======================================================================= ~~ TIMESPLITTERS 2 ~~ FAQ/Walkthrough by Aaron Baker Version 1.0 of document Email ns_java_games(at)yahoo.com.au ======================================================================= _____________________________________________________________________ /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ | CHAPTER 1: ALL THE BASICS | \---------------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ CHAPTER 1: ALL THE BASICS ========================= [ Section 1: Introduction ] A. Table of Contents B. Intro Paragraph C. Copyright D. Version History E. Author's Notes [ Section 2: Controls ] A. My Preffered Setup B. Default Setup C. Actions Descriptions D. Options E. Mapmaker Controls F. Menu Commands G. Features [ Section 3: Heads Up Display ] A. Bullets B. Total Ammo C. Health D. Armour E. Radar [ Section 4: Game Modes/Menu ] A. Story Mode B. Arcade League C. Arcade Custom D. Challenge E. Map maker F. Options [ Section 5: Characters ] A. Abilities B. Characters List C. Unlocking Characters D. Character Descriptions CHAPTER 2: LISTS + TIPS ======================= [ Section 1: Frequently Asked Questions ] A. Game Questions B. Guide Questions C. Arcade Mode FAQs D. Story Mode FAQs E. Weapons Questions F. Miscellanoues [ Section 2: Weapons ] A. Weapons Lists B. Handguns C. Sniper Rifles D. Shotguns E. Machineguns F. Mines G. Launchers H. Miscellaneous I. My Ratings J. Time Categories K. Information [ Section 3: Arcade Mode Game Tips ] A. Deathmatch (Nrml, Tm, Mnky) B. BagTag/Capture the Bag C. Elimination D. Shrink E. Regenration/Leech F. Assault G. Flame Tag/Virus H. Vampire I. Gladiator F. Theif G. Zones [ Section 4: Basic game Tips ] A. Reloading Tips B. Weapon Tips C. Enemy Tips D. Movement Tips [ Section 5: Scoring System ] A. Introduction B. Bronze Trophy C. Silver Trophy D. Gold Ttrophy E. Platinum F. Scoring G. Medals CHAPTER 3: STORY MODE ====================== [ Section 1: Quick Walkthrough ] A. Siberia B. Chicago C. Notre Dame D. Return to Planet X E. Neo Tokyo F. Wild West G. Atomsmasher H. Aztec Ruins I. Robot Factory J. Space Station [ Section 2: Easy mode Walkthrough ] A. Siberia - Oblask dam B. Chicago Streets C. Notre Dame Cathedral D. Return to Planet X E. Neo Tokyo F. Wild West G. Atomsmahser - Khallos Island H. Aztec Ruins I. Robot Factory [ Section 3: Normal mode Walkthrough ] [ Section 4: Boss FAQ ] A. Gunship B. Big Tony C. Portal Dameon D. Jacque De La Morte E. The Colnel F. Khallos G. The Machinist CHAPTER 4: ARCADE MODE AND CHALLENGE ==================================== [ Section 1: Acrade Custom Guide ] A. Setting up B. Variables C. Weapon Selection D. Bot Sets E. game Type Descriptions F. Level Differences [ Section 2: Custom Scenarios ] A. Laser Skirmish B. Knockout Punchout C. Ice Cold Capture D. Payback Attack E. Domination F. Big Bangs [ Section 3: GF Users Plat Tips ] A. Amatuer League B. Honrary League C. Elite League D. Challenges [ Section 4: Arcade Awards ] A. List of Awards B. Statistic Awards C. Health and Armour D. Most Awards E. Endurance Awards F. Movement Awards G. Based on Luck Awards H. CTB Only I. Miscellaneous Awards [ Section 5: Challenge Mode ] A. Glass Smash B. behead the Undead C. Infiltration (1 of 3) D. Banana Chomp (1 of 3) [ Section 6: Amatuer League ] A. Beginners Series B. Mode Madness C. It's a Blast D. Too hot to Handle E. Team Series A [ Section 9: Rankings + Briefs ] A. Challenge Mode Ranking B. Amatuer League Ranking C. Honorary League Ranking D. Elite League Ranking E. Challenge Mode Brefings F. Arcade Mode Breifing CHAPTER 5: SECRETS ================== [ Section 1: Unlockables ] A. Unlockable Levels B. Character Unlockables C. Unlockable Cheats D. Minigames E. Unlockable Game Modes [ Section 2: Glitches ] A. Game Crash B. MapMaker Freezing C. Chasm Glitch D. Be on no Team [ Section 3: Secrets ] A. Minigames B. Crossbows Alight C. Playing Pool [ Section 4: GameShark codes ] A. Health Codes B. Armour Codes C. Ammo Codes D. Unlock Cheat Codes CHAPTER 6: MAPMAKER =================== [ Section 1: The Basics ] A. MapMaker Controls B. About the Mapmaker C. About Objectives [ Section 2: Tiles Descriptions ] A. General B. Victorian C. Industrial D. Alien E. Virtual F. Other Stuff CHAPTER 7: MISCELLANEOUS ======================== [ Section 1: TS3 Wishlist/Info ] A. Levels B. Game Modes C. Examples D. Suggestions E. MapMaker F. Cvg Article G. Dreamstation Article [ Section 2: World Records ] A. Challenge Records B. Amatuer League C. Honorary League D. Elite League E. Minigames [ Section 3: TS Simlarities ] A. Story Levels B. Basic levels C. Weapons D. Characters ======================================================================= CHAPTER 1 - SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION ======================================================================= Only having acquired my Playstation 2 in November of 2002, I would soon find one of the best games that I would own. It was the original TimeSplitters (I am aware that number 2 was out then, but couldn't find it and probably didn't have enough money, as games are a lot more expensive in Australia that they are in say America.) I'm not really into games with zombies and stuff (yeah, I can get spooked real easy) so I didn't think too much of the game. But as I played through the game, i started to absolutely loved it. it was great zooming in with the sniper rifle and shooting guards heads off. It was so fun! Although I did think it was a tad easy (As I finished easy mode within a day, as most other people I'm sure would of) but I hadn't played normal mode, which I thought would just be easy mode with more enemies. Little did I know that some of the levels would be bigger. I later ran through the levels completing it on Normal, and then hard mode, conquering everything that there is to do with the game. I got timed secrets, normal mode complete, hard mode complete, most of the challenges complete and everything. TimeSplitters was starting to get boring (Wow, I never thought I would say that) although a good game of BagTag could settle all of that. After about 1 year and 1 month after TimeSplitters 2 was released, I picked it up off the shelf, and bought it. I like it, and I am going to share my knoledge of what I know with the rest of the people, even though I am not really a real "Elite" at this game, I still now how to get through the levels and all, so here goes! I'll only start with writing the easy levels, I might get around to doing the normal and hard levels a bit later on, when I have a lot more time. On with the guide. COPYRIGHT: --------- I don't wanna make this too long, so... This is mine! I must give you permission before you can post this anywhere (apart from gamefaqs) once I have given you FULL permission, you can post this, but remember I must be given full credit, and you must leave it unaltered. You are allowed to download this onto your comp and print it out (of course.) VERSION HISTORY: --------------- V 1.0 - Started working on document AUTHORS NOTES: ------------- - Press Ctrl + F to search for something in this document. GAME STORY ---------- The year is 2401. A futuristic space station loiters on the fringe of time and space, inhabited by an evil race known as the TimeSplitters. Growing in strength and numbers, they have only one purpose in life to destroy all human existence! An elite troop of space marines has been sent to overpower these evil creatures but they are fighting a losing battle. The last two remaining marines fight their way to the heart of the station, where the TimeSplitters keep their secret weapon the time portal. Powered by nine rare crystal shards it enables the TimeSplitters to leap from one generation to another, changing the course of history for the good of their own. The marines arrive as the last two crystals disappear through the portal in the hands of the enemy. The only way to stop the TimeSplitters evil reign continuing is to follow them into the portal and recover the nine crystals before they are lost forever. The marines take a leap into the unknown, without any idea as to which time period they will end up in and without any idea as to what the future - or past - will hold! GUIDE FEATURES -------------- What this document contains: • All the basics to the game, including the controls, Heads up Display, and all the game modes. • A list of all the characters, and how to unlock them as well as their descriptions. • 3 Different walkthroughs, a Quick Walkthrough, Easy mode walkthrough and Normal mode walkthrough. • Heaps of tips for Story mode, and all of the game Mode tips for Arcade. • Detailed startegies for challenge and racade mode, every level covered, your bound to find the start you need! • Rankings and level briefings for Arcade and Challenge mode, as well as Custom Scenarios. • Secrets section, including all the glitches in the game, all the secrets, cheats and how to unlock characters/levels, etc. • A look at the games Mapmaker, which includes descriptions of the tiles, how to use the logic and how to create good maps. • Other things include TimeSplitters 3 information, World Records, Weapons info, and a Boss FAQ. ======================================================================= CHAPTER 1 - SECTION 2: CONTROLS ======================================================================= MY PREFFERED SETUP ------------------ These are my preferred setup, not the default controls. R2 - Alternative fire R1 - Normal fire L2 - Aim L1 - Crou Triangle - Reload X - Activate Square - Previous weapon Circle - Next weapon L Analog - Walk R Analog - Look Left - Nothing Right - Nothing Up - Zoom in Down - Zoom out Start - Pause L3 - Nothing R3 - Nothing For me, those controls are the best, I like using R1 to fire instead of R2, so i changed primary fire to R1. If you don't like my setup, make your own by going to controls. DEFAULT CONTROLS ---------------- L Analog - Move R Analog - Look X - Action Square - Nothing Circle - Nothing Triangle - Reload R1 - Alt. Fire R2 - Fire L1 - Crouch L2 - Aim Rest is the same. ACTIONS DESCRIPTIONS -------------------- R1 BUTTON ========= Press this for normal fire, it will fire a normal round from the gun (Each gun is different, of course.) Hold down the R1 button, or rapidly press it for quick fire R2 BUTTON ========= Press this for Alternative fire. This will shoot a bullet (once again, what bullet comes out, or what happens depends on the weapon itself.) Some weapons fire greandes as an alt, some do the same as primary, as some don't even shoot out bullets. L2 BUTTON ========= Aim. This gives you precision in your shots, meaning that you can get better accuracy and hit people better (although auto aim does it for you, really.) You can change between toggle and hold on the menu. L1 BUTTON ========= Crawl/Duck/Crouch, whatever you want to call it. This puts your player lower to the ground, in a crouching position. Good for stealth, or for hiding behind things. OPTIONS ------- Setup - Choose which setup you want Auto look ahead - Automatically puts your view back to centre Toggle Coruch - Toggle means press the crouch button once and it will put you crouching. The alternative you have to hold the courch button. Toggle aim - Same as above, just with aim MAPMKAER CONTROLS ----------------- X - Place object/Pickup object/Paste Object/Select Square - Copy object Circle - Rotate Object Trianlge - Delete object/Exit menu L1 - Next floor L2 - Previous floor L Analog - Move R Analog - Pan Select - Menu Start - Menu R1 - Zoom R2 - Zoom MENU CONTROLS ------------- X - Select Start - Select/Back to game Triangle - Cancel ======================================================================= CHAPTER 1 - SECTION 3: HEADS UP DISPLAY ======================================================================= BULLETS ------- Only available on weapons, not things like mines, fire extinguisher, etc. It shows how many bullets are left in the clip. TOTAL AMMO ---------- Shown in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, shows how many total bullets are left, not in the clip. HEALTH ------ Only shows when hit. Colour wil signify how much you have left. The more, the better. ARMOUR ------ Same as above, although the armour is on the right side of the pasue screen. The more colour, the better. RADAR ------ Only appears in Arcade mode, and sometimes in challenge and even then, you can turn it on and off when you want to. Shows enemies that are near you. You can also use your temoral uplink. ======================================================================= CHAPTER 1 - SECTION 4: GAME MODES/MENU ======================================================================= STORY ----- Story mode, play with different characters in different levels, each with their own graphical style, and each at their own place. Each level has it's own story as well. ARCADE LEAGUE ------------- Play in preset arcade macthes. All these are just preset arcade matches, given times and their story. For example, "hanger hats off" is just an arcade custom match, with X henchmen, X Military bots, and a weapon setup. ARCADE CUSTOM ------------- Setup your own custom game. First choose a pace. Pace is how fast you and the bots move, and has something to do with flinching as well. Then choose a mode, like Capture the bag. Then select a level. Note that some levels are not available in some modes, like there is no Capture the bag at Robot factory, etc. Now choose from different varibales such as bots, weapons, kill limit, time limit, etc. CHALLENGE --------- Challenges mostly require a lot of skill, not luck like a fair amount of the arcade league matches are. There is a total of 7 series in challenge mode, with 3 levels in each series. Some challenges are "Behead the Undead," "TimeSplitters 'story' Classics," and "Infiltration." MAPMAKER -------- Here, you can make your own story and arcade mode maps, but for arcade mode, you cannot make arcade mode league macthes, unfortunately. You can choose from different sets of tiles, and place them along with doors, windows, turrets,, zones, spawn locations, story enemy placements and can make your own triggers and actions, for example, "Destroy the crate" as the objective, the trigger would be Destroy crate, and the action would be Objective A (Destroy the crate) complete. OPTIONS ------- Choose from different varibales such as invert aim on, switch weapon, etc. You can also look at how far you are through the game, what percentage you are complete, how many bronze silver and gold trophies you have been awarded, and look at all of your statistics, like bullets fired, etc. Finally there are some other goodies in here, like Trailers and Cheats. ======================================================================= CHAPTER 1 - SECTION 5: CHARACTERS ======================================================================= ABILITIES --------- Charcater abilities on means that the characters will have different attributes. For example, lets take Big Tony. He is really big, meaning he can't run fast, so his Agility will be low, but his Stamina is high. Accuracy = How accurate their shots are Stamina = How much health Agility = How fast they are CHARACTERS LIST --------------- Jake Fenton Candi Skyler Hank Nova Sgt Cortex Corp. Hart Ample Sally Aztec Warrior Baby Drone Barby Gimp Beetleman Big Tony Braces Calamari Changeling ChassisBot Crispin Crypt Zombie Cyberfairy Dark Henchman Dr. Peabody Drone Splitter Duckman Drake Feeder Zombie Female Trooper Gargoyle Hatchet Sal Hector Baboso Henchman High Priest Jebediah Crump Jimmy Needles Jinki Jo-Beth Casey Krayola Kypriss Lean Molly Lola Varuska Louie Bignose Monkey Maiden Male Trooper Ramona Salsa Marco the Snitch Meezor Mox Ghost Mikey Two-Guns Milkbaby Jo Beth Casey Mister Giggles Nikki Captain Ash Lawyer Accountant R One-Oh-Seven Ringmistress Riot Officer Scourge Splitter SentryBot Sewer Zombie Gingerbread man Slick Tommy Snowman Strumpy The Cropolite The Hunchback Robofish The Master Undead Priest Lt. Shade Venus Starr Wood Golem Sgt. Pane UNLOCKING CHARACTERS -------------------- To unlock characters, you must complete certain challenges/arcade league matches with a certain medal. Or, beating Story mode on Easy and Normal will give you characters. Ample Sally Defeat Elite Challenge / Cut-out Shoot-out / Take 'Em Down with a Silver medal or better. Aztec Warrior Defeat Elite League / Duel Meaning / Golden Thighs with a Silver medal or higher. Baby Drone Defeat Elite League / Team Series C / They're Not Pets! with a Silver medal or better. Barby Gimp Defeat Honorary League / Outnumbered But Never Outpunned / Time to Split with a Silver medal or better. Beetleman Defeat Elite League / One Shot Thrills / Double Bill with a Silver medal or higher. Big Tony Beat the Mafia Mission on normal to unlock the master. Braces Defeat Honorary League / Elimination Series / Men In Grey with a Gold medal or better. Calamari Defeat Honorary League / Burns 'n' Bangs / Chinese Burns with a Silver medal or better. Changeling Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Can't Please Everyone... with a Silver medal or higher. ChassisBot Defeat Arcade League / Mode Madness / Scrap Metal with a Gold medal or better. Crispin Defeat Amateur League / Too Hot to Handle / Monkey Immolation with a Gold medal or better. Crypt Zombie Defeat Arcade League / Beginners Series / Casualty with a Gold medal or better. Cyberfairy Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Hangar Hat's On! with a Silver medal or better. Dark Henchman Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Hangar Hat's Off with a Gold medal or higher. Dr. Peabody Defeat Arcade League / Beginners Series / Casualty with a Silver medal or better. Drone Splitter Defeat Elite League / Sincerest Form of Flattery / Half Death with a Silver medal or better. Duckman Drake Defeat Challenge / Outnumbered But Never Outpunned / Someone Has Got to Pay... with a Silver medal or higher Feeder Zombie Defeat Challenge / Behead the Undead / Day of the Damned with a Silver medal or better. Female Trooper Defeat Amateur League / It's a Blast / Demolition Derby with a Gold medal or better. Gargoyle Defeat Honorary League / Maximus / Cold Corpse Caprer with a Silver medal or higher. Hatchet Sal Defeat Honorary League / Outnumbered but Never Outpunned / Can't Handle This with a Silver medal or higher. Hector Baboso Defeat Arcade League / Beginners Series / Adios Amigos with a Silver medal or better. Henchman Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Hangar Hat's On! with a Silver medal or better. High Priest Defeat Elite League / Duel Meaning / Golden Thighs with a Gold medal or higher. Jebediah Crump Defeat Elite League / Sincerest Form of Flattery / Dead Fraction with a Silver medal or better. Jimmy Needles Defeat Amateur League / Team Series A / Club Soda with a Gold medal or better. Jinki Defeat Elite League / One Shot Thrills / Nikki Jinki Bricky with a Gold medal or better. Jo-Beth Casey Defeat Elite League / One Shot Thrills / Babes in the Wood with a Silver medal or better. Krayola Defeat Honorary League / Team Series B / Hack A Hacker with a Gold medal or higher. Kypriss Defeat Elite League / Duel Meaning / Golem Goru with a Silver medal or better. Lean Molly Defeat Arcade League / Beginners Series / Adios Amigos with a Gold medal or better. Lola Varuska Defeat Challenge / Monkeying Around / Monkey Mayhem with a Gold medal or better. Louie Bignose Defeat Amateur League / Too Hot to Handle / Disco Inferno with a Silver medal or better. Maiden Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Can't Please Everyone with a Silver medal or better. Male Trooper Defeat Amateur League / It's a Blast / Demolition Derby with a Silver medal or higher. Marco the Snitch Defeat Challenge / Cut-out Shoot-out / Fall Out with a Silver medal or better. Meezor Mox Defeat Amateur League / It's a Blast / Spoils of War with a Gold medal or better. Mikey Two-Guns (and Jared Slim) Defeat Elite League / Duel Meaning / If I'm Ugly - You Smell with a Silver medal or better. Milkbaby Defeat Honorary League / Team Series B / Hack a Hacker with a Silver medal or higher Mister Giggles Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Big Top Blowout with a Silver medal or better. Nikki Defeat Elite League / One Shot Thrills / Nikki Jinki Bricky with a Silver medal or better. Accountant (Lawyer also) Defeat Amateur League / Team Series A / Men In Grey with a Gold medal or better. R One-Oh-Seven Defeat Challenge / TimeSplitters 'Story' Classic / But Where Do the Batteries Go? with a Silver medal or better. Ringmistress Defeat Elite League / Teams Series C / Bags of Fun with a Gold medal or better. Riot Officer Defeat Honorary League / Team Series B / Rice Cracker Rush with a Silver medal or better. Scourge Splitter Defeat Honorary League / Outnumbered But Never Outpunned / Time to Split with a Gold medal or better. SentryBot Defeat Amateur League / It's a Blast / Night Shift with a Gold medal or better. Sewer Zombie Defeat Challenge / Behead the Undead / Fight Off the Living Dead with a Silver medal or higher. Slick Tommy Defeat Amateur League / Team Series A / Club Soda with a Silver medal or better. Snowman Defeat Honorary League / Burns 'n' Bangs / Snow Business with a Silver Medal or Higher. Strumpy Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Big Top Blowout with a Gold medal or better. The Cropolite Defeat Challenge / TimeSplitters 'Story' Classic / Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time with a Silver medal or higher. The Hunchback Defeat Challenge / Glass Smash / Stain Removal with a Silver medal or higher. The Master Defeat Honorary League / Team Series B / Rice Cracker Rush with a Gold medal or higher. Undead Priest Defeat Amateur League / Too Hot to Handle / Burns Deparetment with a Gold medal or better. Venus Starr Defeat Honorary League / Burns 'n' Bangs / Rocket Man with a Silver medal or better. Wood Golem Defeat Challenge / Banana Chomp / Playing with Fire with a Silver medal or higher. CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS ---------------------- ACCOUNTANT ========== Claims to know the difference between a double tap entry wound and double entry bookkeeping- but we're not so sure. AMPLE SALLY =========== Always on the lookout for a quick buck, Sally latched onto the Colonel's gang for the chance of fortune and power. They latched onto her for great cooking and special cuddles. AZTEC WARRIOR ============= Modeling the latest in heavy gold jewelry, nose piercing, pudding bowl haircut and high performance athletic support, this guy cuts a mean dash through any tropical rainforest. He's not so keen on prickly thickets though! BABY DRONE ========== The TimeSplitters evil knows no limits- even juvenile drones are forced into labor at a young age. BADASS CYBORG ============= He's the leanest, the meanest and the badass machine-est! BARBY GIMP ========== Once a high fashion model, Barby Gimp turned her back forever on the world of glamour when she decided to have surgical steel fighting claw implants. She still likes to watch the HoloSoaps on her Neural Visor. BEAR ==== Rescued from a animal trap by Lola Varuska, Bear is fanatically loyal and will fight to the death to protect the circus. He's had his fez ever since he was a cub. BEETLEMAN ========= A hideous alien grafting experiment gone wrong, Beetleman fights out of rockabilly rage at what was done to his once beautiful body... BIG TONY ======== After buying out the Falucci Brothers olive oil import business, Big Tony turned his now slippery hands to more criminal activities. But liquor, loose women and the numbers racket weren't enough- lately it seems he's been taking shipments from some dodgy out of town characters. BRACES ====== Despite the fact that he always gets the blame when things go wrong, Braces remains a loyal foot soldier in Big Tony's mob. Whatever he lacks in intelligence he more than makes up for in brute strength. CALAMARI ======== A political refugee from a distant ocean planet, Calamari hid in a cupboard when the TimeSplitters attacked the space station. CANDI SKYLER ============= Candy graduated from cadet training just two weeks ago. Although there's been cheap talk around the academy that she failed Astronavigation but got a dispensation because she has a cute butt. CAPT. FOREST ============ Capt. Forest is the well respected chief of the Regular Force. CAPT. NIGHT =========== Capt. Night is the daring leader of the Special Forces. He likes to deploy his troops at the slightest sign of trouble. Some of the senior staff officers think that perhaps there's a little too much deploying going on... CAPT. PAIN ========== Capt. Pain could have gone all the way to the top. Unfortunately he volunteered for an experiment in the labs and now he wanders the earth as a soulless monster. CAPT. SAND ========== Capt. Sand is the bold commander of the Desert Force. CAPT. SNOW ========== Capt. Snow is the leader of the Arctic Force. Sometimes the cold climate makes his earpiece malfunction. CAPTAIN ASH ============ Adventurer extraordinaire, Capt. Ash's exploits have carried him to the four corners of the earth. He's always accompanied by the most glamorous assistants and never averse to stopping for a spot of afternoon tiffin. Just to keep the pecker up, you understand- Tally ho! CHANEGELING ============ The Changelings are shapeshifting spirits drawn to Notre Dame by the foul rituals of Jacque de la Morte. CHASSISBOT =========== Built from scrap and spare parts scavenged from the sprawling Machine Wars Scrapyards, the lightweight ChassisBots are designed for speed and agility. CHASITY ======== Before becoming a highly decorated officer in the LAPD, Chastity ran with the gangs in the back streets of Neo Tokyo. She has vowed to help Ghost clear his name and regain his honor. CHINESE CHEF ============ Still the best in the business. They say his recipe for slow braised TimeSplitter in black bean sauce is out of this world! COLONEL ======== After deserting from the Confederate army, the Colonel went deep into South America searching for Inca gold. He returned a changed man, evil and in possession of strange allies... CORP HART ========== Not just an excellent soldier, Corporal Hart is also an expert with all kinds of mechanical and computer technology. She has found her servo- enhanced Tritium Exo-Arm to be a very useful aid in battle situations. CRISPIN ======= Crispin's had one too many brushes with the flamethrower- even he can't remember what he used to look like... THE CROPOLITE ============= A demon from another dimension, the Cropolite has been drawn to our world by the spacetime rift opened by the TimeSplitters. CRYPT ZOMBIE ============= The mortal remains of the cathedral monks had been at rest for generations in the catacombs of Notre Dame, but the evil magic of Jacque de la Morte has raised their mummified corpses as flesh-eating zombies, ready to carry out his every demand. CYBERFAIRY =========== A space-age pixie, the Cyberfairy fits across time zones, drawn to machine technology like a moth to a flame. DARK HENCHMAN ============= When Khallos bought a cheap lot of sidekick costumes some dudes were lucky enough to get first pick- guess what? They chose black instead of yellow. DINOSAUR ========= He breathes fire and has vestigial forelimbs. DR. PEABODY =========== Since the age of ten, when he blew up his parents' garden shed, Dr. Thadeus Peabody knew that he was destined to be an explosives scientist. He relishes the chance to further dispel academic stereotypes by running amok with an automatic weapon. DRONE SPLITTER ============== Once a peaceful amphibian race, the Drones were enslaved when the Splitters invaded their planet. Spinal implants ensure they will never escape the Splitters control. DUCKMAN DRAKE ================ He's quack and he's back! ELIJAH JONES ============ Elijah is Peekaboo Jones' great great grandpappy. His life as a bounty hunter began at the age of sixteen, when he saw his parents gunned down in cold blood by cattle rustlers. Since that day his mission has been to confront injustice wherever he finds it. FEEDER ZOMBIE ============== The Feeder Zombie's thought process is quite simple: eat brains...eat brains... eat brains... Although, to be fair, the stains on their T- shirts are mostly melon juice. FEMALE TROOPER =============== The Marine Troopers have borne the brunt of the TimeSplitters onslaught against humanity. GARGOYLE ========== Infused with stolen life by the TimeSplitters evil aura, the Gargoyles will destroy anything foolish enough to stand in their path. They especially don't like pigeons. GHOST ====== The coolest CyberJock in the Tek Quarter, Ghost can hack an AI CORE in milliseconds. When he declined Sadako's offer to join her gang she planned a bitter revenge. Now he is framed for a crime he did not commit and the Neo Tokyo police are on his trail. GINGERBREAD MAN ================= Flour, brown sugar, shortening, molasses, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon and some well beaten eggs. Mix well, pop in the oven and let the nightmares begin... GREGOR LENKO ============= Gregor Lenko 'The Russian Bear' is one half of a crack military team, working for a covert international consortium. Along with Ilsa Nadir he is sent on assignments that would cause lesser men to quake with fear. GRETEL MK II ============ Gretel II is a second generation precision killing machine, programmed with stealth and martial arts techniques from around the galaxy. Together with R-109 she has been sent to destroy the Machinist's robot army. HANDYMAN ========== This guy is straight out of Hatchet Sal's nightmares. Just goes to show, crime doesn't pay- or maybe Sal should have just laid off the cheese. HANK NOVA =========== Some guys just have it and Hank's one of them. He's seen things you people wouldn't believe, attack ships on fire off the shoulder of... well, whatever. A leaner, meaner, more square jawed hero never graced the operatic stage. HARRY TIPPER ============ The crimebusting skills of ex-New York vice cop Harry Tipper are now employed in the fight against international supervillains. This time he's got a license to chill- Nice tux, Harry! HATCHET SAL ============ Hatchet Sal got his nickname from his habit of chopping off his unfortunate victims right hands. He used to keep his trophies in a shoe box under his bed, but one night, after too much cheese, he had the mother of all nightmares and his box of gruesome buddies just had to go. He's cleaned up his act now, but the hatchet moniker stayed with him. HECTOR BABASO ============== The son of a saloon girl, Hector was raised in a house of ill repute. After a series of botched hold-ups, he met fellow outlaw Mikey Two-guns in prison and the pair became firm friends. HENCHMAN ========== The Henchmen are foot soldiers in Khallos' terror organization. Outfitted with the latest in army surplus night vision goggles and flattering figure hugging suits (plus baseball caps!), they cut a dash in any kind of 'secret base under attack' chaos. HIGH PRIEST ========== Yeah? Well this dude thinks you look pretty strange too! HUNCHBACK =========== The Hunchback knows all the hidden doorways and secret tunnels of Notre Dame. Horrified by the evil that Jacque de la Morte has unleashed in his beloved cathedral, he battles to thwart the lunatic's plans. HYBRID MUTANT ============== The TimeSplitters evil aura had a devastating effect on some of the more susceptible Siberian troopers, causing massive genetic mutation. Military scientists tried to turn them into super-soldiers, but after a series of horrific incidents the mutants were deemed uncontrollable and placed under maximum security. ILSA NADIR ========= The daughter of Dr. Katje Nadir, Ilsa knows no fear and will gladly undertake the most dangerous search and destroy missions. Few men can come close to matching her superb fighting and infiltration skills. IMPERSONATOR ============= The King returns after a sell out tour of holiday camps and working men's clubs. INSECT MUTANT ============== Frank was always telling folks about UFOs in the skies over his garage but nobody believed his tales of alien abductions. Look at him now- what do you think? JACQUE DE LA MORTE =================== A psychopathic murderer, Jacque de la Morte's mind has been twisted by visions of 'angels'. Now he teeters on the brink of complete insanity. JAKE FENTON ============ Jake has been battling bribery and corruption in Chicago ever since Big Tony came to town. Tony lost him his badge and had him run out of town, but now he's back, working for Lady Jane's agency, and looking to settle the score. JARED SLIM ========== A callous murderer and card sharp, Jared was rescued from the gallows by the Colonel and has been his right hand man ever since. JEBIDIAH CRUMP ============== Jebediah is the only original inhabitant of Little Prospect left. While the town was being taken over by the Colonel and his gang, the crazy old prospector was at the bottom of a mineshaft drinking moonshine. When he surfaced two days later he couldn't quite work out what had changed. JIMMY NEEDLES ============== Jimmy Needles is a ruthless assassin brought in from Miami to handle Tony's more tricky hits. This guy's a fruit nut, every morning he has to have half a cantaloupe melon, two fresh grapefruit and a glass of chilled cranberry juice or else he's just plain ornery all day. JINKI ==== Twins from a tiny Oriental village, Nikki and Jinki were sold to the Ringmistress when they were both babes in arms. Strangely, each claims to be the elder sister. JO-BETH CASEY ============= Mary-Beth Casey's younger sister. Jo-Beth likes to sneak out of her parents' house at weekends to fight crime and kill monsters. Her high school show and tell sessions are really something quite special. JUNGLE QUEEN ============= Raised in the jungle by wolves, the Jungle Queen's sharp intellect is only hampered by her tight thong and lack of language. Captain Ash has promised to make her a duchess if she comes back to Blighty with him. KHALLOS ======== It's not easy holding the world to ransom but Mr. Khallos seems well qualified for the job. He's got secret bases, doomsday devices, scores of henchmen and a penchant for over elaborate death scenes. He poo-poos his detractors who claim that he got his eye patch from a novelty store and that his first name is Archibald. KITTEN CELESTE ============== Sometimes things get a little too hot under the collar for Harry and he needs some manual assistance from his slinky sidekick, Miss Celeste. Go get 'em tiger! Grrrrrrrr! KRAYOLA ======== A high school dropout with a genius level IQ, Krayola shunned the academic world to become the brains behind Sadako's sick experiments. KYPRISS ======= Found in a burlap sack at the bottom of a well, no one knows if Kypriss is a supernatural goddess or just a lady with a fancy costume. Despite many offers of money and power she has never raised all of her arms on a public stage. LADY JANE ========= This hot-blooded socialite skipped Swiss finishing school to set up her own Private Investigation Agency in Chicago. A stickler for fashion you'll never catch her with anything but the latest in haute couture and semi automatic weapons. LAWYER ======= Should you, the player, choose freely to play as this character, it is under the express understanding that absolutely no warranty, stated or implied, is given for his performance, or lack thereof, in a deathmatch, or any other arcade scenario, whether in existence or yet to be devised. LEAN MOLLY =========== Sally's slender sister. She's not big on special cuddles. LEO KRUPPS ========== Leo was once the circus lion tamer. But over the years he adopted more and more of his lions characteristics until one morning he was found alone in the lions' cage, roaring and dribbling. He has lived as a lion ever since. LOLA VARUSKA ============ A Ukranian trapeze artist. Despite the strictures of her corset Lola still manages a dazzling smile. All the gentlemen love her and she has never missed a catch. LOUIE BIGNOSE ============= Louie's been slipping and sliming his way in and out of Big Tony's good book for years. Every time Tony promotes him he somehow manages to goof up. Lately he's hit upon the trick of getting Braces to break any bad news to Tony. LT. BUSH ======= Lt. Bush used to get into trouble with her superiors because of her unruly hair. Now she follows their advice and keeps it neatly trimmed. LT. CHILL ========= Lt. Chill has the distinction of being the only undead woman in the game. LT. FOREST ========== Lt. Frost is an accomplished curling champion. She practices on the frozen lake behind the Dam. LT. SHADE ========= Lt. Shade is the femme fatale of the Special Forces. Her peroxide blonde hair often surprises the men during undercover operations. LT. WILD ======== Lt. Wild is a striking officer in the Desert Force. She's always had fast track promotion and many say that one day she's destined to make a General. MACHINIST ========= An ageless scavenger, the Dark Machinist Child utilizes any components available for his mismatched body, mechanical and biological alike. He is unaware of how twisted and obscene his modifications have become. MAIDEN ====== So innocent and so pure, the Maiden is the perfect sacrifice... MALE TROOPER ============= The Marine Troopers have borne the brunt of the TimeSplitters onslaught against humanity. MARCO THE SNITCH ================= Marco's turned coat and switched sides far too many times in his short career of crime. Even he can't remember who he's told what to! Sick with worry, he lives his life in constant fear of mob retaliation. MASTER ======= A wandering Chinese monk, the Master's life is shrouded in mystery. Ladies can't resist stroking his beard. MEEZOR MOX ============ The Meezor hate everyone and everything, especially their close cousins the Ozor. MIKEY TWO-GUNS ================ Mikey was a two-bit horse thief and cattle rustler until the Colonel lured him into his gang with the promise of easy gold and loose women. The women were never easy but some of them had loose gold teeth so I guess The Colonel isn't all empty talk. MILKBABY ======== Bullied as a child, Milkbaby honed her fighting skills in the dark streets of the Tek Quarter. Now she serves as a vicious foot soldier in Sadako's gang. MISCHEIF ======== Mischief's happy smile and childlike manner hide her true nature, a psychotic killer with a love of death. The last person who twanged her braces ended up chopped to pieces in the taffy-pulling machine. MISTER GIGGLES ============== Mister Giggles stumbled into a small English village when he was just a boy. Although he was adopted by a loving family, he was never truly happy until he ate them and joined the circus. MONKEY ====== It's a monkey. MR. UNDERWOOD ============= Mr. Underwood has debunked table-rappers and fake mystics all over England. Reports of true supernatural phenomena have brought him to Paris. He has joined forces with the lady Viola to share intelligence in the battle against Jacque de la Morte. NIKKI ===== Twins from a tiny Oriental village, Jinki and Nikki were sold to the Ringmistress when they were both babes in arms. Strangely, each claims to be the elder sister. NIKOLI ====== Nikolai is a little too curious for his own good. He's always telling Sgt. Shivers that he knows best and that he can sort out whatever is going on in the secret base under the Dam. OZOR MOX ======== The Ozor hate everyone and everything, especially their close cousins the Meezor. PRIVATE COAL ============ Private Coal is a promising recruit to the Special Forces Unit. He has a crush on Lt. Shade but hasn't yet dared to ask her out. PRIVATE GRASS ============= Private Grass is a hardworking grunt in the regular force. PRIVATE POORLY ============== Private Poorly is feeling a little undead after his unpleasant encounter in the caverns below Oblask Dam. PRIVATE SAND ============ Private Sand is a reliable foot soldier in the Desert Force. R-109 ===== An upgrade of the now outdated R-108, the R-109 is a war robot, built for heavy duty combat. His reasons for destroying the Machinist are more personal than his partner Gretel II, R-109 wants revenge for all his fallen comrades killed in Machine Wars. R ONE-OH 7 ========== A few deranged zealots were drawn to the Machine Wars. Poor Robert One- Oh-Seven is under the delusion that he is a carefully constructed robot sent to save the world from evil. RAMONA SOSA =========== Ramona came over the border hoping for a peaceful life, but with her fiery temper and quick reflexes she quickly fell into work as a law enforcer. When things began turning sour in Little Prospect she sent a wire out to her old friend Elijah Jones for backup... REAPER SPLITTER =============== Selectively bred for strength and ferocity. Reapers are the main combatants of the TimeSplitter army. RINGMISTRESS ============ The mysterious matriarch of the circus family, the Ringmistress is fiercely protective of her eldritch troupe. RIOT OFFICER ============ The Neo Tokyo Riot Squad are rigorously trained, acting in all situations to control disturbances with an iron fist. ROBOFISH ======== The pesky pop-eyed piscine returns! SADAKO ====== Horrifically burnt in a tenement blaze when she was ten, Sadako's outer scars are nothing compared to the rage and hatred she harbors within. A self-taught hacker, she and her gang have stumbled across technology that could change the course of history... SCROUGE SPLITTER ================ Nothing is known about these fearsome leaders of the TimeSplitters. Although, their bondage trousers are admired across the galaxy. SENTRY BOT ========== Adapted from old security robots by the Machinist, the SentryBots are programmed to kill anything that moves. SERGIO ====== The circus strongman, Sergio's incredible strength is tempered with a compassionate personality and love of life. He likes to tend his herb garden and collect first editions. SEWER ZOMBIE ============ The fetid depths of the Parisian sewers are the final resting place of many unfortunate murder victims and diseased beggars. The dark magic suffusing Notre Dame has reanimated their half-rotted bodies. SGT. CORTEZ =========== An elite squad of space marines are spearheading the counterforce against the TimeSplitters. Sergeant Cortez is a battle-hardened veteran who is proficient with all weapon types and can adapt to any combat conditions. SGT. ROCK ========= Sgt. Rock is a bit of a matchmaker in the Desert Forces. He's always helping his colleagues to get the girl they want. SGT. SHIVERS ============ Sgt. Shivers really doesn't like working at Oblask Dam. It's all a bit spooky and he's fed up with Nikolai calling him a scaredy cat. SGT. SHOCK ========== Sgt. Shock likes to impress the ladies with his Special Forces uniform. He keeps the helmet shiny and well polished. SGT. SLATE ========== Sgt. Slate should have stayed away from the biological samples under the Dam. SGT. WOOD ========= Sgt. Wood is an upstanding officer in the Regular Force. SLICK TOMMY =========== Slick Tommy fancies himself as a bit of a ladies man, as quick with a knife as he is with the saucy one line come-on. Jimmy hasn't told him that you shouldn't wear a blue tie with a brown suit. SNOWMAN ======= Brought to life by a child's wish, the Flying Snowman traverses time in search of death or glory. STONE GOLEM =========== The ancient powers of the Temple of T'hochek have imbued the very rocks with life. These mighty creatures possess the strength of a hundred men. No one has ever dared to ask what they keep in their little sacks. STUMPY ====== Stumpy is the adopted son of Sergio the Magnificent. The strongman despairs of Stumpy's errant nature and malicious pranks but hopes in his heart that one day Stumpy will grow up to be a little taller. TROOPER BLACK ============= Trooper Black takes great delight in his work and is always first in line when Special Forces are deployed- as they frequently are. TROOPER BROWN ============= Trooper Brown often gets hot and bothered inside his gasmask on Desert operations. TROOPER GREEN ============= Trooper Green's gasmask is a great help with his hay fever on summer operations. TROOPER GREY ============ Trooper Grey's foul zombie breath fills the inside of his gasmask and makes even his eyes water. TROOPER WHITE ============= Trooper White is a promising soldier in the Arctic Force. UNDEAD PRIEST ============= The undead priests are all that remains of Jacque's cult followers. Under his influence they sacrificed their souls for immortality, providing Jacque with an elite army of dark followers. VENUS STAR ========== Venus left her hometown at a young age in search of fame as a showgirl. Despite her obvious charms and snazzy homemade costume, her career has yet to take off. Perhaps she should have gone somewhere more cosmopolitan than Little Prospect. VIOLA ===== The child of a reclusive aristocratic Countessa, Viola assumes the guise of a traveling troubadour as a cover for her true mission- to destroy evil wherever it bares its ugliness. WOOD GOLEM ========== Around the Temple, the thirsty roots of trees have sucked up the blood from a thousand human sacrifices. The souls of these ancient victims now prowl the earth bound within gnarled skins of wood. _____________________________________________________________________ /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ | CHAPTER 2: LISTS + TIPS | \---------------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================================================= CHAPTER 2 - SECTION 1: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ======================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: When was this game released? A: In america, around about August 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do I unlock X level? A: Play through story mode. You need to beat each level to progress. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How can I contact you? A: Email me at: ns_java_games(at)yahoo.com.au ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why did you change your email? A: Because of too much spam! Please, don't send any. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I can't email you, is there some other way to contact you? A: Sorry, I have no AIM, MSN or any chat. Try the TS board. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Will this guide cover normal and hard mode? A: Yes, when all of these are met: A) I have enough time B) I Fully master it ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Where can i find the crossbow? A: You can get it in the Aztec ruins level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I don't wanna wait that long, where else? A: Make a mapmaker level and put it in for story mode, or put it in in multiplayer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there a way to set people on fire? A: Yes, use the flamethrower ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I am on fire, is there any way to put myself out? A: Grab a fire extinguisher, and aim at the ground. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Are there any secret weapons? A: Yes, the brick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do I unlock the brick? A: Do challenge 1B and complete it with a good time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Hwo do I make the soviets fire grenades? A: Press alternative fire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is surf time? A: It is the amount of time spent riding on the crane in the hangar? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Where is the crane in the hangar, how do I get on it? A: Go to the top floor, and you will see the crane. Wait for it to drop down the hole and hop on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there an award for getting a lot of surf time? A: No ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do i check my surf time? A: Go into options > player options > statistics > scroll down ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do I unlock Honorary and Elite Arcade A: Finish Amatuer league to open Honorary, complete Honorary to unlock Elite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: When is TS3 coming out? A: Don't know apparently FRD is looking for a producer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Who are FRD? A: Free Radical Design, the makers of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is this an offical startegy guide for the game? A: No, not as far as I know, there could be, though. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can I use this on my website? A: If you ask politely via email, and give me credit and make it unaltered, then yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: is this document free? A: Of course, this guide is free everywhere. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Where can I find the latest update to this guide? A: Always at www.gamefaqs.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do i create my own story map? A: Easy, go to mapmaker, make a map, and then put in logic and enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: It only has "Tiles" "Items" and "Light"? A: Go to Advanced mode, and then try it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What platforms is TS2 on? A: PS2, gamecube, and the xbox ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What Platform is this guide written for? A: PS2, andthough it can be used for other versions, I guess. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How come I had full Sniper Rifle ammo, but after shooting out my vintage rifle ammo, all my sniper ammo went, why? A: Because they use the same ammo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is there a way to kill someone really quickly? A: Try headshots, or explosions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Are all the weapons listed in the multiplayer list in Story mode? A: I think all, apart from the brick, but of course you can't get some duel weapons in story modes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How many guides have you written? A: 35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I am having trouble with X level, how do I complete it? A: Look at the relative section in the guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is it possible to light crossbow bolts on fire? A: Yes, walk up to a flaming torch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do I zoom in, in wont let me? A: You are probably on a weapon that it wont allow you to zoom in. Press up and down on the following weapons to zoom in/out. - Lasergun - Sniper Rifle/Vintage Rifle - SBP90 Machinegun - Soviets ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Where is my health? A: On the side when you get hit, pause the game, or pick up health/armour. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Is this game story co-op? A: Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Do enemy bots ever use the turrets? A: No, but they do go next to them, and shoot out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How many arcade game modes are there? A: 16 all up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What are they all? A: Deathmacth Team Deathmatch Capture the bag BagTag Leech Regeneration Elimination Vampire Theif Zones Gladiator Monkey Assistant Assault Virus Flame Tag Shrink ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Are there any cheats that you can unlock? A: Yes, stuff like "Silly hats" to "Umilimted Ammo" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================= CHAPTER 2 - SECTION 2: WEAPONS ======================================================================= WEAPONS LIST ------------ PISTOLS: Silenced Pistol Luger Pistol Garret Revolver Sci-fi Handgun SNIPER RIFLES: Sniper Rifle Vintage Rifle SHOTGUNS: Tactical 12 Guage Shotgun MACHINE-GUNS: Tommy gun Minigun Soviet S47 SBP90 Machinegun Plasma Autorifle MINES: Remote Mines Timed Mines TNT Proximity mines ROCKET LAUNCHERS: Rocket Launcher Homing Launcher Grenade Launcher MISCELLANEOUS: Flametrhower Brick Crossbow Fire Extinguisher Fists MY RATINGS ---------- Silenced Pistol 5 Luger Pistol 5 Garret Revolver 6 Sci-fi Handgun 6 Sniper Rifle 3 Vintage Rifle 4 Tactical 12 Guage 6 Shotgun 7 Tommy gun 8 Minigun 9 Soviet S47 6 SBP90 Machinegun 9 Plasma Autorifle 6 Remote Mines 6 Timed Mines 6 TNT 1 Proximity mines 4 Rocket Launcher 9 Homing Launcher 9 Grenade Launcher 7 Flametrhower 6 Brick 3 Crossbow 6 Fire Extinguisher 2 Fists 3 In order: Homing Launcher 9 Rocket Launcher 9 Minigun 9 SBP90 Machinegun 9 Tommy gun 8 Shotgun 7 Grenade Launcher 7 Crossbow 6 Flamethrower 6 Timed Mines 6 Remore Mines 6 Plasma Autorifle 6 Tactical 12 Guage 6 Sci-fi Handgun 6 Garett Revolver 6 Silenced Pistol 5 Luger Pistol 5 Vintage Rifle 4 Proximity Mines 4 Brick 3 Fist 3 Sniper Rifle 3 Electrotool 2 TNT 1 Health Armour Mapmaker goods TIME CATEGORIES --------------- NOTE: If weapon isn't used in story mode, it will be left out "OLDIES" WEAPONS Tommy gun Shotgun Luger Pistol Garett Revolver Tnt Grenade Launcher Crossbow Vintage Rifle "THE PRESENT" WEAPONS Flamethrower Silenced Pistol Timed Mines Remote Mines Soviet S47 Sniper Rifle Tactical 12-Guage "TECHNOLOGY ADVANCED" WEAPONS SBP90 Machineguns Minigun Plasma Autorfile Sci-fi Handgun Electrotool Homing Launcher Lasergun INFORMATION ----------- Note that the damage may not really be accurate, because lets say the soviet S47 takes 20 bullets to kill someone, and the luger pistol takes 10 for example, the Soviet is more powerful because it will kill them in half the time. Damage meter: VERY HIGH: One hit kill HIGH: 2 or 3 shots to kill MEDIUM TO HIGH: 4 Shots to kill MEDIUM: 5, 6, 7 Shots to kill LOW TO MEDIUM: 8, 9, 10, 11 Shots to kill LOW: More than 11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Name of weapon (Tommy gun, Luger Pistol) Type: Type of weapon (Machinegun, Rilfe, Pistol) Age: How old it is (Old, Present, Future) Zoom: Can it zoom in, how powerful Damage: How much damage it does (low, medium, high) Duel: Can you get two of the weapon ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Crossbow CLIP: 5 Bullets TYPE: Miscellanous AGE: Old ZOOM: Yes, Medium zoom DAMAGE: Medium DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Electrotool CLIP: Meter TYPE: Miscellaneous AGE: Futuristic ZOOM: No DAMAGE: Very low DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Luger Pistol CLIP: 6 Bullets TYPE: Pistol AGE: Old ZOOM: No DAMAGE: Low to Medium DUEL: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Silenced Pistol CLIP: 6 Bullets TYPE: Pistol AGE: Present ZOOM: No DAMAGE: Low to Medium DUEL: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Sniper Rifle CLIP: 5 Bullets TYPE: Rifle AGE: Present ZOOM: Yes, very powerful DAMAGE: Medium DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Vintage Rifle CLIP: 5 Bullets TYPE: Rifle AGE: Old ZOOM: Yes, Very powerful DAMAGE: Medium DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Time Mine CLIP: 20 TYPE: Projectile, Epxlosive, Mine AGE: Present ZOOM: No DAMAGE: High if put in the right place DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Plasma Autorifle CLIP: 200 TYPE: Rifle AGE: Futuristic ZOOM: No DAMAGE: Low to medium DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Homing Launcher CLIP: 30 TYPE: Heavy Weapon AGE: Futuristic ZOOM: No DAMAGE: Very High DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Brick CLIP: 20 TYPE: Projetile AGE: N/A ZOOM: No DAMAGE: Low DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Fire Extinguisher CLIP: Meter TYPE: Miscellanous AGE: Present ZOOM: No DAMAGE: None DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Garett Revolver CLIP: 5 TYPE: Pistol (reovler actually) AGE: Old ZOOM: No DAMAGE: Medium DUEL: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Sci-fi Handgun CLIP: 30 TYPE: Pistol, Futuristic AGE: Futuristic ZOOM: No DAMAGE: Low to Medium DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Tactical 12 Guage CLIP: 8 TYPE: Shotgun AGE: Present ZOOM: No DAMAGE: High DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Rocket Launcher CLIP: 3 TYPE: Heavy Weapon AGE: Futuristic ZOOM: No DAMAGE: Very High DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Tommy Gun CLIP: 30 TYPE: Machinegun AGE: Old ZOOM: No DAMAGE: Low to Medium DUEL: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: TNT CLIP: 1 TYPE: Proectile, Explosive AGE: Old ZOOM: No DAMAGE: High DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Remote mines CLIP: 20 TYPE: Projectile, Explosive AGE: Present ZOOM: No DAMAGE: High DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: SBP90 Machinegun CLIP: 62 TYPE: Machinegun AGE: Present, Maybe Futuristic ZOOM: Yes, fair powerful DAMAGE: Medium to high DUEL: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Lasergun CLIP: Meter TYPE: Futuristic AGE: Futuristic ZOOM: Yes, Very powerful DAMAGE: High when charged DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Shotgun CLIP: 2 TYPE: Shotgun AGE: Old ZOOM: No DAMAGE: Medium to High DUEL: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Soviet S47 CLIP: 30 TYPE: Machinegun AGE: Present ZOOM: Yes, not very powerful DAMAGE: Low DUEL: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Flamethrower CLIP: Meter TYPE: Heavy Weapon AGE: Present ZOOM: No DAMAGE: High DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Proximity Mine CLIP: Not sure TYPE: Mine, Projectile AGE: N/A ZOOM: No DAMAGE: High DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Minigun CLIP: 400 TYPE: Machinegun, Heavy AGE: Futuristic ZOOM: No DAMAGE: High DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Fist CLIP: Unlimited TYPE: Miscellaneous AGE: Forever ZOOM: No DAMAGE: Medium DUEL: Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME: Grnade Launcher CLIP: 8 TYPE: Heavy Weapon, Explosive AGE: Old ZOOM: No DAMAGE: Very High DUEL: No ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Probably the possible categories are: Handguns - Silenced, Luger, Sci-fi, Garett Machineguns - Soviet, Tommy, Minigun, SBP90 Shotguns - Tactical, Shotgun Rifles - Sniper, Vintage, Plasma Heavy - Rocket, Homing, Flame, Grenade Mines - Prox, Timed, Remote, Tnt Meters - Laser, Flame, Electro Misc - Crossbow, Birck, Extinguisher ======================================================================= CHAPTER 2 - SECTION 3: ARCADE GAME MODE TIPS ======================================================================= Deathmatch/Team Deathmatch: Just kill anyone that you can see (that is on your team.) You can camp, put it isn't wise as everyone else will get the kills. If you just have it on kills, then always attack, cos it doesn't matter if you die. Try to find the 5th weapon, and use that to blast everybody. BagTag: Defenetly camp. If other people want the bag, well then they can come to you for it. By camping, they will come to you, and as the come in, you can kill them. Very good idea IMO. Try to never be out in the open, cos you will be shot to pieces in no time. Capture the bag: If you bag has been stolen, then you can't score with their bag until yours has been put back. if you are playing two player, send your mate in to get it, because if he dies trying to get it, it wont matter, but if you go in and die, you will drop their bag, they will return it, and score. Don't go back into severe danger with the bag. Elimination: Once again, camp. The rest of the bots will kill each other, but becuase you have the most lives, they will come for you and attempt to kill you. In every level there are a lot of camping spots, so go to one of them, and let the enemies come to you. When they do, you can just kill them. Simple enough. Shrink: Trun off Auto look ahead. The reason for this is that you wont to be looking down near the ground a lot of the time, so you don't want your view to be put back to centre. Last place will be extra small. If you are having trouble killing the small people, then just go for the big people and kill them, becuase it is a lot easier. If you need to kill someone smaller, you can duck and try to kill them. Leech/Regenration: If playing with heavy weapon such as Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Mines and the Homing launcher, then don't be afraid to shoot people who are directly in front of you. In deathmatch, that would kill you too. But if you do that in leech, you health will be refilled. Just keep on doing that. Well, if you are injured, then just hold back for a while and you will then be cured, and have full health. There is no point putting one shot kill on in this mode, cos if you are shot once, you are dead, and there is no need for your health to regenerate. I really don't bother about the regenerating part, I just go out there and blast away. Assault: Make sure that you put some explosives in when playing, such as on the training ground, put a rocket or homing launcher in as weapons slot 3 or 4. Don't put it in on weapon slot 5, cos you can only get that on one place, and where you don't need it. grab the rocket launcher and take out the turrets with it, it is a lot easier. Flame tag: This mode is really easy to win on. You can camp, and when the person who is on fire comes into where you are, blast them to kill them, simple enough. If you are having problems with that, just run around the place. If you are new, play it in an open area (like the hangar, ice station or the training ground) so that it is hard to catch on fire. Just remember that you can kill the person on fire. Virus: Virus is harder than the one above. If you want a real challenge, then play it in a close quarters space, like Chinese for example. Once a person gets tagged, the person who tagged them is still on fire, and the person who got tagged is now on fire as well, it's like a game of team tag. If possible, try to get a whole group of them coming towards you at once, then run around in a big circle. Look behind on occasion to see if you haven't lost them. Vampire: When playing with lives, then you can still camp and shoot people as they come in. If you put bloodlust on high, then you can't camp, because the enemies will take too long to get to you, and you will die as a result. When playing on low, then camp and let the bots come to you. When playing in deathmatch style, then just go out and blast everyone. Galdiator: If you are the galdiator, then camp. The bots will all come to you to try and kill you so they can become gladiator, but you get points for killing them, so camp and let them all come to you, and then you can kill them. Pretty simple. Theif: Try to kill every enemy that you see up close. There is nothing worse than shooting someone from far away, run up to try to take his coin thing, and see that someone else has taken credit for your kill. Some enemies are stupid enough to do long shots, so you can get the coin before they do. Just about each coin drops next to the gun of the enemy,so go for the gun to get the coin. ======================================================================= CHAPTER 2 - SECTION 4: BASIC GAME TIPS ======================================================================= RELOADING TIPS: * Never reload in the middle of a battle. The reason for this is that it is bad. You will probably get shot to pieces while reloading, so don't do it, do it before hand. * Reload when you can. If you are not in a gunfight and you have one bullet left in your clip, then reload. There is no point going into a gun battle with one bullet, then ahving to reload in the middle of the battle. * For weapons that take a while to reload (Tactical 12 guage for example) you can press previous weapon then next weapon really quickly, the tatical 12 guage will come pack with a full clip. WEAPON TIPS: * Don't use all your good weapons up straight away. Lets say that you find a tommy gun right at the beginning of Chicago on Normal or hard mode. Don't use it straight away, that ammo and the weapon could be needed later on in the game, so don't use your good weapon straight away. * Use your good weapons on bosses. Like say, don't usea s ilenced pistol to attempt to kill big tony (it would work after a while though), so use your best weapon because you are going to lose it at the end of the level anyway. * Use the right weapon for the right situation. For example, use a rocket launcher when there is a pack of group members far away, use the sniper rifle if there is someone far away that you need to kill and stuff like that. ENEMY TIPS: * Take out the enemy that poses the most threat to you first. lets say this for example: There is one zombie, one person with a rocket launcher, and one person with a silenced pistol. You should take out the guy with the Rocket Launcher first, then the guy with a pistol, and then the zombie. MOVEMENT TIPS: * Instead of turning around corners, strafe around them. Lok at this diagram. | | | |_________ | ^^^^^^^^^^^< Move your view to the wall before the corner. |_______________ Instead of: | | | ^ |_________ | <<<<<<<<<<<<< Enemies can easily get in a shot from around corner. |_______________ * Learn to strafe left and right. This is very handy for dodging bullets, although only really the bullets from the plasma autorifle, rocket launcher ammo and maybe the sci-fi handgun, cos if you dodge left and right, the bullets will miss you, this is what I done on 'Bags of fun.' * Now learn to circle strafe. It's kinda like strafing, except you move your view so that you are strafing, but going around the enemy so that the enemy is always in the middle of your view. ======================================================================= CHAPTER 2 - SECTION 5: SCORING SYSTEM ======================================================================= INTRODUCTION ------------ During Arcade and challenge, different scores will be set for different medals. BRONZE ------ Getting a bronze is just like completing the level. It is the bare minimum, and like a grade of about a C. very easy to get, of course. SILVER ------ The next one up from bronze. This is kinda like a grade of about a B. Silver is mediocore, and is just under gold. GOLD ---- A great achievement. Gold means that you finished a level really quickly, or with a lot of kills/bag catpures/lives left, etc. Like an A grade PLATINUM -------- The game does not have this in it, but if you beat gold by a big amount, you will recieve a platinum. Platinum is like an A+ grade, and is the highest you can get. Be warned, a lot are hard to obtain. SCORES ------ For Deathmatch, Leech, Regenration, Shrink, Vampire, Team Deathmatch, Gladiator and Monkey Asisstant, it is how many kills you get which counts for you score. For Capture the bag, your score is how many times you have gotten the bag back to your base. For Assault, it is how long you took to defeat the assult level. For BagTag, it is how long you have held the bag for. For zones, it's how much score you have got for securing the zones (10 points for each zone that is yours every 3-5 seconds.) For Elimination and Vampire, it is how many lives you have left. For Flame tag it is how long you have been on fire for (Lower = better) For Virus it is what position you got on fire. (Lower = better) MEDALS ------ It may seem simple to some people, but.. Lets just say that this is the times for a levels: Platinum: 30.0 Gold: 1.10.0 Silver: 1.50.0 Bronze: 3.00.0 If you get 2.00.0 for example, you will get a bronze, because it is in between the Silver and Bronze time. Lets just say that your trophies in your stats look like this: 20 Platinum 20 Gold 20 Silver 6 Bronze Lets say you get a silver that your previous best is a bronze. This is how your new stats will look: 10 Platinum 20 Gold 21 Silver 5 Bronze You lose a bronze, and gain a silver. Same with Easy/Normal/hard. Lets say that you have... Easy: 2 (Robot Factory, Space Station) Normal: 7 (Chicago, Notre, Planet X, Tokyo, Atomsmahser, Aztec, West) Hard: 1 (Siberia) Lets say that you complete Chicago on hard. Your new stats would look like: Easy: 2 Normal: 6 Hard: 2 Note that it had to be chicago that you complete next. The reason is that you have to complete levels in order After you do everything, your stats should look like this: Platinum: 66 Gold: 0 Silver: 0 Bronze: 0 Even if you have got golds, but you have then gotten better (a plat) Also, story: Hard: 10 Normal: 0 Easy: 0 Those are the best possible stats that you can get _____________________________________________________________________ /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ | CHAPTER 3: STORY MODE | \---------------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================================================= CHAPTER 3 - SECTION 1: QUICK WALKTHROUGH ======================================================================= SIBERIA - Take out camera and guards in first area - open door to dam in room - Go through hole in roof to get mines - Throw mine on dish and cabinets - Go through dam door, go to top - Turn vents to get pressure to %0 - Get to other side of dam - Enter building - throw mines at the next 3 cabinet, and run to checkpoint - Open door in comm place - Defeat zombies - Throw mines on biohazard container - Grab Crystal and run to portal CHICAGO - Kill enemies and jump down to boat - Run up the stairs, kill guards - Run back down stair, go outside - Use phone - Grab tommy gun from guard on the right - Shoot Big Tony's brother until car smokes - Grab ammo and go to Marco - Protect Marco to sfaehous - Grab nightpass - Open door to nightclub - Enter nightclub - Kill big tony, grab the crystal - Go through portal NOTRE DAME - Defeat zombies - Pull lever on left - Go to sewer - Pull next level to pull up gate - Go up stairs - Enter next area - Shoot flaming zombies (or avoid) - Rescue the maidens - Go through door to enter next area - Shoot Undead Priests and grab Crystal - Run up stairs and pull on ropes - Run back down and protect Hunchback and Maiden - Shoot zombies in the head - Shoot the portal demon with shotgun - Run outside and kill Boss - Go through portal RETURN TO PLANET X - Grab weapon and run down hole - Defeat enemies, run to the right - Exit out by the bees, keep running to avoid being stung - Go to one of the turrets - Fight off beach attack - Go to the downed UFO - Help fight off raid - Enter UFO - Grab cystal through large window - Go to Portal NEO TOKYO - Follow hacker to centre - Avoid cameras - Let guard open door - Use camera to view hacker password - Enter door hacker went through - Grab SBP90 Machinegun - Turn off TimeSplitter machine at switch - Kill the fleeing hacker - Retrieve the time crystal - Get to portal WILD WEST - Kill first lot of enemies - Get to the jail, grab gunpower - Use trail of gunpowder from crate to cart - Destroy crate - Rescue Ramona - Protect Ramona - Get to checkpoint - Press on cart to send it along the rails - Kill the colnel - Retrieve Time Crystal from mine - Jump down into Portal ATOMSMASHER - Wait for laser to unlock door - Turn security cameras off, and open next door - Hit guard to get weapon, kill other enemies around him - Get scientist to diffuse bomb - Kill enemies around crates - Grab double pistols - Let scientist diffuse next bomb - Shoot enemies by stairs - Turn off the vent - Grab the timed mines and fire extinguisher - Put out fire - Enter door - Get Soviet S47 - Turn off steam in bomb room - Enter bomb room - Use magnet to drop bomb into hole - Shoot down snipers - Enter room with crates - Kill guards - Get scientist in crate to disable bomb - Grab armour, and enter reactor area - Throw all mines near entrence to area - Set off when Khallos comes in - Grab time crystal - Strafe to switches and turn them on - Enter Portal ROBOT FACTORY - Kill first lot of enemies - Go to your left - Go around guards and set laser to defensive - Kill rest of guards - Use railbot to shoot thing on the side of lasers - Extend the bridge - Go back and cross over the bridge - Grab the Electrotool, use it to overflow the node - Open up next door laser - Enter through - Shoot railbots - Shoot spawning gurds - Disbale the next energy node - Reach Chekpoint - Use crane to move node - Overflow it - Shoot enemies in big room - Deactivate lasers - Collect armour, ammo, disbale node - Get to factory core - Defeat mechanist using homing launchers at machine - Go upstairs - Grab Time Crystal - Go through Portal SPACE STATION - Grab crystal - Open door - Put on the Self Destruct system - Run down and enter Hangar door - Grab the Environment suit from the left - Run back and go through airlock (straight ahead) - Defeat TimeSplitters ships - Go back and to the first path on left - Get armour and minigun - Press button and wait for elevator - Take elevator down - Run to Ship ======================================================================= CHAPTER 3 - SECTION 2: EASY MODE WALKTHROUGH ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** 1990 - SIBERIA *********************************************************************** OBJECTIVES: - Deactivate the communications dish - Investigate the secret digging site - Retrieve the time crystal Watch the opening cut-scene that just shows nikoli with a guard, and they are looking around the secret digging site, then a monster comes and attacks them. You'll see what happens to them near the end of the level. You start off with just your temoral uplink, which is just like a radar, except you can shoot while looking at your radar. Run forward and collect the sniper rifle, and also the silenced pistol. Before running out, look up slightly, and press the L2 button (assuming that you are using the defualt, or my controller setup.) This will bring the Sniper Rifle into scope mode. Now use the right analog stick to aim at the enemies head, and then fire. He will die instantly from the headshot, but if you get him in the neck or anywhere below, he wont die instantly. If he doesn't die, shoot him again quickly, or let him run down the stairs, and come to you, and then you can just easily shoot him with your silenced pistol when you come face to face. Near where the guard was, there is a security camera. AIm the sniper rifle at the camera. To destroy it quickly, shoot at the lens of the camera when it is in your range. Doing that will make sparks come from it, and the camera will be destroyed, so that means it wont be able to see you. if you can't shoot the camera from here, don't worry. Now, walk on out by the crates and look to your right. You will see one guard patrolling there. Now aim the sniper rifle at his head, and shoot him. Try not to be seen while killing him. Now run up to the fence. If you destroyed the camera, then you can just walk through the fence normally. If you didn't, crawl and go to the right, and take out the camera from here, since you probably have a way better shot. Once you have the camera taken out, head to the left of the fence, and you will see stairs. Just next to the big pole, hug the wall of the building on your right. Peep around the conrner a tiny bit. You will see one guard here, pop him, then don't run to where he was, because there is a camera there. Instead, run to the left, and shoot the guard by the stairs. Now, run up the stairs and into the room. Run to the far end of the room (by the window) and now press the button on the control panel. This will open the door so that you can get upstairs. But, there still is an objective to be done before you can go into the inside area. Run back outside and to the wooden planks. Make sure that the camera has been taken out here. Run across the planks. Get to the room with a hole in the roof, and jump down into it. Grab the timed mines on the shef, and unlock the door. Head to the right, and then to the right again. Run back to the stairs, and once again go up them ignore the room, and go around by the planks again, just near the camera. Look up the top of the building and you will see a communications dish. Pull out your timed mines. Look up, and throw them at the communications dish. Just one is needed, and if it sticks to it, thats good. Run back down the stairs and hear it blow up. Also, there is a filing cabinet that you might want to destroy. if you don't want to destroy it, then head down the stairs, then go down the stairs to the left and into the inside area. If you want to destroy it, then head down the stairs, and take the path to the very end, near where you killed a guard. Run to the right, and keep going. If you look into a window on your right, there is a guard. Kill him by standing back a bit so he can't see you. if he does see you, it doesn't matter, because he usually stays inside the building and shoots at you. Now, run into the room. Press X to open the door (once again assuming you have the defualt, or my control setup.) Now look to your left. You will see a filing cabinet. Open it, and throw a mine on the files. Press X to open the door, and run out. Stand back, and you will hear an explosion. That's the filing cabinet at files being blown up. Thats 1/5 cabinets destroyed. Run to the stairs, go down them and head to the right, and run inside. Straight ahead of you will be an elevator, but there is no power, so you can't use it. Looks like we'll have to take the stairs. Run up the stairs. Here I will give you a list of what to expect while climbing up the stairs. NOTE: 2 sets of stairs = 1 floor 1st floor: Some steam. You can go straight through it if you want, but you will lose some health. If you don't want to loose any health, then press the duck button, and go through the part where there is no steam. Just a crate. You can destroy the crate if you want to, but there is no point. if you do decide to chop it up, stand back so the explosion doesn't hurt you. 2nd floor: There is a guard, usually he is not facing you, unless you destroy the crate. if you do destroy it, he will come down. have fun with this guard, like go right up to him and shoot him in the back of the head. Some barrels. If you like having some fun, then but afew bullets into them to destroy them. But, it would just be a waste of ammo, it would alert the guards and you can easily get hurt by the explosion. 3rd floor: Once again, another guard, looking the opposite direction (unless you destroyed the barrels, if you did destroy them, he will come down.) Try to sneak up to this guy and shoot him in the head. Funny stuff. 4th floor: Nothing on the first part, but the next part will be top of the building. Well, not really the top, but as as far as the stairs will take you. Open the door, and you will find one guard. He doesn't even know you are here yet, so take this opportunity to line up a decent headshot, and shoot a bullet. Now run into the room on your left, and on the shelves will be a Soviet S47. Grab it, and the armour, and look back. Run to the steam controls and press the action button. Steam pressure is at 66 percent. Run out the room, and to the left. Kill any enemy that you can see in your way. BTW, I suggest using the soviet now, especially if you are just starting out in TS2. Now, run to the next two rooms and do the same. Once you get to the last one, it will say that the steam pressure is off. Now run to where the steam was, and go through the door. Now run down the stairs. There isn't anything much down here, apart from some armour, sniper ammo and a few guards. Run to the ground,a nd go outside. Press the switch to open the door. Run out, and go up the little steps. Now look to your left, and shoot the guy walk in the back of the head to kill him. Now run around the building to the right. Look left at the end to see another guard, do the same and then run up to near the door. Run to the right, and you will see a camera, if you look back near the door. Shoot the lens when it's near you. Now run and grab the ammo from the dead guys, and run back to the door and open it. Run inside, and it will say "Time crystal located." You will see a guard walking around, not facing you. Throw a timed mine on this guy, and then watch histerically and he runs around with a mine attached to him. Watch it detonate and kill him. Fun stuff this is. By the shelf with the crtae is the anaconda cart, grab it. Yeah, a minigame you can play by either going to the inventory and going to anaconda cart, or by pressing reload on your temporal uplink. But where not here to play minigames, we are here to kill people and complete the objectives we are given. Start by going down the stairs. To your left will be a room. Ignore this room; there is absolutely nothing useful inside, well at least not on easy mode, so just leave it and keep on heading forward. It's just a shower room. Turn the corner, ands snipe the guard off at the end of the room. get a headshot so that you can kill him in one shot. before moving on, open the door on your right. Press the action button to open the filing cabinet and then select your timed mines. Throw a timed mine next to or in the filing cabinet, and then quickly go back out the door. Watch it explode. Another filing cabinet destroyed. Run up, and look to your left just before the stairs. here you will find some more filing cabinets. Throw a timed mine in between them, and let it explode. 