________________________________________________ ||||TIMESPLITTERS: FUTURE PERFECT. MAPMAKER GUIDE|||| Contents: 1. Introduction (ITDN) 2. Version history (VRHS) 3. Controls (CTRL) 4. Arcade modes (ADMD) 5. The basics (TBCS) 6. Making an arcade map (MKAM) 7. Making a story map (MKSM) 8. Making an assault map (MKAS) 10. Ideas (PTS) 11. Bosses (BFTG) 12. Credits/Legal (BRSF) |Introduction| (ITDN) I'm Bisected8 and welcome to my mapmaker guide for Timesplitters: Future Perfect. When I played on the first TS for PS2 I enjoyed making my own arcade maps, when I heard TS2 would have an improved mapmaker I got a memory card just to hold maps for it. By the time TS3 came out, it was full. So now I have written this guide for the TS3 mapmaker, I hope you find it useful and make plenty of maps. This guide is really for anyone who's new to the TS mapmaker mode, so if you have already mastered the TS2 mapmaker then there isn't much you can learn from this, apart from assault maps. (Oh, and sorry for my terrible ASSCI art) |Version History| (VRHS) 22/6/05: Finished my Exams. Started on the bosses and ideas sections and updated the arcade map section to include stackable tiles. 7/5/05: Started working on my guide again after having some trouble with my computer. I finish and submit the guide the following day and its accepted. 30/4/05: I submitted my guide up to making arcade maps; it gets rejected the following week. 22/4/05: Started the guide |Controls| (CTRL) D-pad: Left and right switch between tools Left Analogue: Move the curser Right Analogue: Scroll around the map Triangle: Delete/Exit X: Select/pick up item or tile O: Rotate/properties Square: Copy/Rotate/mark tiles L2/L1: Move up or down a floor Select: Show a 3D model of the map Start: Bring up the start Menu |Arcade Modes| (ADMD) As with all the previous TS there are plenty of multiplayer modes to mess about on, so here's a list of them, plus anything you'll need to put in maps to play them; Deathmatch: Just a standard points-for-kills frag mode. Team Deathmatch: Like a deathmatch, but with teams, the genius of these names is amazing. Capture the Bag: You have to steal the opposing team's bag and take it back to your base. If your carrying a bag it takes up one of your arms so you can't attack unless you have a duel weapon. (To make a capture the bag map you must put in at least one bag and a red and a blue base) Bagtag: As the games description says "there is only one bag, whoever holds it the longest wins". (You need to put in a bag to use this mode) Elimination: This is similar to deathmatch but you have a stack of lives instead of a score. You lose a life if you're killed and your out if you lose them all. Shrink: The worse you're doing the smaller (and harder to hit) you are. Vampire: A normal deathmatch, but you regain health by causing damage. Thief: Whenever someone dies they drop coins. You can collect these coins to raise your score. Virus: At the start of the game someone is on fire. If they touch someone else, they are set on fire as well. The winner is the last one to be set on fire. Zones: There are "zones" around the map. You can capture them by standing in them; the more zones you capture from the other team the higher your score. (You need to put in at least one zone on a map to play zones mode) Assault: Sort of a multiplayer story. One team is attacking the other is defending. The attackers must complete objectives and the defenders must stop them. (To make an assault map you must use assault logic, see the Story/assault map section) Gladiator: One player is the "gladiator". Only the gladiator can score, you can become the gladiator by killing the current gladiator. Monkey Assistant: Whoever is in last place gets a small army of monkeys (yes, you heard me, MONKEYS) to help them. |The Basics| (TBCS) When you start mapmaker you will be given the option of beginner or advance. You should choose advance because beginner doesn't offer any advantage whether you're a beginner or not (Beginner mode just has less tiles and items and doesn't let you create story or assault maps). When you have selected your mode, you go to the map editor screen, it will have a menu up (from now on I will call this the "start menu") you can exit this menu by pressing start or triangle and open it by pressing start. Before you do anything you should (on the start menu) go to "Map settings". On this is several things you need to choose (don't worry to much, you will be able to change them at any time you want), the first thing you will see (right at the top) is the theme. The theme is the general design of the map (For example the "horror" theme is covered with bloodstains and has castle like brick walls and floors). Here are the different themes; Lab: The lab theme has a very white, sterile look to it. There are also