Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown Guide (GameCube) by KeeperBvK aka Burkhart von Klitzing ( Dedication: I dedicate this work to my beloved dad who passed away on the 07/13/2005. I always loved you and I always will. Thank you so much for the time we had. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.1 Legal Stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Guide may only be posted on these websites: and its affiliates and it may not be used commercially in any possible way. If you want to post it on another site please contact me via E-Mail or via the Message Board. Do not claim this guide or any part of it to be your creation. If you find any mistakes (even regarding the language as I'm German) please let me know. Copyright 2007 Burkhart von Klitzing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.2 Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When searching for something specific just press Ctrl + F and type in whatever you are looking for. | Latest Update | Search Key | ---------------------------------|---------------|------------| 0.1 Legal Stuff | 1.14 | | 0.2 Contents | 1.14 | | 0.3 Version History | 1.14 | | ---------------------------------|---------------|------------| 1.0 About the Game | 0.1 | AAA | 2.0 Walkthrough | 1.0 | BBB | 2.1 Operation: Deadline | 0.69 | BB1 | 2.2 Operation: Backlash | 0.69 | BB2 | 2.3 Operation: Dragon Hammer | 0.69 | BB3 | 2.4 Operation: Ricochet | 0.69 | BB4 | 2.5 Operation: Chimera | 0.69 | BB5 | 2.6 Operation: Bloodline | 0.69 | BB6 | 2.7 Operation: Bone Yard | 0.69 | BB7 | 2.8 Operation: Breakpoint | 0.69 | BB8 | 2.9 Operation: Leviathan | 0.69 | BB9 | 2.10 Operation: Lowlife | 0.62 | B10 | 2.11 Operation: Sandstorm | 0.69 | B11 | 2.12 Operation: Archer | 0.75 | B12 | 2.13 Operation: Catalyst | 0.81 | B13 | 2.14 Operation: Red Scythe | 0.93 | B14 | 2.15 Operation: Citadel | 1.0 | B15 | 2.16 Operation: Lockdown | 1.0 | B16 | 3.0 Controls | 0.25 | CCC | 4.0 Characters | 1.13 | DDD | 5.0 Weapons | 1.12 | EEE | 6.0 FAQ | 1.06 | FFF | ---------------------------------|---------------|------------| 7.0 Closing Comment | 1.09 | GGG | 8.0 Experimental | 1.09 | HHH | 9.0 Credits | 1.13 | III | ---------------------------------|---------------|------------| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.3 Version History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0.1: Finished on 10/11/2005, 13 KB large About-the-Game-section, Controls and the walkthrough for the first mission are complete so there's still a lot to come. Sorry this guide is so short at the moment but I just got this game today. ^^ (Rejected by 0.15: Finished on 10/13/2005, 25 KB large Added the second mission, integrated the mission objectives into the mission description instead of listing them separately and added the character info, the FAQ and the Closing Comment. 0.25: Finished on 10/18/2005, 40 KB large Added another question to the FAQ, added some info on the controls, changed the description of Weber and wrote guides on mission 3 and 4. 0.31: Finished on 10/20/2005, 49 KB large Added as a site legitimate to host this guide. Explained the origin of the name Ding. Added another question to the FAQ...still completely made up by me. ^^ Wrote the guide for mission 5. 0.37: Finished on 10/21/2005, 55 KB large Added the sixth mission. 0.44: Finished on 10/25/2005, 63 KB large + Added mission #7. + Moved the controls, characters and weapons behind the walkthrough, since I guess these sections are less often read and are less important than the walkthrough which should be accessible without too much scrolling. + Added and + Added the credits section. + Altered the look of the version history. + Improved on the contents section. + Added the English mission names. 0.5: Finished on 10/28/2005, 70 KB large + Added mission #8. + Added a question to the FAQ...still all of them are made up by me. + Added IGN as legitimate to host my guide. 0.56: Finished on 10/30/2005, 79 KB large + Added mission #9. (Damn, that was really tedious and frustrating -.-0) 0.62: Finished on 11/04/2005, 83 KB large + Added mission #10. 0.69: Finished on 11/09/2005, 92 KB large + Added mission #11. + Changed the word suitcase into briefcase. ^^ + Added the intel-briefcase locations into the mission guides (before, they used to be only listed at the beginning of each mission guide) + Made some minor changes and fixed some misspellings. + Finally added a question to the FAQ that was really asked by a reader of my guide instead of being made up by me. ^^ 0.75: Finished on 11/13/2005, 99 KB large + Added mission #12. 0.81: Finished on 11/17/2005, 105 KB large + Added mission #13 + Added another question to the FAQ (one I made up, again) 0.87: Finished on 11/20/2005, 111 KB large + Added mission #14 0.93: Finished on 11/22/2005, 119 KB large + Added mission #15 + Improved a bit on mission #14 1.0: Finished on 11/27/2005, 126 KB large + Completed the walkthrough, so the only thing to come now, is the weapons section. + Fixed a minor mistake in mission #15. 1.05: Finished on 11/29/2005, 133 KB large + Added the weapons section: Thx to Alan Smith for providing most of the information there. 1.06: Finished on 01/05/2006, 133 KB large + Just a minor update with two new questions in the FAQ section. 1.07: Finished on 01/06/2006, 134 KB large + Added the Experimental section. 1.08: Finished on 01/07/2006, 134 KB large + Another minor update. Only added 1.09: Finished on 02/23/2006, 136 KB large + Experimental got its own section. + Added Search Keys. + Minor changes in layout. + Revamped the contents section. 1.10: Finished on 03/25/2006, 136 KB large + Added 1.11: Finished on 04/03/2006, 136 KB large + Added 1.12: Finished on 04/30/2006, 136 KB large + Spotted a typo + Added a hint to the weapons section. Thx to David McIntee 1.13: Finished on 05/31/2006, 137 KB large + Added some character info. Thx to g_man1679 1.14: Finished on 03/12/2007, 137 KB large + Added ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.0 About the Game AAA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rainbow Six: Lockdown is the direct sequel to last-years Rainbow Six 3. Just like its predecessor, Lockdown is a tactical first-person-shooter being released on all three consoles available at the moment (GCN, PS2 and X-Box) but for the newest entry in the long-living series Red Storm did not only leave out the 4 in the title but they also tweaked the Gameplay quite a bit. I have to admit that I've never played any Rainbow Six game before but as far as I know, the spotlight of Gameplay has been moved a bit away from tactics onto action. You still have got lots of possibilities to solve certain situations by commanding your team but for example the whole pre-action strategy section has been removed. There you used to create waypoints for your team members, you created squads, you decided on the when and where and you could also decide on who would join your team for the mission and on which equipment they have. In Lockdown you get a pre-fixed team at least with the option to choose their equipment, they will always only follow the orders you give them during a mission and unlike other Rainbow Six games fallen team members will still be available in other missions so you shouldn't worry too much when losing one. Some missions even differ way more from the usual Rainbow Six Gameplay as you take control of Dieter Weber (yay, a German fighting for the good guys in a video game ^^), the sniping specialist of the unit, who wins his missions by sniping instead of infiltrating. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.0 Walkthrough BBB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please not that this walkthrough is based on the higher difficulty setting so if you're playing on normal don't worry if you can't see an enemy I refer to here as he simply might not be there anywhere. BTW: Please don't bash me if my objective descriptions don't correspond to those you find in the game as I play the German version, simply translating the descriptions. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-2.1 Operation: Deadline-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=BB1 Player Character: Ding Chavez Additional Team Members: Louis Loiselle, Renee Raymond, Ayana Yacoby Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: In the first room of the parking deck. Move up the small ramp to the left of your starting position. 2: In the second hall of the parking deck, just down the ramp. 3: On the yard, to the right of the entrance. 4: Enter a small room when standing on the street in front of the bank. 5: On the upper level in the bank, near the stairs leading down to the President's location. 1: Leave the parking deck. Directly run to the grey car parked in front of you with your team following you, zoom in and kill every enemy in sight. Now run in on the door up ahead and surprise the two remaining enemies there (intel-briefcase #1). Send your team around the corner and down the staircase to get rid of two more terrorists and move to the first closed door. Open it, use your night vision goggle and shoot the sole terrorist standing behind the nearby-van as well as the enemy standing a bit further in the room. While still standing in the doorway, give the order to move straight to the other side of the room and shortly after move in yourself and kill the threat behind the corner to your right. After a while four enemies will fall into your back so be prepared. Once you've taken care of them, turn around and shoot any remaining enemies from a far distance (intel-briefcase #2). Fortunately the next section is safe so just run through, open another door and be prepared when you reach the third closed door. Open it, make sure you're still using your night vision and send in your team behind the van that parks in front of you. You run it right after and especially aim for any terrorist in medium distance for example the one in the right corner and snipe for the bunch of enemies coming from the doorway in the far right corner. Once they're done for it, give your team the order to close in on any surviving terrorist and assist them. Once the hall is cleared out you can switch off your night vision, move to the nearby waypoint and complete your first mission goal. 2: Cross the yard-plaza. Here your buddies will most often do the trick nearly on their own so you might want to tell them to open the door and to clear the area. If you do, still make sure to come along right behind the first team member since they often act pretty stupid when it comes to killing enemies standing directly besides them, so help them out a bit. When they have dealt quite some damage and you can't see any antagonist running about anywhere, order them to follow you and carefully look up into an open window next to the entrance you took to the yard. There is a sniper you should be able to take out rather easily. Now move along the wall with the open window, kill the sole terrorist standing behind the well and look up to the see another open window. Again move in slowly, zoom in and when you see the slightest bit of the sniper, kill him (intel-briefcase #3). Afterwards move on, send your team around a few more corners and assist them in finishing off two more enemies before the second objective is cleared and you both reach a checkpoint and a new section of the level. 3: Gain entry to the bank. Prepare for a few terrorists to come around the corner almost instantly and finish off any remaining ones by carefully moving in. Throw a grenade into the building with the next waypoint, enter it and wait for two terrorists to run into their doom. Here comes the hardest part of the first level: Stay in the doorway, look to the left, move out slowly and shoot a far-off terrorist. Move a bit further and shoot another one standing on the same platform as the first one. Now your teammates will rush onto the street and try to protect it at all costs. Run to the front of the white van and help your buddies as good as possible until the area is secured. Especially watch for the guys on the roof to your left and on those coming out of a building to your left. When every enemy has been killed another one comes out of the entrance to the bank where the next waypoint lies (intel-briefcase #4). 4: Secure the counter area. When entering the bank, wait at the first corner to your right until a patrol comes in sight. Shoot him and you'll bait another terrorist that you should beat easily, too. The next corner holds two more terrorists before you can enter the great centre hall of the bank. Don't just rush on it or you get shot from all sides without even knowing where to look first. Instead tell your people to hold position and you use the left or the right entrance, look around the corners a bit, try to kill any enemy you see and hide whenever somebody fires at you. Then go back and enter the other entrance and repeat. Once you don't see any threats anymore when looking around the corner, tell your team to rush into the hall and follow them. Run to next waypoint and into the adjacent room with them, then go to the staircase and kill any terrorist that might still be there. Here you can feel relatively safe as you can only be attacked from the doorway up above. Walk up and throw a grenade at the guy standing behind the thin wall. Send your team to the place where the grenade struck and position yourself just next to the door so you can clear the area from quite a lot of enemies. Once you can't see any more of them move straight from the door to next wall and see if you can get a clear shot at somebody on the other side. Then let your team follow you and walk to the other side where two terrorists will come through a doorway (intel- briefcase #5). Take the stairway down, kill two more enemies right behind the door and you will have fulfilled the next task. 5: Rescue the President. Now you better have the Motion Tracker equipped as you will have to quickly shoot an enemy standing in a small room. Use the Motion Tracker or simply have a good reaction time to kill him and slowly move in a bit to see the six terrorists standing in the next room to your left. Kill as many of them as possible on your own, then send in your team. If not all enemies show up you might also want to throw a grenade at their position, but of course only when you're not being shot at. The rest is pretty easy: Walk around a corner, send in your buddies around the next corner to defeat the last two terrorists and you will see the President ready to be rescued. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-2.2 Operation: Backlash-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=BB2 Player Character: Dieter Weber / Ding Chavez Additional Team Members: Eddie Price, Louis Loiselle, Renee Raymond Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: In a small room near the cells on the first storey. 2: Open a door near the long hallway with the snipers shooting in from the outside. 3: In a hallway right before you leave the first level section as Ding Chavez. 4: In a cell on the third storey. 5: In the cooling chamber of the restaurant. 1: Protect Rainbow. The first section of this mission is pretty relaxing when put in relation to the first mission. All you need to do is to sit on your set positions and protect your team with your sniper rifle. The enemies usually come from the same places over and over again and the few threats on the roofs or in windows are shown by a red arrow. So if you see one, directly head to where it points and deal with the threat. 2: Investigate the first storey. Tell your team to open the door and to throw in a flash bang. Then enter the room crouch behind the counter to your right and clear the area first with a frag grenade then with your gun. 3: Secure the weapon chamber in the second storey. Now go through the door to your left, kill the sole terrorist and enter the next door, shoot the surprised enemy to your far right and follow the hallway until you reach a waypoint with two patrolling bad guys who should be easy to shoot down on your own and even easier to kill if you have your team on your heels. Note that once you've killed them, two more of them will rush in at the waypoint (intel-briefcase #1). Move up the stairs and open the first door on your left without having your team do anything. Instead throw a grenade across the counter to the right and use the motion tracker to swiftly move around the corner and kill any remaining enemy in the room. Leave the room, let the door on the right be opened in combination with a flash bang throw and finish off any survivors yourself. Right after that a single enemy enters the room. Before you open the next door, be aware that you will face lots of enemies, so let your men throw in a flash bang and assist them by waiting at the door and especially killing any near-by terrorists. 