| ______ __ __ __ _ /_ __/___ ____ __ __ / / / /___ __ __/ /_( )_____ / / / __ \/ __ \/ / / / / /_/ / __ `/ | /| / / //_/// ___/ / / / /_/ / / / / /_/ / / __ / /_/ /| |/ |/ / ,< (__ ) /_/ \____/_/ /_/\__, / /_/ /_/\__,_/ |__/|__/_/|_| /____/ /____/ ____ _ __ ____ / __ \_________ (_)__ _____/ /_ ( __ ) / /_/ / ___/ __ \ / / _ \/ ___/ __/ / __ | / ____/ / / /_/ / / / __/ /__/ /_ / /_/ / /_/ /_/ \____/_/ /\___/\___/\__/ \____/ /___/ <------------------------------------------------------------> | Tony Hawk's Project 8 | | FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.00 | | Date Released: 11/07/06 -()- Developer: Neversoft | | System: Xbox 360 -()- Sports>Alternative>Skating | <------------------------------------------------------------> Copyright 2007 Ben Parisi -~Obviously, there will be spoilers. Read at your own risk.~- =============================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================== You can easily navigate to a certain part by Copy+Pasting the Find Code into your Find/Search bar. You can also probably find a certain goal or gap by searching its name. (x.) Guide Part.......................................Find Code I. Version History.......................................[VRHS] II. Introduction.........................................[INTR] III. Controls............................................[CTRL] 1. Basics......................................[BASC] 2. Default Tricks..............................[DFTR] 3. Nail the Trick/Focus........................[NTTF] 4. Off the Board...............................[OFBD] IV. Full Trick List......................................[FTLS] 1. Trick List..................................[TRLS] 2. Recommended Substitutions...................[RCSB] 3. High-scoring Tricks.........................[HSTR] V. Goals.................................................[GOAL] 1. Suburbia....................................[SBRA] 2. Skate Park..................................[SKPR] 3. Main Street.................................[MNST] 4. Capitol.....................................[CAPT] 5. City Park...................................[CTPR] 6. Hill Top....................................[HLTP] 7. School......................................[SCHL] 8. Slums.......................................[SLMS] 9. Factory.....................................[FTRY] 10. Fun Park...................................[FNPR] VI. Frequentely Asked Questions..........................[FAQS] VII. We’re Finished!.....................................[WFIN] 1. Copyright, Etc..............................[CPRT] 2. Credits.....................................[CRDT] 3. Contact Me..................................[CNTM] =============================================================== I. Version History [VRHS] =============================================================== 1.00 '02/18/07' - Submitted the guide for the FAQ bounty. (Included Version #, Intro, Controls section, Trick List, Goals, and Legal) 1.01 '03/20/07' - Added FAQ section with a few questions 1.02 '06/16/07' - Fixed CONSTRUCTION DROP goal, broke THP8 disc >_< 1.03 '09/05/07' - I am lazy and have not significantly updated the guide in a long time. Nevertheless, I fixed a typo, added the pointer to the FAQ section in the Slums, and got a new THP8 disc. =============================================================== II. Introduction [INTR] =============================================================== Tony Hawk has been around for an awful long time. It began when the N64 was in it's heyday, and continues to dominate the skating genre as the only game in it. Whether you choose to interpret that as a cause or an effect is up to you. In my opinion, it's changed as the games have gone by. THPS and it's N64 sequels were all effect, but THUG, THUG2, THDJ, THAS, and THAW were all causes. On the contrary, THP8 is most definately on the effect side. THP8 is the revival of the Tony Hawk series. The Career mode has been revamped to effectively incorporate the Classic goals, the Overworld goals, and sandbox feel and translates into great gameplay. The controls are tight as ever, the graphics better than ever, and customization well executed. Overall the game looks, feels, and plays extremely (and addictively) well. With EA's Skate soon to arrive on the scene and bringing a completely different style of skating, the Tony Hawk series will get it's first competitor. But with THP8 at the forefront of the series now, it's unlikely the Birdman will be dethroned. =============================================================== III. Controls [CTRL] =============================================================== -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 1. Basics [BASC] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- Ollie Tricks ------------ Crouching - Hold A Ollie - Release A No Comply - Up-Release A Boneless - (quickly) Up-Up-Release A Spin - Right button or Left button Basic Tricks ------------ Grab Tricks - B button + Direction {Double Tap} Flip Tricks - X button + Direction {Double Tap} Grind Tricks - Y button + Direction [Balance Meter] {Double Tap} |Branch| Lip Tricks - Y Button + Direction (straight up a ramp) [Balance Meter] |Branch| Manuals - Up-Down, Down-Up on Left Thumbstick Stick [Balance Meter] Flatland Tricks - From manual, XX, BB, YY, or any combination of two of them Stall Tricks - Hold Right Trigger-Y button + Direction |Branch| Flips - Left Trigger + Down/Up Click Tricks ------------ Nail the Trick - Click down both thumbsticks Focus Mode - Click and hold (for a bit) the left thumbstick Stances ------- Switch - Right Trigger on flat ground (no trick in progress) Nollie/Fakie - When in normal/switch, respectively, hold Left Trigger Wall Tricks ----------- Wallride - Y button next to a wall Wallie - "Wall ollie" Ollie off a wall by pressing A while wallriding Wallplant - Ollie, then A button right before contact with wall (straight into) Wallpush - Hold Y button when going straight into a wall Combo-Linking Tricks -------------------- Reverts - Right Trigger as you land from the air Pivots - Right Trigger on flat ground (switches stance) Acid Drops/Bank Drops - Right Trigger in air over ramp/bank Miscellaneous Tricks -------------------- Natas Spin - Y button on a post/mailbox/etc |Branch| Skitching - Up on D-Pad behind a vehicle Quick Turn - Double Tap Right button * [Balance Meter] - means there is a balance meter associated with the trick. Use Up/Down or Left/Right to control the meter. Try to keep the arrow in the center. If the meter is Green, you'll land the trick if the arrow goes off the edge; Red, you'll bail. {Double Tap} - means you can Double Tap to perform more advanced variations on the single-tap trick. (ie. B-Left for Melon, BB-Left for Method) |Branch| - means you can branch to different tricks of that type without ollieing by hitting XX, BB, YY, or any combination of two of those. Terminology Button Abbreviations: Left Button-LB; Right Button-RB; Right Trigger-RT; Left Trigger-LT; A button-A; B button-B; Y button-Y; X Button-X; Click Right Stick-CRT; Click Left Stick-CLT; Click Both Sticks-CBT Directions: | U - Up | D - Down | L - Left | R - Right | | UL - Up+Left | UR - Up+Right | DL - Down Left | DR - Down+Right | Combos: "B-X" will mean the B button and then the X button "BX" will mean the B button then the X button in quick succession "B+X" will mean the B button and X button at the same time "B/X" will mean B or X -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 2. Default Tricks [DFTR] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- Since you can ReMap your tricks in certain modes, I will only be listing the specific button and direction combinations for the default trick set. (No specials) Ollie Tricks ------------- Ollie - A No Comply - UA Boneless - UUA Nollie - LT+A Fakie Ollie - (Switch Stance) LT+A Flip Tricks ------------ Kickflip - L+X Heelflip - R+X Pop Shove-It - D+X Impossible - U+X Hardflip - UL+X Inward Heelflip - UR+X Varial Kickflip - DL+X Varial Heelflip - DR+X Double Kickflip - L*XX Triple Kickflip - L+XX Double Heelflip - R+XX Triple Heelflip - R+XXX 360 Shove-It - D+XX 540 Shove-It - D+XXX Double Impossible - U+XX Triple Impossible - U+XXX 360 Hardflip - UL+XX 360 Inward Heelflip - UR+XX 360 Flip - DL+XX 360 Heelflip - DR+XX Front-Foot Impossible - UU+X FS Shove-It - DD+X Double Front-Foot Impossible - UU+XX 360 FS Shove-It - DD+XX Grab Tricks ------------- Melon - L+B Indy - R+B Nosegrab - U+B Tailgrab - D+B Airwalk - UL+B Mute - UR+B Stalefish - DL+B Benihana - DR+B Method - L+BB Stiffy - R+BB Rocket Air - U+BB One-Foot Tailgrab - D+BB Christ Air - UL+BB Seatbelt Air - UR+BB Stalefish Tweak - DL+BB Sacktap - DR+BB Grind Tricks -------------- 50-50 - Y Tailslide - L+Y*~ Noseslide - R+Y*~ Boardslide - L+Y*~ Lipslide - R+Y*~ Nosegrind - U+Y 5-0 - D+Y Overcrook - UL+Y* Crooked - UR+Y* Feeble - DL+Y* Smith - DR+Y* Noseblunt Slide - UU+Y Blunt Slide - DD+Y *When in Fakie, controls are switched to opposite (ie, UR+Y is switched to Overcrook in Fakie and UL+Y becomes Crooked. The pairs are Crooked/Overcrook, Feeble/Smith, Tailslide/Noseslide and Boardslide/Lipslide) ~When perpendicular to a rail instead of parallel, Tailslide and Noseslide are switched with Boardslide and Lipslide, respectively, and vice versa. Because of the many variables when it comes to what grind you do, I'll simply be listing which grind turns in to which when double-tapped, with no button combinations. 