************************************** ************************************** ** ** ** Unreal Championship Guide v1.5 ** ** by Ranilin ** ** ** ** E-mail: zidaneslayer@hotmail.com ** ** Gamertag: Ranilin ** ** ** ** Last Updated: July 19th, 2003 ** ** ** ************************************** ************************************** Game Info Player(s): 1-4 Xbox System Link Widescreen HDTV Online Multiplay (Live) Voice Communication Content Download Live Stat Tracking Index 1. Introduction & Changes 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Changes 1.3 Patch Changes/Fixes & Explanations 2. Background 3. Setting up the Game 3.1 Single Player 3.2 Sytem Link Play 3.3 Xbox Live 3.3a Router Help 3.4 Actually Playing 4. Settings 4.1 Audio 4.2 Controller 4.3 Input 4.4 Misc 5. Game Types 5.1 Deathmatch 5.2 Team Deathmatch 5.3 Survival 5.4 Capture the Flag 5.5 Bombing Run 5.6 Double Domination 5.7 Additional Info 6. Weapons 6.1 Shieldgun 6.2 Assault Rifle 6.3 Minigun 6.4 Flak Cannon 3.0 6.5 Lightning Gun 6.6 Rocket Launcher 6.7 Shock Rifle 6.8 T.A.G Rifle/Ion Cannon 6.9 Translocator 6.10 Ball Launcher 6.11 BioRifle 2.0 6.12 The Link 7. Powerups, Pickups, And Important Items 7.1 Health Vials 7.2 Health Pack 7.3 Mega Health 7.4 Shield Pack 7.5 Super Shield Pack 7.6 Double Damage 7.7 Adrenaline 7.8 Bomb Gate 7.9 Domination Point 7.10 Flag Stand 8. Species Information 8.1 Gen Mo'Kai 8.2 Automatons (robots) 8.3 Mercenaries 8.4 Juggernauts 8.5 Anubans (also called Egyptians sometimes) 8.6 Nightmare 8.7 Character Affinities 8.7a Ammo (A) 8.7b Damage (D) 8.7c Fire Rate (F) 9. Mutator Information 9.1 Arena 9.2 Floaty Cadavers 9.3 Insta Gib 9.4 Link Gun Medic 9.5 Low Grav 9.6 No Adrenaline 9.7 Big Head 9.8 Competition Mode 9.9 Regeneration 9.10 Slow Motion Corpses 9.11 Vampire 10. Playing the Game 10.1 Using the Taunts/Orders Menu Effectively 10.2 Single Player Campaign 10.3 Offline Multiplay 10.4 Xbox Link Play 10.5 Xbox Live Play 10.6 Voice Channel Menu 10.7 Using Mutators 11. Gameplay Tips 11.1 Dodging 11.2 Dodge Jumping 11.3 Controller Schemes 11.4 Wall Jumping 11.5 Elevator Jumping 11.6 Adrenaline Abilities 11.7 Character Selection 11.8 Linking 3 or More Players 12. Game Strategies 12.1 General Strategies 12.2 Deathmatch 12.3 Team Deathmatch 12.4 Survival 12.5 Capture the Flag 12.6 Bombing Run 12.7 Double Domination 12.8 Additional Info 13. Live Info 13.1 Good Servers 14. Credits 15. Legalities 1. INTRODUCTION & CHANGES 1.1 INTRODUCTION Unreal Championship is a FPS (First Person Shooter) based on the PC game Unreal Tournament. Bearing many similarities and references to the PC, it still makes a solid standalone game. This Guide is very straight forward. If you have anything I should add, feel free to e-mail me at the above address. I will NOT be posting glitches in this Guide. I'm always looking for new strategies to add, or other things of use (controller setups, etc). This guide has been updated since a patch was released for UC. 1.2 CHANGES Changes go down in order, from oldest (original creation) to newest (last update). V1.0 - April 30th - Original Creation Basics were written and submitted. V1.2 - May 26th Updated Section 1.1 Introduction Added this section (1.2 Changes) Added section 1.3 Patch Changes/Fixes & Explanations Added a small note, section 3.4 Updated Section 10.3 Offline Multiplayer Added section 10.7 Using Mutators Updated section 11.6 - Berserk Definition Added section 12.1 General Strategies, bumped old section 12s by one Updated the strategy section (section 12) V1.4 - July 17th Updated Link Gun playing tips with notes 6 and 7 Corrected ammo amount in the shield gun's ammo affinity Updated shield gun playing tips with notes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Updated Translocator playing tip 3, added 4 and 5 V1.5 - July 19th Added section 11.8 (more Link gun information) Corrected the silly updated date 1.3 PATCH CHANGES/FIXES & EXPLANATIONS Changes of May 22, 2003: 1) The T.A.G. Rifle exploit. 2) The Rocket Launcher exploit. 3) All known map exploits. 4) The auto-aim exploit. 5) The novice bot, stats exploit. 6) The message: "No AA" now denotes a server that has auto-aim disabled. 7) The ‘ghost-flag’ exploit, in CTF matches. 8) Joining full servers: UC now checks if there is room in the game... before loading the map. 9) Resolved an occasional crash when joining a friend's match. 10) Resolved issues with Max Players & Private Slots. 11) Players will now receive 1-point of damage when impeding lifts. 12) The translocator disc will return to the gun, if it impedes a lift. 13) Players can no longer utilize the translocator, to pass through world geometry. 14) Anti-aliasing is now disabled by default. To enable it, depress both thumbsticks simultaneously during the initial UC intro video sequence. 15) Team-balancing fixed. The message "Teams Unbalanced", will show up briefly during an existing match, if the teams become unbalanced. Explanation of the above changes: 1) No longer have infinite ammo with the T.A.G. Rifle 2) Hosts can no longer stay locked on people forever 3) Too much to explain. 4) Hosts cannot disable autoaim for guests and turn it back on for self. 5) Cannot slaughter bots on Live to fortify stats falsely. 6) Self explanatory. 7) Can no longer make flags appear to still be at base when they really are not. 8) You won't get the message "This game is no longer available AFTER loading the level" anymore 9) Self explained. 10) I'm unsure of what is being referenced. 11) Standing under an elevator of any type when it comes down harms you 12) Translocator discs cannot be used to make an elevator steadily go up and down forever. 13) All methods of getting outside level boundaries have been fixed. 14) Self explanatory. 15) Anytime one team has more total players than another, the message "Teams Unbalanced" will be displayed briefly. 2. BACKGROUND STORY BACKGROUND: The story opens with the death of a.. oh wait. There is no background story included. Guess that concludes section 2 of this Guide! 3. SETTING UP THE GAME 3.1 SINGLE PLAYER Simply turn the power on, insert the game disc, and let it load. If you have never played before, you'll have to create a profile. Otherwise, the one you played with last will already be selected. The Xbox has a 'memory cache' that remembers some things. If you've played several other games since UC, you'll be asked to choose/create a profile again. After doing so, go to Instant Action for a quick match, or choose Single Player for a series of various matches forming a 'campaign.' 3.2 SYSTEM LINK PLAY After loading a profile, select System Link from the main menu. The screen that comes up will have a list of all games being hosted with available room. If none are listed, you can host one. For directions on setting up the system link, check your Xbox's manual. If you have broadband connection, but do Not have Xbox Live, you can still play ANY System Link capable game online. Simply go to http://www.gamespyarcade.com/tunnel/ or http://www.xbconnect.com/ and follow directions. 3.3 XBOX LIVE Go to the following address for complete help with setup: http://www.xbox.com/live DIRECT CONNECTION: Turn the modem's power off. Plug a normal RJ- 45 ethernet cable into the modem's ethernet port, and the Xbox's ethernet port. Turn the modem back on. After it establishes connection and is ready for use, you should be able to connect to Live. The reason for turning the modem's power off is that it will 'capture' the address (MAC address) of the Xbox for communication. The Xbox itself has the ability to 'clone' the MAC address of anything else if you know what it is. For example, you could clone the MAC Address of your PC's ethernet card, and there would be no need to power on and off the modem when plugging the cable into either one. ROUTER CONNECTION: If you wish to be able to use both computer and Xbox online at the same time (or anything else that requires your broadband services), a router is the best way to go. First, power off the modem, then connect the modem to the router's Uplink port, or WAN port (refer to router's manual). Next, connect the Xbox to an available port on the router, as well as anything else needed. Turn the modem and router's power back on. With a little luck, everything should now be working. Try surfing the web with your PC. If it doesn't work, read section 3.3a of this guide for more technical help. USB MODEM/ICS CONNECTION: If your modem has no ethernet port, you'll need to buy an ethernet card and install it into your PC. This is the most complex method of connecting, and requires your PC to be ON for the Xbox to access the net. Due to that, please use the above address to find help on it. 3.3a ROUTER HELP Be sure your router is compatible with Xbox Live. Go here: http://www.xbox.com/LIVE/connect/routers.htm If you can connect to games, but people cannot join yours, be sure to have the correct ports on your router forwarded/open. You need the following: UDP 88, UDP 3074, and TCP 3074 AOL Broadband is NOT compatible with Xbox Live, no matter what router. WILL ADD MORE AT A LATER DATE IF REQUESTED.. ALL INFORMATION NEEDED CAN BE FOUND AT XBOX'S SITE. 3.4 ACTUALLY PLAYING Read section 10 of this guide for directions. 4. SETTINGS 4.1 AUDIO MUSIC VOLUME: Between 1 and 10, 10 being highest EFFECTS VOLUME: Between 1 and 10, 10 being highest VOICE VOLUME: Between 1 and 10, 10 being highest PLAY TAUNTS: On/Off (turn this off when being spammed) MESSAGE BEEP: On/Off AUTO-TAUNT: On/Off (can spam people alot) MATURE TAUNTS: On/Off 4.2 CONTROLLER DEFAULT SETUP: Movement: Left Analog (forward/back, strafe left/right) Aiming: Right Analog (look up/down, turn left/right) Alt. Movement: Directional Pad (forward/back/left/right) Primary Fire: R1 (Right Trigger) Secondary Fire: L1 (Left Trigger) Next Weapon: B Previous Weapon: X Jump: A / L2 (click in left joystick) Taunts/Orders: Y Scoreboard: Black button Player Stats: White button Voice Menu: Back button Start Menu: Start button Center View: R2 (click in right joystick) NOTE: Read section 11 of this Guide for changing controller setup ideas 4.3 INPUT DODGING: On/Off (explained in section 11) AUTO AIM: On/Off (read below for more info) LOOK X SENSITIVITY: Between 500 to 6000 (how fast you turn) LOOK Y SENSITIVITY: Between 500 to 6000 (looking up and down) INVERT LOOK Y: On/Off (When off, press up on right analog to look up, down to look down - default is off, most prefer on) SPRING LOOK Y: On/Off (If not actively changing the direction you are looking, it will automatically recenter view) NOTE: Auto-aim on or off is not controlled by your setting if you are not the host of a game. When playing on someone else's server, you're auto-aim will be on/off depending upon host's setting when level is loaded. 