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Unlike many Faq writers, I'm not going to spend my time typing up 20 pages worth of material that is basically a rewrite of the instruction manual that comes with the game. There's no version history either. You think I have the time to type all that crap up? The first time an action needs to be done I will describe the button/trigger/thumbstick combination needed to accomplish it. This game has been played on the 'Hard' level, which will differ slightly from the way it will be on the Normal and Expert levels. One of the prime examples of the differences between the levels is how much damage Sam can take. On Normal, Sam can get hit by enemy fire 5 or 6 times before he dies. On Hard they only have to hit him twice, three times at the most. Expert? Don't ask. You won't like the answer. ================================================= It's 2007, and all is NOT well. Hugo Lacerda, a radical anarchist and revolutionary, has declared war on civilization. Advocating the overthrow of social order, he has reasoned that the only real way that revolution can come in the modern age is through informational warfare. Computers now control weapons systems, electrical grids, communications, Wall Street.... hell, the very heartbeat of society. Take the computers down and you create what every anarchist has wet dreams about.........chaos. Lacerda has a theory about chaos that he can cause the West by taking down the computers that control Western society. Only as Third Echelon discovers, he's beginning to move beyond Chaos Theory into Chaos Reality....... Tensions are at an all time peak between China and Japan, and a computer warfare attack on Japan's systems only excaberates the situation. Now in the opening cinematic it looks like the North Koreans are being drawn into the picture as well, and we all know how much fun Kim Jong(LOOK OUT! HE'S MENTALLY) Il is to deal with. Third Echelon suspects someone is working behind the scenes to heighten tensions between these volatile Asian countries, and all the fingers point at Lacerda. What better way to destablize Western civilzation than with a little ol' nuclear exchange between China and Japan, with maybe a few North Korean missles added to the mix? The West was not totally defenseless against this kind of computer warfare attack. It has brilliant programmers working with Third Echelon and other Defense agencies to harden computer networks and improve security. Several of these programmers are working on the Masse Kernels, highly advanced information technology developed by the late Phillip Masse, who Sam dispatched in the Kola Cell mission of the first game. Only it seems Lacerda has tipped the odds in his favor by grabbing the best and brightest of these programmers - Bruce Morgenholt. Lacerda hopes that by torturing Morganholt he can learn information that will make his computer warfare on the West more deadly and effective. He wants the Masse Kernels technology and he is determined to have it. Who is Third Echelon going to turn to to get Morgenholt back and give Lacerda what he's got coming to him? None other than Sam Fisher. It's time to put the nightvision goggles back on and defend the Free World. Get ready for the ride of your life. Because there are hundreds of deadly enemies out there, and they're smarter, better equipped, and more tenacious than ever before. But don't worry for our hero. He's come to this fight prepared as well. Sam has new moves, new toys and a bigger support team this time around. Freedom isn't free. And bad guys like these don't deserve to die of old age. So get to work! ===================================================== Level I: The Lighthouse ===================================================== Punta Blanca Lightouse, outside of Vallerta, Peru Intelligence has reached Third Echelon that Bruce Morgenholt is being held at a lighthouse facility in South America. Why a derelict lightouse? Don't ask me; this isn't the ABC TV show Alias, where the terrorists always seem to be staying in snazzy resorts or cool nightclubs. Real terrorists, unless they are the top guys, don't have much money. That's why this group of terrorists are aimlessly patrolling a run down lighthouse off the coast of Peru instead of chugging down champagne on the French Riviera while half-naked models sit in their lap. Sam is to get in there and ensure that Lacerda doesn't get his greedy little hands on any Masse Kernel technology. Sam is also to rescue Morgenholt if possible, but there are secondary objectives as well. It turns out Lacerda himself is in the area, so if Sam gets a shot, he's supposed to be sure to take it. Other secondary objectives may come up as well. After being inserted on the shoreline by Zodiac boat, the level opens with Sam crouching on the beach with the lighthouse in the background. Don't bother shooting out the light on the pole near the beached Zodiac boat Sam is crouching behind. No one's watching yet. Move him up to the outcrop of rocks directly behind the light pole and turn the NightVision goggles (NV) on (push left on the directional pad). There's an opening up there in the rocks; you can have Sam jump up and push himself up or simply run up the ramp-like rock formation to the left. If you want Sam to pull himself up, have him stand in front of the rock ledge and then press the yellow 'Y' button on your XBox controller. If you move Sam over objects like low walls or boxes that are only waist or knee high, he will 'mantle' his way over them. Move Sam forward into the narrow crevasse, and watch out for the angry bats! Soon the crevasse will narrow dramatically and Sam will turn his shoulder forward and slidle his way through until the passage widens again. Keep moving forward and soon Sam will arrive at a big outcropping of rock that is blocking his path. Ah, but what's this? A window had popped up on the upper right-hand side of our 50" Sony HD TV. (OK, so I don't really have a 50" Sony HD TV, and you very likely don't either, but let's just pretend, all right?) This is the "Interact" window and often Sam will be given mutiple choices of actions he can do. This time, however, there is only one option: 'Enter Crawl Space'. See the stream of water coming out from under the huge boulder that has blocked Sam's path? By lying down and crawling forward he can fit underneath this boulder and continue with his mission instead of having to turn around, get that rubber boat back in the water and paddle out to sea. Where's the fun in that? So hit the green 'A' button on your controller and Sam will drop down and prepare to crawl forward. The right thumbstick controls the camera, so you can move it around and watch Sam crawl foward, and the left thumstick makes Sam move. By moving the camera all the way to the left, you get a very good and detailed look at the side of Sam's head and the movement of his arms as he crawls forward. Once Sam arrives at the other side of the crawl space, the Interact window pops up again, this time asking if Sam wants to exit the crawl space. Well duh, of course he does. He didn't crawl all that way for nothing! Hit the 'A' button again and Sam will come out and stand up and find himself facing a rock cliff. Move Sam forward and then having him stand up by pressing the red 'B' button. Then, hit the yellow 'Y' button and Sam will jump up and grab the lip of the ledge above him. By pushing forward on the left thumbstick, you will make Sam pull himself up and crouch on the ledge. A smaller ledge now confronts Sam, one about waist high. Move Mr. Fisher forward until he's in front of it and press 'Y' again; he will jump up onto the smaller ledge. While Sam has been doing this climbing, Lambert comes on the comm and talks about firing that they can hear. Sam says that is not an AK-47 being fired, since he's had plenty of those fired at him in the past. It sounds like advanced weaponry. Lambert then tasks Sam with one of his secondary objectives: find out where the terrorists are getting their weaponry from. Now you need to make sure Sam is crouching for this next part. As he reaches the smaller ledge, he can now see over it into the area beyond: a big cavern with a rope bridge suspended between an underground river. After about 15 seconds once Sam has reached the top, there are two guards stepping into view on the far side of the bridge, and one of them will come over the bridge and walk around on Sam's side, even taking a second or two to pause and peer over the edge of the cliff Sam just climbed. If Sam is in the dark and still, this terrorist will not see him. If Sam's light meter is not completely dark, this terrorist will raise an alarm and immediately draw his sidearm and fire on Sam as his comrade runs across the bridge to join the fight. If you get discovered you'll just have to shoot your way out of trouble. If Sam is not spotted, after awhile, the guard's buddy will turn and go back from where they entered from, and the guard on Sam's side of the bridge will go and stand with his back to Sam facing a narrow rock trail that runs down to the left. ALTERNATIVE ROUTE FROM THE VERY BEGINNING: Right here at this point, in the very first level the neatest thing about Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory can begin to be appreciated. You see, you don't HAVE to wait for these two guards to appear at the rope bridge. You have the option of bypassing them. As soon as Sam reaches the top, he can quickly jump up and then run down to the left where there is a narrow trail cut into the rock. After dropping down one time, he will come to an opening in the cliff on the left that has a panel light in it pointing at a ladder leading upward. So right at the beginning you have the option of entering the terrorist's hideout by crossing the rope bridge OR by taking this path and coming up from below into another storage area. For our purposes in this Faq, we're going to follow the Rope Bridge route. How is Sam going to deal with this guard standing just feet away? ********** STEALTH OPTION: ********** Have Sam climb up and in a crouch slowly move to the bridge and over it to the other side. I emphasize the word SLOWLY. Go too fast and several of the boards on this rope bridge will creak very loudly. Go quietly, and this guard will never turn around and see Sam sneaking past him. That is, if you get Sam across the bridge inside of a minute and a half or so; that's when the guard will turn around and start back over the bridge, walking halfway down, then turn stand for a long time before walking back. Once Sam is over the bridge undetected, follow the cave path on the right until you arrive at an opening through which you can see a bunch of barrels stacked against the walls. It's a storeroom, and the other guard is slowly patrolling the length of it. ********** KO/KILL OPTION: ********** To KO or kill the guard standing near the bridge, hit the 'Y' button, make sure Sam is in a crouch and then SLOWLY have him advance on this terrorist from the rear. If you move too fast, or make noise, this terrorist is very quick on the draw and will turn around and pull his pistol out and start firing. When you are close enough, the Interact Window will pop up with the option saying 'Grab Character'. Hit the green 'A' button and Sam will grab the terrorist from behind, twisting his hand into a painful jointlock while placing the edge of his razor- sharp military knife against the man's throat. If characters Sam has caught this way have information that could be useful, the 'Interrogate' window will pop up. Sam has the option of interrogating his captive if he so desires. Once the information has been gathered, Sam can either knock the terrorist out with a chokehold or simultaneously break their back and plunge a knife into their heart from behind. For the chokehold, pull the left trigger. For the backbreak/knife thrust pull the right trigger. All through the game it will be like this: left trigger - nonlethal knees, palm strikes, chokeholds; right trigger - lethal knife strikes and lethal bonebreaking strikes. What if you mess up the grab and the guard detects you and turns around and begins to yell and draw a weapon? If that happens..........you amatuer......quickly pull the right trigger. Sam will do the eqivalent of an Iaido stroke with his knife; that is, he will draw it and kill the enemy with one incredibly lethal motion. And then put his knife away. Whoa. If you opt to kill this guard, for fun, have Sam pick him up and approach the edge of the chasm. Then when Sam is right on the edge, facing the chasm, hit the 'A' button again and watch the body fall into the riverbanks far below. ********** THE BARRELL FILLED STOREROOM: ********** Move across the bridge slowly and then pause at the entrance of the storeroom and use the camera thumbstick to 'peek' into the room and find the patrolling guard. Wait until the guard is on the far side of the room with his back turned and then have Sam slowly walk in and crouch behind the barrels against the wall on the left. Once again, the choice is up to you. As this unsuspecting terrorist comes strolling back, you have the option of: 1. Having Sam draw his silenced pistol and shooting him in the head. (Anybody else notice the vastly improved rag-doll physics in this game?) 2. Having Sam suddenly step out from behind the barrels and smash his palm into the guards forehead, knocking him out cold. Or giving him a wicked knee; it depends on the angle of the attack. 3. Having Sam suddenly step out from behind the barrels and stab the guard with his knife, and depending on which way the guard is facing, Sam will use a different knife attack. 4. Having Sam grab the guard and interrogate him. Then either choke him unconscious or break his back and stab him. 5. Having Sam shoot the guard with a Ring Air Foil round, or a Sticky Shocker. 6. Take your time, watch the guards patrol pattern........and avoid him completely. It's easy to avoid this guard because he spends about 12 seconds at the far end of the room staring at......a bare wall. That gives Sam plenty of time to sneak past into one of the two routes available, which we will discuss shortly. If you kill the guard make sure you hide his body. I always dump him down the chasm with his buddy. No reason the dead should be lonely, right? Proceed further into the storeroom and soon you will see a stairway opening on the left leading down while there is also one on the right leading up. Ignore them for now and go past these openings into the back of the storeroom where a large, flat rectangular crate sits next to a lamp. As Sam approaches, he tells Lambert they were right about the advanced weaponry. Lambert instructs Sam to scan the crate's bar code with his EEV so they can begin tracking where this shipment of advanced weapons came from. Move Sam up to the crate and the Interact Window will popup. Press the 'A' button to "Scan Crate". (NOTE: If you are doing the Stealth Option, with the patrolling guard still in the room, move Sam to the stairway leading down on the left and hide in the dark spot against the wall. The patrolling guard won't see Sam when he passes by. Once he has turned and gone the other way, click the right binoculars and when the Binocular View comes up, center the crate in the viewfinder. The binoculars will scan the crate from a distance and read the barcode! Sam doesnt' have to stand right next to it!) Lambert informs Fisher that the crate he has just scanned is one of a shipment of five. He tells Sam to keep an eye out for the other 4 crates. It's very important Third Echelon does all it can to discover where these dangerous terrorists are getting top-of-the-line weapons. Now turn and go back to the stairways. Here we have the option of going up or going down. It doesn't affect what happens either way, so let's go down first. All that firing is getting on my nerves and I like it peaceful and quiet, so somebody is gonna die. There is a lamp suspended from the ceiling at the bottom of the stairs. From the doorway beyond, we can hear gunfire as one of the terrorists shoots happily away at targets with his recently aqquired advanced assault rifle. Switch to the silenced pistol and shoot the light out. The firing stops and the guard comes to investigate the light going out. STEALTH OPTION After shooting the light, don't wait in the corridor, immediately move Sam into the doorway and to the left and crouch him down as the guard goes blissfully by unaware there is a highly trained, highly lethal Splinter Cell operative just feet away, a man who's killed hundreds of terrorists just like him in the past.......boy, he has no idea how lucky he is. While the guard is examining the light Sam shot out at the base of the stairs, quickly move Sam close enough to use the silenced pistol to shoot out the light on the left hand side of the room, over the generator and............another weapons crate! You also have time to scan the crate before the terrorist comes back and notices the light is out now. You can also take out the light by shutting off the generator, but the terrorist just goes over and turns it back on. Piercing the generator with the knife takes a little time and it's just quicker to shoot the light out. Over half this room is now in darkness, so this terrorist cannot see Sam as he wanders around in the dark. Avoiding him should be easy, and when he's on the far side of the room, just go out through the door again and you're home free. ********** KO/KILL OPTION ********** To KO this guard without interrogating him first, after you shoot the light out at the base of the stairs, slowly move Sam up against the left-hand wall by clicking the left thumbstick. Slide Sam up the wall until he is about 5 feet from the doorway and wait. The terrorist slowly appears moving into the doorway. He moves slowly, professionally, rifle held at a 45 degree angle in front of him, ready to snap it up and fire if he finds a target. He can't see Sam, and when he is about 3 feet away, click the left thumbstick again to bring Sam off of the wall, move him quickly into the terrorist and pull the LEFT trigger hard. Sam will step up and hit this guard with a powerful palm smash to the forehead that will knock him out cold. There's really nobody to wander down here and find him, but hide the body because it's good practice. To kill this guard, follow the same procedure as outlined above; shoot the light out, crouch on the left hand side near the doorway; wait until the guard is close, then bring Sam off the wall and this time pull the RIGHT trigger hard. Sam will draw his knife, bring it back and up as he pulls the guard into him and...... That thumping sound you hear is 5 and a half inches of tempered stainless steel thrusting it's way through a beating heart. The terrorist will also let out a strangled groan as he collapses. Note also the angle that Sam stabs at; he's actually angling upward through the abdominal wall to bypass the ribcage. Very authentic. Move Sam up to the doorway and once again click the left thumbstick to make him slide along the wall in Wall Mode. When he gets to the door jamb, push the left thumbstick all the way right. Sam will peek around the corner. We see a lighted chamber with small rooms on the left and righthand side. The right hand side was the shooting range where the now dead terrorist was playing with his newest.......and last..........toy. The left hand side has the generator running and........the weapons crate! There's no reason to shoot the light out now, the guard is either dead or snoozing. Just to get into the habit, before moving into this well lighted room and exposing yourself, scan the room with Normal, then NV, then Thermal Vision. I know, there's nobody there, but good habits like this will save Sam's bacon more than once in this game. The next habit: kill any light sources before you go and stand out in the open in front of something, like the weapons crate over there near the generator. You have the option of: shooting out the lights OR piercing the gas tank of the generator with the knife and destroying it. Once the room is dark, go over to the crate and scan it. That's two crates down, three more to go. Go and take a look at the floor on the far side of the room from the doorway where you entered. See the ladder leading down? That's the same ladder I mentioned earlier that you would have encountered if you had avoided the guards at the rope bridge and run down the rock trail to the minicave below. If you had done that, you would have encountered Mr. I've Got A New Assault Rifle And I Won't Stop Firing It Until I'm Dead before the other guards. ********** ALTERNATIVE STRATEGY: ********** Suppose you took the rock trail and avoided the guards at the rope bridge. You found the minicave with the ladder leading upward with the halogen lamp right next to it. You've shot out the Halogen lamp. Great. Now what do you do? Easy. Slowly climb the ladder and stop at the top with only your head poking up and look to the left - the guard is in the little chamber on the left in his make-shift shooting range blasting away with his machine gun. Every minute or so he will walk into view as he goes down to the far side of the chamber and sets up new targets while reloading his rifle. He will then turn and go back out of sight to the left behind a rock wall. While he's there, he can't see you. ********** STEALTH OPTION ********** When the guard is firing, and is intent on looking down the barrell of his nifty new machine gun, climb Sam up and move him into the dark corner to the right of the ladder. While standing in the dark, Sam will be able to scan the weapons crate sitting near the generator on the right side of the room with his binoculars. Once the guard's ammo runs out and he strolls up the center of the room to reload and set up new targets, he will have his back to Sam and also part of the wall obstructing his view. Timing is crucial here to make this work; move Sam down the right hand wall towards the door staying in the shadows as much as possible....DO NOT PAUSE in the doorway or the foot of the stairs beyond the doorwary. Do not stop to shoot out the light over the stairs. Stay to the right and move up the stairs until you hit the dark spot near the top of the stairs and FREEZE. Within a few seconds the barrell storeroom patrolling guard will step into view and stop near the top of the stairs, with Sam less than 3 feet away from him. But if your light meter is slid all the way to the left, he won't see Sam at all. Let him go by and then find the crate to the left of where Sam is and scan it through the binoculars. Wait until the guard has done another circuit in his patrol, and then just as he turns from standing near Sam to move off to the left SLOWLY move Sam across the room and up the stairs on the opposite side. The patrolling guard shouldn't hear a thing. Keep going up the stairs, but not so fast you make noise. Don't waste time taking out the lefthand lightbulb; just keep moving and you will be out of sight in the dark at the top of these stairs before the patrolling guard comes back. ********** KO/KILL OPTION: ********** While the firing guard is out of sight and firing away with the machine gun, bring Sam all the way up the ladder and in a crouch move to the wall to the left. The guard is on the other side. Have Sam draw his pistol and get ready to move. Soon the guard runs out of ammo and slowly walks down to the far end of the room, looking at the gun in hands as he changes magazines....... completely unaware that Sam Fisher is slowly moving up behind him. I always have Sam stand and, from about 4 feet away, pump a round from the silenced pistol into the back of this guard's head. The rag doll physics are simply amazing, and it's more fun than knifing him or grabbing and KO'ing him. Because you came this way instead of going over the rope bridge, the first crate Sam encounters is the one next to the genrator on the other side of the room. So the discussion about scanning the crates and looking for the other 4 happens here at this point. From here, you would just do what I have describes so far with the other two guards in the barrell room and the rope bridge, only you'd do it in reverse. If you don't want to bother sneaking across the bridge to deal with the guard on the other side, you could just shoot him in the head with the SC 20K. You can see this guard on the other side of the bridge from the cave opening - not a long shot for an expert. I've dropped him on the bridge and once he fell and slid off the side on the other side of the bridge and fell to the rocks below. Whichever way you went, down the rock trail or across the bridge, now it's time to go up the stairs from the barrell-filled storeroom. At the top of the stairs, on the left hand side, is a metal door. Whether you've snuck or shot or knifed your way to this point, Sam is now ready to enter the room at the top of the stairs. When Sam crouches in front of this metal door, the Interact Window pops up and Sam is given several options: Open Door Open Door Stealth Bash Door Optic Cable Hold down the 'A' button and then use the directional pads up or down pad to pick which option you want. It's best to enter this chamber quietly. We can hear Bruce Morgenholt being tortured, and a shadow is thrown on the wall of the chamber we are looking into. He's hanging by his arms as a terrorist taunts him. One of our objectives is to try to rescue Morgenholt, but it's not to be. The game is set up so you can't do it. I don't believe in the impossible scenario, but there really is no way to save Morgenholt. He's still alive when Sam comes into the room, and one of the terrorists is preparing to administer a final, fatal electric shock to him. About 5 seconds after Sam enters the room, the terrorist begins killing Morgenholt with the electric shock. I've experimented repeatedly with different strategies. Direct Assault, lobbing flash grenades,smoke grenades, sticky shockers, etc. I've taken 3 seconds to get into position at the base of the ramp, dropped the terrorist holding the electric pads with a head shot before he can touch Morgenholt with them, taken out the searchlight behind him, and then dropped the other terrorists, but Morgenholt is always dead when Sam reaches him. It's not fair, but that's the way it is. Since Morgenholt can't really be saved, you have to decide if you want to avenge him by KOing/Killing the terrorists in this room or using the Stealth Option and sneaking past them. ********** STEALTH OPTION ********** Upon entering the chamber, there is a Medkit hanging on the wall to the right near the toilet. Use it if you need it. Then use the silenced pistol to take out the light near the doorway. Turn Sam's Nightvision on and move down the ramp to ground level. See the big block shaped rock in front of you? Remember where it is. Now go and peek around the corner where the bright light is coming from. You will see two terrorists standing around Bruce Morgenholt's corpse as it hangs in a bathtub. Behind them is the source of the bright light; a big searchlight. One of the terrorists will soon start to patrol, so we need to find a spot to hide until he goes past. Go back to the huge block and either hide behind it or jump up on top of it and crouch down. Watch the patrolling terrorist pass by. When is going up the ramp, you have about 20 seconds to silent jump off of the block, go up the hallway right into the light of the searchlight illuminating the room, and pass through the doorway on the right into the darkness. The patrolling terrorist on the ramp can't see Sam from where he is. The other terrorist will be seated at a table on the right, writing something down, so he won't see Sam pass by either. That doesn't mean you still won't feel hairs rise up on the back of your neck as you walk through a very brightly illuminated room past the corpse of a man just killed by these dangerous terrorists who are just feet away from you. As Sam goes by Morgenholt's suspended body, Lambert comes on the comm and Sam informs him that Morgenholt is 'Deader than