Tony Hawk's Underground Version 2.00 FAQ/ Walkthrough Jared Therriault Contents: 1. Background 2. Moves 3. Advanced Maneuvers 4. Modes 5. Characters 6. Stat Raisin' 7. Story Mode 8. Cool Stuff 9. Tips 10. Glitches/ Errors 11. Question and Answer 12. Cheats 13. Legal 14. Thanks SORRY!: Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. When your console is broken, it's hard to play your games. But now that it's fixed, I'll update when I can until I'm sick of WordPad. I'll try to get in some updating everyday after school from now on, but I make no guarantees. Note: This FAQ covers only the Xbox, Gamecube, Playstation 2, and PC versions of the game. I have also omitted the PC controls but only because I don't know them. My condolences for any inconveniences this may cause. Note #2: When I list the buttons for tricks, I will list them in this format- Xbox/Gamecube/Playstation 2. If the buttons are the same between systems (i.e. Grind is "Y" on both Xbox and Gamecube), I will only list the button once. NOTE #3: You can use your Browser's "Find" tool(Found under "Edit" in your toolbar or by pressing Cntrl+F) at any time to jump directly to a goal or heading. Just type in the name and it will take you to it(though you may have to click "Find Next" a few times as the browser only goes to the closest word set like it. For example, there is a goal titled "BROKEN" and you want to find it. I may have somewhere else in the FAQ where it says, "...fix your broken skateboard...", so when you type it in it may bring you there instead of the goal. Sorry, I have no control over this, just click "Find Next" till you find the right one. 1. BACKGROUND Tony Hawk's Pro Skater- The first great 3D skateboarding game. It had actual legitimacy with real skaters, labels, decks, parks, and sponsors. This kicked off the whole THPS series. Released in 1999 for Dreamcast, Playstation, Nintendo 64, and Game Boy Colour. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2- The killer sequel. It added the new manual move, allowing gamers to link street tricks together. I more than tripled my score thanks to the move. Bigger parks, more two-player modes, a create-a-skater mode, a park creation mode, and more customization in the tricks and stats department made this a must-have for fans of the series. Released in 2000 for Dremcast, Playstation, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Colour, Game Boy Advance, Xbox (as Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x in 2001), and PC. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3- The Next Gen jump for the series. The addition of the revert move, which allowed for linking of vert and street tricks. This amped up the graphics and added more customization than ever. You could now fully change every stat of the Pro and created skaters, as well as their tricks (And thank god, they got rid of the idiotic concept of BUYING tricks and stats. What the f was that?). Playstation 2 owners could now play online, showing off their skills. Because of a deal Activision inked with Sony, online play is exclusive to the Playstation 2, so many condolences to Xbox and Gamecube owners (while you could play online on Xbox still with the System Link trick through Gamespy. Try to find out how.). THPS3 was released for Playstation 2, Playstation, Xbox, Gamecube, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Colour, Game Boy Advance, and PC in 2001 (well actually it was released for Xbox in 2002, but whatever.). Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4- Saved TONY from staleness. Time limits lifted, gamers were now allowed to go anywhere they wanted and complete goals at their own pace. The spine transfer was also added, letting gamers jump from one quarter pipe to another if they were positioned correctly. Online play returned with some new tricks, but again it was only on the Playstation 2. Released in 2002 for Playstation 2, Playstation, Xbox, Gamecube, Game Boy Advance, and PC. Tony Hawk's Underground- There's so much new stuff here I filled my pants in anticipation of the game. You can now GET OFF of your board in this one and actually walk around on foot. This allows you to get off mid-combo and jump to an area that's inaccessible by skateboard and jump down into continuance