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Introduction | | II. The Story | | III. Characters | | IV. Game Overview | | V. WALKTHROUGH | | VI. X-box Live | | VII. Hints/Tips | | VIII. Frequently Asked Questions | | IX. Revision History | | X. Legal Disclaimer | | XI. Author's Last Words | +----------------------------------+ =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= I. Introduction =- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Hey there and welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for Splinter Cell. This is no ordinary game. Splinter cell is arguably one of the best games for the X-box. You are definitely in a for one hell of a ride. Splinter Cell is a great game to show off the X-box's graphics, controls, sound... the whole package, so I think you've chosen a great game to play, as well as a great guide to get you through it! I'm sure you'll enjoy the multiple difficulty settings. Splinter Cell is fun for the beginners as well as the veterans. I think I'll just skip the part about where I explain why I wrote the faq and such... You guys don't care about that part, right? We'll skip on to some wise rules of faq reading; written by me! Alright, repeat after me! "I will not come to this guide unless I am in true need of help." Umm well, just remember to use this thing wisely. I don't want to spoil anything for you. Hmm... did I just say spoil? Spoilers? Wha... of course there are billions of spoilers hidden throughout my guide ready to jump out at ya! So, if you're on the first mission, don't go reading through the whole walkthrough. I know you guys love reading my work, but we don't want to ruin the plot for you! Alright... I hope you've enjoyed my introduction and I hope that none of you have fallen asleep. You guys in the back row do look kinda tired. Alright, you must read on! Onward to the Story! You may want to read the Game Overview as well to learn some of the basics! =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= II. The Story =- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== (Taken Directly From Booklet) It is the year 2003. In response to the growing use of sophisticated digital encryption to conceal potential threats to the national security of the United States, the NSA (National Security Agency) has ushered forth a new dawn of intelligence- gathering techniques. This top-secret initiative, dubbed Third Echelon, marks a return to classical methods of espionage, enhanced with leading-edge surveillance and combat technology for the aggresive collection of stored data in hostile territories. When intelligence deemed critical to national security cannot be obtained by traditional means, Third Echelon is granted clearance to conduct physical operations. Denied to exist by the U.S. government, Third Echelon deploys units known as Splinter Cells: elite intelligence-gathering forces consisting of a lone field operative supported by a remote team. Like a sliver of glass, a Splinter Cell is small, sharp, and nearly invisible. March 10, 2004: The CIA contacted NSA officials regarding the loss of contact with Agent Alison Madison, a CIA operative monitoring widespread communication shortages plaguing the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. A second operative, Agent Blaustein, was inserted into the Georgian capital T'bilisi to locate Agent Madison, only to drop from contact seven days later. Fearing for the lives of American agents compromised at the hands of a suspected terrorist effort, Third Echelon has activated Splinter Cell operative Sam Fisher to locate the missing agents and evaluate the situation. You are Sam Fisher. You must leave no trace on the physical or political map. Remember: Although killing may compromise secrecy, the choice between leaving a witness or a corpse is no choice at all. You do not exist. You are a Splinter Cell. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= III. The Characters =- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== (Taken Directly From Booklet) +------------+ | SAM FISHER | +------------+ Fisher has been on the lines of espionage in several defining conflicts throughout the past decades. He has not only survived, but also excelled in the field of covert operations through hard work, insatiable curiosity, and brutal honesty. He has little time for polite niceties and even less for lies. Though fully aware and confident of his abilities, Fisher understands that his survival has often been a gift of chance. He knows he is human and fallible, and he does not want to die. He has a strange and slightly dark sense of humor. He is quiet, instinctive, and observant: somebody who watches from the outside. Combat, espionage, and constant training have defined his adult life; his tactical experience has become part of his instinct. Now, even outside of work he is most comfortable on the fringes of society, keenly observant, but still removed. Fisher has acquired an admiral collection of scars and secured his place in Valhalla; he has little left to prove to the world. Now older and wiser, he has no interest in glory. If he fights, it is because he believes the cause is necessary and he is capable. =============================================================================== ----- Third Echelon Team -------------------- =============================================================================== +---------------------------+ | COLONEL IRVING LAMBERT | | - Operations Coordinator | +---------------------------+ Born: 1961 Batcave, NC Height: 6' 2" Weight: 270 lbs. Lambert is the link between the field agent, (or agents) and Third Echelon's team of researches, hackers, strategists, and commanders. He represents Fisher's main source of information via communicator, debriefing Fisher on the objectives to be completed in each mission. While Fisher is in the field, he is in constant contact with Lambert via subdermal microchips and a cochlear implant. +--------------------+ | VERNON WILKES, Jr. | | - Field Runner | +--------------------+ Born: 1967 Baltimore, MD Height: 5' 10" Weight: 145 lbs. Field Runners are mainly responsible for coordinating the transportation and equipment for field agents. Transportation is usually procured (stolen) from an area of operation and abandoned afterwards. Field Runners are responsible for maintaining an operative's equipment and munitions. Wilkes will debrief Fisher on any new equipment or weaponry as it becomes available. +------------------------+ | ANNA GRIMSDOTTIR | | - Communications Lead | +------------------------+ Born: 1974 Boston, MA Height: 5' 8" Weight: 128 lbs. Grimsdottir heads a small team of programmers responsible for providing technological, cryptographic, and data support for the Field Operative. Grimsdottir will assist Fisher in his interface with the high-tech components of his missions. =============================================================================== ----- Terrorists -------------------- =============================================================================== +-----------------------+ | KOMBAYN NIKOLADZE | | - Georgian President | +-----------------------+ Using his political, technological and financial influence, Nikoladze has become the newly elected President of Georgia. His ambition is matched only by his industriousness. +-----------------------------+ | VYACHESLAV GRINKO | | - Russian Mafia Lieutenant | +-----------------------------+ Ex-Spetsnaz (Russian Special Forces), Grinko is now Nikoladze's "lieutenant" of the Russian Mafia. +-----------+ | HAMLET | | - Driver | +-----------+ Grinko's personal driver. +-------------------+ | GEORGIAN COLONELS | +-------------------+ The leadership for Nikoladze's worldwide military/mercenary forces. Several colonels can be found in each cell of the Georgian mercenary army. They also have security clearance to certain areas that normal soldiers don't have. +--------------+ | PHILIP MASSE | +--------------+ Hired for his vast computer knowledge, Philip Masse is the man directly responsible for the Georgian information crisis. +------------------+ | CHINESE OFFICERS | +------------------+ The leadership behind the People's Liberation Army of China. These officers sometimes hold key information that Sam can use to accomplish his missions. Elimination might not be the best option when first encountering them. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= IV. Game Overview =- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ----- Controls -------------------- =============================================================================== Left Thumbstick............... Move, Rate Of Fire(Press in) Right Thumbstick.............. Move Camera, 180 Degree Turn(Press in) Directional Pad............... Night Vision(left), Thermal Vision(right) Y Button...................... Jump, Split Jump(Double Tap) B Button...................... Crouch X Button...................... Grab Weapon A Button...................... Interact (ex. open doors, pick up object) Left Trigger.................. Secondary Fire, Hold Breath(Sniper Mode) Right Trigger................. Primary Fire White Button.................. Back to Wall, Reload Black Button.................. Open Inventory Back Button................... Map of Controls Start Button.................. Open OPSAT =============================================================================== ----- Moves -------------------- =============================================================================== Walk ---- Move the left thumbstick slightly in the direction you wish to walk. Walking is definitely better than running stealthwise. Then again, crouching overrules walking. Run --- Move the left thumbstick fully in the direction you wish to run. Beware, running generates a lot of noise for guards to hear. I don't exactly recommend running unless a certain part of a mission calls for it. I would try to walk or crouch, that is... unless you want the enemy's attention. Crouch ------ Press B to crouch. Crouching is the way to go through most of the game. By pressing B before you make a move you will be a lot quieter and a lot more stealthy than your are when you aren't crouched. Mantling -------- Press Y and push forward into low objects to "mantle" onto them. Actually, this isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. You