Elvis.' Lambert instructs Sam to leave the body there; the rescue is cancelled. Pass through the doorway and follow the wall around a curve until you come to a locked door. ********** KO/KILL OPTION ********** NOTE: this seems to be one of the points in the game on the Hard level where it's almost impossible to shoot or knife a character without tipping off nearby terrorists. If you palm strike, knife, or shoot the patrolling guard the other one is always tipped off and an alarm sounds. The only thing besides grabbing him that seemed to work was using a Sticky Shocker. Once this patrolling guard is out of the way, it's easy to sneak up on the other terrorist, as he often by now has gone to a little desk to the right where a candle burns is writing stuff down, seated in a chair. Kill or KO him as you desire. Now here's something you don't see if you stealth your way through this part of the level. Cut Morgenholt's body down right away and Lambert doesn't have a problem with it. Cut him down after awhile and Lambert will tell Sam he's wasting time. Sam will curtly tell Lambert there's no reason to leave Morgenholt hanging there like a piece of meat, and Lambert wisely backs off. Lambert's dialogue here will also change if you accidently hit Morgenholt during a firefight with the guards - he'll say leave the body because it'll be too complicated to explain how he got shot with NATO rounds. Kill all the lights and then move on through the doorway on the right and follow the wall until you arrive at the locked door. Use the optic cable on the door. Sam will see two tents and a searchlight. Switch to Infrared. Now Sam will see someone in the nearest tent on the left with his back to him. Also, there is a patrolling guard who will stroll around the searchlight for awhile and then dissappear from sight to the left between the tents. ********** STEALTH OPTION: ********** Once again, sneaking past these guards is easy. One stays mostly in the tent, though if you hang around long enough, he will come out and a have a brief conversation with the other guard before going back into the tent. Simply pick the lock on the door, stay to the left along the wall and go behind the near tent which is completely dark. As you pass by this tent, the Interact Window comes up: "Cut Material". But since we're not interested in grabbing and interrogating right now, ignore this window and keep going in a crouch to the far side of the tent. Now you can see the rest of this courtyard. There's a doorway on the far side with a light over it, plus an alcove to the left with another light bulb on. However Sam does have a very sizable dark area in around this tent to work with. Watch the patrolling guard's pattern: he leaves the searchlight, passes between the two tents, goes to the far side of this waist-high rectangular concrete casing, and stands there for about 20 seconds. Then he turns around and goes back the way he came. Wait until the other guard has come out of the tent and had his conversation and gone back inside the tent before moving; now we don't have to worry about the second guard at all; it'll be over 4 minutes or so until he comes back out again, and we'll be gone by then. Move Sam to the near side of the concrete casing and wait. When the patrolling guard has been standing on the other side of the concrete casing in the dark for his allotted 20 seconds, and he turns and goes back towards the searchlight, SLOWLY move Sam across the dark space between the tents so that the tent is between him and the patrolling guard. When Sam is positioned correctly against this tent's wall, once again the 'Cut Material' Interact Window will pop up. This time press 'A' and select it and watch the cool animation as Sam draws his knife and slits an opening into the tent wall. Move slowly into the tent and find the third weapons crate and scan it. Once you have scanned the crate, crouch near the slit in the tent wall, but don't exit the tent yet. Turn on your Infrared and find the two guards with it. The guard in the other tent should be stationary, tinkering with a radio. The other guard should be standing near the searchlight. Wait until the patrolling guard has done his route again, going between the tents, pausing next to the casing, then turned and gone back to the searchlight. Now you've got about a minute for this next part before he comes back: Sam moves slowly out of the tent, and uses the OCP on the light over the doorway, and once the light flickers out this time Sam advances to that doorway and passes through it. There's another light inside the room beyond, so use the OCP on that as well and continue on. The hallway turns left, and through an open doorway Sam can see another courtyard. Sam has successfully completed his objectives for that part of the level: find the weapons crate, scan it, avoid the guards. No alarms triggered, nothing. ********** KO/KILL OPTION Just as in the stealth strategy outlined above, pick the lock, open the door and move up behind the near tent. Only this time, we do want to cut the material and enter the tent when the Interact Window comes up. Sam moves into the tent and the terrorist has his back to him. He's either tinkering with the radio or he's slowly adjusting the strap of his rifle as he inches toward the tent door. Move Sam slowly up behind him and grab him when the Interact Window appears. Now here's how realistic this game is: Sometimes if you interrogate this guard in the tent, the other guard outside overhears it and comes firing. So make sure you don't interrogate this terrorist too close to the tent's door. I always like to back the guy out of the tent completely, and staying in the dar, go back along the wall though the door Sam just came out of and around the corner. Now the other guard won't hear a thing as Sam interrogates this terrorist. From this guard we learn that Lacerda is long gone, so once again a mission objective is cancelled. First we couldn't rescue Morgenholt and now this! Oh well, no time to dwell on it. Kill the guard by pulling the right trigger or KO him with a choke by pulling the left trigger. Now we go get his buddy before he realizes his friend is missing. Make your way back through the door and pass behind the near tent and crouch near the rectangular concrete casing. This is the best place to grab this guard because it's dark and he can't see you. Wait until he's been standing there and then when he turns around and heads back towards the searchlight, move Sam up behind him and grab him. Then KO him. If you want to kill this guard, there's no reason to grab him first. Just move Sam up to the concrete casing, wait until the guard is standing still on the other side, stand Sam up, draw the silenced pistol, take aim from about 4 feet away......... PHUT. One less terrorist for the Free World to worry about. If you like the knife, use the knife. Isn't freedom of choice a wonderful thing? Now you can go and scan the crate in the second tent without a care in the world. Both guards are either unconscious or dead. Whether you avoided the guards or killed/KO'd them, after you scan the crate and exit the tent where you sliced it open, crouch down for a moment. You have two ways to go to the next part of the level. Through the lighted doorway in front of you which leads into a courtyard, or up the rocks to the right where you can climb your way up to a lighted archway and enter a castle-shaped building. ********PATH #1: THE LIGHTED DOORWAY******** You need to go through the door on the opposite side of the courtyard that has the lightbulb on over it. There is a small room with another lightbulb high up on the left hand side and a doorway leading to the right. You need to take this light out instead of just turning it off for 20 seconds with the OCP. Now that it's nice and dark, move Sam forward and peek through the open doorway that is revealed around the corner. Most of the courtyard beyond is very dark. Move Sam into the courtyard against the lefthand wall about 10 feet or so and then crouch him down and wait. He can hear two guards having a conversation behind the stone wall to his right. Once the conversation is over, he sees then hears one of the guards walking around the end of the wall. This guard will make a circular pattern through the courtyard, but he can't see Sam in the dark and as long as Sam is crouched against he wall, he won't detected him. One of the weapons crates Sam needs to scan is under an awning just off the center of this courtyard. The patrolling soldier is passing around it every time he makes his circuit. Scanning the crate is easy. Slide Sam along the wall and move him until he is just a few feet away from the crate, but out of the nearby light. As long as Sam is against the wall, the guard will not see him. Just after the guard passes directly by Sam, move him as close to the crate as you can, but STAY OUT OF THE LIGHT. Crouch Sam down and WAIT. You want the guard to pass by the other way and go back around the stone wall for about 4 seconds. When he does, move Sam towards the crate. His light meter will begin to slide to the right as he exposes himself, but the guard is now out of sight. As soon as the Interact Window "Scan Crate" pops up hit the 'A' button. It shouldn't take more than a second. Then move Sam back to the wall and under cover of darkness. Slide Sam back down the wall toward the door he entered by. That's four crates down. One more to find. Now to get past these two guards. ******* STEALTH OPTION ******** This patrolling guard isn't really a problem. It's the other guard on the other side of the wall that's the problem. There is a fortified structure he's standing in front of with a lightbulb burning brightly over the doorway. The patrolling guard is easily avoided because he spends most of his time moving around in the dark. This other guy is leaning up against a big structure with a light on just two feet over his head. Here's the problem: if you shoot the light out these guys have flares. They will light them up and Sam will lose the advantage of being in the dark. Sam will have to fight his way past these guards if that happens. You have to use the pistol's OCP on the light, but it's tricky because the only place you have an angle on it is a V shaped hole in the stone wall about halfway down, and Sam will have to stand up and point his pistol at it for about 3 seconds; during those 3 seconds you need to make sure the patrolling guard has his back to this spot, or he's going to see Sam when he stands up and aims. That would be bad. Move to the V shaped hole in the wall, crouch down, and find the patrolling guard. When he's reached the part of his circuit where he turns and puts his back to Sam, quickly turn Sam around, stand him up, aim the pistol at the light over the doorway, and pull the left trigger. When the light is off, you have about 20 seconds to put the pistol away, crouch Sam down, and keeping him close to the wall at all times, move him slowly around the wall and BEHIND the very large crates the loitering guard was leaning against. The light will give a brief flicker about 5 seconds before it comes all the way back on, so you will get some warning. The guards are staring up at the light over the doorway trying to figure out what happened, so they shouldn't see Sam now crouched behind the crates, just feet away from the door and the generator next to it. I tried OCPing the light again and going through the door, but the loitering guard lights up a flare every time I do that and I get caught. So don't OCP the light again, unless you want to give up the Stealth option and get in a gunfight. Once the guards to back to loitering and patrolling, turn Sam around and find the smaller crates with the tanned taurplin pulled over them. He can mantle his way up them and from there jump up and pull himself into the building by that window on the second floor. You might have to position him a little big while he's hanging by his fingernails from the window ledge; it took me a few tries to get him to pull himself up into the window. Oh, and you have to time this so the patrolling guard doesn't see Sam's outline in the well lighted window as he climbs in. Got it? Once through the window, Sam will land on some stairs. At the bottom is the doorway with the generator and the loitering terrorist just feet away, so don't go down. Go up. To the left is an archway that overlooks the courtyard with the tents in it that Sam already passed through. ********PATH #2: UP THE ROCKS INTO THE ARCHWAY******** Move Sam up to the big overflow of rocks. You should be able to see the lighted archway up high. Find the crates with some pallets on top of it. Have Sam climb up onto it and then from there jump up and grab the next ledge with his fingertips and then pull himself up. Now he's in front of the archway itself. Through the archway we see the lighted stairway. Follow this path, and you have to do everything mentioned above in Path #1 reverse. To scan that fourth crate you still have to sneak past the two guards. You can get away with OCPing a light ONCE. And if you follow this path, you really have to sneak past these guards TWICE. Once on the way to the crate and then once again on the way back. ******** KO/KILL OPTION ******** If you opt for this, the trick is going to be absolutely sure you take the first patrolling guard out without the loitering guard hearing it. I wouldn't advise using the knife or a palmstrike. Most of the time the other guard heard his buddy falling and came running with a lighted flare and a very happy trigger finger. Wait until the patrolling guard is isolated on the near side of the rock wall, where the other guard can't see, and take him from behind in the dark. Once you've grabbed him, move him into the doorway where Sam entered by. Then KO or kill the poor SOB. Now there is only one target to deal with. You have more options here, because nobody is going to come running and firing if you mess up, though you will lose health if this terrorist gets some bullets into you. Easiest way: Headshot from the SC 20K from the V shaped hole in the wall. Expert way: OCP the light above his head, make your way behind the crates the guard is in front of, and then take him from behind with the knife. Whichever way you choose, we now pick up the story after Sam has scanned the crate, avoided/KO'd/Killed the guards, and is now making his way up the stairs into as yet unexplored territory. At the top of the stairs on the left side is a darkned archway leading into what looks like a bunk room for these terrorists. Crouch Sam down at the door and survey the room. There are two terrorists present; one is sleeping in bed and the other is sitting with his back to Sam. ******** STEALTH OPTION ******** You have to move Sam across this room in the dark to the lighted doorway on the left. You will move directly behind the seated terrorist. You don't really have a shot at OCPing the light illuminating this doorway until you are very, very close to the doorway. I didn't bother. I simply moved Sam slowly along the left side of the doorway. The music picked up, and the terrorist mumbled something, catching something out of the corner of his eye. But by the time he turned his head nothing was there. I peeked around the corner a few seconds later and the terrorist was serenely sitting in his chair staring off into space. If you are feeling really bold, instead of immediately sneaking across the room to the left and exiting the room, sneak to the right along the wall and go to the counter where there is ammo, a frag grenade and a MedKit waiting. You shouldn't need the MedKit all all, though, if you've been following my excellent advice! ******** KO/KILL OPTION ******** You can't immediatley shoot or knife or KO the sitting guard; if you do the other guard on the bed wakes up and unleashes a hail of bullets. And an alarm will go off. Alarms are bad, and we want to avoid them. You can't take the sleeping guard first, because you would be seen by the sitting guard as you moved in. Move up slowly behind the sitting guard and grab him when the Grab Character window pops up. Once you have him, slowly move him backwards toward the door Sam came in by. Once you are outside this room, you can KO this guard or kill him in safety. Now the sleeping guard is literally a sleeping duck. You can sneak up to the side of his bed and put a round through his ear. You can hit him with a Sticky Shocker to improve the depth of his slumber. It's up to you. Moving forward, Sam will go through a brief lighted hallway and then slowly pass through a curtain, and now he is on a long wooden walkway leading to a doorway at the far end with a lightbulb over it. CAUTION: If you are doing the Stealth option, the loitering terrorist and the patrolling terrorist you bypassed earlier are still down there. If Sam is well lighted when they look up, they will see him and start firing. Keep Sam as far to the right of the walkway as possible as you slowly move him down it. About three quarters of the way down the walkway, the light from the bulb over the doorway will impede your progress. Draw the pistol and OCP the light. You have 15 or so seconds to cover the previously lighted section of the walkway, get inside the doorway and crouch on the right hand side before the light flickers back to life. When the light comes back on, if your light meter starts to slide rightward, move forward a little bit. If you're in the right spot, the light meter should stay flush to the left once the light is back on. Great, your hidden! That means the terrorist about 3 feet from you can't see you! Oh, you didn't see him yet? He's right there in front of you - turn your NV on. He's standing there facing to the side with a drawn pistol in his hand. You need to go into the lighted part of the room behind him and use that computer without him discovering you. ******** STEALTH OPTION ******** You can't OCP the light hanging from the ceiling above the computer because if you do the terrorist over there will turn around and come over. So you have to hold your breath and move SLOWLY to the computer. Interact with it, quickly select the three files on it, and exit the computer screen. Grimsdotter will come on and talk about how Third Echelon will make Sam's computer intrusion look like a memory allocation error. Facing the computer, slowly move to the right where there is a curtain hanging over another doorway. Beyond is a small storeroom lighted by a lantern with a doorway opening to the right. ******** KO/KILL OPTION ******** This terrorist always seems to sense attacks from the side, so it's best to take him directly from behind. You can grab him and interrogate him if you want, or simply put a bullet in the back of his head. Now you don't have to worry about being discovered as you access the computer. Once you have accessed the computer and either avoided/KO'd/killed the guard, move to the right and go through the curtain hanging over another doorway. As you scan the storeroom beyond and it' lantern, you will hear a conversation begin between guards who are outside. If you want to see them, shoot a Sticky Camera onto the wall in front of the doorway pointing in the direction where the terrorists are standing outside. Hold the white inventory button and the Inventory Window will come up. Switch weapons by using the Directional Pads left and right button. Once you have the SC 20K selected, keep holding down the white button and press the Directional Pad's up and down pads until 'Sticky Camera' appears. Let go of the button and Sam's equipped weapon is now the SC 20K with the Sticky Cameras loaded in the foregrip attachement. Point the SC 20K at the wall and pull the left trigger. Sam will quickly put the SC 20K away and pull up his Palm Pilot and look at it. At this point the screen will change to the Camera View, and we see what the camera is recording. You can move the camera view around using the right thumbstick. You can zoom in and out with the left thumbstick. Also, pressing left or right on the Directional Pad will change to the NV, Infrared and Normal. When their conversation is over, the terrorist will head toward the doorway but don't panic; they will hang a left turn and go down some stairs. They are getting out of the rain. Wait until they are gone, and then slowly move Sam through the doorway, staying as far to the right as possible. Don't OCP the light; it only drew the terrorists immediatley back up the stairs. At the edge of the balcony, where it's nice and dark, inch Sam forward to the left and he will be able to peek over the edge of the balcony and see the terrorists down below. Hmmmmm. How is Sam going to get down that well lighted starway over there without these terrorist seeing him? ******** STEALTH OPTION ******** Simple. Sam is not going down a well lighted stairway. Wait for awhile and watch the patrol patterns of the guard that is moving around. He goes up and down a second pair of stairs further down in about 3 minute intervals. Once he has come up the stairs, gone over to the other guard, and then turned and walked away and now stands facing the lighthouse in the distance, you have about 2 minutes before he makes another circuit that will pass him right over the path Sam needs to take. When the patrolling guard is facing the lighthouse, have Sam pull his pistol and OCP the light over the stairs. As the patrolling guard is turning to go down the other pair of stairs, bring Sam down the now darkned stairs and at the bottom hug the wall on the right and turn the corner. Yes, there's a terrorist right there next to the cannon, but he's facing off to the side, and if you keep Sam against the wall he'll stay invisible. Hey, look! It's the last weapons crate we've been looking for! Move Sam forward until the Scan Crate window pops up and selelct it. Lambert will come on the comm and thank Fisher for the fine work; this will make it easy to trace who is supplying Lacerda and his goons with their weaponry. Now, you should have about a minute before Mr. I Can't Stay Still Because I Drank Too Much Coffee comes back up the stairs. Even if Sam goes into Wall Mode on this second lower set of stairs, this terrorist will detect him. So it's a fine line between getting Sam down the stairs in time while the terrorist in the alcove on the right is busy yakking into his cell phone, and going too fast and having the guy hear or see Sam go by. Stay out of the lighted area at the bottom of these stairs until you can't help it and then quickly move past the sliver of light on the floor. You are now on a very dimly lighted rock trail leading downward. If you do it right, the terrorist in the lighted alcove may make a "HUH?" sound and look around, but he won't come out and walk down the trail to investigate. Instead, he will head back up the stairs like he always does. ******** KO/KILL OPTION ******** The easiest way to take these terrorists out is with the Sticky Camera. While the two terrorists are still talking on the balcony, move Sam to the doorway, crouch him down, bring up the SC 20K and shoot a sticky camera right at their feet. Then, after the Camera View comes up, press the yellow 'Y' button to release the gas. It should get them both. Put a round in their heads to make sure they stay down. Sometimes a third terrorist appears from up the rock trail past the second set of stairs, sometimes not. Play it safe and take out the lights over the stair and over the weapons crate. Scan the crate and move on. Of course, if you are feeling VERY adventerous, you could shoot the sticky camera against the wall like in the beginning of the Stealth Option, then hit the noise maker button "X" and when either one or both terrorists come to investigate the noise, shoot or knife them from close up. Either way, once you've scanned the crate and either left 2-3 clueless or unconscious/dead terrorists behind you, make your way slowly down the very dimly lighted trail cut into the cliffside. Eventually the path turns to the right and keeps going down. Now here's a tricky part. As you are going down this last part of the rock trail a terrorist will suddenly appear at the bottom and start nonchalantly strolling up towards you. At first I thought this was a perfect spot for a split jump, but Sam can't seem to do one here. I also tried retreating back up the trail to avoid him but he just kept coming up. Going into wall mode didn't help either; the trail is too narrow. There is only ONE way I have found to get past this guy, and you should Quick Save here because it took me several attempts. Just when he appears at the bottom of the trail and starts up, make a noise, jump up and down, whatever it takes and then retreat back up the trail to just before the doorway where the last terrorist is in the lighted alcove. The terrorist down below will draw his pistol and go on patrol, and several times he came all the way up the trail and I had to take him out. Several times he also turned around and went back down the ramp and around the corner. When he does that, slowly trail him. After you turn the corner, pause and look ahead. See the light bulb swaying in the high wind? You can't shoot it out or OCP it because itmakes him run around until he finds you. Wait until he is facing away from Sam and going down the trail. There is only ONE spot I have found on this entire trail where this guard won't detect Sam in Wall Mode as he passes by: just beyond the swaying lightbulb on the right hand side. As the terrorist slowly moves down the trail facing away from Sam, put Sam in Wall Mode and move him as fast as you can down the right hand wall. You will be lighted up like the Fourth of July as you slide past the lightbulb, so pray this guy doesn't turn around. Watch the light meter and the INSTANT it slids all the way left FREEZE. The terrorist will look around less than three feet away, then turn and go back up the trail, and turn the corner. Take Sam out of Wall Mode and move on down the darkned trail ahead. It goes off to the left after awhile, around a gradual curve. On the other side of the curve is a small bridge leading to the lighthouse which has a guard patrolling it. If you look close enough, you can also see another guard patrolling the walkway on the top of the lighthouse. ******** STEALTH OPTION ******** Wait until the bridge guard is facing away from Sam going back down the bridge toward the lighthouse and move Sam to the foot of the bridge. Once the guard has moved to the other side of the lighthouse, OCP the light on the lighthouse that is bathing the far end of the bridge with it's brilliant light. Then move Sam across the bridge and move to the left along the stone wall, in the same clock-wise direction that the guard is patrolling. Stay behind him and off to the side. If he noticed the light going out when Sam OCP'ed it, he will turn and walk back. Go into Wall Mode against the low stone wall encircling the Lighthouse and he shouldn't see you. The door you need to enter by is on the opposite side of the lighthouse from the bridge. It has a light over the door. Wait until the guard is on the far side of the bridge and then OCP the light over the door and then Optic Cable it. There is a radio operator sitting there with his back to the door. ******** KO/KILL OPTION: ******** When the guard is on the dark end of the bridge closest to Sam and has just turned around to head back toward the lighthouse, grab him. From there, OCP the light bathing the far end of the bridge, because there is guard patrolling the top of the lighthouse that will see you if you just sashay on accross in the light. Whether you avoid the guard or deal with him, now you have to deal with the radio operator. Open the door slowly and then close it; if you leave it open the radio operator will notice after awhile; and the patrolling guard will definatley notice it when he passes by. Slowly move Sam up the spiral metal staircase. As Sam moves upward, Grimsdottir will intercept some of the radio operator's code and come up with the name of a Portugese cargo ship that transported the five weapons crates Sam scanned. Lambert