4: Gain entrance to the prison in the third storey. Leave the weapon chamber via the only possible new way and send your team around the corner to take down the two enemies at the end of the hall. Afterwards send them into the hall and quickly move in yourself where you directly zoom in on the roofs across the street to defeat four snipers. Let your team move on to an opening at the left and they should be doing fine with the two terrorists waiting there (intel-briefcase #2). When approaching the next waypoint, use the motion tracker and you'll see two enemies coming around the corner so they won't give you a hard time. After seeing the ceiling above the stairs crash down, enter the first door on the right and command your team to rush in. Follow them and have a look at the door you just came through as some enemies will follow you. When taken care of everybody there, go back into the building and open the next door on the right either with a flash bang or with a normal grenade. Go to the next waypoint, open the door and give the order to open the next door and to rush in (intel-briefcase #3). Next, open just another door but let your men throw in a flash bang. They should have no problem to clear the room on their own and so you can leave this section of the level and enter (who would have thought) another one. 5: Secure the prison. Kill the sole guard and open the prison door via the computer keyboard in the small room. Go through the door, wait at the corner for an enemy to come around and kill him and then send your team around the next corner to kill another patrol. Go to the next door and set a breaching charge. Zoom in, aim at either one of the terrorists behind the door and give the go-code. Instantly start shooting when the door has been opened and hide once the guy you aimed at has died. Your team should do the trick for the other one. Alternatively you can wait for the enemies to stand in the back of the room and make your team throw in a frag grenade. Walk back and open another door around the corner. Use the stairs, command your team to open the door and to clear the room, wait for another terrorist to come around the corner and use your motion tracker. You should see two people standing behind a near-by wall where you can lob a frag grenade at. Move down the stairs, throw a grenade around the corner and close in on the door that has probably been destroyed by the grenade. Have a short look inside the next room, so you lure out one of the terrorists. Then snipe at the one standing far-off on a platform and use your motion tracker to quickly dispose the remaining four behind some columns and look out for another one standing up high behind a column to your left. Let him see you for a brief moment then hide until he needs to reload, show yourself again and shoot him. Don't run too far into the hall as killing the last enemy here triggers two more to enter the room from your left. If you stay near the first column these two guys will probably not even realize you're there so you can easily shoot them from a distance. Now move over to the cells and search for enemies above you via the motion tracker. If you find one, throw a grenade at him (intel-briefcase #4). Go to the next doorway, move past the stairs and shoot a guard behind another door. You can do this without opening the door so make use of this neat possibility. Then move on and look to your right where you will see another patrolling guard whom you should shoot on your own. Then go back and up the stairs, surprise another patrolling enemy and zoom in on the door next to the waypoint. You should be able to see a terrorist behind it who you can kill once again without opening the door. After disposing him, go to the waypoint and use the keyboard. 6: Secure the restaurant and rescue the hostages. Go to the waypoint, open the next door and step out for a moment before reentering the building. This way you can bait three enemies one by one to your position making for some relatively easy kills. Move on and watch for an enemy jumping in from the right and for a far-off enemy who you should kill by sniping. Slowly move to the ladder on the left (make sure that you are crouching) and closely watch the roof on the right as there is a sniper standing on it. When you have reached the ladder, use the motion tracker to reveal a single enemy standing right up ahead. He can't see you and you can't see him but as you're only separated by a small wall you can lob a frag grenade at him. Climb down the ladder and let your team throw a flash bang through the door, rush in and kill the two terrorists near, respectively behind, the counter. Go around the first corner and peek around the second one to bait one of the five enemies. Then use your motion tracker to kill the moving one while he turns his back to you and send your men in to do the rest with your assistance. After crossing the now cleared hall, throw a grenade into the right opening of the hallway. Use the motion tracker at the end of the hallway to easily kill an enemy around the corner but do it quickly so you don't endanger yourself to be shot by the terrorist in the far left corner of the next room. Remember his position and move around the corner again to finish this guy. When entering the kitchen, look out for a surprise attack from the door on the far left. Use this doorway and look into the next room while taking down a sole enemy directly in front of you. Move to the left edge of the door and throw a frag grenade into the cooling chamber on your right. This should take care of both guards standing there (intel- briefcase #5). Go through the hall and move slowly around the corner until you see one of the terrorists' leg. Shoot it and use the motion tracker to go around the corner swiftly shooting another bad guy. Finally open the last friggin' door in this level, walk up the stairs and shoot the last enemy but watch out not to hurt the hostages. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=2.3 Operation: Dragon Hammer=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-BB3 Player Character: Ding Chavez Additional Team Members: Roger McAllen, Pak Suo-Won, Jamal Murad Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: In the Entrance Hall next to the left pair of stairs. 2: In a small room to the right of the Entrance Hall. 3: Down the stairs in a great hall right after defusing the bomb. 4: Between the two stairs leading down to the assembly hall, inside one of the Public Viewing Galleries. 5: In a small room next to the assembly hall. Go there directly when taking the stairs down to the hall. 1: Secure the entrance to the Parliament. Let your team open the entrance door and also throw in a frag grenade. Then let them rush in and take care of the remaining enemies to the left and to the right. Enter the great hall from the right as three more terrorists will enter it on the left. Stay at the columns and kill them one by one (intel- briefcase #1). 2: Use the surveillance system to locate the bomb. Enter the room the three enemies just came from and open the next door. Make your team stay there, open the next door, tell Pak to deactivate the first camera and move around the corner to protect him against three terrorists. A frag grenade is quite nice to have here. Open the door near you with a flash bang and rush in to kill both enemies here, then open the other door there yourself and dispose the sole bad guy in the adjacent room. Go back to the great hall, enter the other room there and both open the left door and deactivate the camera on your own. Afterwards open the right door as well as the door behind it and kill the single enemy yourself (use the motion tracker to know exactly where he stands) (intel-briefcase #2). Go to the adjacent hallway, tell your team to stay there and close in on the camera when it is turned away from you. Shoot the enemy behind the window and deactivate the camera. Now use the computer in the room behind the window to deactivate the metal detector...and please don't ask me why you can't just hop over the wooden "barrier" next to it instead. ^^ Move slowly to the right and throw a frag grenade into the open room. Now your teammates should go to the door on their own and deal with the remaining terrorists. Use the computer and leave the area via a checkpoint. 3: Defuse the bomb in the maintenance room. Go up the stairs and open the door yourself: Your team should be able to kill the three enemies from there. If not, wait until your men cease fire and have a look yourself to clear the room. Alternatively you can also make your team stay behind giving you the chance to throw in a frag grenade at the end of the room. Send your men around the small corner, let them kill the two enemies there and prepare yourself for four more bad guys to rush around the corner in front of you. If you time it right you might also want to throw a grenade there just before they are in sight. Give the order to halt and deactivate the camera next to the following door before commanding McAllen to defuse the bomb. 4: Reach the conference room. Quite a few terrorists will open the near-by door, so be prepared. Once they are done for, go to the door and while staying there (absolutely do not go through the door) kill some more enemies standing in the adjacent great hall. There should be three to the left and three to the right all of them hiding near or behind a column. I suggest you position your team just in front of the door inside the great hall and you walk to either side where an enemy still lives, kill him (if he hasn't seen you so far, lob a grenade at him), turn around and see four enemies coming down the stairs. They will open fire on you, so hide behind a column and let your men do the dirty work (intel- briefcase #3). Go up and use the motion tracker to easily kill an enemy to your left and to furthermore bait two terrorists from the right to your position. Move further into the room and watch out for an enemy to appear in the right door. Use the motion tracker to enter the door and kill the remaining enemies before deactivating another metal detector. Lob a grenade at the next corner to get rid of an enemy and to lure two more of them into their doom. Now use the motion tracker, peek inside and kill the first terrorist, then repeat for the second one. Alternatively if you are quick enough, you can enter the library before the three enemies do, so they can be shot while moving down the stairs. Move up the stairs and run to either door. An enemy will come through both doors, so kill the one near you really quickly and then instantly aim for the other one. 5: Rescue the hostages. Enter either one of the two small rooms, open the door, walk along the wall (while crouching) and go into the room with no opening onto the plenary assembly hall. Tell your men to hold their position here and go back into the previous room where you use the motion tracker next to the opening, aim at an enemy, move around so you still have the blue sight but already your weapon ready, kill the guy you aimed at and hide again. Repeat this until you cannot see any hostile forces around anymore but watch out not to kill the hostage. Some enemies will probably try to get to your position but your team will take care of them. Then go around the whole upper level once to clear it and to make sure you haven't missed out anybody (intel-briefcase #4). Now move down the stairs (intel-briefcase #5) and hide somewhere as a few terrorists will rush in on you. After having dealt with them, the mission is finally over. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-2.4 Operation: Ricochet-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=BB4 Player Character: Dieter Weber / Ding Chavez Additional Team Members: Eddie Price, Renee Raymond, Ayana Yacobi Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: In a small room on the upper level of the east wing library. 2: In the first cellar room. 3: Behind the curtain in the lecture hall. 4: On the upper level of the west wing library. 5: In the right room directly after traversing the west wing library. 1: Secure the starting zone. First of all stay where you are and try to kill as many guards as possible. If you hide too early, you are very likely to be shot instantly. After having killed some, either go on shooting or if you are being hurt, quit sniper mode and hide for a moment before stepping out again to go on sniping. 2: Protect Rainbow. Your teammates are being brought onto the yard via a helicopter and they need to reach the entrance to the University. This requires you to kill lots of terrorists spawning in three different corners of the yard on various levels. Don't even try to memorize the enemy patterns as it would be way to hard for the approximately four minutes of consecutive sniping action (furthermore I don't even know exactly if they spawn in the same pattern every time you try this section). Instead stay to the left of the balcony and shoot any terrorist you see and if there is none in sight but your team gets attacked from the left, leave sniper mode, position yourself on the right and dispose the threat. Usually the main target for the hostile forces is your team but if you happen to hear gun fire really clearly, hide as quickly as possible since a single hit might very well kill you instantly. And don't worry too much about your men as they can handle a lot of terrorists on their own if you aren't quick enough or if you have to deal with some other enemies. 3: Check the east wing. Tell your team to hold their position right at the beginning and open the first door. Peek inside and hide if attacked to kill two terrorists. Then enter the library and hide behind the first book shelf to your right. From here you should be able to shoot an enemy standing behind the far-most shelf on the left as well as an enemy waiting on the upper level at the left sets of stairs. Go to the next shelf and kill some terrorists running from table to table. When everything seems quite, go to the next shelf and use the motion tracker to see if an enemy still waits at the right sets of stairs. Sometimes he does and sometimes he can be shot earlier when he runs around seemingly aimless. Now comes quite a tricky part: Move up the stairs about half way and then run back down and hide behind the nearest book shelf as lots of enemies will spawn on the upper level and you wouldn't stand a realistic chance not to get hurt when fighting them on the upper level. Instead wait a few seconds here, then move out and zoom in on the far-off door where four enemies should have gathered by now. Dispose them by moving out in combination with aiming at one, shooting a few bullets at him and then hiding again. Now let your team follow you, walk up the stairs and go to the door up ahead. Use the motion tracker to see when two terrorists are suddenly spawned in the small room behind the door, then open it immediately and clear the room. Move on, on the upper level until you reach the second pair of stairs. Throw a frag grenade over the railing, look down and kill any remaining enemy (intel-briefcase #1). Now move down the stairs and keep an eye open both for any survivors and for the two doors at the end of the library as both will be opened for a surprise attack (first the right one, then the left one). Enter the hallway behind the waypoint and throw a grenade at the far-off right corner next to the table barricade and another grenade behind the barricade before really moving in. Take down any survivors and move along a bit further before once again commanding your team to halt. Open the door, peek inside to see where the enemies are, hide, peek again and kill the first bad guy. Repeat this until you've shot every enemy in the gallery. Enter the next room and go back right after as three guards will have gathered at the back of the gallery waiting for you to shoot them. After taking care of them, get your teammates back on your heels and move on into the museum. Go straight to the wall in front of you and zoom in to kill the first few of six terrorists. When you don't see any more, slowly move along the hallway in direction of the table and look around the corner to dispose the rest. Before going to the waypoint, tell your team to stay. Now enter the gallery through the new entrance and use the motion tracker to see two terrorists standing above you. Kill them on your own, then bring along your team and kill the two enemies in the next room to clear the first objective as Ding in this mission. 