2 Walk forward to the west and you'll enter a similar vault room as before. Shoot the machines, and continue following the path north and then west to find another room like the one before. Grab the weapons if you need them, then approach the panel at the back of the room and press TRIANGLE again to deactivate door lock #2. Exit the room. You can stand your ground and fight the machines throughout the two floors of area if you wish (collecting more weapons and items), but either way take either path west or east from this room and follow it south to the southern side. You can find an identical room on the other side, in which will be some weapons and a green flashing light on the ground which you should approach. Once you have finished talking to John, head back to the east and you'll find another vault doorway which leads back into Vault 1. However it will go to an area of the vault you couldn't access the first time you were in there. FEDERAL RESERVE VAULT 1 Run forward and follow the only path you can. Some more of the flying machines will make their appearance, but they aren't too hard to take out with the R-6. Enter the room you come to for some more health and the final switch for the locked door. Flick it then exit the room. Check to the eastern end for some tech points, then return to Vault 2 the way you came. FEDERAL RESERVE VAULT 2 Make your way to the western side of the room, then go down the stairs to the bottom floor. If you haven't already been down here, then check the bottom floor for some weapons and items, then approach the now unlocked door on the lower west side of the bottom floor and press TRIANGLE to go through. FEDERAL RESERVE VAULT 3 Check the room to the south after you enter for some tech points and medical packs, then return to the north. As you walk towards the door leading to the west a lengthy cutscene will take place. Once it is over you'll be surrounded by machines. This will be a lengthy battle. Keep moving because fire is going to be coming from all directions, and eventually even grenades will be thrown into the room. Try and keep stocks of ammo by checking the places where you destroyed various machines as well. Also make your way up to the top floor of this vault area and check the rooms on both the north and south sides for more weapons should you get low on ammo. Actually just check them anyway as machines will normally spawn in these rooms. Once all of the machines are destroyed, head to the area where the bionet was in the southwest corner of the room. Walk into the now black area and you'll finish the level. 02 // 05 // l o a d i n g z o n e SEWER SECTION 1 Once the talk with Connor is over check just to your east for some weapons and armor. This way is blocked further, and the path to the north is where you just came from (it now has another bionet blocking it too). Make your way east then south, and follow the sewer back west again. Check behind the rubble where the weapons were on the west side for some tech points, then exit this area using the door in the south west corner of the map. SEWER SECTION 2 You'll see Alexander Stone running off as you enter. Stay in this first little area for a while and take on the machines. Moving into the main section right away will get you shot at from all sides. Slowly work your way around the open path and along the main sewer to the north until all of the machines are destroyed. Watch out for the large plasma grenade fire directed at you (shots with a blue trail behind it) too, as if you're in their landing range they'll knock you over. Once everything is gone, make your way to the south and up the stairs. There are some tech points around here if you look, then exit through the door in the southwest again. SEWER SECTION 3 More machine chaos. Again, stay near where you started to avoid getting surrounded by machines and slowly take them out with the R-6, collecting the ammo they drop as they explode. Follow the path to the east for some tech points, then return to the east along the southern walkway. Go across the bridge at the very end to reach the northwest door. If you check to the east a little, there is more points by some rubble, then exit this area through the northwest door. SEWER SECTION 4 Another appearance from Alex as you enter this area. Slowly walk your way around this long area and take out all of the machines. Watch out for the blue plasma grenade shots again, but hopefully you'll avoid most of that. Once they're all destroyed and the bionet disappears, check the western end for some health and tech points, then exit through the doors to the north where the net disappeared. FACTORY SMELTER Alex again. And machines again. Not a lot of cover in this area, so make sure you take them out as quickly as you can. One plasma grenadier will probably turn up in the mix too, so make sure you take that one out first when it does especially. Many more of these will appear in the future which I won't mention, but do keep in mind that they should be your target more than any other endo around at the time. Once they're all destroyed head north and check the area to the west of the lift for some weapons and armor. Return to the lift and push the green button to take it up to the smelter itself. Once you exit the lift, a discussion will go on with Connor who will give you your next task. Head to the east for some items, then take the path to the west and then follow the narrow walkway northwards until you reach a small control booth. Grab the medical packs then use the only computer to open a doorway. Continue following the walkway north past some stairs to it's end for some tech points. Return to the stairs and go downstairs. Get ready for some fighting. Head back towards the south once you're at the bottom of the stairs, dispatching any machines in your way. Watch out for any who appear on the walkway upstairs because they'll throw grenades down at you. Make your way around the southern most point again and head back towards the north. On the eastern side of this area, the smelting machines will be working. Look out for the first of three switches as you fight the various machines. Flick it then continue north. Eventually you'll pass another small staircase on the east leading onto the machine. At the base of the stairs will be the second switch, so flick it, and then go up the stairs. At the top of these stairs will be the third and final switch. Once you flick this one, it will complete half of your current tasks. However the door you closed at the control panel upstairs will have closed again by the time you reach it, just north of the final two switches. You'll need to backtrack along the way you came and back upstairs to it, destroying any machines in your way, and flicking the switch again. Once you've done that, race back to where these two switches were again and then continue north, and look for the open doorway on the western side. Go through the door and through to the other side, and exit through the double doors. WAREHOUSE