____________ ___ ___________ | __ __ | ,-' __`. | ___ ___ | |,' | | `.| ,' ,-' `.\ |/ | | \| | |___ / ,' ___ ___ _______| | | |\ / _____ / / ____ \ / \ /| _ _ | |_____ ____ __ | || |__ __\ __\ | | \ _`. | | | ||/ | | \| |\ __\\ _`. ,'__\ | || |\ \ / /| | | \ | | \ \| | | | | | | || | | | \ \/ / \| | || || \/ || |_ \ `-| |_/ /| | | | | | | || |_ | |_/ /\ \_ | || || \ / || _| `-. `-.,' | | | | | | | || _| | / `-.`. | || || |\/| || | |-. \ | | | | | | | || | | |\ \ \ \ | || || | | || |___ | |\ \ | |_/|/_\ | | | || |___| | | ||\__/ / | |/_\/_\ | |/____/ /_\| | /____| | | /_\/____/| | | | \__,' | | | | / / ______ /_\ /_\ | \ | | /_\ |\ ,' / ,' _____`-. \ \ | | \`.__,-' ,' ,',-' `. `. \ \ /____\ `.___,-' /,' \ \ `.\ | | / / ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' ,' / / / /_____________/| |__________________| /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |-----------------------TIMESPLITTERS 2 FAQ/WALKTHROUGH-----------------------| \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ For the GameCube Copyright 2003-2004 Richard Beast E-Mail: richard_power1000@yahoo.com Version 1.0 Date: 04/11/04 +------------------+ | ASCII by osrevad | +------------------+ ---------------- Version History: ---------------- ++ 8.0 ++ Fun Fact: I was thinking of playing a joke before this, although it'd be offensive. Anyway, just about all of the Challenges section is finished. I fixed one huge error, and did more of the Honorary League. ++ 7.0 ++ One of the biggest updates yet. Almost all of the Challenges are finished, the whole Amateur League and a lot of the Honorary League are done, and I got a sexy ASCII at the top of the guide. Fear the osrevad. ++ 6.0 ++ Just a small update. The Characters section was finished, and I did almost all of the Amateur League in the Arcade. Also corrected some stuff inside Robot Factory concerning all the robots. Also, <3 my upload time. ++ 5.0 ++ Almost all of the Amateur League in the Arcade mode done. Next update should have a lot more. Also, I just realized one thing: the whole characters section hasn't been done. So I did a bit of that too. ++ 4.0 ++ Whoo. Anyways, I finished some more of the Challenges, and a lot more Arcade tournaments. Still, there's quite a lot more that needs to be done. I'll get to it though, don't worry. ++ 3.0 ++ Well, sorry that it's been nearly a month since my last update. There's Christmas and stuff like that, and I have two other projects. Anyway, Robot Factory and Space Station are done. More stuff is complete too. ++ 2.0 ++ Yep, well I did have to update the guide quickly. This new version has everything updated that I forgot to do in the original version, and more walkthrough done. ++ 1.0 ++ First started the FAQ, might make adjustments sometime but this is the first version. There's just so much complex stuff in the walkthrough that you never know. =============================================================================== Table of Contents: =============================================================================== -!NOTE!- This guide, as you will soon see, is pretty big. Seeing as how this takes effect, you will most likely be lost in trying to find out what you want to read. There is one way to get to it, instantly. Press Ctrl + F, and then look for whatever you want. Let's say you want to go to the Basics section. Type in "V. Basics", and then you'll go to the bosses section, instantly! Pretty neat, eh? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ -------------------------- * TABLE OF CONTENTS * -------------------------- ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction II. Game Information III. Legal Disclaimer IV. Contact Rules IVa. E-Mail Rules IVb. IM Rules V. Basics Va. Storyline Vb. Tactics Vc. Modes VI. Characters VII. Easy Walkthrough VIIa. Siberia (1990) VIIb. Chicago (1932) VIIc. Notre Dame (1895) VIId. Planet X (2280) VIIe. NeoTokyo (2019) VIIf. Wild West (1853) VIIg. Atom Smasher (1972) VIIh. Aztec Ruins (1920) VIIi. Robot Factory (2315) VIIj. Space Station (2401) VIII. Normal/Hard Walkthrough VIIIa. Siberia (1990) VIIIb. Chicago (1932) VIIIc. Notre Dame (1895) VIIId. Planet X (2280) VIIIe. NeoTokyo (2019) VIIIf. Wild West (1853) VIIIg. Atom Smasher (1972) VIIIh. Aztec Ruins (1920) VIIIi. Robot Factory (2315) VIIIj. Space Station (2401) IX. Arcade/Challenges IXa. Arcade Modes IXb. Challenge Modes X. Unlockables XI. Weapons XII. FAQ XIII. Credits :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= I. Introduction =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- Hello, everyone! Well, what did you expect? Another guide for a PlayStation game? Haha, nope. Instead of doing that (although I actually did want to do that), I decided that I'd write for a system in which I haven't written much/anything for. That way I could even my CRP out, even though it'll take a long time to even out all those PlayStation games. I decided to write for TimeSplitters 2 in between writing a walkthrough with Cyril for Legend of Dragoon, as well as writing Final Fantasy IX, Ape Escape, and Medievil solo. Take a very good note at the system that this game has been written for first, before you talk to me about another system's game, though. This guide has been written for the GameCube version of the game! Not the PlayStation 2 version and not the Xbox version! So I beg you this one favor: if you own either of these two systems, don't bother sending me an e-mail, although you could find this guide useful. If you want to read for the Xbox version, go to !.ACA.!'s guide or something, which can be used for Xbox. Take note that this guide can still be useful. First of all, you may find certain parts of that Table of Contents slightly confusing. For those of you who do, no need to fear. I'm here and I'm the barbaric beast of this game. First, you read this incredibly sexy introduction, then I provide some information about the game. You never know when that could prove useful, ya know? Then I provide my thumb-pointing legal disclaimer, as well as my contact rules. Disobey them and you get zip. Then the basics of the game are displayed, like the storyline so you can have a fine grip on what the hell is going on, as well as the tactics you can use to follow that. Modes will also be described as well. Then you'll find the walkthrough itself, and you'll love it. Short walkthrough and long walkthrough, it's all there. To end the guide up, it will go to Arcade and Challenge modes, which contain a lot of difficult stuff. Beheading zombies, fighting monkeys who are on fire, etc... that stuff is all quite hard. And then to wrap it up, the bosses. There aren't many bosses and neither are they hard, but still, that's where you can find them if you're anyway stuck. Boy am I nice. Then a short list of weapons and items will be given for ya, then the Frequently Asked Questions. I definitely recommend that you read everything in that section, because it could prove extremely useful. To end it, the outro and the credits! Your name might be on that list, hehe. Anyway, that's a wrap. I very much hope that you will enjoy this TimeSplitters 2 guide. It's got all the detail you're gonna need for this game, and I'm hoping to turn it into the best, most detailed TimeSplitters 2 guide on the planet. Well then, it's time I stopped babbling on this introduction and really got this guide started, ya know? Here we go, fasten your seatbelts, kids! I wuv you all. =) - Richard "Gbness" Beast :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= II. Game Information =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- If you don't know already by now, TimeSplitters 2 is a first-person shooter. I doubt there are any people out there who don't know what this means, but in case they don't, a first-person shooter (or FPS), is like playing from whom your controlling... from his point of view. In first person shooters, you will really feel like you're in the game. It really adds to the realism, you know. And in case you didn't know, you're also playing with one of the finest first-person shooters on the GameCube, and maybe in all of gaming history. That's how good this game is, in my opinion. I've never been a big fan of first-person shooters, but this game changed that. TimeSplitters 2 is the sequel to the popular TimeSplitters, which was only for PlayStation2. TimeSplitters 1 was a much-loved game, so those guys at Eidos decided they'd make a sequel. That's TimeSplitters2, but it came out here for our PlayStation2 FIRST. After that, it spread to GameCube and Xbox, so "GameCube-only" and "Xbox-only" people get a chance to play the game that has revolutionized shooters forever. This game really is a great shooter. It features a multiplayer mode, an arcade mode where you fight in a big team, and several big challenges and things to collect. So overall, if you don't own this game, I seriously and mightily suggest that you buy it or at least rent it. I also reviewed the game on the GameCube, so you can check it out if you want. :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= III. Legal Disclaimer =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- You are NOT permitted to put this FAQ on your site without my permission first. All you have to do is email me or IM me saying you want this FAQ on your site, then you can tell me your site and the chance is high that I'll let you. But if you put this FAQ on your site without my permission I swear you will regret it. If I let you, not ONE word should be changed from this FAQ! NOT ONE! Got it? Good. Also, make sure that no money is involved. If you want this FAQ to be sold on eBay, then just forget about it, man. And don't sell this guide either, or pay people to use it, or you'll be in such big trouble you don't want to think. Another little note is that I will not have this guide hosted on many other web sites besides GameNotOver, GameFAQs, IGN, and Neoseeker. You need full-on permission if it's not one of the four above sites. I am sick of people ripping me off (I have been ripped off three times in the past), so if I don't like your site, I won't let my guide be posted on it. I am sorry, but this is how it has to be. If you ask politely and I like your site, you will definitely have the luck of getting it up there. Thank you very much. :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= IV. Contact Rules =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- +-------------------+ | IVa. E-Mail Rules | +-------------------+ I love getting good emails, so you're free to email me with a question any time, but I will not answer questions already answered in this FAQ. I prefer e-mails with good grammar, and subjects with TimeSplitters 2 or I will delete them, sorry. Also, don't send me e-mails about TimeSplitters 1 with a TimeSplitters 2 subject, please. And don't bother sending things like: "You friggin' idiot. Your guides suck, you suck, and everything about you sucks. DIE DIE DIE!" "BURN IN THE FLAMES OF HELL, YOU STUPID RETARD!!!" "What the hell did you think you were doing writing all that garbage, you piece of crap? "I hope you fall down the stairs and break every bone in your body!" "u su><0rz, eVrYtInG BoUt u sUx, dIe ass!!!!!!1" I will laugh at such e-mails and delete them. So... if you're not just playing a friendly joke on me or something, don't bother with that crap cos I've been through with it too much. Another thing: don't send me e-mails in any languages other than English or Spanish. I can read both English and Spanish pretty well, but I prefer English. Still, I can do Spanish pretty well, so if you absolutely have to send me an e-mail in Spanish, hola. But if you know English, I want that, thank you. +---------------+ | IVb. IM Rules | +---------------+ I recently closed my AIM list, so you'll have to e-mail me to be added to it if you aren't one of my friends. Still, I may unclose it sometime. I will update this guide when I end up doing so, so don't you worry. Oh, and if ya end up on my list, don't bother sending me IMs like "hey" and "hi" and asking me what games I have, what sites I go to, and stuff like that. Honestly, I am very busy often and don't have time to bother with all that stuff. You can still ask it to me, but don't ask it often or I could remove you from my list. Still, I am a good guy to talk to on AIM. My AOL name is Gbness, if it wasn't obvious enough by my AOL address. Anyway, that's all you need to know about that. :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= V. Basics =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- +---------------+ | Va. Storyline | +---------------+ The storyline of the game goes something like this: we all know the TimeSplitters from the first game, right? Well, they're back. This time, they have stolen the Time Crystals from Sgt. Cortez and Corp. Hart, who plan to use them to defeat the TimeSplitters. So now, the Time Crystals must be gotten back. The TimeSplitters intend on wiping out the human race, so overall TS2 is an awesome time-traveling first-person shooter. +-------------+ | Vb. Tactics | +-------------+ If you want to be a great TimeSplitters 2 player, you'll have to review up on a few of these. Remember, at times some of these can come in handy... - Head Damage First of all, you know that in real life, if you were shot in the brain it'd be bye-bye for you, right? Well, same applies for TimeSplitters 2. If you really want to kill an enemy, the one thing you need to do is try and aim at its head and then shoot. If you're dealing with human enemies, you'll wipe them out in a single hit if you hit their heads. Remember this. - Stealth There are a few times in the game (Hard mode, especially) where you'll have so many enemies around the area that you have to use stealth to beat them. A few good tactics to use would be crouching if there are any nearby enemies. That will make you harder to see. Try and keep a good distance, and try to aim onto an enemy's head if you don't want to be seen. Also, if an enemy tries to shoot at you, strafing could be useful. - Window Attacks If you find an enemy inside a room and there's a window nearby, you needn't enter. For some reason, if you shoot at the window it'll go right through the glass and hit whatever's ahead of it. If it happens to be an enemy's head, they'll be dead. The enemies won't even notice you unless you're right next to the glass. +-----------+ | Vc. Modes | +-----------+ There are four things you can do when you open TimeSplitters 2: Story, Arcade, Challenge, and MapMaker. Story is the regular game with ten missions, in which can be played in Easy, Medium, or Hard. Easy usually has fewer objectives, easier enemies, and less enemies, while Normal deals with larger waves of enemies and more objectives. Hard remains the same as Normal in terms of objectives, but there are enemies on every corner at times, and time limits become harsher and harsher per difficulty level, notably in Atom Smasher. Arcade missions are levels with a lot of other characters running around. Most of these will involve killing as many as possible. Arcade missions can also be played in multiplayer, against friends. Challenges are well... challenges. They give a lot of practice, while they really test your TS2 ability. MapMaker allows you to create your own level, although MapMaker is in my opinion, pretty overrated. This pretty much wraps up what you can do in this huge, innovative game. :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= VI. Characters =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- This is a list of all the characters in the game, with descriptions taken from the Player Gallery, and the location of where you'll find the character in Story mode is also given. +------------+ | The Heroes | +------------+ Name: Sgt. Cortez Description: An elite squad of space marines are spearheading the counterforce of the TimeSplitters. Sergeant Cortez is a battle-hardened veteran who is proficient with all weapon types and can adapt to any combat conditions. Found: Space Station Name: Corp. Hart Description: Not just an excellent soldier, Corporal Hart is also an expert with all kinds of mechanical and computer technology. She has found her Servo-Enhanced Tritium Exo-Arm to be a very useful aid in battle situations. Found: Space Station Name: Isla Nadir Description: Daughter of Dr. Ketje Nadir, Isla knows no fear and will gladly undertake even the most dangerous search and destroy missions. Few men can come close to her superb fighting and infiltration skills. Found: Siberia Name: Gregor Lenko Description: Gregor Lenko "The Russian Bear" is one half of a crack military team working for a covert international consortium. Along with Isla Nadir he is sent on assignments that would cause lesser men to quake with fear. Found: Siberia Name: Jake Fenton Description: Jake has been battling bribery and corruption in Chicago ever since Big Tony came to town. Tony lost him his badge and had him run out of town, but now he's back, working for Lady Jane's agency, and looking to settle the score. Found: Chicago Name: Lady Jane Description: This hot-blooded socialite skipped Swiss finishing school to set up her own Private Investigation Agency in Chicago. A stickler for fashion, you'll never catch her with anything but the latest in haute couture and semi-automatic weapons. Found: Chicago Name: Viola Description: The child of a reclusive aristocratic Countessa, Viola assumes the guise of a travelling troubadour as a cover for her true mission - to destroy evil wherever it bares its ugliness. Found: Notre Dame Name: Mr. Underwood Description: Mr. Underwood has debunked table-rappers and fake mystics all over England. Reports of true supernatural phenomena have brought him to Paris. He has joined forces with the lady Viola to share intelligence in the battle against Jacque de la Morte. Found: Notre Dame Name: Hank Nova Description: Some guys just have it and Hank's one of them. He's seen things you people wouldn't believe, attack ships on fire off the shoulder of... well, whatever. A leaner, meaner, more square jawed hero never graced the operatic stage. Found: Planet X Name: Candi Skyler Description: Candi graduated from cadet training just two weeks ago. Although there's been cheap talk around the academy that she failed Astronavigation but got a dispensation because she has a cute butt. Found: Planet X Name: Ghost Description: The coolest CyberJock in the Tek quarter, Ghost can hack an AI CORE in milliseconds. When he declined Sadako's offer to join her gang, she planned a bitter revenge. Now he's been framed for a crime he did not commit and the NeoTokyo police are on his tail. Found: NeoTokyo Name: Chastity Description: Before becoming a highly decorated officer in the LAPD, Chastity ran with the gangs in the back streets of NeoTokyo. She has vowed to help Ghost clear his name and regain his honour. Found: NeoTokyo Name: Elijah Jones Description: Elijah is Peekaboo Jones great great grandpappy. His life as a bounty hunter began at the age of 16 when he saw his parents gunned down in cold blood by cattle rustlers. Since that day his mission has been to confront injustice wherever he finds it. Found:: Wild West Name: Ramona Sosa Description: Ramona came over the border hoping for a peaceful life but with her fiery temper and quick reflexes, she quickly fell into work as a law enforcer. When things became to turn sour in Little Prospect she sent the wire out to her old friend Elijah Jones for backup. Found: Wild West Name: Harry Tipper Description: The crime busting skills of ex-New York vice cop Harry Tipper are now employed in the fight against international supervillians. This time he's got a licence to chill - nice tux Harry! Found: Atom Smasher Name: Kitten Celeste Description: Sometimes things get too hot under the collar for Harry and he needs some manual assistance from his slinky sidekick, Miss Celeste. Go get 'em tiger. Grrrrrr! Found: Atom Smasher Name: Captain Ash Description: Adventurer extraordinaire Captain Ash's exploits has carried him to the four corners of the earth. He is always accompanied by the most glamorous assistances and never averts to stopping for a spot of afternoon Tiffin. Just to keep the pecker up you understand - tally ho! Found: Aztec Ruins Name: Jungle Queen Description: Raised in the jungle by wolves, the Jungle Queen's sharp intellect is only hampered by her tight thong and lack of language. Captain Ash has promised to make her a duchess if she comes back to Blighty with him. Found: Aztec Ruins Name: Gretel Mk II Description: Gretel II is a second-generation precision killing machine programmed with stealth and martial arts techniques from around the galaxy. Together with R-109, she has been sent to destroy the Machinist's robot army. Found: Robot Factory Name: R-109 Description: An upgrade to the now outdated R-108, R-109 is a war robot built for heavy-duty combat. His reasons for destroying the Machinist are more personal than his partner Gretel II; R-109 wants revenge for his fallen comrades killed in the Machine Wars. Found: Robot Factory Name: Monkey Description: It's a monkey. Found: Aztec Ruins +--------------+ | The Villians | +--------------+ Name: Hybrid Mutant Description: The TimeSplitters' evil aura had a devastating effect on some of the more susceptible Siberian troopers, causing massive genetic mutation. Military scientists tried to turn them into super-soldiers, but after a series of horrific incidents the mutants were deemed uncontrollable and placed under maximum security. Found: Siberia Name: Big Tony Description: After buying out the Falucci Brothers olive oil import business, Big Tony turned his now slippery hands to more criminal activities. But liquor, loose women and the numbers racket weren't enough - lately it seems he's been taking shipments from some dodgy out of town characters. Found: Chicago Name: Jacque de la Morte Description: A psychopathic murderer, Jacque de la Morte's mind has been twisted by visions of "angels". Now he teeters on the brink of complete insanity. Found: Notre Dame Name: Ozor Mox Description: The Ozor hate everyone and everything, especially their close cousins, the Meezor. Found: Planet X Name: Sadako Description: Horrifically burnt in a tenement blaze when she was ten, Sadako's outer scars are nothing compared to the rage and hatred she harbours within. A self-taught hacker, she and her gang have stumbled across technology that could change the course of history... Found: NeoTokyo Name: The Colonel Description: After deserting from the Confederate army, the Colonel went deep into South America searching for Inca gold. He returned a changed man, evil and in possession of strange allies... Found: Wild West Name: Khallos Description: It's not easy holding the world to ransom but Mr. Khallos seems well qualified for the job. He's got secret bases, doomsday devices, scores of henchmen and a penchant for over elaborate death scenes. He pooh-poohs his detractors who claim that he got his eye patch from a novelty store and that his first name is Archibald. Found: Atom Smasher Name: Stone Golem Description: The ancient powers of the Temple of T'hochek have imbued the very rocks with life. These mighty creatures possess the strength of a hundred men. No one has ever dared to ask what they keep in their little sacks. Found: Aztec Ruins Name: Machinist Description: An ageless scavenger, the Dark Machinist Child utilises any components available for his mismatched body, mechanical and biological alike. He is unaware of how twisted and obscene his modifications have become. Found: Robot Factory Name: Reaper Splitter Description: Selectively bred for strength and ferocity. Reapers are the main combatants of the TimeSplitter army. Found: Space Station +---------------------+ | The Friends/Enemies | +---------------------+ Name: Hector Baboso Description: The son of a saloon girl, Hector was raised in a house of ill repute. After a series of botched hold-ups, he met fellow outlaw Mikey Two-guns in prison and the pair became firm friends. Found: Wild West Name: Lean Molly Description: Sally's slender sister. She's not big on special cuddles. Found: Wild West Name: Dr. Peabody Description: Since the age of ten, when he blew up his parents' garden shed, Dr. Thedeus Peabody knew that he was destined to be an explosives scientist. He relishes the chance to further dispel academic stereotypes by running amuck with an automatic weapon. Found: Atom Smasher Name: Crypt Zombie Description: The mortal remains of the cathedral monks had been at rest for generations in the catacombs of Notre Dame, but the evil magic of Jacque de la Morte has raised their mummified corpses as flesh-eating zombies, ready to carry out his every demand. Found: Siberia/Notre Dame Name: ChassisBot Description: Built from scrap and spare parts scavenged from the sprawling Machine Wars Scrapyards, the lightweight ChassisBots are designed for speed and agility. Found: Robot Factory Name: SentryBot Description: Adapted from old security robots by the Machinist, the SentryBots are programmed to kill anything that moves. Found: Robot Factory Name: Meezor Mox Description: The Meezor hate everyone and everything, especially their close cousins, the Ozor. Found: Planet X Name: Male Trooper Description: The Marine Troopers have borne the brunt of the TimeSplitters onslaught against humanity. Found: N/A Name: Female Trooper Description: The Marine Troopers have borne the brunt of the TimeSplitters onslaught against humanity. Found: N/A Name: Crispin Description: Crispin's had one too many brushes with the flamethrower - even he can't remember what he used to look like... Found: Notre Dame Name: Undead Priest Description: The Undead Priests are all that remains of Jacque's cult followers. Under his influence they sacrificed their souls for immortality, providing Jacque with an elite army of dark followers. Found: Notre Dame Name: Louie Bignose Description: Louie's been slipping and sliming his way in and out of Big Tony's good book for years. Every time Tony promotes him he somehow manages to goof up. Lately he's hit upon the trick of getting Braces to break any bad news to Tony. Found: Chicago Name: Slick Tommy Description: Slick Tommy fancies himself as a bit of a ladies' man, as quick with a knife as he is with the saucy one line come-on. Jimmy hasn't told him that you shouldn't wear a blue tie with a brown suit. Found: Chicago Name: Jimmy Needles Description: Jimmy Needles is a ruthless assassin brought in from Miami to handle Tony's more tricky hits. This guy's a fruit nut, every morning he has to have half a canteloupe melon, two fresh grapefruit and a glass of chilled cranberry juice or else he's just plain ornery all day. Found: Chicago Name: Accountant Description: Claims to know the difference between a double tap entry wound and double entry bookkeeping - but we're not so sure. Found: N/A Name: Lawyer Description: Should you, the player, choose freely to play as this character, it is under the express understanding that absolutely no warranty, stated or implied, is given for his performance, or lack thereof, in a deathmatch, or any other arcade scenario, whether in existence or yet to be devised. Found: N/A Name: Braces Description: Despite the fact that he always gets the blame when things go wrong, Braces remains a loyal foot soldier in Big Tony's mob. Whatever he lacks in intelligence he more than makes up for in brute strength. Found: Chicago Name: Maiden Description: So innocent and so pure, the Maiden is the perfect sacrifice... Found: Notre Dame Name: Jo-Beth Casey Description: Mary-Beth Casey's younger sister. Jo-Beth likes to sneak out of her parents' house at weekends to fight crime and kill monsters. Her high school show and tell sessions are really something quite special. Found: N/A Name: Riot Officer Description: The Neo Tokyo Riot Squad are rigorously trained, acting in all situations to control disturbances with an iron fist. Found: NeoTokyo Name: Barby Gimp Description: Once a high fashion model, Barby Gimp turned her back forever on the world of glamor when she decided to have surgical steel fighting claw implants. She still likes to watch the HoloSoaps on her Neural Visor. Found: N/A Name: Jebediah Crump Description: Jebediah is the only original inhabitant of Little Prospect left. While the town was being taken over by the Colonel and his gang, the crazy old prospector was at the bottom of a mineshaft drinking moonshine. When he surfaced two days later he couldn't quite work out what had changed. Found: Wild West Name: Venus Starr Description: Venus left her home town at a young age in search of fame as a showgirl. Despite her obvious charms and snazzy home made costume, her career has yet to take off. Perhaps she should have gone somewhere more cosmopolitan than Little Prospect. Found: Wild West Name: Mikey Two-guns Description: Mikey was a two-bit horse thief and cattle rustler until the Colonel lured him into his gang with the promise of easy gold and loose women. The women were never easy but some of them had loose gold teeth so I guess The Colonel isn't all empty talk. Found: Wild West Name: Jared Slim Description: A callous murderer and card sharp, Jared was rescued from the gallows by the Colonel and has been his right hand man ever since. Found: Wild West Name: Ample Sally Description: Always on the lookout for a quick buck, Sally latched onto the Colonel's gang for the chance of fortune and power. They latched onto her for great cooking and special cuddles. Found: Wild West Name: Henchman Description: The Henchmen are foot soldiers in Khallos' terror organization. Outfitted with the latest in army surplus night vision goggles and flattering figure hugging suits (plus baseball caps!), they cut a dash in any kind of 'secret base under attack' chaos. Found: Atom Smasher Name: Cyberfairy Description: A space-age pixie, the Cyberfairy flits across time zones, drawn to machine technology like a moth to a flame. Found: N/A Name: Kypriss Description: Found in a burlap sack at the bottom of a well, no one knows if Kypriss is a supernatural goddess or just a lady with a fancy costume. Despite many offers of money and power she has never raised all of her arms on a public stage. Found: N/A Name: Mister Giggles Description: Mister Giggles stumbled into a small English village when he was just a boy. Although he was adopted by a loving family, he was never truly happy until he ate them and joined the circus. Found: N/A Name: Marco the Snitch Description: Marco's turned coat and switched sides far too many times in his short career of crime. Even he can't remember who he's told what to! Sick with worry, he lives his life in constant fear of mob retaliation. Found: Chicago Name: Hatchet Sal Description: Hatchet Sal got his nickname from his habit of chopping off his unfortunate victims right hands. He used to keep his trophies in a shoe box under his bed, but one night, after too much cheese, he had the mother of all nightmares and his box of gruesome buddies just had to go. He's cleaned up his act now, but the hatchet moniker stayed with him. Found: Chicago Name: Changeling Description: The Changelings are shapeshifting spirits drawn to Notre Dame by the foul rituals of Jacque de la Morte. Found: Notre Dame Name: The Hunchback Description: The Hunchback knows all the hidden doorways and secret tunnels of Notre Dame. Horrified by the evil that Jacque de la Morte has unleashed in his beloved cathedral, he battles to thwart the lunatic's plans. Found: Notre Dame Name: Sewer Zombie Description: The fetid depths of the Parisian sewers are the final resting place of many unfortunate murder victims and diseased beggars. The dark magic suffusing Notre Dame has reanimated their half-rotted bodies. Found: Siberia/Notre Dame Name: Gargoyle Description: Infused with stolen life by the TimeSplitters evil aura, the Gargoyles will destroy anything foolish enough to stand in their path. They especially don't like pigeons. Found: Notre Dame Name: The Cropolite Description: A demon from another dimension, the Cropolite has been drawn to our world by the spacetime rift opened by the TimeSplitters. Found: N/A Name: Beetleman Description: A hideous alien grafting experiment gone wrong, Beetleman fights out of rockabilly rage at what was done to his once beautiful body... Found: N/A Name: Dark Henchman Description: When Khallos bought a cheap job lot of sidekick costumes some dudes were lucky enough to get first pick- guess what? They chose black instead of yellow. Found: Atom Smasher Name: High Priest Description: Yeah? Well this dude thinks you look pretty strange too! Found: N/A Name: Wood Golem Description: Around the Temple, the thirsty roots of trees have sucked up the blood from a thousand human sacrifices. The souls of these ancient victims now prowl the earth bound within gnarled skins of wood. Found: Aztec Ruins Name: Aztec Warrior Description: Modelling the latest in heavy gold jewellery, nose piercing, pudding bowl haircut and high performance athletic support, this guy cuts a mean dash through any tropical rainforest. He's not so keen on prickly thickets though! Found: N/A Name: The Master Description: A wandering Chinese monk, the Master's life is shrouded in mystery. Ladies can't resist stroking his beard. Found: NeoTokyo Name: Krayola Description: A high school dropout with a genius level IQ, Krayola shunned the academic world to become the brains behind Sadako's sick experiments. Found: NeoTokyo Name: Milkbaby Description: Bullied as a child, Milkbaby honed her fighting skills in the dark streets of the Tek Quarter. Now she serves as a vicious foot soldier in Sadako's gang. Found: NeoTokyo Name: Drone Splitter Description: Once a peaceful amphibian race, the Drones were enslaved when the Splitters invaded their planet. Spinal implants ensure they will never escape the Splitters' control. Found: Space Station Name: Baby Drone Description: The TimeSplitters evil knows no limits- even juvenile drones are forced into labour at a young age. Found: Space Station Name: Scourge Splitter Description: Nothing is known about these fearsome leaders of the Time Splitters. Although their bondage trousers are admired across the galaxy. Found: Space Station Name: R One-Oh-Seven Description: A few deranged zealots were drawn to the Machine Wars. Poor Robert One-Oh-Seven is under the delusion that he is a carefully constructed robot sent to save the world from evil. Found: N/A Name: Feeder Zombie Description: The Feeder Zombie's thought process is quite simple: eat brains... eat brains... eat brains... Although, to be fair, the stains on their T-shirts are mostly melon juice. Found: Siberia/Notre Dame Name: Stumpy Description: Stumpy is the adopted son of Sergio the Magnificent. The strongman