50-50 - 50-50 Tailslide - Crail Slide Noseslide - Noseslide Tailgrab Boardslide - Crail Slide Lipslide - Noseslide Tailgrab Nosegrind - Hang Ten Nosegrind 5-0 - 5-0 Hand Drag Overcrook - One-Foot Crook Crooked - 5-0 Overturn Feeble - Hurricane Smith - Salad Noseblunt Slide -Noseblunt Slide Blunt Slide - Blunt Slide Stall - RT+Grind (the type of stall you do is the same controls as grinding) Invert Tricks (Lip Tricks) -------------------------- SadPlant - L+Y Tailbone - R+Y Invert - U+Y Andrecht - D+Y One-Foot Invert - UL/DL+Y Gymnast - UR/DR+Y Flatland Tricks --------------- (All flatland tricks must be done out of a manual or nosemanuel) From Manual 360 Fingerflip - XX Pogo - YY Crossfoot Pogo - BB Casper - XY Anti-Casper - XB Truckstand - YX Switch Foot Pogo - YB Rail - BX One-Foot Manual - BY Spacewalk - LR+X From Nosemanual Half-Cab Impossible - XX Pogo - YY Crossfoot Pogo - BB Casper - XY Anti-Casper - XB Truckstand - YX Switch Foot Pogo - YB Rail - BX One-Foot Nosemanual - BY Spacewalk - LR+X Miscellaneous Tricks -------------------- Air to Fakie - Off a ramp, land without turning/turning an even number of times Caveman - Off your board, Jump (A) then get on your board (LB+RB) Spine Transfer - Transfer over a spine Half-Cab - Go into Fakie (LT while in Switch) then ollie and spin. Nollie - Ollie while in Nollie Get off a rail without Ollieing (no points) - RT Branching --------- Branching in when you press a combination of two of either X, B, or Y to "branch" to a different trick without ollieing. You can branch during a grind, invert, stall, or natas spin. Here are the branch controls for each: [To get to] Name - [Press] Buttons Grinds ------ Tailslide - XY Noseslide - YX Nosegrind - XX 5-0 - BB Overcrook - BX Crooked - XB Feeble - BY Smith - YB Inverts ------- SadPlant - XX Tailbone - BB One-Foot Invert - BX Gymnast - XB From any of these, you can get back to Invert by pressing their buttons again. Stalls ------ 50-50 - YY Tail Stall - XY Nose Stall - YX Nosegrind Stall - BB 5-0 Stall - XX Overcrook Stall - BX Crooked Stall - XB Feeble Stall - BY Smith Stall - YB Natas Spins ----------- One Foot Spin - XX L Spin - YY Handstand Spin - BB From any of these, you can get back to Natas by pressing their buttons again. -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 3. Nail the Trick/Focus [NTTF] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- Nail the Trick and Focus are both new and extremely well executed additions to The Tony Hawk franchise. To enter Nail the Trick, click down both Thumbsticks. The camera will zoom in on your feet and the board and motion will slow down. Now the left thumbstick controls your left foot and the right stick the right foot. You can perform flip tricks by moving your feet in various directions, but keep them out of the way of the board as it spins. You can only link tricks together when the board is in the right position - either grip-tape straight up or trucks straight up. To land, simply let go of both sticks when the grip-tape is facing up so that they (and your feet) return to the center. The camera will zoom out and motion will resume its pace. There are many uses for Nail the Trick. You can incorporate it into small things like jumps between grinding or go huge with big air. Also, while you're in Nail the Trick mode you'll go slightly higher and farther that if it were a normal jump, so it's useful for certain goals and for getting to places you couldn't otherwise reach. You can even spin yourself while in NtT using RB and LB. Nail the Trick gets you tons of points. Pretty much all of the multipliers are .5: Variety Bonus (ie. From Pop-Shove It to Kickflip) gets you .5, Trucks-Up Bonus (Flipping the board from the Trucks side) gets you .5, spinning 180 gets you .5 each time, and Perfect Flip (moving the Thumbstick exactly up, down, left and right) gets you .5. The points you get, though, is clearly the best part. A NtT Kickflip can net you on average 1000 points, a normal one 100. An NtT Pop-Shove It usually gets you 600 points, and a 360 1000. That's 6X and 2X, respectively, and an NtT Hardflip gets you 2X the norm also. Not only that, but NtT's multiplier multiplies only it's points, and then adds the total to your overall score. This ups the base points by a considerable amount. (For Example, say you have 25000 points and a 5.0 multiplier beforehand and go into NtT. You get a multiplier of 3.0 and a base of 12000, it will do 3x12000 first for 36000 and then add that to your previous total of 25000 for a complete score of 61000, and you'll still have your 5.0 multiplier. That's 305000 now as compared to 125000 before, just from that one Nail the Trick.) Focus Mode is a new mode that helps manage the balance meters and give you more time to think about what to do. To initiate Focus Mode, fill your special meter and then click down only the left thumbstick (you may have to hold it for a bit). The camera will zoom in on your bottom half and time will slow, making the balance meter slow down as well. The only restriction of Focus Mode is that it tightens your view, so don't use it if you have to find a certain place that you don't know of yet (Like Get Theres that you haven't yet tried). Focus Mode usually stays for the entire combo, but once you bail or finish the combo it ends. Also, if you have it on for long enough, you'll reach the max time allowed and zoom back out. Much of the time this makes you fall because of the sudden change in speed of the balance meter (think of an FPS, where you're holding your breath wile sniping and it's still, but when you have to breath it is even more erratic than before). The timer used to represent this amount of time is your special meter, which you can partially refill while in focus mode by landing different tricks (but staying in combo), although it will eventually run out no matter how many tricks you do. All in all Focus Mode is very useful for things such as Manual and Grind Spot Challenges and to extend combos, but if you keep it on for too long it's pretty much a sure bail, so try to use it only after you're at the edge of your balance. -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 4. Off the Board [OFBD] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- Getting off your board can be useful in many ways. You can reach areas that would be hard/annoying to reach on your board, climb ladders, and set yourself up in the right position for your needs. The best way to use Off the Boad, however, is to keep your combos going. You can get off your board at any time by pressing LB+RB, even in the middle of combos or tricks. If you find yourself slowing down in the middle of a combo or heading towards a dead- end, get off your board and get to a place where you can continue your combo. This is called Combo Run-Out, and counts as part of the combo. You get a small timer that measures how much longer you have until the walking interrupts the combo. Try jumping before you get back on to snag a few points with a Caveman! Off-Board Tricks ---------------- Off-Board Mode - Right Button-Left Button simultaneously Jump - A button Wall Hang - Right Button near ledge/edge of wall Wall Run - Right button near wall Caveman - Off your board, Jump (A) then get on your board (LB+RB) Combo Run-Out - (timed) Get off your board in the middle of a combo You can automatically bail yourself by pressing LB+RB+RT+LT. There's not really any point to it but it's kind of fun >_> Be sure to mash X when you fall during a run or competition and the like to get up extra-quick and reset yourself near where you need to be. Bail Tricks ----------- Auto-Bail - Right Button-Left Button-Right Trigger-Left Trigger Bounce - Y button Get Up - A button Quick Up - X button Direction Bail - RT/LT =============================================================== IV. Full Trick List [FTLS] =============================================================== -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 1. Trick List [TRLS] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- Here's a list of every trick in the game that will score you points: [Name of Trick/Double-Tapped Version (Triple Tap)] Grab Nosegrab/Rocket Air Tailgrab/One Foot Tailgrab Melon/Method Indy/Stiffy Mute/Seatbelt Air Stalefish/Stalefish Tweak Benihana/Sacktap Airwalk/Christ Air FS Shifty Madonna/Judo Crossbone/CrookedCop IndyNosebone/DelMar Indy SaranWrap/Between the Legs Flip Kickflip/Double Kickflip (Triple Kickflip) Heelflip/Double Heelflip (Triple Heelflip) Pop Shove-It/360 Shove-It (540 Shove-It) Impossible/Double Impossible (Triple Impossible) Varial Kickflip/360 Flip Varial Heelflip/360 Heelflip Hardflip/360 Hardflip Inward Heelflip/360 Inward Heelflip FS Shove-It/360 FS Shove-It (540 FS Shove-It) Front Foot Impossible/Double Front Foot Impossible Varial/360 Varial Sal Flip/540 Sal Flip Fingerflip/Double Fingerflip Ollie North Grind 50-50 Boardslide Lipslide Tailslide/Crail Slide Noseslide/Noseslide Tailgrab 5-0/5-0 Hand Drag Nosegrind/Hang Ten Nosegrind Crooked/5-0 Overturn Overcrook/One Foot Crooked Smith/Salad Feeble/Hurricane Blunt Slide Nose Blunt Slide Flatland Manual Nosemanual 360 Fingerflip Half-Cab Impossible Casper Anti Casper Truckstand Pogo Crossfoot Pogo Switch Foot Pogo Rail One Foot Manual one Foot Nosemanual Spacewalk Invert Invert Andrecht Gymnast One Foot Invert SadPlant Tailbone Stall 50-50 Stall Board Stall Tail Stall Nose Stall 5-0 Stall Nosegrind Stall Crooked Stall Overcrook Stall Smith Stall Feeble Stall Blunt Slide Stall Nose Blunt Slide Stall Natas Spin Handstand Spin L Spin One Foor Spin Special The 900 Fastest Flick Backfoot Inward Heelflip Bodyflip Kickflip Rocket Backflip The