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Don't take any part of this FAQ and claim it as your own. This guide may only be posted on ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Version History ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Version: .9 Updated: 8/7/2007 Complete except goals in Fun Park. Version: 1.0 Updated: 12/23/2009 Added Fun Park goals. Guide is complete. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Table of Contents ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Intro 2. Controls 3. Nail The Trick Mode 4. Walkthrough/Goals a. Suburbs b. Downtown c. City Center d. High School e. Car Factory f. Crete Park g. Fun Park 5. Conclusion ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Intro ++++++++++++++++++++++++ I've been a huge Tony Hawk fan since the second one came out and I've bought every game since. I am by no means a huge expert on the games but I know enough to whip up this guide and hopefully help some people out. Since I don't know everything, if you find something false in my guide or you know something that I might want to add to this guide, e-mail me and if I agree with you I'll post your information and put your name in the credits section. This guide is now finished. As of now this guide contains controls, an explanation of nail the trick mode, a walkthrough of story mode, and an explanation of all challenges. Later on I might add gaps to the walkthrough section but for right now this is all I got. Now let's get to the guide. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Controls ++++++++++++++++++++++++ X button controls X- ollie Hold X- crouch Hold X in the air- boned ollie Up X- no comply Up Up X- boneless X in the air going straight at a wall- sticker slap Down X in the air going straight at a wall- wall plant X while wallriding- wallie Circle button controls Any directional button and O- grab trick Any two adjacent directional buttons and O (diagonal)- secondary grab trick Any directional button and double O- advanced grab trick Any two adjacent directional buttons and double O- advanced grab trick Square button controls Any directional button and square- flip trick Any two adjacent directional buttons (diagonal) and square- secondary flip trick Any directional button and double square- double flip trick Any directional button and triple square- triple flip trick Any two adjacent directional buttons (diagonal) and double square- 360 flip trick Any vertical directional button twice and square- advanced flip trick Any vertical directional button twice and double square- advanced flip trick Square while on the ground- manual Triangle button controls Triangle- 50-50 grind Any directional button and triangle- grind Any two adjacent directional buttons (diagonal) and triangle- advanced grind Any vertical directional button twice and triangle- blunt and nose blunt slides Any directional button and triangle straight up a quarter pipe- lip trick Any two adjacent directional buttons (diagonal) and triangle straight up a quarterpipe- advanced lip trick Triangle in the air while approaching a wall at an angle- wall ride R1 and triangle- natas spin Extra controls R2 on your way back down from a quarter pipe- revert R1 and down directional button- quick reverse turn Up directional button on back of vehicle- skitch R2 going up a quarterpipe- transfer Press left analog stick- focus Press both analog sticks- nail the trick mode Up directional button and down directional button- manual Down directional button and up directional button- nose manual R1 or L1 while in the air- spin Triangle skating straight at a wall- wall push R2 while in the air over a quarter pipe or bank- acid drop/bank drop R2 while in a manual- pivot Any combination of square, circle, and triangle in manual- manual branches Double square, circle, or triangle while on a natas spin- natas spin branches Any combination of square, circle, and triangle in a grind- grind branches L2 and up or down directional button in the air- flips Up directional button with special- speed boost Off board controls R1 and L1 at the same time- get off board and get on board X- jump Triangle- jump onto board into a grind R1 and X- grab ledge above you R1 facing a wall- wall run ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Nail The Trick Mode ++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is a new feature to the Tony Hawk series that was hugely advertised when the game was coming out. I don't think "nail the trick" deserved so much expectation because it wasn't a very big deal. It added a little bit to the game but wasn't much of an impact at all. You only used it on a few challenges and every once in a while if you wanted to get high points fast. Nail the trick is basically where you get to do flip tricks manually by controlling the players feet. When you press down both analog sticks to enter nail the trick mode, the game goes into slow motion similar to focus mode. The camera focuses in just on the feet and the board of the skater. From here you move the analog sticks in different directions and combinations and the feet will flip the board around. But you can't just move the sticks around randomly. You can only move the feet again when the board is completely done rotating or you will bail. You also have to hold the sticks in the direction you initially moved them in to until the board is done with its rotation. If the board is still rotating when you let go and doesn't have the grip tape up you will bail. When you're rotating the board, the game will let you know when it is okay to let go of your rotation or start a new one. It does this by lighting up the board a certain color when the deck gets level with the ground. It lights up one color when the deck is level with the ground and the grip tape is facing up and it lights up another color when the deck is level with the ground and trucks are facing up. When the color comes for grip tape up, this means you can let go of the analog sticks and land the trick or you can branch to another kind of rotation. When the color comes up for trucks up, this means you are able to branch to a different kind of rotation but you are not able to land the trick yet. To land the trick you either have to let the full rotation go through until the grip tape is up or switch to another kind of rotation that allows you to get the grip tape up. Nail the trick rakes in a lot of points if you can do it effectively. Using it in a big combo can add a whole lot of points to your score. The nail the trick challenges start to get really easy as you get used to it. Once you get a decent grasp of how to do it, nail the trick can give you an easy 50,000 points in one air. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Walkthrough/Goals ++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is the meat of the guide and probably what you are reading this for anyway. I'll give a strategy on finishing a goal and any tips I can offer on how to get things done easier. I will also give you a description of each level and my preferred spots for tricking around in those levels. ------------------------ Types of Goals(straight out of the instruction manual) ------------------------ Photo Goals- Perform the specified trick for the photographer to gain AM, PRO, or SICK status. Filmer Goals- Stick close to the filmer as he calls out tricks for you to perform. If you are out of range of the filmer's camera, the trick does not count. Do the specified amount of tricks to get AM, PRO, and SICK status. Spot Challenges- Initiate spot challenges by talking to the character with the star icon above their head. In the spot challenge video, you'll see markings that signify how far you need to trick in order to reach AM, PRO, or SICK status. Classic Goals- The old time favorite goal returns this year but is now part of career mode. Talk to certain characters and you will be given 10 classic goals to complete within the two-minute time limit. Tour Goals- Perform specified tricks on the objects called out for you in order to complete a skate tour across the map. Within the time limit, the more objects you trick on the higher your ranking. Collect Goals- Look all around, high and low, to collect a myriad of objects scattered around the map. Skate the Line Goals- Skate the line drawn out for you by tricking on all the objects required to achieve a higher ranking. Races- Follow the markers that appear on-screen in a frantic race from one side of the level to another. Competitions- Prove