================================ TransWorld SNOWboarding for Xbox Secrets and Glitches Guide By fenix down aka Harry Shave email: hshave@yahoo.co.uk Version 1.0 =========== Contents. ========= A. Legal Stuff. B. Intro. C. General Gameplaying Hints. D. Guide. 1. Bavaria. 2. TransWorld Pipe. 3. SLC Ghetto. 4. Canadian Rockies. 5. Karelian. 6. TransWorld Pipe. 7. Lapland. 8. Tokyo. 9. Road Gap. 10. Train Gap. 11. TransWorld Summit. 12. The Tube. 13. Alps Road. 14. Alpe d'Huez. 15. Lost Resort. 16. Helidrop. 17. After Dark. E. Thanks. --------------- A. Legal Stuff. --------------- I couldn't care less what you do with this guide. If you think that it is helpful then please feel free to put it on your site, print off copies, email it to your mates or whatever. You hereby have my permission to carve it up in any way you see fit if you wish to add to it. My only request is a small acknowledgment in the credits section purely to massage my own ego. --------- B. Intro. --------- This guide is intended to cover all those little bits of TransWorld SNOWboarding that the average gamer might not come across in the course of normal play. Basically this is a guide for those who like their snowboarding au natural, as it was intended and want to break free of the, admittedly liberal constraints of the individual levels. What I have tried to do here is to provide a detailed description of all the things that I have found when I have hopped over the fences at the sides of the runs and gone off exploring. I don't claim that this is an exhaustive list of secrets, in fact I am sure that it is not. If you know of any other glitches or secrets that I haven't covered then please email me and I'll update the FAQ to include them. By the way, I found almost all of these secrets and glitches with the secret character El Presidente. He's the easiest charcter to do all this with as he has maximum stats, however, I have not really noticed a great deal of difference between the seperate characters so I would suggest that it doesn't really matter who you pick. -------------------------- C. General Gameplay Hints. -------------------------- For a lot of these secrets you will have to make your way over some pretty uneven and rocky ground. As a result I would advise you to build up as much boost as possible. In order to do this in some sections, you're going to really have to push it. This might cause you to land sloppily which will greatly reduce the amount of boost you recieve. In order to minimise the chances of this happening, you should always press L and R in succession in order to start a combo regardless of the fact that you might not have a chance to perform another trick. Because you only have to avoid landing lousily to set up a combo and that the combo spin always causes you to end up facing straight forward, a short hop will ensure that you double the trick mulitplier when you would otherwise have got next to nothing. I would also advise that you get into the habit of holding A down permanently as many of these secrets will involve you spending time going uphill and if you're not holding down A then you won't have the momentum needed to get to the top. --------- D. Guide. --------- The levels listed here are listed in the order that they appear in the Freeride section of the game, as this is the part of the game in which you will have the best opportunity to locate them. I apologise in advance if you find any of my directions confusing. The very nature of this FAQ, ie it's about off-piste riding, makes it hard to provide pinpoint details as to where everything is. I can assure you that everything contained within this FAq is genuine, but if you find a better way to describe how to get to something that I have mentioned, then please mail me and I'll update the FAQ. Finally, don't be afraid to really test the outer edges of the game. If you do go too far, the game will simply place you back on the track pretty much exactly where you left the 'official' piste, so you can just have another go most of the time. Be careful not to wipeout though when you're off-piste though as the same sort of reset will happen. This is very annoying, trus'. ----------- 1. Bavaria. ----------- This is a bit of a disappointment really for a first level, though it doesn't set the tone for the FAQ, as I couldn't find anything on this level at all. The high mountains on either side mean that, though there are many paths down, the level itself is rather linear. You can use a large kicker on the right hand side to get up onto the road if you want but it won't take you anywhere. That's about it really! ------------------- 2. TransWorld Park. ------------------- There's a couple of quite cool things on this level. At the start, turn right before you get to the bottom of the first kicker. There's a very small ridge which you can use to hop over the barrier and into the crowd. It's quite hard to judge and you might end up in this little dip on the other side. In which case you'll have to start again, but it's not too difficult. There are some benches amongst the crowd here which can be grinded for a bit of boost, but now you're off the run you'll see another piste with several skiers on it. Follow them downhill and you should see the piste going to the left and the skiers following them. Rather than doing this, you should see a solitary mound in front of you, which is connected to a ridge on the right by a