TimeSplitters 2: Siberia Walkthrough. (Hard) Written By Stewart M. Contents. --------- 1.0 - Before You Start. - 1.1: Preparation. - 1.2: Control. 2.0 - The Walkthrough. - 2.1: The Dam Entrance. - 2.2: Up And Down. - 2.3: To The Checkpoint. - 2.4: Mines And Mutants. - 2.5: Special-Ops! - 2.6: Gunning Down The Gunship. 3.0 - Alternate Strategies And Secrets. - 3.1: Sniping The Sniper. - 3.2: Anaconda. - 3.3: Fire Extinguisher Fun. - 3.4: Ammo From Nowhere. 4.0 - Contact and Legal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0 - Before You Start. ----------------------- Please read and follow the instructions in this section, *before* attempting to beat any level on Time Splitters 2, on Hard. You have been warned. :) 1.1 - Preparation. Firstly, a few words about the difficulty. Hard mode on Time Splitters 2 is just that - hard. All 3 difficulty levels for Siberia, Easy, Normal and Hard are available from the start, but I highly recommend you complete the game on both easy and normal, before attempting Siberia on Hard. This will allow you to find a control scheme you are comfortable with (see 1.2), and give you some idea of what is required. Also, with the main challenge coming from the very aggressive and accurate AI on Hard mode, you will need to know the mission and layout of the level like the back of your hand, so as not to increase the difficulty further. 1.2 - Control. Before you start, make sure you have a control set-up you are comfortable with and one which allows you to perform the 3 main activities (Moving, Shooting, Sniping), quickly and efficiently. I have listed below my chosen control set-up, which I find allows me to best take on the rigours of Hard mode. You don't have to use the exact same set-up, of course, but you will need to be 100% familiar with your chosen set-up; a split seconds hesitation on Hard mode, and its game over. Custom Control Set-Up. (Vaul Variant) ---------------------- L BUTTON - Crouch. R BUTTON - Activate. Z BUTTON - Alternate Fire. B BUTTON - Aim. Y BUTTON - Manual Reload. X BUTTON - Not Used. A BUTTON - Fire. C Stick: (The yellow control stick on a standard Game Cube control pad) UP\DOWN - Look. LEFT\RIGHT - Side Step. Control Stick: (The grey control stick on a standard Game Cube pad) UP\DOWN - Run. LEFT\RIGHT - Turn. +Control Pad: (The flat cross-shaped pad, below the Control Stick) UP\DOWN - Zoom in \ out. LEFT\RIGHT - Swap Weapon. I find this set-up allows me a lot of freedom within the game; shooting is as simple as it could be, with the 'fire', 'aim' and 'alternate fire' buttons close together. I prefer to control all of my standard movement from 1 control stick, so I've changed the original controls, which used both control sticks. The yellow C stick is now used only for side-stepping, and aiming whilst not holding the aim button. Sniping is also very intuitive with this set-up, allowing you to move the cross-hairs up, down, left and right with the C. stick without walking to the side at the same time, as can be the case, with other set-ups. Anyway, once you have your required set-up, and you feel completely comfortable in-game with it, it's onto Siberia; and with all the lead flying, you won't be cold, I can assure you. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.0 - The Walkthrough. ---------------------- Time Period: 1990. Location: Oblask Dam. Siberia. Starting Equipment: Silenced Pistol (28 rounds), Sniper Rifle (10 rounds), Temporal Uplink. Difficulty: 9\10. The walkthrough will be split into several areas, so you can practice the mission in smaller chunks, should you wish. It is very important that you reach the checkpoint (the end of area 3), with full health and 50% armour, as this gives you the best chance of completing the more difficult later areas and surviving the Gunship encounter. The areas are: The Dam Entrance. Up And Down. To The Checkpoint. Mines And Mutants. Special-Ops! Gunning Down The Gunship. I recommend restarting if you take any damage before you reach the checkpoint, and restarting from the checkpoint if you take any damage during 'Mines and Mutants', and this is one of the easier areas. Anyway, on with the mission... ------------------------------ 2.1 - The Dam Entrance. You start this mission in the relative safety of a storage tunnel, not far from the dam entrance. Take a few steps forward, and pick up your Sniper Rifle and Silenced Pistol. Equip the Sniper Rifle, and you will notice that it holds 5 rounds per clip. There are 5 guards patrolling the perimeter of the dam, so 5 head shots with the Sniper Rifle is the most effective way of clearing the area. Guard #1 - From where you picked up the Sniper Rifle, you can see a stationary guard, standing on a ledge at the top of some stairs. Hitting a non-moving target, even from this distance shouldn't be any trouble, so take him out. Guard #2 - After the first guard drops, slowly approach the exit of the tunnel, ducking down if this helps, and look to your right. A guard is patrolling