tells Sam all his primary objectives are complete. He can call a helicopter for extraction, but the lighthouse beacon has to be off before that can happen. And remember - there's a guard patrolling up there. There's a MedKit halfway up the stairs if you need it. Also, if you mess up earlier and have to shoot the radio operator before Grimsdottir can overhear the conversation on the radio, they will tell Sam to search a filing cabinet near the Medkit for documents. After going up the staircase for some time, Sam will come to a ladder. Move Sam up the ladder and pause him at the top. Now is a good time for save if there ever was one, because this is tricky. At the top we see the huge revolving lighthouse beacon. We also see the slowly patrolling guard on the outer walkway. If Sam gets up at the wrong time and moves in front of the light, the terrorist will notice it before Sam can get close. Timing is very important here. The doorway out onto the walkway is on the opposite side of the lighthouse from the ladder where Sam now is. He has to get up, crouch, and move around counter clockwise to the door while the terrorist is facing away and looking out at the horizon. If the terrorist is walking and half-facing the light, he will see Sam right away and respond with a hail of bullets. There is no stealth option here. You have to either kill or KO this guard. Even if you manage to get to the light switch to turn the beacon off, he'll come running and gunning for you. The Easy Way: Wait until he's on the far side, and has paused for a few seconds looking outward. Climb Sam up, turn him around, equip the SC 20K and hit the guard with a Sticky Shocker. Instant KO. Then go flip the switch and extract. The Expert Way: Grab the guard and throw him over the rail, just like in the cool animation we see at the beginning of the Lighthouse Level. How do you pull this off? Here's how: wait until the guard is facing away, move Sam up the ladder, over to the doorway and IMMEDIATELY move him to the railing and hit the 'Y' button. Sam will look like he's committing suicide as he launches himself over the railing. But then he turns in mid-air and grabs the edge of the catwalk with his fingers. If the guard didn't see, all you have to do is wait until he comes strolling by, and when he is in proper position, a 'Grab Character' Interact window will pop up. Press it quickly and watch what happens: Sam clambers up the railing, grabs the surprised guard by the back of the neck and belt and heaves him over the railing to his death on the rocks far below. Wow. Now all Sam has to do is go back into the beacon area and switch the beacon off. Once he does that the 'Call Extraction' option will be added to the Interact Window. For fun, before calling extraction, take the SC 20K and use the scope: if you snuck past the bridge guard, he's still blissfully patrolling away down there. Mission Accomplished! Sam has come through for the Free World again! He's not getting older.....he's getting better! ======================================================== Level II: Cargo Ship ======================================================== The Maria Narcissa, Pacific Ocean, 90 KM Southwest of the Panama Canal Third Echelon has tracked Hugo Lacerda to a cargo ship called the Maria Narcissa. Sam is to get on board in the bow, and then locate Lacerda and make sure he never has a chance to pass on what he's learned about the Masse Kernels. That's right, this is a wetwork mission. Sam is to assasinate Lacerda as his main mission. Other secondary objectives will come up, but making sure Lacerda assumes room temperature is the main goal of this level. From Lambert's pre-mission briefing, we learn that Lacerda and his goons were contracted to grab Morgenholt by a third party. Then Grimsdottir comes on to tell us just how bad it would be for Lacerda to get away with the info he tortured out of Morgenholt. Redding comes on then to give the particular details of the mission, such as the fact Sam will be inserted on the bow. Finally, Captain Arthur Partridge makes an appearance to talk about the planned extraction once the mission is over. The idea is for Sam to use the Maria Narcissa's motor launch and meet the pickup boat out of visual range of the ship. ******** STEALTH VERSION ******** The level opens with Sam just having come over the side of the Maria Narcissa's bow. Lambert will come on the comm while Sam crouches in the darkness behind some huge winches for the ship's anchor, watching two crewman in front of him. Lambert speaks up to warn Sam about a new alarm system that has been installed on the ship. Sam asks if that means three alarms and the missions over, and Lambert makes a funny remark about this not being a video game! One of the crewman is moving around from one side of the deck to the other; the other crewman is standing on the right in front of a railing facing out to sea. After awhile a third creman carrying an automatic rifle will come up the nearby stairs and have a brief conversation with the stationary crewmember. The machine-gun toting guard will then turn around and head back down the stairs. So you've got two crewman on this deck and one guy down below on patrol. Let's go to work. There are matching stairs on the left and right side of the deck; the stationary crew member is standing right in front of the stairs on the right side; so let's go down the left side stairs. Wait until the guy restlessly walking around is on the right side of the deck and then move Sam down the stairs. Peek around the corner, and if the patrolling guard is visible stay put. Let him pass by. It's dark down here and before Sam is a narrow corridor leading to a door at the far end. Crouch on the stairs and wait until the patrolling guard has appeared, stood at the foot of the stairs, and then turned and gone back the way he came. You need to know where he is before you move down this corridor. The first time I went through the levelI had KO'd the two guys on the bow and didn't see the patrolling guard. While I was down at the far end discovering that the door there doesn't open, guess what happened? The patrolling guard came around the corner, saw me, and had pumped 3 bullets into me before I could locate him. Well wait a minute. If the door down there doesn't open, why are we going down there? Ah, patience, grasshopper. When you're sure the coast is clear, head down the corridor towards the door. See, it doesn't open. Now stop, take three steps backwards and turn Sam towards the wall and look up. Just above a red colored cabinet on the ship's wall is an opening. Climb Sam up on top of the cabinet and enter this narrow path. You will soon come to an intersection. Go left. At the end is an open space where you will see several huge boxcar containers stacked atop each other, lighted by a halogen lamp on the wall high to the left. Use the OCP on the light, and then when it's nice and dark, go to the right and find the area between the two boxcars where there is an opening that Sam can drop down through. Turn your Night Vision on first, and silent drop Sam down and then go right to the wall and go into Wall Mode and quickly scan the area. You are now in the other end of the patrolling guard's route, and you need to know where he is. There is a stairwell leading down to your right. When you have accounted for the patrolling guard, and let him pass by and turn the corner around the far end, you have about 25 seconds until he comes back. Go quietly down the stairs and spot the guard snoozing in the chair in front of a sliding door. Don't go close to him and give him a reason to wake up. Slid the door open and go down the ladder into the storage room. Now that's the first path you can follow to get to this door. If you're feeling bold and adventurous, you could try the second more challenging path. In this one, we go right by the patrolling guard and right under the nose of the guard standing on the bow at the railing. **** ALTERNATIVE PATH TO THE STORAGE ROOM **** To take the alternate path, once again move Sam down the lefthand stairs from the bow. Move Sam against the dark wall to the right that has the pipe running along it and slide him down the wall toward the other set of stairs. Soon the patrolling guard with the automatic rifle will appear. As long as Sam is in wall mode, this guard will not detect him in the dark. Let him pass by. (NOTE: sometimes this works on the left hand wall too, but several times this guard has detected Sam and fired on him at point blank range - this doesn't seem to happen when Sam is in Wall Mode on the right hand wall) When the guard has turned around and started back the way he came, follow him in Wall Mode, but don't go too fast or get too close or he'll hear. Give him a few seconds once he turns the corner, then slowly follow him. You want him about 10-15 feet ahead of Sam. The guy standing at the top of the stairs looking out to sea has never seen Sam go by, at least the four times I've done this, but I can't say he never does. Follow the guard down the gangway, staying about 10-15 feet behind him, and just over halfway down the gangway is a very dark spot containing some barrells on the left against the wall. Move Sam over to the barrells and crouch down, because the guard has reached the end of his route and turns around and starts back the other way. Once he's gone around the corner and dissappeared from sight, move Sam up to the base of the stairs and go down them. Pass the sleeping guard, slide the door open, and go down the ladder. And there you are. Two ways to get to the same objective. As Sam is going down the ladder, Lambert comes on the comm to say it looks like Lacerda is spreading around the wealth and paying off old debts with the weapons he got from his recent job. There are several more weapons crates lying around, and this time instead of scanning them, the Third Echelon team wants Sam to place tracking devices he's carrying on the crates. This way the good guys will know which bad guys are getting this dangerous stuff. The maze of boxes is pretty easy to navigate. Sam will have to put his shoulder foward and slidle his way through several times. The idea is to keep going until you hit the metal wall of the ship that has a narrow opening. On the other side of the opening is the first crate that Sam must bug. Move Sam over to it and the "Place Tracker" Interact Window will pop up. After bugging this crate, you move between the crates to the left, then slide left again then slide right. As Sam is moving through this last area, and can see light being thrown onto some boxes from above, Lambert comes on the comm to tell Sam they have just intercepted a radio call from the Maria Narcissa saying they have a hull leak and asking for an escort. Sam somewhat apprehensively asks if the ship is sinking. Lambert says no, but for Sam to keep looking through the cargo for weapons crates, he's going to have to unflood several compartments, and the only way he can do that is to activate the bilge pumps in the forward machine room. So Sam now has an objective - get to the machine room, turn on the pumps, and unflood the submerged compartments. Coming around these last crates, Sam will see a ladder leading up to a well lighted doorway. Go up the ladder and when you get to the top OCP the light in the ceiling and then quickly use the Optic Scan on the door to the right. You should see no one. Open the door and then close it. You should be kneeling in a dark spot by the time the light behind you flickers back to life. We could just shoot all these lights out in this corridor, but it's good practice to save bullets and just darken the area with the OCP so Sam can pass through staying in the dark. There are two lights ahead in the ceiling. OCP them one at a time, moving forward. There is a door to the right with water running out from it's doorjamb, and if Sam approaches it, Lambert says that's one of the compartments Sam needs to unflood. Going forward, the corridor ends at two doors, one right in front, which doesn't open, and one to the right, which does give us a Door Options window. The only option we're given, however, is 'Slide Open'. Slide the door open, and we see a man with his back to us on the far side of the room working with some machine grinding away at a tool. Slide the door closed, and crouch Sam in the dark. Ready for this? To the left, at ceiling height, is the crawl space where Sam needs to go to get to the forward machine room. This terrorist is less than 5 feet away from the opening, and he's half facing it. As in the LightHouse Level, you can get away with OCPing a light with a guard nearby ONE time. The second time our tool-grinding friend will light up a flare and wave it around. Even if he doesn't find Sam, he will now stand in the middle of the room facing the door. So if you mess this up, you will simply have to KO or Kill this guy. Jump up onto the table to the left and crouch. Move around until you have a good angle on the light over the tool machine and OCP it. The first time it goes out, the terrorist looks up at it, shrugs and goes back to work. Move Sam off this table, then move up and jump up on the next table, staying as far to the left as possible. Edge Sam off the table, he will silent drop onto the floor about 3 feet from this terrorist to his left, and the "Enter Crawl Space" Interact Window will appear. Hit the 'A' button and Sam will jump up and crawl into this rectangular opening in the wall. You need to get Sam into the crawlspace before the light comes back on. Move him forward until the 'Exit Crawl Space' Interact window appears, but look out and make sure there isn't a patrolling terrorist in sight before you do so. If you wait long enough in this opening, you can see a terrorist holding an automatic rifle pass below. Once Sam jumps down onto a catwalk in this very dimly lighted area, turn the NV goggles on, move him to the right, look up and find the pipe running along the ceiling and hit the 'Y' button to make Sam jump up and grab it. Then hit 'Y' again to make Sam bring his legs up. You have between 10-30 seconds to pull this off before the patrolling terrorist comes back, depending on where he is on his route when Sam drops in. If you drop Sam in early enough, the terrorist patrolling the catwalk is having a conversation with another man who is down below in the center of the room working on the machinery there. That will give Sam more time to jump up on the pipe and get himself hidden. Move down the pipe, mindful of the wildly swinging ceiling lamp, and there is a ladder on the far end. Sam has to wait until the terrorist on patrol on the catwalk is on the far end facing away, and then he has to jump down, get to the ladder, and climb to the bottom and move to a dark spot and hide before that guard turns around and sees him. Once you are at the base of the ladder, move forward to the far lefthand corner. You now have the guy operating the pump machinery on the other side. Your light meter should be all the way to the left. Now OCP the light hanging from the ceiling. Once's it's off, turn the NV on, crouch Sam, and you have about 20 seconds to get him from this corner to the opposite left hand corner on the far side of the room before the light comes back on, all while avoiding the guard who will leave his console to start walking around. When the light comes back on, Sam should be crouched in the dark corner facing the pump machinery console. OCP the light again. The catwalk guard may descend the ladder to wander around the ground floor too with the other guy, so watch out for them. Move to the console and when the "Activate Pumps" window comes up, select it. Then retreat back to your corner and be hidden when the light comes on. ********ALTERNATIVE PATH TO GROUND FLOOR******** When Sam drops out of the crawlspace, move him left instead of right. There is a very dark corner here; this is the darkest side of the room. Take Sam over the railing and he will turn in mid-air and grab the edge of the catwalk. Then silent drop him down to the floor. He will be in the dark corner facing the pump console. From here, simply follow the same procedure: OCP the light, go to the console, and then retreat to the corner before the light comes back on.) Now you could try going back the way you came, but these guys are wary now. There is a door on the far side of the room on the right that was previously flooded but now is available for you to exit by because you've activated the pumps. OCP the light again, make your way over to it, avoiding the blinded guards. If you're a little late getting to the door, the light will come back on while you are going through it. If they are following you but no alarm has sounded, that means they THINK they saw something but are not sure. Close the door behind you, turn the corner and Move down the long corridor you find yourself in until you come to a door on your right. Slide it open, go in and slide the door closed again. Turning, you will find yourself in a recently flooded storage compartment that is now free of water. Jump up onto the boxes in this room until you are near ceiling level - there is a large box with the Bill of Lading that Grimsdottir wants to look over. When Sam reads it, Grimsdottir comes on the Comm to say that Lacerda has been using a proxy for his arms shipments. It turns out to be a Panamanian bank with a very long Panamanian name. Now Grimsdottir tells Sam he still needs to recover the ships transit ledgers from the office so Third Echelon can see who else Lacerda has been dealing with. Go open the door again, and OCP the light out, and then duck back into the storage room and close the door when you see the two guards come walking down the far end of the corridor. You will hear them pass by. You will let them pass by. If you want, turn on the Infrared and look at the door and watch them pass by. Then you exit the cargo room, OCP the light again, and then move right down the corridor OCPing the lights in the ceiling as you come to them until you reach a stairway leading down to a door with revolving red lights around a sign that says 'Engine Room'. At this point........boy is Sam's Spec Ops suit fly or what....Lambert comes on the comm and says they are detecting fumes coming from the door in front of Sam. Sam says he can smell a gas leak. Grimsdottir tells Sam that firing a gun will trigger an explosion, so he has to move through the engine room without firing a weapon. Also, since terrorists aren't very bright or they'd being doing something more contructive with their lives, Grimsdottir informs Sam that if the enemy detects him they will open fire and blow both Sam and themselves and their expensive ship right out of the water. Let me tell you right here: it is a BITCH getting through this engine room without grabbing and KOing or using the knife on anybody. It takes awhile to set it up right, but it can be done. Enter the engine room and.........what? What do we do? CLOSE THE DOOR. If you don't close the door, the mechanic walking around on the ground floor will see it and come over to investigate. Let him pass by, and then follow him. You will go around some huge machinery, and then he will keep going right under a light hanging from the ceiling, so stop before the light illuminates you. There are two guards patrolling on the catwalks above, and though they are together at the start, soon one will go up a flight of stairs to a higher level and patrol a higher catwalk. Take out the pistol and OCP the light blocking your path. Once it's out, you want to moveforward, and then to the right into the corner behind the another big piece of machinery before the light flickers back on. Right next to this machinery is a stairway leading up to the lower catwalk. Lean out behind the machinery and OCP the light again, but don't go up the stairs yet. I spent over an hour trying to get past these guys OCPing the light while already on the catwalk and I never succeeded. You need to draw at least one of these guards off the catwalk onto the ground floor. Keep OCPing the light and hiding under the stairway in wall mode until at least one or maybe even BOTH of the patrolling guards have come down the stairs and are wandering around on floor level. Then quickly OCP the light to keep it off and go up the stairs, staying against the right hand hand wall, and go ALL THE WAY AROUND the room in a big rectangular pattern. DON'T take the inviting shortcut provided by the gangway leading left that takes you directly to the stairs leading to the next level. The ground level guard is standing right where he can see you if you try that. After going all the way around, go up the darkened stairs to the next level. Turn left and follow the wall until you come to a door. Once you are through here you are out of the Engine Room and not in danger of blowing up if somebody stupidly fires a gun. Slide the door open, then close it and head to the very dark corner to your left, away from the light illuminating the stairs nearby. Soon a patrolling guard will show up. Put Sam directly against the wall and equip the SC 20K with the Sticky Shockers in the attachment just in case, but this guard should stop just short of discovering Sam and then turn around and stand there like a dumbass for about 20 seconds before moving off to resume his patrol. Wait until the guard has walked down to the far end of the hallway past the stairs and turned right, out of sight. Then slowly move Sam up to the right hand wall and go into Wall Mode and slide down the wall to the corner. If you get there in time, you will see the guard going into another room and then closing the door behind him. There is a door on the lefthand side closer to Sam - it's closed. Go over and open it and go inside and close the door. Switch off the light and turn your Infrared on. This will allow you to see the terrorist as he passes by the door. (NOTE: That's right, in case you haven't done this yet: you can always 'see' people through doors with the Infrared, something that is going to be very useful in avoiding this guy.) Listen carefully. You will hear the door to the other room opening and closing and then hear footsteps. Then you will see the bluish outline of the terrorist pass by the bathroom door. Once the terrorist has passed by on his route, you have about 20-25 seconds until he passes this way again. Open the door, pass through it and close it again. Then head left down the corridor to the door this guard just came out of. Open and close the door. Closing these doors is very important, because this guard will become alarmed if he happens across a door that's open when knows it was closed a few seconds ago. You're in a bunk room. Hurry down the middle of the room until you get to another closed door. It's a closet. Open the door and then immediately close it behind you. You have be out of sight by the time the terrorist opens the door on the far side of the room and comes in. On the floor of the closet is another weapons crate. Place a tracking device on it. Turn the Infrared back on and watch the door; soon you will see the outline of the guard entering the room, walking up to the door and then stopping and turning his back to it. After a few seconds, he moves off. Let him exit the room, then retrace your steps and REMEMBER TO CLOSE THE DOORS. If you don't, if this guard happens upon an open door, he will retreat to the area by the stairway that is our only exit to the next part of the ship and stand there. That will make it twice as hard to sneak past him. Once again, you want to hide in the bathroom while he is out of sight, and then wait until he passes by on his way back to the bunk room. Then exit the bathroom and... what? What do we do? Oh, yeah, that's right........... WE CLOSE THE DOOR. Now we need to get up the stairs ahead before this guy comes back. Head up the two flights of stairs and as you get to the top Grimsdottir comes on the comm to let Sam know he's near the ship's office where the transit ledgers will be found. The first door up here doesn't open; peek around the corner and you will see another door under a very bright light. OCP the light and enter the doorway. A very small office is revealed with a computer on a table and another door leading out. Against the left wall is a crawlspace that Sam can use. He can overhear a conversation going on around the corner, and the doorway is very well lit - he will be seen if he tries to move into the next room. The computer here has two messages on it; one a really rude email from Lacerda telling the captain to 'keep his smelly hooligans' out of his way. The second is a WMN newswire cable in which the ISDF now alleges North Korean involvement in the Japanese Market crash. If you're using the computer when the conversation ends, get over to the crawlspace and use it fast because the guard in the next room is beginning to patrol. Go down the crawlspace and exit. You're in a nice dark spot and the guy sitting to your right in the well lighted area using the computer won't see you. Sneak up behind him and..........search the file cabinet behind him. It will turn out the transit ledgers are forged. Grimsdottir now says it's time to go have a chat with Lacerda himself. She suggests the captain will know where Lacerda is, so Sam should head to the bridge and ask. Note: once you open the file cabinet, DO NOT HESITATE to move for the door on the far side of the room in the darkned area near the crawlspace. There is a patrolling guard coming, and Sam needs to be through that door, have closed that door, and in Mall Mode against the far wall in the dark before this guy opens the door and passes by. He will come VERY, VERY close to Sam, but if he is in Wall Mode, he won't detect him. The guard will go down the hallway, stop, turn around and then come back and go through the door again. Once the door swings shut behind him, Sam has about 30 seconds to move down the corridor towards the two well-lighted doors at the end. Once in the left hand side and the other is straight ahead. The lefthand side one leads to the infirmary's reception office, with the infirmary itself behind another door. There is a computer you can use, but all it has is an email from a guy worried about the sealant rings leaking gas in the engine room, which Sam already knows all about. There is a terrorist in the infirmary, who you can see if you optic cable the door. There's a medkit also, but you don't need it since nobody has even discovered you yet, much less shot you. Go back to the door leading to the corridor and use the Optic cable. Watch the patrolling terrorist pass by on his route and then once he's gone, go through the other door to the outside of the ship. Under the stairs to your left is another weapons crate just waiting for Sam to put a tracking device on it. Go up the stairs and you will arrive at a door that says 'Deck 2'. You have the option of bypassing this deck and going on up the stairs to the bridge. However, one of the weapons crates Sam needs to put trackers on is in this deck. Let's go get the crate tracked first. Open the door to Deck 2 and close it behind you. You are in a long hallway with a ceiling light on at the far end. OCP the light and then open the door. You will hear a conversation between two guards. Go into Wall mode to the left of the door after you close it behind you. It's a nice dark spot and you shouldn't be detected. If you wait too long outside this door one of the guards on roving patrol will walk over to the door and throw it open. You are now in a cafeteria. One terrorist is moving around alot on a patrol route; the other is standing in a lighted corner on the far side of the room. Now for the bad news - the roving terrorist will periodically move to the door you just came through and throw it open and go down the corridor outside. You can't stay where you are because even in Wall Mode he will discover you. You need to move Sam straight ahead from the door he just entered by to the opposite end of the cafeteria tables in front of him, then go into wall mode against the lefthand wall right in