_____ __ _____ ___ ____ ____ __ __ __________ ___ ____ ____ ____ / // // _ _ \ / _// __/ / // / / // / // _// // __/ / __ \ ¯/ /¯/ // //// // / / / / / // / / / ¯/ /¯¯/ /¯/ / / / // / / / / / / / / // //// // / \_¯\ / // / / / / / / / / // / \_¯\ ¯¯/¯/¯ / / / // / ¯/ // /¯ / // /¯¯/ / / / / / / / / /¯/ \¯ / / /¯/¯ / / / // / / // / /¯¯ // / / ¯// / / / / / / // /\ \/¯¯ / / ¯¯¯/ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TimeSplitters 2 Mini-Games Guide (PS2/GC/X-Box) Version: 2.10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written and Created by: |¯o¯)|¯_||¯o\\¯\/¯/|¯_|\¯\/¯/|¯|/¯o\|¯|¯|(¯/ REDXEVIOUS |_|\_|_¯||__//_/\_\|_¯| \__/ |_|\__/|___|/_) E-mail: RedXevious@hotmail.com Website: www.TopGamer.netfirms.com After you read the guide, please take a couple of moments to send me an e-mail with your likes/dislikes, if I have left anything out or if you have a question that needs answering. I would really appreciate the feedback! __________ | Contents | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ I: Introduction II: The Three Carts III: How to use the guide IV: Where are they? IV.1: Anaconda IV.2: RetroRacer IV.3: AstroLander V: Anaconda V.1: Information V.2: The Guide V.3: Multiplayer Tips V.4: Multimedia V.5: World High Scores VI: RetroRacer VI.1: Information VI.2: The Guide VI.3: Multiplayer Tips VI.4: Multimedia VI.5: World High Scores VII: AstroLander VII.1: Information VII.2: The Guide VII.3: Complete Walkthrough VII.4: Multimedia VII.5: World High Scores VIII: Final Words IX: Frequently Asked Questions X: Version History XI: Copyrights/Thanks _________________ | I: Introduction |<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hi, what's up? Okay, sit back, get a cup of coffee, and get ready to learn EVERYTHING there is to know about the three mini-games in TS2. Now, when I say mini-games, I don't mean any of the Arcade or challenge levels... or any of the story levels. I mean the hidden mini-games that Free Radical sneaked into the game to increase the lifespan of TS2. There are three game cartridges (or "carts") hidden somewhere in the story levels... Once you have found one of them, you can play that mini-game any time you want! They are kind of old-school games, kinda like the ones you used to play on your old NES or Amiga, only these are totally new games, NOT re-makes of some of the old ones. I used to think they were, but they aren't. So, you're thinking "what's so good about old-school games?" Well if you never played any older games, you'll soon realize that what they lack in graphics, they make up for in shear playability. You can play these games for HOURS, and build up whopper scores! Kinda like "Snake" on your mobile phone. And nothing beats the satisfaction of beating your old high score! Anyhow, whether you like em' or not, it's always nice to take a break from trying to beat Robot Factory on Hard sometimes to play a nice old- school mini-game! They are quite fun! Either way, in this guide I'll be giving you guides (with maps) for all three mini-games as well as where you can find 'em. I've tried to make everything easy to read and understand, so if you have a problem with it, you can all jump in the lake... just kidding!! ^_^ Send me an e-mail and I'll take care of the rest. Actually, you should send me an e-mail anyway with your likes and dis-likes, or if you find an error, have a question, or think you can improve on one of my ideas. I would appreciate ANY feed- back (even if it is BAD feedback) So, e-mail me after you read the guide. ***** HOW TO PLAY THEM ************************************************** Now, how are you able to play these mini-games after you get the cart? I don't see any new menus anywhere? Well, there has been some confusion over this, but it's quite simple really! Just start ANY story level, whip out your Temporal Uplink and tap "Y" on GameCube/X-Box or "Triangle" on PS2. This will pause the game, and bring up a list of mini-games that you have found! You can play them all from here! If you've only found 1 or 2 of the carts, then the other slots will be marked as "?". But don't worry, when you find one of the other carts, it will instantly be available to play, even if you die after collecting it! _____________________ | II: The Three Carts |<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Ok, so you want to know what these three games are, right? Don't worry, here a short run down on the three games that you can find. ***** ANACONDA ********************************************************** This is a nice little game that is very similar to the "snake/snake II" game that is on nearly EVERYONE'S mobile phone. Anyway, the object is to eat up as many little orbs as possible. You get points for each one you eat, but the more you collect, the longer your snake becomes, increasing the chances of you "crashing" into yourself! The game ends when you crash. There are three different types or orbs you can get. Red ones, that just stay in one spot. Dark blue ones that move slowly. They bounce off the borders of the screen. And light blue ones which are UBER fast, and are worth the most points! It'll take you a while to get to a very high score, but you'll enjoy each moment of it! ***** RETRORACER ******************************************************** A racing game with very classic steering and controls... kinda like some old NES racing games. This one is simple, complete 5 laps around the little course... but how fast can you do it?? Quite simple, and it's my favorite cause' it's easy to get into, and fun to play. But unfortuanly for n00bs, the RetroRacer cart is also the hardest one to get... Why? You'll find out later on in the guide. RetroRacer only has one track to race on. Now I know what you thinking, "it's gonna get boring fast!" Well that's where your wrong! There are so many different ways to go about getting the best time on this track that you'll probably be playing it for ages just to get under a minute! Very addictive! ***** ASTROLANDER ******************************************************* The hardest one of the three! In this game, the objective is to land a small spaceship on a landing pad WITHOUT crashing! Sounds easy, but is very hard! When you land, if your going to fast, you'll crash! If you run out of fuel, you'll crash! And you have to make it through 11 whole levels! This is not too hard on Easy or Normal... but on Hard, it's a pain cause' you'll always find yourself running out of fuel! The first few levels are fun and easy, but as you progress, you'll start to get to more twisted and maze-like levels. Not as addictive as the other two mini-games, but still very fun! (there are guides for all the levels below) You can find a much more detailed explanation of the games below. I put in this quick reference for n00bs who haven't even found them yet! So now, you are well on your way to mastering the three mini-games! ___________________________ | III: How to use the guide |<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ I thought it would be a good idea to add this, just so you know what's in here and how to get around. Just for you n00bs out there! Ok, first off, if you need to skip ahead to a certain section, just click "Edit" then "Find on this page..." (the shortcut is "ctrl+F") now type in name of the section/chapter/guide/stage etc. and it'll show it for you! Now, I've also included some maps in ASCII as well (If they apeard slighlt scrambled, please contact me), and also the controls for all three next-gen consoles so you won't have to worry about not knowing what buttons to press. And before you send me a TON of e-mail about it, the answer is yes, you CAN use this guide for the PS2/GC/X-Box versions of the game, as well as PAL and NTSC. Next, If you have a new World High Score, please DON'T send it to me. I have gotten all the world high scores from NGC-Elites, and when I wrote this guide, I made it to match the scores there. So if you have a new high score, submit it to NGC-Elites.net, NOT me. Now, If you have any new multiplayer tips, send them to me and I'll add them in here with your name and e-mail address if you like. And that's it! Now enough chit-chat, let's get to the guide!! So why are you still reading this? Let's go and find the three mini-games! _____________________ | IV: Where are they? |<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Now, how are you gonna play the mini-games if you haven't even found them yet? Don't worry, I’m here to tell you where they are! So where exactly are these three carts hidden? Well, as I said before they are hidden in three story levels, but what you may or may not know is they can only be acquired during certain difficulties! For example, the AstroLander cart can only be found on the NeoTokyo level during the normal and hard difficulties. It wont be there on Easy! So, here is a run down