your skills to the pros by performing high-scoring tricks in these judged competitions. Nail the Trick Goals- On specified objects you will see the words "Nail the Trick." When you ollie off of these, the camera will turn around and you will enter Nail the Trick mode. Use analog sticks to control the board, and complete the goal objectives. Pro Challenges- As you move up in the rankings you will receive videophone messages telling you that a particular pro is in town and has a challenge for you to complete. Secret Spots- There is a number of secret spots hidden all around the city. Keep an eye out for them. Puzzle Goals- There are a couple of instances in the game where you get to place skate pieces where you want them. Some goals require you to figure out the correct placement of pieces in order to complete them. ======================== Suburbs ======================== Level Description- Suburbs is an obvious comparison to Suburbia from THPS3. You can find various quarterpipes and bowls throughout the backyards of the houses in the culdesac. My favorite spots to bust combos are the area with all the scrap wood quarterpipes or the backyard with the fountains/pools in it. Goals ------------------------ Uncover The Pool- A mission that unlocks part of the level for your use and is mandatory to move on in the game. Find a big blue pool cover and next to it will be a guy that tells you that you have to grind all the colored ribs of the cover to uncover the pool. Grind the ribs and the cover will slide back which completes the challenge. So now you have a nice pool to trick around in. Yard Tour- A tour goal that you have to trick on the specified objects. Follow the arrow and do what it tells you. Make sure when you grind the top of the pool that you grind the entire length or it won't register. Trick 2 parts for AM, 5 parts for PRO, and 7 for SICK. You've Got Mailboxes- A skate the line goal where you have to natas spin all 4 mailboxes in a combo. This can be frustrating sometimes but just use the d-pad to jump towards the next mailbox when you get off the natas spin and is should be a lot easier. Hit 1 in your combo for AM, 2 for PRO, and all 4 for SICK. Koi Catastrophe- A challenge that opens up a part of the level for you and is mandatory to move on in the game. Talk to the guy between the two filled pools in the backyard of the first house on the left. He'll tell you to natas spin the shrine right behind him. Go up one side, hit the natas spin, hold it for 5 seconds, and you'll see a cutscene. The shrine will roll down, hit a water pump, and the pools will drain. Photo Basics- A photo goal that you have to do a trick between two trees. Do a 180 flip trick between the trees for AM, a 360 one footed tail grab (down, down, circle) for PRO, and a 180 flip trick to a grab trick for SICK. Happiness Transfers- A photo goal that you have to do a trick transferring between ponds. Transfer between ponds and do a kickflip for AM, a melon for PRO, and a heelflip to indy for SICK. Shag Dad's Balls- One of the dumbest challenges I've ever played. A collect goal where you have to run around the level to different spots where dad hits his golf balls. Collect 3 for AM, 5 for PRO, and 8 for SICK. Back Where We Started- Another skate the line goal where you need to hit a series of 11 objects, mostly grinds. It can be tough but just don't try anything fancy and let the grind take you where it wants and you'll go in the right direction. Combo 2 objects for AM, 7 for PRO, and 11 for SICK. See Saw- The hardest skate the line goal in this level. First of all, make sure the see saw is slanted up towards the tree before you start so you can use it to get up there. Do this by stalling on the end farthest from the tree. After that it's easy until you have to acid drop into the little bowl in the alley. By now your grind will be dying and hard to keep up. Try to keep the arrow in the center of the meter throughout the whole line. After you acid drop, try to make a hard turn left so you can get up on the fence with all your speed. Don't take it too sharp or you'll stall instead of grind. Hit 2 objects for AM, 5 for PRO, and 9 for SICK. Swing Fling- This one can be tricky but it's not too bad. In this skate the line goal, you grind a rail and then stall on a swing which throws you on to a branch. From here you grind and you're done. Never boned ollie in this one and everything will fall into place. Combo the curb and the swing for AM, the first 4 objects for PRO, and all 5 for SICK. Pool Duel- A photo goal where you have to bust a huge combo in the pool you uncovered earlier. Easy except you have to keep up your speed to be able to revert multiple times. If you run out of speed go into a lip and do branch combos or go into a manual and do branch combos to finish it. Get 10,000 points for AM, 25,000 for PRO, and 100,000 for SICK. Grind Challenge- A spot challenge where you have to grind around the culdisac sidewalk. This one can be tough for me sometimes because you have to jump from sidewalk to sidewalk over certain spots where driveways are while going around a turn. All I can say is jump hard to the right when you're transferring grinds. Grind to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Vert Challenge- A spot challenge where you have to vert up to a certain level. This one's easy if you go over the spines. Land cleanly if you can over the spines for extra speed and boned ollie up the quarterpipe. Jump to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Leap Challenge- I don't think there is really an intelligent way to beat this spot challenge. Just jump on the thing and hope for the best. Leap to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Classic Goals- Unlike the classic goals in the XBOX version, you don't have to do all the goals in one try to get SICK. So take your time, do the right, and don't get frustrated. The scores and high combo are easy. Just use a pool for them. For COMBO, start by grinding the ledge above the pool/fountain, and follow the obvious line from there. In SKATE, the S is out back by the wooden vert ramps. The K is in the garage of the closest house. The "A" is in the tree in the center of the culdisac. The "T" is by the yellow house and the E is above the quarterpipe next to the gate. The secret disc is in the top of the spooky looking house with the Element symbol. Bust through the roof to get in. Wallplanting snowmen are scattered throughout the front yards. Do an impossible while transferring between upper and lower pools/fountains. Stall on the swing in the playground and leap off into a kickflip. Do 4 of these to get AM, 7 for PRO, and 10 for SICK. Launch to Freedom- This is the mandatory goal that you have to do to get to Downtown. Skitch the RC car driving around the street until you have the speed to jump off the ramp and sticker slap the control box. Do this and the gate opens and unlocks Downtown. ======================== Downtown ======================== Level Description- Downtown is set up in a city style and has buildings and streets all over the place. You'll be able to find a lot of spots to put together nice grind combos. I like to trick around on the rooftops because most of the time you gain a lot of speed. Goals ------------------------ The Skateshop- This isn't a very self-explanatory goal. The cutscene and the dude out front of the skateshop talk way too much. All you have to do is collect 100 stokens from people around the level. To get stokens, do tricks around people with gold coins floating above their heads. Depending on how big the trick is, they'll pay you an amount of stokens. When you get the 100 stokens, the skateshop will be opened up and you'll have a chance to spend your stokens on decks or special tricks. This goal is mandatory and by completing it you unlock Paul Rodriguez's pro goals. Bowling Devastation- This is another mandatory goal that unlocks a pro challenge. Talk to the guy with the question mark above his head by the school and he'll tell you to sticker slap the front of the bus next to him three times. Do this and the bus backs into a fire hydrant that blows off and hits a bowling alley sign that falls down onto the bus. From here jump onto the top of the bus and grind the left side. This grind will take you up to the secret spot on top of the bowling alley roof and you will complete the challenge. By completing this you will unlock Daewon Song's pro challenges. Dance Expel- I guess this would be a collect goal. All you have to do