of the combo. You can also drive vehicles for some goals (but alas, you can't jack vehicles a la Grand Theft Auto). If you're a Playstation 2 owner, lucky you, because you can send a picture to Activision via e-mail and download it to the game as your very own personal skater. Activision nor Neversoft will screen these pictures so feel free to send in whatever you want, a watermelon, Spiderman, a Storm Trooper, Dr. Evil, Nelly, Eminem, or even "special" parts on your *ahem* lower body. Online play is also here with rankings and a "Homies List". One of my personal favourite new features is time of day and weather. You can make your own decks and customize your skater any way you want. New to the "create-a-insert-something-here" is the create-a-trick. You can finally make your own trick animations for your very own special tricks. The skatepark editor is beefed up also, with the ability to add buildings, goals, and pedestrians to your parks. Nice. Released in 2003 for Playstation 2, Xbox, Gamecube, Game Boy Advance and PC. 2. MOVES: The Ollie: The most basic of all moves and the most used. Tap the A/X button to execute. No points are awarded for just an ollie alone. You must go from an ollie to a trick or spin while in the air to gain points. Spinning: Hold the d-pad in the corresponding direction or hold L/L1 or R/R1 to spin the skater while in the air. Kick tricks: These tricks flip the board and carry the least points, but are easy and fast to perform. Use the X/B/Square button in conjunction with a direction on the d-pad to execute a kick tick. Double-tapping (and triple-tapping in some cases) will result in a bigger, better version of the move you are executing. List- NOTE: The double- or triple-tap tricks will be placed directly after the base tricks and will be noted with a 2 or 3, depending on how many taps were executed. TRICK NORMAL VALUE SWITCH VALUE 180 Varial 700 840 2. 360 Varial 900 1080 Back Foot Heelflip 150 180 2. Double Back Foot Heelflip 550 660 Back Foot Kickflip 150 180 2. Double Back Foot Kickflip 550 660 Back Foot Shove-it 150 180 2. 360 Back Foot Shove-it 500 600 Bigspin Flip 500 600 FS Bigspin 500 600 BS Flip 500 600 Front Foot Impossible 525 630 2. Double Front Foot Impossible 1075 1290 Fingerflip 700 840 2. Double Fingerflip 1000 1200 BS Bigspin 500 600 FS Flip 500 600 FS Shove-it 100 120 2. 360 FS Shove-it 500 600 3. 540 FS Shove-it 1000 1200 Hardflip 300 360 2. 360 Hardflip 500 600 Heelflip 100 120 2. Double Heelflip 500 600 3. Triple Heelflip 1000 1200 Heelflip Varial Lien 800 960 Impossible 100 120 2. Double Impossible 500 600 3. Triple Impossible 1000 1200 Inward Heelflip 350 420 2. 360 Inward Heelflip 500 600 Kickflip 100 120 2. Double Kickflip 500 600 3. Triple Kickflip 1000 1200 Old Skool Kickflip 300 360 Ollie Airwalk 500 600 2. Ollie Airwalk Late Shove-it 1050 1260 Ollie North 169 202 2. Ollie North Back Foot Flip 1050 1260 Pop Shove-it 100 120 360 Shove-it 500 600 540 Shove-it 1000 1200 Sal Flip 900 1080 2. 360 Sal Flip 1150 1380 Varial Heelflip 300 360 2. 360 Varial Heelflip 500 600 Varial Kickflip 300 360 2. 360 Flip 500 600 Grab tricks: These tricks take slightly longer to perform, so aren't ideal for going in and out of grinds. However, on the halfpipes they are perfect. Each grab trick has a base score but can be held longer for variable point values. Tap/hold the B/X/Circle button in conjunction with a direction on the d-pad to execute a grab trick. Double-tapping will result in a stretched version of the move you are executing. List-NOTE: The double-tap tricks will be placed directly after the base tricks and will be noted with a 2. NOTE 2: Every grab trick has a "base score" which is the score gotten from just tapping the button, but the trick can be held longer for more points. I will list the base scores here. TRICK NORMAL VALUE SWITCH VALUE Airwalk 450 540 2. Christ Air 550 660 Benihana 300 360 2. Sacktap 1500 1800 Cannonball 250 300 2. Cannonball Fingerflip 500 600 Crail Grab 350 420 2. TuckKnee 400 480 Crossbone 425 510 2. Crookedcop 550 660 FS Shifty 500 600 2. BS Shifty 800 960 Indy 300 360 2. Stiffy 500 600 Indy Nosebone 350 420 2. Del Mar Indy 400 480 Japan 350 420 2. One Foot Japan 800 960 Madonna 750 900 2. Judo 1150 1380 Melon 300 360 2. Method 400 480 Mute 