Character Abilities FAQ Timesplitters 2 (GCN) Cayene of Doma I. Introduction II. Version History III. Legal Jargon IV. The Characters V. Rankings VI. Conclusion =============================================================================== Section I. Introduction =============================================================================== There have been many discussions on the boards about who the "best" character is. While there isn't one true "best" of the bunch, they can be classified and ranked by statistics. =============================================================================== Section II. Version History =============================================================================== Version 1.0 -Unlocking methods complete. -Descriptions complete. -Stats complete. -Many inherent abilities listed. Version 2.0 -New format implemented. -Added Rankings section Version 2.0 Part II -Changed my email address. Go GMail! -Removed defunct sites from the allowed list. =============================================================================== Section III. Legal Jargon =============================================================================== Copyright 2003 Joel Barnett This guide is only available at: -GameFAQs ( -Timesplitters 2 Planet ( ( -NeoSeeker ( -GameNotOver ( -IGN ( If you find this guide posted anywhere other than the sites listed above, email me and tell me about it and the URL of the website. If you post this guide without my consent, I will send you one 'cease and desist' notice after I have been informed of your posting this guide, and you will have two days to remove it from your website. If it is still up after that, things could get ugly. If you would like to post this guide at your website, follow these simple steps: 1) Email me and ask permission. 99 times out of 100, I'll say yes. See the contact section for my address. 2) Post it unaltered, unless I approve the alteration, and make sure that I'm given credit. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. =============================================================================== Section IV. The Characters =============================================================================== NOTE: Undead means that the character can be decapitated and still keep going. Accountant Amateur League > Team Series A > Men in Gray Claims to know the difference between a double tap entry wound and double entry bookkeeping- but we're not so sure. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 5 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ample Sally Challenge > Cut-out Shoot-out > Take 'em Down Always on the lookout for a quick buck, Sally latched onto the Colonel's gang for the chance of fortune and power. They latched onto her for great cooking and special cuddles. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 6 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aztec Warrior Elite League > Duel Meaning > Golden Thighs Modeling the latest in heavy gold jewelry, nose piercing, pudding bowl haircut and high performance athletic support, this guy cuts a mean dash through any tropical rainforest. He's not so keen on prickly thickets though! Accuracy: 3 Agility: 7 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baby Drone Elite League > Team Series C > They're Not Pets! The TimeSplitters evil knows no limits- even juvenile drones are forced into labor at a young age. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 6 Stamina: 4 Short Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Badass Cyborg Challenge > Timesplitters 'Story' Classic > Badass Buspass Impasse He's the leanest, the meanest and the badass machine-est! Accuracy: 6 Agility: 5 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barby Gimp Honorary League > Outnumbered but Never Outpunned > Time to Split Once a high fashion model, Barby Gimp turned her back forever on the world of glamour when she decided to have surgical steel fighting claw implants. She still likes to watch the HoloSoaps on her Neural Visor. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 7 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bear Elite League > Team Series C > They're Not Pets! Rescued from a animal trap by Lola Varuska, Bear is fanatically loyal and will fight to the death to protect the circus. He's had his fez ever since he was a cub. Accuracy: 4 Agility: 3 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beetleman Elite League > One Shot Thrills > Double Bill A hideous alien grafting experiment gone wrong, Beetleman fights out of rockabilly rage at what was done to his once beautiful body... Accuracy: 7 Agility: 6 Stamina: 4 Short Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Tony 1932 Chicago (Normal / Hard) After buying out the Falucci Brothers olive oil import business, Big Tony turned his now slippery hands to more criminal activities. But liquor, loose women and the numbers racket weren't enough- lately it seems he's been taking shipments from some dodgy out of town characters. Agility: 8 Agility: 2 Stamina: 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Braces Honorary League > Elimination Series > Brace Yourself Despite the fact that he always gets the blame when things go wrong, Braces remains a loyal foot soldier in Big Tony's mob. Whatever he lacks in intelligence he more than makes up for in brute strength. Accuracy: 9 Agility: 3 Stamina: 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calamari Honorary League > Burns 'n' Bangs > Chinese Burns A political refugee from a distant ocean planet, Calamari hid in a cupboard when the TimeSplitters attacked the space station. Accuracy: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candi Skyler Unlocked by default Candy graduated from cadet training just two weeks ago. Although there's been cheap talk around the academy that she failed Astronavigation but got a dispensation because she has a cute butt. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 4 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capt Forest Unlocked by default Capt. Forest is the well respected chief of the Regular Force. Accuracy: 9 Agility: 5 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capt Night Honorary League > Outnumbered but Never Outpunned > Someone Has Got to Pay Capt. Night is the daring leader of the Special Forces. He likes to deploy his troops at the slightest sign of trouble. Some of the senior staff officers think that perhaps there's a little too much deploying going on... Accuracy: 9 Agility: 5 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capt Pain Honorary League > Team Series B > Superfly Lady Capt. Pain could have gone all the way to the top. Unfortunately he volunteered for an experiment in the labs and now he wanders the earth as a soulless monster. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 3 Stamina: 9 Undead Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capt Sand Honorary League > Burns 'n' Bangs > Rocket Man Capt. Sand is the bold commander of the Desert Force. Accuracy: 9 Agility: 5 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capt Snow Unlocked by default Capt. Snow is the leader of the Arctic Force. Sometimes the cold climate makes his earpiece malfunction. Accuracy: 9 Agility: 5 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain Ash Unlocked by default Adventurer extraordinaire, Capt. Ash's exploits have carried him to the four corners of the earth. He's always accompanied by the most glamorous assistants and never averse to stopping for a spot of afternoon tiffin. Just to keep the pecker up, you understand- Tally ho! Accuracy: 8 Agility: 3 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changeling Elite League > Frantic Series > Can't Please Everyone The Changelings are shapeshifting spirits drawn to Notre Dame by the foul rituals of Jacque de la Morte. Accuracy: 4 Agility: 6 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChassisBot Amateur League > Mode Madness > Scrap Metal Built from scrap and spare parts scavenged from the sprawling Machine Wars Scrapyards, the lightweight ChassisBots are designed for speed and agility. Accuracy: 2 Agility: 4 Stamina: 6 Immune to fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chastity Unlocked by default Before becoming a highly decorated officer in the LAPD, Chastity ran with the gangs in the back streets of Neo Tokyo. She has vowed to help Ghost clear his name and regain his honor. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 4 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chinese Chef Honorary League > Elimination Series > Baking for the Taking Still the best in the business. They say his recipe for slow braised TimeSplitter in black bean sauce is out of this world! Accuracy: 5 Agility: 6 Stamina: 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Colonel, The 1853 Wild West (Normal/Hard) After deserting from the Confederate army, the Colonel went deep into South America searching for Inca gold. He returned a changed man, evil and in possession of strange allies... Accuracy: 7 Agility: 7 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corp Hart Unlocked by default Not just an excellent soldier, Corporal Hart is also an expert with all kinds of mechanical and computer technology. She has found her servo-enhanced Tritium Exo-Arm to be a very useful aid in battle situations. Accuracy: 10 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crispin Amateur League > Too Hot to Handle > Monkey Immolation Crispin's had one too many brushes with the flamethrower- even he can't remember what he used to look like... Accuracy: 7 Agility: 6 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cropolite, The Timesplitters 'Story' Classic > Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time A demon from another dimension, the Cropolite has been drawn to our world by the spacetime rift opened by the TimeSplitters. Accuracy: 9 Agility: 3 Stamina: 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crypt Zombie Amateur League > Beginners Series > Casualty The mortal remains of the cathedral monks had been at rest for generations in the catacombs of Notre Dame, but the evil magic of Jacque de la Morte has raised their mummified corpses as flesh-eating zombies, ready to carry out his every demand. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 6 Stamina: 4 Undead Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyberfairy Honorary League > Maximus > Cold Corpse Caper A space-age pixie, the Cyberfairy fits across time zones, drawn to machine technology like a moth to a flame. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 10 Stamina: 2 Short Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Henchman Elite League > Frantic Series > Hangar Hats Off! When Khallos bought a cheap job lot of sidekick costumes some dudes were lucky enough to get first pick- guess what? They chose black instead of yellow. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinosaur Elite League > Sincerest Form of Flattery > Aztec the Dino Hunter He breathes fire and has vestigial forelimbs. Accuracy: 2 Agility: 3 Stamina: 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Peabody Amateur League > Beginners Series > Casualty Since the age of ten, when he blew up his parents' garden shed, Dr. Thadeus Peabody knew that he was destined to be an explosives scientist. He relishes the chance to further dispel academic stereotypes by running amok with an automatic weapon. Accuracy: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drone Splitter Elite League > Sincerest Form of Flattery > Half Death Once a peaceful amphibian race, the Drones were enslaved when the Splitters invaded their planet. Spinal implants ensure they will never escape the Splitters control. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 3 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duckman Drake Honorary League > Outnumbered but Never Outpunned > Someone Has Got to Pay He's quack and he's back! Accuracy: 3 Agility: 6 Stamina: 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elijah Jones Unlocked by default Elijah is Peekaboo Jones' great great grandpappy. His life as a bounty hunter began at the age of sixteen, when he saw his parents gunned down in cold blood by cattle rustlers. Since that day his mission has been to confront injustice wherever he finds it. Accuracy: 8 Agility: 6 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feeder Zombie Challenge > Behead the Undead > Day of the Damned The Feeder Zombie's thought process is quite simple: eat brains... eat brains... Although, to be fair, the stains on their T-shirts are mostly melon juice. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 3 Stamina: 9 Undead Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Trooper Amateur League > It's a Blast > Demolition Derby The Marine Troopers have borne the brunt of the TimeSplitters onslaught against humanity. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gargoyle Honorary League > Maximus > Cold Corpse Caper Infused with stolen life by the TimeSplitters evil aura, the Gargoyles will destroy anything foolish enough to stand in their path. They especially don't like pigeons. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 3 Stamina: 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghost Unlocked by default The coolest CyberJock in the Tek Quarter, Ghost can hack an AI CORE in milliseconds. When he declined Sadako's offer to join her gang she planned a bitter revenge. Now he is framed for a crime he did not commit and the Neo Tokyo police are on his trail. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 4 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gingerbread Man Honorary League > Elimination Series > Baking for the Taking Flour, brown sugar, shortening, molasses, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon and some well beaten eggs. Mix well, pop in the oven and let the nightmares begin... Accuracy: 2 Agility: 3 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gregor Lenko Unlocked by default Gregor Lenko 'The Russian Bear' is one half of a crack military team, working for a covert international consortium. Along with Ilsa Nadir he is sent on assignments that would cause lesser men to quake with fear. Accuracy: 8 Agility: 3 Stamina: 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gretel Mk II Unlocked by default Gretel II is a second generation precision killing machine, programmed with stealth and martial arts techniques from around the galaxy. Together with R-109 she has been sent to destroy the Machinist's robot army. Accuracy: 8 Agility: 6 Stamina: 4 Immune to fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Handyman Honorary League > Outnumbered but Never Outpunned > Can't Handle This This guy is straight out of Hatchet Sal's nightmares. Just goes to show, crime doesn't pay- or maybe Sal should have just laid off the cheese. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 3 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hank Nova Unlocked by default Some guys just have it and Hank's one of them. He's seen things you people wouldn't believe, attack ships on fire off the shoulder of... well, whatever. A leaner, meaner, more square jawed hero never graced the operatic stage. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 6 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harry Tipper Unlocked by default The crimebusting skills of ex-New York vice cop Harry Tipper are now employed in the fight against international supervillains. This time he's got a license to chill- Nice tux, Harry! Accuracy: 9 Agility: 6 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hatchet Sal Honorary League > Outnumbered but Never Outpunned > Can't Handle This Hatchet Sal got his nickname from his habit of chopping off his unfortunate victims right hands. He used to keep his trophies in a shoe box under his bed, but one night, after too much cheese, he had the mother of all nightmares and his box of gruesome buddies just had to go. He's cleaned up his act now, but the hatchet moniker stayed with him. Accuracy: 3 Agility: 4 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hector Baboso Amateur League > Beginners Series > Adios Amigos The son of a saloon girl, Hector was raised in a house of ill repute. After a series of botched hold-ups, he met fellow outlaw Mikey Two-guns in prison and the pair became firm friends. Accuracy: 4 Agility: 3 Stamina: 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Henchman Elite League > Frantic Series > Hangar Hats Off! The Henchmen are foot soldiers in Khallos' terror organization. Outfitted with the latest in army surplus night vision goggles and flattering figure hugging suits (plus baseball caps!), they cut a dash in any kind of 'secret base under attack' chaos. Accuracy: 4 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- High Priest Elite League > Duel Meaning > Golden Thighs Yeah? Well this dude thinks you look pretty strange too! Accuracy: 7 Agility: 3 Stamina: 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunchback, The Challenge > Glass Smash > Stain Removal The Hunchback knows all the hidden doorways and secret tunnels of Notre Dame. Horrified by the evil that Jacque de la Morte has unleashed in his beloved cathedral, he battles to thwart the lunatic's plans. Accuracy: 4 Agility: 3 Stamina: 7 Short Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hybrid Mutant 1990 Siberia (Normal / Hard) The TimeSplitters evil aura had a devastating effect on some of the more susceptible Siberian troopers, causing massive genetic mutation. Military scientists tried to turn them into super-soldiers, but after a series of horrific incidents the mutants were deemed uncontrollable and placed under maximum security. Accuracy: 8 Agility: 3 Stamina: 9 Undead Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ilsa Nadir Unlocked by default The daughter of Dr. Katje Nadir, Ilsa knows no fear and will gladly undertake the most dangerous search and destroy missions. Few men can come close to matching her superb fighting and infiltration skills. Accuracy: 8 Agility: 4 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impersonator, The Elite League > One Shot Thrills > Double Bill The King returns after a sell out tour of holiday camps and working men's clubs. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 5 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insect Mutant Challenge > Monkeying Around > Simian Shootout Frank was always telling folks about UFOs in the skies over his garage but nobody believed his tales of alien abductions. Look at him now- what do you think? Accuracy: 6 Agility: 3 Stamina: 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jacque de la Morte 1895 Notre Dame (Normal / Hard) A psychopathic murderer, Jacque de la Morte's mind has been twisted by visions of 'angels'. Now he teeters on the brink of complete insanity. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 2 Stamina: 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jake Fenton Unlocked by default Jake has been battling bribery and corruption in Chicago ever since Big Tony came to town. Tony lost him his badge and had him run out of town, but now he's back, working for Lady Jane's agency, and looking to settle the score. Accuracy: 8 Agility: 6 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jared Slim Elite League > Duel Meaning > If I'm Ugly, You Smell! A callous murderer and card sharp, Jared was rescued from the gallows by the Colonel and has been his right hand man ever since. Accuracy: 3 Agility: 7 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jebediah Crump Elite League > Sincerest Form of Flattery > Dead Fraction Jebediah is the only original inhabitant of Little Prospect left. While the town was being taken over by the Colonel and his gang, the crazy old prospector was at the bottom of a mineshaft drinking moonshine. When he surfaced two days later he couldn't quite work out what had changed. Accuracy: 4 Agility: 3 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jimmy Needles Amateur League > Team Series A > Club Soda Jimmy Needles is a ruthless assassin brought in from Miami to handle Tony's more tricky hits. This guy's a fruit nut, every morning he has to have half a cantaloupe melon, two fresh grapefruit and a glass of chilled cranberry juice or else he's just plain ornery all day. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 3 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jinki Elite League > One Shot Thrills > Nikki Jinki Bricky Twins from a tiny Oriental village, Nikki and Jinki were sold to the Ringmistress when they were both babes in arms. Strangely, each claims to be the elder sister. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 6 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jo-Beth Casey Elite League > One Shot Thrills > Babes in the Woods Mary-Beth Casey's younger sister. Jo-Beth likes to sneak out of her parents' house at weekends to fight crime and kill monsters. Her high school show and tell sessions are really something quite special. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 10 Stamina: 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jungle Queen Unlocked by default Raised in the jungle by wolves, the Jungle Queen's sharp intellect is only hampered by her tight thong and lack of language. Captain Ash has promised to make her a duchess if she comes back to Blighty with him. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 6 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Khallos 1972 Atomsmasher (Normal / Hard) It's not easy holding the world to ransom but Mr. Khallos seems well qualified for the job. He's got secret bases, doomsday devices, scores of henchmen and a penchant for over elaborate death scenes. He poo-poos his detractors who claim that he got his eye patch from a novelty store and that his first name is Archibald. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitten Celeste Unlocked by default Sometimes things get a little too hot under the collar for Harry and he needs some manual assistance from his slinky sidekick, Miss Celeste. Go get 'em tiger! Grrrrrrrr! Accuracy: 7 Agility: 6 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Krayola Honorary League > Team Series B > Hack a Hacker A high school dropout with a genius level IQ, Krayola shunned the academic world to become the brains behind Sadako's sick experiments. Accuracy: 4 Agility: 10 Stamina: 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kypriss Elite League > Duel Meaning > Golem Guru Found in a burlap sack at the bottom of a well, no one knows if Kypriss is a supernatural goddess or just a lady with a fancy costume. Despite many offers of money and power she has never raised all of her arms on a public stage. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 6 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Jane Unlocked by default This hot-blooded socialite skipped Swiss finishing school to set up her own Private Investigation Agency in Chicago. A stickler for fashion you'll never catch her with anything but the latest in haute couture and semi automatic weapons. Accuracy: 8 Agility: 4 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lawyer Amateur League > Team Series A > Men in Gray Should you, the player, choose freely to play as this character, it is under the express understanding that absolutely no warranty, stated or implied, is given for his performance, or lack thereof, in a deathmatch, or any other arcade scenario, whether in existence or yet to be devised. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 5 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lean Molly Amateur League > Beginners Series > Adios Amigos Sally's slender sister. She's not big on special cuddles. Accuracy: 2 Agility: 3 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leo Krupps Honorary League > Maximus > Killer Queen Leo was once the circus lion tamer. But over the years he adopted more and more of his lions characteristics until one morning he was found alone in the lions' cage, roaring and dribbling. He has lived as a lion ever since. Accuracy: 4 Agility: 6 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lola Varuska Challenge > Monkeying Around > Monkey Mayhem A Ukranian trapeze artist. Despite the strictures of her corset Lola still manages a dazzling smile. All the gentlemen love her and she has never missed a catch. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 8 Stamina: 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Louie Bignose Amateur League > Too Hot to Handle > Disco Inferno Louie's been slipping and sliming his way in and out of Big Tony's good book for years. Every time Tony promotes him he somehow manages to goof up. Lately he's hit upon the trick of getting Braces to break any bad news to Tony. Accuracy: 3 Agility: 3 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lt Bush Unlocked by default Lt. Bush used to get into trouble with her superiors because of her unruly hair. Now she follows their advice and keeps it neatly trimmed. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lt Chill Honorary League > Maximus > R-109 Beta Lt. Chill has the distinction of being the only undead woman in the game. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 2 Stamina: 10 Undead Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lt Frost Unlocked by default Lt. Frost is an accomplished curling champion. She practices on the frozen lake behind the Dam. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lt Shade Amateur League > Team Series A > Station Stand Lt. Shade is the femme fatale of the Special Forces. Her peroxide blonde hair often surprises the men during undercover operations. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lt Wild Amateur League > Too Hot to Handle > Disco Inferno Lt. Wild is a striking officer in the Desert Force. She's always had fast track promotion and many say that one day she's destined to make a General. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machinist 2315 Robot Factory (Normal / Hard) An ageless scavenger, the Dark Machinist Child utilizes any components available for his mismatched body, mechanical and biological alike. He is unaware of how twisted and obscene his modifications have become. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 7 Stamina: 3 Short Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maiden Elite League > Frantic Series > Can't Please Everyone So innocent and so pure, the Maiden is the perfect sacrifice... Accuracy: 2 Agility: 3 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Male Trooper Amateur League > It's a Blast > Demolition Derby The Marine Troopers have borne the brunt of the TimeSplitters onslaught against humanity. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marco the Snitch Challenge > Cut-out Shoot-out > Fall Out Marco's turned coat and switched sides far too many times in his short career of crime. Even he can't remember who he's told what to! Sick with worry, he lives his life in constant fear of mob retaliation. Accuracy: 2 Agility: 7 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master, The Honorary League > Team Series B > Rice Cracker Rush A wandering Chinese monk, the Master's life is shrouded in mystery. Ladies can't resist stroking his beard. Accuracy: 3 Agility: 4 Stamina: 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meezor Mox Amateur League > It's a Blast > Spoils of War The Meezor hate everyone and everything, especially their close cousins the Ozor. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 6 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mikey Two-guns Elite League > Duel Meaning > If I'm Ugly, You Smell! Mikey was a two-bit horse thief and cattle rustler until the Colonel lured him into his gang with the promise of easy gold and loose women. The women were never easy but some of them had loose gold teeth so I guess The Colonel isn't all empty talk. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 7 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Milkbaby Honorary League > Team Series B > Hack a Hacker Bullied as a child, Milkbaby honed her fighting skills in the dark streets of the Tek Quarter. Now she serves as a vicious foot soldier in Sadako's gang. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 2 Stamina: 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mischief Challenge > Monkeying Around > Monkey Mayhem Mischief's happy smile and childlike manner hide her true nature, a psychotic killer with a love of death. The last person who twanged her braces ended up chopped to pieces in the taffy-pulling machine. Accuracy: 4 Agility: 9 Stamina: 2 Short Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mister Giggles Elite League > Frantic Series > Big-Top Blowout Mister Giggles stumbled into a small English village when he was just a boy. Although he was adopted by a loving family, he was never truly happy until he ate them and joined the circus. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 7 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monkey Unlocked by default It's a monkey. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 10 Stamina: 2 Short Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Underwood Unlocked by default Mr. Underwood has debunked table-rappers and fake mystics all over England. Reports of true supernatural phenomena have brought him to Paris. He has joined forces with the lady Viola to share intelligence in the battle against Jacque de la Morte. Accuracy: 8 Agility: 3 Stamina: 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nikki Elite League > One Shot Thrills > Nikki Jinki Bricky Twins from a tiny Oriental village, Jinki and Nikki were sold to the Ringmistress when they were both babes in arms. Strangely, each claims to be the elder sister. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 3 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nikolai Unlocked by default Nikolai is a little too curious for his own good. He's always telling Sgt. Shivers that he knows best and that he can sort out whatever is going on in the secret base under the Dam. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ozor Mox 2280 Return to Planet X (Normal / Hard) The Ozor hate everyone and everything, especially their close cousins the Meezor. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 6 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Coal Challenge > Banana Chomp > Gone Bananas Private Coal is a promising recruit to the Special Forces Unit. He has a crush on Lt. Shade but hasn't yet dared to ask her out. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Grass Unlocked by default Private Grass is a hardworking grunt in the regular force. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Poorly Challenge > Banana Chomp > Monkey Business Private Poorly is feeling a little undead after his unpleasant encounter in the caverns below Oblask Dam. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 2 Stamina: 10 Undead Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sand Amateur League > Mode Madness > Shrinking From the Cold Private Sand is a reliable foot soldier in the Desert Force. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R-109 Unlocked by default An upgrade of the now outdated R-108, the R-109 is a war robot, built for heavy duty combat. His reasons for destroying the Machinist are more personal than his partner Gretel II, R-109 wants revenge for all his fallen comrades killed in Machine Wars. Accuracy: 8 Agility: 2 Stamina: 10 Immune to fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R One-Oh-Seven Challenge > Timesplitters 'Story' Classic > But Where Do the Batteries Go? A few deranged zealots were drawn to the Machine Wars. Poor Robert One-Oh-Seven is under the delusion that he is a carefully constructed robot sent to save the world from evil. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 4 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ramona Sosa Unlocked by default Ramona came over the border hoping for a peaceful life, but with her fiery temper and quick reflexes she quickly fell into work as a law enforcer. When things began turning sour in Little Prospect she sent a wire out to her old friend Elijah Jones for backup... Accuracy: 8 Agility: 6 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reaper Splitter 2401 Space Station (Normal / Hard) Selectively bred for strength and ferocity. Reapers are the main combatants of the TimeSplitter army. Accuracy: 9 Agility: 4 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ringmistress Elite League > Team Series C > Bags of Fun The mysterious matriarch of the circus family, the Ringmistress is fiercely protective of her eldritch troupe. Accuracy: 4 Agility: 3 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Riot Officer Honorary League > Team Series B > Rice Cracker Rush The Neo Tokyo Riot Squad are rigorously trained, acting in all situations to control disturbances with an iron fist. Accuracy: 8 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robofish Challenge > Monkeying Around > Dam Bursters The pesky pop-eyed piscine returns! Accuracy: 5 Agility: 10 Stamina: 2 Short Character, Immune to fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sadako 2019 Neo Tokyo (Normal / Hard) Horrifically burnt in a tenement blaze when she was ten, Sadako's outer scars are nothing compared to the rage and hatred she harbors within. A self-taught hacker, she and her gang have stumbled across technology that could change the course of history... Accuracy: 6 Agility: 6 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scourge Splitter Honorary League > Outnumbered but Never Outpunned > Time to Split Nothing is known about these fearsome leaders of the TimeSplitters. Although, their bondage trousers are admired across the galaxy. Accuracy: 8 Agility: 6 Stamina: 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SentryBot Amateur League > It's a Blast > Night Shift Adapted from old security robots by the Machinist, the SentryBots are programmed to kill anything that moves. Accuracy: 8 Agility: 2 Stamina: 10 Immune to fire, Does not appear to take head-shots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sergio Challenge > Behead the Undead > Sergio's Last Stand The circus strongman, Sergio's incredible strength is tempered with a compassionate personality and love of life. He likes to tend his herb garden and collect first editions. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 3 Stamina: 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sewer Zombie Challenge > Behead the Undead > Fight Off the Living Dead The fetid depths of the Parisian sewers are the final resting place of many unfortunate murder victims and diseased beggars. The dark magic suffusing Notre Dame has reanimated their half-rotted bodies. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 2 Stamina: 10 Undead Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sgt Cortez Unlocked by default An elite squad of space marines are spearheading the counterforce against the TimeSplitters. Sergeant Cortez is a battle-hardened veteran who is proficient with all weapon types and can adapt to any combat conditions. Accuracy: 10 Agility: 3 Stamina: 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sgt Rock Challenge > Cut-out Shoot-out > Pick Yer Piece Sgt. Rock is a bit of a matchmaker in the Desert Forces. He's always helping his colleagues to get the girl they want. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sgt Shivers Unlocked by default Sgt. Shivers really doesn't like working at Oblask Dam. It's all a bit spooky and he's fed up with Nikolai calling him a scaredy cat. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sgt Shock Amateur League > Beginners Series > Top Shot Sgt. Shock likes to impress the ladies with his Special Forces uniform. He keeps the helmet shiny and well polished. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sgt Slate Amateur League > Mode Madness > Shrinking From the Cold Sgt. Slate should have stayed away from the biological samples under the Dam. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 2 Stamina: 10 Undead Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sgt Wood Unlocked by default Sgt. Wood is an upstanding officer in the Regular Force. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 6 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slick Tommy Amateur League > Team Series A > Club Soda Slick Tommy fancies himself as a bit of a ladies man, as quick with a knife as he is with the saucy one line come-on. Jimmy hasn't told him that you shouldn't wear a blue tie with a brown suit. Accuracy: 3 Agility: 6 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snowman Honorary League > Burns 'n' Bangs > Snow Business Brought to life by a child's wish, the Flying Snowman traverses time in search of death or glory. Accuracy: 2 Agility: 3 Stamina: 6 Short Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stone Golem 1920 Aztec Ruins (Normal / Hard) The ancient powers of the Temple of T'hochek have imbued the very rocks with life. These mighty creatures possess the strength of a hundred men. No one has ever dared to ask what they keep in their little sacks. Accuracy: 8 Agility: 3 Stamina: 9 Immune to fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stumpy Elite League > Frantic Series > Big-Top Blowout Stumpy is the adopted son of Sergio the Magnificent. The strongman despairs of Stumpy's errant nature and malicious pranks but hopes in his heart that one day Stumpy will grow up to be a little taller. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 3 Stamina: 9 Short Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trooper Black Honorary League > Elimination Series > Starship Whoopers Trooper Black takes great delight in his work and is always first in line when Special Forces are deployed- as they frequently are. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 5 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trooper Brown Honorary League > Elimination Series > Brace Yourself Trooper Brown often gets hot and bothered inside his gasmask on Desert operations. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 5 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trooper Green Unlocked by default Trooper Green's gasmask is a great help with his hay fever on summer operations. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 5 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trooper Grey Honorary League > Burns 'n' Bangs > Snow Business Trooper Grey's foul zombie breath fills the inside of his gasmask and makes even his eyes water. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 3 Stamina: 9 Undead Character ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trooper White Unlocked by default Trooper White is a promising soldier in the Arctic Force. Accuracy: 6 Agility: 5 Stamina: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Undead Priest Amateur League > Too Hot to Handle > Burns Department The undead priests are all that remains of Jacque's cult followers. Under his influence they sacrificed their souls for immortality, providing Jacque with an elite army of dark followers. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 3 Stamina: 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Venus Starr Honorary League > Burns 'n' Bangs > Rocket Man Venus left her hometown at a young age in search of fame as a showgirl. Despite her obvious charms and snazzy homemade costume, her career has yet to take off. Perhaps she should have gone somewhere more cosmopolitan than Little Prospect. Accuracy: 5 Agility: 3 Stamina: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Viola Unlocked by default The child of a reclusive aristocratic Countessa, Viola assumes the guise of a traveling troubadour as a cover for her true mission- to destroy evil wherever it bares its ugliness. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 10 Stamina: 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wood Golem Challenge > Banana Chomp > Playing with Fire Around the Temple, the thirsty roots of trees have sucked up the blood from a thousand human sacrifices. The souls of these ancient victims now prowl the earth bound within gnarled skins of wood. Accuracy: 7 Agility: 3 Stamina: 7 More susceptible to fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Section V. Rankings =============================================================================== This section outlines seven different sections. Top characters according to overall stats, accuracy, agility, and stamina, undead characters, short characters, and inflammable characters. Top Characters (Overall stats) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __1- Sgt Cortez __2- Corp Hart __3- Braces Cropolite, The __5- Big Tony Harry Tipper Hybrid Mutant R-109 Riot Officer SentryBot Stone Golem _12- Capt Forest Capt Night Capt Pain Capt Sand Capt Snow Dark Henchman Elijah Jones Feeder Zombie Female Trooper Gargoyle Male Trooper Private Coal Private Poorly Ramona Sosa Sgt Shock Sgt Slate Trooper Grey Undead Priest Viola _31- Barby Gimp Colonel, The Crispin Cyberfairy Gregor Lenko Gretel Mk II Ilsa Nadir Insect Mutant Jacque de la Morte Jake Fenton Jo-Beth Casey Khallos Kitten Celeste Kypriss Lady Jane Lola Varuska Lt Chill Mister Giggles Monkey Mr. Underwood Reaper Splitter Scourge Splitter Sewer Zombie Sgt Rock Sgt Shivers Sgt Wood Stumpy _58- Baby Drone Beetleman Captain Ash Hank Nova High Priest Jinki Jungle Queen Lt Bush Lt Frost Lt Shade Lt Wild Mikey Two-guns Milkbaby Nikolai Private Grass Private Sand Robofish Sadako Sergio Wood Golem _78- Ample Sally Badass Cyborg Candi Skyler Ghost Hector Baboso Henchman Impersonator, The