is wallride posters for the stupid beaver. The first one is right in front of you on the left. After that go straight and the second one will be on the left again. After that take a left and the third one will be on the wall to the left. Take another left and go straight down this street. Go up through the clock tower area and make your way to the school. At the school, behind the two buses, the fourth one is on the wall. The fifth one is up on the wall on the left side of the school. Air up the quarterpipe, grind the rail, and ollie into a wallride on the poster. Wallride two posters for AM, 4 for PRO, and 5 for SICK. Curbage Poise- This is a grind spot challenge. When you start watch for the driveways on the initial grind. Grind the whole curb and come around the bend where the hydrant is that gives you speed. Grind off the incline and onto the building. From here you have to jump to the left and onto another curb. Don't bother manualing or getting off your board because the game will kill your combo. If you can't get right on the curb, grind something else and from there get on the curb. Grind to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Bowling for Balance- A manual spot challenge. Enter the bowling alley and start your grind. From here just balance and let the bowling alley take you where it wants. In the last lane, there will be bowling balls in the way. Ollie over them and finish your manual. Manual to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Where's Wallie- A wallride spot challenge. Wallride up to the first ledge and from here just wallride to wallie every time there's a break in the ledge to get to the next one. Make it to the specified markers to get AM, PRO, and SICK. Nail The Trick: Kickflip- This is a pro goal with Rodney Mullen. If you didn't like my explanation of nail the trick mode earlier, listen up because Rodney explains it. From here you have to do a trick with each of the analog sticks, a double stick combo, and a branching trick. I won't explain it too much since I already did in the nail the trick section. Just go off the kicker in front of you and do what Rodney says. Daewon's Challenge- This is a pro goal with Daewon Song but it's more like a photo goal. Just jump on the table and do the specified grind. Just grind (triangle) for AM, Smith (down/right, triangle) for PRO, and Bluntside (up, up, triangle for SICK. Roofs Ahoy!- This is a Paul Rodriguez pro goal and an obnoxiously difficult skate the line. This one will probably have you ripping your hair out. Grind the buses and the curbs and it's all smooth. When you get to the roofs it gets hard. Ollie to the right off the grind and hit the quarterpipe. Get on the pizza and then transfer across the street into the coffee cup. From here try to aim yourself as best you can towards the next bowl on the roof. Get yourself controlled and transfer onto the higher level of the roof. Transfer over the billboards and down into the street. Hit the quarterpipe across the street and come down and manual down the street on the left towards the skateshop. You'll either have a whole lot of speed or barely any at all depending on how you did with the rest of the line. If you need speed grind something on the street to get going because you'll need speed to get on the skateshop roof. If you have too much speed, good luck with controlling it. Transfer onto the board-shaped quarterpipe on the roof of the skateshop and you're done. Make sure you go up the center of the skateshop ramp because you'll bail otherwise. Focus seems to come in handy during this challenge so use it at your hardest part. There are different ways to do this challenge if you get off course and you can improvise and try to get back on track. So if you screw up, be creative and do what you can to get back on track. If you've tried 50 times and still haven't gotten SICK, try not to get frustrated and keep trying because it will come eventually. Combo 3 objects for AM, 5 for PRO, and 12 for SICK. Filmer- The first filmer goal of the game. Follow Paul Rodriguez with his camera around town and do the tricks on the screen. Try to piece the tricks he tells you to do into combos so you get them faster. The grinds are the hardest so watch out for them. If you're running out of time towards the end and you only have a couple left, keep your combo alive after the time runs out and see if you can get those last few tricks in. Do 5 of the tricks for AM, 10 for PRO, and 20 for SICK. Hot Lava- A really easy photo goal. All you have to do is get a big score on the roof. Use the quarterpipe or go flatland and you'll get it easy. Get 7,500 for AM, 25,000 for PRO, and 100,000 for SICK. Food Photo- Another easy photo goal. Transfer into the pizza slice from the quarterpipe then jump off the slice and across the street, into the coffee cup by pressing R2. While in the air do a heelflip (right directional button and square) for AM, a melon (left directional button and circle) for PRO, and an indy to kickflip (right directional button and circle + left directional button and square) for SICK. Round The Alley- Another obnoxiously hard skate the line goal but it's not as bad as Roofs Ahoy! To start, don't grind that whole first ledge. All that's going to do is hurt your grind meter so jump on like halfway through. Grind the other four ledges and then jump off into a manual after you come around the bend. Manual to the railing that takes you around and up to the roof. When you get up jump to the right and try to place yourself on that rail hanging off the wall. If you overshoot it try to wallride and then get on. If you undershoot it, see if you can go up that quarterpipe and go up it to continue your grind. Hold this grind for a while and then transfer into a bowl on the right. Transfer out of the bowl and onto another quarterpipe. Be controlled when you go off this kicker in front of you because you have to grind the string of flags directly in the middle of it. When the flags come to an end, acid drop right away and then it's over. If you forget to acid drop or you're unable to manual, stickerslap the gate, manual back to the quarterpipe, go up it and it'll still register as SICK. Hit 3 objects for AM, 5 for PRO, and 10 for SICK. Coffee Grind Tour- You could call this a tour goal or a collect goal. This one's pretty tough but you just have to be careful and don't try to go too fast. To do this goal you have to get up on the secret spot roof because that's where the dude is. When you start, see if you can jump off your roof and make it to the one across the street. If not, just climb the wall using the ledges. Once you are up on the building across the street, go towards the coffee cup. Try to jump onto the tail end of the star wrapping around. You don't need any speed to grind the length of the star because it'll boost you anyway. Once done, follow the arrow and get on the building it's pointing to by climbing the ledges. Again jump on the tail end of the star and let the grind take you to the top. Once off, follow the arrow towards the building and climb the ledges. Try to jump onto the tail end again. If you can't make it grind along the edge of the building and they jump onto the tail end. Grind the first star for AM, the first and second for PRO, and all of them for SICK. Classic Goals- The scores are easy. Just get the high scores and high combo by tricking around. While tricking around you can get COMBO by grinding the ledge with the C, then jumping to the O, manualing across the intersection to grind to the M, jump into a grind for B, then jump over the flag pole and transfer onto the back side for the last O. For SKATE, from the starting point the E is above the bus stop right next to you so go ahead and get that while you're there. From here take a left and go to the grassy area by the gate for S. Proceed to the school and in the alley on the left side the K is on the high rail. Go to the clock tower area and the A is floating around in an alley. Go to the dark and shadowy alley and T will be in the back above the quarterpipe. For the secret disc, do the first portion of Roofs Ahoy! because the disc is in the coffee cup we had to use. For the airwalk, go to the clock tower area and either get on the roof behind the clock and airwalk over it or build speed and do it in front of the clock(Airwalk is up/left + circle). When you spot the billboard, get on the roof that the string of flags connects to from the billboard. Once you're on that roof, go off the kicker, grind the