350 420 2. Seatbelt Air 500 600 Nosegrab 300 360 2. Rocket Air 400 480 Wrap Around 450 540 2. Body Wrap 600 720 Stalefish 350 420 2. Stalefish Tweak 400 480 Tailgrab 300 360 2. One Foot Tailgrab 500 600 Lip Tricks: When going perpendicular up the lip of a half pipe you can press the Y/Triangle button in conjuntion with a directional to execute a lip trick. These can be held for variable point values. If you don't use a directional, you will execute a nose stall, which is worth 300 in natural stance ind 360 in switchstance. List-NOTE: Each trick has a "base score" which is earned after executing the trick and immediately jumping out of it. All of the tricks can be held longer for more points. TRICK NORMAL VALUE SWITCH VALUE Andrecht Invert 550 660 Axle Stall 400 480 Blunt to Fakie 500 600 Boneless 550 660 Disaster 600 720 Eggplant 550 660 Gymnast Plant 575 690 Varial Invert to Fakie 450 540 Invert 500 600 Noseblunt 550 660 Nosepick 550 660 One Foot Invert 500 600 Rock to Fakie(Rock'n'Roll) 500 600 The Switcheroo 600 720 You can also transition from one lip trick to another by double-tapping the X/B/Square, Y/Triangle, or B/X/Circle buttons or any combination of the three. The trick will change differently, depending on which trick you are currently executing. For example, while in a Nose Stall, pressing X+X/B+B/Square+square will transition to a Disaster, but with The Switcheroo you will transition to a One Foot Invert. Grinds: These moves can only be executed on a rail or ledge. They have variable point values and depend on how long you stay on the rail. Tap the Y/Triangle button to perform a grind trick. List-NOTE: There is no such thing as a "base score" for grinds. All of them are variable, dependent upon how long you stay on the rail. NOTE 2: Some of these tricks require a diagnol button press, which I will represent with the two directions and a colon(:). For example, if I said "Up:Left", I mean the upper-left directional. NOTE 3: All of the tricks listed here are done with the Y/Triangle button, so I will just list the directional and the trick, as it is implied that you must press that button in conjunction with the directional. NOTE 4: Most of the tricks can be double-tapped, making a different trick. For example, pressing up and Y/Triangle will execute a Nosegrind, but pressing up and Y/Triangle twice will execute a Nosegrind to Pivot. These tricks will be noted with a 2. NOTE 5: Some tricks do not require a directional, but for you to approach the rail differently. If this is needed, I will describe the approach necessary. NOTE 6: Tricks that are slashed(i.e.: Smith/Feeble) change depending on whether you approach the rail from the left ot the right side. APPROACH/DIRECTIONAL TRICK Jump staright(parallel) onto the rail. 50-50 Rotate the board perpendicular to the rail. Boardslide Rotate the board perpendicular to the rail but a little more than with the Boardslide. Lipslide Up Nosegrind 2. Up Nosegrind to Pivot Up:Left Crooked/Overcrook 2. Up:Left Hang Ten Nosegrind Left Noseslide/Tailslide 2. Left Hurricane Down:Left Smith/Feeble 2. Down:Left Double Bluntslide Down 5-0 2. Down 5-0 Overturn Down:Right Smith/Feeble 2. Down:Right Darkslide Right Noseslide/Tailslide 2. Right Salad Up:Right Crooked/Overcrook 2. Up:Right Crail Slide You can also transition from one grind to another by double-tapping the X/B/Square, Y/Triangle, or B/X/Circle buttons or any combination of the three. List-NOTE: Instead of listing the X/B/Square, Y/Triangle, and B/X/Circle buttons each time, I will list them as flip, grind, and grab, respectively. For example, instead of X+X/B+B/Square+Square, I will say Flip+Flip. Flip+Flip= Smith Flip+Grind= Tailslide Flip+Grab= 5-0 Grind+Grind= 50-50 Grind+Flip= Noseslide Grind+Grab= Nosegrind Grab+Grab= Crooked Grab+Flip= Bluntslide Grab+Grind= Nosebluntslide Special Tricks: When you do tricks, your special meter fills up (the special meter is that bar that says "special" in the top left corner of your screen below the score). When your special meter fills up, you can execute special tricks. Neversoft has created several special tricks for you right out of the box, but you can create your own special tricks using the create-a-trick feature. The special tricks are the highest scoring tricks