VIETCONG PURPLE HAZE Walkthrough by Amber & Jim To contact me about the guide, send email to: Also if you find this guide useful and would like to contribute for my efforts on this guide and lots more guides to come, you can send a donation through PayPal to: Alrighty before you get started on any missions I strongly suggest you use the training camp tutorial to get used to the controls , shooting etc. Single player mode new campaign difficulty setting normal: Alrighty lets jump to the walkthrough: MISSION 1: THUNDER CREEK Target your pointman an tell em to lead you. Follow him for a ways til he tells you to stop to disarm the booby trap. Kneel down (L1) approach slowly putting your sight on the stick or the line and press X button to cut the line with your knife. Follow your pointman further up now (if he's not moving target him n tell em to lead again with X button) After targeting him, ur radio starts flashing so target the radio man and talk to command. Now get ur pointman to lead again and fight two enemy soldiers straight away. If ya get hurt go to the medic during or after the fight. Target him and press X button to heal yourself. Get pointman leading again and follow. Disarm the trap up ahead he finds the same way you did b4. Kneel, approach, target, cut. Now kneel and walk under the branch/ log and follow your pointman more until he finds a few more enemies. Enemies appear as red dots on your radar at the top right unless ur in a solo mission then they do not appear. Also something you DO NOT want to forget is that you can use your binoculars to view the enemy b4 they have seen you. Get them right in the middle of the binoculars and when you take them off your enemy will be in your guns sight so ya can shoot them without all the trouble of free aiming with the rifle or pistol. Ok now use your radio again and talk to command once more to get your order to destroy the gear. The weapon caches all look the same on this game as well as their wooden boxes that you have to target until the yellowish circle shows up where ur target cursor was then on the bottom of the screen it'll tell ya to press X to place c-4. These weapon caches are three boxes under a lil tent thingie right next to the nearby tied up pilot. Target him and press x to free him. He's kneeling to the left of a lil lean-to tent thingie tied up to a tree on a little grey surface not to much wider than he is so he can be easy to miss. After you untie him talk to the radio guy again. Alrighty now get the point man to lead you to the landing zone. Now talk on the radio again and your team will throw a smoke grenade for you. Use radio again and hold back the enemies by pressing square button and releasing to give the attack signal and go kneel down behind the log and get some shooting practice in on the enemy. Also try practicing with your iron sights ( R3 button ) You will be using the iron sights alot throughout the game. MISSION COMPLETE! MISSION 2 MINE FACTORY: Follow pointman. Kill the enemies up ahead. Continue following pointman. Kill more enemies. Keep an eye on your health meter and heal using the medic when necessary. Follow pointman. Making your way towards a bunch of steps with an enemy sniper at the top. Follow the pointman on up after killing the sniper. More enemies up ahead. Now your on top of the temple. Yep more enemies. After taking care of them follow pointman to the east where u'll find two more enemies. Enter inside the building that the pointman leads you to and pick up the green piece of paper on the bench/table (intel). That will complete the gather intel from the temple objective in the pause menu. Exit following the pointman to the west then south down the temple stairs. More enemies to the east. Follow the pointman, kill the enemies as you go. MISSION COMPLETE! MISSION 3 DEATH VALLEY: This should have been called the trap level lol. Make EXTRA sure you are following the pointman so he can spot the traps all through this level for you!. stop to disarm traps when the pointman spots them. The first one is hard to see but the trap is to the north. Its a black cord attached to a stick in the shape of a "Y". The second trap is a lighter colored cable hooked to a black stump..not too hard to see theres another trip wire trap to the right of the light colored one its a black string cut that one also. The next trap is only a few steps away attached to a big warped greyish black tree its a black cord. Next is a light colored trap goin down a lil hill. There's another trap straight up ahead right next to a green elephant ear leaf on the ground. Be careful of the enemies. Another trap is located to the right of a giant boulder and another trap is located next to this same boulder as you go around it... MISSION COMPLETE! MISSION 4: FIELD GUNS Follow pointman kill enemies. When you get up to the shelter put ur