have to hold down the Y button while pushing forward for this to work. Don't forget that or you'll end up very frustrated when you can't even mantle! Climbing -------- Use the left thumbstick and walk into a pipe or ladder and Sam will climb it. One you are on the pipe or ladder you can use the left thumbstick to climb up and down. If you push the left thumbstick downward and hold it there, you will begin to slide down the ladder or pipe. This should be done when in a hurry. Close Attack ------------ When you don't have your weapon out, press the right trigger when next to an enemy to pop him in the face with your elbow. This only knocks out the enemy (duh). Other guards can wake up your victims if they are only knocked out. I've also noticed that civilians(guys without weapons) will fall after only one hit. The guards usually take two. Back To Wall ------------ Press the white button when next to a wall and Sam will put his back to it. This isn't used too much. You may need to use it to squeeze through cracks every now and then. Shimmying --------- Press the Y button near a wall that's a little taller than Sam and he will jump up and hang onto the ledge. You can use the left thumbstick to move to the left and right. Press up and Sam will pull himself up if there is a room above him. Press down and Sam will jump down from the wall. Hand-Over-Hand -------------- When under a horizontal pipe, press Y to jump up and grab onto the pipe. Use the left thumbstick to move while holding onto the pipe. Press B to bring your legs up. Zip Line -------- If you find yourself under a sloped wire or zip line, press the Y button to grab onto it. Sam will do the rest and slide down. Press the B button while sliding to raise your legs. To jump off of the wire, press Y again. Rolling ------- While moving, press the B button to roll. I haven't used this many times while playing the game(maybe twice). I guess you could use the roll to slip from shadow to shadow quickly and quietly. Wall Jump --------- Lets say you are standing right next to a wall. Press the Y button once to jump into the air, then press Y again when you are near the top of your jump to kick off of the wall. This is used to gain a little extra height and get up on that hard to reach ledge. Split Jump ---------- Ok, now you have a wall on either side of you. The corridor has to be about as wide as Sam is tall for this to work. Stand near either of the walls and press Y. At the top of your jump press Y again. This is similar to a wall jump, but you will press the Y button a third time while in midst of the wall jump to enter the split jump position. Drop Attack ----------- If somehow you get above an enemy, press the Y button to jump and land right on top of him. This should knock the enemy out. This isn't my favorite method of attacking because it is pretty difficult to land on the enemy. I prefer to simply pull out your pistol and shoot him in the head from where you are. Quiet Landing ------------- While you are in the air in midst of a fall, press the B button to execute a quiet landing. Yes, jumping down from something can make quite a bit of noise. This quiet landing technique is recommended when there are guards around. Door Peek --------- If you wish to see what's on the other side of a door before you go running in oblivious to everything around you I suggest using the door peek. First select the Open Door Interaction, then hold the left thumbstick back before you release the A button. Push up on the right thumbstick to enter the door and press down to close the door. Rappelling ---------- If you are on top of a building and you spot a small chimney near the edge of the roof, stand near the chimney and press A to select the rappel interaction. Use the left thumbstick to climb up and down the rope. Press the Y button to kick off of the wall. Rappel Shooting --------------- Press the X button while rappelling to pull out your weapon. You can fire your weapon while hanging onto the rope. Hanging Shooting ---------------- You can also shoot while holding onto a pipe. Press the X button and Sam will hold his weapon with one hand and the pipe with the other. Split Jump Shooting ------------------- Press the X button while in the Split Jump Position to arm your weapon. You can shoot from here! Back to Wall Shooting --------------------- When Sam approaches a corner and has his back to the wall he will automatically peek around the corner. Press the X button while you are peeking to equip the selected weapon and press the right trigger to shoot around the corner. Move Body --------- Hiding enemy bodies is very important while playing the game. Walk over to a dead or unconscious body and select the Pick Up Body interaction. Press the A button to sit the body down quietly or equip a weapon (press X) to drop the body in a hurry. Conversations ------------- Some NPCs that aren't your enemy will talk to you. Walk up to the NPC and select the Talk To interaction. Grabbing -------- To grab an enemy sneak up behind him and press the A button to select the Grab Character interaction. Now that you have the enemy in your grasp, there are a variety of things you can do to him. My favorite is probably to use him as a human shield, but you can also interrogate him and force him to cooperate. You can read about these three next! Human Shield ------------ While holding an enemy press X to equip your weapon. You can fire your weapon and use the person you are holding as a human shield. Interrogation ------------- Some characters can be interrogated for useful information. While holding a person select the Interrogate interaction to make him talk. This option will not appear if the character does not have anything to say that is important to the mission. Forced Cooperation ------------------ To force an enemy to do something for you, drag him to the object you want him to use and select the Force Cooperation interaction with the A button. =============================================================================== ----- Palm OPSAT -------------------- =============================================================================== OPSAT stands for Operational Satellite Uplink. The Palm OPSAT is a very useful device that Sam will be able to use to see Mission Information, his Inventory, and much more. Read this section over a few times until you are familiar with the OPSAT. - To access the OPSAT, press Start. - The Main screen of the OPSAT looks a little like this: ____________________________________________________________________ | ______ | 4. | | | | |---------------------------------------------------------| | | 1. | | | | | | | | | |______| | ___________________ | | ______ | | | | | | | | | 5. | | | | 2. | | |___________________| | | | | | | | |______| | | | ______ | | | | | | | | | 3. | | | | | | | | | |______| | Press the A Button to Select | |__________|---------------------------------------------------------| | Resume Game > Select A | |____________________________________________________________________| There are three boxes on the left side of the OPSAT. From the Main screen you can choose between these three using the left thumbstick. 1. Inventory The inventory is just a visual list of all of the items, weapons, and gadgets you are currently holding. Switch between the different items with the left thumbstick to see a small video on your OPSAT of the item in use. It will also give a brief description of the selected item. 2. Mission Information The three sections of Mission Information are the Goals, Notes, and Data. Your Goals will be constantly changing as the game progresses. Look here if you are not sure where you should be going next. Your notes is very important information that is usually needed to complete the mission. I suggest reading the notes section often. Lastly, there is Data. This is similar to notes. Data is a large amount of information that you have found during your mission. 3. Main Menu At the Main Menu you can Load a Checkpoint, change the profile settings, change the settings, and Exit(Abort the Mission) 4. The top of the screen will show different things depending on which of the three options you chose. If you chose inventory for example, SC-20K, Gadgets, and Items would show where the number four is. 5. This small box will tell you which option you are currently selecting. If you have highlighted the middle box on the left, the words Mission Information would appear here =============================================================================== ----- Inventory -------------------- =============================================================================== (Taken Directly From Booklet) SC-20K M.A.W.S. --------------- The bull pup configuration of this assault rifle makes it light and compact without sacrificing firepower (5.56x45mm ss109). Its modular configuration allows it to be customized to fit any mission profile. Equipped with a flash/sound suppresser and combined with a multipurpose launcher, the 5.56mm SC-20K AR becomes the obvious choice of weaponry for Sam when infiltrating enemy territory. NOTE: Because of the more overt nature of the 5.56mm SC-20K AR, it will only be acquired after a few missions-when the situation requires it... Ring Airfoil Projectile ----------------------- A high-impact, zero penetration projectile designed to incapacitate rather than kill. Sticky Camera ------------- A miniature camera with full pan and zoom functionality, plus night and thermal vision modes. The camera feeds its image directly to Sam's OPSAT. Ideal for advance scouting and intelligence gathering. Sticky Cams are reusable. Sticky Shocker -------------- A high voltage discharge device coated in adhesive resin. The Sticky Shocker will adhere to an enemy and give him an incapacitating shock. HINT: Fired into pools of water, the Sticky Shocker can neutralize multiple opponents. Gas Grenade ----------- Standard CS (0-chlorobenzalmalononitrile) Gas canister grenade can incapacitate groups of enemies. Exposure to CS Gas causes violent respiratory seizure. Prolonged exposure causes unconsciousness. Distraction Camera ------------------ An adaptation of the Stick Camera. The Distraction Camera has had its pan and zoom motors as well as its vision enhancement apparatus replaced with a noisemaker and a CO2 gas canister. The device can be