| This guide has a 50% GameFAQs approval rating. | o----------------o o----------------o | 1 Yes / 1 No | (05/07/2015) o--------------o -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- _,_ _________ ,-,, ______ ,' ', |--, ,-, | ,',. \ ____|,. ., | ,'''', \ | | --|- / / \ |_--- --| , ,,| |----'''', ,,' | | | | ' ',-- _,''', | | ',. .\|| || ' | | | || ,'.||\ \,' \ | / | | || | \ / ||'''| | ||'| | || | | | ||| || |||| / / | | || | \/ ||_ ,| \ || / | || | | | || '',||' /\,\ / / | | || | , , | _ | \ \ | ,''|| || | | | |||'' |,,/ \ \ / / | | || | |\ /| || \ \ || || || | | | ||| ||\\ || / / | | || | | ' | ||,, \ \|| || |' ' | | | || '''|| \\|','// / | | ,|| | | | '___| \ __\ '___|''' | | | |''''',,' \\'''// | |'''''''' | | | | '__' '-' \\ // / | | | | \\ | / > \ ,/| | | /_\ | \, / / / \\''' | ,' ', \ ' / / \\_,' '''''''' '''' '''''''' _ _ _ _ _ _ | |_||_|| | |_ |\ || _|_ |_ |_ | || ||_ |_ |_ | \||_||_ _| For Timesplitters 2 (PS2) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Author: dark52 Start Date: 4th January 2003 Last Update: 25th of September 2004 E-Mail: dark52(at)darkspyro(dot)net Version: 2.0 Game: TimeSplitters 2 (PS2 version, UK, PAL) Website: http://faqs.darkspyro.net/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Contents ======== [01] - Intro [02] - Contact [03] - Updates [04] - Challenges [04a] - Glass Smash i) Pane in the Neck ii) Bricking It iii) Stain Removal [04b] - Behead The Undead i) Fight Off The Living Dead ii) Sergio's Last Stand iii) Day of the Dammed [04c] - Infiltration i) Silent But Deadly ii) Trouble at the Docks iii) Escape from NeoTokyo [04d] - Banana Chomp i) Gone Bananas ii) Monkey Business iii) Playing With Fire [04e] - Cut-out Shoot-out i) Take 'em Down ii) Fall Out iii) Pick Yer Piece [04f] - Timesplitters 'Story' Classic i) Badass Buspass Impasse ii) But Where do the Batteries Go? iii) Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time [04g] - Monkeying Around i) Simian Shootout ii) Monkey Mayhem iii) Dam Bursters [05] - Thanks [06] - Copyright -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------------------------------[01] - Introduction------------------------------ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This guide is based on the Challenges section of the TimeSplitters 2 game. I wrote this in order to help anyone out who needs just a little bit of help with those levels, ie a new strategy to try or the times they need to beat. I don't claim that the stategies shown in this guide are the best ways of doing things, they most likely aren't, but the ways I've shown in this guide are all decent enough to get at least Gold in the Challenges which is all you need to get full percentage for them. For Platinum times that involve challenges that have no end except for a time limit, do not stop right at the point that I have specified as the Platinum time as some are still not entirely sure about. They are just times around that time (they are mostly right) and so try to beat it rather then get it as with all other things like Bronze Silver and Gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------[02] - Contact Information-------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- To send me an e-mail regarding this guide's subject, please send it to: dark52 (at) darkspyro (dot) net I will try to respond to all e-mails sent to me as quickly as I can, however I cannot promise to answer questions I don't know the answer to or are not related to the subject of this FAQ. Please remember to use a subject that will tell me exactly what game it is in question of, as I have several guides for other games also and I generally don't bother opening e-mails without a subject or are just called Hello. And also, if you would, please mention the game somewhere in your message too as I would like to know what game it is you're on about as some questions can seem a bit vague without context. While the guide may not be my first prioritory at the moment, I still want any contributions you can send me. If you see a strategy below that you know is rubbish AND you have a better one, then send it to me (as long as it isn't just copied from someone else's guide, you have to have made it yourself) via the address above. While I will accept critcism of this guide (which is not very good) please give a good reason as to why you feel that way about it and what I can do to improve the guide so as to negate your criticisms as I will always be wanting to improve this guide as much as I can. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------[03] - Updates-------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- v 0.0 - 4/1/03 Started guide after completing all challenges on TimeSplitters2 which I got 6 days ago on 30th December. Completed writing How to: for first six challenges rest to do later. Submitting tomorrow (5th) Also adding prizes later. All times are there as far as I know v 1.0 - 5/1/03 Added some more guides to the challenges, the more lengthy ones will be added soon v 1.1 - 08/01/03 Completed all the challenge descriptions. All I need now are submissions from you v 1.2 - 4/2/03 Altered a few bits and added the Platinum times! Going to add the prizes soon, I promise. v 2.0 - 25/9/04 While I realise that this guide is a bit useless (the guide above is much better) I have still updated the guide a little. Added a nice ASCII artwork at the top (made by me), altered contact details to my new address and given the guide a rather basic Autumn clean. Oh, and changed the author name too. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -------------------------------[04] - Challenges------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The times given below are formatted like this: 01:30 = 1 minute 300 seconds -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [04a] - Glass Smash -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- i) Pane in the Neck Times Needed For Completion: Bronze : 01:00 Silver : 00:30 Gold : 00:18 Platinum : 00:11 How to: As soon as the level begins race forwards, and side step to the middle window of the huge building. Fire the grenade (R1) straight into the building and then run up the stairs turning while you do. Shoot straight into the next room through the door and then go along the bridge, back and fall off and then shoot through the door there. Then go left and shoot through the door there then go behind you and shoot through the end window (on the left) towards the door and that should complete the level in at least the Gold time if not Platinum Rewards: Cheat: Rotating Heads ii) Bricking It Times Needed For Completion: Bronze : 01:30 Silver : 00:45 Gold : 00:35 Platinum : 00:28 How to: Go the same directions as the previous challenge except smash each window with the bricks and go inside the building up top. The last building needs precision throwing from the window through the door but that should get you the statues and prizes. Rewards: Weapon: Brick iii) Stain Removal Panes Needed For Completion: Bronze : 23 Panes Silver : 28 Panes Gold : 32 Panes Platinum : 32 Panes by 00:47 How to: As soon as you start use the flaming grenades (R1) to fire through the three windows nearest you then simply strafe around the platform on the left (at the start) shooting out all the windows that you can see. Then shoot out all the big ones at the end and then after getting the one behind you (down the corridor bit) go back getting any you missed. Repeat the same as the other side until the time runs out or you get them all. Rewards: Character: The Hunchback -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [04b] - Behead The Undead -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- i) Fight Off The Living Dead Points Needed For Completion: Bronze : 10,000 Silver : 15,000 Gold : 20,000 Platinum : 160,000 How to: Run into the corner (with the stairs in front, the door to the left and then get the shotgun out. Use the aim to aim for the heads (L2, but your aiming doesn't have to be exact just around the same height for them all) and make sure to shoot them all almost as soon as you see them. As the shotgun regenerates in front, you'll need to run out to get it so just do that. If you keep watch then there really shouldn't be a problem getting the Gold (to get the Platinum you'll have to concentrate real hard) Rewards: Sewer Zombie ii) Sergio's Last Stand Points Needed For Completion: Bronze : 5000 Silver : 15,000 Gold : 25,000 Platinum : 35,000 How to: Thanks to an email from -- about this level and fire extinguisers I found the fire extinguiser, which makes the level a lot easier I can tell ya. To put yourself out if the zombies get you just walk while holding the extiguiser downwards and firing. To get more points while shooting the zombies you can go for their arms before the head if they are a distance off, such as in the first wave. To reload as fast as possible simply switch to fists and switch back. Rewards: Character: Sergio iii) Day of the Dammed Points Needed For Completion: Bronze : 10,000 Silver : 15,000 Gold : 20,000 Platinum : 25,000 How to: You've only got your fists so no need to reload at all but you'll need to keep a better watch then ever before. They'll come from all directions after the first two waves (ie waves 3 onwards) This little tip has come in from jorus_f3no255: It helps for me when you walk into your punch and walk back; i.e. , while you're moving toward the zombie, press the punch button so that while your fist is still moving, you're walking forward, and your fist into the zombie's head. Not sure if this may help. Also, the zombies ALMOST ALWAYS come in a set pattern; after wave 3, the ones from the hall come, and then, as if you were facing the hall, a Feeder Zombie comes from the forward right, then the forward left, then the rear left, and then the rear right. This may repeat as many times as the game desires as the wave continues. It's a 100 Points per head you take off (zombies taking their own heads off don't count as points) and 25 for a limb (an arm for example). Rewards: Character: Feeder Zombie -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [04c] - Infiltration -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i) Silent But Deadly Points Needed For Completion: Bronze : 0 Silver : 700 Gold : 1000 Platinum : 1000 in less than 00:40 How to: Walk forward and grab the Sniper and other gun. Use the sniper to take out the camera and man on the big building ahead. Then move out of the tunnel and watch out for the man in the compound who, if you go too soon, will spot you. Then run down into the compound, take him out and then go back out again. From slightly down the fence to the left, snipe the woman and then move