****************************************************************************** Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit Faq/Walkthrough Version 1.1 Author: MysticWeirdo ****************************************************************************** WARNING: This guide may contain spoilers for the plot of the game and movie. ****************************************************************************** CONTENTS ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Menus 4. Controls 5. HUD 6. Pesto Pal 7. Walkthrough 8. Journal 9. Card Sets Locations 10. Coin Locations 11. Marrow Growing 101 12. Glitches 13. LEGAL 14. Contact Information 15. Credits ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction ****************************************************************************** I am MysticWeirdo also known by my real name Warren Grieder. Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit is based on the movie of the same name featuring the latest adventure of the animated plasticine characters, Wallace and his faithful dog Gromit, from the series of short films. This is the second Wallace and Gromit game, the first being Project Zoo for which I've also written a walkthrough. I played this game on the XBox, but this guide should be applicable for the PS2 version as well. This game features a coop mode where a second person can take control of the character that you're not currently controlling. Note that the screen doesn't split so you'll both need to keep relatively closed together. This can make several of the mission a lot easier as the second character can be actively helping out instead of just standing around and/or getting in the way. I've managed to complete everything in solo mode for the so this guide will be based on solo mode. ****************************************************************************** 2. Version History ****************************************************************************** Version 1.1 January 2, 2006. Copyright updated. PS2 Controls added. Version 1.0.2 November 20, 2005. Minor fix. Version 1.0.1 November 19, 2005. Corrected several typographical errors. Version 1.0 November 1, 2005. Walkthrough continued for final 13 cards (all 168 covered). Note added to card set location about reward for finding all of the cards. Some information added to the Post Game section of the walkthrough. Version 0.92 October 30, 2005. Walkthrough continued for 5 more cards (155 covered). Version 0.89 October 30, 2005. Walkthrough continued for 12 more cards (150 covered). Record titles added to shop section. Version 0.82 October 29, 2005. Walkthrough continued for 8 more cards (138 covered). Potential game-stopping glitch added in new glitch section. Version 0.77 October 29, 2005. Walkthrough continued for 10 more cards (130 covered). Introduction updated after completing the final remaining daytime arena 100 pest challenges. Version 0.71 October 28, 2005. Walkthrough continued for 10 more cards (120 covered) Version 0.65 October 27, 2005. Walkthrough continued for 8 more cards (110 covered). Version 0.61 October 25, 2005. Walkthrough continued for 10 more cards (102 covered). Version 0.55 October 24, 2005. Introduction updated after clearing one of the remain 100 pest daytime arenas. Walkthrough continued for 7 more cards (92 covered), including one I neglected in subsection 7.6. Version 0.51 October 23, 2005. Walkthrough continued for 10 more cards (85 covered). Version 0.45 October 23, 2005. Walkthrough continued for 8 more cards (75 covered). Version 0.40 October 22, 2005. Walkthrough continued for 23 more cards (67 covered). Changed Marrow growing section to note the the first day and night are the same time period. Version 0.26 October 20, 2005. Walkthrough continued for 9 more cards (44 covered). Version 0.21 October 19, 2005. Initial Version of this Guide. Walkthrough for 35 cards done. ****************************************************************************** 3. Main Menu ****************************************************************************** The are three options in the main menu: New Game, Saved Games, and Options. New Game begins a new game in a new save slot. Saved Games takes you to the Saved Games tab of the Pesto Pal where you can load a previous saved game. Save Games are identified by a number, completion percentage, and location. Selecting a save game will present you with the option of loading it, copying it, deleting it, or return back to the previous screen. Options takes you to the Options tab of the Pesto Pal where you can set audio, control, and game save options. See the Pesto Pal section for more details on Options. ****************************************************************************** 4. Controls ****************************************************************************** ================= 4.1 Xbox Controls ================= Most on the controls for this game are listed in the manual, and may be displayed in the game the first time you need to use them. Movement -------- Walk: Left thumbstick. Move Camera: Right thumbstick. Jump: A Double Jump: A, A Back Flip Jump: Move in on direction and quickly turn about and press A. Slightly higher that a double jump. Not covered in the manual. Jump and Grab Ledge: In any jump you'll grab the ledge automatically if your near it. Pull up from ledge: Left Thumbstick Up Drop from ledge: Left Thumbstick Down Wall Jumping: Press A and jump towards a wall. Press A during the brief time you on the wall and move towards the other wall. Spring off of awning and other springy surface, press A when landing. Swimming: Press X repeated Jump out of water: A Pause (open Pesto Pal): Start Abort Task: Back Interacting with Partner ------------------------ Whistle (Call Character): Left Trigger Switch Characters: Black Second Player Join: Start (on second controller) Second Player Leave: Back (on second controller) Revive unconscious partner: Y before 10 second counter reaches 0. Splits you're remaining health with your partner. (Not in manual) Interacting with Items/People ----------------------------- Use Button Switch: Y (you may need to whistle for the other character to open a cover on the switch. Use Lever Switch: Hold Y and push the left thumbstick in desired direction. Use Winch Switch: Hold Y and rotated the left thumbstick. Push/Pull Object: Y to create suction with the object, left thumbstick to move. Talk: Y Select Option while talking: A Bungun ------ Suck With Bungun: Right Trigger (pull back on left thumbstick for larger items.) Release sucked item/enemy: X Soccer Balls (not in manual) ------------ Dribble: Get ball in front of you an move without making sharp turns. High Kick: X Low Kick: B Combat ------ Attack: X Side Attack: X, Left Thumbstick Left or Right Read Attack: X, Left Thumbstick away from target Double Attack: X, X Triple Combo: X, X, X High Swipe: A, X Jump Smash: A, A, X Uppercut: B, X Flip jump: Left thumbstick forward + (B, A) Spin Attack: Rotate Left thumbstick, X Guard: Hold B Slide: Left Thumbstick full forward + B Shove: B when close to enemy Side Roll: B + Left thumbstick left or right Backflip: B + Left thumbstick away from target Upgrades -------- Airblast: Hold X until in position (Wallace and Hutch) Screwdriver: Press Y to start then Rotate Left Thumbstick slowly and press A, X, Y or B as appropriate (Wallace and Hutch) Auto-Brolley: Hold B in air. Harvester: Right trigger + X. Right trigger again or A to stop. Need to be on a pile of rocks or in a vegetable patch. Bunny Hopper: Jump on the hopper and press A to bounce higher. X smashes down. Y disengages. Auto-Bunter: Left thumbstick full towards chains/ropes, A to jump, right trigger to suck onto the chain. Bolt Cutters: Press Y to Start. Alternate pressing A, X, Y, B as appropriate to build up the gauge. Press A, X, Y, or B as appropriate for the final cut. (Wallace and Hutch) Fairground Plane Ride: left thumbstick left or right turns, down climb, up dive. X fire guns. A fire homing fireworks collected from large crates. (The to weapon buttons are incorrect in the manual.) Display Toggles --------------- Display Health Bars: Click left thumbstick Toggle Bundar (Radar): Click right thumbstick ================ 4.2 PS2 Controls ================ Thanks to Jaykay for the PS2 control listing. Controls (PS2) SELECT - Exit task/2P leave START - Pause/2P join/Pesto Pal Directional Buttons - Navigate Menus Left Analogue Stick - Move