____________________ Serabella Presents: \__________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________ /¯¯¯¯\ | | / /\ \ ____ |¯¯¯¯| |/¯¯| |¯¯\ | / / \ | \ / \¯¯/|¯¯¯¯|/||\| \¯¯¯¯\ /¯¯\ | | \¯ ¯/ \¯¯¯¯\| | \¯_ _\ || || |/||\| ||\¯¯¯\ ||¯¯\\ / /¯\| | | | |\¯¯\ /¯¯/||¯\|| | ||`|\\|| || || || ||¯\||| || | | | | | | \ / | || | \ || ||| || || || ||_ ||__// \ \ | | | | ||\ ¯/| | | ¯{ \ \ ||__//|| || || || | { | _ / \ \ | | | | || \/ | | ||¯ \ \ | __/ || || || || ||¯ || || | | | | | | || | | || \ \|| || / \ || || ||_/||| \\ |\_/ / | | | | || | | ||_/| | || ||_/|¯¯¯ || ||/ /|| \\|___/ | | | |/ \ | |/ / | | \ / | || ||¯¯¯¯¯/ \ \ \ | | /___\¯¯¯ | |¯¯¯¯¯ | |¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ / \ || ¯¯¯¯ \ \_ __| |____________| |__________/ |___________ ¯¯¯¯ /__\ \__\ | | | | |\ / | /______________________________ | | / \ | \ / / | | ¯¯¯¯¯ \ ¯ / F U T U R E P E R F E C T / \ \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯ \__/ Author: Adam Bergman (a.k.a serabella) Version: 0.40 Email: adam_bergmany8@hotmail.com =============================================================================== ___ _ _ _ _ |_ _| _ __ | |_ _ __ ___ __| | _ _ ___ | |_ (_) ___ _ __ | | | '_ \ | __|| '__|/ _ \ / _` || | | | / __|| __|| | / _ \ | '_ \ | | | | | || |_ | | | (_) || (_| || |_| || (__ | |_ | || (_) || | | | |___||_| |_| \__||_| \___/ \__,_| \__,_| \___| \__||_| \___/ |_| |_| =============================================================================== =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Welcome to my TSFP Guide, fellow Timesplitters fan! - Serabella =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LONG TIME NO SEE, CORTEZ. Cortes returns from a daring assault on the Timesplitter base, as he enters his home base, he'll see Timesplitters assaulting his base, killing his soldiers and ruining his home-planet. ALL I SEE IS DEATH! Cortes doesn't tolerate this of course, now he want to travel back in time in order to stop the Timesplitters invasion and the war before it even starts. THIS IS WHERE OUR JOURNEY BEGINS! --> WORDS FROM THE AUTHOR How many times have you played through Timesplitters Future Perfect? I've had a fellow gamer ask me this question when I played online a long time ago. After a long pause, the only answer I could give him was; I don't know. Probably somewhere over 100. It's actually a lot more than this, there has never been a game that I have spent as much time on as Timesplitters Future Perfect. Well, all platinum scores on Arcade League and Challenge mode has been beaten one time on each system, All arcade awards achieved on each system, hard mode beaten at least once on each system (at least 10 times on the PS2). And the story mode? Who knows? Not even I do. Looking away from that, as I've already said, this game has been covered beyond covered and I don't know how well this guide will hold up with the other great guides already on the various gaming sites - that's for you to decide... But there's one thing I do know... I have a job to do and I'm gonna' see it through! That job, to cover Timesplitters Future Perfect as thoroughly as possible and giving the reader the most descriptive guide I could write in the process. I have spent quite a bit of time on this guide... ... And hold on, Timesplitters 4 will probably come! ////////////////////////////////// This whole introduction was a rip-off my full TSFP walkthrough. I am so lazy so I don't write a new introduction :) have fun anyway and I hope this helps! =============================================================================== HARD MODE __ __ _ _ _ _ _ \ \ / /__ _ | || | __| |_ | |__ _ __ ___ _ _ __ _ | |__ \ \ /\ / // _` || || |/ /| __|| '_ \ | '__|/ _ \ | | | | / _` || '_ \ \ V V /| (_| || || < | |_ | | | || | | (_) || |_| || (_| || | | | \_/\_/ \__,_||_||_|\_\ \__||_| |_||_| \___/ \__,_| \__, ||_| |_| |___/ TIME SPLITTERS FUTURE PERFECTS HARD MODE =============================================================================== This part of the guide is for the Hard mode of the game. To be honest, hard mode isn't that much harder than Normal mode but you will find a big different with the enemies. The enemies have more health and require more shots to take down. You health bar will deplete much easier. This part of the guide is like a copy of the normal mode walkthrough but I have added some extra tips for hard mode at the end of each section. It will be displayed like this: * --TIP HERE-- /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | HAVE ANY TIP YOU WANT TO SHARE? | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | If you have any tip for hard mode then please send it to me so I can add it | | to this guide. | | I will take it all for myself and you will recieve no credit. | | I kid. I kid. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ______________________ TIME TO SPLIT - 2401: \________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Sergeant Cortez returns from a daring assault on a TimeSplitter space station - with him he carries the recovered Time Crystals which could bring the war to an end. On his final approach a laser hit causes his ship to malfunction and Cortez is forced to crash land. It is essential that he brings the crystals back to Spacetime Marine HQ. Main Objectives: Reach the rebel base Use the gun emplacement to defend against the TimeSplitter attack Help defend the rebel base Secondary Objectives: None Walkthrough: __Crevasse_____________________________________________________________________ After falling down from your wrecked ship, learn the controls, it will be easier for you to play this game if you are familiar with the controls. Look around to see all the remaining pieces of your ship. Look up on the high cliff right in front of you as you start, you will see a guy standing, it's you in the future, yes it's you. Okay, now enough talk about that, notice the 2 soldiers. No, don't shoot them! They are your friends. Follow them through the crevasse. As you progress through the crevasse, you will arrive at an open area, you will be attacked by some mysterious, kinda cool guys. No they are not splitters as you probably thought, they are called Time assassins. Likely, they aren't very hard to kill, a few shots to head with the Sci-fi handgun is more than enough to kill these guys. One of the soldiers near the broken ship will tell you to follow him. Do so, and follow him through the broken ship pieces, and you will arrive on the lower ledge. * Immediately as the Time assassins attack, run back into the crevasse you came from and your friends will deal with the Time assassin for themselves. The assassins will sometimes follow you into the crevasse. If so then you will at least get the jump on them from around the corner. The friendly soldiers will also be able to shoot them in the back. * Notice the stone in front of the first 2 Time assassins. This stone can be used as cover if you hide behind it and let the enemies have to go around it in order to reach you. This will give you some more time to prepare for battle. __Lower Ledge__________________________________________________________________ Well down here, plug the 2 Time assassins, hiding behind a rock straight in front of you. 5 more Time assassins will come running for you, shoot them all in the head. Remember to always pick up their handguns after they are killed, because you will need ammo to survive. You will see one of your soldier friends by a cliff, shooting at even more Time assassins. Go towards him, and help him by killing the Time assassins. One of the Time assassins have another more dangerous weapon, called Plasma autorifle, yeah I know what you are thinking, is he a boss? The answer, no he isn't. Did you ever think you fight bosses in the very first chapter of the game dumbass? He is actually as easy as the other Time assassins to defeat, so a few shots to the head shall have him down in no time. Now pick up his Plasma autorifle, it's much better than the Sci-fi handgun, so use it now as your primary weapon as long as you have ammo. Did I scare you there? No worry, there are plenty of ammo pickups throughout the level. As you continue down, you will notice ammo for the Plasma Autorifle as well as Plasma grenades laying by a cliff to the right of the walkway. Pick them up. Plasma grenades is your best choice for crowd control on this level so be sure to use them when you need. Notice the bridge and the 2 soldiers trying to cross it, poor them. There are about 5 Time assassins under this bridge, some of them have Plasma autorifle. It shouldn't be a very big problem for you by now, just take them out with your Plasma autofifle or shoot at the big green explosive barrels. Continue and pick up the med-kit and the Plasma autorifle ammo then go towards the soldier. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | Next to the fightning soldier by the cliff, in the | | | beginning of the lower ledge area. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | Kill the first time assassin which has the Plasma | | | autorifle. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | Next to a cliff on the right of the walkway, on the | | | path to the bridge. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | Next to a cliff on the right of the walkway, on the | | | path to the bridge. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | On the right of the walkway after the bridge. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the right of the walkway after the bridge. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * There are a lot of stones and other objects in this area so be sure to use them as cover when you get the chance. The key of surviving in hard mode is to hide behind objects in order to survive. * When the first "autorifle-assassin" attacks, hide behind the nearly stone with the soldier and the med-kit. Hide behind the soldier and he will take all the damage and have to waste his ammo instead of you. Not the kindest method, probably but you will do what you can to survive, want ya? * When you reach the area underneath the bridge with all the assassins, be sure to go back to the stone with the Plasma grenades and the autorifle. Crouch behind the stone then aim for the explosive barrels nearby to take out some of them. The rest can easily be taken down while they are running towards you. __Path to the battlefield______________________________________________________ Go over to the soldier calling for Cortes. A cutscene will play. Oh damn, they lost miller. Okay, you have recieved the Sci-fi sniper, it's capable of attacking from longer range than your other weapons. But it also has a weak point, slower rate of fire, but who cares about that now, look into the bunker up ahead. Some Time assassins are there, don't even try to shoot them one by one, they will always respawn. Instead, shoot the green explosive barrels by them, to take them out. Check by Miller's dead body and you will find Sci-fi handgun x2. Rearm your Plasma autorifle and continue walking the only way you can take, that mean straight forward. Right around the corner, you will encounter your first Timesplitter! These little freaks are more than twice as hard as the Time assassins earlier in the game. Deal with them by using your Plasma autorifle and shoot them in the head. They have a range of attacks. The most annoying of these attacks must be the lightning, yes they can send electricity, causing you to take quite a high amount of damage. They sometimes cloak themselves, then there is nothing to do than just waiting for them to appear just in front of your face, trying to whack you with their arms. Then pepper them with the autorifle or gun whack them for lower damage. But they wouldn't be that hard to spot while they are cloaked if you saw the location of them before they cloaked. After the first one is killed, continue and a second Timesplitter will pop up from behind the corner, deal with him as you did with the earlier one. Follow the path out into the open area. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Sci-fi Handgun x2 | Next to Miller's dead body. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * Hide behind the high stone in front of the bunker up ahead. This makes it harder for the Time assassins to hit you. Be fast with equiping the autorifle and shoot the explosive barrel up there. * Timesplitters can be very hard on Hard mode so the best way to deal with them is to lure them into traps. Traps mean other soldiers. Try to ignore the first and the second timesplitter and instead run through the path until you arrive in the open gun turret area. Let the other soldiers deal with the splitters. __Gun turret area______________________________________________________________ You will encounter 3 more Timesplitters in this area, they aren't very dangerous as long as you stay long away from them, they are also busy, attacking the soldier so they aren't too much to worry about right now, pick out your Plasma autorifle and mow them down. Then follow the soldier into the bunker. This place have some very nice items, 2 med-kits, 1 Plasma autorifle and one box of Plasma grenades. Okay, get into the stationry turret gun, as you probably thought, you must fend off a huge wave of Timesplitters. Likely, this huge fight isn't very hard because you can easily kill Timesplitters with the machinegun. If the Time- splitters are cloaked, try to zoom the gun, and the splitters will be easier to spot, trust me. Okay, the first wave of splitters will come from the left, deal with them by shooting them all down with the gun turret. When the first wave of Timesplitters is down, a second will spawn from the right. Deal with them as you did with the earlier wave. And here comes the last wave, the Timesplitters now spawn from both sides! Shoot the one on the right side then quickly change to the left, shoot the splitters here, then turn back to the right. Do so until all the Timesplitters are dead. You will also get a little help by the soldier. Follow the soldier into the newly opened area. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Plasma autorifle | In the bunker with the stationary machinegun. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the bunker with the stationary machinegun. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the bunker with the stationary machinegun. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the bunker with the stationary machinegun. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * This part is still easy even on hard mode but one tip is to duck behind the wreckage that is in front of the turret in order to dodge some of the attacks. This requires that you exit the turret so blast them with your autorifle, it will sometimes be better on hard mode. __Battlefield__________________________________________________________________ Okay, now you have to fend off another Timesplitters attack, this time on foot. It's not that hard as you are thinking but it still requires a little strategy to be done very easy. Okay, first you need to know where the Timesplitters spawn. This time they have only one spawn point, all of them come over the cliff edge. Go into the bunker, on the far right as you enter this area. Hide in here and equip your Plasma autorifle. Shoot the Timesplitters coming for you and let the soldiers kill all the others. I choose this area to stay on because there are both med-kits and Plasma grenades in the back of the bunker. After about 5-8 Timesplitters have been killed, the door in the bunker will open. Go towards the gate and open it to end this level. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the back of the bunker. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the back of the bunker. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the back of the bunker. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * There are many soldiers in this area so be sure to lead the splitters near the bunker to get the most use out of the soldiers. You will still have to kill at least one splitter yourself in order to unlock the door in the back of the bunker. * Be sure to crouch behind the bunker edge to hide from most of the attacks, sometimes a splitter will enter the bunker. Then just run away from him and wait for the soldiers to take care of him. Unlockables: Easy: The General Normal/Hard: Anya Total items: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | Next to the fightning soldier by the cliff, in the | | | beginning of the lower ledge area. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | Kill the first time assassin which has the Plasma | | | autorifle. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | Next to a cliff on the right of the walkway, on the | | | path to the bridge. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | Next to a cliff on the right of the walkway, on the | | | path to the bridge. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | On the right of the walkway after the bridge. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the right of the walkway after the bridge. | | [ ] Sci-fi Handgun x2 | Next to Miller's dead body. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | In the bunker with the stationary machinegun. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the bunker with the stationary machinegun. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the bunker with the stationary machinegun. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the bunker with the stationary machinegun. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the back of the bunker. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the back of the bunker. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the back of the bunker. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ -------------- Hard mode tips -------------- * Immediately as the Time assassins attack, run back into the crevasse you came from and your friends will deal with the Time assassin for themselves. The assassins will sometimes follow you into the crevasse. If so then you will at least get the jump on them from around the corner. The friendly soldiers will also be able to shoot them in the back. * Notice the stone in front of the first 2 Time assassins. This stone can be used as cover if you hide behind it and let the enemies have to go around it in order to reach you. This will give you some more time to prepare for battle. * There are a lot of stones and other objects in this area so be sure to use them as cover when you get the chance. The key of surviving in hard mode is to hide behind objects in order to survive. * When the first "autorifle-assassin" attacks, hide behind the nearly stone with the soldier and the med-kit. Hide behind the soldier and he will take all the damage and have to waste his ammo instead of you. Not the kindest method, probably but you will do what you can to survive, want ya? * When you reach the area underneath the bridge with all the assassins, be sure to go back to the stone with the Plasma grenades and the autorifle. Crouch behind the stone then aim for the explosive barrels nearby to take out some of them. The rest can easily be taken down while they are running towards you. * Hide behind the high stone in front of the bunker up ahead. This makes it harder for the Time assassins to hit you. Be fast with equiping the autorifle and shoot the explosive barrel up there. * Timesplitters can be very hard on Hard mode so the best way to deal with them is to lure them into traps. Traps mean other soldiers. Try to ignore the first and the second timesplitter and instead run through the path until you arrive in the open gun turret area. Let the other soldiers deal with the splitters. * This part is still easy even on hard mode but one tip is to duck behind the wreckage that is in front of the turret in order to dodge some of the attacks. This requires that you exit the turret so blast them with your autorifle, it will sometimes be better on hard mode. * There are many soldiers in this area so be sure to lead the splitters near the bunker to get the most use out of the soldiers. You will still have to kill at least one splitter yourself in order to unlock the door in the back of the bunker. * Be sure to crouch behind the bunker edge to hide from most of the attacks, sometimes a splitter will enter the bunker. Then just run away from him and wait for the soldiers to take care of him. ___________________________ Scotland the brave - 1924: \___________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Cortez has been sent back in time to Urnsey, a small island off the coast of Scotland to investigate the time travel energy residues which Anya detected. On arrival he finds himself in the midst of a battle raging between the British Navy and foreign troops occupying the island. Fortunately the eccentric Captain Ash has offered to lend a hand. What ho! Main Objectives: Infiltrate the castle Protect Captain Ash Escape the trap Locate the time crystal mining site Gain entry to the meeting hall Destroy the enemy tank Access the underground areas of the island Secondary Objectives: Help Captain Ash rescue his assistant Walkthrough: __The beach____________________________________________________________________ This mission plays on a scottish island during the first world war! You star out on a beach, as the level starts, you will be given a Kruger 9mm from Captain Ash. Look out towards the sea to see ships and airplanes shooting at each other. Well, go to the very left of this area to see Captain Ash's boat, the boat you two used to get to this island. There is a Flare gun in the boat so pick it up and go to the archway on the other side of this area. Notice the sniper nest, you can actually do this first area without being spotted. Pick out your silenced 9mm, shoot both guards in their heads. Sneak up a short bit to see another guard looking out over the sea. You can choose 2 alternatives, he will die wichever you choose. The first alternative is to plug him in the head with your silenced 9mm and the other alternative is to wait, and sooner or later, a plane will come and drop a bomb on him, causing him to explode. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Flare Gun | This gun can be found in the Captain Ash's boat. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * The best way would be to wait all the time until the plane comes and bombards the enemies here in order to don't have to deal with them by yourself which will save you some health... probably. * The Flare gun which you picked up from Ash's boat on the beach is good at this point. Shoot a Flare into the hut up ahead where the 2 enemies are. This will kill these 2 enemies and alert the other guard. If you are lucky, then the plane will bombard him before he gets to you. If not, place one bullet from the 9mm straight in his head. __Path to the castle___________________________________________________________ Go towards the sniper nest and pick up the Vintage rifle, this weapon is like the Sci-fi sniper in the previous level, it allows you to attack from a much longer range but stills lacks rate of fire. Check the house on the right, it has some items, upstairs, you will find grenades. Continue on and 3 soldiers will take positions by a ledge above, one of them will move to the left, one to the right and one stays in the middle. Now plug the 2 visible soldiers in their heads. Go to the right but NOT to fast one of the soldiers has taken position in a machinegun nest! Find cover fast! This part can also be done 2 ways, the first way is to take out your Flare gun and fire as hell towards the machinegun. The other method is the easiest and will also save you a lot of trouble, just wait by a house or something other which gives you cover from the machinegun, sooner or later a plane will come and drop a bomb by the machinegun nest, causing him to explode. There is also a third method but it's way too dangerous. Then you have to run towards him and pick out your kruger and shoot towards him, ooooh dangerous! Okay, enough talk about him, you want to continue? Then we do it, what about that? Okay walk up the path, there are 2 soldiers here, one tries to hide behind the house nearest the castle gates, the other one is on the top of the gatehouse, take them out using your Vintage rifle. Head back, and take the path on the left to arrive at some houses. In one of the houses, a guy with twin krugers will attack. Plug him and pick up his twin krugers which are much more effective than the single kruger. Enter bothe houses to search for items, you will find a Vintage rifle and armor. Head towards the huge castle port and open it, enter the castle. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Vintage rifle | In the sniper nest. | | [ ] Grenades | On the top floor of the house to the right near the | | | sniper nest. | | [ ] Kruger 9mm x2 | Kill the guy by the 2 houses to the right of the castle| | | entrance. | | [ ] Armor | In the same house as the guy with the twin krugers came| | | from. | | [ ] Vintage rifle | In the house next to the house with the twin kruger guy| \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * Crouch in the sniper nest or by any other object to avoid being hit by their bullets. This doesn't work all the time but it's definately worth a try since it will almost always save you from a few bullets at least which is great in hard mode. * When you come to the area where a soldier mans the stationary machinegun on the top of the hill after killing the 3 guards which took their position behind the low wall. Hide behind the corner and be sure to crouch so you won't get hit by the machinegun which is very damaging. As mentioned above, a plane will come and drop a bomb by him so you won't have to deal with him all by yourself. * Before you are going for the twin krugers, make sure that your guns pointer is in head-height so you will be able to get a well placed headshot on the guy with the twin krugers to avoid being hit and loose health. __The trap_____________________________________________________________________ Once you enter this house, a portcullis will slam shut, blocking both the path back and the path to the next area + trapping you and Captain Ash inside. There is a guy to the right as you enter this area, he only has a kruger equiped so he wouldn't be too much of a problem, plug him in the head. On the other side, 2 guys will be waiting for you by the stairweel, one of them has a different weapon, the K-SMG! It's a sub-machinegun so he can be dangerous, quickly take cover between any of the objects in this area, as you shoot both guys in their heads. Be sure to check the corners of this area before going up the staircase, cause you will find grenades in the opposite corner of the stairweel location. Once up on the higher level, a few guys will be waiting for you, both on the bridge as well as on the walkway on the left. Kill the guys on the bridge first then use your uplink to pick up an explosive barell and throw it towards the other enemies to get rid of 'em quickly and without wasting any ammo, you should be familiar with that combination (uplink and explosive barells.) There is a switch for the portcullis on this side of the balcony, but it's for the wrong side, this one opens the way back but you need to open the other one. So cross the bridge, one soldier will wait behind some crates so be sure to plug him before he can do any serious damage. There is also a guy in the room on the end of this balcony, kill him. Now here we are, raise the portcullis by pulling the switch on the wall. As you go back, a gunboat will raise, you need to disable it in order to make a safe way out of the castle. Go to the control panel on the bridge, operate it. Now use the crane to pick up the turret and drop it in the water. Go downstairs using the stairweel and find the exit on the other side than the side you entered this area from. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Grenades | In the corner opposite from the stairweel. | | [ ] K-SMG | Kill the first guy who uses one. | | [ ] Armor | In the same room as the "wrong" switch. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * When the first guy with the K-SMG appears, hide behind the pipes located a bit to the right of the first guy on the right as you enter this area. Take pot shots at him when he doesn't fire. There are some grenades located a bit forward in an alcove as well which can be thrown towards his location to immediately kill him as well as his friend who stays at the same place as him. * Be sure to duck behind the crates once you reach the second floor of the building. This will prevent the guy on the other side from ambushing you if you kill him from this location. __Path to the garage___________________________________________________________ Go down the path, throw a grnade through the window to eventually take out any of the guys in the garage. Stay close to the wall as you go towards the garage because it's easier for you to shoot the enemies coming out of the garage then. Turn in on the platform to the right and enter the garage. __Garage_______________________________________________________________________ Some guys will storm out from the garage, if you didn't kill them with the grenade through the window trick. Deal with them by plugging them in the head with the kruger or K-SMG. As you enter the garage, a guy with a K-SMG will start to shoot at you from the room on the end, kill him and then enter that little room and pick up the Vintage rifle and the grenades. Don't exit the garage just yet, instead go up the stairs, there's a med-kit on the top of the stairs, so pick it up if you need. Exit the garage now. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Vintage rifle | In the room with the K-SMG guy. | | [ ] Grenades | In the room with the K-SMG guy. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the top of the staircase. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * Throw some grenades at the 2 guys which come out from the garage. This will save you from having to deal with them the normal way which can be quite dangerous in open areas like this. You can also hide behind the truck and ready the K-SMG and plug the enemies as they come for you from 'round the corner of the truck. Do never, I mean NEVER enter the stationary machinegun which is located on the top of the truck which is parked here. I say never because you will probably die or getting very damaged by sitting in the stationary machinegun. It's also hard to shoot the enemies from here since the stationary machinegun has horrible accuracy. * Be sure to throw a grenade or an explosive barrel into the room at the end of the garage because a guard is waiting for you in there and he has a K-SMG of his own which won't make your life easier. __Path to the castle___________________________________________________________ Well, it's up to you if you want to drive or shoot, Ash is not very good at shooting but his skilled at driving, you should probably be good at both of them, but I suggest that you drive, it's easier to kill enemies then. Drive up the path until you come to a gate, blocking the path. There are also some soldiers here, drive them over and then destroy the gate by driving into it. Drive over the soldier up ahead, then stop the truck, go out of it and look up to the left, you will see a sniper on a platform, shoot him, and a funny little deathscene will play. Get into the car once again and continue driving. One of the soldiers has pulled a switch to raise the drawbridge, that soldier has also manned a stationary machinegun on the other side of the drawbridge, shoot him in the head with a vintage rifle while his gun is overheated, or shoot him with one flare from the flare gun. This is the first time you need to use your uplink, use it to pull the switch on the other side, and the you will lower the drawbridge. Enter the car again. As you are driving up the road, a few soldiers will attack, drive over them. When you are near the top, soldiers will push barells towards you, making it hard to drive up, so I suggest that you exit the car now and continue on foot. Plug the 2 soldiers here. You will find some TNT near a truck on the end. Pick them up. If you play co-op, then you can go towards the truck and press X to place it in the right position, making you able to drive it. Now you, can play truckwars which is funny as hell! Now, enough talk about that, we want to continue, put the TNT on the left gate and run away and wait for the TNT to blow up the door. Enter the castle. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] TNT | By the truck on the end. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * The enemies which you encounter on your way shall be driven over instead of shot. This goes for all the enemies until you reach the drawbridge. You have to shoot the guy on the platform however but he doesn't need to be killed. The gate shall also be driven over instead of shot with the Flare gun. * The stationary machinegun this time won't be killed by any bomb dropped from a plane like the previous one. That makes this one much harder. Hide behind the truck and pull out your Vintage rifle. Shoot the manner in the head to take him out quickly. __The castle___________________________________________________________________ Once inside, you will be attacked imediately by the guard from the staircase right in front of you, and 2 more will shoot you from the balcony up above. Shoot the one on the stairs, then go up the stairs, shoot the other enemies up here, a guard will run out from a room as you walk around up here on the balcony. Follow Captain Ash into a room, full of boxes everywhere, there's a soldier with a K-SMG in here so make sure to plug him before entering. Ash will search in these boxes and find some flares, he will walk out onto the balcony and try to signal to the navy using the flares, so he will leave you for some time. Don't worry too much about that, exit the room and continue all the way round the balcony, and go through the door on the end, there is a soldier here so kill him, then pick up the Med-kit behind the soldier. Go through the door up ahead and walk to the closed door on the very end of this room. Try to open it and a cutscene will play. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | To the left after entering through the door after going | | | around the whole balcony. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * There aren't many objects to hide behind in this area. Right as you enter the castle equip your Vintage rifle and plug the guy on the staircase. Now run up the stairs and plug the guy in the room at the end. Go into this room and hide behind the corner. Captain Ash will most likely deal with the enemies, if not then shoot them as they enter the room so they don't have a chance to shoot you before they get killed. __Wine cellar__________________________________________________________________ A drunken guard will sit on the floor and rambling some strange things, here is what he says: Iss me... iss all me! I am best...bestest guard. Without me... no guarding! Alll rubbissh guarding. God of guards... And girls... girls love me... so hairy chest... such big medallion....hehe.... Be sure to pick up the flare gun on the floor by the guard. You can kill the guard if you feel for it, but he's not dangerous and won't harm you. Go into the elevator and go all the way up to catch up with Captain Ash but he will once again dissapear. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Flare gun | On the floor near the drunken guard. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __The castle___________________________________________________________________ Yay, a stealth part, well this part can be done in 2 ways, I suggest that you choose the stealthy way, because it will save you some health and K-SMG bullets. Swich gun to the Silenced 9mm. Go through the door and turn right, a guard will walk through the door and stop by the window, sneak up behind him and plug him in the head. Enter the room the guard just came from and look to the right, another guard will stand, looking out through the window, shoot him in the head as you did with the earlier one. Go over to the door on the other side of the room, hide on the left side and keep the crosshair trained on head level, a guard will sooner or later enter this area. He will notice you but hopefully too late. Continue up the corridor but stop when you hear speaking. You won't be able to use stealth anymore so pick out your K-SMG and grenades. Burst into this area and throw grenades like a maniac, nah, I'm just kidding, one grenade should be enough to take out the nearest 2 guys. There are 2 more in the room, you can deal with them by using your K-SMG, go back a bit and turn right, there is a guy with twin krugers in here + grenades, kill the guy and pick up the ammo and grenades. Go back out and enter the door in front of you, it's a yellow door if that makes things easier. Turn to the left at the end of this room to arrive in the briefing hall. Go towards the brown thingy on the wall, it's a bookcase and Cortes will pull it out of the way if you press X. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Twin krugers | Kill the guy in the room to the left as you enter the | | | area where the stealth part first ends. | | [ ] Grenades | In the same room as the guy with the twin krugers. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * The stealth part in the beginning is highly recommended over bursting in and shoot like a maniac if you play on hard mode. Stealth will most likely save you some health so it shall be used when you get the chance. * Throw grenades like a maniac in the room where the stealth section ends can actually be good on hard mode. Remember, you have only 5 grenades if you haven't thrown them already. Some grenades are located in the room with the twin kruger guy. Start with throwing one grenades towards the closest 2 guards. There should be 2 more up ahead but they need one each since they are in 2 different areas of the room which separates them with a wall. These can be dealt with by using the Vintage rifle to pop them in the head. Load up a grenade and fling it into the room with the twin kruger guy to quickly take him out. __Meeting hall_________________________________________________________________ As you enter this area, their leader "Jacob Crow" now "Victorian Crow" in this chase, will escape through the fireplace. He will leave you with 3 angry guards now thougher, armed with K-SMGs and a bit more health than the normal soldiers, these guys are called "Warrant Officer Cain" in arcade mode. Stay on the balcony, it will make this fight easier. Place the crosshair of your K-SMG by the staircase and plug the guards as they come running for you. Pick up all their dropped ammo and exit the meeting hall via the door on the left of the fireplace. * Wait on the top balcony where you start this area and point your gun's cross- hair by the staircase you can easily get a shot on the guards as they come up the stairs. The Flare gun is the most useful gun while using this method since one flare will take out all 3 if they come together. __The castle___________________________________________________________________ You will run into a wormhole and give the key back to your past self. Equip your silenced 9mm and go through the door on the left. You will see a guard standing there, looking out the window. Shoot this guy in the head then turn the crosshair to the left to see another guard, plug him in the head. Enter this room and turn to the right at the very end, there is a med-kit as well as twin krugers here, pick up the stuff you need then exit this room. Re-equip your K-SMG follow the path all round, there is a guard at the top of the staircase, shoot him in the head. There are also 2 more guards up here, deal with them as you did with the earlie one. Check the room on the left, here you can find K-SMG grenades on the table. Save these for later use, you will need them, trust me. As you continue, you will come to an other viewscope room, there are 2 guards in here so plug them both before entering this room. Go up the stairs on the right and pick up the Vintage rifle in the tower. Check the viewscopes, it's fun. As you continue, you will catch up with Captain Ash again, this time he has found his "assistant", "The Jungle Queen". Ash will ask you for help with freeing "The Jungle Queen". This is a secondary objective so it isn't needed for completing the level. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | SECONDARY OBJECTIVE - HELP CAPTAIN ASH RESCUE HIS ASSISTANT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | First of all, you have to go into the other cell, on the other side of the | | Jungle queen. When you are there, throw a grenade towards The Jungle Queen | | because she doesn't like big explosions, so she will run away. | | | | Now you get your chance to actually save her. Notice the oil barell, shoot | | at it with your kruger or K-SMG, your choice. When it starts to poor oil, | | shoot a flare at it, it will probably explode making a hole in the wall, | | making it possible for The Jungle Queen to escape, if not try again. | | | | Captain Ash will thank you for your help and you can now continue your | | mission. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Go down the stairs and be sure to pick up the med-kit and the armour here. There is also an organ here which will play if you press X while facing it. Go to the end of the corridor and open the door on the right. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | In the first room to the left after the meeting hall. | | | At the very end. | | [ ] Kruger 9mm x2 | In the first room to the left after the meeting hall. | | | At the very end. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | On the table in the last room on the left before the | | | viewscope room. | | [ ] Vintage rifle | In the tower by the top of the staircase in the | | | viewscope room. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the same room as the organ, right before exiting the| | | castle. | | [ ] Armour | In the same room as the organ, right before exiting the| | | castle. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * There isn't any extra strategy for this part of the level since it doesn't contain any real place to take cover behind. The best way to avoid getting hit by the 2 guards in the corridor once you have gone up the stairs is to kill the guy in the room in front of you then enter the room and hide behind the corner of the entrance. Position the crosshair in head level and shoot them both as they are about to enter the area. __Courtyard____________________________________________________________________ Right as you enter this area, you will be attacked by your first boss enemy, a tank! =============================================================================== Boss fight: Tank =============================================================================== Difficulty: - Easy: 2/10 - Normal: 3/10 - Hard: 5/10 Okay, now here we are. Let's face it! The first boss battle in Timesplitters Future Perfect! Well, it isn't much of a boss actually. Low health, not the best attacks either, but it's the first bossfight so bear with it. Okay, let's start out here, you need K-smg grenades, okay you don't NEED K-smg grenades but they make your life easier in every little way. You should already some K-smg grenades, which you found a bit earlier. If you have used them all, then there are plenty of them in this area. 1. Go down the ramp to the left after you've entered the room. There's also a med-kit here. 2. On the other side of this area, behind some pillars. 3. To the very left of the top of this area. Assuming, you are coming from the entrance to this area. There is also TNT here. Luckily for you, I have made a map of the locations if you didn't undestand my poor descriptions. +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |TNT K-smg K-smg TNT | |_______ | ||Health| | ||K-smg | | || ---- <--Go down | ||______ ---- | | | | Tank| +---------------------------------------====------------------------+ ^ | You came from here Hehe, now here is the actuall strategy, I know many strategys to beat this boss in an easy way but I will only tell you the easiest, the one I always use. Arm your K-smg with the grenades put on of course. Hide behind any of the pillars if you need cover or are hurt, you can also collect the med-kit (location in my grenade location map). Shoot the tank with a K-smg grenade to stun it as well as hurt it a little. Now pick up a TNT, also located on several places in this area. Plant it on the BACK of the tank, it won't work if you plant it somewhere else. If you play on easy mode, then you are done by now. If you play on normal, then repeat this one more time, play on hard, then you need to repeat it 2 more times. Also note that the TNT isn't needed for this fight, it only makes it a little easier, but it's still easy to beat it only by using the K-smg grenades. -------- Attacks: -------- - Collidates with you: Damage: Fair How to avoid: Stay away from the tank. - Shoots with his turret: Damage: Low damage x bullet How to avoid: Always keep mobile or hide behind pillars. - Shoots a rocket: Damage: High How to avoid: Don't hide behind pillars and don't stand still. --------------- Weapons to use: --------------- - Dynamite: Why: If you play on easy mode, then the tank shall be destroyed after one TNT. On normal mode, after 2. And on hard mode, after 3. - K-smg grenade: Why: Does a bit of damage and also stuns the tank while shooting at it with this weapon. - Grenades: Why: Does a very little bit of damage. Tough not recommended. ------------------- Weapons NOT to use: ------------------- - Normal K-smg: Why: You can't hurt him with this gun. - Kruger: Why: You can't hurt him with this gun. - Flare gun: Why: Strange, but you can't hurt him with this gun. Very strange... - Vintage Rifle: Why: You can't hurt him with this gun. - Fists: Why: Did you ever think you can destroy a tank by punching it? - Gun whacks: Why: Same as for Fists... =============================================================================== After the tank is destroyed, go into the elevator the tank came from in the beginning of this bossfight. Let the elevator take you down into the underground. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | Go down the ramp to the right as you enter this area. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | Go down the ramp to the right as you enter this area. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | In the very top left of this area, assuming you are | | | coming from the start of this area. | | [ ] TNT | In the very top left of this area, assuming you are | | | coming from the start of this area. | | [ ] TNT | In the very right top corner, assuming you are coming | | | from the entrance of this area. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | Right infront of you as you enter this area, behind | | | some pillars on the other side. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * You will have to place 3 TNT's one the tank in order to take him down on hard mode. This may seem impossible but no, it isn't. Start with heading towards the top left corner of the map. A TNT is located in the "house" here so pick it up. Don't even dare to stay here since the tank will start to shoot explosives towards your location which are very damaging on hard mode. Instead, run and go down any of the ramps on the left side of the area. I suggest you go down the one mentioned in my map since you will be able to find both a med-kit and K-SMG grenades down there. Ready yourself with a K-SMG grenade then run up the ramp and fire one at then tank. This will stun it for a few seconds so now's your chance to get close. Run up to the back of the tank and place the TNT. Now, run away from it a bit then start to pepper it with K-SMG grenades. You won't have much time to do this before the tank regains control. Go down the ramp once again and pick up the med-kit if you are hurt. You will now have to make a run for it towards the top right portion of the map where some TNT's can be found behind a pillar. Pick it up and head back to the ramp. Don't hide behind the pillars because they will explode and cause you to take damage when the tank fires at you. Equip a K-SMG grenade and stun the tank with the grenade one more time. Head up to it and plant the TNT on it's back. Keep spamming it with K-SMG grenades and it will hopefully go down, if not. Repeat one more time. __Underground__________________________________________________________________ Don't try to shoot the plane, it won't work anyway... Guess why? Because it's Captain Ash and The Jungle Queen making their escape from the island. Well, it's time for you to escape to. Notice the bridge over the plane, cross it to find a door on the other side. Open the door to end this level. Unlockables: Easy: The Jungle Queen Normal/Hard: Warrant Officer Cain Total items: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Vintage rifle | In the sniper nest. | | [ ] Grenades | On the top floor of the house to the right near the | | | sniper nest. | | [ ] Kruger 9mm x2 | Kill the guy by the 2 houses to the right of the castle| | | entrance. | | [ ] Armor | In the same house as the guy with the twin krugers came| | | from. | | [ ] Vintage rifle | In the house next to the house with the twin kruger guy| | [ ] Grenades | In the corner opposite from the stairweel. | | [ ] K-SMG | Kill the first guy who uses one. | | [ ] Armor | In the same room as the "wrong" switch. | | [ ] Vintage rifle | In the room with the K-SMG guy. | | [ ] Grenades | In the room with the K-SMG guy. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the top of the staircase. | | [ ] TNT | By the truck on the end. | | [ ] Med-kit | To the left after entering through the door after going| | | around the whole balcony. | | [ ] Flare gun | On the floor near the drunken guard. | | [ ] Twin krugers | Kill the guy in the room to the left as you enter the | | | area where the stealth part first ends. | | [ ] Grenades | In the same room as the guy with the twin krugers. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the first room to the left after the meeting hall. | | | At the very end. | | [ ] Kruger 9mm x2 | In the first room to the left after the meeting hall. | | | At the very end. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | On the table in the last room on the left before the | | | viewscope room. | | [ ] Vintage rifle | In the tower by the top of the staircase in the | | | viewscope room. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the same room as the organ, right before exiting the| | | castle. | | [ ] Armour | In the same room as the organ, right before exiting the| | | castle. | | [ ] Med-kit | Go down the ramp to the right as you enter this area. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | Go down the ramp to the right as you enter this area. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | In the very top left of this area, assuming you are | | | coming from the start of this area. | | [ ] TNT | In the very top left of this area, assuming you are | | | coming from the start of this area. | | [ ] TNT | In the very right top corner, assuming you are coming | | | from the entrance of this area. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | Right infront of you as you enter this area, behind | | | some pillars on the other side. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ -------------- Hard mode tips -------------- * The best way would be to wait all the time until the plane comes and bombards the enemies here in order to don't have to deal with them by yourself which will save you some health... probably. * The Flare gun which you picked up from Ash's boat on the beach is good at this point. Shoot a Flare into the hut up ahead where the 2 enemies are. This will kill these 2 enemies and alert the other guard. If you are lucky, then the plane will bombard him before he gets to you. If not, place one bullet from the 9mm straight in his head. * Crouch in the sniper nest or by any other object to avoid being hit by their bullets. This doesn't work all the time but it's definately worth a try since it will almost always save you from a few bullets at least which is great in hard mode. * When you come to the area where a soldier mans the stationary machinegun on the top of the hill after killing the 3 guards which took their position behind the low wall. Hide behind the corner and be sure to crouch so you won't get hit by the machinegun which is very damaging. As mentioned above, a plane will come and drop a bomb by him so you won't have to deal with him all by yourself. * Before you are going for the twin krugers, make sure that your guns pointer is in head-height so you will be able to get a well placed headshot on the guy with the twin krugers to avoid being hit and loose health. * When the first guy with the K-SMG appears, hide behind the pipes located a bit to the right of the first guy on the right as you enter this area. Take pot shots at him when he doesn't fire. There are some grenades located a bit forward in an alcove as well which can be thrown towards his location to immediately kill him as well as his friend who stays at the same place as him. * Be sure to duck behind the crates once you reach the second floor of the building. This will prevent the guy on the other side from ambushing you if you kill him from this location. * Throw some grenades at the 2 guys which come out from the garage. This will save you from having to deal with them the normal way which can be quite dangerous in open areas like this. You can also hide behind the truck and ready the K-SMG and plug the enemies as they come for you from 'round the corner of the truck. Do never, I mean NEVER enter the stationary machinegun which is located on the top of the truck which is parked here. I say never because you will probably die or getting very damaged by sitting in the stationary machinegun. It's also hard to shoot the enemies from here since the stationary machinegun has horrible accuracy. * Be sure to throw a grenade or an explosive barrel into the room at the end of the garage because a guard is waiting for you in there and he has a K-SMG of his own which won't make your life easier. * The enemies which you encounter on your way shall be driven over instead of shot. This goes for all the enemies until you reach the drawbridge. You have to shoot the guy on the platform however but he doesn't need to be killed. The gate shall also be driven over instead of shot with the Flare gun. * The stationary machinegun this time won't be killed by any bomb dropped from a plane like the previous one. That makes this one much harder. Hide behind the truck and pull out your Vintage rifle. Shoot the manner in the head to take him out quickly. * There aren't many objects to hide behind in this area. Right as you enter the castle equip your Vintage rifle and plug the guy on the staircase. Now run up the stairs and plug the guy in the room at the end. Go into this room and hide behind the corner. Captain Ash will most likely deal with the enemies, if not then shoot them as they enter the room so they don't have a chance to shoot you before they get killed. * The stealth part in the beginning is highly recommended over bursting in and shoot like a maniac if you play on hard mode. Stealth will most likely save you some health so it shall be used when you get the chance. * Throw grenades like a maniac in the room where the stealth section ends can actually be good on hard mode. Remember, you have only 5 grenades if you haven't thrown them already. Some grenades are located in the room with the twin kruger guy. Start with throwing one grenades towards the closest 2 guards. There should be 2 more up ahead but they need one each since they are in 2 different areas of the room which separates them with a wall. These can be dealt with by using the Vintage rifle to pop them in the head. Load up a grenade and fling it into the room with the twin kruger guy to quickly take him out. * Wait on the top balcony where you start this area and point your gun's cross- hair by the staircase you can easily get a shot on the guards as they come up the stairs. The Flare gun is the most useful gun while using this method since one flare will take out all 3 if they come together. * There isn't any extra strategy for this part of the level since it doesn't contain any real place to take cover behind. The best way to avoid getting hit by the 2 guards in the corridor once you have gone up the stairs is to kill the guy in the room in front of you then enter the room and hide behind the corner of the entrance. Position the crosshair in head level and shoot them both as they are about to enter the area. * You will have to place 3 TNT's one the tank in order to take him down on hard mode. This may seem impossible but no, it isn't. Start with heading towards the top left corner of the map. A TNT is located in the "house" here so pick it up. Don't even dare to stay here since the tank will start to shoot explosives towards your location which are very damaging on hard mode. Instead, run and go down any of the ramps on the left side of the area. I suggest you go down the one mentioned in my map since you will be able to find both a med-kit and K-SMG grenades down there. Ready yourself with a K-SMG grenade then run up the ramp and fire one at then tank. This will stun it for a few seconds so now's your chance to get close. Run up to the back of the tank and place the TNT. Now, run away from it a bit then start to pepper it with K-SMG grenades. You won't have much time to do this before the tank regains control. Go down the ramp once again and pick up the med-kit if you are hurt. You will now have to make a run for it towards the top right portion of the map where some TNT's can be found behind a pillar. Pick it up and head back to the ramp. Don't hide behind the pillars because they will explode and cause you to take damage when the tank fires at you. Equip a K-SMG grenade and stun the tank with the grenade one more time. Head up to it and plant the TNT on it's back. Keep spamming it with K-SMG grenades and it will hopefully go down, if not. Repeat one more time. _______________________________ The Russian Connection - 1969: \_______________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Cortez follows the mysterious Time Traveler from 1924 Scotland to a train depot in Russia in 1969. Here, it seems that the Time Traveler is leading a cult and has teamed up with the arch criminal genius, Khallos. A potentially lethal alliance but no match for the combined talents of Cortez and super chilled agent Harry Tipper! Main Objectives: Find Time Traveler Rendezvous at the water tower Deactivate electricity Protect Harry Tipper Gain access to sector 3 Restore main power Activate starter motor Restore water pressure Locate Khallos's train Secondary Objectives: None Walkthrough: __The beginning________________________________________________________________ Ah, this level has a lot of stealth, actually one of my fav levels after Scotland The Brave. This level will actually start with a stealth section, as well as more stealth sections are coming as you progress through the level, ahh stealth is awesome, don't you think so to? Well, to start out with, you have found a new partner; "Harry Tipper". Because it's stealth here, equip your silenced 9mm which you will recieve from "Tipper" as the level starts. Look up straight forward, you will see a little gray guardhouse, and what's a guard- house without a guard in it? I hope you get what I mean, the things I'm trying to say is that there is a guard in the guardhouse so you have to wipe him out. Crouch behind the crates nearby, then zoom your gun, this silencer has a scope ability, it isn't nearly as good as the Vintage rifle but it's still the only choice you have for stealth so I suggest you use it. Zoom in on the guard's head then plug him. A few seconds later, some guards will walk out from the house in front of you. This part can be done in 2 ways, both ways are stealth and one way works most of the time while the other way works ALL the time if done correctly! Okay, first strategy first! 1. As the guards enter the area from the house, plug the Henchman walking away first. After that, plug the other one who will probably stand still outside the house for a few seconds or walk toward your location. There is also a Henchwoman who will probably walk up to the green container behind you. Sneak up behind her and shoot her in the back of the head to take her out quickly. 2. Okay, this way will always work, well almost always if done correctly! One little mistake can lead to yours and Harry's death! Go to the other side of the building and stay by the corner next to the bridge. There shall be a guy somewhere behind the corner so shoot him in the head when you see him. Run to the other corner of the building 'til you come to the stack of boxes. Look by the lower stack and you will see a Henchwoman. Wait until she walks behind the green crate from where you stand. Go to the front of it and be sure to stay out of her sight. You will see a Henchman in front of the house who will walk away from you. You have to kill him before the Henchwoman comes around the other side of the green crate. You must go behind the Henchwoman in order to kill her stealthy. You will also notice a Henchman as you are looking in the distance, kill him. Whichever method you chose, Herry Tipper will tell you that you are very good at stealth, but if you fail, then you will here other words. Walk into the house, the enemies came from and go towards the door on the left side of the wall as you enter this house. Behind the door are stairs down to the basement. There is also a door at the bottom of the stairs. Listen to the funny conversation before bursting in. Some people have said that the 2 guys in there are fightning eachother if you wait outside too long before entering the room. This is not confirmed yet, tough. Enter the room and kill the 2 guards in here. Pick up the Armour from the shelf. Exit this house and notice Harry Tipper standing by the gutter. Follow him down. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Armour | In the shelf in the basement. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * It feels like I have already told you everything I know about this section so following the steps above will walk you through this section without too much trouble. One thing which is worth mentioning is that on hard mode, the shot on the Henchmen need to be directly in the head in order to take them down so aim carefully before you shoot. __Gutter_______________________________________________________________________ Look on the left side of the gutter, and you will see metal bars blocking the way through. Wait for Mr. Tipper and he will come, telling you a long story about his ugly glasses. Maybe they are ugly, maybe they are cool, they are good anyway. Harry Tippers laser glasses will destroy the bars, making a way through. Follow Harry through the new path, Harry will leave you here (What a bastard, leaving you alone with the action...) __The "Metal Gear Solid" parody________________________________________________ Now here it is, the "Metal Gear Solid" parody! The one you all have waited for! The parody comes in that the guards will call for an area sweep if they find a dead body. They will also give up the searching if you hide for too long. Go up the stairs rigth in front of you, ohh it should be worth a notice that you shall NOT use the "Barell and uplink combination" in this part, then you will ruin the whole point! There is a guard here, we hate guards so kill him. Go through the gap he was standing next to, the gap will serve as an entrance to the main area. This is a pain in the ass to do without being spotted by I will do my best to explain this section in a stealthy way. Sneak around the corner and you should see a Henchman stading in front of a door, another guy is walking away from you by the alley to the right. Use your Silenced 9mm to plug them both in their heads. Hug the wall as you go towards the building where the Henchman stood before you killed him. You should find a new weapon here, the Machinegun which is a very powerful sub-machinegun, tough it isn't much help here so re-equip your trusty 9mm. Look towards the electric fence, you should see a guy standing in front of the fence, shoot him in the head and a guard will come running towards his dead bodym plug him in the head before he notice you. You can, if you want, run away and behind some objects and he will give up his search after a while and return to his position on the side of a crate next to the door where a Henchman stood. Whatever you choose, kill him. Go back the way you came then go to the other side of the building, you should see a Henchman walking by a pile of boxes and a car. Put him out of his misery. Go round to the left, you will see another Henchman in the next section, he will walk to the left in the distance, so plug him. Now there is only one enemy left in this area, she can be found if you go by the outer wall and look towards the electric fence location. There are multiple crates here, a Henchwoman is standing on one of them so kill her. If it happens that you get spotted, then there is not much to do more than killing the enemies, coming for you. It's very good to run all way back into the gutter and plug the Henchmen as they are taking the stairs into the gutter. There is also a car which you can use to mow down your enemies. Anyway, you should be able to complete this part in a stealthy way, using my strategy. When the area is clear of enemies, return to the place where you saw a pile of boxes and a car. There is a small building behind the pile of boxes and the door is right around the stack. Enter the building, a Henchwoman will wait for you round the corner and a Henchman is next to the switch so kill them both. Pull the switch on the wall to disable the electricity on the fence, making you able to go through it. Before you exit this house, be sure to pick up the med-kit and the grenades from the shelves. Now exit this house and make it back to the electric fence. Go through the newly opened door. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Machinegun | Kill the Henchman in front of the door. | | [ ] Grenades | In one of the shelves in the control room. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the other shelf in the control room. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * As mentioned in the previous section, a shot needs to hit directly in the enem's head to count as a one hit kill. The enemies at longer range can be hard to hit so it's possible to ruin your cover. I will give you tips on how to survive if you get spotted. 1. Lure the enemies towards one of the many explosive barrels in this area. One explosive barrel can easily take out a whole crowd of enemies. Pick up one with the uplink and throw towards a crowd is also a great choice. 2. There are many crates and other objects in this area which can be used as cover while fighting the enemies in this area. 3. Use the car! If you get spotted by the 2 enemies on the right side of the building, then a car will come. Plug the guards in the car then jack it. Use the car to run over your enemies which will kill any enemy very easy. Just be sure to keep mobile all the time and don't get stuck! 4. You will sometimes blow your cover in the beginning of this section while trying to shoot the guard in front of the door up ahead. Pick up his Machine gun with the uplink from far away then return to the gutter. Plug the enemies with your Machinegun as they go down the stairs to enter the gutter. __Water tower area_____________________________________________________________ Go towards the water tower and rendezvous with Harry. Listen to what he is saying or just ignore him, anyway he will enter the barracks to find some disguises for him and for you. The trouble is, you need to give him sniper cover from the water tower while he is searching for the costumes. So let's start out here, climb up into the water tower using the ladder. Once up, pick up the Sniper rifle, this gun is more powerful than the Vintage rifle, and the scope is so much better so you'll be able to attack from a very long range, and that's what you need to do now. Don't be afraid to use up all the ammo because there are plenty of ammo pickups in the water tower area which will respawn a minute or so after picked up. You can't use the ladder down, instead, jump onto the roof then jump onto the ground on the left side, go towards the left barrack. This needs to be done fast so Harry's health meter won't appear before you are there and can help him. Equip your Machinegun, shoot as a maniac against all the Henchmen/women you see, that's the only real strategy, for this place, tough you can still stay in the water tower and snipe, then do like this: The key with sniping is that you can take the early advantage by sniping some enemies before Harry's health meter appears, you won't be able to do this in the earlier methot unless you are very fast. Zoom out as much as you can to get a decent view of the locations of each Henchman/woman. Then zoom in as much as possible before shooting. You only have to kill about 5-8 Henchmen before Harry moves on to the next barrack. Same strategy here just that this time, you need to use method 2. Zoom out to see the locations of the enemies then zoom all the way in when you shoot. It is also worth mentioning that grenades work great if your aim is good. A few well placed grenades will take care of the lot. After even more (about 5-8) enemies have been killed, Harry will be able to escape from the barracks. Objective; Rescue Tipper complete! Once again, you can't use the ladder to get back down, so jump onto the rooftop but this time, walk into the hole in the roof on the right side of the roof. Go through the door on your right. 2 Henchmen will attack you directly when you enter this area, one of them will attack from the balcony and yet another one will attack from the staircase below. Kill them booth then follow the stair- case down. A Henchwoman will attack when you reach the other side, plug her in her head. Yet another one will attack you as you go down the stairs. You will see a door where the Henchwoman once was, a Henchman will attack from there. Follow the stairs down. The room at the bottom contains 2 angry Henchmen waiting for killing you so plug them. The other room opposite has one Henchman. Go through the door on the right, be sure to grab the grenades. Before you exit this house, be sure to check through each room, I know there will be an armor pickup somewhere, just not remember exactly where. Try to find a room with a hole in the floor. Drop down through the floor, then you will emerge in the room with the armour. Okay, exit this house now. Harry is waiting for you with new costumes. It is possible to do this part without even enter the house but then you need to fight everyone outside instead + missing some valuable items, so I suggest you shall choose the house method. If not, just take cover somewhere outside, and kill all the enemies as they are coming. You will also get a little help from Harry. Change clothes than laugh at Harry while he is wearing a Henchwomans uniform (hehe.) Follow Harry towards the gate, he will open the gates, using his glasses (say something those glasses can't do...) /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Sniper rifle | In the top of the water tower. | | [ ] Sniper rifle ammo | In the top of the water tower. | | [ ] Sniper rifle ammo | In the top of the water tower. | | [ ] Armour | In one of the rooms inside the huge house. I just | | | can't remember exactly where. | | [ ] Grenades | In the last room of the huge house. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * Harry's health bar depletes a lot faster on hard mode so taking out a couple of enemies at a time is great. Try the grenades for example. One well placed grenade will take out several Henchmen which saves you some time. Keep in mind that a sniper bullet need to hit directly in the head to kill the enemy you are shooting at. * Don't enter the building after you have saved Harry. Instead, jump down onto the ground and the enemies will exit the building and come for you which makes it easier to deal with them. The first one will come on the rooftop and then, all enemies will come from the left corner of the building. Throw a grenade into the crowd or shoot them with the Machinegun. __The base_____________________________________________________________________ Follow Harry into the base. While you are wearing the Henchman suit, no one suspects anything so don't shoot anyone! As you enter the base, you will notice some stairs on the right, go up the stairs, and open any of the doors here. Follow the passage round 'til you come to the generator room. You'll notice that the starter motor is switched off, and you need it to be able to activate main power. You should see an engineer by a control panel. He will walk out of this area and take you to the lower floors, you can also kill the engineer and pick up his keycard, it will save you a lot of time. Follow the enginner towards the starter motor. But you need to do something more before the motor can be activated, there is no water flow. You should probably have noticed a corridor to the left so go there. You will arrive in a turbine room, there are 3 engineers here who will all attack when you activate the water flow, so you need to take them out (in a stealthy way of course.) Head down to the main floor, skip the engineer by the control panels and go for the one walking around below first. Plug him in the back of his head while trying to avoid being seen by the guy up ahead. Shoot the engineer down here while he is behind a turbine then the one on the upper floor won't notice. Now go up again and take out the one on the upper floor. This is what's needed to be done in a stealthy way: +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | UPPER FLOOR Engineer | | | | LOWER FLOOR | | ____ ____ | | / \ Turbines / \ | | | --------------- | | | \____/ \____/ | | Engineer 2 | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ Shoot him when he's behind the turbine, remember that? Find the door on the lower level and then make your way through the rooms, in one of the rooms, you will see an alone engineer, this guy is very easy, since he's slone, you don't need to worry that someone else may notice you. Shoot him in the back or front of his head, the choice is up to you! Continue 'til you reach the flow control unit. Turn the crank here. Now go all the way back to the starter motor. Activate the starter motor as well as pick up the med-kit laying beside the motor. Walk up to the surface. Now, here comes the most complicated part of this area so I need to make maps of it, hope you understand Well, I try to explain but it's hard that's why I use maps to help. First of all, you have to take out the guy walking on the balcony by the entrance to the generator area. You have to take him out while he's walking behind the pillars in order to kill him stealthy. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ^ Guard | | | Entrance to sector 3 | | | | <-- Entrance to this area | Wall | | v | |---=------=-----=---=-------=------=---=-----=-----=------=----=---=----=----| | Patrolling guard | | Generator room entrance | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You are able to shoot him all the time when he's behind a pillar, the "=" represent pillars, remember that you have to use a silenced 9mm or else you will be spotted. Your next targets are the 2 Henchwomen walking around on the balcony above you, you need to eliminate them when they aren't in the sight of the Henchman guarding, the gate to sector 3 below. The other Henchwoman also need to be behind a pillar in order to work. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Sector 3 entrance Guard | | ----------H-_---_---_--------------------------------------------------| | | |P| |P| |P| BALCONY | | | H1--------------------------------------------| | | | <-- Entrance to this area^ | | | | | LOWER AREA |^ | | | Stairs to the balcony ---| | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ P = Pillar H = Where the other henchwoman shall be while you are plugging H1 H1 = Where you shall plug the first Henchwoman Okay, now we have the most trouble out of our way, there are only 3 enemies in this area left by now. Go down and go towards the Henchman guarding the gate to sector 3. Try to go up behind him, anyway plug him in the head. There are only 2 left now and they will notice you whatever you do, these are the 2 ladies who where talking at the beginning when you entered this area. Equip your Soviet rifle which you should recieve by killing the guy patrolling on the balcony or the one who guarded the entrance to sector 3. Kill the 2 Henchwomen. Now go back to the generator you checked out at the beginning of this area. You can activate it now. Do so, then go towards the gate to sector 3 and press the button on the left side of the gate. Enter sector 3. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | Next to the starter motor. | | [ ] Soviet rifle | Kill any of these guys; The one patrolling on the | | | balcony or the one guarding the entrance to sector 3. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * Play normally until the point when there are only 3 enemies left. Go and kill the guy who is guarding the entrance to sector 3. This will as usuall alert the 2 womens in the beginning of the area. Run up the ramp and enter the area with the generator. Wait behind the door and plug them both as they enter the area. __Sector 3_____________________________________________________________________ As you enter sector 3, you will be immediately attacked by 3 Henchmen using Grenades and Soviet rifles. One of 'em will hide behind the left corner, throwing grenades at you while the other 2 ones use Soviets. Deal with them the same way as they try to do with you, kill them with your quite powerful Soviet rifle. Get in the car, Harry prefers to take the stairs so leave him for a while. Drive down through the tunnel, drive over the guy by the barrier, destroy the barrier by running over it. Drive until you come to some crates, one morron stands in the middle of the streets so kill him first. Exit the car for now because there are huge chances that you drive over Tipper if using the car. Grenades shouldn't be used now because Harry, most of the time stands in the middle of the enemies, making him a target for your grenade, so use your Soviet rifle. Run up the corridor and turn to the left when you get the chance. You will find a med-kit and armour on a table here. There is also something which interests Tipper, a hostage! Leave Tipper here because he will try to save the hostages. Take the car and keep following the tunnel around until you come to a blast door. * The Henchmen which attack directly as you enter sector 3 can be dangerous since they use Soviet Rifles. You should try to hide behind the car. This doesn't work all the time and it won't protect you from all the bullets but it will definitevely give you an advantage over the other enemies. Take pot shots at the enemies or let Harry do the job. * Use the car to your advantage while killing the enemies in the corridor. Just be careful to not drive over Harry which is easily made in such enclosed areas as this. __Blocked path_________________________________________________________________ Well, there is not much to do here except for taking the right. Do so and open the first door on the right, there are quite many enemies in here, making false money. Throw grenades at these guys and take out the survivors using your Soviet rifle. Find the med-kit on a shelf. Exit this area. Out in the corridor again, continue even longer up and open the blastdoor on the left. Pick up the grenades from the shelf near the shooting range. There is a conveyor on the right wall as you enter this area. Pull the lever on the conveyor to get a tank shell. Pick up the tank shell using your uplink. Take the the shell back to the blast door blocking the path. Throw the shell against the blastdoor then go through. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | On a shelf in the area behind the right blastdoor. | | [ ] Grenades | On a shelf in the area behind the left blastdoor. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * To save some health, ignore the first blastdoor on the right which contains all the enemies. I suggest that you don't fight the enemies because the chances are big that you die in there. __Tunnel_______________________________________________________________________ There are 3 Henchmen here. Run them all down using your car. Get out of the car or use the car to run over the Henchwoman by the large lift. I have to tell you something which probably will make you cry :(. You have to leave your car. After you have spent some time with saying goodbye to your car, enter through the door on the left. This door will lead to a staircase, and this staircase is full of enemies. There is a Henchman waiting in the staircase, longer down, another Henchman and a Booty guard will attack. Kill them. Run towards the bottom of the tunnel. You will see the time traveler but he will escape. He will leave you with 2 Henchmen. Deal with them as all the previous Henchmen. Open the blastdoor on the end of the tunnel to end this mission. * Nothing really special here. It's almost impossible to avoid the enemies in the staircase. Try to duck if you feel for it. The best way is to equip a Sniper rifle and shoot them all in the head as fast as you can. Unlockables: Easy: Swinging Tipper Normal/Hard: Henchman Cortes Total items: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Armour | In the shelf in the basement. | | [ ] Machinegun | Kill the Henchman in front of the door. | | [ ] Grenades | In one of the shelves in the control room. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the other shelf in the control room. | | [ ] Sniper rifle | In the top of the water tower. | | [ ] Sniper rifle ammo | In the top of the water tower. | | [ ] Sniper rifle ammo | In the top of the water tower. | | [ ] Armour | In one of the rooms inside the huge house. I just | | | can't remember exactly where. | | [ ] Grenades | In the last room of the huge house. | | [ ] Med-kit | Next to the starter motor. | | [ ] Soviet rifle | Kill any of these guys; The one patrolling on the | | | balcony or the one guarding the entrance to sector | | | 3. | | [ ] Med-kit | On a shelf in the area behind the right blastdoor. | | [ ] Grenades | On a shelf in the area behind the left blastdoor. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ -------------- Hard mode tips -------------- * It feels like I have already told you everything I know about this section so following the steps above will walk you through this section without too much trouble. One thing which is worth mentioning is that on hard mode, the shot on the Henchmen need to be directly in the head in order to take them down so aim carefully before you shoot. * As mentioned in the previous section, a shot needs to hit directly in the enem's head to count as a one hit kill. The enemies at longer range can be hard to hit so it's possible to ruin your cover. I will give you tips on how to survive if you get spotted. 1. Lure the enemies towards one of the many explosive barrels in this area. One explosive barrel can easily take out a whole crowd of enemies. Pick up one with the uplink and throw towards a crowd is also a great choice. 2. There are many crates and other objects in this area which can be used as cover while fighting the enemies in this area. 3. Use the car! If you get spotted by the 2 enemies on the right side of the building, then a car will come. Plug the guards in the car then jack it. Use the car to run over your enemies which will kill any enemy very easy. Just be sure to keep mobile all the time and don't get stuck! 4. You will sometimes blow your cover in the beginning of this section while trying to shoot the guard in front of the door up ahead. Pick up his Machine gun with the uplink from far away then return to the gutter. Plug the enemies with your Machinegun as they go down the stairs to enter the gutter. * Harry's health bar depletes a lot faster on hard mode so taking out a couple of enemies at a time is great. Try the grenades for example. One well placed grenade will take out several Henchmen which saves you some time. Keep in mind that a sniper bullet need to hit directly in the head to kill the enemy you are shooting at. * Don't enter the building after you have saved Harry. Instead, jump down onto the ground and the enemies will exit the building and come for you which makes it easier to deal with them. The first one will come on the rooftop and then, all enemies will come from the left corner of the building. Throw a grenade into the crowd or shoot them with the Machinegun. * Play normally until the point when there are only 3 enemies left. Go and kill the guy who is guarding the entrance to sector 3. This will as usuall alert the 2 womens in the beginning of the area. Run up the ramp and enter the area with the generator. Wait behind the door and plug them both as they enter the area. * The Henchmen which attack directly as you enter sector 3 can be dangerous since they use Soviet Rifles. You should try to hide behind the car. This doesn't work all the time and it won't protect you from all the bullets but it will definitevely give you an advantage over the other enemies. Take pot shots at the enemies or let Harry do the job. * Use the car to your advantage while killing the enemies in the corridor. Just be careful to not drive over Harry which is easily made in such enclosed areas as this. * To save some health, ignore the first blastdoor on the right which contains all the enemies. I suggest that you don't fight the enemies because the chances are big that you die in there. * Nothing really special here. It's almost impossible to avoid the enemies in the staircase. Try to duck if you feel for it. The best way is to equip a Sniper rifle and shoot them all in the head as fast as you can. ____________________________ The Khallos Express - 1969: \__________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: The Time Traveler has given Cortez the slip - but back at base Anya hopes to trace the Brotherhood of Ultra Science into the future and find a new lead. Meanwhile there are pressing issues to attend to! That twisted dude Khallos is threatening to start World War 3 by firing a nuclear missile from his train. "Hey spaceman!", Harry Tipper needs a hand to save the world and rescue his girl! Main objectives: Find Khallos Prevent the missile launch Destroy the helicopter Deactivate the gas trap Stop the train Secondary Objectives: None Walkthrough: __Back carriage________________________________________________________________ No ticket! Harry will throw a Henchman off the train rigth in front of your eyes as you start. Start as the earlier mission by putting on the Silencer on your 9mm Pistol. There is no time for stealth on this mission (thanks goodness) but since the level is so long and straight forward, you'll be able to see the enemies from quite a distance, making sniping a good combat strategy. Head into the cabin of the engine and notice the Henchman on the tank up ahead. The best strategy is to duck behind the window then zoom in on his head and shoot him. You can also run towards him and gun him down if you feel for that. Climb up the ladder. __Top of carriage______________________________________________________________ You will arrive on the roof of the next carriage, your progress towards the front carriage has begun. Go straight forward and you will be attacked by a Henchwoman, plug her in the head. Don't jump down onto the next carriage just yet. Instead, notice the Henchmen down there. You will be able to do this in a stealthy way. There are 4 Henchmen in total here, 2 at the back, one is on the left and one is in front of him on the left. Equip your silencer once again and plug them all in their heads. Now it's time for you to to jump down onto the carriage. Go through this "mini-maze" all the way to the other carriage, open door on the end. * You will have to back up slightly when the Henchmen down on the train-cart notice you to avoid being hit when they fire at you. Find a good moment to shoot at them then back up when they are about to shoot you to avoid getting hit. Repeat this until all are dead __Inside the train_____________________________________________________________ Once you enter the door, one of the Henchmen will man a stationary machinegun, you can choose the complicated way, to hide behind cover on the left as you enter this area, or do this in a more "professional" way. Notice the stack of barrels on the right of the machinegun nest. Shoot at these barrels and they will fall onto the machinegun, causing the manner + the nearest Henchman to explode. As you continue, 2 more will attack from the end of this carriage, blast both of them then enter the next carriage via the door up ahead. * Be sure to hit the barrels on the right side of the room quickly, the sooner the better since it will take out most of the surrounding henchmen as well which makes it easier for you to proceed. * The 2 enemies at the end of this carriage may come as a surprise from behind the door so be quick on the trigger and give them one bullet in the head each. They may try to melee attack you if they get too close so don't let that happen. __Radio room___________________________________________________________________ Sneak up to the room on the left, there are 2 Henchmen in this room, one is by the radio and the other one is just sitting by the table. Equip your Silencer one more time and shoot the one by the radio first. The other guard will notice you and use a table as cover, this guy also has a Machinegun as his weapon. Burst into the room and plug the guy behind the table. Make sure to pick up his dropped Machinegun. There is also a med-kit on the top of the shelf in this area, tough you need to use the uplink in order to get it. Harry will try to signal to the HQ so leave him here. Exit this room and head into the next train carriage. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Machinegun | Kill the guy, hiding behin the table. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the top of the shelf in the radio room. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * Oh, crap a Machinegun. These where dangerous back in normal mode so I just wonder how much these hurt on hard mode. I actually don't want to know that either. Start with plugging the one by the radio as usuall. Hide behind the corner outside the room then take pot shots. Remember that he is sitting so you have to aim lower in order to hit him in the head. Pick up the med-kit from the shelf if you get hit by his weapon. Ooooh that's gotta hurt! __Passenger area_______________________________________________________________ Hehe, this is real fun! Try opening the door to the toilet on the right side as you enter this carriage, the Henchwoman sitting in their will start to grown (I wonder what she is doing in there...). This area contains many enemies, but it shouldn't be a very big problem for your machinegun to mow them all down, the biggest problem by now is the helicopter outside which constantly shoots at the carriage. There are 2 Henchmen waiting in the corridor run into the carriage and shoot against them with your Machinegun. As you are going past the cabins, several Henchmen will pop out and attack you with Machineguns, shoot them all with your Machinegun. If needed, then there is a health pack in the 3:rd cabin. When you reach the end of this corridor, a Henchman will attack, shoot him down. Turn around and guess what you will see? The Hench- woman who was in the toilet a few minutes earlier, has she finished now? Hope so, ohh... she stinks! euh! Well, plug her then continue and exit this carriage via the door on the end. Note: Duck behind the windows or hide in the cabins, then you won't be hit by the helicopter's bullets. Note: There is also an armour pickup in the last cabin. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | On the bench in the 3:rd cabin. | | [ ] Armour | On the bench in the last cabin, must use uplink. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * This area can be harder than you thought on hard mode. First of all, the chopper outside is a big treat since it's machineguns will damage you heavily if it hits you. Start with picking off the guards in the corridor and then enter one of the cabins. Duck in the cabin to avoid getting hit by the chopper then kill the remaining enemies as they enter your cabin. Don't let you being ambushed by the women who was on the toilet in the beginning of this area. Crouch under the windows to avoid being hit while moving towards the other side of the carriage. __Helicopter area______________________________________________________________ The fmailiar chopper will attack you right as you enter this area! =============================================================================== Boss fight: Army helicopter (Hunter) =============================================================================== Well, not a real boss actually because it hasn't got a health meter and only one simple thing is needed to be done in order to destroy it. I list it as a boss enemy because it's a unique enemy for this chapter. It will only appear 2 times in the game, and these 2 times are on this mission. It can also deal out quite a lot of damage. Well, I start out with an explanation of what exactly you need to do (simple thing) in order to kill this helicopter. First of all notice the huge crates, blocking the path. These are your cover, the only way to hide from the chopper's bullets. But you need to destroy the crates in order to get to your destionation. Equip your Machinegun and use it to destroy the huge tree-box up ahead, if you need cover then hide behind any of the other boxes in this area. After the tree-box is destroyed, continue and destroy the other one you encounter. You have now cleared the path to a SAM site. But you need to activate it in some way. There is a control panel for the SAM site on a box to the left at the end of this carriage. Wait for the chopper to finnish shooting then run towards and activate the SAM site using the panel. The SAM site will shoot several rockets against the chopper, causing the helicopter to explode, you are now good to go. Climb up the ladder on the end of this carriage. -------- Attacks: -------- - Machinegun Damage: Low x bullet --------------- Weapons to use: --------------- - No weapon Why: You can't hurt it using weapons, you have to activate the SAM site. ------------------- Weapons NOT to use: ------------------- - Pistol 9mm Why: You can't hurt him with this gun. - Machinegun Why: You can't hurt him with this gun. - Fists Why: You could probably not hurt him with this even if you could attack him. - Gun whacks Why: Same as for fists. =============================================================================== * The helicopter's machinegun fire is very damaging on hard mode so you shall avoid being hit as much as possible. Sadly, this isn't an easy task. You may have to destroy your only cover in order to get to the SAM site. If the helicopter appears behind you, rush as hell to the tree-box and pepper it down with gunfire. Hide behind any of the other crates in this area if you really need. These won't help as much as the tree-crates but will still save you from some of the bullets. Quickly run to the other crate and destroy it too. The SAM site control panel is located at the end of the carriage on a crate to the left of the ladder. Make a run to it's location and activate it fast as hell. Short summary: Quickly destroy the crate in front of you then run towards the other crate and ignore the chopper as you go. Destroy the crate then head for the SAM site control panel and activate it. __Carriage roof________________________________________________________________ As you go down the roof of the carriage, 2 Henchmen will pop up from the roof doors on the left, deal with them like you have done to all other ones. As you reach the end of the carriage, notice the guys down on the next carriage, equip your silenced 9mm and snipe them all in their heads. One of them is hiding behind the tree-box to the left near the end of the carriage. You have to destroy that crate with the machinegun before you can get a clear shot at the guy behind. After everyone is killed, jump down onto the carriage and collect their dropped Soviet rifles. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Soviet rifle | Kill any of the 2 Henchmen down on the carriage. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * Do never, I mean never jump down onto the next carriage before ALL enemies down there are killed. This means the one with the Soviet rifle a bit to the left, the women in front of the tree-box and the guy who is hiding behind the box. Destroy the box from your location with the Machinegun or simply pick up the Soviet rifle from the carriage with your uplink. It's all up to you what you want to do. Just be sure that everyone on the carriage is killed before you jump down since all of them wields incredibly strong weapons which can kill you with a few hits on hard mode. Oh, now this is hardcore! __The trap_____________________________________________________________________ You will be trapped on this carriage with yet another chopper, this time you don't have to fight it yourself tough. Future Cortes will do the job for you but YOU have to take out the Henchmen, shooting at Future Cortes. Well, after the cutscene, all explosive barrels, oil barrels and gas canisters will explode if you didn't destroy them before. Try to stay out of their way when they explode. Okay, to start things out with, the Henchmen who wants to kill your future self arrive on any of the carriages around Future Cortes. Use your Soviet rifle or Machinegun to take them out, after about 3-4 Henchmen are killed, the chopper will be destroyed too + crashing into the carriage next to you, revealing a burning Henchman. Kill the Henchman and continue. Walk through the door on the end of this next area, this will lead to the armory. * This part can be incredibly hard and frustrating on hard mode since the chopper will be able to pepper you to pieces with it's armed miniguns! There isn't any point of cover so you will have to stay mobile at all times to avoid his fire. You may have to stay away from the oil as well since it will be able to hurt you if it connects to your body or if something manages to set it on fire. * As for the Henchmen. They are still that weak as usuall and can go down with a few Pistol shots, use the Soviet rifle to take them down even quicker. They will still only focus on Future Cortes so take your time to finish them off. Future Cortes has a high amount of health so he won't die if you don't take about 2 minutes to kill the Henchmen __Armory_______________________________________________________________________ You will arrive in the armory carriage. They are also 4 Henchmen here, all waiting to be killed. Strafe to the left and shoot the guy in front of you. The other ones shall probably run out from the armory and start to shoot at you. Kill them all with your Soviet rifle or Machinegun, don't be afraid to waste ammo there are plenty of ammo for all your weapons in the armory. Enter the armory room and see all weapons on the wall, pick up all ammo you need, then be sure to pick up the Tactical 12 Gauge, a very powerful pump action shotgun, capable of taking down any normal enemy with one single shot. There is also a med-kit on a table to the left and a armour high up on the shelf to the right you need to use your uplink to get it. Exit the armory and go round the corner, a Henchman is waiting here so blast him with your new weapon. Climb up the ladder as you go outside. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Machinegun | On the wall. | | [ ] Machinegun | On the wall. | | [ ] Machinegun | On the wall. | | [ ] Machinegun | On the wall. | | [ ] Machinegun | On the wall. | | [ ] Machinegun | On the wall. | | [ ] Pistol 9mm | On the wall. | | [ ] Soviet rifle | On the wall. | | [ ] Soviet rifle | On the wall. | | [ ] Tactical 12 Gauge | On the wall. | | [ ] Tactical 12 Gauge | On the wall. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the bench to the left. | | [ ] Med-kit | High up on the bench to the right. Uplink needed. | | [ ] Armour | High up on the bench to the right. Uplink needed. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * The Henchmen in this area come in a big group so they can be hard to avoid and can deal out much damage to your character. Hide behind the wall until one or more Henchman come out from the room. Step out from your hiding spot and shoot the Henchmen. Do never enter the armory if any Henchman is alive in there, at least not if you are low on health since their Machineguns can finish you off pretty fast. __Inside the train_____________________________________________________________ Once you reach the other carriage a cutscene will play. After the cutscene, you will be faced against 4 Henchmen, put them all out of their misery with your new pwnage weapon, the 12 gauge. Pick up all the ammo from their dead bodys then go to the other side of this room and open the door. Pick up the rockets from both sides of the door before going out. Open the door and pick up the Heatseeker, laying on the ground. A chopper will appear... =============================================================================== Boss fight: Army helicopter (Hunter) =============================================================================== This time it's your turn to take out the chopper while Past Cortes deals with the Henchmen. There is only one thing which can destroy this chopper and that is your Heatseeker. You have to lock onto the chopper, aim at the chopper with your Heatseeker amd after a few seconds, the Heatseeker will lock onto the chopper. The circle around the chopper will turn red when locked on. After you have locked onto the chopper, fire a rocket against it. Lock on once again and shoot another rocket. After 3 rockets have hit the chopper, it will go to hell! If you need ammo, then just go back in and pick up the rockets from beside the door. And you don't need to worry about the Henchmen above you, Past Cortes deal with them. -------- Attacks: -------- - Machinegun Damage: Low x bullet --------------- Weapons to use: --------------- - Heatseeker Why: The only weapon which can take down the chopper. ------------------- Weapons NOT to use: ------------------- - Pistol 9mm Why: You can't hurt him with this gun. - Machinegun Why: You can't hurt him with this gun. - Soviet rifle Why: You can't hurt him with this gun - Tactical 12 Gauge Why: You can't hurt him with this gun. - Fists Why: You could probably not hurt him with this even if you could attack him. - Gun whacks Why: Same as for fists. =============================================================================== When the chopper has been destroyed, go back the way you came and a cutscene will play, showing Cortes jumping back onto the other train. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Heatseeker | On the floor in the outside area where you have to| | | destroy the chopper. | | [ ] Heatseeker rockets | On the left of the door before you enter the area | | | with the chopper. | | [ ] Heatseeker rockets | On the right of the door before you enter the area| | | with the chopper. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * Use your new weapon to own the foes in this area. Start with running up and shoot the Henchman who tries to take cover. Use the object here as your own cover while you shoot the Henchmen as they approach you. * This helicopter is much, much easier than the previous chopper since you have a Rocket launcher this time. Enter the train in every reload animation to avoid getting hit while you reload. This is useful since you won't take any damage. * It wouldn't hurt to help Past Cortes with the Henchmen since he is sometimes lazy with takeing them out and this will lead to you getting damaged and that's not good. Try to shoot the Henchmen when you get the chance to help Past Cortes as well as save yourself some health. __Passenger area_______________________________________________________________ Arm your strongest weapon (probably the Tactical 12 Gauge.) Sneak round the corner and quickly blast the Henchman with the twin Machineguns. Pick up his twin Machineguns. These babies can mow down a Henchman with only a few shots so it shall absolutely be your primary weapon for the end of this mission, as long as you have ammo for it. That's just good because 4 Henchmen are waiting for you behind the corner. Plug them all and go towards the door to the next carriage, one more Henchman waits here so shoot him. * OMFG OMFG OMFG!!! Henchmen...Twin Machineguns...!! OMFG!! Well, I'm so sorry about that. This part can be a pain in the ass at least when you are low on health. The Henchmen has a better weapon this time around. The Twin Machine- guns. They are twice as dangerous and can slice through anyone who doesn't where a bulletproof vest. Nah. I' kidding. The bulletproof vests can go to hell because they doesn't exist. There isn't any real way to hide here either. The best way is to hide in any of the cabins, this will give you the upper hand while the enemies try to kill you. There isn't any chopper to worry about this time. __Just another carriage..._____________________________________________________ There are 3 Henchmen in this carriage who will all attack once you enter the carriage. As you pass the door, another one on the other train will shoot at you so plug him before the other train dissapears. Harry will catch up with you at this point. Go through the door on the other side. * Don't enter the carriage before all the enemies are killed. Open the door then hide behind the door and take pot shots at the Henchmen until they are all dead. __Khallos personal carriage____________________________________________________ This carriage is more crowded, it looks like a bar. There are about 5 Henchmen in here, 4 in the bar and one by the storyboard to the left as you enter this area. Kill all of them and check by the storyboard, it shows different scenes from Timesplitters Future Perfect story missions. Pick up all the dropped weapons then go look by the bar desk, there shall be a drunken guard here + a guard who will attack from the entrance on the opposite side than the one you used to enter this area. Take him out then go to the slot machine, located in this carriage. I still don't know if you get something special if you win... Exit this carriage then go up the stairs on your left. You will see a tunnel up here, enter it. * Luckily, there are many objects in this area which you can hide behind. The main thing would be the bar but it's far too dangerous to get there so you will have to take out the guy by the story-board and hide here. Shoot everyone who's left in the carriage and hide behind the bar when the last one appears. __Gas trap_____________________________________________________________________ You will encounter Khallos, and as he isn't your best friend, he will trap you in a gas trap. The oxygen meter at the top of the screen indicates how long you and Harry can be in here without taking any damage. You need to escape fast, notice the switch Khallos used to trap you in here, use your uplink to free you from the trap. Enter this room. There is a safe at the very left end of this room, which Harry will try to open, he will succeed and the safe will reveal a health pack. Khallos robot-cat Strudel is parked in her, so use it to drive around if you feel fo it. Pull the switch on the right wall beside the desk as you enter this area. You will open a door. 2 Henchwomen will appear, kill them both then go back the way you came through the tunneal, down the stairs then turn right and go through the newly opened door. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | Let Harry open the safe. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * Trap the 2 Henchwomen in the gas trap after pulling the switch in order to avoid the fight with them. They both wield/Machinegun/Soviet rifle so it can be good to prevent the fight to save you some health. __Missile area_________________________________________________________________ The missile is in this carriage, ready to be launched but you have to stop it and that's fast! Run past the missile and gun down the 2 Henchmen on the end. Go through the door and go up to the puzzle on the right. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This puzzle works like this; You have to turn the segments so that the blue reach the other blue, the green reaches the other green. I'm very sorry to say this but this puzzle is random, it isn't the same solution all the time, so I can't give you a solution, tough I have found that one specific solution appears quite often and it is this one: I can only say one thing, GOOD LUCK! It wouldn't be too hard to beat since this one is quite easy... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - After the puzzle is solved, pick up the armour under the desk, then exit this carriage. Climb the ladder up to the other carriage. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Armour | Under the desk on the left. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * A very simple strategy for taking on the 2 Henchmen in the missile area is to duck behind the edge of the missile to avoid being hit by the Henchmen. Shoot them as they approach you. __Final carriage_______________________________________________________________ Walk straight forward until you be stopped by Khallos. =============================================================================== Boss fight: Khallos =============================================================================== Khallos will attack you with a jetpack. He's not too hard tough, he's very easy. His only attack is to throw a blue laser bolt towards you, they are easy avoided tough, just strafe away from them. His health is also easy to deplete, I suggest you shall use your twin machineguns first, if you have any ammo left in them. Shoot at Khallos body with your Machineguns, try to aim for the head bu it's almost impossible because Khallos flies around all the time. When you run out of ammo in your twin machineguns, equip your Soviet rifle or Tactical 12 Gauge, I recommend the Soviet rifle tough, because it's easy to be inacurate with the 12 Gauge during this battle. After Khallos has about 1/3 left of his health, then he will lose accuracy and Harry will say: In your face Khallos! When Khallos has been defeated, he will fly away into the distance. -------- Attacks: -------- - Laser bolts Damage: Low How to avoid: Strafe away from them. --------------- Weapons to use: --------------- - Pistol 9mm Why: Does a little bit of damage, tough not recommended. - Machinegun (x2) Why: The twin Manchineguns are probably the best choice in this fight. - Soviet Rifle Why: Does a lot of damage, highly recommended. - Tactical 12 Gauge Why: Does a lot of damage when hit, it can be easy to be inacurate with this weapon, tough. I recommend the Machineguns over this weapon. ------------------- Weapons NOT to use: ------------------- - Fists Why: You can't reach him with your fists. - Gun whacks Why: You can't reach him. =============================================================================== Continue to the end of this carriage and drop down. * Khallos is still an easy fool to beat even on hard mode. As yuo would think, this guy doesn't need any extra strategy to be beaten in an easy way. One thing to note is to strafe to avoid being hit by his laser bolts. They don't hurt that much at all but it's good to avoid them. Spam him with any type of gunfire as usuall and he will probably go down within a few minutes. He really isn't that hard! __Front carriage_______________________________________________________________ Run up to the engine and pull the brake lever to end this mission! Unlockables: Easy: Kitten Celeste Normal/Hard: Elite Henchwoman Total items: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Machinegun | Kill the guy, hiding behin the table. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the top of the shelf in the radio room. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the bench in the 3:rd cabin. | | [ ] Armour | On the bench in the last cabin, must use uplink. | | [ ] Soviet rifle | Kill any of the 2 Henchmen down on the carriage. | | [ ] Machinegun | On the wall. | | [ ] Machinegun | On the wall. | | [ ] Machinegun | On the wall. | | [ ] Machinegun | On the wall. | | [ ] Machinegun | On the wall. | | [ ] Machinegun | On the wall. | | [ ] Pistol 9mm | On the wall. | | [ ] Soviet rifle | On the wall. | | [ ] Soviet rifle | On the wall. | | [ ] Tactical 12 Gauge | On the wall. | | [ ] Tactical 12 Gauge | On the wall. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the bench to the left. | | [ ] Med-kit | High up on the bench to the right. Uplink needed. | | [ ] Armour | High up on the bench to the right. Uplink needed. | | [ ] Heatseeker | On the floor in the outside area where you have to | | | destroy the chopper. | | [ ] Heatseeker rockets | On the left of the door before you enter the area | | | with the chopper. | | [ ] Heatseeker rockets | On the right of the door before you enter the area | | | with the chopper. | | [ ] Med-kit | Let Harry open the safe. | | [ ] Armour | Under the desk on the left. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ -------------- Hard mode tips -------------- * You will have to back up slightly when the Henchmen down on the train-cart notice you to avoid being hit when they fire at you. Find a good moment to shoot at them then back up when they are about to shoot you to avoid getting hit. Repeat this until all are dead. * Be sure to hit the barrels on the right side of the room quickly, the sooner the better since it will take out most of the surrounding henchmen as well which makes it easier for you to proceed. * The 2 enemies at the end of this carriage may come as a surprise from behind the door so be quick on the trigger and give them one bullet in the head each. They may try to melee attack you if they get too close so don't let that happen. * Oh, crap a Machinegun. These where dangerous back in normal mode so I just wonder how much these hurt on hard mode. I actually don't want to know that either. Start with plugging the one by the radio as usuall. Hide behind the corner outside the room then take pot shots. Remember that he is sitting so you have to aim lower in order to hit him in the head. Pick up the med-kit from the shelf if you get hit by his weapon. Ooooh that's gotta hurt! * This area can be harder than you thought on hard mode. First of all, the chopper outside is a big treat since it's machineguns will damage you heavily if it hits you. Start with picking off the guards in the corridor and then enter one of the cabins. Duck in the cabin to avoid getting hit by the chopper then kill the remaining enemies as they enter your cabin. Don't let you being ambushed by the women who was on the toilet in the beginning of this area. Crouch under the windows to avoid being hit while moving towards the other side of the carriage. * The helicopter's machinegun fire is very damaging on hard mode so you shall avoid being hit as much as possible. Sadly, this isn't an easy task. You may have to destroy your only cover in order to get to the SAM site. If the helicopter appears behind you, rush as hell to the tree-box and pepper it down with gunfire. Hide behind any of the other crates in this area if you really need. These won't help as much as the tree-crates but will still save you from some of the bullets. Quickly run to the other crate and destroy it too. The SAM site control panel is located at the end of the carriage on a crate to the left of the ladder. Make a run to it's location and activate it fast as hell. Short summary: Quickly destroy the crate in front of you then run towards the other crate and ignore the chopper as you go. Destroy the crate then head for the SAM site control panel and activate it. * Do never, I mean never jump down onto the next carriage before ALL enemies down there are killed. This means the one with the Soviet rifle a bit to the left, the women in front of the tree-box and the guy who is hiding behind the box. Destroy the box from your location with the Machinegun or simply pick up the Soviet rifle from the carriage with your uplink. It's all up to you what you want to do. Just be sure that everyone on the carriage is killed before you jump down since all of them wields incredibly strong weapons which can kill you with a few hits on hard mode. Oh, now this is hardcore! * This part can be incredibly hard and frustrating on hard mode since the chopper will be able to pepper you to pieces with it's armed miniguns! There isn't any point of cover so you will have to stay mobile at all times to avoid his fire. You may have to stay away from the oil as well since it will be able to hurt you if it connects to your body or if something manages to set it on fire. * As for the Henchmen. They are still that weak as usuall and can go down with a few Pistol shots, use the Soviet rifle to take them down even quicker. They will still only focus on Future Cortes so take your time to finish them off. Future Cortes has a high amount of health so he won't die if you don't take about 2 minutes to kill the Henchmen. * The Henchmen in this area come in a big group so they can be hard to avoid and can deal out much damage to your character. Hide behind the wall until one or more Henchman come out from the room. Step out from your hiding spot and shoot the Henchmen. Do never enter the armory if any Henchman is alive in there, at least not if you are low on health since their Machineguns can finish you off pretty fast. * Use your new weapon to own the foes in this area. Start with running up and shoot the Henchman who tries to take cover. Use the object here as your own cover while you shoot the Henchmen as they approach you. * This helicopter is much, much easier than the previous chopper since you have a Rocket launcher this time. Enter the train in every reload animation to avoid getting hit while you reload. This is useful since you won't take any damage. * It wouldn't hurt to help Past Cortes with the Henchmen since he is sometimes lazy with takeing them out and this will lead to you getting damaged and that's not good. Try to shoot the Henchmen when you get the chance to help Past Cortes as well as save yourself some health. * OMFG OMFG OMFG!!! Henchmen...Twin Machineguns...!! OMFG!! Well, I'm so sorry about that. This part can be a pain in the ass at least when you are low on health. The Henchmen has a better weapon this time around. The Twin Machine- guns. They are twice as dangerous and can slice through anyone who doesn't where a bulletproof vest. Nah. I' kidding. The bulletproof vests can go to hell because they doesn't exist. There isn't any real way to hide here either. The best way is to hide in any of the cabins, this will give you the upper hand while the enemies try to kill you. There isn't any chopper to worry about this time. * Don't enter the carriage before all the enemies are killed. Open the door then hide behind the door and take pot shots at the Henchmen until they are all dead. * Luckily, there are many objects in this area which you can hide behind. The main thing would be the bar but it's far too dangerous to get there so you will have to take out the guy by the story-board and hide here. Shoot everyone who's left in the carriage and hide behind the bar when the last one appears. * Trap the 2 Henchwomen in the gas trap after pulling the switch in order to avoid the fight with them. They both wield/Machinegun/Soviet rifle so it can be good to prevent the fight to save you some health. * A very simple strategy for taking on the 2 Henchmen in the missile area is to duck behind the edge of the missile to avoid being hit by the Henchmen. Shoot them as they approach you. * Khallos is still an easy fool to beat even on hard mode. As yuo would think, this guy doesn't need any extra strategy to be beaten in an easy way. One thing to note is to strafe to avoid being hit by his laser bolts. They don't hurt that much at all but it's good to avoid them. Spam him with any type of gunfire as usuall and he will probably go down within a few minutes. He really isn't that hard! ___________________________ Mansion Of Madness - 1994: \___________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Anya has traced the Brotherhood of Ultra Science to an isolated creepy Conneticut mansion house in 1994. There's no time to lose - Anya's research has revealed that the mansion will burn to the ground on this very night! Good news is that Cortez has a resourceful new chum to help him out, the very capable Jo-Beth Casey, the bad news is that the mansion is infested by zombies. Eugh! Main Objectives: Investigate the mansion Rescue the scientist Investigate the attic Locate lab entrance Defeat the creature Secondary Objectives: None Walkthrough: __Courtyard____________________________________________________________________ You start out in the mansion courtyard. You've also got a new partner, the "slut" Jo-beth, well if you read the text on his shirt, then you will see that "slut" is written on it. Well, enough talk about Jo-beth and his nasty shirt, look on the huge house in front of you, how shall we get in there? Well, it's actually easier done then said because Cortes is a bit smarter then Jo-beth and prefers to take the front door while Jo-beth prefered to take the window, that was before Cortes arrived anyway. Walk up towards the mansion then go up the stairs at the end, open the huge door here to enter the mansion. A cutscene will play when Cortes and Jo-beth enters the mansion. __Mansion entrance_____________________________________________________________ Right as you enter the mansion, the professor in fron of you will tell you to get out of the mansion when you still can (what a coward). Tough, his life will end shortly after. Pick up the Flame Thrower which is right in front of you. After Jo-beth have talked about her shit, some ghosts will appear. These enemies will only appear one time in the game and it's now. Yeah, now here! They are also one of the easiest enemy type you will ever encounter in story mode. The ghosts can make themselves invisible but that wouldn't be a very big problem, as long as you have ammo in your Flamethrower you can defeat them easy as hell. Well the only thing which is needed to be done in order to take out these spooks is to shoot one flame with the flamethrower towards them. If the flame hits the ghost, then the ghost will burn to it's death. There are about 5 ghosts which needs to be killed in order to open the door on the right. It's possible to take out all the ghosts with one single flame burst, if hit while all the ghosts are near eachother. After you have killed all the ghosts, the door at the end of the right corridor will open, if you don't find the way, don't worry tough, Jo-beth will take the lead here. Pick up the Baseball bat which you will find on the floor in front of the door, there is also a med-kit in the wardrobe and one in the cupboard, there is at least one on normal and the one in the wardrobe shall appear at least on easy. After you've collected the stuff you need, head through the door up ahead. Now here's what I call nasty, 3 ZOMBIES will attack you as you enter this area, luckily zombies are easy beheaded with the baseball bat and they aren't too dangerous either since they only attack with fists and baseball bats (zombies with shotguns will come later). Equip your baseball and start smacking towards the zombies heads. Their heads will pop off after 3 hits with the baseball bat, about 1-2 on easy and about 6 on hard mode. Start out with killing the zombie by the pool table, then take the 2 other guys. More zombies will come from the hole in the wall, some of them will have baseball bats while most of them use their fists. There is a Revolver by the dead body to the left of the hole, pick it up but save it for later because you won't get that much ammo for it. When all the zombies are killed, the door on the left of the hole will open automatically, head through it. You will see a ghost on the other side of the room, it's not same kind of ghost as the ones you killed in the beginning of the level, this one can't be killed. As you go closer to the ghost, it will form a wall of fire straight over the floor + waking 2 zombies which will be put on fire. Zombies on fire isn't very easy dealth with if you use a baseball bat so I suggest that you equip your Revolver which you found in the previous room. Well it's of course possible to kill them using your bat but it will damage you, since you will hurt everytime you are put on fire. Well, arm your Revolver and shoot them in their heads. You must get a clear shot in the head in order to take them down quickly, if you miss then you have to try again. It's of course possible to kill the zombies without shooting their heads off but it will waste a lot of ammo so I suggest that you try to shoot them in their heads. The doors on the right of this room will open after you have killed both the flame-zombies, so head through them. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Flamethrower | Right in front of you when you enter the mansion. | | [ ] Baseball bat | In front of the door before you enter the room with your| | | first zombies. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the cupboard in the same area as the baseball bat. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the wardrobe in the same area as the baseball bat. | | | I'm not sure if this one appears on normal, tough. | | [ ] Revolver | By the dead body to the left of the hole in the wall in | | | same area as your first zombies. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * Extreme tip for dealing with zombies on hard mode: Well, this may or may not look very helpful to you but this strategy is actually and will sometimes even save you some health while you deal with zombies using your bat. The zombies need 6 hits to the head in order to die while playing on hard mode. This makes it very easy to actually get hit by the zombie while you fling your bat. I have found 2 effective ways in order to avoid this. 1. Go towards the zombie and start flinging your bat. Swing about 2-3 times back away from the zombie. Go towards it once again and swing. You should be able to smack it 3 more times which kills it. 2. This is a more aggression method which will take out the zombie even faster than the previous method. Do as usuall but circle the zombie all the time while you swing your bat towards it's head. Start with in front of hit then go to it's back. Swing the back and go behind it while it faces you until you have killed the zombie. Note: Nothing of these strategys are required they are just here for you who wants to make sure to not get hurt by any zombie. Most of the zombies will actually stun for a while after a bat swing to the head. * Watch out for the flame-zombies because they are very damaging. One thing which helps is to point the crosshair of your Revolver in head-height just before you enter the room with the 2 flame-zombies. The zombies will fall and go up again randomly as usuall but this makes it a bit easier because you don't have to train the crosshair while in the room. Note: Do never try to deal with flame-zombies by using your bat! It's just pure suicide. __Courtyard____________________________________________________________________ The courtyard seems full of some wormlike creatures. There are 2 scientists in the tree up above, one of them will try to make a run for it but meets a swift end (poor guy). Well your primary objective here is to prevent the other scientist for getting the same fate, this can only be done by taking down all the worms in this area. The scientist will tell you that there is a Flamethrower somewhere in the left of this area, you should have plenty of ammo in your own Flamethrower but if it happens that you need ammo then you are always welcome to pick it up, it will respawn every 20-30 second or so. This is also a unique enemy for this mission, it only appears in this part of the mission to. The best strategy to deal with these guys is to walk onto the grass, hide somewhere where you can't be attacked from the back, like towards one of the grass walls. The worms will pop up in front of you sooner or later, then torch them with your Flamethrower. There are 5 worms which have to be killed in order to make the scientist able to get down from the tree. After that is done, head towwards the gap in the grass-wall to the left as you enter this area. Head all way round and pick up the Revolver ammo from the ground. Head back into the mansion. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Flamethrower | Somewhere in the left corner of the courtyard. | | [ ] Revolver | Go into the gap in the grass wall and go all the way | | | round, the Revolver is on the ground. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * Not any real strategy for this part of the stage since the worms die just as easy as they did on normal/easy mode. Torch them with the flamethrower whenever anyone dares to show up and you will be fine. Try to stay on the stairs but if that takes too much time, enter the grass and stay by one of the grass-walls so you prevent from being attacked from behind. These guys can deal some serious damage. __Path to the dining room______________________________________________________ The scientist will tell you about the attic as well as thanking you for your help. The firewall which the ghost caused earlie will die now, revealing a set of double doors on the other end. When you have gone through the door, there will be 2 Shotguns on both sides of the wall, one on the right and one on the left wall, pick up both then continue straight on. Your Shotgun shall be your primary weapon by now, it's very powerful and good for decapitating zombies. It lacks reload speed as well as clip capacity. Continue until you come to a door, open it to enter the dining room. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Shotgun | On the right wall after you've gone through the door. | | [ ] Shotgun | On the left wall after you've gone through the door. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Dining room__________________________________________________________________ *******************IT'S ACTUALLY POSSIBLE TO SKIP THIS PART******************** Yeah, it is actually possible to skip this section of the level, actually the whole dining room section can be skipped, I don't know if this is a glitch or what the f*ck it is, anyway here goes: Sometimes when you enter this area, Jo-beth will walk towards the other side towards the door which will slam shut trapping you in hear with the zombies. When Jo-beth goes towards the door, shoot her in her back with the Revolver, she will jump forward for each shot, shoot her until she's behind the door, then the door won't lock. ******************************************************************************* Okay, this room is really crowded, not from the beginning but you'll see. There is a total of about 11 zombies in this room which will all come in waves of about 2-3 each. Well, Jo-beth has got an own Shotgun now! But that's not the best news, her accuracy is awful, she will get headshots some times but not often at all, she also has a habit of hitting you! So try to stay away from her while she is shooting. As said before the zombies will drop in from the above level in waves of 2-3 each time, some of the zombies will have baseball bats and 2 of them have SHOTGUNS! 2 zombies will drop down at the beginning, none of these have a weapon so they won't be too hard, kill them with your Shotgun. Now, zombies will drop down from everywhere, I can't give you locations but look around in the room to see where the zombies are, Jo-beth will also give you a helping hand here. Some of the zombies will have shotguns, these are your main targets because they are the most dangerous ones. Kill them first when they arrive. After all zombies are killed, the moose head on the wall will come to life! Meet the Deerhaunter! =============================================================================== Boss fight: Deerhaunter =============================================================================== The moose is loose! Now it's time for you to meet the Deerhaunter! Like in many other boss battles, there are several ways to defeat this guy, some strategys are easier than other and some requires more skills. Remember that the thougher strategys are also the most fun ones! 1. The Deerhaunter can be hard at some times. He's very fast, making him able to run up on you and punch you with his claws. He can also stuck you in the corners of the room. If that happens, blast him with the Shotgun in his head to stun him for a while + make him straggle backwards making you able to escape. A very good strategy is to backtrack in circles around the room and shoot him while doing so, this can be dangerous at some points because it's easy to get stuck but then do like my above strategy. Jo-beth will also be to a lot of help during this fight. He will be down after about 12-15 Shotgun bullets on normal. There is a med-kit in the cupboard in the right of this room. 2. This is a real noob strategy and isn't near as fun as the other one, I recommend that you choose the other strategy but anyway. Remember the hole, the Deerhaunter broke out from, go into that hole. For some very strange reason, the Deerhaunter can't enter the hole again so now you are free to shoot him until he dies, he won't even be able to hurt you. Note: On hard mode, be sure to collect as much ammo for the Shotgun as possible, I ran out of ammo one time since it takes quite many bullets to kill him on hard. I couldn't kill him and couldn't get out so I had to restart. -------- Attacks: -------- - Claw swipe Damage: Fair How to avoid: Run away from the deerhaunter. --------------- Weapons to use: --------------- - Shotgun Why: The most effective weapon against him, does a high amount of damage. - Revolver Why: Not the best choice but you'll be able to cause some damage to him, using this weapon if you shoot him in the head. ------------------- Weapons NOT to use: ------------------- - Baseball bat Why: Does a SO little amount of damage + he will be able to hit you when you run towards him and punches him. - Flamethrower Why: You can't hurt him with this weapon. =============================================================================== After you have killed the Deerhaunter, the door which locked in the beginning of this area will unlock, head through it. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | In the cupboard on the right of this room. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * The zombies with the Shotguns can be a real pain in the ass while playing on hard mode since one shot can deplete up to 3/4 of your health bar if it's full. This makes it really difficult since you may have noticed that health is easy to lose. These treats shall be dealt with like all other zombies. The normal "Go up and smack" method will work of course but it's very risky. I suggest that you choose any of the methods I mentioned in the beginning of the stage. That means, circle the enemy while you constantly hits it in it's head. This will make it most of the time without any serious injures. * A little extra strategy for dealing with the Deerhaunter follows... This beast can dish out some real pain so you will have to stay away from him whenever you get the chance. You are kinda dead if he manages to trap you in a corner since his claw swipe is very damaging on hard mode. Try to stay in the middle of the room and go to the side whenever the Deerhaunter is in your reach. You don't want to be hit by that swipe, I assure you. The method 2 for dealing with him is actually a good choice since you may have met him using the normal way before now. Just be sure to stock up on ammo so you aren't trapped with no ammo. However, if this happens, Jo-beth is here to help you but that will take hours. The easiest way is to play the level on co-op mode and let one player catch the Deerhaunter's attention the circle the room while the other player stands in the middle of the room and blasts the Deerhaunter with a Shotgun in his head. This can be risky as well but it's definately worth a try. One player can also circle the room chased by the Deerhaunter while the other player walks directly behind him and blasts him in his back. The 3:rd and probably easiest way is to have one player inside the hole where the Deerhaunter emerged from and the other player behind the Deerhaunter so both can blast him at the same time, both from in front and from above. Now this is pure pwnage! __Hotel area___________________________________________________________________ Yeah yeah, don't blame me, I didn't know what to call this area better than hotel area, there are some rooms, shall I call it room area instead, ah what the shit who cares what I call the places, now we continue the guide. Right as you enter this area, you will see a scientist running scared down the stairs in front of you. Behind the scientist is a somewhat fast zombie. These zombies are more dangerous than the normal ones since they are so fast, they can be hard to hit and it will take no time for them to reach you. Luckily the fast zombies don't use any weapons at all, only their fists so they won't be a big problem, you won't encounter too many of them either. The best weapon againt them isn't the Shotgun, I suggest that you use a bat and smack of their heads, they will still need 3 hits. After the zombie is killed, listen to the scientist to get an extra commentary from Jo-beth. Go up the stairs, don't take the right door just yet. Instead, take the door straight in front of you. There are several zombies in here, one which have a shotgun. There is a zombie with a bat in front of you to the left, and one without any weapon on the right, there is also a zombie with a shotgun on the other side of the balcony. The unarmed one is your first target since it's the nearest one. After the unarmed one is killed, go for the one with the bat and lastely the one with the shotgun. Jo-beth will help you with killing the one with the shotgun, if she doesn't succeed then kill him yourself. After he's killed, go to his dead body location and take the shotgun ammo and the revolver. Go back outside and take the door to the left of you as you exit. There are 2 zombies behind the door to the right, these are your first targets, one of them has a shotgun, quickly kill the one in front of the one with the shotgun, then blast off the shotgun-zombie's head, Go back and continue down the corridor, there is a zombie lying on the ground which will raise up as you approach it. There is also a fast zombie as well as 2 other zombies armed with shotguns and bats which will attack from the door on the other side of the corridor. Remember, take out the fast one first then go for the ones with guns and then kill the remaining unarmed/bat zombies. After everyone is killed, look in the other room on the right. There is a scientist here as well as 2 med-kits one is in the wardrobe and the other one is in the cupboard. You can go back here if you get hurt by the shotgun zombies in the next corridor. Go through the door on the end of the corridor and kill the shotgun-zombie here, 3 zombies will wait in the other corridor, one is fast and one has a shotgun and the last one is unarmed (thank goodness). Kill them and check the door on the left which is locked, instead enter through the door on the end of this corridor, this will lead to the library. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Revolver | In the corner of the balcony near the shotgun-zombie. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the wardrobe in the room with the scientist. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the cupboard in the room with the scientist. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ * The very best way to deal with the zombies in this area is to make everyone follow you then run down the stairs which the racer-zombie appeared from in the beginning of this area. Arm your Shotgun and be ready to blast any zombie who dares to walk down the stairs. Jo-beth will sometimes stand up with the zombies and fight them for herself, you are lucky today meester Cortez! * Approach the door with the fast Daisy zombie bursting out, run away up the corridor you came from and place your Shotgun crosshair in head-height. Plug the fast one then the other fast ones who's coming after. Continue up the corridor until the second fast Daisy appears. Run back again and plug her as she approaches you. Kill the rest of the ones while they are appearing from behind the corner to avoid the ususall trouble. __Library______________________________________________________________________ The library contains a total of 5 zombies. 4 of them will attack directly as you enter, one of them is fast and 2 have shotguns. Take out the fast one first then go for the ones with shotguns and then last take out the unarmed, as always. Head up the staircase after you have killed all the zombies. You will see a dead scientist beside the door. Before opening the door, check on the left side of the door by some bookcases, it's a zombie here. __Hotel area___________________________________________________________________ Once you enter this room, you will see a scientist to the left of the sofa, what's so special with this scientist? He's drunk! Here's what he says, or rather sings: --- There is also a zombie lying on the floor to the right of the sofa. Don't worry he won't come to life. Enter through the door on your right. This area has some nice rooms which are quite funny so check them out. The first room on the right is a bathroom, the first on the left is Edwina's bedroom. That devil girl plays like normal childs (strange). The next room on the left is also a bathroom, check the tube, euuh. The last room on the right is a bedroom, there is a med-kit in the cupboard and approach the wardrobe for a real surprise. After you have checked all the rooms, head into the corridor to see a scientist having fun, torching scarabs but failing epicelly and ends up dying, Jo-beth will hide in the bathroom with the tube (wonder what she does in there). The worst thing right now is that the scarabs are going for you so quickly equip your Flamethrower, it's the only weapon in your arsenal which can kill these freaks. Torch them as they are coming for you, they come in huge hordes so you will be able to kill hundreds of them with a single flame burst. After about 1000 have been killed, you have succeeded. Continue up the corridor and check the first room on your right, this room has a dead scientist as well as a Shotgun lying on the floor. Exit this room and check the other room further up ahead in this corridor, on the right. This room has a zombie lying on the ground as well as a flamethrower. Torch the zombie, to wake it up so you won't have to deal with it later. Enter the room on your left at the very end of this corridor. There are 4 zombies here, one with a shotgun, one which is fast and 2 which are unarmed. Run back into the corridor and shoot the fast one as it's coming for you then take the one with the shotgun and then kill the unarmed ones as usual. Continue into the next corridor, the door straight ahead is locked but the one on the right is unlocked and leads to the attic, enter through it. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | In the cupboard in the bedroom. | | [ ] Shotgun | On the ground in the same room as the dead scientist. | | [ ] Flamethrower | In the same room as the zombie lying on the ground. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __The attic____________________________________________________________________ Head up the stairs, when you reach the attic, the stairs will slam shut behind you, trapping you in hear with the zombies. As if the zombies wheren't bad enough, you still have another thing to worry about. The ghost, the ghost which caused the firewall in the beginning of this mission. Let's start out here, there are 5 zombies in here, all which needs to be killed in order to proceed. There are 2 with shotguns so watch out for them. The 2 with shotguns spawn at the back of the attic so head there first and take them out as quickly as possible because they can cause some serious damage. Sometimes, the ghost will fling fire at you, try to avoid it by running away. After the zombies are killed, the ghost will dissapear. Head through the passageway near the entrance to this area and shoot the zombie here. Go round and you'll see a zombie lying on the floor, torch him so you won't have to deal with him later, after he has raised, shoot him to his death. Enter the next room, all 4 zombies will come to life, run back into the passageway and shoot the zombies as they emerge from behind the corner, there are 2 with shotguns so try to take them out first. Go all way round and drop down through the hole in the ceiling. On the left end of this area, by the stairs, you will see a scientist, he won't have long left, tough. He tells you about the catacmobs. Pick up the med-kit beside him. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | Beside the scientist by the stairs. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Path to the catacombs________________________________________________________ Head down the stairs, there is a total of 4 zombies in this room, ALL with SHOTGUNS! Head up the stairs again, hide at the top of the staircase and shoot the zombies as they are going up the stairs. When all of them have been killed, go down again and approach the door on the right end. A cutscene will play. Head down the stairs, at the end of the next room, you will see a scientist by the window. He will tell you that the time traveler is still alive and thay he is in the catacombs somewhere (very useful information). Go through the door on the left beside the bloody beds. There is a mini-armory on the right as you enter this area, pick up everything, the med-kit, the Revolver and the Shotgun then continue. Open the door on the left. The door straight in front of you is locked so head towards the well. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | In the mini-armory. | | [ ] Shotgun | In the mini-armory. | | [ ] Revolver | In the mini-armory. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Courtyard____________________________________________________________________ As you approach the well, a huge undead creature will raise from the well. =============================================================================== Boss fight: Creature =============================================================================== Well this boss fight isn't hard at all. The creature seem to have a very low amount of health. His attacks aren't very difficult to avoid either, the only annoying attack is his clawswipe which deals out quite a high amount of damage. It's also easy to deplete his health. Start the battle with equiping your Shotgun (if it sin't equiped already). Shoot him in the head all the time, be sure to check his body for an eye to appear, shoot this eye to damage him greatly. He shall be down after about 10-15 Shotgun blasts to the head or 4-5 to the eye. -------- Attacks: -------- - Clawswipe Damage: Fair How to avoid: Run away and stay as long away from the well as possible. - Flame burst Damage: Fair How to avoid: Run away and stay as long away from the well as possible. - Flame shot Damage: Low How to avoid: Run away from it. --------------- Weapons to use: --------------- - Shotgun Why: Causes a high amount of damage. - Revolver Why: Not recommended but it deals out a low amount of damage. ------------------- Weapons NOT to use: ------------------- - Baseball bat Why: You can't reach him with it. - Flamethrower Why: You can't hurt him with this weapon. =============================================================================== After he's killed, you will catch up with Jo-beth again, this time you can walk back through the rubble. Walk through the door on the right (the door which was locked before the boss fight). __The kitchen__________________________________________________________________ Open the door and notice the zombie cook, equip your Revolver and shoot him in the head, the Revolver has an ability to hit targets from a longer range than the Shotgun. Now equip your baseball bat and run into the kitchen. Several zombie cows will attack you, you can kill them easy with your baseball bat. There are about 5 cows here, kill everyone of them then pick up the med-kit from the table. Head through the gap on the end then turn right. Equip your Shotgun because it's another cook with a shotgun waiting behind the carcass. Blast him and go through the door to end this level. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | On the table in the kitchen. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Unlockables: Easy: Arthur Aching Normal/Hard: Gaston Boucher Total items: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Flamethrower | Right in front of you when you enter the mansion. | | [ ] Baseball bat | In front of the door before you enter the room with your| | | first zombies. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the cupboard in the same area as the baseball bat. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the wardrobe in the same area as the baseball bat. | | | I'm not sure if this one appears on normal, tough. | | [ ] Revolver | By the dead body to the left of the hole in the wall in | | | same area as your first zombies. | | [ ] Flamethrower | Somewhere in the left corner of the courtyard. | | [ ] Revolver | Go into the gap in the grass wall and go all the way | | | round, the Revolver is on the ground. | | [ ] Shotgun | On the right wall after you've gone through the door. | | [ ] Shotgun | On the left wall after you've gone through the door. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the cupboard on the right of this room. | | [ ] Revolver | In the corner of the balcony near the shotgun-zombie. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the wardrobe in the room with the scientist. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the cupboard in the room with the scientist. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the cupboard in the bedroom. | | [ ] Shotgun | On the ground in the same room as the dead scientist. | | [ ] Flamethrower | In the same room as the zombie lying on the ground. | | [ ] Med-kit | Beside the scientist by the stairs. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the mini-armory. | | [ ] Shotgun | In the mini-armory. | | [ ] Revolver | In the mini-armory. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the table in the kitchen. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ________________________ What Lies Below - 1994: \______________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Cortez and Jo-Beth descend to the catacombs below the mansion. There's still no sign of the Time Traveler but the horrors and craziness around them are clearly the result of the twisted research of the Brotherhood of Ultra Science. Who is behind this madness? Main Objectives: Uncover the identity of the mystery time traveler Protect Jo-Beth from the zombie horde Eliminate "Princess" Escape the catacombs Secondary Objectives: None Walkthrough: __The beginning________________________________________________________________ This mission starts out right where the last mission ended, in the beginning of the sewers, this level has a lot of zombies as well as ghosts and don' forget the princess! Well, right as you start, check around because you will find Revolver ammo somewhere near your starting point. And one more thing, just ignore the flying boxes, they aren't dangerous and won't arm you. You will also figure out what this is all about later. At the end of this corridor, you'll see a scientist meeting a drastic end of his life, Jo-beth will leave you for now when she enter through a blocked path on the left. Head to the place where the scientist died and follow round the well and head through the other door when you get the chance, some more boxes are flying around here. Continue straight ahead and you'll fall through a hole. You will see Jo-beth up there by the zombies, what the f*** is she doing over there. Well let's see, approach Jo-beth and you will find out that this freak isn't Jo-beth at all, it's a shapeshifting zombie Jo-beth, or rather Jo-barf Creepy. Luckily they aren't that hard but they are so f*cking ugly so just shoot her to death, we don't want to see more of these freaks. But it's not over yet, as you continue straight on, 3 more of these freks will enter from the ground, deal with them as with all other zombies (arthur, daisy, gaston, gladstone, jo-barf) whatever they are zombies all of them so give them the "best" treatment you can and that is to place a Revolver bullet right between their eyes, hope you get what I mean, yeah yeah just kill them, that's what I mean, head down the stairs to arrive in the area where the real Jo-beth is trapped. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Revolver ammo | Somewhere near your starting point, check around. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __The trap_____________________________________________________________________ Well, here's the real Jo-beth, she's trapped in one of the zombie traps oh that was just great... Now YOU have to fend of the zombies from her while she is trying to free herself from the trap. There are a total of 9-10 zombies which have to be killed in order for Jo-beth to free herself, there is a Shotgun by the stairs and Shotgun shells under the balcony. Most of the zombies will go direct for Jo-beth while some of them will try to attack you instead. Be sure to take out the ones near Jo-beth first because she can't take as much punishment as you. After all zombies are killed and Jo-beth has freed herself, head up the stairs and take out the zombie by the door upahead. Enter through that door. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Shotgun | By the stairs near Jo-beth's trap. | | [ ] Shotgun shells | Under the balcony, at the very end. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Corridors____________________________________________________________________ Turn left and a fast zombie will attack from the bottom of the stairs, beheah him before he comes too close. There is another fast zombie down at the bottom of the second staircase so give him the same treatment. After the zombies here are killed, go through the door at the bottom of the stairs. Head to the right and look through the window on the left, you'll see... nah this is cool watch for yourself I ain't gotta spoil it for ya'! A zombie doctor will arrive from the door on the left, place a bullet in his head and then head through the door he came from. 3 zombies are in the next room, 2 which will attack directly as you enter and one, yeah you know the doctor. Kill all of them and then go and hack into the computer on the desk, it's the only way to open the door. Open the security folder and choose the door, once you've pressed, the door which was once locked will unlock. Before heading through, check some emails and other fun stuff on the computer. This next section can be quite dangerous, there are 6 electrified zombies in here. They can shoot lightning at you with isn't very hard to avoid but if hit can cause a quite high amount of damage to your character. Tough they are electrified, they still have all the weak points that a normal zombie has, shooting them in the head will mean an instant kill for them. There are wires hanging from the ceiling which can be hard to avoid they are also quite damaging so try to avoid them the best you can. After all the zombies are killed and the room on the end of the corridor has been reached, we start a new section! __Hospital room________________________________________________________________ Well, the reason why I call it hospital room is because the zombies will appear on beds which look like the ones used in a hospital. Jo-beth will try to hack into the computer in order to unlock the door. Guess what's your job is? Yeah, you named it! Fend of a zombie horde! The zombies will arrive trough the holes over the beds. You have to kill about 10-12 zombies before Jo-beth succeed with what she's doing on the computer. Shoot the zombies in there heads as they walk up from the beds. There are 2 weapons in here, a Shotgun on the bench beside the computer and a Harpoon gun on the bench between 2 of the beds. The Harpoon gun is a very powerful gun which will cause any head to fall off when hit. After the zombies are killed and the door has unlocked, head through the newly opened door. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Harpoon gun | On the bench between 2 of the beds. | | [ ] Shotgun | On the bench beside the computer which Jo-beth tries to | | | hack. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Corridors____________________________________________________________________ Go through the corridor round and listen to the drunken guard before heading on. The things he says are quite funny as usuall. I'ahm smart... smartest man inna whole world! I woulda 'vented microwave if summon else not dunnit... I woulda invent.... gravity, n n ... pineapples... doughnuts... After you have listened, continue on 'til you reach a set of doubledoors. It's a zombie here so blast him, ooops what the f***? A fast zombie will run out from the office away, as usuall these are fast little freaks which can cause a lot of damage if not hit correctly in their brainless heads, plug him. Enter the office which the fast zombie came from and pick up the Shotgun shells as well as the harpoons, if you didn't pick up the Harpoon gun from the hospital room, then you'll get another chance to pick it up later in the mission. Access the computer on the desk (this is not needed but it's funnny as hell.) Run the program which will give you complete control of the zombie in the cell on your right. You can put him on fire, elecricity, shrink him and lots of more fun stuff. After you have played enough, exit this area and enter the other office a bit further up in the corridor. This is similar to the previous room but this time it's a scientist, do the same thing with him if you want. Remember to pick up the Revolver from the desk before you exit. Head through the next set of doors after you are done here. You'll see Dr. Harvey by the pit, now you will hear about the princess, what a princess who eat zombie legs? euuhh... Don't kill Harvey unless you fell very sadistic because he won't hurt you at all. He's a peaceful man tough half- zombie. After you are done here, exit the pit area and turn left, go through the doors and you'll arrive in a room with a pentagram on the floor. You will meet the mysterious time traveler here and he isn't the most kind person you may have met. He sends Cortes into the depths of the catacombs. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Shotgun shells | On the floor in the first office. | | [ ] Harpoons | On the floor in the first office. | | [ ] Revolver | On the desk in the second office. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Mine cart ride_______________________________________________________________ After the cutscene, equip your Revolver fast as hell! You'll see why just in a few seconds. Now here it is, a new type of enemy, luckily they are easy to kill, only one shot anywhere on their body with the Revolver will kill these freaks. Just guess what type of enemy it is... Mr. Headsprouter! You have probably seen him in arcade but now it's time for you to fight him in story mode, let's roll! Okay, to start things out with, you need to have full clip capacity in your Revolver so reload immidiatley, you don't want to end up reloading when one of them is approaching, they'll hurt you if you don't shoot them in time. You will encounter some zombies, walking around on the tracks, just ignore them because they won't harm you. Just focus on the Headsprouters and look in front of you all the time! I decided to make a list of the Headsprouter locations so you'll now when to shoot: 1. Right in front of you as you start. 2. Around the first corner. 3. After you have gone down the slope. This one will miss you so it's no need to shoot it. 4. Short after number 3. This one will also miss you. 5. Short after number 4. This won't miss you so shoot him. 6. In the straight section where the cart goes slow. 7. At the top of the slope. 8. Right down the straight way. 9. Right after number 8. 10. Round the corner after number 9. 11. This one will appear somewhere in the middle when you go down the long slope. The mine cart will crash shortly after... __Catacombs____________________________________________________________________ After you've crashed, Future Cortes will show up. with him, he carries a strange weapon, the ghost gun, an energy weapon which let's you see and kill ghosts. Tough, killing the ghosts is not your objective right now. You will have to deal with the zombies while future Cortes deals with the ghosts. Start by heading over to the left wall and pick up the Harpoon gun as well as the Shotgun shells. There are 2 zombies here, one on fire and one normal. Have you noticed that none of the zombies in this level use Shotguns... but that's just a good thing, ah? Blast both the zombies here. Wait for Future Cortes before you continue, since the ghosts can be quite damaging, you will probably stay with future Cortes for now. There are quite a few zombies here, kill them all and then head up further into the corridor, 2 zombies will spawn from the ground as well as one coming from round the corner. Plaster all of 'em and then go round the corner, be sure to wait for Future Cortes. 2 zombies are directly round the corner so take them out first. The last zombie in this area is on the end of the corridor up ahead, take him out with a long range weapon like the Harpoon gun or the Revolver or just simply run up to him with the Shotgun. Go up the ramp on your right and pick up the Ghostgun from the floor. Ths Ghostgun must be your primary weapon in this part and the next part because it's the only weapon in your arsenal which can kill ghosts, well actually the only weapon which can see ghosts. You where lucky that you got this gun right now because this area is full of ghosts. Luckily the ghosts are quite easy to take out when hit but watch out, they are fast! Once a ghost have approached you to nearly, there is nothing to do. Then you can't kill them so they will fly into you and cause a bit of damage, not too high. Okay, start out with heading up the corridor, you have to walk very slowly in order to notice the ghosts in time. Kill the ghost up ahead and another one will appear further up, give him the same treatment as the previous one and continue up. You'll see a med-kit behind some wooden beams, I suggest that you save it but if you really need it, you can pick it up with the uplink. Continue up ahead and a few more ghosts will attack, drain their energy and continue. One ghost will appear from the corridor on your left, kill it and enter the corridor it came from. Pick up the med-kit if you didn't pick it up earlier and then exit. Go to the left 'til a cutscene triggers. Now, you have to start the previous area all over again. You reunite with Past Cortes, this time. This time, you will have to take on the ghosts while past Cortes deals with the zombies. I hope you remember the route from earlier because it's the same one here. Remember to go as slowly as you can and kill the ghosts when they appear. Backtrack away from them if they get too close. There's a ghost right in front of you as you start and one more will appear as you move up, kill both of them. 2 more will appear round the corner so take them out before moving on. Round the next corner, 2 more will appear, one is just around the corner and the last one is further down. After the ghosts are killed, help Past Cortes with the remaining zombies then head to the ramp to trigger a cutscene. This time, you'll take the path through the tree bars on the right. Pick up the Shotgun shells in the left corner before you enter the hole on your right. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Shotgun shells | By the left wall as you enter the catacombs after the | | | mine cart crashed. | | [ ] Harpoon gun | By the left wall as you enter the catacombs after the | | | mine cart crashed. | | [ ] Ghostgun | Right in front of you in the corridor after you've | | | gone up the ramp. | | [ ] Med-kit | Behind some tree bars in the first corridor with the | | | ghosts. | | [ ] Shotgun shells | In the left corner after you have entered through the | | | tree bars on the left end of the corridor where you | | | helped Past Cortes with the ghosts. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __The pit______________________________________________________________________ You will drop down into a pit and the boss fight will trigger after the cutscene has played. =============================================================================== Boss fight: Princess =============================================================================== Now it's time for you to fight the Princess! And it's time to see what kind of princess who are eating legs! Remember Harvey? He was talking about the princess and fed her with zombie legs, now you know why... The princess is the huge skeleton creature you met in the courtyard of mansion of madness. Only this time, she's easier than before. She doesn't have her claw swipe as before and she doesn't have those mini-flames attacks either. The only attack she will use is the flame burst attack. She have some help from others, watch out for the "birds" flying around, they don't hurt you too much but avoid them when you can. And you don't have as much time as possible, Jo-beth hangs trapped above the princess. The strategy will come here. There is a well here too, circle it as you did before, or stand still if that's your style. There are some harpoons near the elevator on the other side of the well. This is your only need for the Harpoon gun, or you don't need it but it makes you life much, much easier. You have to hit the gas canister in her mouth in order to do damage to her. This can only be done in 2 ways. 1. This is the easiest one, sometimes the princess will raise her head and roar and sometimes she will lower her head and burst flames against you. When any of this happens, shoot the canister with the Harpoon gun. 2. This one is almost impossible if you don't have good accuracy, it's not recommended anyway. Notice the hole in her skull, shoot through it with a harpoon. If you runs out of ammo in your Harpoon gun, the Ghostgun is your best choice, tough hard to aim it does a high amount of damage and it has unlimited ammo. After about 5-6 harpoons on the canister, Princess will die as well as all the "birds" flying around. -------- Attacks: -------- - Flame burst Damage: Fair How to avoid: Run away when she performs it. - Summoning flying creatures Damage: The attack doesn't hurt but the "birds" damage is low (Low) How to avoid: Stay away from the "birds" when they try to attack. --------------- Weapons to use: --------------- - Harpoon gun Why: By far the best weapon, depletes 1/5 - 1/4 health from the princess health bar. - Ghost gun Why: Does quite a high amount of damage. - Revolver Why: Does a bit of damage but not recommended. ------------------- Weapons NOT to use: ------------------- - Shotgun Why: The canister is too far away from the Shotgun range so you won't hurt her. - Fists Why: You can't reach her with your fists. - Gun whacks Why: Same as for fists. =============================================================================== After the princess is killed, go into the elevator and let it take you all the way to the top of the pit. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Harpoons | On the ground to the left of the elevator. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Path to Crow's office________________________________________________________ You will meet Jo-beth once you reach the top of the pit. This is the place where you met Harvey earlier in the mission. I hope you remember the way to the pentagram room. Exit the pit area and turn left, go through the corridor until you come to the pentagram room. Head through the doors at the end of this room to reach the Time Traveler's office. There is a med-kit somewhere on the floor at the right as you enter this area, or was it left? I don't remember exactly but look around on the floor and you will find it, I promise! Go to the computer on the left as you enter this area, there is a Revolver on the desk. Access the computer and a timer will start... /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | Somewhere on the floor in Crow's office. | | [ ] Revolver | On the desk beside the computer. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __The great escape!____________________________________________________________ Okay, now you have to escape the catacombs. You have a time of 2 minutes and that's actually a lot of time for this easy task. Remember to run all the time and don't shoot any zombie at all unless they are blocking the path. Stick with your Shotgun or Harpoon gun equiped. Don't worry about Jo-beth she can fend of the zombies for herself, she doesn't exist in your heart anymore, okay? The exit is all the way back in the corridor where the scientist got eaten by the zombies somewhere in the beginning of this level. After you have gone through the door on your left of the corridor, the mission will end. Unlockables: Easy: Dr. Lancet Normal/Hard: Jo-barf Creepy Total items: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Revolver ammo | Somewhere near your starting point, check around. | [ ] Shotgun | By the stairs near Jo-beth's trap. | | [ ] Shotgun shells | Under the balcony, at the very end. | | [ ] Harpoon gun | On the bench between 2 of the beds. | | [ ] Shotgun | On the bench beside the computer which Jo-beth tries | | | to hack. | | [ ] Shotgun shells | On the floor in the first office. | | [ ] Harpoons | On the floor in the first office. | | [ ] Revolver | On the desk in the second office. | | [ ] Shotgun shells | By the left wall as you enter the catacombs after the | | | mine cart crashed. | | [ ] Harpoon gun | By the left wall as you enter the catacombs after the | | | mine cart crashed. | | [ ] Ghostgun | Right in front of you in the corridor after you've | | | gone up the ramp. | | [ ] Med-kit | Behind some tree bars in the first corridor with the | | | ghosts. | | [ ] Shotgun shells | In the left corner after you have entered through the | | | tree bars on the left end of the corridor where you | | | helped Past Cortes with the ghosts. | | [ ] Harpoons | On the ground to the left of the elevator. | | [ ] Med-kit | Somewhere on the floor in Crow's office. | | [ ] Revolver | On the desk beside the computer. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ______________________________ Breaking And Entering - 2052: \________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: At last the Time Traveler has a name - Jacob Crow, a crazed genius carrying on his perverted research across two centuries. Firstly as the father of the Brotherhood of Ultra Science and then a hundred years later as the founder of U-Genix. Crow might think he's safe but Cortez is hot on his tail. In 2052 the U-Genix Corporation is under investigation for illegal research - sounds like a good time to sneak in and find out what's going on. Main Objectives: Locate Crow's office Penetrate rooftop security Protect the intruder Activate fire suppression system Help Amy gain access to Crow's floor Access Crow's terminal Return to lift Secondary Objectives: None Walkthrough: __Rooftop______________________________________________________________________ This level starts out on a rooftop, well I think it starts out on a rooftop anyway... This level is very action-filled and some stealth will also be needed to complete this level in such an easy way as possible, well well enough talk about that. You won't start with any weapon, only your trusty uplink but that's not too sad, there are 2 obtainable weapons only on this rooftop! To start things out with, look to the left to see a guy standing and looking out into the sky. There are 2 ways to kill this guy, the peaceful (eeeh, peaceful, not really) or the VERY sadistic way. Anyway, use your uplink to pick up the Mag-charger from beside the guard. The Mag-charger is a quite powerful weapon with a long range shoot ability, well it's scope can't meet up with any of the Sniper's but it's quite powerful at least. One or 2 shots will kill the robots in this level, wait which robots? Now choose between either kill the guard with a Mag-charger shot to the head or to pick up any of the boxes around and throw it towards his back, he will die immediatelly whichever way you choose. Go towards his dead body and pick up the LX-18 which the guard held. This gun is a powerful pistol with a good zoom ability while the scope is equiped, it also have a great capacity, 18 bullets in one clip! After everything here is done, head down the ramp where the guard once stood. Okay, down here you have to disable the security system to make your life easier, start out with heading towards any of the laser beams. If you go into any of these, you will trigger the alarm which will cause several robots to spawn as well as some guards. There is one way to disable these laser beams, look on the walls beside, in front of them or whatever, just look at the walls near the beams to see some panels, if you destroy these panels, the laser beem will deactivate. Start by heading to the left from the area where you gone down the ramp, you will see some beems here as well as a panel on the other side of them, shoot the panel with the Mag-charger. You will also see a camera on the building in front of you, destroy it. There is a door to the building on your right so enter through it. Plug the single engineer in here and pick up the goodies from the pipes in the corner. You have to use the uplink in order to get the armour and the med-kit. Go towards the console the engineer once operated, there is a LX-18 here, pick it up and operate the panel. Now, you can choose to deactivate the security system + open the door on the other end of this area. Set everything to "deactivate" and set the door to "open". Exit this house and go all over the roof towards the other side, here is the door so head through it. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Mag-charger | Beside the first guard who stands by the ramp and looks | | | out into the sky. | | [ ] LX-18 | Kill the first guy who stands beside the Mag-charger. | | [ ] LX-18 | On the control panel in the controlroom. | | [ ] Med-kit | By the pipes in the left area of the controlroom. Uplink | | | is needed. | | [ ] Armour | By the pipes in the left area of the controlroom. Uplink | | | is needed. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Corridors____________________________________________________________________ Right as you enter, you'll eventually see some laser beems blocking your path, there is also no sign of any panel to destroy, actually it is. But where? What did you think this guide is for? Go as near the beems as possible but make sure to not touch them, look over to your right and look down a bit. You'll see the panel on the wall just over the edge. Shoot the panel with the Mag-charger to deactivate the beems. Go down the stairs until a laser grid blocks your path, well it's nothing to do, you can't explore this area, bear with it. Head up again and enter through the door. It's an annoying camera on your right so fry it before it spots you. Equip your LX-18 because some stealth is needed here (yippie). You will see an engineer by the door in the distance, shoot him in the head. Head over to the door on the right of the corridor, there are some beems blocking your path here. The panel is on the other side of the door. Go as nearly as possible but don't touch the beems, the door will open and you will be able to shoot the panel on the left wall. Equip your silenced LX-18 again and hide behind the corner while you are looking to the left, a guard is there as well as an autogun. Pop the guard with a single shot to the head with the LX-18 and then take out the autogun using your Mag-charger. Do it fast or else the autogun may spot you. Head around the corner to the right and go through the door on the end. There is an autogun at the end of this corridor so equip the Mag-charger and use the alt fire mode to see the autogun easier, fry it and destroy the other one on the other side of the doubledoors. It's also a guard here so kill him and turn right and enter through the door until you come to the security area. It's worth mentioning that the guard uses an other weapon, the SBP-500 a very powerful machinegun capable of killing any foe with some shots to the head, it can also kill the annoying robots met in this level. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] SBP-500 | Kill the guard at the end of the last corridor. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Security area________________________________________________________________ A guard is operating one of the consoles up ahead so plug him in his head. Pick up the time grenades from the locker on your left. These grenades will slow down time greatly when thrown as well as inflict a lot of damage to your nearby enemies. Save these for later, tough. It's the most effective weapon against the robots, it can kill a robot with ONE grenade if hit correctly! There is also a SBP-500 here if you need ammo. Head up onto the security platform and pick up the armour and the med-kit if you need. Operate the console up ahead. You will see the same intruder as earlier, this time she kills som guards rather stylish. After that, she makes her way to the office. Well here, she will be attacked by security guards and you have to protect her using the autogun you are controlling. Turret controls are quite simple: .------------------------------------. | Control turret = Right analog stick| | Fire = R2 | '------------------------------------' This area is quite simple if you are a good shooter which you would be by now after completing 1/2 of the story. The only thing you have to do is to keep an eye on the door. Aim the gun in head-height near the doors and plaster the guards when they enter the room. Be careful, tough some of the enemies appear from windows, when this happens, be sure to aim the gun against them and start peppering. Amy's health bar won't deplete too fast so this wouldn't be the hardest task but if; then go and play a coffee-game or something other because this game is not for your kind then. After you have rescued Amy, you will leave the camera automatically. Head down from this platform and through the door up ahead. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Time distrupter grenades | In the locker on your left as you enter the | | | control room. | | [ ] SBP-500 | Next to the locker. | | [ ] Med-kit | On a shelf on the left just as you step | | | onto the platform. | | [ ] Armour | On a shelf on the left just as you step onto| | | the platform. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Corridors____________________________________________________________________ Head through the door in front of you which is unlocked by now. Quickly equip your Mag-charger and set it to alt fire mode because it's an autogun on the ceiling. Fry it and head down the stairs. Go through the door here, then go all the way through the corridor. You have to be quick now, one of the god damn security robots is in the end of this corridor. Hide behind the soda machine and he won't notice you. Now run towards his location and turn left when you first get the chance. Quickly operate the computer on the left wall and deactivate the robot, be sure to activate the cleaning robot, it will help you to get access to a room with a locked door. Follow the corridor and follow him through the door once he unlocks it. Enter the computer on the right wall to get a new objective, to activate the fire suppression system. Head through the door on the right and look in the right corner as you enter this room. You'll see some explosive barrels on the floor, now what would you do with these? Hehe, shoot them of course, this will complete the objective to activate the fire suppression system. Go back into the corridor and turn right. Go through the doors here and notice the guard, he will turn off the sprinklers so this is your chance to sneak into the room next to where he stands. As you enter, you will see that this wasn't a very good choice because a helicopter will start to shoot, duck behind any object in here until it stops firing. Now, 6 security guards will jump in, all armed with SBP-500's. Duck behind the table and arm your own SBP. Shoot the enemies as they emerge round the corner of the table, now this is simple! A security robot will enter through the door at the end of this area so be ready with your grenades, if you didn't save them then you are a dumbass but anyway, kill him with your SBP then. Throw one grenade at him, it will probably take him down, if not, try one more. Head through the door he came from. There are 2 toilets here which you can enter through the doors on the right. Be sure to enter the womens toilet beacuse it holds a med-kit as well as an armour pickup. The mens toilet has a drunken guard, here's what he says: Iss this all zats left of my dreams? I wass gonna be inna band! Gon be famoss! Rich! 'Sted mm jus another bum wiv a gun... Head out from the toilet and go up the path on your right until a cutscene triggers and you will meet up with the intruder: Amy Chen. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | In one of the cubicles in the womens toilet. | | [ ] Armour | In one of the cubicles in the womens toilet. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Corridors____________________________________________________________________ Amy will tell you some things and shortly after, 3 guards will attack you with different weapons. Plug them all and pick up the new weapon. This weapon is called Dispersion gun. It lacks rate of fire but can be very powerful if charged up. Enter the room on the left first and ready your grenades because you will have to throw like a maniac because it's a robot in here. Pick up the med-kit on the table near one of the windows then head back outside and go through the door on the other side. Amy will hack into the computer on the desk and your objective is to protect Amy while she tries to hack into the computer. This is kinda basic, really. Most of the soldiers will storm in from the door which you used to enter this room. Stay there and mow down all the guards who dares to enter while Amy hacks. Some of the guards will attack from the windows, they are more dangerous since they are more near Amy, kill them quickly. Follow Amy to the lift which will take you down to Crow's office. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Dispersion gun | Kill any of the security guards at the beginning of | | | this area. | | [ ] Med-kit | On a table near the window in the same room as the | | | security robot. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Path to Crow's office________________________________________________________ 2 security guards will attack you immediately as you enter this area so be fast with the SBP and mow them down before they are able to cause some serious damage. 