4.4 MISC NO GORE: On/Off AUTO SWITCH WEAPON: On/Off (weapon changes to stronger one when picked up) VIBRATION: On/Off 5. GAME TYPES 5.1 DEATHMATCH MANUAL DETAILS: Deathmatch is an every-man-for-himself sport in which you use weapons and pickups found through each match to kill the other players. Every time you kill another player, your score goes up one point. The first player to reach a predetermined score wins the match. 5.2 TEAM DEATHMATCH MANUAL DETAILS: Team Deathmatch is just like regular Deathmatch, except that the players in the map are split into two teams. A team's score goes up one point every time a player from the other team is killed. The team that reaches the predetermined limit first wins. 5.3 SURVIVAL MANUAL DETAILS: Survival is a one-on-one match, that pits you against all of the other players in the game, one at a time. 5.4 CAPTURE THE FLAG MANUAL DETAILS: Capture the Flag is a team game where one team must capture the other team's flag a predetermined amount of times to win the match. To capture the other team's flag, run over the flag in the other team's base, and then return to your base and touch your own flag. You drop the flag if you are killed or use the Translocator. (Note: Cannot score if other team currently has your flag) 5.5 BOMBING RUN MANUAL DETAILS: Bombing Run is a team game where one team must grab the ball, which spawns in the middle of the map, and deliver it to a Bomb Gate in the opposing team's base. Players can launch the ball through the Bomb Gate or run through it. Once a team has scored a predetermined number of times, they win the match. 5.6 DOUBLE DOMINATION MANUAL DETAILS: Double Domination is a team game where one team must control both Domination Points in the map simultaneously for 12 seconds. Each time a team manages to do this, they score one point. The first team to reach a predetermined score wins the match. 5.7 ADDITIONAL INFO MANUAL DETAILS: When you select a game type you wish to play, you have the option of choosing on which maps to play. Your team is picked automatically for you and will be different in each game. The only goal of Instant Action play is to win individual matches. At any time during Instant Action play, a second (and third or fourth player, depending on which map is being played) can plug in another controller and join in the action on splitscreen. NOTES: When choosing the map in any game type, press the X button to go into settings. Press X again from there to access the Mutator settings. You can enable or disable a mutator by pressing the A button while it is highlighted. The Arena mode is the only mutator with extra options (also accessed by pressing X when highlighted). When done with anything, press B to return to the previous menu. When ready to begin the game, just select the map and continue like normal. For simple strategies, check section 12 of this Guide (incomplete at this time). 6. WEAPONS NOTE: All information displayed is based upon the character having NO affinity with the weapon being described. Changes made by affinity will be listed also, however. 6.1 SHIELDGUN MANUAL DETAILS: The Kemphler DD280 Riot Control Device has the ability to resist and reflect incoming projectiles and energy beams. The plasma wave inflicts massive damage, rupturing tissue, pulverizing organs, and flooding the bloodstream with dangerous gas bubbles. This weapon may be intended for combat at close range, but when wielded properly should be considered as dangerous as any other armament in your arsenal. PRIMARY FIRE: A close range weapon, it requires no ammo to use. By holding the primary fire button, it charges an attack. Depending upon the percent charged, the damage varies. Must make direct contact with an opponent to inflict damage. SECONDARY FIRE: Holding the alternate fire button creates a shield in front of you that will absorb or deflect attacks against you. It ONLY protects from the front, and will drain the energy of the weapon. STARTING/MAX AMMO: 100 - Will recharge automatically when not in use. PLAYING TIPS: 1) The shield gun can be used as a method of upwards propulsion by charging the primary fire and tapping the alternate fire. Height of projection into air is based on strength of charge at use. A fully charged shield jump will deal 25 damage to the user (less if not charged fully, but less jump as well). 2) The alternate fire is a very effective defensive weapon. When it prevents damage, it drains from your shield power (taking heavy fire will run you out of ammo quickly). Try to use it only when needed. It will consume ammo slowly when using it anyway. Recharges when not in use. 3) By stating "direct contact" in the primary, I did not mean you have to literally RAM the opponent. This is false. While it IS one way to use the weapon, I recommend NOT using it this way. If you charge the weapon and "release" the charge, it emits a very small (but powerful) shockwave. You can get CLOSE to an enemy and release the charge intentionally to damage them with it. Good thing to know when having shield wars with friends. :) 4) If you dodge backwards (default controls is D-pad down twice), and release the charge on the shield gun's primary attack while looking at the ground, you can throw yourself much further back by jumping again in midair. You get the best distance by looking just a LITTLE higher than as far downwards as you normally can. It still hurts you though. The improvement is NOT enough to warrant the difficulty it requires compared to using tip 1 for an upwards boost. 5) Team strategy: Shield to shield contact. One player charges primary attack to 100, second player puts up shield defensively. First player rams seconds shield, sending them flying a VERY long distance. Second player can also jump once during the middle of their flight, increasing the distance even more. Automatons, of course, get the largest bonus from this. 6) Berserk (NOT double damage) increases how far you are thrown upwards from tip 1, or distance on tips 4 and 5. DRASTICALLY for tip 1, not too noticeable on 4 and 5. You simply have to test it to see. 7) Failing having someone to "bump" you in tip 5, use the knowledge from tip 6 combined with tip 1 and dodging. Best used on characters that move FAST (Gen Mo Kai & Humans - plus Automatons by default due to jumping ability). Directions: Charge shield gun attack. Dodge forward (or backwards, left, right, whatever), press the secondary on shield gun so it auto-fires downwards, throwing you high in the air, then perform a double jump in the air. The distance gained is INCREDIBLE. DAMAGE: Based on how much it is charged. A fully charged attack deals exactly 100 damage on contact. BERSERK DAMAGE: 200 fully charged. AFFINITIES: AMMO: Increases starting and max ammo to 300. DAMAGE: Currently no characters with damage affinity. FIRE RATE: Currently no characters with a fire affinity. 6.2 ASSAULT RIFLE MANUAL DETAILS: Inexpensive and easily produced, the AR770 provides a lightweight 5.56mm combat solution that is most effective against unarmored foes. With low-to-moderate armor penetration capabilities, this rifle is best suited as a light support weapon. The optional M355 Grenade Launcher provides the punch that makes this weapon effective against heavily armored enemies. PRIMARY FIRE: As no weapons require reloading, the AR will deliver a steady stream of bullets at a decent rate when the primary fire is pressed. SECONDARY FIRE: When the fire is held, it charges a grenade for launching. Although it can be tapped to quickly fire a grenade, the force behind it is so weak it only goes a few feet. The longer the charge, the further it flies. STARTING/MAX AMMO: 80 rounds, 4 grenades/160 rounds, 8 grenades PLAYING TIPS: 1) A very tough weapon to use effectively, but Very deadly in skilled hands. Not much to it, other than aim at opponent, pull trigger. Try not to waste fire when chasing someone 'hoping' for a hit if you are far off mark. 2) If there is no enemy nearby and it is your only weapon, hold the secondary fire so a grenade is charging/charged when you do run into someone. A well placed grenade can severely cripple, if not kill, an opponent you just suddenly ran into. 3) Can use the secondary fire in junction with another weapon. When holding a charged grenade, press the next/prev weapon button to cycle to another weapon. The AR will change immediately UPON the release of the grenade to your selected choice, but not before. DAMAGE: 5 damage per assault rifle bullet, 55-110 direct hit grenade (grenades have splash damage when explode on ground) BERSERK DAMAGE: 12 per bullet. Alot per grenade AFFINITIES: AMMO: Starts with 160 rounds and 8 grenades, max of 320 rounds, 16 grenades DAMAGE: 10 per bullet, 100-220 per grenade FIRE RATE: Slightly noticeable. Damage isn't high enough to be of use. 6.3 MINIGUN MANUAL DETAILS: With an unloaded weight of only 8 kilograms, the Schultz-Metzger T23-A 23mm rotary cannon is portable and maneuverable, easily worn across the back when employing the optional carrying strap. The T23-A is a rotary cannon of choice for the discerning soldier. PRIMARY FIRE: Extremely fast barrage of bullets, capable of dealing 272 damage in 5.4 seconds straight on with 100 bullets. This is allowing for the .7 second time to start firing after pulling the trigger. SECONDARY FIRE: A slower barrage of bullets that hits harder. Takes 14.6 seconds to empty a clip of 100. STARTING/MAX AMMO: 100 start, 250 max PLAYING TIPS: 1) This weapon is EXTREMELY powerful. When an enemy is being shot by it, it becomes very hard to move or jump. Once you really lock onto them, unless they make it around a corner or over a ledge, one of you two should die if no ammo shortage occurs. 2) Choosing which method of fire to use is critical! Juggernauts are slow, but have massive amounts of health. If the Juggernaut is 'dangerous' (ie, flak cannon, rocket launcher, Very good aimer with other weapons) then use the primary fire to kill them fast. However, if the juggernaut is NOT so dangerous (at a long distance, bad aimer, etc) then use the alternate fire. The idea is to conserve ammo if you can. Another good thing is to remember that shooting someone with the minigun messes with their movement. For a juggernaut, they have no choice but to try and fight, they are slowed down so much escape is impossible. The secondary fire is almost too slow to really phase a race like the Gen Mo'Kai's speed, so try to use the main fire to eliminate them quickly. 