triggered to attract enemies with a sound and to dispense a cloud of incapacitating gas when they are nearby. SC Pistol --------- The 5.72mm SC Pistol tactical model with single-action trigger and a 20-round magazine comes equipped with a silencer/flash suppressor. Its 5.72mm SC Pistol rounds offer good penetration against modern body armor, while keeping the weapons' weight, dimensions, and recoil at reasonable levels. Lock Pick --------- Standard set of picks, wrenches, and probes for bypassing standard cylinder locks. Laser Microphone: T.A.K. ------------------------ A laser-operated microphone integrated in the SC-20K that enables the user to read the vibration off certain surfaces (mainly glass windows). Used to listen in on conversations. Camera Jammer ------------- The Camera Jammer emits microwave pulses that disrupt the characteristic signals used in the microcircuitry of surveillance cameras. The Camera Jammer operates off of a capacitor that must be allowed to recharge from its battery after a short time. Optic Cable ----------- This flexible cable/camera can easily be slipped under doors to view the other side. Complete with Night Vision enhancement. Disposable Pick --------------- Unconventional lock picks, these microexplosive-shaped charges deliver a quick impact to any standard lock cylinder that will shatter the pins and unlock the door. Night Vision Goggles -------------------- Night Vision goggles amplify very low existing light, especially lights at the lower end of the infrared spectrum. Thermal Vision Goggles ---------------------- Similar to Night Vision, Thermal vision is an essential tool in low light situations. This technology differs from night vision in that it captures the upper level of the infrared light spectrum, which is emitted as heat rather than reflected as light. NOTE: Thermal Vision is not available in the first few missions. Wall Mine --------- The Wall Mine is a motion-sensitive explosive device that can be attached to almost any surface. To deactivate and pick up a wall mine, wait for the green light. Chemical Flare -------------- Chemical Flares are lightweight plastic sticks filled with a binary chemical agent. When the inner containers are cracked, the chemical agents mix, causing the stick to glow. Useful for attracting and distracting enemies. Emergency Flare --------------- Similar to the Chemical Flare, these standard road flares also emit a great deal of heat, making them useful for distracting heat sensors such as those found on automated turrets. Frag Grenade ------------ The 14-oz M67 fragmentation grenade consists of a 2.5" steel sphere surrounding 6.5 ounces of high explosive. Upon detonation, the steel sphere shatters, emitting a burst of high velocity shrapnel. Medical Kit ----------- Standard field first-aid kit. To use the medical kit you first need to open up your inventory using the black button. Hold the black button down and use the left thumbstick to highlight the box that is on the left. When you highlight this box, another box will appear above it. It will have a picture of a medical kit as well as the number of medkits you have. Press Up to highlight the medical kit. Let go of the black button to use one medkit. Bullet Box ---------- Find it to retrieve some ammo. A bullet box can contain different ammounts of ammunition, and can hold two different size bullets. The 5.72mm bullets are for your pistol and the 5.56mm are shot from the rifle. Ammo can be find about anywhere, but are usually on the shelves inside small closets. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= V. WALKTHROUGH =- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ----- Before You Read -------------------- =============================================================================== The Walkthrough is split up by Missions. If you want to jump to a certain mission, just press Ctrl+F and type in the exact name of the mission. Click find until you find where the walkthrough for the mission is. If you notice that you are not taken to the mission, email me and I'll fix it. Wow... I said mission a lot. I also will warn you again, beware that there are many, many spoilers in this walkthrough. I suggest trying to complete the game on your own, but if you are stuck and you want to cheat, go ahead, look in here :-P Oh, and I will tell you which controls to use in the first few paragraphs of the guide, but once I'm further into the walkthrough, I will tell you to simply, look up, take out your lock pick... etc. I guess that's it! Happy Gaming! =============================================================================== ----- Training -------------------- =============================================================================== CIA Training Farm Camp Perry, Virginia August 7, 2004 06:01 hours Mission Briefing ---------------- Prove that you are the right man for the job. As agent Sam Fisher, you have been recruited to Spearhead, the operational arm of the National Security Agency's Third Echelon initiative. Before being sent into the field, you must demonstrate that you possess the skills to undertake dangerous and covert solo missions. Equipment Calibration --------------------- Sam needs to go through some training, as he hasn't been on the field for years. Once you are first thrown out onto the course, Colonel Irving Lambert will talk to you through your earpiece. First, the technicians need to calibrate your equipment (Or so they say... This is really just to get you used to the controls). You will have to look at red emergency lights on each wall on the ground and on the ceiling. First you have to look at the light on your left. Use the right analog stick and push it to the left to look over at the light. Now do the same to look at the light on the right. The next light is up on the rafters on the ceiling. Push the analog stick up to look at the light. Now look down at the last light. Get Over The Pool ----------------- Once you are done, your next task is to climb over a wall. Walk forward with the left analog stick to the yellow arrow pointing up. See it? It's painted on the wall. Walk over to the arrow and use Y to jump up and grab onto the ledge. Now, while holding onto the ledge, push the left analog stick to the right to move over to the yellow line. That is at the top of the wall. Tap up on the left analog stick to pull yourself up and onto the ledge. Assault Course -------------- Now you have to get through this assault course. This part isn't that easy. But, that's what I'm here for right? Well, if your looking at the course from the ledge you're on you should see a ladder on the right side. Walk up to the ladder and when you are on the side that the yellow arrow on the ground is pointing to press up on the left analog stick and Sam will begin to climb the ladder. Hold up on the analog stick until you are at the top of the ladder. Now you get to use a zip-line! Do you see the rope that is above you? Stand under the rope and press Y to jump and grab onto the rope. Sam will slide all the way down to another platform. If you notice, on this new platform, there is an arrow pointing off of edge of the platform. The arrow is harder to see than the others because it is on wood. What you need to do is walk off of the platform where the arrow points. Press forward with the left thumbstick and when you reach the edge of the platform, Sam will swing around and grab onto a pole. Now press down on the left joystick to climb down the pole. Once you land on the ground turn around 180 degrees and walk forward. There will be an obstacle that you need to crawl under. Press B and Sam will crouch down. Now, if you press forward on the left analog stick while you are crouched, you can make it under this obstacle! Once you have made it past, turn directly to your left and there will be a narrow path ahead of you. You can do a split jump here. This is pretty cool and will come in handy later in the game. Stand next to one of the walls and press Y. While in the air press Y a second time and Sam will use one leg to push of to the opposite wall. When you are about to hit the other wall press Y for the third time and Sam will put both feet on either side of the wall. This helps when an enemy is coming your way and you need a good place to hide. When you are in between the walls in the air you can press Y and fall down on top of an enemy for a drop attack. Well, onto the training! Once you are finished practicing your split jump. Continue down the hallway and make a right. To get past your next obstacle you will have to use hand-over-hand. Walk over to the yellow X painted onto the ground. Once you are standing on the X, press Y to jump and grab onto the pole. Use the left thumbstick to execute hand-over-hand. Now, stay on the pipe and make your way over to the wall. If you notice, there is a circular opening in the wall. You can't quite make it through. That's not good. Well, there is another technique to use! Press B to bring your legs up so you can fit through the hole. Continue through the opening and when you've made it to the next area, press Y to hop down off of the pole. Well, let's see. Now you have to climb over a fence. Very easy. Walk over to the fence and press up on the left joystick. Sam will climb up the fence and when he reaches the top, he'll swing over to the other side of the fence. Press down now and climb down the fence. Ok, you're on the opposite side of the fence. Walk forward a little bit and then make a left. Your next obstacle requires you to squeeze through a small crevice. Walk up to the wall and press the white button. Sam will put his back against the wall. Move the left joystick to move along the wall. Once you are to an open area you'll see another crevice for you to go through. Stand next to the wall again and press the white button. Move the left thumbstick to slide through the crevice. Now, your next task! You have to climb up another pole. This is just like climbing a ladder. Walk over to the yellow arrow on the ground and press up to climb the pole. At the top there is a small platform. Walk to the other side of the platform and climb down back to the ground. Once your back on the ground, the colonel will give you your last task in this training. You have to get over the wall. The fence is locked so you can't walk through it. Well, it is actually