Ghost Recon/GR: Desert Siege/GR: Island Thunder FAQ/Walkthrough Version 0.95 Last updated: 9/18/03 By Octoferret =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== 1. Playing the Game 1.1: Controls 1.2: The Menus 1.3: Playing the Game 1.4: The Command Map/Stat Mode 1.5: The Expansions 2. Ghost Recon Missions Guide 2.1: Mission 01 - Stone Dragon 2.2: Mission 02 - Eager Smoke 2.3: Mission 03 - Stone Bell 2.4: Mission 04 - Black Needle 2.5: Mission 05 - Gold Mountain 2.6: Mission 06 - Witch Fire 2.7: Mission 07 - Paper Angel 2.8: Mission 08 - Zebra Straw 2.9: Mission 09 - Blue Storm 2.10: Mission 10 - Fever Claw 2.11: Mission 11 - Dream Knife 2.12: Mission 12 - Ivory Horn 2.13: Mission 13 - Arctic Sun 2.14: Mission 14 - Willow Bow 2.15: Mission 15 - White Razor 2.16: Special Mission: Multiplayer 6 - Castle 3. Ghost Recon: Desert Siege Missions Guide 3.1: Mission 01 - Burning Sands 3.2: Mission 02 - Flame Pillar 3.3: Mission 03 - Cold Steam 3.4: Mission 04 - Quiet Angel 3.5: Mission 05 - Gamma Dawn 3.6: Mission 06 - Spectre Wind 3.7: Mission 07 - Subtle Keep 3.8: Mission 08 - Torn Banner 4. Ghost Recon: Island Thunder Missions Guide 4.1: Mission 01 - Watchful Yeoman 4.2: Mission 02 - Angel Rage 4.3: Mission 03 - Jaguar Maze 4.4: Mission 04 - Hidden Spectre 4.5: Mission 05 - Rapid Python 4.6: Mission 06 - Liberty Storm 4.7: Mission 07 - Ocean Forge 4.8: Mission 08 - Righteous Archer 5. Weapons & Equipment 5.1: Primary Weapons List 5.2: Secondary Weapons 5.3: Other Equipment 6. Kits 6.1: Soldier Kits 6.2: Specialist Kits =============================================================================== 1. Playing the Game =============================================================================== *************************************** 1.1: Controls *************************************** Note: These are the DEFAULT controls for the game GENERAL CONTROLS: Mouse: Look W: Move forward A: Move left S: Move back D: Move right Q: Peek left E: Peek right X: Drop stance C: Raise stance Right mouse button: Run Left alt: Shuffle ~: Change weapons Left mouse button: Fire/Use item F: Fire mode select Z, Center mouse button: Reload Space: Perform action 1: Select team alpha 2: Select team bravo 3: Select team charlie 4: All teams hold 5: All teams advance 6: All teams advance at all costs 7: All teams recon 8: All teams engage 9: All teams suppress Mousewheel up: Zoom in Mousewheel down: Zoom out R: Zoom in T: Zoom out V: Toggle night vision L: Toggle binoculars Left control: Toggle command map Tab: Stat mode Left shift: Map mode Page up: Select next Page down: Select previous F1: Toggle camera view F2: Toggle observer mode F4: Screenshot F6: Quick save F7: Quick load F9: Toggle action interface F11: Toggle soldier panel F12: Toggle weapon panel ,: Global chat Enter: Team chat Numpad 0: Chat message 0 Numpad 1: Chat message 1 Numpad 2: Chat message 2 Numpad 3: Chat message 3 Numpad 4: Chat message 4 Numpad 5: Chat message 5 Numpad 6: Chat message 6 Numpad 7: Chat message 7 Numpad 8: Chat message 8 Numpad 9: Chat message 9 B: Leaderboard Escape: Pop up menu Numpad enter: Toggle console COMMAND MODE CONTROLS: W: Move map up S: Move map down A: Move map left D: Move map right X: Lower map level C: Raise map level -: Map zoom in =: Map zoom out 1: Select team alpha 2: Select team bravo 3: Select team charlie 4: All teams hold 5: All teams advance 6: All teams advance at all costs 7: All teams recon 8: All teams engage 9: All teams suppress SOLDIER STAT MODE CONTROLS: 1: Select team alpha 2: Select team bravo 3: Select team charlie 4: All teams hold 5: All teams advance 6: All teams advance at all costs 7: All teams recon 8: All teams engage 9: All teams suppress *************************************** 1.2: The Menus *************************************** Of course, when you start the game you will be at the main menu after going through the intro movies. From here you can do the training mode, play the campaign, do a quick mission, play a multiplayer game, watch replays, change options, watch the credits or quit. TRAINING: This starts up the training mode. You can pick which of the seven training courses to play after selecting training mode. Once you complete a training course, you can just move on to the next one without going back to the menus. CAMPAIGN: Choose this to start or load a campaign. Start a new one by selecting 'New Campaign', selecting a difficulty and then by putting your name in. Resume one by selecting 'Resume Campaign' and then by either picking a mission to play or by loading a game. 'Delete Campaign' obviously lets you choose a campaign to delete. QUICK MISSION: Pick this and you can start a game on any mission you've unlocked on any of the three difficulties on the game mode of your choice. MULTIPLAYER: This is where you join or create a multiplayer game. Select either LAN or Internet first, to determine what type of game you will connect to or create. Click on 'Create Game' to start one or click on 'Join Game' with a server selected to join one. With internet games you can type in an IP address in the bottom left corner and then click 'Add' to add it. If no games show up for you under Internet, you may have to install Ubisoft's browser to find one. Click on the 'Play it on' button to do so. REPLAYS: Click on this to bring up a list of saved replays. You can save replays at the end of missions. On this menu you can either start one or delete one. OPTIONS: Of course, this brings up the options menu. On the options menu there are six tabs on the top of the screen, gameplay, input, multiplayer, graphics, mods and sounds. By default you will be on the input section. On input you configure the controls, on gameplay you can change gameplay options, multiplayer lets you configure multiplayer settings, graphics lets you adjust the graphical settings, mods is where you activate mods/expansions and sounds is where you change the sound options. CREDITS: Pick this to watch the credits. You can exit this by clicking the mouse. QUIT: Click on this to close the game. MULTIPLAYER MODE MENUS: Once you join or create a server you will be at the player setup screen. The roster on the left shows you who else is in here and the team that they are on. Click on soldier above this to select your soldier and kit. If you created this server, you can go to 'Edit Server' to change things such as the map, game type, respawn time, server info, etc. and also save and load server configs. To the right of that button is the 'Server Info' button. Click on this to see the server settings. You can also see some of these settings, such as the map and the game type, above, without clicking on anything. If you click on the 'Briefing' button near that, you can see the mission briefing. In this area there is also a checkbox that says 'Ready' next to it. Click it to show that you are ready. When everyone is ready, the game will start. The last important thing here is the chat window, which is on the bottom of the screen. Type a message in the line at the bottom and read messages above. IN-GAME MENU: This is the menu you get when you bring up the menu in the middle of a game. On the top it will show you the mission objectives and below you can select continue, save game, options, restart, abort, end mission and quit. Continue will continue the game, save game will allow you to save, options takes you to the options menu (Although some options can't be changed when in a game), restart restarts the mission, abort will end the mission and take you back to the briefing, end mission will end the mission, show you the AAR and then take you back to the previous menu and quit will end the mission and take you to the main menu. *************************************** 1.3: Playing the Game *************************************** Before you start the game, I suggest that you go through the tutorial mode to get the hang of things. I will only very briefly go over things covered there. --------------------------- Basic Movement & Weapon Use --------------------------- First of all, you can walk forwards, backwards, left and right using the WSAD keys (By default). If you have the "Auto run" option enabled, you will run instead of walk. If you don't, you can use the right mouse button to run when you are moving. When you are behind some cover and want to look around it, you can use Q (By default) to peek to the left or E (By default) to peek to the right. You can also crouch and go prone. X (By default) will drop your stance from standing to crouched to prone. C will raise it. When you are crouched your shots will be more accurate than if standing, but you will move slower. If you are prone, your shots will be even more accurate but you move much slower than being crouched and your movement is very limited. The space bar (By default) is used to perform actions. Actions include opening doors and using mounted weapons. Go up to a door and use space to open it, note that this will take some time. You can also use grenades to blow up doors instead of opening them. When you go up to a mounted machine gun or automatic grenade launcher, you will take control of it. To shoot, click the left mouse button. The accuracy of a shot depends on your stance and if you are moving or not. At all times there are four lines around the crosshair in the center of the screen. The closer these lines are to the middle of the crosshair, the more accurate a shot is. If you are running or just moving, they will be far away and your shot won't be very accurate. If you don't move the shots will be much more accurate, especially if you are crouched or prone. At any time you can switch between your primary and secondary weapons with ~ (By default), but note that it does take some time to switch them and in that time you cannot shoot. You can also reload by pressing the z key (By default) or the center mouse button (By default). Of course, you cannot shoot while doing this. You can use the mousewheel (By default) or some other keys to zoom in and out. You can zoom a little with rifles and sub machine guns, a lot with sniper rifles and can't with other weapons. Not all weapons are used in the same way. The M136 rocket launcher can not be fired when you are moving or right when you take it out. You have to wait for the X on the crosshair to go away before you fire, and it does when you stay still. ALso when using the M136, make sure that nobody is standing behind you. Anyone behind the launcher will get hurt when you fire the rocket. When you are using grenades, hold down the mouse button longer to throw it farther and then release it to throw the grenade. If the grenade lands by a door that can be opened, the door will blow up. With grenade launchers, note that the grenade is fired in an arc, and not straight. You will have to aim higher to hit targets that are farther away. Grenade launchers can also be used to destroy doors, the grenade just has to hit the door itself to do so. All that's left now is claymores. Place one on the ground and the part that explodes will be facing away from you. Once it's on the ground you can blow it up by pressing the fire button. --------------- The Game Screen --------------- Like in all first-person shooters, there is a crosshair in the middle of the screen. There are four lines around the crosshair, the distance they are from the middle of the crosshair determines accuracy. They move further away from the center when you are moving. Stop for them to get closer to the center and to make them even closer - and your shots more accurate - lower your stance. On the bottom of the screen is the HUD information. On the bottom left of the screen information about the soldier you are using is shown. You can see your stance, your health status, the name of the soldier and what squad they are in. On the bottom right side of the screen kit information is shown. Your primary weapon is shown on top, your secondary weapon below that with ammo for both next to each one. One the right the bullets show the selected fire mode, one bullet is semi-automatic, three is burst and five is automatic. On the very bottom part of this display weapon names are shown. In the middle of the bottom side of the screen is your threat indicator. This is like a compass and shows where enemies are, in relation to your position. The arrow on the outside points to the north. If there is an arrow on the inside, it points to your next waypoint. The biggest part of the threat indicator is a big circle. This circle is divided into four big chunks and a little circle in the middle. These five parts show where enemies in relation to you. If the chunk of the circle on top is yellow there is an enemy somewhere in front of you. If the bottom one is yellow, there is an enemy behind you somewhere. The same thing with the left and right ones. If the circle in the middle is red, it means there is an enemy very close to you. In the top left corner of the screen messages to you, such as messages from your soldiers saying when a friendly soldiers has been killed, are displayed. -------------------------------------------------------- Briefings, Soldier Selection and the After Action Report -------------------------------------------------------- When you start a mission, the first thing you see will be the briefing. On the left side of the screen will be the briefing text with the objectives above it. Make sure to pay attention to the briefing, you will get some important information. Every mission, except the last Island Thunder one, has either three objectives and an optional one (With an X instead of a number next to it) or four objectives. You can do any objective except reach the extraction zone ones (Which must be done last) in any order. If you kill all of the enemy soldiers in the mission, you will automatically win. Also on the briefing screen is the map, on the right. At first it will show a map of where the mission takes place. Click on the map to switch to a map of the mission itself, this is the same map that you will have for your command map. Also displayed is the weather for the mission, the time, the date and the location. The soldier selection screen comes next. Here you can add up to six soldiers to your platoon in up to three squads, with no more than three soldiers each. In the bottom left corner of the screen is a list of soldier that you can choose, in four different classes. Rifleman, support, sniper and demolitions. Riflemen are your basic shooters, support guys get light-machine guns and are good for support, snipers are just that, snipers, and demolitions guys are the ones who get demo charges and the M136. You need them to destroy stuff. You can switch between normal soldiers and specialists by clicking on the tab above. Specialists have better stats than normal soldiers and can sometimes have new weapons. Specialists are unlocked by completing optional mission objectives and they aren't replaced when killed, like normal soldiers. Above the soldiers list is a list of your squads and is where you add soldiers to your squad. There are five buttons here, an A, a B, a C, an X, and "Auto Assign". Clicking on the A will add the selected soldier to the Alpha squad, clicking on the B will put them in Bravo, clicking on the C will put them in Charlie, clicking on the X will remove them from the squad and Auto Assign automatically assigns soldiers to your squads. When a soldier is already in a squad you can change there position or put them in another squad with the A, B and C buttons. In the middle of the screen the soldier is shown (Which isn't important) and on the right individual info about the soldier is shown. On the top are the soldiers medals (Which aren't important), with stat points below and kit information on the bottom. The kit information shows and lets you select a kit. The stat points show you, from one to eight, how many points the soldier has in weapons, stealth, endurance and leadership. Weapons (W), deals with how accurate shots are. The higher this stat, the more accurate this soldier will be. Stealth (S), is how hard it is for an enemy to spot this soldier. The higher this stat, the closer the soldier can get to enemies without being seen. Endurance (E), is how well a soldier deals with getting shot. A higher endurance stat means that a soldier can get shot more without being wounded or killed. Leadership (L), affects all of the soldiers in a platoon. For every three points the soldier with the highest leadership in the platoon has, every other soldier will have one point added to their stats (Which isn't shown on this screen). Each soldier gets one extra point to add to any of the four different stats after they have competed in a mission. When playing the later missions in quick mission or starting the expansions, each soldier will have some extra stat points for you to use. The medals, shown above, are awarded for things such as getting a lot of kills or getting hit. As I mentioned before, they are completely useless. After a mission, you will be taken to the after action report screen. Here you can see which objectives you completed, the mission time, the difficulty of the mission, whoever got the best time, save or watch the mission's replay and see information for each soldier. For each soldier you can see their status, how many shots they fired, how many of those hit, accuracy, kills and any medals they received for this mission. ----------- Enemy Units ----------- Most of the enemy units you encounter in the game will be standard enemy soldiers with AK's. Sometimes you will encounter them with other weapons or even vehicles. SOLDIERS: As mentioned above, the soldiers normally carry AK's. They can shoot at you fairly accurately from far away and can fire them on full auto when you are close. Sometimes there will be enemy soldiers with sniper rifles. They tend to be in places like towers and you can usually snipe them before they every see you. Other enemy soldiers sometimes have support weapons. They usually go prone and fire near where you are to suppress you. Other enemy soldiers will be using stationary weapons, machine guns or in a few cases, an automatic grenade launcher. Both of those weapons can cause you lots of problems and any enemy soldier on a stationary weapon should be killed immediately. ARMOR: There are three types of armored units in the game, tanks, BMPs and SAM launchers. SAM launchers can't do anything to you, and are only there to be destroyed for mission objectives. Tanks and BMPs both can shoot at you and can pop out somewhere unexpectedly. Both of them act and look similar, so it doesn't matter to you which one is which. All armored units can only be destroyed from a direct hit with a rocket from a M136. JEEPS: These are only used in Desert Siege and Island Thunder. Sometimes they are actually trucks, but I always call them jeeps to make things more simple. When they are used, one enemy soldier will drive towards your position while some others sit in the back. The ones in the back can shoot at you. When the driver gets it close enough to you, he will usually stop and everyone will get out and continue to shoot at you. You can shoot the soldiers when they are in the jeep, even the driver to stop it. Jeeps, which count as enemy units on your map and threat indicator, can be destroyed with one antitank rocket, a few grenades or by lots of gunfire. Claymores can probably do it as well, but I am not sure about that. A very good way to deal with the jeeps is to take a support specialist, go prone and fire away at the jeep. *************************************** 1.4: The Command Map/Stat Mode *************************************** To see the command map, press the left control key (By default) to bring it up. With that open you can either click on 'Stats' on the left or press Tab (By default) to bring up stat mode. On either mode, you can tell each squad to go assault, recon or suppress and tell them to advance, advance at all costs or hold. You select these with the buttons on the left. The buttons by the letter A are for Aplha squad, the buttons by the B are for the Bravo squad and the ones by the C are for the Charlie squad. The button on top is for movement. An arrow is for advance, two arrows is for advance at all costs and an X is for hold. Click on it to change it. Below that is the rules of engagement setting. If there is nothing below the gun on it, it is set to assault, a plus under the gun means suppress and a minus means recon. On stat mode, the status of each soldier will be shown under their squad. The squads are show right next to