front of another door. In that spot,though the roving terrorist will pass close by, he won't detect Sam. Look straight ahead. To the left of the stationary terrorist standing between the two wall lights there's yet a third lighted doorway across the room. It's the ship's mess, and that's where the next weapons crate is. The roving terrorist is a pain in the ass if you are trying to stealth your way through this. If he comes upon a OCP'd or shot out light he will light up a flare. And his pattern is really wide ranging and unpredictable. Again, there is only one way using stealth that I have found that works, and it will take several tries to pull off. You have to wait until the patrolling guard is NOT in the room with the weapons crate and has instead passed by Sam going to the left through the door Sam is next to and has dissappeared around a corner. Then, equip the pistol and OCP the light on the wall right over the other guard's head. While he has turned to look at it, you have to move Sam quickly down the room and through the door where the weapons crate sits just beyond it. YOU HAVE NO TIME TO WASTE. Hit the Place Tracker option as soon as it pops up and then immediatley turn Sam around and head towards a door on the other side of the kitchen on the left. It's a freezer. You have to get Sam inside of it and close the door and get on the far side of the freezer on the left and go into Wall Mode. If you were spotted, an alarm will be raised. If one of the guards saw something but wasn't sure what, one of them will follow you into the freezer after a few moments. If you are in Wall Mode on the lefthand side at the far end, he shouldn't find you. Have the SC 20K equipped with a sticky shocker just in case. Draw it and drop the guard if he detects you. If you were not spotted, no one will follow you into the freezer. After awhile, exit the freezer. For some reason, whenever I successfully scan the crate and get into the freezer without an alarm being raised or being followed, when I come out of the freezer both guards in the next room are gone. Go through the other door at the far end of the room and go into Wall Mode and peek around the corner you see. There is a ceiling light close by, and at the far end a well lighted snack area where two terrorists are talking. The roving patrol terrorist is now also here, standing with his back to Sam as he listens in. There is a door on the lefthand side halfway down that leads to Deck 3. Sneak down the hallway and take it. Go up the stairs (going down just leads to a dead end, but have a look if you want) and there will be another weapons crate sitting on the floor. Once Sam places the tracker, Lambert will say there is one more crate to go. Right next to this crate is a dark doorway. Move Sam through it and there will be another doorway on the right. This is one of the rare doors on this cheaply made ship that you can use the Optic Cable on. OC the door and you will see three doorways. Two open doorways on the left and right and one closed door straight ahead. The door on the left that is well lighted is a bathroom with a Medkit. But once again, you don't need it because you have been following my excellent advice. Go in and OC the closed door straight ahead. Want a neat tip? You are now actually outside the room where Lacerda is going to be......but he isn't here yet. You haven't been to the bridge. Apparently, he and his goons won't show up down here until you've been to the bridge and back. For fun sometimes I shoot all the lights out on this level while no one's here. Then when I come back, Lacerda and his bodyguards are all sitting around in the dark. Sometimes I also shoot a sticky camera onto the table right in the middle, then another one on the wall opposite the table. Did you know you can leave the sticky camera view by pressing down on the directional pad, and then return to the sticky camera view by pressing the down pad again? Not only that, if you have TWO sticky cameras active, you can alternate between them by pressing the right trigger. This way, when Lacerda and his goons come into the room and finally make their appearance, you can watch them do so, even get closeups of their faces as they talk. Anyhoo, time to retrace our steps. Go back through the door you entered by and turn and find the doorway leading to a hallway you haven't been down yet. There is a light at the end of it. Go through the doorway on the left hand side at the end of this hall, and you are now in the crews quarters. There's always one crewman in the closed door that's the third one down on the left, and you can his radio going as you pass by, so don't open that door. See the stairs at the far end? They lead to the bridge. When you reach the top of the stairs, keep moving and turn and head to the dark part of the bridge behind you. The top of the stairs is lighted well enough so that the captain will see you if you stay there. There are two people up here, a crewman and the captain, who is the white haired, shorter guy. You need to grab him and interrogate him and then take him somewhere nice and quiet and KO him. Don't worry, his KO doesn't show up in your final stats since he's someone Sam is supposed to KO. Just like Lacerda, when we finally kill him, won't count in our final rating either. The captain is often standing forward facing the window and looking outward to sea. The crewman is facing the other way at the back of the bridge tinkering with a console. If you are spotted and then manage to avoid detection, here's bad news. The captain will go stand right next to the crewman as he works on the console. Now there's no way to grab him without the crewman seeing. So I'd quick save before going up the stairs to the bridge. If you get up there undetected, the captain will stand in his spot staring out the window, which makes grabbing him easy. I always grab him and take him down the stairs before interrogating him. The crewman is busy bent over his console and shouldn't see a thing. The captain will tell Sam Lacerda is in his own cabin, and that he's brought some bodyguards with him. Choke the captain unconscious and hide his body in one of the empty rooms. Lambert will come on the comm with directions to the captain's quarters, but we already know where that is, don't we? Retrace your steps back to the door with the three rooms beyond it, and go quiet this time because now Lacerda and his goons are in residence. As soon as you go through the door you will hear a conversation begin. This time, leave the door open. I know, I know, I've been saying close the door this whole level, but trust me, there's a reason for leaving this one open. (If you put sticky cameras in the room before hand, you can now press down on the directional pad and watch Lacerda and his goons talk) Shoot out the light in the bathroom with the silenced pistol to make it dark there, and then wait. Lacerda is going to come into the room opposite the bathroom after a few moments to mix himself a drink. (You can Optic Cable the closed door if you want and watch Lacerda talking with his bodyguards. Just be ready to move once Lacerda starts to leave the room.) Hugo Lacerda will exit the room the bodyguards are in, walk to a bar in the next room, bend down and open a small refrigerator and begin tinkering with bottles and stuff. Sam should have no problem moving up behind him. Grab him, move him out into the hallway through the door you left open to where the bodyguards can't hear, interrogate him, and then kiss his terrorist ass goodbye as Sam kills him. No matter what trigger you pull, Sam will do the Backbreak/Knife Stab combo on him. I like to duckwalk Lacerda to where the stairs are leading down and then send him plunging headfirst all the way to the bottom. That's for Morgenholt, you creep! (NOTE: Make sure you interrogate Lacerda TWICE - he comes up with more information the second time) If you decide to kill Lacerda without going out through the door first, be careful how he's positioned; don't face a wall or when he gets propelled into it as Sam breaks his back and stabs him the bodyguards will hear and come to investigate. I got Sam in deep kimchi one time doing it that way. It seems to be a 50/50 propositon; about half the time bodyguards open the door and come to investigate, and half the time they don't. (PS: I always like to do a Quick Save after I kill Lacerda and the go get in a quick gunfight with his two bodyguards. They are both very good. It's a very intense firefight in close quarters. Often while you are engaging one the other will run through the other door and try to flank you. They both get their guns up and shoot very fast and very accurately. After all this sneaking and peeking it's just the thing. Then I load my Quick Save and go on) Once Lacerda is dead, Lambert speaks up and tells Sam he can extract now. Remember, the plan is to have Sam extract by using the motor launch at the rear of the ship. But there are still plenty of terrorists between Sam and that boat, plus we still have one more weapons crate to find. Go back to the bridge and you will find the crewman still absorbed by his trusty console. There are two doors on the bridge on opposite sides; the crewman is partially in front of one of them, so go to the other one and use the Optic Cable. Hmmmmm. The area outside is very well lighted. Plus, there always seems to be more guards around if you go out this way. Let's go out the other door, the one closest to the crewman. Circle the bridge and stay against the wall and he shouldn't see you as you go out the door. You will see a small landing with an open doorway to the left. Go crouch in the dark area to the right of the door and peek through. After awhile, you will see a guard some walking out through an opening to the left and go up the stairs. Wait for a few seconds until he is out of sight, and then move Sam into the area the guard appeared from. The rear area of the ship is just crawling with guards. I lost count - was it 8 or 9? They will also light up a flare at the slightest provocation. If you want to find out how bad it can get, Quick Save and then start a gun fight and see how many guards come running. It makes for a very intense firefight and darkness won't help because these guys have flares and flashlights. Here's how you stealth your way through: once you can see the corridor where the guard who went up the stairs came from, follow it all the way to the end. There will be some stairs to the right. (Note: there are 4 terrorists in this area, three are above you now and if one senses you he will light a flare. If that happens, instead of going right and up the dark stairs, go left and hide behind the big tanks against the wall. The guy standing on the landing above won't see you. Once things calm down, then go up the stairs. Once you are up the stairs, GO STRAIGHT. Don't go right, you will just meet patrolling terrorists. The path will turn right and you will come to a ladder. Go down it. When you reach the bottom you can now see the fantail of the boat. There are three guards below. You can hear them talking. Move all the way right once you get to the bottom of the ladder and you will come to a second ladder. This leads up to the motor launch, your extraction. But hold on a second. Don't we have one more weapons crate to scan for a 100% mission rating? Why, yes we do. Where is it? It's down there in front of these three guards. We need to go put a tracker on it. From the bottom of the motor launch ladder if you have Sam look out over the fantail region and then look down and a little to the left you will see the crate sitting in front of a huge container. Wait by the motor launch ladder and soon one of the three guards below will climb a ladder to get to the level you are on. He will patrol, but will stop short of where you are and then turn and go back down the ladder. Follow him. When you get to the bottom, go into Wall Mode against the ship's rail where it's dark and wait. Two of the terrorists are stationary. One stands behind the huge container on the opposite side from the weapons crate, and the other stands at the fantail looking at the ship's wake. The patrolling guy that is always moving around is the one we have to really avoid. Look at the floor of the ship from the railing where Sam is crouching. There is a dark shaddow pattern on it leading right to the crate. Wait until the patrolling guard is either on the opposite side of the ship or has climbed the ladder again and then move Sam over there and place the tracker. Then move Sam back to the ships rail near the bottom of the ladder. Now all you have to do is get Sam back up the ladder and to the motor launch without being detected. Make sure the patrolling guard isn't heading for the ladder and go up it. Head to the motor launch, climb the ladder, and the Extraction window will pop up. Well, another fine mission under Sam's belt! Weapons crates tracked, more info leading to some shady Panamanian bankers, and there's one less dangerous terrorist walking around. It's Miller Time! Bask in the glow of your 100% Mission Success rating. You deserve it! (NOTE: Just as a way to appreciate how great this game is, and how well UBiSoft put it together, save the game at the bottom of the ladder and then work your way back through the ship killing all the terrorists as you go until you arrive back the bow where you started out. Most games with levels this size will 'wall off' the gamer after awhile and not let him or her return to an earlier part of the level. Not in this game. You can go all the way back to the bow of this huge level and there are no loading times or lag whatsoever. Once you've gotten back to the bow and killed all the terrorists, just load your saved game and take Sam up the ladder to the motor launch and extract. You still have the 100% Mission rating and it's like the slaughter through the ship never happened.) ----------------------------------------------------- Now for the KO/KILL OPTIONS on the Cargo Ship Level. ----------------------------------------------------- There are still many cool moves Sam can do that you will never get to use if you sneak him through the level all the time. At least once, try to go through killing all the terrorists and experimenting with different lethal moves. This will be briefer because I'm not going to go into detail and include the weapons crates and all that stuff. Just where the terrorists are how to deal with them. Use the Quick Save feature alot when you encounter different terrorists and try alternative methods of taking them out. If you want a real challenge, try to kill all the terrorists WITHOUT shooting them. Make it through the entire level with all the terrorists dead, and all of Sam's bullets still in his firearms. We'll start at the insertion point on the bow, with the two terrorists nearby. The roving guard is easy. He will head for the ship's rail on the lefthand side and and stand in front of it for about 12 seconds. Move Sam up behind him, grab him and interrogate him. Then, once he's done spilling his guts, move him up to the rail and make him face it. Then squeeze the right trigger. Sam will grab the startled terrorist by the neck and seat of the pants and heave him over the rail into the blue, blue ocean below. But don't worry, the poor guy won't drown. The ships wake will pull him under and into the screws, so in just a few seconds he'll look like about a hundred pounds of chopped hamburger. Hey, don't give me that look. Sharks gotta eat too! Now you could try to do the same thing to the guy standing at the railing on the other side, but don't forget there's a patrolling terrorist lower down. If you go to grab the guy on the bow when the patrolling terrorist is passing by below, he will come up the stairs after you. It's better therefore to take the patrolling guard first. So go down the left hand stairs and go into Wall Mode on the right hand side and wait for him to come strolling by. The idea is to drop him without any alarm being raised. You can: 1. Grab him, choke him unconscious and then use the silent pistol to put a bullet between his eyes. That's the most surefire way and the quietest way. 2. Do a direct knife attack on him from the front or from behind. This will make a little noise, but if you take the guy near the left hand stairs the guy on the other side standing by the railing is too far away to hear anything. 3. Crouch on the lefthand stairs near the bottom, draw the silenced pistol, wait until he arrives and stops about 3 feet away and stands stockstill, and........ PHUT! Hide the body. 3. Grab him, and then send him where the first guy went: over the side. Take him up the lefthand stairs, to the rail, and bon voyage, mon ami! Now that we don't have this patrolling guard to worry about, sneak up on the guard on the other side and throw his doomed ass over the side as well. Throwing these guys over the side is one surefire way of making sure no bodies are ever found. Now that the bow and the corridors along the side are free of terrorists, we can head for the stairs going down to Deck 1. Remember the sleeping terrorist in the chair at the bottom of these stairs? He really can't be grabbed without setting off an alarm, so it's best to kill him while he's sitting and sleeping. Sometimes if you use the knife, it gives you the slashing attack that kills him right away. Other times Sam pulls the guard out of the chair and jams the knife up into his heart, and the guard may set off an alarm this way. The most surefire way is the silenced pistol. Hide the body under the stairwell. You won't encounter another terrorist until you get to the guy in the workshop grinding away on a tool. A knife attack from behind will save ammo and there's nobody to hear him give that loud grunt as he feels 5 1/2 inches of razor sharp steel puncture his heart. Shoot the light out over the tool he was using and enter the crawl space. At the other end, jump down and go right and jump up onto the pipe and bring Sam's legs up. Wait until the patrolling guard passes underneath and the 'Grab Character' window will pop up. Hit the 'A' button and Sam will reach down and grab the guard by the head and lift him off the floor. Squeeze the left trigger, and Sam chokes him unconscious and then drops him. Squeeze the right trigger and Sam breaks the guard's neck and drops him. (Note: it appears to be a game glitch, since we clearly hear the guard's neck snap, but if you use the thermal vision on him he's still got body heat, even if you come back and look at him again later) Hide the body in the dark corner nearby and then go to the railing where you are directly behind the guy working on the pump console. Drop over the rail, sneak up behind this terrorist, and knife him. Shoot out the light hanging from the ceiling; this is for later when other terrorists have come in here. By now I hope you're beginning to get the idea; shooting is an option, but each of these guards we've encountered so far can all be killed without bullets. Hide the body and use the pump console to drain the storage compartments. Now two more terrorists are on their way from the engine room to find out why the pumps were just activated. You need to get into the next storage compartment before they pass it. Go through the door behind the pump machinery and turn the corner and make your way down until you find the door on the right side with the Medkit next to it and ceiling light near it. If you time it right, the terrorists are just becoming visible further down the corridor, coming from the engine room. Slide the door open, then close it. Switch on the infrared and watch these guys pass by. When they've gone, open the door, and follow them. They go into the machine room. One stays near the door, the other patrols around the room. OCP the light near the door, then open the door if it's closed already. The near terrorist may have his back to you; he may be moving toward the door. It varies a lot. If he's facing away from you, sneak up on him and knife him. It's dark in here because you shot the only light out earlier. The other guard, even if he hears something and comes to investigate, can't see you. Move from the body and crouch and wait. Find the other guard as he moves around and knife him too. The next terrorists you encounter are in the engine room. Remember, you can't fire a weapon in here; even a projectile from the SC 20K like a Sticky Shocker will cause an explosion. Leave the engine room door open when you enter; when the roving mechanic comes to investigate the open door, grab him, take him outside and up the stairs. Interrogate him if you wish, then break his back and stab him. Go back into the engine room, and from here it's just like the stealth version, except when you OCP the light, hide under the stairway, and draw one of the guards off the catwalk on to the floor, you knife him when his back is to you. Then go up the stairs, around the long way to the next set of stairs, up them and take the second guard from behind with the knife as well. Now after leaving the engine room we encounter the terrorist patrolling the landing of the next stairway as well as the ship's bunk room. Now that we're out of the engine room, we can shoot him if we want to. For fun, wait until he goes into the bunk room and closes the door behind him. Then stand on the other side of the door, shoot out the light on the ceiling, turn the Infrared on and watch until he comes back and is just about to open the door again. Switch to night vision, draw the silenced pistol(or the SC 20K if you want) and point it right where his head is going to be. Catch the look of surprise on his face as he slides the door open, seeing the light shot out. He starts forward, then senses Sam and starts to bring his rifle up. PHUT! Down he goes. If you don't shoot the light out, he sees you when the door slides open and he reacts much quicker. He will bring that rifle up very fast, so if you leave the light on you'd better shoot quick. Also, if the light has been shot out,when he comes forward in the dark you can knife him from the front, though sometimes he will get one shot off. The next terrorist we encounter is up the stairway and in the ship's office. Use the crawlspace, come up in the dark half of the room. There are two terrorists here, one on patrol and one you can see right now at the computer. You can simply shoot the terrorist at the computer in the head and hide the body, but where's the challenge in that? How about we grab him, then use him as a shield as we get in a gunfight with the other terrorist? Doesn't that sound more fun? When you've grabbed the guy at the computer, move back into the dark part of the room and wait for the patrolling guy to appear. You can drop him as he comes forward looking for his buddy. Or you can be bold and move forward through the open doorway near the computer and go looking for him, letting him pump bullets into the guy in front of you while you try to shoot him back. One time through this, I did simply shoot the guy at the computer in the head and then picked up the body and tried to go through the door on the other side of the room. I just made it, and had dropped the body and started to close the door when the patrolling terrorist appeared in the doorway on the other side of the room. I drew the SC 20K and waited. The terrorist starts to open the door, but it turns out I've dropped the body of the guy I shot halfway across the door's opening arc. So what happens? The door swings back and hits this guy in the face and closes again! I hear a startled grunt, then an angry yell as the terrorist KICKS THE DOOR OPEN, sending the body half lying against it flying. He starts through the door way, gun up, searching for me.......and I shot him in face from about 2 feet away. Boy, do these guys get pissed when a door hits them in the face! Now take the terrorist in the infirmary. It's the door on the left in the corridor past the ship's office. He's right next to the door, so if you time it right, you can send him flying with the 'Bash Door' option. Shoot him, knife him, whatever. Go through the other door and up the stairs to Deck 2. Now you will kill the terrorists in the cafeteria. Shoot out the light next to the cafetaria door and go in. The two terrorists will be having a conversation in the middle of the room. Take the roving guard out first. Follow him when he goes out the door on the other side of the room and turns the corner. Knife him from behind, or if you want, go first around the corner while he's still talking to his buddy and shoot out the light in the hallway beyond and hide in the area with the door further down on the left. The roving guy will light a flare, drop it, and go back the way he came. Wait for the flare to go out. Put Sam in wall mode onthe the righthand side where the corner is where it's nice and dark. When the terrorist comes strolling back, knife him from the front. Most of the time the other guard in the cafeteria didn't hear anything. This guy standing in the well lighted area in the cafeteria is best taken out with a head shot from the SC 20K. Isn't it neat the way he falls half upright agains the wall, his mouth hanging open in shock? Hide the body. Now we go for the two guys in the snack room at the end of the hallway playing cards. Here's one of the best places in the game to use a Sticky Camera. Shoot it on the wall opposite the two guards, just under the cabinet. You will get a good look at the two of them. Hit 'X', the blue button, to make the noisemaker on the Camera draw one, maybe both guards to it. When one or both are close, hit the 'Y' button and the gas will be released. Move in and shoot any guard still standing after the gas dissapates. Any guard still up will be focused on the Stick Camera as it self destructs. They will not see Sam coming up from behind. (NOTE: If you shoot the Sticky Camera onto the cabinet itself instead of underneath it, when you set off the noise maker the terrorists see it right away and shoot it, releasing the gas when they still are not close enough to it to be affected) From here take the doorway near the snack area that has stairs leading upward. Ignore the closed door for now; nobody is back there. Find the open door with the officer's quarters. There is a terrorist in the third room down on the left, the one with the closed door. Stand outside the door, draw your silenced pistol, turn your Infrared on, and you will see him inside the room sitting in a chair listening to his radio. Hit the whistle button (the black button on the controller) and he will get up and come over and slide the door open. You can then shoot him in the face from about 2 feet away. Or knife him. Put his body back in his room, shut the light off, and close the door. Now on to the bridge. Grab the captain, take him back down the stairs, interrorgate him, kill him, and then head back up the stairs and take out the crewman on the bridge. If you don't he could cause a problem later. Now you're ready to go and take out Lacerda and his two bodyguards. Head back to the door that you bypassed earlier. Lacerda and Co. will now be there. Lacerda you handle just like in stealth mode; grab him, interrogate him, then kill him. The best way to take out the bodyguards isn't by bashing the door into the one on the other side. He never gets knocked down and both these guys return fire quickly. One will engage you while the other runs through the other door and tries to flank you. The best way is to go into the little kitchen and then lob a flash grenade through the door that Lacerda left that room by. Then equip the SC 20K and go in fast and shoot them until they are both down. That's right, you're starring in your own action movie! On Hard level the bodyguards always seem to hear it when you kill Lacerda if you kill him just outside the room they are in. They will open the door and start investigating. So be ready to take them down if that happens. Now all we need to do is go back up to the bridge, go out through one of the doors on it's side, and kill the 10 or so terrorists that are still between us