HANGAR This might take you a few tries to get a hang of, then again maybe not. Who knows... you'll see when you get here I guess. Anyway... There is a large loader in here who will take blocks of the platinum and use it as an energy weapon against you. This is deadly stuff and can kill you fairly quickly. Firstly you should head to the southwest corner and hide behind the belt there so that when the loader shoots the first shot it will hit something other than you. Once the shot is gone run west and past the loader (wait a couple of seconds for it to start to walk away from the belt if you need to) to a large crate just north of the southwest belt. You'll grab the C4 there. Quickly dash behind this large crate and stick to the south wall behind it (where you'll pick up some tech points) to avoid being hit by the second blast. Once the second shot has been thrown by the loader quickly run back between the belts and use the walkway ladders on the south side to reach a walkway above the warehouse. Wait just inside the ladder for the third shot to hopefully hit the railing instead of you, then quickly run around the walkway on the east side, collecting all the goodies you can until you reach the ladder on the north side. Again, wait for the next shot, the forth, to hit the stairs or railing instead of you, then continue around the walkway on the west side. Collect all of the items here as well until you return to the ladder that got you here. Wait for the fifth shot to hit the railing, then quickly run down the ladder back to the warehouse floor. Now it's time for the business work. You don't want to get close to the loader or it will use it's arms to electrocute you, so obviously the smarter idea is to beat the loader to the blocks of metal, plant the C4 near the front of the metal, then run away from both the metal and machine and wait for the machine to get close and detonate the C4. Then hide behind an object so the loader can't hit you with the blast. The easiest way to do this is to just wait by the southwest belt where the first lot of C4 is. You can hide behind the large crate from all of the shooting spots, grab C4 when you need it, and then leave C4 on the north side of the metal every time the metal comes out of the southwest belt. Detonate it every time the machine comes for the platinum. Once this is done 10 times you'll destroy the loader. Mission complete. 02 // 06 // c y b e r n e t i c s u p r i s e SUBWAY SECTION 1 Welcome to the longest level yet in Dawn Of Fate. The starting few sections of this level are as long as some of the full missions in the game, so be ready for anything. Once the scene is over it's back to Reese now. Run down the hall and into the main area of the section. Keep running though because two mounted guns will start firing at you. Once you reach a section of rubble which blocks their fire, wait. To the east you can see a hole in the wall where some fire is. This is where you need to go. Make a run for it and hopefully you won't be hit too much. Once you're in the area you'll be under-fire by some odd cyborg-like drones who disappear in a red-pink splash. There will be three or four of these to take out. Once you have, approach the derailed subway car door, which you'll find is all chained up. Hold R2 to change to the first person view and shoot the chain a few times until it opens it and the door breaks open. As you walk in Luna will talk to you about the mission. Go inside the car and talk to the guy at the end for a shotgun. Go back up to where you entered, but turn around and shoot the chain and lock on the other door. Walk forward, but then turn around and walk back across to the other side of the subway car because more of the cyborgs are coming. Once you've destroyed them, walk back through the subway car to the one on the other side, and repeat the destruction of the lock and door. The task will be completed. Talk to the guys inside if you want, then return to the first area with the mounted guns. Run through the room to the south as quickly as you can to avoid being shot heaps. Make your way into the locker area to the south west and destroy a couple more of the cyborgs. Search the room for lots of weapons, health, and even some tech points. When you're ready, go through the door to the south. SUBWAY SECTION 2 Luna will talk to you again. Once she's finished, head east and follow the path through all the rubble to the subway train. Walk around to it's eastern side and destroy the three cyborgs you'll find there. Once they're gone, walk up the first wooden plank and shoot the lock off the doors to get inside. Talk to the first guy for info and an item, then run to the far end of the train for similar. Once you've done that, shoot the door open at this end and walk back out. More cyborgs have made an appearance so make sure you take them out. Grab the weapons they drop then make your way around the southern end of the train. Head back towards the west and shoot anymore cyborgs on your way there. Before you exit through the door though, check to the north on the other side of where you entered for some tech points, as well as behind a pillar on the west wall. When you're ready go through the doorway on the southwest side. Once you're in the toilets shoot any more cyborgs and collect the weapons and healing items that are scattered around, then exit through the hall to the south and go through the door to the next section. SUBWAY SECTION 3 Luna will warn you about the flying machines around here, so watch out. You might want to equip the shotgun you should have been given earlier for them seeing as Reese doesn't have the R-6 that Perry had. Also watch out for explosive tanks in this area. Some bad targeting when you're near one and BOOM! It's game over. If you check the west way it will lead up some escalators to some more cyborgs, however it's not worth your time to check right now. Some of them will eventually come down from here if you don't do this now though, so keep this in mind. There is another subway car to the east which you have to open. Inside is a guy in it who will give you a canister bomb. Head to the north end of this subway car and you'll find you can climb around to the east side of it. More cyborg await here so destroy them and take the items they drop. Head up the boards leading to the door of the next train and use the first person view to shoot the lock off this door. Talk to the guy inside for another item, then exit the way you came. There will be a ton of the cyborg guys waiting for you when you exit so take them all out then make your way back to where you started. There will probably be one or two more of them standing guard here if you haven't already taken all of them out. When you do, the bionet in here will drop allowing you to make it into the area beyond. What this is though is a hole in the ground. Press the action button to climb down the ladder inside. HYDRO POWER CONTROL Run down the tunnel, and check to the east for some tech