Right Analogue Stick - Rotate and Zoom camera X - Jump/Select X, X, [] - Jump Smash X then [] - High Swipe X against a wall - Wall Jump (Gromit) [] - Airblast (Wallace) [] - Hit [], []- Double Hit [], [], [] - Triple Hit Combo [] whilst moving to the side - Side Hit [] whilst moving away from the target - Rear Hit Spin the Left Analogue stick then [] - Spin Attack [] next to object (Wallace, requires Screwdriver) O - Defend O then X - Flip Jump O then []- Uppercut O whilst moving away from the target - Backflip O when running - Slide O whilst moving to the side - Side Roll O next to an enemy - Push /\ - Action /\ next to chainlock (Wallace, require Bolt-Cut) L1 - Whistle L2 - Swap Characters R1 - Activate Bungun R2 - Shoot Were-Energy X then O, X, X then O - Auto-Brolly ****************************************************************************** 5. HUD ****************************************************************************** Several pieces of information may be displayed at the top and bottom of the screen. The health and collected were-energy for the to characters will be displayed in the two top corners. If you're near an object that the other AI controller character can use, that characters health bar along with a notation of the "whistle" button will be displayed. If you're in a timed mission or arena, the time remaining is displayed in the top center. The coins collected is displayed under the top right health bar. In the bottom corners, the health of prize vegetables to protect, and counter for various tasks and pest captures will be displayed. A radar display, the Bundar, is in the lower right. Blue dots indicate task givers, green dots indicate prize vegetables to protect, white dot represent pests or cards, and red dots indicate hostile creatures. The other character may be indicated by a light blue dot. The top of the radar display is the direction that you're facing and north is indicated by the area in the edge of the radar. ****************************************************************************** 6. Pesto Pal ****************************************************************************** The Pesto Pal is the in game menu system. There are five tabs and the top of the Pesto Pal, from left to right they are save games, map, journal, cards, and options. ============================== 6.1 Saved Game Tab (Disc Icon) ============================== There are four options here on this tab. Continue: resumes playing the game. Exit task: will abort some missions. Save: saves your current progress. Quit: exits the game. On the right side of the screen you'll see that game number, completion percentage, and location. The are four squares below this information. The top left square indicated the number of cards you found so far. The lower left square is the number of cards remaining to the next health upgrade. The top right square is the number of valve pieces you've recovered. The lower right square represents you current supply of coins. ========================== 6.2 Map Tab (Compass Icon) ========================== This tab shows the location of the two characters on a map of the general vicinity. A list of available takes and wardens will appear to the right. =========================== 6.3 Cards Tab (Square Icon) =========================== There are 28 squares representing card sets. There are 6 cards in each set, some of which are received by completing mission, the rest are found laying around. See the Card Location section for more details. The sets with flashing boundaries indicate that at least on task is available for that set. ================================ 6.4 Journal Tab (Rectangle Icon) ================================ Read descriptions of Bungun upgrades, daytime enemies, nighttime enemies, pest control equipment, miscellaneous items, and marrow growing equipment. The description of the upgrades will be available only after you've acquired the corresponding upgrade. The rest of the entries are there from the beginning of the game. See the Journal section for transcripts of the entries. ============================= 6.5 Options Tab (Wrench Icon) ============================= The are three selection in the Options Tab: Audio, Controls, Game. Audio allows you to set volumes for Music, Ambient sounds, Sound Effect, and Speech. You can also toggle the Subtitles on or off. Controls allows you to separately toggle inversion for the Player 1 and Player 2 X and Y axes. Vibration can also be toggle on or off. The only setting under Game is a toggle for Autosave. ****************************************************************************** 7. Walkthrough ****************************************************************************** Note on Autosaves: The game will autosave whenever you acquire a new card in a district, it does not autosave immediately after getting a card reward in an arena. However the game will autosave when you return to the district from the arena. Autosaves also happen when you enter district from another district or leave the shop or greenhouse. The game also autosaves when transitions between day and night at a sundial. The game takes places over four districts: Town Center, Wallersey, Grimsley, and Tottington Hall. There are five smaller areas where you'll face timed challenges, called arena. Two of them are in the Town Center: The Back Gardens and the Churchyard. One is in Wallersey: The Allotments. The last two are in Grimsley: The Farm and The Factory. Beside the beginning tutorial, the first transition from day to night, and the finale, the game is fairly non-linear so you do not need to follow the same mission order presented in this guide. It is not necessary to complete all of the mission, just those required to unlock the districts and finale and enough optional ones to meet the card quotas. I'll present missions in this walkthrough to complete the game with a minimum of day/night transitions. In all there will be four days and three nights before the finale which technically is the fourth night. I don't believe that there is a limit on the number of transitions. Please note if you don't complete a character's first mission in a district his/her later mission won't appear until you do. When a character has multiple mission in the same time frame in a district, the latter missions only appear after you left the area for an arena or another district and come back, or have saved, quit, and reloaded the game. ===================================== 7.1 Tutorial (Lady Tottington's Hall) ===================================== -------------------------- 7.1.1 Clear the Front Yard -------------------------- Objective: Clear 25 pests Watch the cut scene of Wallace and Gromits journey to Lady Tottington's Estate. You'll be in control of Gromit. Wallace will ask you to take a look around. It doesn't matter if you rotate the camera or not as he'll immediately as you to talk to Lady Tottington. She's just ahead to the right of Wallace, beside the vehicle. Walk up to Ladd Tottington and talk to her. She'll ask you to clear the lawn of rabbits before Victor resorts to more "traditional" methods. Say Yes to her request. Wallace will now ask you to start the van. Walk up to the van beside you and whistle for Wallace to start it. There are 8 rabbits in the field beside you. Seven of them are small and can just be sucked up with gun and taken to the van. Put each one into the vacuum vortex behind the van. The eight rabbit is a fat rabbit. You'll need to pull back on the left thumbstick while sucking to catch it. After collecting all eight rabbits Wallace will tell you to show off the van's full capabilities. Walk up to the van and whistle for Wallace to change the van's configuration to suck air through the drainage network. Another group of six rabbits appears. Maneuver yourself so that the rabbits are between yourself and the vortex from the hole in the field (or the one on the road behind the van). Slowly walk towards them and they'll get sucked into the vortex when they get to close. The remaining 16 rabbits appear after the previous batch is dealt with. These will be scattered over the field. Wallace will ask you to speak to Lady Tottington again. She'll be standing at the edge of the field beside the van. Walk up to her and talk to her. She'll give you a CARD. ------------------------- 7.1.2 Hall: Tutorial Card ------------------------- Objective: Pick up a card Either before or