TimeSplitters: Future Perfect FAQ/Walkthrough By: Aceleader & Andor3 ===================================================================== *Contents* ===================================================================== I. Introduction II. Version History III. Story Walkthrough a. 2401 – Time to Split b. 1924 – Scotland the Brave c. 1969 – The Russian Connection d. 1969 – The Khallos Express e. 1994 – Mansion of Madness f. 1994 – What Lies Below g. 2052 – Breaking and Entering h. 2052 – You Genius, U-Genix COMING SOON i. 2243 – Machine Wars COMING SOON j. 2243 – Something to Crow About k. 1924 – You Take the High Road COMING SOON l. 2401 – The Hooded Man m. 1924 – Future Perfect IV. Extra Info a. Character List b. Arcade Awards V. Legal Jargon VI. Contacting Us ===================================================================== I. Introduction ===================================================================== Well, I (Ace) thought I’d like to try writing a FAQ. And what better than TimeSplitters: Future Perfect, since I’m so hooked on it right now. I mentioned it to Andor3, and he suggested writing it together. So, here it is! ===================================================================== II. Version History ===================================================================== 0.1 – First version, got quite a few of the story levels done in one day. The rest should be done very soon. 0.2 – Added “What Lies Beneath”, and altered some of the walkthroughs for other levels slightly. Also added contact information. 0.3 – Added story levels “Mansion of Madness”, “Breaking and Entering”, and “Something to Crow About”. Also added a list of the Arcade Awards plus a Character List, up to the Elite Henchman. ===================================================================== III. Story Walkthrough ===================================================================== Here it is, the walkthrough for the story mode in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect. It’s all based on the Easy difficulty, and I guess you can use it for Normal and Hard too. There isn’t much difference between each, the objectives are all the same. Just less health, ammo and armour and more/tougher enemies! -------------------- |2401 – Time to Split| -------------------- You start out in a very uncomfortable position, hanging upside-down. Wait until you fall to the ground, and a friendly Marine will run up and give you a Scifi Handgun. You can press Up on the D-Pad to switch to a mode where the lasers bounce off walls, much like the Scifi Handgun from TimeSplitters 2. Personally, I don’t like it. Anyway follow the Marines and listen as the command centre tells them to get you back safely. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Reach the Rebel Base* Follow the two Marines, until you get attacked by three mysterious enemies. Take them out, then look down and to the right, across the canyon. There’ll be another two enemies just begging to eat your Scifi laser, so be nice and give it to them. Follow the Marine and use the spaceship to cross the canyon (rather handy it crashed there). *Checkpoint reached* Once you’ve crossed the canyon turn right to get dual Scifi Handguns. Another three bad guys will attack. Kill them all, and continue on your path to the base, with your Marine buddies. You’ll come across yet more enemies, five of them in fact. There’s health next to a rock if you need it. A couple of them have Plasma Autorifles, kill them first as they pose the biggest threat. When you’ve cleaned up, pick up the Autorifle and equip it straight away. It’s a MASSIVE improvement from TS2, and will be pretty much all you’ll need for the rest of the level. Next to a rock against the canyon wall on your right are some plasma grenades, pick them up and you’re set to continue. Follow the Marine and you’ll see a bridge up ahead. It will be taken out by a crashing ship, but under the end of it will be another four enemies. They’re no match for your shiny new Plasma Autorifle, so sweep the floor with them. Move on a little, and you’ll see a dead Marine. Grab the health and Plasma Autorifle ammo next to him, then look to your left to see the ‘Splitter mothership come crashing down. Score one for the good guys! Ahem. Anyway, move on, following the Marine. *Checkpoint reached* A cut scene will play, where you’ll get to see the demise of poor old Miller. After the cut scene, you’ll be given a Scifi Sniper and be told to take out the enemies on the ridge. Stay where you are, and zoom in on the little bunker thing the enemies are sitting in. Aim at the barrel in between the two enemies, and pull the trigger. The barrel will blow up in flames, taking the enemies with it. Problem solved! Follow the Marine around the corner, and you’ll be jumped by a Timesplitter. Not really hard, it will fall easily to your Plasma fire. Another one will come, drop that as well, then move on with the Marine. You’ll come out into an open area, with more Marines. *Checkpoint reached* One of which is lying on the ground, getting eaten by a Timesplitter. Blast the ‘Splitter, and shoot two more that will come from up ahead. Run to the gun emplacement on your left. Behind it are two lots of health, and more Autorifle ammo. Get whatever you need, but I suggest saving one health. Man the gun turret. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Use the Gun Emplacement to Defend Against the TimeSplitter Attack* First turn to the left, where you shot two TimeSplitters just before. More will be coming from the same direction, and one will be leaping down the side of the cliff. There’s a cool reference to the film Alien here – “They’re coming out of the god damn walls!” Anyway, use the turret to obliterate all the TimeSplitters. They do turn invisible, which can make it tricky to hit them, but just shoot where the Marines are shooting. The ‘Splitters can’t take too many shots before they die. When a Marine says there are more coming from the south entrance, turn the turret right a little, to face the way you came. More ‘Splitters for you to mow down, more fun to be had. More will then come from the left, and finally the last wave from the right. When all are dead, a Marine will tell you to hold your fire because reinforcements have arrived. Do as he says, and get off the gun turret. *Use the Gun Emplacement to Defend Against the TimeSplitter Attack: COMPLETE* Pick up some health if you need it, then follow the Marine onwards to the last part of the level. There will be yet more ‘Splitters, being fended off by Marines. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Help Defend the Rebel Base* Run behind the barricade on the left to keep out of the crossfire, use it as cover. Help the Marines shoot the ‘Splitters, it isn’t too hard. If you need there’s two lots health and 2 lots of plasma grenades nearby, so you shouldn’t have any difficulty. When you’ve killed enough ‘Splitters, a marine will tell you to get back to base, and in the corner of your screen will be a small clip showing a door. Turn around to see it, and run over to it. Open it to end the mission. *Reach the Rebel Base: COMPLETE* *LEVEL COMPLETE* ===================================================================== ------------------------- |1924 – Scotland the Brave| ------------------------- You’ll be on a beach, with Captain Ash. He gives you a pistol, equip it, and then follow him to the stone arch which he crouches next to. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Infiltrate the Castle* *NEW OBJECTIVE: Protect Captain Ash* Looking up the road, there is an outpost with two guards. Headshot the one standing up, then stand right behind Captain Ash and headshot the one standing a bit to the left of that guard. Take out the other one, the one sitting with the radio, and get the Vintage Rifle from the outpost. Walk over the crater to the left towards the house closest to the cliffs. On the second floor you can find Grenades, then follow Captain Ash up the road, until two guards appear behind the stone wall on a hill in front of you. Snipe them, or let Captain Ash deal with them. Continue, until Captain Ash mentions a machine gun nest. Take cover with him, and wait. A plane will bomb the nest, and Captain Ash will say that it is all clear. If the nest doesn't get bombed, you can wait until the gun overheats to jump out and shoot the guard. Grenades also work, but aren't recommended. Moving on following the road, a guard will start firing from the top of the gate entrance you are headed towards. Let Captain Ash deal with him, and go to the ruined building just behind the machine gun nest. Go up the stairs, and look out. You will see another ruined building, and a guard next to it. Kill him, and then go to that building. Inside, there is full armour in the corner. Grab it, and then run to the gate entrance where Captain Ash is. Go inside after him, and keep going forward until you trigger a cut scene. *Checkpoint reached* Anyway, the cut scene will show two portcullises falling, and a guard ordering to attack. It’s a trap! *NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape the Trap* There will be a guard to the left of you, shoot the barrel next to him to blow him to kingdom come. Go forward, to the left of the water, but turn to look across it. Using the boxes and equipment as cover, take out any guards on that side of the water. Go around to that side, and towards the stairs. Get the K-SMG from the guard that was there, and equip it. Head up the stairs, and shoot the guard at the top as soon as you see him. Turning left, there will be a guard using a stack of boxes as cover. Dispose of him, and kill another guard beyond. Move ahead into the small control room, and look out of the windows. There will be a guard in the control room opposite. Kill him quickly, and collect the armour where you are if you need it. Ignore the lever, it opens the wrong portcullis. Instead, head back to the stairs, then across the bridge on your left. Take note of the crane controls here, you will need them later. Anyway, after crossing the bridge, go towards the other control room. There may be a guard on the way, unless Captain Ash has taken care of him already. In the control room there is health, and another level. Pull it, and the portcullis will open. *Escape the Trap: COMPLETE* Head out of the control room, and another cut scene will trigger. The water level will rise, along with gun turret on a boat. Remember the crane controls I mentioned? Run back to them, and take control of the crane. Move it above the turret, and then hold down A to lower the crane and grab the turret. Still holding A, move the crane and drop the turret in the water. If you drop it on the boat, just use your Temporal Uplink to grab it and toss it into the water. Go back down the stairs, and meet up with Captain Ash once again. Go through the door opposite where you entered the building, and head down the road. *Checkpoint reached* You will see a barn on the right, so head into the field when you can and go towards the barn. Pick up a barrel outside with your Uplink and fling it into the room, hopefully taking out most of the guards. Alternatively, toss a grenade through the window in the back of your barn, to clear out the guards so Captain Ash can take care of them. Finish off any survivors with your trusty K-SMG, and then head into the room at the back of the barn. Get the grenades and Vintage Rifle ammo, and then return to the main part of the barn. Head up the stairs to the left to get health if you need it, though you probably will not. Go back outside to the truck parked just there, waiting to be stolen. Now, you have two options. You can either drive the truck, which I suggest, or man the turret in the back. Whatever you choose to do, Captain Ash will do the other. Anyway, if you choose to drive, just follow the road, mowing down any guards that get in the way, ignoring the others. You’ll go through gates at one point, make sure you go through the middle of them, or they may fall in a way that stops you from passing. Anyway, you will soon get to a canyon, with a draw bridge that rises up as you approach. On the far side there is another machine gun nest. Get out of the truck, and look to the left of the machine gun. See the big stack of explosive barrels? They make for excellent target practice, and will rip the guard manning that machine gun to shreds. After that’s taken care of, look for a lever next to the machine gun. Pull it with your good old Temporal Uplink and the drawbridge will lower, allowing you to cross. Now you have to drive the truck, so do so, across the bridge and along the road, ignoring the guards as before. You will come to the entrance of the castle proper, and another truck resting on its side. Get back on foot, and pick up the TNT resting handily next to the truck. There is also health should you need it. There are two double doors; you want to blow the ones on the left when facing the castle. Plant the TNT in the middle of them, and then get clear before they are blasted open. The Captain will run into the castle, but don’t follow him just yet. Instead, wait until the TNT reappears and collect it. Trust me; it will save you trouble later on. After you have the TNT, follow Captain Ash inside. Have your K-SMG at the ready; there will be quite a few guards. *Infiltrate the Castle: COMPLETE* *Checkpoint reached* There will be a guard on the stairs right ahead, and another on the behind that. Help the good Captain kill them both, then go up the stairs. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Locate the Time Crystal Mining Site Turn around to shoot another guard, and move up onto the landing area. Go along, and 2 guards should come out of doorways right ahead of you. Easy targets. Captain Ash will mention that he wants to signal the “chaps out to sea” so leave him and follow the landing all the way around, going through the last door you come to. It branches off, the left is a dead end with health (not that you need it really). Go right, up a small set of stairs, into a room and try to open the blue doors. A cut scene will trigger, where you give yourself a key. Time travel, what fun! After the cut scene you will be at the top of some stairs. Go down them into the wine cellar, where a drunk guard is sat in a collapsed heap on the floor. You can ignore him or shoot him, doesn’t really matter much. Pick up the flare gun, and move on. Get onto the lift that looks more like a cage, and let Captain Ash pull you up. You won’t be reunited for long, as Captain Ash runs off before you get to the top, to rescue somebody. When the lift reaches the top, you’ll be in a small room with one exit. *Checkpoint reached* Head out of the room and turn right to see a guard walking up to the window. Blast him with the K-SMG, then stand next to the window with your back to it. Another guard will run through the doorway the first guard came from, right in line with your bullets. Go through where those guards came from, into a rather spiffy looking room. Turn left to face the guard that should be stood at the entrance, and pop a cap in his skull. Go through that doorway and head left. Follow the corridor, going up a few stairs and round a corner, until you hear some guards talking. Listen to what they have to say, then turn left round the corner, and get rid of them. There will be another guard beyond, kill him too. Move to where the two guards were talking, and look left through the archway. There should be a small room with a balcony, then another room with a guard beyond, that will be shooting at you. Kill him, and get the grenades from the room if you want. Back in the main corridor where the guards were, there should be a small room to the left with three periscope type things that control the cameras. Use the middle one to see inside the briefing room, and Anya will tell you to find a way in there. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Gain Entry to the Meeting Hall* Head back the way you came, to the top of a small flight of steps. On the left should be a yellowish coloured door, go through it into a posh looking bedroom. Nothing of interest in here, head on to another small room. *Checkpoint reached* You’ll hear a guy talking; he’s in the meeting room which is just beyond the brown door. Go through, and a short cut scene will trigger. *Gain Entry to the Meeting Hall: COMPLETE* When the cut scene finishes, you’ll be on a balcony overlooking the meeting room, with three guards below. I suggest you chuck a grenade their way, then finish off any survivors. After you’ve cleared the room, head down the spirally stairs and go to the fireplace that the leader escaped through. On the right hand side of the right pillar is a lever; pull it to open a secret tunnel behind the fireplace. Go down into it until you reach an elevator shaft. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Access the Underground Areas of the Island* Go back up to the meeting room and head through the only exit. Yet another cut scene will trigger, where you’ll pass the key onto yourself! What a helpful guy you are, huh? Move onwards. An archway on the left leads to the kitchen, go in and kill the single guard staring out the window. There’s a small sectioned off bit at the other end of the kitchen, hiding a health and some ammo. Get whatever you need, then head back and go down the corridor. Go up some stairs, and shoot the guard in another bedroom straight ahead. Don’t bother going into the bedroom, instead turn right, shooting another guard, and head up some more stairs. Follow the corridor, briefly nipping into a small room on the left to get some K-SMG grenades lying on a desk, then continue. There will be another small room off the right of the corridor, with a couple of guards and more camera controls. Nothing much in that room, instead continue down the corridor. When you get to a bit with a large window on the left, look outside to see a plane crashing, killing a few guards and setting off an explosion. What fun. Move onwards, until you come across Captain Ash once again, who’s trying to help his “assistant” escape. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Help Captain Ash Rescue His Assistant* Go onwards, until you find another cell with a barrel in it. Place a bullet in the barrel, and watch as the oil leaks out. Now you have two options, shoot a flare into the oil, or retreat outside the room and shoot the lamp so it falls onto the oil. I recommend the latter, as it ensures you’re a safe distance when the barrel blows. *Help Captain Ash Rescue His Assistant: COMPLETE* Carry on down the corridor and down the stairs. There’s some armour on top of the desk, and an organ you can play by pressing the action button. Fun! Press Up on the D-pad to load a grenade onto the K-SMG, then head outside. *Protect Captain Ash: COMPLETE* *Checkpoint reached* Once you’re outside, look to the right, where a tank will burst out of a door. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Enemy Tank* Aim at it, and wait until it stops. As soon as it begins firing at you, blast it with a K-SMG grenade. The tank will stall, so run round to the back and plant the TNT that I told you to get ages ago. That will blow the tank to smithereens. If you don’t have any TNT, look in the corners of the courtyard, behind the small pillars. There’s also K-SMG grenade ammo scattered about. *Destroy the Enemy Tank: COMPLETED* Head to where the tank came out from, and stand on the circular platform. It will descend, taking you down inside the island. When the elevator stops, head through into a large underground cavern. *Access the Underground Areas of the Island: COMPLETE* Go across the wooden bridge, into a room beyond to trigger the end of this fun level. *LEVEL COMPLETE* ===================================================================== ----------------------------- |1969 - The Russian Connection| ----------------------------- Right, you're with Harry the Awesome. Start by equipping the Silencer for your gun and use it to take out the guard a little left of you with a headshot. Wait until Harry stops talking and stand right where he did. Shoot the female guard when she stops, always use the zoom function. Wait until the guard stops talking about Boris and let them walk away for a bit. Go around to the corner where the female guard was and take out the guard right in front of you. Return to behind the crates and shoot the guard walking on the bridge with the zoom function, like usual. Now you can grab some armour. Enter the house and go through the next door. Down the stairs and listen to the conversation the guards have. Enter the room and shoot them as fast as possible. There is some armour on the shelf. Go talk to Tipper and follow him through the hole he'll create in the storm drain's bars. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Find the Time Traveler* *Checkpoint reached* *NEW OBJECTIVE: Rendezvous at the Water Tower* Tipper's taking the pipes, so you'll have to kill the guards in this area. Begin by going up the stairs a little and snipe the guard. Peek out from the corner and shoot the guard walking towards you, he's in between the house to the left and the wall. Almost right below the light. Then shoot the one standing in front of the door of the house. Run past the car and hide behind the crates. Continue to the next one, and then run to the small place behind the room the guard was guarding and the container next to the wall. Pick up the Machine Gun the guard who stood in front of the door had. Sneak past the corner and take out the guard right next to you, and then the one standing right out in the open. Good, this area is done. Run back to where the second guard was, the one walking in the grass. Go through until you come to the corner, where you stop and snipe the walking guard. The one next to the car, yes. Now go to the containers left of you, behind the brick wall. Stop and snipe the guard walking in front of you. Carefully check round the corner of the container you stand next to and snipe the guard. Now, there are two blue containers and a orange one on top of them to the right of you. Look through the space where the orange one doesn't block your sight and shoot the female guard's head. Good, all outside guards are dead. Now return to the car and listen to the conversation through the door. Enter. Make sure they have stopped talking, then snipe the guy's head. Do the same with the drunk girl. Flip the switch in front of where the guy stood. There are Grenades and health on the shelves, not that you should need any health if you've been following this. *Deactivate Electricity: COMPLETE* Good, this area is finished. Return to where the gates were and go through. *Checkpoint reached* *Rendezvous at the Water Tower: COMPLETE* Now comes the hardest part. Let Tipper talk and then use the ladder. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Protect Harry Tipper* Equip the Sniper Rifle and knock out the drunk guard so he doesn't bother you. Stand on the left side of the tower and watch the left area of the two down to the left. You'll see Tipper coming out of the manhole and run into the house. Guards will be coming out of the house to the right, so your job is to take them out. ALWAYS go for headshots, anything else is a waste of time. Missing the head also means you'll have to reload more often. Also, when you reload, you can press the aiming button as soon as you leave aiming mode to aim your next shot faster. Tipper will run back to the manhole when you're done with the guards, and then come out of the one to the right. Reload if you haven't. Now the guards will come from the same house as before, so take them out just like before. *Protect Harry Tipper: COMPLETE* Go down the plank to your right. Go into the hole to your right, then enter the door. Use the Machine Gun for this part. Shoot the guard coming from the left, then walk to the left and shoot the guards on the lower stairs. Walk over to the next corner and shoot the guard coming out through the door. Next corner; shoot the guard next to the window. Continue walking, and shoot the guard who comes from the doorway to the left. Continue on and shoot the two guards who come from the bottom floor room. Enter the next room and grab the armour. Go down the stairs; shoot the guard coming from the other door. Enter that door and grab the Grenades. Go on through the door, watch the scene, and follow Tipper. *Checkpoint reached* Run on and listen to the overly suggestive conversation the two female guards have. You'll get more info for when to go next. Now, continue on and listen to Tipper. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Gain Access to Sector 3* Listen to the message. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Restore Main Power* Yay. On to the building to the right. Enter the door on the above platform. Into the room in the middle, listen to the talking. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Activate Starter-Motor* Follow the man out and through the door while you listen to Tipper and the guard. Anya will talk more when you reach the motor, so turn around and go through the corridor to the right. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Restore Water Pressure* Damned new objectives, won't you stop coming soon? Anyway. Enter the door, go down and just continue walking until you find the wheel to start the water flow. To prepare for the next part, you could shoot the engineer who's walking around in the room with the turning wheel. Then go back and shoot the two engineers in the previous room. That makes it easier when you start the flow, since you won't be assaulted. *Restore Water Pressure: COMPLETE* Right, if you didn't kill him before, take out the guard before he draws his gun. Hurry back to the door, then shoot the next guard as he comes through the next one. That is, assuming you didn't kill the engineers before. You should be using the Machine Gun from now on. Take care of the guard on the higher floor, then the one standing on top of the grey thing (turbine?) Kill the next one as he comes down to the above floor. Stand between the two grey turbines; shoot the guard on the top floor. Return to the starter motor, kill the guy, pick up the card you need, and turn on the motor. Get the armour if you've taken a hit, which you probably have. *Activate Starter-Motor: COMPLETE* Rush up the stairs and back to the open area. Tipper will already have taken care of the guards if you didn't shoot the engineers before you started the flow. Go back to where you met the man who opened the basement for you and turn on the main generator. If you did, they will need to be killed when you turn on the generator. *Restore Main Power: COMPLETE* Go back outside and run over to the big door. Press the button and enter. You'll need to shoot the guards here, so do that. Tipper will take the stairs, and you should do the same. At the bottom floor you'll be assaulted by guards, so take them out. Start by the ones who attack you before you get out in the open, as well as the one far away, standing behind of the barricade. Turn left and throw a few grenades to take out the guards, and shoot all survivors. Tipper's going into a room with hostages(a spoiled girl and a monkey...) along with armour and health, which you should take. Return to the car and drive it to lower level and on through the tunnel you find there. At the end, you should exit the car. There is a blast door here, so you'll need explosives. Grenades won't work. The radio will come on and tell the henchmen to board the train, and you've got yourself another objective. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Locate Khallos's Train* In the corridor to your right, there are two gates. Open the one closest to you and kill the guards, either by Machine Gun or Grenades. There is a desk to your left as you enter the room, get over there to hear Anya talk a little about the story. There is some health in on one of the cases, which you shouldn't need. So, on to the next room. Do as Anya says and use the Uplink to carry the mini-nuke to the blast door. Be careful when you carry it, don't make it touch any walls and don't turn too fast. When you get to the blast door, aim it at the center and let go of the button. Now the door isn't much of a hindrance, which means you're able to go on. Bring the car for fun if you want. Here, use the Machine Gun to kill all the guards. Don't forget the one hiding in the corridor to the left. Now that they're all drinking tea with the devil, you should go through the door at the opposite side of the room. This is a stair room, with a guard on every level but the third. Shoot them, or throw grenades. Make your way to the bottom floor, where you walk past the elevator. Watch the scene, then make short work of the two guards. When you open the door, the level's over. Score. *Find Time Traveler: COMPLETE* *Locate Khallos's Train: COMPLETE* *LEVEL COMPLETE* ===================================================================== -------------------------- |1969 - The Khallos Express| -------------------------- *NEW OBJECTIVE: Find Khallos* *NEW OBJECTIVE: Prevent the missile launch* Once again you find yourself with that awesome Tipper. He'll start out by making a reference to Indiana Jones. As always, equip the Silencer for your gun. There is a guard shooting at you from on top of the next section, snipe his head. Play with the different things on the train if you want to, or continue to the next part of the train by the door to your left. Go up, up the ladder ahead. As soon as you get up, whip out your Shoot-holes-in-thingsomatic 3000, also called "gun" and headshot the female guard. Run to the last part before the ladder and take out the man in the right top corner of the next wagon. Headshot as always. The one left of him will run over and check on him, take him out the same way. Chances are the other two ones will have noticed by now, so kill them the same way. If you've got rid of them, jump down and make your way to the next part. Right as the door opens, shoot the stack of grey barrels. It's to the right of the machine gun. Most, if not all, guards will die. Shoot any survivors. If any barrels get in your way as you advance through the room, use the Uplink to move them. Two guards will rush at you when you open the door, try to take them out quickly. They can move a lot, so you might want to shoot at their bodies, as they're easier to hit than heads. Proceed on into the next part of the train, where you should shoot the radio guard in the head. Shoot the next, the one who hides behind the table, preferably in the head. Get into the room they were in for Machine Guns and a health pack which you can grab with the Uplink. Tipper will stay here to contact his crew, so you should go on alone. Equip the Machine Gun if you haven't already. Go on to the next part and listen to the yucky sounds coming from the toilet. Shoot the guard in the next corridor in the head, then quickly hide in front of the toilet as the helicopter shoots around you. The corridor with the guard should be full of other guards now, so gun them down. There is one at the end of the corridor, mind him. At around the middle of the corridor you'll hear the toilet flushing, which means you have to turn down and shoot the woman coming from it. There is armour in the last cabin of the corridor, which you should use the Uplink to reach. Now run on to the end of the corridor. *Checkpoint reached* You're assaulted by a helicopter. That's not good for your health, so quickly run forward and crouch inside the group of crates to your right. Shoot the one made out of tree until you can go over it. Run left and shoot the crate to your right, then proceed on. Simply run straight over the floor and around to the button, then press it. Ta- da, the helicopter's gone. Up over the ladder with you now. Quickly take aim toward the left hatch and shoot as soon as the guard peeks out. Advance and shoot the guard coming from the hatch behind the last one. At the next section, you need to shoot the guards or shoot the explosive barrels. Do so before jumping down. There is one behind the tree crate in the left corner. You can shoot it until it breaks to get an easy headshot on him. Another tip would be to shoot all the gas containers, so they won't explode on you when you're down there. Anyway, when you're down there, another chopper will assault you. Not good. A scene will play and you'll have to protect the future you from the guards. They'll be standing on top of the wagons, so either use the Machine Gun or snipe their heads with the zoom in function of the gun. Your future self will take care of the chopper. When it crashes, shoot the guard coming from the next wagon. Go on. Three guards will come at you when you enter the next wagon, so use the Machine Gun to take them down easily. Another one will jump out from the next corner, so shoot him as well. There is one last guard to the right of him, kill him. In the middle of the wagon, there is a room with weapons, health and armour. Get the Machine Gun ammo and a Tactical 12-Gauge, then use the Uplink for the armour. There is another health pack on the shelves. Now, on with the attacking. Equip the Machine Gun, you'll thank me later. Through the door the guards were guarding, up the ladder. *Checkpoint reached* Ah, movie time. Watch the funny scene, then get ready to shoot again. You'll start in the middle of a fire fight, so gun them down with the Machine Gun. One will keep hiding behind the box in front of you on the higher difficulties, so mind him. Grab a pack of Heatseeker ammo in the next room, and then grab the weapon in the next. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Destroy the helicopter* Keep moving while you shoot the chopper with the heatseekers. It's not hard at all, just aim at it and fire when the circle is red. It should go down in no time. *Destroy the helicopter: COMPLETE* So, run back with you. You'll see a scene, and then be back on the first train. You'll start out in a bathroom, wait for the guard to come by and then shoot him. Pick up his weapon to get dual Machine Guns. Great. Go right and shoot everyone with your Machine Guns. There are guards in the first and fourth cabins, remember them. You can grab health in the fifth cabin if you use the Uplink. When you go past the next corner, a guard will jump at you, so take him out. Take his place and shoot the guards in the next wagon through the window of the door. Go through the door, shoot the guard on the other train and say hello to Tipper. Watch him hump some air, then go through the next pair of doors. The female guards will talk about how good Tipper looks, but you'll still be treating them the same. Duh. Use your machine guns to mow down everyone in the next room, be careful with the one to the left of the opening. When they're all dead, you can play the slots if you want. There's no reason to it, other than to hear a few funny comments. There's a drunk guy behind the desk, ignore him or kill him. The projector shows you some pictures from this game. When you're done here, go on to the next part. *Checkpoint reached* Equip the Uplink. Go up the stairs and then into the next room for a cut scene. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Deactivate the gas trap* Use the Uplink on the statuette in the next room to stop the gas. *Deactivate the gas trap: COMPLETE* Tipper will open the safe for you, which contains health. Here you'll find Strudel the cat, who can be controlled. Do it if you want to, but there's no reason for it. There's a switch on the wall which you need to press. Do so. Enemies will come from the stairs when you press it, shoot them. Go down back the stairs, and then through the door on your right. Guards come from the door to the left, take care of them, too. Run on into the room and watch Tipper as he touches the wires. Then go over to the other side of the machine and press the activation button. Now for a little minigame. For some puzzles, I've made a solution. Each number equals a piece. The number equals the number of times you have to turn it. A "b" means it's a blue connector, a "g" means it's a green connector. b g g 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 b b 3 1 0 2 g 1 0 2 1 3 0 0 1 b 1 3 1 0 g g b 1 0 2 1 g 2 0 0 0 b 1 3 2 1 0 1 0 1 They probably aren't all of them, but some. Please send in some more solutions if you have them. *Prevent the missile launch: COMPLETE* Now we're done with that. There's armour under the desk to the right of the machine you just used. Take it and head through the next door and up the ladder. Then just run forward. *Checkpoint reached* Khallos will jump out of the fire to attack you. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Defeat Khallos* What a joke. Use your Machine Gun and just unload on him. He should go down in no time. If you run out of ammo, use the Tactical 12- Gauge. *Defeat Khallos: COMPLETE* Run forward until you jump down in the last wagon. Simply run over to the controls and pull the lever. *Stop the Train: COMPLETE* *LEVEL COMPLETE* ===================================================================== ------------------------- |1994 - Mansion of Madness| ------------------------- Well, here we are. Basically, this level is a nod to Resident Evil. Personally, I dislike this level, but I have to admit it has a great atmosphere. Anyway, on with the walkthrough! You’ll start outside with the gorgeous Jo-Beth Casey (changed a lot from TS2!). See the big mansion? That’s where you’re going. Go in through to front door, and you’ll set off a cut scene where the door you just came through is blocked. Well, you certainly won’t be leaving any time soon! The scientist tells you to get out whilst you can (yeah right), and is promptly crushed by a falling candelabra. Unlucky. Pick up the Flamethrower that’s right in front of you, and get ready. A few black ghostly things (we’ll call them spirits) float down towards you; a short jet of flame will kill them. Once all are gone, follow Jo-Beth. Go through the hall, and pick up the Baseball Bat. Also, there’s some health in the cabinet and wardrobe here but they’re totally useless, since this early you have no need for them and you won’t be coming back here again. Move on into the room beyond. The door will lock behind you, and it looks like you and Jo-Beth aren’t alone. Zombies! There are six zombies total, two with Baseball Bats of their own. When you’ve killed the ones you can initially see, more will come out of the hole n the wall opposite where you entered, the best way to kill the zombies is to knock their heads off. Just run up, swing, then run back in case you don’t kill them so they can’t hit you. It’s worth noting you CAN kill the zombies by hitting them enough times, but they do take a beating so it’s not so efficient. When all are dead, a door will open. Go through, and keep moving into the next big room. Ooooh, a ghost! Walk towards it a little, and a stream of fire will jet out of the fireplace, blocking off part of the room. Two zombies covered in flame will come at you, one with a Baseball Bat. Take out both, being careful not to get too near and hurt by their flames. A door will open, leading outside. Again, follow Jo-Beth out. You’ll see two scientists in a tree, with several creatures moving under the ground. Barney tries to make a run for it, and is promptly eaten by a giant worm thing. Ah well, we can’t all be winners! Equip your Flamethrower and walk out onto the grass. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Rescue the scientist* Well, you’d better help him. Just run about. The worms should come to you, as soon as they show their ugly mugs give them a quick blast of flame. You’ll know they’re dead if you hear a scream. Kill them all (easy), and keep in mind there is a Flamethrower in the grass somewhere should you need it. *Rescue the scientist: COMPLETE* *NEW OBJECTIVE: Investigate the attic* Yup, we gotta make our way upstairs. First step would be to get back inside perhaps, hmm? First thing you’ll notice is that the stream of fire is now gone, so you can go through the door it was blocking. Also, get health from the cabinet if you need it. Anyway, go through the door and grab the Shotgun off the walls. Firepower, yeah! *Checkpoint reached* Go on through into the big dining room. It’ll start raining zombies! These are a real mixed bunch, I counted nine total, two of them having Shotguns and one with a Baseball Bat. The main thing here is to let Jo-Beth take care of as many as possible, but I would step in with your own Baseball Bat if things get out of hand. Make any with Shotguns a priority, and be careful of Jo-Beth: she doesn’t care if you’re stood in her line of fire. Regardless, kill all the zombies and it’s time for a mini-boss. Yup, THE MOOSE IS LOOSE! There’s an easy way and a hard way to do this. Hard way, dodge around the room, making sure you don’t get boxed in by the Deerhaunter, and blast him in the head with your trusty Shotgun. I prefer the easy way. See the hole he made in the wall when he came out to play? Go in the alcove there. He won’t be able to hit you at all, and Jo-Beth will do all the work for you. What a nice girl! Eventually the Deerhaunter will give up the ghost. When he finally does, go out the door Jo-Beth should go to stand by. It’s the one opposite where you came in. Before you leave, grab the health from one of the cabinets should you need it. Once through the door, you’ll see a scientist running down the stairs with a zombie in hot pursuit. Relieve him of his miserable life and proceed up the stairs. Here there are two doors. Open the one on the left, and you’ll be in the upper floor of the dining room. Don’t go through the door yet, shoot the zombie that’s across from you. Then go into the room and look to the right, there should be two zombies with Shotguns plus a couple of normal zombies. When you’ve dispatched them go to the corner opposite the entrance to pick up the Revolver. Don’t equip it just yet. Leave this room once again and go through the other door. You’ll find yourself in a corridor, with a seemingly dead body on the floor, two doors on the right and another door straight down the hallway. Move forward a little until the dead body gets up. Zombie attack! A zombie wielding a Shotgun will come from the first door on the right, and yet more from the door straight ahead. Kill them, and get the health from the small room that’s second on the right (there’s a scientist in it, the health is in the cabinet and there’s also some in the wardrobe). Go through the door that most of the zombies came from to find yourself in yet another hallway. Turn right and quickly blast the zombie clutching a Shotgun, then shoot the other zombies that will come through the door ahead, yet another holding a Shotgun. Obviously you’re being hunted! Move through into the next hallway. In there is a posh looking red sofa, and two doors: a locked one on the right which we can ignore, and one on the left. Go through the left one into the library. The library is full of nasty zombies: two with Shotguns, one with a Baseball Bat, and one standard unarmed zombie. Once all are dead, follow Jo-Beth up the circular staircase, shooting yet another zombie that attacks from the left that’s clutching a Baseball Bat. Go through the door. *Checkpoint reached* You’re in a short hallway with a drunk scientist. Go through the white door and follow the hallway around a corner. There are a few rooms along this stretch, and the last one of the right (after the intersection) has a wardrobe that a zombie bursts out of and a health in the cabinet. Anyway, at the intersection, turn down the other hallway. You’ll trigger a cutscene where you get to see yet another scientist meet his doom, this time by a swarm of vicious bugs. Jo- Beth will run off into a room and lock herself in, you’re on your own for now. As soon as it ends switch to your Flamethrower and start crisping the bugs that are scuttling at you. I suggest you slowly retreat backwards, as some of the bugs climb the walls then drop off the ceiling on top of you. Eventually, there’ll be no more bugs, and you can switch back to your Shotgun. Go down the hall. There are two room/alcoves on the right, one with Shotgun ammo the other with Flamethrower ammo. Move on into the room on the left at the end of the hallway, then quickly skedaddle back to where you fought the bugs, as a gang of zombies will have come to life. Two zombies will have run fast after you, drop both with a neat, if bloody, shot to the head. Go back to the room and kill the three remaining zombies, one having a Shotgun. Go through the room, down a hallway, and through the only unlocked door. *Checkpoint reached* Go up the stairs, into the attic! *Investigate the attic: COMPLETE* You’re in a room full of boxes, zombies, and a ghost floating in the middle of the room. There are two unarmed zombies, two with Baseball Bats, and two with Shotguns. As usual take out the Shotgun wielding ones first. Also, beware, as the ghost randomly spurts out jets of fire along the ground. When all zombies are dead, a plank of wood will shatter, revealing a passageway to the left of the stairs, and a zombie. Do your thing and move down the passage into a small room. As soon as the zombies start to get up, spin around and look back down the passage. Kill the zombie holding the Shotgun. Kill another two with the Shotgun, one with a Baseball Bat, and one unarmed. Follow the passage along and drop down into a large, nearly empty attic room. Get the health next to the scientist, then listen to what he has to say. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Locate Lab entrance* Go downstairs, and have your Revolver at the ready. You’ll be faced by four Shotgun-crazy zombies, and I find the Revolver better here as it is faster firing and you reload less. If you’re accurate enough, you can still kill the zombies with one shot. After all are dead, you’ll watch a cutscene where Cortez falls through the floor, before resuming control again. Go downstairs, and through a room with a scientist. You’ll be in a room with a store cupboard, get the health of the shelf then go through two more sets of doors until you get outside once again. Go towards the well to trigger yet another cutscene – rubble falls, trapping you, and a large creature rises out of the well, presumably for dinner. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Defeat the creature* Well, time for another boss fight! This again isn’t hard at all. Just circle round the well, blasting the creature in the head. It has two attacks it can use against you: the more common is when it tries to squash you with it’s claw, the other attack is fire breath. Neither are hard to avoid, and soon it’ll fall down the well in defeat. *Defeat the creature: COMPLETE* Jo-Beth will finally find you, and make a gap in the rubble for you to go through. Enter the door on the left. *Checkpoint reached* Open the door ahead to see Gaston Boucher with his back stupidly turned on you. Take your time to shoot his head off, then quickly run backwards as the Carrion Carcasses rise to get their revenge. With Jo-Beth’s help defeat all four, then go through the kitchen. You’ll be in a small room, with a door leading to a freezer. In the freezer there’s meat hanging from the ceiling, and another Gaston hiding behind some meat on the left. Take him down, then go through the freezer and out the door on the other side to finally end this nasty level. *Investigate the mansion: COMPLETE* *LEVEL COMPLETE* ===================================================================== ---------------------- |1994 - What Lies Below| ---------------------- Cortez just showed off his perverted side, and now you're down below the mansion. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Uncover the Identity of the mystery time traveler* Just follow Jo-Beth until you see a scene. Cute. Not. Either way, just follow her forward when the scene stops. She'll climb through a blocking and fall down a trapdoor. Now you've got to get her back, yay. Start by going out to the big pit in the middle, then take a left and go one through that door. You'll fall through a trapdoor. There she is! Not. Shoot its head off before it even turns around. For some reason, I really hate those enemies. Just shoot their heads to get rid of them. More will come from the ground after the first one. When they are dead, you can either waste some ammo on the hanging bodies or go on. Let's go on. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Protect Jo-Beth from the zombie horde* You'll find Jo-Beth hanging in a rope from the ceiling. Sorry, you don't get to see anything, you pervert. Zombies will start coming from various places in the room, and now you have to protect her while she unties herself. Always use headshots. The zombies take too many normal shots for it to be useful, and there are many of them. Not to mention that your revolver is pretty slow, so you don't afford to waste too much time. Also be careful about zombies coming from places you haven't noticed. Just gun them down. *Protect Jo-Beth from the zombie horde: COMPLETE* After you get rid of all the zombies, Jo-Beth will get free. Kill any still un-living zombies, get the shogun shells under the construction and then go up the stairs. Enter the door and follow the corridor. Headshot all zombies you find until you find yourself in a room. *Checkpoint reached* Watch the scene with the doctor, then blast the two zombies that come out through the door further away. Go into the door they came from, then re-kill the two new zombies. The doctor who was attacked will also rise and attack, so take care of him, too. Use the computer, click on Security OpSys v5.10.23, then on Unlock Security Door A. When that's done, open the next file in the same folder. Turn off all three cameras by clicking on the X for each of them. Check the Lab Communications folder for interesting, but not important, info. When you're done, follow Jo-Beth through the door. You'll see an electric wire, which you shouldn't touch. Shoot the zombie in front of you, but be careful as it can attack from a distance with electricity. Run past the wire but make sure you don't touch is, as it can do some good damage. Turn right and shoot the two other electric zombies, then continue down. Shoot the two new electric zombies, then make your way past the electric wire. As you enter the next room, the doors will shut. Grab the Harpoon Gun to the left and, if you're out of ammo, the Shotgun next to the computer. Zombies will start coming from the beds. Use the harpoon gun to kill them, preferably with headshots. When you kill all of them, Jo-Beth will use the computer to open the door. Collect all harpoons you haven't picked up already, then go through the door. Listen to the drunk guard and go through the next set of doors. Kill the two zombies. There is a zombie inside a room he can't get out from, which means you can do whatever you want to him. There is ammo and a computer in the room next to him. Use the computer to do various things to him if you want to. The computer also holds various interesting info. When you're done, go to the next room. You'll find that a doctor has locked himself in. If you want to get rid of him for later, you can kill him the same way as with the zombie. However, if you're done here, let's go through the doors. There's the guy who was talking about "Princess". Kill him. Then go through the door to your right. A scene will start. *Checkpoint reached* As it finishes, you'll find yourself in a mine cart. Zombies will hang from the ceiling as you go, shoot them to avoid damage. I suggest you use the revolver, as the Harpoon is too strong to waste on them. They die by any shot, either way. When you reach the end, another scene will play. You'll have to protect future Cortez from zombies. This part isn't really hard, it's all about shooting the zombies before they reach him. Not too hard, just continue of together with him. The Harpoon Gun works good. You need to move forward pretty slowly, or the ghosts will hit you. At the end, future Cortez will split up and you'll get the goggles and gun. Now follow the path in front of you, shooting all ghosts with the new Ghost Gun. Soon you'll find another wormhole. The scene from before plays and you have to kill the ghosts this time. Since you've already met some, you know what to expect. Simply go on while shooting all ghosts you see. Advance with caution and move slowly. This part is much easier than before, so you probably won't even get hit. When you reach the end, you'll split up like usual. Equip the Harpoon Gun to prepare for what's coming. Grab the Shotgun shells to the left if you want, then jump down the hole in front of you. You'll see a scene where Jo-Beth is in danger. *Checkpoint reached* *NEW OBJECTIVE: Eliminate "Princess"* Now this is why you needed the Harpoon Gun. As soon as the Creature opens its mouth completely, fill the Gas Canister with harpoons. It is undoubtedly the best way to take care of it. When it breathes fire, shoot towards its mouth and it'll go down in no time. The flying bats can be annoying, so shoot them down if you want. You can use the normal weapons. It really isn't as hard as it seems. *Eliminate Princess: COMPLETE* Stock up on the Harpoon Gun ammo which lies at the edges, then go through the doors to the elevator. *Checkpoint reached* There's Jo-Beth again. Go through the door to the left, make another left and then go right. Enter the computer room. Grab the health behind the doors, as well as the ammo. Use the leftmost computer of the room to read the man's diary and grab the revolver next to it. Check the files and open the diary to get his name. Now, as you exit the file, a screen with a countdown will pop up. Notice the movie reference. *Uncover the Identity of the mystery time traveler: COMPLETE* *NEW OBJECTIVE: Escape from the catacombs* What you need to do now is to run for it, in case you hadn't realized. Exit the computer and run out through the doors you came from. There are zombies everywhere, so be ready with your Harpoon Gun. Take a left at the first place with two ways. Through the doors, shoot all zombies then run past the room where you could use the computers to play with the doctor and zombie. Continue through the room where Jo-Beth hacked the doors while you defended her, then through the room with electric wires. Shoot the zombies like usual. On through the room where you saw a doctor get killed, but instead of turning right, go through the now open doors right in front of you. Get into the elevator, and you've beaten the stage! *Escape from the catacombs: COMPLETE* *LEVEL COMPLETE* ===================================================================== ---------------------------- |2052 - Breaking and Entering| ---------------------------- Anya will tell you some various info about the level. Remember; always be invisible. If you avoid getting seen, the level will be much easier. The first part of this mission is really fun, and it reminds of the many stealth levels in TS2. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Penetrate rooftop security* *NEW OBJECTIVE: Locate Crow's office* As the scene ends, turn around and see the guard. You can do two things to get rid of him; either throw a box at him with the Uplink or use it to grab the Mag-Charger next to him and shoot him with it. Sneaking up behind him and punching him works, but it isn't as secure. If you alert him before he dies, restart. Go back to where you started and look down. You should see that some parts of the roof reach further than the rest. Line yourself up with one and jump off the roof. You should land on the roof of the shack-like thing. Turn around and use your Mag-Charger's alternative mode to see two cameras on the roof you jumped from and another below them. A single shot from the Mag-Charger will be enough to destroy one of them, AND the crosshairs change colour when you're aiming at some kind of device, which makes it a very useful weapon for stealth. Shoot the lower one and the one above it then turn right. You can see a camera on a building not too long away, treat it like the other cameras. A "round" of blazing hot laser right to the lens, oh yes. On your way with you, turn around and look for the camera on the shack next to the one you're on top of. Shoot it, then cross the walkway next to it. Stand close to the edge to your left and look down. You should see a laser grid and a deactivation device. Do NOT touch the device, it will make the alarm go off. Instead, use your weapons to destroy the device. Now, check for the patrolling robot with the Mag-Charger's alternative function. If it's far away from you, jump down. The door to the right is locked, damn it, so continue on forward. Make sure no robots are near, then run past the deactivated laser grid and right to where the camera you previously shot was. Look through the laser grid and you should see a deactivation device, shoot it. Look up for another camera which you destroy before entering the door to the right of it. Use whichever weapon you like to headshot the guard, then look to the left for health and armour. Start using the computer. Man, these computers are really big for having so little content. Disable the Cameras, the Auto Guns, the Laser Trips and the Robots. Then open the Roof Access. With everything down, exit the room and go back to where you jumped down to the current floor. Remember that door I said was locked? It's the one you unlocked. Enter it and use your Mag-Charger to destroy the turret. *Penetrate rooftop security: COMPLETE* Numa-numa-yay, numa-numa...! You didn't hear that. Understood? Move closer to the laser trip and look down the stairs. You should see a deactivation device, shoot it. Go down the stairs to the next floor and enter the door there. Stand behind the pipes to the left and shoot the guard in his head. If you miss and he notices you, I suggest you restart from the checkpoint. Turn to the right, but don't move. Use your Mag-Charger to spot a camera on the wall near you and take it out. You should see another to the left, on the other side of the wall. Walk to the pipe in the other end of the room, then turn around. You should be able to take it out easily from that position. Now that the cameras are gone, go to where the guard was and get close to the laser trip. The door will open, and you can see the deactivation switch on the left wall in the next room. Shoot it, ninja boy. Enter and stop in the next corner. Shoot the patrolling guard's head, then use the Mag-Charger's alternative mode to see a camera hanging from the ceiling to the left. Shoot it like usual, and continue to the next corner. Crouch and use the Mag-Charger once again to spot another camera to the right. Shoot it...I think you might get the hang if it now. Enter through the next pair of doors, use your Mag- Charger to see ANOTHER camera up to the left and get rid of it. Peek out of the second pair of doors and headshot the guard. Another camera is in the other side of the corridor, you know how to deal with it by now. Continue through the corridor and enter the first door you see. Go through that room, and snipe the envirosuit-wearing guard's head. Enter the room. *Checkpoint reached* Grab the SBP500 to the left as well as the Time Grenades. These are very strong when combined with the SBP, but pretty rare, so use them as you see fit. Grab the health and armour you need (you shouldn't if you've been following this...), then activate the computer. You'll see a scene with that mysterious intruder, and then the camera will switch by itself. You're in control of a turret. After a few seconds, guards will storm the room and you have to protect the intruder. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Protect the Intruder* You'll clearly see the ones who come in through the door in the opposite side of the room, but the ones coming from right below you are tougher. A few also come from the windows. However, they shouldn't be very difficult to deal with. Just keep holding the button and search the room for other guards as soon as the ones in your current view are gone. *Protect the Intruder: COMPLETE* When the scene ends, go back through the two last doors you entered and go to the one straight forward from where you are. Before you enter, Mag-Chag(Cool name? No...) the camera to the left. Peek through, and shoot the next one to the right. Go down the stairs. *Checkpoint reached* Use the Mag-Charger to see another robot. Sneak after it and stay behind it until it passes the corner. Quickly access the terminal on the left wall right after you pass the corner. Click the top button to deactivate the robot, then choose the second button to activate a small, friendly, robot. It will open a door in the corridor, follow it into the room. To you right as soon as you enter, there is another terminal. Access it and Anya will tell you what you need to do. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Activate the fire support system* Enter the room exactly to your left and locate the gas tanks in the right corner. Shoot a few shots into them and they will burst into fire. Some people miss this, since they only fire a shot or two and then give up because they get no reaction. *Activate the fire support system: COMPLETE* Go back to the corridor and take a right. Ignore the Installer and enter the room he came from. Equip the SBP. Crouch behind the tables as a helicopter shoots through the windows. Guards will soon follow through, and they are the reason for the SBP. Shoot them full of lead, use a Time Grenade now and then if you feel they are too tough, but you really shouldn't need it. Another message will play, and guards and a robot will come from the other door, the one you didn't enter through. That robot can be a real pain in the ass, so throw a Time Grenade and make short work of it with the SBP. Finish off the two guards, grab their Dispersion Guns and go through the door. *Checkpoint reached* Enter the ladies' room and grab the health and armour. Ah, back to good shape. The men's room holds nothing but a drunk guard you can listen to for your personal amusement. Get back to the corridor and go to the next door. You'll see the Intruder go through a door, follow her. A scene will play. Amy will talk, but she will get interrupted by a guard coming from the door behind her. Kill him, then repeat the procedure with the next two. There is in the first room on your left as you go around the corner, but it's also guarded by a robot. If you desperately want it, I suggest you use the Uplink, but I haven't tried it myself. Though, if you let the robot be, you will have to fight it later, with a few guards to help it. Destroying it now might be a good idea, it's your choice. Follow Amy through the door she goes through and reload your SBP. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Help Amy gain access to Crow's floor* She'll hack the computer, but guards will storm the room. Most come from the door, but be very careful with the ones who come through the windows as they can do a lot of damage before you notice them. Try to stay moving all the time, shooting all that moves, obviously not including Amy. They should go down pretty fast, and there is always the health in the other room in case you need it, though it's not a good idea to leave Amy. If the guards stop coming but Amy isn't finished, try leaving the room and check back. Then go longer and longer away from the door, constantly checking back. Just continue moving through the room shooting all enemies and you should do fine. *Help Amy gain access to Crow's floor: COMPLETE* Follow Amy back to the elevator where you met her. Go down and exit the elevator. *Checkpoint reached* Turn right and shoot the guards coming out through the door with the SBP. Advance towards the door and throw a Time Grenade on the robot as soon as it appears, then unload the SBP on it. Kill the remaining guards and peek out by the corner. Shoot the two guards and then go towards the door until it opens and two guards rush in. Welcome them with the happy-happy-SBP-go-go. Go to the door. *Locate Crow's office: COMPLETE* *NEW OBJECTIVE: Access Crow's Terminal* A guard will jump through the window, kill him quickly. Make short work of the one behind a box to the left, then quickly retreat into the corridor. Another robot will appear, use another Time Grenade and destroy it. Enter the room and let Amy start using the terminal. She and Anya will say some lines, get ready when Anya says you should follow her down. Guards will storm the room from the windows and the door, crouch behind the desk and shoot at their heads for a relatively easy victory. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Return to the lift* Follow Amy to the corner of the corridor, where you kill the guard who rushes through the doors. Kill the other one behind him and use your last Time Grenade as the robot comes into sight. Go for the elevator. *Return to the lift: COMPLETE* *LEVEL COMPLETE* ===================================================================== ------------------------------ |2243 - Something to Crow About| ------------------------------ You're in Crow's lab, and you're here to take care of him once for all. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Terminate Crow* Well, first off, start by NOT shooting the flying battleships like I did for fun. It's really bad for your health. The elevator you're on will go all the way down. There your friend R-110 will override the security and open the door. Go through. *Checkpoint reached* What's up with a checkpoint at the very start of the level? What were they thinking? Either way, continue to the door to your left as soon as R-110 has hacked it. Run through, shoot the female guard coming from the right and go back to the previous room. Don't go through until all enemies are gone. If you want to be safe you should just crouch and hide behind the sides and make short work with the robots which teleport in. A few normal Sci-Fi shots is enough to thrash them, and they are also have different damage zones just like living characters. Hit their heads for maximal damage. Some have Plasma Autorifles, get in there to pick them up when they're all dead, or use the Uplink if you run out of ammo. They will keep teleporting in for a while, so don't let your guard down. The battleships will attack through the window, hide in the previous room and let R-110 take care of them. After shooting down the little Star Wars reference, he'll hack the computer and you'll see some more story. Oh snap. Afterwards, one of the best changes in the game will happen; R- 110 will get a virus and a personality. Next to the computer are some Plasma Grenades, get them. Continue on to the next room where you grab the armour and an Electrotool. Go open the door to the left and use it to break the robot's shield. Fry it for a bit, then switch to the Plasma Autorifle and shoot its head-part. If you want more Electrotool ammo later, you can go back and get it where you get the weapon. Go on through the door, then use which weapon you'd like to destroy the robot in the opposite end of the corridor. I prefer the Electrotool. With it fried, continue on and use the Electrotool to destroy the enemies' shields. Destroy them with the Autorifle and fry the shield behind them. Make short work of the enemies behind it. Let R-110 fix the door and go through. *Checkpoint reached* Fry the enemies like usual and finish with the Autorifle. Destroy the barrier, kill the robots like usual and grab the Electrotool ammo on the wall. Prepare a Plasma Grenade by holding the button and go into the tunnel. Run towards the robot which rolls towards you. This thing can inflict some serious damage, especially on the later levels, so take it fast. Throw the Plasma Grenade on it and run back fast. It should die by the explosion, finish it off with the Autorifle or more grenades if it doesn't. Continue on. Another rolling robot will appear from the left, treat it the same way as the previous. Stay back as R-110 takes care of the nearest enemies, then look out and kill any survivors. I suggest you save the health and armour until you've cleared this area, since you might take some damage. Go up the left path and kill the robots on the balconies. Go up to the top and kill the robot there. A robot with a shield will appear high up before you. Go down to the lower level and kill it. You have to be somewhat close, since the Electrotool doesn't reach all the way from some places. Another will appear near the last one, kill it, too. Go up the right path this time and kill the robot there. Grab the Plasma Grenades on the way up, then turn around and kill the enemy on the high balcony as it regenerates. Quickly run back and grab the armour and health. Take the left path and activate the control panel at the top to raise the elevator. The control panel can be hard to find if you don't know where it is, so don't rush past it. It's to the left right as you reach the top of the construction when taking the left path. The elevator comes to a stop and you get a new objective. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Deactivate the central power core* Look for the ships when the door opens, then unload your Autorifle on them. They shouldn't be too hard, just stay where you are and don't go out before they're destroyed. When clear, go out. *Checkpoint reached* Equip the Electrotool. On each pillar next to the core are two terminals. Go up to them and deactivate them. When you deactivate one, shielded enemies will appear at both exits. Fry their shields and kill them. Then deactivate the second terminal. You'll see a short scene and then two robots and a female guard will attack you. They're the easy kind, so take care of them like normal. Enter the door next to where they appeared and kill the guard. Grab the Plasma Grenades if you have used any and the health if you need any. Use your Electrotool to destroy the barrier like usual and kill the robots with the Autorifle. Go through the corridor and grab the Electrotool ammo on the wall. At the middle of the next corridor four enemies will beam in. Throw a Plasma Grenade or two at the ground where they stand and take cover behind the boxes. Finish any survivors off with the Autorifle. As soon as they're all dead, switch to the Electrotool and get rid of the coming enemy's shield. When he's finished, go back to grab Electrotool ammo, Plasma Grenades and health if you didn't take them last time you were there. Done? Let's continue on. By the way, have you noticed the lack of R-110's awesome voice? Yeah, I know, a real shame. Don't worry, you'll see him more later. Go back to where you killed the robots and continue through the next door. Activate the elevator and pick up the armour. Walk out through the door and ready a Plasma Grenade. Chuck it at the rolling robot coming from the stairs, then take cover until it explodes. Do the same with the other one. Go back to the door you came through and grab the Plasma Grenades. Then throw a Plasma Grenade into the hole in the core. It's easier to hit than it sounds, just stand a bit away and aim at the hole. *Deactivate the central power core: COMPLETE* There are Plasma Grenades and health on top of the stairs if you need it during the battle. Use your Autorifle to make short work of the robots which beam in, aim at their heads like usual. The huge doors will open and a giant robot will appear. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Destroy the battle mech* Start by taking out the two rolling robots as they are actually the most damaging enemies in this battle. Use the Plasma Grenades like usual. Try to stay near the pillars in the center for cover. Attach a few Plasma Grenades to Goliath's head and finish it off with the Autorifle. Attack the head as it takes more damage there, just like a human or normal robot. It isn't that difficult, actually, and you can go up the stairs if you need health or more grenades. It should go down pretty fast, then continue through the door it came through. *Destroy the battle mech: COMPLETE* Grab the health right of the door if you need it, then go through. A scene will play. *Checkpoint reached* Shoot the guards in the left window if you want to, then take cover behind the big laser gun in the middle of the floor. You can find its controls on the opposite side, so run there and take control of it. Hold the fire button to make it charge a shot, which it then will fire by itself. Kill the guards if you feel like it, then shoot the big yellow energy node. Go into the opening you created and equip the Electrotool. Grab the Plasma Grenades and quickly destroy the robot's shield as it opens the door. If you're out of Electrotool ammo, you can use normal weapons to destroy the shield. However, it will take a lot of shots and it's not good for your ammo. Go through the door and kill all the guards in the next room by shooting the barrels. There is a robot on the other side of the room at the same height, kill it with your Autorifle. Left of the robot is another guard, kill it like usual. Go left, pick up the health behind the pipe and box and then grab the Electrotool ammo on the wall. Go up the ramp and kill the robots that teleport in. Some guards will come from the next area, but they die quickly. Hide behind the pipes as the rolling robot closes in. When it stops shooting, jump out and attach a grenade on it, only to jump back in until it explodes. Continue on. In the next door you find more Plasma Grenades and armour. Ignore the flying robot and go through the next door. *Checkpoint reached* *NEW OBJECTIVE: Destroy the TimeSplitter life support system* First off, I suggest you advance very slowly in this room. You should take care of one enemy wave at once. That means you should stay in the corridor you start in, advance to kill one wave and then retreat. Got it? Let's start kicking their shiny metal asses. Equip the Electrotool and destroy the patrolling robot's shield, then destroy it with the Autorifle. Shoot any guards that come rushing. Robots will teleport in, make sure to destroy the quickly as they carry Rocket Launchers. Another shielded robot will appear in front of you, do the usual strategy. Two others hide behind the boxes, so take them out the same way. More robots without shields will teleport to your side, use the Autorifle. Guards will come through the door in front of you, kill them. The room should be clear now, so run over to the other door and enter. Activate the elevator. Grab the Electrotool ammo and health at the top, and go on. Ready a Plasma Grenade as you see the rolling robot, then attach it as it comes into range. Hide behind the walls as it explodes. Corner the corner(...) and Autorifle the robots which teleport in. Autorifle'D, or something. A shielded one will appear, so keep your Electrotool ready. Grab the Plasma Grenades and activate the terminal near them. Use your Electrotool to overload the node coming from the ceiling. Robot Factory in TS2, anyone? *Destroy the TimeSplitter life support system: COMPLETE* Kill the shielded robots that appear on your sides and throw a grenade on the rolling robot. Continue on past the next corner and grab the Plasma Grenades in the middle of the corridor. Kill the enemies at the corridor's other end. The Minigun is very useful here, especially if you use its alternative mode to keep it ready to shoot at all times. Round another corner and enter the elevator. Press the button to go up. Grab the health and Electrotool ammo, then enter the door. *Checkpoint reached* Before you reach the bridge, battleships will fly up. Destroying them isn't very difficult now that you have the equipment you have. The Minigun works wonders, as do the Autorifle. If they run out of ammo, try the Rocket Launcher. Now walk up to the bridge. Anya will explain the situation when you reach the bridge, so do as she says. Use your Electrotool to power the yellow nodes. When the bridge part stops flickering, you can stand on it. Do so, and shoot the next before the current disappears. Make your way over to the other side, where you enter the palace. *Checkpoint reached* Guards will come from all sides. Start by killing the one to the right, then kill the ones around the top of the stairs. They will come down for you if you stay on the bottom floor. Finish by making holes in the one on the right side of the second floor. Grab the health and armour on the bottom floor, then get the Plasma Grenades on the second floor. When you're ready, enter the big door on the second floor(rhyming...) and watch the scene. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Eliminate the creature* Now comes the probably most difficult bosses in the game. First of all, always hide behind pillars to cover from the turret fire and to avoid the exploding worms. You have to destroy all parts of the Creature to defeat it. The worms always explode in the middle of a square, similar to how the bombs in Bomberman do. That means you should never get hit if you stay near the pillars. The turret on its back and the ones on its sides will do a lot of damage, so try to take them out as fast as possible without getting hit. Start by dodging to the left or right, and use the Autorifle to destroy the turret on its side. You should stick to the Autorifle throughout the battle. The Minigun is the only other weapons you should consider using. If you run out of ammo, Autorifle ammo will appear in the corners on the opposite side of the one you start on. Try to get some area between you so the machine guns won't see you, then destroy the ones on the sides. After the guns on the sides are gone, go for the one on the back. The strategy is pretty much the same as for the other two. Just stay on its sides so it can't hit you. As soon as those three are gone, it's almost dead. Aim for the grenade launchers on its sides and destroy them with the Autorifle. This guy can be pretty difficult on higher difficulty levels, but focus on staying far away from it and pick off one part at a time, starting with the most dangerous ones. Also make sure to take cover all the time. *Eliminate the creature: COMPLETE* *LEVEL COMPLETE* ===================================================================== --------------------- |2401 – The Hooded Man| --------------------- You start off looking down at your past self. Well, now we know who that mysterious guy was in the first level! Anyway, back to business. Note that an arrow at the bottom of the screen shows where Cortez is, so you’ll always know where you need to be. Move along and there will be a Time Assassin in an alcove. Shoot him and take his Scifi Handgun. Equip it, since it will be much more useful than the Scifi Sniper most of the time. Continue along, taking out another Assassin, then kill one more and take his place, ready to cover Past Cortez. Look straight down, and there will be two guys on your side of the canyon. Get rid of them, then kill another three on the far side of the canyon. When Cortez crosses the canyon, another two will run up, take them out as well. Move on, taking out another Assassin. Straight across from you, there’s a Time Assassin waiting to Snipe Cortez. Snipe him first, then look down to where Cortez is. There’ll be five Assassins, well, assassinating him. Just as in Time to Split, kill any that have Plasma Autorifles first, then clean up the rest. Move onwards through the rocky pass, killing the four Time Assassins that get in your way. Look down below the right of the bridge to see another four fighting Cortez. Again, make any with Plasma Autorifles your priority. Once gone, go out onto the bridge and head for the gun turret. *NEW OBJECTIVE: Destroy the TimeSplitter Mothership* An Assassin will be next to it, get him out of the way then man the turret and aim at the mothership. It’s the big black thing, in case you didn’t notice. Just fire at it, and ignore the missiles it sends your way until the last minute if you can. That way, you’ll only have to move the turret a tiny bit to stop them, and will be able to kill the mothership quicker. It won’t take you long to bring that bad boy crashing down! *Destroy the TimeSplitter Mothership: COMPLETE* As Anya reminds you, the bridge is due to come crashing down, so I suggest you get clear before it does. Once you’re safely off the bridge, the path forks off. To the right is a dead end, with health, Plasma Autorifle ammo and Plasma Grenades. Get whatever you need, then head left. *Checkpoint reached* Kill the two guys there, then go around the corner. There will be another three, using boxes and crates as cover. Won’t help them much. Once they’ve been eliminated, move on and there’ll be a big purple flash, as Cortez destroys a barrel, just like you did in Time to Split. Look out to the left, to see Cortez and a TimeSplitter. Kill it, and then blast the other one that attacks. Moving on, a ‘Splitter will drop out of a hole in the ceiling to attack you. Kill it, then move forwards, taking out any ‘Splitters that dare get in your way. You’ll reach an elevator, go up it and onto the small balcony. Once there, look down to see Cortez and the Marines defending the rebel base against a vicious TimeSplitter assault. You have to help fend off the TimeSplitters until Cortez runs into the base. This is probably the hardest part of the level. The Scifi Sniper is nearly useless against the ‘Splitters, as they’ll stay cloaked, so you’ll have to use the Plasma Autorifle. Even this is tricky as you’re so far away, but it’ll have to do. Eventually Cortez will retreat and the mission will end. Hey, now you know who those goons that attacked you in Time to Split are! *LEVEL COMPLETE* ===================================================================== --------------------- |1924 - Future Perfect| --------------------- *NEW OBJECTIVE: Destroy the Time Crystals* You're back with your robot partner and ready to complete the game. Admire the beautiful picture above you, then equip the zoom for your gun. Go forward and zoom for a headshot on the enemy standing on the ramp. Wait until the enemy to the left comes into view, then give him a headshot. Now, if you want to, you can go down and kill everything. Or, you could have someone do it for you. Make the enemies aware of you, so that they'll attack. Let R-110 go down there and clean everything up while you stay crouched where you are. Wait until you see the short movie of the hatch opening, then wait until R-110 has taken care of those, too. Now get down there. Grab a K-SMG while on the way. Go down the hatch which opened during the gunfight. Kill the two guards and then go back up before you get the crystals. Enter the middle and get K-SMG ammo as well as K-SMG Grenades. Grab the armour. Go back and get the crystal. Return up and equip the K- SMG. Get ready for battle! Start out by running to the left, so you avoid his guns. Enter the middle again, and use your K-SMG to take out his feet. Then do the same with his hands. If you run out of ammo, there's more at the edges of the center. Always try to stay on one of his sides, since he can't hit you if you do. As soon as you've taken out his feet and guns, walk behind him and equip the K-SMG Grenades. Now that the green dots age gone, fire away at his back! If you run out of the K- SMG Grenades, use normal bullets. After a while, he'll recover and start stomping around. Just ignore him for now and get some ammo. A scene will start. Now, you'll be forced to protect your old self as well as keep yourself alive. Not too hard. Do as before, destroy his feet with the K-SMG, then destroy his guns. Equip the K-SMG Grenades again and then keep shooting his back. Repeat every time he gets up. In fact, that's about all there is to say. Since you shouldn't have taken the health upgrade with my strategy, it's there for you if you need it. On higher difficulties, Crow's parts may regenerate very fast, so keep destroying them. And that's all you need to do. You've beaten the game! *LEVEL COMPLETE* ===================================================================== IV. Extra Info ===================================================================== ----------------- |a. Character List| ----------------- They’re set out in the following way: *Name* *Description* *Stats* *How to unlock* --------------------------------------------------------------------- Cortez “Spacetime Marine extraordinaire.