pipes all over the walls. Egyptian: Brown sandy coloured walls with hieroglyphs all over them and a brown sand floor. The bridges are made of wood. Military: Grey concrete with yellow letters, lines and handrails all over the place. Horror: Dark brown stonewalls with lots of bones and chains scattered all over the place. The Large open low (see tiles) has a glowing red pentacle in it. Virtual: Have you ever seen "Tron"? Thought not, anyway this has walls and floors made up of blue grids with glowing red lines all over the place. Next, select your default colour (see the lighting section of "making an arcade map"). When you've selected your default light colour you need to select your AI set. These are the enemies you will have in story mode and the default bot set in multiplayer mode. You can choose from several different pre decided sets or you can select "custom mapmaker" which you can edit. If you want to see what characters are in a set or edit the custom set (by default the custom set has the characters from the last set you had selected) you can click on the bit below which says "view/edit sets". The next thing you will see is the weapon set, this is the guns and stuff you will have available, and it works in about the same way as the AI set so I won't need to say anything else. Next you need to select the music that will be played while your map is being...played. There are plenty of different music tracks to select but if you can't be bothered then you can just leave the music on "recommended". Below music there's a box labelled "enable spawn sounds" (for those of you who are new to FPS games, to "spawn" means when an enemy or player appears), this does exactly what it says on the tin, just click on the small box (by default its filled in) to switch the spawn sounds on or off. The next two things you will see are the sky and weather selections. If you want to make a level which is just indoors (and thus won't have a sky) you can fill in the small tick box below the sky selection and ignore the rest of this paragraph. The sky selection works in a similar way to the music selection, the different skies have very self-explanatory names so I won't bother listing them. Next down is the weather set; I assume you know what the different weathers are like (if not put away that controller and get out side for once) so I'll just go onto the next part. Next you'll have a huge list of all the modes with tick boxes. This has been cunningly titled "disable modes" and it just makes you able to make it impossible to use your map for any of the modes that you tick the boxes next to. Finally there is the map description and briefing. The description will be the first thing someone sees when they load the map, so just use it to give a short summary of what your map is like. The briefing will be shown to the player if they start playing it on story mode, (if you don't want to make a story map you can ignore it). To edit the description or briefing just click on the box below "edit map description" or "edit map briefing", a small keyboard type interface will come up which you can use to enter the description or briefing (if you have a keyboard for the PS2 I suggest you get that). Now that you have got your settings sorted out you can exit the settings menu and close the start menu by pressing triangle twice. Now you will be on a large graph paper like grid. In the top right hand corner you will see five icons, these represent the mapmaker tools: Tiles, items, lighting, Map AI and Map Logic. I will explain the first three now, and I will go onto Map AI and Map logic in the story/assault map section. The first three tools are the ones that you use to actually build up your map. The first one is the "tiles" tool. This lets you place the actual parts of your map; here are all the different tiles you can have; *NOTE* The number in brackets is the amount of space each tile takes up. I calculated them as being out of 1000 blocks. I only used a small portable TV to test the amount of space so if someone wants to send a more accurate calculation, then send me an e-mail, you will be credited *NOTE* |Corridor Tiles| Small Open (4): A single "square" of area. Small Open Pillars (4): Like the small open but it has a pillar at each corner. Small Open Alt (4): Like the small open but it looks slightly different. Small Open Alt Pillars (4): A combination of all the above tiles. T-Junction (4): This is like the small open but it has a wall on one of its sides. T-Junction With Pillars (4): This is like the T-junction...but it has pillars. Corner (4): This is like the small open but it has two walls which form a corner, like this; |_. Corner Pillars (4): Like the corner, but with pillars. Small corridor (4): Similar to the corner but the sides are parallel to each other like