after talking to Lady Tottington at the end of the previous mission, or at least sometime before the end of the tutorial, head down the road from the back of the van. There's a birdbath to the right past the path leading to the Walled Garden that has a CARD on it. Jump onto the bird bath to get it. ------------------- 7.1.3 Walled Garden ------------------- Objective: Clear 25 Pests, Prevent Prized Pumpkin from being reduced to 0 health. Lady Tottington will have another task for you. She'll ask you to protect the butler's Prize Pumpkin by clearing the pests in the Old Walled Garden. Follow Wallace down the road past the back of the Van and around the corner of the Hall to a gate. He'll tell you the switch for the gate is there. Go up to it and whistle for Wallace to suck to cover open. Use the switch to open the gate. Go to the gate. Wallace will comment that the next gate is blocked by a plank. He'll tell you to jump on the pile of logs to get over the fence. Jump onto the logs. Jump up and grab onto the ledge. Pull yourself up and drop down on the other side beside the pumpkin. Go around the winch trap to gate beside where you dropped down and attack the plank to destroy it, allowing Wallace to enter the Walled Garden. He'll comment that if the pumpkin here gets pulverized you'll have failed. He'll also mention that you need to unblock the Vac-Drain which is under a trolley. Follow the path in the garden around a fence in the center of the garden to the trolley . Use the trolley to activate some suction on the it. Pull it back until the drain pops open. Wallace will tell you to release the nearby traps to suck the capture pests into the drain. The are three traps right beside the drain that can be attack to have the rabbit inside automatically get sucked into the drain. After capturing the first three rabbit. Wallace will ask you to release the trap across the path from the drain. Pull the lever on the trap to release the rabbit inside and herd it into the drain. Next Wallace will ask you to release the trap beside the pumpkin. Go back to where you dropped into the garden to the winch trap. Use the winch and turn it. This releases five rabbits. Herd them as a group along the path to the drain. Wallace suggests the cold frame beside the pumpkin next. Go up to it and whistle for Wallace to suck it open. There are three more rabbits here to herd to the drain. Repeat for the other side of the cold frame. There are three rabbit in this side as well. A group of six rabbits appears after this batch is sucked into the drain, when you go back to the pumpkin. This large group is more of a challenge to herd but don't leave any stragglers to munch on the pumpkin. Circle the pumpkin to get them altogether and herd the group to the drain. Wallace now tells you to fire and paint pot at the weather vane to knock down a rabbit. Suck on a can in the alley between to two shed by the drain. Fire the can at the van beside the shed nearest the drain to knock the rabbit into it. Wallace will ask you to get on the lower of the sheds by wall jumping between them in to the alley where you got the paint can. Wall jumping is simply a matter of jumping at one wall and jumping toward the other when you hit the wall, zig zag up the gap to get to the roof of the shed. Wallace will tell you to shake up the three compost bins below the shed. Whistle for him to airblast one of them. Suck the rabbit when it gets up to the top. Drop down and release the rabbit into the drain. Repeat for the other two compost bins to complete this mission. Wallace will ask you to return to Lady Tottington. Follow Wallace out of the garden and back to the front of the Hall. Lady Tottington is now on the road behind the van. Talk to her to get another CARD. ---------------------- 7.1.4 Ghastly Statues! ---------------------- Objective: Collect 6 statues Lady Tottington will have another favor to ask you. She required the removal of six unsightly statues. Wallace will mention the need for wall jumping. Go to either side of the main door to the Hall in the gap beside the frame. Wall jump between the door frame and the wall in the gaps to get on top of the frame. Walk across the two statues there to pick them up. Drop back down to the ground. Wallace will mention he saw some of the statues in the Walled Garden. Go around the corner towards the walled garden. Before the first gate, double jump up to get the statue from the pillar to the left. Wallace will mention that he'll need to get the next statue as you go through the gate. Now is the first time that you'll be able to switch to Wallace, do so. Double jump to get the statue on the pillar to the right of the path in the area between the gates. Switch back to Gromit and enter the Walled Garden. Head back to the shed with the compost bins. Whistle for Wallace to start sucking on the door with his Bungun while you do the same with yours to open the door to the shed. Go into the shed to get another statue. The last statue is on the high stump beside the shed. Wall jump back up to the top of the shed. Double jump to the stump to get the statue. Wallace will tell you to return to Lady Tottington. Drop down from the stump and return to the front of the Hall. She's still on the road behind the van. Talk to her to get a CARD. ======================== 7.2 Town Center (Day 1) ======================== Wallace will say that its time to go home. Watch the cutscenes. You'll be in the town center standing in from of your house at 62 Wallaby Gardens, the third from the left in a row of 6 yards. If you go to the Map screen in the Pesto-Pal you see that there are several tasks and Wardens to choose from. Some of the Warden have requirements to be met. Make sure to refer to the map often to help you determine where to go to get to a task giver or a warden. While you can go into the greenhouse through the door in the yard behind you, there's no point until you've collected some coins and visited the shop. You start the game on the south side of the Town Center area. The are several subdistricts in the Town Center district, the subdistrict that you're in is simply called Town Center. The other subdistricts are Market Square to the northwest, the Park to the east, the Church to the West, and the Woods to the north. There's also a Sewer area under the Church Section and Growbag's Cave can be found in the northern portion of the Woods near a farmhouse. The entrance to the shop can be found in the Market Square. There are five Wardens in the town center are allow transition to the arenas and other districts. Arena Wardens ------------- The Back Gardens Arena Warden is just south of Market Square. The Churchyard Arena Warden is on the western side on the church area. You'll requires screwdriver from Back Gardens Warden before you can enter this arena. District Wardens ---------------- The Wallersey Warden is to the east on the south side of the church subdistrict. You need 1 card from the Churchyard Warden and one valve from the Back Gardens before you can enter this district. The Grimsley Warden is to the west on the south side on the Church District. To get past the Grimsley Quarantine, you'll need 30 cards and one valve from the Night Allotments. The Tottington Hall Warden is on the east side on the Park subdistrict: To get past the Tottington Hall Quarantine, you'll need 60 cards and one Valve from Both Grimsley Night Arenas. ------------------------------------------- 7.2.1 Mr Growbag: Growbag's Rabbit Problem ------------------------------------------- Objective: Capture 30 pests. Time Limit: 7:58 Mr Growbag is standing in front of the yard to the west when you start the game. Walk up to him and talk to him. He'll complain about the rabbit in the street. Say yes to accept this mission. There are suction drains in your yard and in the street further east. Jump into Mr Growbags yard and herd the four rabbits in the out to the street and into the drain, picking up a fifth one along the way. Return to your yard. Suck the rabbit off the fence between your yard and Mr. Growbag's are fire it into the drain. Herd the two rabbits in you yard into the drain. In the yard to the east of yours suck the rabbit on the fence and herd the other three rabbit here into the drain in the street. Fire the sucked up rabbit into the drain. The rest of the rabbit are trapped. Hit the trunk of the car to the east of your house to release three rabbit and herd them to the drain. Go back into the yard to the east and release a single rabbit from the lever trap and five from the winch trap and herd the lot of them into the drain. As Gromit, double jump and pull yourself up onto the winch trap. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast the compost bin in your yard and suck up the rabbit that pops up. First it into the drain in you yard. Go back into Mr Growbags yard to and suck open the two cold frames. The are four rabbits in each. Hear the lot of them out of the yard and down the street into the drain to complete the mission. Mr. Growbag will give you a CARD automatically after completing the mission. ------------------------------- 7.2.2 Mrs Mulch: Vegetable Pie! ------------------------------- Objective: Collect a Cauliflower, a Turnip, a Zucchini, and a Wild Mushroom and drop them in here basket. Mrs. Mulch is just across the street from the boundary between yours and Mr. Growbag's yards. Walk across the street and talk to her. She'll ask you to collect four vegetables for her. There's no time limit so you can do other stuff while collecting the vegetables. You can suck up a cauliflower in the yard to the east of your. Take it back to Mrs Mulch and drop it in her basket by press the suction trigger/button again. Do the same with the turnip which can be found in the yard to the west of Mr. Growbag's and the wild mushrooms that are in the yard at the east end of the street. You'll need to go a bit further for the zucchini. Go down the street to the west of Mrs Mulch. Follow it north after it shifts a bit to the east until you get to the Market Square after turning west. The zucchini are in a crate beside the stand in opposite corner of the square between the sundial and the phone booth. Suck it up and return with in to Mrs Mulch to complete her recipe. Mrs Mulch will give you a CARD when you return with the ingredient. ----------------------------------- 7.2.3 Mr. Windfall: Clear the Bank ----------------------------------- Objective: Correctly sort 40 vegetables in 3:20 with fewer than 10 mistakes. Mr. Windfall is standing to the north on the road from Mrs. Mulch to the Market Square just where the road shift to the east a bit. Talk to him to and he'll ask you help him move some vegetable that have been store in his bank before they go rotten. Say yes to accept the mission. What your faces with in a series of ramp down with cauliflower and pumpkins are rolling. You can control the angle of the middle to ramps to directly the cauliflower to the left (counterclockwise rotation of the winch) and the pumpkins to the right (clockwise rotation of the winch). Make sure to adjust the angle before the vegetable reaches the last center ramp. Some of the vegetables have already spoiled. You'll see a yellow cloud coming from them. Whistle for Wallace to switch the bottom ramps to a disposable chute when one of them reaches the bottle. Whistle again before a good vegetable goes down the chute. ---------------------------- 7.2.4 Rex Leaching: Race Rex ---------------------------- Objective: Win race to light 10 lamp posts. Head north from Mr. Windfall. Rex Leaching is standing in front of a store called "Swapsie's" in the corner where the road turns west to the Market Square. Talk to Rex and he'll challenge you to a race. Say yes to accept. He'll take a head start on you. Hit the first two lamp in the road leading to the market square. Turn left in the square to hit a third and the fourth by the archway to the south. The first lamp in on the other side on the archway. Turn right towards the Back Garden, and head up to the sixth lamp and hit it. Turn left and go up to the seventh lamp and hit it with a High Swipe (single jump and attack) . Turn right and hit the eighth lamp by the archway leading to the church subdistrict. Don't go through the archway turn right and go down the slope back to the market square. Hit the night lamp in the corner. The tenth lamp is in the corner to your left. If you ran the whole was you should beat Rex on this path and he'll give you his CARD. You'll be back where you talked to Rex regardless of where you finished the race. ----------------------------------------------- 7.2.5 Get the Town Center: What's the Time Card ----------------------------------------------- Head into the Market Square and go to the west side on the clock tower in the center of the square. Double jump and pull yourself up to the top of the phone booth from the slightly elevated sidewalk beside the clock tower. Double jump to the ledge going around the clock tower part way up it. Walk around the ledge on the east side on the clock tower to get a CARD. Drop to the ground after getting the card. -------------------------------------- 7.2.6 Mrs. Hedges: Clear the Town Hall -------------------------------------- Objective: Clear 15 rabbits from the town hall. Time Limit: 6:48 minutes. Mrs. Hedges is standing beside a sign board in front of the Town Hall on the north side on the Market Square. Talk to her and she'll ask you to clear the Town Hall of Rabbit. Say yes to accept the mission. She'll tell you to check the revolving Doors at the Front, the open windows on the balcony and at the back, and the ventilation system. First use the Bungun on the revolving door to release four rabbit. Head them into the drain to the northeast of the town hall in the back alley there. Now get up to the balcony by wall jumping between the town hall and the building to the east. Use the bun van on the two windows here to reveal to rabbit in each. Herd them to the chute on the right side and the drop down and herd them into the drain. Pull the trolley in the alley behind the town hall until its centered on the manhole cover. Jump onto the lower portion of the ventilation system and then jump on top of it. Double jump to the top of the trolley. Use the bun vac on the two open window to reveal two more rabbits in each on. Herd all four on them into the drain. Go to the ventilation system. While for Wallace to turn the winch to reveal the last three rabbit. Herd them into the drain. Mrs Hedges will give you a card when the last rabbit has been cleared. ---------------------------------------------------------- 7.2.7 PC Mackintosh: Speak to PC Mac / Suck up the Posters ---------------------------------------------------------- Objective: Remove 10 Were-Rabbit Posters around town. From the Market Square head east from the north east corner. Turn south and take the first east, where you'll find PC Mac and the bottom of a slope that turn back to the north. Talk to him and he'll ask you to help him with a poster problem. Say yes and he'll ask to the remove the were-rabbit posters around town. The first poster is right behind PC Mac. Suck it up with the Bungun. You'll need to explore the town to find the rest of them. Another poster can be found in the alley to the north of the town hall on the building to the east of the hall. A third poster is inside the sign board in front of the town hall. While for the second character to suck it open while you suck off the poster. The fourth poster in on the west side on the base on the clock tower. The fifth poster is on a building in by some crates in the south east corner of the market square. You'll need to jump on the crate to get it. The sixth poster in on a building on the higher portion of the road called "Benny Hill" heading up from the southwest corner of the Market square on the center door there. The seventh poster is near the Back Gardens Warden on Abbey Road on the wall between the roads leading to West Wallaby St. and when Mr. Leaching's truck has broken down. The eighth poster in on the north side on the Abbey Road. Jump onto the step across from the seventh post and then double jump to the red roof to the east. Jump up to the next roof east and suck the poster off from there. The ninth poster is on top of a building to the southwest of PC Mac. Jump onto the lift and whistle for the other character to use the winch to raise the lift to get to the poster. The tenth poster is above a high platform in the alley to the north of the town hall. Move the trolley so that its centered with the man hole. Jump up to the top to the ventilation system on the town hall. Double jump to the top of the trolley. Double jump to the top of the platform to get to the poster. Once you have removed all ten posters PC Mac will reward you with a CARD. You'll remain where you found