and the motor launch. It's best to go outside the door near where the crewman was standing; it's darker. If you've got all your sticky shockers left, this is going to be a good place to use them if you need to drop somebody instantly. Go to the open doorway and crouch down and watch. Sometimes a terrorist comes strolling out onto the deck from the left; sometimes one comes climbing down a ladder to your left. If he comes near and you grab him, four other terrorists always seem to know and they come and congregate near this door. I've dropped five terrorists at this doorway in less than 15 seconds, so it can get intense. (ALTERNATIVE PLAY NOTE: As a matter of fact, if you want an intense a firefight as possible, do THIS: Stealth your way to this point afterkilling Lacerda, triggering no alarms and KO'ing no one (except forthe Captain, of course). NOW KILL SOMEBODY IN A VERY LOUD AND BOISTEROUS FASHION. I think even the 3 guys from the engine room show up. They come fast, they come professionally, and they come hard. You will only survive by shooting and moving. If you stand still they will kill you in a heartbeat from multiple directions. It's like a scene out of a Michael Bay action movie, and if you can survive the onslaught you are one hell of a shot.) All these terrorists on this part of the ship are on high alert even if you've made it to this part of the game without setting off any alarms. It's hard to take them from behind or knife them without setting off alarms. It's best to avoid them. When one of the terrorists has appeared from the left and gone up the stairs and is now out of sight, move Sam through the doorway into the area the terrorist first appeared from. Follow this dark corridor all the way down until it ends. On your left is a lighted doorway and a landing where a terrorist stands in the dark. He can't see you. On your right is a stairway leading up. If you were spotted and someone up above lit up a flare and is investigating, go left and hide behind the oxygen tanks. Once things have calmed down, if you want to, shoot the terrorist on the landing above you in the head with the SC 20K. He will fall down the ladder opening next to him, so go get his body and quickly hide it in the bridge. Now go into the dark corridor again and spot where the terrorists are. One is usually on patrol and will be moving over a narrow walkway that lets him go from side to side. Shoot him in the head with the SC 20K when he's standing still. You need to sneak up on these 5 or so guards and shoot them in the head. Once they are all dead, go down the ladder to the motor launch and find the last three living terrorists on this boat. Taking them out is a piece of cake. Kill the roving guy with the knife once he comes up the ladder, and take the last two guys from behind. The only bummer is I was hoping to throw the last guy, the one looking at the ships wake over the rail like I did those guys on the bow, but apparently the rail is too high; Sam just stabbed him. Well, now you've killed all the terrorists on the ship. You are the only living person. And once you extract at the motor launch, why, this big cargo ship will just keep sailing serenely on, everyone aboard it dead. Feels kinda creepy, don't it? Well look on the bright side: there's about 30 fewer armed and dangerous terrorists in the world now. ======================================================= Level III: Bank ======================================================= Mcas Banco De Panama The info from the Lighthouse Level led Third Echelon to the Maria Narcissa. Once Sam was on the Maria Narcissa, he found the bill of lading that showed Lacerda was buying his arms shipments through a proxy - the Panamanian bank Sam is shown in front of when this level begins. There are four Panamanian soldiers roaming the bank grounds. To play this realistically, make this a total stealth mission, and remember that the US is not at war with Panama. This is not a ship at sea full of terrorists; it's a bank full of soldiers in a country that is not at war with the USA. Avoid. Then KO if you have to. Killing is as a last resort as self- defense. If you want to KO the roaming guards, the easiest way is to head down to the left hand side of the bank's exterior and find the switch against the wall at the rear. Flip it and the exterior lights will turn off. Crouch in wall mode against the wall. Only one guard at a time comes to turn the lights back on. How convenient. Grab him, interrogate if you wish, and then KO them one at a time. If you want to stealth your way through, the quickest way into the bankis to switch the lights off and then move around the front of the bank tothe right hand side and hide in a dark spot before one of the guards goesover there and switches the lights back on. You can also cross the courtyard from where Sam starts the level, crouching near the wall, by moving crosswise to the far wall in the dark and then OCPing the light next to the palm tree where one of the guards is standing. Move by him in the dark and go further down the wall and hide before the light comes back on. From there OCP the lightat the bottom of the pole next to the building and then head downthe righthand side before it comes on. There are two ways into the bank itself; through the front door or by the ceiling through a skylight. The skylight route is a lot more fun, so let's do that one. If you're at the light switch on the side of the bank, the ladder you need to climb is on the other side of the building. Make your way around, OCPing the panel lights and the camera that sits halfway down the wall on that side. The ladder is at the far end on the left and Sam will have to jump up to grab it. Climb up onto the roof, and Grimsdottir will tell you the skylights are magnetically locked, but there should be a control around here somewhere that will turn the magnetic field off. This control is on the far side of the roof to the left from where the ladder is, in a little shack like building. Enter the shack, flip the switch, and when you go back outside one of the big bubble-shaped skylights has swung up and open. Find the position around the edge of the skylight where the 'Use Rope' window pops up and use it. Take Sam down the rope slowly; there's a guard down here in a corner sitting on a bench. As Sam goes down the ladder, we discover he's going to land in the middle of the cashier's area, which is presently guarded by a laser system. Crouch in the middle of the lasers and find the door. The only laser beams that matter are the two that pass between you and the door. See where the beams are orginating from? Those little black round things. Take the pistol and aim carefully and OCP them and the beams will dissapear for about 20 seconds, plenty of time for Sam to get to the door and go through it. You can also point the EEV at one of the computers and use it turn the laser grid off. It's the one on the left hand side when you facethe door leading out. Now that you're through the door, find the guard. He's nearby on a bench. He's easy to find with the thermal vision. If you're going for the 100% rating for this mission, you need to leave him be and sneak past him. Be warned, however, that if you mess up the part in the hallway past the retinal scanner, not only will the three guards from the Security Station further ahead come after you, but this guard will also flank you from the rear. If you want to KO him, you have serveral options to ensure that this guy doesn't give you a problem later. Move Sam up close the guard and squeeze the left trigger. The guard will start to come awake and then Sam will send him back to dreamland with a nonlethal attack. Or you could shoot an airring foil round into his head. Or a sticky shocker. Whichever you prefer. Hide the body behind the bench in the dark corner. Next to the bench the guard was sitting on is a retinal scanner Sam can hack. Further down this same wall to the left is another door that is well lighted. Right here Sam has two different pathways he can take. We have to access the 3 controls to get to the vault in the Bank President's office, then the Treasurer's office, then the Security Station office. It doesn't matter what order we activate them in, so let's stay on the ground floor here and do the Treasurer's office first. The most direct route to the Treasurer's office is through the door with the retinal scanner. The well lighted door at the other end leads to a lobby outside the Security Station office, and that lobby is being watched by a camera. We'll do it in this order: Treasurer, Bank President, then the Security Office, which will be toughest since it's a lighted glass booth manned by 2 guards. Move Sam over to the retinal scanner and hack it. Hacking is simple: you will see the numbers flash bright green at the bottom of the "Hack" viewscreen. When a number is lighted up, that mean's Sam's hacking gadget has solved that number in the combination. You need to use the left thumbstick and move the cursor over the highlighted number and press the blue 'X' button to lock that combination number into place. See the number at the far right of the Hack viewscreen? That's the number of attempts you get at hacking the various numbers. If the code is a series of 4 numbers, and the Hack gadget has 5 hack attempts available, you can hack the scanner or lock. If it has 4 numbers and you only have 3 hack attempts available, you can't hack your way into the item. Note: this is a mini-game in that if you press the 'X' button too late and the number goes dim, you lost that hack attempt. So if you start with 5 hack attempts, and there are 5 number combinations to be solved, and you mishit the 'Lock' button, or press it too late on one of the combinations, you've blown it and now only have 4 hack attempts for a 5 number combination. Also, note the lighted bar at the top of the combination numbers, and the way it starts to run out when your hacking attempt begins. You have a time limit to finish hacking the code. The bar will turn red when very little time is left, and you need to press the 'Abort' button before it runs all the way out. An unsuccessful attempt at hacking a keypad or scanner results in an alarm being set off. It's a relatively simple game, yet I've managed to press the Lock button too late several times, and ended up having to give up on hacking my way in. (NOTE: If you screw up the hack and can't open the door, you can still into the hallway beyond. Go to the well-lighted door on the other side, open the door, OCP the light, then enter the bathroom door on the right and close the door quickly. Use the crawlspace on the far side wall to enter the Janitor's closet.) When you have successfully hacked the Retinal Scanner, you will be able to open the door. You will see a small area and then a hallway going to the left. Go into wall mode and peek around the corner. You will see long hallway with a door in each wall and a camera mounted over the door on the right, which also has a brightly lit 'Exit' sign. There is a patrolling guard in the area, so wait at this corner until he shows himself. When he's gone, OCP the Exit light when the camera is scanning the other way down the hall. Then move up to right beneath the camera. With the light out, the camera will not see you. Now OCP the Camera itself, shoot out the Exit sign, and head to the janitor's closet door on the other side of the hall. You have about 15 seconds until the camera comes back on, but you have plenty of time to pick the lock because now the camera has no light to see you by. If you forget to account for the guard on patrol and he shows up while you are down there looking into the doors, you need to go into Wall Mode and slide down the wall away from him. If you are discovered, remember to use the left trigger for the non- fatal Omega strike to the face to KO this guard. Pick his body up, open the janitor's closet door, move inside and immediately close the door behind you. Put the body in a corner and shoot out the light to make the room totally dark. NOTE: Sometimes while Sam is still peeking around the corner at the far end this guard actually goes INTO the janitor's closet and stands there. If he does, you're going to have to be more careful. Now assuming we get into the janitor's closet and the guard isn't there, we will briefly explore an alternative path. There is a crawlspace in the wall near the door of the janitor's closet. Put Sam in it and follow it to the exit, which is a bathroom where a Medkit can be seen on the wall. Go over to the door and Optic Cable it. You are now right across the hall from the Security Station Office, and can see the camera that covers this area as it pans around. This is a very well lighted area, and even if you shoot out the lights in the bathroom, the camera outside is still going to see the bathroom door open if you try to exit this way. Still, it's an alternative path, and if you wanted to draw the guards out of the Security Station quickly, getting yourself spotted here will do the trick. Now retrace your steps to the Janitor's closet. Exit the closet, pass by the camera across the hall again, and head for the lighted corner to the left. (NOTE: If the patrolling guard IS in the Janitor's room, you can either use the Optic Cable on the door or use your Thermal Vision to watch him. When he's facing away from you, you have to quickly but silently: 1. Open the door 2. Move into the room. 3. Close the door. 4. Move to the crawlspace to the left and enter it. To get past him again coming the other way, you once again watch him from the crawlspace until he's just turned away from you and the door, then exit the crawlspace, open the door stealth, move through it and close it behind you. Now you can move to the corner on the left that is well lighted and peek around it.) Another NOTE: If you don't mind getting a KO, if the guard is standing right next to the door inside the closet, this is a good place to see what a really good 'Bash Door' can do for you!) Wait, what's that hand there? What's the question? You want to know where door with the Exit sign over it goes? Sigh. OK, it opens into a living room like area. At the far end there is a door leading outside to the area where the ladder is that Sam climbed up to get onto the roof. Also, that pesky first camera is out there to. If you exit through that door, you will not be able to open it again from the outside, and you will end up crouching like a dork in full blooming color in this well lighted area as the camera sees you and raises an alarm and all the courtyard guards come running. Now you know. Put your hand down. Peek around the well lighted left hand corner.....like I said. That nearest door on the righthand side is the Treasurer's office where we need to go. But note the open area to the left. Slide down in wall mode and peek. It's another Security Station, though not the main one, but this one does have 3 guards of it's own. See the door next to the Security Station with the red lock it? That's the Vault Door where Sam needs to go. But we have to push the three access panels first before it will open up. At least we know now where it is. Use the scanner to hack the Security Booth's computer - Stand Sam up and off the to the side so the guard walking around in the booth can't see him. Equip the binoculars and scan the lefthand side of the room through the small window until you see the computer hack option come up. Most of these screens are just cameras, so all you will get is the OCP option; find the one that has the hack option as well and hack it. Upload the first of the eight fake e-mails that Sam needs to get into the bank computers to make investigators think the coming robbery was an inside job. Then quietly sneak over and hack the keypad to the Treasurer's Office. Close the door behind you upon entering. Now crouch just inside the door and scan up and around looking for cameras and other security measures. There are none here, but that won't always be the case in in this building, so you need to get in the habit of looking first. (Note: If you managed to grab the guard at the Janitor's closet and interrogate him, he may give you the code. Also, if you draw the guards out of the Security Station and KO them, you can get the code off the computers. (Another note: DO NOT SHOOT OUT THE LIGHTS in this brightly lit hallway. If you do, the guards will come quickly to investigate. OCP the nearest light if you have to, but don't go for the one on the far end; they will see that one go out and come to look) (Yet Another Note: My friend Miles Blackhawk got in a confrontation with ]the guards in the booth his first time through. He ended up throwing a grenade that took out the guards, but it also fried the door lock to the treasurer's office. Oh no! Now he can't get in through the doorto use the access panel! Not to worry though - it just so happens there is another way into the Treasurer's Office. Down the hall from the Security Booth is a double door leading outside into a small courtyard. Right outside that door, to the right and low down on the wall where it'snice and dark so most people will never see it unless they stand right next to it, is a crawlspace. It leads right into the Treasurer's office. Aren't you glad you have me around to find this stuff for you?) (Alternative Route Alert: Turns out there is yet another hidden crawlspace in this area: from where the crawlspace is outside leading into the Treasurer's office, turn and find the pipe standing against the bank wall on the opposite side. Climb Sam up the pipe and move him over to the left where he can drop down on the balcony. The crawlspace is at chest level in the wall. Follow it and you will exit and then have to enter another crawlspace. At the end of this one, you will find yourself over the glass booth that contains the Main Security Station. The Fan is still going, however, so if you try to jump down you'll just die. You have to go turn the fan off if you want to jump down from here. I'll tell you how. From where he crouches above the room, Sam can find the Main Security computer and EEV it. Hack it, upload the third fake Email, and then turn the fan off. Stealth drop into the room and move to the accesspanel and press it.It's on the wall to the left next to the door. There is also an unmanned computer on the far side of the room with a yellow and black screen. EEV it and Sam can delete the camera recordings and also deactivate all the security cameras in the building. Stealth open the door, move through it.Then stealth close the door and go into Wall Mode against the wallwhere it's dark For what to do from here, drop down and find the area about the President's Office.) If you are still outside the Treasurer's office, and didn't take the alternate route, go into the office, press the access panel on the wall to the left and then hack the Security Access on the Treasurer's computer and upload the second fake e-mail. Also search the cabinet next to the desk. Lambert will come on the comm and talk about his worst fears being realized:Ibrahim Zerkhazi, one of the developers on the same team with Morgenholt who was dealing with the Masse Kernels, is mentioned. And Lambert has information that Zerkhazi recently lost his mind. Now we need to go upstairs where the Bank President's office and the Main Security Office are. Though now, you know about the alternate route outside, going up the pole and into the crawlspace, so you can bypass the next 4 or 5 paragraphes about the guards and the lasers and whatnot. Note that you will still have to backtrack and put the fake e- mail on the security station booth downstairs if you want to complete that secondary objective. Retrace your steps in the dark to the door with the retinal scanner, pass the guard sleeping on the bench, and go to the well lighted doorway on the other end. While we're on our way there, let's take a detour and get the fake e- mail on the computer at the reception area. To do this, go to the front door area, beyond the lobby where Sam lowered himself by the rope; peek around the corner and find the guard sitting in front of the computer monitor, and angle yourself so you can see the computer at the feet of the guard sitting behind the desk and scan it with the binoculars. NOT THE COMPUTER MONITOR; scan the computer itself at the floor next to the guard's legs. Sam will be able to hack the computer from where he is, access some info about medkits and cameras, door codes to both Security stations, and also upload the fake e-mail. You have to use the scanner for this because this guard will never leave his station long enough for Sam to manually hack it. I shot out lights, and I never had the 30-40 seconds where he wasn't in a position to see the computer. I also discovered that when you get this guard moving around he goes to the two big glass doors and closes them, trapping Sam in this area. The only way out now would be the front door. Yep, the well lighted front door with all the guards patrolling outside in front of it. That front door. Once you've hacked the computer, head back to the lighted door at the other end of the lobby) There's a Security Station off to the left, and that pesky camera is right over the door. You cannot OCP the lights in this area through the glass, so you will have to open the door, OCP the near light,and make your way to the door on the other side that does NOT have a camera over it. Remember, there are THREE doors here; the Main Security Office door to the left, the Bathroom Door to the right, and the door to the second floor is straight ahead. You want the door to the second floor. When the light goes out, go straight to that door, but don't go too fast or you'll be heard. Open the door, and close the door and you will see a long window on the left running for half of the Security station's length. You will see one guard pacing around and another guard sitting and looking at a computer. Have Sam in a crouch. Don't switch the lights off in the hall since that just alerts the guards and makes them come running. Instead, wait until the pacing guard is moving away towards the far end of the room to the left and then move Sam back against the wall and slide him left as far as possible. From here, Sam can still see into the Security station but the pacing guard won't see Sam as he moves around. Now bring up the EEV and scan the computer just to the left and above of the seated guard's head. Hack into it and load the fake e-mail. That's half the computers done. Staying out of sight, move Sam down the hall until he comes to the doorway on the left. Once you are at the glass doors with the stairs visible beyond, go through them and up the stairs and on the landing between stairs immediately move to the far left against the dark wall and go into Wall Mode. There is a guard on the second floor looking through a doorway in this direction. He may see something and come to investigate. Stay against the wall and he shouldn't find you. When the guard has gone out of sight around the corner and down the hall to the right on the other side of the room, find the computer in the secretary's desk to the right and use the EEV to hack it and plant the fifth fake e-mail. After some time, the guard will return, and you want to shadow him. Close, but not too close. You see, there are lasers active up here, but because this guard is wearing a beacon, the lasers shut off when he passes by. Follow him too closely and he'll turn and detect you. Follow him too far away and the lasers will come back on and detect you and an alarm will sound. And the the guard will turn and find you. You need to shadow him all the way across this room and then once you pass the last laser, go to the left against the far wall in Wall Mode and the guard will continue down a dark, narrow hallway and then have a conversation with another guard in the next room. IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to be in Wall Mode just beyond the little hallway where this guard is talking to the other guard. You need to give him enough room to continue his patrol and turn right without coming too close. If you put Sam in the hallway itself on the left or right, it doesn't matter, the hallway is too narrow and the guard will detect Sam and immediately fire on him. After the conversation, the first guard will resume his patrol, passing close to Sam and turning to the right and walking through the lasers to the door that leads down to the first floor, and then back to where this next room is. While he's headed the other way, take a quick peek at the next room where this second guard is. This will be a little tougher. There's a open glass door, and a light iluminating the whole area on the wall to the right, and more lasers crossing the room. We have to do something about the light, get through the door, and follow this next guard until we pass all the lasers, and we have to time it right so the first guard guard doesn't detect Sam while he's doing this. You will have to time this exactly right, and it may take several attempts. You have to wait until the patrolling guard in this room has just turned right and passed by Sam, and then take Sam out of wall mode, move to the open doorway at the end of the hall, see where the other guard is on his route and make an INSTANT DECISION. If the guard in the other room is coming back and facing the door, ABORT. Turn, get up against the wall and go back to your previous hiding spot BEFORE the first guard turns that corner and starts down this hallway again. If you mess up the timing you will run right into him and have to take him out and then the other guard as well. Now you have to wait until the first guard goes down the hallway, turns, comes back and passes by again, before going back down the hallway and peeking through the door again. If the second guard in the other room is facing away from the door, SHOOT THE LIGHT OUT on the wall and immediately retreat to your hiding spot. The guards talk about the light and search around a bit, then go back to their normal patrols. Once the first guard is past, move to the glass door, open it because they closed it, then go through it and close it behind you. Then wait in the area to the right or left of the door in front of the lasers for the other guard to return to unwittingly guide you past them. He'll come and stand for a few moments in front of the glass door, then turn and head for the other side of the room. Stay right next to him, three or four feet to his left or right, and parallell him until you are past all the lasers and then go into Wall Mode. There is a kitchen area on the right hand side of this half of the room, so head there. When this guard turns to go back to the door, go down the lighted hallway and turn right and you will see a study with a lamp on and behind some curtains is the Main Security Office encased in a glass booth. There are two things you need to do at this Main security office. You need to press the access panel to the vault room, which means you actually have to get inside this booth; and you have to upload the fake e-mail onto their computer. It's not as intimidating as it looks. You see, only ONE SIDE of this glass booth can really be clearly seen through. The other 3 sides are opaque. The side you are facing now, as you crouch in the dark just outside the study area is the only side the guards can see clearly through. Uploading the fake e-mail is easy; once again all you have to do is use the EEV to hack one of the computers from OUTSIDE THE GLASS BOOTH and then upload it. Just slowly and carefully move up the right side of the booth where it's close to the wall and dark and use your EEV scanner until you hit a computer that has the hack symbol available. It may take awhile since there are a bunch of security monitors in that booth that will return only a OCP symbol, but keep looking, it's there. Now that you've uploaded the sixth fake e-mail, you have two more to go. Now we have three ways to get into the glass booth. We can use the code for the door if we have it, or hack the door, or make a disturbance