this; | |. Double Corridor (4): Just two small corridors put together, end on end like this; | | | | Open Corridor (6): Three small opens put together in a row. |Large| Large Open (13): a 3x3 area, which is two floors high. Large Open Low (6): The same as the large open but it only takes up one floor. Large bridge cross (13): Similar to the large open but it has a cross shaped bridge on its upper floor. Large Bridge (13): A large open with a bridge going through the middle. Large Pit (6): A large bridge with a pit on the lower floor that kills anyone who falls in. Large bridge ramp (13): A large bridge with a ramp on the side of it. |Small| T-Junction (4): A larger version of the corridor junction made up of four tiles. Funnel (4); Like the open corridor, but both ends have walls and one side has a wall with a gap in the middle, like this; |__ __|. Small Room (4): A small 2x2 room with a door on each side to form a tile like this; __ | | __ Small Room Mirrored (4): Like the small room but the other way round. |Ramp| *Remember that all these tiles are two floors high* Ramp (4): This looks like the long corridor, but it slopes down, acting as a connection between two floors. Crab Ramp (6): This is hard to describe but I'll try. The top floor of it is a funnel (see the "small" tiles section) and the lower part is a dead end. There is two small ramps either side connecting the bottom. Stair Room (4): A 2x2 room with a curved ramp going around the edges. Stair Room Mirrored (4): The same as a stair room but the ramp curves around the other way. Large Ramp (13): Similar to the large open tile but one of the squares on the edge has a ramp on which goes up to the first floor. |Stackable| The stackable tile section doesn't have any tiles of its own; I'll go into more detail later. They take the same space as their non- stackable counterparts. |Trench| All the tiles in this group take up two floors. Trench (6): A 3x3 tile with a trench going strait through the middle. Trench Ramp (40): Like the trench but it slopes up to form a ramp. Corner (6): Like the trench but the trench forms a corner shape like this; ______ | ____| | | _| |_|__|_| Corner Ramp (6): Like the corner but the trench is a ramp, which slowly curves up. Corner Ramp Mirrored (6): Like the corner ramp but the other way round. |Bunker| Just so you know, the bunkers in TS are one-story high walls with slits in the middle of them and a bit of roof. Bunker Wall (13): A Large open with a bunker wall stretching through the middle. Bunker Wall Gap (13): The same as a bunker wall but the wall has a gap in the middle. Bunker Wall Ramp (13): A bunker wall with a ramp that allows you to climb onto the bit of wall on top of the bunker. Bunker Corner (13): The same as the bunker wall but the wall forms a corner. Bunker Corner Gap (13): The same as a bunker corner, but the corner of the corner is just a gap. |Special| Slide (6): This is like a ramp but you slide down it from top to bottom and you can't climb up again, like a slide really. Death room (4): A small one floor high room, which automatically kills any player or bot who enters it. In the Horror, Lab, and Egyptian ones have spikes, but the virtual themed one has a strange red area and the military one has a section of minefield. The second tool is the items tool. This allows you to put in all the decorations, weapons and other stuff into the map, here's a list of items; |Start Points| These are all spread out into three sections, but I'll put them in the same section to save space; Start all: A green start point, which you can use as a start point for story mode. Red/Blue/Yellow/Green team start (0.7): These act as start points for the appropriate team a team deathmatch. Assault Attacker/Defender starts (0.7): Starts for the two teams in Assault mode. |Guns| This just has the six guns you selected in the map settings menu. They all have a space of 13 |Ammo| The ammo for the guns you selected. They all have a space of 13 |Health and Armour| Health Low (13): Restores half a bar of health Health High (13): Restores a full bar of health Armour Low (13): Restores half a bar of armour Armour High (13); Restores a full bar of armour |Power-ups| Just so you know; power-ups give a player a special power for a while if they pick them up. They will not work in story mode. Cloak (13): Makes you invisible Speed (13): Makes you able to move quickly Shrink (13): Makes your character half size (and thus harder to hit) Max Damage (13): Increases the power of your weapons |Teleports| These come in four colours: Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. If you walk into one teleport then you'll reappear in another one of the same colour. They take a hefty 20 space each. |Bags n' Bases| Bag bases Red and Blue (13): Bases for capture the bag mode Bag (13): A bag for Bagtag