easy. Do you see the yellow arrow that is on the wall? Walk over to it and stand next to the wall. If you stand next to the wall with the yellow arrow on it and face the wall you are trying to get over you will be able to do this. Jump with Y and while in the air press Y again and Sam will push off of the wall with his foot and will spring you to the wall. Sam will probably grab onto the concrete wall and all you have to do is press up and he will climb up! Jump down on the other side of the wall and walk over to the metal gate. Open the door to the next training area --------------------------------------- The gate will slide up and you should walk in. The game will load and you'll be given a chance to save your game. I suggest saving after all of your hard work. Now, there is just one more part to your training. Covert Ops. Pick the lock on the door ------------------------- Make your way into the next room and turn to the right. Walk to the back of the room and you should see S-32 painted on the wall in white. There is a door right next to it. Open the door with A and move to the next obstacle. In this hallway, there is another door that you have to open, but it's locked and you have to use your lock picks to open it! Well, first you have to equip your lock picks. Hold down the black button and while holding down the black button, use the left thumbstick to select your lock picks from your inventory. Once you have your lock picks out, walk next to the door and press the right trigger. Move the left analog stick in circles and wait until you see the lock pick rattle a bit. When it rattles you should be able to tell which direction the thumbstick is turned every time the pick shakes. So move the thumbstick in that direction and wiggle it a little. The lock pick will wiggle too and after a little more wiggling, you will release the first pin in the lock. Do the same for the other pins as well until you successfully pick the lock to the door. Interrogate your opponent for the keypad code --------------------------------------------- Ok, open the door now, and step inside. There is a man standing in the light. The only other way out of this room is a keypad locked door. You don't know the code, but that guy looks like he knows... Well, maybe he doesn't look like it but he knows... Walk over to the left of the room and sneak up from behind the guy. Don't forget to use B to crouch before you approach him. While crouching, walk up very slow behind the guy. Once you are close enough, a window will pop up that says if you press A you can grab him. So, press A and Sam will get him in a headlock. Now, if you press A again you can interrogate the man. He will tell you the code for the door. Once you have the info press the right trigger to knock him out. Now, make your way to the door and push the buttons right and you'll open the door! If you didn't remember the code press start and use the left thumbstick and move to the notes section. The code will be in here. Or, if you're lazy, the code is 28469. Open the door and make your way to the next task. Force your opponent to use the retinal scanner ---------------------------------------------- Now you're in a room and you have to get through the door using the retinal scanner. See the guy standing in front of the door? Press B to crouch and sneak up from behind him really slow like you did earlier. Grab him with A again but this time, he doesn't have any info that you need, but you need his eyes. Once you grab him walk him over to the scanner on the wall. Press A while next to the scanner and Sam will push his head into the slot. The door will slide open. Press the right trigger to knock the guard out and continue on! Shoot the lights to sneak past the camera to the exit ----------------------------------------------------- Alright, you have to shoot the lights in this room so you can get to the door without the camera spotting you. Hold down the black button and use the left thumbstick to choose your pistol out of your inventory. Press X to pull out your pistol. Aim from where you are at the light on the ceiling. Make sure you do not move from behind the wall that is between you and the camera. Sometimes when shooting lights it will take a few shots. Other times it might take one. It depends on how far away you are and where your bullet hits. Now, there should be three lights that you can easily hit that are pretty close to you. One is right above you and two are to your right. Shoot them. Ease around the corner just enough so you can see the corner of the next light. Shoot this light and you should be able to proceed on without the camera spotting you. Walk through the door on the other end of the room and get ready for your next task. Shoot the camera to disable it ------------------------------ Ok, this next camera isn't armored like the last one, so we can just shoot this one to get by it. Stay against the back wall farthest away from the camera. Slide to the right so you can see the camera, it can't see you from this distance. Take out your pistol and aim at the camera. It should only take one shot to disable the camera. If you do not see blue sparks when you shoot, you probably didn't hit the camera. Shoot again. Move on to the next room. Pass by the camera without shooting anything -------------------------------------------- This one is a lot harder than the last two. The only thing you can do here is move from shadow to shadow when the camera isn't turned your way. First, I suggest crouching. Stay in the shadows and when the camera is turned towards the exit run over behind the first box. Now the camera is easier to see and you can time your next dash just right. Wait for the camera to turn again and run behind the boards leaning against the fence. Now the hard part is over. Walk over to the door and move to your next obstacle. Knock out and hide your opponent's body from the guard ------------------------------------------------------ Crouch first and quietly walk into the room. Turn to the right and sneak up behind this guard. Grab him with A and use the right trigger to knock him out. Now pick him up with A and carry him around the corner and drop him in one of the shadowed spots. Now a guard is going to come in to see if you are hidden well enough. Remain undetected until the guard completes his patrol ------------------------------------------------------ This is an easy goal. Just sit in the shadow until the guard is done with his patrol. If he spots you, you'll have to redo this objective. Now return to the door that the first guard was standing in front of. Go through this door and the next door. Make your way to the exit without making a noise ------------------------------------------------ The first thing you have to do is crouch, and stay crouched the whole time if you do not want to be heard. While crouched, walk directly forward very slowly. Walk off of the platform. Don't worry; if you're crouched you won't make much noise when you hit the ground. Now, walk forward and "mantle" onto the gray platform that is about two feet up. To mantle, walk very slowly into the platform and press Y while against the platform to step up onto it. Do the same to get up the next platform to your right. Now, walk straight and avoid the chains hanging from the ceiling. They will make noise if you run in to one. Now, turn the corner and for the final stretch, make sure you are crouched and are walking _very_ slow over the glass to avoid being heard. Now, enter the door and Lambert will introduce you to Vernon Wilkes. =============================================================================== ----- Police Station ------------------- =============================================================================== Mission Briefing ---------------- Agent Alison Madison worked covertly in the Georgian Polital Arena for two years, securing a role in President Nikoladze's Cabinet after his coup d'etat. She vanished on october 3rd. On october 7th, Special Agent Robert Blaustein was sent in to find her. He vanished on October 11th. Rendezvous with Thomas Gurgenidze --------------------------------- Alright, stay in the shadows in this area. You also want to stay crouched to avoid being heard. Walk forward and turn to the right and you'll see some stairs. Walk up these stairs and on the wall in front of you you will see a ladder that is up on the wall a little higher than Sam's height. Stand under the ladder and press Y to jump and grab onto it. Now climb up the ladder. Now you'll be on a roof. It doesn't seem like you can go anywhere from here, but you can. At the top of the roof, near the wall, there is a metal trap door that you can open. Stand over the door and press A to open it. Jump down through the trap door and make your way through this small path. You'll have to crouch to get through this. At the end of the path, you'll end up in a small closed in area with bricks all all sides. Well, walk over to the corner and you'll find a metal pole standing vertically. Climb this pole and at the top you'll be able to see the building that Thomas is in. As you might notice, the building is in flames. Grimsdottir is going to guide you through this building. Well, first you have to get over to the building. Well, do you see the wire that is convieniently stretching from your position to the building? That's your ticket! Stand underneath the wire and jump up with Y to grab onto it and slide all the way down. Ok, now that you are in the building, Grimsdottir is in command. First, you need to head over to that door in the corner. While walking to the door you will be given a chance to save here. Continue through the door, and follow Grimsdottir's directions. She says to go through the door directly across the hall. Well, once you are almost inside the room, the roof with fall in on you. Now, walk down the hall instead, and when you get to the fire, turn to the left and enter this doorway. Walk through this room and exit on the other side. Now that you are on the other side of the fire, continue down the hallway. When you enter the stairwell, the ceiling will fall in behind you, preventing you from going back. Walk down the stairs and try not to touch any fire. If you do happen to run through fire you will lose some health. You wil only be able to go down one flight of stairs. There