flags, and stickerslap the billboard. To destroy the signs, grind the top of them. The first is on the yellow rail to the right of the starting point. Go to the grassy area but go along the left side wall. The second one will be along the wall on the left side on your way to the grass. The third on is in the grassy area. The fourth one is in the raised lawn on the right side of the school. The fifth on is on the right side of the clock tower area near the shadowy alley. Get 4 goals for AM, 7 for PRO, and 10 for SICK. ======================== City Center ======================== Level Description- The city center is dressed up to be like a capital city. I really don't care what it's supposed to look like all I know is there are some great spots. You'll find some great grind lines that are simple but still are capable of getting you a lot of points. I don't really have a favorite spot in this one but that's only because I can turn the whole level into one combo. Goals ------------------------ Glass Smash- A secret spot goal that opens up the bowl in the building. Just grind the gold bars going across the pool and from there jump up and grind the chandeliers. Once you get both of them, they'll fall and the glass will smash. The bowl is open for your use. This unlocks Mike V's pro challenges. Rooftop Rebel- Another secret spot goal. Make it to the roof of the building in the corner with the Powerade sign on it. Do this by getting speed by spine transferring the planter and getting to a high rail on the building to grind. Try to get on at least the second rail because it makes things easier. When you get to the rail, grind to the left and sticker slap the wall and pop onto the higher rail. From here hop off onto the roof and you're done. From the roof you can acid drop down onto a quarterpipe and get crazy speed. Capitol Combo- A photo goal where you need to get a high combo without leaving the bowl. This can be tough considering your starting with no speed. Just do all the air you can and when you start slowing down go into lip variations. Watch out for the part of the bowl that rolls off instead of being a lip. Stay away from that and you'll be good. Get 25,000 points in a combo for AM, 75,000 for PRO, and 250,000 for SICK. Leap of Faith- A photo goal that can be tough at times. It's easy to get SICK if you just hold L1 while your doing the rest of the combo and the 360 of the 360 double impossible to mute will take care of itself. Don't worry about it if you do a triple impossible instead of a double because it still counts either way. Do a stalefish between grinds for AM, a heelflip to impossible for PRO, and a 360 double impossible to mute for SICK. Capitol Grind- This is an easy grind spot challenge if you have good grind balance. Grind around the first rim then jump off to the next ledge with the PRO mark. Grind around and when it gets to a gap there will be a sign in the middle of the gap. Jump up to the top of the sign and grind(ding) it, which will pop you up onto the next ledge. Grind around the top ledge until you hit SICK. Grind to the specified marker for AM, PRO, and SICK. Helipad Session- This is an easy high score goal where you have to stay in the area with the helipad in it. Just do big manual variations and lip variations to reach SICK. Don't even try to use the quarterpipes because when I tried there was too much space between them to combo them and they really killed my speed. Score 10,000 points for AM, 50,000 for PRO, and 200,000 for SICK. Vert Challenge- This is a vert spot challenge where you have to think a little bit. Don't try to jump up all the way to the SICK mark. At the start, don't move until 25 seconds are left on the clock. At 25 seconds, take off, transfer the spine in front of you for speed. Skate to the next quarterpipe and at the height of your jump, stall on the bottom of the helicopter. Hold it for a few seconds and the helicopter will give you a free ride to the SICK mark. When you reach SICK jump off and land safely. If you have to on your way down, jump off your board to make sure that you don't bail on the landing because sometimes when you drop you're not lined up with the quarterpipe. Reach the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Industrial Art Session- Another easy photo high score challenge. Don't be intimidated by the 300,000 point asking of you because this is simple. With all the spines and quarterpipes, you'll be done in half the time. Do some nasty vert combos and manual if you have to. Score 15,000 points for AM, 75,000 for PRO, and 300,000 for SICK. Industrial Art Tour- Here comes the tour goal. Grind the gold bars right in front of you to start. Take a left out the doors and go straight after you come down off the walkway. Go towards the flashing stone frog and do a kickflip when you go up the quarterpipe in front of it. Come straight down the quarterpipe and follow the arrow to the zigzag rail. Go up the quarterpipe behind it and grind it to the left. This leads towards the next one. Go up the first set of quarterpipes and grind the wire above to the left. At the end, ollie onto the flashing arrow. This will point you in the direction of the next thing. You'll come to planters with a rail in the middle of them. Grind these and at the end of them when you ollie off they will place you on the next object. Crooked grind these and then grind the rail in the next set of planters. Ollie off this rail at the end of it and it'll pop you in the air. From here acid drop into the yellow "sculpture" and you're done. Hit 2 objects for AM, 4 for PRO, and 6 for SICK. Filmer- This is a pretty easy filmer goal. Plenty of ledges to hit the commands for grinds so use those. Stay in range and you got it. Hit 5 tricks for AM, 15 for PRO, and 6 for SICK. Capitol Climber- This is weird, an easy skate the line goal. Grind the ledges around the capitol and keep your grind meter in the center when transferring. Use the inclines to pop to the next ledge. Hold the grind all the way to the end of the last ledge and then boned ollie off onto the rope. Hold the grind all the way to the end of the rope and you're done. Combo 3 objects for AM, 6 for PRO, and 9 for SICK. Trick Democracy- This is a Mike V pro challenge where he gives you a nail the trick goal. Go off the quarterpipe behind you to get speed for the jump. If this one is hard for you, you're in for a rude awakening once we get into the higher levels. Read my nail the trick section for extra help. Nail 1 trick for AM, 2 for PRO, and 3 tricks plus 15,000 points for SICK. Republic of Tricks- Mike V nail the trick goal again. Use the quarterpipe behind you again and do as many tricks as you can fit in. This shouldn't be hard. Do 1 trick for AM, 3 for PRO, and 6 for SICK. Classic Goals- Take a round(if you need it), to get the scores by using all the nice spines around. The kickflip is self-explanatory. Transfer into the blinking pool from the kicker and do a kickflip in the process. For COMBO, go up the quarterpipe in front of you at the starting point. Grind the wire above towards the letters. From here, let the arrows and wires take you through your combo. When you jump off the yellow arrow, you might overshoot the last O so just manual and get it. For the handstand, start the handstand before the tunnel so there is no doubt that you started in time and then balance your way through. The secret disc is at the top of the capitol building. Do the "Capitol Climber" goal until you get to the roof. Scale the ledges until you get to the circular part. Use the ladder to get up on the balcony. The disc is on the opposite side of the ladder. Jump off the ledge and get the disc. For SKATE, from your starting point, go up the incline and make your way to the end. The S is off the kicker. Go up the frog quarterpipe on the right and grind the wire to the left. Follow the wire and it will lead you to the A. Continue in the same direction and go up the far quarterpipe for T. Go to the gold "sculpture" and go off the kicker behind it for E. The torches are the hardest part. Go directly to the big torch that's already lit. Light the board by jumping over the fire. Facing the bowl behind the torch, go to the top-right corner and there's the first torch. Natas spin it and that will refill the time for the fire to go out on your board. From here go down the street heading towards the handstand tunnel. Get on the platform above the handstand tunnel and natas that torch. Grind the ledges toward the building and use the pop up in