on the locations of the carts, and what difficulty you have to be playing that stage for it to be there. IV.1: ANACONDA >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Found in: Siberia During: Easy, Normal or Hard Difficulty to find: 4/5 Okay, I actually found this one by accident! But here's where you can find it. You can find Anaconda in the building on the OPPOSITE end of the frozen river from where you start. After you have taken out the guards, destroyed the dish and opened the door, continue on going up ALL the flights of stairs then go through the area with all the guards and the three steam valves. After this, continue DOWN all the flights of stairs in the next room, hit the button to the door and go outside. You are now on the other end of the river! try not to get seen by any cameras and go inside the building. The Anaconda cart is in this room. Take out all the enemies here first, then look at the first metal shelf to the left, with all the boxes on it. The cart is on the bottom shelf. Just walk up to it, and you will collect it! IV.2: RETRORACER >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Found in: Robot Factory During: Hard Only! Difficulty to find: 5/5 Ok, this one is actually the hardest to get cause' it can only be gotten on Robot Factory Hard! Anyway, once you get to the final big room before the boss, (the one with the big rocket launching bots) kill all of the bots in here, and cross over to the other side. The RetroRacer cart can be found in the north-east corner of the room. (under the ramp to the right) People keep asking me where it is cause' they can't find it. The reason why is because it's almost invisible due to the size of the room. You won't be going in that direction cause' there's nothing there! That's why you'll probably miss it. But now that you know where it is, you can head over, and pick it up! IV.3: ASTROLANDER >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Found in: NeoTokyo During: Normal or Hard Difficulty to find: 4/5 AstroLander is hidden away in one of the lockers in the room with the armor and the computer uplink, in the hackers hideout. Just walk up to the lockers and press "A" on the GameCube/X-Box or "X" on the PS2, and the lockers will open. You can only open two of the lockers. In one, there is a SBP90 machine gun, and the AstroLander cart is in the other. Pick em' both up! ***** IMPORTANT ********************************************************* Ok, I have recieved alot of e-mails about this, so let me make it clear now, YOU CAN NOT FIND THE THREE CARTS IN CO-OP MODE!! Sorry to break it to you, but you can't. You can only get them in 1-player Story mode. Otherwise, getting the three games would be very easy because you'll always have a friend to help you. So, sorry. Find them in 1-player mode. Be happy! :) ************************************************************************* And that's it! You have found all three mini-games! Now that you have found them, it's time to master them. Read the guides below! (If you still have problems with anything, send me an e-mail, and I'll help you out.) _________________________________________________________________________ | V: Anaconda |><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|>| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ V.1: INFORMATION >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** GAMEPLAY ********************************************************** Type of Game: Strategy Ok, the first mini-game you'll probably get is Anaconda. It plays very much like the snake/snake II game on your Nokia phone. The object of the game is to eat up as many little orbs as you can. You get points for each one you collect, but each one you collect makes your snake a little longer... after a short time, you'll start having a hard time avoiding your own tail! And if you touch it (or any of the walls) once, then it's game over! So, you want to avoid the walls and your own tail for as long as you can, whilst collecting the little orbs. In addition to the "still" red orbs, there are moving dark blue and light blue orbs. These ones bounce of the walls and are harder to get! But they are worth many more points! The dark blue one moves kinda slowly, and the light blue ones move very fast. Either way, they do increase the size of your snake more than red ones would. You are also able to speed up your snake with the tap of a button. This comes in handy when trying to get the slow moving dark blue orbs! Anaconda can take a while to get a huge score on, so chances are, you will be playing on it for a long time... much longer than you would with the other two mini-games. ***** CONTROLS ********************************************************** GameCube and X-Box: JoyStick/D-Pad = Move the direction the snake is heading "A" button = Hold it to speed up the snake Playstation 2: Left Joystick/D-Pad = Move the direction the snake is heading "X" button = Hold it to speed up the snake ***** SCORING *********************************************************** Make your snake eat as many orbs as you can to score points! Red Orb: 20 - 100 points ~ Increases the size of the snake by 3 Dark Blue Orb: 200 - 300 points ~ Increases the size of the snake by 8 Light Blue Orb: 300 - 500 points ~ Increases the size of the snake by 20 ***** OTHER INFO ******************************************************** Time to finish: As soon as you crash! But I would say about 20 minutes or more depending on how good you are. Lifespan: Very good! You'll always be coming back to try and better your score. It's addictive! Multiplayer: Bad! It seems as though the game ends much too quickly, and only one person is left on the screen. Gameplay/Stages: It only has one stage, a big empty screen. This can tend to make it feel a bit boring sometimes. But the gamplay more than makes up for it. Difficulty: Easy when you start, but gets much harder the more orbs you eat up. The entire screen will be filled with snake later on! Overall score: 8/10. I have always loved playing snake on my cell phone. I can't get enough! Nothing beats the joy of getting a new high score! V.2: THE GUIDE >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, so now your expecting me to wave my magic wand and make you a really good player on Anaconda, right? Wrong! You still have to do 99.9% of the work. I'm only here to give to guidance, hence the name "guide". Got it? Now, I've separated the guide into three parts. The beginning, the mid-point and Near to the end. These basically represent a guide on the best way you should go about getting the orbs once your snake gets to a certain size. Remember, the more points you get, the longer your tail will be! So, let's get to the guide! Read on... ***** THE BEGINNING ****************************************************** Around 0 to 5000 Points. The start isn't that hard, you don't have to worry about crashing into anything since you have a very small tail, so just go around eating up all the little orbs you see! But what many people don't know is that the beginning is probably the most important part of the entire game! Why? Cause' this is the only part of the game where it's easiest to the highest scroing orbs. Now, when I say highest scroing orbs, I don't mean the fast moving blue ones you see sometimes, I'm talking about the freshly spawned ones. What on earth am I talking about? I'll tell you. The ammount of points an orb is worth depends on how long it takes you to get to it after it spawns. So, the orbs that are worth the most points, are the ones that have just newly spawned! Keep going around in circles and ONLY pick up the ones that have just popped-up. The whole point of the game is to get as many points as you can before your snake gets too long to avoid. So, collecting as many newly spawned orbs as you can when you start can really make a big difference on your score after you crash later on. You can collect more newly spawned orbs when you just begin the game because you have more freedom to move around, speed up, turn, and go wherever you want. You won't have this freedom after you get around 5000 points, cause' chances are most of the time your tail will be blocking you from going where you want. Whenever you see a orb that has just spawned near the beginning, forget about what you are currently going for, and go for it before it disappears. Of course, these are tips for getting the best score possible. If you would rather take a more laid back approach, and go for the orbs closest to you rather than the moving ones, then you will never get a very high score. Even if an orb is right next to you, don't pick it up! Wait until another new one spawns, and quickly go for it! Also, NEVER EVER EVER pick up the fast moving orbs. Now, you may think that they are worth more points, which is true, but they increase the size of your snake much much