small dip. Head right and up and over this dip and you will find yourself going downhill over some strange star-shaped moguls. At the bottom the area flattens out. Head over toward the right but not too far or you'll fall off the edge and reset. You should see the road ahead, which looks like a small raised spit jutting out over the right edge of the level with cars disappearing off it. Go over this and, once past it drop off the edge into a cool ice canyon. Using this canyon you can land drops of over 270m. which is very hard, or reach speeds in excess of 160km/h. If you try and drop into this canyon before you have passed the road, you'll get reset back onto the level, if you try it after the road, you'll hit the bottom, and as long as you don't wipeout, you'll be able to continue along it to the end when the level is over. alternatively, you can use the first kicker to go over the left hand fence. If you head over to the left at about 45 degrees you'll come to another ice drop about two thirds of the way down. This is pretty cool too but not quite as interesting as you are automatically reset on this one no matter what you do. -------------- 3. SLC Ghetto. -------------- There's not much that I could find on this level either, which is pretty linear. There are some dark off-piste drops if you haed over to the left, but these really aren't that big. To get to them turn left when you get to the road. Don't worry about thcars, as they have no real collision detection, you'll hit them but you won't wipeout. Look out for the 'Pig's Donuts' signs on this level! -------------------- 4. Canadian Rockies. -------------------- It's rather hard to describe where to go on this level as it is so wide and open, but if you just keep going left you shouldn't have to much trouble. If you go straight left after the beginning, you will find a jump of over 210m, with an easy landing. To get to this next bit, head hard left after you've been under the structure with the huge satellite dishes on it. Keeping left, you'll go over two sets of jagged teeth-like structures, stay left and use any one of a number of small ridges to jump over the barrier and into the off-piste section. In this section on the left but near the fence is a small rocky ridge. Ride just to the left of the ridge and shortly you will see a solitary peak. If you go left then you'll go out of bounds and be reset, however if you go just to the right of the solitary peak, then you will drop down into an area with a small cheering crowd and a TransWorld SNOWboarding Super Pro Podium. Here the level will end. ------------ 5. Karelian. ------------ Not a vast amount in this Half pipe area. The only off-piste bit I can reach is on the other side of the ridge on the far side of the frozen lake. Get your boost up on the rail on the left hand slope dropping into the lake and use it to get over the ridge into a mogul field. Not hugely exciting to be honest. The level ends in this field. I would like to know if you can get over the left hand side of the half pipe, I've never managed it. Mail me if you know how. ------------------- 6. Transworld Pipe. ------------------- Half-pipes are not naturally condusive to exploration, but there's a small glitch that allows you to explore the town behind the quarter pipe at the end of the level. At the bottom, hit the left hand side of the quarter pipe but jump left so you come off the pipe and land on the other side of the fence. You can now explore the town at your leisure. Once you've landed, turn left and then right after the second row of houses to see 747s mysteriously taking off out of the tarmac. You can follow the Tarmac for a long drop. When you've landed instead of going left, double back on yourself and try to head back up the road. You can use cars that are going in your direction to hitch a ride on their bumper! ----------- 7. Lapland. ----------- Head right and go through the gap in the fence just before the huge kicker. Use the small ridge just before the flat log to jump over the fence. You can now explore the town in the same way that you could on TransWorld Pipe. NB: You cannot use the quarter pipe at the end to do this, you MUST do it here. --------- 8. Tokyo. --------- More halfpipe linearity, but if you turn right just after the start, at the point where the level goes left, you can go out into an alternative SLC Ghetto-style level, or you can double back on yourself and go round the back of the start, which is frankly boring. If you go outside, keep going over to the right to an extra rail. To be honest though, this is pretty obvious, and if you didn't know this then you are blind and also perhaps dead! ------------ 9. Road Gap. ------------ On the left and right of both the road gaps are useless, but grindable rails. If you have lots of boost you can make your way up the ridiculously steep roads but they don't really go anywhere. Rather than jumping the second road gap, slip down onto the road itself and you will easily be able to hop over the fence and off-piste. This allows you the freedom the explore Innsbruck. Again, like Lapland, you cannot do this at the quarter pipe at the end. -------------- 10. Train Gap. -------------- There's very little to do on this, possibly the most linear of all the levels in this game. The only thing I have found is to go through the garage on the right just after the start. Avoid the annoying cop at the entrance and smash