the ledge to boned ollie onto the platform in the capitol building. Natas the torch there and make your way around the lowest part of the level that is right outside the building. The fourth torch is around there somewhere. The last torch is by the building with the Powerade billboard and the secret spot. Natas that one you've to them all. Do 4 goals for AM, 7 for PRO, and 10 for SICK. Capitol Codes- People make a big deal out of this one but it's nothing. From your start, grind one of the ledges on the side of the walkway and use the incline in the ledge to pop up to the platform. Once there, collect the discs inside and go out the door without lasers in it. Once outside, go wide around the lasers and ollie over a couple to make your way back to the colonel. This unlocks the high school for you. ======================== High School ======================== A level layed out as a school that's been trashed by kids and made into a skate park. Not my favorite level but it's not too bad. My favorite spots are the drainage ditch and the spines on the upper back part of the level. Goals ------------------------ Mind In The Gutter- Find the drainage ditch filled with water on the outside rim of the level. Natas spin the valves around the outside rim of the ditch. Hold each for four seconds and the pool will drain. Tool The Pool- Drain the pool in the school by grinding the red levers. Three of the levers are on the walls right outside of the pool and the other one is up on the balcony behind the high dive. This is a secret spot goal. School Spirit- The first puzzle goal. Use kickers to line up your jump so you can stickerslap the banners. Put the kickers in front of the banners but not directly in front of them. Move the kicker back one space so you have room to jump. Video Yearbook- This is a filmer goal. Do the first seven tricks while circling around that roof, then boneless off of the roof on that kicker to grind the side of the catwalk. This takes care of the grind command. If you don't make it across the platform and you fall off the roof, retry. For the rest of the time, it shouldn't be insanely hard. Do 7 tricks for AM, 14 for PRO, and 21 for SICK. Schoolyard Session- Nyjah and Lyn-z's pro goal. Use the drainage ditch to pull off these high scores. Half of the drainage ditch is out of bounds but if you go back and forth and use it as a halfpipe you'll be good as long as you land your combos on the inbound side. Get 100,000 points for AM, 200,000 for PRO, and 300,000 for SICK. Manual Challenge- This is a manual spot challenge. Use the quarterpipe behind you for speed. Start the manual up the tables and hold it until the PRO marker. Once there, jump over the gate and continue the manual up the outside of the stairway. If you have enough speed your manual should carry you up the steps. Manual to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Score No More- I'm not really sure what kind of goal this is. It's pretty self-explanatory on what to do. Just grind all of the blinking streamers all the way up to the scoreboard and the scoreboard will fall and wreck the gym. Nail The Trick!- A Bob Burnquist nail the trick pro goal. Grind the rail in front of you to start and jump off and do your tricks. Read my nail the trick section for pointers. Nail one trick for AM, two for PRO, and three for SICK. Grind Challenge- This is a hard grind challenge. Get speed on the quarterpipe on the right and then start your grind. Grind around the bend and get up on the green rail. From this rail, ollie to the right and try to land on the outside edge of the platform. If you land on the middle, heelflip over to the outside. Don't boned ollie off the green rail because you'll overshoot the platform. Once you're on the outside edge of the platform, ollie the gaps, and hold the grind to the SICK mark. Grind to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Vert Challenge- This is a vert spot challenge. They give you plenty of time so turn around and come back over those spines. These will give you plenty of speed and a boned ollie will get you to the SICK marker with no problem. Air to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Honor Roll- I hate race goals but I'll tell you about it anyway. Use anything you cant to grind as long as it's not out of your way. Grinding is faster then straight skating. Also, use the mound near the drainage ditch to bank drop and get speed. This might take you a few tries but don't get discouraged. Finish third for AM, second for PRO, and first for SICK. Blowin' z Curve- This is a skate the line challenge and possibly the hardest goal in the game; unless you're reading my guide. Grind the table and the lights, jump over to the rail and let it take you a good distance. When you get to the second half of this rail, it'll tell you to jump to the right and land on the lower rail. Instead of jumping directly onto the next one, drop into a manual at the end of the upper rail that you're on. This manual will kill some speed and enable you to complete the rest of the challenge. From the manual, hop onto the rail and take it to the circular rail. If we wouldn't have killed all that speed with the manual, we could not have hit this circular rail. Ollie to the right and grind the circular rail around. Drop into a manual on the balcony instead of trying to make the impossible 180 degrees turn, stickerslap the wall in front of you and jump off towards the balcony you should have gone down. You should land in a manual on the ground by the pool. Manual towards that tiny strip of flashing ground by the bottom of the balcony you should have manualed down and manual over the strip. That will count for the walkway you missed. After that just hop on the rail and you're finished. Combo 4 objects for AM, 6 for PRO, and 10 for SICK. Competition!- Basically just score big in the halfpipe while you listen to the lame announcer. Don't bother with variety, just do whatever you need to score big points. Try not to bail, they take a point off your overall score. Place first in the specified brackets for AM, PRO, and SICK. Classic Goals- The C in COMBO is right in front of you at the start. Go up the quarterpipe, revert down, bank drop the box for O, and manual to the rail leading into the school. Grind the rail for M and jump off of it through the window for B. Manual or grind to the end of this room for O. The scores still aren't very hard, just rip it up in the drainage ditch. Get up on the canopy, grind along the edge of it, and pop up into a boned ollie when you come off the edge. Right away do a stalefish and hold R1 to get the 360 stalefish over the CanopEASE gap. For the mute grab, find the blinking rail on the upper part of the level. Go up the quarterpipe behind it for speed. Grind it and jump off into a mute while holding R1 the whole time. Drop into a grind on the blinking steps and you got it. For the secret disc, go to the fountain on the upper part of the level. Air up the quarterpipe in front of it and grind the green bar. Jump off the green bar towards the black bar on the left. The disc is floating on that. For SKATE, go to the upper part of the level by the wavy blue ledges. The S is on the stairs inside the wavy blue ledges. The K is on the right wavy blue ledge. The A is in the tunnel at the bottom of these ledges. After the A take a right and the T is on a ramp. The E is at the back of this alley. For the volcanoes, one is to the right of your starting point in the patch of grass. The next one is on the raised basketball court. Follow COMBO and you'll come across the third one right when you enter the school. The fourth is at the top of the Book Drop gap. The last one is in that space by the fountain up top by the gate on the far side. Do 4 goals for AM, 7 for PRO, and 10 for SICK. ======================== Car Factory ======================== Level Description- Looks like a Jeep factory complete with assembly lines, robotic arms, and a whole bunch of nice lines. Grinding and air combos can be found throughout all the metal and gears. My favorite place to skate is the big room where there are cars suspended from things that look like roller coaster tracks. In this room there are four transferable bowls that you'll be able to go big in. The courtyard is also a lot of fun. Goals ------------------------ Office Opener- This is a secret spot goal. The valves are in the corners of the courtyard. Natas spin each one for a couple seconds. Robot Arms Session- This is a high score goal that I don't