Rainbow Six Lockdown: X-BOX Live: Medic [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [][][] [][][] [] K [][][] [][][] [] [] [] [][][] [] [] [] [] []K [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [][][] [][][] [][][] [] K [][][] [][][] [][][][] [] [] Version no. 1.1.0 Copyright 2005 Scott Franks Aka. ClassicThunder I have given permission to the websites below to host this FAQ. If you see it on another website than those mentioned, please tell me. GameFAQs Neoseeker Supercheats This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. In other words, no plagiarizing please. E-Mail address: classicthunder@bellsouth.net My XBOX-Live Gamer-Tag is "ClassicThunder" Updates: 1.0.1 Had my Mom who is a grammar nut check for typos and spelling mistakes. _______________________________________________________________________ 0. Getting started 0.1 Controller (Which button to press when) 0.2 Going Live 1. Summary of Skills and Advantages 2. How to use the Guns 2.1 SMG 2.2 Pistol 2.3 Shotguns 2.4 Upgrading 3. All class items 3.1 Grenades 3.2 Traps 4. Items That are Your Special Right as a Medic 4.1 First Aid 4.2 Adrenalin Boost 4.3 Nerve Gas 4.4 Field Clinic 5. Strategies for different game modes 5.1 Spawn camping 5.2 Team Sharpshooter 5.3 Total Conquest 5.4 Retrieval 6. Things to beware of. 6.1 Being mined 6.2 Commandos above Lv35 7. Interacting with items during game play! 7.1 Doors 7.2 Ladders _____________________________ __________________________________ _____________________________Getting Started__________________________________ 0.1 Controller (Which button to press when) The diagram is poor, but it gets the point across doesn't it? _____________ [L R] [ J XBox Y ] [ ] [ X B ] [ D ]___[ A ] [ D D ] [ J ()] [ D ] [ W ] [______] [______] Button Pressed Resulting Action L. Use secondary item. R. Use primary Item (Gun) Left thumb stick Move/Strafe Click Change stance D-Pad Leaning Y Change secondary items X Reload B Change primary weapon A Performed action W Change vision mode () or Black Nothing Right thumb stick Look/Turn Click Enter/Exit zoom mode 0.2 Going Live! Signing in: The game will automatically sign in for you; however, if you want to change accounts you have to sign out and next time you try to go live it will offer you a choice of accounts. Also, if you have a password you will only sign in when you try to enter the X-Box live screen and enter the pass code. X-Box live menu: From the X-Box live menu you can tinker with your setting or character or join a match. Optimatch will allow you to be choosey, but if you don't care about the game type then use the Quickmatch function. Lobby: Once you join a match you will be in the lobby until the next match is started up. While in the lobby you can check your outfitting, and buy gear from the quarter master, along with accessing you community list. Press X to ready-up when you're ready. In a hosted game the host can launch the game whenever, but on a dedicated server everyone has to ready up. ________________________ ______________________ ________________________Summary of Skills and Advantages______________________ 1. Summary of Skills and Advantages Pistol Lv1 Sub Machine Gun Lv1 First Aid Lv1 Adrenalin Boost Lv5 Light Armor Lv10 Nerve Gas Lv15 Field Clinic Lv20 Shotgun Lv25 Free Gas Mask Lv30 Medium Amour Lv35 The medic is one of the less formidable classes in Lockdown; however, if a medic survives a fire fight he can heal him self making it so he has full health for the next fight. As a medic you can also see the location of all of your team members are all the time and what their heath is, useful for finding hurt enemies, and for giving orders to your teammates. If you are excellent at one on one encounters, the medic is the class for you, for after each fight you can heal yourself turning each of your encounters into a one or one situation. _____________________________ ______________________________ _____________________________How to Use the Guns______________________________ 2. How to Use the Guns (Effectively!) The tools of the trade. SMG Pistol Shotgun L25 And talked about at the bottom of the section. Upgrading 2.1 Sub Machine Guns SMGs Name Zoom Magazine Damage Accuracy Silenced MP-5/10 2x 30 Medium High No P-90TR 3x 50 Medium Medium No UMP 9 2x 30 Low High No P-90MI 2x 32 Low High No Mp-7SD 2x 40 Medium High Yes The SMG has an excellent power/accuracy combo, and is best used at close to medium ranges. I prefer the P-90TR as it has a nice 3x zoom scope, is fairly accurate, and is fairly powerful; but the trump card of the P-90TR is how fast it shoots. The amount of lead pumped into your target makes up for the lack of power from each shot. The MP-7SD's nice too. It's more accurate then the P- 90TR, but shoots slower causing it not to drop enemies as fast. Overall, the P-90TR is a better close range weapon, and the MP-7SD is a better medium range weapon. 