through the four crates, all of which are 'Mayhems'. This opens a different run. Bleedin' obvious if you ask me. ---------------------- 11. TransWorld Summit. ---------------------- Hold Left and A before the start and veer straight off in between the fence and the sole tree. The next bit requires skill. At the end of the fence, you need to double back up the hill toward the chairlift station. unfortunately, you won't have had the chance to build up any boost, so don't try to go straight up the hill. Instead, tack back and forth and you should find you can reach the summit. Once at the summit you have two choices. Firstly, you can head off down the back of the peak for a little bit which is cool, but you'll just get reset and won't be able to get back here without restarting. Secondly, you can go through the gates which pen in the crowd behind the start, both of which are 'mayhem' and grind the blade of the snow thingy. Heading round to the right, the benches by the water tower can be gound. Once you've done that, head down the right hand side. Though it looks like there's lots of space there isn't as an invisible wall prevents you from going much further right. Instead head down underneath the chairlift cables, until you pass two huts by the side of the proper track. A little further down the hill is a secret photographer in front of a huge kicker that sends you up onto a rail on the roof of a house. Doing this rather cool trick brings you out at the first checkpoint. Alternatively, rather than doubling back at the start you can simply left. There are two crazy rails off-piste here, quite close to the proper track and level with the large kickers that are situated underneath the white TransWorld SNOWboarding banners. They are hugely undulating in both the x and y axes, and very hard to mount. Other than that, this side offers only wide open piste with lots of opportunities for big jumps off the mounds. ------------- 12. The Tube. ------------- Use the kickers that have two short jumps either side of a large one to leap over the side walls using the large one and lots of boost. Make sure you don't wipeout which is quite easy on this level. When in one of these side areas, you'll notice you can't go all the way to one side. Well you can, but not just yet. To work out where you can angle your board so it is pointing at the wall but you are still going downhill. Let us deal with the right hand side first. On this side continue going down hill like this and eventually you will hit an invisble wall and lose all speed. Turn right and head towards the wall which you will now clip through into the night air and some very steep drops. Unfortunately it is hard to do tricks on these as the landings are very flat, but you can get up some great speed but you'll need some control. You can get all wthe way down to the bottom here, but unfortunately you can't get in so you'll have to restart the level. Now for the left. This is easier as the exit is much more noticable being a hole in the wall. This is a similar but shorter ride. The differences are that when you get to the bottom you will stop the clock and you will also see a big ferris wheel which you don't see in the normal game. There are several of these exits all the was down the course and don't worry about the metal pillars. They have no collision detection at the base so you can just fly through them. -------------- 13. Alps road. -------------- Straight at the start, go left so you just pass the snow machine. straight ahead there is an ill defined ridge which you need to follow. Stay on the ridge by angling your board into it, but not so much that you lose all speed and fall off. Eventually you'll see a small dip in the ridge on your left. Go through this and turn right. Go straight for a bit and you'll hit a massive drop. Because the landing is flat, you'll always wipeout, but, since you're still on the course. you won't be reset. Then you head off down a wide open piste. Head left and you'll cut out an awful lot of the level (past the exit to the second tunnel methinks). Stay straight and you'll come to a snow covered road containing the longest rail in the game on the right hand side (c. 170m). This rail drops you into the first village section. Head straight left after the junction down a path containing a burning tree and you'll be brought out at the second tunnel for the 'cop car air' bonus. If your not interested in finishing, head left onto the ridge, as desribed above, but make sure you turn left just before the last tree otherwise you'll be too far down to do it. Head straight left over a few rocky moguls, and you will enter a bowl. Although it looks steep you will make it if you go straight up. Make sure you have a little boost and when you pop onto the little rocky ridge at the top boost away, jump off the lip and enjoy the second longest drop in the game of more than 680m. (nearly a third of a mile!!) ---------------- 14. Alpe d'Huez. ---------------- Not much on this level. Although long and winding, the high mountains hem in the runs and so minimise the chances for exploration. Turn right at the start and go over the rocks (or alternatively double back on yourself and drop through any of the gaps in the wall behind the start) and drop down into the valley over which the three bridges go. This is pretty undulating though, and if you don't get the line right you can get stuck. ---------------- 