despairs of Stumpy's errant nature and malicious pranks but hopes in his heart that one day Stumpy will grow up to be a little taller. Found: N/A Name: Lola Varuska Description: A Ukrainian trapeze artist. Despite the strictures of her corset Lola still manages a dazzling smile. All the gentlemen love her and she has never missed a catch. Found: N/A Name: Nikki Description: Twins from a tiny Oriental village, Jinki and Nikki were sold to the Ringmistress when they were both babes in arms. Strangely, each claims to be the elder sister. Found: N/A Name: Jinki Description: Twins from a tiny Oriental village, Jinki and Nikki were sold to the Ringmistress when they were both babes in arms. Strangely, each claims to be the elder sister. Found: N/A Name: Ringmistress Description: The mysterious matriarch of the circus family, the Ringmistress is fiercely protective of her eldritch troupe. Found: N/A Name: Calamari Description: A political refugee from a distant ocean planet, Calamari hid in a cupboard when the TimeSplitters attacked the space station. Found: N/A Name: Snowman Description: Brought to life by a child's wish, the Flying Snowman traverses time in search of death or glory. Found: N/A Name: Bear Description: Rescued from a animal trap by Lola Varuska, Bear is fanatically loyal and will fight to the death to protect the circus. He's had his fez ever since he was a cub. Found: N/A Name: Leo Krupps Description: Leo was once the circus lion tamer. But over the years he adopted more and more of his lions' characteristics until one morning he was found alone in the lions cage, roaring and dribbling. He has lived as a lion ever since. Found: N/A Name: Sergio Description: The circus strongman, Sergio's incredible strength is tempered with a compassionate personality and love of life. He likes to tend his herb garden and collect first editions. Found: N/A Name: Mischief Description: Mischief's happy smile and childlike manner hide her true nature, a psychotic killer with a love of death. The last person who twanged her braces ended up chopped to pieces in the taffy pulling machine. Found: N/A Name: The Impersonator Description: The King returns after a sell out tour of holiday camps and working men's clubs. Found: N/A Name: Badass Cyborg Description: He's the leanest, the meanest and the badass machine-est! Found: N/A Name: Chinese Chef Description: Still the best in the business. They say his recipe for slow braised TimeSplitter in black bean sauce is out of this world! Found: N/A Name: Duckman Drake Description: He's quack and he's back! Found: N/A Name: Gingerbread Man Description: Flour, brown sugar, shortening, molasses, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon and some well beaten eggs. Mix well, pop in the oven and let the nightmares begin... Found: N/A Name: Insect Mutant Description: Frank was always telling folks about UFOs in the skies over his garage but nobody believed his tales of alien abductions. Look at him now - what do you think? Found: Siberia Name: Robofish Description: The pesky pop-eyed piscine returns! Found: N/A Name: Dinosaur Description: He breathes fire and has vestigial forelimbs. Found: N/A Name: Handyman Description: This guy is straight out of Hatchet Sal's nightmares. Just goes to show, crime doesn't pay - or maybe Sal should have just laid off the cheese. Found: Chicago Name: Nikolai Description: Nikolai is a little too curious for his own good. He's always telling Sgt. Shivers that he knows best and that he can sort out whatever is going on in the secret base under the Dam. Found: Siberia Name: Private Sand Description: Private Sand is a reliable footsoldier in the Desert Force. Found: Siberia Name: Private Grass Description: Private Grass is a hardworking grunt in the regular force. Found: Siberia Name: Private Coal Description: Private Coal is a promising recruit to the Special Forces Unit. He has a crush on Lt. Shade but hasn't yet dared to ask her out. Found: Siberia Name: Private Poorly Description: Private Poorly is feeling a little undead after his unpleasant encounter in the caverns below Oblask Dam. Found: Siberia Name: Sgt. Rock Description: Sgt. Rock is a bit of a matchmaker in the Desert Forces. He's always helping his colleagues to get the girl they want. Found: Siberia Name: Sgt. Shivers Description: Sgt. Shivers really doesn't like working at Oblask Dam. It's all a bit spooky and he's fed up with Nikolai calling him a scaredy cat. Found: Siberia Name: Sgt. Wood Description: Sgt. Wood is an upstanding officer in the Regular Force. Found: Siberia Name: Sgt. Shock Description: Sgt. Shock likes to impress the ladies with his Special Forces uniform. He keeps the helmet shiny and well polished. Found: Siberia Name: Sgt. Slate Description: Sgt. Slate should have stayed away from the biological samples under the Dam. Found: Siberia Name: Lt. Frost Description: Lt. Frost is an accomplished curling champion. She practices on the frozen lake behind the Dam. Found: Siberia Name: Lt. Wild Description: Lt. Wild is a striking officer in the Desert Force. She's always had fast track promotion and many say that one day she's destined to make a General. Found: Siberia Name: Lt. Shade Description: Lt. Shade is the femme fatale of the Special Forces. Her peroxide blonde hair often surprises the men during undercover operations. Found: Siberia Name: Lt. Bush Description: Lt. Bush used to get into trouble with her superiors because of her unruly hair. Now she follows their advice and keeps it neatly trimmed. Found: Siberia Name: Lt. Chill Description: Lt. Chill has the distinction of being the only undead woman in the game. Found: Siberia Name: Trooper White Description: Trooper White is a promising soldier in the Arctic Force. Found: Siberia Name: Trooper Brown Description: Trooper Brown often gets hot and bothered inside his gasmask on Desert operations. Found: Siberia Name: Trooper Black Description: Trooper Black takes great delight in his work and is always first in line when Special Forces are deployed - as they frequently are. Found: Siberia Name: Trooper Green Description: Trooper Green's gasmask is a great help with his hayfever on summer operations. Found: Siberia Name: Trooper Grey Description: Trooper Grey's foul zombie breath fills the inside of his gasmask and makes even his eyes water. Found: Siberia Name: Capt. Snow Description: Capt. Snow is the leader of the Arctic Force. Sometimes the cold climate makes his earpiece malfunction. Found: Siberia Name: Capt. Sand Description: Capt. Sand is the bold commander of the Desert Force. Found: Siberia Name: Capt. Night Description: Capt. Night is the daring leader of the Special Forces. He likes to deploy his troops at the slightest sign of trouble. Some of the senior staff officers think that perhaps there's a little too much deploying going on... Found: Siberia Name: Capt. Forest Description: Capt. Forest is the well respected chief of the Regular Force. Found: Siberia Name: Capt. Pain Description: Capt. Pain could have gone all the way to the top. Unfortunately he volunteered for an experiment in the labs and now he wanders the earth as a soulless monster. Found: Siberia :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= VII. Easy Walkthrough =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =============================================================================== VIIa. SIBERIA (1990) =============================================================================== The game starts out in a dark tunnel. Not exactly the best of places to start a game out, but it's the starting area anyway. In the beginning, you'll be standing on the Temporal Uplink. This is a radar that enables you to see some of the level and the enemies. The Silenced Pistol is a little bit ahead. This is a rather fast gun. Just to the left, you can also pick up the Sniper Rifle. Take out the Sniper Rifle, and aim it to the left. See that green radar? Shoot it, because it can be a menace. After that, get out of the tunnel and a guard on the other side of the fence will likely spot you. He'll then call for reinforcements to help him shoot you. The bastard. Shoot his head to easily defeat him, but if you find that a little difficult, you can still shoot his leg, although it'll take three hits. After killing all the guards around you (remember one thing: this is one of the toughest missions in the game, even though it's the first one), turn to the left and you'll find a set of stairs. There's also a guard, uh... guarding around it, but he may already be dead if the first guard spotted you. Climb up the stairs, and then you'll be on the rooftops. Head on a little bit, until you reach a fork. Turn right here, and then you'll find a hole in someone's house. Fall into it and you'll find the Timed Mine. This is a great weapon, but unfortunately you only have 20 of them, so use them sparingly! After collecting them, open the door and head out of here. Also, this door was locked before. Once again, climb up those stairs. See the satellite dish? Launch a Timed Mine at it, and it'll blow up. That's one objective complete. Now go back to the ground, and go up and drop down to the left by the stairs. You'll see a mine, and a guard next to it. Okay, good opportunity. Kill the guard and then enter the mine. If you are playing on Normal or Hard difficulty, you will now get a new objective. This one is to turn the power on in this mine. Well, if we didn't already have enough work on our hands, we have to turn the power on. You can't turn it on in Easy mode though. Go to the Normal/Hard Walkthrough for that, please. Anyway, just go to the right and head up several sets of stairs. There are some guards there, but they aren't really too much to worry about. There's also some steam coming from the ceiling, so to avoid losing and health, just duck under it. Eventually, you will reach the top of the stairs, and you'll see a door in front of you. Open it to find a long room with a lot of steam at the end. A guard will also be near the entrance, so you'll have to shoot him down. Anyway, after that, go to the left and you'll find a switch that turns down the steam level. There are three of these rooms to the left with a switch that lets you turn the power off, so go to each of them and turn it down. Then you'll find the steam at the end of this room completely gone! Actually, if you were impatient you could cross through the steam normally and just lose health, but I don't give you my recommendation for that. After finishing that, head out through the door to find yourself in another one of those rooms with endless-seeming stairs. Anyway, this one seems to be a little shorter, and there aren't any of those pesky guards around. At the end, push the green button on the right to open the door. You'll be outside the mine. Out here, some guards will be awaiting you. Give them a taste of doom with your guns, and then look around to find a door. Enter through and you'll find some more guards to fight, and you'll see you're in a pretty big place. Go a bit further while shooting down some guards, and then turn to the left and go down. You'll find a door placed in the center of this area. There is nothing of importance there, so just ignore it. Turn to the right at that area, and you'll find yourself going down some stairs. You'll reach a new area now, and we're near the end. Ignore the door right ahead for now, because it's locked. Instead, just head to it and go to the right, and then up the stairs you'll find over there. At the top, you'll be in a control room. Examine the panel at the top-right and you'll open the door that we saw earlier. Now go back down and head through that door. Head right to the end, and you'll see some guards, as well as the Time Crystal! Shoot the zombies on the floor and collect it, and then we have a new objective: to the destroy the biohazard container. Well, this is very easy. Go back a bit, and then find the container on the left. When we get there, throw out a few Timed Mines at it. Back off a bit so you don't get blasted in the explosion, and then the biohazard container is destroyed. We can now exit through the time portal. Head to where you found the Time Crystal, and then you'll see the time portal. Rush to it and then we're out of Siberia. =============================================================================== VIIb. CHICAGO (1932) =============================================================================== Chicago will start out with seeing some rather... unfriendly stuff going on around town. The mission starts off on a balcony, and you will get the Vintage Rifle, Temporal Uplink, and Silenced Luger. Not bad. Make sure you have the Vintage Rifle, and then exit the room and then look for the guard to the lower-left. Shoot his head to immediately kill him, and then before the guard on the upper-right calls for reinforcement, shoot his head and kill him. Then land down to get some ammo, and check the back of this place to get a piece of armor. Enter the warehouse on the right, and then shoot the guard ahead of you. Then find the barrel to the upper-right, and go unarmed. Hit the barrel with your bare fists twice or thrice and it will empty. Two more whiskey barrels to go. Go to the stairs and head up, and then head a little bit forward to find a gangster there. Shoot his head, and then turn downstairs to find two more guards. Go to the upper-right and shoot the guard there before he calls backup, or four other guards will come in to kill you. There's another guard in here, right near the exit. Exit the warehouse, and then use the Vintage Rifle. Head a bit forward and look to the right to find a guard. Shoot him at once before he finds you (his gun is dangerous), and then you'll get the Tommy Gun. This is very, very useful and powerful! Then you might hear the telephone ring. Go back a bit, and then look for the phone. Jake Fenton's friend Marco will then tell you to meet him at the newspaper stand. After talking to him, you'll be Unarmed, because you can't hold a gun and talk on the phone at the same time. ^_^ Get the Tommy Gun, and then continue forward, shooting any enemies there, until a car pulls down. Tony's brother, who is in the car, must be killed. This is a very easy task, as the car isn't very dangerous. Use the Tommy Gun and just shoot like crazy while being as close to it as possible, and then after around 25 bullets the steam will come out of the engine and the car will crash. Now it's just a little bit further and up to O'Leary's bar, and then go right to find ammo, and drain a whiskey bottle. That's the secondary objective complete! Just go on a bit, and you'll meet a near-bald man near the newspaper stand. DON'T SHOOT HIM, it's Marco the Snitch! He's a good guy, so we'll have to defend him as he returns to his secret hideout, which is actually his house. This objective is quite easy, as the gangsters will always take a while before trying to shoot at you or Marco. Try not to let Marco get shot more than about 5 times though, or he'll die. Around the end (with the large house and a passage to the bar on the left of it), you'll find a few more, so be careful not to let Marco fall into danger. When Marco enters his house, he'll give you a Nightclub Pass on the table. That'll be another objective complete. Get out of his house, and then go forward until you reach the Hotel, and at the fork, turn left. Shoot at any gangsters you see, and then stop when you find the gate. Go through it, using the Nightclub Pass, and then you'll be at a checkpoint. Head into Tony's club, and then you'll get the message that the Time Crystal has been located. Head to the left and through the narrow passage, and then turn right and go through the doors. Two guards will be in here, so give them a taste of your Tommy Gun. Collect the armor at the bottom, and then go through the door, fighting off any other gangsters along the way. On the left side, you'll find double Tommy Guns, which are effectively twice as good as one! Not bad. Just a bit forward, Big Tony won't be happy about Jake Fenton's arrival, and will then proceed to attack him. In Easy mode, he's not dangerous at all. Just locate him (he's usually right ahead of you), and then shoot his face. After about ten bullets of your Tommy Gun, he'll be dead in an instant. He has an assistant in this room, but he shouldn't be very hard to kill either. A Time Portal will then appear near the stairs, so before the Time Splitters attack you, go through it to exit Chicago! =============================================================================== VIIc. NOTRE DAME (1895) =============================================================================== This is one dark level, and it's misery, as you can tell from the opening scene, which shows zombies throwing maidens into the dungeons of a cathedral in Notre Dame. It'll start out in one heck of a dark room, so get out and you'll instantly see a zombie. He'll go down in one hit, so just shoot him. A little bit ahead, turn left and you'll eventually run into a switch. You'll then see a gate opening. Head out and finish off the occasional zombie or two that you didn't already, and then just head to the left and you'll find another switch and another gate. Open up the gate and head upstairs a little to find some armor. There are a couple zombies around here, but they shouldn't be any match for you. After eliminating them, head upstairs (the stairs are to the right) and you'll find a few more zombies... nothing too difficult to handle. Head up yet another set of stairs to arrive in a wine cellar. Head a bit forward, and you'll find a lot of stuff exploding. Some zombies on fire will come at you. As long as you have ammunition, there shouldn't be much trouble shooting them down; but make sure to keep your distance. After doing that, the fire blocking the path ahead will die down; just go forward and you'll find a maiden being hung on the wall, as well as a bit of armor. Don't release her yet, since a wave of zombies is going to arrive. Make sure that it doesn't get too close to the maiden, but since it's small you shouldn't worry too much. After that, release her and she'll just... thank you and run away. Well, I guess I can understand. Head on a little bit forward and you'll find two locked doors to your left and right, each with locks on them. To open them, just fire away at the locks and they'll fall off. One of them has a maiden and one of them has some ammo, so release the maiden (a zombie may arrive, so just shoot it down), and get the ammo. Also, just a bit ahead of that you'll find another maiden, along with a couple zombies right ahead of her. Make sure you eliminate all of them, and then turn the corner and head upstairs, and you'll be in the church, and the Time Crystal will be located. There are no enemies in here except two undead priests which are easy to kill, so no need to be worried. Get the Time Crystal on the altar after you kill them, and go to the opposite part of this large church to find another undead priest. Once you kill him, you'll find some armor, so go ahead and pick it up. Now just head up another flight of stairs, and you'll find some ropes (bells at the top). Ring them both, and the maiden that was trapped up there will be freed. Now go back down the stairs and head into the room where she was trapped, and a hunchback will arrive. As you can tell from his deformed face, it's the Hunchback from Notre Dame. What a surprise! Anyway, a few zombies will then go after the maiden, and you have to help the hunchback escape by fighting them off. This really requires no strategy and is very easy to do, since the zombies are slow, and there aren't that many of them. After that struggle is over, the hunchback will drop some words of thanks and leave with the maiden. Now a door to the right has been unlocked. Head right in through there and head all the way upstairs yet again and then up here, you'll find a huge demon called the Portal Daemon, in which we now have to fight. This huge beast is down there, so we'll just have to blow some bullets off at its head. Oh whoops, I'm getting vulgar now, but anyway... he doesn't have much to offer. He can fire some red stuff at you but that's just about it. Just move around a bit (no need to fear, there's nothing else but him and you), and just shoot at him and he'll drop dead quickly. Now that the fight with the Portal Daemon is over there's little more to do. Go to the end of this path to find a bit of ammo, and then head through the door to reach the roof of Notre Dame. There are a couple Undead Priests around here, but nothing that dangerous. At the end is Jacque de le Morte, and he's easier than the Portal Daemon! He can stand still and shoot, but he's really not got anything more. Once all the Undead Priests are dead, you should have no problem taking him out. After he dies away, exit through the Time Portal, because the TimeSplitters will be coming in. Now that wasn't that hard, was it? =============================================================================== VIId. PLANET X (2280) =============================================================================== Now this is an awesome level, only problem is the miniscule length of it. :( Commander Hank Nova is in a ship, when all of a sudden the engine heats up really badly and it crashes onto Planet X. You'll start at a beach, with lots of UFOs in the sky shooting at you. The UFOs aren't really that dangerous, so don't mind if you get hit a little. You're also unarmed, except for of course the Temporal Uplink. A bit ahead of you is the Sci-Fi Handgun, which makes a good defender. Now head down the hole on the left to make your way down to the bottom. You'll be in a circular area, and there's a green alien (called the Mox) around here, so find him and shoot him down with the Sci-Fi Handgun, and at the upper-left you'll find a way out of this cave. After that you'll find a Weapon Part and you'll be in another beach. There's a gun that you can use to destroy stuff on your way to the left, but it's really not that useful, since the aliens (orange aliens called the Ozor) are at long distances. You'll then get a new objective: repel the beach attack. The beach is full of UFOs and Ozor, but this really isn't that difficult of a fight. The Ozor aren't that powerful, and you can take them out fairly quickly with the Plasma Autorifle on the right. There aren't that many of them, so this objective will be complete quickly. A barrier up the small hill that faced you on the entrance to this beach will then go down, so return up there and go through there. An unarmed Mox will meet you around there; but it's no help or harm. It doesn't matter if you kill it, so just go ahead if you feel like being cruel. A little bit ahead, you'll be in another circular canyon, full of annoying insects. Don't bother shooting at them or their nests because it's just a waste of time and they could come at you, which can be painful. A bit ahead of the insects is a path (to your right), and now is your joy of getting out of the range of insects. A Mox is around there, so just give him a nice shot before he hits you. You'll be in a beach (the third beach so far), with something very big and very green just a bit ahead of you. This is the crashed UFO that we've been looking for, at last. But now we'll have to fight off the raid on it. A bunch of Ozor will then come in, along with several UFOs. Get to the end of the beach (the crashed UFO has weapons of mass destruction within green lasers, you'll want to avoid them), and destroy all the Ozor normally with the Plasma Autorifle or the Homing Launcher if you got it. After all of them are destroyed, a blue portal will open up right under the crashed UFO, even if some Ozor or Mox are remaining on the beach. Go to the blue portal and surprise, you'll be inside the crashed UFO! The Time Crystal has now been located, and you'll recognize it right on the other part of the UFO's floors. But how to get it? There are a few gaps around here to get through to the other side of it, but none of them are very big, except one. That one is about the size of two of them, and it's opposite of where you entered. Once you get to the other side, just walk around a bit and you'll find the Time Crystal. A Time Portal will then be activated right near you, so go through to leave this place. =============================================================================== VIIe. NEOTOKYO (2019) =============================================================================== NeoTokyo is a huge ripoff of the Matrix. The name has "Neo" in it, a scene on a train has a scene that will really remind you of the Matrix, the main character here is named Ghost, the place is full of hackers and computers, there's lots of action and shooting here; I can think of a lot more. But anyway, this Japanese level starts out with a great looking scene as the main character Ghost kicks ass aboard a train, but is then knocked out. And that's where the level NeoTokyo starts out. Tokyo in Japan, in case you didn't get what the name means. This is probably the hardest level so far, so don't fret if you find it pretty difficult. In Easy it's average to high, in Medium it's very hard, and in Hard it's... just ugh. And if you mess anything up here, than it's all over and you have to start over, and the only problem is that it's extremely easy so screw something up. You'll start out with the Temporal Uplink and a Silenced Pistol, and you'll see a woman ahead of you. DO NOT shoot her, even though she is a hacker and an enemy. You have to follow her to a research area, because only hackers know how to get in. Keep a sizable distance from her, because you don't want her to see you. If she catches you, she'll turn around and not stop until you're dead, and she won't enter the research area. So no matter, don't lose sight of her by keeping too much of a distance, but don't get too close or ahead of Krayola the hacker. At the entrance, Krayola will turn right. Follow her around there and then she'll go right shortly. A man will walk up from there, but don't kill him, he poses no threat and if you do a lot of shooting the hacker will find you. Just follow her to the left. Once she reaches that area, she'll start heading downstairs. You'll want to speed up the pace here, because if she turns around and you'll at the top of the stairs, she'll catch you. Don't let this happen. When she goes downstairs, wait for her to get outside, and then break the glass to your right to find Silenced Ammo, another Silenced Pistol, a Sniper Rifle, and some Sniper Ammo. Collect all the booty and then get out of there and head to the right, and then follow her across the street. She'll pretty much go straight, but then she'll turn left. Follow Krayola until you reach some stairs. Now this is a bit tricky. She'll head down, but she may stop to see if anyone's following her, so you'll want to stop and get in a good position here. Just follow her downstairs, and she'll turn right three times. At the end, you'll see some blue lasers. Now just go to where the lasers are and stand there. DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER OR ALL YOUR WORK THUS FAR WILL BE FOR NOTHING! Another hacker will follow Krayola. Head into the control room that the last hacker was in, and you'll find out that the computer there is linked to three cameras. We now have a new objective: find out the hacker's password. The third camera linked to the computer is the key to doing this. Go to the third camera and you'll see a yellow room. Krayola will enter this room and use her computer to type in a password to enter the next room. Keep the camera there and Krayola uses the password, and Ghost will know it. Now get out of the control room and head a bit forward to find the previous hacker, seeming to think that someone's there. Creep up behind her and either shoot her in the head or punch her to death; it doesn't matter. Go to the yellow room and then find Krayola's computer, and it'll automatically enter her password. The door just up the stairs will open in a few seconds. Inside, you'll find another hacker, so shoot her in the face and head into the room just across. You'll find an SBP90 Machinegun in here, and it rocks. Take it and get out, then go to the right of where you entered to find another room. It has no real importance in Easy mode; just ignore it. Head on a bit and then go to the right and enter the room, and you'll find a TimeSplitter lying down. You'll then have to shut down the machine in there. At the upper-right of the room is the machine. Examine it with the X button and Ghost will shut it down, automatically ending that objective. Leave this room and you'll find a lot of more hackers... fodder for the SBP90, which really rocks as I've said. An outline will then shortly run out. This is the Hacker Chief, and our next target. She's VERY fast and has a lot of health, and you'll want to go fast without much trouble. Make sure you've got the SBP90 ready, and then shoot any hackers on the way. You'll see the Hacker Chief's outline, so I suggest just letting bullets fly ahead of you and she'll die quickly. It'll take about four times as many bullets as it would for a normal enemy though. Once she's dead, she'll drop the Time Crystal and the Time Portal will be stabilized. Now leave the research area and get back on the dreadful streets of Tokyo, Japan. Go just up a bit, and then at the intersection, turn left and two policemen may come out at you, but the Time Portal is there. If anything gets in your way, just shoot them to death, but if not, then the path is straightforward to getting to the Time Portal at last and ending this hell of a place. =============================================================================== VIIf. WILD WEST (1853) =============================================================================== The mission begins as a man named Elijah Wood picks up a piece of paper on the street marked with "Dead or Alive" and a picture of his friend Ramona Sosa, who is in jail. Alright, now this mission is one of the easiest in the game, especially in the Easy mode. Around the entrance, a bandit will shortly await you, so get him out of the way with a good shot to his face. After doing that, head forward a little bit and then turn to the left to find another bandit. Kill him with the Garrett Revolver (don't bother with the Vintage Rifle), and then enter the jail right in front of you. Turn to the end of it, and you'll find Ramona Sosa in the middle cell, and she just tells Elijah that he's got to bust her out. Now go back a bit and head into the other room in the back to find a chest with Gunpowder in it. Exit the jail and then go to the right, taking out any remaining bandits. Now go to the right of the jail and take a turn to the left and you'll reach a fountain. WAY high up on top of the tower, there's also a bandit with a Vintage Rifle. Shoot him down, and then go to the left and you'll find a cart with TNTs right behind a jail cell. This just happens to be Ramona's cell! Get at a good distance from the cart and the cell, and then aim a couple bullets at the TNTs, and then the cart will explode, instantly destroying the cell. Ramona will run outside, and then a bunch more bandits will arrive in the main area from an area that was previously locked. Ramona then runs away and tells you that you've got to beat the Colonel. Just return to that main area, and then shoot down the new bandits that arrive. They shouldn't be any problem. Now at the upper-left, a door has been unlocked. Enter through it, and then go to the right. On the rooftops, there may be a few bandits, as well as a few here and there around the street, but they're not any problem. Around the end of the place, you'll find a barn, but on the top floor there's a lot of fire. A girl (Venus Starr) is trapped inside, so that's Elijah's next goal. Before entering the barn however, make sure that no bandits remain on the street. Then just go inside the barn (you can recognize it because there's fire at the top floor), and once in, quickly head up the stairs and you'll find a bunch of barrels right above the fire. Shoot one bullet after another at the barrels, and water will quickly fall from them, and eventually it'll take the fire out. Venus Starr then pronounces Elijah Wood as her hero, and leaves the barn. Yet another door then opens, this one leading to a mining shaft. Just head inside the mining shaft to find a cart and train tracks. Just ignore the cart for now, and go to the left at the fork and you'll find a bunch more bandits, together with their Colonel. Just like all other human enemies, the Colonel is a PUSHOVER. All you have to do is simply aim a few bullets at his face (take a couple bandits out first though), and soon he'll die. About six hits will do it. After killing his face, return to the mining shaft and push the cart forward. On the end of the train tracks, you will find a blocked off door that reads, "DO NOT ENTER!". Well, that's because the Time Crystal is hidden behind it. ^_~ Once the cart is pushed, it will go on the left track and eventually it'll crash into the DO NOT ENTER! door and destroy it. Go through the tunnel there and inside, you'll find the Time Crystal. The Time Portal will then be stabilized, and a few TimeSplitters will be running around outside. Head out of the tunnel and then drop to the bottom of this area (don't fall into the pits though!) and you'll find the portal right below, on a bridge. Drop down there and Wild West is over! =============================================================================== VIIg. ATOM SMASHER (1972) =============================================================================== This mission will begin as Agent Harry Tipper and an evil madman named Khallos are face-to-face, but Tipper is trapped and can't get up. Khallos has a screw loose in the chair that Tipper is trapped in, as Tipper then notices, but Khallos refuses to give away his crystals, and then the evil bastard then sets bombs off all over the place, and then leaves Tipper to die, about to destroy his own base with all his people just to fulfil his cruel plans. He activates a laser to buzz at Tipper's face and kill him, but instead, it just destroys the trap that Tipper is in, and he escapes unarmed. The mission starts out just where Tipper escaped, but he is unarmed and doesn't even have the Temporal Uplink. Stand still in here, and wait for the red laser to destroy the switch in here, and then the door at the upper-right will open up. Now go to the left and turn to the computer, and then you'll see through three cameras. Switch all of them off, and then go to the top of this room and turn on the switch (get the Temporal