3) Always keep the barrel rotating when not in use if you can. Once you get the rhythm down, it'll become habit to tap the fire button just long enough to get the barrel rotating good, but not fire. This can help shave almost a full second off the time needed to kill someone or riddle them with holes at the very least when you run into them. Reaction time is a big factor in this game. By not having the barrel warm and spinning, you give any opponent a .7 second bonus to their reaction time. Not good. 4) Circle and shoot. Never stand still, of course, but try not to walk straight at someone or directly left/right either. You have to keep them in your sights, so circle them. DAMAGE: 4 damage per bullet primary, 7 per secondary BERSERK DAMAGE: 10 primary, 18 per secondary AFFINITIES: AMMO: Start with 200 bullets, max of 500. DAMAGE: 5 primary, 9-11 secondary FIRE RATE: Slightly noticeable 6.4 FLAK CANNON 3.0 MANUAL DETAILS: Trident Defensive Technologies Series 7 Flechette Cannon has been taken to the next step in evolution with the production of the Mk3 "Negotiator." The ionized flechettes are capable of delivering second- and third-degree burns to organic tissue, cauterizing the wound instantly. Payload delivery is achieved via one of two methods: ionized flechettes launched in a spread pattern directly from the barrel; or via fragmentation grenades that explode on impact, radiation flechettes in all directions. PRIMARY FIRE: A spread-shot pattern is projected from the barrel at a decent velocity. Will ricochet off solid surfaces one time (will damage user if not careful). SECONDARY FIRE: A grenade is lobbed in an arc forwards, exploding upon impact (wall, ground, player, doesn't matter). Explosion sends a spray of shots in random directions that will bounce off surfaces one time (do not use in close proximity). STARTING/MAX AMMO: 15 start, 50 max PLAYING TIPS: 1) A very powerful weapon with it's high damage, it is very ineffective at long range combat. Very suited to mid or close range fighting. Grenades are slow enough that you need to predict where an enemy will be, but fast enough that it's not too hard to master. 2) Always use the main fire when "on top" of an enemy. The alternate fire will hurt you as much as the target when it explodes, frequently killing you more than him/her. Both attacks deal the same amount of damage on direct impact. However, the grenade does a full 90 with ALL direct hits; the primary fire does damage per flechette that hits, totalling a max of 90. DAMAGE: About 90-100 damage per flak grenade (direct hit). 90 damage max DIRECT hit from ALL shards of the cannon's primary fire. Generally average 25-60 damage per shot that hits from a distance. BERSERK DAMAGE: 180 primary point blank, 180 secondary direct hit AFFINITIES: AMMO: 30 start, 100 max DAMAGE: 108 primary, 108 secondary (direct hit) FIRE RATE: Very noticeable and useful! 6.5 LIGHTNING GUN MANUAL DETAILS: The Lightning Gun is a high-power energy rifle capable of ablating even the heaviest carapace armor. Acquisition of a target at long range requires a steady hand, but the anti-jitter effect of the optical system reduces the weapon's learning curve significantly. Once the target has been acquired, the operator depresses the trigger, painting a proton "patch" on the target. Millisecond later, the rifle emits a high-voltage arc of electricity, which seeks out the charge differential and annihilates the target. PRIMARY FIRE: A devastating bolt of electricity is fired instantly directly at the target. SECONDARY FIRE: The secondary fire is actually a zoom function, that zooms in closer the longer it is held. Release to stop zooming, tap again to exit zoom mode. STARTING/MAX AMMO: 12 start, 30 max. PLAYING TIPS: 1) When playing online, the best method is to predict the target's movement a little. Depending upon your connection, the shot will NOT be instant, no matter what (unless you are host). With a good connection, the shot will appear instant, although it actually does take 50- 150milliseconds. Anything beyond that becomes noticeable to the point this weapon is rendered ineffective. 2) The zoom is NOT really useful at all. Standing still to snipe will get you killed FAST. Occasionally you'll come across instances where someone is standing still for a few seconds, in which you can get that zoom in for a precious headshot while moving. After some time, you'll come to the point where you really no longer need to zoom in unless the target is extremely far away and you simply don't feel like wasting that second shot. When zooming, the bar on right indicates time between shots. When full, you can fire. Bar empties when fired, then refills. 3) Recenter the aim ALOT. Always recenter when on level ground before firing. Clicking the right joystick in should become second nature. A centered shot on any one on level ground with you is a headshot if you get in or near the middle of their body. Easy headshots. DAMAGE: 60 damage per shot anywhere but head. Headshots are 120 damage (note that headshots are NOT instant kills, just a double damage bonus). BERSERK DAMAGE: 240 headshots, 120 anywhere else AFFINITIES: AMMO: Start 24, max of 60. DAMAGE: 72 body, 144 headshots FIRE RATE: Very noticeable increase in rate of fire. 6.6 ROCKET LAUNCHER MANUAL DETAILS: The Trident Tri-barrel Rocket Launcher is extremely popular among the competitors who enjoy more bang for their buck. The rotating rear-loading barrel design allows for both single- and multi-warhead launches, letting you place up to three dumbfire rockets on target. The warheads are designed to deliver maximum concussive force to the target and surrounding area upon detonation. PRIMARY FIRE: A single rocket launched in a straight path, exploding with splash damage on impact. SECONDARY FIRE: Hold the secondary fire to load three rockets into the barrel, automatically firing upon the loading of the third rocket. Can release the button at any time to fire all rockets currently loaded (one or two). STARTING/MAX AMMO: 12 start, 48 max PLAYING TIPS: 1) First off, the manual mentions the word "dumbfire". While this is true in part, if you can keep a target in close proximity of your cross-hairs (no matter the distance between you and him/her) you will be notified of the "lock on" sound and a circle around them. The next shot (single or triple) will home in, following the straight path possible (ie, does not go around corners unless far enough to pass it when turning). Lock on can be lost by aiming the reticle elsewhere. 2) When hosting on Live, or playing single player, it takes almost twice as long to get a lock on as when playing on someone else's server. However, to balance it out you can keep the firing button pressed to maintain that lock (will consume ammo, but very useful). 3) When locked onto a target, if you quickly look at another enemy and release to fire, the rockets WILL target the new enemy, even though the circle is following the old one still. Be sure to fire before the circle vanishes from first target however, or the rockets will revert to dumbfire. 4) The only race that truly requires triple rocket shot to kill is the juggernauts. I often only load dual rockets, as it is adequate to severly cripple any other race. If the dual rockets miss, I saved myself an extra rocket. If it hits and I did not see the glow of a shield, I switch to something else (link gun if I have it) to finish them off. DAMAGE: 68 a rocket, 204 triple rockets BERSERK DAMAGE: 136 single rocket, 408 triple rockets AFFINITIES: AMMO: 24 start, 96 max DAMAGE: 82 single rocket, 244 triple rockets FIRE RATE: Very noticeable, in primary fire and secondary. Makes secondary fire extremely deadly. 6.7 SHOCK RIFLE MANUAL DETAILS: The ASMD Shock Rifle has changed little since its incorporation into the tournaments. The ASMD sports two firing modes capable of acting in concert to neutralize opponents in a devastating shockwave. This combination attack is achieved when the weapon operator utilizes the secondary fire mode to deliver a charge of seeded plasma to the target. Once the slow-moving plasma charge is within range of the target, the weapon operator may fire the photon beam into the plasma core, releasing the explosive energy of the anti- photons contained within the plasma's EM field. COMBO: Shooting the projectile from the secondary fire, with a blast from the primary fire, will result in a large blast with an explosive force. PRIMARY FIRE: A quick burst 'laser' shot that travels a straight line instantly. SECONDARY FIRE: A ball of plasma that travels in a straight line at a decent speed, although somewhat slow. STARTING/MAX AMMO: 20 start, 50 max PLAYING TIPS: 1) Holding down the tirgger is not the best method of employing this gun. Aim and then fire. When up real close, use the alternate fire. Both deal the same amount of damage, but the secondary is a "wide" shot. It also moves slow, so an enemy moving around alot has a very good chance of running into it. Also, when the secondary hits someone, it "throws" them somewhat. This can disorient players easily. 2) Use the shock combo if you can! But don't WASTE ammo of you don't think you will hit anything. Again, "hoping" you will hit something here is a bad idea. The combo takes a total of 5 ammo, not 2. Although secondary fire is 1 munition, as well as primary, the explosion requires extra. 3) Lead your enemies.. make them follow you around a corner. Backpedal around it, fire the alternate shot, then explode it in their face when they come around the corner. They won't see it coming til it's too late. Most people will fall for this from time to time, but they aren't dumb.. they don't fall for it ALL the time. 4) People waiting around a small corner that can't get away but you know are waiting to hit you are prime targets of a shock combo. Use the explosive range to kill them. But you need to decide if it's worth that 5-15 ammo to kill them without seeing them. DAMAGE: 30 damage primary. 