cursor over the radio on the table and place ur C-4. Make sure you get ur men to follow you away from the c-4 explosion. Move up to the large gun in the next hut and place more c-4. Follow the pointman to the second howitzer and use more c-4 on it. Continue following the pointman to the pickup zone. MISSION COMPLETE! MISSION 5: INSERTION Enter the jungle following the pointman...take care of the trap and continue on to the next trap. more enemies up a black cord trap down a lil hill..At the base right after all the big rocks watch out for the bamboo trap that you have to remove the covering to walk around it. Another trap right after that, just follow in your pointman's footsteps. Defeat more enemies. Use radio... MISSION COMPLETE! MISSION 6: HO CHI MINH TRAIL Throw grenades at the enemies at the start. (Avoid blowing urself up) Ok now move on...ur pointman will stop so you'll have to go ahead alone. Enemies will not show up on the radar so be can always go back to the medic if you get injured. VP sniper way up high up in front of you (he's the one you have to take out). After takin him out you can either call your pointman to you by pressing square button and moving it down to the first guy or go back to him. Follow the pointman. There's a few more enemies then continue up the rocky trail. You can pick up enemy guns if you run low on bullets. Careful goin up the cliffs because you CAN fall off! Keep following the pointman. Take out the enemies along the way. Go down into the dugout pit and place ur c-4 and get ur team outta the way. Move along to the second canyon. Follow pointman...MISSION COMPLETE! MISSION 7: HUNTIN CHARLIE Look thru ur binoculars to the right on the log bridge to view ur enemy and possibly snipe somethin if you have the extra ammo. (This mission will take a good bit of ammo) Continue across the log bridge down the path and into the water walking upstream. Enemies upstream behind the rocks and various other spots including up higher ontop of the cliffs. Follow pointman and plant ur c-4 on the weapons cache back on land. Follow pointman uphill past the weapons cache and then back down. Continue following across a small wooden bridge (DO NOT forget to hug the wall along this next path or u will definitely fall off!)...Phew! MISSION COMPLETE! MISSION 8: THE BRIDGE Ok in this mission you will notice right away that ya have your engineer back. (yaaaaay!) Now you wont be running out of bullets hehe. I suggest first of all going north down a hill and sniping everyone you can across the river from this position. Remember youre more accurate on your stomach and you have all the bullets you need from your engineer so go wild! Oh and remember the binocular trick to help aim! and the iron sights make you more accurate as well (R3) button. From here there's three enemies on the gunner tower and 2 on the ground to kill. There's several over on the left after the bridge but you cant get em all just yet. Go back uphill. The soldiers near the bridge are your soldiers! They dont provide you with any real cover fire. To the right of the bridge with ur binoculars you can see across to the other side. You should see some enemies. Take them out. The problem here is that there's a gunner in the tower across the bridge on the left. What ur gonna wanna do is run up behind the overturned vehicle on the bridge and snipe the gunner. Immediately run over and take control of the gun on the left. Then you wanna fire it at the enemies on the top of the hill and the ones runnin around the hill on the ground at ya on the right. When things quiet down use ur radio. Follow ur pointman around the mountain fightin enemies along the way. There's no need to get in the mounted gun at the top. (no need to climb the ladder and get into the thing) Follow pointman to hell yeaaa... MISSION COMPLETE! MISSION 9: FALSE ALARM U guessed it...follow pointman lol. Enemies almost right away. (more like an ambush) Send ur men to attack by simply pressin square button and lettin go cause its already on the first command for attack. (If u dont do this they will use most all their ammo tryin to kill the ground rocks trees etc.) Examine the U.S. dead bodies to find one alive. Use ur radio to call in a chopper. Get over by ur men or the helicopter will land on ur ass and kill you! lol When the injured guy is evacuated u'll be under attack. Follow pointman. Take out the sniper on top of the building. Move up usin trees for cover. There's several enemies in the lower part of the buildin. Follow pointman. Take out the trip wire trap usin ur knife. Continue on to the U.S. soldier and disarm the trap that's hooked to him. With a new soldier on ur team head up...more enemies. Several more enemies in the valley you can snipe from a distance. This is the valley by the way where the helicopter had previously landed. Make room for the