Uplink on the way, but stay unarmed). Go through the door, and then turn the corner and head to the left to find a henchman there. Punch him down and kill him from his back to get a Silenced Pistol. Return back and head up to find two more henchmen. Kill them both, and then head to the top of the area to find a scientist. Stand next to him for a couple seconds, and then he'll turn off the bomb to his right, giving you about another two minutes to finish the level (2 more minutes per bomb!). Return to the corner where you first beat down a henchman and then go to the left to find another door to open. Head through and you'll be in a room full of crates. Hug the right wall and then you may see a henchman behind some of them on the left, so give him a good shot to the head, and then proceed. Three more henchmen will then run out at you, and one of them is a Dark Henchman with 2 Silenced Pistols. Make sure you're careful while killing him, and try to take out the henchmen in yellow first. After that, pop him a few bullets to his head, and he'll die soon. Take both of his guns (you now have 2x Silenced Pistols!) and then at the corner, turn right and open the gate in front of you. You'll then find a scientist standing next to a bomb, but he's not about to disarm it yet. Turn left here and three more henchmen will come out. They're not that hard; it's just simply shooting like mad. After killing them, the scientist will disarm the bomb. You should now have at least 5:00 on the clock, so no worries about the time. Return to the corridor in which you killed the three henchmen, and around halfway through another one will come out. Give him a good shot to the face, and enter the room that he came from. There's a sniper at the upper-right of this room (upstairs), and another henchman will run down the stairs. Neither of them are of the slightest bit of a threat, due to your awesome power within these two guns. You will then reach a checkpoint. Find the pipe on the right of this room and then turn the wheel on it, and it'll stop fire coming out upstairs. Then look under the ramp on the left and you'll find 20 Remote Mines. Very useful! Take the fire extinguisher from the wall, but don't use it yet, just make sure you've got the 2x Silenced Pistols ready, and then head upstairs and you've reached a checkpoint. Just a bit up, you'll find another yellow henchman with a couple silenced pistols, but he's no problem. Upstairs there's also a black henchman with a Sniper Rifle, so make sure you take him out nice and fast, and then get the Sniper Rifle. Avoid the fire though. Once all the henchmen are dead, return to the fire and use the Fire Extinguisher on every bit of it. Eventually, when everything is gone, the gate on the right will open. Enter and then you'll find a crate with a henchman on it. He'll be perfect fodder for the 2x Silenced Pistols. Walk a little bit forward and then the crate will open to reveal a black henchman with a Soviet S47, so to be careful I recommend using the Silenced Pistols very quickly, and get in the box just in case he chucks a grenade at you. After he's dead, leave the box and take the Soviet S47, then go to the right of the box to find two more henchman coming out. Try to shoot the closest one at a good distance, because it gets dangerous from hereon. After taking the two henchmen that appear out, just head a little further to find three more appearing from different directions, but they aren't very dangerous. Now go back a bit and look inside one of the crates to find eight Grenades for the Soviet S47. After all of the nearby guards are dead, head into the nearest door, on the right. You'll find a wheel inside to turn. I hope you didn't leave any guards alive, because then more will just come flooding in from the window. After turning the wheel, head back to the last room and look for another door on the left. Enter and you'll find a console right ahead for your use. Turn it on and you'll be controlling a magnet. There's a bomb below you, so move this magnet to the left and get it above the bomb, and then press Z and pick it up. After picking it up, move the magnet to the right, and you'll find a large box. Drop the bomb into the box and it'll blow up inside it, but the bomb will be destroyed and nothing will be harmed. Go back to the double doors that you used to enter the room and leave it, and then go to the left to continue with the level. Now don't proceed quickly in here, because right around the curve is an autogun. It will make mincemeat out of you if you're not careful, and careful is what we have to be. Drop a Remote Mine right next to the autogun, and then set it off to destroy it. Now just a little bit forward and you'll find no less than five henchmen, and some of them are even inside the two crates. One of them is at the end of the corridor, two of them are on the boxes, and two are inside the crates. Kill the one right ahead of you with the Soviet S47, and then point it up at the crates and kill both of the guards up there, and then head forward, but don't go so far as you burn yourself in the fire. =P After you hear boxes open, turn around immediately and gun both of the henchmen to pure death, and then collect a fire extinguisher. Now, the next thing we need to do is obvious - put out the fire burning in here. Just spray some water on it normally and just like before, the gate will open. When you reach the next room, look up and you'll see a sniper on the pipe, ready to shoot. Shoot him in the face FIRST (preferably with the Sniper Rifle), and then look to the left and up the pipe there, and you'll find a Dark Henchman there. Shoot him too, and then head under the pipe he was standing on and turn to the right and you'll end up in an area full of the crates we saw before, and a few henchmen here and there. One of them is on a pipe at the upper-left and should be your first target, as he'll be shooting ALL the time. After killing them, look inside one of the crates to find two scientists. One of them will then walk forward and defuse the last bomb. Congratulations, this ends the time limit! So if you need to go back for something, do it now, since the boss fight is only just going to begin. Once you get behind the door, head to the right and go down the corridor to find three henchmen. They aren't any threat at all; it's just simple shooting with the Soviet S47. After you kill them, enter and the Time Crystal will be located, and then Khallos will appear in a fury, saying that Tipper should have just died. He then decides to kill Tipper himself. TURN AROUND NOW, because Khallos will appear behind you. He has two Soviet S47's, but if you do this properly he'll never get the chance to use them. He'll be stunned if you manage to aim at his face before he gets at you. Shoot him in the head like mad, and eventually he'll drop dead, and you can get both the Time Crystal and his Soviet S47's. Now before we can leave, you have to activate the reactor. There are four levers in this room, and each of them need to be pulled to activate it and stabilize the Time Portal. You may want to go around backwards in here, so you can shoot at the Scrouge Splitters with the double S47, but once you turn them on just head to the center and get the hell OUT! ^_^ =============================================================================== VIIh. AZTEC RUINS (1920) =============================================================================== As the level begins, a large Golem steals a Time Crystal from Captain Ash and he is left in the Aztec Ruins... anyway, a monkey will start out right ahead of you, so follow him up the hill to the left, then follow him through the tunnel to arrive in a large area. There are many paths around here, but take the left one and you'll find some more monkeys. They don't really pose a serious threat, so just ignore them. Take the corner there and you'll find an Indian. He has a deadly crossbow, but you have the Luger Pistol. These Indians aren't very strong, and once you beat him you'll get a Crossbow. These Crossbows are pretty powerful, and they can be set on fire, which is the ONLY way to destroy beehives and Wood Golems. After beating the Indian and getting the Crossbow, turn back to find some fire, and then press X and you'll set the Crossbow arrows on fire. Do NOT shoot or reload the Crossbow, or you'll just put the fire out. Instead, go on a little bit, and you'll find a dangerous Wood Golem. Their powers highly outmatch yours, and they're invincible, but we all know what the weakness of wood is: fire. Shoot the arrow at the Wood Golem (two will do), and then run back and wait for it to burn. Just head a little bit forward, and another Indian shows his face. Hit him with the flaming Crossbow, and now about 1/4 of the current ammo that you have loaded in it is on fire. I recommend setting the Crossbow on fire again by going back. After that, go through the tunnel and you'll come to two paths. Before going forth, look to the left and you'll find a beehive. If you get close to it, the bees will get up on you and sting you over and over, killing you quickly. You'll want to burn it quickly, as this will rid all the bees. After burning it, take the left one, and you'll meet up with another Wood Golem. Set him on fire and let him burn down, and then set the crossbow on fire with the nearby fire. Go to the other end of the courtyard and take the path on the right, and shoot at any Indians in the distance. To the left, you'll also find another beehive. Burn it down to kill all of the bees, and then take a left here. Go through the nearby tunnel (an Indian or two will await), and you'll come to an area full of pillars. Just ignore them, except for one of them on the left which has a monkey on top of it. This monkey will throw explosive melons at you, which really hurt. Kill this monkey quickly and ignore the rest of the pillars, since in Easy mode they don't have any importance. On the plants in the following area, there's a beehive. If you need to, go back and set your crossbow on fire, but otherwise burn it down, and the Aztec Ruins will be free of all bees. There are a couple Indians around here, but as you are the proud owner of an extremely dangerous crossbow, they shouldn't be of any threat. There are also some dangerous monkeys here, but again, no threat. When you're ready to proceed, go up the ramp on the left, and you'll end up on the bridge which Captain Ash fell off of. Cross it to find some more monkeys. They're not dangerous, so you can just ignore them. Pull the switch at the end of this tunnel and a golden door will open around the middle of the courtyard (a little bit ahead of the first Wood Golem). Go all the way back there, and then three more Indians come out at you. The Luger Pistol or the Crossbow will quickly rid them, no worries. Now go through the golden door, and then drop a long way down... and you'll end up at the lost temple, and a checkpoint! Hooray, at last. A little bit forward, you'll find four monkeys. None of them are that dangerous, although I still recommend taking them out since they have some tricks up their sleeves (oh wait, MONKEYS DON'T WEAR SHIRTS!) After killing/not killing the monkeys, enter the temple and an Indian will block you. Oh well, he's no threat. Shoot him and go to the right and end up at the other side of the temple. Go downstairs, and then another Indian comes out. Just kill him quickly, and then go to the left and head behind the stairs and you'll find a switch. Pull it and a door at the upper-right of the room will open. Now go to that white area and head downstairs. On the way, you'll find yet another Indian, but he'll be even easier since you can just kill him and he won't know what hit him. Around the bottom, some Stone Golems will appear. The Time Crystal is near the path you used to enter this room, so get it now. This room has three-four Stone Golems in it, and you CANNOT take them out with normal weapons! Repeat: you cannot! Even the monkeys on the pillars, with their super strong explosive melons cannot scratch them. However, the room is full of trapdoors and tiles close to them which will open them up. So what you should do is start with the one on the left, and then play ring-around-the-rosy with him by circling the trapdoor, and eventually he'll walk on to the trapdoor, and it'll be open, taking him down, never to be seen again. However, be very careful if taking this strategy. You'll want to go around the room making sure that no monkeys remain, since their explosive watermelons do a lot of damage. After taking out that Golem and all the monkeys, walk near the one near it, but don't get so close at it'll hurt you. Handle this Golem the same way you handled the last one, and then go through the corridor at the upper side of this room. Take a left and you'll find another monkey and another Golem. Shoot at the monkey, and then circle around the trapdoor with the Golem similarly. After that, all the Golems are dead and the Time Portal appears near the end of the room. =============================================================================== VIIi. ROBOT FACTORY (2315) =============================================================================== The mission starts out as the Evil Machinist Child does his evil deeds, and then Gretel Mk II (whom you will be controlling in this level) steps up and is ready to do some shooting. Anyway, Robot Factory is one of the, if not the longest level in TimeSplitters 2. In Easy mode this level takes about half an hour, so I hope you're prepared for some major time being spent on this level. You'll start the level in a small room. Head out and you'll find a few robots. They aren't particularly dangerous, so no need to worry about them. After they're all taken out and that annoying beep is over, head to the left. Once you head through that door, you will be going through a series of rooms. After the first couple, you'll find a red laser on the ground, as well as a lot of robots behind it. Now there are two ways to manage this. One is to go ahead and fire at the robots, then fire at the laser generators to its left and right, or go to the panel on the left and put it on destruction mode, which will automatically kill all the robots. Now go forward, and you will find two robots on the ground that like to fire with green lasers. I'll call these robots the GroundBots. The only way to take them out is to shoot them in the head with good accuracy. Do so, and then you'll come to a room with three "passages" through it. The left one was where you came in, the right one leads to some ammo and a blocked off door, and the middle one has a large green barrier in front of it. If you step through it, it'll be destroyed but you'll lose a LOT of health. So don't go doing that. Instead, use the control console in front of you and you'll be controlling a RailwayBot on the other side of the green barrier. On the floor is Plasma Ammo, mmmm. Now, run the RailwayBot into the green barrier, and then there will be a huge explosion. The RailwayBot and the green barrier have now gone down. Head into the middle passage which was originally blocked off, and you'll find Plasma Ammo. Ah, there's the Sci-Fi Handgun, but still, a little extra ammo couldn't hurt. Also go to the left and activate the panel in there, and you will activate a bridge in another part of the factory, and the objective "Gain access to the inner processing area" will be complete. Now go back to the left passage, and then unfortunately some regular robots will attack. Shoot them down. Anyway, it's simple now. Just go all the way back to the main room. You'll find a few robots on the way, but they're no big deal. When you reach the first room, take a right. Be warned that a few robots will also appear in here, but they're no match for the Sci-Fi Handgun. When you take the path on the right, you'll see two more GroundBots. Again, nothing to be worried about. Go into the next room and you'll find a RailwayBot right above, as well as a GroundBot in front of you. The same old drill, shoot at the GroundBot, but don't get close when the RailwayBot comes, because it a dangerous golden laser. Stay at the door, and then shoot at it when it comes nearby. After it's destroyed, take out the GroundBot on the floor, and then head along to end up in a room with fire coming out of the walls. Some regular robots, and then a large machine upstairs will come at you. First of all, back off a little and deal with the robots, and then head for this large robot (they're called the SentryBots). These robots are pretty deadly, but the proper way to beat them is to aim at their backs. They'll explode pretty quickly after a little bit of fire. You may want to use the Plasma Autorifle to do that, though. After the room is clear of robots, head upstairs and go a little forward and you'll find the bridge you just unlocked. Cross the bridge (take out the two robots that appear ahead of you) and you'll find another GroundBot. Well, it's the same old shooting at the head to take it out, but try a little harder to dodge the green laser, since it may be difficult here. After it's destroyed, head to the right and you'll be in the most dangerous room thus far. Also, on the ground is an energy node. Ignore it for now. On the right, you'll find a red barrier. Ignore that for now and make your way down to the floor and you'll find none other than a SentryBot, together with several robots on the floor. Make your way downstairs, and immediately take out that SentryBot to get a Lasergun. Then use it to destroy the other robots. On the floor, make your way past where the SentryBot with the Lasergun was standing (be warned that the machines will shoot missiles, so don't get all hasty, or the missiles with charge into you and do some serious damage, so when you see a missile coming out of one of the machines, back off and destroy it) and you'll find your way to the other side of the railway room. There's a RailwayBot and a GroundBot here, so take them both out and then you'll find an ElectroTool. Two robots will appear on your sides, but they're still not dangerous. Use the Sci-Fi Handguns and shoot at their heads to kill them instantly. Go back to the previous room. Make sure that it is absolutely free of robots, and then fire the ElectroTool at the large energy node. It will start spinning quicker and quicker, until it explodes. This will draw the attention of several robots, in which will then appear. Destroy all of them, and then the red barrier will disappear. Head back upstairs and go through there and you'll be in a long corridor. On the rail above, you'll find three RailwayBots, so stay where you are and don't go forward. Wait until all three of them pass, and use the ElectroTool to destroy them. As soon as they are zapped, they'll drop off the rail and blow up. Good riddance. Now just go a little bit down the corridor. Along the way, a few robots appear, and there is a GroundBot on the floor, this one being able to move. Take out the robots, and then use the Lasergun or the Plasma Autorifle to destroy the GroundBot. It'll take a bit of hitting, but it'll miss you if you're careful. At the end of the corridor is another ElectroTool. Since you've probably pretty much used up all of your ElectroTool ammunition, I recommend collecting it. Anyway, use the Plasma Autorifle to take any remaining robots out; they still pose little to no threat. Now just head to the right to continue into this place. You'll find a console on the way. Start controlling it! You'll then be in control of a RailwayBot. Continue a little bit onward, and you'll run into three other RailwayBots. Use the RailwayBot's regular golden laser, and they'll drop like flies. After that, head over to the end and take a left to get to the next room. You'll find a few robots on the floor. Shoot them all down and look for the energy node on the floor. Fire a few bullets at the object to the left of it, and then the shield goes down and the electricity automatically destroys the ElectroNode, taking care of that. Now exit the RailwayBot and go back to Gretel Mk II. Head down this next path, and you'll see that there are a lot of machines that fire missiles at you in here. Fire away at each and every one of them, and at the end of the path you'll come to a checkpoint (a console is next to that room, but just ignore that). Now go into the next room and you'll find a GroundBot that will then awaken. Don't go shooting at it yet, instead, go back to the console and you'll be using a RailwayBot, so use it to destroy the GroundBot, since these RailwayBots have powerful lasers. After it's destroyed, go back to the room where you did that, and just head into the next room to find some more robots. They still aren't that dangerous. In the next room, head up the ramp on the left (there are a few robots, but they're still not deadly), and then use the console on the left to make a node come right next to you. Overload it with electricity, and then another two robots appear. After blowing them to smithereens, go to the next room to find another console. Activate it, and then another node will be moved, and electricity will automatically overload it, instantly destroying it. After that, the overloading objective is complete, but there will be a lot more robots appearing. Right next to you, there's a Rocket Launcher. This weapon is EXTREMELY powerful, but the only downfall is its severe lack of ammunition. Go downstairs to the right, and you'll find yet another Rocket Launcher, which will give you another few rockets. At the bottom of the stairs, you will find another mobile GroundBot. When it moves its head up, fire a rocket at it and it should be destroyed in one hit. After that, go to the right and you'll come to a room with a green laser barrier, similar to the one that was used around the beginning of the level when you used a RailwayBot to destroy it. Again, don't run into the laser barrier. Fire at the controls on the left, which will shut it down. A SentryBot upstairs wields a Homing Launcher, which may cause some severe problems for you. There are three ways to take it out. The first is to go back upstairs and take it out, man-to-man. This is very dangerous, and may amount to a lot of health being lost. The second is to head back to around the third power node, and then use the ElectroTool or the Lasergun (together with the lasergun's shield, since it has plenty of ammo) to destroy it. This doesn't take too long and isn't too dangerous. The third way is to lead it all the way back to where the RailwayBot was. The RailwayBot can easily take it out, although this could be a little dangerous itself as you'll have to lead it while avoiding missiles, and it takes forever and longer. So I'd go with #2, but use whichever one you want. After all of them are destroyed, a red barrier upstairs will then go down. Just proceed from where it was and head down the corridor to arrive in the factory's core, which will complete that objective. After doing so, head downstairs and you'll come face to face with none another than the Machinist. Although the Machinist is probably the hardest boss in the game, it is still not that tough to defeat. It has large arms to its left and right that will hit at you, and it's also got some laser beams, but nothing particularly dangerous. You may want to strafe to the left and right while doing this. Anyway, aim at the center to damage the Machinist. Use all the rockets that you have, and soon it'll go down. Use the Plasma Autorifle or the Lasergun if you run out of rockets, and soon the Machinist will be destroyed, and it will drop the Time Crystal. Collect it, and then head upstairs while kicking TimeSplitter ass. You will find the Time Portal, ending the hardest level of Easy mode. =============================================================================== VIIj. SPACE STATION (2401) =============================================================================== As the mission starts out, Corp. Hart is doing something with the Time Crystals, when TimeSplitters start coming in. She then starts shooting at them, and all but one die. The last remaining one kills her though. :( So now Sgt. Cortez is on his own to destroy the Space Station and get to his ship to end Easy mode. At the beginning you'll be faced with a lot of Time Crystals just right ahead of you. Make sure to pick these up, and you've already got one objective complete. ;) The TimeSplitter that killed Corp. Hart is right nearby, so use the Plasma Autorifle to kill him. This place is totally full of those annoying ass insects that we found in Planet X. Shoot at any single one that you find. After that, drop down to the bottom of this room. Look for the door labeled "3" (the Hangar one is locked), and you'll be in a LONG corridor. Here's our chance to complete another objective. Head down the corridor looking for panels around here, and deactivate all of them to make the Space Station self-destruct. After doing that, the Space Station has 10 minutes left before destruction. That's not a lot. The good part is that we won't have to run into any more of those stupid insects. The Hangar has now been unlocked so it's just another return to the bottom of the room. Find the Hangar (it's easy to find), and head through two doors to find some more TimeSplitters. Give them a piece of your mind, and then press the switch near the elevator. When it comes up, get on it and take it down to the bottom, and just head a bit forward. You'll find some small TimeSplitters, and they're very hard and annoying to kill. You'll have to position the Plasma Autorifle downward to fire at them and kill. On the left, there's some armor and Plasma Ammo. At the end of this room, a space suit can be found. It's totally optional, but we all know that suffocating has never been good fun. Now return to the elevator and turn left and you'll be in three straight corridors... geez will this ever end? TimeSplitters will come flooding in, but they shouldn't be any match for the Plasma Grenades, if you have any. You'll then get a new objective - to shoot down the TimeSplitter fleet. Now if you don't have the space suit, get it now, because outside Sgt. Cortez will be groaning in pain (suffocating), and his health will steadily go down. I've managed to destroy the fleet without the suit, but it's not worth the attempt, as you want to save your health up. A gun can be found at the end of the path here, and you'll need it to destroy the TimeSplitter fleet. There are no less than 20 of these ships, but most of them come in pairs of threes, so the number of ships remaining will go down really fast. You have 600 bullets, with that many I really doubt that you're going to be unable to destroy all of the fleet. Anyway, just continue to shoot while making sure you find all of them well, and that objective will quickly be complete. You should have about 5:00 left now... obviously, we don't have very much time left. Return to the previous corridors (more TimeSplitters, UGH), and when you reach the T-shaped one, go down the only path that we haven't yet taken. The end of the corridor has a Minigun, the best weapon in the game. Now you really shouldn't have any trouble blowing up the TimeSplitters. There's also some armor near it too. Kill any and all of them that come out of you (don't worry too much about the Minigun overheating, it's worth the fast bullets that come out, but don't use too much ammo), and then go to the right and you'll meet another elevator. Call it with the switch, but be prepared to wait for a while. The distance between the bottom of the Space Station (the deck) and this area is quite a bit. Take this time to kill some TimeSplitters, and it'll eventually come up. Now just hop on it and you'll go a LONG way down. Now this is the end of the level. Just head right down the corridor and head through the door right ahead of you, and you'll be outside. There's also a ship there, and this is what we're going to use to exit. Kill the TimeSplitters if they get in your way, and find the entrance to your ship. It's in the back of it (the front is from where you entered), and once you get in the mission will be over. TimeSplitters 2 ends at Sgt. Cortez gets in, and then fires the Plasma Autorifle at the TimeSplitters, who are helpless to his weaponry. Then he flies away in the ship as the Space Station explodes. Congrats, you've just finished Easy mode. Try Normal or Hard mode now. =P :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= VIII. Normal/Hard Walkthrough =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =============================================================================== VIIIa. SIBERIA (1990) =============================================================================== The game starts out in a dark tunnel. Not exactly the best of places to start a game out, but it's the starting area anyway. In the beginning, you'll be standing on the Temporal Uplink. This is a radar that enables you to see some of the level and the enemies. The Silenced Pistol is a little bit ahead. This is a rather fast gun. Just to the left, you can also pick up the Sniper Rifle. Take out the Sniper Rifle, and aim it to the left. See that green radar? Shoot it, because it can be a menace. After that, get out of the tunnel and a guard on the other side of the fence will likely spot you. He'll then call for reinforcements to help him shoot you. The bastard. Shoot his head to easily defeat him, but if you find that a little difficult, you can still shoot his leg, although it'll take three hits. After killing all the guards around you (remember one thing: this is one of the toughest missions in the game, even though it's the first one), turn to the left and you'll find a set of stairs. There's also a guard, uh... guarding around it, but he may already be dead if the first guard spotted you. Climb up the stairs, and then you'll be on the rooftops. Head on a little bit, until you reach a fork. Turn right here, and then you'll find a hole in someone's house. Fall into it and you'll find the Timed Mine. This is a great weapon, but unfortunately you only have 20 of them, so use them sparingly! After collecting them, open the door and head out of here. Also, this door was locked before. Once again, climb up those stairs. See the satellite dish? Launch a Timed Mine at it, and it'll blow up. That's one objective complete. Now go back to the ground, and go up and drop down to the left by the stairs. You'll see a mine, and a guard next to it. Okay, good opportunity. Kill the guard and then enter the mine. Just go on a bit and examine the switch next to the elevator, and you'll see there's no power. You'll now have to restore power. We can't do it here, so don't bother trying to. Anyway, just go to the right and head up several sets of stairs. There are some guards there, but they aren't really too much to worry about. There's also some steam coming from the ceiling, so to avoid losing and health, just duck under it. Eventually, you will reach the top of the stairs, and you'll see a door in front of you. Open it to find a long room with a lot of steam at the end. A guard will also be near the entrance, so you'll have to shoot him down. Anyway, after that, go to the left and you'll find a switch that turns down the steam level. There are three of these rooms to the left with a switch that lets you turn the power off, so go to each of them and turn it down. Then you'll find the steam at the end of this room completely gone! Actually, if you were impatient you could cross through the steam normally and just lose health, but I don't give you my recommendation for that. After finishing that, head out through the door to find yourself in another one of those rooms with endless-seeming stairs. Anyway, this one seems to be a little shorter, and there aren't any of those pesky guards around. At the end, push the green button on the right to open the door. You'll be outside the mine. Out here, some guards will be awaiting you. Give them a taste of doom with your guns, and then look around to find a door. Enter through and you'll find some more guards to fight, and you'll see you're in a pretty big place. Go a bit further while shooting down some guards, and then turn to the left and go down. You'll find a door placed in the center of this area. There is nothing of importance there, so just ignore it. Turn to the right at that area, and you'll find yourself going down some stairs. You'll reach a new area now, and we're near the end of the level, but not near done with the mission. Find the stairs on the middle-right and middle-left to elevate yourself. Take out any guards around here, and then climb up the stairs, and shoot at the guns near the glass. If you don't, your next task will be VERY HARD. Do not throw Timed Mines at them, because then you could destroy the computers inside the control room, automatically failing the "Restore power" objective. After taking down the guns, return to the floor and go to the upper-right. Head up the stairs and get into the control room. Now activate the panel on the right to open the door at the bottom. Go back to the previous room and then head through the door you just opened, to end up in a digging site. Now look at the numbers on the doors to the right. Look for #2, and go through it. In this room, go to your left and open that door. You'll see a guard through the very thick glass, so don't bother trying to shoot him. He can't shoot you; you can't shoot him, so fair enough. Activate the control panel on your left to open a nearby door. Head out of there, then go a little bit further and turn to the left and head through that door. Take out the guard nearby to get a security disc, and then press the button on the panel right next to you to open a door on the right. Head through there, and you'll find some zombies ahead of you. Turn to the room on the right and some unidentified forces will come in, locking you out of the previous room. They aren't that tough to kill as long as you have the Soviet S47 with you. If you do, you can just shoot a long range of bullets and automatically kill them. After finishing that little priority, head out through the way you came, and return ALL the way back to that control room. Seems like a long way now, even though it was really just a little bit back. In there, use the disc on the panel there to restore the power. Now we have to do some more major backtracking. Go to the mine, and to any elevator. Press the "Up" button on the elevator, and then it'll come down to you, taking you all the way up to the top of the mine! That's another complete objective. At the top, go forth a little, and then a gunship will attack you, all of a sudden! This won't be easy stuff. First