2.2 Hand Guns Pistols Name Zoom Magazine Auto Damage Accuracy 92 FS 1x 15 No Medium High 5-7 1x 20 No Low High SOC45 2x 7 No High High Pretty much useless. The only time you will use the pistol is when you have the canister on retrieval, or to snipe with when later on you're using the shotgun. However, spend you skill points on the something else if you want more bang for the buck. 2.3 Shotguns! Close range butt kicker Name Zoom Magazine Auto Damage Accuracy Mag 7 1x 5 No High Medium SPAS 15 2x 6 No High Medium Super 90 2x 6 No High Medium USAS 12 2x 20 Yes High Medium NOTE! Upgrade ACCURACY very important! With full accuracy these guns are deadly accurate and after only 2 power upgrades these guns are powerful enough to take on L40s. My shotgun of choice is the USAS 12. One head shot is death to all but commandos with the toughness turned way up. However, the auto lets the next shot finish them off before they can react properly. From a distance the first shot is aimed at the head and then I go for the chest. Against a lower ranking foe that head shot can still kill first hit over medium distances. However, the recoil makes it prudent to aim at the chest for the follow up shots. In other words, if you have good reactions and good aim, a level 30-plus commando is the only enemy who will be deadlier than you. All of the shotguns do the same damage, so there isn't much point in using the other shotguns unless you're a really good head shooter and want to prove it to the world. 2.4 Upgrading Pistol, Shotty, and SMG upgrades. 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star Accuracy 10 25 50 Present smaller group Power 2.5 5 10 Present more powerful Accuracy importance: For all types of guns the Accuracy very important. Fully upgraded the spread for any gun is halved! Twice the oomph that way! Damage importance: Damage isn't as important as all 3 upgrades only increases your power by only about one tenth. _______________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________All Class Items________________________________ 3.0 Items That All the Classes can Use Throw-able items Traps 3.1 Grenades and Other Throw-Able Devices Only 20 Credits Each!!! Fragmentation Grenades (Frag Grenades) White Phosphorous (Willy Pete) Flash Bangs Smoke Grenades (Smokies) Tear Gas Lethal Grenades: Frags and WPs can be thrown off walls and over obstacles to efficiently kill your foes while they can't shoot you. If you round a corner into a group of enemies, retreating around the corner and popping a grenade around it can get you two to three kills and really hurt your enemies' feelings. Also these grenades never take away less than half of anyone's health if they're caught in its blast radius, and they almost always are fatal. Flash bangs: Flash bangs are useless except in objective game play. The radius in which the flash works is not much bigger than the blast radius of a frag grenade, and a frag goes ahead and kills the people preventing them from kill on accident while you're blind. However, when about to storm a room that your enemy is holding for strategic reasons, flash bangs allow you to get double or triple kills. Smoke grenades: Smoke grenades conceal your position which is useful for laying traps without being killed, However, they're defeated by infrared vision. Tear gas: Tear gas grenades are exactly like smokies, except that everyone not wearing a gas mask is effectively disoriented, making Tear gas grenades much more effective cover. If you're caught in one of these clouds use your thermal vision to see through it with minor distortion. 3.2 Traps Claymores: Plant a claymore along a frequently used passage, move to a safe position where you can see it, and activate when enemy passes near by. Simple and very, very effective. The claymores are small and below the range of vision, almost never will anybody notice them! ________________ _________________ ________________Items That are Your Special Right as a Medic_________________ 4.0 Items that Only Medics Can Use! First Aid Adrenalin Boost Nerve Gas Field Clinic 4.1 First Aid Press L to heal yourself or your friends. This is one of the most common skills you will use so upgrade Heal. Speed is not as critical, for your teammate probably will be hiding in an out of the way room and waiting for you to come heal him. Be careful so you're not ambushed on your way to him. Heading back to the spawn point and then to his position will help you avoid enemies. 4.2 Adrenalin Boost Press L to inject you or your teammate with adrenalin, giving him or your self an adrenalin boost! Da' Boost increases you or your teammates toughness, accuracy, damage, and recoil control. Upgrading speed is very useful on this one, for you can inject your self then run in and try to wipe out enemy campers. Also, when the bonus is fully upgraded you can run over a fully upgraded mine and survive. 4.3 Nerve Gas Press L to throw this grenade, which upon activation releases nerve gas. The gas is a light bluish color and will hurt any one who walks through it. How much depends on how much you have upgraded the damage. Also if you plan to use this item much upgrade the duration. 