4: Interrupt the energy supply of the building. Enter the cellar and use your motion tracker when opening the door. This way you can easily get rid of the two terrorists in the first room (intel- briefcase #2). Open the next door, kill the patrol moving in front of you, step in to aim at the enemy to your far left, take cover behind the water tank just to your left and step out to shoot the guy at the end of the room. Before entering the next room, employ the motion tracker to catch a patrol off-guard right behind the entrance. Throw a frag grenade into the window and the way to the power-regulating machine is clear. 5: Check the west wing. Go back into the big brownish room and be prepared for a single enemy standing in front of the railing as well as an enemy standing far-off. Both can very well be discovered with the motion tracker just like the one in the next room. Now you really deserve the break-granting checkpoint. Once again use the motion tracker to shoot four terrorists once you have moved up the stairs but watch out for the one on your left who will run around pretty madly once he discovers you. Make your men stay and peek around the second corner to dispose two enemies which you should do rather defensively since they shoot quickly and aim well. Open the first door and go inside a few feet to trigger two enemies entering the hall: One from the left door and one from the centre door. First kill the centre one as he rushes in on you, then relax and aim at the left one who only sits in front of the door offering his head for an easy hit (intel-briefcase #3). Send your team up the centre row and split up by moving up the left row where an enemy will come through the door. Then let your men go through the centre door and assist them by going through the left one. Go around the corner and wait for two patrols to come from the left not even realizing you're there. Now go to the barricade up ahead, tell your team to stay there and position yourself in front of the right entrance to the library with your night vision goggles turned on. You will have to repeat the "hide behind the wall, peek around, aim, shoot and hide again-system" really often but isn't too hard to do. Just watch out for enemies storming into your hallway, although your teammates should do most of the work for these guys. Then take your men with you again and slowly search via motion tracker for any remaining enemies inside the library (intel-briefcase #4). 6: Rescue the hostages. Remember to keep your night-vision turned on! Step to the right of the waypoint and look to the left where you should see two terrorists. After shooting them, turn around, open the right door (intel-briefcase #5), traverse the room behind it and look inside the opening to your left where you should see another five enemies that can be killed from here. Follow the hallway and look into the small library to your left to deal with two more enemies. After reaching the next waypoint you will only have to clear out one single room to end the mission but this might be a bit tricky, since it does not only hold quite a few terrorists but also the hostages. Go to the far- most door and prepare your team for opening the door and throwing in a flash bang but don't give the Go Code just yet. Instead use the motion tracker and memorize where the hostages are crouching and where most of the kidnappers are. Now give the Go Code and wait until the flash bang has exploded before rushing in and taking down any enemy you see but definitely make sure not to hit a hostage or you will have to start again from the last checkpoint. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-2.5 Operation: Chimera-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-BB5 Player Character: Ding Chavez Additional Team Members: Annika Lofquist, Pak Suo-Won, Louis Loiselle Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: In the truck right after the start of the level. 2: In the hallway right after deactivating the third camera. 3: In a small room at the cooling hall. 4: In a storage room near the toilets in the underground section. 5: In a small room at the shooting range. 1: Gain entrance to the factory level. Open the first two doors, then activate the motion tracker behind the third one and command your team to told position. Once the two guards inside the adjacent room turn their back on you, open the door and kill them. Enter the garage and move a bit to the left allowing you to take down an enemy at the truck far-off. Then move a bit further to the left to kill an enemy hiding behind the crates in the truck. Once again move a bit more to the right to shoot a patrolling terrorist next to the truck. Order your team into the garage and make them hold position once again. Now you need to use the motion tracker in combination with swift moves and precise aiming to clear the open area on your own. See where an enemy awaits you and always first aim for the one that requires the least movement. If anyone should rush in on you, your team should be able to do the trick (intel-briefcase #1). With your men at your heels, enter the door to the right and surprise the three enemies inside on your right. Open the next door and hide at the left wall to make two enemies run into their doom. The next door is best opened by your team combined with a frag grenade which takes care of both terrorists standing there. Turn on the night vision goggles and open the next door yourself again and look outside to kill five terrorists just up ahead and an additional one hiding near the waypoint to your left. Turn off the night vision, go to the waypoint, make your team halt and kill three enemies around the corner on your own, before you and your men can enter the factory building to complete the first objective. 2: Deactivate the security system of the factory. Crouch and walk alongside the railing so you won't be seen by the sole terrorist whom you should kill by using the motion tracker when going up the stairs. Tell your team to stay there and run past the first camera to the second cauldron where you have to dispose two more enemies via motion tracker. Run parallel to the wall so you can reach the first camera. After deactivating it, open the door on your right, step outside and deactivate the second camera before bringing your team along. Tell your men to open the next door and to throw a frag grenade through it, but you will still have to watch closely and assist them directly after they have opened the door as you will face six terrorists in a small hallway. Again, command your team to stay and open the next door yourself. Prepare for two enemies in front of you as well as for another one to your right. After getting rid of them, slowly move in and hide at the computer panels on the left to the last camera. Wait for a terrorist to rush in on you and then deactivate the observation device. This will trigger two enemies to enter the hall from the right so be prepared. Move up the stairs (intel-briefcase #2) and let your team throw a frag grenade into the next room. Your buddies should be able to clear the room on their own, giving you the chance to watch your back as three enemies will come the way you just took. Afterwards hack the near-by computer. 3: Gain entrance to the underground complex. Climb the ladder, crouch and move on. You will not be seen by the hostile forces but your men will be able to attack the two enemies on the lower level. Once they're amidst a fire fight you might want to stand up and assist them. Afterwards use the motion tracker to easily dispose the last two terrorists of this level section around the corner. Go outside and tell your team to stop in front of one of the windows, because once you open the next door a sniper will spawn on a roof and your men will easily kill him this way. Take your team with you again, turn on the night vision mode and look into the big room without actually entering it. Kill the enemy to the far left, then enter the room, hide behind the first column and kill the remaining two enemies. While doing this, three more GLF members join you from the door located in the opposite corner of the room but they are easy to snipe. Turn off the goggles and use the motion tracker instead to shoot two enemies standing on the lower level to your right. After reaching the waypoint, wait at the corner in the hallway for a patrol to head into its doom and for two more enemies following him. Slide down the ladder, slowly walk down the stairs while crouching and wait for seven terrorists to run up. Get to the bottom, enter the hallway and wait for three enemies to come around the corner. Climb the two ladders and move on a bit to trigger the cut-scene. Now use the motion tracker and kill the first enemy to your left; peek a bit more into the room and shoot the remaining six GLF members with the assistance of your team (intel-briefcase #4). Then go to the next corner and shoot another two bad guys there to end the second level section. 4: Find the base commander. Slowly move around the corner to surprise three terrorists, then let your team open the door to your right and make them throw in a frag grenade which should be enough to deal with the three guards inside the room. Open the next door yourself and wait for two men patrolling on your left to come into sight and kill them. Go back to the beginning of the section and take a left instead of entering the small room. Make your team halt, wait for a sole enemy coming around the corner and then use the motion tracker to kill two more to your left (one of them hides behind some boxes) (intel-briefcase #4). Let your team follow you again and go into the toilet room on your right. After a few seconds the other door here will be opened and four terrorists will partly enter the toilets and partly stay behind the door so a frag grenade can be really neat here. Now make your team stay in the toilet room...yes, it's a torture, but heck, they're Special Forces!! Then go to the waypoint, look inside the near-by room and kill an enemy, before using your motion tracker to kill another one which should bait two terrorists from up ahead into the room. After shooting them, use the motion tracker again to clear the room. Go to where the two guards came from and use the motion tracker to easily dispose three enemies in the room to your left. If you're careful they won't even realize you're there. Open the door behind the waypoint make your team wait, follow the hallway, open the door and take care of the three GLF members practicing shooting as well as of those enemies coming through a door and a doorway and especially watch out for those taking cover behind the sand bags at the end of the corridor (intel-briefcase #5). Go around the corner and await a sole enemy rushing to you. Then throw a frag grenade into the opening on the left. Go to the next door without actually opening it. This will make two enemies spawn in the room behind the door, so go back and throw a frag grenade over the wooden wall into the room. It will probably not kill the terrorists there but at least make them come out so you can use the motion tracker to easily kill them separately. Now go through the door and be prepared for a GLF member to open the door to your left. Kill him as well as the five enemies behind him that won't leave their position. A frag grenade might work very fine here if used correctly. Now all you need to do is go into the tunnel to your left and there you'll find and automatically rescue Mergen. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=2.6 Operation: Bloodline=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-BB6 Player Character: Ding Chavez Additional Team Members: Jamal Murad, Eddie Price, Ayana Yacoby Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: Enter a room right after walking down the first set of stairs. 2: In the small cafeteria room. Take the left or the centre hallway after defending the intensive-care unit. 3: Next to some lady toilet rooms. You really can't miss this one. 4: In the cafeteria near the microwaves behind the counter. 5: In the office room right after the laundry room. 1: Advance to the intensive-care unit. Kill the terrorist around the corner; then position yourself in the small office room and wait for two bad guys to rush around the corner in front of you. After moving down a set of stairs kill two enemies on your left one by one (intel-briefcase #1). Stay behind the next door and aim for the GLF member standing in front of it before opening it. Once you have opened the door, instantly start shooting. Sometimes though, he stands behind the thin wall so employ the motion tracker to kill him. Afterwards use the motion tracker to kill another enemy behind the corner. Go through the left doorway and clear the oncoming hall by standing in the entrance and taking down the four guards. 2: Defend the intensive-care unit. Stay where you just were to complete objective 1 and prepare for quite a bunch of enemies rushing in from three entrances to the hall right up ahead. Most of them will run into the hall so you can shoot them from your safe position but some will stay in the hallways requiring you to hunt them down. But only do so when the situation has calmed down and make sure to check where exactly a terrorist awaits you by using the motion tracker (intel- briefcase #2). 3: Secure the hospital station. Go into the right hallway and wait for five GLF members to run into their doom. Walk down the stairs (definitely crouch here) but only half-way enabling you to see three guards standing at the end of the stairs. The right-most one will probably see you when shooting him, but the other two can be shot in the arm or in the leg when only these parts are visible. Enter the next room, kill a sole enemy behind the first column and entrap two more GLF members entering the room from the left. Follow the hallway to the only opening on the right and hide behind the blue laundry-containers until three enemies come into the sight in the adjacent room. Use the motion tracker to dispose two more bad guys so another room is clear. Step into the next hallway and prepare for two enemies to hide behind a bed and for two more terrorists to stand behind the first corner on your right. If one of these comes out, kill him first or he's very likely to cause some serious trouble. Then zoom in and aim for the barely visible heads of the cowards waiting at the end of the hallway. Once they are dead, move around the right corner and clear the hallway. Go to the next closed door, aim for an enemy, open the door and kill the first GLF member in there. Then peek inside more and more to get rid of three or four additional enemies before finally taking out the guy hiding behind the bullet-proof glass on the right to end the third mission objective and to reach the checkpoint. 4: Eliminate the terrorists in the cafeteria. Go down the stairs but only to a point where you cannot already see the end of them and use your motion tracker to see when two enemies will run to the stairs and back again. Now is the time to rush down yourself and catch them relatively off-guard. Step outside and watch for a sniper high up ahead before going to the right opening into the cafeteria. Open the door and quickly kill the terrorist standing behind a table in front of you. Go inside to shoot an enemy on your left and prepare for some terrorists to enter from the centre door of the cafeteria where you might want to throw a grenade at. Move on and look out for an enemy trying to surprise you behind the counter as well as for the last two GLF members in the cafeteria coming from the other end of the hall (intel-briefcase #4). 5: Rescue the hostage in the basement. Go to the centre door and take care of a sole enemy rushing in on you and you will have a safe trip through the next two hallways and the next room. Before entering the doorway with the green light above, use the motion tracker to know exactly where the next enemy is. Kill him and traverse the room which will make six (yes, six!) terrorists spawn in the next hallway. Two of them will come around the corner, providing two easy kills and the remaining four can be best killed by using the motion tracker to swiftly strafe and take down the one waiting a few feet away from the other ones and by throwing a frag grenade against the wall in the hallway so it bounces off and directly to the flock of enemies. Walk down the stairs to the basement and make your men halt. Throw a frag grenade at the door to dispose the first two GLF members standing behind it or at least one of them and rarely even all three and, if necessary, finish off the last one or two with another grenade-off- the-wall throw. Once again, aim at an enemy before opening the next door to kill him instantly. Rush in to kill the other guard on your right and move into his direction but looking to the left so you get three heads into your sight inviting you to land some headshots. Move on, use the motion tracker and take down the last terrorist in the laundry room. Open the door, kill two enemies coming from the right (intel-briefcase #5) and prepare for the rescue of the hostages, by which I mean: Park your team in some far-away place so they are given absolutely no possibility to accidentally kill Mergen. Now open the door and shoot the two enemies in plain sight and use the motion tracker to dispose the last kidnapper on your right. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=2.7 Operation: Bone Yard=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-BB7 Player Character: Ding Chavez Additional Team Members: Louis Loiselle, Jamal Murad, Renee Raymond Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: At the first intersection in the catacombs. 2: Right after completing mission objective #2. 3: Go through the first two sub wagons and down a ramp onto the rails. 4: On your left after walking up some stairs. You basically can't miss this one. 5: On the lower level in the subway station, inside a small room under a set of stairs. 1: Secure the terrorist hide-out. Make your team lob in a frag grenade when opening the door to the building. Rush in and crouch behind the boxes directly in front of you where you should clear the room and especially have a look at the door in the right corner up ahead as three enemies will come through it. Use the motion tracker when walking into the next room to kill another terrorist and to already finish the first objective. 2: Investigate the catacombs. Go down the ladder and move on until you reach an intersection where you need to kill an enemy around the right or left corner (it depends on how quick you have been up to here). You might try doing it with a grenade or by simply strafing around the corner and shooting him quickly (intel-briefcase #1). Stay here for a while until another GLF member closes in from the right way. After disposing him, move on via the left path where you should take a right at the next intersection. Then look to the left where you should be able to see the first waypoint as well as four enemies. Kill them one-by one by peeking out of your hallway and hiding again soon after. Go back to the previous intersection and take the other path to the waypoint as you will be able to zoom in and easily take down two terrorists up ahead from here. Before investigating any further, throw a frag grenade at where the second enemy stood to kill another guy around the corner. Now you can leave the first part of this level. Peek inside the first room without entering it to kill four enemies one after another but watch out for any of them to rush in on you, so have your team stand behind you. Next comes a relatively tricky part, since you will have to clear a crowded big hall. Turn on your night vision, zoom in and go to the next doorway, which will trigger a short cut-scene. Strafe a bit until you see an enemy. Kill him and move on, always stopping once you scout an enemy to take him down. Slowly move to the right wall of the short hallway and then move on in the direction of the great hall, "hugging" the right wall. You will trigger new enemies to enter the area from up ahead twice but don't worry: They won't run to your right, so you can concentrate on the left side of the stalagmite barricade. When the action seems over, go to the stalagmites and have a look in between them to see the last terrorist in here. Move on to the next doorway and look inside the adjacent room to dispose two GLF members on your right and also to fulfill the second mission task. Turn of your night vision goggles (intel-briefcase #2). 3: Secure the command centre. Step through the hole and into the next room where you take a left. Activate your motion tracker after passing the stairs to surprise an enemy behind the corner. Make your team halt and use the motion tracker to kill three more terrorists on the lower level before taking your men with you again and before reaching the next waypoint. Stop at the next corner from where you should be able to take down four enemies, three of them either standing far- off or running past you at medium distance and the fourth one waiting behind the near-by column. After having dealt with them, kill two terrorists inside the first sub-wagon. You can do this really easy, given they can't see you but you can see them through the windows (intel-briefcase #3). Now you'll be able to enter the third level section. 4: Find the leader of the Parisian cell. Go to the opening of the big room and await a patrol from the right. After having taken it down, five (!) GLF members will make their way on the right so be prepared and maybe lob a well-timed grenade at them. Go through the door and use the motion tracker to dispose a terrorist behind the left corner and one behind some boxes, reachable by closing in on the door up ahead. After going up the stairs and opening the door, don't be tempted too much by the intel-briefcase lying around. Instead of grabbing it instantly, slowly strafe towards it, while looking at the window-like opening on your right to kill two enemies. Stay there for a while and use the motion tracker to see a bunch of GLF members come up from the lower level to the end of the hallway in front of you, rushing in on you (intel-briefcase #4). Next, command your team to hold position and throw a frag grenade down onto the lower level. Have a look via motion tracker on how many of the four guards standing there have survived and if any of them rush up the stairs. If one does, retreat and wait for him to come. Then lob another grenade at the remaining enemies to wipe them out. If any of them should still have survived, use the motion tracker and attack them from above. You will know that the area has been cleared once you hear a radio message. Now the times has come to reach the next waypoint and to meet the leader of the Parisian terror cell. 5: Secure the subway station. After watching the really short and in my opinion pretty useless cut-scene, make your team halt and go to the door where you need to take down eight (!) enemies in a relatively small area. Use the motion tracker and don't try to be a hero. Just look where the hostile forces wait, peek out for a short moment and kill an enemy. Note that only two of them will come up the stairs on the right so you can pretty much concentrate on the left area. Get your team at your heels again and walk down the stairs on your right where you will encounter a sole terrorist on your way down (intel-briefcase #5). Proceed to the waypoint on the other side of the station and make your men stay there as they would be very likely to go down if they were to follow you into the last room of the level. Run around the corner (definitely do not crouch here or you'll be to slow) and along the left wall past the column to the edge leading into the next room. Now carefully strafe to the right and shoot down a sniper up ahead on the upper level before strafing a bit more to dispose a bad guy on the stairs to your left. Beware that the terrorists in this area seem to aim quicker and better than any before. Once you don't see any threat anymore, bring along your team again and move on a bit, which triggers some more GLF members to enter the hall from various entrances. Especially have a close look on the two big stairs in the right, respectively left, corner. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=2.8 Operation: Breakpoint=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=BB8 Player Character: Dieter Weber / Ding Chavez Additional Team Members: Eddie Price, Renee Raymond, Ayana Yacoby Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: On the lower level of the second storage hall. 2: Outside in the rain, where you complete the second mission objective. 3: In a room right after having taken down fourteen enemies (after the first waypoint of the third level section). 4: In a container on the first container yard you come across. 5: On container yard 3, reachable after killing the first six enemies here. 1: Protect Rainbow and GIGN. First of all, do not press any button while the cut-scene rolls. This way the first few enemies, which are very likely to hit one of your team members, will be taken down automatically. Afterwards go to the right-most window, shoot the sniper on your left and protect your team, seemingly being the only target for your enemies right now. Once you see a red arrow a bit to your left, go to the left-most window and kill the lone terrorist on the roof. Then go to the centre window and finish the objective which should be fairly easy by now as most enemies will come from up ahead, desperately trying to hide behind a few boxes. They will both attack you and the team but they're slow and they don't aim too well. 2: Investigate the storage-hall complex. Move to the right side of the first big shelf, a few feet away from it, and wait for a patrol to come into sight in front of you. Take your time as it won't face you but walk away from you. After having taken him down, five more terrorists will appear behind the dead body so let your crosshair rest there. Now use the motion tracker to kill two GLF members around the corner, one of them standing behind the forklift. Step outside of the hall, until you realize you're being shot at. Retreat into the hall and use the motion tracker to see that the attacker has come down the stairs to the toilets outside. As you now definitely know where he stands you can run outside and dispose him. If he doesn't want to leave his first position you will need to go back out again and kill him by having remembered where he is. Go up the stairs next and tell your team to stay there. Open the door and kill five terrorists waiting on the lower level. They cannot reach you directly and if they try to go through the lower door, your teammates will take care of them. Enter the hall and wait in front of the waypoint when sending your men onto the stairs to trigger four enemies opening the door behind the waypoint (intel-briefcase #1). After leaving this hall, watch out for the truck as two GLF members hide behind it. Zoom in and slowly move towards the right side of the truck and shoot as soon as you see one of the guys leaving his hiding place or when you see a leg or an arm. Enter the next hall and swiftly move around the first big crate to your right to take down a single enemy. Walk along the left wall to trigger a defending event (as I call it ^^). A couple enemies will rush in from both ahead and from a few doors on the upper level. When everything seems clear, use the motion tracker to eventually discover any remaining terrorists (when I played this, there were always still 4 GLF members behind a big box) and prepare for four enemies to open the door at the waypoint. A well-timed grenade can do most of the work here. After leaving the hall you will have completed the first objective as Chavez (intel-briefcase #2). 3: Secure the office of the harbor master. Enter just another hall and wait at the shelf to your right, using the motion tracker to surprise a patrol behind the shelf. Tell your team to stay here, put on the night vision goggles and enter the adjacent hall behind the waypoint. Move along the right wall and the boxes lying there until you see a short cut-scene. When it ends, instantly move back around the corner and stay behind the boxes. Move a bit to the right to kill two enemies standing on a platform, then peek around the left corner as there are four terrorists in close-range, but luckily they won't go to your position. After having killed them as well, there is a final enemy standing on a platform over the checkpoint, so dispose him and leave this level section. Go around the corner and shoot the patrol at the end of the path as well as the other one behind the window near the first enemy. Open the door, step in a few feet and wait for a terrorist to open the next door. After taking him down, go to the just-opened door and try to hit the three enemies on the right of the hallway just by shooting at an arm or leg of theirs. Then kill an enemy on the left via motion tracker and enter the room with the window you previously shot through. Between here and the waypoint up ahead there are three terrorists awaiting you, so aim quickly and precisely. Alternatively you might already have taken down two of them when they opened the door and went through it before retreating. Before actually going to the waypoint, use the motion tracker to dispose two enemies in a room to your left and another one just standing at the left side of the waypoint. Walk up the stairs, kill the single enemy there and make your team halt before the last turn as the next room is lots of fun to play on your own but it's going to give your men an extremely hard time if they accompany you. Look around the corner, zoom in and take down any enemy you see at the end of the hallway. Once you don't see any more joining the guards, hug the left wall and use the motion tracker to discover any remaining enemies both left and right. I cannot exactly tell you how many GLF members you have to shoot here, but I believe it might be fourteen (!!). The bad guys here will only very rarely leave their position to run towards you, so take your time. Go near the windows (still moving on your own) and use the motion tracker to get rid of two more enemies before this area has finally been cleared and you can get your team back (intel- briefcase #3). It doesn't need to have caught up with you before you get to the oncoming enemies, so while your men run towards you, already go down the stairs and await a terrorist opening the door after a few seconds. Simply crouch in front of it and aim in the centre of the door; you can't miss him this way. Then position yourself in the doorframe and kill two bad guys coming from the right. 4: Reach container yard 3. Leave the office, traverse a safe hall and go to the first container yard. The waypoint is straight up ahead and so are two enemies "guarding" it. Turn on your night vision and take them down on your way there before you can already finish another objective (leave your goggles turned on) (intel- briefcase #4). 5: Support the GIGN and secure the area. Move on to trigger six enemies rushing in on you from ahead. When you hear them speak, lob a frag grenade at the corner and then do the rest on close- range with your gun. Go through the open container and kill two GLF members hiding behind a stack of boxes on the other side (intel-briefcase #5). Stay left and go through another container, leading you directly to a bunch of terrorists currently shooting at the GIGN members, so don't waste too much time or you will instantly fail your mission if one of the French dies. Now go to the truck and protect your allies against the last few enemies until the mission is finally won. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=2.9 Operation: Leviathan=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-BB9 Player Character: Dieter Weber / Ding Chavez Additional Team Members: Roger McAllen, Renee Raymond, Ayana Yacoby Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: Near the arcade machines. 2: Behind the counter right next to a hostage in a big room. 3: On the parking deck. 4: Near the stairs right after defusing the first bomb. 5: In the room where the second bomb lies. You get there when running for the second bomb. Note: When I played this mission for the first time, I ended up with all my teammates killed right before the checkpoint (damn enemy spawning) and about 350 shots left although I had already restarted the level over and over again. Both is extremely counter-productive here and so I finally gave up on it when I reached the final room various times but always ran very low on ammo and on time. What I did now, was to start from the scratch, clearing the bridge only with my secondary weapon and mostly only shooting when I was sure to hit. Furthermore I protected my men as good as possible even risking my own life. Your own health doesn't matter too much here, but you will need your team in the final room, both to survive and to save time, and you need a lot of ammo on this boat trip (I had 500 rounds, all three men left and my life bar in the red at the checkpoint on my successful run). 1: Secure the mission starting zone. Turn on the night vision goggles and prepare for the best sniping action in this game so far. You don't have to think about leaving your position (as it is impossible), you don't have to protect anybody here (just do not hit the hostages) and the enemies aiming skills definitely show that it has been a long day for them. Just zoom out whenever you have killed somebody, zoom in on the next one and especially watch out for those being marked by a red arrow as they wield a bazooka. 