30 secondary, 130ish combo BERSERK DAMAGE: 60 primary, 60 secondary, 260ish combo AFFINITIES: AMMO: 40 start, 100 max DAMAGE: 36 primary, 36 secondary, 180ish combo FIRE RATE: Very noticeable difference here as well. Can also perform combos much sooner due to being able to fire primary soon after secondary. 6.8 T.A.G RIFLE/ION CANNON MANUAL DETAILS: The T.A.G. Rifle seems innocuous enough at first glance, emitting a harmless low-power laser beam when the primary firing mode is engaged. When it hits, a small glow will appear for a brief period, "painting" the target. If there is a direct line of sight to the orbiting Ion Cannon satellite, the Cannon will orient itself to the target. Several seconds later the multi-gigawatt orbital ion cannon fires on the target, neutralizing any combatants in the vicinity. The T.A.G. Rifle is a remote-targeting device used to orient and fire the VAPOR Ion Cannon. The T.A.G. Rifle offers increased targeting accuracy via its telescopic sight, easily activated by the secondary fire mode of the weapon. Once the T.A.G. Rifle has been used to designate a target, it is highly recommended that the user put considerable distance between themselves and the weapon's area of effect. PRIMARY FIRE: Emits a red targeting laser. Hold it still on a target for several seconds until it vanishes. The blast will follow shortly. SECONDARY FIRE: Same scope as the lightning gun. The bar on the right of screen will fill up when pressing the primary fire, indicating how long to "paint" the target. STARTING/MAX AMMO: 1 start, 1 max PLAYING TIPS: 1) Good for blasting an entire base or entrance when an opponent you need to kill is heading for it. DAMAGE: Varies. Very high. BERSERK DAMAGE: Unsure if it affects. AFFINITIES: AMMO: None applicable. DAMAGE: None applicable. FIRE RATE: None applicable. 6.9 TRANSLOCATOR MANUAL DETAILS: The Translocater was originally designed by the Liandri Corporations R&D sector to facilitate the rapid recall of miners during tunnel collapses and other emergencies. The technology has saved countless lives, but not without cost. Rapid deresolution and reconstitution of the subject organism can have several unwelcome effects, including increases in aggression and paranoia, as well as increased probabilities of respiratory and cardiac arrest. Artifacts of synaptic disruption accumulate in the biological snapshot of the individual, leading to Teleportation Related Dementia (TReDs), an incurable disease that has stricken some of our greatest champions. In order to prolong the careers of today's contenders, limits have been placed on Translocater use. The was deemed necessary to prevent new recruits from become too reliant on the device, thereby sealing their own doom. The latest iteration of the Translocator features a remotely operated camera, exceptionally useful when scouting out areas of contention. It should be noted that while viewing the camera's surveillance output, the user is effectively blind to their immediate surroundings. PRIMARY FIRE: Projects a small disc in an arc forward. Switches to camera mode if disc is already out. Third press destroys the disc. SECONDARY FIRE: Teleports to the disc currently out. STARTING/MAX AMMO: 5 start, 5 max PLAYING TIPS: 1) The translocator recharges steadily when used to a maximum of five uses. It travels in the air faster than most races can walk, so it is a valid method of travel to fire it then translocate while walking. 2) Translocating to your disc when an opponent is on top of it results in their immediate death, regardless of health and armor total. Telefrag! 3) Many people don't use the camera.. it does have some uses, however, but mainly when playing defense. Most levels that have a translocator available have a "choke- point" somewhere that the enemy has to pass to get to your base. You can place this at your end of the choke point and return to your flag/bombing gate and watch through the camera. NOTE: The ability to re-use the camera on a translocator by switching weapons to exit camera mode and coming back was REMOVED in the patch. 4) Shoot an enemy disc laying on ground until you see it start sparking. If the enemy attempts to translocate into it then, they die instantly and YOU are awarded the kill. 5) Whatever momentum you have when you translocate is carried over to where you translocate to. If your translocator is on solid ground and you are falling from a LONG distance, translocating to it will cause damage to you (normal falling damage). The reverse is also true. Jumping and immediately translocating will send you UP from the place you translocate to. Fire an BERSERK DAMAGE: Not applicable. DAMAGE: Not applicable. AFFINITIES: Not applicable. AMMO: Not applicable. DAMAGE: Not applicable. FIRE RATE: Not applicable. 6.10 BALL LAUNCHER MANUAL DETAILS: A new addition to the Tournament, the Ball Launcher is only available in Bombing Run Mode. Once you've picked up the ball, the Ball Launcher is automatically selected from your arsenal. While you're in possession of the ball, you cannot use any other weapon. Pressing the Fire button will launch the ball, either at another teammate for a pass, or through the opposing team's goal. PRIMARY FIRE: Launches the ball at the nearest bombing gate, or to whomever you are locked onto. SECONDARY FIRE: Locks onto an fellow teammate for passing with the primary fire. STARTING/MAX AMMO: Not applicable. PLAYING TIPS: 1) Teamwork is key in Bombing Run. While you can be effective without it, two or more people working together will totally destroy any people NOT working as a team. Pass it back and forth! 2) The carrier of the ball is granted massive regenerative abilities. If near your own base, let a juggernaut carry the ball (their massive life will keep them alive longer). Have a faster race, such as the Automatons/Gen Mo'Kai/Anubans/Mercenaries, move towards mid-field to receive a pass when all of the opponent's team is trying to kill the big juggernaut. This will generally result in a score, especially when a Gen Mo'Kai receives the pass with their amazing speed). BERSERK DAMAGE: Not applicable. DAMAGE: Not applicable. AFFINITIES: Not applicable. AMMO: Not applicable. DAMAGE: Not applicable. FIRE RATE: Not applicable. 6.11 BIORIFLE 2.0 MANUAL DETAILS: The GES BioRifle continues to be one of the most controversial weapons in the Tournament. Loved by some, loathed by others, the BioRifle has long been the subject of debate over its usefulness. Some Tournament purists argue that the delayed detonation of the mutagenic sludge, coupled with the ability to quickly carpet an area with a highly toxic substance, has reduced the weapon to the equivalent of a minefield, a barbaric and cowardly weapon employed during past human conflicts. Proponents of the weapon argue that it enhances the tactical capabilities of defensive combatants, allowing participants to cover multiple choke points more efficiently. Despite the debate, the weapon remains historically accurate, providing rapid-fire wide-area coverage in primary firing mode, and a single-fire variable payload secondary firing mode. In layman's terms, this equates to being able to pepper an area with small globs of Biosludge, or launch one large glob at the target, PRIMARY FIRE: A quick, small glob of green sludge is shot forward in an arc, sticking to whatever surface it hits (walls, ceiling, floor, etc). It explodes in a small pop after two to three seconds, damaging anyone nearby. SECONDARY FIRE: Hold to prepare a super-charged sludge shot that requires up to 10 ammo, depending on how long you charge it. Release to expell a huge ball, that spreads on impact unless it hits a player. Very painful. STARTING/MAX AMMO: 20 start, 50 max PLAYING TIPS: 1) Like the assault rifle, you can charge the secondary fire on this and have another weapon selected. When you release the secondary, the game will automatically change to the weapon you chose. 2) Very easy to commit suicide with this gun. Be careful not to be near the shots that don't hit an enemy when they explode. For the faster moving targets, spray the ground around their feet. 3) When a target is hit by the BioRifle, whether primary or alternate fire, they are sent flying (fly further from secondary than primary). A good chance to change weapon and finish the task. 4) Due to the only character affinities being faster fire, this weapon is not really a good choice for main weapon. When you hit an enemy, it knocks them around, so you need to re-aim after each successful shot anyway. Faster fire will waste your ammo. Possible reason for lack of ammo affinity is the sheer power of this gun... 5) Try shooting at the exact same spot repeatedly. The sludge collects in a pile and starts exploding everywhere, making an effective mine field with the center shot doing excessive damage. BERSERK DAMAGE: 60 primary, 346 secondary DAMAGE: 30 damage primary direct hit, 166 secondary (full charge) AFFINITIES: AMMO: Currently no characters with ammo affinity. DAMAGE: Currently no characters with damage affinity. FIRE RATE: Noticeably faster, but due to low ammo capacity, you run out extremely fast. 6.12 THE LINK MANUAL DETAILS: The Link looks like a high-tech laser and is similar to a Shock Rifle in its functionality, but delivers less damage. This is more of a team weapon and it's real power comes when used in a team. If this weapon is fired at a teammate, it creates a link between the two for as long as the firing player presses their fire button and as long as a direct line of sight is maintained between the players. This link will allow the linked player's weapon to do extra damage, with a faster rate of fire. If another player is added to the link, the firing rate will increase again, and the beam will deal a devastating blow. PRIMARY FIRE: A green projectile is shot forward at a fairly good speed. Will push an enemy it hits slightly if they are on ground, severely knocking them aside if in air. SECONDARY FIRE: Holding the secondary fire will maintain a steady green beam of energy that will damage any enemy it comes in contact with. Will also 'link' with fellow teammates if they are wielding the link gun at the same time. Once Link is established, there is no distance limit as long as the line of sight is clear between the two players. STARTING/MAX AMMO: 40 start, 120 max PLAYING TIPS: 1) First of all, the main fire is not a narrow shot. Since it has some width to it, stepping left and right when firing is a very deadly tactic. This effectively creates a wide spread area of danger for enemies. Firing in a straight line makes this weapon easy to dodge, as the projectile is NOT instant, but must travel from gun to target. Plenty of time to side step at a mid to long distance. But not close range. 