more than a regular orb would. Plus, since they move around, they will take you longer to get. And of course, it's point worth will go down. Believe me, you will get a much higher score if you JUST go for the newly spawned red ones, and NOTHING else! ***** AROUND THE MID-POINT ********************************************** Around 5000 to 8000 Points. Ok, here's where it starts to get hard! At this point, you should have quite a large snake that is becoming harder and harder to avoid... So listen up! Your gonna have to start filling in all the gaps. That's right! You could go about trying to get the closest orb to you, but it's very dangerous, and you could crash if you get too careless. Now, what do I mean by "filling in all the gaps"? Well, that means NOT always going for the first orb you see... Cause' if you do, then maybe a couple of seconds later, you will find yourself in a "blocked" area, meaning your tail hasn't moved out of the way fast enough, causing you to crash. So, the best way to do this is to kinda start filling in big areas, whilst making sure not to trap yourself at the same time. How do you do this? Well, every time your in a big kinda "open" area, (let's say, a small open place between the border and your tail) you may want to fill it in by turning left and right to slowly start filling it up. For example, if your in a area with a red orb in front of you, don't head straight there and try to pick it up... Instead, slowly make your way to the orb by turning left and right to fill up the whole area behind you. Here is a picture of the basic route you should be taking. ___________________________________________________ | _______ _______ _______ | | /_______\ /_______\ /_______\ | | // \\ // \\ // \\ | | || || || || || || | | || || || || || || | | || || || || || || | | || || || || || || | | || || || || || || | | || || || || || || | | || || || || || || | | || || || || || || | | || || || || || || | | || || || || || || | | || || || || || || | | || || || || || || | | || || || || || || | | || || || || || \/ | | || || || || || | | || || || || || | | || || || || || __ | | || \\_______// \\_______// || | | || \_______/ \_______/ || | | \\___________________________________________// | | \___________________________________________/ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ And please remember, as I said above, you MUST only collect newly spawned orbs to get the most points. Keep following the route above. You soon find out why in the next section. This is the way is has to be, cause' you'll soon discover that if you just go for any orb, you'll start to find yourself in sticky situations, because a large part of your snakes tail will still be in the way. Now, there's only one exception to this... Newly spawned orbs. You won't be able to get as many as before, but this is your last chance to get as many as you can, cause' once you get around 8000 points, chances are you will NOT be able to get many on them since spaces will be very tight. If you see a new orb spawn, forgetabout following the above pattern, just go for it! And when you get it, you should try to go back and get back into the pattern again. You should be able to continue like this, but watch out! If you aren't careful, you could crash at any moment! ***** NEAR TO THE END *************************************************** Around 8000 to 12000+ Points. Well, this is the final stretch! The hardest part in Anaconda... Why? Cause' at around 8000+ points, you will have such a large snake that that you have nowhere to go! You could veer too close to the tail... You could get "caught" in a dead end... You could go too fast and then not have enough time to turn... There are so many odds against you, and getting through them can be hard... VERY hard. So, here is what you should do. Basically, you want to do the same thing you did in the "Around the Mid-Point" guide above, only this time, slowly start making the pattern tighter and tighter untill it looks something like this: __________________________________________________ | __ __ __ __ __ __ | | /__\ /__\ /__\ /__\ /__\ /__\ | | // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ | | || || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || \/ | | || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || | | || || || || || || || || || || || __ | | || || || || || || || || || || || || | | || \\__// \\__// \\__// \\__// \\__// || | | || \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ || | | \\__________________________________________// | | \__________________________________________/ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Most of the time you won't have anywhere to go (since the whole screen is filled with snake) and the only thing you will be able to do if follow around your own tail as it moves. Which means following the same path you went before. Occasionally, you will come to a small open area. If you do, the first you should do is try to stall here for as long as possible. That means turning left and right, filling the area up. Every time you get to a small area, you should fill it up, otherwise you may run out of space and crash into the tip of your snakes tail as you are following it. But remember, as you collect more orbs you MUST keep making the pattern tighter and tighter untill you are so close to the walls and tail. If you don't, then you will surely run out of space. A I said before, you will NOT get many chances to get any types of orb here, what you have to depend on is luck. As you are following your tail, you may pick up an orb or two on the way, but NEVER EVER go for an orb if it's too much in the corner, or too close to a wall or your tail. It's not worth the risk. The stage will move more slowly, but you don't have a choice. Your snake will be blocking you at every turn, so the only way to go is following the tip of your tail as it moves back around, whilst picking up any stray orbs on the way. You have to continue like this until you slip up. As I said before, how many new spawned orbs you ate at the beginning makes a big difference on your score when you crash. Now, don't get me wrong, sometimes you will get TONS of freash orbs at the start and then you crash and still have a bad score. Why? Simple, you crashed too early. Eating the newly spawned orbs WILL give you many more points, but the size of your tail will still increase. So if you don't be careful, you can crash. When you finally slip up and crash (get trapped or careless), then hopefully, you should have a good score, with a HUGE snake on the screen! ***** ENDING NOTES ****************************************************** Well, that's about all the advice I can give you about Anaconda. I really hope you learned something from this. As I've said about a million times: It's all about practice, especially with Anaconda. You don't get better by reading this guide... You get better by practicing more and more and more. So don't be sad if you suck the first few times you play... (like I did) Don't worry. You will get better, if you practice a lot! ************************************************************************* **** SPECIAL THANKS ***************************************************** * * * I would like to give a very very big special thanks to MostFrantic who* * actually told me about the new spawned orb scoring meathod, and for * * showing me the award winning pattern that helped me get a HUGE score * * on Anaconda. Thanks alot, MostFrantic! ^_^ You deserve a gold medal!! * * * ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* V.3: MULTIPLAYER TIPS >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anaconda features a multiplayer mode for up to 4 players. It's quite similar to the single player mode, only here, you keep on playing until all other players are eliminated, (by crashing) and only one player is standing! And here I'm going to share some tips on the best way to win when playing against friends! So keep reading. Well, it's obvious that in multiplayer you don't want to go for the orbs, you want to try and make you opponent crash as soon as you can! The best way to do this is to be very fast and furious! ALWAYS keep your finger on the "speed up" button and whenever you get a chance, zoom in front of your opponents head, and try to get them trapped. Now, if you're playing one-on one (2 players), then you want to take a more laid back approach. Go for the orbs closest to you, and try to make your sake as big as you can before you enemy does. The bigger your snake, the better chance you have to defeating your opponent! Now, if you're player a triple threat match (3 players) then you still want to go for orbs, but being EXTREMELY careful at the same time. If you get a chance to wipe-out one of your opponents, take it! Cut in front of them as often as you can, to increase your chances of winning! As I said, before, keep your finger on the "boost" button to keep yourself alive. And if you're playing a 4 player match, then forget about picking up any orbs, just keep going for your opponents. Head towards their head really really fast, and just before you hit them, turn away so that they hit your tail! Try to trap them by making a quick U-turn whilst you're in front of them. This is very effective. With any luck, once all other players are eliminated and it's just down to you and another player, it all comes down to who has the longer tail. So, just ignore him for now, and collect as many orbs as you can, and when your long enough, go for the kill! Anyway, if you do win, you'll be the only one left on the screen, giving you plenty of time to go and collect those orbs and try and better your score! ***** YOUR MULTIPLAYER TIPS ********************************************* Submitted by "Dan" a.k.a "Khallos": "I normally go round the middle, since if you hit something with the head of the snake you die, but if something hits your side, the person who hit you will die. Basically, what I do, is charge full speed at my friends snakes' head, and then at the last minute, I turn away, so my friend gets killed, and I'm left collecting crosses, hehe." Submitted by "Wabs": "Main tip for Anaconda: don't play it on PS2!