15. Lost Resort. ---------------- OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!! The two best glitches in the game are hidden round the back of this level. Hold right so you start turning at the start jump on to the roof of the house that is directly to your right and hop over the plastic fence into the valley below. Do some sort of move here to get a little boost as it will come in handy in a bit. Head left, you have two choices as to what to do now. You should see a mound ahead on the left with some brilliant sheer ice behind it. I call this one the Black Hole and you'll see why. Don't enter it at speed, but instead sneak up and perch yourself on the edge and slowly drop into this sink hole. As you get faster and fasterthe hole gets narrower and narrower and you burst out into and area that looks as if it miles above the ground you'll continue to go 'down' until all of sudden you disappear getting ever smaller as if being crushed to a singularity. It's quite hard to maintain your balance in this section, and this is pretty much down to luck, but it is well worth seeing. Don't try to trick, cos you'll just crash off the walls and wipeout. If you reach the end or wipeout, you will be placed back by the power cables on the right near the start of the level. Very occasionally you will be placed right by the second major glitch, which is awesome. Rather than going onto the mound, continue round to the right and you will see that the path seems to end with a small rocky ridge. Not so! This is where your boost comes in, zoom up the ridge and take off....into Deep Blue! You'll leap off the edge and down what is by far the biggest drop in the game, a huge translucent blue ice wall that just seems to go on and on and on, and to be perfectly honest, it nearly does. There i a ridge about thirty metres down so you'll need a lot of boost if you are to clear the ridge and the whole drop, but if you are the your reward is a mamoth drop of well over 1170m (about two thirds of a mile!!!) This takes ages and allows huge spins (my record is 5940) and the legendary super flip (six flips or more). Though to be honest you can perform this on a couple of the other drops too. Needless to say you have practically no chance of landing, though I swear that I have done once (1116.9m. with a switch under flip 5940 perfect indy - not a vastly impressive trick I grant you but I was amazed at what was happening and so wasn't paying much attention to tricks!). Furthermore, you can use this slope to get up to what I believe is the maximum speed in the game: 200km/h. It takes ages and your boost has no effect past 130km/h but you should creep upto this limit. When I do I still have a way to go but the speed doesn't increase. When you hit the ground you are in a flat snow field. If you go straight forward perpendicular with the ice wall, you return to the same point you are placed at had you done Black Hole. If you follow the wall round then I'm not really sure what will happen. I've tried it but it seems to just keep going on. If these two weren't enough there is another podium hidden on the left hand side of the run (go through thr Canyon Ice Wall and keep as far to the left as possible). However this is different to the earlier one as it doesn't have Super Pro written on it, and it doesn't end the level when you reach it. To get to it, after the canyon ice wall, look out for chalets on the left. Head over to them and go past the first lot and you should see a line of identical chalets on a ledge a little further up and along. Boost up there and you should see the podium below you. Simply head down to it. ------------- 16. Helidrop. ------------- This level is all off piste, which is exactly what I have been discussing, so naturally there is little here that is secret. Exploration is the name of the game and the level is pretty open. There are a few areas that are accessible only over rocks but they are very very rocky and icey and to be honest not a whole lot of fun. --------------- 17. After Dark. --------------- To be honest, I hate this level, and found it a real disappointment as the secret level. It's so steep and icey that there is virtually no room to explore as you can't go sideways at high speed when it is slippy. More high mountains in case this level which is little more than a glorified dash to the bottom. There are army barracks on the left about halfway down and you can grind their railings as well as their perimeter fences, but why would you want to when you can ride Blck Hole or Deep Blue?!?!? ---------- E. Thanks. ---------- Me for getting off my arse and doing this FAQ after I had requested help from the TWS army on Gamefaqs and was totally ignored by all three of them!! (joke) To the lovely Sarah for the glorious gift of Xbox. She is magnificent and my life would be nought but an empty husk drifting in the wind of tedium without her light shining on my existence. (Sorry but I got told off last time for a plain old thank you, so I had to chuck in a bit of hyperbole)!! Official UK Xbox Magazine for whacking a demo of this game on the cover of one of their issues which I caned and became convinced it was the best thing ever. Pepper for adding their mad ska skills to an already pretty quality soundtrack. i would recommend that everyone gets their album 'Kona Town', which is great and availible from all good record shops and probably some larger HMVs too. Fin.