is fire and debris stopping you from going down any further. So walk through this doorway. Hmm, the floor is gone, so you can't walk across, but luckily there is a pipe that travels down the center of the ceiling, all the way down the hall. Well, jump onto the pipe and cross over the flames. At the other side of the fire, you will have to make a left. Walk down this hallway now, and enter the first door on your right. On the left side of this room there is a door with fire on either side of it. Go through the door and make a right. Walk up this stairway one floor. Now, up on your right is another door. Gurgenidze is in this room. You will hear him moaning, so he's obviously alive. Well, see the big flame up ahead? He's right next to the flames under a few boards. Find the black box hidden in Blaustein's apartment -------------------------------------------------- There is an exit on the west side of the room. If you don't see the door, give up on this game, and life while your at it. Heh... Alright, on the other side of this door there is hallway, and a door directly in front of you. The doorway has smoke pouring out of it. You need to shoot out the skylights in this room. After the skylights are removed, you should probably wait a few seconds for the smoke to leave the room. Now, enter the room and turn to the right. There is another door over here. Go through this door and the game will load for a few seconds and you'll then be given the chance to save. Enter the door in front of you now. Turn to the right out here and walk along this path until you come to a spot where the fence is taken out. This is for you to jump to the building across from you. If you are crouched, you need to stand up. Now, back against the wall and get a small walking start and when you get to the edge press Y to jump across the gap. Alright, now that you are over here, there is only one way for you to go. Walk over between the fence and the wall, and you will hear someone's voice. Keep walking behind the fence until you can get in a position where you can see the guy who is talking. I suggest standing in the middle of the plants and getting closer to the man. Then, wait until you have a nice aim on the guy's head, and shoot him. Another option, if you are very quiet, sneak up behind the man and grab him. After you kill this guy, the other one inside the apartment might come out to check it out. When he steps out, wait for him to get close, and kill him in one shot with a head shot. If he doesn't come out just make a noise to get him out here. Try shooting one of the apartment windows. Hide in a very dark spot and put a bullet in the guy when he steps out of the building. Luckily, there aren't any more enemies in this apartment to deal with, so enter the building. Now that you are in, walk forward through the opening and you'll be in what looks like a dining room. Make a left and you're in a hallway. To your right is the kitchen and straight ahead, the hallway makes a left. Disregard the kitchen and head down the hallway. The first opening on your right is the bathroom. Keep going. At the end of the hallway you'll find a room with papers scattered all over the floor. There is also a door that you can exit, as long as you have the code. Well, for now look around the room. You need that black box. There are two pictures hanging on the walls. The smaller one next to the light switch has a computer behind it. Press A and Sam will slide the painting up, enabling you to take the data stick from the computer. After you pick up the data stick, you'll get a call from Lambert. He says that Blaustein died 48 hours ago, and his last active position was in a police station just a few blocks away. Find Gurgenidze's Dead Drop --------------------------- Now, run over to the balcony door and enter the code. 091772. If you step out onto the balcony look to the left. There is a zip-line for you to use. You will land on a roof nearby. At the top of the roof you'll find a door. On the other side of this door you should jump down onto an elevator. At the top of the elevator you should find a trap door. Hop down into the elevator, and Lambert will let you walk on the streets now. Move ahead and to the left is a locked door. Use your lock pick to open the door and on the other side you will get the save your checkpoint. Take this small path all the way back to the ground. Up ahead you will find two policemen and a drunk. Sneak up very slowly behind the man closest to you. He should be facing away from you as well. Grab the man and take out your pistol. This way, you'll use the cop as a human shield while taking out all other enemies with your gun. First, shoot the guard nearest you, the one that was talking to the drunk, and another cop will probably appear around the corner. Once he is dead, knock out the guard you are holding. Follow the path to the left, and at the very end turn to the left and go up the stairs. This will take you to a new area. There aren't any enemies here so run across pass the fountain to the gate. To the right of the gate there are some bushes. Crawl through these bushes to find a hidden opening! Crawl through this small hole and you'll be able to save on the other side. Take the Data Stick from the computer and grab the medical kit from the far wall and also the med kit near the computer desk. Now you can head back to the area with the fountain you just came from. Access the Police Precinct -------------------------- When you appear back in the bushes, there is a guard walking around, and the gate to your right is open! When the guard is on the other end of the area, far from the gate as possible, run through the gate onto the streets! Be careful not to make too much noise. Up on the right is a man. Wonder what he is doing walking the streets at night? When the man takes the path to the right, sneak up behind him and grab him. Take him to a nice dark spot and knock him out. Continue down this path and shoot out the lights as you go. There is a guard up here and you don't exactly want him to see you. Once you spot him, wait for him to venture into back into a dark area. When he does give him a bullet to the head or knock him out. Make sure you hide the body well. Also, you should be able to take a Data Stick from the satchel he was holding. Take the path, but don't worry about the lights this time. At the end of the path you'll have to make a right through a gate. On the other side of the gate, you need to make a left through the small hallway. You should find a guard nearby, but it shouldn't be too hard to take him out, because it is nice and dark up here. Hide his body in the hallway, or another dark spot and make a left back onto the streets. Alright, the gates to the police station are right here. One problem. They are locked! Luckilly, to the left of the gate is a dumpster that you can climb onto and jump over the brick wall. Once you are on the dumpster you will have to execute a wall jump to get on the other side of the gate. The game will load for a few seconds and you'll be given the chance to save. Move straight ahead and take the stairs up on the right down to an entrance to the police station. You will need a code to get through the door, however. Use the code from one of your Data Sticks. The code is 5929. Locate Agent Blaustein ---------------------- This is a fun part. In this long hallway you will see a guard patroling back and forth. As he leaves the hallway and is out of sight run over and perform a Split jump. Stand next to either of the walls and press Y to jump. While in the air press Y again to push off of the wall with your foot and finally, press Y a third time to get in position. Now just sit here until the man comes back down the hall. You have two choices. You can jump down on top of the man to knock him out, or shoot him. I would suggest shooting him, because it can sometimes be hard to land directly on an enemy from here. Feel free to leave the body where it is. Move forward and take the sliding door to the left into a room with a computer. Take a Data Stick from the computer and get back onto the main hallway. There will be another door on the left, but there isn't anything useful on the other side so just forget about it. Enter the glass door up ahead into another room. There is another door on the other side of the room that leads to the morgue. Move quietly into this room. On the left is a civilian. Also, on the left is a curtain. On the wall that the curtain is on you will find a medical kit! First, wait for the camera to move away from the civilian so you can run over and punch him to knock him out. Jump back behind the curtain. From here you can edge out from the right side of the curtain just enough to take out the camera. Walk over to the two bodies in the middle of the room. It's Agent Blaustein and Agent Madison. Access the Security Surveillance System --------------------------------------- Finally, exit the morgue area and make a left on the main hallway. At the very end, open the door and take the stairs to the next floor. You will have a chance to save your game here. Open the door and move to the left. The man inside may see your or he may not. It doesn't matter if he gets one shot off of you because your health should be pretty high. Take the medical kit off of the wall. Exit this area and make a left. Turn left again and move straight until you run into a dark hallway. On the left a door will slide open for you. Climb the staircase and you will get to save your game at the top. Turn to the left and you will see two men at computers. Sneak up very slowly behind the one nearest you and grab him. Take him into one of the dark corners to knock him out. Do the same for the other guy. Now, if you are facing the wall opposite the path you entered the room from you should see three doors. Two in front and one on the right. The door you need to go through is the one on the right wall. However, if you need ammo, use your lock pick to unlock the door on the far left. On the table is some ammunition. Enter the room on the right wall that is kind of in the corner. On the other side is the Security Surveillance System room. Inside is a guard(probably the last guard in the whole building). You should easily be able to sneak up behind the man unnoticed and knock him out. Take the Data Stick from the