of all so use them in the competitions to get the highest scores. You can gain more special trick slots by playing Story mode. List-NOTE: The special tricks that invovle grabs and lips, much like the regular grab and lip tricks, have a "base score", in addition to being holdable. I will list the base scores only. NOTE 2: I will not list the grind or manual special tricks as you can set them to any button combination you want and their scores are completely variable. NOTE 3: I will divide the tricks into sections just as they are divided in the game. NOTE 4: Some special tricks like "Swimmer" and "Boot Burst" require you to unlock a specific secret character before they become available. NOTE 5: Special Lip, Grind, and Manual Tricks can be transitioned to regular lip, grind, and manual tricks by double-tapping X/B/Square, Y/Triangle, B/X/Circle, or any combination of the three. TRICK NORMAL VALUE SWITCH VALUE AIR TRICKS 1-2-3-4 1600 1920 360 Varial McTwist 5750 6900 540 Flip 1450 1740 540 Tailwhip 2500 3000 360 Varial Heelflip Lien 1500 1800 Barrel Roll 5000 6000 Back Spin Air 3000 3600 Double Kickflip Varial Indy 1200 1440 Fingerflip Airwalk 1500 1800 Rodeo Wrap 1600 1920 FS 540 5500 6600 Gazelle Underflip 3500 4200 360 Ghetto Bird 3500 4200 Hardflip Late Flip 1500 1800 Indy 900 11000 13200 The Jackass 1600 1920 Kickflip Backflip 3000 3600 Kickflip Underflip 1000 1200 McTwist 5000 6000 Nollie Flip Underflip 1150 1380 Quad Heelflip 1400 1680 Semi Flip 1150 1380 The 900 9000 10800 GRAB TRICKS Double Kickflip Madonna 2250 2700 Swimmer 1500 1800 Casper Flip 360 Flip 2500 3000 Assume the Position II 1000 1200 Bam Bend Air 1300 1560 Bigspin Shifty 1650 1980 Boot Burst 2000 2400 Chomp On This 1000 1200 Flamingo 1500 1800 Flying Squirrel 1500 1800 360 Flip Tail Grab 1600 1920 Lick It Up 1500 1800 Samba Flip 1600 1920 Shifty Shifty 2000 2400 Sit Down Air 1200 1440 LIP TRICKS 1990 Invert 3500 4200 Heelflip FS Invert 3200 3840 Ho Ho Sad Plant 3500 4200 Russian Boneless 3000 3600 3. ADVANCED MANEUVERS: The Manual: The skater presses down on the tail to ride on the two back wheels. Used to link tricks together. Press up then down to execute. Worth is variable. The Nose Manual: The skater presses down on the nose to ride on the two front wheels. Used to link tricks together. Press down then up to execute. Worth is variable. Changing Manuals: While manualing, double-tapping the X/B/Square, Y/Triangle, or B/X/Circle buttons or any combination of the three will make you change your manual. Just double-tapping X/B/Square while manualing will execute a "flip" expansion on manual. Also, you can do a "spin" variation on that manual by tapping R/R2. List-NOTE:Instead of listing the X/B/Square, Y/Triangle, and B/X/Circle buttons each time, I will list them as flip, grind, and grab, respectively. For example, instead of X+X/B+B/Square+Square, I will say Flip+Flip. NOTE 2: First I will note the input needed for the trick, then the trick name, then the Flip+Flip variation, then the "Spin" variation. NOTE 3: These all have variable scores, so I will not be listing scores for them. NOTE 4: At any time while manualing, pres Left+Right+Flip to do a Spacewalk. It will help build momentum if you've stopped or slowed down. It's Flip+Flip and "Spin" Variations are the same as a Manual and will result in a Nose Manual. INPUT TRICK Flip+Flip VARIATION SPIN Up+Down Manual 360 Fingerflip Pivot Down+Up Nose Manual Half Cab Impossible Nose Pivot Flip+Grind Casper Casper Flip Casper Spin Flip+Grab Anti Casper Anti Casper Flip Anti Casper Spin Grind+Grind Pogo Wrap Around Pogo Spin Grind+Flip Truckstand Truckstand Flip Truckspin Grind+Grab Switch Foot Pogo Half Wrap Truck Trans. S.F.P. Spin Grab+Grab Handstand Handflip NONE Grab+Flip To Rail Rail Flip NONE NOTE: These next to can change depending on what manual you are currently executing. The first is with a manual or any other kind of flatland trick, and the second is with the Nose Manual ONLY. Also, when you do the Flip+Flip or "Spin" Variation of one of these, it will go back into a manual or nose manual, depending on what you're currently executing. 