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You may not host this guide on your website without my permission. The following sites have my permission to host this guide: Gamefaqs.com Faqs.ign.com Gamespot.com Neoseeker.com Supercheats.com Cheathappens.com If you see this guide on any site besides the one listed, please contact me immediately at alexsallas@hotmail.com with 'THUG Guide' in the subject line. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- B) INDEX ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A) Legal Information B) Index C) Introduction/Game Info C.1) Introduction C.2) Game Info D) Tricks D.1) New Tricks D.2) Trick Types E) Cast of Characters E.1) Major Characters E.2) Minor Characters F) Controls F.1) In-Game Controls (On Board) F.2) In-Game Controls (Off Board) F.3) Menu Controls F.4) Vehicle Controls G) Story Mode Walkthrough G.1) New Jersey G.1.1) Hometown Hi-Jinks G.1.2) Impressing the Locals G.1.3) Getting Outta Dodge G.2) Manhattan G.2.1) Skating the Big Apple G.2.2) Skating with the Locals G.2.3) Favours for a Ride G.3) Tampa G.3.1) With Syrup or Jelly G.3.2) Grease the Pro's G.3.3) Kill the Comp G.3.4) Join a Team G.4) San Diego G.4.1) Prove Yourself Worthy G.4.2) Party! Party! Party! G.4.3) Demo Time G.5) Hawaii G.5.1) Get Lei'd G.5.2) Finding the Ultimate Spot G.5.3) Get the Shot G.6) Vancouver G.6.1) Last Minute Tasks G.7) Slam City Jam G.7.1) Destroy the Slam City Jam G.8) Vancouver (2) G.8.1) Its Gotta Be the Shoes G.9) Moscow G.9.1) Welcome to Russia G.9.2) Time to Skate Comrade G.9.3) Goodbye Sweet Moscow G.10) New Jersey (2) G.10.1) Keeping it Real G.10.2) Spreading the News G.10.3) Pick your Teammates G.10.4) The Video to End All Videos G.10.5) Showdown in New Jersey H) The Sequels H.1) THUG 2 H.2) THAW H.3) THP8 I) Menu I.1) Story Mode I.2) 2 Player I.3) Create-A-Skater I.4) Create-A-Park I.5) Create-A-Trick I.6) Create-A-Goal I.7) Online Play I.8) Download Your Face I.9) Options/MTX Demo J) Create-A-Skater J.1) How to Make a Good Skater J.2) Pre-Made Skaters K) FAQ K.1) Story Mode Questions K.2) Create-A-Modes Questions K.3) Game Questions K.4) Control Questions K.5) Trick Questions K.6) Guide Questions K.7) Music Questions K.8) Miscellaneous Questions L) 2 Player L.1) Trick Attack L.2) Score Challenge L.3) Combo Mambo L.4) Slap! L.5) King of the Hill L.6) Graffiti L.7) Horse L.8) Firefight L.9) Free Skate M) Secret Tapes M.1) New Jersey M.2) Manhattan M.3) Tampa M.4) San Diego M.5) Hawaii M.6) Vancouver M.7) Slam City Jam M.8) Moscow M.9) Hotter Than Hell N) Secret Stuff N.1) Old Skool Levels N.2) Secret Areas O) Cheat Codes/Unlockables O.1) Cheat Codes O.2) Unlockables P) Tips P.1) General Tips P.2) Skating Tips P.3) Other Tips Q) How to Play Q.1) Saving/Loading Q.2) Difficulty Modes R) Glitches/Easter Eggs R.1) Glitches R.2) Easter Eggs S) Music S.1) Bands/Songs S.2) Song Lyrics T) My Review of T.H.U.G. U) E-mail Information V) Version History W) Special Thanks X) End Note ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C) INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ C.1) INTRODUCTION ------------------------------ The Tony Hawk series is a long-established franchise. The first game in the series, entitled 'Tony Hawk's Pro Skater', was a very good game. It was made for the PS1. THPS (as it is often dubbed) 2 and 3 were made with improvements on the basic formula of skating around a somewhat small level, and doing as many goals as you could in 2:00. When 'Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4' came out, some dramatic changes were made to the traditional formula of a 2:00 time limit, etc. Now, you could skate around the level freely, and do goals as you wished. In my opinion, it was a change for the better. 'Tony Hawk's Underground' not only steered away from the 'Pro Skater' ending of the name that the previous games had had, but also introduced a dramatic new addition to the game: the ability to get off your board. This is helpful in a lot of ways; one, for combos, and two, it allows for a lot more mobility around levels. And so, I bring you my guide to 'Tony Hawk's Underground'. This game has made a lot of changes to the formulas past games have had, as I said before. I hope that you enjoy this guide! ------------------------------ C.2) GAME INFO ------------------------------ Game Title: Tony Hawk's Underground Developed by: Neversoft Published by: Activision ESRB: T for Teen Memory Card (for Ps2): 110 KB Online: Broadband and Dial-Up Vibration Function: Yes Slogan: "You Own the Underground" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- D) TRICKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ D.1) NEW TRICKS: ------------------------------ WALK MODE: This isn't exactly a trick, but it's definitely a new addition to the game. Now, you can get off of your board and walk around the level you're skating in. This is great, because now you don't always have to be skating, which makes it hard to get to certain places. Also, a note: you don't get any points for going into walk mode, unless you're in the middle of a combo as you are doing so. CLIMBING/SHIMMYING: This is another new addition to the game. You can now climb on ledges, wires, etc. and shimmy on them. This is very helpful for getting into places that would normally be close to impossible to get to when you're skating. When I say 'shimmying', I mean more to the left and right on the object that you're holding. You can also hop off of the thing that you're holding, and wither fall off of it, or jump and grind on it. CAVEMAN: This is a new addition to the game, because you wouldn't be able to do it if there weren't a walk mode! While in walk mode, jump, and hop on to your board again by pressing L1 + R1. This is another thing that's helpful for combos, and comes up in many stat challenges. WALLPLANT/WALLPUSH: Two other new additions to the game are the wallplant and the wallpush. For the wallplant, skate up to a wall, vending machine, etc and ollie, and then press the down arrow + X to launch yourself off of the wall. This is helpful for combos, too, as you can quickly hop off of a rail and back on it again with this move. The wallpush is somewhat similar, I suppose. Skate up to a wall, and hold down the triangle button to push off of the wall, hence the name 'wallpush'. This move doesn't really come up very often, and is worth very little points by itself (10, I believe), so you probably won't find yourself using it very often. WALLRIDE: Go up to a wall and ollie while pressing against the wall, and hold the triangle button to ride up the wall. This is a very useful trick that is good for getting up into high places, and for some missions that involve going into hard to reach places. ------------------------------ D.2) TRICK TYPES: ------------------------------ GRABS: Grabs are tricks that involve grabbing or holding the board in one way or another. These types or tricks are usually off of ramps, and are used in vert skating quite commonly. They are still used in street skating sometimes, but less frequently. To perform a grab, hold the 'O' button while using the left analog stick or the D-Pad to indicate which grab trick you want to do. Some grabs are tricky to land, but are worth a lot of points, sometimes. FLIPS: Flips are almost the opposite of grabs; they involve flipping the board, hence the name. These types of tricks are done in both street and vert skating. Flips can often be multiplied to make more points (ex. Kickflip, Double Kickflip, etc.) To perform a fliptrick, press the square button, and a direction arrow or the left analog stick to indicate which fliptrick you want to do. FLATLAND: Flatland tricks are very interesting tricks, as they are always done on flat ground (hence the name: flatland). These tricks involve manuals, truckstands, caspers, to-rails, handstands, pogos, etc. These tricks are good for combos, and increasing your score of combos. OLLIES, BONELESSES, NO COMPLIES, ETC.: The boneless, no comply, etc. all various forms of the base trick, the ollie. The ollie is a trick that is very often used in skateboarding. It is used to hop up into the air, with your board. This is the base trick for almost all tricks in the game, and in real-life. In the game, you perform the ollie by hitting the X button. No complies are performed by hitting the up arrow and the X button at the same time. Bonelesses are performed by hitting the up arrow twice, and then the X button. Bonelesses give you a significant boost in height. GRINDS: Grinds are tricks that, obviously, involve grinding on some ledge or surface in one way or another. These are very helpful for big scores, and you will probably find yourself a lot of these over the course of the game. There are several grind variations that are worth a lot of points if you switch between the different modes of grinding during combos (using square, square; circle, circle, etc.) LIPS: Lips are tricks that involve lipping on some part of a ledge. They're basically like a grind, but you're not grinding; you're locked in place. Honestly, lips a re probably the least used tricks in the game (at least in my opinion), but they're still good for some quick points, I guess. SPECIAL: Special tricks are tricks that you can only perform if your special meter is full. Some of these tricks are impossible to perform in real- life, while others are possible. These are interesting tricks, usually. Very fun tricks to do, and (usually) they increase your score by a lot during combos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- E) CAST OF CHARACTERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ E.1) MAJOR CHARACTERS: ------------------------------ YOU: You are you. Or, in other words, you are your created skater. You are a skater that wants to make it big, and possibly even become a pro. You have lots of friends, but the one that you (seemingly) hang out the most with is your good buddy Eric. Eric Sparrow: Your seemingly best friend in the neighborhood. You two hang out, and skate together. You are good pals all around. Todd: The team manager. You meet up with him in San Diego. He is the manager, as mentioned before, of the team that you decide to join in the Story Mode. He overeats, and is quite overweight. ------------------------------ E.2) MINOR CHARACTERS: ------------------------------ Shawn: Friend and fellow skater. He skates for Stacy Peralta. Chris: Friend and fellow skater. Jack: Skater for Stacy Peralta. Joey: Skater for Stacy Peralta. Jordan: A fellow team-member. He was turned pro after a year on the team. Bender: A guy on the team. Ralphie: A guy on the team. Russian Tank Driver: A Russian tank driver in Moscow. Kalo: A guy in Moscow. Elm Street Drug Dealers: The Elm Street Drug Dealers in New Jersey. They hate skateboarders. Stacy Peralta: He's the guy that you have to go to get a sponsorship from. In New Jersey, you meet up with him, and in Manhattan, you impress him. Johnny Turbo: Leader of the 'Street Warriors' gang. Team Filmer: The filmer for your team. Student: You need to help her in the 'Help the Student' goal. Nut Vendor: Help him 'compete' with the other nut vendors in the 'Nut Vendors Unite!' goal. Police Officer: Arrests you in Tampa for having an offensive bumper sticker. Snot Nose Kid: Comes up in New Jersey and in San Diego. Private Eye: You help him in the 'Help the Private Eye' goal in Tampa. Shoe Rep: You meet up with her in Vancouver. Street Comp. Judge: You see him in Tampa and Slam City Jam. Vert Comp. Judge: You see him in Tampa and Slam City Jam. Russian Skater: You impress him in Moscow. Circus Performer: You impress her in Moscow. Aleksander: You deliver a package to him in Moscow. Vladimir: Drunken Tank Driver which Eric steals keys from in Moscow. Ollie: A bum that you encounter in the 'Catch Ollie's House' goal. Denny: A fellow skater. Mike Vallely: You learn the Flamingo special trick from him in New Jersey. He also has a gap named after him in Manhattan. Chad Muska: You learn the Moonwalk Five-O special trick from him in Manhattan. Eric Koston: You learn the Yeah Right! special trick from him in Tampa. Paul Rodrigez: You learn the 540 Flip special trick from him in San Diego. Rodney Mullen: You learn the Crooks Darkslide special trick from him in Hawaii. Bob Burnquist: You learn the Casper Handstand special trick from him in New Jersey. Bucky Lasek: You will learn the 1990 Invert special trick from him in Slam City Jam. Tony Hawk: You will learn the 360 Varial Heelflip Lein special trick from him in Moscow. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- F) CONTROLS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- F.1) IN-GAME CONTROLS (ON BOARD): ----------------------------------- X: Ollie Square: Fliptrick O: Grab Trick Triangle: Grind/Lip R1: Spin R2: Spine Transfer/Acid Drop/Revert L1: Spin L2: Switch Stances Left Analog Stick: Control Skater/Spin Right Analog Stick: Control Camera R3: Lock Camera Up Arrow: (when behind vehicle) Skitch Down Arrow: Leave Car you're Skitching On Left Arrow: Turn Left Right Arrow: Turn Right Up + Down: Manual Down + Up: Nose Manual Down + Down + R1: Powerslide ----------------------------------- F.2) IN-GAME CONTROLS (OFF BOARD): ----------------------------------- X: Jump Triangle: Grind R1: Grab Ledge R2: Acid Drop Left Analog Stick: Control Skater Right Analog Stick: Control Camera R3: Lock Camera Up Arrow: Go On to Top of Ledge (While Hanging) Down Arrow: Drop off of Ledge you're Hanging On to Up + Down: Manual Down + Up: Nose Manual ----------------------------------- F.3) MENU CONTROLS ----------------------------------- X: Select Highlighted Text Triangle: Go Back to Previous Screen Up: Highlight Text Down: Highlight Text Left Analog Stick: Highlight Text Start: Select Highlighted Text ----------------------------------- F.4) VEHICLE CONTROLS ----------------------------------- X: Gas Square: Back Up Triangle: Ditch R1: Handbrake Left Analog Stick: Steer ----------------------------------------------------------------------- G) STORY MODE WALKTHROUGH ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G.1) NEW JERSEY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================== G.1.1) HOMETOWN HI-JINKS: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HELP ERIC: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, the first mission in the game. Like such, it is the easiest in the game. This is a very simple mission that I can't really see very many people having that much trouble on, but whatever. Anyway, run through the gate and jump up and grab the ledge of the house using the 'R1' button. Then, climb up on to the roof using the Up Arrow, and grab the first piece. Now, run across this rooftop, and then jump to the next rooftop to grab the next piece of Eric's skateboard. Now, run across this rooftop and jump to the next, and grab the 3'rd piece of Eric's board. For the last piece, keep running across the roof, and eventually you will see it. Now, hop off of your board and jump over the barricades using the X button. Now, you should see a long barrier in the middle of the street. Run towards it, jump, and hurriedly press the triangle button to grind on it. On Sick Mode, you will have to do a run for Eric. Run towards the first barrier and then jump into a grind, like you did just before. Now, ollie off of the rail and switch back to walking stance. Now combo run out into a caveman, and then grind the last barrier to finish this challenge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WALK CHARLES: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go up to the tail of the dog when the mission begins, and press the up arrow. Just skitch the dog for however long you have too. When you finish the challenge, you will get the 'You earned that $5!' gap. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ERIC'S CHALLENGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, Eric wants to see you do a melon, so do just that. Go up the side of the drainage ditch and perform a melon (right arrow + O). Now, Eric wants to see you do a melon, and then revert 4 times after that. So, do exactly what you just did, but as you're coming to the bottom of the ramp, hit the 'R2' button to revert. On Sick Mode, do what you just did, but then manual. So, do a melon, and then revert, and then hit the up arrow + down arrow to do a manual. You can also hit down + up to do a manual (although technically you will go into a manual, but it still counts). Now you have to beat Eric's score. So, here's what to do: Go up the side of the drainage ditch and do a grab trick with a spin. Revert, manual, and then go up the other side and do a grab trick. Now, revert again, and then go into a manual and do some flatland tricks. Now, go to the left side of the drainage ditch and go up the ramp, and then, while in mid-air, hit the 'R2' button to perform a spine transfer. This will send you hurling downwards towards the other side of the ramp. Do this and then revert, manual, and then grind along the back part of the drainage ditch (but don't grind it all the way to the end. Now, get off of your board and run over to the ramp that you just spine transferred on to. Then, get back on your board while on the ramp, and then manual, go up the ramp, and hit triangle to perform a lip trick. Do some lip trick variations, revert after you're done land it, and you should have beaten Eric's score. If you don't want to do one huge combo, then just do some air tricks, revert, manual, another air trick, and do that 2 or 3 times, then land it. When I say 'air trick' I mean a trick in the air (it can be either grab or flip tricks). Flip tricks are quicker, but generally aren't worth as many points as grab tricks, so do what you think you should do. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GET IN TIGHT WITH THE STREET WARRIORS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is your very first driving mission! In this mission, you have to knock down all of the cones. The first cone is past the pool, down towards the edge of the city. Now, turn right and go up Elm Street and turn to the right again when you reach the drug dealers house. Follow the road past the high school, and then make a 2 right turns. Now, make a turn to the right past the pool again, and then turn into the alley between the 2 houses. Make a left turn to go in front of the clinic. Go fast down towards that bridge ahead of you, and then make a U-turn when you've passed the cone. Now, head back past the clinic again and make a right turn on to Elm Street. Don't go very fast down this street, or you may have to back up, wasting time. Now, turn right to go between two houses. Keep going straight, and then turn left. Now you can go as fast as you want, as long as you get to Johnny's place. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FLYER FOR THE MUSKA DEMO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, start by grinding the barrier in front of the skate shop. Ollie off of the barrier and hit the ledge in front of the house on the corner. Keep going straight down the road, and turn right at the end of the road and grind the ledge that goes towards Elm Street. Ollie across the alley, and keep going towards the drug dealer's house. Now, grind along the pipe, and you should finish the goal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * IMPRESS MUSKA: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, Chad Muska is driving around, and you must impress him. He will check out 3 different spots, and you have to score a certain amount of points in front of him in a certain amount of time. If you can get as many points as needed in the first spot, that's great, but he will check out 3 different spots, so you have some time. The first spot that he will check out is the pool. Skate towards the pool, and then ollie over the fence, and go into the pool. Now, do a grab trick with a spin, revert, manual, and repeat. When you aren't getting enough air to do grab tricks anymore, do some flatland tricks. You have to do this fast, as he will only stay at this spot about 30 seconds. If you don't get enough points from the first spot, just follow him, and go to the two other spots. The two other spots are: the area with the dumpster, and the drainage ditch. They have sort of the same layout as the first spot, so just follow the guide written above. Keep in kind that he will only spend about 30 seconds at the first 2 spots, and about 1 minute at the last spot. ================================= BONUS GOAL: ================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEARN THE FLAMINGO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To activate this goal, find Mike Vallely, who is found skating around town. Anyway, when you do find him, he will teach you the Flamingo. You will be transported to the drainage ditch, where you must get special, and then perform the Flamingo in a set amount of time. It will show you how to do the Flamingo in the corner of the screen (Left + Right + O). Do this, and you will unlock a new special trick slot. ========================================== G.1.2) IMPRESSING THE LOCALS: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPRESS SHAWN: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, you need to get on the roof of the house, so air up the quarter pipe opposite the quarter pipe attached to the house with the roof that you need to get on, and then land it, and then go up the quarter pipe Now go up the quarter pipe attached to the house with the roof. Now, transfer from one roof to the other. Build up some speed by airing up the two ramps on the roof, and then go off of the quarter pipe to the left, but on an angle, and then land on the other roof. Now, you have to get back down to where you started. Air up the ramp on the roof, and then hit the 'R2' button to spine transfer off of the roof. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEMO THE NEW PLAYGROUND SETUP: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, Jack and some other guys want you to demo this playground setup they just made. So, you have to score a certain amount of points in 2:00. First, go into the drained-out pool. Go up a side and do a grab trick with a spin. Revert, manual, and repeat. Keep doing that until you don't have enough speed and/or momentum to go up a side and do a trick anymore, and when you're finished, do some flatland tricks by reverting, and stay in the manual. That should be enough to complete the goal, but if it isn't, keep the combo alive and grind around the outside of the pool, while constantly doing various grind variations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPRESS JOEY: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To impress Joey, you need to first spine transfer into the dumpster, so do that (ride up the ramp of the dumpster, and while in mid-air hit R2 to transfer over to the ramp opposite the ramp you just went up). Now you need to spine transfer, but while spine transferring, do a kickflip (left + square). So, do exactly what you did in the first part of this goal, but after hitting R2, hit the buttons for a kickflip. Now, Joey is going to call out tricks that must do. My advice is to do the tricks that are called out more than once first (because you only have to do them once, and you'll eliminate every trick like that from the trick list that is up when you did the trick). Sometimes, you can even do more than one trick while in the air! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO CHRIS' BEST LINES: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Chris has some lines that he wants to see if anybody else can do. And now you're going to try them. First of all, if you're playing on Sick difficulty, you have to combo the line. But if you're playing on either Beginner difficulty or Normal difficulty, you don't have too. Anyway, ollie and then grind the barrier, and then hop to the right and grind the fence. Now, jump to the left on to the second barrier. Now, ollie and grind on the fence next to the bridge. Grind the fence all the way to the end and then jump on to the concrete... thing near Johnny Turbo's shop. Then, ollie off of that barrier, and on to the second barrier, and you will finish the first line. Now, in the second line, you have to grind the wall close to the sidewalk, and then jump off of the wall into a manual. Manual down the road and then ollie into a grind on the wall on the right. Jump from the wall on to a fence right in front of the wall that you just grinded. Grind the fence until you're behind the clinic, and then ollie from the rail you're just on, and grind on the wall close to the blue house. Ollie from the grind that you're still in to a brick wall. Now, ollie from the brick wall and grind the porch in front of you, and you will have finished this goal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * GET THE STOLEN ITEMS BACK FROM THE DEALERS: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The drug dealers broke into the skateshop and stole some gear! You are going to get it back! The dealers have pretty bad hearing, and they can't see very well, so it shouldn't be that hard to get the gear back. Basically, here's what you need to do: you need to run forward to the Tombstone Maker's place and climb the ladder on the side of the building. Run n the roof, and across to the other roof. Jump down and run across the street (you may get a 'They Spotted You!', but keep running, because you may pass them). Anyway, keep running, and then go through the dumpster. Now, when at the end of the alley with the dumpster in it, turn to the right and jump on the porch, and grab the gear. Then you're done the goal! ========================================== G.1.3) GETTING OUTTA DODGE: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * GET THE SCRAP METAL FOR THE TOMBSTONE MAKER: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to get all of the scrap pieces of metal to build a ramp to jump across the bridge. Basically, you need to do just what you did in the 'Help Eric' goal at the beginning of the game. Follow the same line, except at the end, run to the left and grab a piece of scrap metal. Then, jump off of the house and jump on to a short roof to grab the final piece of scrap metal (there are 6 in total). Now, you need to skitch Johnny Turbo's car, and jump off at the right moment. So, go up to his car, and hold the 'up' arrow to skitch the car. Just a little tip: try not hold 'X' while skitching, or when you let go of 'X', you will let go of the car! Anyway, hold on to the car until Johnny tells you to let go. So, when he tells you to let go, let go, and go off of the flashing ramp. You will go flying off of the ramp, and over the bridge, finishing the goal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * GET ACCESS TO THE TRAIN STATION: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In this goal, you have to grind around the planter-thing a specified amount of times with (on some difficulty modes) a time limit. The reason you are doing this is so you will tire the 'Security Stew' out giving you access to the train station. I can't really tell you what to do in this goal, as it's pretty self-explanatory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPRESS THE BRATTY KID: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to score points without touching the road. My advice is simple: grind the left ledge while doing some different grind variations, and then at the end, jump over to the other planter-thing with the ramp on it, and do some flatland tricks. Finish the combo while still on the planter-thing, jump back to the original thing that you started out on, and repeat the process. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CATCH OLLIE'S HOUSE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ollie's house has blown away, and you have to get it back for him. You have to grind the appropriate train tracks to get his house back. Just grind into the flashing objects to retrieve parts of his house. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * RESCUE ERIC!: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The dealers have kidnapped Eric in their SUV, and it's your duty to help him escape! At the start, jump and grind the edge of the planter- thing that you started out in on the 'Impress the Bratty Kid' goal. When you get to the bridge, grind one of the ledges all the way down to the end (preferably the one behind the SUV). And follow the truck the rest of the way. Now, Johnny gives his vehicle to follow the dealers with. You have to stay in sight of the dealers SUV. Follow the dealers around the neighborhood, and then watch out as they turn to the left quite unexpectedly, and go on to the bridge. Follow them down the bridge, and then when you reach the planter-thing with the ramp on it, you can speed up and ram into their car. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G.2) MANHATTAN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================== G.2.1) SKATING THE BIG APPLE: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HIGH SCORE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to get a high score to impress the construction workers. Go up the slope in front of the construction worker you talk to active this goal and ollie off of it, and grind the side of the metal-thing. Then, hop off of that and grind the dumpster to the end, and when you get to the end, ollie off of the curved piece and grind the other metal thing. Jump off of that and manual, and do some flatland tricks on the sidewalk. Now, get off your board and run over to the ramps on that glass building. Do some big grab tricks and revert, ending the combo. If that isn't enough to finish the goal, just do some flatland tricks in the parking lot of the glass building. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLD-GRIND COMBOS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hold the triangle button to grind, but switch the grind between two benches by doing the proper grinds. You don't need to ollie; just keep holding the triangle button, but switch the arrows. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HELP THE STUDENT: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Somebody has taken some student's things and scattered them around Manhattan! You need to get them back for her. Where they are varies on difficulty mode, so I will divide it up by difficulty mode: ~~ BEGINNER: ~~ 1) From the starting point of the goal, go to the tall building and air up the ramp. Then, grind the ledge to get the first item. 2) Go to the Brooklyn Banks, and on the corner of the ramp, air up to grab the second item. 3) Across the street from the Brooklyn Banks should be some building with red and yellow colouring and a colourful banner. Grind that banner to get the final purse item. ~~ NORMAL: ~~ In addition to the items above, you will have to get... 4) Grind the glass building. 5) Go into the alley across from the bridge, near the big anchor. Go up the asphalt quarter pipe and air up and grind the wire to get the final item. ~~ SICK: ~~ In addition to getting all of the items listed above, you will have to get... 6) Spine transfer over the big 'Cash' sign to get the purse item. (You may need to No Comply or Boneless to be able to get high enough to spine transfer over it). 7) Go down the road past the building with the banner and grind the dumpsters with the curved end on them. When you get to the curved part, ollie and grind the metal-thing to get the final purse item. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- KILL 5 FAMOUS SKATESPOTS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a very easy goal, and I would be surprised if anybody had trouble with this goal, even on Sick mode. Anyway, you need to get a high score at 5 different skate spots around town. As I said before, you really should have no trouble with this goal, so you probably don't need me to give you tips. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NUT VENDORS UNITE!: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A poor Nut Vendor is being hassled by other Nut Vendors! Smash the other nut vendor's carts to teach them a lesson! This goal is relatively simple. Just follow the arrow, and you should have no trouble finding the carts. Remember to watch out for ones in alleys and narrow places. They are very easy to miss. ========================================== BONUS GOAL: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEARN THE MOONWALK FIVE-O: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This challenge is harder than the previous bonus goal; you have to get special, and hop on the wire while in a Moonwalk Five-O grind. So, here's what to do: Get special by doing some flatland tricks, and then go up the ramp across the ramp closest to the wire. Now, skate over to the wire, and just before you go of the ramp jump into a grind. Now, in the straight portion of the wire that comes up, ollie into a Moonwalk Five-O grind, and quickly switch back to a 50-50 (triangle + triangle), and grind all the way to end of the wire. ========================================== G.2.2) SKATING WITH THE LOCALS: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FILM THE LOCAL: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- An extremely easy goal. Just skate behind the local until he finishes his line. Remember to not do any tricks or grinds or manuals or anything; just follow the skater. Remember not to get too far behind him, or too far in front of him. Just be able to see him at a somewhat close distance to him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HIT THE KILLER BANKS LINE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ollie and grind the row of cars. Now, ollie off of that set of cars and grind the next set of cars. At eh end, jump off of them and manual to the curved ledge. Grind it, and then ollie off of it on to a grind on the next ledge. Ollie off of the ledge and manual to the benches and grind them. Now, at the end of the two benches, hop off your board and run towards the ramp, and go up it and you will finish the goal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CRASH AND BURN THE CAR: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you know what to do, this goal isn't very hard. If you don't know what to do, it can really annoying. So, what you have to do is heat the car until it reaches 300 degrees. To do this, just keep a constant speed, and don't hit anything or make to many slow turns. When it reaches 300 degrees, go to the waterfront and you should see a flashing ramp. Drive the car off of it, and you will finish the goal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * HELP THE LOCAL SKATER: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To get inside the building, you have to get the cars some hot, steaming nuts. To do that, follow the arrow and go to the nut vendors. Get them back to the guards before they get cold. Once you do that, you can go inside the building. You have to do a trick that the local created: the New York Nut Buster. On Beginner and Normal, you just have to do the trick, but on Sick you have to do it out a window. To do the trick, get special and then press the correct buttons to do the trick. When doing it out a window, get special and grind a rail and then ollie off of the rail through a window. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * GAP THE BURNING TAXI: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to ollie over a burning taxi and do the tricks that Eric tells you to do. When doing the tricks after coming off of the ramp, I like to skate down into the banks, go off of the ramp, and skate back up, and ollie over the taxi; that way I get more speed, and can do more than one trick with the jump, but you can do what ever works for you. Remember to the tricks that are listed more than once first, as you can eliminate the list faster. ========================================== G.2.3) FAVOURS FOR A RIDE: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HELP STACEY'S RELATIVE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to score a certain amount of points inside the building. From the start, jump and grind the grey-ish thing Hop off and manual and do some flatland tricks. When you think you can't balance anymore, get off your board and run towards the ramp, where you should do a grab trick with a spin, revert and finish the combo. Then repeat. This goal isn't very hard at all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OLD SKOOL SKATING TECHNIQUES: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A Chef wants to see you do 5 no complies. To No Comply, press the up arrow + the X button. You can do them anywhere around the level, but make sure you do all 5 of them within the time limit! Next, the chef wants to see you No Comply over a barrier. Do that by skating up to the barrier and hitting the up arrow + the X button over the barrier. On Normal and Sick, you now have to No Comply on to a bench, land in a manual, and do a flip trick off of the bench. So, do that, and then you can move on to the next part. Now, you have to boneless 5 times. To boneless, press the up arrow + the up arrow + the X button. So do that 5 times anywhere in the level within the time limit, just like you did for the No Comply. Now you have to boneless over the barrier. To do that, skate up to it and press the up arrow + the up arrow + the X button, while going over the barrier. Now, for your last challenge, you have to go up a ramp and boneless while going up the ramp, to get more air. So do that and you will finish the challenge! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FIND THE STOLEN SKATESHOP GOODS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Some punks have made off with stuff from the skateshop, and you need to get it back! On beginner, you need to get 3 decks, on normal, you need to get 5 decks, and on sick, you need to get 7 decks! Here's where they are: 1) Some are around the Brooklyn Banks; I'm not sure how many, but there is at least 1 there. 2) There are some more down by the waterfront. 3) Chiefly on Sick Mode, some skaters go around the city. Check 78 Water, the construction site, the Pyramid Ledges, and the Metro Center. Remember, tog get the decks back, you just need to touch the guys you have them. Hey will be identifiable by skulls above their heads. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G.3) TAMPA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================== G.3.1) WITH SYRUP OR JELLY: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REMOVE ALL OF THE STICKERS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Jed wants you to wallride stickers down. Here's where they are: 1) On Beginner and Normal, the first sticker is located just to the left of the strip club, on the brick wall. But on Sick, it is located above the pipe at about roof-height of the strip club. Wallride it down. 2) On Beginner and Normal, go up the ramp to the left of the starting point of this goal, and wallride it down. On Sick, you need to go up the ramp, grind the pipe, and wallride at the end of it. 3) Cross the street and go to the building on the left. Go up the ramp and wallride it down. On sick, you need to go up the ramp, grind the red pipe and then wallride it down. 4) Go to the Private Eye Drycleaners building and wallride down the sticker. It is the same for all difficulties. 5) Like the last sticker, this one is the same for all difficulties: go to the side of the bank. The sticker is on the back wall of the building with the skatepark in it, next to them side wall of the bank. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GET THE BEST DONUTS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Where the donuts are depends on the difficulty level, but I'll write it for the normal difficulty, because that's the basic. Grind the dumpster ad hop on to the fence. Grind the top of the half pipe to get 2 more donuts, and go through the exit in the fence ahead. Go down the road, following the donuts, and then go along the benches near the wakeboard shop. Go on to the party boat and air up off the ramp to get the last donut. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SKATEBOARDING BANDIT: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Somebody has just robbed the bank and left a trail of cash for you to follow! Find him! On Beginner and Normal, you need to grind the first bench, and then the second one, go through the window, grind the edge of the building, jump off, and manual through the cash. Then, jump off your board and run over to the ramp, and go up it to get the last piece of cash. On Sick, you have to grab two cash bills by just skating, then go out the window and grind the edge of the building, and then transfer the grind over the wire. Grind to the end of the wire, jump off, run over to the fence, grind it, ollie, grind the next fence, and then manual over to the bowl. At the end , grind the top of the house, and then you're done! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HELP THE PRIVATE EYE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First, go in front of the strip club and grind the cheater's car 5 times. Next, air over the entrance of the strip club while doing the specified trick. Now, you need to deliver some dry-cleaning. You can't bail, or else it will wrinkle it! Just follow the arrow to the people who need their clothes back. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * REVENGE!!!: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, you need to grind down 5 Mayor Jed signs. The first sign is located right in front of you from the starting point. Go up the ramp and then grind the top of it, and grind the sign. The second sign is located just a little ways away from the first one; go up the slope and grind the sign, or just jump and hang on the sign, and then go up on top of it and grind it. The third sign is across from the strip club. It's on the ground, so just ollie and grind it. The fourth sign is next to the Bro Bowl, on the ground like the last one. The fifth and final sign is on the corner of the street opposite the Private Eye Dry Cleaners. Now, the cops are coming after you. You have to drive the police car around the city to evade them! Watch out for the police cars that drive up and try to block your path! Whenever you see a green arrow on the ground, drive over it, and then you can move on to the next arrow. ========================================== BONUS GOAL: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEARN THE YEAH RIGHT: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Eric Koston wants you to learn the Yeah Right! manual. First, you need to get special, and then do the Yeah Right! manual through some cones, so do that. Now, you have to get special, skitch a car, and when Eric tells you to, let go, and yeah right trough some more cones. So do that, and then you will finish the goal! ========================================== G.3.2) GREASE THE PROS: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARTY BOAT SKATE-TRICKS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Bam Margera is at a dull party and wants to liven it up with some skating. Do the tricks he calls out. Remember to do the most-named ones first, and to stay on the boat. Also, try not to hit the floor or the water; try to stay on the half-pipes and in the boat. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WALLPLANT COMBO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Wallplant off the draw bridge by press the down arrow + the X button, and then manual through the cones. On Sick Mode this can be a real challenge, because the line of cones is so long. Just remember to watch your balance meter, and if you're losing speed, do a spacewalk (left + right + square) to keep going. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAT ANDREW'S BEST COMBOS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First Combo: Grind down the wooden handrail and then land in a manual, do some flatland tricks until you can't think you can't balance anymore, get off of your board, and run towards the Wet Beaver ramp, do a grab trick with a spin, revert, and land. Second Combo: Go up the quarter pipe, do a grab trick with a spin, revert, manual, go into a truckstand (triangle + square) to stop moving, and do some flatland tricks until you think you can't balance anymore, get off your board, run back to the quarter pipe, and do a lip trick on it. Do some different lip trick variations, revert, get off your board, and then go up the ramp and do a grab trick with a spin, revert, and end the combo. Third Combo: Go up the quarter pipe behind you, do a big grab trick with a spin, revert, manual, and then grind the wire across to the other rooftop (while doing various grind variations), and when you get there, go into a manual and do some flatland tricks, jump out of the manual and do a small fliptrick (i.e. kickflip) and end the combo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOWL GRIND: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- On Beginner and Normal, this is a pretty easy goal, and on Sick this is hard! Just grind all of the bottles off of the bowl in a combo. The thing is that on Sick, you have to transfer the grind across to the other rim of the bowl. Anyway, just grind all the bottles off of the bowl, and you will finish the challenge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PROVE YOURSELF: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do a trick with however big of a spin it tells you to do. Now do a trick with however big of a spin it tells you to do to a revert. On Sick, you have to do one more thing: do a trick with however big of a spin it asks you to do, and then revert to a manual. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * IMPRESS TONY HAWK: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Firstly, do all of the tricks it tells you to do on the side of the screen. If it shows a trick with a spin, do the EXACT ROTATION of that spin. Not more than it, not less than it, exactly it. For example, if it shows a 540 kickflip, you can't do a 720 kickflip, or a 360 kickflip; you have to do a 540 kickflip. Once you've finished that, you have to beat Tony Hawk's score. Remember to do big combos, and to stay in the halfpipe. Once you've beaten his score, you will finish the mission! ========================================== G.3.3) KILL THE COMP: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE IN STREET CONTEST: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to get a good enough score to place in the street contest. The key to this is to get big combos, and don't bail. Try and do special tricks whenever possible, too! But make sure you don't bail, as I said before. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PLACE IN VERT CONTEST: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- One thing that I should probably tell you is that in street and vert contests, you don't necessarily have to do street and vert tricks respectively. You can do street tricks in the vert competition, too. It's just that the vert contests usually place you in something like a halfpipe, and the street contests place in more of a street setting. Anyway, to place in the vert contest, do big combos with lots of big air tricks. At the end of the combo, do some flatland tricks, land, repeat. That should be enough to place you in the vert contest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GET ONTO THE ROOF OF SPOT: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Firstly, climb onto the roof. This is simple enough. Simply jump up and grab the ledge, and then climb up, and then jump to the next ledge and climb the ladder up to the roof. Now, Afro Jim (the guy you talk to to do this goal) says that he wants you to beat his high score, but stay on the rooftops. You can grind the wire over to the other rooftop if you want, but stay on the rooftops! After you do that, you will finish the goal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * WIN BEST TRICK CONTEST: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to stay above the scores featured on the upper-left hand side of the screen to make it on to the second part of this goal. Anyway, first of all, grind the ledge-thing, and then manual over to the ramp. Go up the ramp, do a lip trick, do some different lip trick variations, and when you think you can't balance anymore, jump off, revert, manual, do some flatland tricks, and when you think you can't balance anymore, get off your board and run towards the nearest ramp, go up it, and do a special air trick, revert, and repeat. Remember that you have to stay inside the building! Just use this strategy for the whole goal and you should have no trouble beating it. ========================================== G.3.4) JOIN A TEAM: ========================================== After winning the Tampa AM, all the major sponsors are fighting over you! Pick your favourite team, and move on. I've listed the teams below, along with the skaters featured in this game that are on the respective teams: Birdhouse: Tony Hawk, Bucky Lasek Element: Bam Margera, Mike Vallely Flip: Arto Saari, Geoff Rowley, Rune Glifberg Girl: Eric Koston, Paul Rodriguez Zero: Jamie Thomas Once you've picked a team, you can move on! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G.4) SAN DIEGO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================== G.4.1) PROVE YOURSELF WORTHY: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FLIP THE BIG STAIRS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a pretty easy goal. All you have to do is perform the tricks that the photographer requests you do down the 20 set of stairs. The tricks are: Heelflip, Double Kickflip, Double Impossible, and 360 Flip. Just get good speed at the start, and it should be no problem. You probably won't even need to no comply or boneless to get down the stairs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DAREDEVIL HIGH LINE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to grind down all the flower boxes. Simply ollie into a grind on the first ledge, and then just grind on all of the balconies you need to complete the goal. The number of flower boxes you need to grind down varies depending on what difficulty you're playing on. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AIR OUT THE ATRIUM: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is not a very easy goal, actually. You need to do grab tricks over the atrium. You will almost definitely need to boneless to make to cross and successfully complete the trick. You need to land right on the other side; you can't just barely make it over (usually, anyway). As the tricks become harder, it becomes harder to successfully complete them over the atrium gap. You might want to boost up your air and speed stats before attempting this goal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ROOFTOP TECHNICIAN: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to manual, and then ollie over the barrier, and do the requested trick. This is a fairly simple goal, although you will usually either hit the barrier, or miss the second manual. On Sick Mode this is harder, because the trick is harder. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * SEE A MAN ABOUT A HORSE: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to perform the requested tricks while spine transferring over the horse. Remember to get high enough to go over the horse, although this shouldn't be much of a problem. This goal really isn't that hard, so you probably won't have much trouble completing it. ========================================== BONUS GOAL: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEARN THE 540 FLIP: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Rodriguez wants you to learn the 540 Flip! Get special, and then do the 540 flip, and then acid drop down the back ramp of the horse statue. Getting the acid drop is the hardest part, so remember to have a lot of speed and air when you do this challenge. ========================================== G.4.2) PARTY! PARTY! PARTY!: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First, go right in front of you and wallplant the green area. Second, go up the stairs and to the wall on the right, near the end of the level. Wallplant the green area. Third, go back down the stairs and wallplant the outside of the building-thing. Fourth, go inside the tunnel and wallplant the green area. Fifth, go through the tunnel and to the left, and now turn to the right when you reach the entrance to the skatepark. Wallplant the last green area, which is on the barrier-ish type thing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NO BAND... NO PARTY. BUMMER! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- On Normal, grind the first wall in front of you from the start to find the first instrument. Now, go up the slope near the party area and go up the quarter pipe to find the second instrument. Now, towards the end of the level, a bit before the flagpole, on the far right planter, grind it to get the third instrument. And finally, go behind the planters and up the walkway to the museum. Now, get off your board and get on to the area near the top of the museum. Grind the ledge to get the fourth and final instrument. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NO ONE LIKES A DUDE FESTIVAL: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Drive the cart towards the first girl, Sunny, who wants you to do a big combo for her. First, manual and do some flatland tricks until you think you can't balance any longer. Now, get off your board and do a special grind on the ledge of the walkway. Now, hold that, and then ollie off the rail, and get off your board, and run over to the rail opposite the one you just grinded on. Do various grind variations, and then get off your board again, and wait for the combo run out to expire. The second girl, Charity, wants you to do some flatland tricks. Do as many flatland tricks as you can in one combo, because if a trick you've already done comes up, you won't have to do it again. If you're still holding the same manual near the end of the time limit, jump out and start another manual, so that it's easier to balance. The third and final girl, Raven, wants you to get a high score for her. Simply go into the skatepark area and use the ramps to do some big tricks. But, if you want it more in-depth, get special, then go up the ramp, do a special air trick, revert manual, do some flatland tricks until you can't balance anymore, get off your board, and do a special grind on the ledge, hop of the rail and then get off your board and go up another ramp and do some lip tricks, and then get off the lip, revert, and finish this part of the goal. Now go back to the starting point just follow the arrow around the skatepark and back to the party area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ACID DROP THE TWO TOWERS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Climb up the ladder and acid drop off the first tower. Now, go back up the quarter pipe and climb the ladder you first climbed, and hop across to the second tower. Acid drop off of that tower and you will finish the goal! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * ALL WE NEED IS A SYSTEM AND SOME RIMS: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Just follow the arrow to get through the cones. This is a pretty simple goal; even on Sick it isn't that hard. If you need a walkthrough for this, E-mail me. ========================================== G.4.3) DEMO TIME: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GET YOUR GEAR BACK FROM THE FUZZ: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fuzz have stolen you're stuff after riding in the security cart and they're driving away with it! You need to skitch their cart to get it back! Remember to switch sides wherever you see another member of the Fuzz. If you don't, then you will fall off, wasting more time and letting the cart rive away some more, probably! You have to spend a certain amount of time skitching the cart out of however much time you have to successfully complete this goal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUND UP THE POSSE FOR THE DEMO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) At the start of the mission, turn to the right and go towards the theatre. Take the road around the theater to the left. The first team member is sitting against the wall. 2) Go to the two towers and hop across to the second tower. The second tam member is right there. 3) Go to the big building and you should see the third team member sitting way up high. To get up there, use the quarter pipe and fly up to the rail, and then grab the rail, and then go on top of the rail, and then jump to the place where the 3'rd team member is sitting. A side note on the 3'rd team member, a lot of people think that you should go to this person first, because you can see him from the start. Well, you probably shouldn't. 4) Go to the atrium and go up the staircase to see the 4'th team member sitting against a wall. 5) Go towards the end of the level and you should see a building with a glass window. Air up and get the last team member. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 IS NO CROWD, FIND MORE KIDS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is probably the easiest goal in this chapter. Just go up the horse statue, do a big grab trick with a spin while spine transferring over it, revert, go up that little quarter pipe and do a special grab trick (you should have special by now), revert, lip on the edge of the ramp by the horse, do some lip trick variants, ollie off, revert into a manual and do some flatland tricks until you think you can't balance anymore, and then go into a combo run out and run up to the ramp and do one more grab trick, revert, and land the combo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THE KIDS LOVE THOSE FREE STICKERS!: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Just grab all the stickers; you don't even need to get them in a single combo! They're placements are pretty self-explanatory, so just grab all of them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * TEAR IT UP AT THE DEMO: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Firstly, you have to do whatever grinds the kids tell you to do on the high-bar. Remember to do the one's that are most requested first, so you don't become too overwhelmed by all the tricks. Now, you have to score a certain amount of points for the reporters of the paper 'The Daily Clueless'. Just use all the ramps and grind-able edges in the skatepark; there are tons of them. Remember to get big combos, and don't bail. On Normal and Sick, you now have to do a Russian Boneless on the stage lights. So, get special, and then get some good speed going by going up the ramp opposite the stage lights, and then go up the ramp on the stage lights, and do the Russian Boneless lip trick on the stage lights! And that's it, you're done the goal! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G.5) HAWAII ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================== G.5.1) GET LEI'D: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WEDDING GUEST: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First, go to the beach and do a Kickflip in front of the couple. Now, go to the pool behind the Pink Palace Hotel, and do an impossible in front of the couple. The third couple is located in front of the grey hotel. Do a Heelflip in front of them. The fourth and final couple are located in front of the backs-side of the market. Do a Pop Shove-It in front of them to finish this goal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GET LEI'D: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The first Lei is located on the ramp above the Off the Walls Drainage Ditch. Air up the quarter pipe to get it. Now, go to the grey motel and grind up the palm tree. Now, go to the chain-link fence and transfer from one ramp to another to get the third Lei. On Beginner and Normal, grind the curb of the bus stop. On Sick, you need to get on top of the wavy rooftop to get it, so boneless off the ledge of the bus stop, and then grab the edge of the bus stop roof. Then climb up and grab it. Lastly, go to the market and go up the 'ramp' in the center of the market to get the last Lei. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PINEAPPLE KILLER: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The first pineapple stand is near the entrance to the market. The second pineapple stand is on the right side of the same street. The third stand is located in front of the chain-link fence to the bus stop. Go just past the purple benches to get the fourth pineapple stand. And finally, go to the beach and smash the last pineapple stand. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SPEAK HAWAIIAN: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to get all the letters in a combo. The letters depend on what difficulty you're on, and what position they're in. On sick, this is especially hard. Remember to not bail, and try to avoid doing any fancy tricks while doing this goal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * DRAIN THE POOL: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First wallplant the vending machine three times by ollieing and then pressing X + down arrow. Now, climb up to the green fist and then acid drop into the pool. And that's it! Now you can skate in the newly drained pool, and you've finished the goal! ========================================== BONUS GOAL: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEARN THE CROOKS DARKSLIDE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to do the Crooks Darkslide grind for a certain amount of time. You don't need to do that time all at once though; you can separate it into parts for how you do it. But you have a time limit. Anyway, get special and do the crooks darkslide on the fence. Try not to go to fast though; try to go slowly. If that isn't enough, then repeat. Just do that, and you should be able to finish the goal. ========================================== G.5.2) FIND THE ULTIMATE SPOT: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPRESS THE GIRLS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do big combos in front of the 3 groups of girls. The girls are located: 1) Near the pools behind the Pink Palace hotel. 2) On the beach. 3) Near the pools behind the grey hotel. Quite honestly, I usually just do big flatland combos to impress the girls, but you can use whatever method works best for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LUAU COMPETITION: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Go up the ramp and do a big grab trick with a spin over to the over ramp. Revert to a manual, do some flatland tricks, hop up, land in a special manual, and then get off your board and go to the ramp in front of the Luau area, do a special air trick, revert, get off your board again, do a special air trick over to the other ramp, revert, and land. That's what you should do to win the Luau Competition. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WALLOWS COMBO BOWLS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I originally found this goal very annoying, because: 1) You can't get off your board in this and 2) I was just really confused. Now, first, air over the first green fist, revert to a manual, go over the next green fist, revert to a manual, and go over the final green fist to finish the goal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HIGH LINES: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Grind the coloured wire all the way to the end, and switch to a crooked grind while on the wire. You only have to be in a crooked at least some time once while on the wire. I can't really give you a detailed strategy for this, just remember to balance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OFF THE WALLS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to manual down the length of the 'Of the Walls' drainage ditch while doing a handstand. To do this, go off the ramp at the beginning, land in a manual, do a quick handstand, and then go to a spacewalk for the rest of the goal. On Sick Mode, you have to go back the other way in a handstand, so do what you did for the first time. On Sick, this is pretty tough, so make sure you have good manual stat points before you attempt this challenge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- KILL WALLOWS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is basically like the graffiti mode in 2 player, but there is only 1 player and since there is only 1 player, you can't have objects stolen from you. You need to trick on the fences, houses, etc. Grind on all the houses and fences you can find, especially on Sick Mode. And try not to wipe out or fall in an out of bounds area, or will lose the points you got in the same combo. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ISLAND LIPTRICK TOUR: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) The branch in the market. 2) On the rail on the building next to the bus stop. 3) On the wood-ish stuff on the building to the right of Off the Walls. 4) On the roof of the Pink Palace hotel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * CLIMB THE HOTEL: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump on the bus and then jump off the bus and grab the ledge. Climb up on the ledge, run to the left, jump over the gap, and climb up the next ladder. Now, jump on to the wire and go to the right. When at the end of the wire, press the up arrow to get on to the top of the hotel. ========================================== G.5.3) GET THE SHOT: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * HOTEL HOPPER: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Get good speed and, using the quarter pipe behind the slant, launch yourself to the roof of the other hotel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * CRAZIEST FOOTAGE EVER: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First, get a good score on the roof. Grind the pipe across, doing various grind variations, then ollie off near the end, manual, go up the ramp, do a grab trick, revert, manual, do some flatland tricks, ollie into a special manual, ollie on to the pipe into a special grind, and near the end, ollie out, get off your board, go up the ramp and do a special air trick, revert, and fish the combo. Now, you need to spine transfer and do a big spin to the ground. Just make The 900 one of your special tricks, and do it while spine transferring. And finally, you need to do a McTwist over a helicopter to the roof of the Pink Palace Hotel. So, get special by doing a manual to a quick pogo, ollie out of the manual, skate towards the ramp, and tap the buttons for a McTwist. As you're going over the helicopter, it will go into slow motion! Anyway, land on the roof or steps of the Pink Palace hotel after doing the McTwist, and you will finish the goal! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G.6) VANCOUVER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================== G.6.1) LAST MINUTE TASKS: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SKATE TOM'S PART: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First, do the specified number of nollies by pressing L2 button twice and then the X button. Now, do the specified number of pressure flips by pressing L2 once and then pressing X. Now, you need to get a high score, but the combo has to start with a nollie or pressure flip. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FILMING A LINE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- An extremely easy goal. Simply follow the guy, like you did in the similar goal in Manhattan, and let him finish the line. Don't get too far ahead of him, or too far behind him, and don't do any trick or anything while filming. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BUST SOME FLATLAND: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do the requested flatland tricks first. Remember to try and stay in the manual for as long as you can, because if a trick you've already done comes up while you're in the same manual, you won't have to do it again! Then get some amount of points in a flatland combo. Constantly do new flatland tricks, etc. Once you do that, you're finished the goal! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RACE THE BLOWCART: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This isn't actually a race; you just need to get rid of all the leaf- piles. Just use the arrow to find; it isn't really that hard. That's all you have to do. Here's a tip: try not to go on any angled surface, as it's hard for the blowcart to steer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARTY DREGS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Jump out the window in front of the starting point and go to the benches. Run into the guy. 2) Near the hockey rink. 3) Near the edge of the level. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SLAM CITY FAN: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to collect all of Denny's T-shirts from Slam City Jam competitions. On Normal and Sick you need to get them all in one combo. The various positions of the shirts vary depending on the difficulty. Just collect them all, and you will finish the goal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RALPHIE GOT BUSTED: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First find the Leaf Blower. He's pretty easy to find. Now use the blowcart to go over the piles of leaves. Now climb the towel ladder or use the quarter pipes to get up to Ralphie and finish the mission. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPRESS THE REPORTER: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to get a high score for the reporter, and you can go all over the city. Really, just remember to get big combos, don't bail, and use the ramps, rails, etc. Unless on Sick, impressing the reporter isn't that hard; and even on Sick, it isn't that hard, either, actually. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RETURN THE GUEST PASSES: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You have to collect all of the guest passes in a certain amount of time. On some difficulties, you will have to combo them. There location is pretty obvious, so just keep trying! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * PICK UP EVERYONE IN THE LIMO: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the arrow to pick up everyone in the limo to get to the Slam City Jam concert. ========================================== BONUS GOAL: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEARN THE CASPER HANDSTAND: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Do a quick manual to pogo and then hop up. Start moving forward, and then go into the Casper Handstand. Do it through all of the cones, and then you will finish the goal! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G.7) SLAM CITY JAM: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================== G.7.1) DESTROY THE SLAM CITY JAM: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIMP: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- At first, this mission can be extremely annoying, but when you get the hang of it, it is actually quite easy. Use the blimp to knock down the crazy fans from the stage lights. You might find the controls slightly aggravating at first, but, as I said before, when you get the hang of it, it isn't really that hard. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEARN THE HIP TRANSFERS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an extremely easy goal, even on Sick Mode. Just do all the hip transfers. On Sick, you have to do one extra hip transfer. But this goal is really easy, so don't worry. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DESTROY THE VERT CONTEST: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This isn't too hard, actually. Just remember to do big combos and not bail, and you have to stay in the quarter pipe! You can't go off anywhere you want! Just remember that, with what you did back in Tampa, and you should be fine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- DESTROY THE STREET CONTEST: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Actually, you can do just what you did in the Vert Contest for the Street Contest, actually. You can go anywhere in the level for this! So, just get big combos, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * BEST OF SHOW: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hop on to a grind on the flashing ledge near you. Ollie out of the grind and land on a grind on the fence. Ollie. Manual, and then grind the next flashing rail. Then, ollie out and grind all the little blue boxes. Ollie out of that and then grind the rail up to the ramp. Then, go up the quarter pipe and do some grab and/or special tricks to beat Eric's score and win the Slam City Jam! ========================================== BONUS GOAL: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEARN THE 1990 INVERT: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to do a special lip called the '1990 Invert' on the 2 speakers. Get some speed and zip up the quarter pipe, and do the trick. Remember to do the trick on both speakers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G.8) VANCOUVER (2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================== G.8.1) IT'S GOTTA BE THE SHOES: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ADIO- SHOW OFF YOUR SKILLS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hip all of the 'Superior Spines' in a certain time limit. On Sick Mode, you have to combo them. Really, this is extremely easy, so you shouldn't have very much trouble with this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VANS- WHOOP IT UP FOR THE CROWDS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Crowd 1) On the Hockey Rink. Crowd 2) The walkways leading away from the court. Crowd 3) Towards the museum. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCA- PASS THE TEST: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Get all of the letters to spell 'Circa' in a single combo. You need to spell it correctly! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ES- KILL THE SCORE SPOTS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Get a certain amount of points in a single combo at the specified spots. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * GET THE MOSCOW TRIP: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- First, skate forward to get your suitcase. Then, go up to the place near the pool to get your shoes. Now, you have to beat the bus. Skate up the ledge and grind the rail all the way to the bottom, getting your trophy and (hopefully) beating the bus! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G.9) MOSCOW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================== G.9.1) WELCOME TO RUSSIA: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVE THE PEOPLE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, you have to do some lip tricks for the Russian Skater. Just do the lip tricks that come up on screen, they aren't that hard. Now you have to do some lip trick combos. Remember to keep your balance and keep tapping into the other lip tricks. You have to do the lip tricks that come up on screen in a combo. When you do those things, you've finished the mission! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BLIND BIG BROTHER: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Depending on how good you are at grinding, this can be real easy or really hard. You have to grind off 4 cameras on Easy, and 7 on Normal and Sick. It isn't actually very hard, but try and have a high grinding stat while doing this challenge, as that's basically what this challenge is: grinding. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- READY FOR BATTLE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is extremely easy. All you have to do is caveman grind on to a tank, and then do a big combo using the caveman grind as the first part of it. This challenge is very, very easy, as I said before, so you probably won't have much trouble with it. The hardest part is the combo part of it, actually, and even that's not very hard! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * OVER THE WALL: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to have good air stat to do the first part of this challenge. You have to air up over the wall. First get some speed by spine transferring over the quarter pipes, and then spine transfer over the wall. If you're having trouble, try and get more of air stats, and then try this challenge again. Now, you need to knock down all the guards. On Easy, you can just run to knock down the guards, but on Normal, and especially Sick, it is highly recommended that you grind and knock down the guards, as it's faster. There are 10 guards you need to knock down. And now, finally, climb up the ladder and grind across the rope to ring the bell. This isn't very hard, and is probably the easiest part of this challenge. When you finish that, you're done the challenge! ========================================== BONUS GOAL: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- LEARN THE 360 VARIAL HEELFLIP LIEN: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Surprisingly, this is probably the easiest bonus goal in the whole game! Just get special and do the trick! It's that simple! On Sick, you have 30 seconds, on Normal you have 1:00, and on Beginner you have no time limit at all, so you can see that it isn't that hard with those time limits. ========================================== G.9.2) TIME TO SKATE COMRADE: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MANUALS FOR MUSKOVITES: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A fun challenge. You have to do the manual tricks that pop up on the screen. It isn't very hard, but you should have good manual stats before trying this challenge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- RATINGS STUNTS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- At first I was confused by this challenge, but once you know what to do, it isn't that hard. You need to go to the specified locations, and then get as many points as you can before the time runs out in that area, then you have to go to another area. You have to get a total number of points in those three areas. On Beginner you have to get 35,000 points, on Normal you have to get 60,000 points, and on Sick you have to get 400,000 points. It is easily the hardest on Sick, as you can see. The 3 areas are: 1) Lenin's Statue 2) St. Basil's 3) The Armory Remember, you have to get the specified number of points in those 3 areas. If you can get the number of points in one area, great! But if you don't, then go to the 2'nd area, and then finally the 3'rd area. Remember to do big combos (use flatland tricks, flip, and the quarter pipes especially), and don't wipe out! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCUS ACT: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A fun little challenge, you have to get the manual combo that is a certain number of points before the time runs out. You can't ollie, you have to just do pure flatland tricks. The amount of points you need to get changes, depending on what difficulty level you're playing on. It's recommended that you have a good manual stat before trying this challenge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GAP HUNTING: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You need to find 3,5 , or 7 gaps on Beginner, Normal, and Sick respectively. I can't really tell you which gaps to find, but there a ton on that line you did during the Blind Big Brother challenge (the Normal and Sick line)... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WARM UP: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A simple high score challenge. On sick, this is slightly harder than the other two, because you have to score 90,000 points in 0:30. Use the bowl-ish thing you're in to get the majority of you're points. Remember to do big combos, and don't wipe out! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * DOUBLE DOME: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I hate this challenge. It's just so confusing! You have to air over Eric, while he does a lip trick, and then do a grab trick over him. Some people say that you can get as many points as you need by just transferring over Eric and constantly getting points, but that doesn't work for me. Just get the points every time Eric does a lip trick. ========================================== G.9.3) GOODBYE SWEET RUSSIA: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ANONYMOUS CALLER: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the arrow to all of the contacts. Each time you touch one, you gain 5 seconds. This part of the challenge isn't very hard. Now, you need to do a specified number of 360 (or more degrees) spins over a satellite tower. If you do a 720, for example, it will count as two 360 spins. Just do that the specified number of times, and you will finish the challenge! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PARTY FAVORS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Nadia: Around the Half Pipes on the Right Tatyana: Turn before the half-pipes and follow the red wall Irina: Same as Nadia. Then there will be 4 more ladies to be picked up, but they are all one after the other, and no additional time is awarded for them, so be fast, and remember to follow the arrow! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HANGOVER CURE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A warning to everyone playing on Sick mode: this goal is tough. And when I say tough, I mean TOUGH. It isn't that hard on Beginner or Normal, but on Sick this is very, very difficult. You may get frustrated and want to throw your controller into your screen. My advice to you is to read THayes guide to this (on GameFAQs), because it is long and difficult this goal. It involves picking various items up to cure Kalo's hangover. So, my advice is to read that guide. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * STRAIGHT OUTTA MOSCOW: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a very annoying goal. You have to get to Aleksandr without any of the guards spotting you. At the start, climb the ladder and wait at the top of the ladder for the guard to pass. When he does, run into the dome. (On Beginner the guard I'm talking about isn't there.) Go around the dome and then hop out and go up another ladder. Run across the ledge and over to the wire. Go down into the pool on the roof and run along the ledge. Jump on to the wall near the cathedral and then hop down to Aleksandr to complete the mission. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G.10) NEW JERSEY (2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================================== G.10.1) KEEPIN' IT REAL: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * CREATE-A-TRICK: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is very easy. Just do the created trick called 'Soul Skating', and then you're done the goal. It's really not that hard. When you finish the goal, you are given the option to edit the Soul Skating trick, or create a new one altogether. If you want to, then do so, but if you don't, then keep on playing! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * COMBO THE ENTIRE CITY: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another very hard goal on Sick mode. On Beginner and Normal, this isn't that hard, but on Sick mode, it is. You need to collect a certain number of icons (the green fists) in a single combo. This is really very hard, so my advice to you is to try and get all your stats to 10's or 9's at this point, especially manual, rail, and ollie. ========================================== G.10.2) SPREADIN' THE NEWS: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * DO ALL OF THE TRICKS: * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There really are a lot of tricks here, so you need to be constantly doing them. Pretty much every grab and lip trick in the game is presented here, especially on Sick Mode. Remember to try and do more than one in the air, and when doing lip tricks, try and tap into another lip trick while you're still on the lip. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * SCORE BIG: * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothing compared to the last challenge. Just get a big score. Use the rails and quarter pipes all over New Jersey to do so. Remember to do big combos, and don't wipe out! (How many times have I said that now...?) ========================================== G.10.3) PICK YOUR TEAM MEMBERS: ========================================== You need to pick the team members that you want to be on your team! You can pick 5 of 13 pro skaters. I recommend picking... 1) Rodney Mullen 2) Tony Hawk 3) Mike Vallely 4) Bam Margera or Andrew Reynolds 5) Jamie Thomas or Bucky Lasek But pick your 5 favourite pros, and then move on! ========================================== G.10.4) THE VIDEO TO END ALL VIDEOS: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- JERSEY SPINE TRICKSPOT CHALLENGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me tell you something about this challenge: on Beginner and Normal, this is a piece of cake, normally. But on Sick, this is very, very hard! The tricks come up so fast at you near the end that you can't do them in time, and you lose! Ok, you need to spine transfer over the train station bridge while doing tricks. However, you can fall of the bridge and have to get back up, but if that happens, it's usually smartest to just restart the challenge. For this challenge, pick someone with 10 Speed and good Air. And Ollie never hurt either. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BIG APPLE SPOT CHALLENGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here you have it, folks! The hardest challenge in the game! Even on Beginner this is no walk in the park, so you really need to be a good Tony Hawk player to be able to finish this challenge. First of all, pick someone with excellent Rail, Manual, Ollie, and Speed stats. Now, the object of this challenge is to hit all the 'spots' (the green fists) as you can in the time limit. There is no map, so it's up to you to find all the spots in Manhattan. On beginner there are 39 spots to hit, on Normal 44, and on Sick 60. And you have 2:00 on each difficulty. You will usually need to be in a combo by the end of the challenge. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FLORIDA THPS CHALLENGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- An interesting challenge. You have to use the tricks in previous Tony Hawk games in a series of combo-challenges. It's hard to explain, but you'll get it when you see it. For this challenge, you probably should to pick someone with good stats all-around. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SAN DIEGO TRANSFER CHALLENGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Yu need to hit a bunch of vert transfers all over San Diego. This is a very annoying and frustrating challenge, and it really isn't that interesting. All the transfers you nee to hit are marked with a big green fist over them. For this challenge, pick a good vert skater. (Stats like Air, Speed, and Switch are useful in this challenge.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HAWAII HUGE SPINE CHALLENGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The easiest goal of this chapter. First, spine transfer down the hotel, then spine transfer up another hotel. Then spine transfer over the edge of the hotel and down into a quarter pipe. Then, finally, spine transfer over the wooden quarter pipe ahead. When you've done that, you're finished the challenge! Pick the guy from your team with the worst stats, or pick someone with good speed, air, and ollie ratings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VANCOUVER SPINE TRANSFER CHALLENGE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hit the 3 BC Spines first of all, and then get a big combo. On Beginner you just have to get the points, you don't need to get them in a combo. For the combo, use the various vert ramps and rails around Vancouver, because you can go anywhere in the level! For this challenge, pick anyone with well-rounded stats. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SLAMMA JAMMA: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I love this challenge. It's fun and slightly hard, but not impossible. You have a certain amount of combos to hit all of the spots in Slam City Jam. The spots are all over the place, so remember to explore thoroughly. For this challenge, pick someone with excellent Rail, Manual, and Ollie stats. In other words, a great street skater. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MOSCOW'S LOST TAPES: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Funnily enough, this goal is one of the easiest in the chapter! Collect all the lost tapes (there are 10 in total). On Sick this harder, as you only have 30 seconds to collect the tapes (but I believe you can combo on after that). The tapes are all in a line, so they aren't that hard to find. For this challenge, since it's basically all grinding, pick someone with a high rail stat. ========================================== G.10.5) SHOWDOWN IN NEW JERSEY: ========================================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAR UP ERIC'S BEST LINE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A very hard goal to end the game with. You need to go on all the spots that Eric makes for his best line. There are 41 spots. Also, Eric has the ability to shoot fireballs out of the back of his skateboard, which will cause you to wipe out if you hit them or they hit you! It's good to try and do his line in combos, because it faster that way, usually. But only manual when needed. Also, if you're playing the game for the second time, you won't have to do this goal, which is why it isn't indicated in this guide as a must- do goal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you beat this goal, congratulations! You've just beaten Tony Hawk's Underground! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- H) THE SEQUELS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Hawk's Underground wasn't the last game in the series. It has been followed by 3 more games. Here are the descriptions for each of those games. ------------------------------ H.1) THUG 2 ------------------------------ Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (THUG 2, abbreviated) was the first full- fledged sequel to Tony Hawk's Underground. You star as your previously created skater on a World Destruction Tour around the world. I actually wrote a guide to this game, currently being hosted on GameFAQs! :) New Moves: Natas Spin Graffiti Tag/ Create-A-Tag Sticker Slap Vert Wallplant Ability to Throw Stuff Front & Back Flips Focus Mode Freak Out ------------------------------ H.2) THAW ------------------------------ Tony Hawk's American Wasteland starred you again, but in a completely different story as a skater out to make in big in Los Angeles. You are quickly taken in by an underground group and you will then, from there, try and transform a beaten down piece of land into the best skatepark ever, American Wasteland! New Moves: Bank Drop Board Whack/ Board Toss Front & Back Tucks Wall Run/ Wall Flip Bert Slide BMX Bike Riding ------------------------------ H.3) THP8 ------------------------------ I haven't actually played this game yet, and all I know about is that its full name is 'Tony Hawk's Project 8', and that Tony Hawk is making a list of the 8 best skaters in the world, and you have to work your way on to that list. New Moves: Nail the Trick Mode (may be others, I'm not fully sure yet) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I) MENU ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ I.1) STORY MODE ------------------------------ This is the mode that I just wrote a walkthrough for! Here, you play as your created skater through a series of challenges to advance the story and unlock unlockables. The story mode has 129 goals in it, I believe. Doing all the goals unlocks you a bunch of cheat codes. ------------------------------ I.2) 2 PLAYER ------------------------------ 2 player is a multiplayer mode where 2 people can play against in other in a bunch of modes like Trick Attack, Score Challenge, Graffiti, Free Skate, the new FireFight mode, and more. For more information on these modes, see my '2 player' section (Section L). ------------------------------ I.3) CREATE-A-SKATER: ------------------------------ Here you can create your very own skater, whom you will play through the course of Story Mode. You can also use your created skater in Free Skate, and all the other skating modes. You can give your skater a name, location, age, skateboard stance, trick style, and make the look of your skater, give your skater tattoos, and more. ------------------------------ I.4) CREATE-A-PARK: ------------------------------ You can make your own park that you can skate in in this mode. A nice extra that is fun to play around with a few times, but more pieces would have been good. It's cool to make your own levels and stuff. You can also add gaps and goals to your levels. ------------------------------ I.5) CREATE-A-TRICK: ------------------------------ In this mode, you basically create your own trick that you can use during gameplay. This mode is, again, a nice little addition to the game that's fun to play with a few times. ------------------------------ I.6) CREATE-A-GOAL: ------------------------------ You can create your own goals and add them to a pre-made level, or add them to your created level in this mode. There are several different goal types you can use in this mode to make your goal. ------------------------------ I.7) ONLINE PLAY: ------------------------------ Play online in this mode in a variety of games against players from all around the world. ------------------------------ I.8) DOWNLOAD YOUR FACE: ------------------------------ You can download your face with this option, using an Eyetoy for the PS2, and then you can add that face to your skater, making it you, basically! ------------------------------ I.9) OPTIONS/MTX DEMO: ------------------------------ Here you can configure your options, like Sound Options, Watch Movies, and Play the MTX Mototrax demo. If you win the race (I believe), you get a cheat code to use in Tony Hawk's Underground! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- J) CREATE-A-SKATER ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- J.1) HOW TO MAKE A GOOD SKATER: ---------------------------------- To make a good skater, you really need to know what kind of types of skaters there are. I will list them here, and then you can decide which kind you want to use: DEFAULT SKATER: You know the default skater, Steve? Well, this is pretty much like him, except maybe with a few minor differences. PUNK SKATER: Dress your skater up with probably no shirt on, tons of tattoos, a Mohawk or liberty spikes, and other punk-ish stuff. ALIEN/EXTRATERRESTRIAL SKATER: Give your skater green skin, and weird clothes. You can even give him a skull head and skull arms, too. GOOFY SKATER: A funny skater that is probably way off scale, with stuff like a huge nose, and way too big of a head, and he might be fat. You might to make this guy in briefs or boxers or a diaper, and make him just really... goofy! GOTH SKATER: This skater probably wears all black and has tattoos all over his arms. You might want to make him with everything black on. MISCELLANIOUS SKATER: The unclassifiable skater, or it could be a mixture of all the skater types. You can use anything on these guys (or girls). THE 'YOUR FACE' SKATER: If you download your face, then you would be using the 'YOUR FACE' SKATER. Really, you can use anything you want on this skater, as it is your face after all! That's not to say that you HAVE to use any of these skaters. You can just use whatever you want! This is just a small guideline that if you WANT to use, you can. ---------------------------------- J.2) PRE-MADE SKATERS: ---------------------------------- Pre-made skaters are skaters that are all ready made for you, if you don't want to make one of your own. They are available in the 'Create- A-Skater' section of the game, as you might expect. Just wanted to clear that up. :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- K) FAQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- K.1) STORY MODE QUESTIONS: ---------------------------------- ******************************** Q: What do you unlock for beating story mode? ******************************** A: For more information on this, see, section O (Cheat Codes/Unlockables). ******************************** Q: I can't do the McTwist over the helicopter, help please!? ******************************** A: If you're having trouble doing the McTwist over the helicopter, than you should try making the button combination different for that trick, like make it up + down, as that is easier to do for most people. If you're having trouble with the actual getting over the helicopter, than go to the place behind the pipes and do a manual-to-pogo. That should get you to full special automatically. Then grind the pipes all the way down to the end, ollie and do the McTwist over. Also, remember, as long as you hit some part of the Pink Palace hotel, that's ok. You can hit the steps, or the roof, it's ok! ******************************** Q: How come your characters name is never spoken in Story Mode? ******************************** A: I'm not completely sure on that, probably because it would require quite a bit of coding in the game to recognize each individual name that you have picked for your character. ******************************** Q: The Hangover Cure goal is impossible! What do I do!? ******************************** A: On Sick especially, this is arguably the hardest goal in the game. My advice is to read THayes' guide for this goal (it's also on GameFAQs). ---------------------------------- K.2) CREATE-A-MODES QUESTIONS: ---------------------------------- ******************************** Q: What are Pre-Made Skaters? ******************************** A: Pre-made Skaters are skaters that have already been made for you by the developing team, meaning that you don't have to make your own. You can edit the pre-made skaters just as much as you want. ******************************** Q: I thought I could make Graffiti Tags in this Game? ******************************** A: No, that is in the next game, Tony Hawk's Underground 2. ---------------------------------- K.3) GAME QUESTIONS: ---------------------------------- ******************************** Q: How many difficulty modes are there? ******************************** A: Four: Too Easy, Easy, Normal, and Sick. ******************************** Q: How do I download my face? ******************************** A: I believe you need a Sony Eye-toy to download your face. I'm not exactly sure, as I have never done it myself. ******************************** Q: Who Developed and Published the Game? ******************************** A: Developer= Neversoft, Publisher= Activision ******************************** Q: What Day Did the Game Come Out? ******************************** A: That I'm not sure of, I think it was sometime in November of 2004, but I'm not completely sure. ******************************** Q: Are they any content control devices in the game? ******************************** A: I believe you can get rid of the blood when you fall over in the game, but besides that, I don't think so. ---------------------------------- K.4) CONTROL QUESTIONS: ---------------------------------- ******************************** Q: Can I edit the controls in the game? ******************************** A: No, I don't believe you can. ******************************** Q: What controls do you press to do special tricks? ******************************** Tap two directional arrows quickly, and then one of the face buttons (X, Square, O, Triangle). It varies depending on what trick you want to do. ---------------------------------- K.5) TRICK QUESTIONS: ---------------------------------- ******************************** Q: How many kinds of tricks are there? ******************************** A: See the 'Trick Types' section of this guide for more information. ---------------------------------- K.6) GUIDE QUESTIONS: ---------------------------------- ******************************** Q: How long has this guide taken to make? ******************************** A: So far, I've been writing this for about 6 months, and I'm about halfway done! ******************************** Q: How many pages is this guide? ******************************** A: By pressing the 'Print Preview' button on the internet, you can easily find how many pages this guide is. Because I don't know yet! :D So far, it's 51 on the word processor I'm using! ---------------------------------- K.7) MUSIC QUESTIONS: ---------------------------------- ******************************** Q: How many songs are there in the game? ******************************** See Section T (Music/Cut Scenes) for more information. ---------------------------------- K.8) MISCELLANIOUS QUESTIONS: ---------------------------------- ******************************** Q: Do you skateboard in real life? ******************************** A: Yes. ******************************** Q: Is This Your Favourite Game In The Series? ******************************** A: in my opinion, this is tied with 'Tony Hawk's Underground 2.' I haven't played Tony Hawk's Project 8 yet, though. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- L) 2 PLAYER ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- L.1) TRICK ATTACK: ---------------------------------- You and another player have a battle to see who can score the most points in a set amount of time. ---------------------------------- L.2) SCORE CHALLENGE: ---------------------------------- Get to the set score before your opponent. ---------------------------------- L.3) COMBO MAMBO: ---------------------------------- Whoever does a bigger combo during the set time limit: you or your partner, wins! ---------------------------------- L.4) SLAP!: ---------------------------------- Whoever slaps each other the most, by running into each other, in a set time limit, wins! ---------------------------------- L.5) KING OF THE HILL: ---------------------------------- Grab a giant gold crown and hold on to it for a set amount of time. An arrow at the top of your screen tells you where the crown is. Whoever holds it for the amount of time you specified before you started wins! ---------------------------------- L.6) GRAFFITI: ---------------------------------- One of the best modes in the game, in my opinion. Trick on various objects around the level and whenever you trick on something, it turns red or blue. If you are red, and the object you just tricked on turns red, then that means that you have that object, and you get a point. Your opponent can take your objects by getting a higher score tricking on them you did! So combo-ing is very helpful in this mode. ---------------------------------- L.7) HORSE: ---------------------------------- You have a certain amount of time to get a big combo, and then your opponent has to beat it. If you or your opponent gets the smaller score, then you get a letter of a word you can customize before the game starts. Whoever gets all the letters first loses! ---------------------------------- L.8) FIREFIGHT: ---------------------------------- A new mode for Tony Hawk's Underground. When you press up + square, or down + square, fireballs shoot out the back of your board. Whoever hits your opponent with the most fireballs, in a set amount of time, wins! ---------------------------------- L.9) FREE SKATE: ---------------------------------- Skate around the level, doing whatever you want, with no time limit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- M) SECRET TAPES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- M.1) NEW JERSEY: ---------------------------------- Go under the bridge and the secret tape is right there. The simplest secret tape to get in the whole game. ---------------------------------- M.2) MANHATTAN: ---------------------------------- Go to the big billboard near the center of the level and climb up the ladder to get to the top of it. Jump up to the very top of the billboard and grab the secret tape that's floating there. ---------------------------------- M.3) TAMPA: ---------------------------------- Go to the two glass buildings and then you should see a wire between the two buildings, and the secret tape floating there. Jump up, grab the wire, and shimmy between the two buildings and then get the secret tape. ---------------------------------- M.4) SAN DIEGO: ---------------------------------- Go up 2 quarter pipes. When you go up the first one, get some speed and land on the second one. Then go up the second quarter pipe and grab the secret tape. ---------------------------------- M.5) HAWAII: ---------------------------------- Go to the top of the hotel where you did the McTwist over the helicopter. Grind the wire extending from the hotel to get the tape! ---------------------------------- M.6) VANCOUVER: ---------------------------------- This secret tape is probably the hardest one to get in the whole game. Skitch a car near the big glass dome and then when you get close to the dome, let go and go flying off the dome. The secret tape is hovering high above the dome. You have to get up pretty high to get it. ---------------------------------- M.7) SLAM CITY JAM: ---------------------------------- You know the scoreboard in the middle of this level, right? It's in the air, so to get too it, you have to grind around all the spotlights and when you get to the scoreboard you'll go right through it and get the secret tape, which is inside the scoreboard. ---------------------------------- M.8) MOSCOW: ---------------------------------- Go to the big Church, AKA Saint Basil's. Get off your board and climb until you get to an angled surface. Jump up on to the small area with the railing from there and then you'll get the tape. ---------------------------------- M.9) HOTTER THAN HELL: ---------------------------------- Go to the side of the level with the KISS concert (the four big KISS letters are on this side) and go to the stage area. You should see 3 doors; go through the one on the right. Look up and you should see the tape. Get some speed going, boneless or no comply (preferably boneless) and grab the tape! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- N) SECRET STUFF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- N.1) OLD SKOOL LEVELS: ---------------------------------- There are 3 unlockable levels in the game from old Tony Hawk games. Here they are: New Jersey- Go to the train station, go to the north side, go up a ramp, and then the ledge and grab the tape. Hawaii- Go to the Tiki Statue in front of where you take the picture of the 3'rd couple in the 'Wedding Guest' goal. Jump into its mouth and when you get to the bottom of the tube, jump and grab the tape in mid- air. Moscow- Go to the big red building and jump up on to it. Smash through the window 4'th on the right and run into the secret area. The tape should be in there. ---------------------------------- N.2) SECRET AREAS: ---------------------------------- Hawaii- In Hawaii, go to the edge of the level with the sign that says 'Do Not Enter'. Spine Transfer over that to get into Wallows, a secret area. You can also get on the roof of the hotel where you did the McTwist goal by going through the door left of the vending machine near the pools. New Jersey- After you complete the goal where you jump the bridge, you can skate around the train station. Vancouver- In Vancouver air up the side of the hotel where you did the 'Party Dregs' goal. In Mid-Air, get off your board and run when you see a window. You can smash through it and be in a hotel room. Smash through more glass to get on the balcony, and then climb up to another secret area. NOTE: This may or may not work. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- O) CHEAT CODES/UNLOCKABLES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- O.1) CHEAT CODES: ---------------------------------- For all you people who use cheat codes, here they are for this game. Go into the cheat code option in the menu and enter: getitup- Moon Gravity keepitsteady- Perfect Manual Balance letitslide- Perfect Rail Balance rearrider- Perfect Skitch Balanace ---------------------------------- O.2) UNLOCKABLES: ---------------------------------- Iron Man- Beat Story Mode on Easy, Normal, or Sick Gene Simmons- Beat Story Mode on Normal or Sick THUD- Beat Story Mode on Sick Alternate Ending- Complete Story Mode Twice on Any Difficulty Create-A-Deck Mode- Beat the 'Slamma Jamma' goal in Story Mode Bails 1 Movie- Find 3 Secret Tapes Bails 2 Movie- Find 6 Secret Tapes Always Hard Movie- Find All 9 Secret Tapes Pedestrians- Find Every Gap In The Game ----------------------------------------------------------------------- P) TIPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- P.1) GENERAL TIPS: ---------------------------------- - You can't land sideways (except in Too Easy difficulty), so don't try to! - Use which ever feels more comfortable to you: the R1 and L1 buttons or the arrow buttons to spin - Flatland tricks are a great way to rack up points at the end of a combo - Don't do complicated grinds (i.e. Darkslide, Overcrook, etc.) if your grind counter is going crazy. Do a simpler grind, like a 50-50; it's easier to balance ---------------------------------- P.2) SKATING TIPS: ---------------------------------- - When trying to go faster on your board, hold down the X button. - Always revert when coming down from a ramp, even if you're not going to continue the combo; you get more points this way. ---------------------------------- P.3) OTHER TIPS: ---------------------------------- - You can unlock a special cheat code by coming in 1st in the Motocross Demo in the Options Menu - Pressing the checkmarks next to the music genres in the Playlist section of the game toggles every song in that genre on/off - Always have two save files, in case one gets corrupted or your game freezes while playing, or something like that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q) HOW TO PLAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Q.1) SAVING/LOADING: ---------------------------------- To save a game, press the Start button and go to Game Options. Select 'Save Game' and save the game. At the end of every chapter in Story Mode, you can save the game if you want. To load a game, you can always just press 'Continue Story' as soon as the game loads to continue the story with no load times, but if you want to go to the main menu, then just go to Load Game. While playing, press the Start Button and load a different file. ---------------------------------- Q.2) DIFFICULTY MODES: ---------------------------------- Too Easy- Simplified Physics for first-time players in the Tony Hawk series. It's impossible to bail in this mode. Easy- Easy goals for the not bad Tony Hawk player. You CAN bail in this mode. Normal- For the average Tony Hawk player. The suggested difficulty mode for players who have previous experience at the Tony Hawk series. Sick- For the hardcore Tony Hawk player. The hardest goals of all the modes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- R) GLITCHES/EASTER EGGS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- R.1) GLITCHES: ---------------------------------- If you have a glitch or Easter egg, E-mail it to me at alexsallas@hotmail.com with 'THUG Guide' in the subject line. ---------------------------------- R.2) EASTER EGGS: ---------------------------------- If you enter certain codes on the Create-A-Skater menu under 'Name', you unlock other skaters as the pre-made skater. I don't have the names, but that's an easter egg. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- S) MUSIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- S.1) BANDS/SONGS: ---------------------------------- Thanks to Aaron Baker's THUG guide for these: Rapps on deck Performed by Aceyalone Viva la Revolution Performed by The Addicts Armageddon Performed by Alkaline Trio A Prototype Performed by Anacron She Said Performed by Anrgy Amputees Rebel Yell Performed by Assorted Jelly Beans Every day Performed by Authority Zero Big Bang Performed by Bad Religion Drive Performed by Blind Iris Don't wait Performed by Blue 2 RAK005 Performed by Bracket American Werewolf in Calgary Performed by The Browns Imaginary Places Performed by Busdriver It's Alright Performed by Camarosmith Iron Galaxy Performed by Cannibal 0x White Riot Performed by The Clash Impetus Performed by Clutch Crazy and Stupid Performed by Crash and Burn A Better Tomorrow Performed by Dan the Automator Positive Contact Performed by Deltron 3030 Cosmic Assassins Performed by Dj Qbert Time to go Performed by Dropkick Murphys Annie's Grave Performed by Electric Frankenstein Ride, Shoot and Speak Truth Performed by Entombed No Revolution Performed by The Explosion Mississippi King Performed by Five Horse Johnson I Want it All Performed by Flamethrower Blah Blah Performed by Frog 1 California Crossing Performed by Fu Machu Crush 'em Performed by GBH Gotta get some action now Performed by Hellacopters It Ain't Nuttin Performed by Herbaliser/M.F Doom Hung, Drawn and Quartered Performed by High on Fire The Legend of Black Thunder Performed by Hookers Remedy Performed by Hot Water Music Embody the Invisible Performed by In Flames Braggin Wrights Performed by J-Live Suffer Some Performed by Jane's Addiction The Circle Part 1 Performed by Juggaknots A Day at the Races Performed by Jurassic 5 God Of Thunder Performed by Kiss Lick it up Performed by Kiss Rock 'N Roll All Night Performed by Kiss King Kong Performed by L.A Symphony Hotwire Performed by Lamont War Games Performed by Living Legends Crusher Destroyed Performed by Mastodon Loaded and Lonely Performed by The Midnight Evils The Days Performed by Nike V and the Rats Underground up Performed by Mr. Complex Skin Therapy Performed by Mr. Dibbs Phantom Performed by Mr. Lif Transitions as a Rider Performed by Murs The World is Yours Performed by NAS Run Fat Boy Run Performed by Nine Pound Hammer Separation of church and Skate Performed by NOFX Your World Will Hate This Performed by Orange Goblin Womb Envy Performed by Paint it black The Next Step II Performed by People under the Stairs Low Class Conspiracy Performed by Quasimoto You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar Performed by Queens of The Stone Age King of the Underground Performed by R.A. The Rugged man Sailor Man Performed by The Real McKenzies New Noise Performed by Refused Like the Angels Performed by Rise Against Pierce my Brain Performed by Rubber City Rebels Milk Performed by S.O.D Circle of Fear Performed by Smoke Blow Mommy's Little Monster Performed by Social Distortion Indolence Performed by Solace Suspect Device Performed by Stiff Little Fingers Refusal Performed by Strike Anywhere Seed Performed by Sublime It Takes no Guts Performed by Superjoint Ritual Internationally Known Performed by Supernatural California Babylon Performed by Transplants Black Woman Performed by Unida Secondary Protocol Performed by Wildchild ---------------------------------- S.2) SONG LYRICS: ---------------------------------- Thanks to http://faqs.ign.com/articles/549/549449p1.html for these. NOTE: There may not be lyrics to all songs in the game. NOTE: This section may contain explicit lyrics. Reader Discretion is Advised. ------ PUNK ------ *** Armageddon by Alkaline Trio *** I wrote the words to this song on the back of a photograph Behind your back it goes A little something like this is way to big to miss I got a letter in the mail The sender failed to let me know where it came from Opened it up and sure enough there we were Arm in arm (up in arms) again I know it's small but my last call's been called Half an hour ago I know it's late but do you think you could at least Fix it for me Then I'll go I'll go alone I swear I won't tell a soul I'll drink this beer and write in fear Of a song everybody hates Armageddon let the light in Before we say goodbye give us something to believe in Armageddon, we're not begging For too much I don't think Just need a goodbye kiss (one last salute) Before we sink We sink *** Viva La Revolution by The Addicts *** Into the Dungeon with evil men The people has risen we're free again Come out of the closet Come out of the hole Come out of the woodwork Come into the fold Rebels and fighters, a license to kill Unite with the bandits down from the hills Open your windows Open your doors Open your minds To a freedom of thought Raise our voices, raise our flag Smash the symbols of the life never had Long live the symbols Long live the scheme Long live our hopes Long live the dream Dance in the streets at the carnival Celebrate the victory now Drink the wine from the rich man's cask This revolution won't be the last *** She Said by Angry Amputees *** Molly likes her hand **** and Toby's just a fat slob They get drunk all day And f*** their world away Just like we did Toby preaches kindness and Molly's just his mattress They smoke out all night To try and to make things right But that's what she said That's what she said Denise don't like needles When she's face down in the street But that's the way it goes When you've sold you're soul Can't fight your demons Life's the bottom line And still you waste your time But that's what she said That's what she said *** Everyday by Authority Zero **** look around and it's the same old situation on a different day These masses of confrontation beating me down I'm picking at the pieces to put them all back into place A never ending crossword of questions collaborates While asking myself, where are we going in time? But hey, everyday, I'll pick my feet up off the ground And everyday you'll see, I don't make believe That everything is okay, but in the end The life that you choose to lead is your fate You'll see Communication with yourself and asking, "Is this really where I want to be?" No way! Patronized, antagonized, and bound beyond the boundaries of everyday life A mutual enmity for a system of conformity, and asking myself, Is this really where I want to be? Anchors away, don't let it drag you down oh no! But hey everyday, I'll pick my feet up off the ground And everyday you'll see, I don't make believe That everything is okay, but in the end The life that you choose to lead is your fate You'll see... !!! Well I know by now, but keep wondering how How many times will I fall? I'll keep standing tall! Everything you talk about and everything you see Everybody's trying to tell you who you want to be Don't try to separate reality from dreaming Trust yourself, keep on believing I think I can is all that you can really tell yourself Just keep on and moving my friend oh yeah someday you're gonna see! That hey everyday, well I'll pick my feet up off the ground And everyday, you'll see, I don't make believe That everything is okay, but in the end The life that you choose to lead is your fate You're gonna see *** 2 RAK 005 by Bracket *** hope you don't know my name it just wouldn't be the same I'm confused about all the things I do 'cause nothing that I say is true and if I tell a lie, please be my alibi I wanna make believe it's real that's just the way I feel there's nothing left to fabricate did I mention that oh this is all a lie I hide my identity truth is my worst enemy I'm confused about all the things I do 'cause nothing that I say is true and if I tell a lie, please be my alibi I wanna make believe it's real that's just the way I feel there's nothing left to fabricate did I mention that oh this is all a lie I just can't help foolin' my self I hide my identity truth is my worst enemy I'm confused about all the things I do 'cause nothing that I say is true and if I tell a lie, please be my alibi I wanna make believe it's real that's just the way I feel there's nothing left to fabricate did I mention that oh this is all a lie *** White Riot by The Clash *** White riot - I wanna riot White riot - a riot of my own White riot - I wanna riot White riot - a riot of my own Black people gotta lot a problems But they don't mind throwing a brick White people go to school Where they teach you how to be thick An' everybody's doing Just what they're told to An' nobody wants To go to jail! All the power's in the hands Of people rich enough to buy it While we walk the street Too chicken to even try it Everybody's doing Just what they're told to Nobody wants To go to jail! Are you taking over or are you taking orders? Are you going backwards Or are you going forwards? *** To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the Truth by Entombed *** G ot a God and her bless I want everything she offers and won't settle for less I see heaven under my feet as well as over my head Bet you wish you was already dead Always less done than said Met this guy, who knows why But he says "I know where you'll go when you die" Told him how I felt for his god and that I wasn't impressed You see, I'm already blessed I wanna ride Gun in my hand God on my side I've tired So far no good More than a little misunderstood Love the fall No control They say "it takes one to know one" Well I know them all They say "stupid is as stupid does" Guess you'll always be if you ever was *** Crush 'Em by GBH *** I Don't wear a tie don't ask me why I feel uncomfortable in one and I won't wear a suit cause it might take root and I end up towing one of your lines You laugh at me because I'm different I laugh at you your all the same you'll find it really hard to laugh now with one of my bullets in your brain HA HA I ain't bothering you why you messing with me I'm just trying to do my own thing You don't know my story who made you judge and jury stay with rules to which you cling Free thinkers open minds the opposite of your kind you hate everyone to the core You got a cruel vent savage amusement knuckles dragging along the floor Can't take no more of this daily grind I need some space to unwind Not enough Carrots too many sticks But I'm prepared to take the risks I'm falling down, I'm falling down, I'm falling down again There's no respect where's it all gone The silent ticking of a smart bomb Buildings crumble people bleed They've got us crawling on our knees I'm falling down, I'm falling down, I'm falling down again Well I'm not the man I used to be Public enemy number three It was on the cards you could tell Now I'm all tooled up and mad as hell I'm falling down, I'm falling down, I'm falling down again Self defense is not a crime Victims end up doing time Retaliation when they threaten A water pistol is no only weapon I'm falling down, I'm falling down, I'm falling down again Send in the goon squad It's getting out of hand They're marching all over Our Promised land They've got dogs on bits of rope And bits of rope for hair I've seen them on the corner Drinking flat cider They're raved out right on fortunate sons a hooligan element spoils it for the genius ones You've gotta Crush Em, Crush Em, Crush Em like ants, You've gotta crush em like ants So where's your home now And where's your pride You've liberated nothing But we're still on your side David meets goliath For another round Black flags are flying There's bodies on the ground They're raved out right on fortunate sons a hooligan element spoils it for the genius ones You've gotta Crush Em, Crush Em, Crush Em like ants, You've gotta crush em like ants Drinking from the poison pool Divide and conquer divide and rule The acid rain it may be stinging But I don't hear no fat lady singing Sitting in the road now You're swinging from the trees Harassing bastards hunting foxes Saving birds and bees If your life is boring Give it a second chance Work is a four letter word So give it up and dance They're raved out right on fortunate sons a hooligan element spoils it for the genius ones You've gotta Crush Em, Crush Em, Crush Em like ants, You've gotta crush em like ants *** Suffer Some by Jane's Addiction *** She's so lucky that she had to suffer some Left her happy home began to drink and slum She's got problems? C'mon name me one? She makes problems Like makin' new friends She had to suffer some Be like everyone Had to suffer some She gets in free down at the scream Oh yeah All night running through her living room All her sucked up her friends and daughter too You poor mother! You cashed your little one in For a three bag fill up and a new syringe She had to suffer some Be like everyone Had to suffer some Was in the pink now she's in the blue Oh yeah And you know She's seen better days Did you hear? How far she's gone? Far away Far away She's gone far away May be the last song you'll be sung Ain't no sweet left in that emotion She's got problems And more problems to come 'cause it's worse than murder That's what you done Now you go suffer! Yeah she had to suffer some Be like every one Had to suffer some Was in the pink baby's feeling blue? Yeah she had to suffer some Be like every one Had to suffer some She gets in free Always was a freak Oh yeah Oh yeah *** The Separation of Church & Skate by NOFX *** Lost in a sea of combat boots, flush the bouncers with wasted youth When did punk rock become so safe, when did the scene become a joke The kids who used to live for beer and speed now want their fries and coke Cursing and flipping birds are not allowed, in fact let's keep noise levels down Must separate the church and skate When don't we put pad on the kids, helmets, head gear and mouth pieces They we could pad the floor and walls, put cameras inside bathroom stalls We make sure only nice bands play, and we could sing my country 'tis of thee sweet land of liberty When did punk rock become so safe I know it wasn't Duane or Fletcher, who put up the barricades Like a skate in the heart, somehow we got driven apart I want conflict I want dissent, I want the scene to represent Our hatred of authority, our fight against complacency Stop singing songs about girls and love, you killed the owl you freed the dove Confrontation and politics replaced with harmonies and shticks When did punk rock become so tame, these f***ing bands all sound the same We want our fights we want our thugs, we want our burns we want our drugs Where is the violent apathy, these f***ing records are rated G *** Your World Will Hate This by Orange Goblin *** Turning you on to a world full of shit Twisted beyond a return Filling our brain with a lot of cocaine 'Cos I got money to burn We know that your world will hate this This is what we do to survive Reeking of ether and terminal madness Trapped in a psycho disguise I've got the heart of a wolf and I'm thinking This is the best way to die We know that your world will hate this This is what we do to survive This is the world that I share with the clowns Loaded on vice and disease Filling your head with an urge to be dead The least you could do is say please We know that your world will hate this This is what we do to survive We know that your world will hate this This is what we do to survive *** New Noise by Refused *** Can I scream? We lack the motion to move to the new beat We lack the motion to move to the new beat It's here for us to admire if we can afford the beauty of it If we can afford the luxury of turning our heads Adjust the $1000 smile and behold the creation of man Great words won't cover ugly actions Good frames won't save bad paintings We lack the motion to move to the new beat We lack motion When the day is over the doors are locked on us 'Cause money buys the access And we can't pay the cost How can we expect anyone to listen If we're using the same old voice? We need new noise New art for the real people We dance to all the wrong songs We enjoy all the wrong moves We dance to all the wrong songs We're not leading We dance to all the wrong songs We enjoy all the wrong moves We dance to all the wrong songs We're not, we're not, we're not We're not, we're not, we're not Leading We dance to all the wrong songs We enjoy all the wrong moves We dance to all the wrong songs We dance to all the wrong songs We enjoy all the wrong moves We dance to all the wrong songs Here we go... We dance to all the wrong songs We enjoy all the wrong moves We dance to all the wrong songs We're not leading The new beat... *** Like The Angel by Rise Against *** They turn the lights down low, in shadows hiding from the world, only coming out when it gets cold. the seas part when they hit the floor, the voices carry on and out the door. and everything you touch turns into gold. like the angel, you are, you laugh creating a lightness in my chest. your eyes, they penetrate me. your answer's always 'maybe', that's when I got up and left. a beating heart and a microphone, a ticking clock in an empty home, still tells of these times so long ago. and even though I've come so far, I know I've got so far to go, and any day now I'll explode. like the angel, you are, you laugh creating a lightness in my chest. your eyes, they penetrate me. your answer's always 'maybe', that's when I got up and left. each and everyday, it leads into tomorrow, and tomorrow brings one less day without you. but don't wait up, just leave the light on, 'cause all the roads that I might take, will all one day lead back to you. like the angel, you are, you laugh creating a lightness in my chest. your eyes, they penetrate me. your answer's always 'maybe', that's when I got up and left *** Mommy's Little Monster by Social Distortion *** Mommy's little monster dropped out of school, Mommy's little monster broke all the rules. He loves to go out drinking with the boys, He loves to go out and make some noise. He doesn't wanna be a doctor or a lawyer get fat rich. He's 20 years old he quit his job, Unemployment pays his rent! His brothers sisters have tasted sweet success, His parents condemn him, say "his life's a mess!" He's mommy's little monster, he's not afraid to admit it. He's mommy's little monster, don't wake him in a fit!!! Mommy's little monster shoots methadrine, Mommy's little monster had s*x at 15 She left home for the streets, She couldn't deal with all that heat. She had fun with the boys in the band, In her eyes it will never end. Her dad asked what happened to her face, It could have happened in any place!!! [Chorus:] Her eyes are a deeper blue, she likes her hair that color too. She can even wear a dress, that doesn't mean she'll ever confess. She's mommy's little monster She's mommy's little monster She's mommy's little monster DON'T TAKE HER LIFE AWAY!!! *** Suspect Device by Stiff Little Fingers *** Inflammable material is planted in my head It's a suspect device that's left 2000 dead Their solutions are our problems They put up the wall On each side time and prime us And make sure we get fuck all They play their games of power They mark and cut the pack They deal us to the bottom But what do they put back? (Chorus:) Don't believe them Don't believe them Don't be bitten twice you gotta suss, suss, suss, suss, suss out Suss suspect device They take away our freedom In the name of liberty Why don't they all just clear off Why won't they let us be They make us feel indebted For saving us from hell And then they put us through it It's time the bastards fell (Chorus) Don't believe them Don't believe them Question everything you're told Just take a look around you At the bitterness and spite Why can't we take over and try to put it right (Chorus) We're a suspect device if we do what we are told But a suspect device can score an own goal I'm a suspect device the Army can't defuse You're a suspect device they know they can't refuse We're gonna blow up in their face *** Refusal by Strike Anywhere *** Sister I won't let you go I won't let them take you into the silence of a past divided brother keep teaching the power we only move together away from the past that made us fall apart I refuse to run and I will die before I kneel in this life systems of profits we punish with love as our weapon and unity unity rebirth in fire I refuse to run and I will die before I kneel in this life are we crucified we defend our birthright equality betrayed and every hour a voice is lost but every rage defies the cost embrace the whole world as your kin truth to truth and skin to skin begin searching for an end to the bullshit reactions another way to separate us and end to the bulls**t of separation another way to keep us from truth *** Seed by Sublime *** Janie always said I was a mess Sorry bout that mess I made her bleed I'm planting my seed Still I knew it could take it if I opened up the rhythm I knew it could make it I hope her parents love her So feelin' the acid on the brain Still I got that frame I made Her bleed yeah she wants that lovin' you see Well if you live you wanna give or get old And if you never knew that we get old you live it up You get old believe me when I say It's the same s*** everyday But I got to know my place And if you don't it smacks you in your face I know I know her parents love her So billyed back in 1983 what did you do for me I made her bleed I'm planting my seed I knew we could make it I only knew that the b**** would break it I hope her parents love her So my God look at me If he had to go I know I know I'm barely lovin' my holy creed You never knew that was what you need Oh my God honestly believe it or not it's a disease. *** California Babylon by Transplants *** Watch me Waitress out dressed like nurses in bondage Brought me the check, said I want you to sign this Union boy standing next to the rastas There's gonna be a strike and you ain't gonna stop us Three men standing and they love what they do You won't see it coming, cause they wanna surprise you Consider it done, they're gonna stand right by you American punks don't care about you Hollywood what you gonna do? [x2] Don't say that you don't understand Don't say that you can't comprehend Don't say that you don't understand, this is California Babylon, my man You can take away the nights with sights with bright lights Seeks still ride, engage in street fights Two to the head, pull around, he's dead Suspect fled, caught up with bloodshed No sign of hope, we fight and sling dope Junkies to our left, no fix, they can't cope Violence won't cease, hand me the crow piece No peace or sleep, we fight with police this is the city that'll make all your dreams come true so pay attention [chorus] At last she had arrived, we turned in exhausted Cocaine in her pocket, she can get busted Once again she passes, now she's gone Now she's with her friend, her beautiful young She showed up on the scene, she was 17 Now she's 21, she does some more coke, she does some more coke She drinks some whiskey and she