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep those multiplayer tips coming! If you want to see your multiplayer tips and "new ways to play" posted here, please send them to me via e-mail. ^_^ V.4: MULTIMEDIA >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://mostfrantic.tripod.com/MostFrantic-Anaconda-18566.wmv This is a short video by MostFrantic of the tight pattern I explained to you earlier. Altough the clip is only 9 seconds long, it does show you what pattern to do if you want to get some of those very high scores link the ones below. Basically, you should have a pattern that looks something like this after you have collected alot of orbs. Earlier on in the game, keep this pattern looser, and slowly make it tighter and tighter as you get more orbs and your snake grows longer. *Big special thanks to MostFrantic for the clip* http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gamecube/ts2_anaconda.mid This is a great little MIDI of the Anaconda music made by BTHive. Unlike other MIDIs, this one sounds spot-on! He also added a bit of a re-mix right at the end. Very instrumental, but still cool. You have got to hear it! V.5: ANACONDA WORLD HIGH SCORES >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________ |~ Provided by NGC-Elites.net ~| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Rank: Player: Score: 1. ShadowZero 21671 pt(s) 2. LauLeZzzeeerrr 21251 pt(s) 3. YANDARK 20878 pt(s) 4. oli 20365 pt(s) 5. Spy12 20004 pt(s) 6. Morpho 19275 pt(s) 7. MostFrantic 18566 pt(s) 8. DarkMaster 18126 pt(s) 9. skeff 17459 pt(s) 10. KaMiKazZ 17326 pt(s) 11. humma 17259 pt(s) 12. BeachBug1 17254 pt(s) 13. R.M.Zouk 17132 pt(s) 14. nice_boy 17100 pt(s) 15. Perfectjoe 17049 pt(s) 16. sweetmonkeylove 16984 pt(s) 17. thegame 16982 pt(s) 18. Ts2Lenny 16980 pt(s) 19. Starrocky 16960 pt(s) 20. RAR 16933 pt(s) ************************************************************************* * For up to date high scores on the three mini-games, please go to: * * http://www.ngc-elites.net/ts2/index.php?p=elite5 * ************************************************************************* _________________________________________________________________________ | VI: RetroRacer |><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|>| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ VI.1: INFORMATION >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** GAMEPLAY ********************************************************** Type of Game: Racing A very Retro-type racing game (hence the name "RetroRacer"). But quite simple... Race 5 laps around a small track as fast as you can, to get the quickest total time. It may sound very basic... and it probably is. But after you play it a few times, you'll soon realize that there's much more then meets the eye! It isn't your classic Gran Turismo style racing game, the steering here is much different from other racing games, and takes some getting used to. You don't take turns like you normally would in other games to get the fastest time... there is a much more complicated way, which I will explain below. There is only one track to race on, but believe me, It lasts! Once you find out how hard it is to get under a minute, you'll be back to play it over and over again! The overhead camera view also provides much better control over your car, this combined with the cool two-player mode makes RetroRacer a nice little game that can be played anytime for a much-needed break from TimeSplitters 2! ***** CONTROLS ********************************************************** GameCube: Joystick/D-Pad = Steer the car "A" button = Accelerate "B" button = Brake X-box: Joystick/D-Pad = Steer the car "A" button = Accelerate "X" button = Brake Playstation 2: Left Joystick/D-Pad = Steer the car "X" button = Accelerate "Square" button = Brake ***** OTHER INFO ******************************************************** Time to finish: Between 1 minute 10 seconds to a little under a minute. the better you take the turns, the better time you'll get! Lifespan: Good! The one track can get boring if you play it continuously, but provides a nice break sometimes from all the FPS action in TS2. Multiplayer: Excellent! Playing with a friend is really fun! It would be even more fun if there were more tracks to choose from, but there aren't. So, BLAH! Gameplay/Stages: Well, I said it before and I'll say it again... There is only ONE track. But there so many ways you can go about getting a good time! Difficulty: If you're going for under a minute, then I would say very hard! But you don't HAVE to go for under a minute... Overall Score: 7/10. I used to play it for ages to get under 59 secs. Now I'm so good at it, I ALWAYS get under 59 secs! Anyone who likes racing games will like RetroRacer! VI.2: THE GUIDE >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Completing 5 laps around the course is easy... But getting a total time of under a minute is hard! It's all comes down to how well you take the turns. As I said before, this is a very Retro-style racing game. You don't take the turns like you normally would in a next-gen racing game. There is a certain way you should take the U-turns to give you the best results. I'm here to tell you exactly how you can get a time of under a minute with the unique steering system and annoying U-turns in RetroRacer. ***** TAKING THE TURNS ************************************************** Now, the best way to take the U-turns is to kind of drive into them... This is a bit hard to explain. You want to turn into the wall a few inches before you actually turn. So, if the U-turn goes left, then you want to turn into the left wall a couple of inches before the turn. This will kind of slow you down just a bit, which will prevent you from hitting the opposite wall when you come out of the turn, and provide you with a good speed afterwards. As a matter of fact, the more it slows you down, the better your speed will be after you come out of the turn. But, you don't want to slow down TOO much otherwise you will lose too much time... If you turn into the wall too hard, then you will come to a complete stop! Now, turning into walls is a good strat for the U-turns... But of course, there is still the much dreaded double U-turn to the right of the track. This is the hardest part in the whole game. You can get a excellent time if you know how to get around this obstacle. Now, let's have a look at a overhead picture I made of the track, it's a little crappy, but please bear with me... I have provided a guide for each part of the track. ***** THE TRACK ********************************************************* ______________________________________________ | ________ ________________________ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / 3 \ | | / \| | | | | /\ || /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ | | | | || || | ________ | | | | | || || | / \ | | | | | || || | / \ | | | | | || || |/ \| | | | | || || || /\ || | | | | || || || || || | | | | || || 4 || || 2 || | | | | || || || || \/ | | | | || || || |\ / | | | 5 || || || | \ / | | | || || || | \________/ | | | || \/ || \___________ | | | |\ /| \ | | | | \ / \ \ | | | | \________/ \____________ \ | | | \ | | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯>>¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ / | | \ >> 1 / | | \_____________________>>______________/ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1: Ok, this is where you start and finish. You have to do 5 laps around the small track. Don't worry, there isn't any time limit, so you can take as long as you want. But if I were you, I'd would try to get the best time possible rather than just fool around and waste my time. The first U-turn is easy to take... Just drive into the u-turn here (as mentioned above) and try to get a good set-up for the horrible double U-turn. Read below. 