the movement/ROE buttons. Here each soldiers health is shown (If they have been shot, the part of their body that was shot will be red), their stat points will be shown, their stance will be shown, their weapons and ammunition will be shown, their name and class will be shown and finally, weather they are computer controlled (A computer) or human controlled (Arrows) will be shown to the left of the information about them. You can click on a soldier to take control of them. On the bottom of this screen you can switch between platoons (Multiplayer only) to see the soldiers in each platoon. When you have the command map selected a map of the entire level will be brought up. By default it is zoomed out so you can see the entire map, but you can click on the magnifying glass to zoom in. When zoomed in, you can move around using whatever keys you have set to move around on the command map. Click on the magnifying glass again if you want to zoom out. On the top of the map, you can switch between which squad is selected. If you are playing on multiplayer, you can also pick the platoon on the bottom of the screen. When the desired squad has been selected, click on a spot on the map to put a waypoint there. Right click to delete the last waypoint for a squad. Note, you can only click on spots on the map that are accessible. Once a waypoint has been placed, a line will be automatically drawn on the map from where the squad is to the waypoint, or from one waypoint to the next. If no human players are on a squad and a waypoint is placed for that squad, they will follow the line to the next waypoint. When they get to their last waypoint, they will stop and wait for a new one. If there is a human player on a squad and it gets a waypoint, an arrow will appear on the threat indicator to lead the way to it. Computer controlled soldiers in the squad will still follow the lead human player if there is a waypoint for them to move to. On the command map friendly units that you don't control will be green, your soldiers will be in white and nearby enemy units will be red. *************************************** 1.5: The Expansions *************************************** -------------- What are they? -------------- The two expansions out right now for Ghost Recon are Desert Siege and Island Thunder. Each of them can be purchased separately, or you can by the Ghost Recon Gold edition which contains the original game and both of the expansion packs. -------------------------- What features do they add? -------------------------- Each expansion comes with eight new missions and a handful of new weapons. In these expansions the enemy soldiers will also use jeeps. One drives while the others shoot at you from the jeep. Island Thunder even changes a few basic things about the game. Your command maps and the mission briefing maps in Island Thunder are now in full color. Also in Island Thunder, you will see your soldiers ride a helicopter or boat to the insertion zone in the level and afterwards, you will sometimes see a helicopter come and pick them up. In addition to those, it adds the game mode 'Defend'. ------------------ How do I use them? ------------------ Once they are installed, go to the options menu from the game's main menu and then select the mods tab. Select each expansion and then press the activate button to use it. Which ever one is at the top of the list will be the 'primary' one, but the game will rotate between them. You can also select one at a time to switch them like that. When a mod is activated, you can play its campaign and missions and use its weapons. =============================================================================== 2. Ghost Recon Missions Guide =============================================================================== These are the 15 missions in the original Ghost Recon. There is lots of variety among these. In addition to the normal search and destroy missions there is a tank escort mission, and even one where you break into a POW camp. Most of these missions take place in the wilderness. Other missions have you in the middle of cities, or other man-made places. A sniper is always good to have on these missions, there are always chances to use one. In addition to having a sniper, you should also always have someone with a grenade launcher. Grenade launchers are very useful in many situations. NOTE: I WROTE THESE WALKTHROUGHS PLAYING ON VETERAN MODE, THE AMOUNT OF ENEMIES MAY BE DIFFERENT ON OTHER DIFFICULTIES. I chose to write them on veteran because it's the medium difficulty, so it is easier to adapt the strategies on the other difficulties. If you are playing on Elite, be sure to watch out for more enemies than mention in the walkthroughs. *************************************** 2.1: Mission 01 - Stone Dragon *************************************** BRIEFING: Welcome to Tbilisi, gentlemen - I hope you got some shuteye on the flight from Bragg, because now that we're here we've got a lot of work to do. Here's the situation: We've been deployed at the request of the Georgian government to help them deal with the rebels on their Russian border. Out area of operations will be the South Ossetian Autonomous region - 1500 square miles of small villages and rugged backcountry. The Ossetians have been skirmishing with the Georgian army for years, but lately the attacks have escalated to the verge of all-out-war. Washington thinks that the Russians have engineered the current flare-up as an excuse to step in and annex the whole region. Out job is to cut the legs out from under the revolution before that can begin. Our first mission is a raid on a rebel base in the Caucusus Mountains. A rebel leader named Bakur Papashvili has been attacking army convoys across the Terek River. You'll need to take out his guard posts first, then hit the main camp. You'll find Papashvili in the caves at the top of the hill where he's set up a command center. Take him alive if you can, but remember he won't surrender unless all of his guards have been eliminated. OBJECTIVES: 1. Neutralize Tent Camp Troops 2. Secure the Caves 3. Return to Insertion Zone X. Capture Papashivili OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Sunny Time: 5:45AM (Daylight) Demolitions specialist required?: No --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY There are lots of trees on this mission, making it hard to spot the enemies. A sniper is good to have on this mission to look for and kill enemies that are far away, before they spot you and end up hiding in the trees, shooting at you. A support specialist is also good to have, they can lay down a lot of fire in trees where enemies may be hiding. It's best to to do the first objective before you go to the caves. Proceed west from the insertion point until you get to an area where the you can walk up the cliff to get to the elevated land to the north. Be careful, there are some enemies with a machine gun on top of one of the cliffs, an enemy in a bunker and some more walking around. Once it's safe, climb up the hill. Now you will want to move east and attack the tent camp. You can have one team attack it from one side while the other team attacks from he other side, or both can go in together. There won't be very many enemies there, but the camp can give them some good cover. If you approach it from the south, you can fire a grenade from a M203 (If you had one of your soldiers bring one) and kill all of the enemy soldiers if it hits between them. Once the tent camp has been cleared, you will want to move to the caves. There are two ways to get up to the caves, one to the west and one to the east, near the tent camp. It's easier to take the eastern path up to them, because it's closer to the tent camp. Make your way to the entrances to the caves and kill any soldiers standing outside either of the entrances. Once they are gone, enter the caves. There are some more soldiers in here, kill them as well. Once all of these soldiers have been killed, you will complete the second objective. In a room a bit further back is Papashivili. He is standing by a board with a map on it. If you killed all of the guards first, go up to him and he will come with you. If you entered the room before killing the guards he, will take out a gun and start shooting at you and you will have to kill him. If you want to complete the optional objective, make sure that the guards have all been killed. Once your work here is done, go back to the insertion/extraction zone. It's best to take the same route back there that you took to the caves, since most of the enemy soldiers around will be dead. Be warned, there still will be some more there. Watch out for them around the hill you had to go up to get to the top of the cliff and near the insertion zone. *************************************** 2.2: Mission 02 - Eager Smoke *************************************** BRIEFING: We've been tapped for a search and rescue. The Navy's been flying sorties against rebel positions from it's carrier battle group in the Black Sea. Last night, the bad guys got lucky with a SAM and took out one of our F-18s. The pilot and the weapons officer both bailed out before impact, but the rebels picked them up shortly after they activated their beacons. They're being held for interrogation at a farm near the crash site. You're job is to go in and bring them back out alive. Recon photos show the F-18 is still largely intact but heavily guarded. If it's possible to plant a demo charge and blow the plane, do it - but don't jeopardize your main mission. And try to minimize Ossetian casualties - the Russians are already making a big stink at the U.N. about us being here and we don't want to give them any more ammunition. If Moscow decides to intervene, we're going to find ourselves smack in the middle of a major war. OBJECTIVES: 1. Rescue Pilot 2. Rescue W. Officer 3. Get to the Extraction Zone X. Destroy Avionics OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Cloudy Time: 2:15AM (Night) Demolition specialist required?: No - But one with demo charges is needed for the optional objective --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This mission takes place at night, so you're going to want to use your night vision for it. Unlike the first mission, there aren't many trees here, so it's pretty easy to spot enemies. If you bring a sniper you can pick off enemy soldiers from very far away because there aren't many trees and the terrain is very flat. Also, make sure you take along a demolitions specialist with demo charges, you need them to do the optional objective. To the west of your insertion zone is a big field where the crashed F-18 is. Unless you don't want to do the optional objective for some reason, go there first. There will be a lots of enemy soldiers near it, some are by the plane itself and there are some more on the southern side of the field. Be careful when trying to reach the plane. You should probably have your sniper take out as many of the enemies as you can from the edge of the field and once most of them are dead, slowly approach the plane, taking out the rest. Plant a demo charge on the plane once you reach it and head for the southern side of the field. Your next stop is the farm house, where the weapons officer is being held. There are a lot of enemy soldiers walking around outside of the house, so use your sniper to take out as many of them as possible and then move in and take out the rest. Once the outside is clear, move into the building. There are some more enemy soldiers in here, so be careful. Go up to the second floor and get the weapons officer from the room at the end of the hall. Usually there are a few enemies in the room with him, guarding him. Watch out for them. Once you have rescued the weapons officer, your next stop is the barn, southeast of the farm house. Inside the barn is the pilot that you need to rescue. There are a few soldiers patrolling the outside of the barn, so do what you've been doing and take them out with your sniper. Once they are dead, move in on the barn. Inside the barn there are some soldiers on the ground level and there will probably be a few more on the upper level. There are windows on both the north and south side of the barn, and any soldiers on the second floor can shoot you from them. Watch out for that. There is also a door to the barn on both the north and south side of the barn, so also watch them for enemies. You'll have to enter the barn to get the remaining soldiers and rescue the pilot. You might want to have one team enter the door on the north side of the barn and the other enter at the same time on the south side. Once it's clear, take both the pilot and weapons officer back to the extraction zone. *************************************** 2.3: Mission 03 - Stone Bell *************************************** BRIEFING: Word just came down from HQ, gentleman. We have official confirmation that at 0600 hours three Russian armored divisions crossed the border and linked up with rebel forces to the north. The Russian foreign minister has issued a statement condemning "International meddling in regional affairs". Look's like we've got ourselves a full-scale international incident. For now the U.S. is still backing the legitimate Georgian government. Our orders are, quote, "To aid the Georgian army's defensive operations in any way practical". Short and sweet that means we've got the green light to blow stuff up. First priority is to slow down the main armored column headed for Tbilisi. We've identified an ambush point about 60 klicks west of here where the highway crosses under a rail line. A Georgian command post is nearby - if it's overrun their entire western flank will collapse. Take out the Russian advance patrols first, then the tanks. And keep your demolitions expert under cover until you need him - those tanks aren't going to be stopped by anything less than a rocket up the tailpipe. OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy the Northeast Patrol 2. Destroy the Southwest Patrol 3. Prevent HQ Breach X. No NATO Casualties OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Sunny Time: 10:00AM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: Yes - With the M136 rocket launcher --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY You will need a demolitions specialist with the M136 rocket launcher on this mission to take out some tanks. You will also want to take along a sniper, since there will be some good chances to use one at the end of the mission. In this mission there are lots of trees and plants for the enemy to hide in, but it's only on the western side of the map and most of the enemies won't be there. When you start the mission you have a choice of which of the first two objectives to do first. The northwestern patrol will walk south along the cliffs on the eastern side of the road and the southwestern patrol will walk south along the cliffs on the western side of the roads. Either go and eliminate one and then the other or send one team of your guys to eliminate one and go with the rest to eliminate the other. Once you get to them, the patrols will probably be near the railroad bridge. Once you've had just enough time to eliminate the patrols, the tanks will come in. These tanks aren't unsupported, either. There is plenty of infantry with them. Start sniping at the infantry from the bridge or the cliffs and once the tanks get close, have your demolitions specialist with the M136 take them out. After that, snipe as many of the remaining enemy soldiers as possible and if you have to, go down there and kill the rest. Note that some will probably get a way and work there way up the cliffs and to the bridge, so watch out for them. As long as they don't get anywhere near the field HQ you start by none of the soldiers there will be killed, and that means you will complete the optional objective. And if they all are killed before getting to it, you will also complete the third objective without a problem. *************************************** 2.4: Mission 04 - Black Needle *************************************** BRIEFING: The Georgians have stopped the Russians temporarily, but they're not going to hold out for long. The president and his cabinet have already fled the country to set up a government-in-exile. We're in country only for as long as it takes to get the rest of our people out safely. HQ just got a radio call from a couple of Brits up near the village of Ahmeta. Their transportation broke down and they're cut off from the Georgian lines. We're sending you in by chopper to set up an escape route for them. You'll need to move fast - in their last message they said they thought they'd been spotted by a Russian patrol. OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure the Crossroads 2. Contact UN Troops 3. Return to Extraction Zone X. Keep UN Soldiers Alive OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Sunny Time: 3:00PM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: No --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY You will want to move quickly on this mission. If you don't, the UN soldiers might get killed before you reach them and you will fail. There are a lot of good places to snipe in this mission, so make sure you take a sniper along (Although you probably should already know to take one in just about every mission). To reach those UN soldiers, you are going to have to first cross the river. To the west of your insertion zone is the only bridge over the river. Before getting close, take control of your sniper and pick off any soldiers guarding the bridge. There will be one in the toll booth and probably a few more walking around it. Go up to the bridge, but before crossing it use your sniper again and aim at the toll booth on the other side. There should be an enemy soldier there, so take him out. Cross the bridge and check the other side for any more enemies as you cross it. In front of you will be your first objective, the crossroads. Kill any enemies here to secure it. Most of them will be in and around the three buildings here. Once you have secured that, move across the small hill to the east to the village where the UN soldiers are. There are some enemies on the area on the north side of the hill and a few more along the road to the village, so you may want to kill them. Inside the town with the UN soldiers are more enemy soldiers. There are some on the road and a couple more in the ruins of a building on the south side of the road. You can attack them by coming along the road from the west, looping over and attacking from the road to the east, sneaking into the village from the north or south or you can split your teams up and attack from two sides. I find that having both teams attacking from the west works fine, but you are free to do what you want. Once the enemy soldiers all have been killed, move into the buildings on the north side of the road and go up to both of the UN soldiers (They are wearing blue berets). After that, you can return to the extraction zone. To make things more difficult, about six more enemy soldiers will be coming in from the road to the west of the crossroads. Kill them, since they will probably see you and start to shoot at you, and then continue on. *************************************** 2.5: Mission 05 - Gold Mountain *************************************** BRIEFING: Time to get the hell out of Dodge - intel says Russian troops have reached the city limits. The rest of our people have already been evac'ed - you gentleman are the absolute tip of the Dachshund's tail. The Navy is running a shuttle between out embassy and the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan in the Black Sea. Two hours from now the last Seahawk will leave the embassy's roof - you'd better be on it. On the way there's one thing we want you to check out. The Russians brought down one of our Seahawks on the last run - hit it with a man-portable SAM before it reached the embassy. It crashed in a park just north of your position. We haven't received any communication from the crew - no voice, no beacon - there are probably no survivors. But your orders are to check out the wreckage and make sure. Be on the look out for Russian patrols. And look out for Georgian civilians as well - there are plenty of refugees in the streets and we want to keep collateral damage to a minimum. OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure the bank 2. Investigate Crash Site 3. Go to Extraction Zone X. Avoid Civilian Casualties OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Sunny