Haymaker Varial Mctwist Fingerflip Airwalk Guitar Hero Roast Beef Metal Horns Flamingo Christian Air Tailblock Slide One Foot Smith Crossfoot Boardslide Darkslide Chocolate Jammy Nosegrind 360 Flip 5-0 Boardslide Body Varial Coffin Grind Tailslide Backflip Dogwalk Russian Boneless One Foot Nosegrab Manual Eggplant Kickflip to Andrecht Losi Miller Flip Frontside Invert Miscellaneous Spins (180, 360, 540, etc.) No Comply Boneless Nollie Fakie Ollie Half Cab Caveman Combo Run-Out Revert Pivot Wallride Wallpush Wallplant Wallie Air to Fakie Spine Transfer Bank Drop Acid Drop -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 2. Recommended Substitutions [RCSB] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- Although you cannot substitute tricks in Career mode (grr...), you should take advantage of it everywhere else. This includes the Two Player, Xbox Live, and Free Skate modes. Here are some substitutions I recommend you make: Grabs INDY NOSEBONE for INDY These two are primarily the same, but in general Indy nosebone gets you more points and looks cooler while it's at it. CROSSBONE for BENIHANA Benihana and it's partner Sacktap are both unimpressive tricks that are annoying to land. Crossbone, on the other hand, is very nice and easy to land. Clear choice here. As for the rest: SARANWRAP is an iffy one: it's decently easy to land, but I like all the other default tricks more. MADONNA, although old-school, is hard to land becuase of it's weird angle. SHIFTY is quick and easy but has no double tap. Flips NONE for NONE! I find that all of the defult flip tricks are the best you can have. As for the rest: VARIAL and SALFLIP cannot land on flat ground, which means they cannot be used while grinding, which means they're useless except in Vert, on which you should be using grabs anyway. OLLIE NORTH has no double tap and is generally weird. FINGERFLIP can land on flat ground, but cannot double-tap on flat ground. The only default that can't is Impossible, but Impossible also has a triple tap, which Fingerflip does not. FRONT FOOT IMPOSSIBLE could be sub'd in for IMPOSSIBLE if you want, but IMO it takes slightly longer, and also does not have a triple tap. FS SHOVE-IT is a toss up. It scores the same as POP SHOVE-IT and is basically the same thing. Do whatever you like. Remember that FS SHOVE-IT and FRONT FOOT IMPOSSIBLE are both doable anyway, but kind of irritating to perform with double-tapping a direction (DD+X and UU+X, respectively). They are available, though. Specials THE 900 is obviously the best special, but is unlocked late. It racks up tons of points. Use constantly when you get it. Must-have FINGERFLIP AIRWALK is very useful, as you can spam it in a bunch of places, even relatively small kicker jumps. Plus it looks cool VARIAL MCTWIST is a wonderful trick, but takes a bit long. I recommend it, but be sure you have enough air and/or use it during a transfer FASTEST FLICK is another spammer, but has nothing else special about it. Same with BACKFOOT INWARD HEELFLIP THE HAYMAKER is on the fence: fast but useless or fast but good. Your choice BODYFLIP KICKFLIP and ROCKET BACKFLIP are very similar, but FINGERFLIP AIRWALK get the same points, so go with that. FLAMINGO and ROASTBEEF are nice, and you can hold them for some extra points. GUITAR HERO seems to be a favorite but in my opinion takes too long to start; you can get more points by holding a FLAMINGO with the same amount of air Really you should only have one or two grab specials, so avoid METAL HORNS and CHRISTIAN AIR: go with FLAMINGO, ROAST BEEF, or GUITAR HERO DOGWALK and ONE FOOT NOSEGRAB MANUAL are the only worthwhile manuals. Choose one of them, and just use it and Casper for extra manual points As I said, RUSSIAN BONELESS is useless: it takes too long and is awkward Don't waste any slots on INVERT SPECIALS unless you use a lot. A LOT a lot This includes EGGPLANT, MILLER FLIP, LOSI, KICKFLIP TO ANDRECHT and FRONTSIDE Because of the nature of grinds, it really doesn't matter which one you pick but more how long you grind with it, so pick ones that amuse you. My special grinds are usually NOSEGRIND 360 FLIP 5-0, CROSSFOOT BOARDSLIDE, ONE FOOT SMITH, and DARKSLIDE, although CHOCOLATE JAMMY and TAILBLOCK SLIDE are nice also. Other than that there's BOARDSLIDE BODY VARIAL, COFFIN GRIND, and TAILSLIDE BACKFLIP. My Full Special List at Rank 3: The 900 Varial McTwist Fingerflip Airwalk The Haymaker Backfoot Inward Heelflip Flamingo Roast Beef Dog Walk One Foot Smith Crossfoot Boardslide Nosegrind 360 Flip 5-0 Darkslide -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 3. Highest-Scoring Tricks [HSTR] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- These are what I have found to be the best 3 tricks in each major catagory (Air, Grab, Grind, and Special Air, Special Grab, and Specia Grind). These rankings do not account only for points, but also incorporate how easy the trick is to land, how much air you need to perform it, how much time it takes to finish, if you can hold it, etc. Air --- 1) 360 Flip 2) Double/Triple Kickflip/Heelflip 3) 360/540 [FS] Shove-It Grab ---- 1) One Foot Tailgrab 2) Mute 3) Stalefish Tweak Grind ----- 1) 5-0 Overturn 2) Hurricane 3) Salad Special Air ----------- 1) The 900 2) Varial McTwist 3) Fingerflip Airwalk Special Grab ------------ 1) Flamingo 2) Roast Beef 3) Guitar Hero Special Grind ------------- 1) Darkslide 2) One Foot Smith 3) Nosegrind 360 Flip 5-0 =============================================================== V. Goals [GOAL] =============================================================== A list of every goal in the game, where it is, and a [very] basic strategy. Format GOAL NAME Difficulty (* Very Easy, ** Easy, *** Medium, **** Hard, ***** Very Hard) Location (If needed, how to get there) ======== Strategy -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 1. Suburbia [SBRA] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- PROPERTY VALUES **** Right Outside the house with the "Pro" mailbox ======== Start with the bushes, then get the nearby pumpkin and combo it up for COMBO and all the scores in the halfpipe in your back yard. Once you're done, grab the next pumpkin and the S and move on to the Riches yard. Grab the K and A there and then the T and E in the next yard, along with the third pumpkin near the picket fence. Next, wall plant the snowman and grab the fourth pumpkin on the Owned planter. Finally, get off your board and smash the last pumpkin on your awning, then grind the cables to the next roof and get the secret disc. COLONEL'S GRIND * On the curb across from "Shag Dad's Balls" house ======== Simple. Just grind around the sidewalk, doing heelflips over the driveways to take you back to the curb on the other side. PLYWOOD HIGH * In your backyard ======== Again, simple. You can get pro just by ollieing, and to get Sick just enter Nail the Trick a few seconds before you reach your apex. MAILBOX SPIN * The mailbox of the Shag Dad's Balls house ======== Natas spin each mailbox. Do a flip trick out that has the same thumbstick direction as the way you want to go (Forward = Impossible, etc.) And manual to get to the next mailbox (Sick is your house) NAIL THE ROTATION ** Your backyard ======== A little harder. Boneless of the top ofthe ramp and get a nice kickflip going and you'll be fine. Don't switch the trick - just use RB to spin to get the required score. PICKET FENCE PHOTO *** Near the pickt fence of the house with the pond. ======== Decently hard. Turn around and go off the vert behind you for some speed, then do a quick double kickflip + melon while you spin (you can grind a bit on the way back/boneless if you have trouble doing a 540 in time). Keep trying until you get a clean. POOL TO POOL PHOTO ** The Riches house ======== Vert in the top pool until you have enough air (there's a secret spot up there somewhere). When you do transfer, use the RB/LB to spin fast enough. You should be fine. DEMO IN THE POOL *** The Riches house ======== Easier once you get The 900. Trick in front of each one individually, then when there's not too much time left do one combo, transfering throughout the pools so it will count for all of them. LOCAL TURF WAR **** The planter in front of "Shag Dad's Balls" house ======== This is pretty hard to get sick on becuase there's not really anywhere to get that many points. Switch up your grinds a lot and if you can try to find somewhere you can deviate to for a vert trick or two and stil get back to the line in time. SHAG DAD's BALLS * The Backyard of the house next yours. ======== Easy, just do the tricks it wants you to over the marked spines. WALLPLANT THE GATE * Skate Park Entrance ======== Wallplant the Gate OUT OF SUBURBIA * The culdesac (the beaver) ======== Skitch the car, then ollie off the ramp and wallplant the gate. -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 2. Skatepark [SKPR] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- FIRST TIME ON FILM *** The big vert area ======== Ah, the filmer. It's a fun challenge, but it can be EXTREMELY iritating sometimes. Anyway, the only advice I can give you is don't do tricks uphill. Also, if you do the tricks in a combo and then fall at the end, none of them count, so land your combos often. SKATE PARK CLIP ** Up by the picnic-awning area place ======== Yes, this one is easier. Land your combos quickly like any other filmer goal. Anything with a Revert at the end must be done off a vert ramp. BUCK BUCKSTERS **** Near the entrance to the school ======== I start with the COMBO and all the scores with a twist: when you get to