2: Protect Rainbow. You are still Dieter Weber but now the helicopter moves forward parallel to the ship and you need to protect your teammates, but still this section is rather easy. Your buddies aren't really endangered and you aren't either as the terrorists keep missing you. Just aim relatively quickly and keep in mind that the tangos might come from just about anywhere. 3: Secure the bridge. Let your team halt in front of the right door and open the left one on your own, but don't go in. Step back a few feet and only shoot any enemy you can see from there as (game designer's galore) three terrorists will simply spawn directly in front of you. After having disposed them, take a look inside the bridge and slowly clear it. 4: Advance to the machine room. Open either door, go out, open just another door and after moving down the stairs, kill a sole patrol at the waypoint. Now command your teammates to stay in the small niche at the waypoint and open either door. One GLF member rushes to you, while another one will either open the other door, hopefully getting shot by your men, or he will follow his buddy (Sometimes even three will attack you). Then do the old trick of peeking into a room and sniping at a lot of enemies (I believe it might be thirteen). Watch out for the two doorways at the end of the room, though, as sometimes new terrorists enter the hall from there. Go to the waypoint (with your team again) and enter the bluish room where you should lob a frag grenade at the enemy standing there, since he is not the only threat: There are four tangos waiting in this room. After having dealt with them, order your team to stay here and go to the glass railing in front of the arcade machines to take down a single enemy on the lower level (intel-briefcase #1). When you get to the waypoint and kill the two enemies behind the arc-shaped wall you will know why not to have your team with you here: New GLF members rush into the hall from the right and from the left, some of them trying to hunt you down, some of them standing right in the hall and some others waiting behind the arc-shaped wall rushing in on you if you come too close. So shoot down the first two bad guys, go a few steps into the hall to trigger the attack, then instantly retreat to the arcade machines and fight off anybody following you. Then use the motion tracker to slowly rid the hall of the threat. Whenever you are being shot at and you cannot kill the one shooting at you, retreat, since he might be coming to you. Sometimes a frag grenade lobbed bouncing the arc-shaped wall can ease this area. After a total of twenty (!!!) enemies, get your team back on your heels and appreciate the small groups of GLF members you encounter next: Take down two around the corner after the waypoint (slowly strafe until you see their arms) and one at the end of the stairs (use the motion tracker and shoot him while standing on the stairs without him seeing you). Then use the motion tracker to dispose a tango around each corner as well as one between them. Take care not to do what I did the first time I got here: Around the left corner you will see a person crouching at the end of the room, but do not shoot him, as he is a hostage. Take your men with you and go around the right corner to the end of the big room where you will need to shoot four tangos behind or near the counter (a frag grenade works pretty well here) (intel-briefcase #2). After reaching the waypoint, once again advance all on your own, first opening the right door to kill a two-man patrol coming out of the door at the next waypoint and another enemy a bit left of that and then opening the left door to kill another guard behind the corner. The bazooka guys here should take themselves out. Now look down the railing to shoot three more GLF members and position your team at the door on the side of the waypoint. As you go down the stairs a few steps you will trigger some tangos spawning behind you and rushing to you, so head back once you hear the action. Then take your team with you again and go down all the way, killing four enemies on your way, before you can leave this section of the level. Instantly hide behind the corner at your back and let your team rest there. Turn on the night vision and peek out, aim, kill, retreat and repeat for a long, long time (for twenty enemies, once again). When you don't see any GLF members anymore, go to the corner on the other side and shoot anybody you see there. Throw a frag grenade at the centre area from time to time, as it is often used as a hideout. Once this area has been cleared, too, advance a bit on your own and retreat when you see new enemies just to repeat the whole procedure. Once the whole hall has been cleared, take your men to the waypoint (intel-briefcase #3). Let your team throw in a frag grenade when opening the next door or you might also use the motion tracker to aim at one of the two enemies awaiting you prior to opening it yourself, so you're able to hit one of them directly. Use the motion tracker to surprise a two-man patrol when opening either door and advance to kill another two terrorists behind the corner (motion tracker, again). 5: Find and defuse the bomb. Zoom in and kill the bad guy up ahead, go up the small set of stairs on your right and kill the enemy around the corner. Now close in on the hostage and the bomb but look to the left since you will stumble upon two terrorists there. A grenade might help. Let Price defuse the bomb while you walk over the bridge-like arc waiting in front of the soon-to-be-unlocked door, given you only have five minutes to defuse the second bomb. 6: Defuse the second bomb in the storage room. Go down the stairs (intel-briefcase #4), kill three enemies, move on to kill two more enemies there and then around the corner where you need to dispose another two GLF members around the corner (use the motion tracker). Open the next door and shoot five enemies in the next bigger room (motion tracker, again). Two more tangos await you before you need to enter the final room with an enemy hiding on the right, one hiding to your left, one being up on the higher level and three being at the far left end of the room. Send your team in first as your survival is far more important than the one of your teammates. Send them in and deal with the guy on your right giving you the opportunity to hide and to analyze the situation (intel-briefcase #5). Look where enemies are left, maybe throw a grenade or two and carefully clear the area but remember that you need to defuse the bomb which takes about six seconds. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-2.10 Operation: Lowlife-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=B10 Player Character: Ding Chavez Additional Team Member: Eddie Price Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: In the first small room you'll come across. 2: In the yard with the steam exhaustion. 3: Right after leaving the bar. 4: Around the corner from the market. 5: Near the car crash. 1: Eliminate armed persons. After the cut-scene ends, instantly run to the door on your right, open it and aim quicker than the guy behind the window. Since Price is in Defense- mode you cannot order him to follow you (what a great special unit, indeed) but you can assist him by walking up the stairs and shooting three enemies on the platform in the starting hall. If Price hasn't cleared the lower level by now, help him from up above. If you got hit or Price is really low on health or even beyond that, you might want to restart the mission now (intel- briefcase #1). 2: Hinder the KGB-contact from escaping. Leave the building and slowly peek around the corner to kill five terrorists which shouldn't be too much of a problem as they either look in the wrong direction or need to much time aiming. Go to the entrance of the next building and wait for four tangos to open the right door and basically walk into your crosshair. Make Price halt, go to the fence leading out of the building and take down five enemies at the waypoint (to the right of a car). This requires you to step out after a while, but when you do, watch out for a GLF member to show up above the waypoint, directly starting to fire at you. After traversing another building (together with Eddie), look up at a set of balconies where two tangos await you (intel-briefcase #2). Go through the doorway at the waypoint, look around the first corner and throw a frag grenade into the near-by room. If any of the four enemies there survive this, deal with them via your gun. Order Price to stay in the small room prior to the bar, move in yourself, hugging the left wall and once you hear any enemies come from the hallway near you, make Price enter the bar, too, so you can kill them from two sides (intel-briefcase #3). Make Price hold position once again, as you won't need him for the rest of the first part of this mission and as he would be very likely to die. Climb up a ladder and kill two GLF members outside on a ledge before you can leave the first level section. Tell Price to wait, open the door and retreat before carefully taking down the four terrorists in the storage hall. Take Eddie with you again and wait in front of the next door for two tangos to open it and to run into their doom. Go to the market and peek out to take down a few tangos not even realizing you're there, before they will finally recognize you. Now have a look onto the market until you see an enemy, attack him and retreat whenever you are shot at. Repeat this until you have killed twelve bad guys but watch out for not hitting one of the civilians around (intel-briefcase #4). Go through the next room and shoot an enemy which will cause two more enemies to close in on the position of the just-killed tango (intel-briefcase #5). Move on until you see the traitor waiting for you, go up the right set of stairs and shoot the two GLF members to our left. 3: Protect KGB-contact. When the cut-scene ends, throw a frag grenade at the end of the way you came from and shoot any enemy you see. Position yourself near the first lantern to the right and throw as many frag grenades both at the first set of stairs and at the door you came from. In between have a look and shoot a few rounds with your gun but neither rush in on the enemies or go into the small building. If you do, the target person can be easily shot down. After having fought off twenty tangos the mission is over. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=2.11 Operation: Sandstorm=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=B11 Player Character: Dieter Weber / Ding Chavez Additional Team Members: Louis Loiselle, Eddie Price, Renee Raymond Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: In a small room at the big, bazooka-infested yard. 2: In the second market place you come across. 3: On the large open field right at the beginning of the second section. 4: In a room to the right of a waypoint (where the left way takes you up a set of stairs and the centre way leads on). 5: Next to some stairs close to the end of the mission. Note: Although differently stated in the mission briefing, any fallen team members will in fact be rescued and will therefore be around in later missions again. 1: Search for the customer list of the weapon smuggler in his apartment. For the first time in a Weber mission you start as Ding rather than as the sniping specialist. Peek around the second corner and quickly shoot two enemies one by one. Let your men open the first door in combination with a flash bang and rush in to take down two terrorists, before making your team halt. Now open the next door on your own and use the motion tracker to position yourself perfectly for a frag grenade lob at the four tangos awaiting you. If any of them survives this, just run and gun, before using the notebook on the table. 2: Advance to the exfiltration point. Let your team stay in the previous room, open the door, retreat to the previous door and wait for a sole enemy to enter the room as well as for two more tangos running past the door leading outside. Step out and have a look if a bazooka wielding enemy awaits you in the far left corner on the lower level. If he does, kill him. Move along the right wall and hit a GLF member coming through a door nearby. Walk down the stairs, order your men to halt here (if you let them stay where they were, they will ignore your halt command over and over again from here on) and advance until you see a bazooka shot fly past your storey. Now retreat to the stairs, dispose a bad guy at the waypoint and throw a frag grenade behind the stairs to easily get rid of another tango (intel-briefcase #1). Enter the doorway and carefully approach the next set of stairs, as a terrorist will run up them. Now go down and use the motion tracker to swiftly move around the corner and zoom in on a tango. Make your teammates halt once again and make good use of the motion tracker to kill as many terrorists around the right corner as necessary. By that I mean, you don't have to shoot every single tango there is (as this is impossible here, given that new ones respawn after having taken down a squad) but that you will need to distract and kill as man of them as necessary until you and your men are able to go around the left corner without even coming near a hostile crosshair. Watch out for four civilians running around pretty wildly, especially when you need to eliminate the sole GLF member entering the first yard you come across. Enter the short corridor, order your men to stop and kill two enemies standing on balconies right around the corner as well as four terrorists on the yard (motion tracker) who partially tend to blow up themselves and a tango camping behind a window to your left, on your own (intel-briefcase #2). 3: Advance to the secondary exfiltration point. Still don't take your men with you but move on a bit onto the next market place until you see a short cut-scene, then immediately retreat (run, do not crouch) so you have a better position to eliminate four terrorists on your level, one behind a window on the left (watch out for the grenade he lobs at you) before you are allowed to enter the second level section. Step onto the open field (intel-briefcase #3: If you do not pick it up now, it will be way more difficult later on) and hide in the corner behind the bus as you will have to defend this area against about 25 (!!!) terrorists, most of which camp at the higher levels without moving the slightest bit but a few of them might also spawn on your level. While it is possible to make it through this attack all by yourself I found it way easier with all three teammates being in prefect shape when I came here on my second time through the mission. They will hide in some pre-fixed positions drawing most attention on them so you may also be a bit more risky and walk into the open and hunt down the tangos. Once you can move on, you will hear a call and see a new waypoint. Don't go there yet but look in its direction to dispose a few enemies entering the yard. Then immediately run to the waypoint and into the small alley next to it, leading to a safe room. Do not bother trying to clear the yard as it is impossible for new tangos respawn over and over again. Let your team open the next door in combination with a flash bang and rush in to take down three bad guys but watch out for the other door as it will be opened by another terrorist who you should kill quickly. Make your team stop, step through the door and retreat once you hear a bazooka being fired. Peek out repeatedly to shoot nine tangos standing either behind the counter or in the opening behind it (intel-briefcase #4). Advance to the waypoint and take down a sole enemy on your way. Go up the stairs on the left by yourself and use the motion tracker to take down four enemies on the roofs and balconies to your left. Open the centre door and go outside. 