points. Turn to the west then switch to first person mode. Target the tank in the middle of the blockage to explode everything and clear it. Shoot the cyborgs which come in from the west and south then continue west a little. Another lot of stuff is blocking the exit, except it's around the bend a little. Move back from it then use your weapon selection to pick CANNISTER BOMB and throw it to destroy the second blockage. Run forward and drop into the room. Shoot all the cyborgs in here, grab any items around, then follow the snake like walkway to the northwest. Once you reach the hallway near the end, watch out for some more cyborgs. Once they're gone, go past the open lift and check the small passage to the north for some weapons and health, then return to the lift and push the button with action to go up. ASYLUM FLOOR 1 Once Connor is finished, exit the lift and go down the hall. Shoot any cyborgs around and then collect any items they drop. The room directly to the north has some armor in it. The path to the west leads to an intersection. From here the path west is a dead end, and the path north has some tech points. Head south and take the first room on the west side. In here will be some crates, the red one contains an item for you to collect. Return to the hallway and continue south and then west. Ignore the exit doorway for now and head into room to the south. Kill the cyborgs here and collect all the weapons and items around. Approach the large grey door on the east side of the room and open it like any normal door. Once inside check the table for some important items. Once the talk is over you'll have the key card. Grab the explosive sitting on the table as well, then the grenade launcher and health packs too before you leave, then return to the exit door we passed earlier, shooting invading cyborgs on your way. Once you're there, use it. ASYLUM LOBBY Ignore the path leading upstairs to the west. It's a dead end. Instead, head south and then west through the next door. Shoot all the cyborgs around, but watch out as you enter the middle of the room because there is another mounted gun here. Run to the far north side of the room and up the stairs there. Shoot the cyborgs here and follow the hall back into near where you started, but on the other side of the blockage. Up here you'll be able to use the stairs which aren't blocked to reach the second floor. Follow the hall right down to the southern end, then go through the nearby gate leading east into the second floor area. ASYLUM FLOOR 2 The area straight ahead will be blocked, so duck in the door to the south and start shooting. Once the cyborgs are gone, go ahead straight ahead to the table to collect the items on the table. This include the second card. A scene with John will take place. Once it's over grab the remaining items and exit to the northwest. Shoot the cyborg hiding in the hall the dodge into the door on the west side of the hallway. All other ways are blocked. Shoot more cyborgs and go through the hole in the north wall and exit out of the door here. The way to the east is blocked by a gate, so continue north even though it heads back to the Lobby direction. Instead you'll find another grey door, but with Key card A you can gain access. Shoot the cyborgs inside then enter the room next door. Reese will contact Luna about some suspicious canisters. Once the scene is over, place some C4 on the cans then step well back from them and detonate the C4. Once you've done that exit through the door to the south, if you haven't already, and go east and open the door on the south wall. ASYLUM STAIRWELL Straight away, shoot the cyborg to the east of you. Walk up the stairs to the third floor and shoot the next cyborg, before exiting through the single door up here. ASYLUM FLOOR 3 Head west to the central hallway. The path south is blocked and covered by cyborgs so go north. Shoot any more pesky cyborgs around. The room to the northeast has some health in it so make sure you pick that up. The room to the north on west path can be ignored, so continue west and use the grey card reader door on the south side instead. This will use card B to be accessed. Walk inside and shoot the three cyborgs inside. Exit through the door to the east to return to the main hallway. The path south is blocked again, so head north then east and then into the room to the south. Shoot more cyborgs then exit through the doorway into another hall. There is another room to the south with a cyborg and some tech points, then head west into the main hallway once more. Shoot the last remaining cyborg, grab the tech points nearby, then exit out the door to the west. ASYLUM LOBBY (2) The lobby this time is more like one long hall, except halfway along it has a walkway bridge leading west. This bridge will lead you into a computer room. Load up your weapon and switch to first person view. Shoot at the small screen to the right of the large one to start the next cutscene and finish the level. 02 // 07 // a s y l u m a s s a u l t SUBWAY STREETS Time for another character change, this time you'll be playing as Catherine Luna. Once Luna is finished talking to John Connor, you'll be out on the streets. The start of this section is fairly hectic, so be careful. Out on the streets you're going to have to avoid large machines so keep running. Run straight ahead to the west and across the street, hopefully avoiding the fire from the large walking machine in the street itself. The building on the left side will be able to be walked into and there is weapons to collect in here. After that you can exit through a doorway on the north side to the north street. Now there will be two of these walkers after you. Check the movie theater area on the north side for some tech points, then run west down the street around the walker and towards the wrecked bus at the end. As soon as you reach it, head north to the front of the bus to go inside it. ASYLUM STREETS Run down to the southern end of the bus where you can collect some armor and exit the bus onto the street. The building on the southern side (which you may recognize from the backgrounds of the main menus of the game) is the Asylum you need to get into. On the north side near the bus are some medical packs and behind a nearby car, some weapons as well. At the very western end of this street, if you look, you should also find some tech points. Once you can, take the road straight to the south, but again - watch out for the walker located here. There is a small recess in the western wall halfway down with some points and a weapon too if you need it. Continue south and look for the path beside the asylum wall heading to the east. If you follow it, you'll come to a part of the asylum wall which has collapsed, giving you access inside it's grounds. Once you're inside the area, run forward and Luna will contact John. Once that's over, run to the end and use action to climb the ladder. ASYLUM FLOOR 3 Of course the game would make you return here, just so you