1. Grab+Grind One Foot Manual 360 Fingerflip Pivot 2. Grab+Grind One Foot Nose Manual Half Cab Impossible Nose Pivot The Revert: The skater shifts the board 180 degrees to a switchstance. If used when coming down from a halfpipe, it links vert tricks to street tricks, as it can go into a manual. Tap R/R2 to revert. Worth 100 points in natural stance and 120 in switchstance. The Spine Transfer: This makes the skater transfer from one quarter pipe to another while in the air. Tap L & R/L2 to spine transfer. Worth 250 in natural stance and 300 in switchstance. Straighten: When coming down from a half pipe, you can straighten yourself out by pressing L & R/L2. Has no point value, but is useful for preventing bails and setting yourself up for grinds on the halfpipe's lip. Wallpush: When running into a wall perpendicularly, press the Y/Triangle button to go in the other direction and keep up your combo. Worth 10 points in natural stance and 12 in switchstance. Wallride: Approach a wall at a 45 degree angle, ollie, and press the Y/Triangle button to wallride. Worth is variable. Wallie: While wallriding, jump off of the wall to perform a wallie. Skitching: To skitch is to hold on to the back of a moving vehiclewhile on a skateboard or rollerblades. Follow behind a vehicle and press up to skitch. Use left and right to balance your skitch. Let go of the skitch by pressing down or by ollieing out. Pressure Flips: The skater positions his or her feet in a stressed manner to flip the board semifuriously. When in either stance tap L/L1 once to go into pressure flip stance, then ollie and do a kick trick in any of the four primary directions(up, right, down, left). A pressure ollie alone is worth 200 in natural stance and 240 in switchstance. This can also be done during a manual. List-NOTE: First I will make the notation to which direction is needed in parentheses(). Then I will put the name of the trick and values. NOTE 2: It makes no difference which trick set you have, if you're in natural or switchstance, or if you double- or triple-tap the button. The are only four(4) pressure flips. TRICK NORMAL VALUE SWITCH VALUE (UP) BS 360 Flip 200 240 (RIGHT) BS 180 Flip 100 120 (DOWN) FS 360 Flip 200 240 (LEFT) BS Toe Flip 100 120 Nollie: The skater performs an ollie on the nose of the board, rather than the tail. This also means more points. When in your natural stance, press L/L1 twice to go into nollie stance, then tap the ollie button. Worth 200 points. This can also be done during a manual Fakie: The skater performs an ollie while facing backwards, or in theory a switch nollie. Go into switchstance and tap L/L1 twice to go into fakie stance, then tap the ollie button. Worth 240 points. This can also be done during a manual. No Comply: The skater takes his/her dominant foot off of the board to scoop and gain a little extra height. Tap up once then tap the ollie button to execute. This results in more points. Worth 100 in natural stance and 120 in switchstance. Boneless/Fastplant/Beanplant: The skater stretches the leg even more and grabs the nose of the board to gain even more height than with a no comply. Tap up twice then tap the ollie button. This also results in more points. The type of trick performed depends on the skater you are using. Worth 250 in natural stance and 300 in switchstance. Getting off the board: Your skater will, well, get off the board. Tap Black or white/Z/L1 & R1 to get off the board. Jump with A/X and grab onto a ledge with R/R2. While hanging off a ledge, press up to pull yourself up onto the ledge(or wire) and press down to let go. While on foot, you can run by using the control stick or d-pad(although when using the d-pad you must hold down A/X or you will just walk). When in the middle of a combo, you will perform a "combo Run Out", worth 50 points in natural stance and 60 in switchstance. When you get back on the board, you do a caveman, which is worth 750 in natural stance and 900 in switchstance. Cars: Some goals require you to drive around in vehicles. When not in a goal, some cars can be taken for a joyride. Press B/X/Circle to take a car if the game prompts you to do so. Press A/X to accelerate and X/B/Square to brake and reverse. R/R1 is the handbrake(used to maximize slides) and Y/Triangle will end the ride. 4. MODES Story Mode: The fan favourite(besides the online modes). Here you can learn new moves, move up in the ranks, unlock new levels and