of all, kill the guard right ahead, because he'll pose a more serious threat. Then look on the left and you'll see some large guns. Use these to destroy the gunship! Just find it, and fire missiles at it. The guns allow you to lock-on and get a better view, so you should have no trouble shooting the gunship down to destruction. We're still not done with the level yet. Return to the digging site, and just go right to the end, to where you meet the zombies. Shoot them all down, and then collect the Time Crystal. We'll now have to destroy a biohazard container. Back off a little bit from here, and then go to the left and in the little cave ahead to find the biohazard container. Throw some Timed Mines at it, and then go back. Wait for the Timed Mines to go off and then BOOM! BLAST BANG CRASH BANG BOOM! The biohazard container is gone now. You'll now supposedly be able to leave with the Time Portal. Go to it, and then it'll shut off! A voice will say to eliminate all unidentified beings. Uh-oh. Siberia's mine has now been totally littered with unusual mutants. Now just go back and kill any unusual mutants that you find. You will have to backtrack QUITE a bit. Anyway, I can't really give much strategy for this. Just return all the way to the beginning of the level, killing any zombies and mutants in the way. Be warned that some have dangerous flamethrowers, and can easily pose a serious threat. Avoid being caught on fire at ALL COSTS! Eventually, you'll see that the objective of not allowing any mutants to survive will be complete. Now return to the elevators, and take them up to the top of the base, and you'll find the Time Portal there. Exit through, and Siberia is finally complete. =============================================================================== VIIIb. CHICAGO (1932) =============================================================================== Chicago will start out with seeing some rather... unfriendly stuff going on around town. The mission starts off on a balcony, and you will get the Vintage Rifle, Temporal Uplink, and Silenced Luger. Not bad. Make sure you have the Vintage Rifle, and then exit the room and then look for the guard to the lower-left. Shoot his head to immediately kill him, and then before the guard on the upper-right calls for reinforcement, shoot his head and kill him. Be sure to shoot them very quickly, because in Normal mode they can shoot you from below! Then land down to get some ammo, and check the back of this place to get a piece of armor. Enter the warehouse on the right, and then shoot the guard ahead of you. Then find the barrel to the upper-right, and go unarmed. Hit the barrel with your bare fists twice or thrice and it will empty. That's 1 out of 4 whiskey barrels down. Go to the stairs and head up, and then head a little bit forward to find a gangster there. Shoot his head, and then turn downstairs to find two more guards. Go to the upper-right and shoot the guard there before he calls backup, or four other guards will come in to kill you. There's another guard in here, right near the exit. Exit the warehouse, and then use the Vintage Rifle. Head a bit forward and look to the right to find a guard. Shoot him at once before he finds you (his gun is dangerous), and then you'll get the Tommy Gun. This is very, very useful and powerful, and a necessity for Normal mode. Then you might hear the telephone ring. Go back a bit, and then look for the phone. Jake Fenton's friend Marco will then tell you to meet him at the newspaper stand. After talking to him, you'll be Unarmed, because you can't hold a gun and talk on the phone at the same time. ^_^ Get the Tommy Gun, and then continue forward, shooting any enemies there, until a car pulls down. Tony's brother, who is in the car, must be killed. This is probably the hardest task during the Normal mode of Chicago, as the car is very dangerous. It has guns at its side and back, and it'll shoot you quite a lot. Use the Tommy Gun and just shoot like crazy while trying to keep as good a distance as you possibly can, and then after around 30 bullets the steam will come out of the engine and the car will crash. Now it's just a little bit further and up to O'Leary's bar, and then go right to find ammo, and drain a whiskey bottle. Go on a little bit to find Marco the Snitch. He'll tell you to check out O'Leary's bar, because trouble's brewing inside it. Go to the second room, and then you'll hear some very angry gangsters. From all the four entrances to O'Leary's bar, the gangsters will come in and shoot everyone inside. They'll first come in from the exit to the right of the second room (two gangsters), so let 'em have it with the Tommy Gun. Then go to the first room, and you'll probably find more enemies in here. Take them all out, and then head to the stairs on the left of the second room and shoot everyone inside. You should be able to kill all the gangsters inside the bar pretty quickly. Exit the way you came in, and return to where Marco was to start defending him. This objective is quite difficult and is the second hardest part of the mission, as the gangsters will come in large numbers and do tons of damage to you and Marco. Try not to let Marco get shot more than about 5 times, or he'll die. You also have to worry about defending yourself, because you don't want to die. Since there are so many gangsters around, you have to memorize in what order they come in. The first one is at the northern side, so as soon as you meet Marco, head a long way forward, and the gangster will appear, trying to shoot. Kill him before he does anything, and then go south and take out the gangster that appears there. Then the rest will mostly come in from the north. Around the end (with the large house and a passage to the bar on the left of it), you'll find a lot more, so be very careful not to let Marco fall into danger. The gangsters will then come in from the southern side... take them out before they do anything. But when you get to the house (you should remember it from Easy mode), first use the Vintage Rifle instead of the Tommy Gun to take out the sniper on the roof to the upper-left. That'll take out a lot of the danger here. When Marco enters his house, he'll tell you that Tony keeps his spare Nightclub passes in a safe. Collect the TNT on the table, and then let's head to the hotel. Exit the house, and then go through the open doors. Head downstairs a bit, and then before the gangsters see you, shoot them both down, preferably starting with the one on the left. After taking them both down, look for the whiskey bottle in here, and then switch to Unarmed and destroy it. Now we've blown up all of the whiskey bottles, hooray! That's another primary objective complete. After doing that, go to the left and then head up a long flight of stairs. Shoot any gangsters along the way, until you come to the top. A very fat guard with a Tommy Gun blocks the way to the safe, making this a good opportunity to beat the piss out of him with your gun. After killing the big oaf, enter the room and locate the safe on the upper-left side. Throw the TNT, and then exit the room, making sure you don't get caught up in the explosion. After the TNT blows, just head back in that room and collect the Member's Card from inside. You might also see a phone in this room, and it'll be ringing. Pick it up, and then Marco will tell Fenton that there are a lot of guards outside, looking to get him. Great, now we have to deal with a bunch of snipers outside. Go down the huge flight of stairs that you used to enter, and then exit to be faced with a heckload of snipers at long distances. You should just ignore them because it'll take a long time to deal with all of them. Make sure you have at least 1/4 of your health remaining. If not, then reset. When you're ready, go forward and turn to the left and use the Member's Card on the gate to reach a checkpoint. Now head into Tony's club, and the Time Crystal will be located. Just go to the left and head forward into the next room with the two guards. Drop down to the right to get the armor, and then RUN. In the next room, continue running quickly, and kill the two snipers that come out at you. When both of them are killed, turn around and you'll find the other two gangsters. Shoot them both down with your Tommy Gun, and then look behind the glass in here to find an extra Tommy Gun. Still, we can't be too confident. Take out the sniper that appears right before Tony's room, and then enter and he'll engage you. Now, there's a great trick to this fight. GET OUT OF TONY'S ROOM, and eventually he'll follow you outside. Since the paths here are straight and he can't shoot from elevated levels, it's much easier. Use your Tommy Guns to blast him to oblivion, and then go back to his room, taking out any Scrouge Splitters on the way. Exit through the Time Portal at last... whoo. =============================================================================== VIIIc. NOTRE DAME (1895) =============================================================================== This is one dark level, and it's misery, as you can tell from the opening scene, which shows zombies throwing maidens into the dungeons of a cathedral in Notre Dame. Normal Mode has no more objectives, but it's MUCH harder than Easy mode, due to bigger waves of zombies, who are much more dangerous. The level also differs in a couple small ways, but meh, nothing serious there. It'll start out in one heck of a dark room, so get out and you'll instantly see two zombies. They'll die in one hit to the head, so just hit them. A little bit ahead, turn left and you'll eventually run into a switch. There are a couple zombies on the way, so shoot them too. You'll then see a gate opening. Head out and finish off the occasional zombie or two that you didn't already, and then just head to the left and you'll find another switch and another gate. Open up the gate and head upstairs a little to find some armor. More zombies will come flooding in, and you know the drill; just pummel them, they shouldn't be any match for you. After eliminating them, head upstairs (the stairs are to the right) and you'll find a few more zombies... nothing too difficult to handle. Head up yet another set of stairs to arrive in a wine cellar. Head a bit forward, and you'll find a lot of stuff exploding. Some zombies on fire will come at you. This could be a little difficult, as other zombies come from different directions and may surround you, and being caught on fire is something that you DON'T want to happen. Keep a good distance, and shoot at the ones on fire first. Try to move around a bit and perhaps leave the cellar and go downstairs if necessary though, so you don't get killed. After doing that, the fire blocking the path ahead will die down, and just go forward and you'll find a maiden being hung on the wall, as well as a bit of armor. Don't release her yet, since a wave of zombies is going to arrive. Make sure that it doesn't get too close to the maiden, as it's very large and powerful. Go on a little forward and kill any zombie on the way, especially those attacking the maidens. After that, release her and she'll just... thank you and run away. Well, I guess I can understand. Head on a little bit forward and you'll find two locked doors to your left and right, each with locks on them. To open them, just fire away at the locks and they'll fall off. One of them has a maiden and one of them has some ammo, so release the maiden (zombies will arrive, so defend the maiden well!), and get the ammo. Also, just a bit ahead of that you'll find another maiden, along with a couple zombies right ahead of her. Make sure you eliminate all of them, as they'll be attacking the maidens. A little change in this place is that instead of four maidens, there are four and one fake one. There are four maidens in here, and the last one that you get will turn out to be a zombie, and will attack you. This is only AFTER she is released, so don't do anything stupid. She's not that hard to kill. Kill all the zombies that you meet around there, and then turn the corner and head upstairs, and you'll be in the church, and the Time Crystal will be located. In each of the seats right ahead, there is a zombie that seems to be praying, and there are two Undead Priests. Undead Priests can be quite deadly as they have guns, so kill them first. After doing that, just take out the zombies... man now I'm getting sick of saying that. Get the Time Crystal on the altar after you kill them, and go to the opposite part of this large church to find another undead priest. Once you kill him, you'll find some armor, so go ahead and pick it up. Now just head up another flight of stairs (taking out the zombie on the way) and you'll find some ropes (bells at the top). Ring them both, and the maiden that was trapped up there will be freed. Now go back down the stairs and head into the room where she was trapped, and a hunchback will arrive. As you can tell from his deformed face, it's the Hunchback from Notre Dame. What a surprise! Anyway, a few zombies will then go after the maiden, and you have to help the hunchback escape by fighting them off. This really requires no strategy and is very easy to do, since the zombies are slow, and there aren't that many of them. At the beginning though, a large wave of zombies will come in and get close to the maiden. Make sure that she doesn't get attacked (the rest is very easy), and you'll be just fine. After that struggle is over, the hunchback will drop some words of thanks and leave with the maiden. Now a door to the right has been unlocked. Head right in through there and head all the way upstairs yet again and then up here, you'll find a huge demon called the Portal Daemon, in which we now have to fight. This huge beast is down there, so we'll just have to blow some bullets off at its head. Oh whoops, I'm getting vulgar now, but anyway... he is quite a bit stronger than he was in the Easy mode. He can fire some red laser beams, and he shoots out blue energy from his hands that does TONS of damage to you, but that's just about it. You have to be quite careful here, because this place is just full of zombies. Try to kill all of them while running away, although more will just appear. Get it until there are few enough of them, and then just shoot at the Portal Daemon while running like a chicken with its head cut off and he'll drop dead quickly. Now that the fight with the Portal Daemon is over there's little more to do. Go to the end of this path to find a bit of ammo, and then head through the door to reach the roof of Notre Dame. There are a LOT of Undead Priests around here, and they're very dangerous, much worse than Jacque is. At the end is Jacque de le Morte, but he hasn't gained anything. He can stand still and shoot, but he's really not got anything more. Try to shoot at him very quickly, while occasionally turning around to kill the Undead Priests. After he dies away, exit through the Time Portal, because the TimeSplitters will be coming in. I'm sure glad that's over. =============================================================================== VIId. PLANET X (2280) =============================================================================== Now this is an awesome level, and the one problem has been corrected: the length. Commander Hank Nova is in a ship, when all of a sudden the engine heats up really badly and it crashes onto Planet X. You'll start at a beach, with lots of UFOs in the sky shooting at you. The UFOs are pretty dangerous, so at the beginning, rush forward. You're also unarmed, except for of course the Temporal Uplink. A bit ahead of you is the Sci-Fi Handgun, which makes a good defender. Now head down the hole on the left to make your way down to the bottom. You'll be in a circular area, and there are two green aliens (called the Mox) around here, so find him and shoot him down with the Sci-Fi Handgun, and at the upper-left you'll find a way out of this cave. After that you'll find a Weapon Part and you'll be in another beach. There's a gun that you can use to destroy stuff on your way to the left, but it's really not that useful, since the aliens (orange aliens called the Ozor) are at long distances. You'll then get a new objective: repel the beach attack. The beach is full of UFOs and Ozor. This won't be easy. The Ozor have drastically improved from Easy mode, but you can take them out fairly quickly with the Plasma Autorifle on the right. There are A LOT of them (15-16), so you may even have to consider using the guns around here. Trust me, they're powerful. A barrier up the small hill that faced you on the entrance to this beach will then go down, so return up there and go through there. An unarmed Mox will meet you around there; but it's no help or harm. It doesn't matter if you kill it, so just go ahead if you feel like being cruel. A little bit ahead, you'll be in another circular canyon, full of annoying insects. Don't bother shooting at them or their nests because it's just a waste of time and they could come at you, which can be painful. A bit ahead of the insects is a path (to your right), and now is your joy of getting out of the range of insects. A Mox is around there, so just give him a nice shot before he hits you. You'll be in a beach (the third beach so far), with something very big and very green just a bit ahead of you. This is the crashed UFO that we've been looking for, at last. But now we'll have to fight off the raid on it. A bunch of Ozor will then come in, along with several UFOs. Unlike most Easy-Normal mode challenges, this really isn't much harder. Get to the end of the beach (the crashed UFO has weapons of mass destruction within green lasers, you'll want to avoid them), and destroy all the Ozor normally with the Plasma Autorifle or the Homing Launcher if you got it. Some Mox will appear outside of the UFO that will just shoot away at the Ozor, and we all know how much they hate each other. When that happens, kill all of them off (preferably starting with the Mox at the other side of the beach because they are outnumbering the Ozor), and then a blue portal will open up right under the crashed UFO, even if you have aliens remaining on the beach. Enter the UFO. Unlike the previous time we strolled through this place, the Time Crystal has not been located and cannot be found now, although it is in the UFO. There are a few gaps around here to get through to the other side of the UFO, but none of them are very big, except one. That one is about the size of two of them, and it's opposite of where you entered. Once you get to the other side, just walk around a bit and eventually you may see a hole in the floor of the UFO. It looks a bit of a blackish color, and I doubt you'll have any trouble spotting it. Just drop through that hole to continue with this mission. Down there, you'll be at an intersection. The left path will lead to a dead end with a bunch of Ozor on the way, and the right path leads to a hangar, and eventually to the end of the level. I doubt you have to ask me which path you'll need to take. On the right, you will find a whole lot of Mox along the way, so give them old one-two-three (whoops, I mean kill them with guns) and when you reach the hangar (you'll recognize it as it has a metal floor), you'll find a bunch of Ozor and Mox at war. Shoot away at them with the Plasma Autorifle, because they'll get in your way. After they are all dead, go to the upper-right of the hangar. Take that path and you'll be on a bridge in the sky... with a lot of annoying insects. Fire with the Plasma Autorifle and kill them all, then go along on this path. Eventually, it will lead to a cabin with more Ozor in it. You'll find a switch in here that releases a great wave of UFOs from the hangar we were just in. Go a little further and you'll find another gun. There are a lot of UFOs in the sky, 15 to be exact. They usually come in pairs of three, so pay attention to where they are and don't miss any, and eventually you will destroy them all. A door will then open right around the back. Just go down a bit and then to the left and you'll find the door that opened, along with several Ozor. Just kill them and head forward through it, and you'll come to the UFO base. Just go on until you find what looks like a UFO in the floor along with lots of Mox and cameras. On the left is a blue teleporter that will send you back to the crashed UFO. Kill all the Mox and then enter the UFO, and the Time Crystal will be located. The UFO is full of invisible TimeSplitters, and I suggest getting to the outside rim of the UFO before they come killing you. When you get there, just turn to the right and open the gate to find the Time Crystal. Then the Time Portal appears near the entrance of the UFO, and the level will be over as soon as you exit. =============================================================================== VIIe. NEOTOKYO (2019) =============================================================================== As I said in the Easy mode, Normal mode is one hell of a killer when playing NeoTokyo. It's very hard and you'll have to do things even more perfectly than usual and if you're playing in Hard, it's realy nasty. If you mess anything up here, than it's all over and you have to start over, and the only problem is that it's extremely easy so screw something up. You'll start out with the Temporal Uplink (nope, no Silenced Pistol) and you'll see a woman ahead of you. DO NOT attack her, even though she is a hacker and an enemy. You have to follow her to a research area, because only hackers know how to get in. Keep a sizable distance from her, because you don't want her to see you. She's now harder to see an in Hard she is cloaked, so pay attnetion. If she catches you, she'll turn around and not stop until you're dead, and she won't enter the research area. So no matter, don't lose sight of her by keeping too much of a distance, but don't get too close or ahead of Krayola the hacker. At the entrance, Krayola will turn right. Follow her around there and she'll go forward. Get out of this area quickly, because a police car is around here and will ring a siren if it sees you. Just follow her to the right. Once she reaches the streets, she'll turn left. Now this is the hardest part of the level. This place is full of camera after camera. If they catch you, you're doomed. Try to avoid the pink light that you see on your radar at all costs. To avoid the first one, go to the right of the street, and then Krayola will stop to get a look around. You may just want to go ahead and let her go, and then just go to the right to find some a Silenced Pistol, some Silenced Ammo, a Sniper Rifle, and a little Sniper Ammo. This is quite a bit of very good stuff, I assure you. Now you may want to hurry up a bit. Eventually, you'll have to go around between two cameras and the pink light, so make sure you do so. A little bit after that, a car will start coming! This is the police car that we remember from a little earlier in the level, and if you get in the red light, the mission is automatically failed, as a bunch of policemen will come and kill you, and Krayola will hear you, as the police car rings a loud siren. Get behind the pillar nearby, and then even if you're in the red light, you won't be found out. Now you'll have to hurry and go to the left. You will then reach some stairs. Now this is a bit tricky. She'll head down, but she may stop to see if anyone's following her, so you'll want to stop and get in a good position here. Just follow her downstairs, and she'll turn right three times. At the end, you'll see some blue lasers. Now just go to where the lasers are and stand there. DO NOT GO ANY FURTHER OR ALL YOUR WORK THUS FAR WILL BE FOR NOTHING! Another hacker will follow Krayola. Head into the control room that the last hacker was in, and you'll find out that the computer there is linked to three cameras. We now have a new objective: find out the hacker's password. The third camera linked to the computer is the key to doing this. Go to the third camera and you'll see a yellow room. Krayola will enter this room and use her computer to type in a password to enter the next room. Keep the camera there and Krayola uses the password, and Ghost will know it. Now get out of the control room and head a bit forward to find the previous hacker, seeming to think that someone's there. Creep up behind her and then give her a good punch in the head to kill her. Hehe. Go to the yellow room and then find Krayola's computer, and it'll automatically enter her password. The door just up the stairs will open in a few seconds. Inside, you'll find another hacker, so shoot her in the face and head into the room just across. You'll find an SBP90 Machinegun in here, and it rocks. Also, you may want to take out the hacker in there. Near the SBP90, you can also find the AstroLander cart - sweet. Take all the nice stuff from this room and get out, then go to the right of where you entered to find another room. You'll find a computer here, but ignore it for now. Take the Digital Camera from this room and leave. Head on a bit and then go to the right to find an autogun on the wall. It could be quite dangerous a little later on, I assure you. :\ Pop a few SBP90 bullets inside it, and it'll eventually blow up. Now switch to the Digital Camera. Take a picture of the TimeSplitter in the room. Just in case you can't recognize it, it's just on the left of that room. After doing so, return to the room where you got the Digital Camera, and then take a picture of the paper on the table. Now just go to that computer, and then upload both pictures into the police server. A whole bunch of hackers will then enter; just our luck. And the door to the TimeSplitter room will be unlocked, along with autoguns being activated. To continue, we'll have to shut down a TimeSplitter machine, so just go forward and to the right (if you haven't taken the gun on the wall out yet, DO IT NOW!). At the upper-right of the TimeSplitter room is the machine. Examine it with the X button and Ghost will shut it down, automatically ending that objective. Leave this room and you'll find a lot of more hackers... fodder for the SBP90, which really rocks, as I've said. But unfortunately, this long line of hackers continues, even outside. You'll now have to prepare for another very hard part of the mission, one that will cost every bit of health that you have remaining. Make sure you've got the SBP90 ready, and then shoot any hackers on the way outside the sewer. The enemies are going to be a little tougher out here, and I really recommend you be ready. Outside, you'll shortly be harrassed by two policeman with Sci-Fi Handguns. Give them a good blasting and then take the left path when you reach the intersection, to find two more policemen. Only use the Sci-Fi Handgun if you're out of SBP90 bullets, otherwise just use the SBP90. Once you kill them, just return to the intersection and take the other path. There are a few more hackers and policemen here, but it won't be as bad as the first few of them. Now just wait until you at last get the message "Time Crystal located". That's good, but before you proceed, I recommend scouting around town and making sure that not one hacker or policeman is alive around here. When you are absolutely sure, return to the room where you found the ammo for the Sniper Rifle and the Silenced Pistol. Inside, you'll be met with two policemen and the Hacker Chief. Take out the policemen first, and then go to the Hacker Chief. She's not anywhere near as difficult as she was in the Easy mode, it's just the simple shoot at her face and then in a few seconds she'll die, allowing you to take the Time Crystal. Once she's dead, she'll drop the Time Crystal and the Time Portal will be stabilized. Now leave this place and get back on the dreadful streets of Tokyo, Japan. Go just up a bit, and then at the intersection, turn left and two policemen may come out at you if they haven't been taken out yet, but the Time Portal is there. If anything gets in your way, just shoot them to death, but if not, then the path is straightforward to getting to the Time Portal at last and ending this hell of a place. Also, if you're running low on health, The Master can be found near the foot of the station, and he'll heal you completely. =============================================================================== VIIIf. WILD WEST (1853) =============================================================================== Normal Mode is much unchanged from the Easy mode, except there are a LOT more bandits (and I mean a lot), as well as posters of Ramona, in which you'll need to pull down. Alright, now this mission is still quite easy, although it still manages to provide a good challenge in Normal. Around the entrance, a bandit will shortly await you, so get him out of the way with a good shot to his face. Make sure you have the Garrett Revolver, as it's much faster. After doing that, head forward a little bit and then look up to the rooftops. You'll find a bandit there, you know the drill. Go a bit forward on the street to find another bandit, whom you also must kill. Around the end of the street, you will find another bandit on the roof, and another one right near the jail. Kill both of them, but be sure that you don't end up burning too much health on you. Make sure the area is free of bandits, and then enter the jail right in front of you. Turn to the end of it, and you'll find Ramona Sosa in the middle cell, and she just tells Elijah that he's got to bust her out. Now go back a bit and head into the other room in the back to find a chest with Gunpowder in it. Unlike Easy mode, Normal mode forces you to use the Gunpowder, so this time, make absolutely sure that you collect it. Exit the jail and then go to the right, taking out any remaining bandits. Now go to the right of the jail and take a turn to the left and you'll reach a fountain. WAY high up on top of the tower, there's also a bandit with a Vintage Rifle. Shoot him down from preferably a bit back in the shack so you don't get hit, and then go to the left and you'll find a cart with TNTs across from a jail cell. This just happens to be Ramona's cell! Head to the cart, and push it forward to get it right up near the jail cell. Now go to the crates at the lower-left of the place, but DON'T destroy them! Instead, lay a trail of Gunpowder from them to the cart near the jail cell. After that, make sure you are a sizable distance from the gunpowder, the crates, and the cart, and then aim two bullets at a crate, and then it'll explode and fire will run across on the trail of gunpowder from the crate to the cart, and then it will explode, instantly destroying the cell. Well, that wasn't very difficult, was it? Ramona will run outside, and then a bunch more bandits will arrive in the main area from an area that was previously locked. Ramona then runs away and tells you that you've got to beat the Colonel. Just return to that main area, and then shoot down the new bandits that arrive. Now, you'll have to really test your ability to aim while taking them out. Carefully aim at their heads, while making absolutely damn sure that you're not close to them, because then they'll just gun you down. Now at the upper-left, a door has been unlocked. Enter through it, and then go to the right. On the rooftops, there will be a few bandits, as well as a few here and there around the street, and now this will be the hardest part of the mission. Go across the town, while making sure that you're really good at shooting, so you don't have to get near them and get shot to death. You'll also have to keep a good eye on the rooftops, without letting any bandits up there see you. Remember, you're going to have to save up every bit of your health that you can. There are bandits on every corner, so I recommend going across the whole street, firing at them and killing them. Around the end of the place, you'll find a barn, but on the top floor there's a lot of fire. A girl (Venus Starr) is trapped inside, so that's Elijah's next goal. Before entering the barn however, make sure that no bandits remain on the street. Then just go inside the barn (you can recognize it because there's fire at the top floor), and once in, quickly head up the stairs and you'll find a bunch of barrels right above the fire. Shoot one bullet after another at the barrels, and water will quickly fall from them, and eventually it'll take the fire out. Venus Starr then pronounces Elijah Wood as her hero, and leaves the barn. Yet another door then opens, this one leading to a mining shaft. Just head inside the mining shaft to find a cart and train tracks. Just ignore the cart for now, and go to the left at the fork and you'll find a bunch more bandits, together with their Colonel. Just like all other human enemies, the Colonel is a pushover, even in Normal mode. Seriously, the bandits with him are a bigger threat than he is. All you have to do is simply aim a few bullets at his face (take a couple bandits out first though), and soon he'll die. About ten hits will do it. After killing his face, you may see that inside the mining shaft, the track is set up so the cart will not go to the left, but that it'll go to the right. There is absolutely nothing on the right, just a dead end. So before you push the cart, go to the house where the Colonel was in, and you'll find a lever. Pull it, and then the track will be adjusted so that the cart will travel along the left path, which is just how it should be. On the end of the train tracks, you will find a blocked off door that reads, "DO NOT ENTER!". Well, that's because the Time Crystal is hidden behind it. ^_~ Now go back to the mining shaft, and push the cart. Once the cart is pushed, it will go on the left track and eventually it'll crash into the DO NOT ENTER! door and destroy it. Go through the tunnel there and inside, you'll find the Time Crystal. The Time Portal will then be stabilized, and a few TimeSplitters will be running around outside. I hope you remember the location of the Time Portal so you don't have to bother with all the many TimeSplitters outside. Head out of the tunnel and then drop to the bottom of this area (don't fall into the pits though!) and you'll find the portal right below, on a bridge. Drop down there and Wild West is over! =============================================================================== VIIg. ATOM SMASHER (1972) =============================================================================== This mission is a huge pain and extremely difficult if you're playing in Normal. Enemies come in much bigger waves, the time limit is much, much harsher, the damage you take is heavier and you'll have to go around avoiding it as much as