2) This weapon's true power really is in a team game. If you have any doubts, get together with a friend and both of you try the characters Romulus/Remus (humans with extra link gun ammo). I'll explain EXACTLY what happens when two or more link gun users work together. A) Damage multiplier. When the person being linked to fires, they deal an addition 1x the normal damage for each person linked to them. Look below at the damage and then imagine this multiplied. Keep in mind, ANY person being berserk in a link affects the attacking person. B) Damage split. Basically it's a fraction. If there are two people linked, assuming the shot that hits one or the other isn't a lethal shot, the damage is split half and half to both. If three people are linked, if ANY one of them takes damage, all three receive a third of it (noone receives the FULL brunt of an attack). In my opinion, this is why no juggernauts were given link gun affinities. A shame, but a good call by DE. C) Ammo sharing. The person LINKING to someone else will have their ammo used by the one who can attack the enemies first. The person BEING linked will not use their own ammo until all people linked to him/her have ran out. D) The beam connecting any linked players is a weapon as well. Use it! If you are fighting multiple enemies, keep the beam steady between you and your teammate, but run the connecting beam through as many enemies as you can. It DOES hurt them! 3) Note that berserk secondary beam has a higher multiplier than berserk primary. Use it. It takes about 2 seconds secondary fire to kill a freshly respawned juggernaut on berserk. When playing with friends and someone is linked with berserk.. death is almost instant for a juggernaut, let alone anyone else. 4) Nightmares + Team Link. This is more of an advanced tactic, but a couple of Subversa's working together are a beautiful thing to see. If they take turns linking each other and dishing out the damage.. They already have damage affinities, plus a 1x added into it, with the life gain when dealing damage.. Mmmm-hmmm. Nice stuff. Sadly, the life gain isn't shared like the damage loss is among link members, but that's alright. They just take turns and it's sooooooooooooo sweet. Don't bother with this if link-gun medic is on. 5) If you have good aim, use the secondary fire on jumpers. This will throw them around in mid air BADLY. You can catch someone in a corner indoors with it and keep them plastered to the ceiling until they die. Charge a secondary shot from AR, have it ready to switch to link gun, and when it throws the target up into the air, pin them there. Not really a useful strategy against good players, but fun to do anyway. 6) Link gun medic mutator. If BOTH players are using the link gun, it's free healing. When you fight, be sure the person with the most shield/life is NOT the attacker. During the few seconds between a fight, you should heal your partner (they should QUIT linking with you AFTER they have already healed you). The best tactic with this mutator is to take turns being "point" position. It increases efficiency. An nigh unstoppable tactic: Person in link's attack position berserks, person at END of link gun chain regenerates. If there is someone in the middle (3 or more link gunners together) they are being healed anyway and don't need it. 7) Conserve ammo. If the enemy is far away with plenty of area to move, don't use the primary fire. Go secondary. When they are close, or in a long narrow spot, cover the entire area from wall to wall with primary fire. The shots have width, so you WILL hit them. In team games, NEVER use up all your ammo if you have a friend working with you. Communicate with them. When your friend linking you is down to about 10 or less ammo, switch places. Then he'll use YOUR ammo and keep his 10, but you continue to share damage while dishing out more, as well as the faster rate of fire. 8) If you would like to see how truly powerful a team of link gun users are, read section 11.8 Linking 3 or More Players BERSERK DAMAGE: 46 primary, 22 secondary DAMAGE: 23 primary, 9 secondary (4.3 seconds steady stream does 190 damage or more) AFFINITIES: AMMO: 80 start, 240 max DAMAGE: 28 primary, 11 secondary FIRE RATE: Noticeable in primary fire. 7. POWERUPS, PICKUPS, AND IMPORTANT ITEMS 7.1 HEALTH VIAL APPEARANCE: A small blue stoppered vial that stands upright EFFECT: Increases current health by 5, up to a limit of 199 (or twice starting health, whichever comes first). 7.2 HEALTH PACK APPEARANCE: A floating green cross that rotates slowly and is transparent EFFECT: Heals 25 hit points of damage. Will not go over starting health. 7.3 MEGA HEALTH APPEARANCE: An extra large green transparent cross EFFECT: Increases current health by 100. Will not go over 199 health, or twice starting health. 7.4 SHIELD PACK APPEARANCE: A small golden shield EFFECT: Increases shield count by 50. 7.5 SUPER SHIELD PACK APPEARANCE: A large golden shield with a diagonal lightning bolt EFFECT: Increases shield count by 50 7.6 DOUBLE DAMAGE APPEARANCE: A rotating purple icon; similar to bat wings EFFECT: Doubles all damage dealt by any weapon 7.7 ADRENALINE APPEARANCE: A red and white pill that loads on the ground upright EFFECT: Increases adrenaline count by 5 each (excepting Anubans) 7.8 BOMB GATE APPEARANCE: A large rectangular object with a glowing circle in the middle EFFECT: Shoot the ball through for 3 points, run it through for 7 7.9 DOMINATION POINT APPEARANCE: A pad on the ground with a Letter (A or B) floating above it EFFECT: Walk over point A or B to gain control of it 7.10 FLAG STAND APPEARANCE: A platform with a stand for flag poles EFFECT: Holds the flag for each team. 8. SPECIES INFORMATION 8.1 GEN MO'KAI MANUAL GUIDE: Faster and more agile than their human counterparts, the lithe Gen Mo'Kai lack the vitality of robust opponents like the Juggernauts. They more than compensate for this handicap with their ability to distance themselves from the enemy with great haste. STARTING HEALTH: 80 JUMPING: 3/10 RUNNING: 8/10 BONUSES: Super speed, gives them amazing maneuverability when feet are on the ground 8.2 AUTOMATONS MANUAL GUIDE: Lightning-fast reflexes and a powerful synthetic musculature allow Automatons to jump higher and dodge faster than any other race in the arena. Limitations in the gyroscopic stabilizers require that jumping maneuvers have decreased horizontal motion, in order to ensure a stable landing. STARTING HEALTH: 110 JUMPING: 8/10 RUNNING: 5/10 BONUSES: Superior jumping ability makes them hard to keep an eye on or keep up with 8.3 MERCENARIES MANUAL GUIDE: Somewhat more rugged than their earthly counterparts, the Mercs of the 7th Fleet suffer from none of the vulnerabilities that make their opponents easier targets. STARTING HEALTH: 120 JUMPING: 4/10 RUNNING: 5/10 BONUSES: No bonuses or maluses. 8.4 JUGGERNAUTS MANUAL GUIDE: Hampered by the bulk of their genetically boosted physiques, the Juggernauts move ponderously through the arenas, shrugging off enemy fire as if it were a mere annoyance. They may not be fast, but they tend to keep coming long after others have retreated to lick their wounds. STARTING HEALTH: 190 JUMPING: 1/10 RUNNING: 2/10 BONUSES: High life makes them harder to kill, giving them time to dish out damage. 8.5 ANUBANS MANUAL GUIDE: The Anubans carry with them a long-standing tradition of acrobatic maneuvering and stimulant use in battle, possibly inherited from the ceremonial combat rooted deep in their planet's history. Deemed showoffs by some, they have shown their prowess repeatedly by using their unique skills to navigate even the most treacherous arenas safely. Because of their unique affinity for stimulants, their bodies absorb the adrenaline ampules with considerably more efficiency than other races. STARTING HEALTH: 85 JUMPING: 6/10 RUNNING: 6/10 BONUSES: Get 15 adrenaline for every two pills instead of 10. Get 15 adrenaline per kill instead of 10. 8.6 NIGHTMARE MANUAL GUIDE: The pleasure these foul creatures derive from the pain of their wounded enemies triggers the release of powerful regenerative drugs secreted from their heavily- modified glandular systems. The more pain they inflict, the harder they become to kill. STARTING HEALTH: 70 JUMPING: 2/10 RUNNING: 3/10 BONUSES: Gain 50% of all damage dealt as life. Can go over starting health with this ability to their race max of 140 (no need for health powerups, vials, etc). 8.7 CHARACTER AFFINITIES 8.7a AMMO (A): Doubles normal ammo capacity of preferred weapon 8.7b DAMAGE (D): Increases damage of preferred weapon (about 20%) 8.7c FIRE RATE (F): Increases rate of fire with preferred weapon 9. MUTATOR INFORMATION NOTES: When choosing the map in any game type, press the X button to go into settings. Press X again from there to access the Mutator settings. You can enable or disable a mutator by pressing the A button while it is highlighted. The Arena mode is the only mutator with extra options (also accessed by pressing X when highlighted). When done with anything, press B to return to the previous menu. When ready to begin the game, just select the map and continue like normal. For simple strategies, check section 12 of this Guide (incomplete at this time). 9.1 ARENA ICON: Basketball court with arrows pointing to four corners. DESCRIPTION: Replace all weaponsand ammo on level with one chosen from a list (excludes shield guns, T.A.G. Rifles). NOTE: Whatever your affinity with your normal weapon would normally be, the affinity gets "carried over" to the Arena weapon so Ravage (LG with damage) in a shock rifle arena would be doing extra damage with the shock rifle. 9.2 FLOATY CADAVERS ICON: Corpse floating above a close with a skull and crossbone DESCRIPTION: Bodies float upwards when killed. 9.3 INSTA GIB ICON: Hang-man type figure exploding with a gun at bottom DESCRIPTION: One-hit kills, using modified shock rifles 9.4 LINK GUN MEDIC ICON: Link gun inside a health (cross) symbol DESCRIPTION: Using the secondary fire on a teammate who is using the link gun also will heal them. 9.5 LOW GRAV ICON: Figure with vertical stripes beneath feet DESCRIPTION: Low Gravity effects. Jumping goes far higher up, falling is very slow, etc. 9.6 NO ADRENALINE ICON: A pill crossed out with an X DESCRIPTION: No adrenaline capsules will load on the level, nor will you gain adrenaline for killing anyone 9.7 BIG HEAD ICON: Figure with a huge head DESCRIPTION: The higher your efficiency rating, the bigger your head. The more kills you earn without dieing, the bigger your head grows. 