that will cause one of the guards to open the door himself and leave it open for us. If you've been hacking all available computers so far, and reading all the e-mails, you should already have the door code. If not, hack the door lock. Then, use "Open Door Stealth" and slowly, carefully move into the room and to the left, where the panel access to the vault door is located and use it. Both guards should remain intent on the monitors they are looking at it. Then ease out of the room and close the door behind you. You can also get access to the booth by OCPing the light in the study. One of the guards will get up and exit the booth and come to investigate the light, then start patrolling the area instead of going back into the booth. Oh, look - he left the door open behind him! How convienient! Simply wait until this patrolling guard is out of sight, and move up to the door and go through it and access the panel and then then leave, only this time don't close the door. The guard knows he left it open and will sound an alarm if he comes back and sees it closed. We have now accessed two of the required Access Panels needed to open the door to the Vault Room. The third and last one is close by in the Bank President's office. The Bank President's office is just beyond the Main Security Office to the right past a hallway light. Or rather, the door leading to his secretary's office is there. If you OCP the hallway light, the guards in the booth pay no attention. Shoot it out and they will come looking for you. Sometimes I didn't even bother to OCP the light; I just snuck around the corner to the right around the glass booth and hacked the keypad and went in. When you enter the Secretary's office, stop in the doorway, and look up. What a nice spot for a security camera! OCP it, then switch the lights off. The door to the President's office is on the other side of the room. Don't bother booting the secretary's computer; there's nothing on it. (Note: If you EEV'd one of the computers in the Main Security Office, then you knew there's a 'Secretary's Office' camera and got to look at the view from it before you entered here.) When you enter the President's office, stay away from the balcony railing on the righthand wall; there's a guard down there in the courtyard on patrol who will see you if you pass in front of it while he's looking that way. The second access panel to the vault is on the righthand side wall on the far side of the room. Go over and push it. Then hack the computer and plant the seventh fake e-mail message. For fun, go to the large picture near the door on the lefthand side and slide it open and hack the keypad of the wall safe that is revealed. Inside is a solid gold bar that Sam can pick up, though he can't carry it far. Just another touch to make it look like a robbery, I guess. You now have two alternative paths you can take to the Vault Door. You can retrace your steps and shadow the guards through all the lasers if you feel bold and adventerous. Or KO one of them and carry his body through the lasers, that works too. Go back down the stairs, past the unseeing camera, through the retinal scanner door, down the hall past the other camera, then turn the corner, past the Treasurer's office, and there you are. Or we could go out the balcony over there in the President's Office and save time and trouble. To go out the balcony, first you need to peek outside and find the patrolling guard down there in the courtyard. When he's facing the other way, have Sam vault the balcony rail and grab the lip of the balcony. Move him to the right-hand edge, the hit the red 'B' button and Sam will drop and catch hold of a ledge a couple feet down. Move him to the right where it's nice and dark and then drop him down the rest of the way. Sneak past this patrolling guard by staying in the shadows to the right. The door to get back into the bank is on the far side of this courtyard on the right up some steps. It has a keypad you will need to hack. That is, if you decide you don't want to use the conveniently placed crawlspace to the left of the door low close to the ground. It's up to you! Option One: The Hard Way: Through the Door You need to hack the keypad to the bank's back door, but first shoot out the two lights on either side of the door when the guard is not around to see. While you are hacking the keypad, you are going to be framed in the doorway by the inside light hanging from the ceiling, so you don't have time to waste. As soon as the guard rounds the corner on his patrol, get over there and hack it fast and get in and close the door behind you and move to the wall. Slide along the wall until your light meter goes black and then freeze and find the guards from the Security Office here. There is always at least one, sometimes all three, moving around outside the office. If they start to come toward you, slide down the wall away from them while staying in the dark. If you have to, once you have gone past them, leave Wall Mode and move into the dark area in front of the Vault Door and go back into Wall Mode there. Option Two: The Easy Way: Through the Crawlspace Look at that - you're back in the Treasurer's Office. Optic Cable the door to make sure there are no pesky guards moving around outside. When and if the coast is clear, make your way to the Vault Room Door, being sure to stay in a crouch as you pass the Security Station's window. See the Vault Door light? It's green now. That means we can go in. After a while, any guards moving around outside will go back into the office. Now you can go into the Vault. One through the door, turn left and go into the safe deposit box room. "The Turtle's" friend has something here for you that is going to help you hack the Vault open. First use the computer on the right hand side of the room in the alcove to meet an objective. Then find the safe deposit box on the right hand side of the room. "Open Box" will pop up when you are in front of the right one. Sam will pick up the charges for the vault and a telemetric lock pick. Proceed down to the Vault itself. Since this vault is wired to only open when two simultaneous combinations are entered on opposite locks, Sam needs to use the telemetric lock pick he's been provided with to fool the Vault into thinking there is a second person on the other side of the room entering the code along with Sam. Approch one of the locks in the white squares on the wall to either side of the Vault and the "Place Telemetric LockPick" window will come up. Then go to the other lock on the far side of the room and the "Pick Lock" window will come up. Select it. Here is the key to making this work: Wait until the Telemetric lock pick light turns GREEN before going on to the next tumbler. The telemetric lock pick lights will flash, and one will be red. Do not move on to the next tumbler until the light has stopped flashing and the red light has turned green. Once the locks are picked, move Sam to the Vault door and place the charges and then RETREAT UP THE PASSAGEWAY for about 15 feet. The 'Detonate Charge' window will come up. Hit it and the Vault door will open. Your real objective in this vault is the hard drives so Third Echelon can determine who Mcas Bank purchased the arms for, like Lambert says, but don't forget to also fake the robbery by stealing the money. OCP the camera in the white dome above the compter at the far end of the vault, then hack the computer and load the eigth and final fake e- mail, access the customer database, and open the door to the half a million bucks Sam is supposed to take with him. Turn the vault lights out also. Once your done with the computer, shut it off, or it will send out enough light for the camera to see you. OCP the camera again just to be absolutely safe before you move out from under it. The money is in a compartment on the right hand side of the glass partition in the center of the room. Once he has the money Sam makes a joke to Lambert about a raise. Stop well before the vault entrance and turn the Infrared on. The Vault security system has put a laser beam over the door. OCP it and continue on. If you set that laser off, you will have to fight your way past the guards at the Security station outside the Vault Door. Once Sam is up the stairs, he's told Redding is waiting to extract him beyond the front courtyard. Take Sam back to the Lobby, into the cashier's area, OCP the laser inside the door, climb back up the rope, find the ladder, and go down it, OCP the camera and the lights along the wall as you make your way to the front of the building. Stay in the darkness and when Sam is near the spot where the level began, the Extract Over Wall window will pop up. This is, of course, only one of the routes Sam can take to his extraction. There's also a zip line running from the front of the bank to the wall on the far side of the courtyard. It's easy to use. Just wait until no guards are near, OCP the light at the base of the pole to which the zip line is attached, run over and climb the pole, and slide all the way down the zip line to the wall. From there move to the other side of the gate against the wall, and the 'Extract Over Wall' window will pop up. Once again, Sam has turned in the perfect mission: a 100% success rating! Damn, this guy is good! ============================================================= Level 4: Penthouse ============================================================= Zerkehzhi is out there somewhere in New York's Garment District, in a Penthouse. Sam needs to find him, see if he knows anything about the Masse Kernels, and if so, who else knows. Because of the blackout, the butchers, bakers and candlestick makers ofAmerica's citizen volunteer National Guard has been called to patrol the streets to prevent looting. As the level opens, Sam is crouching behind and to the left of a dumpsteras Lambert comes on the comm and informs Sam that the National Guard do not know about him, and will fire on him if he is detected. Oh, and Sam isn't to kill any of these guys; they're on our side. Makes sense the Guard fellows would shoot at Sam if they see him. There's been a big terrorist attack, the whole Eastern Seaboard is dark, and here you are, a bookkeeper by trade, patroling this very dark alley and .....all of a sudden you find a guy dressed all in black, wearing NV goggles and armed with very,very sophisticated weaponry. You're not gonna go, "Oh cool...a ninja! A real live ninja!" You very likely also wouldn't think "Wow, this guy must be a US Special Forces dude! Hi! What outfit you with?" You'd mostly likely go, "HOLY $__T, A TERRORIST SNEAKING AROUND IN THE DARK!" BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! "DIE, TERRORIST, DIE!!!" BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! While you can't kill them, you can KO them, but that will drop your mission rating every time you KO someone. Now if you want the nifty 100% rating at the end of the mission, you have to stealth your way past all these Guardsmen doing a thankless job. From where the level starts, Sam needs to wait until the patroling Guardsman turns and heads back down the alley towards the seachlight. Then sneak Sam over to the ladder descending down from the fire escape of the building on the righthand side. Go all the way up the fire escape, climb on top of some boxes and from there jump Sam up so he hangs from his fingers from a ledge. Now move him left around the corner of the building. He will pass right over an unsuspecting Guardsman standing below. Once around the corner of the building, Sam will encounter a pipe leading down. Take Sam down the pipe and once he's on the ground, move him away from the Guardsman standing just feet away in the light. Move to the little dark alcove opposite this stationary Guardsman and scan the opening into this area beyond. There is a large white truck in the open space to the left, and in the dark there is a Guardsman lounging against the side of it. Past the truck in the far corner of this lot you can see a searchlight and another Guardsman on patrol. This guy will come into the next room and shine a flashlight around every minute or so. What do we have so far? Two patrolling guards and two stationary guards and two searchlights. We need to get across this area into the doorway on the far side of this room, but note that the first searchlight you passed is throwing it's beams onto the floor of the area you need to cross. And the guard leaning against the truck is looking RIGHT AT this area. To stealth your way through, you need to get this guy to move. When the patrolling guy with the flashlight is out of sight, move up into this room and LET THE BEAM OF LIGHT FROM THE SEARCHLIGHT MOMENTARILY SEE YOU. Just your foot or a hand. The guard standing against the truck will let out a statement of surprise and come to investigate. When he does, retreat SILENTLY to the pipe you just came down and climb back up it again. Several times this guard has lighted a flare and scanned the area around the pipe with it, sometimes joined by the guard standing in the alleyway, sometimes not. When things have calmed down, climb down the pipe again and peek around. The guard who was against the truck is no longer there; how he's usually lounging against the wall next to the door we need to go through. As luck would have it, he's no longer gazing at the lighted area on the floor against the wall next to him; now he's looking across the room at the area where the pipe is. Watching for the patrolling guard and waiting until he's come in to the room, shined his little flashlight around and departed, move into the room and stay against the wall to the right and slide on down to whereyou are just to the right of the doorway. Mr. Daydreaming over there will not see you. When the patrolling guard shows up again, when he turns to go back through the doorway, follow him out of the room and up the stairs on the right. There is an open, lighted doorway. Timing is crucial on this. You need to stay about 3 or 4 feet behind him until he's up the stairs. He will pass the doorway and go on down the landing and stand there for a about 4 seconds, shining his flashlight around. Then he will turn and come back the way he came. By the time he turns around you need to have moved Sam into the open doorway and around the corner, out of sight. (NOTE: sometimes this patrolling guard does not go up the stairs and down the landing to the left before turning around and retracing his steps. Several times he kept going straight through the doorway and then turned left to walk by the second searchlight. UbiSoft did not lie on the back cover of this game: the patrol routes these guys follow will vary over time.) Once you are in the building, don't close the open door behind you; that will just lead the guy you just avoided to wonder why the door is shut now and make him investigate. Around the corner, take Sam into wall mode and slide down until you see the dark area and then peek around the corner there. You will see a National Guardsman tinkering with the building's elevator as Lambert comes on the comm to tell Sam that's the fasted way onto the roof. Zerkhazi's in the next building over, and the roof is the only access, so if you mess this up you're truly screwed. Wait and watch until the Guardsman fixes the elevator. He will then begin walking around, passing right by Sam and then turning to go down a narrow hallway with his back to Sam. After he passes by, take Sam out of Wall Mode and move him silently to the elevator and press the button to open it up and go in. Use the left thumbstick on your controller to select the 'Up' button and the elevator will begin to move. When the elevator stops, move out of it, turn right and stay in the dark and move against the wall past some shelves all the way to the back, where there is a recessed area piled with garbage. There is a patrolling guard in this room, but he's easy to avoid. He does a circular pattern, passing from the foot of the stairwell leading to the roof, down the front of the shelves, past the elevator, down the dark area you just passed Sam through, then back to the foot of the stairwell. Simply wait until he's on the far side of the room in front of the shelves headed towards the elevator with his back to you, and move Sam to the stairwell and go up it and through the door at the top. Congratulations! Sam is now on the roof. Now all you have to do is cross this lighted roofway and use the ladder on the far side of the other roof just under that huge, blinking red Chinese sign while avoiding the 4 people that are up here. It's not as hard as it looks. From the doorway, aim across the roof to the far side at the red Chinese sign and OCP it. Then, as soon as the green light goes out, OCP the white searchlight to the left of it as well. Then, before the red Chinese sign blinks back on, shoot it with the pistol. I've found if you shoot out the red Chinese sign before OCPing it the guards go to a higher state of alert and start actively looking for you. If you OCP it first, they turn and go over to the sign and the searchlight instead of searching for intruders. There is a small min-bridge between the two roofs that one of the Guardsmen is using to move back and forth between them. There are two lights against the wall on the roof you are on that is lighting up that min-bridge. Shoot them out one at a time and each time retreat to the doorway you came through and crouch in wall mode there. The guardsman will come and flash his light around, but shouldn't find you. When both lights are out, peek around the corner, wait until the patrolling guardsman has come onto this roof, flashed his light around, and then turned to head back towards the min-bridge, and follow him. Stay about 4 or 5 feet back, and once you cross the mini-bridge behind him, head for the dark area where the now-dead red Chinese sign is and go up the ladder there. You will find yourself on a ledge with a zipline at the far end that will allow you to slide down onto the roof opposite. As Sam lets go of the zipline to grab a pole he can slide down to the ledge below, Lambert comes on the comm to say that Sam has now arrived at Zerkhezi's building. Gee, all this fun just to get here. Anyway, now that we've arrived, Lambert says he'll have Grimmsdotter try to dig up any structural plans for the building she can find, but he can't promise anything in this blackout. Take Sam down the pole and then move right. At the end of the ledge, we see the end of a balcony. Go into Wall Mode and peek around the corner. There is a guy with a gun patrolling this balcony. Wait until this guard is at the far end of the balcony with his back to you and then jump Sam up onto the railing and over it. Hide behind the nearest big freezer and wait for him to come back. As you do, Lambert comes on the comm to say that guy is a hired gun if he's ever seen one. Sam comments that this guy has the same kit (i.e., military clothes, weapons) as the two mercenaries that there protecting Hugo Lacerda on the Cargo Ship level. Lambert directs Sam to find out who this guy works for. When the merc passes by, grab him from behind and interrogate him. He'll cough up a name. Displace International? That's Douglas Shetland's comapny! Lambert says if Shetland turns out to be dirty...and Sam finishes the thought by saying if that's the case he'll take Shetland down himself, but so far he thinks there must be more to this story. Lambert now directs Sam to see if he can find out the name of the person in charge of this Displace security operation. Halfway down this balcony is a doorway on the left, through which you can see a merc with his back to the door while he tinkers with an elevator. There is another patrolling guard who will come into view in a few seconds. The fastest way to stealth your way through this part of the level is to head directly to the clear plastic laminate over the doorway on the right side of the room and cut it, then go into the crawlspace up near the ceiling. You have to do this before that merc at the elevator turns around, and before that patrolling guard comes into view. (NOTE: if you mess up and get spotted by these guys moving into this room, the guy working on the elevator will not fix it and will instead turn around and face the room and stand there like a dumbass doing absolutely nothing. It's now almost impossible to sneak by him.) Alternative route: If you want to, go into the room and hide behind the file cabinets in the dark area to the left. The guards will talk, and then one will fix the elevator, giving you another route into the penthouse if you want to take it. After he fixes the elevator, he goes and leans against the wall on the right hand side. Staying the dark, wait until the patrolling guard has left, then OCP the light over the elevator. The guard makes a surprised sound, but most of the time doesn't move, deciding the light is just malfunctioning. Move past him staying in the dark and get to the elevator. The 'Enter Crawlspace' window will pop up. Enter the elevator before the light comes back on and before the patrolling guard gets back. Once in the elevator, look up and find the open trap door. Jump Sam up and pull him up through the trap door into the elevator's roof. He will be in a red-lighted room with a open door in front of him. But beware! As Lambert warns on the comm, there are infrared cameras in Zerkhezi's suite. Sam states he can see them in his nightvision, so turn on the nightvision. Well what do you know. There is an infrared camera just around the corner. Take out the pistol, lean slowly around the corner and OCP the camera. Then slowly and quietly move into the area below the camera where it can't see you once it starts operating again. Lambert wants you to tap all the cameras so that NSA can spy on Zerkhezi, so when Sam is underneath the camera the 'Tap Camera' window will pop up. Tap the camera. Looking through the doorway you see a set of stairs winding up to the second floor. To get to those stairs and get up them, however, we have to be careful because there are about 5 guards downstairs and two of them are quite close by. One is leaning on the opposite side of the column you see next to the stairs in the dark. If you don't have your nightvision on, you might miss him. The other is patrolling the hallway leading to this living room area. (Check out the big screen TV - doesn't that program it's showing look......uhmmm... FAMILIAR?) You need to wait until the patrolling guard has left, move Sam slowly past the loitering guard next to the stairs while staying in the dark, go halfway up the stairs, then OCP the light in the ceiling above and move onto the second floor. If you don't OCP the light in the ceiling, the guard leaning against the column is going to see you as you move to the top of the stairs. Once you are there, you go down a small hallway that leads into a bedroom, with computers on the far side, a bathroom to the left, and another infrared camera just ahead. OCP the camera, tap it, and then move into what looks like closet on the left. It has a door back there that leads into a recently built 'safe room' that Zerkhezi has added. In this room is a computer. Use it, and Grimsdotter informs Sam that Dvorak is in the building next door. Sam will have to go through some magnetically locked doors to get to him, but Grim has unlocked the doors for him. (Note: if you take the alternative route, deciding not to take the elevator but instead sneaking your way through the first level like I did the first time through, you will arrive at the magnetically locked doors and be told you have to find this safe room to unlock the doors. I just saved you about 30 minutes worth of time. You're welcome!) There's one more thing we need to do on this level if we want the 100% success rating, and it's tricky. There's a greenhouse on the other end of a hallway on the far side of this room with an infrared camera that we need to tap. There are two guards there, however. You need to Optic Camera the door, watch the guards talk, and then retreat to a nice, safe dark spot in the bedroom because one of the guards is going to come through the door after a few moments. He will go stand in front of a window in the small room just outside the greenhouse hallway. I like to shoot out the lights in the corner before I optic cable the door, so he's standing in the dark. Sneak by this guy, and the other guard still in the greenhouse has his back to the door. Stealth open the door and tap the camera right next to the doorway, then retreat, closing the door behind you. Sneak past the window gazing guard, OCP the camera in the bedroom again, and then head for the top of the stairs. OCP the ceiling light, head down the stairs, and pause at the bottom, waiting for the guards to go back to normal before sneaking your way past them. We need to get Sam down a narrow hallway into the kitchen area, where the door is that leads outside. OCP the hallway light and sneak past this patrolling guard into the kitchen area. Wait until he's turned and gone back into the living room area, and then exit the room. There are two possible exits: the glass door and a crawlspace. The crawlspace works best because it's more concealed and no one could see your outline like they would if they happened to look at the door while you were passing through it. The crawlspace is beyond the kitchen table near the corner in the wall, low down to the ground. Send Sam through it, and he will emerge in a dark corner in a balcony area being patrolled by another guard and swept by an infrared camera. You have to remember to keep an eye out for both guards as you attempt to tap this camera. Situate yourself near the glass door, where you light meter still stays all the way to the left so you're not visible, and watch for the first guard to come into the kitchen. Once he's shown up, stood there, and then turned and started to leave, turn and find the balcony guard. When both are in the part of their patrols that either has them out of sight or with their backs to you, move slowly to the camera, staying against the wall so as to stay out of the infrared beam. I know, I know, it looks like your out in the open. But watch the light meter. When you are directly beneath the camera it should stay all the way left. You're invisible, and the guards can't see you. Tap the camera, pivot in place, watch the guards, and when they're facing away, move to the other glass door on the far side. Go through it, but be careful - the guard outside on the balcony CAN see through the window, and there is another guard sitting on a bed around the corner listening to music and tappin' his foot with the rythym. If you stay slow and move against the wall, he shouldn't see you. For added insrance, you can lean and OCP the light in the middle of the room. He'll often get up and move around the corner to the door, thinking someone used the switch to turn the light off. The door is on the far side of this room, so move down the wall and wait in the alcove opposite the door until the music lovin' guard has gone back to his spot and resumes his toe-tapping. Open the door quietly and go through, closing it silently behind you. You are now on a stairway in a bare courtyard, with another infrared camera below sweeping it's beam over the area. OCP the camera, then move down the stairs underneath it and tap it. After the camera becomes active again, OCP it again and go back up the stairs. There is a new doorway facing the stairs that we haven't been through yet. Go through it and you will be in a very small storage room with the magnetically sealed doors on the far end. Only they're not sealed anymore, remember? Go through them, and you will be in a small courtyard being patrolled by a guard with a flashlight as two more guards cover the area with their machine guns from windowns in the adjacent building. Close to the door as you come through it is a pile of boxes and garbage bags. Move to them, staying in a crouch on the near side and the patrolling guard and the guards in the windows will not see you. From this position, wait until