possible, the Scrouge Splitters are a lot harder, the henchmen before that are VERY irritating, the level is a lot bigger, and you might as well give up if you lose a lot of health in the beginning. In Hard, this mission is made almost impossible, due to many more enemies, a lot tougher of a time limit, and more time must be wasted. Overall, this is the hardest thing that the game will throw, and thus you must follow this guide _very carefully_, doing exactly what I say to do. This will make it easier. Good luck. The mission starts out just where Tipper escaped, but he is unarmed and doesn't even have the Temporal Uplink. Stand still in here, and wait for the red laser to destroy the switch in here, and then the door at the upper-right will open up. Now go to the left and turn to the computer, and then you'll see through three cameras. Switch all of them off, and do it quickly, because if enough time passes the henchmen on the other side will turn around, and it'll be much easier if their backs face you. Shut the cameras off, and then go to the top of this room and turn on the switch quickly (get the Temporal Uplink on the way, but stay unarmed). Go through the door, and then turn the corner and head to the left to find a henchman there. Punch him down and kill him from his back to get a Silenced Pistol. Return back and head up to find two more henchmen. For the first one, shoot his head carefully, but do it rapidly or he'll see you. You can't afford to lose ANY health. After doing that, the second henchman is likely to see you. Anyway, fire at him before he manages to shoot, and you'll be fine. Go on ahead and you'll find the first scientist. Stand next to him for a couple seconds, and then he'll turn off the bomb to his right, giving you about another two minutes to finish the level (2 more minutes per bomb!). Every bit of time here counts, since you'll be short of it. Return to the corner where you first beat down a henchman and then go to the left to find another door to open. Head through and you'll be in a room full of crates. Hug the right wall and then you may see a henchman behind some of them on the left, so give him a good shot to the head (make sure that it kills him in one hit so the other henchmen don't find out about you) and then proceed. Now, I'll only allow getting hit once in here. Don't get hit anymore than that, or you might as well restart. A little bit beyond that henchman is another, with his back facing you. Shoot his head quickly, and then the others will likely find you. Before he gets out and shoots, kill the henchman to the left behind the crates quickly, and then the only henchmen remaining will be the Dark Henchman that we remember with the two pistols, and another one in front of him. Just go ahead and both of them will appear, but try to take out the henchman in yellow first. Again, don't get hit more than once! After that, pop the Dark Henchman a few bullets to his head, and he'll die soon. Take both of his guns (you now have 2x Silenced Pistols!) and then at the corner, turn right and open the gate in front of you. If you're in Hard mode, the scientist that was here will be further on, but in Normal he's right there. Now, get ready for a little bit of action. On the left, several more henchmen will come out at you. Fire at them like crazy, but shoot at those that are about to hit you first. This will lower the risk of getting hit. Try to hit at Dark Henchmen first too, because they're much stronger. It's simply shoot, shoot, shoot here. After killing them, the scientist will disarm the bomb. You should now have at least 4:00 on the clock, so no worries about the time. If you're playing in Hard mode, skip to the autogun and read forward. Anyway, return to the corridor in which you killed the three henchmen, and around halfway through another one will come out. Give him a good shot to the face, and then focus on the autogun to the right. Use the Temporal Uplink to catch where it'll see you. Get as close as you can, and then just use the Silenced Pistols to destroy it. Be warned that it'll take a little bit of fire for it to go down, however. After destroying it, just head on to the next room. There's a sniper at the upper-right of this room (upstairs), and another henchman will run down the stairs. When the first henchman appears, go back and then shoot him, and then aim at the one up the stairs. It shouldn't really be that hard, due to your awesome power within these two guns. You will then reach a checkpoint. Find the pipe on the right of this room and then turn the wheel on it, and it'll stop fire coming out upstairs. Then look under the ramp on the left and you'll find 20 Remote Mines. Very useful! Take the fire extinguisher from the wall, but don't use it yet, just make sure you've got the 2x Silenced Pistols ready, and then head upstairs and you've reached a checkpoint. Just a bit up, you'll find another yellow henchman with a couple silenced pistols. Make sure you shoot him very quickly, before he gets you. Upstairs there's also a black henchman with a Sniper Rifle, so make sure you take him out nice and fast, and then get the Sniper Rifle. Avoid the fire though. Once all the henchmen are dead, return to the fire and use the Fire Extinguisher on every bit of it. Eventually, when everything is gone, the gate on the right will open. Enter and then you'll find a crate with a henchman on it. Shoot him nice and quickly with the 2x Silenced Pistols and avoid getting hit. Walk a little bit forward and then the crate will open to reveal a black henchman with a Soviet S47, so to be careful I recommend using the Silenced Pistols very rapidly, and get in the box just in case he chucks a grenade at you. After he's dead, leave the box and take the Soviet S47, then go to the right of the box to find two more henchman coming out. Right around here, back off and then when brave enough, pop some bullets into the closest one. Find one behind the crate. After taking the two henchmen that appear out, just head a little further to find three more appearing from different directions. You're going to have to be careful, as you never know when you'll get hit. Make sure that everywhere up to the door with the magnet is clear, and then go back a bit and look inside one of the crates to find eight Grenades for the Soviet S47. After all of the nearby guards are dead, head into the nearest door, on the right. You'll find a wheel inside to turn. I hope you didn't leave any guards alive, because then more will just come flooding in from the window. After turning the wheel, head back to the last room, and then focus on the autogun on the crate. All the autoguns you'll find from hereon are quite easy to dispatch, due to the Remote Mines. Launch two of them at it, while keeping a good distance, and then set them off to destroy the autogun. After that, you'll probably want to proceed a little to be safe. Another henchman will appear, but you need to keep your distance, because there's an autogun nearby. Kill him and just get close enough to the autogun. Drop a Remote Mine right next to the autogun, and then set it off to destroy it. After it's blown, you can safely say that you're safe for now. Go back a bit to make sure that there are no henchmen remaining in the boxes or something. Find the door on the left, and then enter and you'll find a console right ahead for your use. Turn it on and you'll be controlling a magnet. There's a bomb below you, so move this magnet to the left and get it above the bomb, and then press Z and pick it up. After picking it up, move the magnet to the right, and you'll find a large box. Drop the bomb into the box and it'll blow up inside it, but the bomb will be destroyed and nothing will be harmed. Go back to the double doors that you used to enter the room and leave it, and then go to the left to continue with the level. You won't have to be that careful until you get to the boxes, because the autogun is destroyed. Now just a little bit forward and you'll find no less than five henchmen, and some of them are even inside the two crates. One of them is at the end of the corridor, two of them are on the boxes, and two are inside the crates. Kill the one right ahead of you with the Soviet S47, and then point it up at the crates and kill both of the guards up there, and then head forward, but don't go so far as you burn yourself in the fire. =P After you hear boxes open, turn around immediately and gun both of the henchmen to pure death, and then collect a fire extinguisher. You should now have at the very least a little less than half of your health. Now, the next thing we need to do is obvious - put out the fire burning in here. Just spray some water on it normally and just like before, the gate will open. When you reach the next room, look up and you'll see a sniper on the pipe, ready to shoot. Shoot him in the face FIRST (preferably with the Sniper Rifle), and then look to the left and up the pipe there, and you'll find a Dark Henchman there. Shoot him too while making sure you don't get shot yourself, and then head under the pipe he was standing on and turn to the right and you'll end up in an area full of the crates we saw before, and a few henchmen here and there. One of them is on a pipe at the upper-left and should be your first target, as he'll be shooting ALL the time. Make sure that there are no henchmen remaining in here, and then look inside one of the crates to find two scientists. One of them will then walk forward and defuse the bomb. Good, that's 4/5 bombs defused so far. The time limit won't be any problem by now, since the next bomb is very close. Once you get behind the door, you'll see that the right (where Khallos and the three henchmen before him are) is full of lasers. You simply cannot get past them, so I'd recommend not trying. Instead, just go to the left. You'll shortly be under heavy fire from henchmen upstairs. Exterminate the one in front of you, and then turn the corner and kill the one hanging around there. Head a little bit forward, and you'll find the last bomb. The scientist standing there will then defuse it, and now we have absolutely no time limit! That'll get a significant amount of trouble off of you. Pull the lever on the machine behind where the scientist was standing, and then the gate on the right will open. You'll then be in a large area with two henchmen snipers at the other side, a lot of pipes (one can be used to get to the other side), and some smoke coming from it. Before proceeding on the pipe to the left, use the Soviet S47 to shoot down the henchmen at the other side of the room, and then just go to the left and get on the pipe there. Be warned here as there will sometimes be smoke coming from it. Getting in it could be a dangerous thing, so what you need to do is wait for the smoke to go off, and then slowly proceed. Don't rush it, or you'll fall. Once you get to the end of it, go to the right and open the door to find a room on fire, but water will quickly put it out. Go on, and then at the corner turn to the right and you'll find another autogun a bit ahead. It's as easy as before; just use the Remote Mines and destroy it. After this room, you'll end up in a control room. Press the switch in here and the lasers blocking the path to Khallos will then turn off. Get yourself all the way back to the area where the lasers were, and then head to the right and go down the corridor to find three henchmen. They're extremely dangerous and will shoot you down and kill you before you're able to do ANYTHING, so what you'll need to do is at least let them see you, but don't get so close that they'll shoot you. One or two will come out, but you can handle them if they're just one at a time. After you kill them, enter and the Time Crystal will be located, and then Khallos will appear in a fury, saying that Tipper should have just died. He then decides to kill Tipper himself. TURN AROUND NOW, because Khallos will appear behind you. He has two Soviet S47's, but if you do this properly he'll never get the chance to use them, since he hasn't improved from the last fight. He'll be stunned if you manage to aim at his face before he gets at you. Shoot him in the head like mad, and eventually he'll drop dead, and you can get both the Time Crystal and his Soviet S47's. Now before we can leave, you have to activate the reactor. A lot of Scrouge Splitters will appear, but you can't worry about them. Turning around and facing them is just a big mistake; just concentrate on activating the reactor, and when going back, you can shoot them to slow them down. Eventually, the reactor will be activated. Now, just pray that you have enough health to make it out... =============================================================================== VIIh. AZTEC RUINS (1920) =============================================================================== This level is the one a lot of people will be confused by, due to a large puzzle within the pillars. Anyway, a monkey will start out right ahead of you, so follow him up the hill to the left, then follow him through the tunnel to arrive in a large area. There are many paths around here, but take the left one and you'll find some more monkeys. If you're playing in Hard mode, all of them will throw explosive melons at you, so in that case, shoot them. Otherwise, leave them alone. Take the corner there and you'll find an Indian. He has a deadly crossbow, but you have the Luger Pistol. These Indians aren't very strong, and once you beat him you'll get a Crossbow. Crossbows are pretty powerful, and they can be set on fire, which is the ONLY way to destroy beehives and Wood Golems. After beating the Indian and getting the Crossbow, turn back to find some fire, and then press X and you'll set the Crossbow arrows on fire. Do NOT shoot or reload the Crossbow, or you'll just put the fire out. Instead, go on a little bit, and you'll find a dangerous Wood Golem. Their powers highly outmatch yours, and they're invincible, but we all know what the weakness of wood is: fire. Shoot the arrow at the Wood Golem (two will do), and then run back and wait for it to burn. Just head a little bit forward, and another Indian shows his face. Hit him with the flaming Crossbow, and now about 1/4 of the current ammo that you have loaded in it is on fire. I recommend setting the Crossbow on fire again by going back. After that, go through the tunnel and you'll come to two paths. Before going forth, look to the left and you'll find a beehive. If you get close to it, the bees will get up on you and sting you over and over, killing you quickly. You'll want to burn it quickly, as this will rid all the bees. After burning it, take the left one, and you'll meet up with another Wood Golem. Set him on fire and let him burn down, and then set the crossbow on fire with the nearby fire. Go to the other end of the courtyard and take the path on the right, and shoot at any Indians in the distance. To the left, you'll also find another beehive. Burn it down to kill all of the bees, and then take a left here. Go through the nearby tunnel (an Indian or two will await), and you'll come to an area full of pillars. Now this is the puzzle of the Aztec Ruins level, and I advise you that BEFORE you send me an e-mail, you read this. One of them on the left has a monkey on top of it who will throw explosive melons at you, which really hurt. Kill this monkey quickly and then proceed, don't solve the puzzle yet. On the plants in the following area, there's a beehive. If you need to, go back and set your crossbow on fire, but otherwise burn it down, and the Aztec Ruins will be free of all bees. There are a lot of Indians around here, and they can be quite dangerous. I recommend going through and making sure no golems, beehives, monkeys, or Indians are remaining. There are also some dangerous monkeys here, so they should be killed too. Anyway, before you can go on, you have to solve the pillar puzzle. Return there, and you'll find that whenever you examine a pillar, they turn around. Each of the four sides on all the pillars have odd icons on them, like a monkey's face to a creature with a shield to a frog. You'll have to turn these around so that each icon faces another icon of the same type. Here is a rough diagram I drew, describing how exactly it should be like, so you can get a more thorough idea (remember that the * down there will indicate a pillar, and the symbols around it will indicate an icon, but no specific one), and also remember that you'll have to do it in a certain way, so this may take a while to solve. Still here's a diagram: @ $ %*` `*` $ % $ % @*@ @*` % ` % ` $*@ @*$ % % That should give you a clear idea of what it should look like. There - now don't email me or IM me, because this is both here and in the FAQ section. If it's all done correctly, the door will open and several Indians will pour out of it. Go to the area with the last beehive and the door, and then you'll find the Indians. Take them all out carefully, and avoid getting hit. When you're ready to proceed, go up the ramp on the left, and you'll end up on the bridge which Captain Ash fell off of. Cross it to find some more monkeys. They're not dangerous, so you can just ignore them. Pull the switch at the end of this tunnel and a golden door will open around the middle of the courtyard (a little bit ahead of the first Wood Golem). Go all the way back there, and then three more Indians come out at you. The Luger Pistol or the Crossbow will quickly rid them, no worries. Now go through the golden door, and then drop a long way down... and you'll end up at the lost temple, and a checkpoint! Hooray, at last. A little bit forward, you'll find four monkeys. If you're playing Hard mode, they are extremely dangerous since they will throw watermelons like mad. So take them out. After killing the monkeys, enter the temple and two Indians will appear. Oh well, they shouldn't be a problem, you have the Crossbow. Shoot them and go to the right and end up at the other side of the temple. Go downstairs, and then three Indians come out at you. You may very well be low on health now, so use the Luger Pistol and then back off and wait for them to come at you. When they're outside of that room, shoot them in the head and they'll die quickly. Now go downstairs and check behind the stairs for the switch, and then open the door on the upper-left. The Time Crystal will then be lowered to the bottom of the temple, so you can't get it now. :( Head to the upper-right, where the door opened, and then just go downstairs and on the way, you'll run into two Indians. The good thing is that they'll be right ahead of you, so you can just fire a nice arrow at their heads and immediately kill them. Around the bottom, some Stone Golems will appear. The Time Crystal is not in here like it was in Easy mode, so don't bother looking for it. This room has four Stone Golems in it, and you CANNOT take them out with normal weapons! Repeat: you cannot! Even the monkeys on the pillars, with their super strong explosive melons cannot scratch them. However, the room is full of trapdoors and tiles close to them which will open them up. So what you should do is start with the one on the left, and then play ring-around-the-rosy with him by circling the trapdoor, and eventually he'll walk on to the trapdoor, and it'll be open, taking him down, never to be seen again. However, be very careful if taking this strategy. You'll want to go around the room making sure that no monkeys remain, since their explosive watermelons do a lot of damage. After taking out that Golem and all the monkeys, walk near the one near it, but don't get so close at it'll hurt you. Handle this Golem the same way you handled the last one, and then go through the corridor at the upper side of this room. Take a left and you'll find another monkey and another Golem. Shoot at the monkey, and then circle around the trapdoor with the Golem similarly. After he's taken out, take the path to the right and you'll find TWO monkeys on pillars. A Stone Golem is also at the upper-right of this room, but for me he just walked into an open trapdoor and instantly killed himself, making him absolutely no trouble at all for me. If he doesn't fall into immediate suicide, then oh well, just kill the monkeys and kill the Golem the regular way. If you look into the objectives, you may notice that you have taken out 4/7 Golems. So where are the other 3 Golems? A long deal away from here. Take the bricked tunnel nearby and then head down it and you'll be in another large tunnel. This area is full of spears, and if you get close to them they'll come out at you, and as we all know, being hit with a spear has never been particularly fun. What you'll need to do is get close and wait for them to come out, and then when they go back in, run past them and voila - you have avoided them! There are four of these in all. Get past all the spears, and you'll eventually come to a roped bridge. The entrance to the bridge and the exit will then be closed off, and you may notice that the threat in this room are the faces in here. There are seven, and each of them have normal faces, but a random one occasionally changes to an evil looking one, and fires a Sci-Fi Handgun bullet at you, even though the Sci-Fi Handgun doesn't even exist in 1920! Anyway, this is something you don't want to happen. Four of the faces are on the right, and three are on the left. All I can recommend is to watch for a face to turn to an evil one. You have to shoot away at all seven of these faces for the blocked off doors to go down, but each face that goes away makes this a lot easier. When at last all seven are taken out with the Vintage Rifle and/or the Crossbow, both barriers will fall down and Indians will come in from both sides. This could be a little dangerous... just focus on the first one that you find very quickly with the Crossbow, and then turn around and take the other one out, this isn't a very difficult business. When both of them are dead, take the exit to this area and you'll end up in a room with a lot of torches and a pretty large boulder on the top of the stairs... ugh. Head down the stairs, and you'll run into a lot of Indians. Thankfully, you can set your Crossbow arrows on fire with the torches here, which will make ridding the Indians very easy. When you get about halfway down the stairs, the large boudler at the top of them will start falling. By all means, get down to the bottom immediately, because if this boulder crushes you, you will lose large amounts of health gradually and die very quickly. At the bottom, TURN RIGHT and then the boulder will hit the wall a bit ahead of the door, so you'll avoid it. After doing so, go to the next room. In here, you'll encounter the remaining three Stone Golems. Now, there are no trapdoors, the golems are made of stone instead of wood, and they still have high defense. So how to beat them? Well, this room has a Grenade Launcher, Grenades, and some armor. Get all three of them, and launch Grenades at all of them with the, uh... Grenade Launcher. To defeat them, you will have to use no less than 3 Grenades. Eventually though, they'll all be beaten. After their destruction, the Time Crystal appears. Take it to stabilize the Time Crystal, which is right in the middle of this room. =============================================================================== VIIi. ROBOT FACTORY (2315) =============================================================================== Robot Factory is almost as difficult as Atom Smasher, but oh well, it's not quite as hard. It takes even longer though; perhaps a whole hour. If it doesn't take you that long, it'll be extremely difficult. It's either long or hard, making it your choice which one it'll be. I hope you're prepared for some major time being spent on this level. You'll start the level in a small room. Head out and you'll hear an extremely annoying beep. Two robots appear as it begins. Exit and take them out quickly, then just head a little bit further in and two more spawn. Destroy them, and this room is free for a small while. Go over to the door on the right, and you will be going through a series of rooms. After the first couple, you'll find a red laser on the ground, as well as a lot of robots behind it. Now there are two ways to manage this. One is to go ahead and fire at the robots, then fire at the laser generators to its left and right, or go to the panel on the left and put it on destruction mode, which will automatically kill all the robots. Now go forward, and you will find two robots on the ground that like to fire with green lasers. I'll call these robots the GroundBots. The only way to take them out is to shoot them in the head with good accuracy. Do so, and then you'll come to a room with three "passages" through it. The left one was where you came in, the right one leads to some ammo and a blocked off door, and the middle one has a large green barrier in front of it. If you step through it, it'll be destroyed but you'll lose a LOT of health. So don't go doing that. Instead, use the control console in front of you and you'll be controlling a RailwayBot on the other side of the green barrier. On the floor is Plasma Ammo, mmmm. Now, run the RailwayBot into the green barrier, and then there will be a huge explosion. The RailwayBot and the green barrier have now gone down. Head into the middle passage which was originally blocked off, and you'll find Plasma Ammo. Ah, there's the Sci-Fi Handgun, but still, a little extra ammo couldn't hurt. Also go to the left and activate the panel in there, and you will activate a bridge in another part of the factory, and the objective "Gain access to the inner processing area" will be complete. Now go back to the left passage, and then unfortunately some regular robots will attack. Shoot them down carefully. Try not to get hit, once again. Anyway, it's simple now. Just go all the way back to the main room. You'll find a few robots on the way, but they're no big deal. When you reach the first room, take a right. Be warned that several robots appear. I find it best to shoot the first couple, then head back, then repeat. When you take the path on the right, you'll see two more GroundBots. Again, nothing to be worried about. Go into the next room and you'll find a RailwayBot right above and two other dangerous robots. Alright now, launch out about three Plasma Grenades at them, or they'll harrass you several times with extremely powerful Plasma Autorifles. The Grenades should destroy them quickly. After they're destroyed, take out the GroundBot on the floor, and then head along to end up in a room with fire coming out of the walls. Some regular robots, and then another large robot upstairs will come at you. First of all, back off a little and deal with the robots, and then head for this large robot (they're called the SentryBots). These robots are pretty deadly, but the proper way to beat them is to aim at their backs. They'll explode pretty quickly after a little bit of fire. You may want to use the Plasma Autorifle to do that, though. After the room is clear of robots, head upstairs and go a little forward and you'll find the bridge you just unlocked. Before you can make it to the other side, you'll find a GroundBot. Use the Sci-Fi Handgun quickly, and it'll be destroyed in no time. Cross the bridge (take out the two robots that appear ahead of you) and you'll find another GroundBot. Well, it's the same old shooting at the head to take it out, but try a little harder to dodge the green laser, since it may be difficult here. After it's destroyed, head to the right and you'll be in the most dangerous room thus far. As you proceed, a missile appears from the machine on the left. IMMEDIATELY destroy it, or it rings that god-awful alarm or blows up on you. Once you destroy it, just head a bit forward, but don't go downstairs. Stay upstairs, in front of the energy node. While you're up there, wait for the SentryBot downstairs to turn back, but get in a good place for you to fire with the Sci-Fi Handgun. When it gets close enough, just let it fire, and soon it'll be destroyed. Keep in mind that there's another one in here though. Make your way downstairs, and immediately take out that other SentryBot to get a Lasergun. As for how to destroy it, you may want to lead it upstairs, then go crazy with the Sci-Fi Handgun. Either way, it shouldn't be that deadly. Collect all the Lasergun ammunition left behind. On the floor, make your way past where the SentryBot with the Lasergun was standing (be again warned that the machines in here will shoot missiles, and if you find one, take it out immediately or you could end up in a fair bit of trouble) and you'll find your way to the other side of the railway room. There's a RailwayBot and a GroundBot here, so take them both out and then you'll find an ElectroTool. Two robots will appear on your sides, but they're still not dangerous. Use the Sci-Fi Handguns and shoot at their heads to kill them instantly. After you do that, a couple more will then appear. Destroy them at once, and then go back to the previous room. Make sure that it is absolutely free of robots, and then fire the ElectroTool at the large energy node. It will start spinning quicker and quicker, until it explodes. This will draw the attention of several robots, in which will then appear. Destroy all of them, but try to keep as much health as you possibly can. If you must, go around the room and lead them to previous room and then snipe at them when they come out at you, and then blast them to death with a few shots of the Plasma Autorifle quickly. It won't be incredibly hard. The red barrier will disappear after all of them are destroyed. Head back upstairs and go through there and you'll be in a long corridor. On the rail above, you'll find three RailwayBots, so stay where you are and don't go forward. Wait until all three of them pass, and use the ElectroTool to destroy them. As soon as they are zapped, they'll drop off the rail and blow up. Good riddance. Now just go a little bit down the corridor. You'll find a SentryBot in front. Do not proceed to engage with it yet, as it'll hit you quite a bit. Instead, go over to the left and collect the Plasma Grenades. Then, before you get hit too much, return to where you were. Along this corridor, shoot grenades at the SentryBot when it comes in vicinity. It's not really that hard to do. Along the way, a few robots appear, and there is a GroundBot on the floor, this one being able to move. Take out the robots, and then use the Lasergun or the Plasma Autorifle to destroy the GroundBot. It'll take a bit of hitting, but it'll miss you if you're careful. At the end of the corridor is another ElectroTool. If you're playing in Hard mode, there will be a node around where the armor is (look down). Destroy it if you are in Hard. Anyway, use the Plasma Autorifle to take them out normally, they still pose little to no threat. Now just head to the right to continue into this place. You'll then be in control of a RailwayBot. Continue a little bit onward, and you'll run into three other RailwayBots. Use the RailwayBot's regular golden laser, and they'll drop like flies. After that, head over to the end and take a left to get to the next room. You'll find a few robots on the floor. Shoot them all down and look for the energy node on the floor. Fire a few bullets at the object to the left of it, and then the shield goes down and the electricity automatically destroys the ElectroNode, taking care of that. Now exit the RailwayBot and go back to Gretel Mk II. Head down this next path, and you'll see that there are a lot of machines that fire missiles at you in here. Fire away at each and every one of them, and at the end of the path you'll come to a checkpoint (a console is next to that room, but just ignore that). Now go into the next room and you'll find a GroundBot that will then awaken. Don't go shooting at it yet, instead, go back to the console and you'll be using a RailwayBot, so use it to destroy the GroundBot, since these RailwayBots have powerful lasers. A little but onward, a SentryBot spawns. As soon as it appears, RUN AWAY! Go back to the console. Use the RailwayBot, and when you see the SentryBot shoot a few bullets at it, and then head around the railway to find it again. Shoot it again, then repeat this process until it is destroyed. Keep in mind that whenever the SentryBot is shot, it'll recognize that the RailwayBot is being controlled, and it will quickly destroy it. You don't want this to happen. Just make sure you do this, and then switch the camera off. After it's destroyed, go back to the room where you did that, and just head into the next room to find some more robots. Even the SentryBot that appears isn't dangerous. Plasma Grenades, anyone? In the next room, head up the ramp on the left (there are a few robots, but they're still not deadly), and then use the console on the left to make a node come right next to you. Overload it with electricity, and then another two robots appear. After blowing them to smithereens, go to the next room to find another console. Activate it, and then another node will be moved to the range where it can be shocked with the good ol' ElectroTool, but keep in mind that it won't be auto-destroyed, and it should not be destroyed right now by any means. Keep this in mind. Right next to you, there's a SentryBot. On the paths below, there are two more SentryBots. The Plasma Autorifle is THE weapon for taking care of them. The Rocket Launcher that they use is rarely fired, and won't really do much damage. Destroy the one on the ramp first, since it'll fire the most. Then proceed to rid the others, and then go over to the first one you destroyed to pick up the Rocket Launcher. This weapon is EXTREMELY powerful, but the only downfall is its severe lack of ammunition. Go downstairs to the right, and you'll find yet another Rocket Launcher, which will give you another few rockets. At the bottom of the stairs, you will find another mobile GroundBot. When it moves its head up, fire a rocket at it and it should be destroyed in one hit. After that, go to the right and you'll come to a room with a green laser barrier, similar to the one that was used around the beginning of the level when you used a RailwayBot to destroy it. Again, don't run into the laser barrier. Fire at the controls on the left, which will shut it down. After that, you might as well take care of the energy node. Head back up and point the ElectroTool at the energy node and destroy it, ending the energy node overloading objective at last. Hooray! Several SentryBots appear, all who wield Homing Launchers, which may cause some severe problems for you. There are three ways to take them out. The first is to go