4: Find the next exit. Locate a sniper in a window via motion tracker and toss a grenade at him. Then wait for two attackers at the second corner and move on to the next corner. Step around quickly and shoot an enemy in the window right up ahead, go back around the corner and camp along the long street as two packs of four terrorists each will make their way from behind. Once again let your men lob in a flash bang when opening the next door and rush in to eliminate three tangos and another one into the next room, where you'll face two enemies. The third room is safe but when opening the fourth door, make your team throw in a frag grenade to dispose three terrorists. Go down the stairs and look up to shoot two more enemies (intel-briefcase #5). Go on under the bridge and use the motion tracker to easily kill a terrorist who's equipped with grenades, so beware. If you stand really close to the right wall of the alley going under the bridge, you might see another faint green spot on the right-hand side when making use of the neat gadget. Aim at the centre vase in the window and shoot as the bad guy stands directly behind it. 5: Protect Rainbow. What does the mission objective tell you? Right. It's Weber-time again. Instantly run to the left window since it takes a while for the first hostile forces to appear and as you will need to take down a bazooka-wielding enemy after some time, which is only possible from the left window. Then immediately go back to the first window until you will have shot two more bazooka guys. Return to the left window allowing you to hit a sniper in the far right corner. If you take care of these "special" enemies, the rest should be fairly easy: Your teammates usually are only endangered when you move around inside your building and otherwise the terrorists mostly aim at you and they do it pretty poorly. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-2.12 Operation: Archer-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-B12 Player Character: Ding Chavez Additional Team Members: Louis Loiselle, Eddie Price, Renee Raymond Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: Open the first door you come across on your right and go up to the highest storey. 2: Near the second waypoint. 3: In a small room with three doors guarded by two men; after completing objective #2. 4: At the entrance of the big waterfall cave. 5: In the last level section, in a natural pathway inside a hill. 1: Gain entrance to the main complex. Shoot the enemy around the corner to make another one run into his doom, zoom in on the stack of cardboard boxes and headshot the bad guy behind it, turn left to shoot the guard on the balcony far-off and look up at the window to your right for an easy kill. Turn left again and go straight to the small yard up ahead. On your way there concentrate on the two doors right in front of you. First the lower one will be opened by a patrol that ought to be eliminated quickly and after a while the upper one will be opened as well. If the bad guy here manages to get away, look up onto the roof as he will position himself there (intel-briefcase #1). Open the left door and make your way until you need to go down some stairs. Use the motion tracker and two swift strafing moves to take down two terrorists outside. Enter the next building and shoot the surprised guy down the next stairs. Order your team to stop and move along the left wall on your own until you close in on a relatively big yard. Use the motion tracker to see when the two terrorists guarding this area walk off to the left, then step onto the yard and shoot them in the back before letting your team join you again. Slowly go to the waypoint, watch out for three enemies coming by from ahead and make good use of the motion tracker to kill another one nearby (intel-briefcase #2). Go to the opening on the right and be prepared for two terrorists there. 2: Secure the main complex. Make your teammates halt, then open the two left doors after having used the motion tracker to know the exact position of the sole enemy here. After having disposed him, repeat at the right doors. Next is another one of those pesky defense-scripts. If you want to keep your men at a safe place, tell them to follow you, step into one of the doorframes leading outside and retreat a bit once the word "Defend" appears in the lower right corner of the screen. You need to block the passage in order to hinder your teammates from getting out of the building but you also have to be as far into the building as not to get hit by the hostile forces. After a while, the "Defend" will switch back to "Follow" again; now's the time for you to position your team in some safe place and to carefully clear the next area by combining the motion tracker with careful, but also quick moves. Get your men back at your heels and open the door just up the left set of stairs. Get in the building and zoom in on three pretty phlegmatic enemies near the waypoint. Close in on it now and eliminate the tango who's walking down the hallway up ahead (intel-briefcase #3). 3: Investigate the cave complex. Open either door near the checkpoint symbol and take down the enemy behind it on your own via motion tracker, before leaving the first level section (you don't have to eliminate every terrorist here; some of them just guard irrelevant rooms. Stop when you see the first enemy, shoot him and wait for another one to investigate the scenery, giving you the perfect opportunity to dispose him as well. The next two tangos (standing around the first left-wise corner) don't mean any trouble either just like the next one who patrols between the cave you are just in and the adjacent big cave. Position your teammates at the beginning of the short pathway connecting the two caves and look to the right side of the big area to shoot two terrorists. This will trigger fourteen tangos to spread across the far side of the cave. Get back into the pathway, turn on the night vision and kill them with the assistance of your men (intel-briefcase #4). Go to the other side of the lake, look into the adjacent smaller cave where a patrol should walk in your crosshair, and then use the motion tracker against another tango behind the corner. After hearing a call telling you about a ravine, proceed until you see another big cave. Take down three tangos from a distance with your goggles still turned on and then wait for two more enemies to enter the cave. Move on until you're getting shot at. Retreat a bit and peek through the small space between the right wall and a wooden bar to shoot a guard behind a barrel. Go along the river until you reach the next corner: Move around and quickly aim for the terrorist's head. Use the motion tracker to see where the next three enemies await you and lob a grenade at them. The survivors are best killed by using the motion tracker again and swiftly strafing around the corner. Leave the caves and hence the second level section. 4: Find and rescue Dieter Weber. Turn on the night vision goggles and step onto the open field to lure four tangos out of their cover right in front of you. Afterwards zoom in on behind the palm trees to take down another enemy. Enter the building to your right and look through the right exit to see and defeat two terrorists on a hill. Go to the smaller bungalow on the right and rush into it, killing two GLF members hiding behind a few boxes and barrels. Advance to the hill where two tangos used to stand on and enter a rocky passage, but watch out for the sole enemy guarding it (intel-briefcase #5). Move on and wait at the exit as you can kill two GLF members on your left from here. Proceed along the right wall until you reach a waypoint and three bad guys. Quickly dispose them and run into the cave; don't bother too much about any remaining terrorists in your back, just run, make your team halt and await them. Step out of the cave (alone) and snipe away two guards on the roofs to the right (luckily, one of them doesn't know you're there until you hit him). Now you might want to return to normal view. Go to the door, open it and use the motion tracker to clear the room from four enemies (a frag grenade bouncing off the wall really helps here) before you can get to Weber and the interrogator both being in the adjacent room. The bad guy hides behind Weber so watch out not to fail the mission and especially do not have your team with you here or they seriously endanger Weber. 5: Defend exfiltration zone until exfiltration. Quickly proceed to the door in the direction of the level ending symbol and let Weber run out. Throw a frag grenade near the entrance to the small hut in front of you and once the fire ceases for a short time, step outside and throw a grenade to the car on the left since there are four new enemies. Afterwards go through the bungalow and onto the exfiltration area. Your teammates will go into defense-mode fighting off waves of terrorists from the left (behind the broken wall) and to the right (at the entrance of a bungalow). Don't just hide anywhere hoping for the best, but stand to the right of the right bungalow doorframe. If there are enemies at the left side, you can zoom in on them, if there aren't, look into the door to surprise any GLF members closing in from there. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=2.13 Operation: Catalyst=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-B13 Player Character: Ding Chavez / Dieter Weber Additional Team Members: Annika Lofquist, Pak Suo-Won, Ayana Yacoby Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: In the hall where you complete objective #1. 2: Right after the first waypoint in the office complex. 3: In the cooling chamber next to the kitchen (very soon after the beginning of level section #3). 4: In a short dead-end on your way to the coding control panel. 5: Open the first door on the right after passing the last waypoint. 1: Find and secure the weapon delivery. Make your men halt before opening the second door, giving you the possibility to carefully dispose the first two tangos by using the motion tracker. While still moving on alone, go to the small set of stairs ahead and zoom in on the great hall where you should be able to take care of all seven enemies on your own (intel briefcase #1). 2: Investigate the office complex. Open the door and quickly shoot the terrorist on your left. Then let your team rest again and peek into the adjacent storage hall to kill six more GLF members. Proceed near the waypoint, but don't reach it just yet. Throw a grenade at it instead, since is it guarded by two bad guys, and then use the motion tracker to lob another one perfectly at two more tangos. Go up the stairs and surprise two guards who shouldn't even see you. Enter the next room on the right and take down another terrorist. Move on until you see the waypoint, halt and expect a sole enemy coming out of the left room. Leave your teammates alone one more time, open the door at the waypoint and make good use of the motion tracker against three GLF members (intel-briefcase #2). Now awaits the perfect situation for your team to be used: Opening the first door is absolutely safe, but make your men open the second one in combination with a frag grenade. This should be enough against the four terrorists securing the crucial PC. 3: Rainbow must not be detected. This is definitely one easy Weber-mission. All you need to do is stand at the right sniping place and take down about five tangos. Don't worry about the whole not-being-detected stuff as your men will never ever count as being found. Instead quickly dispose the sole enemy sniper on a balcony and note that your gun here is no one-hit-killer as it used to be. 4: Secure Vanderwaal's cellar. Back to Chavez again: Open the first door, run through it and quickly shoot the guy to your left behind the couch. Then go to the right door open it yourself again, take down the tango in front of you and lay your crosshair on the left door, connecting the kitchen and the cooling chamber, as it will be opened by an incautious GLF member (intel briefcase #3). Head back to the living room and let your men open the centre door in combination with a frag grenade which should be sufficient for the two guards inside the laundry room. Now position your team in some safe place and open the last door available (watch out for the guard waiting right behind it, though). After having eliminated the sole enemy, step back to the wall behind you to dodge a frag grenade. Afterwards take revenge by lobbing a frag grenade (or phosphor grenade) into the right part of the now-opened room and step in to shoot down any survivor of those three terrorists awaiting you there. Now advance on your own to kill four more enemies in the rooms ahead to finish the next objective but be prepared for a tango to open the door at the waypoint just when you have done so. Move up the stairs, shoot the guy in the hall at the end of the hallway and "enjoy" the cut-scene. 5: Find the encoding code of the office. Now it's time for some strategic run-and-gun-action: Go up the stairs to the waypoint, through the door and take your time to kill three enemies at the first intersection before simply following the only possible way and swiftly shooting five terrorists before you get to use the first crucial control panel (intel briefcase #4). This time-restricted section is way easier than in the Leviathan-mission and the time-limit is more than sufficient so don't get too hectic or panicky. 6: Download Vanderwaal's data. The timer hasn't stopped yet, so head back to the big hall (watch out for two tangos entering the leisure room) and enter the hallway behind the last waypoint of this level. If you don't want to pick up the last intel briefcase you will only have to open the left door and take down six more enemies (don't forget you need the time to operate two more PCs) but if you do, open the right door first ant take care of two GLF members in the small library (intel briefcase #5). If you feel like having lots of time left, use it and act cautiously. When I tried this for the second time I had 1:24 left on the clock and even if you manage to die here: Coming to this point from the last checkpoint should only take about five to six minutes. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-2.14 Operation: Red Scythe-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-B14 Player Character: Ding Chavez Additional Team Members: Jamal Murad, Roger McAllen, Ayana Yacoby Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: In a small room after fighting off 22 enemies. 2: Behind the surveillance center, after completing objective #2. 3: In a small room right after entering the theatre area. 4: Open the right door in front of a barricade blocking a hallway. 5: In a room on the left, directly after rescuing the hostages. Note: In this mission you better watch your ammunition or, like in Leviathan, you might find yourself relying on the pistol in the end. When I completed this level I had about 25 shots left. 1: Secure the main entrance. Leave your team right at the beginning, open the first door and kill the first two enemies without entering the room. This will trigger five additional tangos to enter the room from the left and from up ahead. Take down as many as you can until you need to retreat. No one will follow you, so take your time and carefully clear the room. Next, use the motion tracker near the left door to eliminate the last two terrorists. 2: Establish an uplink to the surveillance system. Get your team at your heels and proceed through the first door on your left until you reach a small exhibition hall guarded by two patrols that ought to be easily killed. Make your men halt near the door in this room, proceed to the corner up ahead, kill the sole GLF member behind the vases and retreat around the corner. There will be twenty-one (!!!) enemies either rushing in on you (that's why you retreat and why you let your teammates cover you from behind) or waiting in the adjacent exhibition hall. Just crouch at the waypoint and await any terrorist willing to run into his doom. If nobody comes anymore, peek around the corner and try to shoot someone before retreating and waiting again. Enter the small room on the left which contains two enemies, first (intel briefcase #1), before going to the next waypoint. Proceed slowly and zoom in on the third exhibition room to take down three tangos relatively easily. Leave the museum area, make your team halt again and take care of four enemies in the computer area. Luckily, the terrorists don't seem to be able to see through glass (for whatever reason), so use it to your advantage. Then approach the left door, but don't open it yourself. Instead wait for the two GLF members behind it to do so. Eliminate them. Enter the room they came out of and look at the door frame in the far left corner as two bad guys will come through it. 3: Disable the terrorists' satellite transmitter. Proceed to the waypoint (intel briefcase #2), open the door and wait for a patrol to come into sight from the left. Order your men to stop, use the motion tracker to precisely throw a grenade at the flock of five enemies and then use the motion tracker again to take them down one-by-one with your gun. 4: Deactivate the biological fuse system. Get back into the building via the lower entrance and take care of three GLF members around the corner before reaching the waypoint. Locate the next four terrorists via the motion tracker and lob a grenade at their feet. Finish them off with your gun. Move around the far-off corner but prepared for a quickly-reacting sole bad guy (intel briefcase #3). Once again command your men to stop, pass the waypoint, take down a sole terrorist and retreat as you have triggered twelve tangos to storm the hall. Risk a quick look, eliminate an enemy and retreat again, which you need to repeat over and over again. 