TIMESPLITTERS 2 ROBOT FACTORY (HARD) This GAMEFAQ has been made by Johnway lee A.K.A Kegmiester, spoonbeast. You are not allowed to copy any information without permission from the author of the FAQ. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2004 Johnway lee (AKA Kegmiester, spoonbeast on the SR forums) Composed on 28/4/04 [INTRODUCTION] If you're having trouble getting past the last hurdle to the last level, then this general tips guide might help. For starters, I've broken down my walkthrough into 4 sections. SECTION 1: THE WEAPONS SECTION 2: THE ENEMIES SECTION 3: BASIC SURVIVAL GUIDE SECTION 4: THE WALKTHROUGH. Any further questions or problems or you think something needs to be improved, send to sushi_bar_2000@hotmail.com [SECTION 1: THE WEAPONS] If we're going to get through this level on hard, we must understand the tools that are provided and the best ways we can use them effectively. Here's a list of what we can use to defeat the mechanist, stop his production of robots and turn his men into scrap metal. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [SCI FI HANDGUN] USEFUL AGAINST: CHASSIS BOTS, SECURICAM BOTS, MOBILE/IMOBILE TURRETS, CAMERA BOTS You've come across this weapon earlier in Neo Tokyo and planet X. Pistol shoots out 3 shots at a time and any shots that miss target will bounce around. There is a risk that it could hit you and could prove fatal or disastrous on this difficulty setting. The more you shoot and the more that miss mean the greater the chance it'll hit you. Ammunition is plentiful as all of the chassis robots (except for those in the mechanist room) use them. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [PLASMA AUTORIFLE] USEFUL AGAINST: SENTRY BOTS, MOBILE TURRETS This weapon has a limited use throughout the level, yet has an important use in taking on stronger enemies. Ammo is too limited to be used as your main weapon throughout the level and stronger foes will absorb a lot of its ammunition before collapsing. If Fired long enough, the rate of fire will increase with little or no accuracy loss. But you'll rarely find occasions' when doing this except for getting extra shots into a mobile turret before its ready. It also consumes a lot of ammunition and it can overheat. The only feature that'll be using the most is its secondary fire plasma grenades. These grenades are powerful and stick onto its target. Putting 2 or more of these plasma grenades will guarantee certain death. The Weapon should be sparingly used as a hit and run weapon against sentry bots, where you stick a grenade and provide covering fire whiles retreating and finishing off with ground fire at a safe well protected area. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [LASERGUN] USEFUL AGAINST: SENTRY BOTS, MOBILE TURRETS The lasergun in primary mode shoots out lasers. In this mode, without a charge up, this weapons useless against almost everything in this level. You'll find better use charging up the shots and using its zooming ability in aim mode to take down the stronger enemies from long distances. The secondary function, the shield, should not be used as consumption for it is too high and you're better off hiding behind some cover. The shield is useless in protecting you against projectile weapons and homing rockets. Ammunition is limited and can only be found on Sentry bots. Both forms of using it can consume ammunition quickly. Therefore, it should only be resorted to taking out sentry bots near the end of the level, as you would have gathered enough ammunition to charge up all your shots to kill the sentry bots in 2 shots to the head. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [ELECTROTOOL] USEFUL AGAINST: CHASSIS BOTS, CAMERA BOTS, SECURICAM BOTS, MOBILE TURRETS The Electrotool is a requirement if you want to take out all five Nodes and progress throughout the game. There's only a primary mode to shoot and it fires a constant beam of electricity. This weapon is highly versatile and can be used for other things. Such as short circuiting chassis bots to give you an edge against their superior numbers or taking out weaker enemies such as security rail bots. Ammunition is plentiful, as there is always a regenerating source of Electrotool until you destroy all five of the nodes. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [HOMING ROCKET LAUNCHER] USEFUL AGAINST: MECHANIST The homing rocket launcher can only be found near the end of the level and to say the least, it won't be useful unless it's against the mechanist. Ammunition is highly limited and top ups can only be found in the chamber with the mechanist. So don't expect to use this weapon heavily till you meet the mechanist. The primary fire shoots out one homing missile whiles the secondary shot fires three out at a time. Reloading is not required. Once fired, the missile will do its best to lock onto the enemy and hit it. For best results, wait till target on enemy reaches green. NOTE: Mechanist does not have a target therefore the homing feature can not be used. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [SECURITY RAILBOT (FIXED WEAPON)] USEFUL AGAINST: SENTRY BOTS, SECURITY RAILBOTS This is not a weapon you carry as such but never the less use. The security railbot can only move on the rail that it is on. The gun it carries can fire at a constant fast rate and can be very useful in the right situations. You can increase/ decrease the speed that it moves on the rail by pushing forwards and backwards. The security railbot should only be used against other security railbots and sentry bots when placed on the front of entrances ------------------------------------------------------------------- [SECTION 2: ENEMIES] Here's a list of foes that will protect their freakish master and will stop at nothing to kill you. These will be the various kinds of enemies you'll relieve of their artificial misery. Spare no one. I've broken down each the information into several ways. The first will give you a profile of their stats. These are SPEED: how fast they move. N/A means they don't move or isn't calculable. STAMINA: The amount of damage it can take assuming you're firing at them in the torso. It doesn't take into account single headshots. THREAT LEVEL: the risk level and the threat posed to you. Some enemies have special abilities that are worth a special mention. Notes provide further details on the particular foe. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [CHASSIS ROBOT] SPEED: Fast STAMINA: fair THREAT LEVEL: Medium to low NOTES: The most common enemy you'll face throughout this level. Effectively, these are the robotic equivalent of a human enemy and react more or less the same way. They teleport in large packs and weld Scifi pistols and is not uncommon for them to come in several waves. Unlike their human kind, they take only 4 shots to kill instead of the customary 6 for human guards. But they move much faster and are a lot thinner than humans as they are made of the simplest of circuitry. Electrotool helps immensely when combating their mass numbers as the Electrotool shorts circuits the robots for a period of time. Long enough for you to run up to them and draw out a Scifi pistol and shoot them each in the head to save ammo. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [SENTRY ROBOT] SPEED: very slow STAMINA: Very high THREAT LEVEL: very high SPECIAL ABLITY: cannot be killed with single headshots NOTES: If you're not fighting the chassis robots, than you'll be fighting these. These tall heavily armoured warriors are no push over and unaffected by headshots. You'll know it's on the move because of their distinct stomping sounds. They usually carry the heavier equipment that protects the robot factory, ranging from their standard arm the plasma Autorifle to the dreaded homing rocket launcher and they know how to use them well and accurately. Your only real advantage against these robots is to play them for their slow reactions and their not so smart AI. One on one fight is not an option and they'll consume a lot of ammo before falling over. Its best to latch one or two plasma grenade on them and fire at them whilst retreating round corners or far distances to pick them off. You could try hiding in areas above or below them and when any part of them comes exposed you shoot them. Provided you're not in their sight, they'll not spot you. Near the last parts of the level, you could use the lasergun and snipe them but if they spot you and fire homing rockets, be sure to run out of the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [SECURITY RAILBOT] SPEED: Medium STAMINA: Low THREAT LEVEL: low NOTES: These are the cameras of this level. Unlike the pervious levels, these cameras are stuck on rails and move around in a circuit with a laser gun built on. These cameras maybe restricted but they use their guns with grim efficiency and they can take off immense damage if you're not careful. Thankfully, you can tell when a security railbot is near as they make a distinct beep sound and where there are rails, there's always a security railbot around. Also should be noted that these security railbots don't take much damage. A simple shot of the Scifi pistol or the Electrotool will make them drop to the ground and explode dishing out damage to who ever was close to them. It's best that you clear these bots off their rails before entering the room so to eliminate the threat of them shooting you. Remember that each rail will have 2 security railbots on them. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [SECURITANK] SPEED: Slow STAMINA: low THREAT LEVEL: very low NOTES: There's only one of these around and provided it doesn't see you or you don't get close to it, they are easily dispatched. Just shoot them with a Scifi handgun. They are armed with the same laser gun built onto the security railbots and miniature missiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [TURRETS] SPEED: Immobile N/A. Mobile ones are fair in speed. STAMINA: Medium/ High THREAT LEVEL: Immobile ones Medium. Mobile ones are high. SPECIAL ABLITY: Immobile turrets not damaged unless directly shot at areas exposed when it's shooting. Mobile Turrets only receive damage from shots to its head and stem. NOTES: They come in 2 types, mobile and immobile ones. Immobile turrets are effectively fixed to the floor and they activate when you get close and shoot green lasers at you. They are best tackled with the Scifi pistol or Electrotool to the slit when it opens up. More damage can be done when shooting directly at the gun part. Shooting anywhere else will not damage it. Explodes when killed preventing any chance of getting too close to it. Mobile turrets are unidentifiable from their immobile cousins unless it starts moving its legs. It welds the same green laser. The best strategy is to remember which ones are mobile and rush them and provide as many shots before its fully formed. When its formed, step back and continue to shoot it in the head till it malfunctions. When killed it does not explode. Scifi pistols and grenades are useful in killing them. Electrotool doesn't work as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [CAMERA BOT] SPEED: fair STAMINA: Very weak THREAT LEVEL: very low NOTES: This is effectively a flying camera that moves around. It doesn't attack you directly and they hide in their pods unless you get close to them. They only call in additional chassis bots to swarm your area if you wait long enough for them to sound an alarm. The only damage they can do to you directly is the explosion if you shoot them too closely. They sometimes come out in groups and should be best combated with a single dose of electricity or a blast from the Scifi pistol when they are all close together. Camera bots make a distinctive "warping" noise when they launch from their hiding places and a low humming noise when it travels. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [REAPER SPLITTER] SPEED: N/A STAMINA: medium THREAT LEVEL: medium/ low SPECIAL ABLITY: Cloaking powers and uses teleportation to move. You've probably come across these foes enough times to know they can be easily dispatched, if one teleports in, they would want to shoot lightning at you. So the best strategy would be to just keep moving and don't move in straight lines to avoid its attack, so constantly move forward with a side step. There is very little point wasting time and resources fighting them unless they get in your way and any that get in the way that can't be out manoeuvred should be dispatched with a hail of plasma to the head. These aliens only pop up once you've got the time crystal and the time portal has been stabilised (In other words, dashing for the exit). ------------------------------------------------------------------- [SECTION 3: BASIC SURVIVAL GUIDE] As you know, something's never go according to plan. Sometimes plans have to be adapted the best they can to cope with new situations. This basic survival guide will give you general tips and ideas for you to use so that you can survive that bit longer. As well as giving you the advantage and when things do go to plan something to fall back on. So consider these ideas when you're playing: *If you need a basic layout of the level or what you might expect, play the level on normal to map out a rough idea of what each part looks like. Just know that there are some changes so don't remember the whole thing completely. *When switching between weapons, instead of fumbling around with the d pad, try using the start menu. This prevents those nasty times when you can't scroll properly. Simply press start scroll right and scroll down to the weapon you want. This saves plenty of time and helps in combat situations when weapons have to be switched around quickly. *If you're out numbered by numerous chassis bots, try hiding around corners and pointing your gun at a 45 degrees angle, that way you can still shoot them but you also maximise the cover. NOTE: for best affects try this on the left side of a wall at all times as the enemies right hand will still be behind the wall when you're shooting, avoiding all that hassle of receiving fire back at you. * If you still think you're getting overwhelmed, retreat (whiles laying down ground fire) and repeat process. * Never go fighting the enemy head on unless you know you can stun it or kill it before it lets a shot out at you. The head on tactic should only be used against one or 2 chassis bots and mobile turrets. * In some situations, barriers block off progress. These areas have to be opened most likely after a massive scrap. If you don't know the number of enemies that come, just keep killing till you see the barrier deactivated. Till than, stay in your hiding spot till you finish them off. * The chassis bots teleport in at times, its best to remember where they teleport and aim approximately at their heads so you can kill one of them before they attack. The same with mobile turrets as they take sometime to set up. It wouldn't hurt to put in some extra firepower. * Be wary of the flying cameras if you hear a distinct sound of one, make a runner out of the room and shoot it when it leaves the room to get you. By than they should all have grouped up and would all go down if one of the cameras were hit. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [SECTION 4: THE WALKTHROUGH] You know your tools of your trade, you know the enemy and you have a basic idea on how to survive in the mission. Now its time to know what to do and how to achieve those aims. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Getting across the bridge] Right at the start the alarms are already sounding so expect trouble. Move to the left of the First door and point your gun at a 45 degrees angle towards the door and shoot the 2 chassis bots that greet you. (NOTE: If somehow one of your bouncing lasers hits the sentry bot located on the right path of the corridor restart it as he'll be on the attack and it won't do us any good). Slowly move forward so to activate the second wave of chassis robots repeat process. Go left and make your way through the tunnel using the boxes as cover and lay down covering Fire whilst in the open. Killing the sentry bot isn't the top priority, as you'll kill him later on. Make your way round till you notice a room with 6 idle Chassis bots. DON'T SHOOT THEM JUST YET! Instead, notice the machine that moves up and down the room emitting that red laser on the right? Shoot that machine when the laser goes through the middle of the group. The explosion will wipe out at least 2-3 (even 4) of the chassis bots before they even know what hit them. Finish off the survivors and make your way round to the laser barrier blocking the bridge switch. Retrieve the armour on the right hand corridor of the laser fence. Activate security rail bot and drive it into the laser fence to destroy the laser barrier. Pick up plasma grenades and hit switch. Skip the sequence and make your way back down the tunnel taking care of the 3 chassis bots that teleport in. Now wait at the doorway of the room at an angle for the sentry bot we left behind. Throw a plasma grenade when you see him standing in the door (If you can't stick the grenade on sentry bot, shoot grenade at the doorway). If it survives the explosion, continuously shoot at exposed parts of the robot. Make your way back to the starting point where 5 more chassis bots teleport in, retreat and shoot them dead and continue on the path till you in a square room. Tip your butt into the room and 2 more chassis bots teleport in to fight you. Leave room as the immobile turret closest to you will try and shoot you. Once you've lured out and killed the chassis robots deal with the immobile turrets. When you open the next door you'll see 2 sentry bots standing side by side walking up the first side of the production line, lob 2 plasma grenades on one of the sentry bots and run away, laying down fire against the other one as you Retreat. Hide behind the wall that concealed the first immobile turret and from there, finish any surviving sentry bots. Re-enter production line area and make your way to the other side, destroying the immobile turrets and security railbots. Enter next section and shoot out the furthest immobile turret and move forward and kill the 2 chassis bots. Once finished, destroy the other immobile turret closest to you when you entered. Move through the doors and hide under the ramp, shoot a plasma grenade (two if you can spare) at the sentry bot in the second alcove and run. finish it with gun fire. Once dead if another sentry bots moving, crouch and point your gun at the top of the ramp and when you see its feet continue shooting till destroyed. Otherwise, move forward and destroy the 5 chassis bots that teleport in and then finish off the sentry bot as mentioned. Make your way up the ramp and destroying the turret at the entrance. Destroy the 2 mobile turrets on the bridge and on the other side. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Destroying the 1st node] As you move down the tunnel, a security camera will pop out, shoot it before the alarms go off. Take out the second one that would be behind you. Make your way round and down the ramp and take the armour underneath the ramp. Latch a grenade onto the sentry bot on the right side and run back up the ramp and stand on the landing looking down on the right opening. Shoot out any security cameras that had been activated and shoot the sentry bots legs when you see them appear through the doorway. Once he's dead, stand on top of ramp and when the second sentry bot's head gets exposed shoot him till he dies. Pick up laserguns and go through the right double doors. The right side leads to the same area. Make your way down tunnel and take out security camera and open door and shoot out immobile turret on the other side of the door. Wait and destroy the security rail bots. Destroy the security tank. Move towards the electric tool BUT DON'T PICK IT UP YET! As you'll have to contend with the mobile turret. Once killed retrieve electric tool and zap the 2 chassis bots that appear. Kill them 2 and repeat process till no more waves of chassis bots appear. Ignore the left over turrets on the opposite side of the area. Return to the room with ramp and from the bottom of the ramp shoot the node above the landing. Once destroyed chassis bots appear. Retreat into tunnel and kill the chassis bots as they come along. Do not stop killing them till you see the laser barrier at the top open. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Destroying the 2nd node] As you enter wait for the 4 railbots and destroy them using your SCI FI pistol or electric tool. Run across the other side and pick up the plasma grenade and use one on the sentry bot down the corridor and finish it off with plasma shots. Once eliminated, destroy the mobile turret behind it and pick up the armour on the left. Notice outside on the left window is the node. Shoot it and prepare to kill off the 5 chassis bots that arrive to kill you. Head down the corridor. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Destroying the 3rd node] At the end of the corridor there's a switch. Hit it and use the security railbot to destroy the other rail bots that move around. Once destroyed keep moving the camera forward and you'll enter a large room with a generator. Notice the huge generator producing the shielding over the node. No problem, just shoot at the square box on each of the 3 legs. Once destroyed, the shield is down for you to destroy the node. To overload the node, continue to shoot at it till it explodes. But beware, once it detonates, 5 more chassis bots will teleport into the corridor that YOU stand in. Switch off the camera and retreat back down the corridor where you found the second node and eliminate all the chassis bots. Progress through the large corridor and taking out the flying camera bots along the way. Some will pop up behind you, so every time you hear one pop out, run back to the entrance of the corridor and blow them away. Make your way down the corridor and past the checkpoint. --------------------------------------------------------------------- - [Destroying the 4th node] Go forward (ignoring the railbot camera for now) and pick up the plasma Autorifle ammo. Move around slowly so to only activate the mobile turrets and not the flying cameras that appear behind the mobile turrets. Destroy the mobile turrets and the flying cameras till you reach the end. But beware when you reach the end of the curved corridor, a sentry bot will teleport in. Throw plasma grenades at it and flee. Once everything from the curve corridor is destroyed, return to the railbot control switch near the start of the checkpoint and move the camera so that it points at the lip of the entrance. Move through again and shoot just enough times so to alert the first of the two sentry bots in the next room. When he's alerted, make a run back to the control switch that controls the security railbot in the curved corridor and wait for the sentry bot to become a target. Since the turret has infinite ammo, its best to shoot it when he's feet become exposed to shooting. If the second sentry bot is moving, you can wait for him and repeat process, but if you're impatient continue forward till you make 5 chassis bots to teleport in. From here retreat back to the small corridor and shock all the chassis bots and kill them. By now the robot should be pretty close so head back to the security railbot controls and kill the second sentry bot like before. NOTE: IF THE SECURITY RAIL BOT IS DESTROYED, RESTRART FROM THE CHECKPOINT! THE RAILBOT IS VITAL FROM NOW ON!!! With both sentry bots and chassis bots dead, its time to move up the ramp. Pick up the armour underneath the ramp and when you head to the bottom of the ramp, a chassis bot will teleport in the landing above the way you came in. You can simply pick him off with a single shot or a hail of plasma. When you reach the top of the ramp shoot the mobile turret dead, if it gets to close for comfort run down to the bottom of the ramp and than waste the turret. Once dead, get out your electric tool and on the left corner is a immobile turret. Destroy that and than hit the switch. If you look across you'll see that the node is now exposed for you to shoot. Destroy node and make your way back to the small corridor for protection and waste the chassis bots. Continue forward as planned and you'll see what looks like the final part of the production line. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Destroying the 5th node] Hit the switch on the side to move the node forward. With that done, use your LASERGUN and zoom in and snipe out the sentry bots with homing rocket launchers. Each one will require 2 fully powered shots to kill try and make them head shots. There are 4 sentry bots in total. 