and capture the bag |Objects| Gun Turrent (bullets) (13): A mountable turrent, which you can set to fire bullets, plasma or lasers. Gun Turrent (bullets) (13): A mountable turrent, which you can set to fire Rockets, Heatseekers (homing rockets), grenades, plasma grenades or flares. Gun Turrent (Exotic) (13): A mountable turrent, which fires electricity. Switch (13): A switch, you can set it to do stuff if you press it. Autogun (13): An automatic gun turrent. You can set it to be wall or floor mounted and they can be set to be controlled by switches. Ceiling camera (13): A camera. You can have them rotate on the spot and trigger an action when they spot someone. Switches can also control them. |Moveable objects| Exploding barrel (13): It's a barrel and it...explodes. Destructible Crate (13): A crate, which can be destroyed by shooting it. Gas Canister (13): If you shoot it, it sprays out flames for a while, and then explodes. Destructible Container (13): A container that can be destroyed. |Cars| Sadly you can only get one car; a buggy. The buggy has two seats and no weapons. You can use it to travel around large maps, transport someone whose carrying a bag or run people over with it. It uses up 13 spaces. |Radio Controlled pets| There's only one in this category too: Strudel. You can control him by going up to him and pressing X. It uses up 13 spaces. |Story Keys| Keys that can be red, blue, yellow or green coloured. They only appear in story mode and they open doors that have been set to a particular colour. They use up 13 spaces each, but you can set enemies to drop them. |Zones| This section just has one type of zone. You can have up to four on a map and you need them for a zones mode map. They use up 13 spaces each. |Features| Ramp (13): A ramp that allows you to do jumps. Decorative (13): Something to decorate the maps. It can be an oven- like thing (Lab theme), a statue (Egyptian), a helmet stuck in the ground with a helmet balanced on it (Military), a stuffed bear (Horror), or a flashing table with pillars in it (virtual). Barricade (13): Something to hide behind. It can be a white bookshelf (Lab theme), a pillar (Egyptian), a tank block (Military), a wooden bookshelf (Horror), or a big translucent red block (virtual). Generic Large (13): Something to decorate the maps or hide behind. It can be a sort of a desk (Lab theme), a tablet (Egyptian), a sandbag barricade (Military), a playable organ (Horror), or a big red cabinet-like thing (virtual). Generic Small (13): Something to decorate the maps or hide behind. It can be a block with pipes in it (Lab theme), a sarcophagus (Egyptian), a small stone block (Military), a bloody log with an axe stuck in it (Horror), or a small wire frame cabinet (virtual). Leaking (13): A barrel which sprays liquid everywhere when its shot. |Panels| You can place a panel where two tiles meet. Door (6): A door, it can be set as locked, unlocked or locked with a key. Window (6): A window. You can't get through it but you can shoot through it and pull items through with the uplink. The third tool is the lighting tool. I will give a further explanation in the next section. |Making an Arcade Map| (MKAM) To start with I'll explain how to make a simple map. First go to the tile tool and press X to bring up the tile menu. Select the large open tile (scroll down a bit with the R stick if you can't see it) by moving the curser over it and pressing X. This will close down the tile menu and bring you back to the grid with the large open tile "stuck" on your curser. To place the tile, move it to the point where you want it and press X. Now place the curser over it and press square, you will now have a copy of it in the curser. Place this next to it. Move the curser so it isn't touching any of the tiles and press and hold down X, then drag the curser over the tiles, they should flash blue/green. They have been highlighted, which means that they will act like one full block (you can highlight/unhighlight individual tiles with the O button) so copy both of them at the same time and move the copy down to form a square shaped area. This will do as an area for the map for now. Next you should press RIGHT on the D-pad to select the item tool. Open the item menu, select a RED team start and place it in one of the tiles. You will notice that there is an arrow on the start, this is the direction it is facing, and you can rotate it with the O and square buttons while you have it picked up. Next put in a BLUE team start, and then put in some guns and health and ammo. You may have noticed a small bar in the top left hand corner of the screen, this shows how much free space you have in your map, when it is empty you can't put anything else in. At this point you have a playable arcade map, you can test it by opening the start menu and going to "preview map", from this you can preview your map on any of the different modes (if you haven't got everything you need for a made then that mode will be greyed out) or on mapmaker mode (this will allow you to explore the map with no enemies or other things on it). You can preview your map in any of the selectable modes. While you were previewing it you might have noticed it looks a bit dull; just an open area with white light. Now I'll explain about the lighting tool for the mapmaker. First select the lighting tool (the third along from the left). Press X anywhere on the map and a colour palette will come up. On this you can select from several colours. Select one you like and click on it. You will notice the curser has turned the colour of the light you selected (if you opened the menu by clicking on a tile it will have automatically set the lighting to that tile). If you look, you will see that each individual tile has a coloured square in the middle of it, this shows the current state of its lighting. Place the curser over a tile and press X to place the colour. Once you have placed the colour the square will turn that colour. That seemed simple enough, but there's more. To help with this explanation, use the corridor tiles to make a corridor coming off from the main area, then go back to the lighting tool. Next you should set the lighting for these tiles to whatever colour. Now move the curser over one of the tiles and press O, this will bring up a menu. The first thing you will see on this menu is a section called "type". This is the way the lighting changes. You can select the type of lighting you want by selecting the appropriate tick box, here's a list of the types of lighting; Fixed: Just normal lighting, it stays the same colour all the time. Flicker: The light will flicker between the two colours you select. Switch: The light will flash between the two colours. Pulse: The light will slowly pulse between the two colours you select. The next section down is the speed at which the light does whatever you set it to, the further to the right it is the faster the light will change. Next is the light phase, I'll go onto more detail on how to use it in a moment. The last section is the one titled "Primary/Secondary colours", the light on the left is the colour you selected before, the one on the right is the secondary colour which the light will switch to when it is in one of the last three types. Select the ones you want (you should already have selected the primary colour) by clicking on the boxes and selecting the colour from the palette. Now that I've explained the menu I will give you a short tutorial on using lighting phases. Set the light type as "switch", put the speed up to around the first quarter and select two different primary and secondary colours. Close the menu and copy the lighting all the way across the corridor (press square to copy). Now bring up the menu (press O) for the SECOND tile in the corridor. On the menu go to "phase" and move the bar along so its one unit from the starting point, close the menu. Do the same for all the tiles in the corridor but make sure that each tile along has a slightly higher phase than the one before it. When you have done this, look at the squares in the middle, they should be alternating the two colours you selected, you should also notice that they are creating a sort of "wave" down the corridor. If you want to see the effect a bit better then go to a mapmaker preview. If you want you can experiment a bit to see the different affects that you can create by changing the speed and phases of the lighting, have fun. At this point there is just one more thing I should explain: switches, cameras, autoguns, turrents and doors. You can set a switch to affect any of the other objects (this is called arcade logic). To demonstrate this, put four switches on the map (it doesn't matter where, just make sure you can find them) and one camera, one autogun, one turrent and place a door at the point where the rest of the map meets the corridor you created earlier. Move the curser over a switch (any switch, it doesn't matter which one) and press O, this will bring up a menu. Before I talk about this menu I will give you a short explanation about switches in TS3. Switches (in TS at least) can either be on or off (like most switches really). When they have been put on they are said to be "activated" and when they are off they are "deactivated". You can activate/deactivate them in a game by pressing X while you're in front of them. You can also set them to take time to activate (which means that you will have to hold X for a while to activate/deactivate them). Now I'll get back to arcade logic. With the menu open the first thing you will see is a section called "at start..." this lets you control whether the switch is