have to work your way all the way back down again after the last level. Thankfully, given that you should know your way around here now makes this an easier job for me. Head west and down the hall to the exit door, where there will be some tech points. Use the door. ASYLUM LOBBY Shoot the cyborg you can target from the start then run down to the middle walkway and into the computer room where Reese finished the last level at. In here are two more cyborgs and a whole lot of weapons, ammo, health, and tech points. Grab everything then backtrack to the Asylum Floor 3 entrance. ASYLUM FLOOR 3 (2) Run east and back towards where you entered the floor, except then go through the room to the north. Exit and then go down the hall to the east and a cutscene will take place. Once the scene is over you'll be forced into threatening Alex to get him to take you where you need to go. To do this you need to hold the weapon aim button and he will begin to walk forward. The problem comes in the fact you'll also have enemies to dispatch while doing this so be careful. Also watch out that you don't target and kill Alex Stone while you're at it. Shooting him once or twice though, probably won't hurt ;) Alex will take you north, east, south, east, and then south into the stairwell. ASYLUM STAIRWELL Again, target Alex and follow him down the stairs. He'll take you through to the second floor. ASYLUM FLOOR 2 Just as you enter Alex will make a break for it and you'll be left to chase him shooting Cyborgs in your way. Follow the rooms north, west, south and back into the main hallway, then go south, west into one of the padded rooms, south through a hole in the wall, shooting some more cyborgs, then east out the door and south down the main hallway. From there, head east into the large room where Kyle Reese picked up one of the key cards, and shoot four more cyborgs here. Exit the room at the west side and back to the other side of the main hallway, then use the door to enter the lobby again. ASYLUM LOBBY (2) Shoot any cyborgs around then head north and take the stairs down to the first floor of the Asylum. Shoot more cyborgs standing around down here then head north and then west to reach the front of the lobby. More cyborgs await as you head down the stairs and continue south to the other side. Continue south and up the stairs, then around to the east. Go north up the hallway and enter the door into the first floor. ASYLUM FLOOR 1 Run into the room to the south and shoot some cyborgs. Grab any weapons around and check the area where Reese got the first key card from for some tech points. Return to the main hallway and take it north until you reach the 4 way intersection. The room to the northeast has some tech points in it, but take the path to the west and use the path with the open gate that was closed when Kyle came through here. Once you've taken on the cyborgs in this room you'll find Stone standing around (be careful not to kill him) and then threaten him again with your gun to get him to move. He'll walk around the desk to the computers on the other side and that will be the end of the level. 02 // 08 // i n f i l t r a t i o n ASYLUM FLOOR 1 You'll start this level after the video with a Terminator on your ass. This is, surprisingly, one of the most fun tasks in the entire game even though you wouldn't think so. To be entirely honest they totally have underused the whole Terminator ideal in the game, and could have used this to effect more than just this one time. Anyway, back to the guide. There is ample ammo and health and you're given help by large explosive tanks located in various rooms. What you need to do is work room to room, eating away at the Terminator's energy. The Terminator has 300% health. It's first form is armed with the plasma cannon. Taking this form down to 0% (which should be accomplished by using the tanks scattered on this floor and occasional bursts of fire from your weapon between areas) will then take you into the second form, which is the "pursuit" mode. Tanks are located in the cell where Kyle was (just behind where you start), a storage room to the west of the starting room (you need to go south past the opened gate then west to access it), and one more in another small storage room nearer the southwest, but not in the large southwest room. The second Terminator "form" - if you will - will continually follow you trying to beat you to a bloody pulp. It also occasionally uses a shockwave ideal of smashing it's fist into the ground in order to knock you over. As you slowly shoot at this form it's skin will come off revealing the skeleton underneath. However you can't keep constant fire on this form as it will use it's arm to block the fire. Instead shoot at it in bursts and use the different sounds to know if you're causing damage. A standard thump or later a general metallic sound means you're hitting it's arm, while a fleshy thud means you're hitting body parts and are causing damage. The final form which happens once you've defeated the last form is half of it's skeleton crawling, much like at the end of the first Terminator film. This form crawls at a very quick pace and tries to swipe your legs out from under you, but if you load up your weapon(s) and keep firing at it while backing off down the various hallways (instead of trapping yourself into a corner) then this form will be a piece of cake. As soon as the Terminator explodes into bits for the final time, you'll receive a message from John and the level will be over. Onto Colorado. 02 // 09 // s t o r m i n g n o r a d NORAD SECURE ENTRANCE After the cutscene and discussion with Connor it'll be back to the game with Perry. You'll be inside of a truck and armed straight away with a rocket launcher. This is going to come in very handy. Talk to the soldier in the back for more rockets, which you'll need, then head south and exit the truck. Straight away you will have a turret on the hill firing a couple of shots of energy at you at a time. Hide behind the nearby rock on the east side if you want, then when you're ready run into the open and aim the rocket launcher at the turret. When you get a red target on it, hopefully near it's base, quickly fire and dodge any oncoming fire from the turret. You should hopefully blow it to bits. Continue to follow the road south and watch out for more turrets firing at you as you approach more rocks, this time on the north side after the road bends. Once you've destroyed your second target, Connor will radio in to tell you that some flying H/K's are on their way in. Thankfully you have this rocket launcher... :) Wait for the HK to fly into position (you won't be able to hit it when it's moving) then when it's still it's time to fire at will. Avoid being hit by hiding behind objects, then fire at the H/K. It will take 3 rockets to destroy it. Return back to the truck you started at if you need more rockets by now (talk to the guy and hopefully he'll give you more ammo - if not return when you've used some more). Then