the first O, ollie up from there to the wire that the secret disc is on. Jump off so you land on a ramp, automatically reversing direction toward the M. Continue after that to grab the A, T and E of skate as well as knock over the porta potty near E. Now go and get the porta potty that the first O in Combo was by and proceed up to the next one near where combo started. Next, wreck the last porta potty next to the Snak and Skate. Now go get the S and the T and crack open the bowl. Finally, lip trick the bowl. SOUTH WALLPLANT *** The back of the skatepark near the full-pipe ======== Start by transfering into the small bowl. Continue to transfer until you get to the full pipe. Go up to almost the top and then jump and bank drop down the side. Swerve right, straighten out then boneless off the top of the marker and you should reach sick. RENTAL'S GRIND ** Up by the Snak and Skate; the back wall ======== Grind the ledge all the way around until you reach Am. Near the end, kickflip left and grind the rim of the ramps. Go around to the pro marker, then ollie up to the outside ledge (you should get the ledge to ledge gap). Jump over the Flying Skateboards area to the next ledge, then continue up and jump to the flat-ground rail for Sick. WAVYPATH MANUAL *** The top of the wavy path ======== Be sure you have special. Manual down the path and turn left at the Am marker. Get to the outside of the upramp for pro, then jump up the rest of the hill and zoom. Manual when you land and turn the next corner for sick. CRAG MANUAL * At the top of the path above the park, near the fun park. ======== You can probably zom for the entire length of this, but you don't have to. Get special if you want, then start the manual. Turn around the ourside for Am. Continue down and turn left for pro. If you have to, jump for speed, and continue in a straight line from pro for sick. NAIL WITH VARIETY * At the beginning of the wall near the wavy rail ======== Jump to the right side so you get more airtime. Do a kickflip, heelflip, and pop shove it, then any three other combinations of the two sticks. Perfect flips help a lot, but its not too hard anyway. TRANSFER PHOTO * The intersection of the rail of the main park and the one from ther full pipe ======== This is simple, just transfer for speed and pull an easy 720 indy. RYAN SHECKLER'S PRO CHALLENGE *** The top by the Snak & Skate near Buck Bucksters ======== First do the simple 540 varial heelflip. For the next one, grind the rail then acid drop and method into your pipe. Wait till the end of the rail for an optimal angle. The next one is the hardest. Jump and grind. DON'T JUMP OFF THE RAIL. You also don't have to manual between rail and ramp. Boneless off the ramp and do any grab. Land in a grind and 180 kickflip out. Finally, pump for speed on the ramps behind you then boneless of the ramp. You don't even have to do the gap just manual out all the way across mainstreet to the ramp and 540 indy. Try to fix your angle for the clean. RODNEY MULLEN'S PRO CHALLENGE * Near the passage to the part with the fullpipe ======== Just do everything he says. PLANED TURF WAR **** The ramp inside the awning area ======== Again the only hard part is to find an area to increase your score. The line itself is not so hard. I recommend jumping off and verting a bit from the first break in rails, then again in the hexagonal bowl. NEW GROUND TURF WAR **** The small ledge next to the wavy path. ======== This one is slightly easier because its pretty easy to vert for a while and get back. Grind all the wall to the smal bowl then jump off and vert. Vert some more after you get the first flar ground area, and again after you get the area before the full pipe. If you can, get everything except the target then jump to the side and vert one last time before you hit the target. -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 3. Main Street [MNST] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- MAIN STREET MOVIE ** Near the cheese shop ======== Easy tricks and a nice line make for a pretty easy sick. Don't let the many simple things fool you into comboing for too long, though, especially before 180 grab trick+grind. REAL ESTATE RAGE *** The right sideof main street near the movies ======== Start by stalling the first sign and jumping off. Keep your combo as you grind up the rail to the S, and then jump to the rail in the mini-shorcut thing. End the combo then grind the next sign and proceed to the K and A and third sign. Head to the last sign next to the skate shop then turn around and get the T. From here go indy the clock tower (be sure to transfer onto the ramps below or you might not get it). Get onto the roof and transfer to the pizza. Proceed to the secret disc but when you fly out get off the board so you land on the roof next to the cup. Jump, grab the E and get back on you board in mid-air so you land grinding the banner. Don't touch the control stick and go back and forth to walplant the billboard twice. Finally, go down and combo the rest of the points while you get COMBO. AVENUE BOWLING *** At the top of the downhill. ======== Immensely annoying. Aim for the same place you would in real bowling, and bounce your skater until he hits the back wall and breaks some bones. You'll get it eventually, I promise. TIGHT SPOT MANUAL * In the shortcut/secret path next to cheese shop ======== Just manual down the ramp and to the end of the zig zag path. BUCKSTER'S GRIND *** Next to Buckster's Coffee Shop ======== This one is a tad tough. Zoom at pro, then jump from the kicker to the outside of the roof. Jump left to the street light, then down to the zig zag path ledge for sick. NAIL OVER THE STAIRS * At the top of the school's front steps. ======== Simple, just do the same thing you did for the one at the skate park. Boneless if needed. NAIL A NEW TRICK ** The small kicker to the right of the downhill ======== Another easy one, just boneless off the top. Do a pop shove it then reverse it, then kickflip while spinning. Easy 15000. BEAVER HIGH POTO * The bottom of the stairset to the left of the front og the school. ======== Triple heelflip 360 until you get it clean >_> THEATER ROOF PHOTO *** Near the ramp leading to the theater roof ======== Hold RB while doing a Method backflip. Pop shove-it Indy at the end. Practice the 360 method backflip in the bowl below before you transfer up. CHEESE WEDGE PHOTO *** Near (gee) the cheese wedge ======== Go off the ramp behind you for air. Boneless, then hold the right trigger and indy backflip (for those who can't do this without spinning, just press right and hold b, then return the stick quickly to the center and hold the left trigger and down while still holding b). Do a quick PSI at the end. DANCE LESSONS * The beaver on the zig zag path ======== Very easy. To get the high poster, jump up to the rail and then quickly wallride the poster. The flatpland is the same as the filmer: if you fall, nothing counts, so land your combos. SKATE SHOP OPENING * Automatic ======== Follow the arrows and combo in front of each. It's only 1000 points, do I really have to say anything? TONY'S AM CHALLENGE ** Next to the skate shop ======== The demo in the beginning is especially easy. Not only do you have the rail which lead you to the other crowds but each crowd has a half pipe you can transfer into. next, you have entirely too long to hit all the tricks jason calls out, and then you get to do inverts while tony flies over you like bob did. After that you get the crowd pumped and then do a huge nail the trick. Overall this challenge is very easy. DAEWON SONG'S PRO CHALLENGE *** The steps of the school ======== The first challenge is easy. After that, put the single rail first, then a bus, then the other bus, then the double rail. Grind, jump, manual to the rail, jump manual the bus then jump to rail & table. Next, put a bus in the lower right, and the double rail to the right of the up rail. Grind the rail, jump, skate normally on the first bus, grind the right edge of the second bus, jump to the double rail and then the up rail. PAUL RODRIGUEZ'S PRO CHALLENGE ** Near the beaver high photo ======== Do I even have to explain the first two parts of this? All the directional grinds and all the directional flip tricks. For the last part, use branching - don't jump. All you have to do is make it all the way around. PIZZA SLICE TURF WAR *** The wall near the booze shop. ======== This is actually one of the easier ones, but only if you have The 900. Grind, branching constantly until you get to the rail the goes to the roof. Instead of grind it, head to the ramp behind it. Do anything, then head back to the ramp you already grinde (straight). Do a 900 here. NOW grind the rail to renew your time, but kickflip off so you can go off the ramp again. Do another 900, then manual back and do anything. Finally, grind the rest of the way to the target. ROOFTOP TURF WAR ***** The ramp near the clocktower ======== This is quite possibly the most annoying goal ever. First you have to grind up to the bowl (that's where you trick for enough points) but DON'T TOUCH THE TARGET. Now grind, jump to the next bowl, and grind up the corkscrew. Don't olliee, just let the corkscrew fly you toward the banner. Now jump (no tricks) to the present and zoom. You'll be shot off to the second corkscrew. From here you'll fly to the teacup, which will shoot you to the target (you may have to NTT to get there). -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 4. Capitol [CAPT] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- MONUMENTAL FOOTAGE *** Near the monument ramp (by hill top) ======== This challenge is actually easier than most other film challenges because there are so many places to do tricks. Just watch 180 grab+grind CAPITOL CRISIS **** On the right side of the gobmint spine ======== Start by doing 3 melons over the guard. After the last one, do a flip while transfering into the capitol. Grnd up and get the S, then do another flip during the next transfer outside. Do the lsast flip while you get the K. Skate over and wallride up to the A. Continue to the T and E then make your way up to hill top. Grind the cable that goes over the flag and onto the capitols roof. Grind through and get the disc then bail off the roof to break ten bones (if you don't the do some quick grabs with auto bails to get the rest). Finally get your scores and COMBO. SLAM THE GATES! *** At the base of the building near hilltop. ======== Transfer down to get speed. Come at an angle if you can, or get lucky and bounce left after the first gate for the second one. Bounce back right for the third and the rest is easy. Finally, bounce until get the required damage. Annoying, but doable. WRECK YOURSELF! **** At the top of the three set in front of the capitol. ======== There really is no strategy for this. Sorry. Just hit something while going fast >_> BARBERSHOP GRIND ** Near the main street classic challenge ======== Once you start the grind, jump left to the higher curb for am, then back to the lower for pro. After you turn the corner jump up to the rail, and at the end of it vault to the banner. Grind across the skate shop and jump to the wall. The sick marker is up by suburbia. SKIRTING THE GRIND *** On the capital roof, the front side ======== Simple, just grind around the whole building. Zoom at pro. SHELTER STALL * In the "shelter" behind the capitol ======== Easy. Just stall the different rails (RT+Y). 3 FLOOR DROP * Up on the back part of the capitol roof ======== Acid drop from sick, then revert, manual, and acid drop down to the challenge marker to get it. CAPITOL GET THERE *** The back, bottom floor of the capitol ======== Easy, there's tons of places to manual and grind. The first marker is main street, the second right side of the school, an the last on the school's shack. TROLLEY CAR NAIL ** The trolley car near city park ======== Grnd down the right rail for speed. Go right off the ramp - don't jump at all. You'll get 275 feet easy, so just worry about the 15000. NAIL THE TRIPLE SET *** The top of the three set stairs in front of the capitol ======== Not too bad, you get three (admittedly short) nail the trick oppurtunities down each stair. You don't have to do a combo, so don't try to revert manual out. Just make sure you land in the right direction and get a bit inventive. NAIL A COMBO STRING ** The overlook of the trolley car street (near skate shop) ======== Pretty easy, as long as you time your flips right. Perfect flips are pretty much a must. Boneless. CAPITOL KICKER PHOTO ** The left kicker near the first stairset in the front ======== Boneless off the top. Don't use the right button, just hold right. Double tap b for stiffy then move the stick up slightly and hit x for the inward heelflip. You'll make 540 easy. OPERATION McGUFFIN * The front of the capital ======== Grind the outside rail to be launched up to the second floor. Now grind the rail that goes over the bowl to get the plans, then around the entire outside for the switches. Finally grind the power line. MIKE V'S PRO CHALLENGE ** N/A ======== Follow the arrow to reach Mike. He's up by the third stairset in front of the capitol. He tells you to get 10 stokens. After you complete this task, you'll get a kind of mini classic challenge. This is ridiculously easy, and you have plenty of time. Finally, you'll have to perform in a demo. This, too, is easy. Just stay in the providied half pipes near each crowd. TONY'S SICK CHALLENGE ***** Tony Hawk at the capitol ======== This is a huge get there. The first goal marker is the back of the school, the second the top part of the skate park, and the third in the fun park. Use all the combo and balance skills you have. Once you beat it you'll become Number One, congrats! CAPITOL BOWL BATTLE *** Inside the capitol ======== This is actually quite easy once you have the 900. Your main competition gets onlyabout 1300000 by the end, and you can get like 900000 in one round easily. Add in some flips and air tricks for multiplier and you're set. STATEHOUSE TURF WAR *** On the roof of the capitol, almost facing front ======== This one is pretty easy once you have the 900. Do a flipdown the first, then do a 900 flip down to the bottom. After that follow normal combo procedures and you'll be fine. -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 5. City Park [CTPR] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- CITY PARK FOOTAGE *** The pyramid ======== This is a little annoying because there isn't anywhere great to do the tricks. Manage as best as you can and don't try to do tricks in bad places - just hurry to the good places. CRAB POOL JUMP ** The left side of the crab pool ======== Alright I know what you're thinking. How is this "easy"? And that's because there's a secret-ish way to do it. Look in the factory for a high window on the wall that seperates it from city park. Grind the rail that leads out it and acid drop into the crab pool from there. Boneless out of the pool and go into nail the trick to reach sick. BROKEN ANKLE GRIND *** The weird grounded rail behind the owned ======== This challenge has quite a few annoying jumps. First off, don't jump out of the crabpool until you have a nice short one to the pyramid. Jump quickly to the monument pool, then get as much speed as you can. Now jump to the wood rail, and be ready. When you have the right angle, jump to the smaller statue thing for sick. AMPITHEATER GRIND ** The ampitheater ======== Grind the bottom row and jump for speed. A lot. Next time around (literally) jump up the the next layer for pro. And finally, jump up to sick. You'll need to jump for speed many times. Zooming around pro is usually good. CITY PARK GET THERE **** The construction path part near the water ======== This is kind of annoying. Get to the first marker by grinding as much as you can, because you'll manual a lot later. Once you get to the first marker, jump to the curb and grind. Jump off near the end and zoom. Grind up the ramp, jump off and turn around while manualing. Now manual/grind to the last marker in suburbia. LEFT RAIL PHOTO ** The crab pool rails ======== This is easy. Do what it says: hurricane 360 triple kickflip. Make sure you grind the whole rail or it might not count. RACE TO THE CAPITOL *** Near the water ======== Start by grinding the right rail. When you get to the bowl, grind the inside edge, DON'T GO IN IT. Now go through to the slums and grind up the pipes. Continue grinding curbs, ramps, etc. And jump off near the school. Don't grind anything, just skate to the next marker and turn left. Grind to the third marker. Turn left down to mainstreet and finish in 1st at the end of the zig zag path. CITY PARK BATTLE ***** The ampitheater ======== The only reason this is hard is that there's not a great place to trick in. Try to turn while manualing to stay in the big ramp half, or if you have to go off the tiny ramps on the otherside. Incorporate grinds to to get your multiplier up since there is ample room to do so. SHIPMENT TURF WAR **** The top of the ramp that leads to the factory ======== Start off with a nice nail the trick. Land on the second segment and pivot twice before getting on the rail. Do some special grinds and branch during this decently long rail chain, then when you're in the ampitheater jump off and do a 900 over the center path. Revert manual, and transfer+flip to the cardboard ramp on the other side. Now launch from the insciptioned-kicker to the place with the target and trick any remaining points in that bowl. -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 6. Hill Top [HLTP] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- HOMETOWN HOMAGE **** Near the top of the huge hill leading to main street. ======== Again, this is hard because there's not much to work with. You should probably be at pro by the time you depart hill top, and do at least 4 on the way down. 360 anything and 180 grab+grind are easier if you boneless downhill. For the last one, frontflip grab revert flip trick, do a normal flip revert, then as soon as you revert do a flip trick. Reverts provide you with a slight window to do something else before you have to manual. CONSTRUCTION CRASH **** The hill leading from the capitol ======== This mostly comes down to luck. Its actually not very hard to break all the gates, but the 50000 is mostly luck. If you don't have enough speed to make it to the 3rd gate without bouncing (besides to correct your position) than start over, you won't make it. LAKESIDE MANUAL ** The pathway that goes through the shelter stall ======== Pump for speed on the ramp behind you. When you have enough,start the manual. Its pretty much straight from here to pro, but zoom right before pro. Turn about 270 degrees, then turn 90 degrees and go down the ramp that leads to city park. Don't go too far though, go up the other side of the ramp for sick. CONSTRUCTION DROP ** The top of the funpark sign ======== Grind the front of the purple awning in front of the Fun Park, taking the wire up to the top of the fun park sign. As soon as you hit the sick marker jump off and acid drop to the ramp below. You'll probably have