believe anyone will read. Keep reverting and spine transferring in this area to achieve the score. Score 10,000 points for AM, 50,000 for PRO, and 200,000 for SICK. His Name Was...Manual- This is a really hard manual spot challenge. If your manual stats suck, you might want to go off the quarterpipe behind you for speed so you don't have to hold your manual as long. If you have a good manual go right ahead with the manual without gaining speed first because the turns are a thousand times easier without a lot of speed. When you take the turns make sure you go over or get close to the arrows because I don't know if it was just my game or not but it didn't count me until I ran over the arrows. Manual to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Filmer Challenge- An easy filmer goal. A lot of stuff to grind and plenty of space to do tricks. No problem. Do 8 tricks for AM, 16 for PRO, and 32 for SICK. Tricks 101- A Bam Margera pro nail the trick goal. I'm going to say the same thing I always say, read my nail the trick section. Another idea is to jump to the side so you don't land on the catwalk directly under you. This will give you more time to do your tricks. Nail 2 tricks for AM, 4 for PRO, and 6 for SICK. Tricks Club- Same exact goal as above but easier. It wouldn't be a bad idea to jump off the kicker a little crooked so you don't hit the statue in the middle. Nail 1 trick for AM, 3 for PRO, and 5 for SICK. Jeep Photo Op- An easy photo goal. Just do the called tricks off the kicker and over the jeep. You don't even have to bank drop. Do a nosegrab for AM, a 180 melon for PRO, and a 180 sacktap for SICK. Courtyard Session- An easy and fun high score goal. Rip it up in the courtyard by going over spines and/or grinding. Just repeat the skate the line goal that you do in this courtyard and you'll have it in no time. Get 15,000 points for AM, 75,000 for PRO, and 300,000 for SICK. Stalling For Time- This is a stall spot challenge that I really can't offer and special advice on. Just stall (R2+triangle) on the trolley and concentrate on your meter. Jump off after SICK. Stall on the trolley and ride to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Snaking Grind- This is a grind spot challenge. Get speed from the quarterpipe behind you and just jump onto the rail and hold it. There's no special advice just keep the meter straight. Grind to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Courting Disaster- This is a skate the line goal that I'll admit, looks pretty intimidating. Just keep your grind meter in the center and focus on the next quarterpipe you have to go up. Don't revert or manual because that will give you too much to deal with. Just let the combo run out keep your combo alive. Focus on getting to the next ledge. Right when you get on the ledge, ollie and grind to the higher rail. It's not too hard once you get a grasp of it. Combo two objects for AM, 4 for PRO, and 11 for SICK. Assembly Line Run- This is another obnoxious skate the line goal. Connect the first two grinds but on the third don't jump over on the corner but jump after the corner with a heelflip to the left on the straight part of the rail. Once on this rail, quickly jump to the duct on the wall and right from the duct on the wall jump to the hanging ducts. Don't bother with the wallride. Follow the ducts along the ceiling and when you come to the end of the third one, acid drop into the bowl. Once in the bowl, don't do anything fancy just make sure you connect with the transfer to the next one. You don't have to revert because the combo run out will keep you combo alive. Combo 2 objects for AM, 5 for PRO, and 11 for SICK. Munchy Manfred- This skate the line goal is easier than the others are. Connect the ducts with wallrides to wallies and at the last one jump to the left and grind the suspended duct. Jump to the left again and grind the shelf. Make sure you grind the right side of it. Jump to the next one and grind. Jump to the right off of this and either start your grind on the rail right away or manual on the walkway and then get on the rail. From that rail make you way to the ledge and then over the spine. Don't revert here because you need speed. Just let the combo run out clock keep you alive. Go up the next quarterpipe and grind the rail above it to the right. Take this around and ollie to the next rail and you're done. Combo 2 objects for AM, 5 for PRO, and 11 for SICK. Classic Goals- Alright the sick score is starting to get high now so just take a run in the courtyard to knock out the high scores and combos. COMBO is right in front of you to start. Grind for COM the jump and grind on the ledge above where the B is sitting. You'll still get the B and you'll be able to jump off, sticker slap the wall in front of you, and get onto the ledge that the O is on. For the impossible, get on top of one of the shelves and grind the side of it towards the other set of shelves. Between them do an impossible and grind the other one. For the benihana, follow the assembly line of cars into a paint room. Do a benihana while transferring the two bowls in this room. For SKATE, the S is between the impossible shelves. From here go to the courtyard and E is in front of the second story balcony opposite of the main office. Get up there how you got up there in the Courting Disaster goal. Go back out the main office and take a left. The T is on top of the assembly line and you need to get on the catwalk to be able to grind on the assembly line. From here, go out the opposite way you came in and drop into the painting room. Get air and go directly up the center of the bowls and transfer the two bowls so you can snag the A floating above. The K is around the robotic arms. For the secret disc, repeat the first part of the Assembly Line Run skate the line goal because the disc is up in the ducts. For the donut boxes, the first one is to the left on that spine when you start. Turn around and go up the elevator. Take two lefts after the elevator and go up the catwalk between the spine. Follow the catwalk for the second one. Go to the courtyard and enter through the window by the main office. The third box is on the second story balcony on the right. Get up there the same way you did on the Courting Disaster skate the line goal. Go back out the main office way and take a left. The fourth one is in this room on the raise up bowl in the center. Leave this room the opposite way you come in and go to the painting room. Go up the catwalk next to the painting room and the last box will be up there. Get 4 goals for AM, 7 for PRO, and 10 for SICK. High Combo Challenge- Dustin Dollin and Stevie Williams pro goals. Manual variations work perfectly fine for both of these so do those. This unlocks Crete Park. ======================== Crete Park ======================== Level Description- This is my favorite level in the game. It's basically a real skatepark with a few extras thrown in. Tear it up in the massive bowls and spines in the center of the level. Goals ------------------------ Dig Site- This is a secret spot goal that unlocks the rest of the level for you. Just run over, grind, or wallride all the red hooks. There's one on the high ledge to the right of the first gate. Wallride the two hooks between the gates. There's one on the far wall of the level. Two of them are in the bowl area. Coffee Grinds- Talk to the guy with the question mark above his head that talks about this goal. Grind the wire above his head up to the coffee cup. Once on the coffee cup, grind around it for five seconds and jump off. Fun In The Sun- This is and easy high score challenge. You mostly have to stay in the area with the red perimeter but if you go into the other area for a second, just keep your combo and make it back in bounds. Score 50,000 points for AM, 100,000 for PRO, and 500,000 for SICK. Trick Over The Wall- This is a photo goal. Bank drop the first ramp in front of you for speed. Use the second ramp to jump up on the wire. Keep hopping on the wire if you need speed to get over the wall. Hold the airwalk while holding R1 to get the 540 airwalk. Do a tailgrab over the wall for AM, a 180 impossible for PRO, and a 540 airwalk for SICK. Sewer Bowl Photo Goal- Here's another photo goal. Use the halfpipe to get speed then go up and stall on the pipe. When you jump off, on your way down do the tricks. When your trying to fit in the 360, just hold in R1 the whole time because you have just enough time to fit in the spin. Do a tailgrab on the way down for AM, a 