heli...MISSION COMPLETED! MISSION 10: OUTPOST They start ya off right in an ambush. Deal with that then follow your pointman on up. Once again you have no engineer for this one =( so save as much ammo as ya can! Your pointman will not lead you so continue up ahead. Continue forward and take a right then eliminate that mortar team. Then go back and go straight to take out another mortar team and then one immediately following them. After you have eliminated the three mortar teams ur pointman will lead you. Kill all enemies inside and outside the fence. Defend the outpost. Kill all of em you see and watch the radar for red dots.. .MISSION COMPLETE! MISSION 11: HALONG PORT Night Mission and solo at that...ughh. Hope you saved ur medkit. To start this out, turn out the lights in the room that ur in. It'll make it much easier to see. Jump up to the platform in front of you. Run to ur immediate left. Go to the left of the large crate and look straight ahead and u'll see a wooden platform with an enemy walking directly at you. Shoot that single enemy there. U'll wanna walk back around the metal crate and jump on the platform he was on. Now look to the north. U'll see enemys. Snipe as many as u can and especially the one in the tower also to the north. Shoot the one in the tower last because he isn't goin anywhere BUT MAKE SURE YOU SHOOT HIM. Run to the nnw using cover just in case. When its all clear, enter the building and make a right. there's one weapons cache on the ground. Make ur way over to the mounted gun building. Go thru the building bein careful of the enemies and make ur way to the cave in the back thru a cracked wall in the building. There's gonna be two enemies to ur northwest in this cave. Use the big rock pillar as cover but do not let the enemys get thru the lil opening so they can approach. These enemies will try to approach you and kill you so be crafty. Once they are outta the way move forward and place c-4 on the crate on the ground. Continue further thru the cave, they'll be an enemy on the left with a sniper rifle. Kill him and take out as many enemies as u can from his sniping position. Stay on your stomachwhile sniping at first! Drop down from his position onto the tin roof of the building with the ladder on it. Note: falling off this building will not hurt you. Run south back to ur boat F##K##G MISSION COMPLETED! MISSION 12: STORM On this next mission here you have all ur men back. I bet you missed them lol AND its daylight wooohoo! Ok, now welcome to the introduction of enemy grenades. Stay as far away from them as you can to take them out and send ur team in to attack. Place c-4 on the tank and then get lead by the pointman to find the bunker. U'll have to lead ahead because the pointman wont lead you. This is very important: When you see red dots, stay far back and send ur men in to attack.(square button) Sometimes you have to keep giving the attack command so they will eventually listen. The pointman will occasionally lead you. Make sure to take out the men with mounted guns in the bunkers. After the radio part go down into the bunker and place the c-4 to blow up their weapons cache...MISSION COMPLETE! MISSION 13: SEIZE THE HILL PT1 The weapons you pick at the beginning of this mission you will be with for awhile so pick some favorites like something with a scope if available. Get led up the hill. Run northeast to locate first bravo. Yep plenty of enemies here. So basically just head up the hill and fight an endless supply of enemies. Fight your way to the top and thru a small opening in a rock where theyre still coming at you on the other side and after this sick bloody battle you'll see that MISSION COMPLETE pop up =) Oh if you get confused about which hill it is your storming up just look for the one with a never ending enemy supply then youll know youre on the right one lol... MISSION 14 SEIZE THE HILL PT2 You get to call in for some fire support on this mission whoo hoo the joy hehe If you dont want to just hang on the right wall and snipe enemies. There's a guy on a mounted machine gun on the right wall. Theres also anothe enemy to the leftish on top of the hill on a mounted gun that must be sniped. Keep moving forward fighting your way in and calling over the medic to heal yourself when needed. The cave entrance will be on the nnw wall but watch out for the creep with the mounted gun right near the entrance. He's up above on/in the mountain shooting at you just to the top right of the cave! take em out or sneak in the cave its up to you. MISSION COMPLETE! MISSION 15 PO TLONG KARAI I recommend the M14 with optics for this mission. Its another freakin solo mission. Wasnt our men right behind us? Anyways, here we go. Now u have the radio so answer it. This mission is far easier if you go to the right/east. One hidden enemy up on the first rocky temple lookin