the guard is on the far right end of the courtyard, between the buildings and take out the searchlight on the wall to the far left. When the patrolling guard goes to investigate the shot out light and is now on the far left, shoot out the smaller light on the far right. The door we need to go through is just below the searchlight. Wait until the guard is on the opposite side and go through it. (Alternative: There is a switch that turns the lights off in the group of power boxes in the far left corner of this courtyard. To get to the switch without being seen, spot the pole next to the door you just came through. Wait until Mr. On Patrol isn't close by and then go up the pole and over the zip line; it will deposit you onto the top of one of the power boxes. Silent jump down and flip the switch when the interact window pops up. Now the entire courtyard is dark. Just make your way straight across to the door and enter the building, closing it behind you.) Pass through this totally dark room and OC the door on the far side. Oh look, there's a guard standing on the other side of this door with his back to Sam. Hmmmmmm. This........SUGGESTS something, doesn't it? Why, of course it does. It suggests one of the few times in the game we can use the handy new BASH DOOR feature. Use it and watch the door send this unfortunate guy flying for an instant KO. Hide the body in the dark room and close the door behind you. In the lighted hallway you now find yourself in, turn left and head to the dark area where you find a door with a lock on it that you already have the door code to: 0280. Go into the room and find Zerkhezi and talk to him. Uh-oh. Seems the guy really is crazy. And harmless. And it turns out Dvorak is really a computer, not a person. And not just any computer, either. You need to get the punch cards from 'Dvorak', so find the main server terminal against the wall on the far side in the middle of all the computer towers. Hit the main server startup switch to start up all the computer towers. The key to making this work is to be in front of the towers just as the green cylinder in the middle section of the tower starts to glow. As soon as it glows, hit the switch to initialize the tower, then look for the next one that has it's cylinder starting to glow. You have just a second or two to get to the tower and hit the 'switch object' button, so be quick. When you have initialized all the computer towers, the punch cards will be found near the main server. When you have them, Lambert will tell you to head to your primary extraction point. Which just happens to be the same elevator we used to get into the penthouse at the beginning.....remember? You have two alternative routes to get there from here. You can retrace your steps all the way back to the elevator, avoiding all the guards and so on, or you can take this path I will now outline. Go back to the dark room where you left the still unconscious guard. Sneak out into the small courtyard. It should still be dark. All you have to do is avoid the patrolling guard's flashlight. Go back through the magnetic doors and through the next door beyond onto the metal stairway. OCP the infrared camera below, go down the stairs and get up against the wall near the camera. There is a door in the wall further down. Move to it. Move quickly, because this camera will come back on quickly sometimes and detect you. OC the door. A bare lighted hallway. Open the door slowly and close it behind you. Go into the wall mode and slide down the wall and peek around the corner to the left. You'll see a computer sitting on a table and just beyond a sleeping guard sitting in a chair in the dark. There's no reason to use the computer now; all it has are structural plans to places Zerkehezi's hide out room and we've already been there. Sneak to the doorway on the far side of this room, staying in the dark. Through the doorway we see a kitchen area lighted by a single lightbulb hanging from a wire. There is a patrolling guard moving in and out of this room. He is moving through a hanging sheet of plastic, and just beyond that you can see.......the elevator! Where the other guard that fixed the elevator is still standing right in front of it. Somehow you have to get past both of these guys and get into that elevator. First, wait until the patrolling guy has left the kitchen and dissappeared around the corner beyond. Then shoot out the lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. Retreat, and wait for the guards to discover the light. The guy standing in front of the elevator should now move to a new location. Now, the big problem is not the two guards, we can avoid them easily enough. The problem is the light shining right over the elevator. Avoiding the patroller, move up into the dark hallway and find the crawlspace up high near the ceiling. When you are underneath it, OCP the light over the elevator and then before it comes back on, shoot it out and get Sam into the crawlspace before the guards find him. Pass through the tunnel, and drop down on the other side. There's another lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. Beyond it is a sheet of plastic. Shoot out the swinging lightbulb and then retreat back into the crawlspace and wait for things to calm down. Now you've removed all the lights from the area. Once the coast is clear, drop back down, cut the material and with your Night Vision find the guards. Avoiding them, climb into the elevator and ............. You've done it! Another mission complete! ============================================================= LEVEL 5: DISPLACE INTERNATIONAL HQ ============================================================= Every Splinter Cell game has levels like this. You can't kill anybody because the U.S. Government has contracts with Displace, and as Lambert says, the President would have puppies if he knew Third Echelon was doing this. Your goal is to sneak into the headquarters of Displace International and ascertain who hired them. They were involved in contracting the now dearly departed (spit!) Hugo Lacerda to kidnap Bruce Morganholt. This is a recon/intelligence gathering mission, so the fireworks are to be kept to a minimum. Once again: if you kill anyone, it's mission over. The level begins with Sam in an alleyway, getting instructions from Lambert. Third Echelon needs to know if Zerkehezi and Displace are working together. Move down to the end of the alleyway; you are actually in a hidden alcove on the roof of Displace Int'l.'s HQ. Around the corner, across the roof, you can see a patrolling guard and a mechanic tinkering with some machinery. This roof has lots of dark spots, so avoiding the patrolling guard is easy. What's going to be hard is getting to the switch inside that fenced area where the mechanic is working. Oh, why do we have to do that? Well, it just so happens that the switch that turns off the ventilating fan in the center of the roof is inside that fenced area. That ventilator shaft is our own entryway into the building. To use it we have to turn the ventilator off first. So now you know! KO'ing both these guys is the easy way, but we're going for the 100% Mission Rating, so KO'ing them is out. See the two lights on the ceiling inside the fenced area where the mechanic is? One is over the mechanic's head, where most of the machinery is. The other is on the opposite side of the area, where the floor and wall are bare. Shoot out the leftmost light where the area is bare by OCPing it first, then shooting it before it comes back on. If the guard and the mechanic start looking around, hide in a dark spot. Once they go back to doing their normal routine, sneak Sam across the roof to the fence on the far left side where it's good and dark and climb the fence. Face where the mechanic is tinkering away and move up to the wall and slide down it. The switch is halfway down the wall, just where your light meter will start to slide to the right. Keep an eye for the patrolling guard and make sure he isn't looking this way, then go to the switch and press it. The ventilating fan in the center of the roof will stop rotating. The one danger doing this is that the mechanic will turn around and start toward you while you are exposed. Watch him for awhile; when he has his back to you, you have about 25 seconds to pull this off. Once the fan turns off, the patrolling guard will notice and go and stand up on top of the fan's casement in the center of the roof. The trapdoor you need to pick is right at his feet. Climb back over the fence, and wait until the patrolling guard's back is to you, and then move Sam to the casement and get up on it, staying in the dark. Let the guard go around again, and as he passes to where he cannot see you, pick the lock on the trap, and without hesitating, move to the rectangular thing sticking up near the trap and the 'Rappell on Wall' interact window will come up. Rappell your way down the wall and enter the red ventilation shaft at the bottom. Follow the shaft until it ends and drop down through the opening. You are now in the ceiling section of Displace's main breifing room, where several top DI officials are having an important discussion. One is carrying a portable computer, and Lambert tells Sam this man very likely has what he needs. Sam has to get his hands on the PC. Wait until all the officials and their guards have exited the room, and then drop into it. Go to the door and OC and make sure everyone is out of sight before you open the door. You're in a foyer, with secretaries' desk and to the left and right railings suspended over the snack and employee lounges below. Go straight and as you pass into the blue walled area turn left and get into the shadows. At the far end, just below a long tubed ceiling light, is the door that the DI official with the PC just went through. At this time Grimsdotter comes on the Comm and talks to Sam about bugging certain DI computers in each Division of the company. The first divsion is right behind Sam - the Operations Room. There's a guard in the Operations Room moving around and checking various computers, but he's easy to avoid. From a distance, scan the right most computer against the wall at the back. Hack it, and Sam will come up with the name......Milan Nedich. Hmmmmmm. Seems Nedich was in charge of the late Bruce Morganholt's security detail. And....he was also assigned to Zerkhezi. Grim says it looks like his file has been 'zeroed' (i. e., doctored). From here, find the compter nearest the entrace in the center of the aisle. This is the main server for the Operations Room. Hack it and upload the first tracer, which will make Grimmsdottir very happy. Now, to scan the PC carried by the DI executive. It's not hard at all. First, move to the door the executive went through. It's a dull, glossy door that..........HOLY COW!!!......suddenly becomes clear and you can see through it....and find the balding DI executive looking right at you! Retreat to the dark area and hide. The executive and a guard will soon throw open the door and come out and look around. Then they will turn and go back through the door....and the executive will thoughtfully leave his PC sitting on the floor easily visible through the now see-through glass door. Hack it with the EEV, and get the main server algorithm and also the door codes for access to the the R&D area. Use the door code you got on the door in front of you peek around the corner ahead. You'll see a camera mounted over the glass elevators and a guard manning a security booth at the far end in front of two doors. The door on the left leads to the DI Gym (hey, merc's gotta stay in shape, ya know) and the one of the right leads to the DI Research & Development Area, which is where Sam needs to go to find a way into the Main Server room. We need to get into both rooms to get the Mission 100% rating, since the Gym contains one of the computer servers Grim wants Sam to upload a tracer into. Problems: 1 camera, one guard. Wait a minute. Is that a hand I see? All right, WHAT? You want to know what's down the stairs over there? Well WHY DON'T YOU GO LOOK, ALL RIGHT? I'll wait. Satisfied? It's a dead end. You got a patrolling guard down there, and another camera over the elevator, and a door, which, if you manage to hack through it and get inside without being discovered leads........NOWHERE! That's right, pilgrim, Lambert will come on the Comm and tell you it's a dead end, and that you really need to try to get to the main server room through the R&D unit......which I was in the process of explaining to you when you interrupted me. Happy now? No? YOU'RE NOT? YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT'S ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ELEVATOR WHERE THAT GUARD SPENDS MOST OF HIS TIME PATROLLING? Sigh. Fine. Save the game, save your 100% success rating thus far, and when the guard is near the camera passing by, OCP the camera over the elevator and move into the dark lounge area just in front of the security barriers. Notice they open and close for this guard. He's wearing a transponder that lets him do that. You are NOT wearing a transponder. The barriers will NOT let you do that. So, climb over the glass wall and drop to the other side. Use the computer. Find nothing of any real value. Scout around the silver elevators against the wall when the guard has his back to you on the other side of the glass elevators. Find nothing. Scout around to your heart's content all over the area and find nothing. When you're done finding nothing, sneak back the way you came, avoiding the guard and go back up the stairs and to the corner. AND I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY NOW. Anyway...getting back to what I was saying.....what you need to do is get this guard in front of the Gym and the R&D Room to get up off his fat ass and start patrolling. It's what they pay him for, after all. How do you do that? Easy. OCP the camera above the elevator. Turns out Mr. Fat Ass over there is watching the camera's monitor on that flat computer screen in front of him. When the picture goes out, he's going to get up and come walking this way, looking at the camera, and then continue towards the corner and go around it, to the glass door leading outside into the foyer. In other words, HIDE, because this guy is about to come around that corner and shine a flashlight around. There are several options you can take when it comes to hiding here. You can go back down the stairs and wait and come back up; you can go through the glass door and hide outside where he can't see you..... Or you can do the trickiest one that allows you the most time to observe this guard's patrol pattern. To do that one, go into wall mode halfway down the stairs on the right hand side (if you were coming UP the stairs) and find the spot where the light meter reads totally dark. Crouch and wait. The guard will come around the corner, and his actions will vary; sometimes he will sweep the area with the flashlight, but because he's on the landing and you are below him him, the light won't catch you. If the glass door is transparent, or if he spots the now green light on the glass door that means it's open, the guard will give a grunt of surprise and go into a slower, more careful patrol mode. After awhile, he'll turn around and head back the way he came. Move back up the stairs and peek around the corner and watch him. It takes him about 25 seconds to go from the corner to the security booth, where he turns right and goes into a bathroom. He's out of sight for only a few seconds, and then he will come back into view, headed this way again. Note the timing very carefully. Hide again, let him come by and turn around and go back, and this time just after he passes the camera, OCP it and move down against the glass elevator, hugging the wall and staying in the dark and move to the lefthand side of the security booth where it's nice and dark. If you time it right, you should be crouched near the door to the gymnasium for a few seconds before Fat Ass shows up again and resumes his patrol. A few times, he stayed in the bathroom once I reached the gym door. Just to the right of the gym door is a switch. Hit it, it turns off the lights in the gym. Open the door and go in, and close it behind you. You are in a narrow, short hallway with a light overhead. Move down the wall and peek around the corner. If you are in time, you will see a merc looking up at the lights like a dumbass and then shrug and dissappear through a doorway. To the left is a door with a light visible coming through it. Move through this door, and you are in the gym's cardio and weight room, which also doubles as a computer center. The guard you saw earlier is now sweating away on a treadmill. Another merc is seated in front of a computer. The server Grimsdottir wants you to hack is on the far end of this group of desks against the far wall. It can't be hacked from a distance with the EEV. That means you have to physically get over there and use it. Don't go up the steps to get into this computer area. They're too much in the light and the guard on the computer will see you with his peripheral vision. You can use the pipe overhead to move down there, or the more tricky way, on the ground. Move Sam up to the railing, stand him up, and hit the 'Y' button and he will mantle his way over the railing and drop down silently. CAREFULLY move Sam past the seated guard. It's tricky to do it in wall mode since there's a column behind him and you can't just slide your way past. Take your time and move slowly. Slowly and carefully move to the computer by itself against the far wall. Watching your light meter carefully, move up to it and hit the 'A' button as soon as the Use Computer interact window pops up. Hack the server, and upload the tracer. Grim is becoming happier by the minute. Now retrace your steps. Often, when I slowly and carefully open and close the door to the gym, I find Mr. Fat Ass sitting once again on his fat ass in front of the computer monitor at his security station. See the door to the R & D area on the other side? It's got a retinal scanner. And the doorway area is well lighted. If this guy is sitting on his fat ass at the computer, there is no way we can move over there and hack that retinal scanner without him seeing us. We could, if we so desired, simply grab this guy and make him use the retinal scanner. He'd also come in handy helping Sam get past the motion sensor lasers waiting just beyond that door. But if we do that, we give up our 100% mission success rating. I've explored various scenarios here, but there is no way to defeat the lasers behind the door even if you get the guard to patrol and hack the retinal scanner without being detected. Luckily for us, there's another way into the R & D section that allows us to bypass Mr. Fat Ass, his retinal scanner and those pesky lasers. Go back into the gym, move along the wall in the dark locker room, and just opposite the doorway where you can see the merc on the treadmill still huff-huff huffing away, is a crawlspace low down near the floor. When you arrive at the other end of the crawlspace, two guards will be standing nearby talking about the Ubisoft game Prince of Persia! Let them finish talking and move off. You are now in the R & D employee snack room, complete with vending machines, and mechanic standing several feet away to the left bent over and tinkering with some machinery. Exit the crawlspace and move slowly and sneak past this guy. Go through the open doorway the other guy just went through, and go into wall mode and peek around the corner there. The R & D guys are testing a new version of the turrent gun. On the far end of the room you will see a helpless manniquin being repeatedly shot by the turrent gun as one technician takes notes. He will move in and out of this room periodically, going into the firing range through a door in order to reload the turrent gun. Another technician is upstairs, and every two minutes or so he comes back down stairs and walks around a bit before going back up and sitting at a computer up on the landing. There are some tables around the corner very near Sam where it's very dark. Move up to the tables and use the EEV to hack the computers across the room. Sam will fulfill a secondary objective by obtaining the latest turrent gun performance report. There are several ways to get up the stairs, which has the R & D main server behind a locked door just next to where the second technician is sitting. You can sneak to the foot of the stairs, wait until the technician is reloading the turrent gun, and the other guy is sitting on the second floor with his back to you, and OCP the light in the wall and then jump up onto the scaffolding, mantle the stairway railings and then move up the stairs and go into wall mode where it's dark just outside the server room door. Wait for Mr. Restless over there to get up from his computer and go downstairs. You have about 25 seconds to hack the server room door, get inside and shut the door behind you. Do not waste time - go immediately to the R&D main server and hack it and upload the tracer. When the technician comes back, he almost always notices the lock on the door has changed from a red light to a green light. Immediately after successfully uploading the tracer, find the crawlspace low down in the adhacent wall and enter it. The technician may shine a flashlight through the server room's glass door and spot you if you don't move quick enough. Exit the crawlspace, and move down the ceiling corridor you now find yourself in. At one end of this corridor is the ceiling vent for the shooting range; below you will see the hapless manniquin still getting shot up. At the other end.....ah! The DI Main Server room at last! And look! Somebody has thoughtfully left a rope hanging down there. How convienient. Climb down it. At the bottom, move to the main console and hit the switch to start up the Main Server with the daily algorithm you hacked off the DI executive's PC. For some reason, I have to move Sam away so the interact window dissapears and then move him back before the 'Use Computer' option finally comes up. Use the computer, and......uh-oh. Too late. Someone named M. Nedich shunted all the date Sam is supposed to retrieve off of this computer. Turns out ol' Milan is the VP of Protection Operations for Displace. Sam makes the observation that if this guy was in charge of security for Morgenholt and Zerkehezi,either he's not very good at his job, or he's dirty. Note: SWITCH THE COMPUTER OFF AS SOON AS SAM HAS ALL THE INFO ON IT. IF YOU LEAVE IT ON THE GUARDS MIGHT SOUND AN ALARM WHEN THEY FIND IT RUNNING. Then start back up the rope NOW. Lambert says there's nothing on Nedich in the files. It looks like he's been 'zeroed', which means his file has been sanitized of all relevant information. Sam then says the name Milan Nedich is therefore very likely a fake name, and he'll see if he can find out who Nedich really is. Lambert here gives Sam a new objective. Access Milan Nedich's personal computer. His office should be on the upper floors somewhere, so Sam should head up there. You should be back up at the top of the trap door now- because the power is now coming back on! Start up the rope as the lights are coming on, and a guard has a good chance at sounding an alarm when he sees you. Two of them are coming into the room very shortly after the lights come on, so you need to be well up the rope by the time they enter the room. Once you are back in the ceiling vent, head back to the crawlspace and retrace your steps. Sneak past the guy at the computer, down the stairs, and vault the railing where it's dark and land just outside the snack room door. Sneak past the guy in the snack room and go back into the crawlspace next to the vending machine, and come out in the locker room. Make your way back to the security booth, where Mr. Fat Ass is sitting once more in front of his computer. Now, to get to the top floor where the executive offices are, we need to use the glass elevator. Only, as we scan this setup, it becomes apparent that it's gonna be real hard to sneak over there and use the elevator from this floor as long as the guard is sitting over there. I tried OCP'ing the camera again to see if that would make him move. Nope. I tried OCPing the light over the retinal scanner door and that got him up all right - but he didn't resume his former patrol pattern. Instead, he came around the booth and began sweeping the area where I was hiding with his flashlight. Sheer luck kept me from getting caught. I managed to move around at just the right moments to keep the beam from the flashlight off of me, but then he just wen to over to the desk and sat down again. Right back where I started. At last, I hit up on a plan. This guy seems reluctant to move from where he can see the elevator. The guy downstairs below is on constant patrol, and there is almost 2 minutes where he's not around the front where the elevator doors are. BINGO. OCP the camera so it can't see you, then OCP the light in the ceiling beyond it and move down hugging the wall and turn the corner. Mr. Fat Ass might let out a grunt of surprise and get up and slowly follow you. If that's the case, simply hide in the lounge area at the bottom of the stairs until he finishes his sweep of the area and goes back upstairs. Move to the corner and find out where the bottom floor guard is on his circular patrol pattern. He always moves in the same direction. Wait until he has just passed under the camera over the glass elevator's doors and OCP it. Once he turns the corner, move to the elevator doors and hit the button when the Use Elevator window comes up. MOVE INTO THE ELEVATOR AND IMMEDIATELY SHOOT OUT THE SMALL CIRCULAR LIGHT IN THE CEILING. If you don't, you'll be spotted easy on the second floor. Move to the elevator controls and hit the button that tells the elevator to go all the way to the top. It's the one with the double arrows pointing up. If you hit the 'up' arrow, the elevator will go up, all right....and then stop at the second floor, where Mr. Fat Ass will have time to come over and wonder what's up. Now aren't you glad you shot out the light? Because it means Mr. Fat Ass can't see you. When the elevator reaches the top floor, listen carefully. Sometimes there are two guards just around the corner to the left that might sense something and start looking around. Most times you can hear them talking to each other, but several times, even with no alarms triggered, I find them moving around. Exit the elevator, and here is a tricky part coming up here, so you might want to save the game. You have an opportunity to fulfill a misson objective, but it's not automatic. You could flunk this if you don't get it right. You have to move Sam quickly but SILENTLY out of the elevator, around the corner to the right, and then left until he's in a lounge area where there is a ECP Glass door on the right. You will hear two mercs begin talking. One of them is about to reveal the true identity of the elusive Mr. Milan Nedich. But to record the conversation, you have to move to the door, Optic Cable it, and then EXIT the Optic Cable, and immediately go into Binocular view with the EEV and scan the glass in front of you until the word 'recording' pops up. Hold your position until the conversation is over and then MOVE to the left and get around the corner. Keep moving as Lambert talks about who Nedich really is. As soon as the mercs stop talking, one of them is going to go over to the door and open it, so trust me, you don't want to still be there when that happens. There is an open doorway around the corner throwing it's light into the hall, so stay to the right and move down the hall. As you advance, there are two guards on patrol in the area to the right, and one of them may even be in sight right now. To the left is a small alcove with a locked door and a water cooler. Go into wall mode next to the water cooler, because this is a good blind spot and the guards never sweep their flashlights over this area. Watch the patrol patterns. One dissappears