skaters, new trick slots, cheats, and other stuff. High Score/ Free Skate: Here you can skate any level you want with no time limits(which could be done in story mode too...) and work on your lines. When you're ready you can start a session to try and rack up a high score or break a record. Create/ Play Goals: You can insert goals into Neversoft's levels, your friends', or your own. Then you can play them. 2 Player: You and a friend can try out some of the game modes here, with or without competition. Here are the modes: Online/System Link Play: Take it online and show your stuff. You can choose your name and skill level and kill the competition. Note: Official online play is exclusive to Playstation 2, but you can play online with Gamespy on Xbox. All of the modes on Sony's online component are present in Microsoft's System Link and online components. Skateshop: Change your deck, griptape, and wheel colour at Peralta's. NOTE: This mode is only available if you've been sponsered by Stacy Peralta in Story Mode. Create-A-Trick: Make your own trick animations for use in the game. Make 'em as crazy as you want, just make sure to get enough air to land 'em. You can choose up to six tricks to put in here, along with rotaions. The only way I know of to change the point value is to turn of spin, but I don't think there's anything else you can do... Create-A-Park: Set up your own ghetto for skature. Multiplication in the hood! Insert Buildings, ramps, stairs, whatever. You can use the rail tool to make rails off the ground(FINALLY) and insert goals through the creator or through "Create/ Play Goals". Create-A-Skater: This is your canvas. Make the next new pro and kick ass wit 'em. Create-A-Deck: Make your own pro label as if you were a real pro. A deck consists of a base graphic, a tiled layer, and four picture layers. Of course, any of these can be skipped. This is only available after you have been sponsered by one of the major skateboarding labels(Birdhouse, Element, Zero, etc.). 5. CHARACTERS You: That's right, you. You're the main character of THUG. Create you own character and name him whatever. Tony Hawk: The granddaddy of modern skateboarding. The first man to spin the 900 and creator of over 500 tricks, this guy just doesn't stop. Residing in California, he teaches his legacy to his children, in hopes of them becoming the next Tony Hawk. Bob Burnquist: Brazilian crazyman and creator of the Burntwist. Nobody can beat him when it comes to the loop. He rules that venue. Steve Caballero: Two years older and wiser than Hawk, Steve Caballero basically invented skateboarding as we know it today. Kareem Campbell: An inspiration to inner city skaters everywhere, Campbell injects ghetto spirit into his career and all of skateboarding. Rune Glifberg: Hailing from Denmark, this vert genious has created hundreds of tricks and is currently tearing up Costa Mesa. Eric Koston: Ah, Koston. The Buddhist balance wonderchild. His switchstance techniques and rail balance make him an idol to many street punks everywhere. Bucky Lasek: With Hawk as his mentor, Lasek went on to conquer the curcuit. Kid's so crazy they don't let him in Ventura anymore. Bam Margera: Bam-Bam you might remember from CKY and Jackass. He doesn't give a damn what happens to him, making it possible for him to conquer huge gaps and rails without much problem. Rodney Mullen: All I can say is that this man inspires me. I'll never be able to do half the ish he does, but he makes me want to. He made technical street skating what it is today, and keeps on adding to his 400+ created tricks. Chad Muska: Skating and music are his two passions, and he seems to mix them seamlessly. Muska makes a new name for himself everyday, and does it with no problem. His music label is Muskabeats if you wanna check it out. Andrew Reynolds: Tutle Boy has so much style it's almost sickening. With east coast in his blood, he takes over the west coast. Paul Rodriguez: One of the youngest pros in the curcuit, Rodriguez kills with his switchstance skill and fearless gaps and rails. Geoff Rowley: He's kinda like the beatles, only he's one guy and he skates. He's been making crazy stair and ramp gaps for years and there's no sign of him slowing down. Arto Saari: This Finnish freak doesn't just