Time: 9:00AM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: No, but some armor will come out by the crash site and can only be destroyed with a M136 --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This mission is different than the last four you've been through. It takes place in a city opposed to the wilderness. Here you will be fighting on the streets and in a few buildings. Note that there is a tank in this mission, so you should take a demolitions expert with the M136 rocket launcher to take it out. North of where you start is your first objective: The bank. The bank is a two-story building with it's main entrance on the south side, an entrance on the north side and two second-floor windows on the south side. There is a building between your insertion zone and the bank, you can go around it on either the east or west side. I recommend you go around the west side of it, just make sure you don't shoot the refugee that comes up the stairs. Go to the intersection and look at the windows on the second floor of the bank. You might see a soldier in the one closest to you but you probably can't tell if one is at the other window. If you see one at the closer window, shoot him or fire a grenade from a grenade launcher, if one of your men has one. You might also want to fire a grenade into the other window, just to be safe. By now you will probably see that a few more soldiers are moving in from the road on the east side of the bank. Kill them all before you continue. Now you will have to enter the bank itself, you can either go in through the front or back. The back is probably the better bet. Instead of sending both teams in, have the one you are controlling go in through the back and have the other one watch the front entrance to make sure nobody sneaks out. Before you enter the back of the bank, clear the alley just across from the back door, there tend to be some soldiers in there. Once the outside is clear, open the back door. Shoot the guy in this room and then open the next door. Slowly move into this lobby and shoot any soldiers you see. Make sure you watch out for soldiers on the second floor balconies. Once this area is clear, take the stairs up to the second floor. If there are any more soldiers on the second floor balconies, kill them. If there are still enemies around, go through both doors up here and clear these rooms. By now you should have completed the first objective. The next objective is on the north side of the city, there are a few ways to get there but the safest is probably via the alleys. Enter the alley opposite the bank's back door and go through it. Watch for refugees. You will soon come to a big street, cross it and enter one of the alleys on the other side. Go north through this alley, watch for refugees and you will come to the square where the crash site is. Look around and kill all of the soldiers that you see. Leave the alley and immediately turn south, towards a big building. There is a soldier in one of the open windows on it and you should take him out. Once it's clear, walk around the crash site until the next objective is completed. Around this time, a tank and some soldiers will spawn around the corner of the road on the northwest side of the square. Take out them if you can or just run. Now you have to get to the extraction zone on top the embassy, to the southeast. Go along the streets, taking out any enemies you see on the way, and get to the embassy grounds. Kill the enemies sniping from the roof and then kill the enemies on the ground level. Once it's clear take the stairs on the south side up to the helipad on the roof. *************************************** 2.6: Mission 06 - Witch Fire *************************************** BRIEFING: It's official - President Arbatov just appeared, "welcoming" the Republic of Georgia into the new Russian Democratic Union. Of course, no one's recognizing the annexation - the Georgian government-in-exile issued a strong denial in their offices in Geneva, and the U.S., Great Britain, and Germany have all publicly condemned the Russian invasion - but all the talk in the world isn't going to budge those tanks in Tbilisi. The big boys are convinced that Arbatov and his generals are engineering another "intervention". Satellites have detected major troop movements on the Baltic coast, near the Latvian border. Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia were all part of the old Soviet empire and bringing them back under Moscow's control has been part of the Ultranationalist agenda for years. We're sending you in to gather intelligence about the coming attack. The Russians have set up a command post at Izborsk, an old medieval fortress a few miles from the border. Your mission is to infiltrate the post and recover any documents describing the Russian battle plans. Watch out for patrols - there's been a lot of troop movement along the road. There's also a comm station inside the castle - don't let the garrison radio for help, or you'll have a major firefight on your hands. One final twist. There's a mobile SAM site nearby. Reconnoiter, and if it's lightly guarded, take it out with rockets. OBJECTIVES: 1. Gather Intel From SE House 2. Gather Intel from NW house 3. Get to Extraction Zone X. Destroy SAM Site OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Clear Time: 2:00AM (Night) Demolition specialist required?: No, but you need one with the M136 for the SAM --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY Another night mission. Again, you will want to use your night vision on this one. This is also another map where a sniper can be very useful, there will be a few good chances to use one. You'll also probably want to take along a demolitions specialist with the M136 on this mission. You need to use it if you want to take out the SAM launcher. If you are going to go for the optional objective and take out the SAM launcher (Which you should), it's easiest to do that first. Move north from your insertion zone, until you are across the road. From here you can take out most of the soldiers around then SAM. Once they are gone, switch to your demolitions specialist and fire a rocket at the SAM to destroy it. Once that's done, your next stop is inside the fortress. There is a hole in the wall that you can go through right by the SAM site. A good thing to do would be having one team go in through there while the other goes around to the north side and enters that way at the same time. There are a lot of soldiers sitting around a fire in the middle of the fortress grounds, you can snipe them from the relative safety of the entrances to the fortress. Once they are gone, move in and clear out any soldiers that you missed. You should also go into the ruins of something in the northeast corner of the fortress and clear out the radio area. Those won't be all of the enemy soldiers here, there are still some in the houses. The house in the northwest corner of this fortress has some - and the intelligence documents you need - and so do the other two houses in here. All you have to do to get those documents is enter the house with them and walk around where the maps are, but you still should probably kill all of the enemy soldiers inside, first. Before entering, walking around the outside of the house and if you spot any enemies through the windows, shoot them. Enter once it's clear and complete the second objective. Clear the other houses if you want and then head of the fortress by the exit in the southeast corner. There will probably be some soldiers walking around the house you have to enter, so take them out from here. Proceed to the house once it's clear and then go inside. Kill anyone in here and take the intelligence items. If you haven't killed all of the enemy soldiers, make your way to the extraction zone to the north of the fortress. *************************************** 2.7: Mission 07 - Paper Angel *************************************** BRIEFING: Bad news. The Russians went on the offensive in the Baltics this morning, three days ahead of schedule. Satellite images show two main thrusts - one along the coast to Tallinn and the other straight past Izborsk to Riga. Senior command is trying to field a defensive force from our bases in Germany, but they need more time. And, we're the ones who are going to provide it. Your mission is to blow the bridge where the Riga highway crosses the Lubana River. This will seriously damage the enemy's ability to bring forward reinforcements and will slow their advance dramatically. Plant demo charges on both of the main pillars of the bridge, then clear out to the extraction zone. Don't try to engage the primary force guarding the bridge - they'll eat you for lunch. But use your own judgment on the Russian camp near the river. If it's lightly guarded, take it out - it'll only add to the disruption. OBJECTIVES: 1. Destroy East Pylon 2. Destroy West Pylon 3. Get to Extraction Zone X. Eliminate Camp Garrison OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Sunny Time: 6:00AM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: Yes, with demo charges. You can also bring one with the M136 if you want to destroy the tank by the bridge. --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This is another outdoors mission where a sniper is good to have. You will also have to have a demolitions specialist with demo charges. In addition to that, you might want to bring another demolitions specialist with the M136 rocket launcher to destroy the tank sitting by the bridge. You don't have to destroy it, but you can. There are many tactics that you can use on this mission, even more than on most missions. You can either avoid fighting the units on the bridge and come up along the river to destroy the pylons and then fight your way through the camp, fight the units by the bridge (Including the tank) and go down the cliffs to destroy the pylons and then go to the extraction zone or you can plant both charges and sneak up the cliffs and extract. Like I said above, there are many ways to beat this mission. Here I will lay out how I do it. Start out by going south from your insertion zone, along the cliffs. Take out any patrols you encounter and when you reach the ramp that leads down to the river, go down. Take out any enemy soldiers around here and head south. Before you get to the bridge, stop and put your soldiers onto recon. Try to get to the bridge without shooting any enemy soldiers, if you do they will come down to get you and you will have to kill quite a few of them. Plant a demo charge right on the support of the bridge and go back north. From here there are two ways to cross the river to get to the other pylon: Go up to the bridge, destroy the tanks and cross or go ALL the way to the northern end of the river and cross the shallow part by the Russian camp. You're going to probably want to go all the way to the north and take that crossing. Proceed north along this side of the river, taking out any enemy patrols that you see before they see you. Once you are by the shallow crossing of the river, you will probably want to take out the Russian camp first, since it's right here. Before crossing, take control of your sniper and kill as many of the enemy soldiers as you can at the camp. Cross the river and enter the camp to take out any remaining ones. Once it's clear and you've completed the optional objective, go back down south along the other side of the river. When you get close to the bridge, try to avoid being spotted and plant another demo charge on the supports. There are now two ways to get to the extraction zone. You can climb up the cliffs here and go west to it or you can go back to the Russian camp and go south from there. If you've managed to avoid being spotted when you were planting the demo charges, go back to the Russian camp and go to the extraction zone from there. If you were spotted and killed a lot of the soldiers here, you can probably go up the cliff safely. Once you get to the top of the cliff, immediately go north and stick to the side of the cliffs to avoid the tanks. Be careful when you get close to the extraction zone, there will probably be a large patrol wandering around somewhere near it. *************************************** 2.8: Mission 08 - Zebra Straw *************************************** BRIEFING: The 1st Armored Division has managed to stop the Russian advance... but just barely. We've got reinforcements coming up from the coast, but they won't be here until tomorrow. Right now, the situation is very fluid - if the Russians resume the attack before we're ready, we're not sure our line will hold. The main concentration of Russian troops in this sector is near a little Lithuanian village named Venta. They've set up mobile artillery in the hills nearby and are using it to shell our position here. Your mission is to go in and take out that artillery. The chopper will drop you at an abandoned farm just west of town. It's unlikely that your arrival will go undetected, so you'll need to establish a defensive perimeter quick or you'll be overrun. Once you're in place HQ will launch an attack down the main road. Hold the farm until you see our tanks, then link up with them and proceed into the village. Clear out the village, then proceed to the artillery batteries in the hills. One antitank rocket apiece should do the job. OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure the Village 2. Destroy East Artillery 3. Destroy North Artillery X. Protect Friendly Tanks OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Rain Time: 4:00PM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: Yes, with the M136 rocket launcher --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY There is lots of fog in addition to the rain in this mission, making visibility VERY poor. It isn't very difficult to get killed by an enemy that you can hardly see due to the fog. You will start this mission in a farm southwest of the village. Right when you start there will be some enemy soldiers heading towards you from the east and the north. There are also a few more northeast with the support of a tank. Eliminate all of them and then move to the village. Be alert for enemies, the fog doesn't make them any easier to spot. They are mostly hiding in the ruined buildings, make it even harder to find them. A few more or walking around the village. There is a tank parked on the north side of the road by the village, so you might want to take it out (Although the friendly tank should do that for you). Once the village is secure, head north. Once you have the artillery in sight, kill any soldiers standing near it and then fire a rocket at it. Now, head to the east, take out any enemy soldiers you come across and climb up the hill. Take out any soldiers here and then fire a rocket at this artillery to destroy it. *************************************** 2.9: Mission 09 - Blue Storm *************************************** BRIEFING: The Russians are stalled just south of Riga. 1st armored is prepared to launch a major offensive as soon as the weather clears. We're sending you in now behind the Russian lines to disrupt communications before the attack. Your target is the Russian listening post on the border between Lithuania and Latvia. They've set up their equipment in the middle of a swamp so you're going to have to get your feet wet. There are three main islands you'll need to clear. We think the listening post itself is on the eastern island, but we want you to sweep all three to be certain. Try to capture the commanding officer alive if possible - he might have valuable information about the Russian defensive strategy. OBJECTIVES: 1. Clear Northern Island 2. Clear Eastern Island 3. Clear Western Island X. Capture Russian Officer OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Rain Time: 9:00AM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: No --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This mission is just as foggy as the last one, and it also has a lot more trees, making spotting enemies very difficult. At least this time you don't have to worry about tanks... Once the mission starts it seems like it would be easiest to take the eastern island first, since it is closest to you. That isn't true. There are lots of soldiers guarding the south side of it, making it very dangerous to attack head-on. Instead, move east from your insertion point and go towards the western island. There are a few groups of soldiers on it, kill them all. Once all of the soldiers in the vicinity of the island have been captured, you will complete the third objective. Move north from here, towards the northern island. There is a bunker with a few enemy soldiers in it on the southwestern corner of the island, take them out with a sniper or from a grenade launcher and then move in to the island. Kill all of the soldiers that advance on you and complete the first objective. Right now you will be very close to the Russian officer that you can capture for the optional objective. He will probably sitting in the water just south of this island. If he isn't, look around the building in the water a bit of a ways further south. Just make sure that you don't accidentally shoot him. From here, move east, to the eastern island. Kill all of the enemy soldiers you run into and move into the area with the buildings. Use the buildings as cover and take out all of the soldiers that advance on this position. Once they are gone, move south and clear out both of the bunkers facing to the south. Once that is done you should have completed this objective and the mission. *************************************** 2.10: Mission 10 - Fever Claw *************************************** BRIEFING: Good news. 1st Armored won major victories at Utena and Rezekne, and the Russians are falling back on all fronts. One final push and they'll be out of the Baltics for good. Word is the Russian military brass is taking the defeat hard. They'll be blaming President Arbatov and the other political leaders - there just might be a coup brewing. We're sending you into Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital. The Russians have held it since the first week of the invasion and it's been the site of some significant action by the Lithuanian underground - the place is practically in ruins. You'll be escorting a tank column into the heart of the old city to liberate what's left of the presidential palace and some other key locations. As the Russians learned in Grozny, sending armor into an urban setting without proper infantry support is suicide. The remaining Russian troops have their backs to the wall so they're not going to go down without a fight. Watch out for snipers and antitank rockets fired from the shelter of the ruins. And, as always, try to keep civilian casualties to a minimum. OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure University Square 2. Secure Presidential Palace 3. Secure Cathedral Square X. No friendly tank casualties OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Rain Time: 6:00PM (Evening, kind of dark) Demolition specialist required?: No, but you won't get to far without some with the M136 --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY Like the fifth mission, this one is in a city. This time it is raining and somewhat dark instead of bright and sunny. You will want to move quickly in this mission, otherwise the friendly tanks can get destroyed by soldiers with antitank rockets and other tanks. Instead of only taking one demolitions specialist with the M136, take three of them. Yes, three of them. If you don't, you will have to wait for the friendly tanks to come and destroy all of the enemy tanks. Like I said above, take three demolitions specialists with the M136 on this mission. If you do, it will make things much easier. I'm going to hope that you unlocked Nigel Tunney, because he is needed to have three demolitions guys. Put him in your Alpha team along with another demolitions specialist and put the other demolitions guy in Bravo. Fill out the rest of the slots with whatever you want. Take control of the Bravo guy right away and then go west, along the street. The first tank that you have to destroy is in an open area on the north side of the street with some infantry protecting it. Use an antitank rocket to destroy it and then kill the soldiers around it. Without moving from this square, switch to one of the Alpha guys and then go west along the street, to the end. To the north is the university square. In it there are two tanks