4.4 Field Clinic Press L while looking at a big yellow X to lay a field clinic. These clinics allow you teammates to run up to them to acquire health. This prevents you from having to run around after people who are injured on the other side of the map. Upgrade the charges so you team can heal them selves more for each clinic. Kind of like a field hospital in a box. ______________________ _____________________ ______________________Strategies for different game modes_____________________ 5.0 Strategies for different game modes Spawn Camping Team Sharpshooter Total Conquest Retrieval 5.1 Spawn Camping (This tactic doesn't work very well because of the update) I'm going to cover this separately as Spawn camping is a strategy used in all game types. Inside spawn point. Outside spawn point. Inside spawn point camping: When camping, don't wait outside of the enemy base as that often goes 1 for 1, not giving you any advantage. Run into the Base, gun blazing. The enemy spawns looking at the exits, use this to your advantage. Hide in a corner so your enemy won't see you, and then kill them with your gun or grenades. If your team is camping out side the spawn point, repeat; but if the enemy occasionally breaks through, lay mines along escape routs. Only go into the spawn point if your teammates are camping outside of the spawn point, or else the enemy will run out before they stop being invincible. Outside spawn point: Peek around corner the corners and throw grenades into the enemy spawn point every twenty seconds or so, and be ready to shoot survivors who run out. Try to hide in the shadows and be sure to use cover. Also, watch out for the enemy after realizing you're there, for they will start throwing grenades at you. Another tactic is to pop out of a room, throw grenades, then return to the room and camp. 5.2 Team Sharp Shooter. Rules: Kill the people not on your team. Discussed Tactics! Healing your team mates Using the adrenalin to attack campers Camping and ambushing Running around like a tactical genius All of the maps, unfortunately, follow the same pattern. 2 main paths to each spawn point with one or 2 back (or more accurately) discreet front entrances. Healing You Teammates: As a medic your job is to heal your pals. Dropping a field clinic at the yellow X will make you job much easier, but most maps don't have a yellow X to put a field clinic on, so most of the burden of healing will fall to you. Since a you're a Combat medic your other job, is to kill people. Go for your enemies' life until you're called for. When you're called for, head to your teammate. If he is near you make a bee line to him, but if he is on the other side of the map, doubling back to the spawn point then heading back to him up the other main path will prevent you from being ambushed most of the time. Using the adrenalin to attack campers: If you know that there is a group of campers in a room ahead of you, hide, inject your self, and then rush them. The boost will make you tougher, make your damage do more damage, and make your gun kick less. All in all, you're pretty deadly! Also, if you know the area ahead of you contains mines but you can't grenade the area for some reason, the boost when upgraded will allow you to walk right over any mine and live through it. Camping and Ambushing: When camping, find a hard to see place with a good view of a commonly used route. Wait for people to run past then gun them down. Another option instead of using you gun is to throw a grenade. If you can throw a good grenade, then back off from your ambushing spot you can usually kill the guy you chunked the grenade at, plus kill anybody who tries to rush you for camping. Example below. The last method of camping is tunnel camping. This is when you wait at the end of a firing lane in a covered spot, and shoot anyone who comes into you firing lane. This only works when your back is covered. [ e] e = enemy [ ']_________ ' = path taken [ 'DC B D = closed door [ 'O_________ O = open door [ '] C = you the camper [ '] B = place you back off to, so you can watch door in case of [ '] rushers Running Around Like a tactical Genius: To run around and get a better than 1 to 1 kill ratio you need to double back. Take a less frequented rout to the enemy's end of the map then double back to your own base along a very frequented passage. This works very well, sometimes you will even see enemies enter camping spots. When this happens follow them in and wreak havoc. Also, when coming out check toward your enemy's base to make sure no one's close behind you. Also many times you will catch up to an enemy heading toward you base, again wreak havoc. This tactic requires some luck and a good bit of timing. However, when done correctly can give you double and triple kills. 5.3 Total Conquest: Rules: Control all of the computers then hold them for 5 seconds. All of the maps, unfortunately, follow the same pattern. 