2 more filing cabinets gotten rid of. now run down the stairs. Once you have gone down the first set, you now reach a checkpoint. if you die from any time after here, you wont be put back at the beggining. You will get to start from that checkpoint. Continue down the next set, and past the dividers. Look near the other end of the room and kill the guard. A shot to the head will do. Now walk to the right. Watch out for the guard on the balcony above, and the one to the right. Kill them both with whatever weapon you fancy. Now head to the right and up the stairs to the top comm room. Press the button, and run back down stairs and you will notice that a new door is open for you to go through. Go through it, and you will not be underground in a digging site. Walk near the first zombie to get him up, then shoot him in the head to kill him. Walk into the room on your right and grab the grenades and some armour. Go back out. The next zombie is fun to play around with. I like throwing a mine on him, and then watch it explode, killing him. Ah, it's funny stuff. You wont need your mines again, so you don't need to bother about saving them. Run down more, and kill the next two zombie guards, then pick up the time crystal that was next to them. Now run to the left, and throw about 3 mines on the container, just about anywhere will do. Stay back from them when they go off, now once it is destroyed and the mission objective is complete, run back and you will see the time portal. Go through it and the mission is complete. *********************************************************************** CHICAGO *********************************************************************** OBJECTIVES - Rendezvous with your informant - Locate Time Crystal - Gain a nightclub pass - Eliminate Big Tony This guy is fed up all of this corruption and Big Tony in chicago. This guy is coming after him, to kill him because big tony has cost him just about everything, well thats what he says. This level actually gives you a silenced Luger! This is about the only place that you can get it, I think, apart from "Trouble at the docks" which is based in this level anyway. Now, lets just start the level, shall we. You start off with your temporal uplink, the silenced luger that I talked about before and also the vintage rifle. The vintage rifle is pretty much the same as the sniper rifle from the last level (same ammo, can zoom in, same power) the only difference is the scope and the look of it. Run out onto the little balcony. Look to your upper right to fund a guard walking about (sometimes he is stationary.) Zoom in on your Vintage rifle and shoot him till death. Jump down from the balcony onto the big shipping container which contains some sniper rifle ammo. You really ddidn't need it, because you only fired one or two shots. Ah well, more ammo can help. Now run off the ship (or so it looks like) by using the plank. Grab the dead guys ammo if you need to. Run up the stairs and look to the left. Shoot the guard going backwards and forwards, and look to your right to find a barrel. This is a whiskey barrel, and is part of your secondary objectives. Shoot it about 4 times. This wil cause whisky to come out of it.Once all of it is drained, that is one out of three whiskey barrels that have been drained. Two more to go, if you wanna do them. Run up the steps to your left and take them to the top. When you areat the window, look down and sniper the guard off below. It will break the window and kill the guard. Move along the walkway to the end, then go down the stairs. In the corner near where you killed that guard through the window will be a whisky barrel. Shoot it about 4 times and it will spurt out whisky, and thats 2 out of 3 whisky barrels that have been drained. Now head to the place nearly under the stairs, and go around the corner. You will now be outside. Shoot the guard in the back of the head here, and move outside to the right. Approach the phone in the corner, and press the action button. Thats your Snitch teling him where to meet you. He is by the newstand, whcih is near the hotel/pub building or whatever. Run up, and on the right will be a guard, shoot him in the head before he sees you, now run up and grab his Tommy Gun. Walk around the corner, and a new objective wil flash up on screen, it is "Prevent Tony's brother from escaping." The way to do this is to first get your tommy gun out. When he comes towards you, shoot the car afew times. When it gets smoke on it, just leave it, and it will crash itself around the last turn. On easy mode, you can't catch fire form it. I'm not actually sure about Normal or hard, but there are a few fire hydrants that have been shot, so you go under them to put yourself off of fire. Run back to where you were when you first seen Tony's Borthers car, and walk forward to see O'Learys. Run up and look to your right. Shoot the whiskey barrels 4 times once again. It will drain, and a secondary objective is complete (thats 2 secondary objectives done, but no primary ones.) Walk around O'Learys, and go to the guy by the newsstand. This is your informant. He will start walking, you need to protect this guy so that he doesn't die, cos you need information from him. THe first time I played this level, I accidnetly shot him. I though he was a bad guy. Anyway, if you spot an enemy with a gun, then shoot him. Watch out behind him also, as some guards do approach from behind. When you turn the corner, there is a sniper in the building by the Y type intersection. Shoot him before he gets good shots in on you. Most of the guards will aim for you, not him. Your informant will cross the road, and then go into the safehouse. Follow him in there, and on the table is the club pass. Grab it, and let Marco go. Two mission objectives have now been complete (two primary ones that is.) Now that you have got the pass, you can get acess to the nightclub. Walk out of the room, and then head to your right. Get your luger pistol back out if you haven't alreayd. Now you will be back on the street. Head left when you can see two ways to go (if you go to the right, it is a dead end, which you could probably see.) Follow the path along. When you have another way to go, head left. You will see a guard by a gate. Shoot the guard, and the sniper in the window and run up to the gate. Press the action button and it will opent he gate. This is why you needed the pass, so you could unlock the gate. Stick to the right wall and pull out your Vintage Rifle. Aim at the heads of the two guards by the door, before they see you. Fire at them both. Most likely when one of them gets shot in the head, the other one will become suspicious and notice you, so you wont be able to get a headshot in. Ah well, who cares, you shoot him afew times in the body with your luger pistol, and he will easily die. Now run up to where you killed them both and steal their weapons. As you get into the kitchen area, a message will come up saying that the Time Crystal has been located. This just means that your Temporal Uplink now has the loocation of the TIme Crystal. Now, head left. You can go into the tables section, but thtere isn't anything in there, so why bother? Follow the path around and downt he stairs and you will be outside again, and in front of a big door. Go to the door and press the action button to open it. On the right, by the wall will be one guard who will notice you as soon as you open the door. Kill him as soon as possible, then take the stairs (or jump) down. Open the fancy looking doors to the nightclub. When you get to the entrence part, a guard will come around the corner. Be ready to kill him. Now move on. You will get to a part with two glass window on the side. A guard will pop his gun around the corner and shoot at you. Be ready for him, and shoot first. This guy can be a pain on normal/hard. Turn the next two corners, and you will come to a place with a stairscase leading up, and then two stairscases coming off that that go to the upper right and the upper left. This is where you have to kill Big Tony. He will yell out "Fenton" and come down the stairs. Pull out your Tommy guns. This is why you had to save some of your ammo. Using the tommy gun to kill Big Tony is defenetly better than using the luger pistol. Just aim at Big Tony, and usually the auto aim will lock onto him, so just shoot and shoot and shoot, and you will see his health bar going down and down at the top right of the screen. Because of you firing and hitting him, he will be stunned, meaning that he cannot shoot you while he is being shot, which is good. Just keep shooting, and when he is dead, run up to his body and collect the Time Crystal. TimeSplitters will now spawn. I say don't bother about fighting them, just run to the Portal. If you want to fight them, then go ahead, just shoot the one TimeSplitter that spawns in usually the same place all of the time. They have Tommy guns as well, so they can shoot you and hurt you also. One you go into the TIme Portal, you complete the level. Onto the next level. *********************************************************************** NOTRE DAME *********************************************************************** OBJECTIVES - Rescue the Maidens - Make your way to the roof to escape Notre Dame - Retrieve the Time Crystal - Eliminate Jacque De La Morte If you like boss battls, scary music and lots of Zombies, then this level is really for you! There are two bosses that you have to fight in this level, but don't worry, on easy mode, they are bothof course really easy. It's just when you get to Hard mode that you will have some trouble. The only enemies in this level are Zombies, and Undead preists, as well as the bosses, of course. Your main objective in this level is to rescue the maidens that are being held Captive by Jacque de la Morte, some evil guy, and if you watch the opening movie, you will hear all about it. Also, if you watch the opening movie, take a look at the person that you play as, how wierd is she? She has like a circus hat with those Jester bells on it. I don't remember who the second player plays as, but that doesn't really matter. Okay, now finally on with the walkthrough. You only start off witht he Shotgun, and this will be your only weapon for about 60% or something of the level. You don't even get a machinegun on this level. Anyway, walk around the first few corners, and you will see a zombie. Sometimes he is up, and sometimes he is lying down. If he is lying down, walk up near the zombie, and he will get up. Then just walk backwards, put the crosshairs on (Default is L2, I think) and then the crosshairs will be aiming at his head, if you and the zombie are on the same level. If not, you can aim down abit, or wait until the zombie comes towards you. If the zombie is already up, well then just stay back and shoot him. Headshots will kill instantly, but remember you only get two shotgun bullets before you have to reload, so take cover and avoid the zombies while you are reloading, so that you don't get hit by the zombie. Walk up. Some zombies may look as if they are already dead, but thewy arn't. They are just lying on the ground, and when you get near them, thats the trigger to get up. They probably made it like this so that you can't get cheap shots from far away when you first see the zombie. Ah well. Turn left when you can, and wait for the next zombie to get up. Shoot him in the head, and then run to the end of this path. Now, if you look on your right, you will be able to see a lever. Press the action button once, and it will activate the lever. This will open a door. Press it again, and it will close the door. Run back, and head to your left, out through the broken bircks section, and into the sewer, not before killing the zombie. Go down into the sewere, and to the door that you just opened using the lever. When you get to the end of the path, there will be another door closed. Look on your left, and there will be another lever. Press action to use it, like you did with the other lever, and the door will open. Run up the stairs, and in the upper left corner will be some armour. It will give you a full amount of armour. Now run through the doorway on the left, and shoot the sewer zombie who is just under the stairs. Lead him back into the last room if you need to, where there is much more space. Run up the stairs. At the first platform, another zombie will spawn. Run back down the stairs and wait until you and the zombie are on the same level, and then shoot him in the head, and he will die. Two shots to the chest will also kill him, if you prefer to do that. Now run up the stairs. Take the stairs all the way to the top, and you will see a Shotgun right in front of you. Grab the shotgun, and move into the next room. Here will be some wine barrels. Move around the wine barrels, and as you do that, the door behind you will close. It will come open again in a minute or two, but you really don't need to go back down there anyway, so it can stay closed. Move around the rest of the wine barrels, and you will see planks of wood blocking where you need to go. Just walk near the planks of wood, and they will explode, and zombies will come out, and they are on fire. Run backwards to where the door closesd, and by the time the zombies are near you, they will die due to the fire. You can shoot them in the head as well if you want to, but there head is quite hard to see through all of that fire. Make sure that the zombies don't make contact with you, otherwise you will be put on fire, and start losing health. If you do get put on fire accidently (or purpously for that matter) there is a way you can put yourself out. Shoot the wine barrels, and water will come out. Stand underneath the water, and it will hopefully put you out, without too much loss of health. Run to where the planks of wood were. Follow the path along into the next room. Up ahead you will see a maiden. Run to her, but do not press the action butto to release her just yet. Kill the zombies that are around her. Once they are dead, press the action button to release her. Don't worry, you don't need to protect her anymore, she will defend for herself and run backwards. Continue on. Thats one maiden out of three rescued. Two more to go. Run around the corner on your right. Up ahead you will see another maiden. Ignore her for now, and look to your right. Shoot the lock on the door using your shotgun, and run inside the room and collect the armour if you need it. If you don't then you can come back to it if you want to. Now shoot the zombie that spawns outside. Run to the Maiden. When you are next to the Maiden, look to your right and you will see two zombies. Shoot them, and once they are dead, press the action button to release the Maiden, she will thank you, and then run off. Once again, you don't need to protect her anynore, unless there are zombies around. She will run away. Run around the corner, and on the right will be a satirscase, Shoot the zombie on it, and go up the stairs. Go up the next big lot of stairs, and take them to the top. A voice will come up saying "Time Crystal Located." Run forward. If you are doing co-op mode, one can go left and one can go right. To the left are a few undead priests who don't know that you are there. You can sneak up on one, shoot him in the head, then quickly shoot the others that are there. The Time Crytsal is on the little bench; grab it. Objective is complete. Now look back, and if you look up, you will be able to see the Maiden hanging off of a rope. The very first time I played this level, I shot the rope that the Maiden was hanging from, thinking that that would cause her to go to the ground, but if you do shoot the rope, she will die, because she fell from a high spot, even though there isn't any falling damage. Run towards the oppsoite end that you are at now. Grab the armour and shoot the Undead priest with the two luger pistols. Run up and grab the pistols, and then run up the stairs. take them to the very top. Kill the undead priest. Press action next to the ropes, and the Maiden will slowly be take to the ground by the rope. Run back down the stairs, and to the Maiden. Once you get to the Maiden, you have a new objective, and the Hunchback will come, along with Spawning zombies. Use your luger pistol, and shoot the zombies in the head. The Hunckback guy will also help you kill the zombies, but if you get in his way, be warned that he will shoot you, and you will lose health. Once all of the zombies are dead, head the opposite way of the Hunchback and the Maiden. Grab the armour, and the shotgun and make your way up the stairs. Take them to the very top. As soon as you exit the staircase, the door behind you will close, and it's time for your first boss battle. Use your shotgun for this. Keep on moving aroud the big portal daemon, and keep on shooting him with your shotgun. It doesn't matter where you hit him, most of the shots on him will do the same amount of damage. Just keep shooting and shooting. Just stay in one spot and shoot as many times before his attack. His attack are like missiles, and they do have a slight homing capability, remember slight only, so you will have no trouble avoiding them. If you keep on moving, he wont be able to get a lock on you, and his missiles will miss. This is a pretty easy boss battle. Just don't get hit by those missiles. When the portal daemon is defeated, he will fall down, causing your screen to shake a bit. Objective complete. Run around to the side with the supplies, and go through the doorway on your right. Open the next door and you will be outside. In this area are some undead priests that spawn. Each undead priest will take one shotgun bullet in the chest to die, two at the most, but one usually does the trick. The Splitters will take about 2 or 3 bullets to die. Once you get around the corner, you will find Jaqcue de la Morte. Just fire about 5 shotgun shells at him and he will easily die. Run back to the time portal and the mission is complete. *********************************************************************** RETURN TO PLANET X *********************************************************************** I really liked the Planet X from the original Planet X level from the original TimeSplitters. It was so big, and just fun to play. I wondered why they didn't put the Planet X level as an Arcade level in this one, it was really fun to play with rocket launchers and grenade launchers. This level is set in the future. This level is also quite small. It should only take you approximately less than 5 mintues to complete it. If this level had a timer, I bet people could complete it in less than about 3 minutes. Yes, that's how short it is! Ah well, this is also a fun level to play, because of the turrets and the fllods of enemies that come near the end of the level, but I will tell you more about that as we go on. Now, from the start of the mission, all you have is your Temporal uplink, because you just jumped out of a plane after defeating a U.F.O because you took a lot of damage. You will be fired upong by the U.F.O, so run and grab the sci-fi handgun and jump down the hole. You are safe from it's fire now. Take the first right (it doesn't really matter actually) and kill the first enemy. Run to the right and shoot the next enemy, and then turn to your left. You will see an enemy up top. Use manual aim, and aim and shoot at him. If you are having trouble with the manual aim, just use auto aim, although it will take more bullets. Run around and kill the next enemy and jump down into the hole. You have completed about 35% of the level, maybe even more. Run up and grab the armour, and then head to the right. A new objective will come up, saying "Repel the beach attack" as a new objective. Run back and grab one of the turrets. You get about 300 bullets and 10 rockets/missiles. All you need to do is to shoot the enemies that come, which is really fun to do with the turret. Mostly shoot them with the machinegun bullets, but for 10 of the enemies, you can shoot rockets at them. The rockets are slightly homing. Press action to get back off the turrets, and run up the hill, and to the left. Run towards where the lasers were. Run up and grab the ammo for the Plasma Autorifle. Grab the Plasma Autorifle ammo, and ignore the bees and go to the first path on your right. You are about 70% complete of this level. Run out and you will see a big U.F.O. Enemies will start coming towards it. It will shoot at anything that moves, including you, and even it's friends. Stay on top of the U.F.O and enemies will start to spawn. Help shoot them. After awhile, run unde the U.F.O and there will be a laser beam. Go into the laser beam and you will be transported to inside the U.F.O. Go through the big window section, and then move to your right. Grab the time crystal, and then run to your left and go to the Portal and the mission is complete. *********************************************************************** NEO TOKYO *********************************************************************** OBJECTIVES - Follow the hacker to the research area - Obtain the hackers Password - Retrieve the TIme Crystal - Deactivate the TimeSplitter machine - Eliminate the gang leader before she escapes - Escape through the Time Portal If you watch the opening movie, it looks like a rip-off of matrix moves. Ghost and that Hacker girl are like fighting. Ghost loses. Now, this level is a stealth level. I seriously hate stealth levels in First Person Shooters, because they are not made for stealth. Oh well, this is the only stealth level in the game. Actually, it's not fully stealth. About 60% of the way through the level, it wont be stealth, and you can kill at your own pace. Basically the story to this level is that the hacker that you have to follow has framed ghost for something, I don't know what, so you have to follow the hacker to find evidence. That's why this mission is a stealth one. First things first, if a camera spots you, they will alert the roit officers, who will come and attempt to kill you, because they think you are a criminal. Cameras can be hard to spot, so use your Temporal Uplink and dodge them, instead of shooting them. First of all, put away your silenced pistol, you wont be needing that on this mission, because you wont be killing anyone for awhile. Go close behind the hacker. Do not go past her, and do not shoot her. IF you shoot her, she will turn around and basically the mission is failed, same with letting her see you. Follow her closely. Where she goes; you go. Follow her along the path, then she will turn left. Ignore the civilian, he will not give your presence away, even if you are holding that silenced pistol in your hand. She will cross that little walkway as well, and head towards some stairs. Stay back as she heads down the stairs, otherwise when she goes down the first set, and then turn around to go down the next set of stairs, she will spot you. So stay back away from the stairs, and when she has gone down both sets, then run down them and you will be behind her again. Very quitely break the windows on your right. In here will be some sniper ammo, and of course a Sniper Rifle. If you shoot the glass, the hacker usually turns around and notices you. It even happened when I punched out the glass once, so it is better just to run through it, you don't lose that much health. She will stop by the road for a second, and start to look around. Get out your Temporal Uplink, and look to the right. You will spot a camera, and you will be able to see it's view. The only blind spit the camera has is underneath it, so go underneath the camera. Remember to stay away from the hacker. When you cross the road, make sure that you will be out of the cameras view when it turns back around to you. Stick to the left side. Because she walks, just move the left analog stick up a tiny bit (not all the way) and you will start to walk at about her pace. This is defenetly better than running faster than her. Break the window on the left, and grab some armour, and then follow the hacker around the corner, which is on your left. All of the camera's are out of the way now. After staning there and doing nothing for afew seconds, then she will go down into the sewers, follow her into the sewers. Now that you know where her hiding place is, if you fail the mission and have to start again, then just jump off the platform area you start on, head left and avoid the cameras, turn the next corner, and then the next on the left and you are at the alley where the sewer section is. You can hide in a bit farther. So you don't exactly have to follow her if you already know her hiding spot. The Hacker will go down a ramp. If you did what I said above, under the ramp is where you should hide, it is a great place, and press the duck button to stay crouched. Sometimes she will see you, but if you stay in the correct spot, she wont. It is very hard to do the above trick while doing two player co- operative mode. Anyway, follow her through the sewers some more, and she has led you to her secret hacker research facility thingy. The guard will open the laser door for her. That guard will then follow the hacker. The idiot forgot to put the lasers back on. Head through where the lasers were, but do not shoot the guy following the hacker. Instead, move into the guard room on the left. Press action to take control of the cameras. A new objective will come up on screen, which is to obtain the hackers password. Now, cycle to abput the 3rd or 4th camera, the one where you can see a computer in the upper right corner, and looks to be in a cave like section. Keep the camera on this, and when the hacker comes in and types her password in, you will see it. No more stealth is needed in this level. The obtaining the password from the hacker part is complete. Run out this guard room and look to your left. Get out your sniper rifle and then shoot the guard at the end of the hall in the head. Run up and collect her weapon. Go through the broken wall on the right, and you will be in the room where the hacker inputted her password. Run to the computer on your left, and press action next to it. Ghost will automatically put in the password, so you don't have to remember it, even though you can't really tell what her password was looking from the camera. Oh well. Once you press action next to the computer, then the door will open. A checkpoint will be reached. Run up the stairs, and the door should be open. If not, then run back down and input the password again, thenr un up the stairs. Pull out your silenced pistol, then turn to your left and shoot the guard. The door will open at the end of the hall, and most likely a guard will come out. Shoot him too. Run forward into the room where that last guard was, and grab the armour. Before leaving this room, you will notice that there are some lockers in here. Press action next to the locker on the left, and it will open and inside will be an SBP90 Machinegun. The best machinegun in the game, apart from maybe the minigun. Run out this room, and head to your left. Open the door, and head to your right, where another new objective will come up. It is Deactivate the TimeSplitter machine. Go through the door on your left. Which will lead into a big room, where you will see a TimeSplitter at the end, sitting on the machine. You cannot kill this TimeSplitter. When he throws electricity at you, just keep moving and you will dodge it. Stay to the left by the TimeSplitters machine, and then make a break for the power switch, which is on your right. Run over and press it. The machine will be deactivated. The TimeSplitter, though will still be active. Run back to the wall that you were hiding behind, and then shoot the hacker. She will cloak, and run out the room. Run and follow her. You have to follow her all the way to near where you used the cameras to obtain the hackers password. You can just see her when she is invisible. Keep shooting her with your SBP90 Machinegun, and you will eventually see her die, and leave behind the Time Crystal. Grab the Time Crystal, and keep on running. Go back outside, and head to your left. Shoot the rest of the uards, and you will see the Time Portal. Run towards the time Portal and go through it and the mission is complete. *********************************************************************** WILD WEST *********************************************************************** OBJECTIVES - Rescue Ramona from Jail - Eliminate the colonel - Retrieve the Time Crystal Ahh, A WIld West level, and Free Radical Design have really captured the Atmoshpere for this level, the sound are really great, the wind in the opening movie sounds realistic, as well as everything else about this level. This would be a really fun level if it was done for arcade, so many hiding spots. Anyway, you play as Elijah Jones in this level, and you have to basically find someone who was wronfully put in jail, rescue them, and then kill the colonel and retrieve the Time Crystal from his dead Corpse. Good enough story? This level is no walk in the park as well, it can get hard. You start off with the Vintage Rifle and also a Garett revolver. The Vintage rifle is basically an older version of the Sniper Rifle, although they look complete different and both have a different scope. The revolver is a classic Wild West weapon, as you will see in most western movies. Anyway, lets start the walkthrough. There really isn't many enemies at the start of the level, so really there is no threat of dying on easy mode. Try it on hard mode then, and enemies basically start from just around the corner. Run forward and look left. Aim the Vintage rifle up and shoot the guard in the head. Turn the next corner and run up and you are basically at the jail, next to the very first mission objective. A guard will come out of the Sherrifs office. Shoot him. On the right to the office will be a walkway, run to there and take the path around to the back. Look up high on the tower to find a guard. The guard is on that little tower. This level is where the Mexican Village is set on. Anyway, run to the left now, and you will see a TNT truck. You will see TNT boxes on the truck, shoot them and it will explode the truck, causing a hole to break in the back of the jail, and it will let Ramona Salsa out. As you can see, a new door has been opened, but you first must protect Ramona Salsa. Go back the way you came, and in the narrow path will be two enemies. Shoot them both they each take about two bullets to kill, so 4 bullets total. Now, after you are out of that section, let Ramona run back to the start. You don't need to help her anymore. Now, run to your right, and you will see where the new door that you just opened is. Head through the doorway, and look to your right. There are enemies hiding here, and will pop out and attempt to kil you. There is one hiding behind the wall on your upper left, and one on the right. Some more guards may come. A new mission objective will pop up, which is to rescue the girl in the bran, by putting out the fire. You don't get a fire extinguisher in this level, so you have to improvise. Run into the barn on your right and head up the stairs, where you will see the girl and the fire. What I don't get is why she can't just jump out the window. Anyway, above the fire are some water barrels. Put a hole in both of them, and water will start coming out, and put out the fire, and you wil have rescued the girl. If you happen to get put on fire, you can go under the water as well, and it will put you off fire. Jump out of the window, and look right. Now look to your left, and shoot the guard in the window. Now move up abit and look right. Shoot the guard in the upper window. Now move forward and run right, and you have now reached a checkpoint. Shoot the first guy on the left and take his duel Garett Revolvers. Run forward, and watch out, because a guard will pop out from the building on your right, and one guy is in a window on the building on your right also. Take there ammo and go into the mine. Just before you get to the tracks, look to your right. There will be some armour, so grab it. Now you are all prepared for battle. Push the cart, but don't follow it for now. It will go along the tracks, and blow up a hole in the wall on the other side. Run up abit, and you will hear the Colonel sayng afew things. Let his men come to you, and then kill them all. Wait for the Colonel's health meter to come up, then shoot him. Use your duel Garret Revolvers, and just keep on shooting him. Make sure you have a full clip in both, because if you have one bullet in one for example, and need to reload, then you can easily be shot. It is better if you ignore everything else here, and run along the tracks. Do not be shot off the tracks though, because you will die. If you need to, kill the enemies. Run into the mine that the cart blew up. It will look like you come to a dead end, because it is pitch black. Keep on going, and you will see the Time Crystal. Grab the crystal, and run back. TimeSplitters will spawn and try to kill you (of course.) Run back along the track, and ignore everything. This is an easy bit. Position yourself above the Time Portal, and then jump down, and you will hopefully land in the Time Portal. I died and half landed in the Time Portal once, and it counted as me completing the mission, so I was happy. Thats the end of the level. *********************************************************************** ATOMSMAHSER *********************************************************************** BEST. LEVEL. EVAR! This level is so cool! It is my favourite level in the whole game! It kicks ass, and it beats all over levels in the game. It is so fun. Anyway, this mission is one of only two missions where you have a Time Limit. About 80%, maybe even more, of the level is timed, so you will need to hurry. The Time Limit on easy is pretty reasonable, for example, you can get to the next bomb in short amount of time, but when you try it on hard mode, things get in your way, like better enemies, scientists on fire, and other little things that will make you throw your controller out the window. You play as one of the old TimeSpliiters 1 characters in this level. That person is Harry Tipper. I think from memory that there are only 10 originl cast (people from the original TimeSplitters) that are back in TimeSplitters 2. One of these people is Harry Tipper. You also see Captain Ash in the Aztec Ruins level, he was from TS1. The opening movie is basically a rip-off of a James Bond movie, and that is what makes it so funny. Tipper has been caught by Khallos, the evil guy in this level,a dn has been put on one of those table things, been tied up, and a laser has been turned out to cut him in half. He then escapes because of the laser, and blah blah blah. As you start the level, you see that the Laser is going Psycho. Stay out of it's way until it reaches the door. It will shoot the lock off of the door, so that you can escape from the room. If the laser hits you, it doesn't really do that much damage, but none the less, try not to let it hit you. Also, you don't get a weapon just yet, but you will get one in a minute. First thing is first. Run out the door, and grab the Teporal Uplink. Go to where Khallos was standing in the movie screen, and press the action button next to the camera contronl. Go to all cameras and turn them off by pressing trianlgle, and press action to go to the next camera. You will see your bomb time in the top right hand corner of the screen. When this reaches 0, the bomb will go off, and the mission is failed. Just thought I should let you know that. Don't worry, this isn't the total time that you have to disable all 4 bombs, it's just the time for one bomb. When you disable one bomb, the next bomb timer will come up. More time will be given for difficult bombs. Run towards the door, and press the action button next tot he switch to open the door. Run through the doorway, around the corner, and keep on heading forward. You will see a Henchman up ahead. He is usually looking the opposite way to you. Run up to him, and punch him once in the back, or head. He will die. Steal his weapon. Now look to your right, ans shoot the guard there. Run around and steal his weapon. Now run around to the Scientist, who will be ducking. If he doesn't say "I'll take care of that bomb for yer," then look back and shoot the guard who comes around the corner. When he does say the above, he will disarm the bomb, but he wont do it when enemies are around. You don't have to supervise him disarming the bomb; it will just be a waste of time. Run back around, and head the first path on your right, where a Henchmen came from. Your bomb time will be increased a lot. I'm not sure if it is the same every time, but while writing this, mine got extended to 4:37. Anyway, run to the next door and press the action button by the switch to open the door. Stand back and wait for the door to open. As it is sliding open, run through. The sparks will not hurt you. Go around the crates, and shoot the guar don the left in the head. Do the same to the next guard walking away, although two shots to the chest will kill them. Run forward and shoot two more guards, and steal their ammo. GRab the Deul Silenced Pistols, this will give you greater damage! Open the next (Wierd looking) door, and you will see another bomb and a scientist. Look to your left. Shoot the two guards here, and go back tot he scientist, who will now diffuse the bomb for you. Run forward, and collect the ammo left by the dead Hencman. Watch out, as more enmies can come around the corner. As you ener the section will the stairs in, look to your upper right and shoot the sniper before he shoots you. Go to the upper left corner and collect the Remote Mines in the Darkness. The remote mines you will probably only use in one section, which is the very last boss section, which you can fnd out more about near the end of the level. Now, just before the stairs is a vent; press action to stop the release of fire. Also grab the Fire Extiniguisher on the wall just as you came in. You will need this to put out fire (duh!). Run up the stairs. At the top will be fire. You need to put out this fire in order for the Fire Doors to open. Aim the Fire Extinguisher down at the fire, and shoot water out at it. When it is put out, the door will open. Quickly pull out your Silenced Pistol, ans wait for the door to fully open. Fire at the guard on top of the crate. The door will open just ahead of you and a Dark Hencman will pop out with a Soiet S47, also known as an AK-47. Also in the crate will be some Armour. I suggest that you still use your Silenced Pistols (x2) until you run out of ammo for them, and then use your Soviet S47. Watch out up ahead. There will be a lot of enemies, especially thoe Dark henchman with Soviet S47's. Try to take them out first, and then worry about the Hencman, who don't inflict as much damage. You will get to a section with two rooms; one of your left and one on your right. Go in the room on your right first. Press action to open the first door, and then the next door. Grab the Fire Extinguisher on the wall to yuor left, and then press action on the valve. Run back out this room and into the other room. Make sure all enemies in this little area are all killed, otherwise you will be shot in the back. Press action to take control of the crane. Move the crane over the bomb, and press the R1 button, and hold it to acitvate the magnet. Let go of the R1 button now, and then move the crane over to the right. You will notice that the bomb is "sticking" to the crane, that's because of the magnet. Move the crane over to the hole, and then press R1 again to drop it. Another bomb "Diffused." Move out of this room and to your left. Aim with your Sniper Rifle and the lens type thing of the Turret. Shoot that, and even though it will appear to still be working, it wont be. Move past it and kill the enemies. On top of the crates will be a Dark hencmen, remember to take him out first, then kill the other Hencman. Run forward, and two guards will pop out when you are in between the crates. Move back and shoot the both using your SIlenced Pistols (x2) or your Soviet S47. Keep on moving forward. Only one bomb is left to diffuse now. Grab the fire extinguisher on the wall to your right if you need it, and then run up to the fire. Get out your Fire Extinguisher (if you don't want to cycle throuh all of your weapons, then go to your inventory by pressing start, and select your fire extinguisher there, instead of wasting time getting it by cycling through your weapons.) Aaim down at the fire and put it out. Wait for the door to open. When it does, look left and shoot the sniper before he shoots you. Now run that way, and follow the path around until you get to the crates. The Henchman here haven't seen you, so shoot them in the head for a quick kill. Otherwise you can easily just shoot them afew times in the chest, and they will die. Shoot them all, and then run up to the door. The crate closest to the door switch will be open. It will have scientists in it. One of them will diffuse the bomb for you, and the timed part of the mission will be over. You have nearly completed the level. Now open the next door, and shoot the Dark Henchman. Move to your right and shoot the guards there. grab the armour over in the corner, and just by the wall on your left, throw all of your timed mines. All twently of them should be wated just by the entrance to the core. Throw them all down, but do not detonate them yet. You will see why in a minute. Once they are all down, move into the core area, but keep your view on those mines. Khallos will come around the corner! DETONATE THE MINES NOW! He will be sure to die easily. Now grab the Time Crystal, and shoot the incoming Scrouge Splitters. Now run to the left, right and forward and press action by the switches to activate the reactor. Keep starifng there to avoid the Scrouge Splitters' fire. Once the Reactor has been activated, run to the Time Portal, ignoring all of the Scrouge Splitters that come. There is just about an Infinity amount that come, so if you are bored, you can sit there killing them all. When you are ready go into the Time Portal and the Mission is complete. *********************************************************************** AZTEC RUINS *********************************************************************** I like this this level now. When I very first played the Aztec level in Arcade mode (which is based off of the story level, which is this) I hated it. The level just seemed a bit too much of a maze, whichI don't really like in levels. But, I have soon growed to like this level very much. I was playing the banana catching level, and was trying to get platinum, so I stayed in the level for like 30 minutes getting all of the routes down, so now I know the level off by heart, where to go and everything like that. Anyway, lets go on with the walkthrough, but not before I describe the opening movie. Captain Ash is running away from the Stone Gollem, and Captain Ash has the Time Crystal, but naturally, the bad guy has to end up getting it. The Stone Gollem chases Captain ash, and when he tries to jump over the edge, then the Stone Gollem grabs the Time Crystal, makes Captain Ash let go. Stone Gollem