the last poster. --------------------------------------- 7.2.8 Get the Town Center: Washing Card --------------------------------------- Objective: Get card that appears after pressing switch in 8 second time limit. Go to the east end off West Wallaby Street where you started off. Go down the alley to the north with runs from the number 1 and 2 tunnels to the park. On the west side on the alley is a glass covered switch. Whistle for the other character to suck it open. While you press the button. You have eight seconds to get to the card that appears at the west end on the north side of the alley heading west from here. Wallace appear to run faster than Gromit so you should switch to him to have a better chance for making it. Don't waste time jumping the caps, just drop to the alley as you angle to the north side of the alley in a beeline for the card. ------------------------------------------ 7.2.9 Mr. Leaching: Mr Leaching Breakdown ------------------------------------------ Objective: Deliver three barrels for Mr. Leaching Time Limit: 2:58 Go the west end of West Wallaby St and go north to Abbey Road. Turn West and South. Turn east and you'll find Mr. Leaching standing beside his broken truck. He'll ask you to help him deliver some barrels. Say yes to start the mission. Hell tell you to deliver one to the newsagent in the Market Square in from of the "Caliche 'n' Carry" shop. Another barrel goes to the pub at the opposite end of Abbey Road from the Back Gardens Warden. The third goes to the Arkwrights on Benny Hill overlooking the southwest corner of Market Square. Jump up onto the back on the truck. Pull the lever three times to release three barrels. Let the first two roll down the hill to Abbey Road, while you pull the third one up the hill to the west past the truck using the bungun suction. Turn to the north onto Benny Hill and pull the barrel up the hill to Mrs Arkwright to deliver it. Go back down the ramp to the south and go east past the truck, turning north to Abbey Road where the first to barrels ended up. Pull one of the to the pub at the east end of Abbey Road to deliver it. Go back to where the barrels came to rest and start pulling the last barrel to the east. Turn north at the pub and pull the barrel to Market Square. Keep going north to the Newsagents in front of the shop to deliver it. Mr Leaching with give you a CARD after you deliver all of the barrels for him. You'll be beside the his trucks afterward. ------------------------------------------ 7.2.10 Revd Hedges: The Vicar's Glasshouse ------------------------------------------ Objective: Clear 35 pests. Protect Cauliflower, Pumpkin, and Marrow in the garden from beating eaten. Time Limit: 4:58. Head through the archway to the west of Mr. Leaching van. Ignore the east manhole entrance to the Sewers for now and go through the gate. Go down the hill to the west past the road south to the Wallersey district Warden and through and gate into the Church subdistrict. Ignore the western Sewer manhole as well. Turn north towards the church from the road leading west to Grimsley. Note the switch on the ground here for future reference. Follow the path north to the vegetable patch and then west to the Reverend Hedges. Talk to the Reverend. Say yes when he requests your services. He'll ask you to remove the pests from his garden. The drain will only up to the east of the reverend and five rabbits will hop out of the bushes just to the east of there. Here them into the drain. Five more rabbits will appear to the northwest of the Reverend and make a beeline for the garden. Go into the garden and herd the to the drain before they can do any damage. Now five squirrels will drop down to the west and head for the garden. Since squirrels down herd together suck them up and fire them to the drain as the garden is in range. Now two fat rabbits will appear in the bushes to the south, while five other rabbit invade the garden. Herd the five in the garden into the drain and then go after the two fat rabbit. Suck them up and real the in and release them into the drain. Now five hedgehog head into the garden. Like the squirrels they won't herd together so suck them up and fire them into the drain. Finally eight rabbit will appear among the graves to the south. If you try to herd them through the grave they may burrow to escape elsewhere on the map so suck the up and release them into the drain. The Reverend Hedges will give you a CARD once you've cleared all of the pests. ------------------------------------ 7.2.11 Get the Church: Entombed Card ------------------------------------ Objective: Open the tomb contain the card by stepping on switches in the right order. The are five switch in the grounds around the church. There is on in each corner and one to the east of the church. When you step on each one you can read a roman numeral on each between 1 and 5. Step on them in ascending order: northeast corner (I), southwest corner (II), southeast corner (III), northwest corner (IV), east of church (V). The lid will slide off the sarcophagus by switch V. Jump into it to get a CARD. ---------------------------------------- 7.2.12 Pip Windfall: Pip's Bullseye Game ---------------------------------------- Objective: Complete Pip's Soccer Target Practice game. Time limit round 1: 28 seconds Time limit round 2: 38 seconds Time limit round 3: 48 seconds Leave the church area and return to the towns center and go to one of the three tunnels to the park area. Tunnel 1 is at the east end of West Wallaby St. Tunnel 2 is at the end on the alley north from tunnel 1. Tunnel 3 is further north you'll need to follow the alleys east from either the northern side of the town hall or the ones north and east from where you met PC Mac for the first time to get to it. You'll find Pip Windfall at the west end of the soccer field on the map between the park side exits from tunnels 2 and 3. Talk to him. Say yes when he asks you to do some football training. Read the instruction at the bottom of the screen on how to kick to ball. The are three rounds to third, one when there are 3 randomly selected circles filled in, a second with five of the circles, and the third with all 7 circles. When lining up the kicks, line up straight for the wall, don't go at and angle or you will need to waste time chasing the ball. Use the low kick for the lower row of circles and the high kick to hit the upper row, you'll need to be a bit close to the wall to hit the middle row with a high kick. Pip will give you a CARD when you complete the training. ---------------------------------------- 7.2.13 Mrs. Windfall: Mrs Windfall's Veg ---------------------------------------- Objective: Clear 40 pests from the hill above Mrs. Windfall. Protect the Prize Cauliflower, Pumpkin, and Marrow from being eaten. Time Limit: 6 minutes. Head to the east end of the soccer fields and follow the rock cliff to the west to Mrs. Windfall at the foot of some stairs. Talk to her and say yes to her request for assistance to begin the mission. Five squirrels will emerge from the tree at the top of the step. Head up the steps and suck up one of them, the rest will likely hide in the tree. Release the squirrel into the nearby drain. Suck up a vegetable and fire it towards the squirrels tree to lure out one of the others. Suck it up are fire it into the drain. Repeat until the five squirrels have been cleared. Now five rabbits will appear near the cauliflower near the drain. Herd them into it. Seven rabbits appear further up the hill. Jump you way up the rocks behind the cauliflower, first to one the left, then one to the right and then to the top of the hill and chase the rabbits from the pumpkin while you whistle for the other character to work the lever near the pumpkin to open a drain up top. You partner will have cause three rabbit to appear on the way up the stairs. Suck one up and herd the other two into the drain here, mind the soft dirt on the east side they can burrow into.. Go down the steps with the last rabbit still in your gun and shoot it into the lower drain. The reason for carry the last rabbit down will become apparent. Two batches of five rabbits will attack the Cauliflower and the Marrow respectively. Quickly here the group by the Cauliflower into the drain and then get the group by the marrow beside the stair up to the higher portion of the hill. Now you'll need to find the last 10 pests. Three of them are on the scaffolding by