2: Ahhh... The hardest part in RetroRacer, the dreaded double U-turn! What makes this so hard? How well you take this turn will dramatically effect your total time at the end. It's the hardest turn cause' most of the time you won't be able to do a perfect turn on it without losing too much time. When I say "perfect turn", I mean getting through it in the fastest possible way. So, what's the fastest way? Well listen up... The very first U-turn in the race (the one mentioned in area 1) provides a good line-up to the double U-turn. When you come out of the first U-turn, you will able to kind of hit the opposite wall, allowing you to turn into that corner. Keep turning, this is important. After that turn, your car should be facing the tip of the first U-turn of the double U-turn. Make sure you turn into the wall slightly before the tip, and you will be able to cut through it facing the tip of the second U-turn in the double U-turn. Now this is where things can go horribly wrong... When your facing the tip of the second U-turn, turn into it very sharply or else you will miss it entirely and hit the far right wall causing you to lose a lot of time. But if you turn into it TOO sharply, your car will come to a full stop because you are heading too much into the U-turn wall! This is why it's so annoying! Anyway, the whole point is to not hit that far right wall whilst trying to take the FASTEST route possible... You'll find out that sometimes you will do it perfectly, and sometimes you will really screw up! That's why it's so hard... Of course you could always take the "lazy" way, which means ALWAYS hitting the far right wall. It's less risky cause' you won't have to worry about that annoying "full stop". I have found that it is very possible to get a good time doing the "lazy" way, but I don't suggest it unless you really suck at RetroRacer! 3: A very easy area! Having just got through the double U-turn, the rest of the track is easy from here on... There are just 2 small turns here. Just cut across them and it shouldn't be too hard. 4: Now these are what I like to call the "long U-turns". Basically, these aren't that hard to steer around (remember to drive into them) but they do make a big difference on your total time. After you come out of the U-turns, you should NOT hit the opposite walls... If you do, then chances are, you didn't turn into the U-turn enough before trying to steer through it, and have lost some time. But don't worry! When I say "lost some time" I'm talking about 10 hundredths of a second (00:00.10), which doesn't seem like much now, but can make a difference if you screw up on every lap. 5: This is it! The final stretch! Only one more corner stands between you and the finish! Cut across it, and cross the finish line. Of course, you have to finish the rest of your laps... but if this was your last lap, then the race would finally be over! ***** RACE TIME TABLE *************************************************** If you're going for a time of 1:05.0... Difficulty: 1/5 Beating the No.1 time is very easy. So here is a run down on how fast your lap times should be if your trying to beat 1:05.0! Now, you should get a lap time of 13.50 to 14.00 seconds on the first lap, and on every lap after that (laps 2 to 5) you should be getting around 13.00 seconds or less. You have to stick to these times if you want to get your name at the top! If you're going for a time of one minute... Difficulty: 4/5 Now it's staring to get much harder! To get a time of under a minute, your first lap time should be around 13 seconds, and every lap after that should be 11.75 seconds OR LESS! The way you take that double U-turn really makes a big difference here. You've got to stick with the 11 second lap times if you want to get under a minute! If you're going for a time of under 59.00 secs... Difficulty: 5/5 Woah! The hardest time to get! Now you MUST take every turn with accuracy and intensity or else you can forget about ever getting a time of under 59 secs! Nearly every double U-turn you take must be almost perfect! (you can still use the "lazy" way if you like) Anyway, your first lap time should be between 12:40 to 12:00 seconds and with every other lap, you should be getting around 11:40 to 11.70 seconds! Now that's hard! But it can be done, if you try hard enough and practice a lot! ***** ENDING NOTES ****************************************************** And that wraps up another guide! I hope I was able to teach you the importance of taking the turns properly, and how to get the best times... And that it takes *A LOT* of practice on RetroRacer to get a time of around 00:58.58 (my best time!) So go and start practicing, and remember what I taught you about the double U-turns, and you will do just fine! VI.3: MULTIPLAYER TIPS >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, there's only a two player mode here, but it's actually very fun compared to just racing alone in the one player game. Anyway, the rules are the same as the one player race. You have to complete 5 laps around the track, only this time, you'll be racing head-to-head with a friend! And to win, you must be ruthless and unforgiving! Very action packed! Now, the first thing I should tell you is that player 1 ALWAYS has a advantage over player 2, cause' he's closest to the first turn, and can easily cut off player 2 and zoom ahead. So that is why I suggest you flip a coin before you start to decide who gets to be player one. Now, here are some tips. If you and your opponent are parallel to each other when heading towards a turn, if you are on the inside then do the "turn into the wall" strat you used for the single player mode as soon as you can to avoid your opponent from overtaking you by doing the "brake turn". Now, if you are on the outside then you will be able to do the highly effective "brake turn". All you have to do is stay as close to you opponent as you can all the way to the turn, then at the very last moment (right when you're at the turn) press the brake button so that you fall behind, then turn through it. Whilst your opponent is going the "slow" way, (hitting the opposite wall) you will be able to zoom ahead. Basically for all other turns, you want to use the same strat as you did in the one player mode. Cut off your opponent as soon as you get the chance, and practice the double U-turn as much as you can. The double U-turn makes SUCH a huge difference when playing with a friend. If you're a lot behind, you can really make up for it, and cut off your opponent with the double U-turn, so make sure you master it. And the only way to do that is practice, practice, practice, with the same method you used in the one player game. Sorry, that's actually all the multiplayer help I can give you for RetroRacer. Remember, you must master the turns to become a master! ***** YOUR MULTIPLAYER TIPS ********************************************** Submitted by "Rewind25": "You can have relay races if you have four or more people to play with. Make teams of two players each and tell everyone to sit two or three feet apart form each other. Now, two players start the race, and as soon as a player completes a lap, he tosses the controller to his team mate, and then after he does a lap, he tosses it back again. Continue like this until a team finishes 5 laps to win! You can also do this with 6 or even 8 players too!" Submitted by "AB-109": "On retro racer you can take most corner's by just holding turn." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep those multiplayer tips coming! If you want to see your multiplayer tips and "new ways to play" posted here, please send them to me via e-mail. ^_^ VI.4: MULTIMEDIA >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://medlem.spray.se/mostfrantic1/TS2/ MostFrantic%20-%20RetroRacer%20-%2058.76.wmv (join the two lines) This is a video of a great full run of RetroRacer by MostFrantic with an impressive time of 58.76 seconds. You have GOT to watch this video if you ever want to master the horrible double u-turn in the game. This video also shows the way I explained earlier about driving INTO turns, rather than just turning the way you reularly would in other racing games. A must watch for all RetroRacer players! *Big thanks goes to MostFrantic for this video* VI.5: RETRORACER WORLD HIGH SCORES >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________ |~ Provided by NGC-Elites.net ~| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Rank: Player: Time: 1. ExpertGamer 00:57.61 2. oli 00:57.72 3. C.P 00:57.76 4. jOSh 00:57.85 5. DarkMaster 00:58.00 6. thegame 00:58.18 7. DarkLord 00:58.26 8. Perfectjoe 00:58.52 9. RedXevious 00:58.58 9. YANDARK 00:58.58 11. Samshady 00:58.72 12. MostFrantic 00:58.76 13. QuietBol 00:58.80 14. krekko 00:58.82 15. Ts2Lenny 00:58.88 16. BeachBug1 00:58.90 17. dmferrari14 00:58.96 18. SnapDragon 00:59.08 19. FCBales 00:59.14 20. snoozer 00:59.20 ************************************************************************* * For up to date high scores on the three mini-games, please go to: * * http://www.ngc-elites.net/ts2/index.php?p=elite5 * ************************************************************************* _________________________________________________________________________ | VII: AstroLander |><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><|><| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ VII.1: INFORMATION >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** GAMEPLAY ********************************************************** Type of Game: Flying/Strategy The hardest mini-game of the three! The objective here is to pilot your small spaceship to the landing pad, and land it safely. Sounds simple, but it's quite hard! You only have a limited amount of fuel to get to the landing pad, and once you run out, you're history! Not only that, if you're going too fast when you hit the landing pad, you'll crash! It takes precise timing to land softly without wasting too much fuel. After you land you'll receive points depending on how much fuel you had left, how softly you landed, and how accurate you were in your landing. Tapping the "thrust" button too much during the level will waste too much fuel... Learning how to get to the landing area without wasting all your fuel is hard, but not too hard once you learn some good tips. This is the only mini-game that lets you choose a difficulty before you start. The first few levels are easy, but when you progress to the later more maze-like levels, you'll have to be very careful since you start with only 4 lives. If you crash more than four times it's game over for you! Defiantly very hard! ***** CONTROLS ********************************************************** GameCube and X-Box: JoyStick/D-Pad = Rotate the spaceship "A" button = Thrust/Acceleration Playstation 2: Left Joystick/D-Pad = Rotate the spaceship "X" button = Thrust/Acceleration ***** SCORING *********************************************************** Points are awarded at the end of every level depending on how well you did. Fuel Remaining: 1 - 15000 points ~ Depends on how much fuel you have. Landing Speed: 1 - 5000 points ~ A soft landing means more points. Landing Accuracy: 1 - 10000 points ~ Try to land right in the middle. ***** OTHER INFO ******************************************************** Time to finish: Around 10 minutes. There are a set amount of levels, so this time is accurate. Better players, though, could complete it in less... Lifespan: 11 levels means good lifespan! You won't get board with this game anytime soon, so don't worry about it! Multiplayer: Nope! AstroLander does NOT have a multiplayer feature. I'm still trying to figure out why... Gameplay/Stages: The gameplay is good! Basically every move you make will determine how many points you get at the end of that level! You will be coming back again and again! Difficulty: Ohhhh... Easy and normal modes are kinda easy to beat, but Hard is really difficult to complete! Overall Score: 9/10. I would say the best one out of the three mini-games! Although it doesn't have any multiplayer feature, it's still a great game, with loads of levels! VII.2: THE GUIDE >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, I assume you want to go for a good score, not just any score. To do this, you must save as much fuel as you can whilst trying to land softly and accurately. It's all in the landing... You can get TONS of points if you know how to land properly. You really have to slow down and line your- self up, or else your landing points will be cut in half! Also, saving as fuel as you can is important, but not as important as landing! One other thing I should mention before I get to the guide, unlike the other two mini-games, AstroLander actually lets you choose a difficulty before you start. There is Easy, Normal and Hard. The harder the difficulty, the less fuel you will start with on each stage. Also, the speed changes in the three difficulties, in Easy you move very slowly, in Normal you move a little faster, and in Hard you might as well have a jet pack attached to your ship, cause' that's how fast you will be going! You will be getting a lot less points in the harder difficulties cause' you will essentially be using up more fuel because of your increased speed. You should try to remember this when you're choosing which difficulty to play on. Now, let's get to it! First, I'll explain the best way to save fuel before landing... ***** FUEL FACTOR ******************************************************* Ok, the first thing I should say is you have GOT to save as much fuel as you can before getting to the landing pad since your landing is gonna suck a lot of fuel out of you... You will find out why in a few moments. Now, the best way to conserve fuel is to TAP the thrust button... Never hold it down unless you absolutely must. Since you're always being pulled back down to earth again cause' of gravity, you can use this to your advantage! For example, if you need to get over a hill, just tap the thrust button a couple of times, whilst at a 20 degree turn to the direction of the hill. And as soon as you're over it, don't use anymore fuel! Let gravity carry you down. If you are a bit confused about all this, don't worry. I am providing a much more detailed guide for all eleven stages below. Now that I've covered the fuel factor, let's get to the landing. ***** THE LANDING ******************************************************* Now, listen up. The most important thing about landing is the accuracy... This can be between 1 to 10000 points! So, if you're just a little off center, then it could cost you around 2000 points! That's why it's so important to land not only right in the middle, but also with the bottom of you ship lined-up flat on the landing pad, not on a slant. Also, speed does play a significant part in the points system, maybe not as dramatic as accuracy, but still something you should take time to get right. Wasting a little fuel to land softly is worth it, since you will only lose about 1000 points of fuel to gain around 3000 points of Landing Speed. Unfortunately, this is where things can go terribly wrong! There is a very fine line between landing softly for a lot of points, and landing very hard for almost no points. Just a tap of the thrust button before you land could mean the difference between 3000 points and 300 points. So forget about saving fuel, just land as softly AND accurately as you can. Now, when I say "forget about saving fuel", I don't mean go around wasting TOO much fuel, fuel also does play a big part in getting a lot of points. But you must get a good landing on every level if you want to get a good high score. You should be getting over 20000 points on each level. Anyway, as I said before, you must practice. To make a good landing without wasting too much fuel can be hard sometimes, so you have got to get used to it first. Anyway, here is the guide to all 11 levels. I'll be explaining the best way of getting through the levels whilst saving as much fuel as you can before you get to the landing pad. As I said before, it all comes down to how you land! Anyway, I hope this helps! VII.3: COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** STAGE 1 *********************************************************** Very easy, this one! Ok, you start above the landing pad, so just let gravity take you down! Turn a little to the right and tap the thrust button two or three times so you line up DIRECTLY above the landing, and when you get to about a short distance above the landing pad, start tapping the thrust button to slow you down enough to land. The harder the difficulty you're playing on, the sooner you will have to start tapping the button. Try to get a good landing. ***** STAGE 2 *********************************************************** When you start, turn to the left and start tapping the thrust button to gain some height and speed at the same time. The landing is on top of a large hill so to save alot of fuel here, when your half way there, (you should by now have some momentum, and are traveling towards the landing at a good speed) you should turn to the opposite direction and start tap-tap-tapping the thrust button to start to slow you down. Keep tapping VERY gently. You should be at a complete stop by the time you get over the landing. If you're too high over the landing, just let gravity carry you down whilst turning left and