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I know that there are no other facts out and this is a game that you need one most in. First thing is first. I made this document, so please do not copy it and say it is yours. I do not mind if you just copy it for your own personal use if your playing the game and don't want to use the internet. If you want to put this walkthrough on a webpage, no problem, just email me to get premission first. This rule also applies if you want to translte this FAQ into another language. I'm not that strict, just as long as you get my premission. If you have any questions just email me. This brings me to my second point. I don't mind for emailing me, but please don't unless you have a big problem about the game or this walkthrough. I will definently be willing to take information that you see I don't have on the FAQ or that I should have. But please, DO NOT EMAIL ME SPAM. It will be filtered out and not get accepted anyway. That is pretty much it, besides that I want to thank UBISOFT for developing such a great game. _______________________________________________________________________________ Contents 1. My Imput 2. Characters 3. Controls 4. Story 5. Walkthrough A. Level 1 B. Level 2 C. Level 3 D. Level 4: Train E. Level 5 F. Level 6 6. Credits _______________________________________________________________________________ Main Characters: Sam Fisher: Our hero from the first Splinter Cell and the character that you play throughout the whole game. Sam has been in the spy business for the past decades and has much experience. He is currently on the Third Echelon Team. Irving Lambert: This is the guy that you mostly hear on your communincation com. He gives you your objectives, some (but very little) hints of what to do, and links you between other members of the Third Echelon Team. Demort P. Brunton: Demort is recently new to the team, but does help give you ways to finish your missions. Like Lambert, he will communicate through the subdermal microchip in your ear. Anna Grimsdottir: Also a member of your team, she is the person that will be hacking into computer components and helping you out on missions via microchip. Suhadi Sadono: As a military fighter for Indonesia, he has now become the leader of the Darah Dan Doa. This is your major bad guy in the game. Norman Soth: Not quite sure about this guy. He is a member of the CIA, but it is possible that he is betraying the US. Keep an eye out on him. Dahlia Tal: Like Soth, not sure if she is good or bad. She is a Shin Bet Agent, but later in the game you are questioned if she is evil. _______________________________________________________________________________ Controls: These are the controls for the game. There are not many differences from the first Splinter Cell. Left control stick: Move/ aim. Press in when by a wall to cling on to it. Right control stick: Change camera angles/ use binoculars when pressed in. Control pad/D-pad: Left: Night vision goggles. Right: Thermal Vision goggles. (press these again to return to normal view.) Up/Down: Switch weapen/item Right trigger: Main Fire Left trigger: Secondary Fire Back button: Get to Opset menu. Start button: Get to Game menu. A button: Ineract button. (hold and use control stick to select) Reload B button: Crouch down/ Roll when moving Y button: Jump/ split jump by two parallel walls X button: Get weapon out/ aim Black Button: Whistle White Button: Item's menu. (Hold it down and select item.) _______________________________________________________________________________ Story: Suhadi Sadono has attacked a U.S. base in Jakarta and has taken civilian and military hostages. Now the Third Echelon Team and you, Sam Fisher, must destroy the top-secret documantations in the embassy before Suhadi's men access it. _______________________________________________________________________________ Now what you have been waiting for: THE WALKTHROUGH: Mission One: Now this is the first and probably easiest mission, but I will go over it anyway if anyone has got stuck here. First (after watching the pretty cutscene), go forward to and press the y button on the edge of the ledge and press forward to go up. Then, run, take a left, and go up the ladder. Climb on the zip line by pressing y again and go across. If you happen to fall you can U-turn back and jump, and go back to the ladder. If you can't find out what to do when you get across, this is what you do. Find the pole that is hanghing right were the zip line ends. Jump by pressing y and move toward the building, left of the line. now you have to press y again when you get to the fence that is blocking you to crouch on the pole and proceed forword. Drop down by pressing B and turn the the right, then left, then another left to the door. If my memory is correct (please Email me if I'm wrong) you go into a room where you need to either lock pick the door or have to go up a pole and slide into a hole in the floor. Either way, you will have to do both. When you get out the door, go down the stairs and in the upper-right corner there will be a passage to go into. When in the new area, don't go up the stairs, but go to the left of them and cling onto the wall by pressing the right control stick in. Go left and hit A on the end of it to flip to the other wall, where you can get off. Now, slowly go to the guy on the box and when close enough, hit A and knock him out with the right trigger. Proceed on until you