the Cauliflower. Attack the supports to knock them down and herd them into the drain. Use the Bunguns suction power on the shed beside the cauliflower to release ten squirrels. You may want to have the other character guard the tree so that they can't get up it as you suck them up and shoot them into the drain. The last two rabbit are in crates, one beside the drain and the other near the marrow. Attack each crate and suck up the rabbit and release them into the drain. Mrs Windfall will give you a card when you've rounded up all of the pests. ---------------------------------------- 7.2.14 Get the Park: Hill Climbing Card ---------------------------------------- Time limit: 28 sec West of Mrs. Windfall by the number 1 tunnel back to the Town Center subdistrict is a glass covered switch. Whistle for the other character to suck the cover open while you press the switch. A card will appear in a tree by the Cauliflower in Mrs. Windfalls garden on the hill. Head northeast to some rocks leading up to Mrs. Windfalls Garden from the corner of the soccer field. Jump up the three stone to the lower level on the garden. Jump over the fence by the Cauliflower and jump up the rocks to the field above. Turn around and go onto the rock by the circle. Double jump to the flat portion of the tree to get the CARD. This can be reached in time as Gromit. Drop down from the tree and return to the switch. --------------------------------- 7.2.15 The Back Gardens Day Arena --------------------------------- Objective: Clear 25 pests for 1 card, 50 pests for 2 cards, or all 100 pests for three cards. Protect the vegetables and earn coins based on their remaining health. Only the 25 pest clearance is required to complete the game. Time Limit: 5 minutes Unless you've quit playing for a while and reloaded the game, there won't be any task left that you can reach. (If you did there are three that will be available but I'll cover them after the arena.) Head back through the number one tunnel and go down West Wallaby St. and turn north to get to Abbey Road. Turn west and go to the end. Talk to the Warden and agree to help in the Back Gardens. You'll receive the screwdriver. Before you can start the arena challenge while need that crack the lock. The buttons will be in these appear positions on the controller as you slowly turn the arrow in the center of the display around. Right, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Left, Up 100 Pest Locations ------------------ 8 loose rabbits by the Cauliflower in the first plot to the north 8 loose rabbits in the second plot to the south 8 loose rabbits in the third plot to the north 10 loose rabbits in total between the fourth and fifth plots to the south 13 loose rabbits in total between the last two plot to the north 1 in lever trap by first drain 1 in trap in first plot to south 2 rabbit total in the first two traps in the center path 1 rabbit in the compost bin in the second plot to the north 7 rabbits total in the two cold frames in the second plot to the north. 1 rabbit in the two lever trap in the third plot to the north 6 rabbits in the green house in the third plot to the south 5 rabbits in the winch trap in the third plot to the south 1 rabbit in the trap in the fourth plot to the north 7 rabbits total in the two cold frames in the fourth plot to the south. 1 rabbit on the pole in the fourth plot to the south. 7 rabbits total in the two cold frames in the fifth plot to the north. 1 rabbit in the compost bin in the fifth plot to the north 2 rabbits total in the second set of traps in the center path. 6 rabbits in the greenhouse in the sixth plot to the south. 2 rabbits in the compost bins in sixth plot to the south. 1 rabbit in the lever trap in the sixth plot to the north 1 rabbit in the two lever trap in the seventh plot to the south 100 Pest Strategy ----------------- I've been able to pull this one off in solo mode. The back gardens stretch out to the west with 7 plots to each of the north and south sides. The first drain in to the north of the entrance before the first plot. The second drain in the the fourth plot to the north. The third drain is to the south past the final plot. Get the group of rabbit from the cauliflower in the first plot to the north and break the crate when you get them back to the first drain. Pull the lever on the trap in the first plot to the south and suck up that rabbit and jump the fence to get the group by the pumpkin in the second plot and herd them back to the first drain. Shoot the rabbit in the bungun in to the drain. Break the first two traps in the center and scare the rabbits a little further down the path. Wall jump onto the roof over the compost bin in the second plot to the north. Whistle for Wallace to air blast the rabbit out. Suck open the cold frames and herd them, the rabbit from the bin and the ones in the next plot into the next drain. Get Wallace to help you with the trap in the third plot and suck and fire that rabbit into the drain. Go into the third plot to the south and release the rabbits from the winch trap and the green house. Herd them and the two rabbits from the first two traps in the center into the second drain. Break the trap here and suck and fire that rabbit into the drain. Go into the fifth plot to the south with the onion to scare those rabbit out. If they burrow they'll emerge in the fourth plot to the south by the time Wallace get into place to guard the soft soil. Herd those that don't into the drain. Go into the fourth plot to the south and suck open the cold frames and hit the pole to knock that one down. Herd the lot into the drain. Go into the fifth lot to the north. Jump onto the compost bin and then onto the roof. Whistle for Wallace to Air blast the rabbit out and suck it up. Fire it into the drain when you drop down. Suck open the cold frames here and herd the rabbits into the second drain. Break the last two crates in the center and go into the sixth plot to the south. Suck open the green house and then herd those rabbits and the two from the traps into the third drain. Quick herd the rabbit attacking the Marrow in the final plot (the ones that appear in the second last plot will end up there as well) to the north through the break in the break in the fence and into the drain. There should by enough time to release the rabbits from the last two traps and get the ones from the two compost bins in the sixth plot to the south (fire them into the third drain from the roof). NOTE: After getting at least 25 pests cleared Mme Winnie Bago will have a task for you in the Park Area. Complete any other tasks in the rest of the Town center that you want to before getting too close to her in the park, as you won't be able to leave the park. Any task you don't get to will be wait for you the next day so don't worry about it if it happens. Depending on how many attempts you made you may have a lot of coins to spend in the shop to get your marrow's growing started. Do so now if you want. --------------------------------------------------------- 7.2.16 PC Macintosh: Speak to PC Mac/Suck Up the Posters --------------------------------------------------------- Objective: Remove 10 more Were-Rabbit posters around the Town Center/Market Square subdistricts for PC Mac. PC Mac will be on Abbey Road this this just to the east of the Warden for the Back Gardens. He'll complain about more posters being up. Say yes to his request for help to begin the mission. One poster is right behind him, suck it up with the bungun like the previous posters. The second poster is on the clock tower in the Market Square. Jump onto the top of the phone booth and double jump over to the clock tower. To get to the third poster get on the crates by the building to the south of the clock tower. Double jump up to the red and white awning around the corner and bounce of the awning (Jump as you're hitting it) to get onto the roof where you'll find the poster. Jump from there to the roof where the third poster is to the window sill to the east. Jump to the next sill. Double jump to land on a red and white awning to the north. Bounce off it to get up to another sill when you can suck up the fourth poster. The fifth poster is tucked away on the other side of the water channel northeast of the town hall at the west end. The sixth poster is on the wall around the corner at the end of the street leading north from the number 3 tunnel to the park. The seventh poster