and lots of soldiers. Use an antitank rocket to destroy the tank closest to you and then kill the soldiers that are between you and that tank. Pop out from around the corner again and take out the other tank here. After that, run across the street, to the covered area under the building. From here, look across the street from the university square, to the west side of this street. You will see an enemy soldier walking over the rubble or standing by a lamp post. Kill him immediately, he has antitank rockets and will destroy your tanks if he gets the chance. When that threat is gone, move into the square and kill any enemies that may be there and you'll complete the first objective. Now switch back to the Bravo guy in the area where the first enemy tank was. This area is along the south side of the presidential palace. Move around this building to the east and then go north through the alley that goes to the front of the building. Here there will be another two tanks and some enemy soldiers. Take out both of the tanks from this position and then hunt for any enemy soldiers that are here. Some will be by the street and some will be in the palace itself. When there are no more enemy units in this area, you will complete the second objective. Now switch back to Alpha. Take them north along the road until you get to an alley that goes northeast. Go through this alley but stop short of the corner. There is a tank just past this corner and it is looking in your direction. Take out the M136 and wait for the rocket to be ready to fire. Inch your way to the corner and fire at the tank when you see just a little bit of it to take it out. When it's gone move through that part of the alley until you come out at the cathedral square. On the other side there will be THREE more tanks and some enemy soldiers. Kill all of these enemy soldiers and then use your antitank rockets to destroy all three of the tanks here. With this area clear, the mission will be complete. *************************************** 2.11: Mission 11 - Dream Knife *************************************** BRIEFING: The last enemy units pulled back across the Latvian border sometime yesterday afternoon. Public support for the Ultranationalists has dropped like a rock, and there are rumors that the military has President Arbatov under house arrest. It looks like things in Russia are turning ugly fast. Your next mission is a simple rescue. Ten days ago two U.S. soldiers were taken prisoner when their humvee was ambushed near Ludza. They're currently being held at a POW camp in Russia. Normally Washington would let them sit out the duration, but one of them is a senator's son. Your job is to go in and bring them out alive. Security is tight - searchlights around the perimeter, well-armed guards inside. Don't try to shoot your way in - you'll never make it. Go in quiet with silenced weapons, secure the guardpost, locate the soldiers, and get out. And, while you're there, be on the lookout for one other prisoner, a guy named Moroshkin. Supposedly he's being held in the infirmary. HQ says that he's some kind of major dissident and that springing him would make more trouble for the Ultranationalists in Moscow. OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure an entrance 2. Rescue NATO PoWs 3. Get to Extraction Zone X. Rescue Moroshkin OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Clear Time: 3:00AM (Night) Demolition specialist required?: No --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This mission is different than the rest. For most of it you will be in the POW camp itself, which is separated into a few sections by large cement walls. This mission also takes place at night, so you'll get some use out of your night vision. Don't do what the briefing says and use suppressed weapons, as long as you move fast enough normal weapons are fine. The closest entrance from the insertion point is just to the south. Move south until you can see the two soldiers standing guard by the entrance. Kill them and kill the sniper in the tower above the gate as well. There is another soldier in the building by the road, also kill him. After this a few more soldiers will come around the corner of the wall to the south and eventually some will come around the corner from the north. Kill all of them and then go through the door by the gate. Go up to the tower and then go down the other stairway. Go through this door and you will be in the first section of the camp. There will be a few solders walking around down here, kill them. To the west there is a gate to the next section of the camp. Kill the soldiers guarding it and the one in the guard tower above the gate. Mover over to the door by that tower and then enter. Now you will be in a tower that overlooks the area where the PoWs are being held. Use your sniper to kill all of the enemies that you can see, especially the ones by the PoWs in the fenced in area directly to the west. While you are sniping, send the other team through the door at the bottom of the second stairway to cover you from the ground. When you've cleared this area, move down and make your way over to the PoWs. To the south you will be able to see two more gates to other sections, kill all of the guards at them and around them. Open the gate to the fence and go up to the PoWs to rescue them. Around now you might set of the alarm. If you do, a bunch of soldiers will come from the gate to the north. If that happens quickly kill them all. If you don't kill them fast enough, they could shoot the PoWs and cause you to fail the mission. When they are secure, move south to the hospital. Have one team stand guard outside of the hospital while the other team enters. Kill any enemy soldiers inside and then go up to Moroshkin to secure him. With the three hostages, go back out of the camp the same way you came in and return to the insertion zone. Go directly west from here to get to the extraction zone on the other side of the map and complete the mission. *************************************** 2.12: Mission 12 - Ivory Horn *************************************** BRIEFING: Russia is falling apart. Arbatov is dead, as far as we can tell - executed by the military as a scapegoat for the fiasco in the Baltic. Most of the country is under martial law, with soldiers patrolling the streets and curfews enforced in the major cities. It's unclear how much support the Ultranationalists really have in the military - there are widespread reports of soldiers refusing to fire upon civilians, or even to leave their barracks. Our goal is to whittle down the base of support for the leaders of the coup. As a result, we're launching a series of covert raids against key military bases that are backing the Ultranationalists. Your first target is the naval base at Murmansk - it's the headquarters of their northern fleet and a major operations center for their submarine service. Take a demolitions expert, and blow the sub pens and any other targets that appear promising. You'll have to move quick - once the alarm is raised, base security will be all over you. Good luck, you're going to need it. OBJECTIVES: 1. Plant Demo in Sub Pen 51 2. Plant Demo in Sub Pen 52 3. Get to Extraction Zone X. Plant Demo in Fuel Depot OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Clear Time: 2:00AM (Night) Demolition specialist required?: Yes, with demo charges --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY Like the last mission, this one is at night. Make sure to take a sniper along on this mission, there is a VERY good place to use on here. Your insertion point is on a little part of the dock lower than the rest. Take the ramp up to and move south. There will be some enemy soldiers hiding around the crates and some more on the ship to the west. Kill all of them and continue moving south. Clear the crates of any more enemies and make your way to an area by a big crane. There will be some enemies to the east and some in front of you, on the raised area in front of you. Kill them and take your sniper up to the top of this crane. Move all around the crane and snipe all of the enemies that you can see. Once you've got all that you can see, go back down to the base of the crane. Move to the west, to the first sub pen. use the bridge to walk onto the sub and then plant a demo charge on top of it to complete the first objective. Go back onto the docks and take the ramp to the south to get up to the elevated part of the docks. Walk around the warehouses and kill any enemies that might be here. There might also be some enemies in the warehouses, go in and kill them if you want to. From here, you want to go to the fuel tanks to the southeast. If you tripped the alarm when you started, there will be A LOT of enemy soldiers coming from around the gate to the west of the fuel tanks. Kill any soldiers that are there and then make your way to the ramp on the western side of the elevated area that the fuel tanks are on. Go up the ramp and then go up to the box in between the two fuel tanks. Place a demo charge by it to complete the optional objective. Look around, and kill any enemy soldiers if you see them. When it's clear, move to the northeast. Go to the elevated area on the east side of a big ramp leading down. There will be a very big building here and a ramp leading to a door further north. Go down to that door and go through it. Go through the next door in this small room and you'll be in the second sub pen, on the walkways above. From this position pick off any enemy soldiers walking on the catwalks or down below. When they are all dead, go down to the main level and plant a demo charge on top of the submarine to complete the second objective. Go back out the same way you came and then go south, to the end of the ramp on your right. Instead of going down the ramp, go west, through the parking lot, and go down the next ramp, so that you'll end up by the crane. Go south from here, to the extraction zone. There will probably be some more enemy soldiers near it now, so kill them. *************************************** 2.13: Mission 13 - Arctic Sun *************************************** BRIEFING: It looks like civil war. The Centrists in the government and the military have formed an alliance against the Ultranationalists. We're getting reports of Russian-on-Russian fighting from Smolensk to Vladivostok. We're continuing our strategy of raids against military bases that are backing the coup. Your target is the air base at Arkhangel'sk. It's the test site for both the S-37 "Berkut", a new experimental fighter prototype, and the Ka-50 "Hokum", Russia's next generation attack helicopter. Your objectives are to plant demo charges in both the "Berkut" and "Hokum" hangars as well as completely shutting down operations in the control tower. Intel indicates that security at Arkangel'sk is light - apparently there's been a sharp increase in the number of desertions since the coup - so don't worry about trying to finesse your way in. Based on our analysis the best approach is a direct frontal assault. Hit them hard and fast and get out as quickly as possible. OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure Control Tower 2. Destroy S37 Berkut 3. Destroy KA-50 Hokum 4. Get to Extraction Zone OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Cloudy Time: 4:00AM (Night) Demolition specialist required?: Yes, with demo charges --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This is the third in a string of night missions. Since this mission is at an airfield, there are lots of wide open spaces, which make a sniper very useful. In addition to that, you will be in lots of small spaces in the hangars with lots of enemy soldiers inside. The first objective is just to the north of your insertion point. First, move north, to the end of the fenced in area around the fuel or oil tanks to the right. Take control of your sniper and look towards the airfield to the west and northwest. Snipe all of the enemies that you see and then move to the building to the north, the control tower. Kill any enemies that you see around here and then enter the door of the control tower. Kill any enemy soldiers in here and then find the stairs. Go all the way up them until you get to the top of the tower. Kill any more enemies up here and you will complete the first objective. While you're up here, take control of your sniper and see if you can spot any enemy soldiers from here. If you can, eliminate them. Don't worry, you can shoot through the windows. When you are finished doing that, go back down to the ground floor and then go outside. Move to the eastern side of the hangar to the north - the one with the KA-50 in it. Go in through the door, go up the stairs by the door and then take out any soldiers on the hangar floor from up here. When it's clear, go down to where the helicopter is and plant a demo charge by it. Leave this hangar via the doors on the west side and then make your way to the hangar all the way to the west of the airfield - where the S37 is. When you're moving there, kill any soldiers that you see walking around the building. When you get to the hangar, enter it through the small door on the south side. Kill the guy on the machine gun directly in front of you and then kill anyone else in this hangar. When that's done, place a demo charge next to the plane. After that, you can either return to the insertion/extraction zone to complete the mission or you can kill any remaining enemy soldiers. At this point, the only soldiers left should be in the first hangar to the south of the one with the S37 in it. If you want to kill them, go inside and do so. If not, make your way to the extraction point. You shouldn't encounter any enemy soldiers. *************************************** 2.14: Mission 14 - Willow Bow *************************************** BRIEFING: Early reports indicate that the Centrist are stalled in their fight with the Ultranationalists. Popular support for the Ultranationalists has withered away to practically nothing - they lost all legitimacy when they executed the president - but they still control a sizable chunk of the military. Acting Prime Minister Karpin has privately requested a NATO force to help the loyal Russian troops crush the coup. 1st Armored Division has already crossed the Latvian border and is headed for Moscow. Satellite images show the main Ultranationalist massing near Toropec, about 200 klicks east if out current position. Your mission is to link up with them and spearhead the assault. Expect extremely heavy resistance - armor, Spetznaz, the works. You'll need to take both passes through the mountains and hold them against Russian counterattacks. But if we achieve a breakthrough here, the coup is finished. OBJECTIVES: 1. Take North Pass 2. Take South Pass 3. Take Top of Hill 4. Neutralize Russian Camp OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Snow Time: 1:00PM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: No --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This mission ends the string of night missions. It may be day, but the snow makes it somewhat hard to see. Still, make sure to bring a sniper along because there are many good chances for one in this mission. Keep your eyes peeled on this mission, sometimes it can be quite difficult to spot the enemy soldiers. First you will be going to the south pass. Move to the south from your insertion point and you'll end up near a house. There will be some enemy soldiers here, so kill them. When they are dead, move to the pass to the southwest of the house. Move south from here and then go onto the hill to the east that overlooks the south pass. On the north end of this hill there is a soldier looking down towards the pass, kill him. Take control of your sniper and look over to the eastern side of the pass. You should see some soldiers by some sandbags and a few more soldiers on the hill above the others. Eliminate all of them. There are a few more soldiers on the western side of the pass, below you. Approach the edge of the cliff and shoot them all from above. When they are dead, the second objective will be complete. Also, check to see if there is a soldier standing on the hill to the northeast where the pipeline goes. If there is, you might as well kill him now. Now, go off this hill the way you came and then go east before you reach the house, so that you are by the south pass. Go east from here, up to the mountain top. There are two paths up there, but it doesn't really matter which one you take. On the top of the mountain runs the pipeline and there is a building. There will be a few more enemy soldiers around them, kill them to complete the third objective. From here you have a very good view of the north pass. All of the enemy soldiers that you have to take out are around the house below you and to the north. They will either be around the house or try to run up to your position when you start shooting. Kill them all to complete the first objective. Move down to the north pass once it's clear and then go south. When you get to a point as far south as you can go without having to go around the hills, you will be in an area above the Russian camp. There will be a few soldiers here, so kill them. Once those soldiers are dead, some more will advance from the hill that comes up here to the east. Kill those and then move down that same hill. Take control of your sniper and kill all of the soldiers that you can see at the camp. There should only be a few left taking cover behind the rock that blocks your view. Move down to the Russian camp, using that rock as cover from the last enemies and kill them from the side once you get closer. With them gone the mission will be complete. *************************************** 2.15: Mission 15 - White Razor *************************************** BRIEFING: I never thought I'd see U.S. troops fighting in Red Square on behalf of the Russian people. This is the final showdown, gentlemen. The Ultranationalists hold the Kremlin and not much else. We're going to finish this thing right here. First order of business is a squad of U.S. troops pinned down just east of your current position. Make your way through the medieval quarter, eliminate any resistance you encounter, and relieve those GI's. From there head south through the GUM department store to get to Red Square. The street will be full of refugees so watch your fire - remember that we're here as liberators, not as conquerors. Red Square is heavily defended. Be prepared for armor. There's almost no cover, but fortunately the snow should cut down visibility and give you an advantage. Now get out there and do your job. Let's win this one and go home. OBJECTIVES: 1. Relieve pinned down troops 2. Take Nikolskaya Tower 3. Take Spasskaya Tower 4. Avoid Civilian Casaulties OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Snow Time: 11:00AM Demolition specialist required?: Yes, with the M136 --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This is another city mission. Unlike the other city missions, a sniper will be quite useful in this one. There will be some tanks on this mission, so you will have to bring a demolitions specialist with the M136 to destroy them. Head east along the street you start by and then go south when the street ends. Along the next street, go east, towards the soldiers that you have to relive. Shoot all of the enemy soldiers here without any U.S. soldiers getting killed to complete the first objective. Go south after that and enter the department store. Kill the soldiers in here and then go to the stairs to take you to the upper level. Take the upper level all the way to the exit on the western side of the store. There will be some more enemy soldiers by the exit, so kill them. Right outside there is a tank, use an antitank rocket it to destroy it. Move south from the exit of the store, to Red Square. Around the corner there will be a few enemy soldiers facing your way and one more at a machine gun behind them. Kill the ones closer to you with a grenade from a grenade launcher or a normal grenade and then shoot the one at the machine gun. When all of them are dead, you will complete the second objective. Just after that, a tank will come from the east. Destroy it with an antitank rocket and then move to the eastern side of the square. When you are moving, watch the south. There will be some enemy soldiers there. Kill them if you spot them. On the east side of the square there is a tank for you to destroy and lots of enemy soldiers. Many of whom are at machine guns. Kill