get a message from Lambert telling you to use the creek. Climb down the pole and slowly, and I mean slowly go into the stream or you will make to much noise. Go right, avoiding the spot lights and put on your night vision goggles. There is a guy to the right that spot me once, so wait until he passes. Go under the bridge, heading toward a watermill, and turn right out of the water when the coast is clear. Lambert will now tell you to interage a guy. So, go over to him and press A behind him, then go into the shadows. (Press A to make the conversation to go faster.) Now knock him out and someone else will come out. Wait until he goes back in and open the door slowly moving and press A behind him. Once again, knock him out. Go forward and turn a right. Split jump by pressing Y twice and lean against the right side of the wall, then jump again, proceed forward and finish the level. Easy, right? Mission Two: This one I'm going to go through quick since you should know the control setup by now. First, go left, climb the ladder, climb the other ladder, go forward, left, try not to step on the glass (but when I attempt to I do), so go back, knock you the guy if you have to but do not shot him. Proceed forward, wait in the dark corner when Lambert tells you to, then go forward, look left and grab onto the pole, then go up. Grab onto the roof, go right, try not to get cought, drop down on the platform, then press A to the right to go to the other side of the building. This is where I normally get cought. Slowly go to the left into the doorway and knock out the guy. Save. Now slowly go through the door on the right, sneak to the balcony and knock out the guy. You can go to a room down the hall and unlock the door to get healed. Now ther is a room with hostages, but don't bother going their. So, go down the stairs, then at the base of the stairs, wait until a guard comes to the pillar infront of you and knock him out. Now, you can do one of to things. There are two guys playing cards. One, you can go and wistle by hitting the black button to get one to come to you. Go back to the stairs and wait for an oppertunity to hit him. Do the same for the second one. Or try using the bottle on the table to get their attaintion. Either way, run past, turn two rights and left through a door. This is fun. You actually have to go in the light to not be seen. So just go and fallow in the light of the moving light to get to the other side. Now go left to the door, up the stairs, using the med kit if you need it, then slowly take out the guard on the balcony. Go to the door on the left and talk to the person. Now retrace your steps back to the bottom to the stairs. Merry Christmas indeed! Now that you can shoot anyone you see, this should be easy. Go left, then right, shot the guy, go up and turn off the spot light with the power switch on top of the ladder, then repeat the process to the left (but watch out for the guard). Now turn one more left, then right, go across the dock, and into the boat. Another mission down, 6 more to go. Mission 3: Sorry, there is a mission that I forgot about before the train. In this one, you are at a train station. Start by going forward and down the ladder. Now with your new gun, snipe the guy by the train. Turn left, then stay in the shadows and aim while sniping down the hall. A guy will come out at start taking to another guy. I think you know what to do, snipe him. Now the security will go up a level but that's ok. Snipe the other guy that comes runing down the hall and proceed forward, after hiding their bodies. Fallow the hall with the flaming trash cans and now you will see a fire. After waiting a while, Lambert will tell you to shoot the pipe above the flames and you can proceed forward. Keep going through the rooms until you find a door with a copying machine by it. Use the switch to turn off the lights, then go on. Now you are in a room where a guy will come and say the basement is clear. I just waited until he got to the side of the room with the door you came out of and shot him, then killed the other two guards that come. Now when down the hall the security will be back to normal. Shot both of the guys it this room, then go through the door on the right. Now turn left, then another left, and you will be asked to save the computers. Go through the door and let one of the guards notice you. Then crouch down and shot him when he comes out the door. For the second one, just take him out however you want. Go to the computer at the top right corner of the room and press A. Ok. This part is alittle blurry for me since I did it a while ago, but it should still help you. You have to take out a bomb alittle way down the hall in a time limit of about 40 seconds to a minute. So shot any guard you see while going down the hall and go through the door on the left. The bomb will be hooked up to a machine in the boiler room, so just press A to disarm it. Go out of the room and down the hall some more and up the stairs, but go slow since there is an alarm that I think detects motion. When out of the door turn left, wait for an opertunity to knock out the guard, and go through the double doors. Turn left and go through the door on the left. Freeze. There are a lot of security cameras in this room. So shoot the one on your right, the middle, and another one to your right. Go to the computer on the right and press A. Got it so far. Hope so, because now you have to try to find some