T I M E S P L I T T E R S 2 WEAPONS GUIDE v1.01 Author: viper1983 peterguthrie@shaw.ca ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Intro -------- This is my first faq, so be kind. ;) I am basing the info for damage off a single shot to the torso with no character abilities turned on. It is a rough estimate out of 100 (Example: If the damage says 20, then it would take an average 5 shots to the torso to kill a person with it) considering there is no numerical representation of your health in the game. 2. Weapons ---------- Fist ---- Clip - N/A Primary - Single punch, Damage: 28 Secondary - Single punch, Damage: 28 Notes - No noticeable difference between firing modes. Silenced Pistol --------------- Clip - 8 bullets, maximum 60 bullets Primary - Single shot, Damage: 9 Secondary - Single shot, Damage: 9 Notes - No noticeable difference between firing modes. Uses same ammunition as Luger Pistol. Luger Pistol ------------ Clip - 7 bullets, maximum 60 bullets Primary - Single shot, Damage: 9 Secondary - Single shot, Damage: 9 Notes - No noticeable difference between firing modes. Uses same ammunition as Silenced Pistol. Garett Revolver --------------- Clip - 6 bullets, maximum 80 bullets Primary - Single shot, Damage: 18 Secondary - Single shot, Damage: 18 Notes - No noticeable difference between firing modes. Crossbow -------- Clip - 4 bolts, maximum 50 bolts Primary - Single shot, Damage: 18 Secondary - Single shot, Damage: 18 Notes - No noticeable difference between firing modes. Weak scope. Bolts can be lit on fire by approaching burning objects such as torches, and then fired at an opponent to light them on fire. Vintage Rifle ------------- Clip - 5 bullets, maximum 40 bullets Primary - Single shot, Damage: 30 Secondary - Single shot, Damage: 30 Notes - No noticeable difference between firing modes. Powerful scope. Uses same ammunition as Sniper Rifle. Sniper Rifle ------------ Clip - 5 bullets, maximum 40 bullets Primary - Single shot, Damage: 30 Secondary - Single shot, Damage: 30 Notes - No noticeable difference between firing modes. Powerful scope. Uses same ammunition as Vintage Rifle. Flamethrower ------------ Clip - No reload, 22 seconds worth of fuel Primary - Auto: 8 foot Flame stream, Damage: None Secondary - Auto: 8 foot Flame stream, Damage: None Notes - No actual damage, but lights the target on fire, which does about 7 damage a second. No noticeable difference between firing modes. Shotgun ------- Clip - 2 shells, maximum 40 shells Primary - 4 shell pieces spread out as they travel, 11 damage each Secondary - 4 shell pieces spread out as they travel, 11 damage each Notes - No noticeable difference between firing modes. Uses same ammunition as Tactical 12-Gauge. Tactical 12-Gauge ----------------- Clip - 8 shells, maximum 40 shells Primary - 4 shell pieces spread out as they travel, 15 damage per shell piece Secondary - Auto 2 shots: 8 shell pieces, 15 damage per shell piece Notes - Long reload time. Can fire during reload, which stops the reload. If you are fast, you can reload the shotgun faster by switching weapons and then switching back. When you switch back, the gun will be completely reloaded. Uses same ammunition as Shotgun. Soviet S47 ---------- Clip - 30 bullet magazine, maximum 200 bullets. No reload on grenades, maximum 40 grenades Primary - Auto: 8 bullets/second, 7 damage per bullet Secondary - 2 second non-impact timed grenade, direct hit is lethal. Splash damage. Notes - None. Tommy Gun --------- Clip - 32 bullet magazine, maximum 200 bullets Primary - Auto: 10 bullets/second, 9 damage per bullet Secondary - Auto: 10 bullets/second, 9 damage per bullet Notes - No noticeable difference between firing modes. Scifi Handgun ------------- Clip - 30 energy cells, maximum 200 energy cells Primary - 3 shot burst, 6 damage per shot Secondary - 3 shot burst, 6 damage per shot Notes - No noticeable difference between firing modes. Shots bounce off walls, ceilings and floors for about 10 bounces. Lasergun -------- Clip - No reload, 50 seconds worth of primary fire charge, or shield time. Using both at the same time will double the use of energy. Primary - Press and release for single laser shot, 7 damage. Press and hold to charge up shot for maximum of 38 damage. Secondary - Toggle: Frontal shield that absorbs full damage of bullets and energy weapons. No protection from explosives. Notes - You may fire the primary weapon while the shield is up. Ammo will drain while the shield is up. Ammo will continually drain while you are charging the primary fire, even once it has fully charged. ElectroTool ----------- Clip - No reload, 22 seconds worth of energy Primary - Auto: continuous 40 foot long energy stream, 33 damage/second Secondary - Auto: continuous 40 foot long energy stream, 33 damage/second Notes - No noticeable difference between firing modes. Plasma Autorifle ---------------- Clip - No reload on either, maximum 200 energy cells, maximum 20 plasma grenades Primary - Auto: 7 cells/second, speeds up as you hold the button down but will eventually overheat if held for too long. Secondary - Plasma Grenade that sticks to anything it contacts, including players. Blows up in 2.5 seconds regardless, direct hit is lethal. Splash damage. Notes - None. SBP90 Machinegun ---------------- Clip - 64 bullet magazine, maximum 256 bullets Primary - Auto: 13 bullets/second, 9 damage per bullet Secondary - Auto: 13 bullets/second, 9 damage per bullet Notes - Mid-range scope. No noticeable difference between firing modes. Minigun ------- Clip - No reload, maximum 400 bullets Primary - Auto: Causes the barrel to start spinning. Once the barrel is spinning at a sufficient speed, bullets will start coming out at a rate of 17 bullets/sec. Damage: 9 damage per bullet. Secondary - Toggle: causes the barrel of the gun to continue to spin even while not firing. This causes the bullets to come out immediately when using primary fire rather than waiting for it to charge up. The downside is that the gun will overheat a little bit faster. Notes - None. Grenade Launcher ---------------- Clip - 8 grenades, maximum 40 grenades Primary - Fires a 2.5 second timed grenade that splits into 3. If any of the pieces comes into contact with a player, it will detonate. A direct hit from one of the small pieces does 85 damage. Splash damage. Secondary - Launches a flaming grenade that will either light a target on fire, causing the usually 7 damage/second. It will bounce off walls and ceilings, but will stick to the first floor it touches. Will continue to burn for 10 seconds once fired. If a player walks into the burning grenade on the ground, they will be lit on fire. Notes - The primary fire seems to be affected by gravity a bit more than the secondary, so adjust aim accordingly. Rocket Launcher --------------- Clip - 3 rockets, maximum 30 rockets Primary - Single impact explosive rocket. Direct hit kills. Splash damage. Secondary - Fires all 3 rockets in the clip if it is full, if not it reloads the clip. A direct hit with any of the 3 rockets is lethal. Splash damage. Notes - Rockets seem to travel slightly upwards once fired, so aim a bit lower than what you intend to hit. Homing Launcher --------------- Clip - No reload, maximum 30 rockets Primary - Same as the Rocket Launcher with the added ability to lock on to your target. If you place your crosshairs over an enemy, a red circle will appear around them. This circle will stay around them until either the enemy dies, or you move the crosshairs sufficiently far enough away from the enemy. If you fire while the circle around the enemy is red, the rocket will do it's best to home in on the targeted enemy. Secondary - Same as primary, except it fires 3 rockets. If you have multiple people targeted, the rockets will split up and go after the different targets. Notes - None. Proximity Mine -------------- Clip - No reload, maximum 20 mines Primary - Throws the proximity mine about 15 feet in front of you if view is level with the ground. Sticks to everything, including players. 3 seconds after throwing, the mine activates. After that, if anyone gets within 10 feet of the mine, the mine will throw the explosive charge away from the surface it is stuck to about 5 feet and detonate it. Direct hit is lethal. Splash damage. Secondary - Same as primary. Notes - If you have a proximity mine stuck to you, you will see a pulsating red icon of a proximity mine on your hud. Keep in mind that the proximity mine throws the explosive away from the surface it is on, so if you happen to be running in the opposite direction it is stuck to you at, there is a good chance you could survive the explosion. Timed Mine ---------- Clip - No reload, maximum 20 mines Primary - Throws the timed mine about 15 feet in front of you if view is level with the ground. Sticks to everything, including players. 6 seconds after throwing, the mine detonates. Direct hit is lethal. Splash damage. Secondary - Same as primary. Notes - If you have a timed mine stuck to you, you will see a pulsating red icon of a timed mine on your hud. There's nothing you can do about it, so try to take someone with you at least... ;) Remote Mine ----------- Clip - No reload, maximum 20 mines Primary - Throws the remote mine about 15 feet in front of you if view is level with the ground. Sticks to everything, including players. Secondary - Detonates all active remote mines you have placed since your last death. Notes - If you have a remote mine stuck to you, you will see a pulsating red icon of a remote mine on your hud. Basically you will die as soon as the player who threw it detonates the mine. You can prevent this from happening by killing the player who threw it on you before he has a chance to detonate it. If you see a remote mine that you didn't throw, you can detonate it by shooting it with a regular gun, or by detonating an explosive of your own near to the mine. TNT --- Clip - You can only carry one piece of TNT at a time. Primary - Throws TNT about 15 feet in front of you if view is level with the ground. Timer is 3 seconds. Sticks to everything, including players. Direct hit is lethal. Splash damage. Secondary - Same as primary. Notes - If you have a stick of TNT stuck to you, you will see a pulsating red icon of a stick of TNT on your hud. There's nothing you can do about it, but at least it gives you a warning you are about to die.... :P Fire Extinguisher ----------------- Clip - No reload, 18 seconds worth of foam Primary - Auto: 8 foot stream of foam, Damage: None Secondary - Auto: 8 foot stream of foam, Damage: None Notes - If sprayed on a player who is burning, they will stop burning. If you are on fire, you can spray the fire extinguisher directly towards the ground to stop yourself from burning. Brick ----- Clip - No reload, maximum 40 bricks Primary - Throws brick about 10 feet in front of you if view is level with the ground. Damage: 10 Secondary - Throws brick about 18 feet in front of you if view is level with the ground. Damage: 10 Notes - None. Revision History ---------------- 1.0 - 10/13/2002 - First version of FAQ finished 1.01 - 10/17/2002 - Added some notes about the Tactical 12-Guage and the Fire Extinguisher. Changed the formatting so it would be a bit easier to read. Thanks ------ super ninja elephant - Informing me of the ability to put yourself out when you are burning with the fire extinguisher. Final Notes ----------- All the info in this document is based on my own experimentation. If you find anything at all that is wrong, feel free to email me at peterguthrie@shaw.ca and I will correct it ASAP. Also, if there is anything you feel needs to be added, you see something I missed, or you see something you would like to see changed, feel free to run that by me to. I hope this document has been of some use to you, I know I had fun making it! Legal Stuff ----------- You document is copyright (c)2002 Peter Guthrie. You may not distribute it in any way, shape or form without written permission of the author. The latest version of this FAQ may be found on the following sites: www.gamefaqs.com www.timefall.com www.ign.com