get ready to take out two more gun turrets up on the hill right near the end of the road. Hide behind the rocks again if you need to, but make sure you take them out. Once you do, Connor will warn you about more H/K's on their way. Return to the truck again if you need more rockets, then get ready for the H/K's. With the first one, it's the same deal as before - 3 shots will take it out, but just wait for it to be stationary. However they're going to make you work for the last one, which will just circle around firing at you. You need to try and pre-empt the flight path so that you can fire a rocket that will intercept the H/K as it flies across the sky. As soon as you do this the engine will burst into flames and the H/K will come crashing down. As soon as that happens the door will unlock into Cheyenne Mountain, but Luna will contact you about an EMP weapon you can collect back at the truck. Walk back and grab the EMP GENERATOR from the back of the truck, and also talk to the guy once more to see if he has any rockets to give you. Sometimes he does, sometimes not. When you're ready, return to the doorway and grab all of the medical packs sitting around inside the arch, then approach the button on the west side and press action to gain access inside the doors. NORAD ACCESS TUNNEL Once the talking is over, firstly grab all of the weapons on the east and west sides of the tunnel. Once you've done that walk north and you'll be attacked by cyborgs at first, then Terminator Endos. Here you can use the EMP weapon to briefly stop them in their tracks and attack them without worry. Halfway down the tunnel will be more weapons and some health packs sitting on the east side. Continue forward until you reach the near the door and John will contact you about passcodes for the door. Go to the north end and grab the tech points then go to the panel which opened beside the large door to the west. Stand in front and use action to unlock the first lock. Once you've done that a whole new slew of machines will make their entrance. You'll have to fight off this wave before the second lock will become assessable, which once you unlock, will then bring a third lot of machines. When they're gone the third lock will go, which when opened will bring a forth lot. When they're gone, the final lock will be assessable, and when that goes a fifth and final lot of machines will arrive. Once you've *finally* destroyed all of them, the door is finally opened. Make sure you backtrack to the start of the access tunnel to pick up refills on some of the weapons you've got, you're going to need them, then exit through the now open doorway. SKYNET TERMINATOR FACTORY This is a bit of chaos, this one. You'll start off in a small room with another door. Flying machines will invade and when they're destroyed the next door will open. This brings a new set of machines which when they're all destroyed will open the next door along. This continues onwards and the enemies continue to get stronger as it goes along. When you've finally destroyed them all, about 5 or 6 different rooms full that is, you'll get access to the exit doorway. Again, you might be happier if you backtrack a little to the previous access tunnel and refill your ammo before you proceed. When you're ready, exit through the doorway. TRANSFER TUNNEL GAMMA Start off by shooting the flying machines which come in for attack. Once they're destroyed, walk forward a short bit until you see the large walker up ahead. You can't run past this one because the door at the end won't open. Instead, keep this long distance (but close enough to get a lock on) and open up fire on anyone of the three targets. If one gets destroyed, lock onto another. Strafe from north to south in the tunnel to avoid as much of the oncoming fire as you can, and you should be able to destroy the walker before it kills you. Once it's destroyed, follow the tunnel down to it's eastern end and exit through the doorway. SKYNET REAR DEFENSE GRID Luna will contact you, but will come under attack from endos. Once the talking is over, head west into the room, then north and check the north side of the central control panel where there is a bionet up around the central unit. Press the action button to gain control of it, and then press the weapon fire button to jump to the turret controls SKYNET COLD STORAGE All right, we're now in control of the turret. This is no different than the turret shooting from the earlier levels, except everything is in red and you're not in any current danger. At the bottom is a counter with the two TechCom forces marked and a number for the SkyNet enemies in the area at the time. Enemies will teleport in and then have a yellowish target around them. These are what you need to shoot at. Keep in mind that pressing L3 (thats pressing down on the analog stick) will allow you to zoom in to target easier. Once you've destroyed enough of the normal endos, walkers will appear, then when they are gone there will be more endos. Once everything is clear, you'll return to the defense grid area. SKYNET REAR DEFENSE GRID The bionet will power down, and once the second lot of talk is over, you'll be left in the grid room with lots of enemies coming in to defend it. Target and shoot the center of the terminal where the bionet was quickly before all the machines teleport in to clear the next task, then get to fighting as best you can. Try and watch out for the machines on the floor above you and take them out quickly as they'll just continue to be a pain. Once everything is taken out, you might again want to backtrack to the access tunnel to restock on supplies, but either way when you're ready exit through the door on the west side of the room. SKYNET GROUND H/K FACTORY Once the scene of the H/K tank is over, you'll be left to fight it. But thankfully you're two up over the H/K which makes this battle very easy. First you have the EMP GENERATOR which will work on the H/K. Once you've fired this, you also have the MOB-M LAUNCHER you also got at the start of this level. Each successful rocket which hits will take off 10% of the H/K's energy points. Beyond that, should you run out of rockets, the EMP can still be made useful for hitting the rest of the H/K with normal gunfire and avoiding being hit. Should you need health though, scout the room because there is plenty of healing items around. Too bad Luna isn't any help. Once the fight is over there will be a discussion with John about what is next on the list of goals, and a elevator will lower to the next floor near the northwest corner of the room. Walk onto it and then press the action button to be taken upstairs. Follow the catwalk around south and then east to it's end, which is another elevator. Press action again to be taken up to the next floor level. Luna and Reese will be waiting here, so run forward and Perry will have a discussion with Luna. Once that's finished, go through the nearby doorway to finish the level. 