to jump a lot on the way up, but it's managable. XPRESS GRIND *** The ramp near the fun park entrance; to the right ======== Start grinding, wait about 1.5 seconds, then wallride+wallie over to the purple thing. Wait for am, then near the end jump right to the litte ledge that leads to the purple thing if you were going the other way. Jump to the bowl, grind the outside all the way around, and jump down to the rail. Near the end of this, jump to the building's ledge and then quickly to the little box with the sick marker. DOWNHILL MANUAL *** The top of the hill leading to main street ======== Make sure you have special. Manual downhill then go down the hill that leads to trolley street. Stay On the right sidewalk and zoom when you pass the stairset. Pro is next to the trolley and sick in between the teo bowls. HILL TOP GET THERE ** Guess? The top ofthe main street hill ======== Manual down the hill. Do a nice big flip transfer to the other side of the building (yeah THAT'S posbbile IRL). Grind down the orange rail, manual, then transfer up the skate shop. Jump off and grind the curb all the way to the front of the pool house, manual to the back, and whip up a pool transfer. COMBO THE NAIL * The side of the small building ======== Ridiculously easy. 50-50 (or whatever) and nail a simple 15000 NtT. CLIFFSIDE WEDGE PHOTO *** The side of hilltop, near the bowl area. ======== Bpump for speed on the ramp behind you. Once. Boneless off the kicker and quickly stalefish tweak while holding RB. Now let go of everything but RB until you spin 540. LIGHT IT UP * The reporter in the middle of the lot. ======== Easy, grind or manual or whatever to the dragon. It doesn't have to be in a combo, just make sure to nab a can of gas every two seconds or so. RACE TO THE PARKING LOT **** *sigh* the top of the main street hill ======== Start by grinding whatever you can on your way to the first marker. When youget to the bridge, ollie so that you come down right after its apex, giving you a slight speed boost for landing on a downhill. Do the same on the second bridge. For the second marker, nab and turn right, and do boneless+transfers down the bowls back to where you started. Grind the rail below the dragon and then whip around as you get to the third marker. Proceed with the winning. MYTHICAL TURF WAR *** The bowl area ======== Okay, they give you a bowl to start in. I was fine after doing a one-foot tail grab flip, a 900 flip, a 900, and a varial mctwist and then commencing starting to grind the rest. Throw in a few special grinds and zoom when you see fit and you'll be fine. HILL TOP COMPETITION *** The middle of the lot ======== Okay, not much to work with here, but The 900 conquers all. Use it plenty and invert/flatland when you slow down and that's another sick goal down the drain. -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 7. School [SCHL] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- COURTYARD FOOTAGE *** The back of the court ======== Not too hard to do, but there are 40 tricks. No challenging ones, though, so pace yourself well and you'll probably only need about 3-4 more after the time is out. DOUBLE TROUBLE **** Near the fountain and picnic tables ======== Start with combo, and the T in skate. But don't go for the scores - get as much as you can, but stop as soon as you finish COMBO. From there, turn and get the S through the wavy path. Now break the first wall and do a quick turn to go back inside the school. It'll say you're leaving the goal area, but don't worry, it'll go away. Get to the otherside and break the second wall from the inside. Now go back to the big one and break that. Go out there after quick turning around, ad snag the E. Fly of the ramp and grind the piano, then transfer to the left yellow rail, Flag Out, and break the music. Turn around and capture the goat in the court. Next, get the next goat near where the T was, and the third straight ahead from there (if you missed the S before, get it now). Head up to the 4th goat near the skate park. After that, get the K and then the last goat. Go back, get the A, then continue to transfer to the disc and finish up your scores in that bowl. BAIL FOR POINTS! *** The same place as the demo ======== alright, no speed here. Go over the non-ramp the first time and transfer but don't ollie the second. When you bail, hold down on both sticks to slow down and look down at the same time. Aim for the outside and try to land flat - if you think you'll fall off, mash A to get up quickly. SNACK SHACK MANUAL ** The top of the 16 set ======== This can be a bit confusing but still easy. Start in a straight line - go over the rounded, higher, leftmost portion of the shack. Now go off the ramp and revert manual, putting yourself in position to do the same as before but with the other side. Continue straight to the left of where you started. EASTWING GRIND ** The right side ramp, looking from mainstreet ======== Alright, this is also a bit confusing. Grind and don't jump so you stay on the bottom for am. Now jump and hold y immedietely so you grind the top. Jump for pro, then jump again and NtT. A very short one, you just need it for distance. As soon as you land in a grind wallride up to the ledge for sick. BLUE AWNING PHOTO ** Underneath the blue awning (the flaggin out gap) ======== Turn left and go a short ways so you can grind more and get more speed. When you launch, do a 540 shove it so you don't risk missing the flag. Land in a manual. SCHOOL ROOF DEMO **** Do the Epic. Gap and you'll be there ======== This is hard mostly because there's nowhere to do thing for the red crowd. I'd suggest flatlanding for them to start off, so you only have to do flips to get them back to stoked. The other two have half pipes - small, but they are. You know what to do. SCHOOL BANNERS * The court ======== This doesn't even deserve a star. Put a quarter pipe below each and lip trick. SKID MAKES A MARK * The indoor court ======== Thi doesn't deserve star either. QP below each. Make sure yu do it successively. BIG AUDITION ** The indoor court ======== Super Shoulder Stand = Manual Ultra Extension = Grind Hyper Heel Stretch = Grab Tip Toe Touch = Flip MIX THE CHEMICALS * Near the fence that leads to Slums ======== Find the nerd's chemicals and natas spin the middle of contraption for a while. It'll explode. NYJAH AND LYN-Z'S PRO CHALLENGE ** Near the big beavers grafitti ======== Okay, 100000? Flip Revert manual 900. How is this a "challenge"? You don't even have to have 900, VmcT works just as well. The challenge in grafitti is not to win, but to win by more than 30. Remember, its just the picnic tables! The next line is also very easy, as long as you get the right angle off the first ramp. SCHOLASTIC TURF WAR ** The "tastes like suck" roof. ======== Yes, that's right, easy. Start with a backflip for special. Now manual to the next segment and do a special. Don't turn - go to the ramp across and do a 900 flip. Now commence grinding the rest of the way, branching and darksliding and wallriding. If you have to, wallie over the target, go up the cheese and do a special on that ramp, then fly off back toward the target. SCHOOL COMPETITION ** The basketball court ======== Okay, this is just one big half pipe and you only need 1950000 points to win. Hard? Nope. Throw in some 900- and varail mctwist-flips for fun. SCHOOL POOL HIGH * The pool indoors ======== Pump for speed once and NtT to get sick. GYM ROOF GRIND *** The winter gap roof ======== Start grinding and immedietely wallride. Just hold y the whole time - don't wallie - and you'll go back to grinding. Jump constantly, then when you get to the next wall wallride twice and zoom as you land the second time. Now jump OVER the epic ramp, and then to the next roof. Kickflip to the inside of the rail, and continue all the way around to sick. MAINTENANCE MANUAL ** The top of the hill near the skate park ======== Manual down the hill, jumping onto the mini ledge for am. Continue up into the school for pro. Zoom. Go all the way to the other side of the school, turning left down the ramp for sick. WAVY WALLRIDE *** The wavy path ======== Wallride + wallie up to the ledge. Jump left to the other ledge. Grind all the way around until the first turn. Wallride through the curve for pro. go through the next turn grinding, and the one that brings you back over the wavy path has sick. BIOLOGY NAIL * Near the portables ======== Simple, just let a heelflip/kickflip spin while you do the same. When it gets 540, stop the spin and let the flip go until you ca land again. PORTABLE LEAP PHOTO *** The dirteh shnare roof ======== Glue your finger to the LT. No, seriously, just hold down the left trigger the whole time. Do a method backflip by pressing L+BB then quickly switching the L to D and do a pop shove it half way through the flip. Jump right so you have more room. BOB BURNQUIST'S PRO CHALLENGE *** Near the portables ======== Okay, Bob is NOT crazy. Jumping from a plane and "night not have enough time to open the shute"? Nope. No crazy. After that, you'll have to do tricks over him. This is pretty easy, but annoying sometimes because you could fly out of the halfpipe. Slow down sometimes. Next you can just focus+stall for the finish. RACE TO THE SHOPS **** Under the watertower ======== Start by grinding the ledges infront of you. Jump over the tables and grind the next ledge. Make a quick right to the first marker and grind down the stairset. Get some speed doing whatever. When you get the second marker, MAKE A RIGHT IMMEDIETELY. Grind the ledge, jump to the curb. Finally, jump