brians. That's right, brians. So go back out of the door you came from and then out the door on your left. turn off the giant light and turn on your night vision goggles. A guy will come in, so just knock him out and take the sticky shockers and air rings. Go out the door on the left and then take another left. Go up the stairs on the right and shoot the camera. Once again, go very slowly to not trigger off the alarm. Go forward and shoot the two guards in the main lobby. From where you came in, take a U-turn to the other hallway. Now I'm sorry to say that I do not know where I got the code for this door, but it was either from one of the two guards or from just waiting a while. Once in, save. Go through the door on the right and turn on your thermal goggles. Go left and turn off the turret with the switch box. Keep going down and knock out the guard on the right side of the room, then proceed to the door on the left. Now, I wish I found out this earlier but you can jump on the sides of platform that you are on and shimmy down the platform. However, watch out for the smoke. Now you can shoot the two guards. Go in that door, and if you want to, you can disarm the bomb by pressing A when the moment when it turns green and then get health if you need it. I was stuck here for a long time not knowing what to do, so don't be mad if you are. In the room to the left, turn a right and climb on top of the shelf up to the hole in the vents. You will here some guys who want to blow the place up. Turn to your first left and take to the guy with the phone that you need. Now, just wait here away from the walls for 40 seconds until the place blows up. Now go back up the vent and turn a left to continue down the vent to the exit. Lambert will tell you that your a phyco for letting that man die, but at least there is some good news once you continue down the hall, You Beat The Level. Now for the train. Mission 4: The Train Now for some reason everbody is having a hard time with this level but I think the last mission was harder. Anyway this is a great level design and fun to play for the most part. Start by going down one of the two holes on the train car to a room with a dog in it. Go forward through the door and knock out the guard by going in a circle behind him around the room. Go in the center of the room and then down the hole. You are now on the bottom of the train. Keep going and save, then go into the hole. Now hit the switch in the corner of the room and try to quitely go left and out the door, then press A so you are on the side of the train. Now, there are windows with guys by them, so you have to wait until they are not looking at the window, then go past. Some people have been stuck on one guard that will spot you but just don't get in site of the window. When back in the train, go forward and save. Now you have to find Mr. Soth, so wait until the servant talking about ear plugs to go away. Then, I believe it is the third door to the right that has Soth in it (It's the one with the number 18, right after the red door). Talk to him and hide by the computer when he has a phone call. Access the Computer. I had a problem finding out what to do on the next part but I figured it out. You can't voice microphone the guy from that room. You have to go out, then turn right and go down the hall. When you are in the same room that he is in, take it out by pressing X and aim it toward the green zone. When thats done, wait for the guards to leave and knock out the one at the bar. Go to the next room and you will trigger off the alarm, but that's ok. Turn a quick right and go up the ladder. Head forward and then there should be gun shots around you, don't worry, it should not hurt you. Now when you have the chance, hit the A button by the rope and you have finished the mission. Easy? right? Ok, maybe not. Mission 5: Ok. This mission was very hard for me, expecially at the middle and end of the level. First, go forward and turn on your night vision goggles, then go up the stairs. Turn a sharp right and wait for a person to come out from the corner. When he's gone, avoid the light by the door to your left and continue down the alley. Hide in the dark waiting for another guy to pass and then go left. Shoot out the swinging light to your left and go through the passage. Wait in the corner to your left and hide. Keeping to that wall on your left, carefully go to the corner on the other side of the area. The guard has ran into me here but I have never got caught. Turn right and go down the hall when the guard is gone. Now, turn a left and shoot out the lights in this alley. When the guard has gone right, go left. Hide behind the giant garbage box and wait for an oppertunity to knock out the guard. Stay on the outside walls and in the shadows, then when all the way down the area, turn right. This part is fun. You have to save the arms dealer from two bandits. So, grab the one closest to you and you have a good old fashoned shot out. Aim for the other bandits head and shoot him (not hurting the arms dealer). Now you will get your nice big gun back. The dealer will now show you a spot to test it out with, but only fallow him until you can turn left down the alley that the guard patrolled. Now, climb the roof to your right and then grapple down on the end with your rope. Now that you have a new friend, fallow her slowly. This is where I start to hate this level. She will wait for you, however, if you fall