2 making their way up on the opposite side, another using the main bridge to reach you and one robot patrolling the bridge leading to the homing rocket launcher. Snipe the closest one first as he has the best chance of getting you with a rocket and than the one on the main bridge. The other 2 should be left till last because they may be able to point the gun at you but they can't get a positive target on you. If any of the robots manage to shoot a rocket, run back 2 rooms or till you hear the explosion as these homing rockets are quite good at their job. Make your way across (you'll see a laser fence) and make your way down taking out the mobile turrets as you go along. On the back of lowest bridge leading to the rocket launcher is the last of the game cartridges called RETRORACER. You should have picked up other ones throughout your journeys. This ones a little unique, as you see, this one can only be picked up on hard and its the best of the lot, but I digress. Make you way round the production line killing off the mobile turrets. NOTE: Its best that you use the SCI FI pistol for the job because the Autorifle will come in handy for the last bit. Once you've made your way to the other side of the lower bridge make your way forward. IGNORE THE SWITCH FOR NOW. Take out the mobile turrets and go through the door on the left. You see a homing rocket launcher. Pick it up and NOW HIT THE SWITCH. A mirror like board will now move directly underneath the nodes laser. This will make the node blow so now head back to the curved corridor and wait for the final node to blow... A massive force of robots will be called in to stop you and it isn't pretty. There are at least 17 chassis bots and 6 sentry bots with homing rocket launchers waiting to kill you. The sentry bots will take their time and with come in 2 waves grouped into 3 and the chassis bots will replace any that have been killed. The chassis bots are the faster of the 2 so you should kill them first. Try and get as much distance between you and the chassis bots as there's simply too many to shock and shoot at a time, you're best option is to shock the first wave and kill as many chassis bots possible before more teleport in. If there's a breather repeat process shock a few of them to get in the way of the entrance so other chassis bots to delay the others. Forget accuracy, shoot into the crowd of chassis bots with the SCI FI pistol and hope for the best. By the time you've eliminated the last of the chassis bots, take out the sentry bots with the prescribed tactic (You know, run back to security railbot camera control switch and shoot them). Its a tedious but highly effective tactic that will save you energy for the last bit. Once you've killed everyone, the laser fence becomes deactivated. Continue moving forward and follow the path till you reach the final area. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [Mechanist and retrieving the time crystal.] Finally, we're here. We've reached the factory core and here to retrieve the crystal. But the door doesn't open... and what's that massive drilling noise? The door will finally open and to greet you is the mechanist. To even the odds, he's jumped into a robot and wants to drill holes into you. As you enter the room hug to the door. You want to make one dash to one of alcoves on the sides (containing rocket launcher ammo) hug to the left side of those alcoves (In other words the opposite end as to where the homing rocket launcher ammo is). Now whip out that rocket launcher and shoot the mechanist. He's in the centre of the machine and you'll only see a small window. Shoot into that window to hurt him. This is extremely frustrating, as sometimes the arms will get in the way. Every so often at certain intervals, chassis bots with Autorifles with teleport in from the alcoves containing the homing rocket launcher ammo. Since you're in one of the alcoves switch to the Autorifle and blow the closest one (should be easy enough to take him out with headshots) and take out the one that comes towards you from the side. Continue to pound the mechanist and pick up any necessary ammo on the way but its not as easy as it seems. His arm will only give you a split moment to grab the box and if you hesitate during that time he'll get you. You should grab the rocket ammo when the drill has just left you alone or when it poses every so often and doesn't get a hit in. Just keep your cool and your nerve and you'll eventually prevail. But once he's dead, don't pause as the chassis bots will still continue to arrive despite the death of the mechanist, so you should head up the ramps and go round the back of the mechanist boss and retrieve the crystal. Now run like hell to the exit. Reaper spitters will start to arrive and you should ignore them. Any that do get in your way (usually occurs in the tunnel leading between floors) should be dispatched with a lot of firepower. Now run to the teleporter and escape to the final level. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Congratulations! You've just completed the level. Give yourself a pat on the back, any unspoken profanities or swearing not released out of your system should be spoken out loud now. Thanks for reading! tune in at a future date for anymore FAQs on the excellent Timesplitters 2! Good bye!