them all to complete the third objective and finish the mission. *************************************** 2.16: Special Mission: Multiplayer 6 - Castle *************************************** This mission is special. You don't play it during the campaign, but you can on quick mission or multiplayer. Unlike the other multiplayer maps, this one has objectives, like the other missions. BRIEFING: We have a situation developing in the former Soviet republic of Georgia. A violent rebel movement there has been gaining momentum, possibly aided by an outside force. The Georgian government has appealed to NATO for help in dealing with what may not be a strictly internal matter. We're going in, under the cover of joint training exercises. Keep it quick and clean. Intelligence has located a command and control center for the rebels inside a ruined castle. A surgical strike against this center will disrupt the rebels long enough for intelligence to find out what's really going on here. You will be dropped just southwest of the castle. We believe that most enemy patrols are outside the walls, and that the interior will only be lightly held. Your objective is the communications center in the northeast portion of the castle. You also must destroy the command center in the northwest house using demolition charges. When you've completed your mission, escape to the north - we've got some local Georgian agents waiting with some trucks to get your team clear. Good luck! OBJECTIVES: 1. Clear area around castle wall 2. Plant Explosives in HQ 3. Plant Explosives at Radio 4. Go to the truck for extraction OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Sunny Time: 12:15PM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: Yes, with demo charges --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This map that this mission takes place on is rather small, but you still might want to take along a sniper. Using a sniper makes it easy to kill all of the enemies on the castle grounds from the relative safety of the entrances to the castle. On this mission you will have to take along a demolitions specialist with demo charges, to complete two of the objectives. First, clear the outside of the castle of enemies. Move north from your insertion point, to the northwest corner of the castle wall. There will probably be an enemy patrol here, if there is, kill all of the enemy soldiers. When you get to the corner, look east. You will probably see another patrol. Take this one out and then move over to this entrance to the castle in the middle of the northern wall. Kill all of the enemies that you can see here and then move to the northeast corner of the castle. Go south from here, to the southeast corner and then go west, so that you are near your insertion point. You will probably see some more enemy soldiers here. Kill them and you should complete the first objective, if not, go around the castle again and kill any more enemy soldiers that you see. When that objective has been completed, move into the castle. Kill any soldiers that you see on the ground and also make sure to check the castle wall for any enemy soldiers. Kill any that you see. Move into the radio area in the ruins in the northeast corner of the castle. Kill any soldiers that are here and then plant a demo charge by the radio to complete the third objective. Now, move to the house directly west of here. Walk around the outside of it and kill any enemies you see inside through the windows. When you think you've got most of them, go inside and clear it out of any more. By now you should have killed all the enemy soldiers in the mission, causing you to win. If not, plant a demo charge by the maps in here and then go to the trucks by the northern exit of the castle. =============================================================================== 3. Ghost Recon: Desert Siege Missions Guide =============================================================================== These are the eight missions from the first expansion, Desert Siege. All of these missions take place outdoors and all of them pose very good opportunities to use a sniper. *************************************** 3.1: Mission 01 - Burning Sands *************************************** BRIEFING: This is the Horn of Africa, gentlemen. I hope you like it, because we're going to be here awhile. This is out situation: We're going in as part of a multinational force operating at the request of the Eritrean government. It seems that one of the ways our friends back in Russia bankrolled their coup was selling surplus weapons, cheap. A faction of the Ethiopian military led by a certain Col. Tesfaye Wolde was one of their biggest customers. Once they got their arms, Wolde and his supporters made their move, overthrowing the legitimate government and then making a push for the Red Sea coast. Right now they own everything on the water south of Massawa, and they're rolling up the Eritrean army as they head north. We're here to do something about that. In order to leave some kind of infrastructure intact, the Eritrean government has also requested that we try to preserve as much of the local architecture as possible. That means that your unit is going to be getting a lot of work. Your first mission is to secure a radio transmitter on the beach north of Massawa. The beach is guarded lightly, but the approach up the bluffs that the station's sitting on is another story. Clear the beach first, then work your way up to the heights and take that transmitter. Once that's in hand, clear out the machine gun nests guarding the beach approaches. If you can, clear the area of all hostiles. The troops following you will appreciate it. OBJECTIVES: 1. Eliminate Beach Encampment 2. Neutralize Machine Guns 3. Secure Area Around Radio Tower X. Eliminate Main Tent Camp OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Clear Time: 3:00AM (Night) Demolition specialist required?: No --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This mission takes place at night, so you'll be using your night vision a bit for this one. Even though it's night, it's still clear, and you can spot enemies when they are far away. A sniper is very good for this mission, there are lots of good chances to use one. Your first objective, the beach encampment, is northeast of your insertion point. Move in that direction and hide behind the big rock that is there. Take control of your sniper and slowly move around to the north side of this rock. From here, snipe all of the soldiers in the camp. There will be some standing by the fire and another group walking around. Once they are dead, you will have completed the first objective. Move west from here, to the other end of the beach. As you move, don't stay near the cliff on the side of the beach, stay closer to the middle of it. When you get to the other end of the beach, take control of your sniper again and kill the guys in both machine gun nests at the top of the hill. Once they are dead, you will have completed the next objective. Move up to the top of the hill. Now you will be near the main tent camp. You will probably see a large group of soldiers coming your way by the camp. Snipe them from here, or even better, fire a grenade from a M203 and take them all out at once. They won't be all of the enemies in the camp. If there is one in the guard tower, snipe him, and then move in on the camp. Kill any other soldiers in here. When those guys are all dead, move up the hill to the east. At the top, snipe at all of the enemy soldiers you see below. There are a lot of them and they are around all of the buildings, but it's easier to snipe them from here to go down and kill them. Once you think you've got all of the soldiers that are outside, start clearing the buildings for any remaining soldiers. Also make sure to check the roof of the radio tower, there usually is a soldier up there. Once all of the enemy soldiers around here are dead, the last objective will be completed. *************************************** 3.2: Mission 02 - Flame Pillar *************************************** BRIEFING: It looks like we have a rush job on our hands. We're making good progress in the push for Massawa itself, but the Ethiopian forces have accepted a scorched-earth policy as they fall back. Their latest target is the refinery complex just outside the city, one which Eritrea desperately needs intact. Recon reports that the Ethiopians have already leveled part of it, however, and they're in the process of planting the charges that will destroy the rest. We can't allow that to happen. You'll be approaching the refinery from the south. Move in, secure it, and deal with the squad planting the demo charges. We've also heard that some members of the refinery staff were taken hostage, back when the invaders thought that they would be operating the refinery themselves and needed expertise on hand. Find the survivors still being held hostage and extract them along the rail line that links the complex to the main track grid. Again, if you can, eliminate all of the enemy forces on site. However, rescuing the hostages and the refinery is more important. OBJECTIVES: 1. Eliminate Explosives Squad 2. Rescue Captive Workers 3. Reach Extraction Zone X. Eliminate All Enemy Units OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Sunny Time: 11:00AM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: No --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY Like in the last mission, there will be some good chances to use a sniper in this one. There won't be as many, but a sniper is still useful. A support specialist is also useful for this one, to deal with the enemies in jeeps. Your first stop is the refinery, to the north, at the end of the road you start by. There is a patrol of enemy soldiers between you and the refinery, so take it out. After you take it out a jeep with a couple of enemy soldiers will probably drive to you from the refinery. You can easily deal with it by taking control of your support guy and just firing at the jeep until everyone on it is dead. Continue to the refinery and enter it. There are a number of spots along the fence on the south side of it where you can enter. Go in and find the explosives squad, the will probably be on the eastern side of the refinery. Kill all of them and then clear the refinery of any other enemy soldiers that are there. Next, move to the exit on the west side of the refinery. Outside there will be lots of enemy soldiers moving to the refinery. Use your sniper to take as many of them out as possible. They will also be bringing a jeep, use your support guy again to fill it with bullets and kill anyone in it. With the jeep gone, move out of the refinery and kill any soldiers here that you missed. Move up onto the small hill next to the road and walk across it, to the west. Use your sniper again to kill any soldiers that you see near the buildings, there will be a lot of them. As usual, move in once you've killed most of them. Clear any still around the buildings and then move into the depot building. There are a few more soldiers in here, so kill them. Once they are dead, you should have killed all of the enemies in the mission, so you'll beat the mission and complete the optional objective. If not, either hunt down any other enemies in the mission or rescue the workers. The workers are in a small room in this building and there should be three of them. Lead them to the extraction zone just to the north. *************************************** 3.3: Mission 03 - Cold Steam *************************************** BRIEFING: The invasion force is bring in most of its supplies by rail. Our next goal is to put a stop to that. The first step is going to be seizing a depot along the main rail that runs to Djibouti. Normally, we'd just take it out with air strikes, but they've parked a SAM launcher on the heights above the depot, and that needs to be taken out before we can send in the flyboys. We have gotten some satellite reconnaissance that tells us that there's a tent encampment near the SAM site. You need to clear that out as well, otherwise either taking out the SAM launcher or the railroad depot is going to be tricky. The final objective is the depot building. Take it as quickly as possible - we believe that there's important in there relating to the supply lines for the Ethiopian troops. They're sure to try to destroy it once they realize what's going on. OBJECTIVES: 1. Eliminate Mobile SAM Launcher 2. Neutralize Tent Camp 3. Secure Depot Buildings X. Capture Intelligence Items OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Sunny Time: 3:30PM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: Yes - With the M136 rocket launcher --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This is another mission where a sniper is very useful. There is a SAM in this mission that you will have to take out, so you will have to bring a demolitions specialist with the M136. From your insertion point, the first objective, the SAM, is south. Move south, past a very big rock. There will be an enemy patrol on the other side, so take it out. To the south, you should see a path that goes along next to the cliff face. Take control of your sniper and have him lead the way along that path. When you're near the end of it, you will see the are near the SAM, including a guy at a machine gun. Have your sniper kill him and any other enemies in this area. Proceed towards the SAM and kill any remaining enemies around here. Destroy the SAM with a rocket and then move west, towards the tent camp. You will be on a hill above it, so as soon as you can clearly see it take control of your sniper and kill everyone there to complete the second objective. Move down the hill and look northwest. You will see the maintenance building. There is one group of soldiers on the western side of it and some inside. Kill them all and then move to the bottom of this hill. Clear all of the enemy soldiers by the train cars and move to the depot buildings to the west. Once all of the enemies outside are cleared, you will want to enter the depot buildings. Each building has a stairway leading up to an open second floor next to the door on the south side. The second floor in each building has a few enemy soldiers on it. Enter the 1st depot building (The south one) and walk around the crates on the bottom floor to capture the intelligence items. If you don't do this right away, you will fail this objective. Now, kill the enemies on the second floor and then move to the next depot building. Kill the enemies on the second floor of this building, as well. Once all of the enemy soldiers here are dead, you will finish the mission. *************************************** 3.4: Mission 04 - Quiet Angel *************************************** BRIEFING: This one's a little different, gentlemen. We've been tapped to do a good deed. As you know, the coup in Addis Ababa coincided with the worst droughts they've had in twenty years. The pictures aren't making the news back home, but rest assured that there are a lot of starving people in the interior, on both sides of the border. Making it worse, local warlords with ties to the new government have taken to hijacking the relief trucks and stealing or destroying their contents. As a result, a coalition of international relief agencies has asked for military escorts for supply caravans headed for the refugee camps. You'll be handling the first run. You'll be escorting a small convoy of four trucks to the refugee camp near the western edge of the Denakil desert - territory that's technically across the Ethiopian border. Furthermore, we've spotted a band of Ethiopian irregulars sitting across the logical route to the camp. They're most likely going to try to disable the trucks and make off with the supplies. Preventing that is your mission. Making sure they don't ever bother anyone else would be a bonus. The route the convoy will be taking goes through an old riverbed, a perfect ambush point. Make sure all of the trucks make it through in one piece. Get up to the high ground and take out any of the patrols with rocket launchers who are waiting to poach those supplies. If you can wipe out the entire enemy force, so much the better, but the most important thing is to get those trucks through the riverbed in one piece. OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure Rocket Launcher Site 1 2. Secure Rocket Launcher Site 2 3. Defend All Friendly Trucks X. Eliminate All Enemy Units OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Sunny Time: 4:00PM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: No --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This mission is different than the last three. You will be escorting some trucks for this one. Don't worry, this mission isn't like most annoying escort missions in games. The trucks move slow and you only have to protect them from two specific soldiers. Like all of the other missions in this expansion so far, a sniper is very good to have. Instead of moving along the riverbed with the trucks, go up into the hills to the south and just to the left of your insertion zone. Move through the hills, next to the riverbed, and go west, to the NW rocket launcher site. When you get there, start out by looking to the north side of the riverbed and killing the group of enemies there. Move a little bit further to the west and take out the lone soldier standing near the cliff, he is the one with the rockets. When he is dead, look south and eliminate all of the enemies that are advancing on you. After that, there should only be one enemy soldier near here left. He will be on a machine gun down by the riverbed to the west of where the soldiers with rockets was standing. Next, you will want to go south. There is another group of hills near the middle of map in the lower part of the S bend the riverbed makes. These hills can easily be identified by the ruins of something on them. Move down to the riverbed on the south side of the hills you are on, head west and go onto the hills I was just talking about (With the ruins) by way of the path up them to the west. In one of the buildings there is a guy on a machine gun, but his gun is pointing to the east. Shoot him in the back and move over to where he was. There will be some enemy soldiers around the buildings this guy was aiming at. Kill them all and move east. Eliminate the enemy patrols here and look to the south. Use your sniper to kill the lone guy on the other side of the riverbed to get rid of the SE rocket launcher site. To the west of him there are a few more enemies by a rock. Kill them all and you should have eliminated all of the enemies in this mission. If not, find the rest and then kill them. *************************************** 3.5: Mission 05 - Gamma Dawn *************************************** BRIEFING: We have a potentially delicate situation on our hands. Officially, once Washington shut down the SR-71, we haven't had a high-speed manned reconnaissance aircraft. Unofficially, it's called the Aurora and one just went down deep in the heart of the Denakil. We need to destroy the wreckage before the locals get their hands on it. The last thing we need is for whatever's left of our classified aircraft to go on the international auction block, with Col. Wolde banging the gavel. The good news is that the region's been blanketed under a sandstorm until recently. That means that the Ethiopian troops in the area haven't had a chance to salvage the wreckage. Our best estimate is that there are three significant chunks of the Aurora left, scattered along the length of a dry riverbed. Find them and plant charges on each. They'll be detonated 30 seconds after you plant them, so move quickly. You'll also want to take out the Ethiopian outpost nearby. We don't think they managed to salvage anything, but it doesn't hurt to be sure. Take the site and then get out of there. Return to your insertion zone for pickup. Assuming the weather stays clear, the choppers will be there in a hurry. There's also a small supply dump in the area. If you can take it without too much risk, do it. Be warned though - enemy light armor's been spotted in the area. It's been immobilized by the storm, but now that the weather's cleared you're likely to run into it, and sooner rather than later. OBJECTIVES: 1. Place Demo Charges At Crash Sites 2. Secure Enemy Base 3. Reach Extraction Zone X. Secure Supply Depot OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Clear Time: 11:00PM (Night) Demolition specialist required?: Yes, with