on or off at the start of the level (the only difference between it being on or off is whether or not the light is on). The next two parts let you set the delay (if any) for activating or deactivating the switch. The last part lets you select what you want to control. On this switch set the activation delay to 3 seconds (click on the tick box below the first delay timer), next click on "select object from map" and choose "camera", then find the camera you place earlier and select it. Next go to the next switch, set the deactivation (not the activation delay) delay to 3 seconds and set it to control the turrent. Select the penultimate switch to have a 3 second delay for both activation and deactivation and set it to "toggle" the door. Select the final switch and set it to control the turrent. Finally go to the door, press O to bring up its properties and set it as unlocked at the start. Go to a mapmaker preview. On the preview look at the switches, you will see they all have the delays and controls that you set (the first controls the camera, the second controls the turrent, the third opens and closes the door and the last deactivates and activates the turrent. The last thing I'll explain is using stackable tiles. Stackable tiles are so called because you can...stack them. If you put one stackable on top of another it will create an open space without a floor in between. There are two main uses for stackable tiles; 1. Making open areas 2. Creating outdoor maps You can make open areas by simply stacking large open (S) tiles on each other, you can even put small "buildings" in open areas by putting normal tiles in. Another interesting effect is to put a normal tile in amongst the stackables to create a floating platform. To give your self an idea of how stackable tiles work, make a new map up using a few large open low tiles. Preview it and you'll have an open space. Put a bunker on the edge of the area, however, and you'll find that the mapmaker puts a roof over the top. If you replace the normal large open low tiles with large open stackables and then put another layer of large open stackables (are you still following?) over the top, then you'll reclaim the sky. *NOTE* Remember; if you use small open (S) tiles you must put small open (S) tiles above them (the same applies to large open (S)) or they'll just be treated as normal tiles. *NOTE* At this point I have told you everything you need to know about making an arcade level, so mess about with it and have fun. |Making a Story| (MKSM) OK, now that you've mastered arcade maps (if you haven't you might want to go back and practise) we can go on to story mode. First I will explain how story map logic works. Select the last tool (ignore the penultimate one for now); this is the map logic tool. This lets you make the map do stuff and, more importantly, make objectives. First lets make a simple story map. First put down some corridor tiles down, then put a large open tile down, and finally put a corridor coming out of that. Now go to items and put down a "start all" at the beginning of the first corridor (make sure the arrow points down the corridor). Congratulations, as far as the game is concerned this is now a playable story map. Of course there isn't anything in your map, so now I will go into detail on using story logic. First you should select the last tool on the row (the story logic tool) and press X anywhere to open the menu. On this menu you will see a few options. In the section on the right of the menu, click on "create new story logic". This will bring up a menu labelled "triggers". A trigger is something in the map that you can do which will have an effect on the map. There is a list of things to choose from so here is a quick explanation of what they are; Object; Activates the trigger when the object you select is activated/destroyed. Pickup: Activates the trigger when you pick up something like a key or a gun. Story AI: Activates when an enemy is killed Location: Activates when you reach tiles you have selected Timer: Activates when a timer reaches a certain point Counter: Activates when a counter reaches a certain point Score: Activates when a score reaches a certain point Door: Activates when a door is locked/unlocked Collectables: Activates when you collected all the collectables in a set. You should click on "location". This will bring up a small menu, click on the icon near the bottom. This should bring you to the map screen, so move the curser over to the corridor you put at the end of the map and press X. The tile you selected should be highlighted a different colour, this show its selected. Press triangle to go back and click on "done". In the triggers menu you will see that there is now a trigger that says "Location 1 reached", make sure the box next to it is filled in then click on "done" to move on. Next you will have a menu called "Actions" open. An action is something that happens when a trigger is activated, here's a list of them; Object: Destroys, activates or deactivates an object. Pickup: Makes pickups such as a gun or key appear. Story AI: Kills an enemy or makes it only spawn when you have activated the trigger. Timer: Lets you start, stop or reset a new timer. Counter: Lets you start, stop, add to or reset a new Counter. Score: Lets you increase/reduce a score. Objective: Lets you make and objective failed or completed. Message: Lets you display a shot message. Tile Lights: Lets you change the lighting of up to 10 individual tiles. Door: This lets you, lock/unlock or toggle a door. Reveal: Lets you show an objective or counter or something that you've set as hidden. Reset: Reset something so it keeps going through an infinite loop. You should select "objective", in the menu that comes up go to "create new objective". This will open a menu so name the objective what ever you want to call it, make sure its set as a "primary objective" and the last section of the menu is set to "complete" and then go to "done". Now you will be at the action menu again so make sure you have your newly created action selected and then click on done. You have now put in a story logic that makes it possible to complete the level. If you want to test it go to a story preview. Now, you have a map and it lets complete it, but walking from one end to another isn't much of a challenge, so now I will explain how to put in enemies. Select the penultimate tool (story AI) and press X anywhere to open the menu. On the menu that opens click on "create new story AI", this will add an enemy to the list, click on the enemy to open its settings menu. The menu has quite a few things in it so here's a list; Name: The name of the AI. It won't affect the enemy in story mode; it just makes them easier to tell apart when you're making the map. Character: This is what character the enemy is. You can select it from a list of the ones you chose in the settings menu. Gun: What they have as a weapon (the box below lets you set whether or not the weapon can be picked up after the enemy is dead) Inventory: Lets you set if its carrying a key or not. Type: This is the behaviour of the AI. Stationary enemies wait for the player and attack when they see them, patrolling enemies will move around a set path, spawn and attack enemies will appear and start hunting the player down and spawn and wait and spawn and patrol enemies will spawn and patrol/wait. Health: This is ho much damage the AI can take before dieing. Spawn Max: How many times the AI can spawn. Spawn Delay: The time it will take for the enemy to spawn again after it has died. Select whatever character you want, set its type to "spawn and attack" and its health to normal. Now close the AI's settings menu and click on the small icon to the right of it (the one that looks like a stick figure), now place it somewhere in the large room on the map. Go back to story logic and create a new logic, set a new location in the same way as before and place it around the part of the map near the end of the corridor you start in. When you've set that as an objective and your back in the actions menu, go to "Story AI" and select the enemy you just created. On the menu that opens, go to the box with "kill" in it and change it to "spawn new" before going to done (if you want you can put in a few more enemies and add them to this logic). Now test your map and you'll find that there are now enemies that will spawn as soon as you enter the area. So now some enemies guard the exit, but it's still a bit easy (seeing as you can run past all of them and all) so now I will explain keys. Go to the items menu, scroll down to the bottom and select a door. Place this door at the point between the exit and the rest of the map, and then press O over it to bring up the properties menu. On this menu, first set the drop down menu at the top to "locked", next go down to the one labelled, "key" and select on of the coloured keys. Press done. Now go to story AI and open the properties menu for one of them. Find the drop down menu called "inventory" and select the key the same colour as the one you set the door to. Play your map again and you will find that the door will be locked. Kill the enemy you set to have the key and they will drop it, thus allowing you to open the door and complete the level. Finally I will explain how to put a time limit in. Create a new objective and in the triggers menu go to "timer" and then "create new timer". In this menu give the timer a name like "time limit" and set the timer to "show". Now go to the box labelled "time reaches..." and set it to whatever time you want (about a minute should do). Go to done and then move on