now has the crystal. There are a lot of cheeky monkeys in this leve. Most do not pose a threat to you, but once you get on farther into the game, those monkey's will start to kill you, by throwing exploding watermelons. If you do shoot a monkey, it will go on your Animal Cruelty section, which really doesn't mean much. You start off with the Luger Pistol, but that isn't the weapon that you will using for most of the level. You will get a Crossbow. The crossbow is great because you can light your bolts on fire, by going up to a flaming torch, the tip will light on fire, and it will set on fire whoever touches it. Also, you can re-grab the crossbow bolts, once they have killed someone, or even stuck into a wall. Just approach the crossbow bolt, and you will collect it. This means that you will probably nearly have a full supply of crossbow bolts all the time, so remember to collect them. Just remeber there is a limit to how many you cac carry. Walk forward. The first monkey will run off. You don't need to worry about him, he wont kill you, so you don't need to shoot him. Sometimes if a monkey takes two bullets to die, when you shoot them the first time, they will come up and punch you. This happened to me once on normal mode I think it was. Anyway, run up the ramp, and follow the path along through the cave. When you come out, look to the path on your left. You will see some monkeys. If you are cruel, go ahead and kill them all. They will run away from you after awhile though, so don't expect to kill all of those monkeys. Now, head to your left, where all of the surviving monkeys will run to. Follow them through the cave, and when you come out the other side, a warrior will be there. Kill him. Kill the warrior, and take his crossbow. Now run back to the flaming torch, and set the tip of your crossbow on fire. Run forward, and then turn right, and run down to the little dip. You will see a Wood Golem coming. This is why you needed a lit crossbow bolt for. Shoot the Wood Golem with your crossbow, and he will be set alight. Move backwards, and watch him fall to the ground and die. Now, move on. Turn the corner, and shoot the next warrior. Head right, and go up the stairs. Reload your crossbow, then light the bolts again (it isn't really nessecary) and then continue on. You will hear another Wood Golem being set on fire. Stay back and watch him as he dies. Now, continue on. Ignore the bees. Keep moving forward, then head to your left, and then up the stairs. Take the path around, and you will come up into a Pillar section. Here, there are a few Warriors, so kill them, and you will also notice a minkey throwing those things at you. Run up out of the pillar section. Go up the stairs on your left, and kill the monkey on top of the pillar. Now, run through the open door just ahead of you. Look right, shoot the monkeys if you want to, and then cross the bridge. Take the path along, then press the switch at the end. It will show you that a door has been opened. Run back across the bridge. Now, go to your right. The stakes are not there anymore. Now, follow the path along, and shoot the warrior. Head to your right, and follow the path back along, and you should be heading back to the start. When you get to the next intersection, head to your right, and a new door will now be open. Head through the door. A message will come up, saying "Time Crystal Located." Drop down the hole. Move forward through the cave, and when you come out the other end, you will reach a checkpoint, and a mission objective will be complete. Suddenly, the music will change to the Aztec Interior type. Move forward. Kill the aztec warrior on your right, the move around to your right. Run down the stairs, and if you are quick enough, you will be bale to see the Time Crystal being lowered down. Go underneath the stairs, and you will find a switch at the back; press it and a secret door will open. Run down the stairs, kill the monkey if you want to, and then look on your right. Grab the Time Crystal. Mission Objective Complete. This next bit can be quite difficult. Your new objective is to defeat the three Golems. Only two are in this area. There is an annoying monkey on the pillar, kill him if you want to. You have to press the buttons, which will open a trap door. Yu have go to try and make the Golems fall donw the trap door, so that they will die. Remember that the Golesm can use the switches as well (as they are on the ground) and if you fall down a trap door, you will die also, which is of course bad. Just try to get the Golem in the right place. Remember he will go straight to you. For Example: In the diagram below, because you are staning on the switch, the door will open, and the Golem will come straight for you, and he wil go down the Trap Door, and die. Do this to all three Golems. GOLEM ___ | | |___| YOU + SWITCH Two Golems are in the first area, and then there is one in the second. I recon that it is easier to kill them in the second area. Once the Golems are defeated, run into the second area, and go all the way to the opposite end. Look to your right, and you will see the Time Portal. Escape through it, and the mission is complete. *********************************************************************** ROBOT FACTORY *********************************************************************** If you are playing this level on hard, and you have completed it, you have the honor of beating the hardest level in the game. I think that is is about the same hardness as Atomsmasher, but other people think it is harder, or easier, etc. This level on Easy, though it, of course, easy. The opening moview shows all of these little bots being made by the Mechanist, he is the main boss of this level, he is also short, and speaks really wierd. He makes Sentry bots, and trains them to help him. The alarm will go off, and you, Gretel Mk II, will be entering his Robot Factory. As you start the level, you will realise that the alarm is going off. Stay here for a minute, and some Chassisbots will come. Shoot them with your Plasma Autorifle. My suggestion is to use your Sci-fi handgun for most of the level, use the Plasma autorifle near the end, but use your Plasma Grenades when you need to. Run up and collect there ammo, and more Chassisbots will spawn. Shoot them as well. Run to the left, and open the door on the left. Here you will find a laser. There are afew things you can do here. One is to just shoot all of the Chassisbots. The second is to run behind the crates, let the laser go past, then get to the scanner and set it to defensive mode. Setting it to Defensive mode will make it kill some of the Chassisbots. Then you can just finish off the rest of the Chassisbots. Now, run through the doorway, and head to your right. Go around the corner, and get to the controls to control the Sentry bot. Once again, there are afew things you can do here. 1) Take control of the Railbot, then hold up on the analog stick. It will move the bot through the lasers, destroying it and the lasers. 2) Get control of the railbot, move it up, then shoot the thing on the right side of the laser. It wil destroy the laser. 3) Just run through the lasers. 1 or 2 will do, but if you do number three, be prepared to lose some health. Run to the right first and grab some armour. Now run through where the lasers where, grab the Plasma Grenades and press the switch to extend the bridge. Run back, and a Chassibot will spawn. Kill him. Now run back and shoot the laser. Objective complete, which is to Gain Acess to the Inner Processing area. Run back to where ou started the level, keep going forward and go to the door on your right. Before you do that, kill all of the spawning Chassisbots before they kill you. Now go through the door. You will now be faced with a new enemy. I call these Pillboxes. hen there lid pops up, shoot them in the part that you can see because the lid popped up. Afew bullets there and it will kill it. You can also use a plasma grenade, but that is really a waste of a Plasma Grenade. Now open the door on the left, run up and shoot a Plasma Grenade on the back of the Sentry bot. Move backwards and let it explode. If it stuck to him, he will die. Now, shoot the railbot on the rails above you, then move forward. Do the same thing that you did to the last pillbos to this pillbox. Go through the door on you right, and do the same thing to the next pillbox. When you get into the next room, with the stairs, once you walk forward about 4 chassisbots will spawn. Shoot them all, and hide if you need to, and then fire a Plasma Grenade and watch it explode, killing them all. Steal all of their ammo, and now run up the stairs. Turn the corner, and run across the bridge. Once Chassisbot will spawn near the end. Shoot him. If you used your Sci-fi handgun, watch out, as bullets can easily fly back and kill you also. Another Chassisbot will spawn to the left at the end. Kill him, and then head right. Once you get around the corner, some "Things" will come at you. I don't know what they are called, so I will just call the "Exploders." Yeah, I know, a very original name. Anyway, keep moving forward, and down the stairs. This next part is going to need a bit of stealth to make it work properly, without you losing any health. You need to sneak up behind a Sentry Bot. Run up behind him, aim at the Sentry bot, and fire a Plasma Grenade. Make sure that it will him him. Once it sticks to him, stay back, and it will kill him. If it doesn't kill him, then finish him off using sci-fi handgun bullets, or plasma bullets. The other Sentry bot will most likely hear the dying noise. Run to the wall, then strafe out, and shoot a Plasma Grenade at him too. It should kill him, if not, do the same thing that you did before. Now, collect the laserguns, and run to your left, and open the door on your right. Shoot the exploder that comes at you, and continue around. Open the door out into the open area. Shoot the railbot up top, then move forward and shoot the Pillbox and the other thing in the midde. Grab the electrotool, and then run back. As soon as you get the Electrotool, enemies will spawn. Quickly switch to your Sci-fi handgun and shoot them all. Run back to the Electricity node, but go upstairs first. Now aim down at the node with the Electrotool, and keep on shooting it. It will eventaully overflow with energy, and be destroyed. The reason i said to stay upsatirs and do it is because enemies will all spanw down the bottom, and if you were down the bottom, you will have to face all of them at one time. Go out of there line of site, and let them come up to you. Then shoot them all. If you are uisng the Sci-fi handgun, once again remember to avoid the bouncing bullets. Once the enemies are dead, then the lasers will be opened, and you can go to te next area. Collect the Chassisbot's weapons also. Run around the corner, and wait for the two railbots to get near you. Then shoot them down. Run across and get the ammo. Now move to your right. The first enemy you encounter wil be like a Pillbox, but he will get up and walk. These things are really freaky. They were a nusicence in BWDTBG. Anyway, fire two Plasma grenades at them (make sure they stick) and then let them explode, and it wil die. Alternatively, you can just charge up a full laser beam, shoot it, and it will die. Whichever way, continue forward, and on your left will be another Energy Node. Keep firing your Electrotool into it to disbale it fully. Grab the armour next to the Energy Node as well, and then shoot all of the Spawning Chassisbots. About 3 Sci-fi handgun bullets should kill them easily. Move to the left, and turn the next corner. Grab the elctrotool ammo, shoot the railbots and also those Exploder things that will keep appearing. Once they are taken care of, then run up, and a checkpoint will be reached. Ignore the controls for now, then move forward and you will see one of those Pillboxes again. Wake it up, and then move back to the controls. Press action to use the Railbot, and then move it to the Pillbox and shoot it. Beats wasting your ammo. Don't worryl the pillbox wont be able to shoot you from where it is. Do the same to the next pillbox, and collect the Plasma ammo also. Now run forward into the next area and shoot all of the spawning Chassisbots. Grab their ammo, and collect the Armour from under the stairs. Run up the stairs now, and press action by the controls. This will move the Node out from the lasers. Pull out your Electrotool, and shoot the Energy mode to make it overflow with Electricity. Keep holding fire, and after awhile, it will overflow and blow up. More Chassisbots will spawn. Do what you normally do; switch back to your sci-fi handgun, or your Plasma Autorifle and shoot the spawning Chassisbots. Now, run to the left, and press action by the control pannel. In this room you can hear those Sentry bots. Pressing the control pannel will make the Energy Node move to the right. Before firing the Electrotool into the Energy node, use your Sci-fi Handgun to take out the enemies you can see. The reason to use your Sci- fi handgun is because you wont need that weapon again in the game, and you can easily get more ammo for it when more Chassisbots spawn. Keep shooting the Sentry bots you see. Auto aim should come into effect. Just keep shooting and shooting. Don't be afraid to use up all of your ammo here, but save your Lasergun ammo, and also your Plasma Autorifle ammo. You will use them in a minute. It can take about 12 Sci-fi handgun bullets to kill one of those Sentry bots, and if you have full ammo, then you can kill lots. Once they are dead, get out your Electrotool, and look to your upper right. You will see the Energy Node. Shoot the Energy Node with your Electrotool. Once that is done, more enmies will spanw. Use your Plasa Autorifle ot Sci-fi handgun to take out the Chassisbots, but use your Lasergun or Autorifle to take out the Sentry bots. You will know if any Sentry bots are alive, because you can hear there movement. Just a fun fact here, this area is where you Play in the Multiplayer Level. On the bottom floors are armour. If you need some, get it, if not, then continue forward and the lasers wil deactivate when all enemies are dead. You don't really need any more ammo for this level, apart from maybe 50 Plasma bullets, or some Lasergun ammo. Open the door, and it will say that the Time Crystal has been located. You have reached the Factory core, and now you have to fight the mechanic, who uses some big machine to kill you. I'm not sure what you exactly have to shoot here, but what I do every time is use explosives. All I do is shoot however many plasma grenades that I have left at the machine, make them stick, and then let them explode. Just fire them all. If you run out of Plasma grenades, use your Homing launcher. Move to the right and open the door and grab the Homing ammp. Now just shoot like mad at the machine. Keep firing, and it will soon be destroyed. Once that happens, you have completed an objective. Now run to either the second door on your left or right, and take the ramp to the top. Run to where the controls to the machine are, and grab the Time Crystal. Another mission objective is complete, all you have to do now is to get to the Time Portal. Reaper Splitters will appear, so shoot them, or ignore them. Run back down the ramp and to the Time Portal and the level is complete. ======================================================================= CHAPTER 3 - SECTION 3: NORMAL MODE WALKTHROUGH ======================================================================= *********************************************************************** SIBERIA *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= CHAPTER 3 - SECTION 4: BOSS FAQ ======================================================================= Note difficulty is on Normal mode. GUNSHIP ------- Level: Siberia Challenge: 4 (with my technique) Difficulty: Normal and Hard A very easy boss battle (on nroaml that is, it can be a real pain on hard mode.) Anyway, to trigger the boss, first you need to turn the power on to the elevator, so you can reach the top of the dam. Once you get to the top of the dam, move forward and kill the Military bots that you can see here. Now, when you hear the music starting to change, run to the turret, which should just be on your left. Press the action button to take control of the turret. Now, look at where the turret is facing, and the Military Gunship will come up, and start shooting at you. You have a limited supply of missile, but use them first. Press alternative fire to fire the missiles, and because they are homing, they will home into the enemy gunship, and it will take damage. Use all of your missiles first, and fire away. Once you have used up all of your missiles, then start shooting the normal bullets. You have plenty of these, so just keep firing at the Gunship, and it's health will end up going down, and it will be destroyed. While you are firing at the ship, enemies will come and shoot you while you are on the turret, so be careful and take time to shoot them also. BIG TONY -------- Level: Chicago Challenge: 3 (with my technique) Difficulty: All An easy boss. You fight this guy at the end of the Chicago level, and as I said before, he is an easy boss to deal with. First of all though, you need to grab the Duel Tommy guns in the nightclub area before fighting him. I think they can be found on the dead body on the second to last guy you kill before fighting big Tony. Once you have the Duel Tommy guns, run into the section where Big Tony is, and then pull out abit. Tony will say your name, then say other things to you. Stay back, and let him come down the stairs and stay in the middle. From here, blast him with your Deul Tommy Guns, and keep shooting him. This is better than using the One Tommy gun, but if you have explosives, it would make the level a lot more easier. Anyway, keep shooting away at him, and eventually his health will go down. Sometimes he will get stunned, and then you can just keep on shooting him, and remember to take cover if you need it. If you happen to run out of ammo (on normal mode) you can use the shotgun. If you run out of ammo on Easy mode, then you will have to resort to the Luger Pistols, and just finish him off. PORTAL DEAMON ------------- Level: Notre Dame Challenge: 4 (with my tenchique) Difficulty: All Another easy boss (come to think of it, a lot of them are quite easy, there ain't too many that are hard to beat.) Anyway, to get this boss, you have to be in the upstairs area. The downstairs area to this part is where you Grab the Time Crystal, and help the Hunchback and Maiden escape. Just run up the stairs from here, and the gate will shut behind you, and the music will suddenly change. On Normal mode, and hard mode probably too (I haven't gotten this far in hard mode) Undead priests will spawn. One one (I think) can spawn at a time. Use your shotgun here, and when the Daemon appears, just keep on shooting him witht he Shotgun. A lot of people say shoot it in the head, but I really don't think it matters where you shoot it, it will take the same amount of damage wherever you hit it. When it decides to fire those missiles, you can either hide behind a pillar (bad, because they can home in on you and go around the pillar, and sometimes even hit the pillar and cause some damage to you) or just keep moving and they should avoid you. Keep using your shotgun to kill them, as this will work faster, and kill the Undead Priests that spawn also. There is ammo around the other side if you need it, and when he is dead, your creen will shake, and he will end up dissapearing. You can now contine on with the mission. JACQUE DE LA MORTE ------------------ Level: Notre Dame Challenge: 6 Difficulty: All This boss battle in itself isn't really too hard, but what makes the part hard is that there are two bosses in the Norte Dame level, one being this guy, and the other being the daemon. Most likely you may have lost some health/armour from the Daemon, meaning you are low on it when you try to fight this guy. Before you get outside, in the rain, collect the ammo and stuff by the door. When you get outside, equiup your shotgun, and kill the Undead Pirests that spawn. They will be spawning all the time around here, so just run up, and try to ignore them unless they are in your way. Just keep shooting Jacque De La Morte with the Shotgun, and the force will blow him back, and stun him, so you can keep on shooting him. If you run out of ammo, use the Luger, and finish him. Remember to watch out for all of the Undead Priests that spawn around him, and when you are taking him out, strafe a lot to avoid some of the damage from the undead Pirests. THE COLONEL ----------- Level: Wild West Challenge: 5 Difficulty: All *Yawn* Another easy boss battle. This time, it is the Colonel in the Wild West level. You wont find this boss to the very end of the level. He put Ramona Salsa in jail, so you have to kill him before he kills you. When you get to the mine part, with the railroad tracks, first (line up the tracks on normal) and then push the cart. Let it go along the track and don't follow it. Grab the armour on the right, and you are preapred for the battle. As you wlk forward, shoot the enemies you see, and you will more than likely hear The Colonel syaing stuff to you, like "This is my Town law man" and "You will never take me alive." Walk up, and it can be hard to see which one is actually the Colonel. Just keep shooting them, and use your Garret Revolvers by 2 to take out the colonel. You have 12 bullets in a clip (6 in one gun, 6 in the other.) Try to have a full clip in both guns before fighting him, because, if you have 3 bullets in each gun, then you will most likely need to reload, and he will shoot you. Just keep shooting him with the Duel Garrett Revolvers, and he will eventually die. KHALLOS ------- Level: Atomsmasher Challenge: 2 Difficulty: All If you use my Tenchique to defeat this boss, it is really easy! If you don't use my way, well, of course it will be a lot harder. There is a really easy way to get rid of Khallos. The boss is just after the last bomb. Open the door, grab the armour and then head into the reactor section, or whatever it is called. Now. just as you turn the left corner into the reactor section, place all of your Remote mines. Make sure you have rmeote mines. You can get remote mines at the very first checkpoint, under the stairs in the black area. Anyway, place all fo the twenty (or however many left you have) down on the gorund here, and spread them out a bit. Once you have used up all of your twenty mines (don't detonate them yet) walk into the reactor section, but still be looking back at the mines you placed. Khallos will come. When he walks on your mines, detonate them by pressing the Alternative fire button, and the mines will explode, along with Khallos, and the boss will be defeated. How easy is that! You don't have to fight him, he is dead. If you don't have any mines left for some reason, and can't do the above trick, then you can just use your Soviets to kill him, but this takes longer than the mines trick. THE MACHINIST ------------- Level: Robot Factory Challenge: 6 Difficulty: All I, Spurisingly found this battle easy on Easy and Normal. A lot of people say that this is the hardest boss in the game, you know, stuff like that, but I defeated it with ease. Anyway, This boss is right near the end of the level also. As soon as you complete the obejctive that is something like "Find the Factories Core" you will be put in an airlock room. You will hear machine nosies. As soon as the door opens, you will be put in the room with the Mechanist. He has control of a big machine. Defeating this is easy, but watch out, as he has arms with Gadgets on the end that can hurt you. Sometimes you can get hurt from it, but not lose any health. What you have to do is just keep shooting it with explosives. Firstly, if you have any Plasma Grenades left, then shoot them all over the machine. On normal mode, I don't think you will have that many Plasma grenades left, if any, because you need them a lot throughout the level. On easy mode though, you should have a few, so just shoot them all over the machine. Now, use your Homing Launcher. Run to the right door to get more ammo for this, and don't worry, it will respanw. So keep on firing at it with explosives, and it will end up being destroyed. _____________________________________________________________________ /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ | CHAPTER 4: ARCADE MODE | \---------------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================================================= CHAPTER 4 - SECTION 1: ARCADE CUSTOM GUIDE ======================================================================= SETTING UP A GAME ----------------- 1. Choose "Arcade" from the menu 2. Choose "Arcade Custom" from the Arcade type menu 3. Choose the Arcade Pace (eg, Frantic) 4. Choose the game mode you want to play (eg, Deathmatch) 5. Choose the level you want to play (eg, Hangar) 6. Choose the variables listed below 7. Choose a weapon set (eg, Neon) 8. Select a Bot set (eg, Sidekicks) 9. Press go 10. Choose a character, handicap and team VARIABLES --------- variables are things that you can change. SCORE LIMIT Select what the limit will be, when it is up, the macth will end. TIME LIMIT Select the time limit for the match, when the time is up, the match wil end. ONE SHOT KILL Select yes if you want enemies to die in one hit. You do also, so be careful. BLOODLUST Select how fast your blood will go down. High means it goes down faster. HANDICAPS If yes, you can choose from different handicaps. The higher, the more health. CHARACTER BTY If on, characters have different speed/health/accuracy. If off, only dif will be size and look. DISPLAY RADAR If yes, you can see where other enemies/friends are on a radar. FRIEDNLY FIRE If on, and you shoot a person on your team, he/she/it will die. If off, they don't. START W/ GUN If on, when you spawn, you will always start with a gun. If off, you don't and have to find one. MUSIC Choose what music you want for the level. Rec. is always the default music for the level. WEAPON SELECTION ---------------- You can select your weapons before play. SOme of the setups are as folling: Recomended Fire Starters Retro Neon MapMaker Custom With custom you can select your own weapons. Press square to lose a weapon, and X to add. BOT SETS -------- CLASSIC: Impersonator Badass Cyborg Chinese Chef Duckman Drake Gingerbread man Insect Mutant Robofish Harry Tipper Captain Ash Gretel Mk II LEADS: Ilsa Nadir Jake Fenton Viloa Hank Nova Ghost Elijah Jones Harry Tipper Captain Ash Gretel MK II Sgt Cortez SIDEKICKS: Gregor Lenko Lady Jane Mr Underwood Candi Skyler Chasity Ramona Sosa Kitten Celeste Jungle Queen R-109 Corp. Hart HARIY FACES: Harry Tipper Gregor Lenko Hatchet Sal The Master Mr Underwood Monkey Hector Babaso The Colnel Jebidiah Crump Leo Krupps RECCOMENDED: Lt Frost Trooper Brown Capt. Night Sgt. Wood Lt. Shade Sgt Rock Private Grass Lt. Bush Trooper White Lt. Shade MISFITS: Henchman Aztec Warrior Ample Sally Mister Giggles Riot Officer braces Drone Splitter Bear R one oh 7 The Cropolite THE LIVING DEAD: Feeder Zombie Hybrid Mutant Sewer Zombie Crypt Zombie Sgt. Slate GAME TYPE DESCRIPTIONS ---------------------- Deathmatch - Players fight against each other. Whoever gets the most kills wins. Team Deathmatch - You, and some people on yuor team fight against other teams to see who can get the most kills. Capture the bag - Try to capture the other teams bag and bring it back to your base while defending your bag at the same time. BagTag - Try to hold the bag for longer than the other competitors. Run over bag to pick it up. Regeneration - Health regenrates after a certain amount of time after being hit. Leech - Damage you inflict on other enemies increases your health. Don't be afraid to use explsives. Flame Tag - Don't get caught on fire. If you do, run into someone to give them the fire. Virus - Like Flame Tag, but once you are on fire, you stay on fire forever. Be the last person not on fire. Gladiator - Be the gladiator and kill for points. Kill the gladiator to become the gladiator. Theif - Only coins left behind by dead enemies count. Collect them, and try to steal other people's kills. Shrink - The higher the rank you are, the taller you are. The lower, the shorter. Monkey Assisstant - Monkeys will be beamed in now and again to help the losing player. Zones - Secure the 4 zones, and wait and they will give you points. Try to stop other team scoring points and getting zones. Assault - Lead an attack on the enemy base to do different objectives and capture the enemy base. LEVEL DIFFERENCES ----------------- Turrets means does the level have any guns, any time of guns, like Minigun cameras, turrets, etc. Water means can you put yourself out if you catch on fire. Capture the bag means does the level have CTB mode. Assault means does the level have assult mode. LEVEL TURRETS WATER GLASS CTB ASSAULT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mexican Village - X - X - Ice Station X - X X - Hospital - X - - - Training Ground X - - X X Aztec - - - - - Scrapyard - - - - X Nightclub - X X - - Hangar - - - X X Robot Factory - - - - - Ufopia - - X - - Chinese - - X - - Chasm - - - - - Streets - - X X - Compound - X X - - Circus - - - - - ======================================================================= CHAPTER 4 - SECTION 2: CUSTOM SCENARIOS ======================================================================= Bored? Try these custom scenarios out, that I made myself. LASER SKIRMISH -------------- Name: Laser skirmish Speed: Frantic Mode: Deathmatch Level: Scrapyard Score Limit: None Time Limit: 10 minutes One hit kill: No Character abilitys: Yes Display radar: Yes Handicaps: Yes Start w/ gun: Yes Weapon set: Custom 1. Lasergun 2. Lasergun 3. Lasergun 4. Lasergun 5. lasergun Bot set: Sidekickis KNOCKOUT PUNCHOUT ----------------- Name: Knockout Punchout Speed: Frantic Mode: Elimination Level: Training Ground Lives: 1 Time Limit: None One hit kill: Yes Character Abilities: Yes Display Radar: No Handicaps: No (Doesn't make a difference) Start w/ gun: No (Doesn't make a difference) Weapon set: Custom Bot set: Living Dead ICE COLD CAPTURE ---------------- Name: Ice Cold Capture Speed: Normal Mode: Capture the bag Level: Ice Station Time Limit: 5 minutes One hit kill: No Character Abilities: Yes Diaply Radar: No Handicaps: Yes (+5) Start w/ gun: Yes Weapon set: Custom 1. Sci-fi Handgun 2. Plasma Autorifle 3. SBP90 Machinegun 4. Minigun 5. Lasergun Bot set: Custom All snowmen 8 Active 5 on team red 3 on team blue You: Snowman, Team blue PAYBACK ATTACK -------------- Name: Payback Attack Speed: Normal Mode: Team Deathmatch Level: Hospital Time Limit: 5 Minutes One hit kill: No Character Abilities: No Display Radar: No Handicaps: No Start w/ gun: No Weapon set: Custom 1. Plasma Autorifle 2. Luger Pistol 3. Shotgun 4. Tommy gun (x2) 5. Shotgun (x2) Bot set: Custom 1. Big Tony, 5 star, team red 2. Jacque De La morte, 5 star, team red 3. Sadako, 5 star, team red 4. The Colnel, 5 star, team red 5. Machinist, 5 star, team red 6. Reaper Splitter, 4 star team blue 7. Scrouge Splitter, 4 star team blue 8. Drone Splitter, 4 star team blue 9. Riot Officer, 3 star, team yellow 10. Corp. Hart, 3 star, team yellow DOMINATION ---------- Name: Domination Speed: Normal Mode: Zones Level: Streets Time limit: 5 Minutes One hit kill: No Character Abilities: Yes Display Radar: Yes Handicaps: Yes (+1) Start w/ gun: No Weapon set: Custom 1. Silenced Pistol (x2) 2. Shotgun (x2) 3. Soviet S47 (x2) 4. Remote Mines 5. Rocket Launcher Bot set: Custom 4 Riot Officers 2 Reaper Splitter 2 Drone Splitter 2 Scrouge Splitter 4 officers on red 6 splitters on blue You: Riot officer (team red) BIG BANGS --------- Name: Big Bangs Speed: Frantic Mode: Regeneration Level: Hangar Time Limit: 10 Minutes Score Limit: None Teamplay: No Character Abilities: Yes Display Radar: No Handicaps: No Start w/ gun: Yes Weapon set: Custom All rocket launchers Bot set: Hairy Faces ======================================================================= CHAPTER 4 - SECTION 3: GAMEFAQS USER PLATINUM TIPS ======================================================================= Thanks to all GameFAQs authors for submitting information to this section. Without them, this section wouldn't exist. These are all posted on the GF message boards, and been put into this FAQ. Silent but Deadly - By Psycold You must be dead-on with your sniping skills because this platinum depends on you being able to take out the targets in the first portion of this Challenge with extreme accuracy and speed. With that said..... Shoot the guard on top of the stairs, hit the camera, kill the male soldier between the two buildings, followed by the female soldier to the left. Now you have to take out the white guard who patrols on the ground by the bottom of the stairs. You'll have to snipe him in between the steps of the staircase, and you'll have to hit him last because he won't show up until about the time that you should be done sniping the female soldier. Once you snipe that last guard, check the timer. If it's still on 1:46, you should be good to go. This puts you in perfect timing with that last camera, so that when you throw your mine and come around that corner on the wall you won't get spotted. Go up the stairs, hit the switch, get the mines, go left out the door and back towards the camera. This is the hardest part for me, you have to have your aim ready and as soon as that plywood plank is out of your way, toss the mine. The first toss has to be good, otherwise the dish won't be destroyed in time. As you throw that mine, hug the wall underneath the camera, then run around the right side of the small shack, down the stairs and you're there. Now for the alternate, by Majic2002: As soon as the mission starts, I ran forward and got only the sniper rifle and immediately switched to it. I first took out the guard on the 2nd floor of the Comm. building, and then the camera to the right of him. Then I ran out of the alcove, took out the guard walking towards you between the two buildings, and strafed left until I was lined up with the female guard. I took her out, and then headed for the fence. I hugged the fence until I could see the 2nd camera and took that out as well, then continued strafing left. Usually, when I reached the back of the stairs, the guard had his back to me and was at a distance that I could just hit aim real quick and pop one in his head. I always shot him though. Then the rest is the easy part. Head up the stairs, open the door (you can actually do this from about 2/3 into the room, it's really easy to hit) then drop into the mine room. Part of the trick here is to hit the activate button in mid-fall to open the door, and quickly back into the shelves w/ the mines and then run out. Get the mine on the dish from mid-run, and I was out. I think my overall time remaining would be something like 1:14 to finish, and it was near 1:27 when I was at the top of the stairs to the comm. building. Getting the sniping down is key though, being able to do it quickly and accurately while taking almost no time to aim. Alternative, by Katzztak for infiltration, i never had a problem with it. (do this all with a sniper rifle) first take out the guard on the upper level by the door, and then the camera to the right of him. snipe the guys walking between the two buildings and then strafe left over to the fence to snipe the girl guard. the run to where the stairs go up, and snipe the guard patrolling there before he sees you. then open the door and head for victory! you MUST get all head-shots for the guards. the whole level should cost you only 5 bullets for the sniper rifle. Men in Gray By majic Alright, here's a strat. for Men in Gray. This stage gives people problems on SILVER, so this could come in handy to anyone... - The first thing to make sure of is that you start either on the top of the ramp closer to the exit, or on bottom in front of the exit. Restart until you start here. You need to be lined up for an immediate run. - Forget weapons, just leave the building. As soon as you reach the front of your shelter, turn right and head up the ramp that you probably never noticed. Pick up the Homing Launcher (a must for later), the minigun, and the armor and drop down off the ledge. You now have all the weapons and armor you will need until the very end, so don't bother picking up anything else. - From the side of the building you dropped off of, head slightly left and forward in between the sloped rock slab and the boulder/rock formation to the far right. If you pick up another homing launcher, you've gone too far right. If you're getting shot by an autoturret, you're too far left. You should be perfectly lined up with the leftmost autoturret in the canyon. If you can run and shoot the minigun accurately, take it down. If not, don't overheat your gun or you're dead. - Once you enter the mouth of the canyon, take down as many Lawyers as possible without slowing or aiming. Just aim into the cloud of them and fire. They should all be in one cluster if you're on time, so you should be clear from here on up. Take down the one or two who reappear around the waterfall without breaking stride, and turn and head up. Objective A complete - Middle ground taken. You should have about 65-100% health left, and maybe no armor. You won't need much health after here. - Again, if your aim w/ minigun is good, hit the autogun on top of the rock. If not, don't worry about him. - Now you'll enter the clearing. Aim towards the lawyers shack and hit the barrel just outside the front of it (the one kind of to the right and way back) then turn left and hit the other one straight ahead of you. Hug the left wall and strafe with your back to it, and nail the barrel inside the crumbling structure. Then turn left and hit the one against the back wall. Now, turn right again and enter their outermost shelter. - Head up the ramp and nail the barrel on the roof, then turn left and grab the armor before dropping down and nailing the barrel that's in the alcove. Objective B complete - all barrels destroyed. Your time should now be about 47, 48 seconds. If so, you're almost there! - Now, go around the front of their shelter and turn right, entering it. Head to the hall to the right that leads to their computers and arm your homing launcher that you still have. Once you can see the computers, launch the Tri-Volley (Alt. Fire, L1) right into the center of it. If accurate, this destroys all of them to the back. Immediately after launching the volley, turn left and fire one rocket into the mainframe under the ramp. If your rockets were all on target, congratulations, you've gotten platinum on Men in Gray! If not, and your time was around 1 min - 1:05, you just need to work on it once or twice more and you'll get it. The key to this mission is getting it on only one run, not overheating your minigun at any time, and being fast and accurate with the minigun while running. If you can do that, it won't be too difficult. Once you're passed the waterfall, the hardest part is over. Your allies aren't totally useless, so they should help free things up for you a bit in the entrance to the alcove. If you need any further tips, let me know. This one isn't that bad once you get this run down. GOOD LUCK!!! Alternative, by Decain Swain Oh, and here's a few tips on Men In Gray or other Assault Missions: - Never go straight through the middle (the canyon in Training Grounds, field in Scrap yard) and always stay to the sides. - Don't stop to aim at turrets. Run and shoot, but watch out for bots. - Always grab armour and plot a route that takes you to the biggest gun you can find. - Avoid large clusters of enemies wielding large weapons, unless you have no choice. On the melon Monkey one.... By Rooster349 There is a sweet spot in which all monkeys will intersect. It is a tad to the left of the middle of the arena. When you find the spot, zoom in when a monkey comes, and shoot when he's in the vicinity. If you find the spot, no moving should be needed. Get 3000 points to get a shiny trophy. what you do is DON'T shoot the watermelon from the left entrance as soon as it comes out... you have to wait for it to go all the way to the right, then turn, and then head back to the left again. Alternative, by ryanzb what you're trying to do is get as many monkeys as possible in the middle ground, because the more watermelons you shoot within a short period of time, the higher the bonuses you get (50 for the first watermelon, then 150 for the second, then 250, etc...) this is the key to getting platinum (just got mine a while ago). the first time i tried the challenge, i immediately shot the watermelon carried by the monkey from the left entrance. this is completely wrong. as with the other monkey challenges, you have to earn combos to eventually get that plat. so you have to wait a while and let the monkeys clump in the center before attempting to shoot any watermelons. that way, you can chain your shots into combos, and not shoot them one- by-one. hope this helps. "Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time" By Leviathon - 59.6s - Run past the two guys on the floor of the corridor, and the two coming around the corner. Shoot at the ones coming out the doorway opposite to knock them back, and run past. Run straight through the next two rooms, and turn right then left into the large room with the beds. You should reach here at about 26 seconds; before the fire guys appear. Go straight through and up the stairs and avoid the flaming guy, or shoot him down, but do not slow down. Go around the bend and straight ahead. Shoot the two in the doorway once or twice to get them out the way, and get the guy around the corner with the shotgun. Then for the next set of flaming guys. Start off on the left of the room, then strafe over to the right in the middle, behind the first flaming guy. Shoot the second flaming guy and strafe back to the left around him as he approaches. You should be able to get past them both without slowing at all. Go around the bend and grab the skull, then quickly turn back and left 180 degrees to drop off the ledge. You can save a good second of time just by getting that turn and drop correct. The passageway back to the portal should be directly in front/front left of you. Run through it as quick as, blowing away anything directly in front of you. Take out the shotgun guy if he comes around the corner at you. Bear in mind that all of this basically has to be done at full tilt, no slowing at all. It'll take a few tries to get it down to under 1 minute. Alternative, by psycold: I was having trouble getting the platinum in Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time by falling off the ledge that the skull was on and heading back to the portal, and I found a route which ended up working for me. Here's an alternate strat for the last section of that level: As soon as you grab the skull, go back through the doorway you came in to get it. Turn left, go left around the corner, and then take the right back into the large room with all the beds (where the two flaming zombies were), head to the far end of the room and take a left, followed by a right around the corner. Take the immediate right into the doorway which leads out onto the large pad that you can jump off (this large pad is the one with the shotgun in the Burns Department Virus level). Head straight off that ledge and the portal is directly in front of you. Im Ugly But you smell. *iis that what its called??