here, and follows the same simple route. Wait for him to stop and drop him with a single shot to the head. NOTE: This guard is the most likely to spot you during the first area, as you only have to step out from the tunnel slightly, and he will become aware of you. If he does spot you, the other guards will be alerted, so either run back to the box in the tunnel, and shoot it out from there with your Silenced Pistol, or just restart. I'll assume you restarted, as we want to approach the level professionally, not all guns blazing. :) Guard #3 - After dropping the second guard, run through the gap in the chain link fence where he was patrolling, and run behind the hut to your right (the one with the locked door). Go past this hut, and look in the window of the next, and you will see your 3rd target. *Do not* open the door, just snipe him through the window, and don't worry if the glass breaks, the 2 remaining guards will not be alerted. Guard #4 - Turn back towards the hut with the locked door, and go around the corner to the right. Advance slowly, looking to your right, until a female guard is visible. Again, she isn't moving, so a simple shot to the head is all that's needed. Guard #5 - From where you killed guard 4, turn slightly to the left, and you will eventually see the final guard, patrolling on the far side, by the dam entrance. Depending on how quickly you killed the other guards, he may appear from the left or right. It’s a moving target this time, but you shouldn't have a problem taking him down. 5 shots, 5 guards iced. Not bad. Now for the cameras; equip your Temporal Uplink, and back-up, returning close to the gap in the chain link fence, where you shot the first guard. On the Temporal Uplink's display screen, you can see the cameras field of vision, as a pinkcone. Wait until its looking off to the right, and dash forwards, towards the camera, and into the building it is mounted on. This is the camera control room (you'll know you're in the right place, if you can hear broken radio signals and static feedback). Go to the control device at the far end of the room, and cycle through the 3 surveillance cameras (R BUTTON), and switch them off (Y BUTTON). Now is the time to stock up on Silenced Pistol ammo. Collect the guns of the 5 guards you shot, until you have a full clip, and 52 more rounds. This is the maximum you can hold, so don't bother collecting any more once you reach this total. After collecting your ammo, return to the camera control room, and go into the small hut to the right. Inside, take the box of Sniper Rifle ammo (10 rounds) leave again, and climb the stairs on the far side of the camera control room Enter through the door, and push the button on the control panel at the far end of the room, which will open the security door, and trigger a sniper to take up his position, on top of the dam. Go back outside, turn left and run across the planks of wood, dropping into the hole at the end. The sniper will take a shot at you, but as long as you keep moving, it will miss. Once in the room, take the box of Timed Mines (20) on the shelf, unlock the door, and leave. Now we have a choice, we can either dodge the sniper, or take him out. I prefer to dodge him, as it’s not very hard and saves time and ammo. If you do want to take him out, for whatever reason, refer to 3.1- 'Sniping The Sniper.' Anyway, after leaving the room with the timed mines, wait for the door to close again behind you, and turn to face it. Get right up against it, and then hold left on the yellow C stick, again, the sniper will shoot and miss, and you can now re-enter the building where you shot guard #3. Inside, in the corner by the door, you will see a filing cabinet. It is these that must be destroyed, in order to complete the 'Destroy All Evidence In The Filling Cabinets' objective. Approach it, and press activate, to open it. Equip your Timed Mines, and throw one onto or near to the cabinet. You don't have to run out of the room, so you can stand in the corner to make sure the evidence is burned if you like. '4 Filing Cabinets Remaining' will flash on the screen, confirming that it has. Leave the room, and turn right; edge forwards, so the board that crosses the 2 huts above you is between you and the sniper, and then dash across and towards the chain link fence. Enter the hut in front of the camera control room, and dispose of the evidence in the 2nd filling cabinet. Turn so that you are facing the camera control room again, and strafe hard-left. Again, the sniper will shoot and miss, as soon as he does, run up the stairs again, and go past the door a little. Turn around and look up, and you will see the Comms Dish; throw a Timed Mine onto it, and when it blows, you will have completed your first mission objective. Drop off the side of the wooden boards (close to where you are to avoid the ever watchful eye of the sniper), and again, stand facing the camera control room. Strafe hard left, and when the sniper shoots and misses, run