behind. Talk to her when she stops, and then she will keep on going. Go very slow here. If you didn't get caught, then their is a save point of where she stops the second time, telling you to find a way to get to the roof. This is a hard part, but I found out a good method. Fallow her to the passage way and then wait for a guard to come, knock him out. Now, whistle, a guy will come, hit him with a sticky shocker or air rings. go out of the passage and to the left, and go around the inside of the wall until you reach a small alley at the other end. If you encounter any other guys on the way, knock them out or hit them with a sticky shocker or air rings. Unlock the gate to your left down the ally and turn right to the second door, in a kitchenish area. Turn left and you will see an elevator, but make sure you don't go in it until Dahlia Tal comes. I gotten stuck in the elevator once before and not been able to get out and having to restart from the last save point. Lambert will ask you to shoot Dahlia Now, I'm not sure if there is a difference in this level (I know it changes the story) if you shoot her or not. I tried to, but I had to reload first and the elevator already went down before I could shoot. So just be nice and don't shoot her. If you already did, I'm not sure if the level is the same. (Please email me if you have information) Now when down the elevator, shoot the first guy you see, and then the second. Wait a while, then go left and shoot that quy. Turn a right, then another right, then down the stairs. Stay to the left wall in the dark and wait for two guys to come. one will stay in the corner and the other will walk along the hall. First, wait for a good head shot for the guy in the corner, then shoot the other. Keep going down that hall and shout the guy to the left to get three more guards to come out. Run back to the dark wall and then shoot and sticky shoot the guys like crazy. Go back out to where you shot the guy in the left hall and turn another left. When going forward, you will see a table with ammo, accessories, and a med kit on the wall. Turn right out of that caged room and then right out of the main room. Knock out the guy you see down the hall and do not go in the bright light room yet. Throw a grenade across the hall at the two guys at the end to the new hall. One or two more guys will come, so just shout them. Now that it is safe you can go in the bright light room up the mini stairs. Go to the right of the room and pick up what you needed to complete the mission. Save. Go to the hall where you throw the grenade and turn left, you should see an elevator. Go in it. Now this part confused me for a long time because it seemed like invisible people kept on shouting me and that it was a glich in the game. But, I realized the gunshot sounded like a sniper rifle. So, shoot out all of the lights in the new hallway and when sniping, look very closly at the windows infront of you with night vision. There is a guy at the top window. Wait, then there will be another guy there. Now, turn left and snipe at the top window over there. Way down the area to the right, there is one more sniper, take him out. Go left and find an alley and you have completed the mission. Hopefully another mission complete. This one was hard, but luckily, the next one is pretty selfexplainitory so you should get through it. Mission 6: This is pretty easy once you get use to it. First, fallow the trail until you find a guy. To the right of him is a zip line. Use it and go forward until you reach the first checkpoint. Go right and stay in the shadows of the tent on your left. A guard will come out from the tent to your right. Wait until he circles around and sits down. This is the time to grab him and knock him out. Stay in the shadows and go to your left. Shout out the next guard you see, then go left again. Down here, two guards will talk for a while and then one will blow himself up. Shout the other guy. Now, you have to go down the path and watch out for laser traps. To do this, get the camera to a top position and turn on your night vision goggles, then go slowly. To deactivate them, just go to the side of them and hit the A button. Just stay to the sides and you should only run in by one or two traps. When across, shoot the guard to your right, then go left. You are now by the airplane. Sneak in the doorway and into the shadows to your right. Two guards will be there, but one will go away, the perfect time to knock him out. Just use a sticky shocker for the other guard. Try to make a distraction, like whistling, to get one more guard to come in, then shout him. Plant the bomb on the nose of the plane and head out the door on the other side of the room. Now, in the new area, wait until the guys stop talking and go inside the fenced area. Knock out the first guard you see, and then turn left to a booth and knock out this guard. Turn on the switch in the booth to open the gate, then go through it. Go forward. More Coming Soon. _______________________________________________________________________________ Credits: This FAQ was mostly done by me (Chris Chazmo) but I would also like to thank my friend Ivan Ripley for helping me figure out some of the game, and Ubisoft for making the game and some references to the guide for controls, but mostly for making such a great game!!! I also want to thank GameFAQs for posting my guide, and the message boards for inspiring me to create it. Copywrite 2004