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: Unlocked from start --------------------------------------------------------------------- Henchman Cortez “The man himself, looking sharp in banana boots.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Cortez “There’s a joke here somewhere about bald men in roll-neck sweaters... I... can’t... quite... remember it...” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Assassin Cortez “Black with buckles, leather straps and a hood! How cool is that? Bound to impress the chicks unless, of course, you get the eyehole misaligned and trip over a coffee table.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain Ash “On returning from his Amazonian adventures, the esteemed Captain Ash has been enjoying traditional hospitality in bonny Scotland. Although with the company of the Jungle Queen during those dark Caledonian nights it’s been less of the Robbie Burns and more of the carpet variety...” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Harry Tipper “Very Special Agent Tipper. Licensed to chill and the grooviest cat in town.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Swinging Tipper “Harry, or should that be Harriet? I think your moustache is showing – perhaps it needs a trim...” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jo-Beth Casey “F’ Sure” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Amy Chen “Amy is actually really sweet... It’s just that everyone seems to get on her bad side.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Amy “The only way you’ll get Amy out of her regulation leggings is to wave a designer outfit in front of her.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- R-110 “This season’s model from the popular R-100 series of war robots.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Victorian Crow “Crow in all his steam-powered Victorian anachronistic splendour. Oh yes, those were the days! The British Empire, unparalleled industrial might, small boys climbing up chimneys and tins of condensed milk.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Karma Crow “Everyone assumed it was a wig, but actually that long flowing hair is all his.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jacob Crow “Jacob Crow, at the outset of his twisted career. Happy carefree days when his idea of fun was playing with cadavers and injecting green phosphorescent fluids into cats’ eyeballs.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mad Old Crow “What can you say? He’s as crazy as a coot and as daft as a brush.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Anya “So you think physics is boring? You’ve never been to one of Anya’s night classes.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Captain Fitzgerald “Fitzgerald’s always first writing poetry in any kind of trench warfare situation.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: -Unlocked from start --------------------------------------------------------------------- Nobby Peters “Nobby’s always first getting a brew on in any kind of trench warfare situation.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sapper Johnson Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: -Get bronze in challenge SAMMY HAMMY NAMBY PAMBY --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tommy Jenkins Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: -Complete Elite League --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ivor Baddic “It’s not easy keeping discipline on a small island.” Stats Speed: IIIII Stamina: IIIII Shock Proof: IIIII Fire Proof: IIIII -Unlocked from start --------------------------------------------------------------------- Pulov Yuran “It’s not easy keeping discipline on a small island.” Stats Speed: IIIII Stamina: IIIII Shock Proof: IIIII Fire Proof: IIIII -Get bronze in challenge PLAINLY OFF HIS ROCKER --------------------------------------------------------------------- Comrade Papadov “It’s not easy keeping discipline on a small island.” Stats Speed: IIIII Stamina: IIIII Shock Proof: IIIII Fire Proof: IIIII -Get bronze in challenge LAP IT UP --------------------------------------------------------------------- Warrant Officer Cain “Warrant Officer Cain is in charge of the keys to the castle cellars - he’s a very popular man.” Stats Speed: IIIII Stamina: IIIII Shock Proof: IIIII Fire Proof: IIIII -Complete story level SCOTLAND THE BRAVE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Warrant Officer Keely Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: -Complete Honourary League with all silvers --------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep Diver “When they’re not busy polishing their helmets, the Deep Divers like to go all the way down.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: -Get bronze in league match OH SHOAL-O-MIO --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Jungle Queen “The Jungle Queen has taken to her new life in the Scottish Highlands as a true native. She has been amazing Captain Ash with her natural talents for fly fishing and tossing the caber and he’s never had his bagpipes played quite like that before. Och-aye the noo!” Stats Speed: IIIIII Stamina: IIII Shock Proof: IIIII Fire Proof: II -Complete story level SCOTLAND THE BRAVE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Robot Louis Stevenson “Away from the pressures of his day job, this multitalented mechanical marvel of the industrial age likes to let off steam writing romantic potboilers. Unfortunately, like many Victorian authors he is afflicted by a compulsive vice, in his case an unshakeable coke habit...” Stats Speed: IIII Stamina: IIIIII Shock Proof: IIIII Fire Proof: IIIIIIII -Complete story level YOU TAKE THE HIGH ROAD --------------------------------------------------------------------- John Smith “Working in Crow’s mines can be very hazardous to your health – John needs a special mask just to protect his moustache.” Stats Speed: IIII Stamina: IIIIII Shock Proof: IIIII Fire Proof: IIIII -Unlocked from start --------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Smith Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: -Complete story mode in co-operative --------------------------------------------------------------------- Fergal Stack “Fergal is oft to be found in the warehouse quietly amusing himself by stacking boxes whilst wearing a silly hat.” Stats Speed: IIIII Stamina: IIIII Shock Proof: IIIII Fire Proof: IIIII -Complete Amateur League --------------------------------------------------------------------- Khallos “Or Archibald Granville Khallos as he'd rather you didn't know. Still, it looks like his plans for taking over the world are still swinging along.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Booty Guard “That wry old devil Khallos has an elite corps of extremely personal bodyguards who attend to his special needs and maniacal whims. Only women can apply - how's that for positive discrimination and enlightened recruitment policies?” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Kitten Celeste “Sometimes things get a little too hot under the collar for Harry and he needs some manual assistance from his slinky sidekick, Miss Celeste. Go get 'em tiger! Grrrrrrr!” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Henchwoman “The henchwomen asked Khallos for some concessions to Woman's Lib in the workplace like maybe a Sisterhood of Ultra Science. So he burnt their brassieres and got them some mini-dresses - He's very progressive.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Henchwoman “Black rubber mini-dresses - Khallos is a genius.” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Henchmen “Things are definitely looking up for the henchmen since the Brotherhood of Ultra Science kicked off. The introduction of a regular Khallosthenics(TM) exercise program has upped fitness levels considerably. Now, with the additional female recruits and communal changing areas, they've never had it so good!” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Henchman “The black costumes are back and guess what? Yep, everyone wants one because they're so much hipper than powder blue. Well, everyone that is, apart from the guys who would rather be wearing the mini- dresses...” Stats Speed: Stamina: Shock Proof: Fire Proof: --------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================================================== ---------------- |b. Arcade Awards| ---------------- Here’s a list of all the known arcade awards in Timesplitters: Future Perfect. At some point, strats to get them may be added. Anyway, there are 59 total. Use this as a checklist if you want! Most Lethal Most Losses Lemming Award Most Professional Multi Kill Longest Spree Most Effective Pathetic Shot I Hit Dead People Brain Surgeon Fists of Fury Glass Jaw Decapitator Fists of Steel Traitor Vandal Hypochondriac AC -10 Where's the Health? Where's the Armour? Hoarder Sloth Most Frantic Backpeddler Sidestepper Ledgehopper Most Sneaky Most Cowardly Dodger Most Outgunned Best Equipped Unlucky to Lose Weapons Expert Porter Bag Man Most Useless Ricochet King Underequipped Victim Bully Most Peaceful Dishonorable Most Manic Cartographer? Shortest Innings Longest Innings Survivor Marksmanship Sniper Most Flammable Most Damaging Persistance Award Traveler Award Trigger Happy Award Insomniac Award Beheader Award Smasher Award Brutality Award Golden Oldie Award ===================================================================== V. Legal Jargon ===================================================================== This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide may only be posted at the following sites: www.gamefaqs.com Copyright 2005 Oliver Thomaides & Anders Leo ===================================================================== VI. Contacting Us ===================================================================== Please, if you have any questions, suggestions please contact us. Also if you notice any glaring errors or spelling mistakes. Aceleader – ojt89@aol.com Andor3 - anders.w.leo@gmail.com If you do send any emails, please make sure you mention “Timesplitters: Future Perfect FAQ” in the subject title, or the email will just be deleted.