Krayola Machinist Meezor Mox Ozor Mox Trooper Black Trooper Brown Trooper Green Trooper White _93- Chastity Crypt Zombie Drone Splitter Mischief Nikki R One-Oh-Seven _99- Accountant Aztec Warrior Changeling Chinese Chef Handyman Hunchback, The Jared Slim Jimmy Needles Lawyer Leo Krupps Master, The Slick Tommy Venus Starr 112- Bear Hatchet Sal Jebediah Crump Marco the Snitch Ringmistress 117- Calamari ChassisBot Dinosaur Duckman Drake Louie Bignose 122- Dr. Peabody Gingerbread Man Snowman 125- Lean Molly Maiden Top Characters (Accuracy) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __1- Corp Hart Sgt Cortez __3- Braces Capt Forest Capt Night Capt Sand Capt Snow Cropolite, The Harry Tipper Reaper Splitter _11- Big Tony Captain Ash Elijah Jones Gregor Lenko Gretel Mk II Hybrid Mutant Ilsa Nadir Jake Fenton Lady Jane Mr. Underwood R-109 Ramona Sosa Riot Officer Scourge Splitter SentryBot Stone Golem _27- Baby Drone Barby Gimp Beetleman Capt Pain Colonel, The Crispin Dark Henchman Drone Splitter Feeder Zombie Female Trooper Gargoyle Hank Nova High Priest Impersonator, The Jinki Jungle Queen Kitten Celeste Kypriss Lola Varuska Male Trooper Mister Giggles Private Coal Private Poorly Sgt Shock Sgt Slate Trooper Grey Undead Priest Viola Wood Golem _56- Badass Cyborg Candi Skyler Cyberfairy Ghost Insect Mutant Jacque de la Morte Jo-Beth Casey Khallos Lt Chill Machinist Mikey Two-guns Monkey Nikki Sadako Sewer Zombie Sgt Rock Sgt Shivers Sgt Wood Stumpy Trooper Black Trooper Brown Trooper Green Trooper White _79- Accountant Ample Sally Chastity Chinese Chef Crypt Zombie Handyman Jimmy Needles Lawyer Lt Bush Lt Frost Lt Shade Lt Wild Meezor Mox Milkbaby Nikolai Ozor Mox Private Grass Private Sand R One-Oh-Seven Robofish Sergio Venus Starr 101- Bear Changeling Hector Baboso Henchman Hunchback, The Jebediah Crump Krayola Leo Krupps Mischief Ringmistress 111- Aztec Warrior Calamari Dr. Peabody Duckman Drake Hatchet Sal Jared Slim Louie Bignose Master, The Slick Tommy 120- ChassisBot Dinosaur Gingerbread Man Lean Molly Maiden Marco the Snitch Snowman Top Characters (Agility) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __1- Cyberfairy Jo-Beth Casey Krayola Monkey Robofish Viola __7- Mischief __8- Lola Varuska __9- Aztec Warrior Barby Gimp Colonel, The Jared Slim Machinist Marco the Snitch Mikey Two-guns Mister Giggles _17- Ample Sally Baby Drone Beetleman Changeling Chinese Chef Corp Hart Crispin Crypt Zombie Dark Henchman Duckman Drake Elijah Jones Female Trooper Gretel Mk II Hank Nova Harry Tipper Henchman Jake Fenton Jinki Jungle Queen Khallos Kitten Celeste Kypriss Leo Krupps Lt Bush Lt Frost Lt Shade Lt Wild Male Trooper Meezor Mox Nikolai Ozor Mox Private Coal Private Grass Private Sand Ramona Sosa Riot Officer Sadako Scourge Splitter Sgt Rock Sgt Shivers Sgt Shock Sgt Wood Slick Tommy _60- Accountant Badass Cyborg Capt Forest Capt Night Capt Sand Capt Snow Impersonator, The Lawyer Reaper Splitter Trooper Black Trooper Brown Trooper Green Trooper White _73- Candi Skyler ChassisBot Chastity Ghost Hatchet Sal Ilsa Nadir Lady Jane Master, The R One-Oh-Seven _82- Bear Braces Calamari Capt Pain Captain Ash Cropolite, The Dinosaur Dr. Peabody Drone Splitter Feeder Zombie Gargoyle Gingerbread Man Gregor Lenko Handyman Hector Baboso High Priest Hunchback, The Hybrid Mutant Insect Mutant Jebediah Crump Jimmy Needles Lean Molly Louie Bignose Maiden Mr. Underwood Nikki Ringmistress Sergio Sgt Cortez Snowman Stone Golem Stumpy Trooper Grey Undead Priest Venus Starr Wood Golem 118- Big Tony Jacque de la Morte Lt Chill Milkbaby Private Poorly R-109 SentryBot Sewer Zombie Sgt Slate Top Characters (Stamina) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __1- Big Tony Jacque de la Morte Lt Chill Milkbaby Private Poorly R-109 SentryBot Sewer Zombie Sgt Cortez Sgt Slate _11- Braces Capt Pain Cropolite, The Feeder Zombie Gargoyle Hector Baboso Hybrid Mutant Insect Mutant Sergio Stone Golem Stumpy Trooper Grey Undead Priest _24- Dinosaur Gregor Lenko High Priest Hunchback, The Master, The Mr. Underwood Wood Golem _31- Bear Calamari Candi Skyler Captain Ash ChassisBot Chastity Corp Hart Dark Henchman Female Trooper Ghost Gingerbread Man Handyman Hatchet Sal Henchman Ilsa Nadir Jebediah Crump Jimmy Needles Khallos Lady Jane Louie Bignose Lt Bush Lt Frost Lt Shade Lt Wild Male Trooper Nikki Nikolai Private Coal Private Grass Private Sand R One-Oh-Seven Ringmistress Riot Officer Sgt Rock Sgt Shivers Sgt Shock Sgt Wood Snowman Venus Starr _70- Ample Sally Badass Cyborg Capt Forest Capt Night Capt Sand Capt Snow Crispin Dr. Peabody Drone Splitter Elijah Jones Harry Tipper Kitten Celeste Kypriss Lean Molly Maiden Meezor Mox Ozor Mox Ramona Sosa Sadako Slick Tommy Trooper Black Trooper Brown Trooper Green Trooper White _94- Accountant Aztec Warrior Baby Drone Barby Gimp Beetleman Changeling Colonel, The Crypt Zombie Gretel Mk II Hank Nova Impersonator, The Jake Fenton Jared Slim Jinki Jungle Queen Lawyer Leo Krupps Marco the Snitch Mikey Two-guns Mister Giggles Reaper Splitter Scourge Splitter 116- Chinese Chef Duckman Drake Lola Varuska Machinist 120- Cyberfairy Jo-Beth Casey Krayola Mischief Monkey Robofish Viola Undead Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capt Pain Crypt Zombie Feeder Zombie Hybrid Mutant Lt Chill Private Poorly Sewer Zombie Sgt Slate Trooper Grey Short Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baby Drone Beetleman Cyberfairy Hunchback, The Machinist Mischief Monkey Robofish Snowman Stumpy Inflammable Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChassisBot Gretel Mk II R-109 Robofish SentryBot Stone Golem =============================================================================== Section VI. Conclusion =============================================================================== Thanks to all sites that are currently allowed to host this FAQ. If you have comments, questions, fan mail, hate mail, or anything else to send me, drop me a line at mallys[at]gmail[dot]com.