stop at rails and stairs. He skates everything he can find: from road gaps, to car gaps, to wallriding McDonald's, this kids done everything there is to do. Elissa Steamer: Little girl in a male skater's world. Kicking ass while she's there, too. Dominating every all-girl competition and 27 coed competitions, Fort Myers' little girl is being the pro you wish you could be. Jamie Thomas: Rails and gaps hellchild Jamie Thomas does nothing but skate, eat, and pray. With the infamous Leap of Faith, Thomas is a household name. Mike Vallely: Also a CKY survivor. Known to lose his temper but channels the anger into sick tricks. He's also a Jersey native, like you, young grasshopper. Secret Skaters- Can only be accessed after completing Story mode on the varying difficulties- Gene Simmons: Cult leader and KISS member Simmons straps on his skate shoes in order to dominate the world of professional skateboarding. Ironman: Marvel heroes always seem to make their way into HAWK games. Not very far removed from the EGM readers' joke about "Tony Stark's Pro Skater"(Tony Stark is Ironman's hired double). THUD: Y'know that little monster thingy that eats Eric in the Neversoft intro? Yeah that's THUD. 6. STAT RAISIN' Unlike other Tonys before it, where you would buy or find stats, this time there are actual RPG elements. When you complete a certain challenge, your stats go up. You can see what challenges must be met by pressing start and going down to view stats in Story mode. Or by looking here. 7. STORY MODE The walkthrough. We'll cover everything. Or at least try to. I don't know if I can do gaps. I'm trying to find them all but I doubt I will. If I get enough requests, I may. I'll start with showing you where to find the secret tape, then go into the goals. The goals are put in the same order as they are in the "View Goals" Subscreen. Level 1: New Jersey- SECRET TAPE: Under the bridge on the south side of town, going into the train station. HELP ERIC: The wheel is on top of the roof directly in fron of where the goal places you. The trucks are in the building in front of the one you are on now. Another wheel is located on the house to the right of the one you're on now. The deck is straight in front of you, a few houses down. Then simply do what the game tells you to. It's pretty straightforward, so I won't bother explaining it. WALK CHARLES: Simple. Just skitch the dog(get behind it and press up) until the time runs out. ERIC'S CHALLENGE: I shouldn't really have to explain this one either. Just do what the man says. GET IN TIGHT WITH THE STREET WARRIORS: For this goal, you will be put into a car. It's pretty easy. Just follow the arrows to the cones. Take it slow, too. Just because there's a time limit doesn't mean you have to rush and miss all the cones. FLYER FOR THE MUSKA DEMO: There are big green floating fists running around these here streets of New Jersey. Just get to as many as you can before the time limit runs out. Just skating past a fist counts as "putting up a flyer". IMPRESS MUSKA: You get some time to do tricks for Muska to see. As you're tricking, he'll move to different locations. His current location is in white lettering at the top-right corner of the screen. Oh, there's also an arrow to point him out to you. IMPRESS SHAWN: Equipped with a new board, you must impress the staff or Peralta's Skateshop and get sponsored.He wants you to hop off your board once you're above the roof of the house directly in front of you. Use the quarter pipe to get up there. Then, he wants you to transfer over the alley across two houses. Haul ass from one side of the pipe to the other and ollie. Now just spine transfer from the top of the house to the quarter pipe at the bottom. Use the side Shawn is on. DEMO THE NEW PLAYGROUND SETUP: This is an easy one. May I suggest using the pool for this as it has some flat land to use, curved sides for vert tricks, and edges for grinding. IMPRESS JOEY: Another easy one. Just do as he says. Also, when tricking while doing a Spine Transfer, do the transfer first, then do the trick(but still while in the air). DO CHRIS'S BEST LINES: Easy one. Just trick off of the flashing terrain. You won't have to do it in a combo unless you're playing on Sick difficulty. GET THE STOLEN ITEMS BACK FROM THE