man's satchel and use the computer to complete this goal. Meet Wilkes for Extraction -------------------------- Exit this room into the room with all of the computers. Turn to the left and head down the staircase. Step into this large room and you should see double doors on your left. Throw the door open and you should hear Wilkes speeding up to the front gates. Run out to his van to complete your mission! =============================================================================== ----- Defense Ministry -------------------- =============================================================================== Georgian Defense Ministry T'bilisi, Georgia October 16, 2004 23:01 hours Mission Briefing ---------------- Discover President Nikoladze's secret. CIA agents Blaustein and Madison were killed for getting too close to information Georgian President Kombayn Nikoladze needed to protect. Vyacheslav Grinko, a Russian mercenary, is closely tied to Nikoladze's secret; They have arranged to meet at the Ministry of Defense. Infiltrate the East Wing ------------------------ Run over to the edge of the building. See the small chimney on the left? Use that to rappel on the wall. Make your way all the way down the building until you come to an open window. Jump inside the window into the darkness. Find and Interrogate Grinko's Driver ------------------------------------ To your left is a book case and to your right you should find a wall. Walk forward until you are in the corner. See the man in this room? Wait for him to walk into the middle of the two bookcases. This is your chance to knock him out from behind! Make sure his body is well hid(preferably near the window you came in through). Now sneak out from behind the books but stay in the darkness. There is a camera on the right wall. It is above a door. The door you need to go through. Stay along the right wall and the camera will not see you. When you come to the chair and table pull out your pistol and take out the camera. Walk over to the computer on the back wall and take a Data Stick from it. Walk near the door and flip the lights off. The light switch is to the left of the door. Open the door and into the bright hallway. Don't run into the middle of the hallway. Keep behind the open door for now. Swing your camera around so you can see the two guards in this hall, but they can't see you. There is one guard standing on the left wall and one walking back and forth down the middle. Wait for the guard that is patroling to turn his back away from you and sneak very slowly into the shadows. A nice spot to hide would be between the plant and the pillar on the right wall. Wait for the guard to walk into the shadows and grab him from behind. Take him into a real dark spot and knock him out. Next, stand on the very edge of the shadows near the remaining guard. If you notice, he isn't looking in your direction, but will look behind him every now and then to check to see if there is anything behind him. Right after the man looks back, sneak very quietly behind him and knock him out. Now you need to hide the bodies. I would take both of them to the bookcases where you hid the other guard. Make sure they are out of the way and in a very dark spot. Now, step back into the hallway and take the door on the left wall. There are two paths you can take. One staircase leading up and a starcase leading down. First, go up to find a medical kit at the very top. Now you can make your way down. There will be cameras scattered throughout this path. You have the choice of shooting out the light or shooting out the camera. I suggest taking the camera out because the lights are harder to hit with your pistol. I believe there is a camera every other flight of stairs. It may look like this: _ __ |_ |__|-| |_ | |_ | |_ | |_ | | _|____________| | _| | A _| | _| | _| __ |_____________|_ |__|-| |_ | |_ B | |_ | |_ | |____________| It may look confusing, but you need to shoot the light out in every room without a camera. So you should shoot the light out in room A(up above) so the camera in room B won't see you when you shoot it. Understand? Finally, at the very bottom you will get to save your checkpoint! Open the door down here into the garage. Yes, this is where you will find Grinko's Driver. Turn to the left and stay along this wall in the darkness. Along this wall you'll eventually come to a glass bottle on the ground. Pick it up and keep going. Keep right next to this wall and you will approach a blue car. Nope, this isn't the right car. Keep going and you'll find another car with the lights on. Stay in the shadows. Grinko is nearby. First things first. Take out the camera to the right of the car. You'll have to put the bottle down for this. Don't worry, it won't alert Grinko. Hopefully you will be able to disable the camera in one shot, because the first shot will most likely catch the driver's attention. If so, you probably won't be needing the bottle. Grinko's driver will probably head in the direction you entered the garage from, giving you plenty of time to sneak up behind him quietly to grab him. Press A to interrogate the man. Infiltrate the South Wing ------------------------- Exit the garage and take the stairs back up to the hallway where you knocked out the two guards. From the doors from the staircase make a left. On the right wall you'll come to a door. Swing the door open, but don't go rushing in just yet. There is a camera directly above the door. Look up and take it out. Retrieve the data disk from both computers in here. The door leading out of this room is locked. Use your lock pick to get through the door. You can save your checkpoint here. Step out onto this balcony and jump onto the ledge on the left. On this wall there is a pipe that you can jump onto and use to get to another opening. Move right along the wall until you come to a window. Hop down through the window and sneak into a nice shadowy spot. Deactivate the Laser grid ------------------------- Looks like you're in a kitchen. One of the guards will walk in and spit into one of the pots. Apparently somebody doesn't like this colonel. Wait for the guard to leave the room and the door to close before you do anything. Once he is gone, walk along the left side of the room toward the two chefs. Be very quiet though. Once you are close enough to the guard nearest you to grab him. Take him to the freezer near the back of the room before you knock him out. Now move very quietly back into the kitchen and do the same to the remaining chef. Be sure to hide them both very well in the freezer. Turn the lights off in the freezer and in the kitchen before leaving. Finally, take the door that the guard came through to another dark room. Move to the right after entering the door and stay in the shadows. You may notice that a guard appears every now and then in the doorway on the left side of the room. Try to move near the middle of the room, but stay wher it is nice and dark. When the guard steps into the doorway where you can see him well, put your crosshairs on his head and pull the trigger. Hide the body back in the freezer where you hid the chefs. Now go back into the area with all the tables where you killed the guard. Go through the two doors that are wide open and turn right. Be very slow and walk down these stairs. To your right just a few feet away is a guard. He is faced away and is just begging you to grab him from behind. Well, be very sneaky and grab him. Take him somewhere very dark(There is a nice place near the stairs that you just came down). There are two flights of stairs you can take. One on the left and one on the right. I highly recommend the stairs on the left. You will notice one guard that is quite a ways away from you, but the other is right under the two flights of stairs. That's why you should take the stairs on the left, because the guard is looking in the direction of the stairs on the right and has his back to you. Jump off of the left side of the stairs just after you are half way down. Head for the back of the room. This will give you the easy opportunity to grab the guy standing at the desk. Knock this guy out and put him in a dark spot. Maybe along the back wall. Use the computer that the guard was standing near to deactivate the laser grid! Laser-mic the Glass Elevator ---------------------------- Lambert will warn you of a colonel that is headed your way. You'll need to grab him and force him to use the retinal scanner. This will unlock the door to the courtyard. Stand near the plant in the back of the room to wait for this colonel. When I played, the colonel came down the right set of stairs. I'm not sure if that happens every time, but he will come down one of the staircases. Next, the colonel will sit at the computer. This is your chance to snatch him. Come very slowly up behind him and drag him back to the retinal scanner(the retinal scanner is behind the left staircase). Once his eyes have been scanned knock him out and hide him well. Go through the door that the colonel's eyes opened and you can save your game. Step through the doorway and keep in the shadows. There is a camera that will see you if you move too far to the left. So, stay in the shadows and swing the camera around so you can see the camera. When the camera begins to move to the left(your left) take it out with your pistol. Go through the door below the camera. Looks like you are out in the courtyard. When you step out here you'll get to see Grinko and Masse in the elevator. You need to laser-mic their conversation! Exit the door and move to the left into the shadows. Whip out your Laser-mic and make sure you grab the whole conversation. Infiltrate the North Wing ------------------------- Alright, you grabbed some great information from the conversation between Grinko and Masse, but we need more. It looks like our next objective is to get into Nikoladze's computer, but first we'll have to access the North Wing. Also, activating an alarm will not cause the mission to end anymore. First, find the door you used to enter the courtyard. Pretend you just stepped out of this door and make a right. Be real quiet and make sure you don't step into the light while a guard is watching. Go all the way to the right until you come to a wall. Move along this wall until you come to a very bright path. Make sure there isn't a guard in sight and