9.8 COMPETITION MODE ICON: Graphing chart crossed out with an X DESCRIPTION: All characters are equal and start with the same weapon (100 health, run same speed, jump same height, start with AR rifle) 9.9 REGENERATION ICON: Health (cross) symbol half full with horizontal lines and an arrow pointing upwards inside it DESCRIPTION: You regenerate health when beneath your starting amount at all times, about 10 health per second. 9.10 SLOW MOTION CORPSES ICON: A figure falling left with a clock in top right corner DESCRIPTION: Bodies take longer to vanish once dead 9.11 VAMPIRE ICON: Vampire teeth! DESCRIPTION: 50% of all damage you deal is added as life to you current total (not to exceed starting life unless a Nightmare) 10. PLAYING THE GAME 10.1 USING THE TAUNTS/ORDERS MENU EFFECTIVELY DEATHMATCH: When you press the taunts/orders button in a Deathmatch game, a taunt is automatically sent. No menu appears. TEAM DEATHMATCH: In this mode, a menu pops up with three options in it. Freelance, Follow, and Taunt. Freelance orders any bots to do whatever they want. Follow orders a bot to follow you around and provide support to you. Taunt sends a taunt just as in Deathmatch mode. To choose a command, after bringing up the menu, press the button shown beside the command you want. A) Issuing a follow/freelance order will only apply to ONE bot. To get 2, 3, etc bots to follow you or stop following, you must issue the command multiple times. B) The follow command can be more harm than good at times. Bots have a tendency to crowd together following you, making them an easy target to an explosive attack for multiple kills. If you engage in combat with someone or see someone coming towards you, fall back within the ranks of the bots following you. Think of yourself as scout leader for the squad, not as a solo player. When you find an enemy, retreat and ambush. C) Never order Novice level bots to follow you. They have a huge speed malus, as well as a damage cap to what they can deal. A headshot from the lightning gun from a bot is 30 damage.. the chances of a Novice bot landing a headshot are very rare, so expect to take 15 damage total from a Novice bot with an LG. The fact they move so slow and in a group will get them slaughtered like cattle. SURVIVAL: Same as Deathmatch. CAPTURE THE FLAG: Four commands are available. Freelance, Attack, Defend, and Taunt. Taunt is always the same, as is Freelance. Attack orders a bot to attempt to get the other team's flag. If someone on your team is carrying the flag, attack actually orders bots to defend the one with the flag. Defend orders bots to stay near the base and protect the flag, or chase any opponent carrying your flag. A) Try to order juggernauts to defend and fast races to attack. B) If someone has your flag and you are at your base waiting to score, order all bots to defend. This will send them in search of YOUR flag as a TEAM together. If some bots are on attack and some on defend, order them all to attack first so they gather around you, THEN order them all to defend. The reasoning is to ensure they hunt for the flag together, increasing their chances of a successful return without dieing. However, keep in mind that trying to team a juggernaut and Gen Mo'Kai together is a bad idea, as the juggernaut will fall far behind in the hunt. BOMBING RUN: Same commands as Capture the Flag, but with Attack and Defend having slightly different results. Ordering a bot to defend makes them stay near your team's gate and attempt to kill any enemy that comes near it. Attack has them seek out the ball carrier and kill them, or try to get the ball into the enemies gate for a score. A) Ordering bots to attack is not a good idea. Running the ball through the goal and shooting it gives different amounts of points, so it's better to try for a run through it. DOUBLE DOMINATION: Freelance and Taunt commands are here also, with Attack and Defend being replaced by Attack A and Attack B. Use these to tell a bot which point to attack/defend. Once they've takena point they switch to defend mode and stay there guarding it til they die, then they attack it again. A) Bots follow a pattern that becomes ridiculously easy. First, order all bots on your team to attack the same place, then you attack the other. If it's extremely hard to take the side you're after, order the bots to try and take it and you attempt the other side. The enemy bots seem to be "Assigned" a point to take. They go straight for that point. If two are assigned the same point, one will stay to defend once it is captured, and the other attempts to take the alternate point. If both points are controlled and defended, the bot goes into Freelance and will head towards an enemy to kill, or their spawn point. Basically, find the side with the least bots that will come to it, and if you're unsure of you're skill, defend it. Have your team bots take the other. 10.2 SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIGN Basically, you have to fight your way through Seven team battles, increasing in amount of players (bots) in each of 4 game modes. Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and Double Domination, and Bombing Run. At the end, Survival mode is unlocked and you must defeat your entire team, 1 by 1, all in a row, on the level Gael. When you win the third game of Team Deathmatch, CTF is unlocked. After winning the third CTF, Double Dom is unlocked. After the third Double Dom is won, Bombing Run is unlocked. 10.3 OFFLINE MULTIPLAY A good place to play with friends, simply press start on any extra controllers plugged in to go to splitscreen mode. The new player will be prompted to choose a profile to use (cannot create a new one from here, must choose an existing one) and then will begin just like normal. You may also select 'Random', which will choose a character (from all characters in the game, not just the profiles) at random. Up to four people may play on one Xbox at a time. 10.4 XBOX LINK PLAY As stated far above in section 3.2 of this Guide: After loading a profile, select System Link from the main menu. The screen that comes up will have a list of all games being hosted with available room. If none are listed, you can host one. 10.5 XBOX LIVE PLAY First, you need to get an Xbox Live Starter Kit if you haven't already. After creating your account, choose Play Live from the main menu. From the new screen, you'll choose your account (or to create a New Account). An "Authenticating" message will appear while you sign on and it checks to make sure none of your hardware or software has been modified, then you go to the Live menu. 10.5a QUICK MATCH MANUAL GUIDE: Search for any server available to play on. 10.5b OPTIMATCH MANUAL GUIDE: Set specific server options to search for, such as specific game types, number of players, etc. 10.5c CREATE MATCH MANUAL GUIDE: Set up a server for others to connect to online. 10.5d FRIENDS MANUAL GUIDE: Look for friends online. NOTE: Add friends in game by pressing start, go to Players, highlight the person's name, and press A to bring up a list of options (Send Friend Request, Mute, Send Feedback). A person's gamertag will be in parentheses beside their profile's name. You can also look at the player's list to see who is talking, or who that annoying sound you are hearing is coming from. When sound is received from someone, a small icon appears next to the speaker beside their profile to indicate noise reception. Good for muting heavy breathers, annoying people, those with music or TV too loud, or sending feedback on spammers, cursers, people harassing you, etc. 10.5e STATISTICS MANUAL GUIDE: Check out your Xbox Live ranking, compared to other Unreal Championship Live players. Your ranking and score are available for each game-type. Points are calculated based on items such, game specific goals, kills, suicides, etc. NOTE: Press the X button to cycle through Weekly, Monthly, and Total stats for each gametype. Press the A button to ccess info on the account highlighted. Kills are how many kills, deaths is how many times you've died, and points is your total score (suicides count as -1 point and a death, switching teams while ALIVE is -1 point and a death). Specials are any kills you have made through headshots with the lightning gun, shock rifle combo explosions, and killing someone from landing on top of them (this deals damage). 10.5f SETTINGS MANUAL GUIDE: Set voice-masking options and online visibility. NOTE: The settings has all the same options as the settings from the game's Main Menu (see section 4 of this Guide), with the addition of a Live option added at the bottom. From the Live menu, there are two things to set, which the manual mentioned. You can choose to appear as offline to friends (although you can still receive or send invites), and Voice masking. To test what you sound like, you can speak into the headset while the Voice mask option is highlighted. Press left and right to switch among them and see what each one sounds like to everyone else. 10.5g CONTENT DOWNLOAD MANUAL GUIDE: Select this option to check for recent content updates! NOTE: As of May 22nd on 2003, four new maps became available. Deathmatch: AquaMortis, Inferno, Leviathan B Capture the Flag: Otaros Run 10.6 VOICE CHANNEL MENU Press the button to bring up the voice menu in a game (default is Back button). There will be six channels listed. Depending on whether the game is a team game or not, the channels listed will be different. Team games have nine channels, non-team games have six. There is a limit of four people on any channel at a time. In non team games, there is simply channels one through six. In team games, there are three Red channels, three Blue channels, and 3 neutral channels. Red team members cannot normally access Blue channels, nor vice versa. For one team to talk to the other, they must both be on a neutral channel. There IS a bug where when you join a game, you are assigned a team and the lowest available open channel before you actually press fire to spawn. If you switch teams before spawning, your channel will NOT change. This allows you to be on the other team's channel. Not really much use. To change a channel, press the button shown beside the channel in the list. 10.7 USING MUTATORS When choosing the map in any game type, press the X button to go into settings. Press X again from there to access the Mutator settings. You can enable or disable a mutator by pressing the A button while it is highlighted. The Arena mode is the only mutator with extra options (also accessed by pressing X when highlighted). When done with anything, press B to return to the previous menu. When ready to begin the game, just select the map and continue like normal. For simple strategies, check section 12 of this Guide (incomplete at this time). 