right and tapping the thrust button to adjust your line up with it. Otherwise, just land! ***** STAGE 3 *********************************************************** A simple mountain stands between you and the landing. Turn to the left a bit (so that are facing the upper-left corner) and tap the thrust button a couple of times just to get you over the big hill. As soon as you are over, tap the thrust once or twice so you gain a bit of momentum for your journey downwards. Let your ship slowly glide back down to near where the landing is. Whilst you are slowly going down, turn to the opposite direction (so you are facing the upper-right corner) and tap the thrust button (or hold it down for a very short time) to slow yourself down and you should end up right at the landing! ***** STAGE 4 *********************************************************** Now were starting to get to the more twisted maze-like levels! Anyway, turn to the right and tap the thrust a few times to get over the path to the landing, then turn left and tap thrust to prevent yourself from hitting the wall, and whilst facing left, tap it again so you start falling in the right direction. Now, whilst your falling left, turn back to the right again so when you get to the part of the path that changes direction, you will be able to instantly tap the thrust button to start heading in the right direction. Now, keep falling until you get to the landing! (You may need to tap the thrust some more if you veer to close to one of the walls) ***** STAGE 5 *********************************************************** This stage features a nice big PIT to the right! Anyway, turn right and start tapping thrust to gain some momentum, so you're heading towards the top of the pit. Once you have enough momentum, stop tapping, and turn to face the left direction. Before you get directly above the pit, start tapping the thrust button to slow you down, so when you get over the pit, you will be at a stop. Now just let yourself start falling down. Be sure to turn left or right and tap thrust if you feel you are going to crash into a wall. You should start slowing yourself down a good distance above the landing, (face upwards and start pressing thrust) cause' chances are, you have gained a lot of speed, and will crash if you don't act early. ***** STAGE 6 *********************************************************** This one is really easy. Turn right and thrust yourself just a bit so you get over the hole. As soon as you do, turn left and thrust a bit so you're over the landing. Now, just let yourself fall down to the landing! (if you're not lined-up, just thrust a bit to the left or right to line yourself up above the landing) ***** STAGE 7 *********************************************************** And now we get to the first and last multi-choice level! Now, when you start the first thing you'll notice is that you have to choose which path to take. Either the shorter, but harder to navigate through path that's closer to you or the easier but longer and more fuel sucking path that's to the left. Since were going for the best possible scores, I'll be helping you with the closer shorter path. You start above it so, just turn left a tap thrust once to line-up above it. As you are falling, turn right so when you get into the path, you can tap the thrust button to start following the path down. As you are going down, you may need to tap the thrust once or twice to prevent you from hitting the left wall. As soon as you get to the mid point that changes direction, turn as quickly as you can and start thrusting your way so you don't hit the right wall, but not too much so you hit the left wall. Follow it down (tapping thrust once or twice to avoid hitting the walls) and once you get to the bottom, you'll be directly at the lending! ***** STAGE 8 *********************************************************** After stage 7, this one won't seem so hard. Turn right and tap thrust to gain momentum and keep taping it until you get over the big hill that is kinda sticking out. As soon as you get over it, IMMEDIATELY turn left and hit the trust button to stop yourself and tap it some more to start heading down to the landing. As you are heading downwards, turn right again, and when you get to the landing, press the thrust button to stop yourself just as you're above the pad! ***** STAGE 9 *********************************************************** The first time I played this, I was shocked cause' it was really hard! A very twisted stage with the landing pad buried deep underground! Anyway, face right and thrust yourself a bit to get over the small hill and start falling down. Again, whilst you are falling, turn left and before you hit the bottom, thrust yourself so you start heading down the left path. As you are heading down the left path, you may need to thrust a bit so you don't hit the bottom wall. Before you get to the next drop, turn left and start to slow yourself down so when you are above the next drop, you will be stopped. Now just fall down and start thrusting down the right path as soon as you can. Now, simply keep thrusting down this path, when you're about 2/3 of the way down the path, turn left and start to slow yourself down, so when you are over the kind of "spike" that's sticking out, you will be ready to land. ***** STAGE 10 ********************************************************** Ok, this one looks like a big letter "S" on it's side. Anyway, Turn right and tap thrust ONCE!! You should start to head downwards, now turn left and tap thrust to start heading left down the passage. As you are heading down, turn right and get ready to thrust before you hit the bottom. Thrust up a bit, (so you start heading up the path) and turn left again, and thrust to prevent yourself hitting that right wall. As soon as you thrust ONCE in the left direction, turn right and thrust down the right area. Now there's a gentle slope going down here, so just go with it. After the slant, turn left again, and thrust down to the landing. Turn right again and thrust once so you don't hit the little alcove walls. Now just land, and that's it! ***** STAGE 11 ********************************************************** Wow! You finally made it to the FINAL LEVEL, and look at it... Just one big twisted mess!! And you're gonna have to make your way through it! As you can clearly see, you start this level with a HGUGE amount of fuel. You'll soon find out why! So, let's get to it... Turn right and thrust ONCE to start start filling down into the path. As you are falling, turn left and thrust once to avoid the sticking out rock. Now quickly turn right and thrust once more to avoid the rock on the other side. Now turn left again and thrust once. Now gently let yourself fall down to the bottom. Turn right, trust once or twice, then face upwards and start thrusting up! And when you get to the top of the rock that's knida sticking out, turn right and thrust over it. Now keep thrusting right until you get to the right wall, then turn left and start tapping thrust to fall down, and as soon as you get the chance, thrust down the left passage. Half way down the passage, turn right and thrust through the very small/slim path. Halfway down that, turn left again, and as soon as you exit from it, boost left, and after you get a clear shot at the landing, turn right and start heading for the landing! Make sure you turn left to boost yourself away from the right wall if you are heading towards it too fast. Now, just land and that's it!! YOU HAVE JUST COMPLETED ASTROLANDER! Congratulations!! ***** ENDING NOTES ****************************************************** Well, I think everyone likes AstroLander a bit more than the other games since AstroLander has a huge array of levels to go to and complete, where as RetroRacer and Anaconda only have like one level. I know AstroLander is defiantly my favorite mini-game, and it will be your favorite too after you complete it! Anyway, if you follow my guide, you shouldn't have much trouble at all getting a good score on it. Just remember what I said... It's all in the landing. If you remember that, then you hold the key to being the best! VII.4: MULTIMEDIA >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunatly, I don't have any multimedia links for AstroLander yet. But don't worry. I'll be adding some real soon, so watch this space! VII.5: ASTROLANDER WORLD HIGH SCORES >>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________ |~ Provided by NGC-Elites.net ~| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ***** ASTROLANDER EASY ************************************************** Rank: Player: Score: 1. DarkMaster 269112 pt(s) 2. YANDARK 268821 pt(s) 3. DarkLord 264943 pt(s) 4. jOSh 264398 pt(s) 5. C.P 262969 pt(s) 6. ImPerfect_Clark 262333 pt(s) 7. Perfectjoe 262245 pt(s) 8. Samshady 260212 pt(s) 9. Wabs 