around a corner to the left every three minutes or so. Wait until he has gone around the corner, and come back and just passed by. Take Sam out of wall mode and move to the left, staying in the dark and get a look around this corner. It's a well lighted area with a locked door on the far end with a camera off to the side sweeping the area. You have around two minutes until this guard comes back. You need to: OCP the Camera, Move up to the door, Hack the doorcode Open the door, get through it and Close the door behind you. You are now in the executive office area of DI. There are three doors here, two on the right, one on the left. The nearest door on the right is an empty conference room. The far door on the right contains one executive sitting at a computer. Milan Nedich's....or Nowak, which is his real name....office is the door on the left. Hack the door, and enter the office. The near computer on the right is the one you want to use. On it you will find plans for Nedich to meet in Hokkaido Japan with his contacts. Also, the doorcode for the locked door leading to the roof can be found as well. That door is the locked door next to the water cooler that you hid near. Now it's time to extract. Move back to the door leading outside, wait until you are sure the guard on patrol has passed by, open the door, OCP the camera, close the door, and move down to the locked door and open it with the code you just received. Close it behind you, and move up the stairs to the door at the top and extract. Bask in the warm, fuzzy glow of your 100% Mission Success Rating! You deserve it! ============================================================= LEVEL 6: HOKKAIDO ============================================================= So far in this game Sam has gone from Peru to a ship at seato Panama to New York City, and now as this level opens he'scrouching in a black special ops suit in a tropical jungleoutside a Displace International guarded villa in Hokkaido,Japan. Join Third Echelon, see the world! In the load up screen, you are introduced to a Japanese admiral who wants you to remove 5 microphones that have been hidden in the villa by Japanese intelligence. The DI guards are sweeping the villa for listening devices, so it's important you find these microphones and remove them before the guards locate them. Move around the corner and stay in the shadows as you pass under the large arching tree branch until you spot the DI guard standing on a rock outcroping halfway up a small hill with a lamp right next to him. Watch his pattern, and note he faces halfway away from Sam for about 20 seconds. When he's facing halfway the other way,move Sam out slowly and stay to the left against the rocks. Watch the light meter and when you reach a point just below the guard where the meter reads completely dark, stop and watch the guard. Wait until he goes through his route again,and once he's facing forward in the direction Sam just came from, move Sam away from the rock wall to the right and mantle him up the rocks until he's on level ground. Crouch and take Sam forward to the wall, out of sight of the guard. Look to the left and find the doorway leading into the villa. The walls here are made out of white paper. Pass through the doorway, and use the silenced pistol to shoot out the wall light. Go around the corner in a crouch and you will find Sam has entered a room lighted by a candle near the wall on the right. In front of him are two sliding doors, beyond which 3 cars are parked. There are 3 guards on patrol outside, and every minute and a half or so one of them will come down the walkway outside, slide the door open, come into the room, stand for a few seconds, then turn and go back the way he came, closing the door behind him. When you first come into the room, listen to the conversationthe guards outside have with each other. What you need to do is wait until the guards outside on patrol are not facing the see-through doors and then move Sam over to the candle. The 'Blow Out Candle' interact window will pop up, so Sam can extinguish the light. Then, you want to move to half-door on the right hand side of the wall that is open on top and mantle over it and crouch in the dark on the walkway outside before the guard comes and enters the room and relights the candle. As you move forward in a crouch and drop off the walkway staying to the right in the dark, Lambert will come on the comm and tell Sam to scan the license plates of the vehiclesin the center of the courtyard so Third Echelon can tracewho they belong to. (this is if you failed to learn the true identity of Nedich in the last level at Displace International's HQ) Scan the two license plates with the EEV (sometimes one of the guards is leaning against the far vehicle obscuring the license plate, so wait until he moves) and Lambert will at first say they found nothing....and then he will exclaim that Nedich is really the infamous 'Bosnian Barber' Milos Nowak, a brutal war criminal who got his nickname by scalping some of his victims in the Bosnian war. Staying in the dark, move down the wall. The walkway of the building on the far side has an area near a half-door that is shrouded in darkness. Mantle Sam up on to the walkway and then mantle over the door into the room beyond. Be alert, because there are patrolling guards in this building that aren't far away. Immediately in front of the door you just came through low down on the opposite wall is a crawlspace. Get into it and you will be able to see one guard in a well lighted hallway as he patrols first towards you, then away from you. You will also hear another guard start talking to the first guard. Exit the crawlspace and crouch among the plants and wait for the guard on patrol to go past you and down the lighted hallwayand stand halfway down it with his back to you for about 20seconds. Now look to the left. There is a small lighted hallway with a lamp on the floor. OCP out the lamp and move down the hallway, but be alert - there is another guard sweeping for microphonesin the room beyond. You need to stop at the corner and quickly OCP the light in the wall just beyond the door leading into this next room. You have to OCP that 2nd light and get into this room before the first light you OCP'd flickersback to life. Once you are in the room, note the dark area tothe left of the door. Go into wall mode there and the guardswill not detect you as they pass by. The first guard stays out in the hallway on his patrol pattern. The second guard moves around this room alot, spending some of the time sweeping various areas around the far wall with an electronic device, looking for microphones. Look at the far wall from where you are and turn on your thermal vision. You will see the first microphone in the wall behind a decorative panel. But that area is very well lighted. There's a lamp about3 feet to the right sitting on a stand. How are you going to get over there and remove that microphone without being detected? Here's how: once again, you have to OCP two lights, one right after the other. The first light you OCP is the one outside thedoor in the 'shrine' like area built into the wall. Aim the pistol and OCP it. The guard MUST notice the light going off outside and move to investigate for this to work. Just after the guard passes right by you and is moving through the door, take the pistol and OCP the light across the room near the microphone. Then, and time is of the essence, put the pistol away, move in a crouch, get to the microphone, and as soon as the 'Disable Mic' interact window pops up, select it. Now, you need to immediately move from where Sam crouches in front of the wall to the left across the room where it is dark, just in front of a sliding door. You need to get over there and into wall mode before the light flickers back on. You can't go back to where you were before because usually the guard is coming back in through the door by now and would block your path. Now, we need to get Sam back the way he came. The hard way? OCP the lights, and then move through the door and back down the hall to where that other guard is patrolling the hallway. The easy way? Shoot the lights out. Now you don't have to worry about them coming back on. If you opt to shoot the lights, OCP them first, then shoot them. If you shoot them without turning them off first the guards immediately detect a threat. Once you are down the hallway and back at the crawlspace you first came through, you will usually find the patrolling guard....no longer patrolling. Instead, he'll be standing in one spot looking around carefully. To his left is a lamp on a table, brightly lighting up the small area behind him. Behind the guard to his right is another doorway with a red cloth hanging down over it. If you watch long enough, another guard will come through the far door and stand for awhile before turning and going back the way he came. Find the white material hanging from the ceiling and cut through it with the knife. Wait until the guard on patrol on the far side has made an appearance and then gone back through the door out of sight. Now you have about 3 minutes until he comes back. In a crouch, sneak past the standing guard and go into wall mode next to the door with the red curtain. You should still have about 2 and a half minutes until the patrolling guard comes back through this door. Sometimes though, he stops inside the room beyond and stands there for a while, so use your thermal vision through the curtain to make sure the room is clear before moving into it. Beyond this door across the room is a second door where a small kitchen with a open hearth is located. The guard may be in there still, so go into wall mode to the left of this new door and watch and wait. You want him to come back, pass you, and go through the red curtain. As soon as he does, leave wall mode and go through the door and around the corner and through the open door you will find and stay to the right where it is dark. You are now in an open balcony area shrouded in darkness. Off to the right is the wall of the villa with some sliding doors and a few windows and half-doors that are open on top. Inside the room beyond are two guards sweeping for microphones. Once again, we're going to have to sneak in there, OCP some lights, and disable some microphones while a guard is just a few feet away. One guard keeps going into the bathroom every few minutes and will be indisposed for about three minutes each time he does. (Shouldn't have drunk all that beer.) That will leave just one guard walking around sweeping an electronic detector over various spots around the room. The microphone we need to disable is in the far wall halfway down to the left of the bathroom door. Mantle through the open window on the far righthand side and wait for Mr. I-Gotta-Pee-Every-3-Minutes does his dissappearing act. There are two lights in this room; you need to OCP them very close together, and as the guard goes over to one of them to investigate, turn on your infrared, find the microphone in the wall, move to it, and disable it and then retreat back to the dark area near the window you came in at before the lights come back on. If you want, you can OCP the light nearest the window and then shoot it out and retreat back through the window. Make sure the guard is on the opposite side of the room facing the other way, though. He'll notice the light being off and come to investigate and then go back to the other side of the room and resume his search for microphones. You can't really shoot out the far light because the guard is often standing too close to it. OCP it and you will have about 15 seconds to move to the microphone, disable it, and retreat. When the other guard is out of the bathroom, and neither one are facing the bathroom door, go through the door and find the crawlspace on the floor on the far side of the bathroom on the left hand side. This leads to the kitchen area where there is some ammo on the counter if you want it. There is also a medkit near the Kitchen entrance leading back into the room you just came from. Opposite that is a door leading outside, where there is a small garden, where two guards are on patrol and a civilian is practicing Tai Chi'. You can't Optic Cable this door; all you can do is slide it open. And when you do, there's usually one of the guards standing just feet away with his back half towards you. You may have noticed when you were in the bathroom there is another crawlspace on the right hand side, it leads to a an opening on the veranda that is very dark and hidden from the guard's vision. Next to this opening is a switch that turns on the garden's water sprinklers. If you want to, you can go turn the spriklers on and listen to the guards bitch about getting wet. From the kitchen door, move down in a crouch past the first guard, and go behind the bench and stay in the dark area. Ahead is a very large lamp built into the ground and a second guard usually stays very close to it. To get by this guard, OCP the large lamp and wait for him to start moving around. You have about 20 seconds until the light comes back on; by that time you need to have moved up past the light and into the open doorway off to the left and up some small steps. Go down the small hallway and around the corner. You will see a large statue of the Buddha with a light on the wall to the right. Move behind the Buddah and there is a a small alcove with a lamp on a stand. Shoot it out. Then move to the other light in the wall to the side of the Buddha and shoot that out. You may have spotted a crawlspace in the wall high up behind the Buddha and near a door leading into a small room with a desk that has a lamp on it. DON'T take the crawlspace yet; that is for later. Shoot out the light on the desk, then proceed into the small room and turn right through an open door that leads into a bedroom. There is a lamp on the floor on the opposite side of the bed. Shoot it out and then go and find the microphone hidden next to the phone. After retrieving the microphoen go through the sliding doors and close them behind you. Turning, you will see a light inside a room opposite you, and you can hear and see the shadows of several people in this room. Low down on the floor next to the door is a crawlspace. Take it, and as you move through it you can see Nowak and his guards talking. Listen to the conversation as you move through the length of the room, passing right underneath one guard sitting on the bench. At the far end, exit the crawlspace and crouch in the dark next to the tropical plant. Hide and wait for Nowak/Nedich to end his conversation with his guards. They will all leave the room through the door on the far side, while Nowak, the Bosnian Butcher will come through the door to your right and go into a sauna room in front of you and start talking to someone on a cell phone. (IMPORTANT: One of these guards takes a LONG TIME to finally leave. He pauses at the far door, then turns back around, then goes through the door, and stands outside the door facing sideways, and after awhile finally moves off. DO NOT move Sam from his hiding place and try to grab Nowak until this lazy son of a gun is GONE.) You have a limited amount of time to pull this off, so don't waste any. While Nedich is talking on his phone, move Sam up to the paper wall next to which Nowak is standing in the next room. The 'Grab Character' window will come up, and if you hit the button, SAM WILL GRAB NOWAK THROUGH THE WALL AND PULL HIM THROUGH IT. Quickly retreat to the far corner where is is dark,holding Nowak and beginning to interrogate him immediately. The best spot is actually the dark corner in front of the crawlspace you just came out of. You need to interrogate him, kill him, and dump his body in that dark corner BEFORE one of his guards comes back on patrol. If it takes too long for the interrogation to getstarted, a guard will come back while Sam is still holding onto Nowak. When the guard sees the hole in the paper wall whereyou grabbed Nowak, he'll start patrolling slowly, looking around carefully. Here's where standing right in front of the crawlspace will pay off. Pull the right trigger, kill Nowak and immediately hit the 'Enter Crawlspace' option when it comes up. Even if the guard finds Nowak's body, he may not detect Sam in the crawlspace. After Sam kills Nowak, Lambert comes on the comm to tell him Douglas Shetland has just arrived. This is troubling news, and Sam is still trying to figure out if Shetland is dirty or not. Sam is now tasked with finding Shetland along with Zerkhezi. Exit the crawlspace, and stay in the dark and be alert for patrolling guards. There are three guards patrolling around out here, but because I had you shoot all the lights out on the way to your meeting with Nowak, it will be much easier for you to sneak past them and get to that crawlspace high up on the wall behind the big Buddha statue. Simply retrace your steps in the dark and avoid the guards. One is usually patrolling up and down the hallway, one is standing just inside the sliding doors to the left inside the bedroom, and the last is patrolling on the far side in frontof the Buddha. They are all easily avoided. Once you reache the crawlspace, Sam will jump up into it and move forward. Drop down at the other end of the crawlspace; you will find yourself in a small enclosed room withsome sort of a greenhouse atrium enclosed in glassin the center, with a guard on patrol around thecorner. There are two pipes running up to the ceiling; the first one is right in front of you and it has a switch that lowers the glass and a valve that turns on the sprinkler inside the atrium. The other pipe is just around the corner and leads to a walkway above the room. Wait until the guard has his back to you and go around the corner and quickly climb up the second pipe. Follow the walkway and you will see that the other side of the room contains a conference room with a table in the middle surrounded by chairs. At the far end is a lighted doorway. Sam needs to get through that door without being spotted by this guard. At the end of the walkway is another valve for turning on the sprinklers. Turning the water on makes the guard go into slow patrol mode, but it also makes him vary his patrol route. Wait until he his on the far side of the room with his back to you and quickly drop Sam down and go through the doorway to the left, going into wall mode and sliding all the way down into the dark dead end you find there; there is a lighted doorway to the right where you can see a guard sitting and watching a big screen TV. Now, are you ready for this? Near where the guard is patrolling the room with the big tv, right next to the brightly lit lamp he is almost right in front of, is the next microphone we need to retrieve. Sometimes if the guard in the last room senses Sam passing by, he comes into the hallway and scans around for a few seconds, but if you stay in wall mode at the far end of this hall he will not come down and find you; instead he will turn and go back through the door. Once things are quiet, you need to look straight down the hall you are in; at the far end is a open doorway leading into a bedroom. The hall light is on, and turningit off will merely draw the attention of the guard watching the TV. You need to sneak down the hall, past the door you just entered by on the right, into this dark bedroom. The fourth microphone is hidden benind the panel near the door next to the bed. That's 4 down, 2 to go. At the other end of this bedroom is a red curtain hanging over a doorway. It leads to a bathroom, and there is a civilian in there cleaning out the large bathtub. The only thing in there is a medkit. Other than that it's a dead end. Peek out the door next to where you recovered the microphone. See how the hallway goes on at a right angle? We need to get down this hallway and sneak by the guy watching the Tv. If you were spotted or sensed earlier, instead of sitting on his ass dully staring at the TV in a half-awake state, this guard will be moving around and patrolling the room. Also, directly across from the huge door leading to the living room is another door leading to a second bedroom in which yet another guard is patrolling. Stay in Wall mode on the living room side and slide right up to the doorjamb. Wait until the guard in the living room is turning away to go stand in the corner next to the lamp (this is if he's patrolling). Now, are you ready for this? Near where the guard is patrolling the room with the big tv, right next to the brightly lit lamp he is almost right in front of, is the next microphone we need to retrieve. You need to alternate OCP'ing light sources to pull this off. First, find an angle in the hall outside that lets you point the pistol at the big screen TV but still leaves you completely in the dark. Then, OCP the TV. As the guard grunts in surprise and turns and slowly begins making his way towards it, he can no longer see the lamp in the corner he just left behind. Now OCP the lamp quickly and then move in, find the mic, take it out and quickly retreat. That's 5 down, one more to go. Go into Wall Mode in the hall outside where it is nice and dark. Slide down to the corner. Peek around the corner and you will see stairs leading downward through a well lighted computer room with a glass door at the far end. Find the light switch near the corner where you are peeking from and turn the lights off. Go through the room to the far glass door and slide it open. You are facing some metal stairs leading upward. Also, there is a sidewalk to the left leading to a glass door on the opposite side of this small courtyard. There is a guard inside the room over there who will see you through that glass door if you get in front of it. There is also another guard who comes out of a door on the right near the top of the stairs and patrols the upper floor. Note that the top of the stairs is very well lighted; if you simply try to walk up them you will be spotted immediately. Instead of going right up the stairs into the light, let's do the sneaky spy thing and go over the railing to the right and drop down into the bushes where it's nice and dark. Move around under the stars until you are just to the right of the glass door on the other side of the courtyard. A microphone we need to recover is in the room beyond. It's against the far wall next to the phone hidden inside the decorative panel. Wait until the lower floor guard has left the room and gone up the stairs. You need to quickly open the sliding glass door, cross the room, remove the microphone, turn, go back the way you came,go through the door, close it behind you and hide in the dark in 20 seconds. See the pipe next to the door? Climb it, but halt at the top before pulling Sam up over the railing and spot where the guard on the upper floor is at. Wait until he is either facing the other way or has gone through the door at the top of the stairs move Sam to the right off the pipe and the vault him up over the railing. Go immediately to the dark corner at the far end on the right hand side of the glass wall showing a bedroom beyond. You need to be right up there in the corner in wall mode because this guard on patrol is going to come right by you at least once. Note the guard from downstairs will come up some stairs and stand in the doorway off to the right before turning and going back downstairs. Also, note the timing of his pattern with that of the guard going in and out of the door at the top of the stairs. When the guard from downstairs turns to go back down his stairs, the upper floor guard should be just going into the door over there. Follow him, staying in the dark until just the last second. Give the guard a few seconds head start and then quickly slide the glass door open, move in, pivot, slid the glass door shut, pivot again, turn on the NightVision googles, and move to the dark alcove just opposite the door and go into wall mode and hide. It's completely dark here, so the guard will not see you when he passes by. Once he does, he will go through the glass door, and you will have about 30 seconds to get down the hallway he just came from. Be aware of where the guard is through the opaque glass windows; also note the lights shining ahead; you need to OCP them so you can pass by. At the end of the hall is a red curtain hanging over the doorway. Beyond it is a medkit which you have absolutely no use for, and a crawlspace low down on the floor. As you enter the crawlspace, Lambert comes on the comm to tell you that Shetland is meeting with Zerkhezi ahead. He encourages Sam to gather as much info as he can before making his move. Remember, the goal is to grab Zerkhezi alive! Exit the crawlspace and Sam will find himself on a rooftop opposite a building where a lam is casting silhouttes of the room's occupants on the paper walls. One of the shadows is Shetland. The other, is Zerkhezi! Listen to the conversation and then.... Oh man, what a shocker. I thought those things were just for show. Guess not. Sam is given new orders now - stop Douglas Shetland before he leaves Hokkaido! This next part is tricky if you want the 100% rating. You need to, just as the room's lights go dark, drop down off the roof, cross the courtyard staying to the right in the dark, pass BEHIND the guard in front of the room's sliding paper door, slide the door open, move in, ignore the corpse on the floor, go through the opening on the right, turn the corner, and there is a waist-high tunnel Sam needs to hurry through. Coming out the other end, Sam finds himself in a small alley with a lamp hanging halfway down on the lefthand side. Shoot out the lamp. Whaddya think? Should Sam just charge down to the end of this alleyway and try to catch Shetland? Uhmmmm, bad idea. See, if he does that he falls for the three man triangulated ambush waiting for him outside. One guy near the cars has a sniper rifle and is just waiting for target, so moving out into the light here is definatley a bad idea. Also, there's no way Sam can catch Shetland. The head of DI flies off in a helicopter shortly after Sam enters this alleyway. Lambert comes on the comm to tell Sam the bad news about Shetland's escape. He tells Sam he can extract now. Recognize the place? It's the courtyard from the beginning of the game where we EV'd the car license plates. All Sam needs to do now is sneak past this three man ambush, go back through that room with the candle glowing away, and sneak once more past that guard standing all by his lonesome on that rock outcropping. Piece of cake, right? You bet. At the mouth of the alley, note there are two mercenaries there, one on each side of the opening. Move out a little bit and go to the left past the guard there, all the way down to the building where it is all nice and dark. Go up the landing and to the right. You are back inside the building now, with the first crawlspace you used down there on the floor to the left. Once again, use the half-door that is open at the top on the far left hand side, only this time to go out instead of in. Crouch on the landing, and now you are behind Mr. Sniper. From here, simply reverse the way you got past this area the last time; stay in the dark against the wall, and mantle your way up onto the landing and then through the window. Even though the lamp near the door is lighted, and the candle in the room is lit, the 3 mercenaries are so intent on the mouth of the alleyway they're guarding that they never see Sam when I mantle him through the window and move him across the room and around the corner to the safety of the darkness there. From here it's a simple matter of moving along the rock wall and staying in the dark until the guard next to the bright lamp outside is facing the other way. Move Sam up, drop him down and move to the area just below the guard where the light meter reads completely dark. From there, once again wait until he turns his back, and move Sam in a crouch down the rock trail and underneath the fallen tree and around the bend. MISSION COMPLETE!!!! Once again, another 100% success rating! Coming Soon: Level 7: Battery