________ ______ __ __ _____ ___ ______ __ __ __ _____ | || _ \ | | | || | ,' `. | _ \ | || \ / || | '--. .--'| | \ || | | || .--' / _ \| | \ || || \/ || .--' | | | |_/ /| | | || |__ | | |__|| |_/ /| || || |__ | | | _ < | | | || | | | __ | _ < | || |\/| || | | | | | \ \| | | || .--' | | | || | \ \| || | | || .--' | | | | | || | | || |__ | \_/ || | | || || | | || |__ | | | | | |\ `-' /| | \ /| | | || || | | || | |__| |__| |__| `.___,' |_____| `.___.' |__| |__||__||__| |__||_____| _______________________________________________________________________________ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ (_` | |_) |_ |_ | (_` / \ |_ | /_\ ._) | | \ |_ |_ | ._) \_/ | |__ / \ _______________________________________________________________________________ (ASCII by: osrevad) NOTICE: I AM NO LONGER TAKING EMAILS FOR ADDITIONS TO THIS GUIDE, ONLY ONES FOR PROBLEMS THAT PEOPLE HAVE WITH THIS GUIDE. I'M ON TO WRITE BIGGER AND BETTER FAQS, THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION. TRUE CRIME: STREETS OF L.A. WALKTHROUGH/ FAQ FOR NINTENDO GAMECUBE Written by: DarkLink715 Email: acchapello@yahoo.com Version: Final Date: 2/11/04 WARNING: THIS IS A VERY MATURE GAME. IT HAS MANY SONGS WITH EXPLICIT LYRICS, AND THE LANGUAGE THROUGHOUT THE GAME IS THAT OF AN 'R' RATED MOVIE. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SEE THIS, DON'T PLAY THE GAME. ASLO DO NOT READ THIS GUIDE, BECAUSE I SATIRIZE MANY OF THE COMIC PARTS OF THIS ASPECT OF THE GAME, ALTHOUGH I NEVER ACTUALLY USE THEM. ALSO, THERE MAY BE SPOILERS IN THIS GUIDE, AND I APOLOGIZE. I DID MY BEST TO KEEP WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN SECRET, SO DO NOT READ AHEAD UNLESS YOU WANT TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS, AND YOU MAY NOT EVEN FIND OUT THEN. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS MY FIRST WALKTHROUGH GUIDE, SO THERE MAY BE SOME PROBLEMS. I HAVE DONE MY BEST TO ELIMINATE ALL MISTAKES, BUT SOME MAY STILL EXIST, AND I WOULD APPRECIATE IT IF YOU WOULD E-MAIL ME IF YOU FIND ONE. THANK YOU. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table of Contents >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------- | TABLE OF CONTENTS | VERSION COMPLETE | |___ ___________________________________|_____________________| |I | INTRODUCTION | .1 | |II | BASIC SKILLS | .1 | |III | **WALKTHROUGH** | 1.0 | |IV | UPGRADES | .1 | |V | RANDOM TIPS | .5 | |VI | FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) | 1.1 | |VIII| RANDOM STREET CRIMES | 1.5 | |VIII| VERSION HISTORY | 1.1 | |IX | LEGAL STUFF | 1.1 | --------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Introduction >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Welcome to the Streets of L. A. By inserting this game into your Gamecube and waiting until it loads, all of the City of Angels is at your fingertips. It is a massive city, and takes more than 40 minutes to drive from one end to the other via highway and the fastest car in the game. Roughly 260 square miles are available for you to patrol, it is almost impossible to memorize the landscape like it was in Grand Theft Auto. The city is recreated with startling detail, all of the famous streets, side streets, one-way streets, highways, alleyways and avenues are in the game. There are many missions available for your enjoyment, but, like most games, it is impossible to advance unless you beat the prior mission. This guide is meant to help you beat the game with the best ending and highest statistics possible. This is the first game of the series, and I hope that there will be more. The game was developed by Luxoflux and published by Activision. This guide is written for the Nintendo (r) Gamecube (tm), there are also versions available for the Sony (r) Computer Entertainment System 2 (r), and for the Microsoft (r) Xbox (tm). The games are very similar, using this guide could easily help you defeat the Xbox version, but all of the controls posted will be void if you are doing so. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Basic Skills >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% I. Controls %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NOTE: These are the default controls. ON FOOT: Control Pad left- Go into fighting mode Control Pad right- Go into shooting mode Control Pad up- Go into normal mode DRVING: Control stick- Steer A- Accelerate B- Brake X- Hand Brake Y- Look back L- Get in/out / commandeer vehicle R- Fire weapon Control Pad Left- Honk horn Control Pad Right- Toggle siren Control Pad Up- Change View FIGHTING: Control Stick- Move A- Punch B- Kick Y- High-kick X- Grapple/ throw weapon/ pick up weapon R- Take out guns Z- Drop Weapon SHOOTING: Control Stick- Move Hold B- Take Cover A- Punch Y + Direction- Roll Hold Y + Direction- Slow motion dive X- Pick up weapon/ grad human hostage as shield R- Fire Hold R- Precision aiming mode Z- Exit precision aiming mode/ reload STEALTH: Control Stick- Move Hold B- Take Cover Y- Roll A- Stun attack (good cop) X- Deadly attack (bad cop) R- Fire tranquilizer (3 shots) (CONTROLS FOUND IN THE MANUAL) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% II. Good Cop / Bad Cop %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NOTE: this is only a small fraction of the entire good cop/ bad cop system. For a complete FAQ and guide to the system, see the FAQ that is named Good Cop/ Bad Cop by Meweight. The guide is great, it has everything that you might need to know. You can choose to take one of two paths during the course of this game; the choice is up to you. Some things that you can do to raise your rating: - Frisk random people. If you happen to find drugs or a weapon that they are carrying, your rating is increased by 1. - Spend the badge points you have on the 24/7 upgrade locations to enhance your skills as a player. You can earn many upgrades that will help you on the street. - Starting random street fights is a good idea, although it seems barbaric. The people that you pick a fight with usually run, and if this happens you should fire a warning shot and most will surrender, letting you arrest them for easy good cop points. - Go to the 24/7 locations often so that you have a better chance to beat the missions If you choose to be a bad cop, you get a slightly larger margin of error. To lower your rating, you can: - Kill random people on the street with fighting and with your guns. - Start street fights with random civilians and knock them out. - When you are driving, veer onto the sidewalks to kill random pedestrians. This is the fastest way to bring your rating down. - You can frisk people to have their weapons if they are carrying any. This will get you good cop points, so I advise you to shoot the person with their own weapon to bring the rating right back down the dark black hole. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% III. Characters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% NICK KANG WILSON: He is the main character of the adventure. A half-Asian, half-European supercop, he prefers to work alone, possibly because he fears he will get stabbed in the back like his father. His father disappeared several years ago while on the job in L. A., and Kang decided to take up the family business by joining the E.O.D. (Elite Operations Division). He is given an all access pass to the streets of Las Angeles. THE CHIEF: She's tough and fair. She runs the EOD and recruited Nick after seeing him at a shooting range and because of his father's reputation. She tries to guide Nick throughout the game, and sets him on missions so that he can become part of the squad. She doesn't take any crap from anyone, not even federal agents. ROSIE: She used to be a gang member, but had a moment of clarity and decided to fight her old gangs. She is not happy about being partnered with Kang, and her attitude may prove quite annoying as the story rolls on. She is proud of her new job and doesn't want anyone to take what she has gained away from her. SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE, MASTERSON: He is called on the scene to oversee the case that the EOD is working on throughout the game. He doesn't like working with the EOD, especially because of Nick, but he will eventually learn that all is for the best within their precinct. RAFFERTY: He used to work with Nick's dad. He know the inner city of LA like the back of his hand, and has quite a few tricks up his sleeve, despite his old age and frail appearance. He acts like he doesn't know much about Nick's father, but don't let that fool you. ROCKY: The criminal mastermind of the criminal empire that is currently arising in the underbelly of LA. Rocky has a large army of thugs behind him, and is about to launch one of the biggest criminal schemes ever as the game commences. ANCIENT WU: Very little is known about this mystery man, except that he is the father of the Triad. Many authorities doubt his existence, but Nick is about to find out otherwise. There also seems to be a connection between Wu and Rocky.... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IV. L. A. Hot spots %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 24/7 LOCATIONS: You can go to these locations to enhance your abilities. There are three varieties: combat training, shooting ranges, and driving courses (see the upgrades section for complete description). They are the cyan icons on the mini-map. HEALTH RESOTRE LOCATIONS: These are locations where you can go to restore Nick's health. They cost a few badge points depending on how much health has been lost. I do not recommend going to these locations unless you are going to have an extended stay in the destination driving missions or bonus cruisin' missions. The locations are marked with a yellow dot with a cross within on the mini-map. PARKING GARAGES: You can travel to these locations to find the bonus cars you have unlocked through the bonus cruisin' missions (see upgrades portion of the guide for more information). They are marked in yellow with a P in the middle on the mini- map. GAS STATIONS: You can't get any gas here, but you can fix up your flaming car for a couple of badge points. They are marked with a gas pump symbol on the mini-map. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% V. Guns and Gun Basics %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (--------------) ( NICK'S GUNS ) (--------------) .38 CALIBER PISTOLS: Nick begins the game with these amateur weapons. DAMAGE POINTS: 34-17 AMMO COUNT: 6 FIRE RATE: 3/sec (semi) .41 CALIBER PISTOLS: You can get these superior guns by earning the shooting bonus cruisin' upgrade the first time. DAMAGE POINTS: 36-18 AMMO COUNT: 8 FIRE RATE: 4/sec (semi) .45 CALIBER PISTOLS: You can get these superior guns by earning the shooting bonus cruisin' upgrade the second time. DAMAGE POINTS: 38-19 AMMO COUNT: 10 FIRE RATE: 5/sec (semi) .50 CALIBER PISTOLS: You can get these superior guns by earning the shooting bonus cruisin' upgrade the third time. DAMAGE POINTS: 40-20 AMMO COUNT: 12 FIRE RATE: 6/sec (semi) (--------------) ( GUNPLAY TIPS ) (--------------) 1. Hide behind walls and objects. This makes it much harder for the person that is shooting at you to actually hit you. 2. Take your enemies weapons. They are often superior to yours, especially at the beginning of the game when you have no upgrades. 3. Reload after you kill every set of enemies. Chances are more will soon pop up, and you don't want to be caught reloading when your enemy is shoving a shotgun down your throat. 4. Use precision aim. If you aim for either arm or the groin, you get extra good cop points and it is much easier to take someone down that way than firing at their torso many times like the normal aim does. 5. Aim for tires and gas tanks. Blowing out your enemy's tires helps you pursue him faster. Blowing up his gas tank (back of the car) ensures that he's dead. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VI. Fighting System and hand-to-hand weapons %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Take a look at the controls and you'll see that there is a pretty complicated fighting system involved in this game. That is pretty much all you need to know, all other tips will be provided in the missions in which they are needed. Here are some general tips: -Hit hard and hit often. If your enemy is thrown off-balance by one of your attacks, you have the upper hand and it makes him easier to defeat. -Use finishing moves when your opponent is stunned. When all of the exclamation points are gray, your enemy will be stunned, giving you an opportunity to enter a combo to send him flying. Before you unlock upgrades at the dojos, press as many random buttons as you can during this time to have the best chance to perform a finishing move. /////////// CONTRIBUTION BY: JOHN OLIVAS (john_olivas@hotmail.com) /////////// Basic Finishing moves. Monkey paw. When dazed press punch followed by low kick to do a spinning fist slam. A nice fast move to pull off in hostile crowds, non interruptible and it can hit multiple targets at once. Flying Monkey. When Dazed press high kick and punch to do a jump kick to the enemy's head. A very nice move to send them flying with plenty of "knock-down time" and fast recovery, making a ground attack more plausible. Roundhouse kick. When dazed enter a low kick followed by a high kick to do a boot to the enemy's head. Quick and simple, it looks cool enough and deals some damage with fair knock back. More than the paw, not as much as the flying kick. I'd count it as least useful of the starting finishing moves but it is quick, nick doesn't have to get-up or land so it's quick enough with good enough knock-back to be useful against multiple attackers. The advantage to all of these early moves is that the combinations are quick. If you cannot single out an attacker and must fight in a crowd you are far more likely to pull off one of these combinations than the later ones. Also these are less prone to mistakes, to do the kick for example you could enter high kick high kick high kick and punch and still pull off the move. I like to do it the 3 press than one press way anyhow, as I'm just used to it from when I was trying to find the moves and I'd like to think it adds extra oomph. :) Grapples and blocking. You can pull off a grapple anytime, not just when an opponent is dazed. First though you must become a master of the