walk across the path while staying against this wall. Follow this wall until you reach another corner of the courtyard. Over here you'll find a part of the wall that you can climb. Use the Y button to jump and grab onto this wall. Climb up and probably the window furthest to the left will be wide open for you to jump through. Hope down onto the floor. Welcome to the North Wing. Find and access Nikoladze's Computer ------------------------------------ You'll get the opportunity to save your game. Suddenly, you'll notice that a guard is coming up the elevator across the hallway from you. Now, don't panic. See the door to the left of the elevator? Hurry up and run inside into the darkest corner. While you are in here grab the disposable pick on one of the shelves. When the door to this storage room closes run over to it and use your Optic Cable to check out what's going on out in the hallway. There are two guards. One will walk up and down the hallway. The guard that came from the elevator will walk around a bit and eventually stand to your left. So how exactly are you supposed to kill two guards when you are stuck in a storage room. Wait for the patroling guard to begin his trip down the hallway(away from the room you're in). Slip out the door and press A at the elevator. The door should pop right open. If someone did see you get into the elevator just run as fast as you can over to the panel in the elevator and press the UP button. Save your checkpoint as you get off of the elevator. Turn to the left and enter the first door on the left. It is locked so you'll have to use a disposable pick since time isn't exactly on your side right now. Rush through the door and turn off the lights. Run over to the computer and retrieve your Data Disk. Directly above the computer desk is a vent that is open for you to jump into. Hop up onto the desk and get into the vent. If you go through the vent in one direction you'll hit a dead end. The other direction will take you to another opening in the vent. Hop down into a hallway. Ugh. See the camera on the wall where the hall makes a turn to the left? You will have to take care if it before you do anything else. Get behind the plant and the boxes on the left wall. Ease out from behind them so you can get a nice shot on the camera. Go around the boxes now to find a door with a bright light next to it. Go through to reveal another storage room. Except this one has a ladder leading up! Before heading up the ladder pull the medical kit off of the wall in the storage room. You can also find some ammo for your pistol on the shelf. Ok, now is your chance to take the ladder to the roof. Open the trap door and you'll emerge on top of the Ministry of Defense! Be careful not to attract attention by running over the windows and walk to the edge of the roof. There is a chimney for you to use to rappel on the wall. You'll be able to save here. On your way down you'll come to a large window. This is Nikoladze's room! You have to get in there somehow. Use Y to push off from the wall and slam through the glass. Hurry and pull out your pistol to take out the guard to your right. If the guard gets more than 3 shots off of you I suggest letting him kill you or jump out the window. Keep doing this until you can kill this guard and still have a decent amount of health. Grab the grenade from the dead guard's satchel. Next, walk over to the computer and press A. Lambert will tell you to keep transmitting, and there are guards on their way to your position right now. Luckilly, you don't have to be standing at the computer to transmit. Run over to the window you smashed through and walk over the edge so Sam will grab onto the ledge. The guards will walk into Nikoladze's room and find it empty. Hop back into the room. When Lambert begins to talk again walk over to the computer and press A once again. Finally, he has all the info he needs. Reach Extraction ---------------- I don't think there should be any more guards that you'll have to deal with. Run out the door and to the left. This hallway should look familiar. On the left will be a door flung wide open. Run through it and down the stairs. You will finally exit outside. While you are running you will hear a guard on the radio. It looks like they are still searching for you. Run across this roof and you'll find an opening on the right. It looks like an empty elevator shaft. Use the pole inside of it and slide down as fast as possible. You have guards right on your tail! Also, be careful not to jump down the shaft because you will end up killing yourself. Once you reach the bottom you will notice that you are in the garage that you were in earlier. Make a right and you will find Wilkes with his van. =============================================================================== ----- Defense Ministry ------------------- =============================================================================== GFO Oil Rig Georgian Waters, Caspian Sea October 27, 2004 09:38 hours Mission Briefing ---------------- Retrieve Georgian communication data. Nato and U.S. intervention has pushed most of the Georgian Commandos from Azerbaijan, with only a few well-hidden cells remaining. One of those cells, entrenched in an oilrig on the Caspian Sea, is exchanging data with the presidential palace in Georgia via a secure network. Infiltrate the refinery ----------------------- When you first gain control of Sam you should see a wooden post on one side of the platform you are on. Walk over to the post and climb the ladder on the other side of it. On your trip up the ladder you'll see a platform on your right. There isn't anything important on this platform so keep climbing. When you're at the top walk forward to to edge of the wood platform and make a right. Hop onto the gray pipes and follow them until you see a pipe above your head. Jump up and grab onto the pipe. Pull your legs up using the B button and climb along the pipe over the barbed wire to a second platform. Hop down off of the pipe and soon after you are on your feet, you will hear a soldier on the radio. Looks like someone has spotted you and they are going to blow the bridge. If they take out the bridge you'll have to find a different way to infiltrate the refinery. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= VI. X-box Live =- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ----- Connecting to X-box Live -------------------- =============================================================================== Step One -------- Get high-speed internet service. Sorry, but if you currently have dial-up you won't be able to connect to X-box live. Here are a few X-box compatible high- speed providers: - Adelphia Powerlink - BellSouth FastAccess DSL - Charter Communications - Comcast - Cox High Speed Internet - Earthlink - Msn 8 Broadband - Qwest - Roadrunner - Rogers - Yahoo DSL - Sympatico - Telus - Verizon Online DSL Dial-up, ISDN, and satellite internet services are not supported. You cannot connect to X-box live with AOL High Speed Broadband as well. Alright! If you have any of the above high-speed ISPs you are free to move on to the next step! Step Two -------- Purchase the X-box Live Starter Kit! This and your internet connection is the only thing you need to connect to X-box Live! This starter kit runs for about $49.99 at most stores, but you may get lucky and run into a sale! Here is a list of stores that you can buy the X-box Live Starter Kit from! - Best Buy - Circuit City - CompUSA - Electronic Boutique - FYE - Gamecrazy - Gamestop - KB Toys - Media Play - Nebraska Furniture Mart - Sam Goody - Sears - Target - Toys R Us - Walmart Cool! Now that you have your high-speed internet provider and your Starter Kit, there is just one more step! Step Three ---------- There are three methods of connecting to X-box Live. The three methods are: - DIRECT CONNECTION This method of connecting is the fastest and easiest way to connect to X-box Live. You should choose this if you do not want to share your connection with your PC. The Direct connection connects your X-box directly to your modem. You will not however, be able to be online with your computer at the same time. This is very easy to set up. 1. Turn off your modem as well as your X-box. To turn off your modem you will have to unplug it. 2. You should be able to find an ethernet port on the back of your modem. It looks like a standard phoneline port except larger. Put one end of your ethernet cable into the port on the back of your modem and the other end in the ethernet port on the back of your X-box system. There are two types of ethernet cables. There is standard(used by most modems) and crossover(some modems use these). You should be able to find out which cable your modem uses. Try looking at the papers that came with your modem. 3. Plug your modem back in and turn it on. Turn on your X-box also. Do not put a disc in the disc tray. 4. The X-box dashboard will pop up. Choose X-box Live from the list and you should be connected to X-box live! NOTE: I read the directions off of xbox.com and am not sure when you are supposed to put your X-box Live starter disc in so I guess you'll have to figure that out on your own. - ROUTER CONNECTION This can be a pain... especially if you don't have a router, because you'll have to go out and buy one. This method of connecting is the best way to connect if you want to be able to be online with both your PC and X-box at the same time. This is also handy, because your PC doesn't have to be on in order to connect to X-box Live. 1. Turn off your X-box, your router, your modem, and your PC before you do anything. 2. You will need three ethernet cables for this. The first ethernet cable will run from your modem to the router! 3. The second ethernet cable will connect the X-box to the router. 