02 // 10 // t i m e d i s p l a c e d SKYNET CENTRAL SHAFT The final level is here. Back to playing as Reese of course. You'll start in a circular shaft with three doors leading away from it. Once the discussion with John is over, explore the outside of the room. You'll find there is a lot of weapons and items in crates in two separate areas of the room. These also regenerate some of the weapons, so make sure you stick around for a minute to grab as much as you can carry. Once you've grabbed everything, make your way to the north most part of the shaft where you'll find a robot working on a panel beside one of the doors. Smash the robot to bits and a entry panel will come out of the wall where it was. Use it to access the area beyond the door. SKYNET FORWARD DEFENSE GRID You'll come into a hallway where there are a couple of endos. Destroy them and then a couple more should appear. Once the next pair are destroyed, the door at the end will open letting you near the main room. But watch out because one of the walkers are around. Strafe fire to the left and right with something like the PLM40 on all 3 targets until it blows up. Make your way further north into the room and there will also be some of the flying machines to take out. Run right to the end of the room and you'll find the platform at the end is a lift which will take you upstairs. Once you reach the top you'll talk to John about what is going on. You'll end up with a new task which requires you to defend 12 TechCom soldiers from the machines using another one of SkyNet's own turrets. Walk straight ahead of you to the large bank of computers, and press the action button to man the turret. CANYON BETA 12 soldiers, and a whole lot of machines. Endos, walkers, flying H/K's... it's going to take you a while to get through the onslaught. Once you've destroyed roughly 15 of the Endos, H/K's will appear. Target their engines on either side to take them out quickly. Once you've done as much as you can with the first turret, you'll be switched to the second. This is when it'll begin to get hectic. Walkers need to be taken out first, quite a few of them to be exact. They each require roughly two shots too. More H/K's will arrive and begin firing on the squad. Once you've taken the walkers out, it's time to switch to turret 3. This is even worse. Walkers and H/K's everywhere. Then turret 4. More chaos. Once all the walkers are out of the picture, and the H/K's that sit around, there will then be flying H/K's which need to be taken out mid-flight. You'll need to guess their flight location and shoot early to hope it hits one of the engines. Once you've taken out several of these you'll finally complete the task. SKYNET FORWARD DEFENSE GRID You'll be shown a bionet disappearing. Walk to the path on the east side of the room and take on the endos and the flying machines around. There are also the two sections of the defense grid here on the north and south walls in the hallway to destroy. Doing so will take out the other bionet on the west side of the room. Run over to the west side and you'll have to repeat the same actions here - destroying enemies, and taking out the defense grid. Once this is all completed, a panel will open. Make your way back to the main part of the room and either walk off the side of the walkway or use the lift to return to the ground floor. Keep an eye on the east wall on your way out for the panel you opened. Approach it and press the action button to complete the task. Once you've finished talking to John, head south and return to the central shaft. SKYNET CENTRAL SHAFT The next panel will come out on one of the doors. Check to see if there are anymore weapons you can collect then head to the second door located on the south east side of the shaft. Use the panel to access the area behind the door. SKYNET FUSION REACTOR Walk forward to the west and the door will open. You'll talk to Perry about what you find. Once you're finished, continue forward and take out the two cyborgs. Once they're gone, walk around the very outside of the reactor so you can reach the far side. There will be another tunnel on the other side, and on the north side just after you enter it will be crates with the remote C4 you'll need for your current task, as well as some extra supplies. Return into the reactor core area and approach the center. A panel will open up and when you press action in front of it, will open a part of the reactor. This also however brings in some enemies you'll need to take out first. Once they're all destroyed, walk to the reactor core object which appeared. Pressing the action button in front of it will bring up a mini-lift. Hold the weapon selection button and select C4 EXPLOSIVE from the list, then use the weapon button to plant it. To return to the ground after this, press the action button once again. You'll need to make your way around the room doing this at 3 other points of the main core. Approaching the panel in the center, pushing the button to open the reactor, fighting enemies, then planting the remote C4. Once you've done it to all 4 parts of the reactor, the task is complete. Return down the corridor to the east and back into the central shaft. SKYNET CENTRAL SHAFT The final door of the three remains. It's on the southeast side of the room. Once again, approach the open panel to get through to the next area. TIME DISPLACEMENT CHAMBER Another hallway and more endos to take on. Once they're all destroyed, continue east until you arrive inside the chamber and a cutscene will take place. Once the scene is over go collect everything you can from both the areas in front of Luna and Perry. Once you've done that walk around the outside to the eastern side of the chamber and follow the hallway you find there. It will take you to the next section. TRANSFER TUNNEL GAMMA There is another long tunnel to run along. Make your way to the eastern end where you'll find yourself on a lift. Approach the control panel on the north side and press the action button to ride the elevator up. Once you reach the top, continue east and down the next hallway and exit through the door at the end. SKYNET PRIMARY COMPUTING CORE You'll find yourself on a large platform in the core. To the south you'll find some stairs which wind up around the outside of the core. As you go on each step, the entire platform will begin to move up to make a walkway around the outside of the core. Once you get around to the other side of the core you'll become trapped and be under attack from one of the SkyNet Guardians. Once it shows off it's flashy moves and jumps onto the platform, it's time to get to action. The quickest way of taking it out is explosive and electric weapons, and the best choice overall with what you should have right now is the MULTI CASTER or GRENADE LAUNCHER. Direct hits with the launcher will quickly eat away at it's health, and the caster will chew through it's energy. Beyond using the grenade launcher or multi caster alone, you can also use the EMP GENERATOR to freeze it for a few sections and get in