180 hardflip for PRO, and a 360 seatbelt air for SICK. Drainage Ditch Loop- This is a skate the line goal. On the wallplant, make sure you wallplant high on the wall or you won't make the grind. Grind off the wallplant and acid drop into the halfpipe. Grind the other side to the right. At the end of this lip, ollie to the next one. Grind around and grind the pipe. From the pipe, get on the halfpipe lip and from there jump to the left and transfer into the quarterpipe. Combo 2 objects for AM, 4 for PRO, and 8 for SICK. Crete Park Tour- This is a tour goal. First, transfer the ramp in front of you. Then, make your way to the spine and nosegrab over it. Go down the hill and ollie over the flashing quarterpipe. Take a left and spine the flashing wall. Go down the hill and take another left to bank drop the flashing ramps. Get out of the halfpipe and stiffy over the box. Turn around and head back to the halfpipe. Boneless over the quarterpipe and acid drop into the raised, flashing halfpipe. If you need speed, go up the other side, come down and take a sharp angle to get over to the other halfpipe. Make sure you boned ollie too because that helps a lot. Get out of the pipe and head back towards the boxes. Sacktap over the flashing one and you got it. Trick over 3 parts for AM, 5 for PRO, and 8 for SICK. Maneuver In the Sewer- This high score goal is a little harder than the other one because it's a combo and the water slows you down. Do as much air as you can and when you start slowing down go into lip variations to finish it off. Get a 25,000 point combo for AM, 75,000 for PRO, and 250,000 for SICK. Trick It Up- A nail the trick goal. Go up the quarterpipe behind you first and do a trick. Read my nail the trick section for more pointers. Nail 1 trick for AM, 2 for PRO, and score 35,000 points for SICK. Trick Into Oblivion- Make sure when you grind the rail leading to the window you hop up and down so you can go through the window with reasonable speed. Look at my nail the trick section for more help. Nail 1 trick for AM, 2 for PRO, and score 45,000 points for SICK. Manual Challenge- This is a manual spot challenge that is easy if you have reasonable manual stats. Just start the manual right away because the hill gives you more than enough speed. Concentrate on the turns and you're good. Manual to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Grind Challenge- This is a grind spot challenge that you won't have any problems with. Come down the hill and start your grind at the green marker. Hold it around the lip and until you pass the SICK mark. Grind to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Competition!- Way too easy. Don't bother with variety, just score big. Don't bail because that takes points off your total. Finish first in the specified brackets for AM, PRO, and SICK. Classic Goals- At any other level I'd say the high scores and combos are tough but Crete Park is awesome. Just use the bowl area. For the secret disc, repeat the nail the trick goal where you have to go through the window but at the window, acid drop into the quarterpipe below the window and then boned ollie off the kicker. The secret disc is floating around in the air up there. For the yeller gap, transfer from the higher pipe to the lower pipe when doing your 720 kickflip. For the christ air, go off the kicker after you get speed from the quarterpipe behind it and just do a 540 christ air (up/left diagonal directional button, O, O) and land on the ground. The first construction barrier is down the hill to the right of the starting point. The second one directly follows it. After that, take a right and grind the rail down the hill, which will lead you right into the third one. Go back up the hill and go to the far wall of the upper area. The fourth one is in that area. The fifth one is all the way back up top to the left of the starting point. The S in SKATE is on the high wire to the left of the starting point. The K is on the lower wire below it. Get off this wire and go to the nearest decline to the lower part of the level. The A is on the ledge above this decline. Hold this grind on the ledge out onto the wire for the T. Leading off of this wire to the right you will find the E. Find the C in COMBO and grind that pipe. Ollie to the next one and grind for O. Wallride around the corner and grind for M. Wallride around the corner again and grind for B. Wallride the wall again, wallie off and grind the next pipe that's sticking out farther off the wall. From this pipe, jump up onto the balcony for O. Do 4 goals for AM, 7 for PRO, and 10 for SICK. ======================== Fun Park ======================== Level Description- This level is an amusement park built for skating. There are an infinite amount of spots to put together sick lines. Most of my points come from the spines by the ship and the rollercoaster. If you feel like all these challenges are way too hard, make sure your stats are rather high or you won't be able to do a lot of these goals. Goals ------------------------ Captain's Rope Bridge- This is a secret spot challenge. Find the ship and skate into the mouth of the skull next to it. This takes you to the top of the rope bridge. Tony Hawk- This is the Tony Hawk pro goal that gets you into Project 8. Keep it simple in the beginning and just do what it tells you without trying to be fancy. For the high score, do some revert combos to get that easily. Finish off with the nail the trick part and you're on Project 8 and you unlock Downhill. Look at my nail the trick section if you need help on that part. Grind Challenge- This grind challenge is a whole lot easier when your grind stats are good enough where you don't have to worry about it. Focus on the grind meter mainly but keep your eye ahead for the coaster as well. For timing, start your grind right as the coaster passes the starting point. Don't worry about getting speed because the rail gives you a boost anyway. If you start as the coaster goes by, you should meet it at a straight portion that goes uphill (making it easy to jump over). Time it so that you can boned ollie over the coaster (make sure you jump a good distance before the front hits you). Jumping the coaster at a curved point in the track will almost never work. Continue your grind and you should beat the coaster to the end. If you don't you'll meet it right before the end and that part is straight so it shouldn't be a problem to hop it one more time. Grind to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Fun Park Tour Time- This tour goal, like many others, is ten times easier with your stats where they should be. Use the quarterpipes for speed on the first part and boned ollie and bank drop over the skull without even skimming the skull at any time. It's all about timing your jump off the kicker ramp so if you don't get it the first time than it's not impossible. After that make your way to the dragon. Grind up his back and at a good point, ollie off and onto one of the horns. Once again, it's all timing. From here, get speed by spine transferring the green wall then jump off a side and heelflip over the carousel and bank drop on the other side. After this, go to the ship and do a lip trick on the top part of the blinking mast. Come down and go through the skull next to the ship to come out on top of the rope bridge. Grind it and you're home free. Most of this challenge is all about timing so don't get frustrated because eventually you'll get it (either luck or getting used to the timing of the jumps will get you through this one). Trick at 3 parts for AM, 4 for PRO, and 5 for SICK. Puzzle Time- This is another easy puzzle goal. Put a kicker facing the signs in the first row of the blocks and the third one over (I'm using the blocks on the floor as a grid). Put another kicker facing the left in the second row on the fifth block over. Use the kickers to get on the rails and connect the rails the way it explains it. At the end of the line of rails, stickerslap the posters and you're done. It's all about placement of the kickers. The rest is easy. Snap Ya Picture- Good stats will help tremendously on this photo goal. This is because you can only use the opposite quarterpipe to get speed. Landing cleanly on the first quarterpipe will give you a little more speed than you would have otherwise. Get enough air off the takeoff ramp to get speed and just hold the right d-pad button and R2 while you press square, square, square, circle, circle. While going off the takeoff ramp, stay to the left of