back upstairs and take them out, man-to-man. This is very dangerous, and may amount to a lot of health being lost. The second is to head back to around the third power node, and then use the ElectroTool or the Lasergun (together with the lasergun's shield, since it has plenty of ammo) to destroy it. This doesn't take too long and isn't too dangerous. The third way is to lead it all the way back to where the RailwayBot was. The RailwayBot can easily take it out, although this could be a little dangerous itself as you'll have to lead it while avoiding missiles, and it takes forever and longer. So I'd go with #2, but use whichever one you want. After all of them are destroyed, look at the red barrier and another SentryBot appears. With this one, I prefer to use the Lasergun method. Make sure you shield yourself; but this one won't really be that hard. The red barrier will then disappear in front of it. Just proceed from where it was and head down the corridor to arrive in the factory's core, which will complete that objective. After doing so, head downstairs and you'll come face to face with none another than the Machinist. Although the Machinist is probably the hardest boss in the game, it is still not that tough to defeat. It has large arms to its left and right that will hit at you, and it's also got some laser beams, but nothing particularly dangerous. You may want to strafe to the left and right while doing this. Anyway, aim at the center to damage the Machinist. Use all the rockets that you have, and soon it'll go down. Use the Plasma Autorifle or the Lasergun if you run out of rockets, and soon the Machinist will be destroyed, and it will drop the Time Crystal. Collect it, and then head upstairs while kicking TimeSplitter ass. You will find the Time Portal, ending the second hardest level of Normal mode. =============================================================================== VIIj. SPACE STATION (2401) =============================================================================== Corp. Hart dies as usual, and Sgt. Cortez is still on his own to destroy the Space Station and get to his ship to end Normal mode. Anyway, Space Station is nothing compared to Atom Smasher and Robot Factory. You can take a deep breath from all of those, but be warned: Space Station is still quite challenging. At the beginning you'll be faced with a lot of Time Crystals just right ahead of you. Make sure to pick these up, and you've already got one objective complete. ;) The TimeSplitter that killed Corp. Hart is right nearby, so use the Plasma Autorifle to kill him. This place is totally full of those annoying ass insects that we found in Planet X. Shoot at any single one that you find. After that, drop down to the bottom of this room. Look for the door labeled "3" (the Hangar one is locked), and you'll be in a LONG corridor. Here's our chance to complete another objective. Head down the corridor looking for panels around here, and deactivate all of them to make the Space Station self-destruct. After doing that, the Space Station has 6 minutes left to destruction. Uh-oh, we're in trouble now. Better rush yourself out. The good part is that we won't have to run into any more of those stupid insects. The Hangar has now been unlocked so it's just another return to the bottom of the room. Find the Hangar (it's easy to find), and head through two doors to find some more TimeSplitters. Blast them with all your might from the Plasma Autorifle quickly, but try not to get damaged. When it comes up, get on it and take it down to the bottom, and just head a bit forward. You'll find some small TimeSplitters, and they're very hard and annoying to kill. You'll have to position the Plasma Autorifle downward to fire at them and kill. On the left, there's some armor and Plasma Ammo. At the end of this room, a space suit can be found. You MUST get this on Normal mode, since you'll die quickly without it. Now return to the elevator and turn left and you'll be in three straight corridors... geez will this ever end? TimeSplitters will come flooding in. You may wish to ignore them, but I recommend going crazy with a large number of Plasma Grenades and regular bullets, if you have any. Still, do it quickly! You don't have much time to spare, I'm warning you. You'll then get a new objective - to shoot down the TimeSplitter fleet. Now if you don't have the space suit, you're pretty much doomed around here. Sgt. Cortez will not last out here at all, due to the fact it's in outer space. Plus, you need to save up as much health as is humanly possible, so you can rush over to the end of the level quickly. A gun can be found at the end of the path here, and you'll need it to destroy the TimeSplitter fleet. There are no less than 20 of these ships, but most of them come in pairs of threes, so the number of ships remaining will go down really fast. You have 400 bullets, with that many I really doubt that you're going to be unable to destroy all of the fleet. Anyway, just continue to shoot while making sure you find all of them well, and that objective will quickly be complete. Make sure you have no less than 2:00 left now, or else you're probably not going to make it. Return to the previous corridors (more TimeSplitters will arrive, but if you haven't lost a lot of health yet, just ignore them, since the wave will disappear quickly, and when you reach the T-shaped one, go down the only path that we haven't yet taken. You'll find an autogun on the ceiling. Take it out immediately with a barrage of Plasma Ammo. The cabinet there has a Minigun, the best weapon in the game. Now you really shouldn't have any trouble blowing up the TimeSplitters. There's also some armor near it too. Kill any and all of them that come out of you (don't worry too much about the Minigun overheating, it's worth the fast bullets that come out, but don't use too much ammo), and then go to the right and you'll meet another elevator. Call it with the switch, but be prepared to wait for a while. The distance between the bottom of the Space Station (the deck) and this area is quite a bit. Take this time to kill some TimeSplitters, and also be on the lookout for an autogun above where the elevator is supposed to come up. That autogun will be shooting you all this time, but it won't be any problem, since you are armed with an almighty Minigun, right? Just handle anything that comes around, while simultaneously pacing around and it'll eventually come up. Now just hop on it and you'll go a LONG way down. By the time you get on the elevator though, you should have at least 40 seconds left. Otherwise, you are definitely not going to be able to get into the ship. Now this is the end of the level. Just head right down the corridor and head through the door right ahead of you, and you'll be outside. There's also a ship there, and this is what we're going to use to exit. Kill the TimeSplitters if they get in your way, and find the entrance to your ship. It's in the back of it (the front is from where you entered), and once you get in the mission will be over. TimeSplitters 2 ends at Sgt. Cortez gets in, and then fires the Plasma Autorifle at the TimeSplitters, who are helpless to his weaponry. Then he flies away in the ship as the Space Station explodes. Congrats, you've just finished some of the game's hardest stuff! Pat yourself on the back now. :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= IX. Arcade/Challenges =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- +-------------------+ | IXa. Arcade Modes | +-------------------+ Arcade Modes are usually big shoot-em-ups, and most of these are super fun. Only problem is that a lot of them are really difficult too, but they come in lots of forms. Flame Tags and Virus, Elimination, Vampire, and more. Some nice stuff. Here are all the types of arcade modes: Deathmatch: What do you think it is, fool? In these, try and kill unrelentlessly, as quickly as possible. Make as many kills in as short a time as you possibly can. That is the law of the Arcade Deathmatch. Team Deathmatch: Usually in these, you're fighting something greater than what you would be in a regular Deathmatch. In these, your goal is to harm all the enemies on the opposing team (usually blue). But leave your team (usually red) alone! Elimination: You won't get infinite life like you will in a normal Arcade mission here. You and everyone else have a set number of lives -- kill them that many times before they kill you! Regeneration: In this rather cheap kind, there's little to no need to worry about health. Fight normally, like a deathmatch, but your health is automatically restored with time. Shrink: One of the more insanely pointless kinds, this time the top player is shown in terms of size, so to win you have to be the biggest person. It's nothing but a normal deathmatch. Vampire: Another rather pointless challenge that only comes up once, you're give "batteries" that will wear out with time, and you have to make a kill to restore your energy back. Leech: Once again, a very pointless kind. This time, you have little to worry about in terms of health, because when you kill you'll get your health back. Very similar to the Vampire mode. Thief: It doesn't matter how many enemies you kill if you're in a Thief mode. In the Thief mode, you have to drop what the enemy has after death instead! So be quick, and make sure you're close to the enemy. Virus: See those enemies on green fire? AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS OR IT WILL SPREAD TO YOU, AND IT WILL BE ALL OVER. When someone's on fire and die, they will respawn on fire. So keep away as long as possible. Zones: Matches for points. The points are determined by the color of four pillars of light throughout the area, after a few seconds. 10 for one of your color, 20 for two, etc. You'll have to be offensive and defensive, so good luck. Gladiator: Probably one of the most annoying kinds, besides Thief and Zones. Only ONE person can gain points for their kills, that one being the Gladiator! The gladiator is covered in a shade of light, so kill it and the light will spread to you. Capture The Bag: This doesn't have anything to do with killing, except blasting opponents to get them out of your way. You have to go to the other side of an area, take the bag there, and bring it to yours. The worst thing is that your bag has to be at your base too. Not easy. Monkey Assistant: In this type, even the weakest person has strength, because the weaker one will get three monkeys to help them get kills throughout the deathmatch, and killing the monkeys doesn't even get you points. Assault: The ultimate difficulty in Arcade missions. You'll usually have to make it to one area, destroy something there, and then accomplish something else. Assault missions only take place in the Training Ground, the Hangar, and the Scrapyard though. =============================================================================== AMATEUR LEAGUE =============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BEGINNER'S SERIES =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Shoot-em'-ups and kill-'em-alls for introduction to the Arcade mode. 'Nuff said. ============== Adios Amigos!: ============== Awards: + Bronze: 10 kills + Silver: 10 kills in 5 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 10 kills in 3 min 0.0 sec + Platinum: 10 kills in 40.0 sec Player: Elijah Jones Bots: Hector Baboso, Jared Slim, Ramona Sosa, Venus Starr, Lean Molly Weapons: 2x Luger Pistol, Shotgun, Flamethrower, Plasma Autorifle, Homing Launcher Briefing: Everyone was enjoying a siesta at the mission until that dirty dog Hector Baboso decided to liven things up. Now everyone's at each others' throats! Make 10 kills within 10 minutes for a trophy. Map: Mexican Mission Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Hector Baboso, Lean Molly This is the first Arcade mission, and probably the easiest at that. In the courtyard, you'll immediately find a Plasma Autorifle, so anyone that you can see will die in just a couple shots to the head. That's pretty much all there is to it, but get powerups and restore health whenever needed. If you end up with a Homing Launcher, you can also use it to kill anyone you see, instantly making this an extremely easy challenge. ======== Casualty ======== Awards: + Bronze: 15 kills + Silver: 15 kills in 5 min 30.0 sec + Gold: 15 kills in 3 min 30.0 sec + Platinum: 15 kills in 1 min 0.0 sec Player: Dr. Peabody Bots: Private Poorly, Feeder Zombie, Crypt Zombie, Sewer Zombie Weapons: Sci-Fi Handgun, Lasergun, Plasma Autorifle, Homing Launcher, ElectroTool Briefing: Dr. Peabody left the morgue door open and now zombies are running loose all over the Hospital. Visiting time starts in 10 minutes - try to kill 15 of the living dead before then. Map: Hospital Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Dr. Peabody, Crypt Zombie This is another challenge that couldn't be easier. For some reason, I found the ElectroTool to work very well here. You can instantly zap a zombie to its second death with an ElectroTool. If you get a Homing Launcher, you're also almost invincible. If you get a Plasma Autorifle, you're also good to go. Run around, and try to get into open areas. Lots of zombies will come in, and if they do, then it'll be extremely easy to pull off a good 15 kills in a single minute. ======== Top Shot ======== Awards: + Bronze: 1st + Silver: 1st in 4 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 1st in 3 min 0.0 sec + Platinum: 1st in 1 min 10.0 sec Player: Sgt. Shock Bots: Lt. Frost, Trooper White, Capt. Snow, Nikolai, Sgt. Shivers Weapons: Soviet S47, Rocket Launcher, Tactical 12-Gauge, Flamethrower, Minigun. Briefing: Prove your authority to the young cadets during combat training! Everyone has 6 lives each, but lose them all, and you'll be out of the military for good! Map: Hangar Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Sgt. Shock, Elimination, Hangar Unlike the last two Arcade missions, Top Shot isn't based on how quickly you kill a set number of enemies. You have to kill five characters six times, the eqivalent of 30 kills! It's not really that hard, actually. Try and go around to a small, but open area, and get out your Flamethrower or a Minigun. If you have the Rocket Launcher, that's also a great weapon to use. You'll instantly be able to defeat a bunch of bots with them. Also, if you see a red dot close to you, go to it immediately, and kill. Not very difficult. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= MODE MADNESS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is where you'll find modes you won't see anywhere else. Regeneration Mode, where your health constantly goes up, shrink, where enemies shrink and become difficult to hit, and Vampire, where hits regenerate you. =============== Chastity Chased =============== Awards: + Bronze: 10 kills + Silver: 10 kills in 4 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 10 kills in 3 min 0.0 sec + Platinum: 10 kills in 1 min 0.0 sec Player: Chastity Bots: Sadako Weapons: SciFi Handgun, Lasergun, Rocket Launcher, Tactical 12-Gauge, Plasma Autorifle Briefing: Chastity is honing her combat skills in a simulated shootout against Sadako at the compound. Virtual health regenerates so you should hold back if you're wounded. The same applies to Sadako, so preserve to score kills. Map: Compound Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Regeneration Mode Sadako usually starts out pretty close to you, and you can see her position with the red dot at the radar to the upper-right. If you get a Rocket Launcher or a Lasergun, teach her a lesson by hitting her with no mercy. You'll hardly ever die, unless Sadako sneaks up behind you or something. Not a very hard mission, yet again. ======================= Shrinking From The Cold ======================= Awards: + Bronze: 10 kills + Silver: 10 kills in 4 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 10 kills in 3 min 0.0 sec + Platinum: 10 kills in 45.0 sec Player: Lt. Frost Bots: Sgt. Shivers, Nikolai Weapons: Silenced Pistol, 2x Silenced Pistol, Soviet S47, 2x Soviet S47, Tactical 12-Gauge, Minigun Briefing: The Time Portal has caused spacetime anomalies around the Dam. People have been shrinking! Lt. Frost, Nikolai and Sgt. Shivers have spiced up guard duty by making a game out of it. Remember, you won't win if there's anyone bigger than you! Map: Dam Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Shrink Mode Right up on the rooftops is a Minigun. Head up there quickly and get it, and then you're invincible, and you simply cannot be defeated. Just locate all the red dots while using the Minigun's alternate fire, and then you'll make 10 kills in no time at all. If you find someone who's really small though, just point the Minigun down at the snow and start firing. Really couldn't be easier. =========== Scrap Metal =========== Awards: + Bronze: 10 kills + Silver: 10 kills in 4 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 10 kills in 3 min 0.0 sec + Platinum: 10 kills in 1 min 5.0 sec Player: Female Trooper Bots: ChassisBot Weapons: SciFi Handgun, Lasergun, ElectroTool, Plasma Autorifle, Homing Launcher Briefing: UltraNet headquarters want this ChassisBot disposed of as quickly as possible. Although not heavily armored, it is very agile, so be careful! Power drained from the ChassisBot will refresh your EnviroSuit batteries - don't let them run down! Map: Scrapyard Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: ChassisBot, Scrapyard This mission is extremely easy, although there is one small problem: this female trooper needs "batteries" for some reason? A human trooper needing batteries is simply imbecelic, but anyway... grab a Homing Launcher in the center of the area and then fire a good rocket at the ChassisBot whenever it appears. The Homing Launcher has VERY good range, so ammunition should be no problem. Using this tactic, you can easily achieve a Platinum. Also, that ElectroTool works well. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IT'S A BLAST =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As the name applies, It's a Blast is limited to only rocket and homing launchers. These will give you some great practice with these two awesome pieces of equipment, and to top it all off it's just some hard, lock-on and rock on action. =========== Night Shift =========== Awards: + Bronze: 1st + Silver: 1st and 15 kills + Gold: 1st and 25 kills + Platinum: 1st and 50 kills Player: R-109 Bots: SentryBot, ChassisBot. Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Homing Launcher Briefing: It's night shift at the factory, and the Machinist is having a nap. Time to play! Inject some enthusiasm into the other workers before he wakes up. Your health is replenished by damage inflicted so keep up a good hit rate to stay alive! Map: Robot Factory Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: SentryBot, Leech Probably the hardest of the three It's a Blast arcade missions, but this one is still pretty easy. Look around the place and familiarize yourself with it until you remember where a Homing Launcher is. Then get that, and explore the main area while looking for targets. Then just let loose a rocket on them and annihilate them. Since you have so much time, you should get at least a Gold easily. ============= Spoils of War ============= Awards: + Bronze: 25 points + Silver: 25 points in 6 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 25 points in 4 min 30.0 sec + Platinum: 25 points in 2 min 40.0 sec Player: Sgt. Cortez Bots: Female Trooper, R-109, Hank Nova, Meezor Mox Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Homing Launcher Briefing: Kills count for nothing in this game, only rewards left behind by the dead contenders are worth collecting. Be the first to collect 25 points! Map: Ice Station Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: Meezor Mox, Thief Once again, the name says it all. This is for the sole purpose of collecting an enemy's "spoils" (that is, what they leave behind after death). You can kill 200 enemies here and get big fat nothing, though. You have to kill, but collect what they leave behind when you fire the rocket to do this. To quickly collect 25 of these coins, enter the building and get a Homing Launcher. Use the map to quickly find the enemies and fire out your rockets, then run over to them and collect the booty. Also, you can sometimes get it when someone kills someone else. ================ Demolition Derby ================ Awards: + Bronze: 1st + Silver: 1st and 15 kills + Gold: 1st and 25 kills + Platinum: 1st and 50 kills Player: R-109 Bots: ChassisBot, SentryBot Weapons: Rocket Launcher, Homing Launcher Briefing: There's nothing like high explosives for reducing ChassisBots to chassis bits. The game lasts 4 minutes... make sure you come out on top! Map: Scrapyard Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Male Trooper, Female Trooper This match is really a huge joke. Immediately head over to the center and get the Homing Launcher there. From the center, you'll find those targets instantly. Let the rockets fly (you can move a little if a target is at the far side of the arena) and wait for them to respawn. Repeat the process, and you'll eat this level like a chocolate sundae. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= TOO HOT TO HANDLE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= These are games based on fire. You'll have to avoid enemies around here with the virus, or the game is automatically over. This is difficult stuff, so beware. ================== Monkey Immolation: ================== Awards: + Bronze: 0 min 30.0 sec + Silver: 1 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 2 min 0.0 sec + Platinum: 3 min 0.0 sec Player: Venus Starr Bots: 4x Monkey Weapons: 2x Luger Pistol, Tactical 12-Gauge, Plasma Autorifle, Homing Launcher, Shotgun Briefing: Those pesky pyromaniac primates have been juggling torches with disastrous results! The game ends when everyone is set on fire...so avoid those frantic furry flamers! Map: Mexican Mission Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: Crispin, Flame Tag Mode There's a cheat to completing this level, which will easily get you a Platinum. Find the ladder around here, and make sure you have a good eye on the radar here. When a monkey goes at you (you can see with the radar), immediately climb up and wait for the monkey to TRY to catch you on fire. The monkey will be unable to catch you, haha! I love this little cheat, but if you're a true, honest person, you're going to have to run to the courtyard immediately, and get the speed powerup. Monkeys will come from the bell, the rooms in here, just everywhere. Use the speed powerup to honestly run away from them, and perhaps shoot them if you can get a good distance. Do this for 3:00, and the level will end, and you get a Platinum. ============== Disco Inferno: ============== Awards: + Bronze: 0 min 30.0 sec + Silver: 1 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 2 min 0.0 sec + Platinum: 3 min 0.0 sec Player: Venus Starr Bots: Jake Fenton, Jimmy Needles, Hatchet Sal, Marco the Snitch Weapons: Luger Pistol, Shotgun, 2x Shotgun, Tommy Gun, TNT Briefing: Lady Jane is busy strutting her stuff in the nightclub, and the dance floor is heating up...literally! Avoid the night fever for as long as possible! Map: Nightclub Difficulty: 3 Unlockable: Louie Bignose, Lt. Wild This challenge is much harder than the previous one, mostly because there are no tricks like the previous one. There are, however, a few ways to do this without having to kill someone by running around like a chicken with its head cut while doing next to nothing. Early on, head to the large room where you fight Big Tony in Chicago, with the two large staircases. Take the upper-left door and then head up, to the right, and then the left to find a room where there's only one way to enter. Blast away at anyone who enters, and keep a nice distance, and then just shoot everyone down. To quickly pass time before someone enters, you can also try and get the one person with a virus into the large room with the staircases. Usually a dumb person will come in and then run into the guy with the virus, but just have him chase you around the entire room, while never getting flamed, and you should have no problem at all. I've even done this for a whole minute. When there are a lot of people with a virus, the best place is outside the nightclub. Climb up the stairs and let everyone chase you, and you'll probably earn a Gold. ================= Burns Department: ================= Awards: + Bronze: 1 min 0.0 sec + Silver: 1 min 30.0 sec + Gold: 2 min 0.0 sec + Platinum: 3 min 0.0 sec Player: Viola Bots: Sewer Zombie, Feeder Zombie, Crypt Zombie, Undead Priest Weapons: Luger Pistol, Shotgun, Garrett Revolver Briefing: You might want to keep away from the other patients in the hospital. There's a nasty hot fever going around... you wouldn't want to catch it! Map: Hospital Difficulty: 3 Unlockable: Undead Priest, Nightclub, Virus Probably even more difficult than the last challenge, because this time instead of three or four enemies chasing you, you have NINE! Yes, nine. You'll need more luck than skill if you want to get this. If about three or less zombies are infected, grab a Luger Pistol and head to any dead end you can find and shoot down a zombie on sight. When everyone else is following you, you'll have to run down the entire hospital, hoping that the zombies aren't on both sides of you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TEAM SERIES A =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The original team series, to put it in a simple way, are missions where you are backed up with friends. You won't be alone in these matches, but the problem is that they are some of the hardest so far, especially the last one. ========= Club Soda ========= Awards: + Bronze: 20 kills + Silver: 20 kills in 4 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 20 kills in 3 min 0.0 sec + Platinum: 20 kills in 1 min 30.0 sec Bots: Braces, Marco the Snitch (Red), Slick Tommy, Jimmy Needles (Blue) Briefing: Slick Tommy and Jimmy Needles just knocked over your drink, and they're refusing to buy another! Teach them some manners and score 20 kills before they do. Braces and Marco will back you up. Weapons: Luger Pistol, Shotgun, 2x Shotgun, TNT, Tommy Gun Map: Nightclub Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Slick Tommy, Jimmy Needles A very easy introduction to the team series, uh, series. Just follow the blue dots on the map and grab a Tommy Gun to instantly blast them up. Braces and Marco should be able to kill a few enemies while they're going about, which is all good. A great room for kills is the square room with the staircases. Not hard. ============= Station Stand ============= Awards: + Bronze: 1000 points + Silver: 1000 points in 5 min 30.0 sec + Gold: 1000 points in 4 min 30.0 sec + Platinum: 1000 points in 3 min 0.0 sec Player: Female Trooper Bots: Male Trooper (Red), SentryBot (Blue) Briefing: A squad of SentryBots are attempting to take over the Ice Station asteroid. Team up with the Space Troopers to secure critical locations and repel the attack. Weapons: Sci-Fi Handgun, Sniper Rifle, Lasergun, Rocket Launcher Map: Ice Station Difficulty: 3 Unlockable: Lt. Shade, Zones This mission is much harder than the last one, especially if you're going for a platinum. Run around the place looking for zones to turn red, and when you see a SentryBot, use your Sci-Fi Handgun, Lasergun, or Rocket Launcher to kill them. Do not use the Sniper Rifle unless you want to test your stealth skills, because it is absolute crap here. Your trooper friends will also be able to kill off some SentryBots, so you won't have too many problems with the mission. =========== Men in Grey =========== Awards: + Bronze: 10 min 0.0 sec + Silver: 6 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 3 min 30.0 sec + Platinum: 1 min 15.0 sec Player: Private Grass Bots: Sgt. Frost (Red), Accountant, Lawyer (Blue) Briefing: A bunch of suits have been seen near the Training Ground blockhouse. They've put in some computers and it looks like they might be starting a dotcom consultancy business. Hit them hard before they try to float the company and pocket the cash! Weapons: Tactical 12-Gauge, Soviet S47, Homing Launcher, Minigun Map: Training Ground Difficulty: 4 Unlockable: Accountant, Lawyer, Training Ground PART ONE Your first objective will be to seize the Middle Ground. First of all, you won't want to go around with only the Tactical 12-Gauge, since it's crap. Grab the Soviet S47 to the right; if Sgt. Frost grabs it then reset. Then leave the room, and a gun will fire at you. Try and strafe to avoid its bullets, and continue forward and you'll find another autogun. Fire some grenades with the S47, and if you do it right they should be able to hit it and destroy it. Just continue, and use grenades to handle the autogun on the right and the four soldiers that are likely to attack. Follow the path to arrive at a canyon. Quickly take the path to the right to finish your first objective. PART TWO Now you'll have to destroy all the fuel drums in the next area, by FAR the hardest of the three objectives. Grab the Homing Launcher right near the waterfall and then take the other path to find an autogun seated on a rock. Carefully aim a rocket into it and head beyond it, and then take the path just on the left up to find a Minigun. It's insanely useful. Head back down and start to the right. Destroy the barrels behind the small building and in the cave, and then head back to the left. Fire at the barrel there, and then look behind it to find yet another. The last part is the hardest: enter the building in front of you and head up the stairs, while trying to suffer through four soldiers firing at you. At the top, hell hath no fury like you scorned! or whatever. Destroy the barrel. PART THREE Once all the barrels are destroyed, the final objective you are treated to is the easiest. Head into the room itself, and blast down anyone who comes in. There's a nearby cave if you need another Minigun, because words cannot describe how useful it'll be in this next room. Enter the building itself, and you'll be in a room similar to the one you started out in, with several computers. Fire unrelentlessly at the all of those at the bottom, until all of them are completely black. Make sure all the green-colored glass is also destroyed, then head upstairs to shoot up the computers there. When that's done, you've finally completed the Amateur League! Time to step into a much harder era. ============================================================================== HONORARY LEAGUE ============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MAXIMUS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These missions are based on a series of Gladiator missions, some of the most annoying in TimeSplitters 2. You'll have to kill the Gladiator (covered with a shade of light) to be able to kill enemies. ================= Cold Corpse Caper ================= Awards: + Bronze: 1st + Silver: 1st and 10 kills + Gold: 1st and 15 kills + Platinum: 1st and 30 kills Player: Cyberfairy Bots: Crypt Zombie, Gargoyle Weapons: Shotgun, 2x Silenced Luger, 2x Tommy Gun Briefing: After dark the freaks crawl off their slabs and prowl the Hospital morgue. Cyberfairy has dropped in to sprinkle some hot lead pixie dust and send them back to sleep! Map: Hospital Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Cyberfairy, Gargoyle Really, this "introduction" to the Gladiator series couldn't be any easier. Look around to grab a couple Tommy Guns, and then search around for the Gladiator, marked with a blue dot. After firing the living hell (wait, are they even alive?) out of them, you'll be the gladiator. Head to a large hallway, and then just wait for gargoyles and crypt zombies to come in, and then they'll all be fodder. ============ Killer Queen ============ Awards: + Bronze: 15 kills + Silver: 15 kills in 4 min 0.0 sec + Gold:15 kills in 3 min 0.0 sec + Platinum: 15 kills in 1 min 30.0 sec Player: Jungle Queen Bots: Leo Krupps, Stone Golem, Aztec Warrior, High Priest Weapons: Shotgun, 2x Shotgun, Tactical 12-Gauge, 2x Garrett Revolver, 2x Tommy Gun Briefing: "...the monkey wasn't too happy but the lion said he was glad he ate her!" Ha ha ha! The Jungle Queen is sick of what passes for humor round these parts. Crack some heads and wipe those silly smiles off their faces. Map: Aztec Ruins Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Leo Krupps This is almost as, if not even easier than the previous challenge was; I got a platinum on this on my second try. Try and collect two Tommy Guns somewhere, and then kill off the Gladiator quickly. Beware if it's a Stone Golem though, since they are VERY hard to kill. Once you've done that, go to either the center of the ruins or the rope bridge and then press the fire button to rip them a new one, and you'll get at least a gold within a matter of seconds. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OUTNUMBERED BUT NEVER OUTPUNNED =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In this type, you've got to kill a lot of enemies, and you've got a rather strict time limit. Also, the names have got some pretty nice puns in them, hinted by the series name. ========================= Someone Has Got to Pay... ========================= Awards: + Bronze: 40 kills + Silver: 50 kills + Gold: 60 kills + Platinum: 80 kills Player: Big Tony Bots: Duckman Drake Weapons: Shotgun, 2x Shotgun Briefing: Big Tony's been having some discrete hair transplant work done down at the Hospital. But in an anesthetic-induced daze he thinks that some giant ducks are after his new thatch to feather their nests! Help him out by whacking dem malicious mallards. Map: Hospital Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: Duckman Drake, Capt. Night This mission is pretty easy, although it forces you to make more kills that any you have made thus far. It'll help if you know the hospital, but anyway, head to the corridor with the three rooms, and at the end of the corridor is two Shotguns. Either stay in that corridor and shoot down any ducks that appear, or go into a larger hallway and then fire at any ducks that come nearby to make them go quackers (fear my puns) and you should be able to score at least a Silver. ============= Time to Split ============= Awards: + Bronze: 15 kills + Silver: 15 kills in 3 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 15 kills in 2 min 30.0 sec + Platinum: 15 kills in 2 min 0.0 sec Player: Krayola Bots: Scourge Splitter (Blue) Weapons: Sci-Fi Handgun, ElectroTool, Lasergun, SBP90 Machinegun, 2x SBP90 Machinegun Briefing: Krayola thought her tattoos and piercings were pretty freaky until the Scourge Splitters turned up at the compound. Show them that there's more to it than just looking hard... Map: Compound Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: Barby Gimp, Scourge Splitter By far the most difficult thing about the mission is the fact there are only two Scourge Splitters around here and 75% of your Time will be Split looking for the freaking 'Splitters. There's a very easy (and cheap) way to kill them, however. Run outside and head into the small building nearby to grab some armor, and two SBP90s inside. Then whenever you see an enemy, just fire like you've gone nuts, and watch that number of points go up. Extremely easy gold, and a pretty easy platinum. ================= Can't Handle This ================= Awards: + Bronze: 40 kills + Silver: 40 kills in 3 min 30.0 sec + Gold: 40 kills in 3 min 0.0 sec + Platinum: 40 kills in 2 min 30.0 sec Player: Hatchet Sal Bots: Handyman Weapons: Shotgun, Luger Pistol, 2x Luger Pistol, Tommy Gun, 2x Tommy Gun Briefing: Welcome to Hatchet Sal's cheese-induced nightmare. Well, at least we know what Big Tony's left-hand man looks like. Just goes to show, if you mutilate people for a living you've got to expect to lose some sleep... Map: Nightclub Difficulty: 4 Unlockable: Hatchet Sal, Handyman, Chasm This is a horribly tough mission which will force several restarts, and which forces you to kill one enemy (all with huge amounts of stamina) in an average of six seconds. First of all, this mission will be nigh impossible if you don't get at least one Tommy Gun, but two are better than one. ;) Where you start in Story mode (down the stairs in the large square shaped room with all of the staircases) you'll find two of them, and all of the Handymen that come down the corridor will be dog food. The preferred area is another room in which you can access nearby. Start near the window in the square-shaped room and head to the room on the upper-left. Take an up and then head right, and then take a left to arrive in a small room with two Tommy Guns. Stand near the entrance, and then cook every Handyman that passes into a big soup. If you start off outside the nightclub, or far away from either of these two areas then instantly reset, or at least try to get the handymen to kill you quickly. This isn't tough once you get the hang of it, but that can take a while. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TEAM SERIES B =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Well, here we are at the team series missions of the Honorary League. I hope you're ready, although we start out nice and easy. ============== Hack a Hacker: ============== Awards: + Bronze: 20 kills + Silver: 20 kills in 1 min 40,0 sec + Gold: 20 kills in 1 min 20.0 sec + Platinum: 20 kills in 1 min 0.0 sec Player: Riot Officer Bots: BLUE: Sadako, Krayola, Milkbaby; RED: 2x Riot Officer Weapons: SciFi Handgun (start), SBP90 Machinegun, 2x SBP90 Machinegun, Plasma Autorifle, Minigun. Briefing: Sadako's gang have been selling warez down at the Compound. It's time for the anti-piracy riot squad to instigate a crackdown. They made 20 illegal copies - so kill them 20 times! Map: Compound Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Krayola, Milkbaby OH what a joke this one is. Keep in mind that around here, you will find SBP90 Machineguns scattered around the area. If you get one of these, then let bullets fly at anyone with a blue mark above them. You'll find that number flying up like crazy. Also, the Plasma Autorifle will allow you to make short work of them, and even the grenades could be useful. If you find the double SBP90 Machinegun or the Minigun, you will not be defeated. Period. Use the map if you do manage to do so, and when you get to someone blue, shoot the hell out of them, and you should get at least a Gold incredibly easily. ============================================================================== ELITE LEAGUE ============================================================================== Be warned. Some stuff in the Elite League can drive you absolutely nuts. Make sure you're ready and prepared before stepping inside. Oh, and try to keep away from Team Series C until the end. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DUEL MEANING =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These are all one-on-one duels, just you and a single enemy. None of these missions are very easy, although none of them are that hard compared to Frantic Series and Team Series C. ========== Golem Guru ========== Awards: + Bronze: 1st + Silver: 1st and 3 lives + Gold: 1st and 4 lives + Platinum: 1st and 5 lives Player: The Master Bots: Stone Golem Weapons: Shotgun, 2x Shotgun, Rocket Launcher, Homing Launcher, Grenade Launcher Briefing: Two years have passed down at the Site and the building still isn't finished! The reason? A mass of discarded hardcore ahs come to life and chased all of the builders away. Only the lightning reflexes and guile of the Master can finally lay the Golem to rest. Map: Site Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: Fat Characters Although many think otherwise, I deem this as the easiest of the three duels. It's really extremely easy even to get a Platinum, just so long as you know what to do. All you have to do is dodge the Golem's fire while guarding health paks so that the Stone Golem doesn't get them (AND you get them instead, to boot). Grab the armor and the Grenade Launcher at the upper-right (if you don't want to risk getting the Grenade Launcher in the tight spot, enter the room in the center to collect it). Do not use the flaming grenades, because they do absolutely nothing to the Golem. You can use the main fire to hurt the Golem a bit, but it's recommended you get some other stuff first. Head beyond the glass at the top, and collect the Rocket Launcher below the stairs (if you need it, there's also a health pak there to boot). Then climb the stairs to find a Homing Launcher on the metal beams. It takes FIVE rockets to kill the Stone Golem once, so prepare to make every hit count. A good place to target the Golem would be on the small hill with the health pak. If the Golem hits you, you'll get your health back and it won't, while you can fire rockets. Oh, and one last thing: never let the Golem get armor or health if you can help it, and never fight in the pipes unless you have an unnatural talent for it. You will get blasted to pieces in there, usually because the Golem has a tendency to sneak up behind you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TEAM SERIES C =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Be warned. Team Series C consists of two of the most annoying, and most difficult challenges you'll ever see. Make sure you have a psychologist that your parents or friends can call, and practice keeping your sanity. Alright, I'm exaggerating, but Bags of Fun and Nice Threads are some of the toughest stuff in TimeSplitters 2. Once again, be warned. =========== Bags of Fun =========== Awards: + Bronze: 3 bags better + Silver: 5 bags better + Gold: 7 bags better + Platinum: 10 bags better Player: Corp. Hart Bots: Red - Sgt. Cortez | Blue - Scourge Splitter, Reaper Splitter, Drone Splitter Weapons: Plasma Autorifle, Rocket Launcher, Homing Launcher Briefing: When Cortez and Hart aren't knocking seven bells out of the TimeSplitters they like to invite them over to the Ice Station for a friendly game of capture the bag. The TimeSplitters are inclined to take it a bit too seriously... Map: Ice Station Difficulty: 5 Unlockable: Ringmistress, Big Hands, Slow Deaths This level is best played when there's no one in your house, because then you can yell at the top of your lungs in anger without fear of someone coming into your room and asking if you've gone nuts. First of all, you'll start off inside the Ice Station's base (usually). There may be a speed powerup there, and there's sometimes a Homing Launcher there. It'll make it a lot easier. All you have to do is take the green passage in the base out and run forward, then grab the enemy bag. If they haven't got your bag, you can return to your bag and score a point. However, this is far from an "all you have to do" matter. It'd be a lot easier if up to seven TimeSplitters weren't firing their whole Plasma Autorifles out (how do they stop them from overheating?!) at practically no one. If your bag is grabbed, you may want to stay at the enemy base with a Homing Launcher or Plasma Autorifle. Make sure you've got your own bag, and then when the enemy TimeSplitter appears, use either the rocket or a Plasma Autorifle grenade. Then if you're good enough, that TimeSplitter will be ancient history. I could write a whole text file on this, but you'll have to be careful and attack the TimeSplitters that are causing a problem, while still maintaining your speed. Try to grab some armor on the way. Good luck! ================= They're Not Pets! ================= Awards: + Bronze: 1st + Silver: 1st and 30 kills + Gold: 1st and 40 kills + Platinum: 1st and 55 kills Player: Mister Giggles Bots: Stumpy (Red), Bear (Blue), Drone Splitter (Yellow) Weapons: Crossbow, Flamethrower, Tactical 12-Gauge, Plasma Autorifle, SBP90 Machinegun Briefing: Mr. Giggles and Stumpy ordered a bunch of Baby Drones 'Splitters off the Internet. When they arrived they bit the Bear's nose and ripped off Lola's costume. The Ringmistress is not pleased - she wants rid of them! Watch out for the Bear though, he's pretty mad. Map: Circus Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: Bear, Baby Drone If you look at my weapons list, you'll know what my recommendation is: head to the central arena to grab an SBP90, and then kill off any Drones you can (five will roam the area at a time). Stumpy will kill the Drones very quickly, since he always seems to know where they are. Crossbow will wipe them out very quickly too, so just goof around and look for those Drones, and when you find them, use the Crossbow or SBP90 and kiss their little butts goodbye. Nothing next to the next mission. ============ Nice Threads ============ Awards: + Bronze: 15 mins + Silver: 10 mins + Gold: 5 mins + Platinum: Player: R-One-Oh-Seven Bots: Leo Krupps (Red) Weapons: Sci-Fi Handgun, Plasma Autorifle, Lasergun, Briefing: United only by a passion for dressing up in silly costumes, R107 and Leo Krupps join forces to storm the Scrapyard Control Room. It's a death- defying assault against the SentryBots - but watch out for those thread lasers Leo! Oops, too late... Map: Scrapyard Difficulty: 6 Unlockable: Scrapyard (Assault mode) It is recommended you do this challenge after preparing and training yourself not to go nuts and break your TV. This horribly difficult mission in on par with Atom Smasher in Hard mode, and you know that when I say that, it's bad news. PART ONE First of all, this mission has nothing to do with destroying anything. It's about moving from room to room, and trying not to get hit. This area is full of robots that will constantly be firing at you, and turrets on the wall, which all fire lasers which come close to one shot kills. To start out with, head to the left and grab a Lasergun, and then run to the far right. Head forward and turn on the shield, and then use the laser to blow up the autogun on the wall. Then move over there and strafe to the left, until you see a room to enter. When you can get in, grab the armor lying about, and quickly make it through the room and you've already completed the easiest objective. PART TWO Probably the hardest objective. You'll CONSTANTLY have robots getting in your way and blasting you to pieces, not to mention the last rooms have about ten ****ing turrets trying to shoot you down. First of all, head upstairs and grab the Homing Launcher. Words cannot describe how useful it is. Then head into the room below the path upstairs, and then just head forward. Blast down any robots who get in the way (the alternate fire works well), and when you get to the third room after the starting point, turn around and blast the autogun there before it causes too much trouble. Then enter the next room. Every time you head downstairs, turn around and fire a rocket or a grenade at the turrets on the wall. Trust me, it helps. When you arrive at the bottom, try and shoot a grenade at the next turret on the wall before it gets a chance, and enter the room at the top. Objective two complete. PART THREE If you could get past the second objective, you can probably get past the third one. Take the upper-middle door out of this room to begin with, and then either dodge or fire at the two turrets on the wall, that don't bother me at all. [In case you didn't know, it doesn't bother me at all if you fire at the autoguns, because it is very highly recommended, and that song (Flowers on the Wall) > j00. Thank you very much.] After the turrets are destroyed/dodged, take a right into the next room (if you have a Plasma Autorifle, aim a grenade at the autogun there). In the next room, instead of shooting the turrets it would be a better idea just to strafe. Run across the room to the other side, and run up the stairs. Then turn left and head up the next set of stairs (use a Plasma Autorifle to destroy the autogun on the way) and then press the switch in the next room. You're FINALLY finished. Congratulations, you have now beaten by far the hardest Arcade League mission, and practically all of the Elite League now, but there's one other series that stands in your way, although the missions are all INCREDIBLY easy. Pat yourself on the back now. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SINCEREST FORM OF FLATTERY =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These missions (all being quite easy) are some of the greatest jokes this game has to offer, since they're a huge relief from Team Series C. They also have other first person shooter references: for example, Aztec the Dino Hunter is like Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, and Half Death and Dead Fraction are references to the more popular Half Life and Red Faction. ===================== Aztec the Dino Hunter ===================== Awards: + Bronze: 45 kills + Silver: 60 kills + Gold: 70 kills + Platinum: 90 kills Player: Aztec Warrior Bots: Dinosaur Weapons: Crossbow Briefing: Aztec Warrior just loves to hunt dinosaurs! The Aztec Priest has tried to convince him otherwise by explaining all of the ethical and ecological reasons which make it a morally questionable activity. Aztec Warrior ignores him, he says that the Priest's just a cerebral bore... Map: Aztec Ruins Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Dinosaur If you can't beat this, I must question how you have gotten to the Elite League. Basically, if you know this place you'll kill one dinosaur every two seconds. A good place would be the bridge. Head over there and watch the dinos come in to attack, and then shoot them all down. All dinosaurs die in a single hit, unless they have armor or something, in which they need two hits to kill. The area with the fallen tree is also a great place to kill the dinosaurs. +----------------------+ | IXb. Challenge Modes | +----------------------+ Challenge Modes are some of the hardest things that TimeSplitters 2 is going to offer you. You are forced to complete things and do it well. There are several kinds of challenges, and these range from breaking glass to sneaking around to shooting monkeys. Anyway, here's everything you'll likely need for these things! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GLASS SMASH =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In these missions, you've got to go around shooting glass. Break as much of it as you can in as little time as you possibly can, mate. Cause that's what we've got ahead of us! ================= Pane in the Neck: ================= Awards: + Bronze: 1 min 0.0 sec + Silver: 0 min 30.0 sec + Gold: 0 min 18.0 sec + Platinum: 0 min 11.0 sec Player: Lt. Frost Briefing: Those Russian soldiers aren't that bright! Today's military training involves breaking all the glass in the Siberian compound. Nikolai managed this in one minute flat. Beat his time or you'll be the laughing stock of the barracks for weeks! Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: Rotating Heads In this mission, you will be going around carrying the Soviet S47's grenades. Now, we all know the good thing about a grenade. They explode when they are dropped, making for a lot of broken glass. Anyway, this is a good thing to remember, since a lot of the glass in this level is very close to each other. This is the best strategy: at the entrance, just head up the stairs on the left, and get to the large building. This has six glass panes in it, so throw a grenade at the topmost ones. They should break in a second. They might even break the lower glass, but if they don't break that, then all you have to do is shoot another grenade down there. ;) Go up the stairs near the building, and shoot a grenade to your left through the door, and then go to the platform where a sniper originally was in the Siberia mission. Aim a grenade through there, and then go to the small building near the large one and shoot one through there, then go to the fence a little bit ahead, and fire grenades to the left and right, which will have all of the glass panes destroyed. ============ Bricking It: ============ Awards: + Bronze: 1 min 0.0 sec + Silver: 0 min 30.0 sec + Gold: 0 min 18.0 sec + Platinum: 0 min 11.0 sec Player: Lt. Frost Briefing: After Private Poorly's incident with a grenade yesterday, all ammunition has been confiscated until further notice. This is no excuse to miss training though, so you'll have to improvise! Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: Brick This level is very similar to the last one, in that you're still in Siberia, aiming to destroy all the glass around here. The only difference is that you have to use bricks to destroy all the glass. I really don't feel the need to give another strategy, since you can use the same one as before. The only difference is with in the first building, stand really close to the building and aim bricks through all of the glass and destroy it. I recommend remaining quite close to the buildings that you throw bricks at, however. Bricks don't go very far, and you have a very limited supply of them. ============== Stain Removal: ============== Awards: + Bronze: 23 windows + Silver: 28 windows + Gold: 32 windows + Platinum: 32 windows, 0 min 47.0 sec Player: Undead Priest Briefing: The life of a zombie would be far more pleasant if it were not for the Hunchback spoiling the Wednesday morning sacrifices. Get your own back on him, and knock out as many stained glass windows as you can within the time limit. Difficulty: 3 Unlockable: Hunchback Stain Removal is considerably tougher than the previous two challenges were. You will have to go super fast in this one if you wish to prevail. To start off with, always use your secondary fire. Use the primary fire right above to hit the three stained glass windows there, but stop using it there. Otherwise you won't hit any other windows. Head over to the right once you've finished that, and just let your ammunition fly. Destroy as many as you can, while trying not to miss them, and then proceed over to the left. This _will_ require some practice, but don't get discouraged. This is one of the tougher Challenges. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BEHEAD THE UNDEAD =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is one of my personal favorite kinds of challenges. We now need to shoot zombies and kill as many of these undead creatures as possible. Some good fun these few are. ========================== Fight Off the Living Dead: ========================== Awards: + Bronze: 10,000 + Silver: 15,000 + Gold: 20,000 + Platinum: 150,000 Player: Henchman Briefing: Another of Khallos' attempts to take over the world has failed at the hands of Harry Tipper. As usual Khallos has fled the scene, leaving a henchman to deal with the consequences (lots of zombies in this case). See how long you can keep him alive for... Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: Sewer Zombie Fight Off the Living Dead is a rather simple level. To get Platinum, you're going to have to be fighting for perhaps an hour though. Basically, zombies come in in waves. Your goal is to shoot down every single zombie that you see. Also, you get more points if you punch a zombie in the head, but you need to be very careful and look out for zombies here. For example, from Wave 1 afterward, the first zombie will appear in the small room on the right (TAKE THIS HUGE NOTE: IF YOU LEAVE THE CENTRAL ROOM, YOU HAVE THREE SECONDS TO GET BACK, OR ELSE), but while you're shooting/hitting him, zombies start appearing elsewhere. So try very hard to stay around the center and avoid getting surrounded and dying. Good luck! ==================== Sergio's Last Stand: ==================== Awards: + Bronze: 5,000 + Silver: 15,000 + Gold: 25,000 + Platinum: 35,000 Player: Sergio Briefing: The last act performed tonight, this will star our very own Sergio the Strongman. We feel privileged to welcome our guests, a time travelling group of flaming zombies. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Sergio's Last Stand! Difficulty: 3 Unlockable: Sergio This is a lot tougher than the last challenge was. Be very careful while handling this, and move around quickly. The area will quickly become full of flaming zombies, and if they touch you then you'll be set on fire. The only way to put it out is to get the fire extinguisher around the back of the area and point it down at yourself. In doing so, you will be wasting valuable time which will allow the zombies to touch you and kill you instantly. You may wish to fight unarmed occasionally, as that can allow you to do some damage. Also, putting out the fire on a zombie can work, although this method isn't recommended. Be sure to take out the zombies as soon as they appear, and don't be afraid to get out of your allotted area. Three seconds is more time than it sounds. You'll have to get a good aim for this one, so good luck. ================== Day of the Damned: ================== Awards: + Bronze: 10,000 + Silver: 15,000 + Gold: 20,000 + Platinum: 25,000 Player: Nikolai Briefing: It looks rather like curiosity got the better of Nikolai. Gunshots or no gunshots, he'd have been better off steering clear of the research center altogether, and he should definitely have taken his gun. Keep him alive for as long as you can, using just his fists! Difficulty: 3 Unlockable: Feeder Zombie Yet another difficult zombie challenge. This time though, you have no gun or anything. Just your fists. Anyway, there are two kinds of zombies: the kind with the blood on its face, and the kind that looks like a human. The bloody kind is quite easy to punch and lose its head, but you have to have perfect accuracy if you wish to take off the man-like zombie's head in one blow, especially if you want to avoid getting hit. It's generally easier to take off a zombie's head if you get a running start on it, but don't get too close or you could get hit yourself. If you end up with a lot of man-like zombies, you may want to lead them out, make them follow you, get back inside the area, then while they're chasing you, punch 'em good and well in the back. Still, try to avoid getting hit. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- INFILTRATION =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These missions make you remain undetected from cameras/guards, and they take place in Story areas, although they don't force you through the whole level. A test of stealth. ================== Silent but Deadly: ================== Awards: + Bronze: 0 + Silver: 700 + Gold: 1,000 + Platinum: 1,000 and 0 min 40.0 sec Player: Gregor Lenko Briefing: Even highly dangerous mercenaries like Gregor Lenko need to use stealth when outnumbered. Destroy the radar and enter the dam, without being detected by any of the Russian guards. Difficulty: 3 Unlockable: Viking Hat Do not even attempt this level unless you are highly skilled at killing enemies in one hit by shooting their heads. If you can't do that, don't bother with this level, because you'll fail. When you're prepared, collect the Sniper Rifle, and shoot at the camera a bit ahead of you. After destroying it, look on the left to find a guard, and shoot him in the head. Now bring the Sniper Rifle down and shoot the guard behind the fence, but don't come out completely from the tunnel, or he'll see you, automatically decreasing your stealth level by quite a lot. After finishing that bastard off, go through the fence and head forward from the eastern side and look through the door on the house near the fence. There's a guard in there, so blast his face. KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL... wait, sorry for my vulgarity. Now head past the fence, and stop when you find the female guard with the blonde hair. Don't worry about her seeing you, since she never turns around. Shoot her head from behind, and then she's out. Now this is the hardest part of this level. Make absolutely sure that the guard near the stairs doesn't see you. You'll want to be careful here. Make sure you can see him well, and then shoot him. After finishing him, look for the camera on the left and destroy it. Go up the stairs and head into the room on your left, and then open the dam. Now just head down the stairs a little back, and enter the dam. Well, now you have completed this level. Believe it or not, this was the hardest of the three Infiltration levels. If you could do this, you can do the next two. ==================== Trouble at the Docks ==================== Awards: + Bronze: 0 + Silvet: 700 + Gold: 1,000 + Platinum: 1,000 and 0 min 25.0 sec Player: Lady Jane Briefing: It's 3 a.m. and a new shipment has just arrived by barge, so there are goons crawling over the docks! If you want to get through the Falucci Bros. Warehouse alive, particular care will be needed. Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Pirate Hat This stealth mission is so easy it could cry. All you have to do is head forward, shoot the guard on the left carefully (with your Silenced Luger) so he doesn't spot you a bit later, then head into the building and ignore the next guard. Head up the stairs quickly and shoot the next one, then head downstairs quietly and not so quickly, and wait until a guard walks to the exit (if you have completed Chicago in Story mode, which you should, you'll know where it is), and then shoot him on the way out. Leave to receive your Platinum (or at least a Gold). ==================== Escape from NeoTokyo ==================== Awards: + Bronze: 0 + Silver: 700 + Gold: 1,000 + Platinum: 1,000 and 0 min 20.0 sec Player: Chastity Briefing: It's late past curfew, and Chastity Detroit has ended up stuck in a rough district of NeoTokyo. If the police find her, she'll spend the night in a cell, so get her out without being spotted! The temporal uplink should come in handy here. Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Big Ears Hat Very little can be said about this ridiculously easy challenge. Head to the left to avoid the radar there, then avoid the next radar by heading to the right, wait for the next radar's beam to move, then head between the second and third ones, and wait for the fourth one to move. A police car will then pass by, so head to the left or crouch, and once it's passed, head beyond to dodge the very easy lasers, and a Gold is yours. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BANANA CHOMP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In these missions, you'll have to go across the Aztec jungle and collect a bunch of bananas. And all of them are related to one particular monkey. Now ain't that interesting... ============ Gone Bananas ============ Awards: + Bronze: 1 min 30.0 sec + Silver: 1 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 0 min 55.0 sec + Platinum: 0 min 45.0 sec Player: Monkey Briefing: Jojo the Monkey has been causing mischief around the village, and the villagers have had enough. To teach him a lesson they've thrown his bananas away. Help him get them back! Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: Private Coal This really isn't a very difficult Challenge, although if you miss a single banana or you get lost on your way through the Aztec jungle, you can kiss your victory goodbye. Here's a full walkthrough of this place, and how to not miss a single banana, and you can get a Gold while you're at it! Just follow the path when you begin, and you'll find two bananas on the way. You'll arrive in the area with the pillars. You'll find three around the center, two around the back, and two around the front. None of them are particularly difficult to pick up. In the next area, pick up the bananas in front of you, and head up the following ramp. Head back and head up the stairs quickly to collect two bananas. Then take either of two paths on the left, and you'll find about five bananas. Remember that from the perspective of the grass ahead, there's one banana to the left, one on the following path, and four behind you. Take the next path, and then collect two bananas to begin with, then head up the stairs on the right. Get that banana quickly and then just go straight to find a couple more. Take a left to get two more, and quickly run around the circular area that follows to get the rest of the bananas. ^_^ ============ Gone Bananas ============ Awards: + Bronze: 1 min 30.0 sec + Silver: 1 min 5.0 sec + Gold: 0 min 58.0 sec + Platinum: 0 min 48.0 sec Player: Monkey Briefing: Jojo's been up to his old tricks again, and the villagers are really riled now. Not only have they taken the bananas, but they've conjured up some zombies to stop Jojo forever. Keep that monkey alive! Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: Private Poorly I will give no strategy for this, since this is exactly the same as the last one except zombies are all over the place. Restart if you get trapped, and in general keep away from the zombies. This is all pretty easy, especially if you can time the zombies to coming out, and then running past them. ================= Playing With Fire ================= Awards: + Bronze: 18 bananas + Silver: 22 bananas + Gold: 24 bananas + Platinum: 24 bananas and 0 min 1.0 sec Player: Wood Golem Briefing: Jojo shot The Wood Golem with a flaming crossbow bolt. The Golem's not got long left, but he's intent on getting his own back by eating as many of Jojo's bananas as possible. Go for the burn, Woody! Difficulty: 3 Unlockable: Wood Golem This takes an entirely different path than the last one does. Head forward and pick up the banana, then continue and get another banana and then take a left and collect the next one. Get the next six and take the path on the upper-right, and get all in the next area except the one at the upper-right, because it wastes time to get it. Try and head up the stairs on the right quickly though, since you can waste time. Then just head to the right once they're picked, and collect a couple in front of you, then take the bridge to the right and collect the rest to get an incredibly easy Platinum. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CUTOUT SHOOT-OUT =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These hilarious little missions involve cardboard pieces that are invading towns, and you have to shoot them. But they have little kids, women, and old grannies there, so you can't shoot everything. ============= Take 'em Out: ============= Awards: + Bronze: 1,500 + Silver: 2,500 + Gold: 3,500 + Platinum: 4,000 Player: Elijah Jones Briefing: Uh oh! The small town of Little Prospect is under siege by some vicious cardboard figures, and it looks like they have no intention of leaving. Take 'em down! Difficulty: 1 Unlockable: Ample Sally This is a very fun, very nice little Challenge. The maximum of points is 4300 or so, but it's quite difficult doing so, or getting Platinum for that matter. You really want to avoid hitting little children, women, and grandmas, because you'll lose a good sum of points, depending on where they are hit. If you hit a piece in just the cardboard part, you get -25 points. If you hit it a little closer, you get -50 points. If you hit in the body but not on the chest, you get -75 points. If you hit them right in the body, you can kiss 100 points goodbye. The same applies to the bandit cardboard pieces, in which you have to shoot. Try to get accurate and shoot them right in the chest, because that'll get you some points. As far as strategy itself is concerned, just shoot a few cardboard pieces around the beginning. Shoot them right in the chest too, and no need to rush. You have 2 minutes and 30 seconds, which is plenty of time. You might want to lock on to them to make it easier. A little bit ahead of the bandits, you'll run into little kids and women. Avoid them at all costs, and then just go west to the bar. Shoot the bandits inside it, and then aim very, very closely at their bodies. Also, when you see the old man and the bandit close together, hit the bandit right in the middle of the back of the cardboard, because that's where the chest is. You shouldn't have many problems if you shoot cardboard pieces at the right place and right time. Some pieces disappear though, so be careful. ========= Fall Out: ========= Awards: + Bronze: 1,300 + Silver: 1,500 + Gold: 1,650 + Platinum: 1,700 Player: Marco the Snitch Briefing: After turning snitch on Big Tony, it seems poor Marco didn't have his escape route planned. Tony's not the brightest guy though, and he's sent some cardboard cutouts after Marco. Help Marco through Chicago without killing any old ladies... Difficulty: 3 Unlockable: Marco the Snitch Platinum is the very maximum, at 1,700. Since scores are not that much below that, you can imagine you'll probably have a hard time going through this. Alright, now there are some cardboard pieces that are enemies, and some that are not, but you can't tell just by looking at them like you could in Take 'em Out. You'll just have to memorize the enemies. You CAN tell because "-1" will constantly be coming from the enemy ones. Just remember that old ladies and such are not enemies, and be able to look around quite a lot here, it really is a necessity. At one time two of them will appear (one is an old man and one is a girl), and points will be taken away, so you have to shoot it quickly or you lose a lot of points. Good luck. ============== Pick Yer Piece ============== Awards: + Bronze: 700 + Silver: 875 + Gold: 1,000 + Platinum: 1,250 Player: Elijah Jones Briefing: A lawman needs a gun he can rely on. Elijah's gone down to the compound to test the performance of some firearms. Shoot as many cutouts as you can, but remember, accuracy will also improve your score. Difficulty: 3 Unlockable: Sgt. Rock There are three guns you can use to shoot down the cardboard pieces here: the Sniper Rifle, Garrett Revolver, or Tommy Gun. The Sniper Rifle is the most accurate, but it's extremely slow. The Garret Revolver doesn't have the Tommy Gun's speed or range, but it'll get you a target much faster than the Sniper Rifle. The Tommy Gun is EXTREMELY fast, but can miss very easily. You want to hit the chests of the targets for 100 points apiece. Just be accurate and try to memorize in which order they come in, and use the Garrett Revolver or Tommy Gun, if you're feeling lucky, to fire. Do NOT use the Sniper Rifle. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TIMESPLITTERS "STORY" CLASSICS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These Challenges are similar to storyline missions. They are extremely difficult, and they force you to collect something on the other side of a level. These take a lot of replays, so don't fret if you find these hard. ======================= Badass Buspass Impasse: ======================= Awards: + Bronze: 5 min 0.0 sec + Silver: 3 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 1 min 30.0 sec + Platinum: 45.0 sec Player: Badass Cyborg Briefing: Badass Cyborg is having one of those days. First of all he loses his buspass and now he's realized that his spare brain is on the other side of town. It's not going to be easy going to get it back on foot. Especially when Special Forces have been deployed... again! Difficulty: 4 Unlockable: Badass Cyborg This Challenge is very difficult, and it took me quite a while to do it on my first way through. What you must do is get to the other side of town, past all the guards, collect Badass Cyborg's brain, and then make it back. What I recommend doing at the beginning is taking the Sniper Rifle, shooting the guard right in front of you, and then shooting at the guard on the other side. Walk forward a little bit, and then you'll find a female guard wielding a Soviet S47. You may want to kill more guards that have Soviet S47's so you can get more ammo. They are very useful. Use the Soviet S47 for any guard on the way to the end of town that poses a threat. Remember that it comes with grenades as well, so you should definitely take advantage of them. When you get to the end of town, collect the brain on the left side, and then make your way back to the time portal in which you started out on. This will be MUCH harder than the first time, because there are more guards and some aliens this time. I hope you have tons of ammo, or you're going to have to dodge everything that comes your way. Good luck; you will definitely need it. ============================== But Where do the Batteries Go? ============================== Awards: + Bronze: 10 min 0.0 sec + Silver: 7 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 5 min 30.0 sec + Platinum: 4 min 15.0 sec Player: R One-Oh-Seven Briefing: R107's therapist won't be pleased. Just when it looked like he was finally cured his will has crumbled. He's slipped on a dark lycra body suit and donned the crudely crayoned boxes once again. I - am - Robot! Difficulty: 3 Unlockable: R One-Oh-Seven This challenge is nothing compared to the last one, but it might still be quite difficult. Ignore the ChassisBots as they spawn and enter the building, while ignoring the two robots who might try to shoot. Enter and head to the door on the left. A little bit down the room, avoid the robot on the right and just ignore everything until you've got past the room that keeps going down. When you're in the next room, head to the right and shoot the R-109 down quickly to collect a Minigun. Immensely useful. Then simply follow the path until you reach a straightforward room, with a locked door to the left. Mow down all the six ChassisBots or so that spawn, and collect the batteries. Then simply head back, blowing up anything that gets in your way. Not as hard as it seems at first. =========================== Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time =========================== Awards: + Bronze: 8 min 0.0 sec + Silver: 4 min 0.0 sec + Gold: 2 min 0.0 sec + Platinum: 1 min 0.0 sec Player: Mr. Underwood Briefing: It's topsy turvy down at the hospital, the corpses just won't stay put and undead priests are roaming the corridors. Mr. Underwood can't believe his luck - he's brushed up his bowler hat and grabbed his trusty shotgun... Difficulty: 3 Unlockable: Cropolite I wouldn't say this is as difficult as the last Challenge was, but this Challenge is still a huge pain in the neck. Just follow the path as you begin and ignore the first few zombies. Eventually, take to the right and then just go forward. If you run into any undead priests or zombies on fire, immediately take them out, as undead priests have guns and fire cannot be put out in this place. Besides the guns that the undead priests carry, the zombies have no projectile attacks except they can spit poison. It has no range, it's not dangerous, it's nothing to worry about. Eventually, you'll reach the artifact. Try and save up as much health as possible right before you get this, because the next part shows no mercy. Jump down, and you'll be attacked by several evil TimeSplitters! They're a huge waste of time to kill, only shoot them down if they block your way back to the Time Portal. When you hop down, head BACKWARDS and then follow the path back to the courtyard where you started. Remember, you'll get hit, but try to ignore it. It'll save you a ton of time. NOTE: Another way to get back would be run back to the first balcony. It could work very well. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MONKEYING AROUND =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- These are some good ol' monkey stuff. Shooting fake monkeys, blowing away watermelons from monkey paws, etc. =============== Simian Shootout =============== Awards: + Bronze: 600 points + Silver: 1,000 points + Gold: 1,800 points + Platinum: 2,000 points Player: Mikey Two-Guns Briefing: An unscrupulous merchant is trying to flood the market with imitation clay monkeys. Use your trusty shotgun to dust those cheap replicas and put him out of business! Difficulty: 3 Unlockable: Insect Mutant This would probably be the hardest of the monkey challenges. There are several monkeys that will come flying out of the air, and each one you shoot will get you 50-70 points (depending on where you shoot them, I believe). The only problem is that you have the crappy Tactical 12-Gauge which has short range, the monkeys fly out of the air fast, and they're very hard to hit, especially if they're coming from where you are. Start out at the right and try to shoot the two monkeys in the air, and then go over to the left and shoot the next two monkeys, and then head to the middle and shoot the next couple monkeys, and then choose whichever area you want. Try and hit as many monkeys at one time as possible, as you'll get double/triple the points. Good luck! ============= Monkey Mayhem ============= Awards: + Bronze: 1,000 points + Silver: 1,500 points + Gold: 2,500 points + Platinum: 3,000 points Player: Ringmistress Briefing: Some evil circus clowns have enslaved the performing monkeys and forced them to carry their watermelons! Free the monkeys by shooting the watermelons out of their paws, but aim carefully... Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: Mischief, Lola Varuska If you've got a good knack for that old sniper rifle, you'll have little to no problems with this challenge. Every watermelon you hit, you'll get 50 points (doubling and tripling if you shoot several in a short amount of time) and every monkey you hit, you'll lose 75 points. First of all, start by shooting the watermelon to the left (a monkey soon carries it in), and then go for the center one. Two monkeys then come in to the left. Shoot both of them quickly but carefully, and you'll recieve a lot of points. Some more will come in from the left and center quickly, so try for as many combos as possible. ============ Dam Bursters ============ Awards: + Bronze: 4,000 points + Silver: 6,000 points + Gold: 8,000 points + Platinum: 10,000 points Player: Sgt. Shock Briefing: The Russian Mafia objects to the building of the Siberian Dam, and are trying to destroy it through the tactical use of exploding monkeys. It's up to you to save the villages downstream by blowing up the monkeys before they reach the dam! Difficulty: 2 Unlockable: Robofish, Circus stage This is easy once you get the hang of it. Several monkeys will come sliding from the ice right ahead, and you've got to shoot them down before they hit the dam, which will lose you points. A tempting thing you'll notice quickly is the central "stick-out". Avoid this, as it'll usually prevent you from shooting down a lot of monkeys. Try not to let your Minigun overheat, and keep it ready to shoot as many monkeys as you can at the same time to recieve tons of points. If you see a monkey coming, just head over there and fire, and you'll rack up 4,000 points in no time. :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= X. Unlockables =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- Here are all the unlockables to be found in TimeSplitters 2, so go ahead and enjoy this junk. Name: Ample Sally Unlock: Defeat Elite Challenge - Cut-out Shoot-out - Take 'Em Down with a Silver medal or better. Name: Aztec Warrior Unlock: Defeat Elite League - Duel Meaning - Golden Thighs with a Silver medal or higher. Name: Baby Drone Defeat Unlock: Elite League - Team Series C - They're Not Pets! with a Silver medal or better. Name: Barby Gimp Unlock: Defeat Honorary League - Outnumbered But Never Outpunned - Time to Split with a Silver medal or better. Name: Beetleman Unlock: Defeat Elite League - One Shot Thrills - Double Bill with a Silver medal or higher. Name: Big Tony Unlock: Beat Chicago on normal to unlock the master. Name: Braces Unlock: Beat Honorary League - Elimination Series - Men In Grey with a Gold medal or better. Name: Calamar Unlock: Beat Honorary League - Burns 'n' Bangs - Chinese Burns with a Silver medal or better. Name: Changeling Unlock: Beat Elite League - Frantic Series - Can't Please Everyone... with a Silver medal or higher. Name: ChassisBot Unlock: Beat Arcade League - Mode Madness - Scrap Metal with a Gold medal or better. Name: Crispin Unlock: Beat Amateur League - Too Hot to Handle - Monkey Immolation with a Gold medal or better. Name: Crypt Zombie Unlock: Beat Arcade League - Beginners Series - Casualty with a Gold medal or better. Name: Cyberfairy Unlock: Beat Elite League - Frantic Series - Hangar Hat's On! with a Silver medal or better. Name: Dark Henchman Unlock: Beat Elite League - Frantic Series - Hangar Hat's Off with a Gold medal or higher. Name: Dr. Peabody Unlock: Beat Arcade League - Beginners Series - Casualty with a Silver medal or better. Name: Drone Splitter Unlock: Beat Elite League - Sincerest Form of Flattery - Half Death with a Silver medal or better. Name: Duckman Drake Unlock: Beat Challenge - Outnumbered But Never Outpunned - Someone Has Got to Pay... with a Silver medal or higher Name: Feeder Zombie Unlock: Beat Challenge - Behead the Undead - Day of the Damned with a Silver medal or better. Name: Female Trooper Unlock: Beat Amateur League - It's a Blast - Demolition Derby with a Gold medal or better. Name: Gargoyle Unlock: Beat Honorary League - Maximus - Cold Corpse Caprer with a Silver medal or higher. Name: Hatchet Sal Unlock: Beat Honorary League - Outnumbered but Never Outpunned - Can't Handle This with a Silver medal or higher. Name: Hector Baboso Unlock: Beat Arcade League - Beginners Series - Adios Amigos! with a Silver medal or better. Name: Henchman Unlock: Beat Elite League - Frantic Series - Hangar Hat's On! with a Silver medal or better. Name: High Priest Unlock: Beat Elite League - Duel Meaning - Golden Thighs with a Gold medal or higher. Name: Jared Slim Unlock: Beat Elite League - Duel Meaning - If I'm Ugly - You Smell with a Silver medal or better. Name: Jebediah Crump Unlock: Beat Elite League - Sincerest Form of Flattery - Dead Fraction with a Silver medal or better. Name: Jimmy Needles Unlock: Beat Amateur League - Team Series A - Club Soda with a Gold medal or better. Name: Jinki Unlock: Beat Elite League - One Shot Thrills - Nikki Jinki Bricky with a Gold medal or better. Name: Jo-Beth Casey Unlock: Beat Elite League - One Shot Thrills - Babes in the Wood with a Silver medal or better. Name: Krayola Unlock: Beat Honorary League - Team Series B - Hack A Hacker with a Gold medal or higher. Name: Kypriss Unlock: Beat Elite League - Duel Meaning - Golem Goru with a Silver medal or better. Name: Lean Molly Unlock: Beat Arcade League - Beginners Series - Adios Amigos! with a Gold medal or better. Name: Lola Varuska Unlock: Beat Challenge - Monkeying Around - Monkey Mayhem with a Gold medal or better. Name: Louie Bignose Unlock: Beat Amateur League - Too Hot to Handle - Disco Inferno with a Silver medal or better. Name: Maiden Unlock: Beat Elite League - Frantic Series - Can't Please Everyone with a Silver medal or better. Name: Male Trooper Unlock: Beat Amateur League - It's a Blast - Demolition Derby with a Silver medal or higher. Name: Marco the Snitch Unlock: Beat Challenge - Cut-out Shoot-out - Fall Out with a Silver medal or better. Name: Meezor Mox Unlock: Beat Amateur League - It's a Blast - Spoils of War with a Gold medal or better. Name: Mikey Two-Guns Unlock: Beat Elite League - Duel Meaning - If I'm Ugly - You Smell with a Silver medal or better. Name: Milkbaby Unlock: Beat Honorary League - Team Series B - Hack a Hacker with a Silver medal or better. Name: Mister Giggles Unlock: Beat Elite League - Frantic Series - Big Top Blowout with a Silver medal or better. Name: Nikki Unlock: Beat Elite League - One Shot Thrills - Nikki Jinki Bricky with a Silver medal or better. Name: R One-Oh-Seven Unlock: Beat Challenge - TimeSplitters 'Story' Classic - But Where Do the Batteries Go? with a Silver medal or better. Name: Ringmistress Unlock: Beat Elite League - Teams Series C - Bags of Fun with a Gold medal or better. Name: Riot Officer Unlock: Beat Honorary League - Team Series B - Rice Cracker Rush with a Silver medal or better. Name: Scourge Splitter Unlock: Beat Honorary League - Outnumbered But Never Outpunned - Time to Split with a Gold medal or better. Name: SentryBot Unlock: Beat Amateur League - It's a Blast - Night Shift with a Gold medal or better. Name: Sewer Zombie Unlock: Beat Challenge - Behead the Undead - Fight Off the Living Dead with a Silver medal or higher. Name: Slick Tommy Unlock: Beat Amateur League - Team Series A - Club Soda with a Silver medal or better. Name: Snowman Unlock: Defeat Honorary League - Burns 'n' Bangs - Snow Business with a Silver Medal or Higher. Name: Strumpy Unlock: Beat Elite League - Frantic Series - Big Top Blowout with a Gold medal or better. Name: The Accountant Unlock: Beat Amateur League - Team Series A - Men In Grey with a Gold medal or better. Name: The Cropolite Unlock: Beat Challenge - TimeSplitters 'Story' Classic - Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time with a Silver medal or better. Name: The Hunchback Unlock: Beat Challenge - Glass Smash - Stain Removal with a Silver medal or better. Name: The Lawyer Unlock: Beat Amateur League - Team Series A - Men In Grey with a Gold medal or better. Name: The Master Unlock: Beat Honorary League - Team Series B - Rice Cracker Rush with a Gold medal or better. Name: Undead Priest Unlock: Defeat Amateur League - Too Hot to Handle - Burns Department with a Gold medal or better. Name: Venus Starr Unlock: Defeat Honorary League - Burns 'n' Bangs - Rocket Man with a Silver medal or better. Name: Wood Golem Unlock: Beat Challenge - Banana Chomp - Playing with Fire with a Silver medal or higher. :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= XI. Weapons =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- This is the list of guns in the game... come on, you knew you were going to read this sometime. +-+-+-+-+-+ | Unarmed | +-+-+-+-+-+ Size: N/A Primary Attack: Punch Secondary Attack: Punch Power: 1 Reload: 3 Speed: 2 Range: 1 Unarmed is, as its name applies, absolutely nothing! If you are Unarmed, you are basically fighting with your fists. This happens if you have no guns. Actually, Unarmed is sometimes worth it, although it's very weak. It's fast and can take out an enemy quickly if you hit him on the back. Not really a waste of time. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Temporal Uplink | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: N/A Primary Attack: N/A Secondary Attack: N/A Power: N/A Reload: N/A Speed: N/A Range: N/A As you might notice from all the "N/A"s up there, the Temporal Uplink is not a gun. It's a radar that you can use to detect cameras, enemies, and occasional friends going around. You can't use it to attack, but it's still a pretty nice item to have usually. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Silenced Pistol | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 8 Bullets, 60 max Primary Attack: Shot Secondary Attack: Shot Power: 3 Reload: 4 Speed: 3 Range: 2 The Silenced Pistol is used best for those kinds of solo fights. It reloads very quickly, allowing you to get a lot of bullets off, but it doesn't have a lot of range. Also, its power is only average, so it'll be a bit of a struggle attacking a lot of enemies. Not really that useful. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Luger Pistol | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 7 Bullets, 60 max Primary Attack: Shot Secondary Attack: Shot Power: 3 Reload: 3 Speed: 3 Range: 2 This is a gun that you'll pick up in Chicago, similar to the Silenced Pistol. But it's even less useful; I think there are better weapons out there for you to use. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Garret Revolver | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 5 Bullets, 40 max Primary Attack: Shot Secondary Attack: Shot Power: 3 Reload: 2 Speed: 3 Range: 2 This is yet again another weapon quite similar to the Silenced Pistol, although it again has bad range, average speed, and same amount of power, but the recoil and reload just get worse. This is the older type of weapon for this, but anyway, I don't recommend using this one. +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Tommy Gun | +-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 32 Bullets, 200 max Primary Attack: Rapid Fire Secondary Attack: Rapid Fire Power: 4 Reload: 4 Speed: 5 Range: 3 The Tommy Gun is one of the best guns in the game, in my opinion anyway. It packs a large amount of ammunition on it, and it's very fast. The bullets are also extremely powerful, which is unusual for a gun of this kind. It reloads quickly too, and it also has an average range on it... best used when you have little time to kill something. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Sniper Rifle | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 5 Bullets, 40 max Primary Attack: Shot Secondary Attack: Shot Power: 3 Reload: 3 Speed: 1 Range: 4 The Sniper Rifle is best used in cases where there a lot of guards or enemies around, but they're nowhere near you, but when you get close you'll be doomed. This is the case in a lot of Hard mode story missions, making the Sniper Rifle quite valuable. Still, it's a very slow weapon. Don't use this when a lot of enemies surround you, by any means. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Vintage Rifle | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 5 Bullets, 40 max Primary Attack: Shot Secondary Attack: Shot Power: 3 Reload: 3 Speed: 1 Range: 4 The Vintage Rifle is just about the same as the Sniper Rifle is. It's used back in the older levels, such as Chicago or Wild West. Still, I'd prefer the Sniper Rifle. The Vintage Rifle is just too old and dusty, and doesn't seem to be as useful. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Flamethrower | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 20 seconds of flame Primary Attack: Flame Secondary Attack: Flame Power: 4 Reload: N/A Speed: 2 Range: 2 In the main story mode, the flamethrower is pretty useless. You'll only find it in one mission, that being Siberia on Normal/Hard mode. The flamethrower sets an enemy on fire, which it makes it an excellent asset in arcade missions. Since in most areas you can't put it out, the flamethrower is extremely good for that, but you can easily burn yourself with this. Be careful. +-+-+-+-+-+ | Shotgun | +-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 2 Bullets, 40 max Primary Attack: Shot Secondary Attack: Shot Power: 4 Reload: 3 Speed: 3 Range: 3 The Shotgun is a rather good weapon, although it's not found in a lot of levels. It has good range and power, but sometimes it doesn't recoil well. Also, 2 bullets? That's definitely not enough for me, but the Shotgun is MUCH better than the T12G Shotgun. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Tactical 12-Gauge Shotgun | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 8 Bullets, 40 max Primary Attack: Shot Secondary Attack: Double Shot Power: 2 Reload: 3 Speed: 2 Range: 1 The Tactical 12-Gauge Shotgun is one of the single-handedly worst weapons in the entire game. First of all, it's not anywhere near as strong as the Shotgun, it's reloading is evne worse, it's very slow, it has NO range, it takes too long to fire, the accuracy is horrible, and the only saving shot is the double shot. Still, the bad overwhelms the good. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Soviet S47 | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 30 Bullets, 200 max, 40 Grenades Primary Attack: Rapid Shot Secondary Attack: Grenades Power: 4 Reload: 3 Speed: 4 Range: 2 Despite the fact it doesn't have a great range and the reload is only average, the Soviet S47 is one of the best weapons for straight-out gunfights. It's nice and powerful, and it's one of the fast machine gun weapon types. Also, it can fire up to 40 Grenades, which will destroy just about anything that they explode on. Very useful in Atom Smasher, and overall good firepower. +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Crossbow | +-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 4 Arrows, 50 max Primary Attack: Shot Secondary Attack: Shot Power: 3 Reload: 4 Speed: 3 Range: 4 The Crossbow only comes to use in one level, and it's not really too strong on its own. What's good about it is that you can stick it into fire and then if you shoot this at a wood golem, a beehive, or anything flammable, it'll burn down for you. ;) The Crossbow, on its own, is only decent though. Still, it's about as good as any other gun. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Sci-Fi Handgun | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 30 bullets, 200 max Primary Attack: Shot Secondary Attack: Shot Power: 3 Reload: 3 Speed: 3 Range: 3 A fairly useful weapon, although the Scifi Handgun is definitely nothing special. The power is definitely nothing special, but the Sci-Fi Handgun is pretty handy in that the bullets bounce off of walls to hit enemies. It can extremely dangerous to a user in a straightforward corridor, however. The range is fairly good, although it's much better outdoors, because then it has much less chance of hurting the user. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Plasma Autorifle | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 200 bullets Primary Attack: Rapid Fire Secondary Attack: Grenade Power: 3 Reload: 4 Speed: 4 Range: 4 Definitely one of the better weapons in the game. Plasma Autorifle has to be one of the fastest, since you can fire close to 50 bullets in about fifteen seconds. The Plasma Autorifle's power is average; it's no SBP90, but it's still decent. It reloads well, and it has great range, and it also gives you a great punch with its plasma grenades. They're much better than the Soviet S47's, because they can stick onto an enemy, exploding for massive damage, and they're a lot more accurate. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | SBP90 Machinegun | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 64 bullets, 256 max Primary Attack: Rapid Fire Secondary Attack: Rapid Fire Power: 5 Reload: 4 Speed: 5 Range: 5 This weapon is 100% wonderful. To start off with, the SBP90 is so powerful that you'll never feel like you aren't killing fast enough. It's also very accurate; hardly ever will you miss if you've got one of these puppies. The best asset is that it's also EXTREMELY fast, firing bullets like a sex crazed madman kissing his darling sweetheart. It's also got a scope, making it even more accurate and adding even more range. Heck, that reminds me, the SBP90 can shoot across a whole corridor... and it's also got lots of ammunition. If you have two of these, you can't be stopped. And I cannot stop here. Too bad I have to. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Rocket Launcher | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 3 Rockets, 30 max Primary Attack: Rocket Secondary Attack: 3x Rocket Power: 5 Reload: 3 Speed: 2 Range: 4 My only complaint for the Rocket Launcher is that it doesn't lock-on to an enemy, while the Homing Launcher does. Still, you're made incredibly powerful if you've got one of these babies with you. They deal INCREDIBLE damage, they have a bit of ammunition on them, and they have great range. Overall one of the best weapons you will ever find in TimeSplitters 2. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Homing Launcher | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 3 Rockets, 30 max Primary Attack: Rocket Secondary Attack: 3x Rocket Power: 5 Reload: 3 Speed: 2 Range: 5 The Homing Launcher, being another futuristic weapon, is yet another powerhouse. You'll collect this in Robot Factory. This will destroy just about anything that you fire at, and the range is amazing. This weapon has perhaps the best power and range in the game, despite the fact that it's a bit slow and doesn't reload that great. Still, Homing Launcher is one hell of a good weapon. Great in multiplayer too. And it locks on. The best part. +-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Lasergun | +-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: N/A Primary Attack: Laser Secondary Attack: Shield Power: 3 Reload: N/A Speed: N/A Range: 5 Probably one of the best weapons in the game. The Lasergun allows you to defend yourself and still put up a good fight at the same time. For the primary fire, you can charge up for a very powerful attack, so this allows you to quickly devastate the enemy while hardly using up any ammunition. The shield is also an extremely useful asset, as it will half the damage taken to you, although it will also eat up the ammunition. Since the laser is also pretty fast, the Lasergun is an all-around great package. +-+-+-+-+-+ | Minigun | +-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 400 max Primary Attack: Rapid Fire Secondary Attack: Rapid Fire Power: 5 Reload: N/A Speed: 5 Range: 4 The Minigun is the best gun in the entire game. The Minigun is INCREDIBLY fast, dealing extremely powerful bullets out at enemies, stunning them and doing horrendously powerful damage to them. The Minigun has a nice range, excellent speed, and it's very powerful. Still, there are some flaws. The Minigun has to warm up before primary fire, and if you hold it down for too long it'll heat up, making fire twice as slow, although still fast. Secondary attack will make it always warmed up though. The other thing is that 400 bullets just doesn't seem like enough. Still, the best gun in the game. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | ElectroTool | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Size: 20 seconds of electric shock Primary Attack: Electricity Secondary Attack: Electricity Power: 3 Reload: N/A Speed: N/A Range: 2 Only use the ElectroTool in the Robot Factory when it is absolutely necessary to destroy the nodes, or when you're in robotic emergency. Otherwise, the ElectroTool is pretty useless. It's not fast, it's not that strong, it has a bad range, and it's overall not very good. :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= XIII. FAQ =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- Here are just a bunch of stupid questions that I made up off of the back of my head. Q: What exactly is TimeSplitters 2? Should I buy the game? A: Well, yes, I must say that you should buy it, especially if you're looking for a challenge or a good FPS. As for what it is, it's a good multiplayer game, and it's a pretty difficult game too, and a fun Story mode. Q: Is there any way to jump or something? Or can you slide and stuff like that, like bots can? A: Sadly, no, you cannot do any of these, but it's pretty much unneeded anyway. Only coolness factor. Q: Can you get the game in third-person view? I don't like the first-person. A: One word: NO. This is one of the silliest questions I have ever heard. Q: Siberia is really hard, and it's even the first mission in the game! How do I beat it?! A: Read the guide, man. If you still can't do it, just use the Sniper Rifle and learn how to shoot at long distances and stuff... that'll work. Q: Where is all that fire coming from in Chicago? Why is everyone shooting? WHERE ARE THEY? A: Some of them are on the roofs, some of them are just around town... don't bother shooting at them. Just make your way through. Q: How do you open that door in the Aztec Ruins? A: The icons on the pillars have to all be facing an icon of the same type. Mess around with them a bit and you'll get them all right. Q: Is the original TimeSplitters for GameCube? A: Nope. Only PS2. Q: Can you view the number of points needed for Platinums in Arcade and Challenge modes normally, like you would Bronze, Silver, or Gold? A: Sorry, but nope, you can't do that. Q: Are there any button codes? A: Another one word: NO. DON'T E-MAIL ME ASKING THIS! :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- =-+-= XIII. Credits =-+-= :::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::---+++---:::--- Gbness: The one who created the TimeSplitters 2 guide, in which he hoped to turn into the greatest existing guide for the game. He is teh greatest, and sexy too! =P Eidos: For one of the coolest games in my collection. Thank you for this game, folks. Your other games also rock (except Tomb Raider), so keep it up! I can safely say this is one of your best games. ^_^ Free Radical: I don't know much about Free Radical, but I do know that they also played a part in the creation of TimeSplitters 2. They deserve a mention for it. Jeff "CJayC" Veasey: The owner of GameFAQs, one of the best sites I have ever experienced. Although it may get boring sometimes, I still love the site. Thank you for it. Guitarfreak86: A pretty good friend, despite some past stuff, and he submitted many of the codes to this game. I semi-used them for this guide, so I must credit you for this. thotd: I don't know you, but due to CJayC's change of code format, I noticed that you were put next to Guitarfreak86 for the submissions of the character codes. So that's why I give ya this spot. silent hillian: Not like I know you either, but I noticed you sent in a few of the codes for the regular unlockables (not the characters), so I guess I'll credit you here. THAguyINgta3: This time it's someone I know and rather like for the codes. Anyway, thanks for the codes in the unlockables. Okay, that's enough thanks for the codes, I think. Stephen Ng: The owner of IGN, one of the best sites I have ever experienced. Although it may get boring sometimes, I still love the site, and the awards and stuff like that. =P Neoseeker: No, I do not know who owns Neoseeker, but all I can say is that Neoseeker rocks. Only problem is that I have to thank Neoseeker directly. Almost as good as IGN and GameFAQs. Sony: For the best console I have ever seen (the PlayStation), as well as the PlayStation2. Even though I don't like PS2 as much as PSX, I still love Sony for them. Had to thank 'em for the PS2 which had TimeSplitters, y'know. Nintendo: Although they may be flopping lately, I still believe that the GameCube was a good console, and definitely better than that Nintendo 64. Good job, guys, and GET SOME BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY CONSOLES. ^_^ Gobicamel: A bit of help here and there in the creation of the guide. You're a great friend, a very nice person, and one of my favorite people on the board, man. =) Super Nova: His guide was also written for the GameCube version of the game, I still love it. It may be better than mine, and it really kicks ass. I recommend you read it at all costs. You: I told you that you would end up in the credits part, so here you are. Sorry if I listed you twice, but hey. Thanks for spending the time reading this guide. And of course, there are a lot of FANTASTIC authors on the GameFAQs FAQ Contributors and Social Boards. Some day, I really want to meet these authors in person; they rule that much and I dedicate this guide to them. Check them out at these links: • Cyril: (Stephanie Nutter) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/31154.html • Psycho Penguin: (Steve McFadden) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/9471.html • DBM11085: (Devin Morgan) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html • ZoopSoul: (David McCutcheon) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/26774.html • Supernova54321: (Duncan Hardy) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/22472.html • Fox: (Martin Dale-Hench) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/30730.html • Meowthnum1: (Trace Jackson) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/11356.html • BSulpher: (Brian Sulpher) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/19608.html • Crazyreyn: (Matthew Reynolds) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/27600.html • Gobicamel: (Jacco Kemper) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/23122.html • Karpah: (Rebecca Skinner) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/22431.html • AlaskaFox: (Ronan Murphy) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/7818.html • Snow Dragon: (Jesse Eubanks) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/10258.html • Warhawk: (Stephen Harris) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/12949.html • SinirothX: (Nick Henson) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/30775.html • Gbness: (Richard B.) http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/32454.html ---END OF FILE---