from the curb to the planter and grind for a very quick 180. Commence winning by grinding our way straight ahead to the finish. BEAVERS TURF WAR **** The bowls behind the portables ======== Go off the first ramp but don't transfer. Do a flip for special, THEN transfer down with a 900 flip. Special grind the ledges, but when you get to the last one, jump off and transfer into the bowl. Now grnd the inside of the bowl, jump out, then kickflip to the last three segments. -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 8. Slums [SLMS] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- -=-+=+-=- HOW TO GET ON THE ROOF IS IN THE FAQ SECTION -=-+=+-=- SHANTY TOWN FOOTAGE *** Behind the liquor shop ======== Much of this must be off vert, because it ends in revert. Take your time and make sure you're at the right angle to land each time. HOT DATE ***** Behind the liquor store ======== Okay, I take a really weird route in this and factory. So here goes: In the beginnung head over to the panes of glass. WALLRIDE. Don't even try to get it by going off the ramps. It should only take 2 wallrides if you maximize the glass in the first. From there go to the small ledge that will vault you up the E. After the E go through the elvator onto the roof. Get off your board and jump into the suspended crate. Jump again for the disc. Now jump (still off your board) into the bonfire to light your board. Get back on and light the candles. Turn around and skate back to where you started. Continue toward the wine bottle, grinding its rail. Jump off and get off the board again in time to head up the ramp. Jump off and grind for the second bottle then jump to the ground. Now continue to the third bottle, and after that snag the T. Next go down into the little ally for the 4th bottle. Turn, grind up the pipes and get off again for an easy turn around. Skate up and get the last bottle and get off your board again in mid air. Now run over and get back on to transfer up to the S. You might be out of time at this point, so I'll continue as if you were (if you aren't put breaks in the combo if you want). Transfer down as you get the S and then air up to the rail on the right. Continue to grind to the K and jump off toward where you started. Grind the ramp up the power lie for the A, and jump off and turn around somehow (I grind the top of the vert ramp to the left and jumped off left). Finally, manual over to COMBO and zoom when you get to the first O. The fact that the combo was so long wil easily get you the scores as well. FAST LANE TO PAIN! * The roof ======== The reason this gets only one star is because there's a very easy glitch for it. If you don't want to do the glitch, then its the same as always, aim like you would for real bowling and hop you cause enough damage to yourself. Don't use the launcher; you go too fast. As for the glitch: get off your board. Now go to the small ramp in the corner of the roof. Jump down from there and run back towards the building, then look up to get the timer to go away. Now run over and grind the small ledge so that it bring you towards the liquor store. If you get there in time, you'll have free reign to knock over the pins. Now run back to the elevator and get on the roof: you're free to go as fast as you can off the roof for that 50000 dollars! PAIN AND POINTS! **** Near the gentillican rail gap ======== Boy is this anooying. Slow down and boneless off the end to get the right height and speed. Same as before, press down on both sticks and direction yourself for the 100s. Problem is the right pain, which is seemingly random -_- GHETTO BRICK GRIND ** Near the middle part (the front of the liquor store) ======== Grind the curb, then jump to the street-thing. Jump back to the curb, then back to the street thing. Jump and grind for pro then quickly jump right onto the curb again. When you turn the corner (which will be almost immedietely) jump again to make the second curb. Now jump to the pipe and grind all the way down for Sick. DANGEROUS WALLRIDE *** The top of the Andy's Garage ramp ======== Wallride the beginning. Wait until you go JUST under the rail then wallie and grind it. Now jump into the bowl and air up to the rail then wallride for pro. Grind until the bump in the rail and wallride off that for sick. If you miss, you can try to stall and turn around. PARKING LOT NATAS *** The parking lot by the factory ======== This can get very, very annoying because its hard to jump to Pro. The secret is don't press a direction, just ollie and you won't go to far. After that natas or manual back and natas sick. RICKETY MANUAL * The beginning of the 4 houses ======== Pump for speed on the ramp behind you, then manual. Am is to the left a bit. Turn right after that so you end up in between the wall and the store. Continue straight down the ditch and back for pro. Now zoom. Turn the corner at the end for sick. NAIL THE SPINE ** The middle of the 4 houses ======== Blah blah blah, another easy NtT. Boneless+transfer+spin+pretty much any NtT. ROOF TO WALL PHOTO *** The roof of the liquor store ======== Start with air off the ramp behind you, then quick turn (RBRB) for another. Now just do all of them together. For those uncoordinated out there, that's UR+BB+LT+RB. Let go earlier than you think. CRASH TEST DUMMY * The factory entrance ======== The only thing I need to tell you is the end, and that's to place a kciker at the end of each and then auto bail into the cracks. TONY HAWK'S PRO CHALLENGE *** The middle part ======== The first two are easy. You can transfer for those that require it the same way you did with the NtT goal here. For Rodney's stuff I'd suggest going to the middle part instead. Tony's is more challenging. The 720 stailfish tweak in partiicular is hard, use the LB instead of the thumbstick and you should get it with enough air. Almost doing a trick is better than not landing one - stop if you think you won't make it. Remeber that all of these are like filmer challeenges, so if you don't land it you lose everything in the combo. After you've beat it you finally unlock the 900: buy it immedietely and get to some of those Owneds and Competitions! BAM MARGERA'S PRO CHALLENGE *** The parking lot ======== Grind then wallride up to the rail and continue to the roof. The bail part is very annoying, but doable. You'll want to just let it bail you, no ollies or anything for the best chance. GHETTO BATTLE *** The middle part ======== This is pretty easy, the guy you beat for sick doesn't even get over 2,000,000. Just get like 250000 in the first round and land so you don't have to stop your combo to make sure you stay in. Then bust a million pointer and you'll be fine for the last round. Contiinue to get points but end it as soon as you can one the time runs out, he continues to get points too. You actualu have the liquor store roof and wall in play too, so incorporate those gaps if you want. SMOKESTACK TURF WAR ***** The middle part ======== My god, that's right, you need THREE MILLION POINTS. Spend as long as you can spamming 900 flips in the ramps at the beginning, then another one over the second segment. Special grinds work and then jump and acid drop and continue to vert down there. Grind back up branching constantly and if you need to vert more right before the target. -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 9. Factory [STRY] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- INDUSTRIAL FLICK *** The left of the real entrance ======== Not too hard, but some places he leads you are just absolute bull****, so. Also sometimes he gets stuck and just doesn't move, which is not cool. But other than that its pretty easy with a lot of places that let you do a variety of tricks. FACTORY MAYHEM ***** The beginning of the factory ======== Again, my way is really weird, but it does work. Start by grinding the rail of the jeeps that are on the lower inside (the ones that fly you off towards the next one). This will take you to the disk. Once you get it immedietely get off and run and jump for the S. Now turn and do COMBO and get all the scores in the bowl it leads you to. Drop down and Natas spin the crank then wallride twice up to the pipe. Snag the E and the first switch. Go over to the other side of the platform and look down for the T. Drop down and get then fdrop to the ground. Get the first jeep then turn right for the 2nd switch. Continue up to the 2nd and 3rd jeeps then ride down to the last switch. Turn around and make your way to where the S was. Grind the rails around it then flip trick to the middle rail with the K, and finally transfer to the A. ASSEMBLY LINE GRIND ** To the left of the entrance ======== Air up to it,the let the end of each thing launch you (still ollie, but not too early) to the next. Zoom as you go around the bend to Pro, and then jump off the first one but DON'T jump after that. Let it turn you and then jump across the jeeps to the other side. Continue upwards and you'll get sick. STATION GRIND *** The very beginning area top part ======== This is kind of annoying. You have to grind then jump to the am marker and grind all the way around the cables. Jump when you're at a 45 degree angle to where you were, then kickflip back to the inner rail. Let it lead you to pro and then sick. MANUFACTURED MANUAL ** Uhh.. Weird loc. Waypoint it. ======== Get special, then manual. Turn right andthe right again for Am. Zoom, then go through the tunnel ting and continue right along the short ledge. Sick is on a thin ledge of the red bowl. FACTORY GET THERE *** The top of the ramp that leads into