round to the stairs on the big building. Use your Uplink to see the bloke there and kill him as he moves away. Run up the stairs, go into the building and open the doors via the switch and then run out along the platform and down into the building. Grab the mines, then run back upstairs and blow the dish up. The run for the dam to complete. Rewards: Hat: Viking ii) Trouble at the Docks Points Needed For Completion: Bronze : 0 Silver : 700 Gold : 1000 Platinum : 1000 in less than 00:25 How to: Stay out of sight of the two blokes patrolling the docks and sneak in. Shoot the next bloke in the head before he spots you and then continue on. Take out every person you see on the way to the exit. Rewards: Hat: Pirate iii) Escape from NeoTokyo Points Needed For Completion: Bronze: 0 Silver: 700 Gold: 1000 Platinum: 1000 in less than 00:20 How to: After you get past the first camera stop next to the big post past it and wait till the police car comes past. The sneak past all the cameras (using your Temporal Uplink) and go for the tunnel exit to complete. Rewards: Hat: Big Ears -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [04d] - Banana Chomp -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i) Gone Bananas Times Needed For Completion: Bronze : 01:30 Silver : 01:00 Gold : 00:55 Platinum : 00:45 How to: Get really used to the layout of the level and try to work out a way to get around as fast as you can. If you get all the timings and movements right then you should be well on your way to the Platinum Rewards: Character: Private Coal ii) Monkey Business Times Needed For Completion: Bronze: 01:30 Silver: 01:05 Gold: 00:58 Platinum: 00:47 How to: The bananas arein exactly the same layout as the previous challenge so just almost ignore the zombies and get on with what you did on the previous one. Rewards: Character: Private Poorly iii) Playing With Fire Bananas Needed For Completion: Bronze : 18 Bananas Silver : 22 Bananas Gold : 24 Bananas Platinum : 24 with 00:01 left How to: This one has a slightly different layout to it from the previous so again get used to the layout and plan (as well as you can) a way to go and make sure not to crash or stop once as there are only 30s in which to do it in. Rewards: Character: Wood Golem -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [04e] - Cut-out Shoot-out -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- i) Take 'em Down Points Needed For Completion: Bronze : 1500 Silver : 2500 Gold : 3500 Platinum : 4000 How to: Shoot the villanous looking ones (not the little boy with a balloon), they are devils and cowboys with guns. You get better points for shooting the centre of them. Just run down the street shooting at all the ones that pop up or slide by. Rewards: Character: Ample Sally ii) Fall Out Points Needed For Completion: Bronze : 1200 Silver : 1500 Gold : 1650 Platinum : 1700 How to: Thanks to an email from jorus I tried this one again and found enough to complete the level. Again only go for the bad guys. I will now give you detailed descriptions of where to find each: The first is beyond the first big box, the second is past the car, the next is on top of the next box. The next comes out from beind a box on the sidewalk (an old man comes out of a box before it so don't shoot him. The next is behind the line of crates, the next is past the car (half hiding behind a post) the next is on the other side of that car. The next comes out from behind a box round the corner and the next is in the newstand. Right on the next corner is the next one, then the next two are on either side of the big boxes there. The next is in the big shed which the doors fly off of. The next comes out from behind a taxi (behind an old man). The next is on a taxi. The next is at the front of the taxi and the final one is on the other side in the alcove bit. If you get them all right away then you'll get the Platinum just like me. Rewards: Character: Marco the Snitch iii) Pick Yer Piece Points Needed For Completion: Bronze : 700 Silver : 875 Gold : 1000 Platinum : 1250 How to: As far as I use it, the Tommy Gun is the best for this range. Right at the start move back to get the pistol (on the right) and a cut-out will appear at the window for an easy 100 points. Now go forwards get the Tommy Gun and learn the popups that occur as each time they are the same (after you shoot a cutout it doesn't appear again though) shoot like mad (only when aimed towards a cutout) and get all the points you can. 12 perfect shots and a 50 will get you the platinum. Rewards: Character: Sgt Rock -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [04f] - Timesplitters 'Story' Classic -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- i) Badass Buspass Impasse Times Needed For Completion: Bronze : 05:00 Silver : 03:00 Gold : 01:30 Platinum : 01:15 How to: To complete within the 1m 15s needed for Platinum, you've just got to really run down the road and back as fast as possible ignoring everyone and everything. In fact with the time given for the Platinum theres barely enough time to get the never mind back. The times are the ones given in the game but I got Gold with a time of 1m 46s so not entirely sure about the times here. Rewards: Character: Badass Cyborg ii) But Where do the Batteries Go? Times Needed For Completion: Bronze : 10:00 Silver : 07:00 Gold : 05:30 Platinum : 04:15 How to: Shoot those pesky flimsy robots right away and grab their guns. Head inside the big old building and shoot away. To get a great gun with a shield, go up the ramp and along that corridor and shoot all the bots there. The shield on the lasergun is activated with the R1 button. Then go back to the area with the ramp upwards and go along the corridor. When the big bin starts attacking get it with a grenade from the gun you get right off and blow it to shreds. To the right and behind of the bin is an armor powerup. Grab it. Now carry on into a huge area with a slope going round. Take care of the big gun that shoots ya with a grenade and then shoot all the bots that appear and then either run past the bin or blow it up again, it seems to be a bit stronger then the other. Then start up the shield and move on. Theres a big robot (a real R109) with a Minigun take him out and grab the gun. Use it for most of the rest of the level now as it is the best weapon you have. Carry on down the corridor and up some ramps taking out the bots until you get to an area with two bins. Blow em up and run past. Down the corridor is your target. Grab it and use the minigun to get out. On the outisde use the shield (if you still have it) and run for the gate. Complete. Rewards: Character: R One-Oh-Seven iii) Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time Times Needed For Completion: Bronze : 08:00 Silver : 04:00 Gold : 02:00 Platinum : 01:00 How to: Ignore almost every zombie that you come across except for the occassional ones you can take whilst still running. Try not to stop at any point and make your way around the course as fast as possible. Make your way to the small balcony to grab the prize, run back to the other balcony jump off and run into the portal. Rewards: Character: The Cropolite -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [04g] - Monkeying Around -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i) Simian Shootout Points Needed For Completion: Bronze : 600 Silver : 1000 Gold : 1800 Platinum : 2000 How to: Woohoo, easy one this. Don't use your cross hair aiming thing for this level as that just makes it harder. Go to the righthand side of the fountain and just past it. Face lef (from where you start) and just shoot at every monkey that flys over you and past. This should easily grab you thousands, I got over 3000 on my first go! Rewards: Character: Insect Mutant ii) Monkey Mayhem Points Needed For Completion: Bronze : 1000 Silver : 1500 Gold : 2500 Platinum : 3000 How to: To get the Gold (or Platinum) just aim for one door, the door on the left which the first monkey comes out of seems to me to be the busiest, and shoot all the melons that come out, try to get as many shots as possible to be deadly accurate to get the 150 points instead of the 50. If you do this you should succed, much easier then waving the sniper around like a madman. Rewards: Character: Misfit iii) Dam Bursters Points Needed For Completion: Bronze : 4000 Silver : 6000 Gold : 8000 Platinum : 9000 How to: Switch the Minigun on (R1) and shoot all the monkeys that come flying and rolling down the forzen lake towards the dam. This ones more luck then skill so just shoot like mad at them. You might find it easier to aim though to give you that extra bit of accuracy. Rewards: Character: Robofish Level: Circus Cheat: Paintball -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---------------------------------[05] - Thanks--------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thanks go to all these people who have contributed or helped with this guide: jorus_f3no255 for sending in a few bits for the guide and reminding me of the shootout level thing And thanks to Free Radical for making such a great new game Also to GameFAQs for posting yet another of my guides And of course, you the reader of this guide Thankyou all who have contributed (and sorry if I have missed you out by mistake, if I have then contact me again) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- --------------------------------[06] - Copyright------------------------------- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Copyright 2003-2004 dark52 This guide to the Challenges Mode in TimeSplitters2 may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may be placed on any website or otherwise distributed publicly without advanced written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public domain is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. And one last thing, this guide is only allowed at these places: http://www.GameFAQs.com http://faqs.darkspyro.net If you're viewing this guide at any other place then there is a chance that the version you are reading is not fully up-to-date, visit either of those two websites for the most up-to-date version of this guide. And just to summarise, anyone else who wants to host this guide elsewhere will be turned down as I would prefer it if I have some sort of control over all versions of the guide so as to prevent the out-dating of this FAQ, and since I will only ever bother to update at the two places mentioned above, there is no chance of you convincing me by telling me I can update it as often as I like. Sorry about that. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thanks for listening... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-