is above an awning in the area when PC Mac was for his first mission (south west of the number 3 gates and east of the street from Mrs Mulch to the market square.) The eighth post is over a platform in the area east of the seventh platform. You'll need to wall jump to get to a lower platform, jump up to the platform above it, and then double jump across. The ninth poster in over a platform to the west of the seven post. Double jump on the lift south of it and Whistle for Wallace to use the winch to raise you up. Double jump from the roof to get to the platform so you can get the poster. The last poster is is hidden in a niche on the south side off Pancho Villas, the alley north of West Wallaby St. PC Mac will give you a CARD for removing all of the posters. You'll be wherever you got the last poster. ------------------------------- 7.2.17 The Churchyard Day Arena ------------------------------- Objective: Clear 25 pests for 1 card, 50 pests for 2 cards, or all 100 pests for three cards. Protect the vegetables and earn coins based on their remaining health. Only the 25 pest clearance is required to complete the game. Time Limit: 6 minutes Head to the Church subdistrict. Ignore the Reverend beside the manhole, you don't have the necessary equipment for his next task yet. Go through the gate towards the Church and go up to the Warden in the Southwest corner. You'll need to crack the lock on the gate behind him. The button to press will appear in this sequence Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Up, Right. Say yes to start the mission after cracking the lock. The Warden will give you the auto-brolley to help you out. 100 Pest Locations ------------------ 1 loose Squirrel on Path from main gate 1 loose Squirrel just north of first drain 6 Rabbit in storm door beside first drain 1 Squirrel on lamp post beside first drain. 2 Squirrel in trap boxes just north west for first drain 6 Rabbits in storm doors west of first drain and north of drain below graveyard 1 Squirrel on lamp post beside drain below graveyard. 3 loose rabbits in lower area north of entrance past the spinning wheel. 12 rabbits between the two storms doors in lower area north of entrance past the spinning wheel. 8 rabbits that appear near the pumpkin after the other 15 rabbit in the area north of the entrance have been cleared. 9 Rabbit under boards in corner south of entrance. Jump smash to free them. 10 loose Rabbits in graveyard. 8 loose rabbit in by fenced off crypt in lower area west of the graveyard. 6 loose squirrels by cauliflower down the hill west of the entrance 3 squirrels in winch trap west of cauliflower 2 squirrels in trap northwest of cauliflower 6 rabbits in storm doors north of cauliflower 10 rabbits in building door of cauliflower 3 loose squirrels on roof of building north of cauliflower 2 squirrels stuck in the drains of building north of cauliflower 100 Pest Strategy ----------------- I've pulled this one off as well. There's hot air rise in the northwest corner to the entrance area. Jump over it and use the auto-brolley to float over the wall. Go to the gate and use the winch on the other side to let the other character through. Herd the lone squirrel on the path to the drain into it and release the rabbit from the storm doors in the drain. Herd the other loose squirrel here into the drain and hit the lamp to knock the one on it into the drain. Break the trap nearest the drain. Suck up the squirrel inside and shoot it into the drain. Ignore the other trap for now and head down the path to the north down the hill past the wheel. Step on the easternmost of the two switches and whistle for the other character to step on the other one while you suck open the storm door. A path up to the pumpkin is raised when both switches are pressed. Herd the 15 rabbits into the drain here. The drain will seal and 8 rabbits will appear near the pumpkin. Go up the ramp and herd the down to the square frame with the lever beside it. Pull the lever when the gap in the wheel reach the top to catapult the rabbit through the gap and into a drain. Go back up the hill and break the remaining trap. Suck up the squirrel a shoot it into the drain north of the graveyard. Suck open the storm doors and herd the rabbits into the drain. Hit the lamp post, suck up the squirrel, and shoot it into the drain. Head to the boards in the southeast corner and stand on them. Do a jump smash (double jump and attack) to break the boards releasing the rabbits inside. Herd them into the nearby drain. Go to the gate to the west, on the south end of the graveyard fence. The are two bomb throwing scarecrows to deal with in here before worrying about the pests. Stand back a ways from each one and suck up the bomb when it comes your way. Fire the bomb back to dispatch with the scarecrow. Once both scarecrows are dealt with herd the rabbits that are attacking the leek down the winding path in the graveyard to the large square stone with the lever beside it. Don't let the rabbits get two close to the graves or they'll burrow back to the leek. Whistle for the other character to pull the lever revealing a drain. Herd the rabbits into the drain. If one rabbit burrowed back to the leek suck it up before going to the gap in the fence on the west side of the graveyard. Double jump and use the autobrolley to glide down to the enclosed crypt, ideally landing in the narrow part on the enclosure on the south side of the crypt. Herd the rabbits to the front of the enclosure and pull to lever so you can finish herding them into the drain. If you have a rabbit from the graveyard in your bungun shoot it into the drain as well. Head north to the Cauliflower. Try to herd three or four of the six squirrel through the opening to the west and into the drain. Suck up the rest and shoot them into the drain. Open the winch trap to the west of this drain and herd the three squirrels into it. Break the two traps north of the drain. You'll be herding these squirrels east on another drain near another scarecrow. Run past the drain and suck up a bomb to finish of the threat this scarecrow poses. Suck open the storm doors to release some rabbits and then whistle for the other character to help you suck open the door to the building to release more rabbits. Herd the lot into the drain. Pull the lever on the west side of the building to reveal some hot air. As Gromit jump over it and use the autobrolley to get on the roof. Scare the three squirrel down the east end of the roof and then whistle for Wallace to air blast the squirrel out of the drains on the east and west sides of the building, while you suck them up and shoot them towards the drain. Drop down and round up the squirrel you scared down into the drain to finish clearing the Churchyard. NOTE: It should also be possible to leave the pests past the wheel to last. ------------------------------ 7.2.18 Revd Hedges: Holy Water ------------------------------ Objective: Retrieve 3 bottle of Holy Water from the Sewer for the Reverend. Time Limit: 4:58 Leave the Churchyard and go to Reverend Hedge by the Sewer Entrance Manhole by the gate toward the Town Center. Talk to him and say yes to his request to retrieve his Holy Water to begin the mission. Wallace will be attacking alone here. Suck up the Gnome missile launcher to the left of the entrance. Go ahead down the sewers to the south jumping over the pipe. Jump onto the platform to the east and shoot the gnome on the other side. Keep going south to a junction and onto some crates and then up to a platform where you can kill another gnome. NOTE: These gnomes will be gone in repeat attempts. These a raised portion with a pipe in the sewer stream here. Drop down onto it and Air Blast the pipe to dislodge one of the bottle of Holy Water onto a platform on the other side. Jump back up the crates and then to the platform where you destroyed the second gnome. Double jump and use the autobrolly to get across the sewage stream to the platform when the Holy Water ended up. Suck up the Bottle of Holy Water. Drop down and get one of the round platform in the center of the sewer just north or west of the junction. Fire the bottle into the vortex at the junction to return it to the Reverend. There's a lever on the east side of the vortex. Pull it to open a panel on the ledge above. Run south and get onto a platform with steam rising from it. Jump up two platforms to the north and then jump and use the autobrolley as