factory from City Park ======== Getting to the first marker is the hardest. Jump into the bowls then transfer right the the next, and then turn left and transfer down. Turn right before you go up the next ramp and head to the marker. From here its rather linear to the next two. NAIL THE GRIND * The bowls near the back ======== Easy, just do a heelflip -> trucks -> heelflip -> trucks etc. And press Y out. FACTORY WINDOW PHOTO **** Right outside entrance to beginning area of factory ======== Believe me, doing this is not hard, but getting the game to recognize it is. There are many different ways people suggest. I like to do a 360 benihana and then let go and finish the spin to make sure I land clean, but it doesn't always work. If you're having trouble, look around on the boards. DEMO IN THE FACTORY ***** Near the owned in this area. ======== The top area is very annoying to trick in. I recommend getting each moderately high, and then starting in the lower bowl. Trick down there, then transfer up to the first area and trick, then do a huge nail the trick to the top area. STEVE AND DUSTIN'S PRO CHALLENGE ** The beginning of the actual entrance ======== Okay, this is SO easy. 15000 and then 25000? Come on now. And then a simple rail. Done and done. MERCANTILE TURF WAR ** The ramps by where the demo is ======== Also simple. Spam the 900 flips in the beginning half pipes then switch up your grinds as you go through the rest of it. -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- 10. Fun Park [FNPR] -+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+--+=-=+- VACATION FOOTAGE ** Over by the end of the bowls ======== This is actually pretty easy, although it may look hard at first. The pathways with seperaters are great for grind flip grind, and the you can jump off the top of the bridges andtents for 360 grab/flip. MINIMUM WAGES ***** The very beginning ======== Here's my route: get the S, then the K. Go through the stairs so you fly out in line with the first vomit. Manual it, then transfer for the A and again to the second vomit. Proceed to the third vomit, then jump in the bowl for the T transfer back out and manual the fourth vomit. Now get over to the dragon's tail for the E, and then to in between the tents for the last vomit. You'll probably have the stokens by now. Now grind the coaster and jump left when you get near the disc to snag it. Go back and grind the entire coaster (watch for where the actual thing is for both of these). When you're done, make your way back to COMBO and get it. After the last O, jump down and transfer into the totally freakin' awesome bowl on the roof where the fun park battle took place. Finish your scores here. DRAGON GRIND ** The ramp's ledge near the dragon + tents ======== Grind to Am, then wallride up. Jump right and grind the wood awning for pro, then jump back to the wall ledge. Wallride to the highest one and continue to sick on "his rod". You can zoom pretty early here. CASTLE WALLRIDE *** Near the dragon's tail ======== Okay, this is long. Wallride up to the highledge. Stay there for am and pro. Now jump off and transfer through a lot of bowls until you reach the other side of the park, against the wal that seperates skate park and fun park. That's where sick is. DRAGONCHASER STALL ** Under the dragon's wing ======== Stall the first, jump to Am. Point the thumbstick diagonally and jump and stal for pro. Now jump off, manual and stall the sick. BOWL TO BOWL PHOTO * On the passageway behind the bowls ======== Pump for speed twice and hold RB, RT, and Indy. ADVENTURE LAND DEMO **** Near the tents ======== Well, there's always one retarded crowd, and this time its green. Blue and red both have verts, so you know what to do there. As for green, I'd say either flatland, or go off the tent and fingerflip airwalk or another similarly quick special. At the end go back and forth in that line for as long as you need. SPINAL TURF WAR ** The top bowl of the log flume ======== Okay, seriously, it takes place in 3 bowls. Do I even have to tell you anymore? FUN PARK COMPETITION *** Near the tents ======== This is probably the hardest competition, but still not very. It's a double halfpipe. For the first part you need only 750000, I got double that with the 900 and 1000000 without any special at all. Believe me, a double halfpipe is the thing of dreams. For the next round, you'll need 2250000. This is slightly harder. DON'T BAIL. Bails take a whopping 1.5% off your average score. That's a lot. 900 flips work great, so does pretty much any special. Invert or flatland at the end of each big combo: I usually do two, each for about a mil, then fill out the rest with little stuff. SPLASHY FOOTAGE * Near the slide ======== Slow down. In fact, don't move at all. This film consists of only flatland and 180 grab/flip. The first part is alternating, the next solo flatland, and the last combined. I got sick with 25 seconds left, so will you. Remember to land. GATE SLIDE **** ======== Once again, very annoying but doable. Ollie so that you cross the line after you apex. Bounce left immedietely then get the third gate. Try to bounce over the little ditch and into the fourth, otherwise you slow down a lot. Continue to the 5th by whatever means possible and hope you've done enough damage. BREAK YARR BONES! ***** The pirates mouth ======== Don't even rtry this one. Seriously, you only need 96% sick so leave this alone. Its so ******* annoying. The bail system is seemingly random, I can hit something from 20 feet and break 13 bones and the same thing from 80 feet and break 7. If you must, slow down and then boneless over the line, you'll fly pretty far. KIDDIE POOL TARGET * To the left of the sewer pipe near the pirate area ======== Pump once behind you, get the general direction, and NtT. HAPPY WORM MANUAL *** The top of the slide ======== This is weird. You have to manual down and then up the mouth, then jump, revert manual and go to the right of the bowl next to the slide (now on the right side) then turn and go out of the park entrance for sick. Zooming at pro works well. FUNPARK GET THERE *** In the open area by the slide ======== Okay, you know the drill by now. Keep the combo going but vary how you do so. This is one is just like any other. NAIL THE PIRATE RAMP ** The ramp after the Arrr! Gap ======== Pretty easy. Boneless off the top, then do a nice two footer or two, then a kickflip and let it spin as you do the 540. RED RAIL PHOTO ** Under the red rails ======== Another quick sick, pump for speed once then do any double tap (start on the ramp to make sure you get the whole rail) and wait until the rail launches you for the 360 double flip. Lather, rinse, repeat until clean. TORCH LIGHTER *** The end of the slide ======== Okay, this is weird. Move the kicker to the right of the green thing, and the bottom right ring behind the other ring. Now jump, natas the green things point, jump grind the lower ring, then to the higher one. Finally jump to the torch. FUN PARK BATTLE ** The bowl behind the pirate bridge ======== Why is this so easy, you ask? Because of totally freakin' awesome. The back ramp launches you really high no matter your speed, allowing for huge double the 900s, the 900 double flips, and even quadruple fingerflip airwalks. Ridiculous. Abuse it. You also have an infinite rail if you grind the outside, jump, and wallplant the back wall to turn you around. SKETCH TURF WAR *** The entrance ======== Okay, this may seem hard at first. But look around, or rather, up. Get some air from across the way. Now go off the first segment with a flip+transfer... and turn right for a totally freakin' awesome! A double 900 + 900 transfer back down works nicely. Continue the rest as usual. =============================================================== VII. Frequentely Asked Questions [FAQS] =============================================================== Here are some questions that my email got an overwhelming number of. More will be added as I see fit. Q. How do I get to the roof in the Slums? A. Grind the letters of the Liquor Store (They should break). Q. How do I get to Rank X? A. Find more gaps and secret spots and complete more goals on harder difficulties. Q. How do I get The 900? A. Complete Tony Hawk's Pro Challenge, unlocked at rank 4. =============================================================== VIII. We're Finished! [WFIN] =============================================================== Annnd I'm done with the guide! 1. Copyright, etc. This guide may only be posted on: -Gamefaqs.com -Neoseeker.com ...until further notice. If you would like to post this guide on your site, Email me. You can print this guide for personal use, but do not sell it without my permission. 2. Credits -Me, for taking so much time to write it -My Parents, for spurring me on -Gamefaqs, for inspiring me to write it with their bounty program -Random Online THPS sites, for gaps and helper videos. -Neversoft, for making such a great Tony Hawk game! (Finally! >_>) -JavE 5.0 and Figlet for the ASCII converter -Numerous people for help with Construction Drop 3. Contact Me If you have questions about the guide, you can email me at wildfire65@comcast.net However be warned that I will not necessarily answer, and I am by no means an expert on everything THP8. If I can and feel like it, I will do my best to solve your problem. Also, if the question is covered in the guide, I will probably just delete the email. If you find an error (even typos) in the guide, by all means tell me about it! I’ll be glad to fix it, and your name will go in the Credits.