2 more will wait for you behind the door as well as a security robot so ready your grenades and SBP before heading through. Throw a grenade at the robot, this will kill it as well as slowing down the time, making it easy for you to kill the guards. Turn left in the corridor and kill the guard who is hiding behind a crate to the right of the door. There is one more security guard here so kill him to and then enter the office. Some guards are waiting in here as well as a security robot. Throw grenades at them and take on the survivors with your SBP. Follow Amy up to the terminal and let her hack into it. After she's done, a few security guards will jump in from the window. Mow them down and take on the rest of the security guards who are in the corridor. Go down the corridor you came from and turn right at then end. You will come back to the area with the lift. There are 2 guards here as well as a robot so throw all your remaining grenades (if you have any) or else, shoot them with your SBP. Go and try to open the door to the lift on the left. Unlockables: Easy: Inceptor Normal/Hard: Jack Sprocket Total items: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Mag-charger | Beside the first guard who stands by the | | | ramp and looks out into the sky. | | [ ] LX-18 | Kill the first guy who stands beside the | | | Mag-charger. | | [ ] LX-18 | On the control panel in the controlroom. | | [ ] Armour | By the pipes in the left area of the | | | controlroom. Uplink is needed. | | [ ] Med-kit | By the pipes in the left area of the | | | controlroom. Uplink | | [ ] SBP-500 | Kill the guard at the end of the last | | | corridor. | | [ ] Time distrupter grenades | In the locker on your left as you enter the | | | control room. | | [ ] SBP-500 | Next to the locker. | | [ ] Med-kit | On a shelf on the left just as you step | | | onto the platform. | | [ ] Armour | On a shelf on the left just as you step onto| | | the platform. | | [ ] Med-kit | In one of the cubicles in the womens toilet.| | [ ] Armour | In one of the cubicles in the womens toilet.| | [ ] Dispersion gun | Kill any of the security guards at the | | | beginning of this area. | | [ ] Med-kit | On a table near the window in the same room | | | as the security robot. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ____________________________ You-genious U-genix - 2052: \__________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Deep in the heart of the U-Genix building, Cortez and Amy Chen find themselves at the heart of Jacob Crow's secret research lab - but where is Crow and what exactly is he researching? Main Objectives: Find Jacob Crow Obtain an empoyee's ID card Advance past the security area with Amy Pass through the sterilization sensors Clear the area of hostiles Destroy Crow's security droids Secondary Objectives: Decode first security terminal Decode phase two of the first security terminal Destroy the railbots Decode second security terminal Destroy the spiderbots Walkthrough: __Corridors____________________________________________________________________ Congrats! You have managed to get to Crow's labs alive. Now what is waiting for ya down here? You will probably wonder that if this is your first playthrough. I ain't gonna spoil the whole shit right here but I can tell you that you have to do a puzzle, no not such an easy one as in "The Khallos Express" this one is hard, really hard! There are also some nasty enemies down here, from humans to, what the f*ck. You start this level out with your new mate Amy. Look on the screen where Crow is talking, listen to his bullshit and head down the corridor on your left. Make sure that Amy follows you at all time because she's the best help you'll get when it comes to deal with the spiderbots round the corner. As promised, go down the corridor until you arrive in an open room guarded by a spider-bot. These babies look quite cute while looking at them but that's what they not are! To begin with, they are hard as hell to kill, you need to unload a whole clip from the LX-18 in order to take them down, that's why I suggested to stick near Amy because she has great accuracy and can easily kill one of these droids so you don't need to waste a single bullet. Shortly after the spiderbot is killed, one more will appear, do what you want with it. If you are a gentleman then you would probably like to help Amy with killing the bot or else, let Amy do the work. Amy will try to open a security door but she finds out that a key is needed so head on, you'll have to find that key. Go through the door and follow the corridor all around until you emerge in a room. There is one spiderbot in here so deal with it as you have done with the previous ones you have met. Once again, another one will appear when the first one is killed so destroy it to. You will find some LX-18 ammo by some boxes, for some strange reason they are calles LX-29 this time. Go through the door on your right as you enter this area and down the corridor to arrive in the shower room. 2 guys are using the showers and a keycard is lying on the shelf in front of you. Pick it up and head back to the room where Amy is waiting. Try to open all the doors until the correct one is opened. Cortes will change into a doctor uniform as well as picking up a keycard and an injector. The injector can shoot darts like a nailgun, it's quite powerful but isn't for any real use now, save it for later, you'll need it, trust me! Be sure to pick up the armor from the bench in this room before you head out. Go back all the way to the security gate which was locked earlie in the level. Now, you have the keycard so now you can get access. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] LX-18 ammo | By some boxes in the area with the many doors and the | | | second encounter with spiderbots. | | [ ] R03 keycard | On a bench in the showerroom. | | [ ] ID card | Cortes will automatically pick it up once you enter the | | | room which the R03 keycard is needed to open. | | [ ] Injector | Cortes will automatically pick it up once you enter the | | | room which the R03 keycard is needed to open. | | [ ] Doctor suit | Cortes will automatically pick it up once you enter the | | | room which the R03 keycard is needed to open. | | [ ] Armour | On a bench in the same room as the injector/keycard. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Security area________________________________________________________________ After you have passed through the door, you will arrive in a security checkpoint, you are able to pass through because you are wearing the doctor uniform, you need to clear the path for Amy however. Go through the corridor all the way until you see 2 guards standing on each side of a door. Don't kill them just yet, it can be dangerous with your pistol. Instead, head up the stairs and access the terminal up here. Check some mails and other fun stuff before taking control of the railbot. As said, take control of the railbot and aim towards the guards heads and shoot them both. Search around on this platform to find a switch. Press this switch to open the doors down where the guards once stood. Pick up their dropped Dispersion guns and go through the door with Amy. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Dispersion gun | Kill any of the guards in the security area. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Corridors____________________________________________________________________ Head through the corridor and pick up the Time grenades from a trolley on the right of the corridor. It's a room on the left as well, enter that room to trigger a cutscene showing you why the lockdown was in effect. Go through the doubledoors then down the corridor to emerge in front of another security door, the sterilization sensor won't let you through however so head down the corridor to arrive in the air shower room. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Time distrupter grenades | On a trolley at the right end of the first | | | corridor after the security checkpoint, near| | | the room which trigerrs a cutscene when | | | entered. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Air shower room______________________________________________________________ Once hear, go and speak to the doctor by the terminal up ahead, he won't let you in because of the lockdown. Instead, he tells you to speak to someone else. There's a girl by another terminal if you head down the stairs near the end of this area. Go talk to her, she won't let you in either and she will plus blow your cover. Some security guards will run in the same way as you came from, some of these guards has got a SBP of their own. Be sure to take out the one's with SBP's first before taking on the other ones, it seems that those armed with SBP's are more difficult. After everyone is killed, pick up the med-kit from the bench if you need it, you would probably need it by now. Take an air shower before heading out, just go through through the corridor next to where the doctor was when you first entered this area. Wait for Amy to change clothes then head out of this room with her. You are now able to pass through the security door, do so. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | On a bench to the left as you enter the air shower room. | | [ ] SBP-500 | Kill any of the security guards who attacks after the female | | | worker has blown your cover. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Path to the labs_____________________________________________________________ Follow the corridor all the way around until you arrive in something which kind of looks like a lab, not exactly but there are some doctors here, they are peaceful and won't harm you so please don't hurt them either. There are 2 guards by the door at the end of this area, Amy will take care of them sooner or later so don't waste any ammo. This will immediately blow your cover so one Inceptor will start to shoot at you from the window so shoot her and head through the door. You will encounter several railbots in this next area, railbots as well as spiderbots are quite dangerous but thankfully, you have the means to take them on now. I personally don't suggest to use the SBP while you can use the Dispersion gun which is so much more effective. Just one fully charged shot by the Dispersion gun is enough to take out these little cuties. After they are killed, head down the stairs and find the 2 doctors here. One of them will give you a serum which can kill the mutants with one shot from the injector. The other one is drunk and as always, I tell you what he says: Ah s'lotta fuss bout nothing... few mutants s'wandering around. S'OK! Be all... all be alright inna morning! The corridor leads to a lab. Duck behind the windows as you go towards the end of the corridor to avoid being hit by the gunfire. Go through the door on your left. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | On a shelf to the left once you enter this area, it's near | | | one of the doctors. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Lab 1________________________________________________________________________ Once you enter, Amy will take out some of the guards for you, in a pretty stealthy and cool way much like in breaking and entering. Go towards the stairs on your right of this room. 3 guards will attack from here so run away and take cover behind the corner from where you entered this area. Point your crosshair in head level and plug the enemies as they come for you. Go up the stairs after your enemies here have been killed. Some more are waiting for you up here so take cover and look over the edge to see your enemies as well as being able to kill them. Head up all the way and have Amy follow you up. She will access the computer in order to download Crow's files. Head through the door up ahead and go to the right in the corridor and you'll arrive in a room where you encounter your first freaks. The freaks or a lot like Timesplitters which you encountered in the first mission. Like the timesplitters, these guys have a cloak ability but they are easier to spot while cloaked than the splitters. They walk very slow and most of their attacks are close range. Sometimes, they send out lightning like the splitters but this lightning will only hurt you when you are near. They can hit you with their fists while you are near enough, this attack won't hurt you too much tough. Remember, one dart from the Injector is enough to kill these guys so don't waste ammo, it takes about 2 SBP clips in the head to kill them without the injector. There are 2 normal enemies in here as well as 2 freaks, remember to go for the humans first because it will save you a lot of trouble with the freaks. Pick up the med-kit from the table to the right as you enter this room. Find the Flamethrower dropped by any of the 2 guards then head to the left assuming you came from the entrance of thir room. Turn left again to find another door with a Dispersion gun in front of it. Pick up the weapon and head through the door. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Dispersion gun | Right in front of the door you have to enter through. | | [ ] Flamethrower | Dropped by any of the 2 guards in the room where you | | | encounter your first freaks. | | [ ] Med-kit | On a table to the right as you enter the room with the| | | freaks. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Lab 2________________________________________________________________________ Once on the other side of the door, a security guard will come from another room, give him the same treatment as the previous ones, unload the SBP in the head. Head through the door which the guard came from to arrive in the second lab. There are several securitys/inceptors in here as well as some freaks. As always, make sure to take out the guards before trying to deal with the freaks because it makes things so much easier. Look up onto the balcony ahead to see a freak as well as a guard fightning the freak, equip your silenced LX-18. There is no time for stealth but it makes it easier to hit the guard up on the balcony. After he is killed, reequip your injector and blow the freak up on the balcony to hell. Go to the left to find a guard on the left as well as one more on the right. Plug both of them with your SBP then equip your injector and blow away the freak here. One more security guard and a freak is fightning eachother up on the balcony to the left. Go to the right again to see an inceptor as well as 2 freaks arriving from the door on the left. Kill everything here and head through the door. __Corridors____________________________________________________________________ 2 freaks are waiting for you in the corridor, hide behind the corner of the door in order to prevent the freaks from damging you, freaks can be quite dangerous in small narrow areas like corridors due to their electricity. Take out both of them using your injector and keep going through the corridor and head up the stairs. Be ready, a freak is waiting for you up here as well, he can easily be killed by heading down the stairs and plug him while he comes towards you, hide behind the corner to prevent being damaged by the guts. Head up the stairs again and look into the room on your right. The door is locked so you won't get access. Cortes can pick up the stuff in here using his uplink so do so and pick up both the med-kit as well as the Time grenades. After you have collected the stuff you need, head down the stairs. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Time distrupter grenades | On a trolley in the room on the right. | | | Uplink is needed. | | [ ] Med-kit | On a trolley in the room on the right. | | | Uplink is needed. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Cargo room___________________________________________________________________ Look up on the guards up ahead. Once you storm into the room, the guards will take several positions in the room. 1. He will stay in the middle. 2. He will also stay in the middle, helping his friend. 3. He will head over to the hardpoint on the right. 4. He will go down the ramp at the left of this room, to the corridor. Throw a Time grenade to deal with the guys who stayed in the middle then shoot the other one with your SBP. Go to the left of this room to find a ramp. If you go down the ramp, you will arrive in a corridor, one security guard is here so make sure to plug him as you enter. Press the master lock on the very end of this corridor to open the lockers around down here. Be sure to check each of the lockers, each one contains an item. Here's what: One contains an injector, one contains Time grenades, on contains a med-kit and one contains an armour. Pick up the stuff you need and head back up the ramp, kill the security guard in the ramp as well. 2 guards are behind the windows, one torch from the Flamethrower will take them out. Head through the door on your left. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Time distrupter grenades | Activate the masterlock at the end of the | | | corridor, accessed via the ramp at the left | | | of this room. After that is done, check each| | | locker to find the grenades. | | [ ] Injector | Activate the masterlock at the end of the | | | corridor, accessed via the ramp at the left | | | of this room. After that is done, check each| | | locker to find the Injector. | | [ ] Med-kit | Activate the masterlock at the end of the | | | corridor, accessed via the ramp at the left | | | of this room. After that is done, check each| | | locker to find the med-kit. | | [ ] Armour | Activate the masterlock at the end of the | | | corridor, accessed via the ramp at the left | | | of this room. After that is done, check each| | | locker to find the armour pickup. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Path to lab 9________________________________________________________________ Turn left to see a security guard fighting for his life against mutants, sadly, his life will end shortly after. Be quick to equip your Injector here because there will be 2 freaks here which have to be killed, do so and head on. One more is waiting further up ahead in the corridor. Give him the same treatment and head down the stairs on your left. Here are all the mutants which have to be killed in order to open the entrance to lab 9. Be sure to take out the security guard on the left as you enter this area. Circle the well all around until you have found and taken out every sign of life here. There are also some freaks lying on beds. There are 2 ways to do this, the normal way... ...or the sadistic way! The normal way, yeah you know? Head down and shoot the freaks with the injector. And the sadistic way, do you really wanna know this? This is brutal...really! Circle the well until you find a terminal, operate it to take control of the crane over the beds. Use it to cut the freaks to pieces. Once everything is killed, head back the way you came but this time, head through the newly unlocked door. __Lab 9________________________________________________________________________ There is one freak shuffling around alone here so take him out first. Head up into the lab where 4 freaks are wandering around. Go round the pillar in the middle of the room in order to take cover from the freak's attacks. Once all are killed, pick up the med-kit and the armour from the beds. Exit the lab via the door and down the corridor all the way. This was a short part! ah? /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | On one of the beds in the lab. | | [ ] Armour | On one of the beds in the lab. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Puzzle area__________________________________________________________________ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | SECONDARY OBJECTIVE (S) - THE TERMINALS | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This isn't actually a secondary objective because the game will fail if you | | fail this objective. I list it as a secondary objective because the game | | says that it is a secondary objective. | | | |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -| | Oh yeah! A puzzle! Guess what's coming? This room has 2 computers as well | | as one wormhole. You need to hack into the computer but you don't have the | | password... oh crap what gonna happen now? Remember the wormhole? Another | | Cortes will arrive from the wormhole, he will give you the password: Banana | | Future Cortes will now try to fend of the railbots while you are hacking the| | terminal. However, you don't have unlimited time if that's what you thought | | at first. This is similar to the puzzle on the level "The Khallos express" | | only that the grid is a lot bigger this time, making things so much harder. | | Luckily this puzzle is fixed so I can give you the solution for it. | | | | Blue solution (From the top to the left): Right, Down, Down, Left, Left, | | Left, Down, Left | | Green solution (From the bottom to the left): Up, Right, Down, Right, Down, | | Down, Left, Down | | | | _______ _______ ___B___ _______ | | | | | | | | | | | ___|___ | |___|___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|___|___|_______|___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | G|___| | |___|___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|_______|___|___|___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | ___|_______|___|___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|_______|___|___|_______| | | | | | | | | | | | B|___| | ___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|___|___|_______|_______| | | G | | | | This was easy, uh? Hope so because the next one is much harder, oh oh sorry | | don't give up the hope just yet, I have a correct solution for this one to. | | The short summary is that both terminals have to be hacked the same time so | | another Cortes arrives from the wormhole, he deals with the bots while the | | other Cortes goes to the other computer. Well, as promised this puzzle is a | | lot harder because the grid is even bigger and you also have to deal with a | | new colour as well, let's boogie! | | | | Blue solution (From down to right): Up, Up, Right, Right, Up, Right, Right, | | Down, Left, Down, Down, Left, Left, Down, Left, Down, Down | | Green solution (From up to right): Down, Down, Right, Down, Down, Right, | | Right, Right, Down, Right | | Red solution (From right to down): Down, Down, Left, Down, Down, Down, Left,| | Left, Left, Down | | | | | | _______ ___G___ _______ _______ _______ _______ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___|_______|___ | ___|R | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|___|___|___|___|_______|___|___|___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___|___|___|___| | ___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|___|___|_______|___|___|_______|___|___| | | | | | |___|___ | | | ___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|_______|___|___|___|___|___|___|_______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | B|___| | ___|___|___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|___|___|___|___|_______|___|___|_______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___|___| | |___|_______|___|___|___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|_______|_______|_______|___|___|___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___|_______|_______|___| | |___|G | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|___|___|_______|_______|_______|_______| | | B R | | | | Ah, no more terminals, can it be better? Wait, this time you have to fend | | off the railbots while Past Cortes are hacking the terminal. Quickly arm | | your Dispersion gun because it's the best you'll get now, trust me it works | | better than the SBP. The first wave is very easy however, just 2-4 railbots | | have to be killed. | | | | One more Cortes will arrive from the wormhole, he and the other one will try| | to hack the terminals while you have to fend off an army of railbots and | | spiderbots. Wait spiderbots? As before, the Dispersion gun is your best | | friend during this part. Be sure to deal with the spiderbots first because | | they are more dangerous than the normal railbots. Treat them as always, one | | fully charged shot from the Dispersion gun will make it. Be sure to pick up | | SBP-500 ammo and the Dispersion gun ammo if you need it. | | | | Wait, what did I say no more terminals? I'm sorry, this is the hardest one | | of the lot + the last one so thankfully I have made a blueprint for this | | one to, you cheater! | | | | Blue solution (From up to down): Down, Down, Down, Right, Right, Right, Up, | | Up, Up, Right, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Down, Down, Down | | Green solution (From left to right): Right, Right, Right, Down, Down, Down, | | Down, Right, Right, Right, Right | | Red solution (From up to left): Down, Down, Left, Left, Left, Left, Down, | | Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Up, Up, Left | | | | | | _______ ___B___ _______ _______ _______ _______ ___R___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___|___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|___|___|_______|_______|___|___|___|___|___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | G|_______|___|___|_______|___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|___|___|_______|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | R|___ | | | ___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|_______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|___|___|___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|_______|___|___|___|___|_______|___|___|_______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___|_______|___|___|___|___|___|___|_______|_______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___ | | | |___|___|___|_______|_______|G | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|___|___|___|___|_______|___|___|_______|_______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___|___| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_______|_______|_______|_______|___|___|_______|_______| | | B | | | | This is the last part of this huge puzzle. You once again have to fend off | | another wave of spiderbots and railbots. Do this as you did before, use your| | Dispersion gun to take out the spiderbots first, one fully charged blast | | will make it as always. Take out the railbots after, the ammo on the floor | | has probably respawned so pick it up if you need it. The door will open | | after every bot has been killed. Head through the door. | | | | /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | | | [ ] Dispersion gun ammo | Somewhere on the floor in the puzzle area. | | | | [ ] SBP-500 ammo | Somewhere on the floor in the puzzle area. | | | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ | | | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Hangar_______________________________________________________________________ Once you met up with Amy again, pick up the Time grenades and the Dispersion gun ammo from beside her. Head through the corridor all the way until you arrive in the hangar. You will meet up with Crow here, he has some security droids to help him out as well. Equip your SBP-500 and fire like a maniac towards the airborne droids, they are quite easy to destroy. Amy will also be a lot of help. After 4 droids are destroyed, the level will end. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Dispersion gun ammo | On the floor beside Amy. | | [ ] Time distrupter grenades | On the floor beside Amy. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Unlockables: Easy: Dr. Amy Normal/Hard: Dr. Cortes Total items: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] LX-18 ammo | By some boxes in the area with the many | | | doors | | | and the second encounter with spiderbots. | | [ ] R03 keycard | On a bench in the showerroom. | | [ ] ID card | Cortes will automatically pick it up once | | | you enter the | | | room which the R03 keycard is needed to | | | open. | | [ ] Injector | Cortes will automatically pick it up once | | | you enter the | | | room which the R03 keycard is | | | needed to open. | | [ ] Doctor suit | Cortes will automatically pick it up once | | | you enter the | | | room which the R03 keycard is needed to | | | open. | | [ ] Armour | On a bench in the same room as the | | | injector/keycard. | | [ ] Dispersion gun | Kill any of the guards in the security area.| | [ ] Time distrupter grenades | On a trolley at the right end of the first | | | corridor after the security checkpoint, near| | | the room which trigerrs a cutscene when | | | entered. | | [ ] Dispersion gun ammo | Somewhere on the floor in the puzzle area. | | [ ] SBP-500 ammo | Somewhere on the floor in the puzzle area. | | [ ] Dispersion gun ammo | On the floor beside Amy. | | [ ] Time distrupter grenades | On the floor beside Amy. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ _____________________ Machine Wars - 2243: \_________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Thrown into the midst of the Machine Wars, Cortez cunningly enlists the help of an R-110 combat droid. Now he must explore the war-torn ruins around the Ultra-Net complex. There must be an entrance to Crow's lab nearby... Main Objectives: Locate the Ultra-Net secret laboratory Reach the battletank Gain access to the processing facility Obtain a cybernetic security implant Secondary Objectives: None Walkthrough: __Path to the battle tank______________________________________________________ Well, this level looks a lot like a terminator level, if you have played any of the terminator games before. You will have to fight off hoards of evil robots as well as their programmers. You will also have to drive a tank. Start by looking up into the sky, you'll see warships everywhere. Yeah, you have arrived in the middle of the machinewars that's it! Don't follow Angel and Mordecai just yet, instead go to the right towards the dead rebel's body, once he died, he dropped his dual handguns so pick them up. The dual handguns are just as effective as they were in "Time To Split" if not even more effective because it seems that the robots in this level are weaker than the splitters. Okay, follow Angel and Mordecai all the way through the corridor, after 2 corners, you will encounter your first battledroids. The Inseticks however aren't very hard to defeat, a few sci-fi shots to the head is more than enough to take them down. There are 3 ones in total here, hide behind the debris if you have to take cover. Go up further up ahead and wait behind the corner. Use your uplink to pick up the Plasma grenades, okay you can just walk on them to pick them up but anyway. Once round the corner, you'll encounter something tougher than the Inseticks... ...A Prometheus droid! Tough much stronger than the Inseticks, they still have all the weak points. A few shots to the head will take them down without too much trouble, anyway I have a great strategy for dealing with Prometheus robots here goes: Run up to the Prometheus and stand next to him as close as possible. He won't be able to hit you now so look up until you see his head, now unload the Sci-fi handgun in his head. There are several enemies in this area, one Prometheus in front of you, one more is behind the pillars up ahead, kill him via the tecniqhue mentioned above. There is also a human guard here who can be taken out using any normal strategy for dealing with human enemies. Head through the big gap in the wall to the left, on Prometheus is here so run up to him and kill him, enter the tank... /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Sci-fi handgun x2 | Head to the right at the very beginning and check | | | the ground by the dead body. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | After the first Inseticks have been killed and you | | | go through the path towards the area with the | | | Prometheus, at the very end of this path by some | | | debris. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Tank driving_________________________________________________________________ Once the area around the tank has been entered, you will meet up with your future self again. Your future self will take his position in the back of the tank so he will control the turret gun. Your objective here is to drive the tank while future Cortes fends off the fighters. However, you have a cannon which you can use. Tank controls are quite simple: .--------------------------------. | Left stick = Move tank | | Right stick = Cotrol cannon | | R2 = Fire cannon | '--------------------------------' Start by heading forward and turn left and go up the ramp. When you have reached the top, turn left. Go down the road all the way to see a rival tank here somewhere. However, he fires much slower than you so you will be able to kill him quite quickly and he can't do too much damage either. Aim your crosshair towards the rival tank and fire, a few blasts will take it down. Turn right at the very top of the road, there are several robots here. They can easy be killed by moving over them with the tank but you can also shoot with your cannon to cause a great amount of damage. As you continue up the road, you'll see a barricade blocking the path up ahead. Stop your tank and shoot the barricade on the left side, one shot from the cannon will make it. Head through where you smashed the barricade and go down the road, then up on the other side. Head up the road to the left and shoot the robots as you drive up. One more tank is waiting here so give it the same treatment. Back off a bit and fire 5 shots towards it to take it down. Go up the road to trigger a cutscene. __Tunnel_______________________________________________________________________ You will drop into a tunnel and guess who's here? Angel! Yeah, that girl, she's cool yeah I know. But the best here is that you will get 2 new things found on the floor here, one Plasma autorifle as well as a med-kit, pick up the stuff you need and follow Angel through the corridor. Ignore the droids firing at you from below, you will have to deal with them later however but you don't have any long range equipment yet so take them on, on foot later. It's a waste of ammo if you try to shoot from here. Follow Angel to the end of this corridor. There's a gap in the wall on the right which you have to jump through in order to get down. Angel will take her time to jump down so wait for her then jump down yourself. Oh, thanks for reminding me, I nearly forgot to say that there's a drunk soldier here, what he says: Evil robots... tryin kill uss all. Sposed be slaves! Do whats we say... shoulda never lets m think... s'big mistake... now they thinks they'll kill us all... /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Plasma autorifle | On the floor in the corridor which you dropped down | | | into after the tank ride. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the floor in the corridor which you dropped down | | | into after the tank ride. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | On the floor in the corridor which you dropped down | | | into after the tank ride. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Battlefield__________________________________________________________________ Now it's time to take on those fools who tried to shoot at you while you was up in the corridor. Head out into the open (go right from the point where you arrive after jumping down from the corridor.) There are several enemies here and explosion barells, remember the great combo, uplink and explosive barrels. Pick up an explosion barrel and throw it towards the Prometheus droid because he's the hardest one of the lot and requires the most punishment. Be sure to be quick when you throw or else you will end up with an explosion in front of your face. If you fail with the explosion barrel method, then just run up next to him and shoot him a few times in his head. There is no need to waste Plasma autorifle ammo because the Sci-fi handguns works just as great. Equip any gun and mow down the remaining Insetick robots, they are just as annoying as the beetles in mansion of madness. Some robots will come from the corner on your left, do the same trick as you have done with all robots yet. Head through the gap on your left and go towards the ramp at the top right of this area. A Prometheus droid is waiting for you at the top of the mound. His rocket- launcher can be quite dangerous from such a long range so be sure to hide behind the corner when the rocket is about to hit. Gun him down as well as the Insetick in the hole on your right. Head up the mound to the balcony. Take out the Prometheus robot here and continue going, an Insetick is waiting at the end so give him the same treatment. Call Angel and she will hack into the terminal on the wall to open the door. Head through it. __Implant facility_____________________________________________________________ Crap! This area contains many enemies, 2 guards and 3 robots, luckyily they are Inseticks. Equip your autorifle if not equipped already. Shoot the human guards by the terminal on the other side. Go down the ramp and plug all the Inseticks. They are standing in a line so just pepper the line with bullets to take down everything. Head into the machine. You will get the implant, it's very painful but you won't die, hehe you will be left off with about 1/20 health, kind ah? Exit the machine via the other side. __Corridors____________________________________________________________________ The game has been kind to you however. Go up the ramp on your right to arrive in the tunnel. You will find a med-kit on the floor here. You will also find your first long range weapon on this level, the Sci-fi sniper from "Time To Split" remember it? Yeah you sure do, the best sniper rifle in the game. Go out to enter the balcony. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Sci-fi sniper | On the floor after you have gone up the ramp after | | | the implant. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the floor after you have gone up the ramp after | | | the implant. | | [ ] Sci-fi sniper | By the left wall to the left of the med-kit. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Balcony______________________________________________________________________ There are 2 Insetick robots on the balcony. Go back and hide behind the corner. Aim the crosshair in head-height and unload the Sci-fi handgun in the head when they are coming for you. Enter the balcony. Here, you have to take out turrets, both big and small. Arm your Sci-fi sniper because it's fairly the best weapon for this duty. Look over the edge to see a big building on the other side. The gun turrets are places on several places on this building. The small ones are most likely placed on the pillars and the large ones on top of the pillars. As you probably thought, the big turrets takes more to take down, 3 shots. The small turrets will only require one shot. Go all the way to the end of the balcony and find the hole in the wall on the right. There's an armour pickup here as well as another Sci-fi sniper. You will also find several crates which you can use as cover. Okay, let's start now. Look all the way to the left to see a big turret on the top of the most left pillar. Give it 3 shots then look to the right a bit. You'll see a big turret on the top of the pillar as well as another small one hanging on the pillar. Take out the mini one first because it only requires one hit to go down. Go for the bigger on after you have destroyed the first. Look to the right even more to see a small one hanging on one of the pillars, give it the same treatment then look even more right. Here, you see a big one, only a big one, not anything more, shoot it then look a bit right and shoot the last small one on the most right pillar. You are done! Go out from your cover position and head through the gap in the fence. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Sci-fi sniper | On the ground behind the crate in the area where you | | | can take cover from the turrets. | | [ ] Armour | On the ground behind the crate in the area where you | | | can take cover from the turrets. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Battlefield__________________________________________________________________ Be sure to take cover while down here since there are quite a few robots, shooting at you from the other side. Either way, equip your sniper rifle and hide behind any of the items and snipe the robots in their faces. This is not recommended because you'll be able to take a high amount of damage while the robots are attacking from different directions. Anyway, use the debris as cover while you are going for the large gutter up ahead. Jump down into it once you reach it. There are Plasma grenades at the left end of the gutter. Run to them and pick them up. Be fast while turning around because a Prometheus droid will jump down and join your journey in the gutter. Throw one Plasma grenade at him in order to cause some serious damage or just do our old trick, hope you remember! It can be better if you wait for the Prometheus droid to appear in the gutter then kill him and pick up the grenades afterwards, this is completely up to you becaue both methods work great just that you have to be a little faster when you try method one. Go to the right side of the gutter and head up the ramp. Be careful because a Prometheus droid will attack once you have gone up the ramp. Quickly run towards him and use our special method to take him down without too much trouble, hopefully. Go over to the left, find some cover fast because one human guard is here as well as a few robots. There's a med-kit under the platform if you need it. Be sure to use your Sci-fi handgun when dealing with the Inseticks here because they are easily killed, instead of wasting ammo from the autorifle. Take out the human guard and the robots by the pillar-platform then continue walking. Use our special method to take down the Prometheus droids which will also be encountered in this area. Head to the other side of the rubble and go all the way round. Look on your right to see a door. A Prmoetheus droid is guarding the door however. Take him down using our strategy then enter through the door. Angel and Mordecai will leave you with the trouble once again, follow the path all the way round until you meet up with your past self. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Plasma grenades | At the left end of the huge gutter. | | [ ] Med-kit | Underneath the "pillar-platform" on the other side of| | | the gutter, by some enemies. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Tank ride____________________________________________________________________ Yeah, you meet up with your past self here. Once again, it's something about a tank. You don't need to drive it but you have to control the flak turret this time. The controls are similar to any gun turret. .-------------------------------. | Right stick = Control turret | | R2 = Fire turret | '-------------------------------' Actually, there isn't much to do here. You don't need to shoot the fighters if you don't feel for it. Let Cortes drive up the path up ahead then he will turn left. Some fighters will come from the area where you destroyed the first tank when you was driving in the beginning of the mission. Aim your turret gun towards the fighters and plug them, they only require a few hits from the turret gun to go down. You will not encounter anymore fighters until in the last tunnel. Shoot these ones to and let past Cortes drive up all the way to the end of the tunnel. The tank ride will stop here just like before. __Battlefield__________________________________________________________________ You will meet up with R-110 again. Be sure to pick up the equipment here, you can find a Minigun, Plasma grenades and a med-kit. Head through the gap on the right. There are several battle droids here. Be sure to plug the ones at the left first. Deal with the Prometheus robots as you have did with all the previous ones we have encountered. One Prometheus is hiding behind a barricade at the right end corner. Equip your autorifle or your new pwnage weapon, the Minigun. It is capable of killing a Prometheus droid with only a few shots. Head around to the left and kill the Prometheus by the fire and the wreckage in the left end of this area. Some guards and Inseticks are encountered in the ramp. Use the cover to hide from the gunfire. Remember that Inseticks are killed very easy so just shoot them with your handgun. Rearm your autorifle or Minigun as you go up the stairs. Turn left and plug the Prometheus battle droids here. Some Inseticks will attack you from the corner on the left so plug them with your handgun then continue the corridor down to the car. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Plasma grenades | On the floor in front of you after the tank ride. | | [ ] Minigun | On the floor in front of you after the tank ride. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the floor in front of you after the tank ride. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Car driving__________________________________________________________________ The most fun and awesome part of the level in my opinion. You have to drive a buggy through a crevasse while you are are hunted by robots in all different forms as well as autoguns which are shooting at you constantly. There is only one thing to do here if you don't want to be shot to pieces within a half of a second or so. Drive like hell! Thankfully, the route is very straight forward and R-110 will give you directions when the route start to get complicated. Remember, do never stop to shoot anything, you won't need it because the buggy can be used to drive over your foes. Do never flip the buggy, it will result in death for you or R-110 or both. Restart from checkpoint if that happens. At the end of the track, you will arrive in front of a rather huge battle mech. __Battle mech control__________________________________________________________ In this area, you have to control a huge battle mech robot when trying to destroy the fighters, flying around above you in order to make your way to the workers entrance. Exit the car and R-110 will go and hack the terminal on the wall next to the mech. After he's done, you will gain control of this incredibly huge thing. There is not much to do here either. The battlemech is almost invincible. The mech will move by itself, you will probably think what's your objective with this. You will get your answer right here. The mech is armed with 2 different weapons and you have to use them in order to destroy the fighters. .-----------------------. | R2 = Fire rocket | | L2 = Fire minigun | '-----------------------' The best friend you have here is your radar. Use it to locate the fighters then plaster them as they appear. The rocket launcher will take its time to lock onto the target. Try to have the target in your sight until the reticule turns red, then fire a rocket. Use your minigun if the fighters are in front of the mech, or else it's kinda unuseful if you don't have great accuracy. A cutscene will play after enough fighters have been destroyed. This will end the level. Unlockables: Easy: Mordecai Jones Normal/Hard: Ghengis Kant Total items: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Sci-fi handgun x2 | Head to the right at the very beginning and check | | | the ground by the dead body. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | After the first Inseticks have been killed and you | | | go through the path towards the area with the | | | Prometheus, at the very end of this path by some | | | debris. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | On the floor in the corridor which you dropped down| | | into after the tank ride. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the floor in the corridor which you dropped down| | | into after the tank ride. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | On the floor in the corridor which you dropped down| | | into after the tank ride. | | [ ] Sci-fi sniper | On the floor after you have gone up the ramp after | | | the implant. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the floor after you have gone up the ramp after | | | the implant. | | [ ] Sci-fi sniper | By the left wall to the left of the med-kit. | | [ ] Sci-fi sniper | On the ground behind the crate in the area where | | | you can take cover from the turrets. | | [ ] Armour | On the ground behind the crate in the area where | | | you can take cover from the turrets. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | At the left end of the huge gutter. | | [ ] Med-kit | Underneath the "pillar-platform" on the other side | | | of the gutter, by some enemies. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | On the floor in front of you after the tank ride. | | [ ] Minigun | On the floor in front of you after the tank ride. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the floor in front of you after the tank ride. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ________________________________ Something To Crow About - 2243: \______________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Far beneath the war-torn city, Crow's Ultra-Net base houses his war machines, battle tanks, robots and who knows what else? What exactly has he been researching for 200 years? - Genetic modification? - Time travel? - Immortality? - Perhaps even all three! Main Objectives: Terminate Crow Deactivate the central power core Defeat the battle mech Destroy the Timesplitter life support system Eliminate the creature Secondary Objectives: None Walkthrough: __The lift_____________________________________________________________________ You will start this level in a lift. R-110 has given you a Sci-fi handgun to start out with and you don't need to worry about any enemies yet. You are very close to Crow now, oh wait... Probably the most simple checkpoint to reach in the game as long as you don't shoot anything. Wait in the lift with R-110 until the lift reaches the bottom. R-110 will hack into the terminal and open the door for you. While in the lift area, don't shoot anything don't even release a bullet out in the sky. It will cause the fighters to spot you. These fighters are a lot easier than the ones in "Machine Wars" about 5 shots will have them down. It's up to you if you want to kill them now or deal with them later. I suggest later because you will have better equipment then. The fighters are very hard to hit with your handgun because they will always fly around. You will need something faster to kill these in an easy way, wait for later. Enter through the door which R-110 opens for you at the bottom of this area. __Corridors____________________________________________________________________ Once you enter, R-110 will hack into yet another terminal and open the door. Listen to the funny things Crow says while R-110 opens the door, quite ammusing in my opinion. Head through the door after R-110 has unlocked it and walk over to the back of the beak to the right. Duck behind the deak and then walk towards the corner. Ready your handgun here because a guard is waiting behind the corner. It's of course possible to take her out without ducking behind the beak. Just go towards her then shoot her in the head, which will kill her immediatley because she's a normal human enemy. That's the only thing I can't say about the enemies which will spawn shortly after the female guard has been killed. As R-110 approaches the console, several Inseticks will spawn in the room in the top left corner of the room near the window. The first wave consists of 2 Inseticks armed with handguns. Kill them both using you own handgun in order to spawn the second wave. This time, the Inseticks are using Plasma autorifles. Walk up behind them and plug them in the back of the head, 1-2 shots is enough to take them down, just as in the previous level. The last wave consists of 2 more Inseticks, both armed with autorifles. Kill them using your own autorifle. 2 fighters will arrive in the open area outside the window. This time, you have the means to take them on. Equip your autorifle then start shooting at the foes out there. They require about 10 shots directly to their bodies in order to go down. The autorifle is fast firing so you will be able to take out these bithces very easy with this gun. Take out both and R-110 will be able to hack into the terminal, he will reveal the secret of Crow's secret Timesplitter army as well as unlocking the door in the top right corner of the room. Head through the newly unlocked door. Check the right side of the corridor and you will find an armour pickup on the floor near the strange box on the wall. However, as you approach the box you will probably see that something is in it. Press the X button and you will pick up the Electrotool from the box. The Electrotool is the only weapon in the game which can deal with shielded enemies. It can also stun robotic enemies for a few seconds. The weapon doesn't do much damage itself, however. You have to try it immediately because a shielded Prometheus robot is waiting behind the left corner. Give him a short blast from the Electrotool to disable his shield. Keep shooting at him with the Electrotool to stun him then quickly equip your handgun and run up to him and shoot him in the head. Round the next corner, you will encounter the biggest treat in the level. A rolling bot. You don't need to deal with it from close range, it's up on the platform at the end of the corridor. You don't want to stay in the corridor for too long so run out in the corridor, give him a few shots by the autorifle. Take cover behind the corner, run out away and give him a few shots, repeat until it's dead. Head down the corridor. A few Inseticks will spawn here so give them the autorifle to the face. Yet another shielded Prometheus will spawn after the Inseticks are killed so give him the same treatment as the previous one. 2 more Inseticks will spawn so give them the handgun to the face, you don't want to waste autorifle bullets trust me. There is a force field here, blocking the path. There is one way to deal with it. Use your Electrotool to blow up the force field. However, some Inseticks are waiting behind the door so kill them. Grab the autorifle from the box on the wall while R-110 is unlocking the door. Head through the door. Go slowly down the ramp to the left. Stop when you first see both Prometheus robots. Shoot them with your Electrotool to disable the shields then keep shooting them to keep them stunned. Equip your handgun and blast the foes. Destroy the force field down in the corridor using your Electrotool. Be quick with equiping your handgun because 3 Inseticks will spawn in the corridor. Give them the handgun to the face. As you continue down the corridor, you will encounter a nasty enemy, a rolling turret. These are very dangerous especially on hard mode. One of the most annoying enemies in the game, in my opinion. To start things out with, these guys has quite a high amount of health and their laser blasts are damaging and hard to avoid, at least in these narrow corridors. You can only kill them while they are open because they can't be harmed while in their rolling status. R-110 is a lot of help in this battle, let him do the work and help him when it's needed. Continue up the corridor into the lift area, don't be too fast here because yet another rolling turret is waiting here. Give him the same treatment this time and pick up the med-kit as well as the armour from the floor very near where you entered this area from. Take the right path up and pick up the Plasma grenades. You can kill the enemies here but it's no need unless you want to loose health. Kill the enemies if you want or head into the lift. The lift will take you up to the power core, R-110 will leave you here. Head through the door to arrive in the power core room. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Plasma autorifle | Kill any of the Inseticks in wave 2 or 3 when you | | | are fighting them the first time. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the first room when you fight robots for the | | | first time in this level. Go into the area where the| | | med-bot is floating around and where R-110 enters to| | | access the console. | | [ ] Armour | On the floor in the right of the corridor after you | | | have exited the room with your first fight. | | [ ] Electrotool | Notice the box on the wall straight above the armour| | | pickup. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the very left of the corridor where you encounter| | | your first shielded enemy. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the very left of the corridor where you encounter| | | your first shielded enemy. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | In the box on the wall in the area after you have | | | destroyed your first force field. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the floor at the very beginning of the lift area | | | after the first rolling bot. | | [ ] Armour | On the floor at the very beginning of the lift area | | | after the first rolling bot. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | Take the right path in the lift area and you will | | | find the Plasma grenades in the top right corner | | | near the lift. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Power core area (upper floor)________________________________________________ You will arrive in the power core area. In order to be able to destroy the core you will have to disable the forcefields around it. But before you can do anything, you will have to deal with 2 fighters. The Electrotool is by far the best gun to use while fighting these airborne security droids. Keep blasting them with your Electrotool to send them into spinning mode, it will cause them to crash. Notice the huge force ball in the middle of the area. Head over to the left side of it, assuming you are coming from the entrance of this area. Activate the console here to deactivate force field 1 of 2. This will also spawn 2 shielded Prometheus droids, one on each side of this room. Disable their shields with the Electrotool and then blast them with the handgun. Go to the right of the force ball and activate the second terminal. This will disable the force field from the core. One guard and 2 Inseticks will spawn by the door on the other side than the side you came from. Kill them and another guard will come, kill her to. Head through the door and pick up the Plasma grenades and the med-kit from the corner of the corridor. Turn left in the corridor to see a force field. Disable it with your Electrotool then kill the Inseticks behind it. Go through the door on your left. As you approaches the door on the other side of the room, several Inseticks will spawn in this area as well as a shielded Promethus. Kill everything then head through the door on the end. Go into the lift. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the corner in the beginning of the corridor after | | | you have deactivated the force field. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the corner in the beginning of the corridor after | | | you have deactivated the force field. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Power core area (lower floor)________________________________________________ Head down the corridor and be sure to pick up the Plasma grenades and the armor pickup in the bottom of the corridor before you exit through the door on your right. You will arrive in the lower floor of the core area. A rolling bot will attack you from the ramps at the end of this area. Reasy your grenades and the autorifle and blow him to hell when he opens, remember he can't ba harmded when he's in rolling position. Go towards the ramps at the end of this area and yet another rolling turret will get the jump on you. Hide behind any pillar in the area to avoid his shots then plug him when you get the chance. After he's killed, pay attention to the huge sphere. You will notice a hole in the sphere, this is your chance to destroy it. Quickly equip the Plasma grenades and throw one into the hole. This will destroy the sphere as well as spawning 4 Insetick robots. Give them the autorifle to the face combined with Plasma grenades or whatever shit you want. Anyway, a much bigger treat is waiting for you. Out from the hangar, a huge battlemech will come. =============================================================================== Boss fight: Battlemech =============================================================================== This boss may seem quite dangerous bu actually, it isn't. It's one of the most easy bosses in the game. It doesn't require any strategy at all to defeat and not too much gunfire either. 5 grenades will take him down, only 5 grenades. If you don't have grenades then go to the ramp area at the back and head up onto the little platform. There are grenades as well as a med-kit here. This place is also very good to stay on and shoot the mech with your autorifle. Just try to avoid his machinegun fire which he fires at you constantly. Trust me, this guy is a lot easier than the rolling turrets. He's huge, he's slow, he's ugly, he's weak and... he's a loser! You shall defeat him without dying even on your first try, nah I'm kidding :) -------- Attacks: -------- - Turret fire Damage: Low x bullet How to avoid: Strafe away from the bullets when they are about to hit. --------------- Weapons to use: --------------- - Plasma grenades Why: Highly recommended. 5 grenades will kill this guy. - Plasma autorifle Why: Very effective, 1-2 overheats combined with plasma grenades will take down this guy within no time. - Sci-fi handgun Why: Use only as a last resort weapon. Does a bit of damage. - Electrotool Why: Does a very little damage but can stun the boss. ------------------- Weapons NOT to use: ------------------- - Fists Why: Your weak fists can't hurt him. - Gun whacks Why: Read fists and I don't have to tell you. =============================================================================== After you have killed the battlemech, enter the hangar he came from and be sure to pick up the med-kit on the right side of the door. Enter through the room and a cutscene will play. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Plasma grenades | At the bottom of the corridor after you have accessed| | | the lower floor via the elevator. | | [ ] Armour | At the bottom of the corridor after you have accessed| | | the lower floor via the elevator. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | Go towards the ramp area at the end of the power core| | | room and check the wall under the ramp. You will find| | | a box with a Plasma autorifle. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the top of the ramp in the ramp area. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | On the top of the ramp in the ramp area. | | [ ] Med-kit | Enter the hangar which the battlemech came from then | | | search the right side of the door. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Weapon research lab__________________________________________________________ You will arrive in a research lab right after the cutscene has played. Check the scientists as well as the guards up on the balcony. You can blow the scientists to hell if you feel sadistic. Anyway notice the rather huge turret in the center of this area. This is exactly which you need to use. Go around the turret until you find the control panel. Enter it via the X button then use the gun turret to blow up the power node. You can always blow up some of the guards on the balcony as well. They will constantly respawn but it's fun to see the guts flying around after a wave has been slaughtered. Exit the turret then go to the hole you just blew up. Pick up the Plasma grenades from the top right corner near the door. Head through the door on the right. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the top right corner after entering the hole | | | which you blew up. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Corridors____________________________________________________________________ Equip your Electrotool and that's fast because a Prometheus is waiting for you right behind the door and you won't be peppered by his gunfire. Let him taste the Electrotool and then follow up with handgun shots to the head. Go up the corridor and enter the open area via the door on the end of the corridor. There are guards as well as robos everywhere, most of them are hiding behind pipes while some are on the balconys. 2 guards as well as an Insetick robot is right in front of you as you enter this area. All are quite weak as usuall so deal with them using your handgun. You will see annother guard on the gantry to the left up ahead. Don't go up the stairs to it just yet. Instead, pick up the med-kit from behind the pipes to the left of the stairs to the gantry. Now, go up and plug the guard here. 2 Inseticks will spawn right in front of you as you progress through the gantry. Go down the gantry on the other side and kill the 2 guards here. A rolling turret will arrive from behind the corner so throw a grenade at him then hide behind the pipe. Follow the corridor all the way down, be sure to pick up the Plasma grenades and the armour before you exit through the door. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | Behind the pipes to the left of the stairs to the | | | gantry. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | At the end of the corridor after the area with the | | | pipes. | | [ ] Armour | At the end of the corridor after the area with the | | | pipes. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Timesplitters "making area"__________________________________________________ Here is where they construct Timesplitters. This area is well guarded by a few guards as well as a lot of robots all carrying new dangerous weapons, much more powerful than anything you could ever imagine. Quickly, equip your Electrotool and keep an eye on the Patrolling Prometheus out in the open. Sneak up towards him and feed him with a blast from the Electrotool. Quickly equip your Plasma autorifle and destroy him. Look around in the area to see both a guard and an Insetick. Kill the guard first because she is wielding a Rocket launcher. Go for the Insetick after which also has a new pwnage gun, the minigun. Pick up their guns after you have killed them. Shortly after, 2 Inseticks will spawn on either end of the area. Plug them both then equip your Electrotool and head into the corridor opposite from the one you came from. 2 Prometheus robots will spawn behind either boxes and one will spawn right in front of you. Disable their shields and stun them with your Electrotool. Equip the minigun and set it to alt fire mode. Plug all the Prometheus droids then go for the door on the end. Some guards will come from the door and 2 Inseticks will spawn on either end once again. Kill everything then head into the lift. Let the lift take you up all the way to the top level. There's a med-kit on the on the floor in front of you and one Electrotool in the box on the right wall. Pick up the stuff you need then head out. You will see a rolling turret approaching you from the other side. Equip your minigun and Plasma grenades. Pepper him with minigun rounds or throw a few grenades on him to kill him. Go around to the left to spawn 2 Inseticks as well as a shielded Prometheus robot. Disable the shield of the Prometheus then kill it as well as the 2 other droids here. Fd the console in the middle of the room and press the X button when near it. This will bring down a power node. As in Timesplitters 2, you have to overload the power node with electricity so do so using your Electrotool. This will spawn 2 Prometheus robots, one on either side, both with shields so be sure to kill them before they cause any serious damage. Take the path on the left and go all the way through the corridor. Grenade the rolling turret which will come for you in the corridor. Pick up the Plasma grenades from the balcony on the left then continue. There are several guards on the end, armed with Rocket launchers. Kill 'em all then head into the lift. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Electrotool | In the box on the right wall after you have accessed | | | via the lift. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the box on the right wall after you have accessed | | | via the lift. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | In a balcony in the left corner after destroying the | | | power node. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Path to the palace___________________________________________________________ You will arrive in a corridor after you have gone up the lift. Pick up the med-kit from the floor and check the box on the right wall for an Electrotool. Exit via the door up ahead. You will arrive in another open area and you will probably see a huge palace on the other side of the shaft. That's where you have to go. Notice the airborne droids, flying around. You don't want to waste ammo from the Electrotool so use your Minigun or autorifle. Head towards the energ bridge and it will deactivate it. You will have to power it up in order to cross it. Notice the power nodes on either sides of the bridge. Shoot them with the Electrotool for a few seconds then move out on the platform. Shoot the other node, walk onto the platform then repeat until you reach the other side. You will be able to stay on one platform for 4-5 seconds before falling into the depths. Enter the palace via the door. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Electrotool | In the box on the right side of the corridor. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the floor near the end of the corridor near the | | | box containing the Electrotool. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Palace_______________________________________________________________________ Yeah, now you are here! let's terminate Crow! Well, actually you have to take down 5 guards in order to get access to Crow. To start things out with, be sure to not take up anything before you have killed all the guards here. One guard will come running for you from the stairs up ahead while another one is on ground level to the right. Feel free to use any weapon to take them down. Head up the stairs and plug everything here then head down the stairs once again. Pick up the med-kit and the armour oither side of the room. Head up again and go to the right and pick up the Plasma grenades at the end of the balcony. Enter through the door... =============================================================================== Boss fight: Creature Crow =============================================================================== Now you will face Crow. It's time for you to decide what kind of man you are. Fight for your life! But what have happened to Crow? He looks a bit ugly, ahh? He will probably seem impossible to human eye, he will look like a walking tank to many. However, he isn't that hard to kill. You should have a great arsenal of weapons by now and must of your weapons are more than capable to kill him. The only thing you have to focus on are his guns. They are marked on his body with green rings. As you hurt his guns, the rings will change colour to orange when they are hurt, red when they are almost destroyed and the rings will dissapear when the turrets are destroyed. Begin with equiping your Plasma grenades and minigun. The Plasma grenades can deplete up to one half of his health bar if hit correctly so be sure to aim well on his guns before throwing. Set the minigun to alt fire mode in order to be able to fire faster. Let's say Crow is walking on the left side of the room, facing his guns towards the right side of the room. Walk towards the right side and hide behind the pillars here and take pot shots at his guns when you get the chance. Be sure to avoid his bombs. When a bomb is about to explode, you will see a laser beem going towards you, strafe away from it to avoid being hit. ------- Attack: ------- - Turret fire Damage: Low x bullet How to avoid: Run away or hide behind pillars. - Bombs Damage: Very high How to avoid: Strafe away from the laser beems or stay far away from the bomb. --------------- Weapons to use: --------------- - Plasma grenades Why: 5 Plasma grenades can deplete one half of his health bar. - Rocket launcher Why: Does a high amount of damage. - Minigun Why: One of the best weapons to use against this boss. - Plasma autorifle Why: A good weapon which can deal out a lot of damage. - Electrotool Why: Does a low amount of damage. - Sci-fi handgun Why: Does a low amount of damage. Use ONLY as a last resort weapon. ------------------- Weapons NOT to use: ------------------- - Fists Why: You can't hurt him. - Gun whacks Why: You can't hurt him. =============================================================================== A cutscene will play after the boss has been defeated which will end this level. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Plasma grenades | Go up the stairs and then turn rigth and you will | | | find them on the floor at the end of the balcony. | | [ ] Med-kit | On a table on the right side of the palace as you are| | | coming from the entrance. | | [ ] Armour | On a table on the left side of the palace as you are | | | coming from the entrance. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Unlockables: Easy: GOLIATH SD/9 Normal/Hard: Private Jones Total items: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Plasma autorifle | Kill any of the Inseticks in wave 2 or 3 when you | | | are fighting them the first time. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the first room when you fight robots for the | | | first time in this level. Go into the area where the| | | med-bot is floating around and where R-110 enters to| | | access the console. | | [ ] Armour | On the floor in the right of the corridor after you | | | have exited the room with your first fight. | | [ ] Electrotool | Notice the box on the wall straight above the armour| | | pickup. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the very left of the corridor where you encounter| | | your first shielded enemy. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the very left of the corridor where you encounter| | | your first shielded enemy. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | In the box on the wall in the area after you have | | | destroyed your first force field. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the floor at the very beginning of the lift area | | | after the first rolling bot. | | [ ] Armour | On the floor at the very beginning of the lift area | | | after the first rolling bot. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | Take the right path in the lift area and you will | | | find the Plasma grenades in the top right corner | | | near the lift. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the corner in the beginning of the corridor after| | | you have deactivated the force field. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the corner in the beginning of the corridor after| | | you have deactivated the force field. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | At the bottom of the corridor after you have | | | accessed the lower floor via the elevator. | | [ ] Armour | At the bottom of the corridor after you have | | |accessed the lower floor via the elevator. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | Go towards the ramp area at the end of the power | | | core room and check the wall under the ramp. You | | | will find a box with a Plasma autorifle. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the top of the ramp in the ramp area. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | On the top of the ramp in the ramp area. | | [ ] Med-kit | Enter the hangar which the battlemech came from then| | | search the right side of the door. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the top right corner after entering the hole | | | which you blew up. | | [ ] Med-kit | Behind the pipes to the left of the stairs to the | | | gantry. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | At the end of the corridor after the area with the | | | pipes. | | [ ] Armour | At the end of the corridor after the area with the | | | pipes. | | [ ] Electrotool | In the box on the right wall after you have accessed| | | via the lift. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the box on the right wall after you have accessed| | | via the lift. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | In a balcony in the left corner after destroying the| | | power node. | | [ ] Electrotool | In the box on the right side of the corridor. | | [ ] Med-kit | On the floor near the end of the corridor near the | | | box containing the Electrotool. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | Go up the stairs and then turn rigth and you will | | | find them on the floor at the end of the balcony. | | [ ] Med-kit | On a table on the right side of the palace as you | | | are coming from the entrance. | | [ ] Armour | On a table on the left side of the palace as you are| | | coming from the entrance. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ________________________ You Take The High Road: \______________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Briefing: Cortez might have destroyed the TimeSplitter army in 2243 but that hasn't stopped Crow! There's a grotesquely mutated cyborg on the loose and he could easily travel to another time and place and start all over again. The only way to permanently stop Crow is to prevent him from mining the crystals in the first place. Without the Time Crystals, Crow could never have built a time device and then, the TimeSplitters will never have been created at all. So, back to 1924 and under the remote Scottish island of Urnsay where Cortez and R-110 have a mission - to find and destroy the source of the crystals and the time travel device ending Crow's insanity before it begins! Main Objectives: Destroy the time crystals Activate the drilling machine Secondary Objectives: None Walkthrough: __Hangar_______________________________________________________________________ Ah, the old familiar Scotland again. These must be the funniest levels of the story mode. However, this time you are on a huge submarine. The level uses the same guns and enemies as the previous scotland level so you should be familiar with the most stuff. You will also get some new nasty surprises as well... You will start out in the back of the submarine so pull the switch in front of you as you start, this will reveal a ramp. Go down the ramp to arrive in the hangar. As you approach the big iris on the other side of the hangar after you have exited the submarine, the iris will open which will reveal 3 guards. All of them will attack with Krugers so you won't have too much trouble. If you want to save health then you can always hide behind any of the pillars in the hangar. 2 more guards will run down from the stairs up ahead. One of them has a single kruger while the other one uses twin krugers. Kill both of them then pick up the twin krugers. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Kruger 9mm x2 | Kill one of the 2 guards in the staircase after the | | | first guards have been killed. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Corridors____________________________________________________________________ Go up the corridor the 2 guards just came from. Turn to the right when you are at the top. There are 3 guards here. Shoot them or smack them to death. Be careful because some of the guards will hide behind pipes so be sure to check behind each pipe before going on so you won't get slashed from behind when you thought you were safe. You are never safe! At least not in Scotland... You will be stopped by a rotating door at the back of the corridor which is locked by now but you have to unlock it in order to progress. Go back the door and plug the 2 guards which have arrived from the iris on the left side of the corridor. Remember, there are 2 of them. If you don't find them immediately, then check behind the pipes. Go to the stairs you used to enter this area and check the wall by them to find a crank. Pull the crank to switch the stairs. You will be able to go up the stairs in front of you. Do so and pick up the Vintage rifle by the switches. You will also find Vintage rifle ammo on the floor by the generator to the right. Pull the left switch to rotate the door on the end of the corridor and press the right switch to close the iris to the hangar. Go back to the rotating door which is now unlocked and find the valve in the middle. Press X by it to rotate the door even more. Go through the newly opened door to enter a new corridor. R-110 will enter a pipe so continue on without him. Approach the iris to open it. This will reveal 3 guards and this time, they attack with more dangerous weapons than before. I hope you remember the K-SMG from Scotland the brave. This is the weapon they will have now. Smack them with the twin krugers or shoot them if you want, I find it very useful to smack them because it hurts nearly as much as a bullet to them. You will also save your ammo for later ;) Pick up their guns after they are killed, these won't hide behind pipes so don't worry. Go round the corner and check the first pipe on the left, a guard is hiding behind it so be sure to smash him to death before any serious damage is caused by him. Follow the corridor all the way to the end, you don't have to worry about guards since no one will ambush you anymore in this section of the level. You will find a valve on the very end of the corridor. Turn it to rotate a bridge below, hehe you can see how the bridge rotates below, quite neat to look at, nah I'm kidding. Who the f*** want to see a rotating bridge when there is so much other fun stuff to look at? Well, who knows... let's continue. Run back the corridor. 3 new enemies will attack you through the iris up ahead. This type of enemy is known as a Deep diver. They always attack with Harpoon guns and are quite weak against Harpoon guns as well. Mowing them down with the K-SMG is also the strategy for dealing with them, in case you want to save harpoons for the nasties later in the level... You will find a staircase leading down on the right side of the corridor. Go down and check the left to see some more divers. Use the harpoon gun or K-SMG to blow these guys to hell, or into the depths, hehe. Turn around and follow the corridor all the way. Another diver will get the jump on you after you've crossed the bridge. Open the pressure door on the end of the corridor then look down while you are on the bridge. You will see a town down there, there are several guards on the balconys, streets and in the houses but no one can be killed now. Head through the other pressure door to arrive in a warehouse. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Vintage rifle | By the switches in the room accessed after | | | switching the stairs using the valve. | | [ ] Vintage rifle ammo | In the same room as the rifle but this can be | | | found on the floor by the generator on the right | | | side of the room. | | [ ] K-SMG | Kill any of the guards which emerge from the iris | | | after R-110 left you. | | [ ] Harpoon gun | Kill any of the deep divers which emerge from the | | | iris after pulling the crank on the end of the | | | corridor. You can also kill the deep divers at the| | | left end of the corridor accessed after pulling | | | the crank. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Warehouse____________________________________________________________________ Yes, a stealth part just like in Scotland the brave. Equip your kruger and put on the silencer. Head down the path and crouch behind the crates. You will see 2 guards on the right behind the boxes. Wait for them to finish talking, they have to separate in order to take them down stealthy. Go around the corner after the 2 enemies have separated. One of them has positioned himself on a balcony up ahead so blast him with your silenced kruger. The other guard will be alerted now so hide behind the boxes, you have to wait a few seconds before killing him. Go down to the ramp located behind the boxes to the left. Be sure to pick up the med-kit and the armour from the shelves up ahead before going down the ramp. Look over to the right while you are walking through the corridors and you will soon see the guard. Plug him in the back of his head. Continue down the path. The stealth part will end now because a guard is standing with his face towards your location so he will spot you whatever you do. Blast him to pieces with any kind of gun you want. As you have been spotted, you will notice that a guard has spawned on top of the pile of boxes behind you so give him the same treatment before going on. Continue moving and you will sooner or later notice that something is strange with one of these crates. You will see a robot pounding out of the crate... This robot, known as a Robot Luis Stevenson can be the most dangerous type of robot in the game. It's machinegun is equiped to his hand so he will never need to hold a gun. This gun can be avoided by strafing away from him while he fires. You can also hide behind crates as always. However, with the right equipment, nothing is too hard to take down. Equip your K-SMG and put on the K-SMG grenades. Shoot one grenade right in the face to almost destroy him. Equip your harpoon gun and blast a few harpoons into his head to kill him off. He was easy, ah? Keep moving and find the ramp to go down to the lower floor of the warehouse. Keep moving to notice another rather strange crate. Hope you know what's coming next so you can equip a strong weapon. Yeah, another robot. Quickly equip your K-SMG with rockets put on and blast him 2 times in the head, or one grenade and a few harpoons. Go to the tunnel behind the crate the robot just came from. 2 guards are in here, both have K-SMGs. They will sometimes try to hide behind the cover in here so be sure to plug them before they do, hehe. Go through the door at the end of this corridor to enter the streets... /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | On one of the shelves before you go down the first ramp in | | | the warehouse. | | [ ] Armour | On one of the shelves before you go down the first ramp in | | | the warehouse. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Streets______________________________________________________________________ Now you are out on the streets, the same ones as you watched from the bridge up above earlier in the mission. Yes, the bridge you once stood on can be seen if you look up somewhere in the middle of this area. I have found out during my many playthroughs that the Krugers work the best in this part of the level. Okay to make long things short, if you are a noob player, then the K-SMG will probably be the best choice. The krugers will be able to take down enemies from all ranges because it's good zoom ability. The twin krugers can also smack down a guard with one hit. Oh yeah, of course the weapon choice is up to you but this is what I suggest. One guard will attack you right as you enter this area, smack him with the twin krugers to save some ammo for later use. Head over the bridge in front of you to kill 3 more guards. Hide behind the crates if you need. Pick up the med-kit from the top of the box as well as the grenades from the ground near the med-kit. Head over the bridge to come back to the beginning of this area. Take a left and be sure to plug the 4 guards, coming foor you as you take the path. Newbies, equip the K-SMG, but trust me, the Krugers work just as well. Continue until you reach a ramp. Before going down the ramp, kill the guards above it and equip your uplink and take the armour from the top of the box above the ramp, this is the only chance to get it, so do so wheter you need it or not. Go down the ramp. You will find 2 boxes of K-SMG ammo here, pick up what you need. There is a guard on the other side of the window, plug him to death using a single bullet from the kruger. Go up the stairs on the right to arrive on the other side of the river. You don't need to kill any enemy here but it makes your life easier as hell if you take down some of them, however. All guards stays on the upper balconys and they will always use the railing as cover which makes them so difficult to hit. Equip your Vintage rifle or kruger and aim for the explosive barrels placed out on several places on the balconys. This lace is kinda dark so it can sometimes be hard to spot the enemy locations, just zoom around until you find a little head to plug ;) Sooner or later, a guard will come from the locked door down the stairs here, he has got twin K-SMGs so be sure to blast him before he becomes too dangerous. Pick up the twin K-SMGs and go down the path he came from. Head through the door on your right which is unlocked by now. Continue the path all around and plug the guards hiding in the corridor at the end of the river. When a huge gate blocks your path, look over to the left wall to find a gap which you can enter through. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | On a crate on the other side of the river in the | | | beginning of this area. | | [ ] Grenades | On the ground near the same crate as the health is on.| | [ ] Armour | Before you go down the ramp, you will see a crate | | | above it. The armour is lying on this crate. Uplink is| | | needed. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | After gone down the ramp, by a window on the end of | | | the path. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | After gone down the ramp, by a window on the end of | | | the path. | | [ ] K-SMG x2 | Kill the guard who arrives from the locked door. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Drilling facility____________________________________________________________ You will eventually appear on the upper balcony. The guards was shooting at you from up here and they are still here so now you have your chance to plug them. Go through the door at the back of the balcony, be careful because a guard is waiting here so give him a K-SMG smack to the face, more than enough to take him down. Notice the pipe in the lift shaft, as you approach it, R-110 will fall out of it. Go down the corridor and the path will split 3 ways. Go straight forward to arrive in the driller control room. Go either left or right to arrive in the rooms with the engines which have to be activated. Head to the left first. There is a guard in front of you in the corridor so whip him out before you continue. Turn to the left and kill one more guard, use gun whacks to save ammo for the robot down here. The path down is to the right so head there and take out the guard waiting here for ya. Follow the path all the way down. You will find out that the ramp down to the engines is guarded by a guard as well as a robot. Blast the guard then quickly equip your K-SMG and put on a grenade. Blast the robo-fool in the head until it dies then go down to the engines. Fire up the engines on both sides using the X button while facing the engine. Go to the left of the ramp before heading up to find a med-kit by some crates. Go back the way you came to be attacked by 4 guards. A well placed K-SMG grenade can do the work. If not, then plug them normally. Find the set of stairs labelled "Control room" and go up. Go down on the other side to arrive in another room which looks a lot like the previous. Before entering the room, be sure to equip your K-SMG with alt fire put on because a robot is standing to the right in the room, ready to shoot at you. Blast the robot with a K-SMG grenade right in the face and then follow up with normal K-SMG fire to make short work on him. A guard will come up behind you so be sure to plug him before he causes any serious damage. The route down to the engines is exactly the same as in the previous room but the path is guarded by several guards. You know, use the same old methods as always, K-SMG fire to the face or a well placed grenade will take down the lot. Head down to the engines after everyone have been killed. Fire up the engines and go back. Head back to the junction and go into the control room. Pull the lever as well as pick up the armour. Go to the other set of stairs named "Drill access". Pull the lever in order to descend. There's a drunk guard here, what he says: Ahh miss, s'miss me girl. Eyess, eyes like kittensss so sweet. Skin, ahh skin s'like silk so s'soft. Breath, breath like... dead dog. But, nobody perfect... Exit the driller and head through the pressure door on the end to finish the level. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Med-kit | After firing up the engines on the left side, go to the left | | | side of the ramp and check by the crates. | | [ ] Armour | In the same room as the lever for the driller. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Unlockables: Easy: Robot Louis Stevenson Normal/Hard: Time Assassin Cortes Total items: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Kruger 9mm x2 | Kill one of the 2 guards in the staircase after | | | the first guards have been killed. | | [ ] Vintage rifle | By the switches in the room accessed after | | | switching the stairs using the valve. | | [ ] Vintage rifle ammo | In the same room as the rifle but this can be | | | found on the floor by the generator on the right | | | side of the room. | | [ ] K-SMG | Kill any of the guards which emerge from the iris | | | after R-110 left you. | | [ ] Harpoon gun | Kill any of the deep divers which emerge from the | | | iris after pulling the crank on the end of the | | | corridor. You can also kill the deep divers at the| | | left end of the corridor accessed after pulling | | | the crank. | | [ ] Med-kit | On one of the shelves before you go down the first| | | ramp in the warehouse. | | [ ] Armour | On one of the shelves before you go down the first| | | ramp in the warehouse. | | [ ] Med-kit | On a crate on the other side of the river in the | | | beginning of this area. | | [ ] Grenades | On the ground near the same crate as the health | | | is on. | | [ ] Armour | Before you go down the ramp, you will see a crate | | | above it. The armour is lying on this crate. | | | Uplink is needed. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | After gone down the ramp, by a window on the end | | | of the path. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | After gone down the ramp, by a window on the end | | | of the path. | | [ ] K-SMG x2 | Kill the guard who arrives from the locked door. | | [ ] Med-kit | After firing up the engines on the left side, go | | | to the left side of the ramp and check by the | | | crates. | | [ ] Armour | In the same room as the lever for the driller. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ _______________________ The Hooded Man - 2401: \_______________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [THM12] Briefing: It looks like Cortez isn't the only one trying to use time travel to stop things before they happen! Crow has sent a crack team of Time Assassins from 1924 Kronia to 2401 where their mission is to kill Cortez before he can deliver the time crystals to Anya at Spacetime Marine HQ. Cortez must protect his past self from the Time Assassins! Main Objectives: Protect your past self from the Time Assassins Secondary Objectives: None Walkthrough: __Above ledge__________________________________________________________________ This level is basically the first level all over again only that this time, you are the one who gives cover fire to Past Cortes. Remember the strange guy you saw on the cliff up ahead in the beginning of the first level? That is you! Watch Past Cortes talking with the soldier, recieving his handgun just like you did in the first level. Head up the path to the right assuming you still look out over Past Cortes location. You will see a Time assassin in the alcove on your left. He will spot you but way too late. Plug him in his head before he gets the chance to fire at you. Pick up his dropped Handgun after he is killed. Remember that the handgun, though not much ammo should be your primary weapon for near combat while the Sci-fi sniper works better for long range combat which is the primary type of combat in this level. Continue up the path and be ready to blast the Time assassin who is waiting with a loaded handgun at the top of the path. Move up to the ledge up ahead and be prepared to pepper down another Time assassin. Pick up the ammo for the Sci-fi handgun, dropped by both assassins. Re-equip the Sci-fi sniper and position yourself so you get a good view of the area below you. If you remember the locations of the Time assassins in the first level, then you are lucky because the enemies are placed exactly the same this time as before. 2-3 Time assassins will attack Past Cortes below. Place a bullet in each head then look over the chasm. 4 assassins are preparing to attack from hear. Be sure to aim well before each shot because each bullet is needed for later use so you don't want to waste ammo. Continue walking up the ledge. The assassin with the autorifle will appear below as well as another one with a handgun. Plug them both and head up even more. You will see a cave on the left and a Time assassin so kill the assassin before heading up the path even longer. Be sure to pick up the twin handguns before you continue. You will see some Time assassins below but they are not your main treat by now. Look over the cavern to see a ledge on the other side, on the ledge is an assassin so kill him with a well placed bullet in the head. Now, it's time to take down the foes below, use your sniper to get a headshot on each of them. Head back to the cave and equip your twin handguns. Be ready to blast the assassin with the autorifle next to the explosive barrel. 2 more will attack so blast them to death. Pick up the sniper ammo, lying on the ground near the edge. Notice the assassins under the bridge below. 2 of 'em are standing dangerous nearly an explosive barrel. Blow up the explosion barrel to hopefully get rid of 2 of 'em. Kill the other one using your Sci-fi sniper. The Timesplitter motership is located north-west of your current position so start with heading to the bridge to the left. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Sci-fi handgun | Kill the Time assassin in the left alcove in the | | | beginning. | | [ ] Sci-fi handgun x2 | Kill the Time assassin at the top of the path. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | Kill the first Time assassin in the cave. | | [ ] Sci-fi sniper ammo | Lying on the ground near the edge after passing | | | through the cave. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __The bridge___________________________________________________________________ Okay, to start things out with: The drunken guard is on this side of the bridge located in the room to the left assuming you haven't entered the bridge yet. Here's what he says: Musht kill Cortesh! Ahh shomeone else can do it... Ima stay here n watsh pretty lights... Head onto the bridge to be attacked by another assassin from the other side of the bridge. Hide behind the corner and wait for him to come if needed. Go to the gun turret located on the left side somewhere in the center of the bridge. =============================================================================== Boss fight: Timesplitter Motership =============================================================================== Okay, the motership is actually quite easy for being a boss but anyway, some people may find it hard so that's why I write about it. You NEED to use the gun turret in order to damage the boss. It can take some punishment but it will go down sooner or later. The worst thing is that it will launch missiles. Homing missiles! The only way to take down these missiles before they reach you is to shoot them with the gun turret while they are airborne. The main trick with this boss is to fire like hell to the motership shile it's not throwing missiles. Always focus on the missiles if anyone is in the air. Be sure to take down the missiles in the air after the motership is destroyed, they may still hit you. -------- Attacks: -------- - Homing missiles Damage: Medium x missile How to avoid: Shoot the missile with the gun turret while it's airborne. --------------- Weapons to use: --------------- - Gun turret Why: Only way to destroy the motership. ------------------- Weapons NOT to use: ------------------- - Any weapon Why: The gun turret is the only way to hurt this boss. =============================================================================== Go to the right side of the bridge after the motership is destroyed and watch for any missiles. __Corridors____________________________________________________________________ Turn right at the beginning of the other side of the bridge and pick up the Plasma grenades and the med-kit here. Be prepared for battle because 6 Time assassins are waiting in the corridor up ahead. Equip your Plasma autorifle and your grenades before going on. Throw a plasma grenade into the lot and then take out the remaining foes using your autorifle, it will make short work of them as always. You will sooner or later come to the point where Past Cortes blows up the barrel in the corridor. Stay here and equip your Sci-fi sniper or Plasma autorifle, both work great. Focus the crosshair on the right side path because a timesplitter will attack Past Cortes once he enters this area. It's actually quite hard to hit a timesplitters with the Sci-fi sniper since it moves around most of the time. Do only shoot at it while it's not mobile to be sure to hit it. In my opinion, the autorifle works better. As Past Cortes continues up the path, another splitter will attack him at the end of the path. Deal with it as you did with the previous one. Continue up the corridor after you have killed both the timesplitters. Be sure to equip the autorifle because a splitter will emerge from a hole in the ceiling. A few more will arrive further up in the corridor. Give him a taste by the autorifle to the face before going on and deal with the other ones the same way. I find it a good strategy to stay on the lift at the end of the corridor and throw grenades at the splitters. Use the action button near the panel on the lift to go up to the above balcony. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the room on the right after crossing the bridge | | | after the battle with the motership. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the room on the right after crossing the bridge | | | after the battle with the motership. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ __Above balcony________________________________________________________________ Oh crap, another sniping challenge. This one is similar to the one in "The Russian Connection" only that this one is much harder. Due to the range, it is almost impossible to hit them with the autorifle and it will take a while to take them out with the Sci-fi sniper, about 4 bullets! Thankfully, you can find ammo for the Sci-fi sniper on the right area of the balcony. Don't even try to throw a Plasma grenade because it will result in death for Past Cortes. Use the autorifle only as a last resort weapon. After about 5-7 splitters have been killed, Past Cortes will be able to make it to the base. /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Sci-fi sniper ammo | On the floor on the right side of the upper | | | balcony. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Unlockables: Easy: Berserker Splitter Normal/Hard: Time Assassin Total items: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] Sci-fi handgun | Kill the Time assassin in the left alcove in the | | | beginning. | | [ ] Sci-fi handgun x2 | Kill the Time assassin at the top of the path. | | [ ] Plasma autorifle | Kill the first Time assassin in the cave. | | [ ] Sci-fi sniper ammo | Lying on the ground near the edge after passing | | | through the cave. | | [ ] Plasma grenades | In the room on the right after crossing the bridge| | | after the battle with the motership. | | [ ] Med-kit | In the room on the right after crossing the bridge| | | after the battle with the motership. | | [ ] Sci-fi sniper ammo | On the floor on the right side of the upper | | | balcony. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ _______________________ Future Perfect - 1924: \_______________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [FP!13] Briefing: Safe in the knowledge that he has foiled the Time Assassins, Cortez returns to Kronia to find and destroy the source of the time crystals. Main Objectives: Destroy the time crystals Secondary Objectives: None Walkthrough: __Time crystals area___________________________________________________________ At least the final level of the story mode. This will be a looong level *host* Actually very short. You will start where you left off at the end of the "You Take The High Road". In front of the iris. Look up above the iris to see the picture of mr. space. You need to clear the area of enemies before you are able to continue so start with equiping your silenced 9mm and then go through the iris. Plug the Time assassin in the back of his head. His K-SMG will eventually fall down to the lower level or stay up here. If it does then pick it up. Go to the left and plug yet another Time assassin. Find the ramp here and use it to go down to the lower floor, feel free to jump down to the lower floor, it works just as great. Now it's killing time! You have to clear the whole area of enemies. There are about 5-7 enemies here who all wants an arse kicking. Stand in the middle of the room and all the guards shall come to you. That's your best chance to plug them. Eventually, a cutscene will play showing a Time assassin emerge from a trapdoor. Wait for him to come then kill him. Enter through the trapdoor which is located in the area outside the well. Kill the 2 enemies down here and then pick up the time crystal located in the end of this corridor. Head back to the well... =============================================================================== Boss fight: Splitter Crow =============================================================================== The last boss of the game. This guy is quite tough and will really need a strategy to be beaten in an easy way. To start things out with, I will list all the basic info needed to know about the boss. After that is done, the strategy will come. ---> SPOTS WHERE CROW CAN'T FOLLOW YOU 1. Outside the well: Simply enter the area outside the center well then hide behind any of the huge containers outside the well. This is the simplest way of hiding but you won't be able to hurt the boss while hiding on this place. 2. On top of ring gantry: Exit the center well just like you did in method 1 then find the ramp you used to get down to the lower level. Use the ramp to come up to the ring gantry where you started the level. This is the best way to hide because it will allow you to fire at Crow as well as hide from him. Note: If you disable all Crow's guns from this point then you will have to drop down from the edge in order to damage his weak point before he repairs himself. ---> THE WEAK SPOT Crow's weak spot is the fleshy portion of his back. In order to reveal it, you first have to destroy all Crow's guns. Use the K-SMG to fire at the guns on his foots. When both are destroyed, he won't be able to move. Destroy one of his guns in order to reveal his weak point on his back. Use a K-SMG with K-SMG grenades equiped to damage him a lot. He will repair himself after a few seconds so be sure to fire like hell when you get the chance. ---> THE ACTUALL STRATEGY Of course you will need a strategy because it's the last boss of the game. Now let's see what your equipment offers to kill this guy. Start out with heading up to the ring gantry above. R-110 will take on the boss on ground so just leave him there. Give him cover fire from your location. Be sure to go for his legs first. He won't be able to move at all after both legs are destroyed. Now go to the side of him and destroy any of the 2 guns on his arms. This will reveal his weak point. Shoot at it with K-SMG grenades combined with normal K-SMG fire. He will actually repair himself after a few seconds. Hide on the ring gantry above and repeat the same method until he reveals his weak point once again. Go down and shoot at it. He will kill off R-110 after 75% of his health is gone. Past Cortes will arrive and help you instead. Hide on the ring gantry once again and let Cortes take on the boss down there. Provide cover fire until his weak point is visible. Repeat the strategy one more time to kill the boss. ---> THE ITEMS IN THIS AREA You can find several items which will help you in the boss fight: K-SMG ammo: On a crate inside the well. K-SMG grenades: On the ground near the crates and explosive barrels inside the well. Armour: On a crate inside the well. Med-kit: Outside the well on a crate next to the trapdoor. -------- Attacks: -------- - Machinegun fire Damage: Low x bullet How to avoid: Strafe away or hide on any of the hide-points. --------------- Weapons to use: --------------- - K-SMG Why: Deals a high amount of damage to the boss. - Kruger 9mm Why: Use only as a last resort weapon. ------------------- Weapons NOT to use: ------------------- - Fists Why: Can't hurt him - Gun whacks Why: Same as for fists... =============================================================================== A cutscene will play which will end this level as well as the story mode of the game! /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] K-SMG | Kill the first guard in the level. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | On the ground near the crates and explosive barrels | | | inside the well. | | [ ] K-SMG ammo | On a crate inside the well. | | [ ] Armour | On a crate inside the well. | | [ ] Med-kit | On a crate next to the trapdoor outside the well. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [ ] KEY ITEM: Time crystal | At the end of the corridor after killing the | | | 2 guards in the area entered via the trapdoor.| \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Unlockables: Easy: Jacob Crow, Mad Old Crow Normal: Victorian Crow, Corporal Hart Hard: Karma Crow Co-op: Jim Smith, Daisy Dismay Total items: /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | [ ] K-SMG | Kill the first guard in the level. | | [ ] K-SMG grenades | On the ground near the crates and explosive barrels | | | inside the well. | | [ ] K-SMG ammo | On a crate inside the well. | | [ ] Armour | On a crate inside the well. | | [ ] Med-kit | On a crate next to the trapdoor outside the well. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [ ] KEY ITEM: Time crystal | At the end of the corridor after killing the | | | 2 guards in the area entered via the trapdoor.| \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/