DEALERS: To the right of where you start is a school. Get onto the second balcony and follow it all the way down to the houses. Keep following down the houses' roofs, over the first pit. At the second pit, jump down. Keep to your right and run onto the dealers' porch. Grab the deck. 8. COOL STUFF Gene Simmons. Ironman. The creepy thingy from the opening that eats Eric. Secret characters obtained by completing story mode on various difficulties. School II. Venice. Hangar. The old School levels. Want 'em? Check the FAQ in the respective level. Yeah there's definitely more crap. I just can't think of it. E-mail me with anything you find, and I'll prop you. 9. TIPS 1. Trick into and out of every grind. Also try spinning when in the air going between grinds and manuals. 2. Watch the demos at the title screen. You can learn a lot about gameplay and linking tricks just by watching these. 3. You CAN actually control the weather and time of day. Neversoft stupidly left out a menu to change these features, but you do have a say in it. Some goals and cutscenes, after completion, change the weather or time of day to go with the story. For example, completing "HELP ERIC" or watching "LOST FOOTAGE" in New Jersey will make it evening. So when you want to change the weather or time of day, just choose the right goal from the "View Goals" screen and complete it or the right cutscene from the "Watch Cutscene" screen under "Options" and watch it. 4. When trying to net high scores, try using flat-bottomed pools. first grind the sides till you can't anymore, then revert into the pool, do vert tricks till the revert won't propel you anymore, then make use of the flat bottom for some manualing and flatground tricks. 5. If you want to do more vert tricks after the revert has stopped giving momentum or you have stopped during a manual and want to get moving again but can't give up your combo, try either getting off your board and running out, then get back into your combo with a caveman, or pressing Left+Right+X/B/Square while in a manual to spacewalk. This build your momentum back up. Sorry if that was confusing to you. 'Twas to me. 6. When playing the Xbox and Gamecube versions of the game, tricking while doing a Spine Transfer can be tricky, as it uses the same buttons/triggers as it does for rotation. Instead of tricking WHILE doing a Spine Transfer, press/pull the Spine Transfer buttons/triggers once and quickly, THEN worry about the trick. You won't get to pull any big air tricks, but at least your chances of landing will be greater. 10. GLITCHES/ERRORS 11. QUESTION & ANSWER E-mail me any questions you may have about the game or the FAQ. Please no hate mail. Corrections, additions, and only legitimate questions will be considered. Reach me at (those are underscores, not spaces) and please use the heading "Tony Hawk's Underground" or "THUG". 12. CHEATS You cheaters. You can never play a game normally, can you? Fine. I won't stop you. I'll even feed your addiction. Here are some cheats for your illegitimacy: 13. LEGAL This FAQ is copyrighted under my name and shall not be used elsewhere than GameFAQs without my consent. E-mail me to gain my permission. If you are caught using this FAQ without my consent, you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This will result in a court order. Do not break this law! Tony Hawk(r) is a trademark of Tony Hawk. Tony Hawk(r)'s Underground(tm) is a trademark of Activision. Game by Neversoft, Inc. Xbox(tm) is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. Playstation(r) 2 and Playstation(r) are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Incorporated. Gamecube(tm), Game Boy(r) Color, and Game Boy(r) Advance are registered trademarks of Nintendo of America Incorporated. Dreamcast(tm) is a registered Trademark of Sega of America Incorporated. All other names and logos are trademarks and properties of their respective owners. (c) Jared Therriault, 2003 14. THANKS Thanks to Neversoft and Activision, who keep up this great series with new stuff. You never let it get stale. Well except THPS3. That was kinda crap. But ok. Thanks to mom and dad for getting me the computer so I could write this FAQ. Domomorigato to Mr. Roboto. Thanks to my ass for letting me sit on it for so many years.