demo charges --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY A night mission. You'll be using your night vision on this one. Unlike the last four missions, a sniper isn't as useful on this one. It's still good to have one, though. There will be some jeeps in this mission (Like in the second one) so you will want to have the means to take them out, so bring a support guy. In addition to those, you will have to have a demolitions specialist with demo charges. The first two piece of the Aurora that you have to destroy are in a riverbed right in front of your insertion zone. To get down to the riverbed, go west and take the path down the cliff that isn't too far away from your insertion zone. Once in the riverbed, plant a demo charge at the 1st crash site, just to the west. Be careful, the demo charge will go off after about 30 seconds, so you don't want to have any of your guys standing too close to it. While you're doing this, look on top of the hill to the north. Some enemy soldiers should come over it, kill them. Move east, to the 2nd crash site. There will be some enemy soldiers a bit of a ways behind it. Kill them and then plant the demo charge here. The last crash site is on a hill overlooking the riverbed. To get up there, take one of the paths by the second crash site. Be careful, there will be a few enemy soldiers by that crash site. Eliminate them and plant the demo charge. Your next destination is the supply depot, to the northwest. Between your current location and the depot there is an area where there are a few buildings. There will be a few enemy units patrolling around them, kill them and then continue towards the supply depot. At the supply depot there will be a few enemy soldiers patrolling the outside and a few more inside the building. After you kill the ones outside, switch to your support specialist and get ready. Two jeeps will come in along the road from the east. Use your support guy to deal with them and then move in towards the building. The enemies inside will be just past the door. Once they are dead the optional objective will be complete. Once you've done that, move west along the road, to the enemy base. Snipe the guy in the guard tower and then move in through the spot on the east wall. Kill all of the enemy soldiers here, including the one in the other guard tower and the ones in the buildings. If you can't find the last enemy, look to see if he is hiding outside of the base by the wall. When all of the enemy soldiers here are dead, the second objective will be complete. With that done, leave the base and go south. There will be a few enemy soldiers standing by a fire by some buildings. Kill them. They will probably be the last enemies in the mission. If they are, the mission will be over. If not, continue moving south and go to the extraction zone. *************************************** 3.6: Mission 06 - Spectre Wind *************************************** BRIEFING: Gentlemen, let me introduce you to Ashenafi Abate. He's a local strongman who used to be based out of the area east of Wik'ro. However, he's also an old friend of Col. Wolde's, and has now set up residence in a ghost town outside of Adi'Keyih. He and his command are your target. As Ethiopian troops fall back, they're leaving something behind: land mines. Not only do they slow our advances, it's highly unlikely that we're going to find and detonate them all, and that means they're going to be providing unpleasant surprises for the local populace for years to come. Your first priority is to recover the maps of the minefields that are being laid. Abate's in charge of this section of the project, and he's keeping them in his field HQ in a box canyon northeast of the town. On the opposite end of town is a motor pool tucked into a junkyard. You'll want to disable all of the vehicles there as well. Then you get to go after the big prize: Abate himself. If Abate's not in the field HQ, he'll be in the house he's commandeered, on a hill just outside of what's left of the town. He's dug in there, with a trench network defending it, and his troops are positioned all through the wreckage. You're going to go in there and drag him out. Once you've got Abate in hand, head for the pickup point. It's located in the ridges south of town. OBJECTIVES: 1. Retrieve Map of Minefields 2. Neutralize Vehicle Pool 3. Capture Warlord 4. Reach Extraction Zone OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Sunny Time: 7:05PM (Evening, but still light) Demolition specialist required?: Yes, with the M136 rocket launcher --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This mission has it all. Places where having a sniper is really useful, lots of jeeps and a tank. Since you will have to have a demolitions specialist with the M136 to take out the tank, you can also use it on some of the jeeps. A rocket fired right at the jeep will disable it, and probably kill anyone on it. Just make sure that you have one rocket left for the tank, which is with the vehicle pool. From your insertion point, move southeast along the cliff to your left. When you get to the path that goes up in the hills a little bit, take it. From here there will be a lot of enemies to shoot. There will be some in the little town below, some in the hills over to the west and some to the south. Use your sniper to shoot all of the enemy soldiers that you can. Also, have someone cover the east on these paths. There are some enemy soldiers here, too. Eventually, some jeeps will start to come in. Use antitank rockets or whatever to deal with them. Once you have killed everyone here, move to the buildings to the east. Clear the buildings of enemies and also get the ones that may be outside. The map of the minefields is in the HQ building marked on your map. Walk up to the table with the map on it and stay there until you get the message saying that the first objective has been completed. Your next objective is at the house on top of the hill to the southwest. When you climb the hill, climb it from the eastern side of the southern side, the other sides have bunkers on them. Go up to the house and shoot any soldiers in or around it. Once the soldiers are dead, go inside and go up to the warlord to secure him. If there are still enemy soldiers around, check the bunkers on the side of the hill until they are all gone. Next, go west and get off of the hill. Go up the next hill and you will be by the vehicle pool. There is a guy on a machine gun on the north side of this area, so take him out first. Once he is dead, your next priority will be to take out the tank. With the tank and machine gunner gone, go in and clear out any other enemy soldiers that might be around. Once they are all dead, the second objective will be completed. When that happens you probably will have killed all of the enemy soldiers in the mission, ending the mission. If not, go back east and take the road south, to the extraction zone. *************************************** 3.7: Mission 07 - Subtle Keep *************************************** BRIEFING: I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we have a re-formed column of Eritrean infantry advancing along one of the major north-south roads from Asmara to Adigrat. The bad news is that the Ethiopians commander is a damn sight more effective than your friend Abate and has prepared an unpleasant surprise along the route. He's got a roadblock thrown up across the route, with his troops dug in on both sides of it and holding a fortified position on the heights west of the road. Furthermore, he's parked his men right next to a field hospital, which means you'll be doing this without air support. The last thing we need is the cable news networks showing endless reruns of us accidentally blowing a hospital to smithereens. You need to take that roadblock. To do that, you're going to need to clear out the trenches on either side of the road leading up the obstruction, and take out the encampment on the heights as well. If they've got any vehicle support, neutralize it. Then proceed along the road to the west. Don't worry about stragglers. The troops coming in behind you will handle the mop-up work. OBJECTIVES: 1. Neutralize Roadblock and Snipers 2. Secure Compound 3. Neutralize All Enemy Vehicles 4. Reach Extraction Zone OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Sunny Time: 6:00PM (Evening, but still light) Demolition specialist required?: No --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY You'll definitely want to bring a sniper along on this mission. You'll also probably want to bring a demolitions specialist with the M136, to take out the vehicles. If you don't take a demolitions guy, take a support specialist to deal with the vehicles. Take control of your sniper right when you start the mission and move to the area by the road, right in front of where you are. Along the road to the east there are four stone bunkers - one on the south side of the road and three on the north. Inside each one is an enemy soldier. Use your sniper to clear all four bunkers and then cross the road. Go up the hill and when you're at the top, look south and snipe the guy on the machine gun by the compound. There will be a patrol of enemy soldiers coming up from the west, so watch out for them. Move towards the compound and kill any more soldiers you see. Work your way to the southern side of the compound and take out the soldiers that are further south. If there is still an enemy nearby, check inside the compound for him. Once all of the enemies here are dead, you'll complete the second objective. From here, go directly south - towards the road. When you get close you will see a few enemy soldiers standing by the huts on the other side of the road. Kill them and then move down to the road. Move east, between the road and the cliff face on the south side of the road. Use your sniper to kill any soldiers you see and once it's clear, switch to your demolitions guy or support guy. Some jeeps will come from the road to the south, so take them out as soon as the appear. Destroy both of them to complete the third objective. Take control of your sniper again and slowly move east. Take out any more soldiers you see on the road. There are some more of those stone bunkers by the roadblock, two on each side of the road. Take out the ones on the east side with your sniper and then use grenade launchers to lob grenades into the sides of the ones on the west side. When those are cleared, the first objective should be complete. Now you can finish the mission by either getting to the extraction zone at the western end of the road of by finding and killing any remaining soldiers. *************************************** 3.8: Mission 08 - Torn Banner *************************************** BRIEFING: This, gentlemen, is it. We've pushed the Ethiopian forces back across the border, and we've been in contact with the legitimate government in exile. With any luck, they'll be back in power shortly, and we can wrap this up. There's just one detail left to take over: Colonel Tesfaye Wolde. Wolde has decided that the best way to salvage the current situation is to ride out with whatever armor he's got left in an effort to rally the troops personally. I'll leave the wisdom of that particular approach for you to judge, but you can't fault the man's guts. In any case, the column he's riding with is moving north. We're expecting it to hit the bridge over the Mereb Wenz at approximately 1100 hours, and you're going to be there to greet it. The column will be moving over a bridge that crosses a gorge near a series of waterfalls. You'll be going in downstream, near a broad, shallow ford guarded by a few customs buildings. You'll want to secure that crossing immediately, then move into position to take out the tanks. The bridge is probably the best place to bottle them up, and you'll definitely want to take out the infantry holding it before the armor gets there. If not, they'll link up and you'll be in a world of hurt. One more thing: The last of their SAM launchers is guarding the bridge as well. It's positioned west of the crossing, along the tanks are going to follow. Take it out and we can end this once and for all. OBJECTIVES: 1. Secure Secondary Crossing 2. Neutralize Mobile SAM Launcher 3. Stop Tank Column 4. Neutralize Bridge Defenders OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Sunny Time: 11:00AM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: Yes, with the M136 rocket launcher --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY You will have to take a demolitions specialist with the M136 along with you on this mission to take out some tanks. There are three tanks and a SAM, so you need four rockets. Bring Nigel Tunney if you have him or two normal demolitions guys. You will also want to take a sniper, since like just about all of the other mission in this expansion, there are plenty of great places to snipe. In addition to those, you might also want to take along a support specialist because of jeeps. Right away, take control of your sniper. Move forward a bit and then snipe the enemy soldiers that are walking around on the other side of the river. Once you have killed them all, take control of your support guy and look south. A jeep will come down the dart path from the hills there. Fill this jeep with lead until everyone on it is dead and then check to see if there are any enemy soldiers behind it. If there are (Which there almost certainly will be), kill them. With them gone, put your attention back on the other side of the river, where the first group of soldiers you killed was. There will be a jeep there. Use your sniper to nail the driver and then kill anyone else on the jeep. Now move across the river and enter the building here. Kill all of the enemies in here and you will now have completed the first objective. From this building, move through the hills directly to the south. Go south through the hills until you can see the bridge over the river. Use your sniper to clear all of the enemy soldiers on both sides of the bridge. When they are all dead, the fourth objective will be completed. Now you will want to move to where you can see the SAM site. Use your sniper to take out the two guys on machine guns and the other soldiers standing near the machine gunners. Once that is done, wait for the tanks to turn left at the intersection by the SAM. Fire a rocket at all three tanks and the SAM to complete the mission. =============================================================================== 4. Ghost Recon: Island Thunder Missions Guide =============================================================================== These are the eight missions from the second expansion for Ghost Recon, Island Thunder. All but one of these take place outdoors. Most of these missions have poor visibility, so a sniper isn't as useful as in Desert Siege. *************************************** 4.1: Mission 01 - Watchful Yeoman *************************************** BRIEFING: As you know, gentlemen, we are here to help safeguard the first democratic elections Cuba's seen since before Batista took control. Since Castro's death in 2006, the Cuban people have had a succession of increasingly incompetent thugs in charge, and thankfully, that's going to change. The elections are going to occur in early May, and our job is to make sure that they go off without a hitch. What that means is that we've been volunteered to make sure that the elements that want to bring back the bad old days don't get a chance to win the elections at gunpoint. Your first assignment is a basic contraband seizure. One of our patrol helicopters spotted a light cargo dropping a few suspicious-looking crates over an abandoned tobacco plantation. The chopper crew was able to drive off the men who were moving the crates once they landed, but they need ground support to do the job properly. Seeing as the troops were trying to haul those crates off look a lot like the guerrillas who've been reported bullying voters in a few of the western cities, we're not taking any chances. Your orders are simple. You'll be inserted by helicopter on the plantation grounds. Once your en route, the patrol chopper will peel off and leave the ground troops to you. Take control of the old plantation buildings first, as that's what the guerrillas are using for cover. Then, secure those packages by clearing the troops around them. They'll probably make an effort to retrieve them once the helicopter leaves, so things will be happening in a hurry. OBJECTIVES: 1. Seize Plantation Grounds 2. Secure First Package 3. Secure Second Package X. No Team Casualties OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Partly Cloudy Time: 6:30AM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: No --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY Unlike in Desert Siege, a sniper won't be as useful in every mission. This is one of those missions where one won't be all that useful. Your first objective is to the west. Move west and clear the hill in front of you of any enemy soldiers that might be on it. Behind that hill is the plantation. Go up onto that hill and start picking off all of the enemies at the plantation. There are lots of them and they use buildings as cover. When more of them are dead, move in. Look around for any more enemies that might be here and look towards the big grey building to the south, some might be around it. When you're confident that all of the enemies that are outside are dead, go to the barn in the northwest corner of the plantation. There will be a few more enemy soldiers inside. Clear it out and you should complete the first objective. Now move to that big grey building to the south. Inside of it is the first package. Go inside and kill all of the enemy soldiers here. To make things easier, you might want to have one team enter through the door on the north side while the other team enters through the door on the south side of the building. Once the soldiers are gone, walk around the crate in the middle of the room until you get the message saying that the objective has been completed. From here, go south and get up onto the road. In front of you there will be a large field. There will be a few enemy soldiers around here and in the building next to the field. Kill them all and then move a little bit to the east, to where the roads intersect. To the southeast are some more fields and the second package. Shoot all of the enemy soldiers that you see and move down to the package. When it's clear, go up to the package and complete the mission. *************************************** 4.2: Mission 02 - Angel Rage *************************************** BRIEFING: Excellent work on the plantation, gentlemen. We were able to analyze the content of those packages. As you might have suspected, they were chock full of guns. We don't know who dropped them off, but we do know whom they were intended for. The troops you ran across are part of the paramilitary forces that we think are linked to the FDG - one of the parties standing a candidate for election. Publicly, they're all about "vote against the puppets of the American imperialists" but disavoing violence. Privately, they seem to be a little more aggressive than that. We've gotten reports that bands of these thugs have been going up and down the countryside, intimidating people into not voting and making things unpleasant for supporters of opposition parties. The good news is, we've also managed to locate what we think is one of their training bases. It's up in the hills of Pinar del Rio, which means that getting a lot of troops there isn't easy. That's why you're going in. Your mission is to locate and neutralize the training camp. Take out the guard towers that cover the approaches, then seize the camp itself. Be careful. The troops inside may not be fully trained yet, but recon images indicate that there are a lot of them. OBJECTIVES: 1. Neutralize First Guard Tower 2. Neutralize Second Guard Tower 3. Seize Control of Camp X. No Team Casualties OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Rain Time: 7:30PM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: No --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY Visibility in this mission is very poor. It's raining and very foggy. Still, a sniper does have some use in this mission, to take out the soldiers in the guard towers before they spot you. The first guard tower, and your first destination, is just northwest of your insertion zone. Move along the cliffs until you can see the building