to the actions menu. In the actions menu go to "objectives" and then click on the objective you already have for this map. On the objective menu you should go down to the box labelled "complete" and change it to "failed". Go to down and preview the map and you will find that you now have a timer that counts up (you can't make them count down for some reason) and makes you fail the level if you take more than one minute. Now that you have learned the basics you should practise and experiment with the logic to see what you can do. |Making Assault Maps| (MKAS) After you have learnt how to make story maps, assault maps are easy. On an assault map you will have two teams; the attackers and the defenders. The attackers will have to complete the objectives you set and the defenders will have to stop them (if you don't understand what I mean then try a few assault maps in arcade mode). Each objective (or phase as it calls them) needs to be completed in sequence. You can make them just like a story logic (just go to "create new assault phase" instead of "create new story logic" in the map logic menu) but each individual logic will end the phase as well as carrying out all the actions. For each phase you should also create new start points for both the attackers and the defenders. You can change what phase the point applies to by opening its properties menu and changing box labelled "assault phase" to whatever the number of the phase is. If you still don't understand what I mean then load the sample map "bunker assault" and have a look at that. Finally I will explain how to add an award. You can add an award for either assault or arcade maps. To do this simply open the map logic menu, go to "awards" in the list on the left and select either assault or arcade (depending on what type of award you want). Then you can select the level of award you want. Finally, just create/choose an objective. When the objective(s) are complete then whoever completed them will get the award. _____________________________________________________________________ |Ideas| (PTS) Here's a few ideas you can put in your maps, if you want you can send your own in for the guide (my e-mail's in the credits/legal section); |Hell Pit| Description: You walk into the area and then all the area around you disappears and the room turns red. Two enemies attack you, when they are dead the room returns to normal. How to do it: First place a large pit, on the top floor of it (where the bridge is) place a row of small open tiles and a large bridge (ramp) on either end. Create two new enemies and set them to spawn and attack once (the rest you can decide for yourself). Go to map logic, create a new logic; set the middle tile of the bridge as a location, use this as a trigger. For your actions; set the two enemies you created to spawn (place one at each end of the bridge), set the lighting for the small open tiles and the bridges (and any other tiles you may have in view) to turn black, set the pit itself to turn red, place two doors at either end of the bridge and set them to lock (you may also want to place a window next to each door). Now create a new objective, set the two enemies being killed as triggers. As actions; set all the lighting to reset and set the doors to unlock. |Floating Platform| Description: A floating platform How to do it: Create an empty space with stackable tiles, with about 2 or 3 floors. Replace one of the tiles in the middle with a non- stackable one and you'll have a floater (stop laughing). _____________________________________________________________________ |Bosses| (BFTG) Sadly in TS3 you still can't make a real boss, so here's a few alternatives; |The Mummy| Description: An Egyptian Mummy that attacks with magic Settings: The "tooth mummy" character armed with plasma grenades with the health set to "tough guy". |Zombie Army| Description: An army of Outbreak style hard-to-kill zombies Settings: Set several undead characters to "spawn and attack" several times each and set their health to "tough guy". The rest is up to you. |Sniper Lion| Description: A tribute to "Sniper Wolf" from MGS: The Twin Snakes Settings: Leo Krupps armed with a sniper rifle and tough guy setting. |Credits/Legal| (BRSF) This map is Copyright S.J. Sharpe (AKA Bisected8). All trademarks mentioned are property of their respective owners. I have only given permission for gamefaqs and cheatplanet to host this FAQ. If you are reading this somewhere else then please e-mail me so I can do something about it. If I missed something out you can e-mail me: crazyproffesor@aol.com I would like to thank; All the people who answered my topics while I was stuck on TS3 Free Radical Development for making such a great series EA Games for getting Free Radical Development to make this new TS. You for reading this guide!!!