2 main paths to each spawn point with one or 2 back (or more accurately) discreet front entrances. I'm just going to repeat this important piece of info in case you didn't read the last section, plus I'm going to add more. This rule is smashed and destroyed by this game type! Clinic, which I thought I knew so well, was shown to be twice as big as I thought and about 5 times as big as the top floor. In total conquest you're most useful in healing your pals who are defending the computers, and giving you're attacking pals health after they have taken over an area. Pick which task you want and stick with it, then use you gun to help out the defense/attack. Attacking and Defending. Attacking: In a close-in area, throw grenades into good ambush spots that your enemies may be waiting in, then follow them up with you gun. After reaching the computer toss a grenade in front of it to blow up any mines, then capture it. If you have any engineers on your team have them defend it or if there is no one to defend it for you, defend it your-self. Remember the computers must always be defended. Defending: Find a hiding spot where you can see the entrance to the computer area, then toss a grenade by the computer to kill any one trying to capture the computer. Then sweep up any remaining enemies with your gun. 5.4 Retrieval: Rules: Grab the canister and take it to the drop off point near your enemy's spawn point and press a near the box to secure it. Note: Blue smoke follows you around telling pursuing enemies which way you went. Tactics that are discussed! Defense Capture (Back to every one using the two halls was again. Sigh. But at least the drop off areas are used) Defense: When the enemy has the canister head to his drop off point, when your enemy drops it head to the dropped canister. Pretty simple! However, you may need to yell, "Head for the drop off point!" at you teammates 3 or 4 times to stop them from running around like chickens with their heads chopped off searching for the guy with the canister. Seriously, there are some unintelligent people playing this game, but under a leader they flourish. So hey, someone's got to be the leader - why not you! Capture: Head to canister, shoot anyone not on your team, pick up canister, hide while you get teammates to guard you, run toward drop off point, have most teammates attack while you slip through the confusion, and at last secure the canister. This strategy works all most every time your teammates cooperate. Alternate suggestion for if you, figuratively, don't have teammates: Sneak to the drop off area if it isn't in the open and drop the canister off without your enemies knowing you there. Stealth goes a very long way here! If you don't have the canister just guard you pal with the canister. Note: You can only use your pistol while you have the canister. ______________________________ _____________________________ ______________________________Things to beware of_____________________________ 6.0 Things that will wipe you off the map quickly. Being mined People with shotguns Commandos with heavy body armor and big guns 6.1 Being Mined: Being mined in your spawn point will make you want to throw your controller and start swearing. Please don't do this as it is not worth losing your tv screen over a video game. However, if you're being counter mined throw grenades on the ground by spawn point exits. And stick to the outside of corners. Try to stay out of your base and keep an eye out as mines can be seen even if they're very inconspicuous. 6.2 People with Shotguns: The shotgun is an excellent close range weapon. 6 shots will kill you with medium body armor and only 3 without body armor. One head shot kills; however, the kick prevents any shot after about the fifth from being effective. So you need to take an engineer's head off quickly or else make him miss his first five shots, if you want to live through the encounter. Also if you know there are a lot of engineers on the other team keep your distance from your enemies and camp. 6.3 Commandos above L35: Shoot in the head. You can empty a clip into a L40 commando's chest and he'll still live. Such commandos can sometimes take two to three head shots too. However, these guys are suckers for ambushes as they run around in the open because that there Heavy Body Amour makes them feel awfully confident. However, a smart commando is a very though target. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________Interacting with items during game play!___________________ 7.1 Doors: Shoot the handle and you can walk into them and they'll open. Shoot hinges about one and three fourths of the way up the door and it'll fall over. Throw a grenade near one and watch the doors go flying! Pressing up or down on the D-Pad allows you to open the doors a certain amount - useful for keeping yourself under as much cover as possible when waiting for an ambush opportunity. I take that back as I've found bullets go right through doors; however, it does make you harder to see 7.2 Ladders: Pres A to grab on, up or down on left thumb stick to climb up or down, while on ladder press A to slide to bottom.