by the guard tower. Switch to your sniper and kill the guy buy that building on the machine gun. When that threat has been neutralized, kill the soldier in the top part of the guard tower. A few more soldiers will now pop out and attack you from the west, another one or two by the guard tower and some to the east/southeast. Kill them all and then move to the east, towards the cliffs on the other side of the map. Don't think the coast will be clear, there will be some enemy soldiers for you to kill in your way. Move north, along the dirt road. Eliminate the patrol on the road and go a bit further north. You will now come across a parked jeep with a coupe of soldiers in it. You can take them out before they even notice you. From here move northeast, towards the guard tower. When you can see the guard tower, use your sniper to take out the soldier in it. Move up towards the buildings and kill the soldier by the closest building. Go north from here and then shoot the guy operating the machine gun in the back. You should now have completed the second objective. Now you are going to have to enter the enemy base. Move west from the second tower and hug the northern wall of the base. When you find the spot where the fence is broken and you can go through, go through. Move around the buildings and kill all of the enemies that you can see. When you can't find any more outside, start clearing the buildings. There are enemy soldiers in all five of the buildings here, so be careful. Once all of the enemies in this base are dead, the mission will be over. *************************************** 4.3: Mission 03 - Jaguar Maze *************************************** BRIEFING: As you probably know, the camp in Pinar del Rio you hit wasn't the only one the FDG was using. We've been hitting other ones as we find them. Unfortunately, they've started to hit back. An MV-22 with a full complement of Marines on board was en route to neutralize a camp in the Sierra de los Organos when it was shot down. Apparently, the FDG's been able to get their hands on a good part of what used to be the Cuban Army's arsenal, since it looks like a good old fashioned Russian SAM that took the MV-22 out. The terrain you're going into is steep, rocky, and difficult. It's also in the middle of nowhere, so anyone you run into is liable to be a FDG soldier. Your first priority once you hit the ground will be the survivors. Find any you can and get them to safety. You're also going to need to find the source of the SAM that took out the Osprey and eliminate it. Once you do that, we'll be able to send in a chopper to pick you up at the evac zone. However, until the SAM launcher is taken out, we're not going to risk another bird. If you can, pick up the USMC code books from the downed aircraft. We don't want those falling into enemy hands. Good luck, people. OBJECTIVES: 1. Rescue Downed Air Crew 2. Neutralize Enemy SAM 3. Reach the Extraction Zone X. Retrieve MV-22 Code Book OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Fog Time: 11:20AM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: Yes, with the M136 rocket launcher --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY Unlike the last mission, this one is clear and sunny. A sniper is good for this mission there are plenty of hills to snipe from and you don't have to worry about lots of fog. On this mission you will have to bring a demolitions specialist, with the M136 to take out the SAM. From when you start, move east. Cross a mountain path and go all the way east until you are at the SAM launcher. There will be a few enemy patrols in your path, so eliminate them. There is a guy on a machine gun along the northern cliff near the SAM, kill him as soon as you see him. Kill any other enemies you see and move in closer to the SAM. Even though you've killed most of the enemies here, you still won't be safe. Many more will come from the mountain path just south of where you entered this area from. Use a rocket to destroy the SAM and kill any more enemies that bother you. Once that is all done, go all the way back to your insertion zone using the same path you took to get here. Once you are at the insertion zone area, go directly south. Go through a cave and continue until you get to the MV-22. You could have cut across the map to get here, but that would have been much harder to do. Shoot the soldiers guarding the downed helicopter and then go into it. Pick up the code book off of the floor of it to complete the optional objective. Go east from here once that's done, to another cave. Go through this cave, but watch out, there is an enemy directly to the left as you exit it. Take out this enemy and go even further east, to where the Marines are. Go up to them to rescue them and then go as far south as you can. Go east, to the extraction zone from here. There will probably be a few enemy soldiers in your way, so kill them. *************************************** 4.4: Mission 04 - Hidden Spectre *************************************** BRIEFING: Buckle up, people. You're going to Isla de la Juventud, a hundred miles south of the main island. Batista used it for political prisoners, but Castro turned it into a tourist trap. The beaches are nice, but half of the island's still swamp, and guess which part you're going to be seeing. The FDG's got an airfield right in the middle of one of those swamps, on the western side of the island. They've been using it for weapons transfers - the plane that dropped off those packages you recovered on the tobacco plantation flew out of there - and to dabble in the drug trade. By shutting it down, we shut down one of their primary supply pipelines. You'll be inserting by boat on this one, so be prepared. Your two main objectives are the airfield itself and the ammunition storage dump nearby. Seize one and then plant demolition charges to destroy the other. After that, get out as quickly as you can. With the way things are going on the main island, we don't expect that the airfield is heavily defended, but that's no guarantee. OBJECTIVES: 1. Seize Airfield 2. Plant Charges at Ammo Dump 3. Reach Safe Evac Zone X. Neutralize All Opposition OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Cloudy Time: 10:40AM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: Yes, with demo charges --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This mission is kind of foggy, like the second one - just not nearly as foggy as that. There are some enemies on jeeps on this mission, so you will want to bring a weapon along to deal with that. If you got the specialist from the last mission, you will have access to the MM1 grenade launcher, which is very good against jeeps. You will need to bring a demolitions expert with demo charges along on this mission, to destroy the ammo dump. Move north from your insertion point, to the airfield. Before you get there you will come to an area where there are a few buildings and some enemy soldiers. Kill them before proceeding. Enter the airfield through the entrance on the south and start shooting at everything that moves. Unlike in previous missions, there won't be many enemies inside. Almost all of them will be outside or will come outside once the shooting starts. Eventually a few jeeps will come onto the airfield from the west. Take them out and hunt down any remaining enemies at the airfield. Once they are gone, the first objective will be completed. From here, leave the airfield via the entrance on the west side and take this road north for a bit. Ahead of you will be the ammo dump. There will be some enemy soldiers standing by it, some more across the road and even more down in the area lower then the road to the east. Kill them all and then plant a demo charge inside of the building. Now you can either kill all of the remaining enemies or you can go to the extraction zone, just northwest of the ammo dump. If you decide to kill all of the enemies, there are two places where the rest probably will be. A few of them will be in the swamps around the north side of the airfield. The rest should be around the house near the southwest corner of the airfield. If there are any others, you probably misses them. *************************************** 4.5: Mission 05 - Rapid Python *************************************** BRIEFING: It looks like morale's starting to drop on the other side. We're still getting reports of FDG squads hitting villages on the western side of the island, but we're seeing more defectors every day. With the elections coming up in less than a month, this is a good sign. The biggest turncoat is a man names Esteban Ordonez, who until three days ago was a high-ranking official in the Priego presidential campaign. Priego's the FDG candidate, and he's also the one calling the shots on the military side of things. Obviously, getting someone this close to Priego to switch sides is a tremendous break for us. The bad news is that we got a call from Ordonez about twenty minutes ago. It seems that his assistant figured out that he was going to turn, and ratted him out. He ran for it with an armload of FDG documents, which he hid as soon as he was out of sight. Unfortunately, they caught up to him a few minutes later. We know this because he was literally on the phone with out people as they found him. We don't think he's dead, but that could change at any minute. Your mission is to rescue Ordonez and get those papers. Find where he hid the parcel, then find him and bring him back alive. Our first flyover of the region showed that they'd moved a BMP in, so you may want to take that out as well. Remember, they're not going to keep Ordonez alive much longer, so there's a real time pressure on this one. Best of luck to you, gentlemen. Now get to work. OBJECTIVES: 1. Find Intelligence Items 2. Rescue Ordonez 3. Escort Ordonez to Extraction X. Neutralize BMP OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Partly Cloudy Time: 1:00AM (Night) Demolition specialist required?: No, but one is needed to tank out the BMP --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This is the first, and only, night mission in this expansion. There is a BMP on this mission, and if you want to take it out (Which you should, since it's the optional objective), you will need a demolitions specialist with the M136. From the insertion zone, move up the path to get to the area above the cliffs by the river. Once at the top you will want to move east, to the bridge that crosses the river. There will be some enemy soldiers between you and the bridge, so kill them. Once you get to the bridge, there will be some soldiers on each side guarding it. Kill them and look towards the other side of the bridge for any more soldiers, the will probably be a few more. Kill them and then cross the bridge. Some enemy soldiers will come at you in jeeps around now from the direction in which you just came, so be careful. There will probably only be one soldier in each jeep, driving, so you can just shoot him to take care of the jeep. Once those are gone, move a bit to the south and get the intelligence items. They are a package lying on the ground. Now you are going to have to rescue Ordonez. He is being held by a few soldiers in a little mountain path to the north. Go north from where you are and you will be right by the path. Be warned, when the river curves to the east there will be some enemy soldiers by it. You should kill them so that they don't take any of your soldiers by surprise when you pass by their position. When you get to the mountain path, go onto it from the east and walk along it. When you see some enemy soldiers, shoot them all. Just don't accidentally shoot Ordonez. Once the soldiers near him have been killed, go up to Ordonez to rescue him. From here, the BMP is just to the west. Move west, near the road. Up ahead there will be a few enemy soldiers at the top of the hill and some more below on the north side of the road. Kill them and take control of whoever it is that has the M136. The BMP is by where the soldiers on the north side of the road were. As soon as you see it, fire a rocket at it to destroy it. You want to destroy it as soon as you see it because it will start shooting at you if you don't. After that, go onto the road and move west. There is a bridge over the river at the top of the hill with some soldiers on the other side. Kill all of these soldiers and then cross the bridge. Any enemy soldiers left will be somewhere to the south of here. Go south and kill any soldiers that you find. If you don't kill them all you can just continue south and go to the extraction zone, at the same place as the insertion zone was. *************************************** 4.6: Mission 06 - Liberty Storm *************************************** BRIEFING: Happy election day, people. We've got trouble. The polls don't open for another hour, but FDG sympathizers all over the country are already making a mess of things wherever they can. We need every available soldier out there safeguarding voting centers, and that means you get to go along on this one, too. You'll be in one of the worst trouble zones, a coastal city called Cienfuegos. The FDG's got a lot of support there, and according to reports they've gunned down people heading for one of the main polling centers. Your job is to go in and safeguard that voting center and make sure that people can actually get to it and vote. If they want to vote FDG once they get inside, fine. That's their choice. The point is to make sure they all get that choice. Safeguarding the polling center is your highest priority. There are FDG forces in the streets all around it, so you'll have to keep an eye out in all directions. There are also reports that civilians have been taken hostage by the FDG. If that's the case, find those hostages and get them out of harm's way. Finally, you'll want to locate and knock out the local FDG command post. Remember, this - safeguarding the elections - is why we're here. Everything else is secondary. Let's do this right. OBJECTIVES: 1. Rescue Civilians 2. Defend Voting Center 3. Take Command Post X. No Friendly Casualties OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Sunny Time: 6:45AM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: No --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY This mission is set in a city, and the map isn't all that big. A sniper isn't all that useful here since the map is so small. There are a few spots where you might want a sniper, but instead you could use grenades from a grenade launcher to do the job. You only have two real objectives on this mission; rescue the civilians and eliminate the enemy soldiers. The civilians and the command post are all in opposite corners of the map and you start in the center, so you can really do it in any order. The way I have you do it here is just the way I do this mission. Move from the building you start in and go through the door on the south side. Some enemy soldiers will appear from the east and some more will appear from by the southwest corner of the square in front of you. Kill all of these soldiers. Now move along this road as far as it goes to the east, watch your back as you move because even more enemy soldiers will come out from the west. When you cross the intersection by the voting center, look north. There is a guy on a balcony at the end of this street. Shoot him or hit him with a grenade from a grenade launcher. When you get to the end of the street, peek around the corner. You should see some enemy soldiers standing by a civilian on the other side of the street. Eliminate both of the soldiers and then move up to the civilian to rescue him. At the north end of the street there will be a building with a balcony. On that balcony should be a soldier and a civilian. Shoot the soldier and then move into that building. Enter that building, go up to the balcony and then secure that civilian. Leave the building with the civilian and then move to the north side of the voting center. Around here here will be some enemy soldiers, so kill them. Move along the street that leads west from here and kill all of the enemies you see. Eventually some enemies will come in some jeeps. Kill all of them and go north, through the building on the north side of this street. Kill any more soldiers you see here and then enter the fenced in square to the northeast. This is the command post. Kill the few soldiers in here and then go back to where you saw the jeeps. Go down the street here to the south. The building at the end of the road is where the last civilian is. Go through the door on the south side of the building, kill the soldier and then get the civilian in the same room. Now all you need to do is find the remaining enemy soldiers. They will probably be around the square on the south side of the voting center. Check the buildings around this square and kill the last enemies. *************************************** 4.7: Mission 07 - Ocean Forge *************************************** BRIEFING: Saddle up. This is a hot one. It turns out that the FDG's drug connection was stronger than we thought. Priego is essentially owned by Columbian interests, and by Columbian interests I mean FRC. They were hoping that he'd assume power and turn Cuba into to a depot for cocaine heading north to Florida. In the wake of the election results that's obviously not going to happen, so Priego asked his bosses for help. They sent a few boatloads of their troops to reinforce the FDG soldiers, and that's what we have to deal with right now. The FRC troops are hitting the beach near Dimas, and they're hitting it hard. We'll be able to get more troops there later, but right now you're all we've got. Disable the vehicle column the Columbian troops will be using to get off the beach, then hold the beach itself. The FRC soldiers will have FDG reinforcements coming in, so be prepared to be hit by a second wave. Finally, seize the jetties and any supplies the enemy's placed on them. They've set up a makeshift command outpost, complete with an automatic grenade launcher, on one of the jetties. Make sure you take that out as well. OBJECTIVES: 1. Disable Vehicle Column 2. Clear Beach 3. Seize Control of AGS 4. Seize Material on Jetties OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Partly cloudy Time: 11:45AM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: No --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY A sniper is actually somewhat useful in this mission, the best way to deal with the guy on the automatic grenade launcher is to snipe him from afar. Even though there are vehicles on this mission that you have to destroy, you don't have to have a demolitions specialist with a M136. You can just kill the drivers of the vehicles. Instead of going straight to the vehicle column, go east and go down the ramp to the lower part of the beach. Kill all of the soldiers you can see here and then take control of your sniper. Look northeast until you can find the soldier on the automatic grenade launcher. Kill him and then kill any other soldiers that are around him. You now should have completed the third objective. Go towards the water and then move up the shore to the jetti. Walk along the jetti until you get a message saying "Second jetti seized". Move north along the beach and kill any more enemy soldiers that you run across. When you kill all of the soldiers on the beach, the second objective will be complete. Go up onto the nearby jetti and you will complete ANOTHER objective. The last thing to do is disable the vehicles. Go east, two the wall that separates the upper and lower parts of the beach. Go up the ramp and you will be very close to the vehicles. Kill every soldier here and then kill the drivers of the vehicles. Once the drivers are dead, the mission will be complete. The fast you kill them the better, more soldiers could come from the south if you take too long and it would be difficult to kill them all. *************************************** 4.8: Mission 08 - Righteous Archer *************************************** BRIEFING: Priego's run out of allies and he's run out of room. We've rounded up most of the armed FDG supporters in the countryside and routed the FRC reinforcement. The big boys in Columbia have decided to cut their losses, which means that Priego's got nothing left. He's retreated to an old hilltop fortress in the Sierra de los Organos with the last of his supporters. You get the honor and the privilege of digging him out. The fortress is 1920s vintage, but it's situated on top of a steep hill and