some extra quick damage. Once the guardian has been destroyed you'll be able to continue your way up the stairs and around the outside of the core again. When you reach the other side of the core again, yet another Guardian will attack, but this one has a new trick up it's sleeve. That is to pin itself on the wall and use two large conductors to throw energy at you to knock you over. You can avoid this energy most of the time by standing on the edge of the platform behind the two conductors on either side. To get the Guardian off the wall though, you'll need to move out into the middle, switch to a weapon like the PLM40 or the R-6 PAK and shoot, first at the Guardian, then when the shield goes up - at the red target holding up the shield on the sides of the Guardian. Once you take this out, it will jump down onto the platform to attack you. Once it does this repeat the previous strategy from the first Guardian. It may also jump back up onto the wall again at some stage, in which case you'll have to repeat taking it off the wall again before going back to attacking it normally. Once you've destroyed it, you'll be able to continue up the outside of the core again. When you reach the top of this you'll find yourself in the central core with the SkyNet "Eye" - this oddly has the power of mind control. You'll also have another Guardian, a shield blocking SkyNet (which needs it's generator points destroyed before you can attack the eye and stop the mind control), and occasionally endos and flying attackers will also come make an appearance to stop you. And just to throw your targeting off they've included some flying robots who don't really do anything by fly in circles. The first thing to do is take out the Guardian using the same tactics as before. You don't have to worry about the attaching itself to the wall part this time, so it's just like destroying the first one you came across. The only issue has to do with the fact you'll have to destroy it without knowing just how much you've taken off, and doing so quickly so that SkyNet doesn't get "mind control" over you. Once you've destroyed the Guardian here, attack the shield generators around the outside. You'll need to probably take out two of them before the eye hides and the mind control resets to zero. Once you've taken out the third one it'll probably return, but there will also be endos around now as well. You'll want to try and switch your focus between taking out the generators and attacking the eye itself whenever it's not shielded. Keep this pattern up constantly of switching between the two with all the ammo and weapons you have left and you should have enough to take SkyNet out. Once you've destroyed it a cutscene will take place, and then you'll be taken back down to the bottom of the shaft. Exit out the door and back to the transfer tunnel. NOTE - Try not to be near the fields created by the generators, even when they're not there. If you happen to stand where they should be when they appear then you can get caught in a nasty game bug where you're trapped inside the shield even though you're really not. You'll just end up dying or having your mind taken over by SkyNet if this happens. TRANSFER TUNNEL GAMMA Run west and back to the elevator. Use the control panel on the north side of the platform to take the elevator down. Continue west and along the next corridor and go through the doorway at the end. TIME DISPLACEMENT CHAMBER Reese will use the chamber to go to the past. Once the scene is over - check your rank, save your game, and then select continue to watch the final cutscene for the game. Congratulations, you've finished Terminator: Dawn Of Fate. How about a replay for some secrets? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 03 // s e c r e t s & c o d e s Menu Movement ------------- On any menu screens you can move the camera in the background. Move the right analog stick left and right to pan horizontally or up and down to do so vertically. Pushing L1 and R1 will allow you to zoom in and out. Each sub-menu also has a different background so you can look at different parts from the start of mission seven. Training Bonus -------------- If you complete all of the tasks in the training mode you'll be given the "T-400 ENDO" threat data. It can be found under the extras menu. Level Bonus ----------- On each of the 10 levels of Dawn Of Fate you are able to earn unlockable extras. These range from videos, to music, to skins, and your standard cheats. There isn't just 10 overall either, to be exact there are extras you can earn for every level in all 3 difficulty modes. Beating a level in easy will earn you one extra, while beating it in normal will earn another, and Terminal one more than that. How you do this is accomplished by earning medals during the missions. There are six different ones you can earn, and you'll need to collect four out of the six to unlock the bonus item for that mission and difficulty. The medals you can earn are the following: - Ground Pounder Destroying a large amount of enemies, if not everything in a level. - Martial Arts Master Destroying enemies by using physical combat more than weaponry. - Raging Valor Using adrenaline in battle often. - Sharp Shooter Having a high accuracy rate on your weapons fire. - Speed Demon Completing the mission in the fastest time possible. - Untouchable Completing the mission with low damage. While it seems likely that this can be considered as difficult, it can be surprisingly easy. The most easy combo of medals to receive consists of the first four awards. This is because if you kill all enemies, in combat, using occasional bursts of adrenaline, and then shoot some infrequently but accurately, then you'll receive all 4 medals. But you can easily decide what 4 you wish to aim for in any combo you want. While I shouldn't have to note it by now, but just in case, you can't "save" medals and then earn up to four by playing the mission over and just focusing on one at a time. You have to earn 4 in one go. All of these items will appear under the Extras menu once you unlock them. The unlockables are all in categories. Videos, Cheats & Character Model Skins, Music, Threat Data, and Concept Art. Music and Art are just two unlockable options of themselves. Threat Data, Videos, Cheats and Skins all have their own separate items to unlock. Here is the list of items you'll get from getting 4 medals. Notes on certain items are located after the list. Easy Mode | | Notes # --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 1 | Threat Data - H/K Recon | --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 2 | Threat Data - T-500 Endo | --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 3 | Threat Data - T-800 Endo | --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 4 | Threat Data - Auto Palette | --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 5 | Threat Data - SkyNet Loader | --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 6 | Threat Data - SkyNet Initiate | --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 7 | Threat Data - H/K Spider Tank | --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 8 | Threat Data - Alexander Stone | --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 9 | Threat Data - Ground H/K | --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 10 | Threat Data - Aerial H/K | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal Mode | | Notes # --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 1 | Bonus Material - Game Intro FMV | 1 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 2 | Threat Data - Gabriel Stone | --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 3 | Bonus Material - L4 Intro FMV | 2 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 4 | Cheats: Characters - Soldier Skin | 3 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 5 | Bonus Material - L6 Intro FMV | 4 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 6 | Bonus Material - Prototype (Pre-Vis) FMV | 5 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 7 | Concept Art - Gallery | --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 8 | Bonus Material - L9 Intro FMV | 6 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 9 | Music Gallery | --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 10 | Bonus Material - L10 Ending FMV | 7 | Bonus Material - Game Ending FMV | 8 | Difficulty - Unlocks "Terminal" Difficulty | 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Terminal Mode | | Notes # --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 1 | Cheats: Characters - Kyle Reese Skin | 10 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 2 | Cheats: Characters - John Connor Skin | 11 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 3 | Bonus Material - Game Animatic FMV | 12 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 4 | Cheats: Characters - Justin Perry Skin | 13 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 5 | Cheats: Characters - Catherine Luna Skin | 14 | Cheats: "All Guns" Unlocked | 15 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 6 | Cheats: "Lethal Baton" Unlocked | 16 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 7 | Cheats: "Max Adrenaline" Unlocked | 17 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 8 | Cheats: "Max Ammunition" Unlocked | 18 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 9 | Cheats: "Iron Skin" Unlocked | 19 --------------|----------------------------------------------|-------- Level 10 | Cheats: "First Person" Unlocked | 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. This is the introduction move from the start of the game. Viewable under the Bonus Material option. 2. The introduction to level 4. Viewable under the Bonus Material option. 3. Swaps any of the characters skin for that of one of the TechCom Soldiers. Can be accessed through the cheats option. 4. The introduction to level 6. Viewable under the Bonus Material option. 5. A previsualization of the game created to show off the basic action of the game. Consists of Reese kicking ass. Viewable under the Bonus Material option. 6. The introduction to level 9. Viewable under the Bonus Material option. 7. The ending to level 10. Viewable under the Bonus Material option. 8. The ending to the game. Viewable under the Bonus Material option. 9. The hardest difficulty of the game. Required to get the remaining secrets. Its not located under the extras option, but rather just when you start a new game. 10. Swaps any of the characters skin for that of Kyle Reese. Use it on levels where Reese isn't the character. Can be accessed through the cheats option. 11. Swaps any of the characters skin for that of John Connor. Can be accessed through the cheats option. 12. A short video showing the animated storyboarding made for scenes in the game against what the final result was. 13. Swaps any of the characters skin for that of Justin Perry. Use it on levels where Perry isn't the character. Can be accessed through the cheats option. 14. Swaps any of the characters skin for that of Catherine Luna. Use it on levels where Luna isn't the character. Can be accessed through the cheats option. 15. Unlocks all of the weapons in the game for you to select from. Can be accessed through the cheats option. 16. Unlocks an upgrade to your baton which allows you to destroy just about anything easily with it. Can be accessed through the cheats option. 17. Gives you an infinite amount of adrenaline. Can be accessed through the cheats option. 18. Gives you an infinite amount of ammunition. Can be accessed through the cheats option. 19. Gives you 10000 health points. Can be accessed through the cheats option. 20. Allows you to play the game entirely in first person mode. I guess this is what the Terminator 3 game will be somewhat like. Can be accessed through the cheats option. For more information on the bonus' and extras beyond this basic list I have created, please check out TimiAzN's detailed Secrets FAQ for Dawn of Fate. I also give all credit to TimiAzN for the filling in the gaps for the bonus items I haven't yet collected so far. That is, most of the ones in Terminal Mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 04 // r e v i s i o n h i s t o r y & e n d b i t Version One - June 5th 2003 - 86KB(?) ------------------------------------- Everything which the guide should cover is here I'd say. Really all I could probably add is something for the training mission, but it's not really worth it. I hope this guide helps those who requested it and hopefully won't lead to much e-mail. The End Bit ----------- It is now time to go. But not before some thanks and shout outs. This Guide! ----------- James Cameron - For having some f'ed up dreams in the early '80s :) Paradigm Entertainment and Atari - For producing the game. TimiAzN - For the extra secrets info. Everyone who requested this guide. Anyone who read this far. CJayC and IGN - For both having this on their requested list. The Usuals! ----------- - Everyone who's supported my online projects. - Stix (Jason Buckley) for the years of support and the forum hosting. - Rammy for being himself :p - Roody (Michael Baroody) for giving me so much support with RESitez.com - I don't know if the site would still be around without you. And for now letting me co-web REFan. - Pure Evil - Just 'cause. :) - Solidus - As usual... what to say. :p Stop it with the CS! - CJayC for hosting my guides on GameFAQ's (as if I couldn't put this somewhere). - Those crazy people at IGN who invade my mail box. - And finally, my forum members from the New Blood forums (RIP) who were an ever existing source of fun, information, and everything else. This guide, as all of them have been recently is for all of you. Wherever you all are now. Personal Websites: ------------------ Resident Evil Fan: A New Blood www.residentevilfan.com RESitez.com www.resitez.com 2003 - RMc (mcgregorr@xtra.co.nz) ...the end... ----------------------------------------------------------------------