thing. Work ur way to the north with a couple easily snipeable enemies. Use binoculars alot and watch out for the bad guys up on top of the hills, snipe away. This mission will require you to remember most enemy locations so as not to be surprised and shot abunch lol. When ya get to the first anti aircraft gun to the west watch out for the snipers and do some sniping of your own to them!. There are two anti aircraft guns. Both easy to find. The enemy officer is at the second one. There is no real way of getting outta killin most if not all enemies on this level... MISSION COMPLETE after both anti aircraft guns are c-4'd. MISSION 16: STREAM Another night mission...Suggested weapon: M60 Follow the pointman. He'll show you a trap you must disarm underwater. Having the lights off in your room for this mission might help. Go towards the fire you can see burning to find a weapons cache u can blow up with c-4. MISSION COMPLETE MISSION 17: THEY'RE COMING You've just unlocked the 40mm grenade launcher: M79. Tho I do not recommend taking that. I would suggest once again taking the M60. Instantly head to the south and get on the mounted machine gun. Objective is to keep the board carrying enemies from gettin up to the broken fence. the enemies are tryin to cross over. Keep killin til mission complete. Dont forget you can press R3 to zoom in a lil closer for easier targeting. MISSION COMPLETED MISSION 18: TOO MANY TARGETS Another night mission. Turning ur lights of in the room really helps less u like jus movin around aimlessly wonderin why its so damn dark. There will be some flares shot up in this mission which helps to see but its very temporarily. Careful of the enemy grenades at the beginning of this mission. To start out take an immediate right outta the hut or bunker and go straight past several of your men then take another right at the fire. Now run straight all the way to a dead end and take a left. U'll get to a lil fenced area with several buttons. Do not fire them off right now. Wait until the actual retreat order is given and one U.S. soldier will run thru the gate to retreat with you. Now hit the switch on the fence next to the barrel with medkits on it. Then get over to the nearby mounted gun and kill all approaching enemies until MISSION COMPLETE. MISSION 19: THE LAST STAND This is the final mission... The goal is to take out an enemy tank with c4. Sounds easy enough but it can be a real pain. Now to start things off you have to kneel walk and hug the left wall till the enemy soldier stops shooting to reload. Now quickly run over to the right side as your moving up now your close enough to do him in but you have to wait till he quits shooting for a sec. Now step out and pop him. Play that peekaboo game with him till he falls and walk on up the path. b4 you get to the T section while your on a lil hill you can snipe an enemy that doesnt notice you yet. He will be on your rightish. Tiime for a lil secret! I've discovered the sawed off fence posts on the side of the dug out trench your walking down can be jumped on (L2). The posts let ya get higher to see further to yep u guessed it snipe more enemies b4 they see you!. Hey dont forget the guy to the right of the tank he needs his bullet in the head to ya know... Take out all the baddies you can like this and the key to shooting them with the m60 is aim the binoculors a lil down and use the iron sights also. The kick makes it raise but you prolly figured that trick out by now right?. your going to need to take the first right you come to but theres a lil problem with that its a huge tank machine gunning you to death. Your gonna have to watch the turrent and make sure it dont spot you and its not pointing at you so you can crawl on your stomach up to the wall there. Now take a left unless your brave and wanna explore the enemies to the right lol. Stay crouching and use grenades to help clear out the next group of enemys at the next T section. Now your gonna wanna take a right but theres mean ol mister tank and his big ol machine gun again. So crawl when its not looking at ya. keep crawling hugging the wall so the tank cant see ya until ya can kneel again. Remember to make sure the barrels not pointing at you b4 u begin your crawl!. Recap time, when ya started out you went straight took a right dealing with tank fire then took a left then another right dealing with more tank fire dealing with the melee enemies along the way. So now walk underneath the tank cause its on a lil bridge. Look straight up and place the c4 and walk straight a few steps for MISSION COMPLETE. You have just beat the game set back and uh enjoy... I hope everyone had fun playing this game like we did !!! I always say tho "Since the game isn't going to shoot out money when I win atleast give me some sort of ending sequence to enjoy for the days of effort invested!".