forwards, down the steps, and into the dam itself, completing the first part of this tricky mission. Health: 100% Armour: N\A. 2.2 - Up And Down. This area is so called, because it requires you to climb and then descend the 2 large stairwells, contained within the dam. From where you are, approach the lift at the end, and try to call it, with the button on the left side. This will trigger a message to flash on the screen, informing you that there is no power, and a new objective will be added - 'Restore Power.' Turn right, and climb the stairs until you reach the first floor (it’s painted on the walls). Here, steam is escaping through a vent on the wall, and it will remove you health every bit as effectively as a shot to the head. To avoid it, approach it, ducking down and pressed up against the wall on the left (with the board propping up against it). Continue up to the second floor and round the corner, carefully. A guard is 'side-on' here, and you can snipe him without being seen. Go up the next flight of stairs and you will see a security camera guards the next floor. It can be taken down with either a Timed Mine or with the Sniper Rifle. We will use the Sniper Rifle, as a mine may attract the attention of a guard on the next floor, who can be sniped if we are a little more stealthy. Equip your Sniper Rifle, and wait until the camera turns away from you, then get into position, and fire a single bullet into the ‘eye’ of the camera. Continue up to the 3rd floor, and you will see a guard standing with his back to you (the guard may have been alerted by a mine on the camera below), snipe him, and continue to the 5th floor (the 4th is unguarded). When you reach the 5th floor, approach the door in front of you, but *do not* open it. Take out your sniper rifle, and snipe the guard closest to you, on the left, then the guard further away, on the right. Killing the second guard will trigger the others in this tunnel to come and get you. Equip your Silenced Pistol, and shoot them all from the relative safety of the window. When they are all disposed of (5 in all, 3 armed with Soviet S47's), open the door, and collect the dropped guns. Next, go into the small side room, marked '1', and collect the Soviet ammo (60 rounds), the armour (50%), and the Soviet lying on the shelf. Now, turn the release wheel on the pipe attached to the wall, and a voice will tell you that the steam pressure is now at 66%. Continue down the tunnel, entering the remaining 2 side rooms, turning the release wheels in each of them, dropping the steam pressure first to 33%, and then to 0%. When the steam pressure reaches 0%, the steam escaping at the end of the tunnel will cease, and the doorway is now free. Equip your Timed Mines, and open the door, but *do not* go through it. Stand in the doorway, and look up and left... a drone gun. Throw a Timed Mine on it or somewhere close, and wait for it to explode, removing the threat. Now start to descend the stairs on the other side. Drop down to floor 3 1/2 (one lower than 4, one higher than 3), and you will encounter the next guard. I like to conserve Soviet rounds here, by backing off and using the secondary fire to launch a grenade. This is tricky however, so you can just blast the guards if needs be. The next guard is patrolling around floor 2 1/2, and again, can be taken out with Soviet or Pistol rounds, if you can't aim your grenades very well. Continue down and deal with the final guard, who will be patrolling around floor 1, or perhaps slightly lower, depending on how fast you were. When you reach the bottom, turn left, and open the shutter, with the button on the wall and its onto section 3. Health: 100%. Armour: 50%. 2.3 - To The Checkpoint. Yes, the checkpoint is just around the corner now, and being able to reach it with full health and 50% armour is the first requirement, if you want to complete this mission. After opening the metal shutter, look over to the left and you will see another security camera; equip your Timed Mines, and wait for a few seconds... then throw 1 or 2 in the direction of the camera. The reason for the slight pause, is that a guard is patrolling this area, and by waiting for her to get a bit closer, we can kill him and disable the camera at the same time. When the camera is down, run out and up the steps, and immediately run forwards, down the side of the long building, as we are now in the sights of a second sniper. You can't stop now, so if a guard appears at the other end, shoot him with the Soviet on the move. When you reach the end, turn to your right, and out of the snipers sights. Go around the corner, to the right, and kill the final guard patrolling this outside area, and dispatch of the wall-mounted camera, with a Timed Mine. Go past the now disabled camera, and past the door (one more camera to disable before we enter), keep your Timed Mines equipped, and destroy the camera at the far end. Remember to stay close to the side of the building to avoid the sniper. When