5: Search for the hostages in the second storey. Leave this level section. Wait at the beginning of the stairs for four bad guys to come along (a grenade works really well here). Go to the glass door and let the hostile forces open it. Advance to the entrance of the hallway, take down six enemies on the way and watch out for three more to spawn right in front of you, on the carpet inside the passage. Use the frag grenade / rush - command on the right door to dispose two GLF members (intel briefcase #4). Repeat for the opposite door, but use a flash bang instead of a frag grenade and run in yourself to deal with the two bad guys. Proceed to the metal detectors and wait for six enemies to come from the right. 6: Secure the hostages. Step behind the metal detectors and observe the door to your right as two GLF members will go there. Then let your men open the first door on the left with a flash bang and open the other left door yourself to enter the hostage room. There are three hostages on the right and four GLF members to the left of them so you don't need to worry too much about hitting any civilians. 7: Stop the terrorists from escaping. Step into the next hallway and command your men to clear the room on the far- left via a frag grenade (intel briefcase #5), if you refrain from doing so, the two bad guys waiting there will fall into your back soon. Repeat this for the room opposite of the last waypoint before peeking around the corner in the hallway where five enemies will appear. Don't be too self-confident here or they will probably kill you rather quickly. Just have a look, kill one or two and retreat. If any of them rushes in you, you and your men shouldn't have a hard time dealing with him. As you move up the stairs, use the motion tracker to see the only terrorist waiting on top and give him an easy headshot. Tell your teammates to open the door leading outside and to lob a flash bang. Once all your men have stepped out, do so yourself and assist them in taking down six tangos. When you have done so, two more enemies come up the stairs on the left, so be prepared. Proceed to the other side of this area and watch out for some more terrorists on the left who even launch some rockets at you. Hide somewhere near and carefully shoot them. Right afterwards you need to turn around and kill four tangos at the now-opened door behind you. Get there and you are relatively safe for the rest of the mission: All you have to do now is to take down some more enemies waiting where you came from. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-2.15 Operation: Citadel-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=B15 Player Character: Ding Chavez Additional Team Members: Annika Lofquist, Louis Loiselle, Jamal Murad Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: You can see this one lying behind a window, but it is only reachable when passing the second waypoint. 2: In the hallway where you begin the second level section. 3: On the right, directly after entering the bio lab. 4: In a small room, reachable from the sleeping room in the barracks. 5: Move up the stairs in the far-left corner of the hangar. Note: Like Leviathan and Red Scythe, this mission requires some serious ammo preservation. When I played this level I killed 140 terrorists (plus an additional 21 shot by my team-mates), I fired off 1025 bullets (so you see, I also used the pistol quite a lot), had a hit percentage of 49 (506 bullets hit their target) and I had about 15 shots left in my primary weapon. Try to aim for the head whenever you're not in a hurry and if you need to clear an area with tangos that actually don't move that much you should consider using the secondary weapon. 1: Gain entrance to the HQ. Enter the second tower and kill two tangos down the small set of stairs after having listened to their dialogue (optional) and slide down the ladder. 2: Deactivate the security system. Step in front of the window and take down the enemy with your secondary weapon (to preserve ammo); then send your men to the far-left end of the hallway, open the right door and carefully peek into the next room to dispose five terrorists, before making Lofquist hack the console. Once she did, quickly aim at the sole GLF member upstairs behind the now-opened door (given you haven't shot him when he was standing behind the window). Order your team to hold their position and open the door on the upper level. You will need to eliminate nine tangos to clear the area and you better act carefully. Some enemies hide behind the computers and some will rush into the hall from a door on the upper level, when certain terrorists are dead, so do not enter the hall. However, if you need to because a GLF member is behind cover, retreat as soon as you have taken him down. Enter the small room on the higher storey and take care of two enemies beneath you through the lattice tiles (use the motion tracker). Open the door at the waypoint just to the right of the stairs, enter the last room on the left (intel briefcase #1), position your team here and now enter the other room that is reachable from the hallway. Traverse the rest rooms and look through the door frame to shoot seven terrorists behind the window. Get your team back at your heels and let Lofquist hack the security system while you open the next door and position yourself in the dead-end in front of you. Once the smart Swedish hacker has finished, quite some enemies will head your direction, but you can avoid most of the fight by being where you are since this is where the end-of-level- section symbol appears. 3: Advance to the biological laboratory. Look around the left corner to get rid of three tangos before repeating this for five tangos at the right corner (intel briefcase #2). Let your men halt in the room behind the waypoint, open the next door and carefully take down four enemies by zooming in, strafing and retreating. Once you've cleared the area ahead, dispose two more GLF members behind the corner. Still proceed on your own, open the next door and eliminate eleven terrorists without entering the hall they're in. Now take along your team again and clear a hall containing eight enemies via motion tracker and quick aiming. Position your men near the boxes lying at the entrance of the hall, before moving to the waypoint on your own, because when you reach it a trigger causes eleven enemies to breach the two closed doors and to rush into the hall. When you reach the waypoint, pick up a grenade, aim at either door and release the button the instance the door have been opened. You and your team should be able to inflict a nice amount of damage easily by attacking from two sides and you may even retreat behind the boxes near you for a brief moment if you need to. Let Lofquist hack the gate and take care of three tangos behind it. Then move on to an open door and slowly take down four GLF members in the adjacent room. 4: Secure the bio lab. Use the panel to open the door to the bio lab and aim through the door frame at two terrorists on the right side. If you aim fairly quickly, they won't even realize you're there (intel briefcase #3). Move on alone and use the motion tracker to ease your fight against three terrorists in the other section of the room. Open the next door and try to quickly land to headshots before the guards can react. Proceed to the turn in the hallway and shoot four more bad guys from a distance. Enter the next hall and somewhat try to get at least a bit of cover under the low ceiling on the left when nine tangos rush in on the upper storey. Hopefully you still have some team- members left or else you will really need to aim quickly. When moving up the stairs to proceed, watch the door you came from, since a few enemies will try to launch a surprise attack from there. Open the last door in the bio lab and take down three easy victims, before being able to leave the second level section. 5: Secure the barracks. Go around the corner and wait for lone patrol to come into sight (use the secondary weapon to preserve precious ammo). Give the command to open the door and to throw in a flash bang before rushing in and finishing off four tangos. Send your team back into the circle room, turn on the night vision goggles and open the next door. Stand left of the door and strafe in to aim at the head of the GLF member just in front of you. When he's down, strafe back again, wait for about a second and strafe in again. You should now have another head right in your crosshair, so trigger. Repeat this until no new terrorists appear; then you need to shoot a few more bad guys in this area until you will have taken down a total of twelve in this hall. Enter the hall and look outside through the first window on the right to see a far-off guard. Now advance near the tunnel to see and eliminate another enemy hiding behind some crates before peeking around the corner and shooting three more terrorists one-by-one. Still move on alone, with your night vision turned on and open the door. Switch to your secondary weapon and kill eighteen GLF members in the sleeping hall. While doing so, always have a look for the door in the far-left corner as many enemies actually spawn there. If you can't see any adversaries left, use the motion tracker and eventually toss a grenade at some of them, given they stand in another room (especially useful against those guys in the small, right room (intel briefcase #4). 6: Secure the hangar. Climb down the two ladders, hide your men in the right corner of the small room and open the door. Since the hangar is pretty huge you better turn on the night vision and cautiously aim at two tangos. Afterwards new GLF members will rush into the hangar, but you can take your time and stay where you are to eliminate all nine of them (intel briefcase #5). Actually you might use the secondary weapon here again, if you're low on ammo, given most enemies won't rush to your position. Now there should be four doors left closed. Go to those two that can be opened by you, use the motion tracker, open the lower door and lob a grenade at the three tangos to wipe them out instantly. Then hide inside the room, as the last terrorist will have opened the other two doors and desperately tries to guard the hangar. Use the motion tracker one more time and you should have an easy time killing him. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=2.16 Operation: Lockdown=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-B16 Player Character: Ding Chavez / Dieter Weber Additional Team Members: Louis Loiselle, Jamal Murad, Eddie Price Location of the intel-briefcases: 1: Take a right at the second tunnel intersection in the dungeon. 2: In a small room to the left, just when having cleared objective #1. 3: In the area full of big halls (shortly after securing the bio lab). 4: On the upper level in the great hall just before leaving the second Chavez-level-section. 5: In the first room of the last level section (it's basically impossible to miss). 1: Secure the dungeon. Look around the corner and take down three enemies, before moving on to the second intersection where you need to wait and eliminate two tangos on the right. Take a right and use the motion tracker against another terrorist waiting behind a corner. Open the door and make good use of the motion tracker to make a grenade bounce off the wall right at four GLF members (intel briefcase #1). Open the next door and quickly aim to the left where a four-person patrol comes from. If you don't succeed in eliminating them directly, retreat and act carefully. Proceed to another door, open it (if you let your team throw in a frag grenade, it will bounce off the column and hit you, so don't do it) and take care of an enemy next to the waypoint and of one behind the column (use the motion tracker for both of them). Move on until you reach an intersection: Wait for two terrorists to rush in from the right and after having dealt with them, run and gun to the left and around the whole circle shaped hallway to eliminate two more tangos. Order your men to stay here before proceeding alone and opening the first door on your left. Aim at the head of the only GLF member you are able to see from the doorframe to trigger some more to enter the room. Take your time and peek in to shoot anybody you see (use the motion tracker), then go to the other door and kill any remaining bad guys there. If you hear a door being opened while dealing with the first door, instantly look to the right, retreat and quickly take down any enemy who might have entered the hallway. This area contains a total of nine enemies (intel briefcase #2). 2: Proceed to the inner yard. Move up the stairs, around the first corner and stop at the second corner to attack seven enemies. 3: Protect Rainbow. Weber-time again. Stay at the left-most window and simply aim at those guys coming out of two doorways beneath you. After a while a red arrow will indicate a bazooka-wielding enemy high up on the right, so simply move to the centre window and take him down. Stay here and take down some more tangos coming from the left, but also some on the walls in front of you. After eliminating two more snipers, go to the right-most window, so you can see another bazooka-guy coming. Afterwards return to the centre window and "simply" look out for tangos coming from the walls in front of you, on the roof to the right and from two doorways on the ground on the right as well as for some snipers and bazooka-guys. Only switch windows if you need to retreat for reloading, but if you can: avoid moving; just aim quickly. 4: Secure the bio lab. Go down the stairs and look inside the building to take down five terrorists, but only one by one, given they shoot precisely. Enter the second room of the bio lab and look into the next one to shoot the last three GLF members necessary to complete the mission objective. Move up the spiral staircase where you should make your teammates halt. Turn on the night vision, carefully advance a bit until you see enemies rushing into the hall, then retreat. Try to use both the staircase and the stack of boxes as cover when slowly disposing the five tangos. Then you and your men should move on to the other side of the hall where you need to look right and take down another five enemies (intel briefcase #3). Make your men hold their position again and while still having the night vision turned on, slowly step around the second left turn after the waypoint. You will see nine terrorists there out of which some might even rush in on you if you act to quickly. So really take your time and nearly crawl around the corner always instantly shooting whatever moving object you see. Again, position your men on a spiral staircase, make sure the night vision is still on and advance on your own. Stop at the end of the stairs, crouch and hide at the left wall, while still being on the staircase. Zoom in on anybody you see and then advance a few more steps allowing you to look at the upper end of the next set of stairs where a lot more tangos await. After having dealt with them as well you should have taken down fourteen GLF members in this hall. Go up, return to normal view, get your team back at your heels, turn right and use the motion tracker to fight two terrorists behind the corner (intel briefcase #4). Leave this level section. 