* Run and crab the nearest dual pistols. and then run up and out side past the fountain to the building with the ladder. Climb up the ladder and go to the LEFT side of it and crouch aimed at the ladder. if you stay the computer will keep trying to run up the ladder at an angel and keep falling off.he wont have time to get a decent shot off at you. just find the spot he falls off at and shoot him everytime he tries to get up. i did this and he didnt even hit me once. R109 Beta I got my platinum on the R109 Beta level using a strat that's very simple, but can take a few tries to pull off. As soon as you become Gladiator, get down in the underground tunnels. There is a three-way "T" intersection that has a spawn point for a Homing Launcher, grab it and stay there. Monitor all three paths using your radar so that you get the first shot on approaching enemies, and just take 'em out. They'll flock to you, so don't get excited and leave the area, you need to keep getting those Homing Launchers so you can nail enemies around the corners of the tunnel. I'll state again something I've said before, many of these levels have a factor of luck involved with being able to get platinum. If the enemies don't spawn close enough, or take their time meandering around the level before coming to you, there's really nothing you can do about it except for leaving your position..... but that screws up the strategy at hand. Keep at it and you'll get platinum with minimal effort, and a lot less stress than running across that whole level trying to make your kill count in time. Top Shot By Majic 2002 Top Shot...oh my God, no other platinum has given me so much trouble! I STILL can't get this one, even after spending HOURS on it! My best time is 1:13. I'm maybe hoping that 1:05 will do it, but I doubt it. How the heck are you supposed to do this one in under a minute? It wouldn't be so bad if the bots would kill some people too, but it seems like it's all on me! UGH!!! Now Scrap Metal... I can't exactly remember very well, but is that the one where it's just you and the Chassis Bot in the Scrap Yard? If so, that one is pure luck. If he appears even ONCE in any of the inside points, restart, you're screwed. You really need to get the timing of him down on this one, because he runs a lot of the same routes. This is important because he's so damn hard to see! So, for me anyways, it was more of a game of chance... seeing where he was on the radar, and pointing and shooting off a charged laser shot. 9/10 times I connected somehow. You'll know you have a good run if you can get about 7 kills by 45-48 seconds. I think a time under 1:05 is good for plat. Rely only on the laser and the electrotool though, they will drop him quickly. It's nice if you both start near the door on the far side, you kill him, then grab the damage powerup for some quick hits. But, like I said, this one depends really mostly on where he spawns. It frustrated me more times than I'd like to remember... Playing with fire By snooozer bleh, be careful when trying for the Playing With Fire Platinum. there's a nasty nasty glitch which can result in you getting a Platinum, but the game not saving it, and then being impossible to ever get the Plat on that level. so you might want to make a backup of your file if possible, or even 2 backups, before you attempt Platinum on that level. as for the best route to take, well I've been meaning to write a walkthrough for Playing With Fire so here goes. grab the banana right in front of you and bear left around the corner. grab the 2nd banana and take your first immediate left. grab the banana in the middle of this area and take an immediate right turn, into the area with all the columns. you'll walk over another banana at the entrance of the area with the columns. walk straight ahead and grab the banana right in front of you, then strafe right to get another banana, then strafe back left to get another banana. that takes care of the 3 bananas in the middle of the columns. keep walking forward and strafe right to get a banana in front of the next column, then walk straight ahead to get the last banana in this area, and turn left out of the area. turn right to follow the path. at this point you should have 9 bananas. like I said, follow the path, 4 bananas on your way. when you get to the bottom of the stairs right before where that 4th banana is (your 13th banana overall), make a left turn. walk straight ahead and grab the banana there, then turn or strafe right to go up the mini-set of stairs and grab another banana, then you'll fall down on top of a banana thats in the middle of the path, and keep going straight to follow the path. you should have 16 bananas at this point. stay on the path until you reach a clearing. at this clearing, you'll see a bunch of bananas. the best route to take here is to grab the banana thats directly in front of the large stone column, and keep going straight to grab a banana that is in the far corner straight ahead of you. as you grab the banana in that corner, you should already be turning right and strafing left. grab the banana that's there, and walk straight while kinda strafing right to get another banana right in front of you, then another banana on the other side of the small tree. now walk straight and grab 2 more bananas directly in front of you, take a right turn then a left turn right after that to grab the final banana, which is directly in front of a little barracade. that's definitely the best route to take. I've been able to get 24 bananas with 5.0 seconds remaining using that route. just remember to make sure you check out the Playing With Fire Platinum Glitch topic before you even attempt a Platinum on this level, otherwise you may have to make a whole new user profile and start over. hope that helps. Elite League Capture The Bag - Bags Of Fun By Psycold Looking out from your base towards the bridge to the TimeSplitters' base, there are a bunch of pickups. They're arranged as follows: To the far left, in the little fort, there is a full armor (blue) and a Homing Launcher pickup. Then (from left to right, starting outside of the small fort) there's a speed icon, a half armor (red), another speed icon, a shrink icon, and then a third speed icon. Further to the right of the third speed icon is another small fort, this will bring you back behind your base if you were facing out towards the bridge. This second fort has another full armor and a regular rocket launcher in it. The routine goes like this: Run out to the left fort and grab the full armor and the Homing Launcher (important!), then grab the speed icon outside the fort and make your way to grab the Splitters' bag. On the way back, your bag will probably have been stolen, so make sure you take out the carrier with a well- placed Homing Rocket and secure your bag. Get up to your bag and score. The second time out, run to the right of the bridge and grab the speed icon there. You can also grab the shrink if you feel like it. Head across the bridge, grab their bag and make your way back to your base the same way as the first run. You'll want to repeat this cycle until the end of the match. If your armor/health is getting low, you can always take the right route with a slight modification. Grab the speed icon closest to the fort behind your base, run in there and grab the armor and Rocket Launcher, make your way back and grab the shrink icon and speed icon on the right side of the bridge and then continue the cycle as before. There are a couple of important things in this run to keep in mind that help make this level a hell of a lot easier: Make sure you're grabbing the Homing Launcher, you'll need to make sure to kill any Splitters that have your bag and secure it, otherwise you cannot score. The Homing Launcher makes it much simpler because if it's on target, it's a guaranteed one hit kill. You don't want to waste time trying to take them out with the Plasma Autorifle. Don't be afraid to hit that fort behind your base if needed. The two speed icons on the right side of the bridge are put there for a reason, if you grab the one closest to the fort and then the other on the way to grab the Splitters' bag, you really don't lose much in the way of time, and it keeps your speed boost going. Plus it keeps your armor up, which you'll need to make sure you get back to your base alive so you can score. Keep the red half armor in mind also, on the way back you'll be getting slammed more often or not, and going off to the right of the bridge to grab it on the way back to score kept me from getting killed many times. Lastly, familiarize yourself with the layout of the level so that you can just jump out of one of the top windows on the third floor of your base after you score. If you know which way you need to head out, and know which window to jump out of to put you in that direction, it cuts down on both time and confrontation. Elite League Assault - Nice Threads First of all, full credit goes out from me to Darbura, who first told me about using the Laser Gun's secondary shield function to keep from getting harmed by the thread laser turrets. This is the key to getting through this level with a smoking time. At the beginning of the level, run to the far left corner of the level (you might start out here) and grab the Laser Gun. It is directly behind one of the big, metal, cylindrical pieces of scrap that are sunken into the ground all over the place here. This is the only weapon you will need to pick up for the entire run. Immediately make your way to the right side of the map, and proceed towards the laser turret that's in the upper right corner. You'll want to conserve as much laser charge as possible, since you'll need to use it in a couple of spots. If the turret is not targeting Leo (you'll be able to see it firing off to the left), use the large metal frame made of steel beams that is sticking up out of the ground as cover to keep it from damaging you. At the last second, put your shield up and make your way towards that turret. With your shield still on, aim and fire at the turret, destroying it as fast as possible so you can conserve your laser charge. This is the only thing you will need to destroy in this level. As soon as it's gone, turn your shield off, and hug the wall in front of you as you make your way to the doors leading into the airlock. As soon as you get close enough to trigger the doors to open, turn your shield on again and run straight past the two laser turrets. Once through the second door, immediately turn left and down the hall to trigger the first objective's completion. Haul ass down the hall, and strafe past the first laser turret with your shield up to avoid taking damage. When you get to the large square room with all the laser turrets, strafe past (with your shield up) each of the open sections that expose you to a shot from the turrets. Getting this part down may take a few tries, you'll have to learn the sweet spot for positioning your shield so that it sbsorbs the thread lasers. You may get hit a few times, but not enough to warrant any hesitation on your part, keep moving down and around this room. When you come to the corner that leads into the cooling tank area, strafe in and out of the doorway once to trigger the rocket turret directly in front of you to fire..... and miss. As soon as it misses, run around that corner, stick to the far right side of the walkway so that the other rockets it fires miss too, and take the second left. Run forward and up the stairs, down the hall, grab the shield and proceed forward to trigger the second objective's completion. ***** If you die before triggering the second checkpoint, or if you encounter any Sentry Bots which have respawned in front of you, restart. If you make it up to this point without any bot confrontations, and without losing a life, you will be free to die a few times while trying to get the last leg of this level completed. When you enter the room with the two rocket turrets (one in front of you and one behind you), dodge right and then left to get through without getting blasted. Continue through, when you get to the part with the long grate walkway that "T's" off at the end, go to the right. The turret to the left (which will be behind you when you turn right into the hallway) will begin firing at you, either strafe left and right as you're running forward, or let it hit you in the back to push you along faster if you still have a lot of health. The next room has two turrets, one up and to the right, and one up and to the left. As soon as you get into this room, run forward and strafe right top to avoid getting hit, get around the middle section and enter the door straight ahead of you (on the same wall that the turrets are mounted on). When you see a branch of the hallway that turns dark blue in color (same as the cooling tank room) and see stairs on the right, going up, take them and then take the left immediately after. There will be another small set of stairs to the right with a laser turret mounted up above them, take those stairs while strafing left to avoid dying from the thread laser and head left down the little dead-end to the control room to trigger the level's completion. This level can be done in less than 1:30.0, I died 4 or 5 times after completing the second objective, so there's definitely room to improve upon my time. Have fun. Alternative, by crate333 Two things I do differently, that may help: I grab the Plasma Autorifle next to the Lasergun at the beginning, and fire grenades at the leftmost turret, instead of Lasergunning the right turret. Also, right after the cooling towers are two nasty rocket turrets that always kill me. I Plasma Grenaded those, too. A time of under 1:30 is possible with a death, as that's what I got. Another note: while the Lasergun method is definitely the easiest, it is possible to destroy all the turrets with the Plasma Autorifle and still get at least Gold. I might be able to get a Platinum that way, so if you want to try that, go ahead. Remember to fire grenades at the grate flooring in the open area. Rice Cracker Rush By Crate333 Here, I'll give one for Rice Cracker Rush. At the start, head for the Cloak powerup that's in the first alcove on the left as you go down the street. Grab it, then go back to the street, and turn into the next entrance on the left for some armor and a useful shortcut (as all the Riot Officers take the street). Turn left as you leave, and enter the small gap in the wall straight ahead. Take the Speed powerup that's in there. Go back out to the street the way you came in, and continue toward the enemy bag. Right before the bag, there is an alcove on the left with a Minigun in it. Take the Minigun, equip it, and grab the bag. It helps to not kil anyone until you take the bag. Now, run back to your base, sticking to the street the whole way, in case an opponent has your bag. There are two armors and a health powerup right after the first turn as you head back to your base. Take them if you need them. Minigun down any opponent that's in your way, but only go out of your way if a Riot Officer has your bag. Score, and then use the same route, without the powerups this time. The powerups spawn every second time you go to score, and it may be possible without them, but I doubt you could do it. The key to Platinum here is to not die much, and to take the powerups. Don't kill any enemy as you head to the opponents' bag, and kill them all on the way back. The cut through the armor area helps, as I always seem to pass the Riot Officers there when I'm not cloaked. Superfly Lady By Psycold Okay, I tried experimenting to find out which guns you need to take out to finish the first objective in this level, but every time I left one out it wouldn't complete for me. I still think there's a possibility that one gun is optional, but I didn't find out which one it was if there is. One other thing to note in case you haven't tried it yet, you cannot open the door before the first objective's complete (I tried thinking I could get in and destroy the fuel tanks while the henchmen were fighting my teammates in the first section of the level. With that said, here's my run: I ran out and turned right, grabbed the machine gun, lobbed a grenade at the gun sitting in the middle of the floor, and went behind the crates to take out both of the guns mounted on the side walls so they couldn't target me. Then I took out the two guns positioned on either side of the door with a grenade, and lobbed a couple up onto the upper deck area primarily to take out the gun that's guarding the door switch. Ran through the door, went around behind the gun on top of the crate to take it out, turned and lobbed another grenade at the gun on the floor, grabbed the body armor between the wall and the crate and ran past the two guns on the ceiling. As I was running past those two guns, I took out the gun on the floor to the right with a grenade, took aim, and destroyed both of the guns on the ceiling from behind so they couldn't shoot me either. After getting up the stairs, I ran around the corner while strafing left and right to avoid getting shot by the gun on that ceiling and a henchman in the corner, and hit the switch with no problem because I had already taken out the gun in front of it from below. From there it was simple, just grabbed another machine gun so I had more grenades and lobbed a few at the two back wheels to take out those barrels, and kept tossing grenades at the single barrel until the level completed. *** Done *** Majic: Man, I tell you, these last levels are an extreme exercise in patience. I'll never play Nikki Jinky Bricky or Scrap Metal again..... come to think of it, it'll be a while before I ever play with bricks again. As soon as I'm done with Rocket Man and Top Shot, those are going the way of the dodo as well. I have one level in each Arcade League division, and one in Challenge mode to convert to platinum: -The first Behead the Undead in Challenge mode -Top Shot in Amateur League -Rocket Man in Honorary League -Can't Please Everyone in Elite League You know what really pissed me off? I could have sworn I read your time for Rocket Man as 1:09, so after playing the damn level for over an hour today trying to get it down below 1:10.1, I finally got 1:06 and was sure I had it..... I think that was the closest I've gotten to throwing my controller yet when I saw gold. Needless to say I double-checked your time and saw it was 1:04, not 1:09. Rocket Man By Majic 2002 The strat. I figured out for rocket man is relatively simple. There are 2 garages/alcoves inside of the walls at each end of the street. They're small, square rooms, right on the main road, I'm sure you can find them with no problem. The simplest way to do this stage is get into the one that faces a flat wall (as opposed to the other one that faces the wall with the ledge) You're now backed into a tiny room with one way in and out, and they can only approach your position from 2 directions: left and right. Aim your rocket launcher staight down where the road ends and your garage begins and fire at anything that moves. Usually, they move in clusters, so each firing will get 2-5 of them. It might take a few tries getting used to where to fire so you don't kill yourself, but this strat. helped me get it no problem. Can't Please Everyone By Psycold There are two grenade launchers that I know of in this level. One is underneath the set of stairs that go up and to the right like an "L", and the other is at the dead-end outside of the large upstairs room with all the beds. Looking from the center of that room, one doorway has some kind of trays or shelves laying down outside of it with two small sets of stairs going down on either side; the other doorway has a set of stairs going down to the left, and a small alcove dead-end to the right with a huge locked door..... this is the dead-end with the other grenade launcher. If you've played this level for any length of time, you've noticed that the maidens tend to die very quickly when in a gunfight with one of the Undead Priests. You've probably also noticed that you can sit there and plug away at one with a double tommy gun and it barely hurts them half the time. Well, this stamina difference sets up the perfect strategy to get the level finished in record time. When you start this level, go for the closest grenade launcher, and start setting those priests on fire with it's secondary. This keeps them from firing on you and your teammates, and causes them to wander around somewhat aimlessly while making their way to the downstairs showers. The more you set on fire, the better. You'll notice that all of a sudden you're racking up 40 points a cycle because your teammates and yourself are keeping the zones red while the priests are cooking away. The stamina difference is great because the priests take a while to die this way, therefore they can't respawn without the fire and start changing zones to their color again. Likewise, if you get set on fire, you'll die relatively quickly and be ready to go in no time. There's one more attribute that heavily contributes to the strategy of this level, and it's agility. I noticed that the maidens run slightly faster than the priests, so many times when I got the grenade launcher I'd just toss a fireball on the ground and set myself ablaze and just run around the level looking for the blue dots, run into them, and let my teammates take care of cleaning up the zones. It only took me a couple tries after discovering this trick until I had the platinum and I'm confident that it's one of the best (if not the best) strat for a consistent platinum time. Enjoy. Monkeying Around By bleh the trick there is to head up to the church bell and shoot from there. You get up there by heading straight forward, past the fountain and into the small courtyard just inside the mission, past that, ignoring the stairs down, until you arrive at two staircases leading up. Head up one, then go back the way you came until you're under the bell. Now, doing this creates a problem in that you have to memorize the monkeys' launching patterns, but at least you'll be able to hit something. Simian Shootout By Psycold From the beginning of the level, start running forward as soon as you spawn, and make your way up to the top of the building where the bell is. Looking towards the bell, there are four doorways (including the bell archway), from left to right. You want to take the one next to the bell archway on the right hand side, not the one on the far right in the corner. This will bring you out onto a large, flat pad. Step out onto the pad and turn left 90 degrees so that the bell is on your left hand side and the fountain is on your right hand side on the ground below. You will then have the monkeys coming out from in front of you, from the left of you (by the bell), and up and over your head from behind. You want to line yourself up as straight as possible with the monkeys coming in front of you, what this does is drastically reduce the amount of left and right aim adjustment and instead lets you focus almost exclusively on your up and down aim, because the monkeys coming from in front of you and behind you will fall very close to the center of your screen. Now just concentrate on your aim, and learn the pattern that the monkeys come out and you should be fine with a couple of small combos throughout the match, and as big combo you can nail with that last large batch of monkeys. You don't want to move your crosshairs when the monkeys by the bell shoot out from the left to your right, but you don't have to worry about those to get your platinum and sometimes it can be a pain to get centered back into the flight path of the other two monkeys (which can end up losing you more points than you got by moving out of position). In fact, you'll notice that while centered, your auto-aim will target them from time to time. You can nail a couple real quick like this, and your crosshairs will return to the position you had them because of the auto-aim. That way you won't need to get back into the sweet spot manually. That's about all I got for that one, you'll notice that even though you're right next to the monkeys up there, you'll still miss because of that damn spread. This level is the one that really turned me off to the tactical shotgun. Give us back the assault shotgun, please. Amateur Arcade League - Top Shot By psycold Restart until I'm either near the minigun by the plane wheels, or next to the maximum damage icon. If I start by the damage icon, I immediately run out to the hangar taking out as many guys as possible with the Soviet as I make my way to the aforementioned mingun. Starting by the maximum damage gives you the advantage of killing enemies quicker, and with less bullets (therefore cutting down on the time it takes to grab another minigun). All of these things end up saving you time, which is all this level comes down to. Rule #1: Stay in the hangar! The hangar's wide-open design, combined with the minigun's pinpoint accuracy, is the perfect match. I stay in the hangar and hope for favorable respawns. If the enemies cluster across the map, I've noticed that nine times out of ten they take each other out right about the time I arrive..... so I just ran all the way across the map to kill one or two guys as their victims are respawning where? Oh, that's right, the hangar I just left! Yeah, you see my point. This takes a little discipline, I know I always want to start booking it across the map when I see a some enemies. The only time I'll run towards a cluster is near the end of the match. Press start and you can see how many lives the enemy has, if all they've got are ones, then you don't have to worry about respawning. Go make 'em dead. Rule #2: Be quick on the draw. If you do get a good enemy respawn session going, you must be able to turn and shoot very quickly. Using the radar constantly to monitor positions, and the minigun to shoot, you can take out an enemy on the other side of the hangar with no problem. The key here is to kill the enemies as soon as they can register hits so you can get them respawning ASAP. I believe that by using pretty much the same strategy as Scrap Metal, where you have to be able to locate and destroy your opponent in the blink of an eye, you can get your time down to where it needs to be (under 1:10.0, I believe). After getting the minigun behind the wheels, you shouldn't stay there. Instead, get back out into the open area and position yourself backed up quite a ways from the front of one of the two doors. I usually went to the left door (if you were at the back of the hangar facing the minigun). There's two reasons for this: 1. The game logic sometimes makes the enemies wander around the inner areas if you stay in that alcove with the minigun. It's like they detect you off to the left or right, but don't take the walls into account, so they stay in an area you can't shoot them from. Staying backed up in the open hangar, they tend to come straight for your position if they aren't currently in a firefight. 2. You want to be able to shoot the enemies as soon as you see them. If you're going to be in an area where they can funnel in to you, then you want to be at the chokepoint (i.e., the doors into the hangar). I took the left door because I could shoot guys coming in from the far end of the hallway past the door, and with the way the two doors are positioned, I could still nail guys as soon as they popped out of the right door. If you stand at the right door, enemies coming in from the left door have to walk a little further before you can hit them, which equals more time wasted, which equals less chance of getting platinum. That's about as good as it gets for explaining how I strategized this level. Even if you do everything right, you'll still need luck. Bummer. Monkey Immolation By Snoozer --- No matter where you start, get inside the building. the standard 2x Lugers are fine but you can grab a shotgun on the way if you want to. You can also grab a speed powerup if there is one near you (like near the fountain outside). You want to be heading towards the back of the building on the ground-level floor, until you get to the small hallway with 2 staircases on each side, going up. go up the stairs to the top floor, grab another speed powerup (you should see it when you go up there) if necessary, or save it for later. Go out and stand by the bell. face back towards the entrance you came from, and stand there, waiting. when you see the monkeys coming through, shoot them if you want, but once they get close, walk backwards and drop down off the ledge. Once you drop off, turn around and run straight for the back of the outside area, behind that little building straight ahead of you. go left around the center building, and back around the other side to peek out from the other side, so that you're now facing the monkeys that are chasing you from behind. and that small center building will be on your right. as soon as the monkeys start to get near the front of that center building, run forward and to the left, and go to the left side of the building in front of you (and stay along the wall). By the time that you are on the left side of the building, the monkeys will either be on the right side of the building, or circling around behind you and about to be chasing you again. head back towards the fountain and the main building. if you didn't get this speed powerup before, grab it now. go inside the building and repeat the above strategy. ie: go back up to the top,, grab a speed powerup if its there, and wait underneath the bell while facing towards the entrance to the roof. then drop back down when necessary. and no, you don't need to get any speed powerups, but it does make it easier. This is the easiest of the 3 virus ones, but they all have strategies you can use to survive easily. in this one, you're basically leading them on a goose chase until time runs out. they can never catch you. if they do, then just try again. hope that helps. Fall Out For Fall Out, make sure you're checking both sides of the large boxes and cars that you walk around, sometimes enemy cards won't pop up unless you trigger them by walking through a certain spot. The last car on the level is a good spot to check out, walk by both sides of the car. Also, from what I've seen, you don't get less/more points for hitting different areas of the targets. You will lose points off your score, though, if you leave a target to stand for more than a split second without shooting it. So if you see your score going down rapidly, you need to either look around or backtrack to find the target you missed and note it for your next run through. Girl targets are fair game, I was coming up short my first couple of runs through that level because I wasn't shooting some of the female targets. If I remember correctly (correct me if I'm wrong), the grandma is the only female target that you shouldn't shoot on this level. That's pretty much it, if you still have problems I can go through and play it again and give you a step-by-step, but that should help you figure out how to get at least a gold. Sergio's last stand Alright, just today I got a platinum on Sergio's Last Stand, and used a pretty definite strategy: First round, they don't spawn behind/beside you, so stand still and blast at their heads as they arrive, making sure none touch you. Second round, start moving after a few seconds, and begin circle-strafing, picking up a Fire Extinguisher from behind one of the pillars- don't worry about 3 second rule, just pick it up and get back near the center. Always circle strafe, and make sure to fire every time you have any type of shot at one. A floating 25 means a limb down, a 75 means you connected with a head, and a zombie's down. The beginning of each round is the hardest part, because they spawn behind you, but you'll soon get into a pattern of drawing the mob to the center, then blasting the horde. Be careful of ammo, and whenever you need some, draw the mob to one side gradually, then swoop in- their punch reaction time is terrible if you strafe and run, and some will most likely end up killing others while trying to hit you. Remember to continue to run if you catch on fire, and while running switch to the Fire Extinguisher and shoot it straight down. The way you get points is by keeping up your health, not by blasting their heads, and if you can go through rounds losing health only a tiny bit at a time, you can do fine. By just circle-strafing round a mob I gathered in the center, I managed a time of roughly 42000 first try, so getting gold shouldn't be too difficult. Just remember- watch your back, circle strafe, and be careful about your ammo/health! Hope this helps! Station Stand Always pick up a Rocket Launcher if available, but don't go out of your way to get one. Kill enemies when you see them near a zone, otherwise ignore them. And, continuously circle the map, turning any zones you pass to your color. And, always go for enemy color zones closer to you- most of the time, an ally will go to take care of any outliers after a few seconds. When you see an ally being attacked, help them fight- this means your ally will continue lighting bases without searching for ammunition, and the enemy will go scrambling around to restock all of it's weapons. First time I tried this map I got a gold, today I did it once again and got a plat. In fact, just today I got a platinum on all three Team Series A levels, including Men in Gray. Yes! Bircking it For the Bricking It challenge, it's much easier, I thought, than the first one. Anywho, here goes. From the start, run and put your crosshairs on ASAP and aim up and towards the high set of windows on the COMSAT station. 