this is done, enter the building, and re-equip your Soviet S47. The Time Crystal will now be located, and more importantly, the checkpoint isn't very far away. In this room, 2 guards are patrolling, 1 behind the 2 shelves near you when you turn into the room, and one away to your left. Kill them how you like (I fire a grenade at the one to the left, and the use the Soviet to shoot the second guard, when she runs to investigate), also note the alarm button at the far end of the room... never let either of the guards live long enough to push this, as it will attract the attention of further guards, and we can ill afford a gunfight. NOTE: There is also an 'Anaconda cart' in this room, see 3.2 – ‘Anaconda’ for further information. When the guards are finished, go down the stairs by the alarm button, and passed the double doors on the left (these are the showers, where you can come to put yourself out, if burned, however, you can't afford to lose any health, so its best to just restart if this happens), and carefully go around the next corner. Fire a grenade at the guard standing at the far end of the room, standing near to some containment drums, and after he is dead, enter the small room on your right. Inside, open and mine the filling cabinet, and then leave. A second guard in this room may now be investigating the site where you blew up the containment drums, so have your Soviet ready. If not, she is behind the shelves around the corner. Either way, kill her, and equip your Timed Mines. Take out the camera on the wall and turn left, before the stairs. Here you will find the final 2 filling cabinets, so open both of them, and throw a single mine between them, to destroy them, and complete your second objective. You can descend the staircase, to reach the checkpoint. Now you can make it here, practice until you can do so with full health and 50% armour Health: 100%. Armour: 50%. 2.4 - Mines And Mutants. One of the easier stages, and far easier than the final two, you can practice this over and over again, as you can re-start from the checkpoint as often as you want. From the checkpoint, go down the first set of stairs, until you can see under the board, and look for a guard, standing on the metal platform. Now, you can either snipe him, or kill him with the Soviet. Personally, I use the Soviet, as there are 3 other guards in the area, and my preferred tactic, is to make some noise, get their attention, and then retreat back up the stairs, then I kill them as they follow. Either way, kill the guard on the metal platform, the guard patrolling the area by the locked brown-metal door, the guard behind the machinery, and the guard by the stairs leading to the control room. When you've killed all 5, collect their dropped Soviets (very important), and climb onto the metal platform. Turn towards the control room, and look up, and you will see two more drone guns. Equip your Timed Mines, press up against the back of the metal platform, look as far up as you can, and mine first one, then the other. If you don't lean back, you may throw the mine too close to the control room, damaging the computer systems, and failing the mission. Don't worry if the glass breaks however, as this has no effect on the computer systems. When the drone guns are taken care of, enter the control room via the stairs to the right, and push the button on the computer at the far end, with the two spinning discs; this will open the brown-metal security door, jump through the window, and go through it. Go down the tunnel, and into room #1. Inside get the grenades (4), but not the armour, we will collect this later, after the showdown with the special-ops troops. Leave and make your way to room #3. Inside, collect the Timed Mines (20), and leave, making your way back to room #2, and going inside. Enter the first door on the left, and you will see a guard, a drone gun and a bullet proof screen. Turn to your left, and activate the red joystick. Now you are viewing the guard through the drone guns camera... shoot him, and then turn the drone gun off, with the R BUTTON. Next, open the 2 security doors with the control panel to the right of the drone gun controls, and leave. Go around the corner, and through the 2 doors you just opened, taking the Tactical 12-Gauge Shotgun, that the now-deceased guard dropped. In this next corridor, there is a 'dead' body on the floor, and 2 hidden guards. Equip your Soviet, and advanced down the corridor, hugging the left wall; half way down, and guard with a Soviet will jump out; shoot him immediately. Now equip your Sniper Rifle, and stand in the entrance of this 'operating theatre' of sorts. Aim for the left-most x-ray, hanging in front of the glass windows, directly in front of you, at about head height. The glass will smash, either killing, or revealing a guard, poised to attack you. Kill him, equip your Timed Mines, and collect his gun and the system disc lying on the floor. When you collect the system disc, an alarm will sound, and