11. GAMEPLAY TIPS 11.1 DODGING HOW TO: Using the directional pad (default setup), press any direction twice quickly. You'll "dodge" in that direction. It's a short leap that doesn't go very high, but covers distance quickly. 11.2 DODGE JUMPING HOW TO: Combine the dodging technique with a jump. Dodge first, then jump in mid air. The race that best utilizes this is the automatons. Even a Gen Mo'Kai can be hard pressed to outrun an automaton dodge jumping effectively. Other races can use it as well for a small speed boost, but will not find it as effective. 11.3 CONTROLLER SCHEMES HOW TO: Go into the settings menu, and into controller settings. From there, you can edit the commands assigned to each button (press X to go to customize, then press Up/Down to select button, Left/Right to cycle through commands available). 11.3a DODGE/DODGE JUMPING SETUP: Y Button - Move Forward A Button - Move Back X Button - Strafe Left B Button - Strafe Right D. Pad Up - Taunts/Orders D. Pad Left - Stats D. Pad Right - Scoreboard D. Pad Down - Best Weapon White Button - Prev Weapon Black Button - Next Weapon 11.4 WALL JUMPING HOW TO: Jump towards a wall, then press the opposite direction and jump again. Better method is jump into a wall, then DODGE off it. You can double jump before going into a wall to get massive distance away from the wall quickly. Or you can jump into a wall, dodge off it, then jump again in the middle of the dodge to perform a dodge jump from the wall. Robots can do incredible things in the proper places. 11.5 ELEVATOR JUMPING HOW TO: When stepping onto an elevator, jump! This will send you flying high. The best use of this in Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Survival is on the level Compressed. Juggernauts and Nightmares find this most useful, as they can catch the outer edge of the elevators on the very bottom floor, and jump to the third floor. Very good for escaping combat, or jumping right into the middle of it. As an automaton, on levels such as Antalus, a well timed jump can almost put you into orbit on open levels, giving you a great view of the area below you. Very good way to obtain recon data for when you land. 11.6 ADRENALINE ABILITIES HOW TO: Increase the adrenaline count in top right corner by picking up pills, or killing opponents (in some game modes, scoring points by game objectives gives adrenaline as well). When it reaches 100, enter any of the follow four commands to activate the ability: REGENERATION - Down, Down, Down BERSERK - Up, Up, Up INVISIBILITY - Right, Right, Left, Left AGILITY - Down, Down, Up DEFINITIONS Regeneration - Regenerates health and shield strength to a maximum of 150 shield, and twice starting health (the only way to go over 199 health; Juggernauts can regenerate up to 380 health, but even with 199 health when they activate regenerate, unless they make a kill or pick up extra adrenaline, they will only get up to 349 when it wears off) Berserk - Increases damage dealt per shot as well as rate of fire; any damage taken while berserk is reduced by 50%. Invisibility - Often confused as invincibility, it is NOT that. Invisibility simply renders you invisible. However, at a closer range, your outline can still be seen, especially when moving. Also note that bots can see you from miles away when invisible! I mean to the point where it's a glitch; if you hide behind a corner panel while invisible a bot may walk past, and immediately turn and fire on you. Yet if you hide there when NOT invisible, the bot may very well walk on by. Beware using invisibility when bots are on godlike difficulty. They will tear through you like an angry cat through a wet paper bag. NEVER use invisibility in single player campaign. Quite pointless. Agility - Increases your running and jumping capabilities. VERY noticeable if the character already has a high rating in one of the two already. An agility powered juggernaut is not all that useful, for example, as they don't jump much higher nor run much faster... 11.7 CHARACTER SELECTION HOW TO: Basically, try playing Instant Action with competition mode on against skilled difficulty bots on the level Asbestos. It has all weapons, so you can try them all to see which you enjoy most or are best with. Then turn off competition mode and choose a race that best suits your playing style, and has the weapon with an affinity you want. If you like to walk in and slug out heavy damage and keep going, see if a juggernaut has the weapon you enjoy. If you would rather be fast, try a Gen Mo'Kai, agile jumpers is Anubans, distance/height jumpers is automatons, etc. Play a bit to find what you are really good at. If you hurt yourself alot with the rocket launcher but are still good with it, playing the Nightmare Mr. Crow probably isn't a good idea (70 starting health, rockets with extra damage). I would foresee lots of suicides in your future. 11.8 LINKING 3 OR MORE PLAYERS Alright, the way the damage split works with the link is Very complicated (I don't know everything yet, but I have found a way to abuse it to your benefit). If you don't like math, you won't like this. Just do Setup 2 below and trust it's best. However, math is my favorite subject and I must explain! ;) First, let's establish the following based on three people with link guns: Setup 1 - Person B and C link directly to A Setup 2 - C links to B, B links to A In Setup 1, everyone takes 33% of the damage. This is BAD. In Setup 2, Person A takes 33% of the damage, person B and C take 33% of whatever A took. This drastically reduces the damage an opponent can do altogether (on TOP of splitting damage, it even REDUCES the amount taken!). Let me elaborate with an example: Person A is shot with the link gun while Setup 2 is going on. The damage is divided 3 ways (rounded down with no remainder). That is 23 divided by 3. That's 6 with 5 damage left over (not gonna confuse you with decimals/fractions). The extra five is immediately discarded because it is simply not divisible by the amount of people in the link. Now, person A immediately takes that six damage, and here is where it gets good. For some reason, the damage split is recalculated AGAIN for player B. Three people in the link divides the damage to 2 per person - However, player A has already taken damage and receives no more. The remaining players in the link take their 33% damage each - a grand total of 2 damage a piece. Now, if you add all this damage up, you get (2+2+6) ten. So a weapon that would normally hit you for 23 damage if you were alone is so far reduced in a group of three chain-linked people to become barely noticeable. Whew! Think on that! More Info ---- ---- The best thing is a group of four (more is always better, but four will be most common - ie, 4vs4 clan match; however, I won't explain beyond four). Do NOT all link to one person. Two people should NEVER be linked to the same person. It will happen, of course, but try to avoid it as much as possible. To take advantage of the damage reduction, the links must form a chain. Four players (A, B, C, and D) connected Like D-->C-->B-->A will cut back damage immensely. Player A gets hit with a Lightning gun shot (from someone without damage affinity) so he would take 60. This is reduced to 15 for each player. Player takes 15. Now that 15 is divided by 4 again. That leaves 3 damage with 3 leftover (the extra three is discarded summarily). Player B takes 3 damage. Player C and D take no damage, because 3 damage is not divisible by four members in the link. (Note that this is because there is FOUR people in the chain total - three would be 20 damage to A, with 6 to B and C. 12. GAME STRATEGIES ** SECTION INCOMPLETE ** 12.1 GENERAL STRATEGIES 12.1a PERSONAL STRATEGIES SHIELD GUN: Use it. Alot. Among ticking people off, it can save your skin frequently. Shield gun is a shock rifle users worst enemy. Switch back and forth among your weapons, be good with what you use. If you play as Damarus, use the BioRifle secondary fire: charge a shot, keep it charged, and select the shield gun. The moment you release the goop at someone, hold the secondary fire again to have your shield up. Then just run around a corner and repeat the process. Will you win a large game of deathmatch this way? No. Very effective in small ones though. Shield guns will block rockets, grenades, and flak cannon explosions so long as they hit the shield from the front or the ground in FRONT of you. These explosions will also drain your shield strength ENOURMOUSLY. GUERILLA WARFARE: If your weapon is a slow firing weapon, don't run out in the middle of a battlefield trying to kill people with it. This example is primarily targeted towards the lightning gun, as it is my best weapon. On Flux 2, most of the fighting occurs on the lower floor indoors, at the end that has three doors and the minigun. Lightning gun users should never run around ON that floor for long, as your rate of fire is simply far too slow to be effective, and you have too much area you need to keep covered with fire. Someone else is going to come in and kill you, eventually (being berserk is different, sometimes). Try and run up the steps to the middle floor, shooting at people; this will keep a wall behind you so you don't have to worry about someone coming from behind. Jump down from there to the dip in the middle of the floor where the two health packs are. Since the ground is at a lower height, it's easier to shoot people in the legs, feet, and torso who are on the slightly higher ground. It is far harder for them to aim Just a little bit down at you. Repeat the process, running back and forth, never staying on one level too long. And don't run through the middle. Stay near a wall, but far enough away you can dodge the splash damage of a rocket/flak grenade exploding behind you on that wall. Get behind the corners of the wall, the little pillars on the middle floor, the cover a ledge offers from those on lower ground, etc, right after firing a shot. Feel free to run out kamikaze style if you are low on ammo, however, as dieing is a good way to restock your weapon. NOTE: This is not meant as a one-level strategy. Take the above, adapt it to your weapon of choice (weapons like miniguns can't really use it; this is for slower weapons), adapt it to the level you are on! ROCKET USE/CONSERVATION: 1) Triple rockets are a complete waste on any race but juggernauts. Only two rockets is required to kill any other race, one when berserk. When you are not the host, rockets lock on fast. All you have to do is keep the target close to your reticle for a few seconds. Get them near the reticle, then start loading rockets with secondary fire. When you get a lock, release to fire! You should generally shoot two homing rockets, but sometimes it will turn into three, or be too soon and only get one. No worries. Try again. 