4. Finally, one end of the last ethernet cable will connect to the router and the other end will connect to your PC. It will look a little like this: _____ DSL/Cable Modem / \ ___________________________ ___ _________/ __\____________ | | | | | | | ___________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Your | | | | | | X-box | | | | PC | | | | | | | | | | | | |___________| | | | /_____\ | | |_______________| | | | | | / \ |___________________________| | |_________| /___________\ | | | | _____|_______ | | | | | | | Router | | | | | | | |_____________| | |__________________| |_________| 5. Turn everything on in this order. Your Modem, your router, and then your PC. Lastly, you can turn your X-box on with no disc in the disc tray. The X-box dashboard will pop up. Choose X-box Live from the list and you should be connected to X-box live! - WINDOWS ICS CONNECTION You should only need to use this type of connection if you have a USB-based modem or an internal PCI modem. The connection is rather simple. Just follow these three steps and you'll be connected in no time! 1. With a USB modem you will have to run a USB cable from your modem to your computer. If you have a USB modem, you probably already have a USB cable. 2. You're going to have to buy an ethernet cable also. The ethernet cable will run from the ethernet port in your computer to the port on your X-box. 3. Turn your computer on(you will have to turn your computer on every time you connect to X-box live). Lastly, you can turn your X-box on with no disc in the disc tray. The X-box dashboard will pop up. Choose X-box Live from the list and you should be connected to X-box live! =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= VII. Hints/Tips =- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== - Coming Soon - =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= VIII. Frequently Asked Questions =- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ----- Game Related Questions -------------------- =============================================================================== Q: What is the Fifth Freedom? A: "The Fifth Freedom permits an operative to use methods not authorized by law, but only when absolutely necessary. Temporarily allowed to deny the Four Freedoms to any individual or group, operatives can fight the threat of terrorism using terrorists' own tactics." Q: When you are in Sniper Mode is there a way to keep Sam's hand from shaking? A: Yes, if you hold down the left trigger, Sam will hold his breath. This will keep the gun from moving as much and raise your accuracy greatly. Q: An alarm went off and I failed the mission! There isn't a camera that could have seen me, and I knocked out all of the enemies. A: Maybe you didn't hide the bodies well enough. Make sure that you hide the bodies very well. They need to be in the darkest areas and make sure they are out of the way. Even if a body is in a very dark shadow, if a guard walks into it he'll find it. Q: I'm out of ammunition! Where can I find some more? A: Well, I don't know which mission you are on so I do not know specifically where you can find some ammo, but you should look in my walkthrough and you may be able to see where you can find some. This game is based on stealth however, and you should be using as few bullets as possible. Try to use the objects around you(bottles, cans) to distract enemies. It is very easy to sneak by most guards without shooting them. Q: Why don't I have Thermal Vision? A: You will be able to use your Night Vision throughout the entire game, but you won't receive Thermal Vision until the beginning of the CIA Headquarters. Q: Why do I only have this Pistol? A: You'll finally get to use the Assault Rifle about halfway through the CIA Headquarters Mission. Q: How do I get through the minefield on the Abbatoir? A: Use your Thermal Vision to see the mines! Q: How can I change the rate of fire on my rifle? A: Well, you need to have your Rifle out. Press in on the left thumbstick. Q: How do I disable Wall Mines? A: Approach the mine very slowly. Wait for the light on the mine to blink green and press A. A nice way of doing this is to hold down A instead of pressing it once and when the game pauses see if the light is green. If it is simply let go of the A button. If the light is red use the D-Pad to select Return to Game. Q: Is it possible to go through the whole game without killing someone? A: Nope. You'll always have to kill one person. Nikoladze! Q: So how many missions are there in the entire game? A: There are 10 missions including the Training. These 10 missions are not including the missions that you can download. Q: How do I get through the minefield on the Abbatoir? A: You need to use your thermal vision. Q: Sam has three bright neon green lights on his head and the enemy can't see these? A: These lights don't really shine. They are there just for design purposes, and it's supposed to be a kind of icon for Sam. You see the three lights you'll know that it's Sam Fisher! Check out some of the extras on the disk to learn more about this. Q: How do I use the Sticky Shocker, Sticky Camera and Ring Airfoil Projectile? A: First, equip one of these three items and you can use the left trigger to use it. Q: Where is the glass elevator in the Defense Ministry Mission? A: You need to listen in on the conversation between Grinko and Philip Masse. The glass elevator is in the Defense Ministry Courtyard. To get to the courtyard you have to force the colonel to put his eyes to the retinal scanner. The retinal scanner will unlock the door leading to the courtyard. Q: So, how many guns are there in Splinter Cell? A: Two Guns Q: Only two guns?! What kind of game is this? I'm going to go play Goldeneye! A: Yes, there are only two guns. What's so bad about that? The game isn't about blasting everything to pieces with your AK47Grenade Launcher/Sniper Rifle. This is a STEALTH game. The point of the game is to sneak your way through the levels without the enemies noticing you. =============================================================================== ----- FAQ Related Questions -------------------- =============================================================================== Q: I found something missing from your FAQ. What should I do? A: Email me your findings and I will put whatever you found in my next update as long as you email me something useful :) If I do use something that you sent to me in an email I will give you full credit. Q: I really like your FAQ so I'm going to put it up on my website! A: Ok hold on now. First, email me and ask me for permission. If I find my FAQ on any website that I didn't give permission to I will take immediate action! I will most likely say yes and allow you to use my FAQ, but I need you to ask. Q: How should I contact you? A: If you have anything to say or ask about Splinter Cell or this FAQ, simply e-mail me at TwistidSoul@hotmail.com. You should expect a reply within a week or less. =============================================================================== ----- Xbox Live Related Questions -------------------- =============================================================================== Q: What is Xbox Live? A: Well, if you had any common sense in you you would look for the Xbox Live section in my guide! But, since I'm nice... Xbox live is a way of playing your favorite game online! Not all Xbox games have the ability to be played on Xbox Live, but Splinter Cell is a game that can take advantage of it. You can't play Splinter Cell online, but if you have Xbox Live you can download new levels!!! Currently there is only one level to download(Kola Cell), but there will be more soon! Q: What is "Kola Cell"? A: Kola Cell is an extra level that you can download from Xbox Live! I will write a walkthrough for this level someday. Q: I really want Xbox Live! How do I get it? A: Xbox live is held at most electronic stores that sell video games. First you need to purchase the Starter Kit for about 50 dollars. Go home and put one of your Xbox Live compatible games into the Xbox and choose Xbox Live. Follow the easy instructions on the screen and in your starter kit manual to get connected to Xbox Live. Or you can read my Xbox Live Section. Q: How many games can I play with Xbox Live? A: You can actually play 14 different Xbox games on Xbox Live. There are 6 games that you can download extra content for off of Xbox Live. You can find a list of these games in the Xbox Live section! =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= IX. Revision History =- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== The revision history will start with the most recent update to the first update. VERSION 0.50 ------------ KB: NOTES: The first half of the walkthrough has been written. From the Training to the CIA HQ. All sections before the walkthrough are complete. I'm probably half way done with the FAQ! VERSION 0.25 (May 6, 2003) ------------ KB: 91kb NOTES: The first three missions are complete. From the Training to the Defense Ministry. Phoenix1911 said that I may have taken a little more information than needed from the instruction manual. Expect many more things in my own words in the next update. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= X. Legal Disclaimer =- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Alright, let's get this dirty business over with... It shouldn't take long. I wish that people wouldn't plagiarise or steal other people's work in the first place, but they do. It may not seem like it(actually it does), but it does take a lot of work to write these things! I'm not benefitting any from writing FAQ's. I just enjoy writing them and I like to help others with a game. Please don't steal work from me or anyone else. This FAQ was written by me, is owned by me, and you must have permission from me, TwistidSoul, to do anything with this FAQ other than use it for your own personal use. When I say for your own personal use I don't mean on your website or selling it to your friends :P This FAQ cannot be changed or altered in any way. It has to keep its original form! If you do want to put this FAQ in your site, just ask! That's all it takes. Email me! And if I do give you permission, do not edit the FAQ in any way! I don't care if I spelled something wrong or anything. Don't change the font... don't change anything... Thank you! Contact me at TwistidSoul@hotmail.com THE ONLY WEBSITES THAT HAVE MY PERMISSION TO POST THIS FAQ/WALKTHROUGH ON THEIR SITE ARE: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.ign.com http://www.neoseeker.com If anyone finds this FAQ on a website other than these three, please let me know. =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -= XI. Author's Last Words =- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===============================================================================