the ramp because if you go too far to the right the mast will prevent you from spining. Do a kickflip + tailgrab over the boat for AM, a varial heelflip + melon for PRO, and triple heelflip + stiffy for SICK. Race- Races are just a huge waste of time. If you screw up at all restart because there's no room for error in this one. Use the planked walkways by the ships to bank drop and get speed. Cut corners where possible and the occasional grind seems to work decently. Come in third for AM, second for PRO, and first for SICK. Manual Challenge- You've definitely seen harder manual spot challenges. If you have good manual and speed stats it makes it that much easier. You shouldn't need to get extra speed to make it up the hill but if you do I don't recommend a lot because it makes that turn almost impossible. So just focus on the meter, get around the turn, and you're home free. Manual to the specified markers for AM, PRO, and SICK. Filmer Challenge- I hate filmer goals so much. You have to be in the zone to beat this one. Some tips I can give are try to memorize his path that he takes so you can do tricks while staying on track. Branch his commands into combos and you'll move through them faster. Try to guess what his next command will be and try to combo into it. For example, you get a grab trick, a manual, and a flip trick in that order three times in a row in the beginning so just grab, manual, flip, manual, grab, manual, and so on until he gives you something different. Make sure you hold manuals and grind for at least a second or they might not register. If I'm not helping keep trying and come up with your own strategy and you'll eventually get it. Land 10 tricks for AM, 20 for PRO, and 40 for SICK. Nail That Dragon!- An easy nail the trick goal. Boneless off the front of the wing and go to work. Look at my nail the trick section for more help. Nail 1 trick for AM, 2 tricks with a spin for PRO, and 3 tricks for 10,000 points for SICK. Observation Deck on Lock- Another easy nail the trick goal. Go up the stairs, boneless off the ramp, and do your thing. Look at my nail the trick explanation for more help. Nail 1 trick with 1 spin for AM, 2 tricks with 2 spins for PRO, and 3 tricks for 15,000 points for SICK. Nail The Trick Off The Kicker- The harder nail the trick goal in this level. But if you boneless off the enormous kicker you'll be good. As always, refer to my nail the trick section for more help. Nail 2 tricks with 2 spins for AM, 3 tricks with 3 spins for PRO, and 4 tricks for 20,000 points for SICK. Fun Park Line Session- I apologize ahead of time for not being able to explain this skate the line goal well. It's all pretty self-explanatory until you get to the ship. If you're having problems jumping on to the first mast, just make sure you don't boned ollie while getting there. Once you jump off the ledge to the right onto the mast, you have to jump off the first mast at the highest point, and boned ollie onto the second one. With exactly correct timing, you'll get the pop that is necessary to go from mast to mast. That's the clean way to do it but it only works sometimes. If it doesn't work just be creative. Before I did it the clean way, I grinded the first mast, got off my board, climbed up the second mast, and got back on my board and grinded the rest of it. Just do what you can to get on that second mast. Combo 4 objects for AM, 6 for PRO, and all 8 for SICK. And-a-1 And-a-2- Wow probably the easiest skate the line goal in the game. Just get up on the first one, press up and X to ollie up to the other one, and do it again for the third one. Natas the first pole for AM, the second for PRO, and the third for SICK. Classic Goals- Start with the extremely easy secret disc that is right in front of you at the start. Just jump off the sloped end of the flagpole stand, boned ollie, and you got it. From there, you can make your way to the skull and do your varial kickflip over the mouth (down/left diagonal direction button, square). It's a real easy gap just use the other quarterpipes for speed if you need to. For the airwalk, just spine the green wall for speed and take off with a boned ollie, throw in your quick airwalk (up/left diagonal directional button, circle), and bank drop once you're over the other side. For COMBO, get C while grinding towards O. To get on the rail O is on smoothly, don't boned ollie, just ollie and press the left d-pad button or do a kickflip. At the end of this rail, hop off into a manual to M. Grind around the bend and jump off onto the dragon's spine where B is. Continue to grind up the dragon for O. For SKATE, grab the A when you start because it's right there. After that, go forward a little bit and the K is at the top of a quarterpipe on the left. Gap that plank walkway for S. The T is sitting on a ledge at about where the C in COMBO was. Continue in that direction and the E is to the right behind the stand of trees. The SICK score is kind of intimidating isn't it? Don't be scared Fun Park is nice. Combo the whole level because it's full of awesome spines that you can combo easily. Hit up a manual or a stall combo to finish up a big, dying combo. If you feel like you're going to crash at the end of a big combo, just jump off your board and let the combo run out expire. This way you don't have to worry about landing anything to finish out the combo. Alright here we go with the balloons. Start with the one at the green wall. Since the wall curves, jump off at a point where the wall is straight at the balloon and boned ollie if you have to to get the stall. Also, be patient and ride all the balloons all the way to the ground or it won't work. After that, go on the other side of the green wall. The balloon over here is tricky. Obviously, you grind the blue hooked rail at the end of the long hill. You jump off at the end of the hook and stall the balloon. It's all timing and almost luck but it might become easier over time. You don't necessarily need a lot of speed by the way. From here, go back towards the first balloon but go up the walkway with the blue rails. At the top, boned ollie from about the middle of the walkway to get the third balloon or you can just ollie but right before the kicker. Whichever way you want to do it, just don't use the kicker on the end of the walkway. After that, go over to the castle-looking stone wall and get up on the stone ledge above the huge purple and green ramps. Grind it almost all the way to the end but don't use the sloped end of it. Just boned ollie before you hit the slightly sloped end and stall the fourth balloon. Also, it's easier if you grind the left side of the stone. After that, turn around and grind up the dragon's back. Depending on how much speed you have, you'll have to boned ollie off its back at a different point. Just make sure you boned ollie at a point that is still ascending so you get some pop. In other words, don't wait to get on the flat part of his head to jump. Ride it to the ground and you're done. You'll probably need an entire run to do the balloons with no time to spare. By the way, if you only get a couple balloons in one run and don't get all of them, those balloons will stay on the ground. So what you have to do to get them back up in the air and start over again is retry the goal, and then automatically press start and quit the goal. Once you see the failed sign and here the sound that always comes up when you fail a goal, the balloons should return to their original heights. Get 4 goals for AM, 7 for PRO, and 10 for SICK. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Conclusion ++++++++++++++++++++++++ This is the end of the guide. This may only be posted exclusively on I give credit to Figlet for the ASCII art, the instructional booklet in the game for the general description of the types of goals and a few extra things, and GameFAQs for posting my guide. If you have anything to add like a suggestion on an easier way to complete a goal, email me and if I agree with you I'll add your tips to the FAQ and I'll give you credit down here. If you email me with a cheat or code, I'll add a cheats and codes section and I'll post your cheat or code in there along with giving you credit down here. Also email me if you have any questions or comments about something on the FAQ as long as it's not just nasty screaming because I don't want to hear it. But I'm open to suggestions because this is my first FAQ so I'll most likely have flaws. You can find my email in the general info section at the top. Thanks