1,2,3 using secondary fire, then aim slightly down from where you aimed to hit the top windows and break the lower set, 4,5,6. Run to the right and throw bricks to break the three windows by the stairs, 7,8,9. Go up the stairs, break the door window as you're running by, 10. Drop down to the right of the catwalk and break those three windows, 11,12,13, then strafe to the left and break the door window doing so, 14. Rotate and break the door window on the left while still strafing 15. Turn the corner and break those three windows 16,17,18. Run like mad down to the fence and here's where you have the option: you can break two of the windows and hope the third brick will break both the window and the door glass, or you can break the three windows and then run and break the door. I happened to choose the second option and still made plat. The key to this level is to only throw one brick per pane and for the most part, throw and be on the way to the next target. Good luck Night Shift Night Shift was really ticking me off, and I just got a platinum with 53 kills yesterday (only need 50). So: The first thing you have to know is the whole layout of this level. This level centers around the large area with bridges above and laser barriers below. On one side (A), (this is the side you'll be wanting to spend most of your time on), on the lower level there is a bridge (#1) leading over to the bottom of the other side, and a door in the wall. This door will often come in handy, so remember it! On the upper level, there is only a platform sticking out from the wall, which can be accessed from inside, or across the highest bridge (#2) to the other side. The key to this level is that platform. The other side of the level (B) has the far end of the bridge #1, and a ramp leading up to the #2 bridge. On the top of the #2 bridge, there is a T junction- one path goes down to the bottom of (B) side, one path goes to that ever-so- important platform, and one path goes to a far off dead end with a homing launcher spawn. Tip #1: NEVER CHASE THAT HOMING LAUNCHER! It takes much too much time to reach and get back. Tip #2: ALWAYS TAKE THE OPEN SHOT! Enemies are eager to kill each other, so if you see an easy target, so will someone else! Be the first to take the kill, and kill whoever he was fighting as well! Tip #3: NEVER BACK OUT OF COMBAT! Always take someone with you when you die, and don't be afraid to die, either. This is regeneration mode, so each kill regenerates a great deal of your health. With these three rules in mind, make your way either to the A side platform, or the A side doorway, and go through. This leads you into a room with a shrink spawn, and a ramp leading up to a platform with a homing launcher spawn. This is the key to the level- always grabbing that homing launcher! After you grab it, go out onto the upper A side platform (which is accessible from the opposite side as the ramp up above) and begin firing whenever you have a target. And now, more tips to live by. Tip #4: THE HOMING LAUNCHER IS YOUR LIFELINE! No matter how accurate you are, the homing launcher is better. When you run out of ammo, kill badguys beneath you until you think it has respawned, then go claim it from the next room. Tip #5: ALWAYS CHECK YOUR RADAR! No, this isn't to find targets in the room, unless you run out of homing ammo for a short time. Always check the room BEHIND you, because there are 2-3 spawn points in there, and many times the enemies will cluster there waiting for a homing missile to put them out of their misery. Tip #6: STAY NEAR THE PLATFORM! There are 3-4 spawn points on that platform alone, so keep up your vigilance! Also, there are many more spawn points beneath you (another 3-4), so if you see something close by on your radar... Tip #7: LOOK OUT BELOW! The level beneath you is the enemies favorite gathering place, so remember to keep dropping homing rockets down on their all-nighters. Oh, and... Tip #8: FORGET THE SHRINK! The shrink does not help with rockets, and it makes it impossible to fire over the red laser fields on the bottom level, and the fence around the plaform on the top level. Basically, you're incapacitated for its duration. Tip #9: KNOW THY ENEMIES! The big bots take two rockets, the little bots take one grazing hit. Simple as that. This challenge is all about knowing the level, the enemies, and the weapons, and being persistent. Hope this helps! Dam bursters: Now the dirst thing you need to do is switch the minigun so that the barrel keeps rolling. Now you can only get platinum if you combo with monkey's. In the beginning it can be quite easy, but later it get's hard(loads of monkey's) Now as for the monkeys you've got one that jumps medium, on that jumps very high and one that rolls. Concentrate on taking the out roller and the mediumjumpers as most dam damage will come from them(meaning 30 poitns loss). Get in line of a group of jumping monkeys and fire away. Preferably from down to up. Now strafe on the dam to where the most monkeys currently are and keep firing. If you hit one immediatly look right to the next while still firing. If you're fast enough(which means practice a lot), you can get combo's that make monkeys worth 500 points. Just be careful that you don't fire too much as you're gun firing rate will get slow, which means that you can't really combo that great. It's not much about accuracy but more about thinking and speed. I've gotten mine already and have the game 3 weeks, so you'll probably get it soon. Just practice and hope that the monkeys will spawn in lots of groups(which makes this a bit easier) Hope this hepls you, good luck Someone has got to pay... Someone has got to pay? The duck one? Go to the bathroom get the shotgun X2 and camp there... try not to die... and blast away.. don't forget to watch your ammo... have to collect before you run out. Can't Handle This... Well,this mission was hard until I realized there were double Tommy Guns in the club.If you don't know where they are,remember in the story mission the big room where you fight the boss?Well,from there go back into the path that led you into that room and follow it to the end.In story mode,these doors will be open but in Arcade they are shut.Anyway,right in front of these doors you will find the Tommy Guns.To save time and health,I suggest contiuously restarting until you end up near the 2X Tommy's.After collecting them,walk to the exit of this room.You should too your left and right see two long panes of glass that line two short corridors.Position yourself in the doorway and look forward.The handymen will come like mad,so level your Tommy's to their heads and fire as many rounds at them as possible.Only cease fire when none of them are visible,if you shoot when there not there you'll just be wasting ammo.When you need to reload,strafe to either side and get some cover,then strafe back out and continue fighting.If you find yourself in a hail of bullets,strafe away or you'll find yourself dead real fast.If you move to the side,be warned they may turn up right in front of you when you move back.Also,they can spawn in the corridors next to you,so watch these areas too.And,they sometimes will roll and dive and stuff.DO NOT TRY AND SHOOT THEM WHILE THEY ARE DOING THAT.Since they can't shoot you in that position,just keep your guns level and wait for them to pop back up then shoot.If you need more ammo,go back to the doors and the guns should have respawned.Your guaranteed to die at least once trying this,but if so just walk hurry back to the area.And, if you start in the rain it's easier to just let them kill you and with any luck you'll spawn near the guns.After a couple of tries,you should master the strategy and with any luck get a Platinum as I did.I belive for a platinum you hafta beat 2 minutes,but i'm not really sure. Golden Things Sorry if someone already posted a strat about "Golden Thighs", I didn't have time to read all 100 something posts. Anyway, to beat this with a Platinum, simply get a Soviet S47 and stand in the bottom floor room of the satelite building and wait for the Queen to come in. When she does, start lobbing as many grenades as you can at her. Don't worry to much if you die, 'cause you're probably low on grenades anyway. Just repeat the process until you've won. On my first try, I got exactly 1.30.0 (the platinum requirement). But where do the batteries go? By PDplum The key to this is to realise that chances of survival are actually greater if you run through it like a headless chicken the Chasis bots don't hurt you for crap but the minigun toting gits are the killers. Start out by running directly forward to the airlock and you won't get shot. As you enter start firing your plasma gun to stop any Chasis bots blocking your path, run down the ramp. Start shooting before you run round the corner to stun the sentry bot before it starts firing you. Kill the two Chasis bots that appear before you, ignore the large bot. Run down ramps only despatching any of the Chasis bots that get in your way and ignoring the large bot is a necessity just run past it. When you get to the drone gun ignore it and start firing before you turn right to kill sentry bot with minigun. Put it on second function and turn left. Here is a body armour PICK IT UP. Once you have it (TT=40s) it's just a run to the end with minigun blaring. Again ignoring the big bots just try to run past them. Pick up the boot disk (your target) (TT1m03ish) turn round and squeeze past the big bot... A helpful tip here is to squeeze past the side you originally went past. They move away on proximity. The return is quite random. Shoot everything in your way except for the first big bot, there should be a second one roughly where you picked up the body armour. You must shoot that one it almost always blocks your path. Now its just a mad shootout to the end. NB. There is a second body armour behind a spawned sentry bot on the left. Only pick it up if you need it. You probably shouldn't. When you reach the outside sometimes a sentry guard appears in front of you. Minigun in to death and run to portal.. Paul Plumridge R109 BETA i got 48 kills on r109 beta. What i did is i went to the top of the main, center building, crouched and shot the people as they came up the ramp. You need to crouch though, because if you stand normally, then they will be able to shoot you from outside(yes, for some reason they have the ability to perfectly shoot through the window, and still kill you). Also, the normal rocket launcher(not the homing launcher) is better. You want to aim at the ground near their feet, not at them directly. The homing launcher will not let you shoot the ground because it is too "smart" and it will curve up and aim at the bots. But they are too thin to hit, and they can dodge well. Burns Department Yesterday i was going for a gold on "The burns department" under the amateur league and i was having a hard time. in at leats 5 different occasions i got to within 5 seconds of the gold time. Eventually i got gold and kept going and got the easiest plat ever. what i did was ran around and everytime i got to a place with more than one opening i camped there till id see an infectee then id run the other way. after about 1:30 everyone was infected. so i went to the main room(the one where the portal appears in "hit me baby one morgue time") once i got there i camped there till i saw the big green glob of 5 or 6 guys, at this time i already had a gold and i thought it would be funny to see how long i could keep running around those pillars w/o them getting me. what i found out is that this was the easiest thing i ever did and wound up going for another minute with them just a few feet behind me, all i did was take lap after lap around the pillars in that main room. and to be safe when there is 10-20 seconds left u can break from that routine and run down the long hallway. i was having lots of trouble with this one but when i did this it became so easy. i tried it a few times after and 4 outta 5 times i could repeat it and get plats, so good luck. Alternative, by Soul Edge Dont meen to brag or anything but i found R109 Beta fairly easy, got 56 Kills on it and a Easy Platinium. This is what i did. Immedietally Kill the Gladiator and head Straight for the Tunnel ASAP, Although DONT go into the tunnel sit on top of its entrance instead, where a Rocket Launcher spawns. From there you'll probably get charged by R109 Bots non stop although you should rarely be hit. Strafe left and right constantly to dodge incoming missles and look around too see where they're coming from, and shoot single rockets at their feet to destroy them. Sometimes a single rockets not enough, however, so just launch a second and continue moving left and right. Whenever one manages to crawl ontop of the Tunnel Jump back and Rocket him down! When homing missles come at you just continue strafing and ignore them, and hope they'll go away =). With this method I died once (Damn Stupid Homing Missle!), but quickly became Gladiator and ran straight for the Roof of the Tunnel Entrance again. It seems from the top of the tunnel they have trouble shooting directly at the ground beneath you and normally miss. Fight off the living dead For Fight Off the living dead (first challenge in "behead the undead") its best to use the manual aim rather than autoaim because for some reason your crosshair seems to line up perfectly with the area the zombie's head is in. You might have noticed already the set pattern that zombies come in (2 from the far right then 1 from the far left) so definitely keep it in mind. The worst thing that can happen is having the zombies form into a large group of 5 or more. When this happens, don't panic and just shoot in the group using manual aim and wear it down. As you're running away from an overwhelming group, from wave 10 and beyond you might find another zombie waiting for you on the other side. You'll definitely have to headshot him, or else you will suffer a hit. If you miss or your shot wasn't a headshot, suffer the hit from the lone zombie and don't try anything fancy. If you try to avoid the hit from the lone zombie, you may simply end up taking a beating by about 5 or so. Also, keep in mind you can kill zombies while they're spawning (unlike sergio's last stand) so kill them quickly while you h have the chance. To reach that score of 170 000, you'll need alot of patience. Using this technique got me a score of 182 475, and i'm certainly not the best person at this game (I only have 26 plats) so its actually quite easy to do. Starship Whoopers Getting plat on starship whoopers is actually quite easy, as it was on of my first plats when I was a newb. The most important thing to do is not to waste time and ammo with the monkeys that spawn and just keep concentrating on the other contendors. Big top blowout For Big Top Blowout I heard it is easy to stay in the place where you do segios last stand. But other people say it is easy to go out side. Luck is probally involed here. :-/ Playing with fire For the three Burn Department levels heres 3 quick strategies. 1. For the Money Level just camp on top of the building near the Water Fountain and wait. Eventually those Virus Monkeys will charge for the ladder so just make a run off the roof and through the building and head for the cloak Powerup. Once all monkeys are tug just continually make laps around the entire map. Simplest Level Ever. Also dont bother shooting monkeys as its a waste of time. 2. For the Night Club level head outside and up the metalic ramps. Once at the top where the Tommy Gun spawns camp there and wait for enemies to start coming at you. Once they go up the Metalic Stairs aim at neck height and give them a Potent dose of Tommy Gun Lead. If they get really close just run backwards off the edge and head backup killing all those Infected Gangsters in your way. 3. I find camping useless after about 1 minute in Hospital. Although camping where the shotgun spawns on the edge works wonders early on. Afterwards ive found running around the Poles in the room below to work. If all the enemies are tug and chasing you, you can just make laps of the complex. Honorary League------ Team Series B------ Superfly Lady As soon as you spawn, run out and to the left. Grab the soviet by the turret on the wall and fire a grenade at the far turret. Run over to the now disabled turret and fire a grenade at the turret where you just got the soviet. Fire a grenade at the turret on the ground. Fire 2-3 grenades at the turrets by the door. If you die, it is no big deal, just grab another soviet and continue on the path. (If you haven't died) Run through the door and go behind the turret on the crate and shoot it until it explodes. Fire a grenade at the turret that is visible. Grab the body armor and fire a grenade at the last turret on the ground. Go behind/beneath the turrets on the ceiling and shoot them (with bullets). Once those ate disables you should get the next objective. The objective is to open the Hanger door. Run up the steps and shoot the first visible guard. Run behind the turret facing the hole in the floor and press the button mounted on the wall. Kill yourself. Spawn as quickly as possible. Grab the soviet by the stairs and run to the plane. Fire a few grenades between the back tires and that should take care of two of the barrels. Fire the rest of your grenades at the last barrel. It is located by the front tires. With this strategy I got a time of 55.6 second. Good luck! Night Shift This one isn't really all that hard, but I am sure that there is somebody out there that is having trouble on it so here it goes: GET THE HOMING LAUNCHER! Once you have the homing launcher, camp at the highest point in the level. From here you can shoot anybody very quickly. All you have to do is shoot the people on the ground from your camping point. A lot of the time, people will spawn at the bottom of the ramp you should be standing on. This is good, shoot them before anybody else because they will kill you very fast. The Homing Launcher spawns in two places. One is in the small room, at the top of the ramp. The other is in the far room away from all the action. Dam bursters for dambursters- dont stand in one spot. u have to strafe along the left third of the dam back and forth. u shouldn't have to use the right analog stick a whole lot cuz u should be able to use auto aim and just strafing to shoot the monkeys. just line urself up and only go in bursts. and also dont go for the monkeys that go flying off to the sides that just waste time. just stay within a group u should rack up tons of combos. it took me prolly 5 times to get gold on this by doing this strat. platinum is jsut not fair. BIG TOP BLOWOUT I found the easiest place to be in is outside and in the tent that's surrounded by outside. If you find yourself in the area where sergio's last stand is, then wait until someone kills you (if you kill yourself you loose 1 point). Small but I hope someone finds that useful DAY OF THE DAMNED The easiest way to do this is turn auto lookahead on (this way it'll be easier to hit their head) and right when you punch, pull back. After about 8-9 waves, try to herd them right in the center and knock off about 3 heads at the same time. SERGIO'S LAST STAND At the very beginning go to the outsides of the poles and get a fire extinguisher. Just run away from them while shooting their heads off and use the radar so you won't back up into a zombie. At the later waves, herd them in the middle to get 300+ points for 1 shot. Whenever you get on fire, even if you're in the middle of a fight, put yourself out. Superfly Lady Start out by exiting the room you're in, and walking left of the crates. Whilst running to the soviet, shoot the camera's lens with your Silenced Pistols. The reason we are going left is because the drone gun on the right will already be facing you. Once you have the Soviet, shoot a grenade at the drone gun that we skipped, then shoot a grenade at the drone gun on the left, that is by itself. After that, face to the right where the door is, and make 2 fluke grenade shots over the crates. That should take care of those 2 drone guns. Grab the soviet near the health, then grab the health, run through the door ahead, and aim and shoot the drone gun's camera lens on top of the crate. This is hard to do, but it's better than getting behind the actual crate and wasting precious seconds. After that, we are going to chuck a grenade at the drone gun bear the conveyor belts. We do this by strafing right towards the armour. Do that, then with the armour, chuck a grenade at the drone gun at the back of room. This is where my strat really heats up. (DO NOT GET THE SOVIET THAT IS BY THE STAIRS). Instead of getting behind the 2 ceiling guns and shoot them manually, we are going to use grenades. Let's say we are behind them, and we are facing at their direction. For the left drone cieling gun, aim to the left wall, and position yourself over the black patch, aim STRAIGHT and RIGHT down, and fire a grenade. This will bounce on the wall, then back on the ground and up, and will destroy that gun. For the one on the right, position yourself over the yellow patch (it has the word 'clearing' on it), and aim straight and right down, and fire a grenade. That should destroy that drone gun. Make yourself up the stairs, and once you are near the switch, fire a grenade just at the floor. Quickly press the switch, and kill yourself with the grenade you previously threw. You'll spawn in the room with the hangar door. Quickly grab the Soviet's near the stairs, and make your way to the actual hangar. Shoot 2 grenade at the plane's wheels (in between), then manually shoot the last one. With this strat, I achieved a time of 33.1 seconds. Nikki, Jinki, Bricky I had trouble with this one for a while (I am apparently not all that good at aiming the bricks), but I found a great 'camping spot' that makes getting the plat a breeze. -Start or keep restarting 'til you begin in the kitchen or at the bottom of the stairs leading from the kitchen to the basement. Now go just inside the door leading down to the basement (at the top of the aforementioned staircase) and stand in the corner where a box of bricks is and face the door opening (at about a 45 degree angle) and simply wait for the bad guys to come and nail them as they do (in this location, they have to turn before throwing a brick at you--giving you time to nail them first). On occasion, a bad guy will come up the stairs and get you--if so restart. It will only take [up to] a few tries to get enough enemies to come within the plat time limit. This one really works good folks--if I can get a plat on this one using this technique...pretty much anyone can...hehe! ;) Double Bill i cant say much for this one... erm, spawn near the invisibility and gets loads of cheap shots. if you can, then get the shrink, this will make you temporarily invincible as the AI bots arent programmed to hit you when small. if you kill someone, then make sure nobody else is in the vacinity. i found that if i killed someone in an open area, then all the bots will flock towards the spot. find a good camping spot and pick the people off. this especially works if there are few entrances and people have to come a certain way. try kill the person when they are right beside the coin. that way you can get about 5 coins after about 10seconds. this works even better with invisibility/shrink. night shift-DONT use the homing launcher that is silly. leave the homing launcher exactly where it is and pick people off that are flocking towards it. if you stay on the big ramp, just at the base of that, you can see almost everyone and have quick acess to anyone trying to get the homing launcher. try to not manual aim, try to be a good shot, that way you can turn around and shoot straight away and go for your next victim. follow these guide lines and you can get as high as my 73 kills or C.P's 77...damn you C.P, i WILL beat you someday! i did on Big Top blowout :D on that note...big top blowout, turn auto aim ON, this will help more than you think. and try not go in to the biggest tent, this area is very enclosed and the bots only stay in there if they spawn there, staying there will get you about 40 kills. if you stay everywhere else, especially outside, you can access the inner tent and the merry-go-round area easily. only go to the merry-go-round area if nobody else is outside/inside the smaller tent. when coming to a group of people, i.e 5 or more, shoot a dozen or so single rockets, trying to aim at everyone possible. just be fast about it, and run off. if there is only one person, AIM one rocket to kill them so it hits them bang on. the only time you will need to fire 3 rockets is if you are unlucky enough to encounter someone with armour and/or jinki. you may even beat my 62 kills :-P Too hot to handle The Virus one in the nightclub i hope it works for other people run outside(the area where it rains) and go up some stairs if youre in a corner right place now wait for person with virus to come then run across then when the come up those stairs run across(you'll fall down) then repeat i got 3 mins.0 on it so i just made it i think its a bug the way you run across Alternative, by Eye Lid Again, on the virus one in the nightclub, this is how I got my plat: - Make sure you spawn inside and pick up a Tommy Gun. - Run outside and pick up a fast walk (There are two outside). - Run up the fire-escape-ish stairs near the fast walk in the little tunnel and run right to the top. - Look down and wait for burning people to appear. - At the first sight of anyone, pick up the mega damage and look back down. - Make sure you have auto-aim on and shoot them before they get near you. With mega damage, you can kill them easily. - When mega damage runs out, use the above strat until the mega damage reappears Handymen Easiest way to beat Handymen Level and get platinum... Go to the entrance of the club you will find armor and tommy guns in that area. once all of that is equiped, crouch by the corner where you are facing down a small hall with glass on both sides of you like you are entering the club. from here, just wait for all of the handymen to come and shoot them. If this message was already in this topic i didn't see it. I just found this strat real simple and easy. Simian Shootout Got plat on Simian Shootout last night... (if it's already here, it's a little different) Switch sides when the monkeys get launched from that side. Play the level often or find out somehow else the launch pattern, so you'll know when and where they're coming from. When you see one, wait a short moment until the auto-aim get a lock. Open season for munkeys! Remember to wait, and you'll have more chances of getting monkey combos, the key to get plat on any of these ======================================================================= CHAPTER 4 - SECTION 4: ARCADE AWARDS FAQ ======================================================================= INTRODUCTION ------------ There is a great FAQ made by TS2Master and other people already on GameFAQs, so if you want extreme detail, go to that FAQ. Here is the list of the current awards that I have got: LIST ---- Most Lethal Most Losses Lemming Award Most Professional Multi kill Longest Spree Most Effective Pathetic Shot Maniac Brain Surgeon Fists of Fury Decapitator Betrayer Hypochondriac AC -10 Award Where's the health? Where's the armour? Hoarder Sloth Most frantic Backpeddler Sidestepper Most Sneaky Most Cowardly Dodger Most Outgunned Best Equipped Weapons Expert Bag Man Richoet King Underequipped Bully Most Peaceful Most Dishonourable Most Maniac Shortest Innings Longest Innings Survivor Sniper Most Flammable Persistance Award Traveller Award Beheader Award Smasher Award Golden Oldie Award That should come to about 45. There are a total of about 56(?) awards. here are the nones left that I have not got that I know off the top of my head. Burtallity Award Shooter Award (or something like it, the one you get for shooting 500k) Unlcuky To lose Marksmanship I know that there is a lot more. CATEGORIES ----------- "STATISTIC" AWARDS Persistance Award Traveller Award Beheader Award Smasher Award Golden Oldie Award Brutallity Award Golden Oldie "HEALTH/ARMOUR" AWARDS Hypochondriac Where's the health? AC -10 Award Where's the armour? "MOST" AWARDS Most Lethal Most Losses Most Sneaky Most Cowardly Most Outgunned Most Peaceful Most Dishonourable Most Maniac Most Flammable Most Professional "ENDURANCE" AWARDS Survivor Longest Innings Shortest Innings "MOVEMENT" AWARDS Sloth Sidestepper Most Frantic Most Maniac Backpeddler Dodger "BASED ON LUCK" AWARDS Marksmanship Unlucky to lose "WEAPON" AWARDS Sniper Most Flammable Outgunned Richoet King "CTB ONLY" AWARDS Bag man "MISCELLANEOUS" AWARDS Bully ======================================================================= CHAPTER 4 - SECTION 5: CHALLENGE GUIDE ======================================================================= GLASS SMASH =========== PANE IN THE NECK Character: Lt Frost Gold 18.0 Silver 30.0 Bronze 1min 0.0 Quite an easy level that you get to start off with here. What you have to do is break the windows with the grenades. The grenade explosions will usually break the windows for you. A really easy level to complete if you know where all of the windows and glass panes are. From the start, aim up at the windows where you opened the dam door in the very first level. Shoot a grenade through the top window, and then fire one through the bottom window. The grenade should make the bottom and the top glass panes all break. Now, run up the set of stairs, and head to your left. Shoot a grenade through the window on the right, stay back, and let the grenade explode. Do the same to the next room on your right. Now, run back over to the room next to the dam, and there will be glass there also. Fire a grenade into that room, and when it explodes, all pieces of glass should be broken. If not, you probably missed one. The most likely one you miss is the door of the upsatirs room of the dam. Sometimes it will break when the grenade is fired up there, but other times it wont. It is usually to do with where the grenade is placed. If you don't get it, run up the stairs, and shoot the grenade through the door pane, and the level is complete. Tips: 1. You don't have unlimited ammo. So just don't go around holding down the fire button. You do get 40 grenades to use, but that is defenetly more than enough, seeing that there are 22 glass panes to smash, and sone grenade can take out about 6 of those panes. Do not run out of ammo, otherwise you will have to go around and punch out the windows, which will defenetly hurt your time. If you do run out of ammo, then restart. because it takes a second to fire a grenade, and if you run out of ammo, then you don't have long left to you fail the mission anyway. 2. Watch where you are firing grenades. If you bounce them off of walls, be careful, they can easily come back and explode at you. If you fire a grenade at a window, but you miss, and it bounces back, run. Don't get caught in the explosion ring, otherwise you will die, and the mission is failed. The grenades will kill you instantly. 3. Grenades will explode all windows in an area if you get it exactly right. Like, when you start the level off, when you fire a grenade into the second story window of the dam, it will explode the windows all around it if it is in the right place. If the grenade is away from a window, then it probably wont destroy it, so you will have to go to that window, and shoot another grenade through it. 4. Keep on moving. This can be good for afew things. The first thing it is good for is that you wont get hit by a grenade as often if you keep on mvoing. Standing still will waste time.Lets say for example you fire a grenade into a room with 4 glass panes in it. After you fire the grenade, move away to another section. This will save time, and is a life saver if you are attempting to reach Platinum. So once you fire a grenade, don't wait for it to explode. Keep on moving and get to the next section to save time. If it is in a bigger section though, you might want to stop and check that the grenade you fired actually destroyed all of the glass windows. BRICKING IT Character: Lt Frost Gold 35.0 Silver 45.0 Bronze 1min 30.0 This level is kind of the same as the last level, the same tpye of level (siberia) the same amount of glass panels to break (22) and the glass Panels are in the same spots. The only different part about this level is that you use a brick. The brick was also in the Original TimeSplitters, and you used it for a challenge like this one, in the Chinese Resteraunt. Anyway, move forward, and line yourself up with the bottom windows of the Siberan dam. Strafe along and use alt fire to throw the brick higher, and it will go through the window. Once those are taken care of, look up and do the same to the top windows. Move around the dam to the right, and throw bricks through those windows. Run up the stairs and throw a brick through the door dinwo. Jump down to the building on your left. Throw a brick through the door, and then the other glass panels. Now run over to the opposite side of the level, near the fence and throw bricks through the windows and door panel of the two rooms over there, and the level is complete. Scatter the level again if you are missing one, and remember it next time when you restart the level. Tips: 1. Line yourself up with each window. Lets just say that you have about 3 windows in a row, like the first three windows on the bottom story of the main dam room. Run up to them, and then aim at the window with your view, and then fire a brick at it. Now, all you should have to do is strafe left a bit, fire a brick through the next window, and then do the same thing to the next window on the left. So, all you do is strafe and not move your view. This is great, and will work a charm, even on the higher up windows. So, don't move your view to the window, just strafe and throw. 2. Always use the Secondary fire function on the brick. It case you are not familliar with the attack methods of the brick, primary fire throws the brick a short amount of distance, where as the Secondary fire throws it farther up into the air. So if you can't get those windows that are up high, it's probably because you are not using secondary fire. Secondary fire is actually good to use overall, not just for the high ones. The Primary fire is weak, so you can stand back from a door and fire using secondary attack, where as the primary attack you need to go right up to the door panel, and then you could just punch it out instead of using the brick, so by all means, use Secondary attack. 3. The brick can hurt you. Yes, thats right it can. The only time it can hurt you is when it rebouns off of walls, even then it sometimes doesn't do any damage. So when you are linig up with windows and are close to them, don't fire a brick at the wall, because it will most likely bounce back, and cause damage to you. The brick does way less damage than the grenade did in the last challenge, so you can afford to be hit afew times, and it will hardly do much damage. It depends where it hits you how much damage it does, but most of the time, it is minimal, so you don't have much to worry about. Remember if you do die, you have to start the level again. 4. Once again, you don't have unlimited ammo in this challenge. They do give you 40 bircks, which is certainly more than enough, but there are 22 panes, which means you can waste 18 bricks. Be careful if you really have a bad aim, so that means about 1 out of every 2 bricks has to hit a glass panel. As far as I know there is no way to obtain more bricks in the level, you will just have to start the level again, and knock out the glass panels again. STAIN REMOVAL Character: Undead Priest Gold: 32 Panes Silver: 28 Panes Bronze: 23 Panes Looking at the above, you have to get 23 panes just to pass this level. When I first played it, I was always failing, because I missed some really easy panes, like the ones behind me, and the big ones. Anyway, for this level, you get a grenade launcher. Use the secondary function always. When you start the level, turn back around, and then shoot the windows that are behind you. When you have done that, look behind and shoot the windows on your right. Aim the Grenade launcher over and shoot all of them. Get the big one just on the left, and the move back and shoot the ones at the top just in front of you. Once they are all destroyed, now run across the other side. From here, you can now shoot the windows out on the other side, which are the windows that you couldn't see from where you started. So, aim the grenade launcher over, and shoot the windows there. There is also a big one to the right which most people miss. Once time runs out, then you will be judged on how many panels you destroyed. Just hope that it is over 23. Tips: 1. Always use the Secondary function on your Grenade Launcher. The first function of the grenade launcher is that it fires a grenade, which turns into three grenades. The grneades are very bad because they go down very easily. You may think that using first function is good, because you can hit three windows at once, but really, it isn't because the grenades don't make it over to the panels. Sometimes they do, but you have to aim really high up. When using the Flaming grenade, they fire faster, and they also travel a lot farther, which is why you should defenetly use the secondary function. If you are a vet or something, then have a go and see if you can beat the level using the primary function, or better yet, get a Platinum. 2. Line yourself up with the Panels, just like what you did on the last brick mission. Lets say you are looking at one window with your view. Fire a flaming grenade to destroy the window, and then strafe to the left/right (whicever way the next window is) and then fire a grenade at it. This is better then aiming your view, firing, then kvoing your view again and again to try and shoot out the windows. 3. If you are having trouble shooting out the windows, then change to Flaming Grenade, which is Alternative fire. The Primary fire sucks on this challenge. If you are still having trouble when you are using the flaming grenade, then you are probably not aiming high enough. The grenade wont exactly hit where the aimer is, it will actually hit down a bit from it. Now that you know this, if you fire up high, it will hit the window near the top. 4. The two big windows are the ones that people really miss. I will give you the locations to them. From the start, head right, and hug the wall. Now, you will be able to see a big window just between the wall on the other side and where you are standing now. You can probably only see a very little bit of it. Aim with your grenade launcher and fire a Flaming grenade at it. Now move around to the other side, and run all the way to the wall, where the path ends. You should be able to see the big window from here on the other side. Shoot it using a Flaming Grenade to destroy it. BEHEAD THE UNDEAD ================= FIGHT OFF THE LIVING DEAD Character: Henchman Gold 20,000 Silver 15,000 Bronze 10,000 This is a skill based level, not a luck based level like some others. All you do in this level is shoot zombies, and it is actually quite easy, until they start to gang up on you, and trap you in corners. Okay, if your new to the TimeSlitters serie, this type of challenge was in the original TimeSplitters, you had to fight off the living dead. It is kind of the same here. You are at the compound, and you are a Hencman, and you need to stay alive for as long as possible. First of all, grab the shotgun, and when the zombies start coming towards you, put the crosshairs on, and aim at the Zombies heads. One shot to the head will kill these zombies. A head shot is quick, and efficent. Just keep on moving around and shooting off the zombies heads. In the few first waves, you can punch the zombies heads off to get better scores, but you can easily lose health this way, so if you don't want to lose much health to start off with, or you are crap at using your fists, then just shoot them. When all of the zombies in a wave are dead, you will get a bonus. This will go onto your score. Each wave will consist of more and more zombies, and they will start to get more aggressive. Each zombie that you shoot in the head gives you 75 points, for one limb it gives you 25 points (note that you can only get the 25 points once for each zombie) and each time you punch a zombies head off, you get 100. Keep battling throughout the waves, and the level ends when you finally die. Tips: 1. Punch if you want a better score. Punching is worth 100 punch if you knock one of their heads off, and you, of course want higher scores. If you thinkt hat you are pretty good at punching, then do it, but if you suck, then just use your gun to shoot off their heads. If you just hold down the fire button when you have your fists equipped, the Henchman will just keep on punching. This can kill the zombies easy, put if you want it precise, run up to an enemy and press punch. If you run up to an enemy and you are holding down punch, you can get to the enemy while you are inbetween the two punches, which can be bad. 2. When overwhelmed, let the zombies kill each other. If you find that there are too many zombies, you can make them kill each other. All you have to do is approach the pack of zombies, and then move back. The zombies will attempt to strike at you, but usually fail miserably, but will hit there friends instead, casuing them to die. You can also do this if you happen to run out of ammo, which I don't think will happen, and even then you can just use your fists. One more thing, you don't get any points for the zombies killing each other, but it can just help you complete a wave. 3. Use those two bullets wisely. In case you don't know what I'm talking about, the Shotgun can only hold two bullets in a clip before it has to reload. use these two bullets wisely, and also shoot the enemies that are closest to you. If you don't, and you shoot some enemy who is far away from you, while you are trying to reload your gun, you will most likley get hit by those Zombies just near you. Shoot the ones near you first, then tackle the ones that are farther away. 4. Always keep moving. There is a good reason for this, so the enemies don't keep on hitting you, and so that you don't get trapped into a corner. Also, enemies can easily sneak up behidn you without you even knowing that they are there. This can be a real pain, so if you keep on moving, they can't just punch you from behind. Never get trapped in a corner. If you find yourself trapped in a corner, punch your way out. Shooting them all with your shotgun is bad in this situation, because after those two bullets you fire, you need to reload and can't attack them, where as they can. Using your fists, you can attack without having to reload. If your lucky enough many enemies will kill their own mates, but of course you don't get points for that. 5. If your going for a Platinum, make sure that you have lots of health left. What I mean is, say that getting Platinum you have to get up to Wave 50, for example. Of coruse, you will complete the level once you run out of health. Lets say that you have less than a quarter of your health left when you are on wave 20 for example, then it will just be best to restart the level, and try it all over again. Also, just a reminder, there is no health powerups that you can collect in this level, or armour, so there is no way to restore your health. Just through I should say that. SERGIO'S LAST STAND Liked the last level? This one is harder, a lot harder. First of all, there is less space that you can move around it. You can't actually see your bounderies in this level, so you will just have to be careful. Okay, in this level, you still have to shoot the heads off Zombies, but there is a big difference; you are facing flaming zombies. No, they don't have flamethrowers; they, themselves are on fire, and they wont die by the flames. Wait until one spanws, then check your radar, and then shoot the Zombie in the head. Sometimes it can be hard to actually see there head through the fire, so just use your aim button to get up your crosshairs, and shoot in the middle of the fire (at the head.) it's most importent to check your radar here, keep looking at it, and watch as the enemies spawn. Because there will be lots of enemies, try to keep moving. If you happen to get on fire, then run around the post and grab the Fire Extinguisher. Run to where no zombies are and aim at the ground and shoot the Fire Extinguisher at the ground, and it will put you out. Now, the zombies should be lined up behind you, so stay back and shoot them using the tactical tweleve guage shotgun. Do this for every wave, and keep watching your radar. Tips: 1. Make good use of the Tactical 12 Guages shooting while reloading. lets say that you used up all your bullets in the clip by shooting the zombies, the tactical 12 guage will automatically reload. When it is reloading, it will load the bullets in one by one. If you happen to get attacked while reloading, you can shoot the tactical 12 Guage. Reloading will stop, and however many bullets you loaded will count. To continue reloading in bullet, just press the reload button again to load the rest in. If you are having trouble doing this method, then you can use the next method... 2. Here is a great trick for Reloading the tactical 12 Guage shotgun. As you probably know, attempting to reload the tactical 12 Guage shotgun can be very time costing, and since you have millions of zombies trying to attack you at one time, reloading isnt really good. So, here is a way that you can quickly reload your Tactical 12 Guage Shotgun, and be ready for action straight away. The tactical 12 Guage takes about 5 seconds to reload all of it's bullets back in, maybe even more. Using this method, it will take about 1 second. Yes, it does save a lot of time. Anyway, here is how you do it: First, equip your Tactical 12 Guage, have it in your hand. Now, press the next weapon, and then the previous weapon buttons (next weapon first, followed by the previous wepon really quickly.) It will go to your tactical 12 guage, and all bullets will be reloaded. 3. Make sure that you collect the ammo for your Tactical 12 Guage shotgun a lot. The tactical 12 Guage Shotgun can fire two bullets if you press the Secondary fire button. Unfortunately, this really has no use fighting the Zombies, unless, they are all piled up together, and in a line, if you shoot two, the first bullet will kill the first zombie, and the second will kill the second zombie. Anyway, this seems to drain your ammo, so remember to always grab the ammo from in the middle of the Circus area when it re-appears. 