2) When locking on in an open area or on someone at a higher elevation than you, look up quickly before firing the rockets after establishing a lock. This will cause the rockets to arc upwards and back down at the enemy, making them far harder to dodge. If they don't hit, the splash damage WILL. If the person is on higher ground, this will cause the rockets to get further up before going after the target - preventing the usual case where the enemy can step back so the rockets explode on the wall/slant/ledge they are standing on. 3) Splash damage is a beast. Rockets bounce people around when exploding near them, and throws them much farther if they are in the air (jumping). For non-robots, generally never waste time locking onto people who are close to you. Robots, if the ceiling is high enough, can lock onto close people, jump, then look down at the same time to fire the rockets. In either case, the best thing to do is switch to primary fire and blast the ground around the enemy. If they start backpedaling, jump and aim for the ground directly behind them just a little. They will try to side step it, but will take splash damage regardless. If they don't sidestep, they should take a full bodily hit from the rocket. KEY PART: Aim for the ground where the target's feet Will be. CONTROL MAP RESOURCES This one is real easy to do. Take everything you, and in the case of having a teammate(s), don't need. In Deathmatch mode, if you are at 150 armor, shoot a rocket slightly in front of you to hurt yourself and grab the shield pack. Or use the shield gun to hurt yourself (charge primary, tap secondary while charging). No need to let someone else have it. Grab adrenaline even if you have 100. Guard the adrenaline spots. At 100% game speed, double damage and the super shield come back exactly 80 seconds after being picked up. If you have a good sense of timing, you can be in place to nab them every time they come back, or to kill the person(s) going for them. If you have no armor and are at full health (and not over it, just at your STARTING full health), then do the same as for a shield pack. Hurt yourself and take it. Don't let someone else. Hog everything, or share with your teammates, but keep it AWAY from the enemy. 12.1b SUBMITTED STRATEGIES Shield Gun vs Shock Rifle: When playing against someone armed with a shock rifle and you're desperate, switch to the shield gun. Engage the secondary fire. When your opponent uses the shock rifle's secondary fire, DODGE forward (NOT dodge jump) with your shield gun's secondary fire on. The result, if done correctly, will be that the shield will have bounced the ball back toward the person who fired it. It is also best used against some one who is not using a character with a shock rifle w/ firing rate affinity. -Submitted by Randall Stephens -Author Notes: Have seen this happen once by someone else, and done it once myself. If the shockball kills anyone (whether hitting them or being exploded) after bouncing off of your shield, YOU get the kill. Quite nifty actually. Thanks Randall! 12.2 DEATHMATCH AGAINST BOTS: Don't use invisibility. Due to what I would call bad scripting, bots get perfect knowledge of you and your location if you go invisible. Unless you can outrun your opponents, berserk isn't that good to use either. Bots will automatically turn around and run the other way, even if they can't see (remember, bots are all-knowing, since they ARE the computer). AGAINST PEOPLE: Berserk is great. People don't play like bots. They have a tendency to throw themselves at unbeatable odds. Berserking shock rifle users are tough to fight. Hence, I don't fight them. I go to shield gun and back away, let them blow their ammo and their berserk. This ticks people off to NO END. I love it. They get so mad they mess up and become easy to kill. Do the same against LG users, and flak cannons. I've made several people commit suicide with the flak cannon off my shield (secondary explosion). Agility isn't that good unless AA is off. Regeneration is very useful, but only if you are a robot, juggernaut, or human. Anubans can make use if it too, but they can reach their max health (170) without it. Generally, regeneration is good for races that can go over 199 life. 12.3 TEAM DEATHMATCH AGAINST BOTS: Bots always work in a group. The only time this is really a problem is on Godlike, and certain combination of bots on Masterful. In those situations, you'll want to order all your bots to follow you. Get used to cheap shots from bots on Godlike. They always know where you are, at all times. Best thing you can do is find a way to kill them from a distance. Bots ALWAYS seem to have a flak cannon, even after freshly respawning. If you get within 10ft or so, they'll switch to flak and rush you, killing you with a point blank primary fire (the most damaging weapon in the a Deathmatch, and even Novice bots don't miss point blank). Also, this knowledge applies to ANY bots on ANY game type. AGAINST PEOPLE: Two or three people working together as a TEAM can defeat anything. They will take casualties, of course, but will most likely come out on top. Various strategies to use are combinations of weapons that compliment each other. Two people with shock rifles is dangerous together. One can fire shock balls at the enemy while the other does the exploding of the ones actually near the opponent. Takes some practice working together, but once they have it down... Another thing is someone with the biorifle following another person. Believe it or not, biorifles + miniguns are deadly. Being shot by the minigun severely limits your maneuverability, and this gives the BioRifler plenty of time to pepper the ground around the target (if not the target itself). Work together, that's all there is to it. Travel in groups of two or more... 12.4 SURVIVAL AGAINST BOTS: You can either wittle them down or try and rush- kill them. Either way, bots will turn and run when low on health. Playing Gael on Godlike against a lightning bot is basically asking to be slaughtered. Bots react faster than you do, so be careful going around corners. You can fire an area of effect around it first, since it doesn't matter if you give an early warning to bots. They react same speed anyway. AGAINST PEOPLE: Invisibility is the most often used adrenaline power in Survival. Other people get to watch you when they aren't playing, so they know the general area of where you will be when they spawn. If not playing insta-gib, use the ability to charge a biorifle secondary shot and have another weapon ready to switch to. The biorifle damage will kill any but a juggernaut if it hits, and you'll be ready to start blasting with another weap. 12.5 CAPTURE THE FLAG 12.6 BOMBING RUN AGAINST BOTS: When the team with the bots has the ball, the bots will attempt to spawn camp. Go figure. When the other team has the ball, bots will almost totally ignore anyone else. They'll attack people who come to close, but otherwise, just keeps going towards the ball carrier. 12.7 DOUBLE DOMINATION AGAINST BOTS: I've found a very useful tactic for this (you can see it easily on the level Fridge). Play like normal until you get to 100 adrenaline, then when you control both points, turn on berserk and head towards the bot's spawn points. They'll go a diffrent route (the long way) around to the point you are coming from, which is enough time to score. Use this tactic in other applications. 12.8 ADDITIONAL INFO Please feel free to send me any strategies you have that you'd like to see posted here. I will be sure to give full credit to the person who sends in each strategy. 13. LIVE INFO 13.1 SERVERS Please, if you know any good servers that have a steady time they are up, send them to me for posting. 13.1a DEATHMATCH 8 players - Flight33 - 1am to 7am Central 16 players - bonytenaciousd - Nights until 6am or so 13.1b TEAM DEATHMATCH 16 player - Jimy - Not a set time, but still good... 13.1c SURVIVAL Don't play it, so unsure. Send in info. 13.1d CAPTURE THE FLAG Another thing I generally don't get to play much of.. 13.1e BOMBING RUN 16 player - bungieserver343 - Fulltime? I think 13.1f DOUBLE DOMINATION Haven't found any that are up at the same time all the time... 14. CREDITS I'd like to give credit to.. myself, for starters. Major credit goes to Atari and Digital Extremes, as well as Epic Games and Infogrames. Naturally Microsoft gets it's fair share, otherwise there would no console to play this game on! :) Alot of information was taken from the manual (for those who don't get a manual, such as in a rental) before I expounded on it with my own information. Wanna give thanks to people who host good servers, and don't try to push it so it's lagging for anyone, including my friend FLIGHT33. He also contributed some to this Guide. Also to bballmaniac15 for writing a guide as well. 15. LEGALITIES All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. No part of this material may be copied without obtaining the author's consent. The author is in no way affiliated with Digital Extremes, Infogrames, Epic Games, nor Atari. Sites currently allowed to host this FAQ, and their added date: www.gamefaqs.com - April 29th, 2003 www.cheatcc.com - April 30th, 2003 www.neoseeker.com - May 6th, 2003 www.outsidexbox.net - May 8th, 2003 www.cheats.de - May 28th, 2003 www.s104.com/~ranilin/uc/UnrealFAQ.txt If this FAQ is found anywhere else, please e-mail me so I may deal with it. You can reach me at: zidaneslayer@hotmail.com Copyright 2003 Michael King