block. Practice blocking and dodging and when you get it down you can have strings of 10 or 20 victories before you ever even take a solid hit. The block master can easily take on crowds of 3 or 4 armed individuals in melee combat or even larger crowds (such as at the staples center) without too much of a workout. If you just hold block your opponent will switch attacks or just hit you in such a way as to get around it. The best way is to wait until your opponent begins his swing and block then, doing this against multiple attackers both looks cool and is a fun workout :). Why so much emphasis on blocking? Strategy. You can fight entirely with grapples or start your own chains to pull off finishers quicker than ever once you get blocking down. Simply block an attack, or chain of attacks. If you're fighting a chaining opponent block until he does a move with a slow recovery rate, then move in with a grapple or an attack. I recommend low kick for an attack, punch is good but sometimes you'll be knocked back by a strong attack outside of punching range. High kick in general is too slow to serve as an effective counter. I prefer grapples to counter as grapples deal out huge damage, disarm armed foes and leave you in a perfect position to do a ground attack. I'll entail some of the basic grapples below. Take-down Simply press the grab button without another button presses, fast, non- interruptible and dealing a good amount of damage, there are however many better grapples out there. Ground punch Grab and punch buttons in quick succession. The best move out there for a ground attack follow-up and my personal favorite among all the grapples. There is no knock-back, the foe is slammed at your feet, the punch adds extra damage and the recoil from the blow leaves them open for a ground attack more often than not which is convenient when paired with the fact the foe is placed on the ground directly in front of you. Unfortunately it's power is balanced out by the fact it's rather easily interrupted in multiple-attacker situations. Shoulder toss. Grab and high kick buttons in rapid succession. A nice move, the throw deals a good amount of damage and leaves a fair amount of distance between yourself and your foe. Not really a good move for a ground attack as that distance and the knock-down time are not working in your favor to go that route and even a stomp can be a pain to pull off. A nice move to try to pair a running attack with though if that's your thing. The move turns Nick 180 degrees around which can be a bad thing in a crowd, or a good thing if the pack isn't too close and you want to make a break for it. That said doing this in a crowd will get you hit in the back of the head and kicked in the butt/lower back more often than not. The principal damage here is the throw and in a 2 on one encounter the damage combined with the distance can give you an easy edge on the competition provided you use it to divide and conquer. Rolling toss. Grab and low kick buttons in rapid succession. Low damage, very high distance. A very nice throw when combined with environmental hazards such as breakable objects, walls... or traffic. I'd say to use it in a crowd to thin out a pack but sometimes I get kicked while Nick's getting up. The recovery time from performing this move is crap and will often leave you wide open for a punch in the chops. The distance is also a problem for secondary attacks. This isn't to say it's a bad throw as sometimes it seems to do quite high damage. I just have no idea why but I'm guessing the min-max dam numbers are a good distance apart. Damage wise there are more dependable throws. Think of this one more as a strategic asset. Ground attacks. BODY SLAM Press toward and high kick when your foe is down. Brutal attack that deals high damage but leaves you open to an easy counter if you miss as the recovery time is rather high. Not recommended for crowds. Nick dives into it quickly but is slow to get up. If you miss your opponent will be on his feet before you are. STOMP Press toward and low kick when your opponent is down. A quick jump on the enemy devoid of any penalty if you miss but not offering a large amount of damage. The speed does help ensure a blow will be landed though. A good safe attack, even in a crowd. Summersault drop-kick. Press toward and punch when opponent is on the ground. My personal favorite it deals out a very good amount of damage, is quick and it's pretty showy as well. Unfortunately Nick takes a second to prepare for the summersault by placing his hands behind his head, which leaves him open for an attack in a crowd where he will sometimes be interrupted. If he does pull it off in a crowd though he gets up in such a way (kicking his legs up to flip back onto his feet) that he can damage several enemies. This second phase of the attack is not interruptible. The recovery time is small which won't leave Nick open for a counter attack if he fails to connect however. A very good move in any one-on-one competition it's use in crowds is risky but beneficial. A gambler's move against a large crowd, unlike the body slam there is a chance you'll take a hit without ever getting to do the attack at all. The choice is up to you but in one on one fights I always recommend this one as you'll be back on your feet if you miss before the enemy. /////////// CONTRIBUTION BY: Szu Ting Moy (szuboy@yahoo.com) /////////// Just so you'll know, the X,A grapple automatically disarms your opponent and gives you the weapon. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% VI. Vehicles %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% L. A. is huge, and driving is the way that you will need to get around. There are strategies for specific missions in the walkthrough, but here are some basic tips: -When perusing a perp, shoot out his tires and constantly fire at the car, but be close to the car so that you don't accidentally shoot pedestrians. -Aim for the gas tank for a quick kill. This is an easy way to bring down a perp, but it also affects your good cop rating in the negative direction. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Walkthrough >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is where the bulk of the game is located. I will show you how to defeat every episode, every mission, and every foe. I only ask that you follow the guide and you should be able to win. If you find any problems or inconsistencies in the following walkthrough, please feel free to e-mail me and tell me about it so that I can fix the problem. Note: This entire walkthrough is written through the normal intros. If you fail a mission, you can often play a mission through an alternate intro with an alternate starting point, but writing all of this up in the first version is more work than I can handle. It may exist in future versions, but don't count on it. You will never need to play through alternate intros if you beat all of the missions normally, anyway. A. NORMAL EPISODES These are the missions that follow the normal story line and lead to the best ending possible. *********************************************************************** I: Episode I: ______ _ __ _ ___ __ /_ __/___(_)__ ____/ / | | / (_)__ / /__ ___ _______ / / / __/ / _ `/ _ / | |/ / / _ \/ / -_) _ \/ __/ -_) /_/ /_/ /_/\_,_/\_,_/ |___/_/\___/_/\__/_//_/\__/\__/ *********************************************************************** [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 1: SHOOTING PRACICE GOALS: Shoot 10 targets Press R to enter shooting mode, and let the bullets fly at the targets, rapidly hit R when the auto-aim locks on. You have enough time to hit 16 or more, so this is easy. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 2: DRIVING TO E.O.D. GOALS: Race to the Chief's office This is a timed driving mission, but you have more than enough time to do it twice over. Head out the door and hit L to enter your car, simply hit A to accelerate and follow the mini-map to the green dot. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 3: DRIVING FOR CHOW GOALS: Drive to Restaurant; Solve street Crimes (optional) This is the first of many open-ended missions in which you can go to the destination whenever you feel like it. Before driving to the bistro, take some time to go to the shooting ranges around town to increase your shooting skills, this will take away the badges that you began the game with. To gain more points toward badges, solve street crimes (press Z+X to arrest a defeated criminal), or frisk random people by pressing X. Many people are hiding something, such as drugs or a weapon, and the result is a quick arrest and easy points, although the success rate is relatively low. When you are tired of the streets, head to the bistro. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 4: TRIAD MUSCLE GOALS: Fight Triad Thug This is the introduction of the fighting system. Check the controls section for information about the button schemes. Notice that the enemy has 4 exclamation marks by his head, these represent the number of hits that can be landed on him before he is stunned. While he is stunned, you can enter a combo (try to vary the buttons you press) to send him flying. During this fight, switch up your moves to keep the AI guessing what you will do next, and pound him hard and quick. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 5: FINALE: ROSIE TROUBLE GOALS: Shoot Triad Thug This is quite easy, run over to the thug and pop a few bullets in him quickly, then duck behind a car and reload. Repeat this pattern and he'll be downed quickly. You can also use precision aim to hit him in either arm or groin, or his head if you don't mind a point coming off your good cop score. /////////// CONTRIBUTION BY: Szu Ting Moy (szuboy@yahoo.com) /////////// In "Rosie Trouble", you can get one of the cars the occasionally drive by and use it to run over the gang member. This isn't a very efficient way to beat him, but it's just a fun alternative. You can also run up to the three cars near him. Crouch behind the cars, but not near them. The reason is that when the cars explode, you don't want to beneath explosion. Eventually, the gang member will walk into fire and burn himself. This isn't a very efficient way to beat him, but it's just a fun alternative. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION X: BONUS CRUISIN' GOALS: Drive to Destination of choice I recommend going to the shooting range, getting better guns should be your priority at this early point. Drive to the range and be prepared to practice your shooting skills. Try and use this opportunity to enhance your skills. Try hiding behind the boards and popping out to shoot the yellow targets, try not to let them shoot at you. Try the slow-motion dive and dual-target aim if you have it. If you don't make it to the end, don't sweat it, just try again and enhance your skills. The reward is a nice shiny pair of .41 caliber pistols. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ******************************************************************************* II: Episode II: __ ___ ______ __ / |/ /__ ___ ____ / __/ /________ ___ / /____ / /|_/ / -_) _ `/ _ \ _\ \/ __/ __/ -_) -_) __(_-< /_/ /_/\__/\_,_/_//_/ /___/\__/_/ \__/\__/\__/___/ ******************************************************************************* [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 1: CRUISING FOR LEADS GOALS: Drive to Caray's Dojo You have to drive to your brother's dojo, but before you arrive use your extra badges at 24/7 locations, but only the fighting and shooting. Driving skills are not very important at any point in the game. Whenever your urge to stop street crimes or to enhance your skills has been satisfied, drive to the little green dot. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 2: DOJO ATTACKER GOALS: Fight Attacker The guy who ransacked your brother's dojo is coming after you. He's pretty quick, but if you use a B, A combo it almost always lands on him. Get through his 5 exclamation points of health and smack him when he is stunned, you shouldn't have any trouble beating him so long as you have enhanced your fighting skills at the dojo at least once and have picked random fights in the street. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 3: RED LANTERN RUSH GOALS: Race to the Red Lantern Bar This is a quick race to the bar. Take San Pedro on to LA Street, and make a quick turn onto Temple. The bar is a short stretch away. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 4: BAR BRAWL GOALS: Fight Feng Feng is a totally unfair fighter, mostly because he is armed with a switchblade. To knock it out of his hands, grapple him with X and throw him to the floor. Pick up the blade with X and use his own weapon against him. Quickly use a variety of attacking buttons to throw him off balance and to make him easier to stun. Let loose on him when he is stunned. If you want to, you can try knocking him through the breakable tables and chairs; these produce cool splintering effects and cause extra damage. This is the toughest fight you've had so far, so if you lose, just learn and take him on again. Eventually you will learn his pattern and beat him. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 4 (ALT): THE ARSONIST GOALS: Capture Feng This is a really fun one. It's a car chase, and car chases in LA mean streams of bullets flying everywhere. Constantly keep up with Feng (he's the little red blip on your mini-map) because if you fall behind too far, you will fail the mission. Use the auto-aim to fire a lot of bullets at his car when you are close (be careful not to shoot civilians). He fires back, but your car should be able to take these hits. After his car has taken enough bullets, he will be forced to leave the car and you will either be able to arrest him right there (Z+X) or you will have to fight him then arrest him. Either way it is pretty easy to do. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 5: CHASING TRIAD THUG GOALS: Capture Feng You're on foot, and it's best to stay that way. Just run after the red blip on the mini-map and fire when you have a clean shot. He'll go down quickly, and you get to advance farther. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 6: DRIVING TO JIMMY'S GOALS: Drive to Dynasty Imports; Solve Street Crimes (optional) Continue to advance your fighting and shooting skills, most importantly shooting. After you are tired of perusing criminals and spending time at the shooting range, head to the green blip on the mini-map. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 7: SNEAKING IN GOALS: Infiltrate Dynasty Imports Warehouse This is the first stealth mission of the game, check the controls section for how to play. The basic idea of this mission is not to be seen for too long by anyone (until their three exclamation marks light up). Hide behind various objects, waiting for your victims to turn their back to you, then run up and hit A to due a subduing chop, which will give you badge points and a good cop point. If your target sees you, quickly shoot them with a tranquilizer dart (R). Don't step on anything that sits on the ground, this often makes a loud sound and alerts the people you are trying to sneak by. You should be able to get by all easily if you stay in the shadows and are patient, just wait until they turn their backs and then pounce. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 8: JIMMY'S AMBUSH GOALS: Shoot Jimmy's Crew Yet another fun mission. This one is a pure shootout, so pick off Jimmy's guys one by one from the starting point, try to conceal yourself so they cannot shoot at you but you can take them down. If you have the upgrade on the pistols, this is very easy. Use precision aim to make neutralizing shots for quick takedowns. When all of the guys near the starting position are dead, jump down and take their guns, and take on the next waves of guys. Let the bullets fly and advance to the finale. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 9: FINALE: SNIPER ASSASSIN GOALS: Shoot the sniper This is pretty easy. Run up to the windows and press B to duck. Wait for the sniper to fire, then get up and shoot at him with the auto aim, about 2 clips. Then duck again, wait for him to shoot, rise up and do it over. Follow this pattern and he'll go down slowly but surely. You can use precision aim, but it's a pain to see when he's going to fire that way, I recommend the above strategy. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION X: BONUS CRUISIN' GOALS: Drive to Bonus Destination Once again, I recommend the shooting upgrade here. Getting a better gun edges out better grapples and cars at this point. This is much like the last course, except there are more dummies to shoot. Get into a position where none of them can shoot you, then pop out and let the bullets fly. Always try to keep semi- hidden. The toughest dummy to hit in the course is the one on the balcony. To take him out, wait until he stops and then introduce him to lead. The guns are protected by a row of 4 dummies. If your health is high, just run to the green arrows as fast as you can. If not, use a slow-motion dive to take them out, followed by dual-target aim to get the last two. The reward is .45 caliber pistols, which are explained in the Nick's Guns section. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ******************************************************************************* III: Episode III: ____ __ __ _ __ _______ / _/__ / /____ _______ ___ _/ /_(_)__ ___ ___ _/ / /_ __(_)__ ___ _/ // _ \/ __/ -_) __/ _ \/ _ `/ __/ / _ \/ _ \/ _ `/ / / / / / -_|_-< /___/_//_/\__/\__/_/ /_//_/\_,_/\__/_/\___/_//_/\_,_/_/ /_/ /_/\__/___/ ******************************************************************************* [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 1: OFF TO CHONG'S GOALS: Drive to Chong's Residence NOTE: BY THE END OF THIS EPISODE, HAVE LEVEL 4 SHOOTING. IT IS A BIG HELP IN THE ENDING GUNFIGHT This is another open-ended mission. Follow the above instruction religiously, surpassing it would help. Keep enhancing your fighting skills, but not until after you have level 4 in shooting. After you bust up some street crimes, head to the green dot and be ready to quickly be ushered into the next mission. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 2: TAILING CHONG'S LIMO GOALS: Tail Chong's Limo You can't get too far and can't get too close to the limo in this mission. A good rule of thumb is to have the red dot be on the brink of crossing the top of your mini-map, not closer, not farther. If you get too far behind, step on the brake. If you get to close, exclamation marks start to light up. If they all light up, the driver runs, so don't let them all light up. Follow the driver successfully to go to mission 3. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 3: A STAKEOUT GONE BAD GOALS: Escape the attackers This is the beginning of a mode that you will grow to love if you like barely escaping danger and shooting up cars. At the beginning of the mission, swing around and pump the two pursuing cars full of bullets. Then, speed off and force them to follow. After a little while swing around and fire a lot of shots at them again. Repeat this pattern until both cars are wrecked, and then just drive away from the carnage to win. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 4: DRIVING TO SPA GOALS: Drive to Russian Spa; Solve Street Crimes (optional) The landscape is littered with shooting ranges, I suggest you go to them. You could also use fighting upgrades for a mission later in this episode. Avoid driving ranges until you get to level 9 in fighting and shooting. Solve as many street crimes as you like, then follow the yellow brick road to the green dot on the mini-map. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 5: SPA INFILTRATION GOALS: Sneak into the Russian Spa Don't let anyone see you, just like in the last infiltration mission. Hide behind the lockers and wait for the people to turn around, then unleash you're a button to send them to the floor. Don't step on glass or anything else on the floor. When you get to the steam rooms, wait until a guy comes out of the door, then take him out. Do the same with the other 3 doors in the room. In the steam chamber, hide out to avoid the awake guests and don't make noise to arouse the sleeping ones. The green goal is in the back of the giant steam room. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 5 (ALT): RUSSKIE TROUBLE GOALS: Fight Russian Goons There are four Russian guys in this room. One has a ponytail, that's their leader. Try and fight with him first because he is more difficult to take down than the other three. Try to pick a fight with one at a time, fighting two makes this more difficult. Vary your attacks as much as you can and use any acquired finishing moves while they are stunned. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 6: SHOWER ROOM ANTICS GOALS: Fight bathers In the shower with fat Russians! This is exactly the place where you don't want to be, so fight hard. Pick a fight with one at a time to make this easier. Once again, vary your attacks and take advantage of the periods when they are stunned. B, A is a good combo to take these guys down to being stunned, then use finishing moves to put them on the ground. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION 7: FINALE: THE ACCOMPLICE GOALS: Shoot Spa Crew All of your shooting upgrades have come down to this. Use the low pool wall to your advantage, as a stopping point for bullets. Hide behind the columns and pop out to meet the angry Russian crew. A good tactic is to use the slow- motion dive when you have wiped out all but one in a particular wave of criminals. There are 29 guys to beat, then Big Chong comes out. He's tough, so hide when he lets his bullets fly. When he stops firing, pop out and introduce him to your pistols, or any weapons that you picked up from his goons. As soon as he starts shooting, hide again. Try and shoot him from an angle which he can't see you, this will make it more difficult to shoot back. Once Chong goes down, episode 3 comes to a close. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MISSION X: BONUS CRUISIN' GOALS: Drive to Destination Once again, I recommend the weapon upgrade. Drive to the range and be prepared to have fun. The dummies appear in twos, so go slowly and be patient, don't take stupid hits and get your health knocked down quickly. At the end of the course, there is a cluster of a bunch of dummies, but you can run right past their tennis-ball guns to get to the green arrow if you have enough health. Your prize is a pair of .50 caliber pistols, the strongest of Nick's weapons in the game! Pat yourself on the back, these guns have a bigger clip size, faster firing rate, and are more powerful than any of Nick's other guns. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ******************************************************************************* IV: Episode IV: ___ _ ____ ____ ______ / _ \__ _____ ___ (_)__ ____ / __/__ ________ ____/ __ \/ _/ _/ / , _/ // (_-<(_->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IV: Upgrades >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are a variety of different upgrades that can be acquired across town. There are upgrades at 24/7 locations, and each try to receive the upgrade results in one badge being taken away. There are also upgrade locations during the Bonus Cruisin' missions that come with 100% episode completion. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I. 24/7 Locations: Shooting Ranges /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// These are the cyan icons marked with crosshairs on the mini-map. Enter one to enhance your firing skills. Once you earn the upgrade, you can always reenter the same range to practice shooting once again. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 1 ) (--------------) DUAL-TAGET AIM: ((Destroy 8 targets and avoid hitting 3 civilian targets)) This is an easy one. All you have to do is stand in one place and shoot each target as it comes at you. Ten targets appear, so you can afford to miss twice. If you kill 2 civilians, you still win the challenge, and only three appear, so avoid shooting at the target behind the civilian (--------------) ( UPGRADE 2 ) (--------------) AIM ASSISTANCE: ((Achieve 7 neutralizing shots and avoid hitting more than 2 civilian targets)) You have to use precision aim to earn this upgrade. As soon as the challenge starts, hold down R to enter the mode. You need to have 7 neutralizing shots, so you must act quickly. To achieve a neutralizing shot, aim for the groin or one of the two arms, and with just one shot your perp will be neutralized. Also notice that time slows down when you enter precision aim mode. This is helpful because it gives you time to catch up with moving targets, but it doesn't last long. Quickly reload and reenter precision aim mode as quickly as possible for the fastest results. AVOID HEAD SHOTS!!! Shooting a perp in the head will cause you to fail. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 3 ) (--------------) FAST RELOAD: ((Destroy or neutralize 10 targets and avoid hitting more than 1 civilian target, also avoid head shots)) Another easy challenge, but the reward is great to have early in the game. You can do all of this challenge in the normal aiming mode, just try to position yourself so that you do not hit any of the civilian targets. Be sure to reload in between target appearances. If, for some reason that is beyond my comprehension, you feel compelled to use the precision aiming mode in this challenge, do not utilize head shots or you will fail, just like in the last one. This upgrade is very useful in destination driving missions and in firefights because you are exposed for a shorter amount of time. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 4 ) (--------------) FAST AIM SPEED: ((Destroy or neutralize 12 targets, avoid all civilian targets and avoid head shots)) This is a relatively easy challenge if you are given the correct instruction. You must hit 12 targets, and only 13 appear, giving you room for one miss. Although this may seem a small margin of error, it is actually fairly easy to do. You can accomplish this entire challenge in the auto-aim mode, except for the part at the end with the civilian target, at which point you must use precision aim to neutralize them. If you miss one target behind the civilian, don't sweat it, just be sure to pick off the others. This upgrade is great, it helps out a lot in firefights. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 5 ) (--------------) LASER SIGHT: ((Achieve 10 neutralizing shots, avoid civilian targets and head shots)) This is the hardest challenge yet, and it must be performed entirely in precision aiming mode. Use precision aim to hit the green areas for neutralizing shots. Use the highest crack in the boards to aim through, this crack is level with all vital spots that you need to shoot at. Be sure not to shoot any heads off or to shoot any civilians. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 6 ) (--------------) FLASH LIGHT: ((Destroy or neutralize 10 targets, avoid all civilian targets)) The shooting range is darkened for this next challenge. You can perform all of the necessary shots when there are not civilians present in the auto-aim mode, but, when the civilians jump up, be sure to turn on precision aim and neutralize the targets. This might take you a couple of tries, but being able to get to the next challenge is worth the badges. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 7 ) (--------------) SCOPE: ((Perform 10 head shots, avoid all civilian targets)) In my opinion, this is the hardest challenge in the game. Enter precision aim quickly and aim the crosshairs just above the crack between the two top boards. This is exactly the level of the target's heads. The first five are a snap to take down, just rob them of their heads and reload if you have time. The 6th and 7th are harder to hit, I recommend not shooting at them because of the danger of hitting civilians. The best thing to do during this challenge it to exit and reenter precision aim as soon as the slow motion effects fade, so that you always have a jump on the moving targets. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 8 ) (--------------) TOP ACCURACY: ((Destroy or neutralize 12 targets, achieve 50% accuracy and avoid all civilian targets)) This is a tough one because you have to have 50% accuracy. The best way to help yourself get this is to reload after each target destroyed. There are many civilians in this challenge, and behind each is a target. Aim for the most accessible region on each target (head, arm, groin, anything goes). When the single civilian target appears with the four targets behind it, shoot 2 targets and reenter precision aim to slow down time, then shoot the last two. This upgrade gives you 2x aim stability, which means fewer stray bullets. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 9 ) (--------------) HOLLOW POINT AMMO: (Destroy 15 targets, avoid all civilian targets and head shots)) This is the highest accomplishment that you can achieve in the shooting aspect of the game. The targets move fast, but your precision aim will slow them down so that you can neutralize them. Only fire one bullet at a time, because if you fie more at a moving target, the stray may hit a civilian behind the target. Also, continue to use the crack between the two top boards to aim for the target's arms to take them out quickly and efficiently. After you complete this challenge, test out the new ammo- it does much more damage than ordinary bullets. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// II. 24/7 Locations: Driving Courses /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (--------------) ( UPGRADE 1 ) (--------------) PEEL OUT: ((Beat the clock to the finish line, perform at least 1 peel out and avoid hitting more than 3 obstacles)) Press A and B to peel out, turn the control stick in the desired direction, then release B to perform this maneuver. The best place to do one is at the very beginning, it saves a lot of time. Drive pretty fast through the course, but be cautious not to hit too many obstacles. At the end, a barrier lowers and you have to stop, and then its smooth sailing to the finish line. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 2) (--------------) RAPID STOP: ((Beat the clock to the finish line, perform at least 1 rapid stop and avoid hitting more than 3 obstacles)) To perform a rapid stop, hold back on the control stick while traveling with speed and then double-tap B. Nick makes a happy comment when this is performed correctly. Use the maneuver at any of the sharp turns where barrels are, be sure to avoid them. To accelerate after stopping, use the peel-out for a quick boost. Driving on the right side of the pedestrian cut-outs will ensure that you won't hit them. THESE ARE REALLY THE ONLY 2 USEFUL DRIVING UPGRADES IN THE GAME, PRINTING THE OTHERS WOULD BE A WASTE OF TIME BECAUSE THEY ARE JUST NOT VERY USEFUL. MAYBE I WILL PRINT THEM IN A LATER VERSION, BUT AT THIS POINT THEY ARE REALLY NOT ESSENTIAL TO FINISHING THE GAME WITH ALL THREE ENDINGS. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS, JUST E-MAIL ME. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// III. 24/7 Locations: Combat Training /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Marked by cyan icons on the mini-map with barbells inside, this is Nick's brothers chain of fighting convenience stores. IMPORTANT: The later attacks seem to boost Nick's speed, it is in your best interest to get them quickly to gain this important advantage over your foe. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 1 ) (--------------) RUNNING ATACKS: ((Perform 12 running attacks and survive the session)) This is a very easy challenge. Just run up to any of the boards and press A, B, of Y (while running) to destroy it with a running attack. If "OK" is displayed, then you preformed the attack correctly. You have 57 seconds to perform 12, more than enough time for 16. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 2 ) (--------------) BACK ATTACKS: ((Perform 12 back attacks and survive the session)) Another easy one. At the start of the session, walk up to the target, turn the control stick away from it, then press A, B, or Y. After you do this, it is in your best interest not to move. More often than not, the next target will be directly behind Nick and you can take it out with just one more push of a button. Destroy 12 to unlock back attacks. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 3 ) (--------------) GROUND ATTACKS: ((Perform 12 ground attacks and survive the session)) This is an easy one, 12 soft dummies laying on the ground. The easiest way to do this is to walk up to them and press B to stomp. 12 stomps later and you win. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 4 ) (--------------) TIGER SWEEP: ((Perform 12 Tiger Sweep Combos and Survive the session)) Quite easy if you know what to do, the combination is entered Y, B, Y while your opponent is dazed. On the soft black dummies, just punch them until they are stunned and do the combo. On the wooden dummies, vary your attacks to take down their exclamation points until they have none and then do the combo to them. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 5 ) (--------------) TIGER CLAW: ((Perform 5 Tiger Claw combos and survive the session)) Two soft dummies appear in the beginning, followed by 2 wooden ones, followed by three soft ones. Don't get too worked up over the wooden dummies, there are enough soft ones to win (see last upgrade for info on how to beat each). When they are stunned, enter A, B, Y. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 6 ) (--------------) LEAPING TIGER: ((Perform 5 Leaping Tiger Combos and survive the session)) Y, A, B is the combo for this challenge. Two wooden fighting dummies are easy to fight through with the aforementioned punch-kick strategy, and the next 2 soft dummies are even easier. After this, a soft dummy appears on the ground. Stomp it quickly. Then there is one wooden dummy followed by 2 soft dummies and that is more than you need to accomplish. Perform the combo when the enemy is dazed and finish this challenge to unlock the "Dragon" Challenges. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 7 ) (--------------) DRAGON KICK: ((Perform 6 Dragon kick combos and survive the session)) B, Y, B, Y. Study this combination well, for you must perform it 6 times in this challenge. Take out the first two dummies quickly, and simply punch the wooden board. A moving target appears, and you should attack it incessantly until it is forced to stop when it is stunned, then Dragon Kick it. Punch out another wooden plank followed by 3 more oft dummies and you're home free (--------------) ( UPGRADE 8 ) (--------------) DRAGON FIST: ((Perform 7 Dragon Fist Combos and survive the session)) The first really tough challenge, no opportunity can be missed in this unforgiving challenge. A, B, Y, A is the combo you have to enter when your opponent is stunned. Take out the wooden dummy easily, then stomp the dummy that falls down and two fall from the ceiling. Punch and Dragon Fist them. Stomp the two dummies and take out the next 3 with dragon fists to win a hard fought battle. (--------------) ( UPGRADE 9 ) (--------------) FLYING DRAGON: ((Perform 6 Flying Dragon combos and survive the session)) Y, A, B, Y is the combo that is to be entered when these dummies are dazed to get the "OK". Make mincemeat of the 4 hanging dummies and stomp the three on the floor. 4 moving soft dummies appear, which ones you should take out depends on how much time you have left. Do your best to get to the goal at the end but don't sweat it if you don't, this is the final move! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> V. Random Tips >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Getting through Traffic Use the siren on Nick's cars to make people get out of your way. This is great when you need to go somewhere fast or just don't want to damage your priceless automobile, yet it will be dangerous in the missions when you need to be stealthy while perusing a criminal. 2. Free Tune-Up Instead of using badge points at a gas station, try to go to parking garages whenever you can. They are rare, but you can always count on a good car being there and that it will be spotless for you to destroy. 3. Earn Good Cop Points Going back through missions will not give you anymore badge points, but you can always earn more good cop points. If you need to boost your rating, this is the easiest way. 4. Stats On the Start Menu, you can view your player stats. These are very interesting to view when you have the time. 5. Frisking An interesting tip submitted by: Gunitrider509@aol.com. He tells me that if you sit in your car and watch the people walking by on the street, some of them will look at you and some of them won't. Those that look at you almost always have drugs or an illegal weapon in their possession, so frisk away. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VI: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Q: I can't beat a particular mission with your strategy. What should I do? A: These are just suggested strategies. If you find one that does not work for you, play the mission a couple of time to try and form your own strategy, then please E-mail me and I will try and make a new strategy that is easier for everyone to use. I understand that everyone that reads this guide is not at the same level of video gaming, and I try and take that into account. Q: I found a mistake in your guide! A: E-mail me and tell me about it. I will do my best to fix the problem as soon as possible, and I will even send you a reply thanking you. Q: What are these dogg bones I have been hearing about? A: I don't really understand why these are in the game, but if you collect 30 of them, you can open up an alternate mission in which you have to solve as many random street crimes as you can in an hour, and then you are given a ranking. For more information, see another FAQ on this site, I am sure that someone has written a guide on where to find the dogg bones. Q: I've seen someone shooting out of the back of the car window in screenshots, how can I do this? A: I don't actually know the answer to this question, but I can offer several things that might help you to do that. First, try turning around in the seat with Y and hitting R then. Also, it could be that there is a target behind the car in the screenshots that you cannot see that the player is aiming at. Q: Are there motorcycles in this game? I have seen screenshots with them. A: No. I have no idea how there were screenshots, unless other versions of the game contain them and I have not found them in the time that I have played on other systems. Q: Is it possible to have 2 games at the same time? A: Yes, just make a new license plate and play on, and be sure to use this guide to do it. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VII: Random Street Crimes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are many street crimes that happen randomly across the 280 square miles of LA that this game holds within its city limits. Some of the random street crimes that have been sent in to my radio are: -Street Fight -Drug Deals -Homicidal maniac -Stolen Ambulance -Illegal Street Racing -Mob War -Police in Trouble -Stolen Armored car -Stolen pimpmobile -Hostage Situations -Disturbing the Peace -Officer Down -Delusional maniac with knife -Disgruntled Postal Worker -Girlfriend Fight -Pimp War -Pimps and Hoes -Mugging -Cock Fights -Illegal Prostitutes -Stolen Car -Proved kidnapping -Attempted suicide -Marital struggles >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VIII: Version History >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .1- finished most of the extraneous sections, began work on the walkthrough .3- finished the first two missions of walkthrough .6- finished first 4 main missions and first 2 missions of alternate episodes .7- finished first 6 episodes and 2 alternate episodes 1.0- finished the guide, I have my life back 1.1- fixed mistakes, added an alternate strategy, also fixed the table of contents 1.2- added a new logo 1.3- added several alternate strategies, some FAQs 1.4- tried out some new logos for chapters, added some stuff 1.5- street crimes section, voice credits, fixed some errors Final- I added some cool ASCII art, fixed the spelling mistakes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IX: Legal Stuff >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VOICE CREDITS FOR THE GAME: Russell Wong.....................................................................Nick Kang Christopher Walken...................................................George Gary Oldman........................................................................Ro cky, Agent Masterson Michael Madsen...............................................................Rafferty, Additional Voice Michelle Rodriguez...................................................Rosie CCH Pounder........................................................................C hief Ron Perlman........................................................................M isha, additional voice Mako............................................................................ .................General Kim James Hong...........................................................................A ncient Wu, additional voice Keone Young........................................................................Big Chong, Jimmy Fu, additional voices Ryun Yu.............................................................................. ......Cary Kang Grey Deslisle..................................................................Jill, Lola, additional voices Vernee Johnson-Watson..........................................Dispatcher Thanks to: -Activision for making such a great game. -Luxoflux for refining all of the great elements of the game. -Meweight for helping me to understand the good cop/ bad cop system better. -Wolf for providing an alternate strategy for lobby firefight -John Olivas for a huge contribution to the fighting section - Szu Ting Moy for offering several alternate strategies -Gunitrider509@aol.com for a good tip -GameFAQs for publishing this guide -You for reading this guide This guide is only to be posted on the following sites, putting on your site is illegal and is a violation of national copyright laws, unless it is on the following list: -www.gamefaqs.com -www.spong.com -www.ign.com This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Thank you. (c) 2003 DarkLink715 ____ __ __ _ __ _____ ___ ______ / __ \ ____ _ _____ / /__ / / (_)____ / /__/__ /< // ____/ / / / // __ `// ___// //_// / / // __ \ / //_/ / / / //___ \ / /_/ // /_/ // / / ,< / /___ / // / / // ,< / / / /____/ / /_____/ \__,_//_/ /_/|_|/_____//_//_/ /_//_/|_| /_/ /_//_____/