it's got well-placed external guard posts. Neutralize those guard posts and then take the fortress. Priego's inside, with the best of his elite guards. They won't be easy to dig out, but we want Priego alive. Dead, he becomes a martyr, and that's the last thing the new Cuban government needs. Make sure he doesn't escape. There's a helicopter pad behind the fortress complex, so you need to make sure he doesn't make a run for that. If he gets away, this whole mess has the potential to start over again. You know what you have to do, people. Now let's go do it. OBJECTIVES: 1. Capture and Secure Priego OTHER MISSION INFO: Weather: Rain Time: 8:20AM (Daylight) Demolition specialist required?: No, but you should take one with the M136 to destroy the helicopter --------------------------------------- MISSION MODE STRATEGY As you'll notice, this mission only has one objective. Even though all you have to do is capture Priego, there are some other things that you should do to make capturing him as well. You might want to kill the soldiers at some of the guard towers, you'll want to use a sniper to do that. You can destroy Priego's helicopter so he can't escape, and that requires you to have a demolitions specialist with the M136. First, go west from the insertion point, to the NW guard tower. Take control of your sniper and kill the guy at the automatic grenade launcher and the soldier in the tower before the kill you. When they are dead, move over to the tower. Move south from here and through this valley. There will be a couple of enemy soldiers around here, so kill them. Take the path up the cliffs that is to the south and you will come out by the southwest corner of the fortress. Here there will be quite a few enemies. At the very corner of the fortress there will be a soldier on a machine gun. Shoot him and then some soldiers will start to come around that corner. Kill all of them, but focus your attention to the hills to the west for a moment. There will be a few more soldiers in those hills, so kill them. When you think all of the soldiers around the corner of the fortress have been killed, move in. Enter the fortress using the entrance on the south side just past the corner and if you see any more soldiers, kill them. Priego is in the big building that will be to the right. Go in through the back door (On the south side) and kill any soldiers you see in this hall. Priego will be through the door on the right in a room with two soldiers. Kill both of the soldiers and then go up to Priego to capture him and complete the mission. =============================================================================== 5. Weapons & Equipment =============================================================================== In this section every weapon and piece of equipment at your disposal is listed. Under each weapon various things about it are listed. "Ammo capacity" means how many rounds are in the magazine (Or whatever that particular weapon uses) for that particular weapon. "Magazines" refers to how many magazines you get for that weapon when you select it. "Fire-modes" lists what fire-modes that weapon is capable of, semi-automatic, burst, automatic and for some sniper rifles, bolt action. "Used by" tells who can use this weapon, a name refers to a specialist that can use it and the name of a soldier class means that class can use it in single and multiplayer. For weapons with a grenade launcher attachment, "Grenade capacity" (How many grenades can be loaded into the launcher at once) and "Grenades" (How many total grenades you get for that weapon) are listed. Those grenade launchers are identified by a / after the name of the weapon and before the name of the grenade launcher. That slash doesn't only mean that there is a grenade launcher attachment for that weapon, some weapons also have a suppressed (SD) version available. Instead of listing those weapons twice, they are listed together and there is a slash between the name with and without the SD. *************************************** 5.1: Primary Weapons List *************************************** These are the main weapons that you will be using throughout the game. All of these weapons take up the primary weapon slot in each kit. Note that Riflemen, Support, Demolitions and Snipers can't use all of these weapons right away. They can only gain the use of more than one primary weapon once you have beaten the game. For weapons that only appear in an expansion, they can't use those weapons until you have beaten that expansion. -------- M16/M203 -------- Ammo capacity: 30 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, burst Grenade capacity: 1 Grenades: 5 Used by: Rifleman (Single & Multiplayer), Buzz Gordon ---------- MP5/MP5-SD ---------- Ammo capacity: 30 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, burst, automatic Used by: Rifleman (Single & Multiplayer), Demolitions (Single & Multiplayer), Henry Ramirez, Klaus Henkel, Susan Grey ------- OICW/GL ------- Ammo capacity: 30 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, burst, automatic Grenade capacity: 6 Grenades: 12 Used by: Rifleman (Single & Multiplayer), Lindy Cohen, Will Jacobs -------------- 7.62mm Carbine -------------- Ammo capacity: 20 Magazines: 15 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, burst, automatic Used by: Rifleman (Desert Siege multiplayer) --------- AN94/GP25 --------- Ammo capacity: 30 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, burst, automatic Grenade capacity: 1 Grenades: 5 Used by: Rifleman (Desert Siege multiplayer) ---------- Groza/GP25 ---------- Ammo capacity: 20 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, burst, automatic Grenade capacity: 1 Grenades: 5 Used by: Rifleman (Desert Siege multiplayer) -------- M4 SOCOM -------- Ammo capacity: 30 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, automatic Used by: Rifleman (Island Thunder multiplayer), Henry Ramirez (Island Thunder) ---- AK47 ---- Ammo capacity: 30 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, automatic Used by: Rifleman (Island Thunder multiplayer) ------- AK74/GL ------- Ammo capacity: 30 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, automatic Grenade capacity: 1 Grenades: 5 Used by: Rifleman (Island Thunder multiplayer) ----- vz.58 ----- Ammo capacity: 30 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, automatic Used by: Rifleman (Island Thunder multiplayer) -- M4 -- Ammo capacity: 30 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, automatic Used by: Demolitions (Single & Multiplayer) ---- SA80 ---- Ammo capacity: 30 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, automatic Used by: Demolitions (Single & Multiplayer), Nigel Tunney --------- Bizon 9mm --------- Ammo capacity: 64 Magazines: 3 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, burst, automatic Used by: Demolitions (Desert Siege multiplayer) ---- A-91 ---- Ammo capacity: 20 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, burst, automatic Used by: Demolitions (Desert Siege multiplayer) -------- 9mm Z-84 -------- Ammo capacity: 30 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, automatic Used by: Demolitions (Island Thunder Multiplayer) --- MM1 --- Ammo capacity: 12 Magazines: 2 Fire modes: Semi-automatic Used by: Demolitions (Island Thunder multiplayer), Klaus Henkel (Island Thunder) ----- SA 25 ----- Ammo capacity: 32 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, automatic Used by: Demolitions (Island Thunder multiplayer) ---- M249 ---- Ammo capacity: 200 Magazines: 3 Fire modes: Automatic Used by: Support (Single & Multiplayer) --- MG3 --- Ammo capacity: 100 Magazines: 6 Fire modes: Automatic Used by: Support (Single & Multiplayer), Dieter Munz ----- RPK74 ----- Ammo capacity: 75 Magazines: 4 Fire modes: Semi-automatic, automatic Used by: Support (Single & Multiplayer), Guram Osadze --- PKM --- Ammo capacity: 100 Magazines: 5 Fire modes: Automatic Used by: Support (Desert Siege multiplayer), Jodit Haile (Desert Siege) ---- M-60 ---- Ammo capacity: 100 Magazines: 4 Fire modes: Automatic Used by: Support (Desert Siege multiplayer) --------------- Russian 7.62 DP --------------- Ammo capacity: 47 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Automatic Used by: Support (Island Thunder multiplayer) ---- RP46 ---- Ammo capacity: 47 Magazines: 6 Fire modes: Automatic Used by: Support (Island Thunder multiplayer) ----- M240G ----- Ammo capacity: 50 Magazines: 6 Fire modes: Automatic Used by: Support (Island Thunder multiplayer) --- M24 --- Ammo capacity: 6 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Bolt-action Used by: Sniper (Single & Multiplayer) --- SVD --- Ammo capacity: 10 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic Used by: Sniper (Single & Multiplayer), Astra Galinsky ----- L96A1 ----- Ammo capacity: 10 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Bolt-action Used by: Sniper (Single & Multiplayer), Jack Stone --- M82 --- Ammo capacity: 10 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic Used by: Sniper (Single & Multiplayer), Scott Ibrahim ------------- 7.62mm Sniper ------------- Ammo capacity: 20 Magazines: 5 Fire modes: Semi-automatic Used by: Sniper (Desert Siege multiplayer) --- M98 --- Ammo capacity: 10 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic Used by: Sniper (Desert Siege multiplayer) ------------ SR25/SR25 SD ------------ Ammo capacity: 20 Magazines: 4 Fire modes: Semi-automatic Used by: Sniper (Island Thunder multiplayer), Jack Stone (Island Thunder) *************************************** 5.2: Secondary Weapons *************************************** These are the other weapons in the games. They includes pistols, rocket launchers, grenades and mines. What type each one is is listed under "Type" under the name of the weapon. -------- M9/M9 SD -------- Type: Pistol Ammo capacity: 15 Magazines: 5 Fire modes: Semi-automatic Used by: EVery class (Single & Multiplayer), almost all specialists ------------------ Russian 9mm Pistol ------------------ Type: Pistol Ammo capacity: 8 Magazines: 8 Fire modes: Semi-automatic Used by: Rifleman, Support and Demolitions (Single & Multiplayer) ------------- 9mm SA Pistol ------------- Type: Pistol Ammo capacity: 7 Magazines: 10 Fire modes: Semi-automatic Used by: Demolitions (Single & Multiplayer) ---- M136 ---- Type: Rocket Launcher Ammo capacity: 1 Rockets: 4 (3 in single player) Used by: Demolitions (Single & Multiplayer), Nigel Tunney, Klaus Henkel (Island Thunder) ---- Frag ---- Type: Grenades Total grenades: 6 Used by: Just about everyone -------- Claymore -------- Type: Remote detonated mine Total mines: 2 or 3 Used by: Rifleman, Support and Demolitions (Single & Multiplayer), Henry Ramirez, Nigel Tunney, Guram Osadze, Susan Grey, Klaus Henkel, Dieter Munz, Jodit Haile (Desert Siege) *************************************** 5.3: Other Equipment *************************************** This section gives a little bit of information on all of the other pieces of equipment that you can take with you. ------------ Demo Charges ------------ These are needed to destroy things for mission objectives. Place one next to whatever you have to destroy and that objective will be completed. Demo charges don't explode until after the mission, EXCEPT in the fifth mission in Desert Siege, where they explode after about 30 seconds. ------- Sensors ------- When you place these somewhere on the ground they will show you all nearby enemy units that are moving on your command map. ---------- Extra Ammo ---------- Picking this for the secondary slot will give you more ammo for your primary weapon. Having the extra ammo is virtually useless, you shouldn't ever run out of ammo for your primary weapon. ----------------- Grenade Launchers ----------------- Some rifles in the game, such as the M16 and OICW, have the option of coming with a grenade launcher. The grenade launcher is picked for the secondary weapon slot and you select it by switching to your secondary weapon in the game. The grenade launchers fire grenades that explode upon contact, be it with the ground, a wall, or an unfortunate enemy soldier. Grenades from grenade launchers do just as much damage as a normal grenade, and can be used to destroy doors, just like normal grenades. ---------- Binoculars ---------- These aren't a secondary piece of equipment that takes the place of a weapon, but are something you always have. Press the L key (By default) to bring up your binoculars. The binoculars work like zooming in with your weapon, but you can zoom in further than with a normal weapon. With the binoculars you also get a range finder that displays how far away, in meters, whatever the crosshair is center on is. ------------ Night Vision ------------ Like the binoculars, you can always use your night vision and it doesn't take up the spot of a secondary weapon. Press the V key (By default) to turn on your night vision goggles at any time. Unlike the binoculars, you can still use a weapon with the night vision on. Obviously, these are a good thing to use during night missions, seeing enemy soldiers is much easier with your night vision goggles on. =============================================================================== 6. Kits =============================================================================== This is a listing of all the kits (Sets of weapons) available in the original game, Desert Siege and Island Thunder. *************************************** 6.1: Soldier Kits *************************************** These are the kits that any normal soldiers (Basically, anyone other than specialists) use in both singleplayer and multiplayer. Note: Only the first for kits for each class is available until you have beaten the game, but all of them are available in multiplayer from the start. Note 2: All kits with an asterisk (*) by them are only available in the Desert Siege missions, all kits with two asterisks (**) by them are only available in the Island Thunder mission. You will notice that there are two kits for some number in each section, those are the numbers that each kit has if only Desert Siege or Island Thunder is activated. If both mods are active at the same time, each kit will have it's own number. ------------- Rifleman Kits ------------- Kit 1: M16/M203 Kit 2: M16/Sensor Kit 3: M16/M9 SD Kit 4: M16/Extra Ammo Kit 5: MP5-SD/Claymore Kit 6: MP5-SD/M9 SD Kit 7: MP5-SD/Extra Ammo Kit 8: MP5-SD/Sensor Kit 9: OICW/GL Kit 10: OICW/Sensor Kit 11: OICW/M9 SD Kit 12: OICW/Extra Ammo Kit 13*: 7.62mm Carbine/Sensor Kit 14*: 7.62mm Carbine/M9 SD Kit 15*: 7.62mm Carbine/Extra Ammo Kit 16*: 7.62mm Carbine/Claymore Kit 17*: AN94/Sensor Kit 18*: AN94/M9 SD Kit 19*: AN94/Extra Ammo Kit 20*: AN94/GP 25 Kit 21*: Groza/GP25 Kit 13**: AK47/Frag Kit 14**: AK47/Sensor Kit 15**: AK47/Russian 9mm Pistol Kit 16**: AK47/Extra Ammo Kit 17**: AK74/GP25 Kit 18**: AK74/Sensor Kit 19**: AK74/Russian 9mm Pistol Kit 20**: AK74/Extra Ammo Kit 21**: vz.58/Frag Kit 22**: vz.58/Sensor Kit 23**: vz.58/Russian 9mm Pistol Kit 24**: vz.58/Extra Ammo Kit 25**: M4 SOCOM/Frag Kit 26**: M4 SOCOM/Sensor Kit 27**: M4 SOCOM/M9 SD Kit 28**: M4 SOCOM/Extra Ammo ------------ Support Kits ------------ Kit 1: M249/Extra Ammo Kit 2: M249/Frag Kit 3: M249/Claymore Kit 4: M249/M9 SD Kit 5: MG3/Extra Ammo Kit 6: MG3/Frag Kit 7: MG3/Claymore Kit 8: MG3/M9 SD Kit 9: RPK74/Extra Ammo Kit 10: RPK74/Frag Kit 11: RPK74/Claymore Kit 12: RPK74/M9 SD Kit 13*: PKM/Extra Ammo Kit 14*: PKM/Frag Kit 15*: PKM/Claymore Kit 16*: PKM/M9 SD Kit 17*: M-60/Extra Ammo Kit 18*: M-60/Frag Kit 19*: M-60/Claymore Kit 20*: M-60/M9 SD Kit 13**: Russian 7.62 DP/Russian 9mm Pistol Kit 14**: Russian 7.62 DP/Extra AMmo Kit 15**: Russian 7.62 DP/Frag Kit 16**: Russian 7.62 DP/Sensor Kit 17**: RP46/Russian 9mm Pistol Kit 18**: RP46/Extra Ammo Kit 19**: RP46/Frag Kit 20**: RP46/Sensor Kit 21**: M240G/Extra Ammo Kit 22**: M240G/M9 SD Kit 23**: M240G/Frag Kit 24**: M240G/Sensor ----------- Sniper Kits ----------- Kit 1: M24/M9 Kit 2: M24/M9 SD Kit 3: M24/Extra Ammo Kit 4: M24/Frag Kit 5: SVD/M9 Kit 6: SVD/M9 SD Kit 7: SVD/Extra Ammo Kit 8: SVD/Frag Kit 9: L96A1/M9 Kit 10: L96A1/M9 SD Kit 11: L96A1/Extra Ammo Kit 12: L96A1/Frag Kit 13: M82/M9 Kit 14: M82/M9 SD Kit 15: M82/Extra Ammo Kit 16: M82/Frag Kit 17*: 7.62mm Sniper/M9 Kit 18*: 7.62mm Sniper/M9 SD Kit 19*: 7.62mm Sniper/Extra Ammo Kit 20*: 7.62mm Sniper/Frag Kit 21*: M98/M9 Kit 22*: M98/M9 SD Kit 23*: M98/Extra Ammo Kit 24*: M98/Frag Kit 17**: SR25/M9 Kit 18**: SR25/M9 SD Kit 19**: SR25/Extra Ammo Kit 20**: SR25/Frag Kit 21**: SR25 SD/M9 Kit 22**: SR25 SD/M9 SD Kit 23**: SR25 SD/Extra Ammo Kit 24**: SR25 SD/Frag ---------------- Demolitions Kits ---------------- Kit 1: M4/Demo Charge Kit 2: M4/M136 Kit 3: M4/Frag Kit 4: M4/M9 SD Kit 5: MP5/Demo Charge Kit 6: MP5/M9 SD Kit 7: MP5/Claymore Kit 8: MP5/Sensor Kit 9: SA80/M136 Kit 10: SA80/Demo Charge Kit 11: SA80/Frag Kit 12: SA80/Claymore Kit 13: MP5-SD/Extra Ammo Kit 14: MP5-SD/M9 SD Kit 15: MP5-SD/Claymore Kit 16: MP5-SD/Sensor Kit 17*: Bizon 9mm/M136 Kit 18*: Bizon 9mm/Frag Kit 19*: Bizon 9mm/M9 SD Kit 20*: Bizon 9mm/Claymore Kit 21*: A-91/M136 Kit 22*: A-91/Frag Kit 23*: A-91/M9 SD Kit 24*: A-91/Extra Ammo Kit 17**: 9mm Z-84/M136 Kit 18**: 9mm Z-84/Frag Kit 19**: 9mm Z-84/9mm SA Pistol Kit 20**: 9mm Z-84/Demo Charge Kit 21**: SA 25/M136 Kit 22**: SA 25/Frag Kit 23**: SA 25/9mm SA Pistol Kit 24**: SA 25/Demo Charge Kit 25**: MM1/M136 Kit 26**: MM1/Demo Charge Kit 27**: MM1/M9 SD Kit 28**: MM1/Extra Ammo *************************************** 6.2: Specialist Kits *************************************** These are the kits that the specialists that you can unlock in multiplayer use. Note that some specialists are in Desert Siege and/or Island Thunder as well as the original, and some specialists are only in one of the expansions. Most of the specialists that are in the expansions as well as the original use the same kits throughout, but some don't. For the ones that have different kits in the new specialists, they are listed at the end and the name of the expansion in which they have those kits appears after their name. -------------------- Kits for Will Jacobs -------------------- Kit 1: OICW/GL Kit 2: OICW/Sensor Kit 3: OICW/M9 SD Kit 4: OICW/Extra Ammo ---------------------- Kits for Henry Ramirez ---------------------- Kit 1: MP5-SD/Claymore Kit 2: MP5-SD/M9 SD Kit 3: MP5-SD/Extra Ammo Kit 4: MP5-SD/Sensor --------------------- Kits for Nigel Tunney --------------------- Kit 1: SA80/M136 Kit 2: SA80/Frag Kit 3: SA80/Demo Charge Kit 4: SA80/Claymore ------------------- Kits for Jack Stone ------------------- Kit 1: L96A1/M9 Kit 2: L96A1/M9 SD Kit 3: L96A1/Extra Ammo Kit 4: L96A1/Frag --------------------- Kits for Guram Osadze --------------------- Kit 1: RPK74/Extra Ammo Kit 2: RPK74/Frag Kit 3: RPK74/Claymore Kit 4: RPK74/M9 SD ------------------- Kits for Susan Grey ------------------- Kit 1: MP5-SD/Extra Ammo Kit 2: MP5-SD/M9 SD Kit 3: MP5-SD/Claymore Kit 4: MP5-SD/Sensor --------------------- Kits for Klaus Henkel --------------------- Kit 1: MP5/Demo Charge Kit 2: MP5/M9 SD Kit 3: MP5/Claymore Kit 4: MP5/Sensor -------------------- Kits for Buzz Gordon -------------------- Kit 1: M16/M203 Kit 2: M16/Sensor Kit 3: M16/M9 SD Kit 4: M16/Extra Ammo -------------------- Kits for Lindy Cohen -------------------- Kit 1: OICW/GL Kit 2: OICW/Sensor Kit 3: OICW/M9 SD Kit 4: OICW/Extra Ammo ----------------------- Kits for Astra Galinsky ----------------------- Kit 1: SVD/M9 Kit 2: SVD/M9 SD Kit 3: SVD/Extra Ammo Kit 4: SVD/Frag ---------------------- Kits for Scott Ibrahim ---------------------- Kit 1: M82/M9 Kit 2: M82/M9 SD Kit 3: M82/Extra Ammo Kit 4: M82/Frag -------------------- Kits for Dieter Munz -------------------- Kit 1: MG3/Extra Ammo Kit 2: MG3/Frag Kit 3: MG3/Claymore Kit 4: MG3/M9 SD ----------------------------------- Kits for Jodit Haile (Desert Siege) ----------------------------------- Kit 1: PKM/Extra Ammo Kit 2: PKM/Frag Kit 3: PKM/Claymore Kit 4: PKM/M9 SD --------------------------------------- Kits for Henry Ramirez (Island Thunder) --------------------------------------- Kit 1: M4 SOCOM/Frag Kit 2: M4 SOCOM/Censor Kit 3: M4 SOCOM/M9 SD Kit 4: M4 SOCOM/Extra Ammo -------------------------------------- Kits for Klaus Henkel (Island Thunder) -------------------------------------- Kit 1: MM1/M136 Kit 2: MM1/Demo Charge Kit 3: MM1/M9 SD Kit 4: MM1/Extra Ammo ------------------------------------ Kits for Jack Stone (Island Thunder) ------------------------------------ Kit 1: SR25/M9 Kit 2: SR25/M9 SD Kit 3: SR25/Extra Ammo Kit 4: SR25/Frag