smokes some dope She thinks she's a star [x4] Do you know who you are? [x4] [chorus] Chorus Come on - it's only right now (it's only right now) Ooh yeah (ooh yeah) ooh yeah (ooh yeah), yeah yeah ------------- HIP HOP: ------------- *** Imaginary Places by Busdriver *** I'm just here to hold your hand when you die and to show you around imaginary places puttin many lumps on my bloody stump edible habits so I bit the perfect circle die in your sleep with the sky at your feet ill shoot you when your happy on the day that you will find peace how did you do it, I don't know, I'm ok every person I know is a secret sorta agent cuz I'm accused of lewd conducts (all prove hard to rate the prompts?) (**my guess**) any kind of rumor for em, may they rest to put me in a loony bin a funny farm a coo-coo but they need a villain I'm just here to hold your hand when you die there is not a sicker person that can do it better no need to skip it in my eco system but in the audience of me being evil Christian H-M know how I hate him so but he charged me for a halo but I'm on a scavenger hunt for a map with a chunk of a sky mirror Ill go crazy with a mud pie I play dead songs on the sill screen Iron my shirt it is a chill dream It is on to lead away to the stair well till we gut him in it straight up from the center finally fair-well I'm just here to hold your hand when you die and to give your assault rifle a banana clip flow in the dark when I stroll in the park giving everybody informative pamphlets no sign of life for as far as I can see everybody's just charred meat up in the car seat eat shit and die to the secret spy cuz I have this funny feeling that I'm being watched 24-hour surveillance money or power or ailments why'd they send the medical the he shimmered me the hammer it was way too much you coulda went and had 200 I'm just here to hold your hand when you die Psycho better cause trouble runnin' for your soft spot late market closed, and the irk on her nose turned into a deadly gas flowin' through the air ducts she's had no love for the thought that she was she doesn't love me cuz I don't have the right hair cut I'm miss-understood, I just face it, I'm no good but I will not apologize for anything that I say My name is Mr. Busdriver this is the producer Paris we did not embarrass to admit that we were purchasing a bit of our own imaginary place kids.. if you want to piss off your parents show interest in the arts kids.. if you really want to piss off your parents buy real estate in an imaginary place.. oh yes ok ok, alright, yea.. now move! - lots of scratching - gotta do my shout outs now.. (peace to) I'm just here to hold your hand when you die Paris and Daddy care, they'll also be there too I'm just here to hold your hand when you die Unless you get the (?) to her we'll help you I'm just here to hold your hand when you die Feel the fellowship announced everyone will help you I'm just here to hold your hand when you die Shoulda been an empire hip hop clan too I'm just here to hold your hand to die I'm just here to hold your hand when you Just here to hold your hand.. when you die.. *** Positive Contact by Deltron 3030 *** Transmutation, brand new statements I'll have you gapin, open Check it out y'all Now let's see -- Deltron Z Art avenger, let's start the adventure Hit ya with nerve gas, absurd blasts Crashin space craft, I'm bio-enhanced Hero advanced series, monstrous evolution Headed, tooth and nail, scoop the trail Super-sleuth, a new race Mad creator, savage nature World Wide Web, the ebb and flow Light years from watchful eyes while my thoughts provide Objective, ? pompous prophecies Underground societies are ? Asteroid surfing, castor-oil burping The darkest side of humanity animated The grand awakening, plan to take it in I demand your patronage, mobilize my battle-tanks With clusters small, empty ? Many MCs cruise low earth orbit Easier for me to use my search ? Drift by a star, absorb it, and ? it Leave tourists porous, my galaxy's gorgeous Quantum jump-- I'm right at your doorstep Positive contact (wait a minute) Positive contact (I know perfectly well what it is you're talking about) Positive contact (wait a minute) Positive contact (even if the record skips, I still rip) Now I catch more wreck with fast ignition My last decision, pulse amplification Terror with napalm, I want y'all to stay calm Alien annihilation, I stay armed to the grill piece and kill beef 20 percent matter, 30 percent is energy Assimilating to become a living being Evaporative radiation fades your station I get high as aviation Positive contact (wait a minute) Positive contact (reactors on) Positive contact (wait a minute) Positive contact (even if the record skips, I still rip) I rise like helium, you're falling rapidly Trapped in apathy, while I track your speed I'm what you call a legend, dominance with Armageddon Gives me a warm reception Verbal war with weapons, installation Blowin the star dust, distance twelve parsecs Enthuse your phalanx with my literary talents Just a bit of balance, rip the silence in space, all-star systems are our victims Atomics, anonymous with ominous implications of information, or information, and entertainment Cyber-tech dialect, you gotta earn my respect I'm like grammar or to amateurs, hit em with a cannonball And in all this confusion, the fusion of music and mind precipitates translucent illusions Search the ruins with Automator Hit the walls with a carbonator Hit-or-missiles, just regenerate The sonic soldiers allow us to demonstrate Emergency dispatch, skyscrapers rip back >From the impact, their flow is mismatched My style's protected by heat shields and ceramics Don't panic, I landed on planet Mercury Gave it atmosphere, set up my headquarters I'll never get captured here Rap your tear ? clap your ear ? with Solesonic Mantronic phonics Turn your brain to an omelet I'll hold a comet in bondage, with my dominance Take a space shuttle to escape trouble Bounce through the Milky Way Not many MCs feel this way Positive contact (wait a minute) Positive contact (yeah yeah, what is it now) Positive contact (wait a minute) Positive contact (even if the record skips, I still rip) *** The World is Yours by NAS *** Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? "It's yours!" It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? I sip the Dom P, watchin Gandhi til I'm charged Then writin in my book of rhymes, all the words pass the margin To hold the mic I'm throbbin, mechanical movement Understandable smooth shit that murderer's move wit The thief's theme, play me at night, they won't act right The fiend of hip-hop has got me stuck like a crack pipe The mind activation, react like I'm facin time like 'Pappy' Mason with pens I'm embracin Wipe the sweat off my dome, spit the phlegm on the streets Suede Timb's on my feets, makes my cypher, complete Whether crusin in a six-cab, or Montero Jeep I can't call it, the beats make me fallin asleep I keep fallin, but never fallin six feet deep I'm out for presidents to represent me (Say what?) I'm out for presidents to represent me (Say what?) I'm out for dead presidents to represent me Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? "It's yours!" It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? To my man Ill Will, God bless your life "It's yours!" To my peoples throughout Queens, God bless your life I trip we box up crazy *****es aimin guns in all my baby pictures Beef with housin police, release scriptures that's maybe Hitler's Yet I'm the mild, money gettin style, rollin foul The versatile, honey stickin wild, golden child Dwellin in the Rotten Apple, you get tackled Or caught by the devil's lasso, shit is a hassle There's no days, for broke days, we sell it, smoke pays While all the old folks pray, to Je-sus' soakin they sins in trays of holy water, odds against Nas are slaughter Thinkin a word best describin my life, to name my daughter My strength, my son, the star, will be my resurrection Born in correction all the wrong shit I did, he'll lead a right direction How ya livin large, a broker charge, cards are mediocre You flippin coke or playin spit spades in strip poker "It's yours!" It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? "It's yours!" It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? Yo, the world is yours, the world is yours It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? "It's yours!" Break it down I'm the young city bandit, hold myself down single-handed For murder raps, I kick my thoughts alone, get remanded Born alone, die alone, no crew to keep my crown or throne I'm deep by sound alone, caved inside in a thousand miles from home I need a new *****, for this black cloud to follow Cause while it's over me it's too dark to see tomorrow Trying to maintain, I flip, fill the clip to the tip Picturin my peeps, now the income make my heartbeat skip And I'm amped up, they locked the champ up, even my brains in handcuffs Headed for Indiana stabbin women like the Phantom The crew is lampin big Willie style Check the chip toothed smile, plus I profile wild Stash through the flock wools, burnin dollars to light my stove Walk the blocks wit a bop, checkin Danes plus the games people play, bust the problems of the world today "It's yours!" It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? The world is yours, the world is yours It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? "It's yours!" It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? Yeah... the world is yours, the world is yours It's mine, it's mine, it's mine Whose world is this? "It's yours!" Break it down Yea aight? To everybody in Queens, the foundation "It's yours!" The world is yours To everybody uptown, yo, the world is yours "It's yours!" The world is yours To everybody in Brooklyn Y'all know the world is yours "It's yours!" The world is yours Everybody in Mount Vernon, the world is yours "It's yours!" Long Island, the world is yours "It's yours!" Staten Island, yea the world is yours "It's yours!" South Bronx, the world is yours "It's yours!" Aight --------------- ROCK/OTHER --------------- *** Impetus by Clutch *** Doctrine and dogma, I will not relent This world a garden in need of such weeding This world a minefield in need of such sweeping This ministration without full consent Fire and brimstone, I will not relent Just as all good things must come to an end I will administer as I see fit I will not relent I will not relent I will not relent I am driven! (2x) Impetus! (6x) I am driven ... *** Embody the Invisible by In Flames *** I demand nothing But I want it all What privilege do we have Under the sun That gives us rights to the throne? Species come and go But the earth stands forever fast All rivers run towards the sea But the sea is never full To discover the loneliness And be too proud to show the wounds We forever wander alone through the years But I won't let you near Begging, begging for you to understand The fear that lives in my soul Is and untouched spring Read what is written on the silent mouth What is written in the soul For which is written in the shining silence We all have to read My body will be bent from the burdens When the shaking floor of life-force Reveals the chasm underneath If only one could be two steps ahead To discover the loneliness And be too proud to show the wounds We forever wander alone through the years But I won't let you near Begging, begging for you to understand The fear that lives in my soul Is and untouched spring Read what is written on the silent mouth What is written in the soul For which is written in the shining silence We all have to read *** Hung, Drawn, and Quartered by High On Fire *** The candle has burnt through, the wax that once covered my eyes The Pharisees told you, but you knew of the black serpent lies Come all ye losers, don't you know you're the children of life Follow me now and we'll burn down the pillars of time The evil has come and the darkness will cover the light Above the legions, who will slay the poor and the blind Warriors that follow, won't you read the sign and the time Stand now in battle and we'll crush the clan and their kind *** God Of Thunder by KISS *** You've got something about you You've got something I need Daughter of Aphrodite Hear my words and take heed I was born on Olympus To my father a son I was raised by the demons Trained to reign as the one God of thunder and rock and roll The spell you're under Will slowly rob you of your virgin soul I'm the lord of the wastelands A modern day man of steel I gather darkness to please me And I command you to kneel Before the God of thunder and rock and roll The spell you're under Will slowly rob you of your virgin soul I am the lord of the wastelands A modern day man of steel I gather darkness to please me And I command thee to kneel Before the God of thunder and rock and roll The spell you're under Will slowly rob you of your virgin soul *** Lick It Up by KISS *** Don't wanna wait 'til you know me better Let's just be glad for the time together Life's such a treat and it's time you taste it There ain't a reason on earth to waste it It ain't a crime to be good to yourself Chorus: Lick it up, lick it up, it's only right now Lick it up, lick it up, ooh yeah Lick it up, lick it up, come on, come on Lick it up, lick it up Don't need to wait for an invitation You gotta live like you're on vacation There's something sweet you can't buy with money - lick it up, lick it up It's all you need, so believe me honey It ain't a crime to be good to yourself *** Rock N' Roll All Night by KISS *** You show us everything you've got You keep on dancin' and the room gets hot You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy You say you wanna go for a spin The party's just begun, we'll let you in You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy You keep on shoutin', you keep on shoutin' I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day You keep on saying you'll be mine for a while You're lookin' fancy and I like your style You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy You show us everything you've got Baby, baby that's quite a lot And you drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy You keep on shoutin', you keep on shoutin' I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day I wanna rock and roll *** You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar, But I Feel Like a Millionaire by Queens of The Stone Age *** Dead bull with the life from the low I'll be massive conquistador Give me soul and show me the door Metal heavy, soft at the core Gimme toro, gimme some more Pressurize, neutralize Deep fried, gimme some more Space flunky, four on the floor Fortified with the liquor store This one's down, gimme some more Gimme toro, gimme some more Shrunken head I love to adore B-movie, gimme some gore Gimme toro, gimme some more B-movie, gimme some gore Gimme toro, gimme some more ----------------------------------------------------------------------- T) MY REVIEW OF T.H.U.G. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Let's face it, the Tony Hawk series has been around forever. It has evolved from a basic Nintendo 64 extreme sports game into a global phenomenon. Ask almost anybody and they will about the Tony Hawk series, let alone Tony Hawk. However, the reason the Tony Hawk series has been around for so long, is because it is extremely good. The story this time around (well, previous additions have never actually had stories, so...) is that you, a penniless skater with nothing but a small, messy house, a beaten up old deck, and a best friend Eric, set out upon the world to go pro. You eventually get a sponsor, and then go pro through a series of different chapters, each with (usually) 3-6 goals in them. Keep in mind, though, that you don't need to complete all of the goals in each chapter (most of the time). You will have to do, say, if there were 5 goals, you would have to do 4 of them. It's a simple system, but it works so well. You can practically customize the heck out of your skater, including names, information, hair-doo's, shirts, pants, shoes, socks, accessories, tattoos, and accessories (even more than that, too!) You can also create your own parks (complete with gaps, too!), goals, and deck, and, most of the time, this is an enjoyable experience. This is a game that will probably appeal to just about anybody, RPG fans, music fans (for the awesome customizable playlist including Alkaline Trio, NOFX, Blue Collar Special, Assorted Jelly Beans, Sublime, and other artists), sports fans, skaters, and hardcore fans of any game. 5/5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- U) E-MAIL INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's what and what not to e-mail to me in an E-mail: WHAT TO E-MAIL ME: 1) If you have a question about something in this guide. 2) If you have a comment about this guide. 3) If you want to add something to this guide (an alternate strategy for a goal, etc.) 4) If you think you have some good ASCII art to add to the guide. 5) I have violated something legally. It will be changed immediately! 6) If you feel you should have been credited in the 'Special Thanks' section, but weren't. 7) If you have an idea for another section in this guide. WHAT NOT TO E-MAIL ME: 1) Nasty Pictures 2) Viruses, Spyware, and other stuff like that 3) 'Spam' (i.e. gibberish, etc.) 4) About every single typo in this guide (it's okay to e-mail me about one or two, but don't be too picky about them). 5) Anything that just plain wouldn't be helpful. OTHER E-MAIL TIPS: 1) Always put 'T.H.U.G. 2 guide' or something to that effect in the subject line. Otherwise I'll think that you are sending me junk e-mail, and will delete it! 2) As long as I can still make out what you're trying to say, typos are okay. My e-mail is alexsallas@hotmail.com if you need to e-mail me anything about this guide. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- V) VERSION HISTORY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 1.0: Finished the first edition of this guide; may update later with more information. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- W) SPECIAL THANKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Aaron Baker: For writing great guides and indirectly helping me with the making of this one. www.network-science.de/ascii/: Where I got the ASCII Art for this flash from gamefaqs.com, neoseeeker.com, and supercheats.com: For hosting my guides on their sites! http://faqs.ign.com/articles/549/549449p1.html: For the song lyrics! GMorrisey: For writing great guides and probably indirectly helping me with the writing of this one! Everyone Else Who Has Written a Tony Hawk's Underground Guide: You've probably helped me in one way or another! Great guides! Neversoft and Activision: For making/marketing this great game. Thanks! The bands/singers that put their music into this game: Thanks for the great music! YOU!: For reading this FAQ/Walkthrough. Thanks, and I hope that you enjoyed it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- X) END NOTE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading this FAQ/Walkthrough! If you have any questions or comments, than send them to alexsallas@hotmail.com with 'THUG Guide' in the subject line. Thanks, and I hope that you enjoyed this guide! Thanks! Copyright (c) 2007 TheGreenGoblin_.