5: Stop Vanderwaal. Use the motion tracker to see what the terrorists here are doing. If they run away: Open the left door and kill the sole enemy (intel briefcase #5). Command your men to halt and prepare for grenade-galore: Go to the waypoint, use the motion tracker and let a grenade bounce off the right wall in the next room to hit as many as possible of the six enemies there. When I tried it, I hit five of them, with the last one standing behind the furthest wooden bar. Use the motion tracker again to clear the room. If they stay either in the windmill room or close to it: Open the left door and carefully take down the four enemies before proceeding to the waypoint. Then enter the next room together with your team and wait for four tangos to open the door. Dispose them quickly, before stepping through the doorframe. Proceed to the corner and kill four enemies (watch out if any of them come around the corner). Position your men at both sides of the door and open it yourself, since five tangos await you right behind it. Kill the first one with your gun, then throw in a grenade and finish them off with your fire weapon. Look outside through the hole in the stone wall behind the next doorframe to take down seven terrorists with ease (eventually use the motion tracker and a grenade against some bad guys standing on a set of stairs leading down). Do not even try to hit Vanderwaal, who keeps strafing on the wall ahead, but run down the stairs, throw a grenade behind the far-right corner and use the motion tracker to kill quite some tangos. Once the only adversary around is Vanderwaal, move around the circle-shaped platform in the centre, go up the small set of stairs, triggering a short cut-scene. Afterwards hide behind the boxes and when you are not being shot at, look at where the nemesis should be at the moment and finish him off. Congratulations: You have just finished Rainbow Six Lockdown. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.0 Controls CCC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First-Person-Settings: Configuration A (Standard): A button: Action B button: Go-Code / Hold Position & Follow X button: Reload Y button: Night Vision R button: Fire L button: Use Item Z button: In combination with A: Switch Weapons In combination with B: Switch Items Control Stick: Move C Stick: Move View Left on the D-Pad: Lean to the left Right on the D-Pad: Lean to the right Up on the D-Pad: Zoom / Return to normal view Down on the D-Pad: Crouch / Stand up again Configuration B: A button: Reload B button: Action X button: Go-Code / Hold Position & Follow Y button: Night Vision R button: Fire L button: Use Item Z button: In combination with B: Switch Weapons In combination with X: Switch Items Control Stick: Move C Stick: Move View Left on the D-Pad: Lean to the left Right on the D-Pad: Lean to the right Up on the D-Pad: Zoom / Return to normal view Down on the D-Pad: Crouch / Stand up again Configuration C: A button: Action B button: Go-Code / Hold Position & Follow X button: Night Vision Y button: Reload R button: Fire L button: Use Item Z button: In combination with A: Switch Weapons In combination with B: Switch Items Control Stick: Move C Stick: Move View Left on the D-Pad: Lean to the left Right on the D-Pad: Lean to the right Up on the D-Pad: Zoom / Return to normal view Down on the D-Pad: Crouch / Stand up again Sniper-View-Settings: Configuration A (Standard): A button: Zoom / Return to normal view X button: Reload Y button: Night Vision R button: Fire L button: Hold Breath Control Stick: Move C Stick: Move View Configuration B: A button: Reload B button: Zoom / Return to normal view Y button: Night Vision R button: Fire L button: Hold Breath Control Stick: Move C Stick: Move View Configuration C: A button: Zoom / Return to normal view X button: Night Vision Y button: Reload R button: Fire L button: Hold Breath Control Stick: Move C Stick: Move View Furthermore you can switch the function of the R and L button in both controller settings to ease controls for lefties although I personally doubt that this helps in any way. I guess it would have been a better idea to switch the Control Stick and the C-Stick but feel free to tell me if you are having a good experience with this option. If you want to change the fire mode, hold the reload button to open up a menu e.g. for switching from burst fire to single shot fire. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4.0 Characters DDD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __________________ Ding Chavez (USA):| Specialty: Leading Who named this guy? Seriously: Is Ding really a name? I don't mean to insult anybody but here in Germany Ding both is the German word for thing and it is the onomatopoeia for e.g. hitting a glass with the fork and such sounds. Anyway, Ding has been included in every Rainbow Six game as far as I know and here he even is the main playable character. Update: Apparently Ding is a short form of Domingo; thanks to Kevin Driscoll for this info. Update #2: Ding (Domingo) Chavez is in every game because he is a very important character. He worked with John Clark many times before Rainbow Six came to be, he is married to John's daughter, Patsy (short version like "Ding"). He is an important character in a few of Tom Clancy's books, all of which are excellent if you like that subject matter. When Rainbow Six was set up, there were two teams which could be deployed to a crisis should one arise. Ding was the leader of Team 2. I simply quoted this from g_man1679, only correcting some typos. Thx for the info. ___________________ Dieter Weber (GER):| Specialty: Sniping Dieter is the second playable team member besides Ding but he only relies on his sniping rifle. You can leave sniping mode to move around freely (which unfortunately isn't possible when in sniper mode) but you're very restricted in terms of useful positions. _________________ Eddie Price (GB):| Specialty: Assault __________________ Jamal Murad (EGY):| Specialty: Assault ____________________ Renee Raymond (USA):| Specialty: Assault ___________________ Ayana Yacoby (ISR):| Specialty: Assault ____________________ Pak Suo-Won (S-KOR):| Specialty: Recon ____________________ Roger McAllen (CAN):| Specialty: Explosives ______________________ Annika Lofquist (SWE):| Specialty: Electronics _____________________ Louis Loiselle (FRA):| Specialty: Assault Every character can use any weapon and any item so feel free to create the team you like best. So far I haven't made out any certain differences between your team members and I personally doubt that there are any but if you have made different observations, let me know and I'll check them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5.0 Weapons EEE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When I played this game on challenge, I simply equipped an SA58 to Ding in every mission and combined it with the standard pistol, phosphor grenades and the motion tracker. That's all I did. Of course you can customize your teammates and there are better weapons for Ding to be unlocked, but, to be honest, I just didn't want to waste any time equipping my team and I wanted the challenge of completing the game only with those weapons being available from the start and I might say: It works pretty well. Suggestion: Unlock the 90TR as soon as possible if you have problems beating a mission. It has great stats overall and its ammo capacity also surpasses most other weapons. Thx to David McIntee for this hint. _______ Rifles:| M36C Fire Modes : Single, full auto Ammo Capacity: 45 Caliber : 5.56mm Length : 720.00mm Sights : Scope Country of origin: Germany Damage : Medium Accuracy : Medium SA58 Fire Modes : Single, full auto Ammo Capacity: 30 Caliber : 7.62mm Length : 840.00mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: United States Damage : High Accuracy : Medium AS9 Fire Modes : Single, full auto Ammo Capacity: 30 Caliber : 9.39mm Length : 875.00mm Sights : Scope Country of origin: Russia Damage : Medium Accuracy : High MTAR-21 Fire Modes : Single, full auto Ammo Capacity: 30 Caliber : 5.56mm Length : 480.00mm Sights : Red dot Country of origin: Israel Damage : Medium Accuracy : High SR-4 CQB Fire Modes : Single, full auto Ammo Capacity: 30 Caliber : 5.56mm Length : 757.00mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: United States Damage : Medium Accuracy : Medium WA2000 Fire Modes : Single Ammo Capacity: 12 Caliber : 7.62mm Length : 904.75mm Sights : Scope Country of origin: Germany Damage : High Accuracy : High ________________ Submachine guns:| MP5/10 Fire Modes : single, 3rd burst, full auto Ammo Capacity: 30 Caliber : 10.00mm Length : 660.00mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: Germany Damage : Medium Accuracy : Medium PP-M1 Fire Modes : Single, full auto Ammo Capacity: 32 Caliber : 9.19mm Length : 424.00mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: Russia Damage : Low Accuracy : Medium MP7SD Fire Modes : Single, full auto Ammo Capacity:40 Caliber : 4.60mm Length : 340.00mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: Germany Damage : Medium Accuracy : High UM9 Fire Modes : Single, 3rd burst, full auto Ammo Capacity: 30 Caliber : 9.19mm Length : 600.00mm Sights : Red dot Country of origin: Germany Damage : Low Accuracy : High 90TR Fire Modes : Single, full auto Ammo Capacity: 50 Caliber : 5.70mm Length : 500.00mm Sights : Scope Country of origin: Belgium Damage : High Accuracy : High _________ Shotguns:| MIS 90 Fire Modes : Single Ammo Capacity: 9 Caliber : 12.00 gauge Length : 886.00mm Sights : Red dot Country of origin: Italy Damage : High Accuracy : Medium MG7 Fire Modes : Single Ammo Capacity: 9 Caliber : 12.00 gauge Length : 550.00mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: South Africa Damage : High Accuracy : Medium SPS 15 Fire Modes : Single Ammo Capacity: 6 Caliber : 12.00 gauge Length : 1000.00mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: Italy Damage : High Accuracy : Low AS12 Fire Modes : Single, full auto Ammo Capacity: 20 Caliber : 12.00 gauge Length : 960.00mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: South Korea Damage : High Accuracy : Low ___________________ Light Machine Guns:| M73E Fire Modes : Single, 3rd burst, full auto Ammo Capacity: 150 Caliber : 5.56mm Length : 1030.00mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: Germany Damage : Medium Accuracy : Medium U1000MK3 Fire Modes : Single, full burst Ammo Capacity: 100 Caliber : 5.56mm Length : 850.00mm Sights : Scope Country of origin: Singapore Damage : Medium Accuracy : Medium M249SPW Fire Modes : Single, full auto Ammo Capacity: 200 Caliber : 5.56mm Length : 774.00mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: Belgium Damage : High Accuracy : Low ________ Pistols:| M9 Fire Modes : Single Ammo Capacity: 15 Caliber : 9.00mm Length : 348.00mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: Italy Damage : Low Accuracy : Medium MEU (SOC) 45 Fire Modes : Single Ammo Capacity: 7 Caliber : 0.45 ACP Length : 216.00mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: United States Damage : High Accuracy : Medium 5-7 Fire Modes : Single Ammo Capacity: 20 Caliber : 5.70mm Length : 208.00mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: Belgium Damage : Medium Accuracy : High _______ Others:| GL69A Class : Grenade Launcher Fire Modes : Single Ammo Capacity: 1 Caliber : 40.00mm Length : 581.66mm Sights : Iron Country of origin: Germany Damage : High Accuracy : Medium FRAG Weapon Class: Frag Damage : High When detonated, the frag grenade produces numerous high velocity fragments and causes casualties within a large radius. Ideal for room clearing. STUN Weapon Class: Stun Damage : None The explosive effect of this grenade produces a thundering pop of sound and force that will shock, confuse and stun those within the blast area. PHOSPHEROUS Weapon Class: Phosphorous Damage : High Packed with white phosphorous and a small charge, the phosphorous ignites on contact with oxygen. It burns with extreme heat, catching everyone within its range of fire. BREACH CHARGE Weapon Class: Breaching Charge Damage : High This charge is placed on a door's centre and detonated by a remote trigger. The explosion will destroy most doors and seriously injure people on the other side of the door. HAMMER Weapon Class : Hammer Damage : None This hammer allows for fast door breaching. Its lightweight design combined with a special alloy head gives it an extra bang to demolish locks and hinges. FLASH Weapon Class : Flash Damage : None Creates an intensely bright and hot explosion that blinds anyone in its blast radius. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6.0 FAQ FFF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - I just lost a team member; what should I do? - First of all: Don't worry too much. Losing an ally surely hurts, but you can solve many situations also on your own and no team member is permanently lost as they will be replenished after finishing the level. If your buddy dies right after you've passed a checkpoint (i.e. just been transported to a new level section) load the automatic save file, if he dies later on, just go on playing. - Is there anything I really need to equip? - You definitely want your team members to carry some flash bangs, frag grenades and maybe some breach devices to rush into a room quicker. Furthermore equip a normal gun for yourself (no shot gun or machine gun), some frag grenades and the motion tracker. - Do I have to start all over when I die? - It depends. On normal difficulty you can save wherever you want and start again at the last waypoint after saving as far as I know but on challenge you can't. But it's still possible to load the automatic save file which will bring you to the last checkpoint, i.e. the latest point in the mission where you entered a new area after a loading screen. - So do I have to start a mission all over if I play on challenge and I turned off my Cube (or whatever console I am playing on)? - No, the automatic save file remains if you leave a mission or even turn off the Cube. - How am I supposed to kill enemies awaiting me far-off? - Make your team stay close to you so they can take care of any enemy rushing in on you but don't make them follow you or they will get in your way and might get killed either by you or by the terrorists. Then look around the corner until you see an enemy and retreat. Zoom in and aim so that you should have this enemy right inside your crosshair when you simply strafe around the corner. Do so and shoot. If you don't hit, look if you're shooting too far to either side or too high or too low and move your crosshair accordingly. Repeat. - Is there any way to replenish your health? - No, unfortunately there isn't. - Crouching or walking, what's better? - Usually I'd always say crouching is the movement of choice as it makes you harder to be heard by the hostile forces and as it makes it harder for them to hit you, but if you have a timer running down or if you need to get through somewhere quickly because the area's dangerous or if you know that an area is definitely clear you will want to run. - I beat the first mission in coop mode, but still I cannot play mission #2 in coop. Why's that? - You need to get to a mission in Singleplayer to unlock it for coop. - Your guide is pretty off in certain levels. For example it says you would start with a team, but actually you begin on your own. - This guide is based on the Cube version and while the other ones are quite similar there seem to be some differences in the PS2-, X-Box- and PC-version. Unfortunately I cannot write a guide for those different passages as I don't have any other version. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7.0 Closing Comment GGG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have anything to say about this FAQ, please feel free to email me at unless you only want to flame me without giving any reasons. Wonder what I mean? "Your guide sucks, idiot!" or "I could do better!!!1! W00t!!!11" or anything like that...thank you. If you know German or want to learn it by communicating with lots of nice people, please give a try. This is a German GameCube-site (who would have thought) also covering the Revolution, combined with a board dealing with every subject imaginable like the GCN of course, or Sega, Sony, Anime, movies, sports, babes, etc. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8.0 Experimental HHH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In some other guides I've seen the author implement the following and I thought "Why not give it a try for your own guides?": If you really like this guide and you think it helped you or entertained you a bit or whatsoever and you feel like rewarding me not only by writing a nice e-mail, feel free to send some money to my paypal account at: Of course I don't want to make somebody send me money who doesn't really want to (even if I could, I wouldn't ;) ), but (also of course) I'd appreciate any contribution. Thank you very much for reading this guide and hopefully some more of my stuff on gamefaqs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9.0 Credits III ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to - Kevin Driscoll for explaining the name Dingo to me. - Ethan Merbaum for giving me the English names of the characters' specialty. - Alan Smith for providing the mission names, for helping me on describing the mission in the Scottish Parliament and for providing nearly the whole weapons section. - David McIntee for pointing out how outstanding the 90TR is in comparison to the other guns. - g_man1679 (Adam) for some character info.