a voice will announce the presence of 'foreign bodies', locking the doors as it does. The foreign bodies in question are the mutants that have now sprung back into life. You have 20 mines, and must keep 3 for the next objective, so you have 17 mines to play with. Keep moving (the mutants have no guns) and throw mines at them, until they are all dead... again. When you do so, the 'lock-down' is lifted, and you can leave via the door you came in. Do so, and return to the control room; when you get there, use the system disc on the red flashing monitor, and quickly return to the brown-metal security door. A warning will again be announced, and mutants will come streaming out of rooms #1 and #3. Again, stick Timed Mines to them, and remember to switch to the Sniper Rifle or 12-Guage, when you are down to your last 3 mines. After dispatching the first 2 waves of mutants, re-enter room #1, for a Flame-thrower (you still don't need the armour, I hope...), and then continue down the tunnel, where yet more mutants are waiting. If you run out of mines, the 12-Gauge, in aim mode, going for the head, will see you through. When the last mutant falls, collect the Time Crystal from the end of the tunnel, and throw 3 mines onto the container, to complete another mission objective, and end the section. 2.5 - Special-Ops! Now things start to get difficult... well, even more difficult. :) As soon as you throw the third mine onto the container, start running back up the tunnel... don't wait for the message telling you it’s been destroyed, just run, and equip your Soviet. When you reach the brown-metal door, you will see a Special-Ops trooper, and a mutant. Start blasting with the Soviet and cut them both down; this is far easier than trying to kill the Special-Ops Trooper when he's not distracted, as its nearly impossible to kill him without getting shot. Finally, a third enemy will need to be killed in this area, which will sometimes be a mutant, and sometimes a pistol-armed Special-Ops Trooper. Either way, sort the target out with the Soviet. NOTE: From now on, you can collect the armour in room #1, whenever you feel its best. Don't collect it until your current armour has been depleted, and damage will now start to remove your health, or you are ready to enter the lift that takes you to the top of the dam. After killing the mutants and Special-Ops Troopers, return to the stairs where you first entered this area (where the check-point is); as you try to climb the first set of stairs, a mutant, who is ablaze, will come running down to meet you. Back off to a place where you have some time to aim, and drop him with Timed Mines, 12-Guage fire, or a few rounds from the Sniper Rifle (going for the head). When you try to climb the second set of stairs, a pistol-armed Special-Ops Trooper will come running down, run back down the stairs, and ambush him as he turns the corner. Remember - you should have plenty of grenades left for your Soviet S47: use them. At the top of the third set of stairs, there are 3 mutants and a Special-Ops Trooper; kill the mutant closes to you, but let the others fight it out with the trooper, and use grenades to kill the survivors. Keep going forward, and dispatch the soviet-armed Special-Ops Trooper, and the survivors of the fights between the mutants and Special-Ops Troopers (it will vary from game to game). There is a pistol-armed Special-Ops Trooper by the doors that lead to the showers, and a trooper with a Soviet and one with a Flame-thrower, as well as a mutant, in the room at the top of the final set of stairs. Once these are killed (don't forget your armour, if you have less than 50%...), open the door that leads back outside, to trigger another battle between the mutants and the Special-Ops... wait inside, killing the survivors when they open the door. With this complete, the final mutant has been destroyed, and that objective is done. Now, make your way back inside the dam, towards the stairwells and the lift (the sniper is not on top of the dam anymore), and approach the lift, equipping you 12-Gauge. Several mutants, one ablaze will come down the stairs, and towards you; take them out with heads shots, and approach the lift again, killing the second wave of mutants that appears. After this, get in the lift, and press the button marked with an arrow pointing upwards. The lift will stop several times on the way to the top of the dam (keep your Soviet armed, just in case), and eventually reach the top. Leave the lift, and this completes the second-to-last objective. Nearly there! 