4. Don't be afraid to stary away from the area, but don't get counted out. You have 3 seconds of out time, and once that is used up, then you fail the level, or the level ends. The out time will refill once you are back in the arena, so once you get back in the arena, you will have 3 more seconds of out time when you next go out. The main times that you will need to stray out of the area are when you are being chased by a lot of Zombies, or you need to get around some of those flaming zombies that are in front of you. Just remember, don't get counted out. The next one is if you need to use the fire extinguisher. DAY OF THE DAMMED This one, to me, is easier than the previous level. Once again, this level involves zombies. This time, luckily, they are not on fire. Phew, that is defenetly a relief. But, in this level, you have no weapon. How are you going to fight them off, you ask? Your fists of course. What else? In the first phase, zombies will come from the big main hall towards you. They will sometimes be stupid enough to go through the glass. When they come towards you, press the punch button to use your fists to hit them in the head. There is no need to move your view up and down, just for turning. After a few phases, zombies will start spawning behind you, and to the left and right. Make sure that you check behind, left and right occasionally to see if there are any zombies there threatening your health. If there are, then kill them. You seem to have a lot of health in this level, so use that to your advantage. In this level, every person that you kill, they will give you 100 points. Just battle through the waves, and when you die, the level is complete. 1. Your main attack will be to run up and press punch by the enemys' heads. You can hold down the attack button, and just run into enemies like this, but you could get to them in between punches, which means that they can easily hit you before you can hit them. If you run up to the zombie, and press fire to use your fists, it wil kill him straight away, thats presuming you get the timing right, if you don't, then you could still get hit. Be careful, and remember to dodge backwards to avoid being hit. Some of the enemies attacks will hit you, but some wont do damage. Only the real diret hits will make you lose health. 2. There is no way that you can regain health in this level, at least I don't think so. If you are going for a platinum ranking, and lets say that is Phase 20, and you have practically no health left by phase 15, then restart the level, and then try again. It is better than wasting more time, when you know that you are not going to get a Platinum ranking. Also, there is no way that you can get Armour in the level, so it is pretty much like Endurance; no way to heal, and it's just a battle to the death. Once you die, the level is complete. 3. You can let zombies kill themselevs in this. This is great because you don't have to fight as many of those stupid zombies. The zombies are complete idiots, so if you get them to attempt to hit you, but if you move back in time, they will still punch, but usually hit there own friends. This really only will work when the zombies are in a pack, because if there isn't any zombies next to him, he wont be able to kill him. INFILTRATION ============ SILENT BUT DEADLY Ohh, a stealth level. I am really not a fan of stealth in First Person Shooters, but this makes it really fun, and exciting. Anyway, this level uses a unique scoring system. Each second you have been spotted you lose some points. The only way you can stop your points being deducted is to kill all enemies that have spotted you, or take out the camera that has spotted you. Alterantively, you can just complete the level, and however many points you are on when you finished the level will be your total score. Lets start the walkthrough. There are so many ways to do this challenge, but, for example, the platinum route, there is a lot of chance of being seen, so lets just go the normal route. From the starting point, walk forward, and grab the Sniper Rifle and Silenced Pistol. Now, from here, look up, and then press (or hold) down the aim button. Now, look for the guard up top. Aim at his head with the sniper rifle. When his head is in your aiming crosshair, then shoot. If you hit him anywhere else but the head, he wont die straight away and you will more than likely lose stealth points. Once he is dead, move your aimer to the right abit, and you will see a camera. Wait until the camera lens gets around to you, and then shoot the lens. This will put the camera out of action. Now, walk out of the tunnel. Look to your right when you get out of the tunnel. There should be a guard walking away from you or coming towards the fence. If there isn't, just wait for about 5 seconds, and he should come back into view. Aim your sniper rifle at this guy, and shoot him in the head. It may be difficult to see him through the fence, but do your best. Now, run up and go past the fence. The camera wont spot you, because you put it out of action. Now, head to the right. Keep going up, and on the last room on the left will be a guard. You don't need to open the door to kill this guy. Aim through the glass section of the door, and aim at the guys head as well. Shoot, and the bullet will go through the glass, smash it, and kill the guy as well. Now move around past the fnece to the left. Walk up, and the first chance you get, look left. You will see a guard, under a camera. Shoot the guard in the head. Don't worry; the camera wont see the guy dying and raise the alarm. Now, walk up, and shoot the camera in it's lens. After it has been taken out, now look to the right. Stay here, and a guard will walk past. When he walks past, shoot him in the head. Alternatively, you can go into the building on the upper right, and then shoot the guard when you can see him through the window. now head to the left, where the guard comes from. Head up the stairs, and into the room on the left. Go all the way to the other end of the room, and press the action button to activate the door to the dam. Run back out, and head to the left. Walk across the platform, and you will see a hole in the roof. Drop down this hole, and grab the timed mines off the shelf behind you. Grab the mines, and then run back upstairs. Throw a mine on the communications dish. As soon as you get one on, run back down stairs, and keep going forward. Go left when you can, and run forward into the inside area of the dam to complete the challenge. TIPS 1. Always use headshots. You need to in this challenge. If you don't use headshots, then the enemy wont be killed straight away, and will know that you are there, and that will mean that you will lose stealth points. If you are looking for a platinum medal, then restart the challenge if you don't get a headshot. You still might need to resart the challenge if you do this on easy mode as well, because the enemy you don't kill in a headshot will alert a lot of enemies in the level, and it might be hard to kill all enemies in the level that have been alerted before your stealth points go to 0. Headshots are quite easy to get, but just remember that the enemies tend to sway left and right, so make sure you get them exactly on the crosshair before you shoot. Any mistakes and you miss, well, restart. 2. There is an alterantive way to get around the cameras, but the way I listed in the walkthrough is probably the easiest way to do it. This here is just an alertanive way, and has it's positives also. This method involves not shooting any cameras (well, maybe one.) Shoot the first guard, run out, and shoot the guard by the fence. Take out your Uplink, and look at the camera's distance. Avoid it, and head to the right. Now, do as you would usually do, by looking at the walkthrough. When you get to the next camera, you can either wait until it's range is away from you by looking at the Uplink, or you can just shoot the camera from here. Now, run into the downstairs building, and go to the camera controls. Now you can press action, and then turn the off also. Do this to all cameras, and you will disable the cameras. BANANA CHOMP ============ GONE BANANAS A fun level to do, although it wont seem fun if you don't know the level design properly. Seriously, when I first got the game, I didn't know the level design of this level, so it was really frustrating, and I couldn't beat the level! Later on, after playing it, I have now got a gold, and I'm not too far off of a Platinum level. The main tip in this level is to practise. Keep playing the level until you know the design of the level, or, of course, alternatively, just read my walkthrougth that I'm about to give you. Take note that there are several ways that you can go to complete this challenge, but some will require going out of the way to get certain bananas that veer off of the main course. The path that I'm gonna take you through is the Easiest way to go, and going this way, I have got a Gold Medal, as I said before. In this challenge, what you have to do is go around, being a Monkey (who is incredibley fast) you have to collect bananas that are scattered around the level, although in one big path. Okay, so now here is the walkthrough: You will start off in a cave like section. Run forward, and keep taking the path around collecting the bananas as you go over them. When you enter the room with the Pillars, first go to the left, and collect the banaans. Now head straight up through the middle of the pillars, and grab the banas on the left and the right. Now head forward, through the tunnel, and grab the banana on the right, then run up and grab the banana by the door. Now, turn around, and run up the stairs. Up here are a few more bananas, so get them, and then jump down and head through the next tunnel on the left. Now head left, and collect the next banana, but don't head out. Instead, head back to the right, and take the path around. Collect the banas on the path, and head right and grab the one in the dead end, then head out into the open section. Run around the barrier, then head into the first room on your right. Grab the bana up the set of stairs, go back down and run up and collect the banas up here, and also the one on the right at the dead end. Turn back, and run left. Collect the one on the little hill, and you will now be in the area, near where you start story mode. Run through the path, ignore the path on the right for now, and collect the banas on the ground. Now, run forward and go across the pipe and collect all of the banas in this area. The path is blocked from this way, so once you have grabbed all of the banans from the area, run back and go across the path, and then run to your right, and grab the next banana. Your on the home strech. Run down the dip, run left and keep running forward and get the last banana right by the last door. Once you get it, cahllenge complete. Sorry if I confused you, but that is the best I can do without drawing a map. TIPS 1. Know the level layout. Seriously, this helps a lot. When you very first play this challenge level, you will have no idea where to go, and what banas to collect, because you don't know the layout, and where the bananas are hidden, which will make the challenge hard to complete in under 1 minute and 30 seconds. So, know the level layout, which means you can go through the level at ease, and you will never get lost doing it. If you want to know the level layout better, just continue to do this challenge a lot, or you can also play the story mode level called Aztec Ruins, which this level is based off of. Play that to learn more of the layout. Alternatively, play an Arcade Custom match, and set all of the bots to off, and then just cruise around the Aztec level, exploriong the level. This, in my opinion, should help you a lot and help you. It comes down to the old saying Practise makes Perfectr. 2. Speed is the key. No, no the drug silly. This really only applies if you are really trying to get a good medal, like a Gold, or maybe even a Platinum medal. You have got to keep on moving and grabbing those bananas quickly. If you spend even one second too long trying to grab one banana, you can kiss that Platinum medal goodbye. Try to keep on monving all the time. Try to never ever stop unless you really have to, but I think that there is no place in the level where you really have to stop. MONKEY BUSINESS This challenge here is really similar to the above challenge. The only really big difference is that there are zombies that are going after you, and are trying to kill you. You have to try and avoid these zombies, while getting the bananas as well. You cannot punch off the zombies heads either, so this makes it even harder to do. Here is the walkthrough that I wrote for the last challenge, which is of course applicables here. You will just have to watch the locations of where the zombies are and avoid them as nessecary. You will start off in a cave like section. Run forward, and keep taking the path around collecting the bananas as you go over them. When you enter the room with the Pillars, first go to the left, and collect the banaans. Now head straight up through the middle of the pillars, and grab the banas on the left and the right. Now head forward, through the tunnel, and grab the banana on the right, then run up and grab the banana by the door. Now, turn around, and run up the stairs. Up here are a few more bananas, so get them, and then jump down and head through the next tunnel on the left. Now head left, and collect the next banana, but don't head out. Instead, head back to the right, and take the path around. Collect the banas on the path, and head right and grab the one in the dead end, then head out into the open section. Run around the barrier, then head into the first room on your right. Grab the bana up the set of stairs, go back down and run up and collect the banas up here, and also the one on the right at the dead end. Turn back, and run left. Collect the one on the little hill, and you will now be in the area, near where you start story mode. Run through the path, ignore the path on the right for now, and collect the banas on the ground. Now, run forward and go across the pipe and collect all of the banas in this area. The path is blocked from this way, so once you have grabbed all of the banans from the area, run back and go across the path, and then run to your right, and grab the next banana. Your on the home strech. Run down the dip, run left and keep running forward and get the last banana right by the last door. Once you get it, cahllenge complete. Sorry if I confused you, but that is the best I can do without drawing a map. TIPS 1. Know the level layout. Seriously, this helps a lot. When you very first play this challenge level, you will have no idea where to go, and what banas to collect, because you don't know the layout, and where the bananas are hidden, which will make the challenge hard to complete in under 1 minute and 30 seconds. So, know the level layout, which means you can go through the level at ease, and you will never get lost doing it. If you want to know the level layout better, just continue to do this challenge a lot, or you can also play the story mode level called Aztec Ruins, which this level is based off of. Play that to learn more of the layout. Alternatively, play an Arcade Custom match, and set all of the bots to off, and then just cruise around the Aztec level, exploriong the level. This, in my opinion, should help you a lot and help you. It comes down to the old saying Practise makes Perfectr. 2. Speed is the key. No, no the drug silly. This really only applies if you are really trying to get a good medal, like a Gold, or maybe even a Platinum medal. You have got to keep on moving and grabbing those bananas quickly. If you spend even one second too long trying to grab one banana, you can kiss that Platinum medal goodbye. Try to keep on monving all the time. Try to never ever stop unless you really have to, but I think that there is no place in the level where you really have to stop, unless some stupid zombies deicde to get in your way. 3. Avoid those zombies! The zombies are so annoying in thsi challenge, and the fact that you, yourself can't kill them can also be annoying. If you happen to get stuck in a pack of zombies, let them hit themselves. That is really the only thing you can do, and hopefully, they will all kill themselves, leaving you a clear path, but be carefull, as they will repsoawn near you. Try to avoid the zombies as best as possible, and remember that you have got the speed advantage, so outrun them when you can, although most can appear in front of you. ======================================================================= CHAPTER 4 - SECTION 6: AMATUER LEAGUE ======================================================================= BEGINNERS SERIES ================ ADIOS AMIGOS! Your very first Arcade League macth (probably.) This is very easy also. I'm assuming you have played story mode before this, so you know the controls to the game, and all the basics. The match you have to play here is acalled a deathmatch. It isn't a hard mode to understand at all. Basically, you, and a bunch of over bots are put in a arena, and you have to fight each other. Whoever gets the most kills wins. In this match, the last part isn't exactly true though, you have to get to the certain kills in a time limit, and the medal that you get at the end of the level is decided by what time you got. Anyway, lets get on to the guide. Firstly, grab some ammo from whereever you start. If it is outside by the buildings; good. Grab the Plasma Autorifle, and whatever weaponary you can find. Now, follow your radar to where you can find an enemy. Now, track them down, and just keep on shooting them with the Plasma Autorifle, or whatever other weapon you have got in your hand. If you find a pack of people, fire one of those Plasma Grenades into the pack, and hopefully they will stick around in the area long enough for it to explode, and you will get kills. If you want to, you can grab a Homing Launcher, but I don't know where it is, and can take too long to go and grab, and ammo for it is probably fairly limited, but none the less, it can home in on people, and kill them instantly. CASULTY Another easy deathmatch level. Everyone should have no problems beating this challenge. I suppose this is beginners series, but it is still very very easy to complete this challenge scoring a Gold medal. What you have to do is kill 15 people, and when you do that, the challenge is completed. Look at the weapons you have though, they are all Futuristic weapons, and the thing that is wrong about it all is that you are in a Hospital, that is very old, and in the levels you play in, have zombies in it, meaning it is very old. So, you have a choice of the futuristic weapons in this place. My advice is to use the Scif-i handgun, or any weapon better. Just find someone, and then shoot them 3 times (9 bullets) and they will easily die. Sometimes you will knock their heads off, but they are not dead then. Easily do this to kill 15 people, and you complete the challenge. You have no team members, so you don't have to worry about friendly fire. If you happen to run out of ammo for the Handgun, go searching for the Lasergun, and charge it up and shoot all enemies. Also, you can use the Plasma autorifle, and just lob grenades on people, or by the walls near people and when it explodes, it will kill the people, making it great for large packs of enemies, there is a great way to rack up your kills. Also, don't use the electrotool, it is a totally crap weapon, and takes ages to kill. Only use it as a last resort, and try not to get caught in the enemy fire of this. There are camping spots all round the hospital. TOP SHOT Elimination is one of the best game modes in my opinion. Basically, what you have to do is try to kill everyone esle and make their lives go down to zero. Each player starts out with a certain number of lives (6 in this case.) What you have to do is start killing people, and make them lose all of their lives, while you have to avoid being shot and losing lives yourself. Because there are other bots around, they will kill each other also. But, a lot of people will gang up on you, and always go for you, whether you have 6 lives or 1, it can be so annoying. What you have to do in this level is try to find a good camping spot. A camping spot is a place where you stay there with a good weapon, in a place with only one entrance, and just shoot anyone that comes near you. This is a good strategy only if you want to get a Bronze or a Silver. If thats all you want, then use the above strategy and just kill anyone who approaches you. For a gold or a Platinum, you might have to stay in the hangar area, and just blast any person you see in the Hangar area. When someone spawns; wait for a second and shoot them. Try to get the minigun also, it can be found at the back of the hangar. Put it in secondary fire, and just kill everyone. It has 400 bullets, use them wisely. Once everyone is dead (watch out for captain snow, he is better than the rest) the challenge is complete. MODE MADNESS ============ CHASITY CHASED Chasity is homing in on her combat skills down at the compound against Sadako. Here is a new game mode, called regenration. It is not at all a hard mode to understand. If you have been hit, just move back and take cover and your health will start to regenarte. So, stay back if you are hit by bullets, but remember that the same thing will apply for Sadako, so chase after her when you have full health and you think that she might have not much health left. If you decide to go back when she has hardly any health left, then her health will regain, meaning you have to do all that work again. Now, you have some interesting weapons here in the compound, because they are all futuristic, because this is ment to be one of those virtual things. The weapon you should use to fight Sadako if you are just trying to get a Bronze or Silver will be the Lasergun. Press secondary fire to get the shield up, then powerup shots and make sure that they hit her. Powered up shots can do a lot of damage to her, so use that a lot until you have no ammo left for the Lasergun. You can also use a rocket launcher. The Rocket Launcher can be found at the opposite side of the house section. It is found by some crates near a shed section. Grab this, and shoot bullets at the ground by her, and this will usually kill her instantly. Go back and grab ammo from the same spot (as ammo should be repsawned by then) and keep on repeating the same process. Remember to shoot at the ground, as if you go for a direct hit, it can easily miss her, and thats a waste of a bullet. If you aim at the ground on the other hand, it can incur massive splash damage and kill her. IT'S A BLAST ============ NIGHT SHIFT This is, by far, one of my favourite levels in the Amatuer League level. For some reason, it is great to destroy robots with big, Hi tech Rocket Launchers, and also Homing Launchers. You are in a fight with other bots at the Robot Facotry, playing in a game of Leech. If you don't know what Leech is, then it means this: Kill the other players to regain health. This means you can blow someone up with a Rocket Launcher who is right in your face and you wont die, yoru health will be regained to full. There is a good tip for you. Anyway, just grab yourself a Rocket launcher, or if possible, a Homing Launcher. Stay in the outside section, and try to stay on the top sections, so that you can look down at the ground, and start shooting down at them with your rokcet launchers and also your Homing Launchers. Just aim down, shoot, and sometimes the robots may take a few shots with a rocket launcher before they decide to go down to the ground and die. Just keep shooting, and remember to keep on moving to avoid being hit by the rockets. Those bots have a lot of health. If you kill a lot, you will probably never die through this level. When aiming for the Robots, be sure to aim at their feet. This will ensure an instant kill. If you aim for their body, it will most likely miss, and go straight past causing no damage. If you shoot it at the ground, splash damage will incur and hopefully kill the robot. SPOILS OF WAR I always thought a mode like theif would be great for TimeSplitters 2. Wondering what theif mode is? Well, I'll tell you. I think we all know what the word Thief means, it means a person who was stolen something. In TimeSplitters 2, when someone kills someone, the dead person will leave behind coin. Pick up the coin to get a point. Keep on collecting points to win. It is called thief because you are stealing the coins, and stealing a kill, because you don't have to be the person that kills the guy to grab the coin. This level is at the ice station. This challenge can be based a lot on luck, because sometimes coins can just be lying around the ground, where people have died, and sometimes enemies don't go straight for the coins. Just generally try to steal other peoples coins/kills. Do not kill people from far awat. Like, don't use the turrets on the above floors in the central building to kill people. The reason for this is that you wont have enough time to run down and grab the coin. Try to do up close kills, so you can quickly grab the coins, but if you do it from far away, an enemy will most likely grab the coin from the guy that you killed. Just keep on collecting those coins, and be the first to 20 coins to beat the challenge. TOO HOT TO HANDLE ================= MONKEY IMMOLATION In case you don't know what virus is, this is what the game mode is: There is one player at the start of the challenge that set on fire. He has to attmept to put other contenders on fire also. Once a player i caught on fire, he cannot be put off fire, and must spread the falem, like a Virus. You have to stay off fire for a certain amount of time. As soon as you get put on fire, the challenge ends, and however long you evaded the virus for is your score. The best strat for this level is to stay in the outside courtyard area. There is a building in this section that has a ladder on it, so use the ladder and go to the roof of the building. Stay up here with a weapon, and then look down off of the roof to the ground. Don't jump down. If you see a virus comping towards you (as they always do, as they seem to always pick on you first) then shoot it. Stay up here shooting them. Watch out behind you, as they can spawn there. When all players are on fire (apart from you) when they come up the ladder, jump down, and lead them through the middle section, up the stairs at the end, and then go to the bell and jump down and repeat the process, and they will just follow you around wherever you go. Just keep on avoiding them, and let you follow them. Don't turn around and kill any of the monkeys, because this will upset the chain, causing a virus to spawn in front of you, or somewhere else which is not good, as you need everyone behind you. Just keep doing this, until something goes wrong, or you last for the Platinum time. I have also heard some stuff of the Monkey getting stuck under the ladder that you use to get up top of the building. If he is the only one infected, then there is an easy Platinum. DISCO INFERNO This is quite a hard level, but it also really depends on what spanw point you get first up. If you start inside the nightclub, it is probably better if you restart the game. If you don't want to retart, then try to make your way outside of the nightclub. Also, inside the Nightclub are some Tommy guns on a stage. Stay here, and blast the person with the virus as they come through the door. By the time the next virus comes to you, the ammo will have respawned, and you can grab it and start shooting the next lot of viruses that come through the doorway. This can be hard when all the people are infected and you need to last for three minutes. What I just listed above isn't the best strategy. The best strategy is to play cat and mouse with the viruses. First, get outside of the nightclub, where it is raining. Now, find the steps, and get to the very top of the fire esacpe. Now, just wait up here, with whatever weapons you have collected, and shoot it a virus comes up. If two decide to come up and get you, then jump down, and lead them across the catwalk, across the gap, drop down and get the speed icon to race up the stairs, and go across the gap again. They will most likely follow you, but lose your trail due to you getting the speed powerup. BURNS DEPARTMENT Not a really big start here, but this level is based on luck. Sometimes the other people will get set on fire really quick, and sometimes they wont. Camp on the big balcony area, where the fifth weapon will spawn. Stay here, and it one or two viruses decide to come through the door, kill them. You only have to last 30 seconds to get a Bronze, and thats easy if you use the above start. If you want platinum, when everyone (except you) are on fire, get them all behind you, and let them cahse after you. Don't kill them, and they will follow you, but wont be able to catch up. Because they are all behind you, keep going around in circles and they shouldn't be a problem. I got a Platinum uisng this method, so it should work for other people as well. If you are still having trouble with that start, then just stay on the balcony section, shoot the viruses when they come in, but when they overpower you, jump down. Now run back up to the baclcony, kill the ones chasing you, and hope that the enemies get to you in small groups, like 2 in a group so that you can easily kill them, but if they are in a group of 5 for example, it will be harder to kill them before you die. Hope that helped you out there. TEAM SERIES A ============= MEN IN GRAY The last level in the Amatuer league, but also the hardest level. This one is a real pain to complete, and may take you afew times to just get the hang of the level. What you have to try to do is to practise this level, and find a good strategy of how to do everything. For example, if the first time you get shot down by a gun camera thing, work a way around it. Anyway, here is my strategy. Firstly, your team members wont really do the objectives for you. You have to do them yourselfs, so they wont destroy the barrels for you, you have to do that yourself, so keep that in mind. Before you run out in the open, get equipped. There is a Soviet downstairs, and some more ammo lying around the place. The Soviet is the best weapon for this. The grenades will come in very handy for destroying things. Now, run out, and keep on running down the middle. The gun camera will hit you afew times, but that wont matter. If you want to, take it out by hitting the screen on the top left of the turret. If only you have a Sniper Rifle. Anyway, grab the armour in the middle, and make sure you have the soviets. Look left, and launch a grenade at the turret on the left. When the grenade explodes, it will take out the turret. Do the same to the next gun turret on the right side. By now, all the enemies will have came down and will be attacking you. Shoot a grenade into the pack, followed by just shooting the ones that survive. Now, make a mad dash up the hill to the waterfall section. Just ignore everything on your way to the waterful, and once you get there, you get a checkpoint. Grab some supplies, like the homing launcher, and then run up the hill. Take out the camera on the hill in you want to, but it isn't needed, so if you don't feel like wasting ammo, then don't worry about it. Now, you need to destroy all of the barrels in their base. Here are the locations to the hard ones: 1) Near the alternative entrance to their base (the ground path.) To the left of that is a barrel. 2) To the right of their base. When looking at the actual two story building of their base, go right, and behind their base will be a barrel. 3) At the top of their base. Get into the two story building of their base, and then use the stairs to get to the top. Shoot the barrel up here. Finally, run into their base, and lob grenades at all of the various machines that you find in here. Just lok grenades, and that shall destroy them all. ======================================================================= CHAPTER 4 - SECTION 7: HONORARY LEAGUE ======================================================================= MAXIMUS ======= COLD CORPSE CAPER In my opinion, this is one of the best levels in the game. Playing Gladiator in this level is so fun, because it is in the hospital, and the weapons make it seem really real. Also, there is no time limit, it is just how many kills you can get. By the way, you have a new game mode here, which is gladiator. The rules can be harsh. The only points you can get are kills from you being gladiator. To become gladiator, you must kill the gladiator. As the gladiator, kill other people to become the gladiator. Good fun, at times. Now, firstly, find the Grenade Launcher, and also the Tommy Guns x2. Once you have them, find, and hunt down the gladiator. Kill the gladiator. Now that you have the Tommy Gun x2, just shoot everyone you can see. Wait in a camping area, like near the toilers or the shower room. Just stay in a room with the Tommy Guns, and they should respawn each time just before you have wasted all your ammo for the Tommy Guns. Just keep on shooting everyone that appears near you, and try not to die. Hunt everyone down, and kill them all. For big packs of enemies, press start, and select grenade launcher (this is quicker than selecting them by pressing previous or next weapon.) Now, fire the grenade launcher into the pack of everyone to get some easy kills. KILLER QUEEN I absolutely hate this challenge. It can be so annoying, and generally, so is gladiator mode, although it can be fun sometimes. There are not many different startegies for this. First of all, you have to find the gladiator. If you are going for a Platinum medal, it may be better if you just keep restarting if the Gladiator is near you, otherwise it will be a waste of time. If, however you are just starting the challenge, then don't worry about that, just find the gladiator. Once you find the gladiator, kill them. For some reason, the gladiator has more health than you. Once you have killed the gladiator, find a good weapon, automatic or an explosive, and find a good camping spot. A camping spot is somehwere where you just stay in the one spot, where there is only one entrance/exit to. While camping, just shoot anyone who tries to come towards you, while you are the gladiator, of course. Just stay there and camp, and because everyone wants to kill you to become gladiator, they will come looking for you, which is why you can kill them easily. Be aware of the Stupid Stone Golem also. Use all of your automatic and explosive weapons on this guy. He has a lot of Health, more than the other people in this battle, which is why you should try to avoid him if possible, or kill him really quickly. He will be the most threat that is posed on you in this challenge. R109 BETA This, in my opinion is a very hard level to get a platinum on. It requires a lot of luck to complete. A lot of R109's a battling each other down at the Ice Station. What you have to do is to become gladiator, and start killing everyone so that you get points. That is basically what galdiator is about. I'm not sure how the galdiator is first chosen, but I know that it is never you. When you first start, grab some ammo. The only weapons you will have here is a Rocket Launcher, and if you can find one, a Homing Launcher. There are a lot of starts you can use here. The main thing to do is to NOT stay outside in the open. You will be a prime target. Firstly, locate the gladiator, and kill him. Once you are gladiator, run to the underground tunnels. Stay in the T section of the tunnels, and when you spot an enemy on your radar, shoot them with the Rocket Launcher, or the Homing Launcher, which will spawn down here in the tunnels. Another way that people do it, is to go up to the top of the big tower in the middle of the ice station, and stay at the top, meaning people outisde can't hit them, unless they are near the window. If you go up the top, you can easily shoot down at enemies as they come up the paths. TEAM SERIES B ============= RICE CRACKER RUSH When I first tried this challenge, I thought that it was very, very hard. The Riot Officers who you fo up against have escellent strength, and seem to take a lot of damage before they die, meaning that they can kill you before you can kill them, most of the time. Even if I did kill them, I would be low on ammo, and also be low on health, so firstly, try to avoid confrontations with the Riot officers, let all of your teammates take the bullets, as they are not good at getting the bag anyway. This is a capture the bag level, where you have to stealth their bag, and bring it back to your base, but in order to score, you must have your bag in your base. The key to this challenge all lies in the powerups. First, move around the corner, and in the building area on the left is the Cloack powerup. Grab the powerup, and this will make you go invisible. They wont be able to see you, until you grab the bag. Make your trip quick, don't go slow, otherwise you can be seen before you get to the bag, and you will probably get shot and killed. Once you do reach the bag however, and when you grab it, the inviciblity will not longer work. grab the bag, and take the streets back, and kill any people that get in your way. Bring the bag back to your base, shoot whoever has your bag, and repeat 5 times. Try to find the minigun also, and put it on secondary fire to easily mow down the enemy. Also, use the grenades from the Soviets to easily take down the enemy. SUPERFLY LADY I absolutely hate this challenge, and just about all Assault levels, and they have Ridiculus difficulty, just like this level. What you have to do is perform an assault on the hangar, and do different objectives. From the start, run forward, and aim the little screen on the top left of the turret on the right wall. This will disbale it without too much trouble. Do the same to the next turret on the wall on the left. Move forward, and if possible, grab the soviets, sometimes your friends take them instead. If this happens, oh well, looks like you will have to rely on the Silenced Pistols. Shoot the screen or fire a grenade at the turret just ahead, then fire a grenade at the next lot of turrets to the right, before they notice you. There are two of them here, so one grenade can easily take out both of them with just the one grenade. Watch out, as there is a Sniper (actually with a rocket launcher) that usually appears above the turrets. Anyway, once they are all taken care of, run up and turn the corner on the right. Either fire a grenade at the turret, or take your time and shoot the screen above it. Turn the next corner, and there will be another Turret. Try to take out this one before it finds you. Now, run to where that turret was, and turn right. Grab the armour by the crates, and then use the Soviets and aim up and just keep on shooting the turrets. You need to destroy these ones. Next, move forward, and on the right of the stairs is another turret, so destroy it. The first objective should be complete. Now, go up the stairs, and only shoot the people that are in your way. Ignore the turrets here, as you don't need to take these ones out. Fire grenades to kill packs, and just run up, past the hole to the left. Keep running, and hit the switch at the end. When going for platinum, it is essential that you let the Turret survive, so it will kill you, which means you respawn right before the next objective. If it doesn't, run back down the stairs, and go to where the last turret was. From here, run forward out into the Hngar area. Shoot the 3 fuel barrels, that are in between the back wheels of the planes. Shoot all three to make them explode, and try to ignore the turrets. Once all of the Fuel Barrels are destroyed, challenge complete. ======================================================================= CHAPTER 4 - SECTION 9: RANKINGS ======================================================================= INTRODUCTION ------------ I have decided to keep this section away from the Startegies of the Challenge and Arcade League Startegies, because people looking in the "Arcade League" and challenge section will probably only be looking for the startegies for those levels. Here are the times/scores you need to get the different medals. CHALLENGE --------- PANE IN THE NECK ================ BRONZE: 1:00.0 SILVER: 0:30.0 GOLD: 0:18.0 PLATINUM: 0:11.0 BIRCKING IT =========== BRONZE: 1:30.0 SILVER: 0:45.0 GOLD: 0:35.0 PLATINUM: 0:30.0 STAIN REMOVAL ============= BRONZE: 24 Panes SILVER: 28 Panes GOLD: 32 Panes PLATINUM: 32 Panes + 0:48.0 FIGHT OFF THE LIVING DEAD ========================= BRONZE: 10,000 SILVER: 15,000 GOLD: 20,000 PLATINUM: 150,000 SERGIOS LAST STAND ================== BRONZE: 5,000 SILVER: 15,000 GOLD: 25,000 PLATINUM: 35,000 DAY OF THE DAMMED ================= BRONZE: 10,000 SILVER: 15,000 GOLD: 20,000 PLATINUM: 25,000 SILENT BUT DEADLY ================= BRONZE: 001 SILVER: 700 GOLD: 1000 PLATINUM: 1000 + 0:40.0 TROUBLE AT THE DOCKS ==================== BRONZE: 001 SILVER: 700 GOLD: 1000 PLATINUM: 1000 + 0:25.0 ESCAPE FROM NEO TOKYO ===================== BRONZE: 001 SILVER: 700 GOLD: 1000 PLATINUM: 1000 + 0:20.0 GONE BANANAS ============ BRONZE: 1:30.0 SILVER: 1:00.0 GOLD: 0:55.0 PLATINUM: 0:45.0 MONKEY BUSINESS =============== BRONZE: 1:30.0 SILVER: 1:05.0 GOLD: 0:58.0 PLATINUM: 0:49.0 PLAYING WITH FIRE ================= BRONZE: 18 SILVER: 22 GOLD: 24 PLATINUM: 24 + 0:00.9 TAKE EM DOWN ============ BRONZE: 1,500 SILVER: 2,500 GOLD: 3,500 PLATINUM: 4,100 FALL OUT ======== BRONZE: 1,200 SILVER: 1,500 GOLD: 1,650 PLATINUM: 1,700 PICK YER PIECE ============== BRONZE: 700 SILVER: 875 GOLD: 1,000 PLATINUM: 1,250 BADASS BUSPASS IMPASSE ====================== BRONZE: 5:00.0 SILVER: 3:00.0 GOLD: 1:30.0 PLATINUM: 0:45.0 BUT WHERE DO THE BATTERIES GO? ============================== BRONZE: 10:00.0 SILVER: 7:00.0 GOLD: 5:30.0 PLATINUM: 3:55.0 HIT ME BABY ONE MORGUE TIME =========================== BRONZE: 6:00.0 SILVER: 4:00.0 GOLD: 2:00.0 PLATINUM: 1:00.0 SIMIAN SHOOTOUT =============== BRONZE: 600 SILVER: 1,000 GOLD: 1,800 PLATINUM: 2,000 MONKEY MAYHEM ============= BRONZE: 1,000 SILVER: 1,500 GOLD: 2,500 PLATINUM: 3,000 DAM BURSTERS ============ BRONZE: 4,000 SILVER: 6,000 GOLD: 8,000 PLATINUM: 9,400 AMATUER LEAGUE -------------- ADIOS AMIGOS ============ BRONZE: 10 Kills SILVER: 5:00.0 GOLD: 3:00.0 PLATINUM: 0:43.0 CASUALTY ======== BRONZE: 15 Kills SILVER: 5:30.0 GOLD: 3:30.0 PLATINUM: 1:00.0 TOP SHOT ======== BRONZE: 1st SILVER: 4:00.0 GOLD: 3:00.0 PLATINUM: 1:10.0 CHASITY CHASED ============== BRONZE: 10 Kills SILVER: 4:00.0 GOLD: 3:00.0 PLATINUM: 1:10.0 SHRINKING FROM THE COLD ======================= BRONZE: 10 Kills SILVER: 4:30.0 GOLD: 3:00.0 PLATINUM: 0:55.0 SCRAP METAL =========== BRONZE: 10 Kills SILVER: 4:00.0 GOLD: 3:00.0 PLATINUM: 1:05.0 NIGHT SHIFT =========== BRONZE: 1st SILVER: 15 GOLD: 25 PLATINUM: 55 SPOILS OF WAR ============= BRONZE: 25 Coins SILVER: 6:00.0 GOLD: 4:30.0 PLATINUM: 2:40.0 DEMOLITION DERBY ================ BRONZE: 1st SILVER: 15 Kills GOLD: 25 Kills PLATINUM: 45 Kills MONKEY IMMOLATION ================= BRONZE: 0:30.0 SILVER: 1:00.0 GOLD: 2:00.0 PLATINUM: 3:00.0 DISCO INFERNO ============= BRONZE: 0:30.0 SILVER: 1:00.0 GOLD: 2:00.0 PLATINUM: 3:00.0 BURNS DEPARTMENT ================ BRONZE: 1:00.0 SILVER: 1:30.0 GOLD: 2:00.0 PLATINUM: 3:00.0 CLUB SODA ========= BRONZE: 20 Kills SILVER: 4:00.0 GOLD: 3:00.0 PLATINUM: 1:30.0 STATION STAND ============= BRONZE: 1,000 Points SILVER: 5:30.0 GOLD: 4:30.0 PLATINUM: 3:15.0 MEN IN GRAY =========== BRONZE: 10:00.0 SILVER: 6:00.0 GOLD: 3:00.0 PLATINUM: 1:00.0 COLD CORPSE CAPER ================= BRONZE: 1 SILVER: 10 GOLD: 15 PLATINUM: 45 KILLER QUEEN ============ BRONZE: 15 Kills SILVER: 4:00.0 GOLD: 3:00.0 PLATINUM: 1:30.0 R109 BETA ========= BRONZE: 15 Kills SILVER: 25 Kills GOLD: 40 Kills PLATINUM: 45 Kills BAKING FOR THE TAKING ===================== BRONZE: 1st SILVER: 4:00.0 GOLD: 3:00.0 PLATINUM: 2:15.0 BRACE YOURSELF ============== BRONZE: 1st SILVER: 2:30.0 GOLD: 1:40.0 PLATINUM: 1:20.0 STARSHIP WHOOPERS ================= BRONZE: 1st SILVER: 15 Kills GOLD: 25 Kills PLATINUM: 35 Kills CHINESE BURNS ============ BRONZE: 20 Kills SILVER: 2:30.0 GOLD: 2:00.0 PLATINUM: 1:45.0 SNOW BUSINESS ============= BRONZE: 20 Kills SILVER: 3:15.0 GOLD: 2:30.0 PLATINUM: 1:50.0 ROCKET MAN ========== BRONZE: 40 Kills SILVER: 2:00.0 GOLD: 1:30.0 PLATINUM: 1:10.0 SOMEONE HAS GOT TO PAY ====================== BRONZE: 40 SILVER: 50 GOLD: 60 PLATINUM: 80 TIME TO SPLITT ============== BRONZE: 15 Kills SILVER: 3:00.0 GOLD: 2:30.0 PLATINUM: 1:20.0 HACK A HACKER ============= BRONZE: 20 Kills SILVER: 1:40.0 GOLD: 1:20.0 PLATINUM: 1:00.0 RICE CRACKER RUSH ================= BRONZE: 5 Points SILVER: 5:00.0 GOLD: 4:00.0 PLATINUM: 3:00.0 SUPERFLY LADY ============= BRONZE: 6:00.0 SILVER: 3:00.0 GOLD: 2:00.0 PLATINUM: 1:30.0 BABES IN THE WOODS ================== BRONZE: 1st SILVER: 15 GOLD: 20 PLATINUM: 25 DOUBLE BILL =========== BRONZE: 20 Kills SILVER: 4:30.0 GOLD: 3:30.0 PLATINUM: 2:30.0 NIKKI JINKI BRICKY ================== BRONZE: 20 Kills SILVER: 2:30.0 GOLD: 2:00.0 PLATINUM: 1:35.0 IF IM UGLY, YOU SMELL ===================== BRONZE: 1st SILVER: 3 Lives GOLD: 4 Lives PLATINUM: 5 Lives GOLEM GURU ========== BRONZE: 1st SILVER: 3 Lives GOLD: 4 lives PLATINUM: 5 Lives GOLDEN THINGS ============= BRONZE: 5 Kills SILVER: 2:30.0 GOLD: 2:00.0 PLATINUM: 1:30.0 HANGAR HATS OFF =============== BRONZE: 30 Kills SILVER: 2:00.0 GOLD: 1:30.0 PLATINUM: 1:15.0 CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE ===================== BRONZE: 800 Points SILVER: 4:00.0 GOLD: 3:00.0 PLATINUM: 2:30.0 BIG TOP BLOWOUT =============== BRONZE: 1st SILVER: 25 Kills GOLD: 35 Kills PLATINUM: 45 Kills BAGS OF FUN =========== BRONZE: 3 Bags SILVER: 5 Bags GOLD: 7 Bags PLATINUM: 10 Bags THEY'RE NOT PETS ================ BRONZE: 1st SILVER: 30 Kills GOLD: 40 Kills PLATINUM: 50 Kills NICE THREADS ============ BRONZE: 15:00.0 SILVER: 10:00.0 GOLD: 5:00.0 PLATINUM: 2:45.0 AZTEC THE DINO HUNTER ===================== BRONZE: 45 Kills SILVER: 60 Kills GOLD: 70 Kills PLATINUM: 90 Kills HALF DEATH ========== BRONZE: 20 Kills SILVER: 3:00.0 GOLD: 2:30.0 PLATINUM: 2:00.0 DEAD FRACTION ============= BRONZE: 20 Kills SILVER: 4:30.0 GOLD: 3:00.0 PLATINUM: 2:05.0 BRIEFINGS --------- GLASS SMASH =========== Those Russian soldiers aren't that bright! Today's military training involves breaking all the glass in the Siberian compound. Nikolai managed this in one minute flat. Beat his time or you'll be the laughing stock of the barracks for weeks! BRICKING IT =========== After Private Poorly's incident with a grenade yesterday, all ammunition has been confiscated until further notice. This is no excuse to miss training though, so you'll have to improvise! STAIN REMOVAL ============= The life of a zombie would be far more pleasant if it weren't for the Hunchback spoiling the Wednesday morning sacrifices. Get your own back on him, and knock out as many stained glass windows as you can within the time limit. FIGHT OFF THE LIVING DEAD ========================= Another one of Khallos' attempts to take over the world has failed at the hands of Harry Tipper. As usual, Khallos has fled the scene, leaving a henchman to deal with the consequences (lots of zombies in this case). See how long you can keep him alive for... SERGIO'S LAST STAND =================== The last act performed at the circus tonight, this will star our very own Sergio the Strongman. We feel privileged to welcome our guests, a time traveling troupe of flaming zombies. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Sergio's Last Stand! DAY OF THE DAMMED ================= It looks rather like curiosity got the better of Nikolai. Gunshots or no gunshots, he'd have been better off steering clear of the research center altogether, and he should definitely have taken his gun. Keep him alive for as long as you can, using just his fists! SILENT BUT DEADLY ================= Even highly dangerous mercenaries like Gregor Lenko need to use stealth when outnumbered. Destroy the radar and enter the dam, without being detected by any of the Russian guards. TROUBLE AT THE DOCKS ==================== It's 3am and a new shipment has just arrived by barge, so there are goons crawling all over the docks! If you want to get through the Falucci Bros. warehouse alive, particular care will be needed. ESCAPE FROM NEO TOKYO ===================== It's late past curfew, and Chastity Detroit has ended up stuck in a rough district of Neo Tokyo. If the police find her, she'll spend the night in a cell, so get her out without being spotted! The temporal uplink should come in handy here. GONE BANANAS ============ Jojo the Monkey has been causing mischief around the village, and the villagers have had enough. To teach him a lesson, they've thrown his bananas away. Help him get them back! MONKEY BUSINESS =============== Jojo's been up to his old tricks again, and the villagers are really riled now. Not only have they taken the bananas, but they've conjured up some zombies to stop Jojo forever. Keep that monkey alive! PLAYING WITH FIRE ================= Jojo shot The Wood Golem with a flaming crossbow bolt. The Golem's not got long left but he's intent on getting his own back by eating as many of Jojo's bananas as possible! Go for the burn, Woody! TAKE 'EM DOWN ============= Uh-oh! The small town of Little Prospect is under siege by some vicious cardboard figures, and it looks like they have no intention of leaving. Take 'em down!! FALL OUT ========= After turning snitch on Big Tony, it seems poor Marco didn't have his escape route planned. Tony's not the brightest of guys though, and he's sent some cardboard cutouts after Marco. Help Marco through Chicago without killing any old ladies... PICK YER PIECE ============== A lawman needs a gun he can rely on. Elijah's gone down to the Compound to test out the performance of some firearms. Shoot as many cutouts as you can- but remember, accuracy will also improve your score. BADASS BUSPASS IMPASEE ====================== Badass Cyborg is having one of those days. First of all he loses his bus pass and now he's realized that his spare brain is on the other side of town. It's not going to be easy going to get it back on foot. Especially when Special Forces have been deployed... again! BUT WHERE DO THE BATTERIES GO? ============================== R107's therapist won't be pleased. Just when it looked like he was finally cured, his will has crumbled. He's slipped on a dark lycra bodysuit and donned the crudely crayoned cardboard boxes once again. I- am- Robot! HIT ME BABY ONE MORGUE TIME =========================== It's autopsy turvy down at the Hospital, the corpses just won't stay put and undead priests are roaming the corridors. Mr. Underwood can't believe his luck- he's brushed up his bowler hat and grabbed his trusty shotgun... SIMIAN SHOOTOUT ================ An unscrupulous merchant is trying to flood the market with imitation clay monkeys. Use your trusty shotgun to dust those cheap replicas and put him out of business! MONKEY MAYHEM ================ Some evil circus clowns have enslaved the performing monkeys and forced them to carry their watermelons! Free the monkeys by shooting the watermelons out of their paws, but aim carefully... DAM BURSTERS ============= The Russian Mafia object to the building of the Siberian Dam, and are trying to destroy it through the tactical use of exploding monkeys. It's up to you to save the villages downstream by blowing up the monkeys before they reach the dam! ADIOS AMIGOS ============= Everyone was enjoying a siesta at the mission until that dirty dog Hector Baboso decided to liven things up. Now everyone's at each others throats! Make 10 kills within ten minutes for a trophy! CASUALTY ========= Dr. Peabody left the morgue door open and now zombies are running loose all over the Hospital. Visiting time starts in ten minutes- try to kill 15 of the living dead before then! TOP SHOT ======== Prove your authority to the young cadets during combat training! Everyone has 6 lives each, but lose them all, and you'll be out of the military for good! CHASITY CHASED =============== Chastity is honing her combat skills in a simulated shootout against Sadako at the Compound. Virtual health regenerates so you should hold back if you are wounded. The same applies to Sadako- so persevere to score kills. SHRINKING FROM THE COLD ======================== The Time Portal has caused spacetime anomalies around the Dam. People have been shrinking! Lt. Frost, Nikolai and Sgt. Shivers have spiced up guard duty by making a game out of it. Remember, you won't win if there's anyone bigger than you! SCRAP METAL ============ UltraNet headquarters want this ChassisBot disposed of as quickly as possible. Although not heavily armored, it is very agile, so be careful! Power drained from the ChassisBot will refresh your EnviroSuit batteries- don't let them run down! NIGHT SHIFT =========== It is night shift at the factory, and the Machinist is having a nap. Time to play! Inject some enthusiasm into the other workers before he wakes up. Your health is replenished by damage inflicted so keep up a good hit rate to stay alive! SPOILS OF WAR ============= Kills count for nothing in this game, only the rewards left behind by dead contenders are worth collecting. Be the first to 25 points! DEMOLITION DERBY ================= There's nothing like high explosives for reducing ChassisBots to chassis bits. The game lasts 4 minutes. make sure you score top! MONKEY IMMOLATION ================= Those pesky pyromaniac primates have been juggling burning torches, with disastrous results! The game ends when everyone is set on fire. so avoid those frantic furry flamers! DISCO INFERNO ============= Lady Jane is busy strutting her stuff in the nightclub, and the dancefloor is hotting up. literally! Avoid the night fever for as long as possible! BURNS DEPARTMENT ================== You might want to keep away from the other patients in the hospital. There's a nasty hot fever going around. you wouldn't want to catch it! CLUB SODA ========== Slick Tommy and Jimmy Needles just knocked over your drink, and they're refusing to buy another! Teach them some manners, and score 20 kills before they do! Braces and Marco will back you up. STATION STAND ============== A squad of SentryBots are attempting to take over the Ice Station asteroid. Team up with the Space Troopers to secure critical locations and repel the attack. MEN IN GRAY =========== A bunch of suits have been seen near the Training Ground blockhouse. They've put in some computers and it looks like they might be starting a dotcom consultancy business. Hit them hard and fast before they try to float the company and pocket the cash! COLD CORPSE CAPER ================== After dark, the freaks crawl off their slabs and prowl the Hospital morgue. Cyberfairy has dropped in to sprinkle some hot lead pixie dust and send them back to sleep! KILLER QUEEN ============ ".the monkey wasn't too happy but the lion said he was glad he ate her!" Ha ha ha! The Jungle Queen is sick and tired of what passes for humor round these parts. Crack some heads and wipe those silly smiles off their faces. R109 BETA ========= The latest production run of R109 prototypes is being combat tested. The most lethal unit will be awarded with a command firmware upgrade. Demonstrate that you are the best. BAKING FOR THE TAKING ===================== Chef's baked up nine delicious gingerbread fortune cookies. Looks like he used too much raising agent- they're running away! BRACE YOURSELF ============== It had to happen. Braces just caught Louie Bignose and Jimmy Needles badmouthing him in front of Big Tony. Doity rats, now they're gonna pay, see? STARSHIP WHOOPERS ================= Hank, R109, and Gretel II are helping Candi learn advanced combat techniques. During the lesson, prototype space monkeys will be beamed in to help the weakest player. Never a dull day in the Academy! CHINESE BRUNS ============= The Chinese Chef insists on only the freshest ingredients. Look's like he's got more than he bargained for with the latest air freighted shipment of Calamari- they leapt straight out of the pan and now they're trying to flambe‚ him! SNOW BUSINESS ============= All the children love a Snowman. well, nearly all the children. The Machinist and his twisted siblings like nothing better than torching their chilly chums. Frosty's nose isn't just shiny- it's dripping with gasoline! Anyone got a match? ROCKET MAN ========== Sergio loves to visit the Streets at night! He relishes the feel of the cold snowy air gusting through his loincloth as he scampers up and down. But most of all, he loves to show off with his rocket launcher in front of all the lovely ladies. SOMEONE HAS GOT TO PAY... ========================= Big Tony's been having some discrete hair transplant work done down at the Hospital. But in an anaesthetic induced daze he thinks that some giant ducks are after his new thatcth to feather their nests! Help him out by whacking dem malicious mallards. TIME TO SPLITT ============= Krayola thought her tattoos and piercings were pretty freaky until the Scourge Splitters turned up down at the Compound. Show them that there's more to it than just looking hard. CAN'T HANDLE THIS ================= Welcome to Hatchet Sal's cheese induced nightmare. Well, at least now we know what Big Tony's left hand man looks like. Just goes to show, if you mutilate people for a living you've got to expect to lose some sleep. HACK A HACKER ============== Sadako's gang have been selling warez down at the Compound. It's time for the anti-piracy riot squad to instigate a crackdown. They made 20 illegal copies- so kill them 20 times! RICE CRACKER RUSH ================== Ghost and a crack team of pacifistic Monks are taking on the Riot Squad in a running Streets battle for some bags of munchies. The Monks are riding a heady sugar rush after a rice cracker binge and are pretty wired. So much for non-violent protest! SUPERFLY LADY ============== Khallos is hoping to escape in his executive evil leer jet- but typically, he has forgotten to fuel it up. If Kitten can just manage to beat off the henchmen and blow their barrels then his evil flight plans will be foiled once again. BABES IN THE WOODS =================== Harry Tipper alone in the Aztec Jungle, with a bunch of gorgeous young ladies. with his reputation? Has no one thought of the consequences? Just keep your bow in your hand, Tipper, and don't be getting shrunk just so you can look up their skirts! DOUBLE BILL =========== Big Tony thought he was on to a winner when he booked the King and the Beetles to play a gig at the famous Chasm club. Imagine his suprise when these jokers turned up! And he'd paid in advance! Needless to say, Tony wants his money back. NIKKI JINKI BRICKY ================= Nikki and Jinki have taken over the Chinese restaurant. But it is haunted by the restless spirits who hit themselves on the head with bricks while attempting to master the Brick Flung High challenge from the TimeSplitters! Help your sister lay their souls to rest! IF I'M UGLY - YOU SMELL ===================== Mikey told Jared that his center parting made him look like a water buffalo so then Jared told Mikey that he smelt like one. There's only one way to settle a difference of opinion out West- a good ol' shootout! Yeehaw! Get yer guns! GOLEM GURU ============ Two years have passed down at the Site and the building still isn't finished! The reason? A mass of discarded hardcore has come to life and chased all of the builders away. Only the lightning reflexes and guile of the Master can finally lay the Golem to rest. GOLDEN THINGS ============= Kitten Celeste is pretty miffed 'cause Harry Tipper has been spending rather too much time in the company of the Jungle Queen. Kitten says too many muscles look bad on a lady and her tan's fake anyway. So it looks like it's a cat fight at the Dam! HANGAR HATS OFF =============== The Henchmen think they're hard enough to beat a Special Forces' Team in a shootout down at the old Hangar. They need to be taught a lesson. Professional soldiers don't prance around dressed like bananas- and baseball caps and IR goggles are so 90's. CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE ===================== The Hospital needs redecorating. The Maidens like the idea of a cheerful red but the Priests are dead set on blue. Test out your colour scheme in key rooms to see what would be best. BIG TOP BLOWOUT =============== There's been unrest at the Circus since Stumpy hammered a tent peg up Mr. Giggles' nose as part of last night's show. Mischief has cracked open a crate of homing rocket launchers and now it's every freak for themselves! BAGS OF FUN =========== When Cortez and Hart aren't knocking seven bells out of the TimeSplitters they like to invite them over to the Ice Station for a friendly game of capture the bag. The TimeSplitters are inclined to take it a bit too seriously. THEY'RE NOT PETS ================ Mr. Giggles and Stumpy ordered a bunch of Baby Drone 'Splitters off the Internet. When they arrived they bit the Bear's nose and ripped off Lola's costume. The Ringmistress is not pleased- she wants rid of them! Watch out for the Bear, though, he's pretty mad. NICE THREADS ============ United only by a passion for dressing up in silly costumes, R107 and Leo Krupps join forces to storm the Scrapyard Control Room. It's a death defying assault against the SentryBots- but watch out for those thread lasers, Leo! Oops, too late. AZTEC THE DINO HUNTER ===================== Aztec Warrior just loves to hunt dinosaurs! The Aztec Priest has tried to convince him otherwise by explaining all of the ethical and ecological reasons which make it a morally questionable activity. Aztec Warrior ignores him, he says the Priest's just a cerebral bore. HALF DEATH ========== The Scientists have been experimenting with reactor cores and anomalous materials with the usual result- a trans dimensional rift and aliens running amok. The marines have been sent in to shoot anything that moves. That includes you, Dr. Peabody! DEAD FRACTION ============= The Miners of the Ulcer Corp are dying of a strange Pox and the company executives are running a cynical sweepstake on the mortality figures- 'Guess the Dead Fraction'. The Miners with the Pox are revolting, none more so than Jebediah Crump! _____________________________________________________________________ /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ | CHAPTER 5: SECRETS | \---------------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================================================= CHAPTER 5 - SECTION 1: UNLOCKABLES ======================================================================= UNLOCKABLE LEVELS ----------------- Aztec Available by Default Chasm Clear Arcade League - Honorary League - Outnumbered but Never Outpunned - Can't Handle This with a Bronze Madal or Higher Chinese Clear Arcade League - Honorary Leauge - Elimination Series - Starship Whoopers with a Bronze Medal or higher Circus Clear Challenge - Monkeying Around - Dam Bursters with a Bronze Medal or higher Compund Clear Spaceship: 2401 on the Normal difficulty setting Hangar Clear Arcade League - Amateur League - Beginner's Series - Top Shot with a Bronze Medal or higher Hospital Available by Default Ice Station Available by Default Mexican Mission Available by Default Nightclub Clear Arcade League - Amateur League - Too Hot to Handle - Disco Inferno with a Broze Medal or higher Robot Factory Clear Arcade League - Amateur League - It's a Blast - Demolition Derby with a Bronze Medal or higher Scrapyard Clear Arcade League - Amateur League - Mode Madness - Scrap Medal with a Bronze Medal or higher Site Complete Story mode on Hard Streets Clear Spaceship: 2401 on the Easy difficulty setting Training Ground Available by Default Ufopia Clear Arcade League - Honorary League - Maximus - Cold Corpse Caper with a Bronze Medal or higher Contributed By: bluberry, Ny0Cloud UNLOCKABLE CHARACTERS --------------------- Ample Sally Defeat Elite Challenge / Cut-out Shoot-out / Take 'Em Down with a Silver medal or better. Aztec Warrior Defeat Elite League / Duel Meaning / Golden Thighs with a Silver medal or higher. Baby Drone Defeat Elite League / Team Series C / They're Not Pets! with a Silver medal or better. Barby Gimp Defeat Honorary League / Outnumbered But Never Outpunned / Time to Split with a Silver medal or better. Beetleman Defeat Elite League / One Shot Thrills / Double Bill with a Silver medal or higher. Big Tony Beat the Mafia Mission on normal to unlock the master. Braces Defeat Honorary League / Elimination Series / Men In Grey with a Gold medal or better. Calamari Defeat Honorary League / Burns 'n' Bangs / Chinese Burns with a Silver medal or better. Changeling Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Can't Please Everyone... with a Silver medal or higher. ChassisBot Defeat Arcade League / Mode Madness / Scrap Metal with a Gold medal or better. Crispin Defeat Amateur League / Too Hot to Handle / Monkey Immolation with a Gold medal or better. Crypt Zombie Defeat Arcade League / Beginners Series / Casualty with a Gold medal or better. Cyberfairy Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Hangar Hat's On! with a Silver medal or better. Dark Henchman Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Hangar Hat's Off with a Gold medal or higher. Dr. Peabody Defeat Arcade League / Beginners Series / Casualty with a Silver medal or better. Drone Splitter Defeat Elite League / Sincerest Form of Flattery / Half Death with a Silver medal or better. Duckman Drake Defeat Challenge / Outnumbered But Never Outpunned / Someone Has Got to Pay... with a Silver medal or higher Feeder Zombie Defeat Challenge / Behead the Undead / Day of the Damned with a Silver medal or better. Female Trooper Defeat Amateur League / It's a Blast / Demolition Derby with a Gold medal or better. Gargoyle Defeat Honorary League / Maximus / Cold Corpse Caprer with a Silver medal or higher. Hatchet Sal Defeat Honorary League / Outnumbered but Never Outpunned / Can't Handle This with a Silver medal or higher. Hector Baboso Defeat Arcade League / Beginners Series / Adios Amigos with a Silver medal or better. Henchman Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Hangar Hat's On! with a Silver medal or better. High Priest Defeat Elite League / Duel Meaning / Golden Thighs with a Gold medal or higher. Jebediah Crump Defeat Elite League / Sincerest Form of Flattery / Dead Fraction with a Silver medal or better. Jimmy Needles Defeat Amateur League / Team Series A / Club Soda with a Gold medal or better. Jinki Defeat Elite League / One Shot Thrills / Nikki Jinki Bricky with a Gold medal or better. Jo-Beth Casey Defeat Elite League / One Shot Thrills / Babes in the Wood with a Silver medal or better. Krayola Defeat Honorary League / Team Series B / Hack A Hacker with a Gold medal or higher. Kypriss Defeat Elite League / Duel Meaning / Golem Goru with a Silver medal or better. Lean Molly Defeat Arcade League / Beginners Series / Adios Amigos with a Gold medal or better. Lola Varuska Defeat Challenge / Monkeying Around / Monkey Mayhem with a Gold medal or better. Louie Bignose Defeat Amateur League / Too Hot to Handle / Disco Inferno with a Silver medal or better. Maiden Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Can't Please Everyone with a Silver medal or better. Male Trooper Defeat Amateur League / It's a Blast / Demolition Derby with a Silver medal or higher. Marco the Snitch Defeat Challenge / Cut-out Shoot-out / Fall Out with a Silver medal or better. Meezor Mox Defeat Amateur League / It's a Blast / Spoils of War with a Gold medal or better. Mikey Two-Guns (and Jared Slim) Defeat Elite League / Duel Meaning / If I'm Ugly - You Smell with a Silver medal or better. Milkbaby Defeat Honorary League / Team Series B / Hack a Hacker with a Silver medal or higher Mister Giggles Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Big Top Blowout with a Silver medal or better. Nikki Defeat Elite League / One Shot Thrills / Nikki Jinki Bricky with a Silver medal or better. Accountant (Lawyer also) Defeat Amateur League / Team Series A / Men In Grey with a Gold medal or better. R One-Oh-Seven Defeat Challenge / TimeSplitters 'Story' Classic / But Where Do the Batteries Go? with a Silver medal or better. Ringmistress Defeat Elite League / Teams Series C / Bags of Fun with a Gold medal or better. Riot Officer Defeat Honorary League / Team Series B / Rice Cracker Rush with a Silver medal or better. Scourge Splitter Defeat Honorary League / Outnumbered But Never Outpunned / Time to Split with a Gold medal or better. SentryBot Defeat Amateur League / It's a Blast / Night Shift with a Gold medal or better. Sewer Zombie Defeat Challenge / Behead the Undead / Fight Off the Living Dead with a Silver medal or higher. Slick Tommy Defeat Amateur League / Team Series A / Club Soda with a Silver medal or better. Snowman Defeat Honorary League / Burns 'n' Bangs / Snow Business with a Silver Medal or Higher. Strumpy Defeat Elite League / Frantic Series / Big Top Blowout with a Gold medal or better. The Cropolite Defeat Challenge / TimeSplitters 'Story' Classic / Hit Me Baby One Morgue Time with a Silver medal or higher. The Hunchback Defeat Challenge / Glass Smash / Stain Removal with a Silver medal or higher. The Master Defeat Honorary League / Team Series B / Rice Cracker Rush with a Gold medal or higher. Undead Priest Defeat Amateur League / Too Hot to Handle / Burns Deparetment with a Gold medal or better. Venus Starr Defeat Honorary League / Burns 'n' Bangs / Rocket Man with a Silver medal or better. Wood Golem Defeat Challenge / Banana Chomp / Playing with Fire with a Silver medal or higher. Or, alternativley if you want to know what level gets you what unlockable: Beginners Series Adios Amigos!: Hector Babosal, Lean Molly (Gold) Casualty: Dr. Peabody, Crypt Zombie (Gold) Top Shot: Hangar Level, Sgt. Shock, Elimination mode (Gold) Mode Madness Chastity Chased: Regeneration mode (Gold) Shrinking from the Cold: Private Sand, Sgt. Slate, Shrink Scrap Metal: Scrapyard, Chassisbot (Gold) It's A Blast Night Shift: Sentry bot, Leech mode (Gold) Spoils of War: Meezor Mox, Thief mode (Gold) Demolition Derby: Male + Femlae Trooper, Robot Factory Vampire Mode (Gold) Too Hot to Handle Monkey Immolation: Crispin, Flame tag (Gold) Disco Inferno: Louie Big Nose, Lt. Wild (Gold) Burns Department: Undead Priest, Nightclub, Virus Team Series A Club Soda: Slick Tommy, Jimmy Needles (Gold) Station Stand: Lt. Shade, Zones mode (Gold) Men in Gray: Accountant, Kawer, Assault mode (Gold) Maximus Cold Corpse Caper: Cyber Fairy, Gargoyle (Gold) Killer Queen: Leo Krupps (Gold) R109 Beta: Ufopia, Gladiator mode (Bronze), Roman Hat, Lt. Chill Elimination Series Baking For The Taking: Chinese Chef, Gingerbread Brace Yourself: Braces, Trooper Brown (Gold) Starship Whoopers: Chinese, Monkey Assistant, Trooper Black (Gold) Burns 'n Bangs Chinese Burns: Calamari, Chef Hat (Platinum) Snow Business: Snowman, Trooper Grey (Gold) Rocket Man: Venus Star, Capt. Sand, Duckman Drake (Gold) Outnumbered, But Never Outpunned! Someone Has Got To Play...: Capt. Night (Gold) Time to Split: Barby Gimp, Scourge Splitter (Gold) Can't Handle This: Chasm, Hatchet Sal, Handyman (Gold) Team Series B Hack A Hacker: Krayola, Milkbaby (Gold) Rice Cracker Rush: Riot Officer, The Master (Gold) Superfly Lady: Capt. Pain (Gold) Arcade League (Elite) bonuses: One Shot Thrills Babes in the Woods: Jo-Beth Casey (Gold) Double Bill: Beetleman, The Impersonator (Gold) Nikki Jinki Bricky: Nikki, Jinki (Gold) Duel Meaning If I'm Ugly-You Smell!: Mikey Twoguns, Jared Slim ( Golem Guru: Fat Characters (Gold), Kypriss (Platinum) Golden Thighs: High Priest, Aztec Warrior (Platinum) Frantic Series Hangar's Hat's Off!: Henchman, Dark Henchman (Gold) Can't Please Everyone...: Maiden, Changeling (Gold) Big Top Blowout: Mr. Giggles (Silver), Stumpy (Gold) Team Series C Bags Of Fun: Ringmistress, Big Hands, Slow Motion Deaths They're Not Pets!: Baby Drone, Bear (Gold) Nice Threads: Small Heads, Compound level (Bronze), R- One-Oh-Seven Sincerest Form Of Flattery Aztec The Dino Hunter: Dinosaur (Gold) Half Death: Drone Splitter (Gold) Dead Fraction: Jebediah Crump (Silver) Glass Smash Pane In The Neck: Rotating Heads (Gold) Bricking It: Brick Weapon (Silver) Stain Removal: Hunchback (Silver), Nothing (Gold) Behead The Undead Fight Off The Living Dead: Sewer Zombie (Gold) Sergio's Last Stand: Sergio (Gold) Day Of The Dammed: Feeder Zombie (Silver/Gold) Infiltration Silent, But Deadly: Viking Hat (Gold) Trouble At The Docks: Pirate Hat (Gold) Escape From NeoTokyo: Big Ears Hat (Gold) Banana Chomp Gone Bananas: Private Coal (Gold) Monkey Business: Private Poorly (Silver), None (Gold) Playing With Fire: Wood Golem (Silver) Cut-Out Shoot-out Take 'em Down: Ample Sally (Gold) Fall Out: Marco the Snitch (Gold) Pick Yer Piece: Sgt. Rock- Gold Timesplitters "Story" Classic Badass Buspass Impasse: Badass Cyborg (Gold) But Where Did The Batteries Go?: R One-Oh-Seven Hit me Baby One Morgue Time: Cropolite (Gold) Monkeying Around Simian Shooter: Insect Mutant (Silver) Monkey Mayhem: Lola Varuska, Mischief (Platinum) Dam Bursters: Robofish, Circus level (Gold) UNLOCKABLE CHEATS ----------------- Big Ears Beat ''Escape from Neotokyo'' with a Gold or Silver medal Big Head Mode Beat all the Story Mode levels on Normal Cardboard Characters Beat the game on Easy Infinite Ammo Complete Story Mode on the Hard difficulty Paintball Mode Beat all of the Challenges with at least a Bronze Pirate Hat Beat ''Trouble At The Docks'' with a Gold or Silver medal Rotating Heads Beat Pane in the Neck with a Silver (Challenge mode) Viking Hat Beat ''Silent But Deadly'' with a Gold or Silver medal UNLOCKABLE MINIGAMES -------------------- Anaconda In the 1990 Siberia level, on a shelf inside the main facility on the west side of the dam, a game cartridge labelled ''Anaconda'' can be found. AstroLander When playing on the Normal or Hard difficulty settings, a cartridge can be found on the 2019 NeoTokyo level, inside the locker room in the research facility in the locker on the left. RetroRacer When playing the 2315 Robot Factory level on the Hard difficulty setting only, a cartridge can be found in the huge bunker with armor placed beneath one of the ramps. Underneath the other ramp is the RetroRacer cartridge. UNLOCKABLE MODES ---------------- Elimination Beat Top Shot with a bronze or better Flame Tag Beat Monkey Immolation with a bronze or better Virus Beat Burns Department with a bronze or better Vampire Beat Demolition Derby with a bronze or better Thief Beat Spoils of war with a bronze or better Leech Beat Night Shift with a bronze or better Regenration Beat Chasity Chased with a bronze or better Shrink Beat Shrinking from the cold with a Bronze or better Gladiator Beat R109 Beta with a bronze or better Assault Beat Men in Grey with a bronze or better Zones Beat Station Stand with a bronze or better Monkey Assistant Beat Startship Woopers with a bronze or better Deathmacth Available by Default Team Deathmatch Available by Default BagTag Available by Default Capture the bag Available by Default ======================================================================= CHAPTER 5 - SECTION 2: GLITCHES ======================================================================= GAME CRASH ---------- This happens on just about every game, sometimes randomly. On my copy, if you play the game for too long, (about 2 - 3hours of straight in game action) then it will freeze up on me. I was pissed because I wanted all the stats (like time played) to save to my memory card. MAPMAKER FREEZING ----------------- Sometimes levels in mapmkaer will not work, or will freeze. The most common thing is that there is too many doors and windows in your map. Delete some windows or doors and it should work. It has never really happened to me, but there have been lots of cases where this has happened, so I'm not sure what the total amount of doors/windows you can put in before it freezes. CHASM GLITCH ------------ I, personally think that this is a rumour, and isn't true, beccause alot of people I know don't know of this glitch, but I will still list it here, anyway. Apparaently you have to go to the top bridge, run towards one of the walls and press yourself against it. Eventually, you should land in one of the windows in a normal room, but everything should be black. BE ON NO TEAM ------------- Once again, I couldn't get this glitch to work either. What you are supposed to do is play a game with Teams (Like Capture the Bag) and when you are selecting your team (or handicap, whichever one is just before when you play.) As one player is pressing X, the other player should press triangle at the right time. The game will think that both players have pressed X, and start the game. ======================================================================= CHAPTER 5 - SECTION 3: SECRETS ======================================================================= MINIGAMES --------- You can play Old Skool Minigames in TimeSplitters 2. They are: Anaconda (Turbo Snake) Retro Racer Astrolander Each of them can be found in different levels in the game, and on different difficulties. I have already listed where to find them in the Unlockables section, but I will list it again here. MINIGAME DIFFICULTY LEVEL WHERE? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Anaconda | All/Any | Siberia | In opp side of dam from start | | | Retro Racer | Hard only | Robot Fact | Under some stairs | | | Astrolander | Nml/Hrd | NeoTokyo | Lockers after password section ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CROSSBOW ALIGHT --------------- Not really a big secret, because you need it to complete Easy mode. If you apparoach a torch while you have the crossbow out, it will set the rest of the bolts in the clip alight. Once you reload, the fire will be gone. You can use this to set people on fire. PLAYING POOL ------------ In the chicago level, you can play pool. Once you get around the corner past where Big Tony's brother comes out of, there will be a pub. Go in it, kill the guards and find the pool table. Now you can shoot the balls in the holes by aiming at them. ======================================================================= CHAPTER 5 - SECTION 4: GAMESHARK CODES ======================================================================= (M) Must Be On 0E3C7DF21853E59E EEBA23A2BCED6EB2All Cheats/Characters/Levels/Cutscenes DE4520F2BBA89A82 Infinite Health DE9BFA1A68EA9C1F DE9BFBE2F8AADD03 Infinite Armour DE8FFFFEF8ADDD03 DE8FFFFAF8AC9BD1 DE8FFF86480CDCC3 DE8FFF8ECC099B86 DE8FFF96680D9B93 DE8FFF9E4B2D709F DE8FFF9AC4B13BF4 DE9C7D3EC4AC9A43 Extra Ammo DE915592E0EB9B84 DE9155FEE0EB9B84 Inf Ammo DE9155EEBCA99B83 The following codes will allow you to save with the built in cheats on. Paintball Mode DEAE906EBCA99B83 Cardboard Character DE9C7DCABCA99B83 Big Head DE9C7C9EBCA99B83 Big Hands DE9C7CF6BCA99B83 Fat Characters DE9C76AEBCA99B83 Rotating Heads DE9C754EBCA99B83 Slow Motion Death DE929692BCA99B83 Super Massive Hands DE9C7CF6BCA99B83 DE9C738EF8AADC83 Small Hands DE9C7CF6BCA99B83 DE9C738EF8AADA83 Super Fat Characters DE9C76AEBCA99B83 DE9C76BEF8AADBC3 Monster Big Head DE9C7C9EBCA99B83 DE9C7CB6F8AADC83 No Head DE9C7C9EBCA99B83 DE9C7CB6F8AACB83 Quick Rotating Heads DE9C754EBCA99B83 DE9C7562F8AADC83 Skinny Characters DE9C76BEF8AADA83 DE9C76AEBCA99B83 Quick Death DE929692BCA99B83 DE92969AF8AADB03 L3+UP For Walk Through Walls (L3+DOWN To Disable) 0EB4F238BCA99A70 DE9DF786BCA99B83 0EB4F238BCA99A40 DE9DF78601AC9B0F R3+UP To Freeze Animation (R3+DOWN To Disable) 0EB4F238BCA99A3E DE9713EABC4CAB8D 0EB4F238BCA99A6E DE9713EAE0AB9B83 SQUARE+UP Quick Animations (SQUARE+DOWN To Disable) 0EB4F238BCA91A72 DE9713EABC4CAB8D 0EB4F238BCA91A42 DE9713EAE0AB9B87 _____________________________________________________________________ /---------------------------------------------------------------------\ | CHAPTER 7: MAPMAKER | \---------------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ======================================================================= CHAPTER 6 - SECTION 1: THE BASICS ======================================================================= MAPMAKER CONTROLS ----------------- X..................... Place/Grab object Square................ Copy object Triangle.............. Delete Piece Circle................ Mark Piece L2.................... Lower level L1.................... Up level R2.................... Zoom in R1.................... Zoom out L Analog.............. Move cursor R Analog.............. Pan Cursor Start................. Menu Select................ Menu ABOUT THE MAPMAKER ------------------ In TimeSplitters 2, you can make your own Multiplayer and Story player maps. This was the very first game I played were you can actually make objectives (using the triggers and actions) for the player to do. It is so fun to make maps, then trade them with other peope (friends, family, whoever) and let them play your story map. You can make Story and Multiplayer on one map. You can also place in a numerous amount of Items, including guns, ammo, health, armour, turrets, auto guns, zones, keys, doors, windows and a lot of other things. This section will tell you all about how to use the mapmaker to it's fullest. ABOUT OBJECTIVES ---------------- How you make objectives is hard to start off with, but can get easier. This part is just a description of how to make one, look in the Triggers and Actions section later on in the guide for more information about Triggers and Actions. Lets say you want to make a Simple level where you have to get to a position in a certain amount of time. You will do something like this. 1. Make the map so all areas connect, and it is possible to get to the end. 2. Put the starting place in (Start all.) For Story, only place the one in, where you want the player to start the level. 3. Now, got to the Game Logic section, by pressing left and right. Make sure you are in Advanced mode. 4. Select Game Started. Make sure it has dots beside it, then go down to okay, or whatever it says. 5. Now you will be on the Actions menu. Go to timer, then make a timer and give it a name. 6. Now, select "Start " and make sure it has the dots around it, then go to okay. 7. The logic will show up. It should say: "Game Started - Start ". 8. This will start the timer. Now go back into Game Logic screen, and now go to location. 9. Select the location (position) where the end of the level will be. Then go okay. 10. Now select Objective, and type in whatever objective you want it to be, like "Get to the exit point." 11. "Location 1 reached - Objective A complete" should come up. Thats good. 12. One last thing. Now select Timer on the Trigger, then go "Timer . 13. Now select Timer Reaches