259027 pt(s) 10. SnapDragon 257987 pt(s) 11. ImEvolving 256565 pt(s) 12. neoprophet 255772 pt(s) 13. harrall 255102 pt(s) 14. FCBales 255012 pt(s) 15. SamSim 254985 pt(s) 16. ExpertGamer 254478 pt(s) 17. BeachBug1 251418 pt(s) 18. oli 250700 pt(s) 19. Robofish 250600 pt(s) 20. FMC 250245 pt(s) ***** ASTROLANDER NORMAL ************************************************ Rank: Player: Score: 1. DarkMaster 242969 pt(s) 2. YANDARK 240799 pt(s) 3. jOSh 237601 pt(s) 4. DarkLord 237110 pt(s) 5. C.P 233016 pt(s) 6. Wabs 231145 pt(s) 7. ImPerfect_Clark 230376 pt(s) 8. Perfectjoe 230089 pt(s) 9. Samshady 228245 pt(s) 10. SnapDragon 224460 pt(s) 11. FCBales 222337 pt(s) 12. neoprophet 219225 pt(s) 13. SamSim 218611 pt(s) 14. BeachBug1 217851 pt(s) 15. oli 216942 pt(s) 16. ExpertGamer 216266 pt(s) 17. Robofish 211980 pt(s) 18. LauLeZzzeeerrr 211815 pt(s) 19. snoozer 210996 pt(s) 20. gst_6561 210663 pt(s) ***** ASTROLANDER HARD ************************************************** Rank: Player: Score: 1. DarkMaster 217685 pt(s) 2. YANDARK 214867 pt(s) 3. jOSh 210445 pt(s) 4. DarkLord 208278 pt(s) 5. Perfectjoe 206212 pt(s) 6. C.P 204786 pt(s) 7. Samshady 204089 pt(s) 8. Wabs 201074 pt(s) 9. FCBales 199401 pt(s) 10. SamSim 197259 pt(s) 11. ImPerfect_Clark 196434 pt(s) 12. SnapDragon 195019 pt(s) 13. ExpertGamer 191697 pt(s) 14. BeachBug1 188734 pt(s) 15. oli 186883 pt(s) 16. neoprophet 182952 pt(s) 17. chronorox 181068 pt(s) 18. techncl_tactics21 180768 pt(s) 19. Robofish 180690 pt(s) 20. dam2 176339 pt(s) ************************************************************************* * For up to date high scores on the three mini-games, please go to: * * http://www.ngc-elites.net/ts2/index.php?p=elite5 * ************************************************************************* ___________________ | VIII: Final Words |<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Well, that's about all I have to teach you about the three mini-games! I really hope all my advice and tips have helped you become a better player on the three mini-games! So give yourself a big pat on the back and congratulate yourself on the fine skill you have just acquired by reading this guide! And I really hope you will do better the next time you play any of the mini-games! Please keep those Multiplayer Tips coming as I will post ALL of them that are sent to me! If you have ANY other questions please send me an e-mail. Tell me about your likes/dislikes about the guide, also if you think you could improve any part of it a bit, let me know! I couldn't have done it without you! As we all search for the ultimate power... the never ending quest to get all 66 plats and 100% complete on TimeSplitters 2, it sometimes helps to just take a break from it all... Pick up one of the mini-games and unwind for a- while. And you never know... you might just do better the next time you play! I have played the mini-games over 100 hours in total, and it took me a long time to master them, and you can too with the info I have just passed on to you! Spread your wings and fly! Fly into the sky and don't stop until you are No.1! The best player! And don't forget to give credit where credit is due... Good luck, all you soon-to-be TS2 masters! ^_^ _________ | IX: FAQ |<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Q: I still can't find the RetroRacer cart... please help! A: As I said before, It can only be found in RobotFactory during Hard. Once you get to the room with the rocket launching bots, cross over to the other side, and look under the ramp to the right. ---------------------------------- Q: Can I find the three carts in CO-OP mode insted of one player? A: No. You can't find the three carts in CO-OP mode. If you want all three, you'll have to get them in 1 player mode. ---------------------------------- Q: In AstroLander, I keep running out of fuel. What should I do? A: Don't hold down the thrust button. Try tapping it. The hardest part is landing, so try and save some fuel for when you have to land. Follow my guide above and you will do just fine! ---------------------------------- Q: I can't find the Anaconda cart cause' I can't complete the Siberia stage! A: Sorry, I only provide guides for the three mini-games, NOT the story levels. Try checking out some guides at GameFAQs.com. ---------------------------------- Q: In AstroLander, I can never get a 10000 landing accuracy score. Help me! A: Woah! Getting that landing accuracy score is *VERY* hard. I don't think anyone has got a perfect score yet... Just try and get as high a score as you can and that should be good enough! ---------------------------------- Q: In RetroRacer, I can't get a time better than 59.80 secs. Please advise! A: It's all about how you take the turns in the track. And it takes a lot of practice and patience. Just stick to my guide and keep playing. ---------------------------------- Q: In Anaconda, no light blue orbs ever appear. Is there a bug in my game? A: No, there isn't. Light blue orbs are rare, and it does take a while for them to appear, so don't be surprised if they don't show up the first few times you play... They will eventually! ---------------------------------- Do you have a question you would like answered? Send me an e-mail with your question and I'll try to help you out! My E-mail: RedXevious@hotmail.com I'll be adding many more FAQs here after I get some feedback from the guide! ____________________ | X: Version History | <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Version 2.10: (79 KBs) January 4th, 2004 I made the new TimeSplitters 2 ASCII art and added my name in ASCII as well, updated the NGC-Elites scores yet AGAIN, and added the NEW Multimedia sections which included links to video clips and other stuff for the mini-games. Also added the "Type of Game" info, and file sizes here in Version History. Version 2.02: (75 KBs) November 7th, 2003 Not much of an update. All I did was a few tweaks with the headers and made a few changes to the copyright info. And added one or two things to the ST. Version 2.00: (75 KBs) October 4th, 2003 Ok, the MASS UPDATE is here! I finally updated the Anaconda guide (Thanks to MostFrantic) and updated all the NGC-Elites scores. Also, I added a few things to the copyright info, as well as fixed more spelling errors and stuff. Version 1.02: (70 KBs) June 25th, 2003 Made a few tweaks here and there. Corrected some errors and added some more FAQs. And I also updated all the NGC-Elites scores after I found out that "V-GSSJ4" was removed from them for lying about his scores! Version 1.00: (68 KBs) May 19th, 2003 This is the first version of the guide. I wrote all the mini-game guides, made the headers, spellchecked the WHOLE thing, then uploaded it to GameFAQs. ___________________________ | XI: Copyright info/Thanks |<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Copyright © 2003, 2004. Andrew S. This guide is copyrighted to me. Anyone found copying/tampering/stealing from it without my prior permission will be dealt with by legal action! Also, any sites found hosting my guide that are NOT on the list bellow are comitting a crime and should be reported to me immediatly. Oh, and one more thing, don't bother e-mailing me asking if you can use this guide on your site, because the answer will always be NO. Sometimes, I MAY consider submiting my guide on other sites, but sending me e-mails about it only makes me more angry. Also, the ASCII art in the guide (including the header at the top and the pics) are ALSO copyrighted to me. I made them myself. So, don't try and steal them or anything. Sites that are allowed to use my guide: www.GameFAQs.com GameFAQs officical site. www.NeoSeeker.com NeoSeeker's official site. www.IGN.com IGN's official site. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL THANKS goes out to these great people: * My sister for really helping me along with the walkthrough. * MostFrantic for his ENDLESS ammount of help with the guide. Thanks, MF! * AB-109 for helping me with the challenge/arcade stages. * GameFAQs/CJayC for hosting some really great guides and FAQs. * Neoseeker and IGN for ALSO hosting some great guides and FAQs. * NGC-Elites.net for providing the World High Scores. * Free Radical for creating the best game in the world ever! * And ALL the people in the Eidos/NGC-Elites/TimeFall forums that provided some of the multiplayer tips for Anaconda and RetroRacer. Thanks for all the help, guys! Catch you later! Please e-mail me with your comments about this guide. If you find an error or you would like to improve it a bit, please let me know! I guarantee a reply within 8 hours! E-mail me anytime at RedXevious@hotmail.com. Thanks! _________________________________________________________________________ If you can play without trying then you can live without dying -RedXevious _________________________________________________________________________