2.6 - Gunning Down The Gunship. Once you reach the top of the dam, run out onto the dam itself, prompting the music to change, and a final objective to appear 'Destroy the Gunship.' Don't stop at the gun turrets, instead, keep running forwards, until a Special-Ops Trooper appears from the other end of the dam; drop him with your Soviet, and take control of the nearest turret. Target the Gunship, and fire your missiles at it (alternate fire), until all five have been fired, then, fire with the main guns for a few seconds, and leave the turret. Now, start running to the other end of the dam, and kill the Special-Ops Trooper who will appear, and the one behind you. When they are both down, climb into the nearest turret, and again, unload all five missiles into the Gunship. Now, if the Gunship is close to going down (which it will be if you were accurate with your missiles), fire at it with the turret, removing the last of its armour. As soon as it drops down to the side, and the Time Portal appears, run as fast as you can into the Portal, as a Special-ops Trooper may take a touch more of your health, if he catches you with a few Soviet rounds. If the Gunship isn't close to going down, run to the final turret (probably the middle turret), blasting Special-Ops with your Soviet as you go, and unload the last five rockets. These will take it down (providing you don't miss with all of them...) and the Portal will appear. Remember; don't wait for the Special-Ops to appear before you stop pounding the Gunship; just fire the missiles, and get to the next turret. If you manage to reach the Time Portal, congratulations! You've beaten one of the hardest first person shooter levels ever, and probably the hardest level on this game. You should have no trouble now until the Atom Smasher. ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0 - Alternate Strategies And Secrets. Just a few pointers, some tricks and some light-hearted moments, in this very serious level. 3.1: Sniping The Sniper. After killing the 5 guards, in the first area, and opening the door that leads to the dam itself, a sniper takes his place on the very top of the dam, and tries to make life a difficult as he can for you. I find it easier and quicker to avoid him, saving ammo in the process. However, you may find avoiding him tricky, or may just want to show him who's boss, and so this, in my opinion, the safest way to dispatch him. Firstly, equip your Sniper Rifle, and make yourway underneath the boards that cross from one hut to the other. Keep the boards inbetween you and the sniper (you may hear a shot hitting the boards), and set your Sniper Rifle to maximum zoom. Now, walk back very slowly, a little bit at a time, until the sniper is visable. You wont be able to shoot him, and he wont be able to shoot you, because of the boards, but you can now go left or right, until the crosshairs of your Sniper Rifle are directly above him. Now, simply wait for him to fire, and when he does, step backwards, lower your sights, and plug him in the head. Of course, you can just dodge one of his shots, and then race to hit him before he next fires, but that is hardly a full-proof method. 3.2 - Anaconda. Near the begining of section 3, when you first enter the large building, in the room with 2 guards, an alrm button and lots of shelves, you can find a hidden version of the classic 'Anaconda' game. Simply search the back of the shelf, directly to your left when you first enter the main part of the room, and pick up the small cart on the bottom shelf. After picking it up, select it from the list of weapons and items you have, vis the pause screen, and then select 'Anaconda' from the list of games. Then select how many players (1-4), and away you go. You control the Anaconda, with the control stick, and the object of the game is to collect the red and blue X's, for points, the catch being that each X you collect, adds an extra segment to your tail, and you die if you touch either your own tail, or the edge of the screen. Try it out, its very adictive, and the music is great. 3.3 - Fire Extinguisher Fun. This one's really simply, but a good lauch as well. Find a Fire Extinguisher (they are usless on Hard mode anyway), and aim a single bullet at the cap. If you hit it in the right place, it will fly all around the room, spinning madly, and shooting foam all over the place. Its quite a display. :) 3.4 - Ammo From Nowhere. Finally, just a quick trick, should you ever find yourself short of ammo. Equip your Soviet, find a good spot, where you can shoot from, and either allow a security camera to see you, or push one of the alarm buttons yourself. Several guards will apear out of nowhere, to attack you, and if you drop them quickly, you can get more bullets from picking up their guns, than you lost shooting them. Do this several times, if you think you can get away with it, without being shot, to boost you stock of Soviet rounds and grenades. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.0 - Contact And Legal. Please send all questions, comments, corrections, etc, to: Vaul_Is_Rule@hotmail.com Please ask before using this document, or any part of this document, anywhere. I will let you, so long as I am asked, and you credit me in full. Many thanks to GameFAQs, the posters on the TimeSplitters 2 board, Free Radical for not being scared to really pump up the difficulty, Eidos, and Nintendo. Copyright 2003, Stewart M.