necessary to reach the moving platform. Jump and use the autobrolley to get to the platform where the panel open. Suck up the bottle before the panel closes. Drop down to the sewer and get on one of the round platform to fire the bottle back to the Reverend. Go south down the sewer. There's a trolley with the last bottle on it on the west side. Attach the bungun to the trolley and pull it north until the bottle gets knocked off by an overhead pipe. Suck up the bottle and get on one of the round platforms. Fire the bottle back to the Reverend. The Reverend with give you a CARD for returning the Holy Water. --------------------------------------- 7.2.19 Get the Church: Look Below Card --------------------------------------- Objective: Get card the appears further down the sewers after pressing a glass covered button. Time limit: 28 sec. Go through the two gates to the east and enter the other manhole to go back into the Sewers. The sewer go north from where you are. There will be a glass covered switch at this end on the west side. Whistle for the other character to suck it out while you press it. You'll need to do a dry run without pressing the switch to clear out the gnomes first. Get on the platform north of the switch and run across the pipes to the other side. Double jump up to the platform with the acid drip. Double jump across a gap to the north. Run past the piston as it retracts. Suck up the gnome missile launcher if this is the dry run. Run across the pipes to the other side of the sewer. Double jump and glide to get to the moving platform. Shoot the gnome if this is the dry run. Jump to the platform where the jump was when the moving platform reaches it. Jump and use the autobrolley to get to platform past the sloped pipes. Shoot the gnome that's on the platform where the card will appear if this in the dry run. (Head back to the switch if this is the dry run). Double jump and use the autobrolley to get to the platform with the CARD. After the getting the card the easier way to get out of the sewer is to drop down and continue on along the sewers. Destroy some board blocking your path. Turn left at the junction and go up the ladder at the end to go up the western manhole. ---------------------------------------- 7.2.20 Get the Church: Off the Wall Card ---------------------------------------- Objective: Get the card from the high window sill between the two gates between the Church and the Town Center Jump on the back on the truck on the road leading south to Wallersey. Jump on it you'll start bouncing. Time a jump to spring higher and use the autobrolley to glide around the corner to the north to get the CARD from the window sill. ------------------------------------------ 7.2.21 Get the Town Center: Press Me Card ------------------------------------------ Objective: Get card from window sill after pressing switch. Time Limit: 18 sec Head through the gates and arch back to the town center. Take Benny Hill north toward the Market Square and go up the ramp to when you deliver the barrel to the Arkwrights. Go up to the glass covered switch here and whistle for the other character to suck open the case while you press the button. A card will appear on a window sill on a building southeast of the Town Hall. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get to the red and while awning to the east. Bounce off it onto the roof. Go to the east end of the roof. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get to the other red and white awning to the east. Bounce off it up to a sill to the north. Double jump to the next sill and jump to the on with the CARD. ---------------------------------------------- 7.2.22 PC Mackintosh: The Long Arm of the Law ---------------------------------------------- Object: Retrieve 70 pages from PC Mac's notebook. Time Limit: 3:58 PC Mac will be at the west end of West Wallaby St. this time. Talk to him. This time he's lost the pages from his notebook. Say yes to accept the mission. What you need to do here is follow the trail of note pages. Only four of them will be visible at a time. You'll be force to use the bunny hopper to do this mission. Move east the first one and go into the yard to get the next. Bounce up to get another in this yard and go into the next yard each for the next note. Go back into the street to get a string of note to the east, bouncing and smashing to the get higher ones at the end of the string. Go into the yard to get the next one and head east through the yards and over the purple card to get some more. Go out into the street via the sidewalk past the purple car and go over the greenish car. The trail curves to the northern side of the street. Bounce and smash to get some high ones. You count should be at 25 before you turn north into the alley by tunnel 1. Get the notes from the ledge as it turns left. Bounce and smash to get across a gap to get a higher note. Do the same when you get to the next longer gap. Bounce and smash across the street to the other ledge to get another higher note. The note at the corner to the right should be 39. Go around another corner to the right. Jump and smash to get a high note to the north to the ledge on the other side. You'll need to smash twice to get enough height and be moving towards the note to get it. Keep going north around the corner and get on the crate. You should be at 47 now. Bounce and smash twice moving east off the second smash to get a high note and get on the awning. Drop to the ground and go through the alley to the east. Jump and smash to get onto the platform. Bounce up to the higher platform around the corner and follow it east. You're count should be 58. Bounce south from the end to get some notes on the way down. Bounce onto the southern ledge and head east again and around a corner to the north. Bounce to get the higher not before some crates. This should be 65. There should be plenty of time left of get the three low cards over the crates and to bounce and smash up to get the high cards. PC Mac will give you a card for retrieving his notes. ---------------------------------------------- 7.2.23 Pip Windfall: Pip's Football Challenge ---------------------------------------------- Objective: Score three goals in a row against Pip from outside the penalty area. Time: 28 second per goal. The only thing left to do, since you can't reach where Mr Caliche is yet is to head over to the park. If you get to close to Mme Winnie Bago you won't be able to leave the park area or take Pip challenge. Pip is in the western Goal area of the soccer field. Walk up to him and talk to him. Accept his challenge. The rules are to dribble the soccer ball around the pylon without knocking them over and then score a goal without enter the penalty area, which is the larger rectangle around the goal. You need to do this three times in a row. The trick to scoring is to slalom through the four pylons with the ball. When the motion slow down head toward one side of the goal. When you a few steps before the arc before the penalty area shift to the other side and kick the ball. Pip won't be expecting you to change direction and will jump for the side you were originally heading for. This works all three times. Pip will give you a CARD after you score the three goals. ------------------------------------- 7.2.24 Mme Winnie Bago: Winnie's Van ------------------------------------- Objective: Fix Winnie's Van with the screwdriver to learn how to change from day to night. When you've done all you can or want to head for Madame Winnie Bago in the southeast portion of the Park. Watch the cutscene as you approach. You won't be able to leave the park or do any tasks after this until you complete the Night Tutorial missions. Switch to Wallace and go up to the front of the Van and use the screwdriver on it. The sequence the buttons appear in will be: Right, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Down You'll get a CARD for fixing Winnie's Van. Watch the cutscene where she teaches you how to use the sundial to change the time of day. Walk to the sundial by the Van and use it. Say yes to switching to night. ------------------------- 7.3 Night 1 (Town Center) ------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 7.3.1 Convince the Wardens to Left You Past ------------------------------------------- Objective: Dance well enough to get past the wardens. Watch the cutscene. Press some buttons as Wallace drives to the checkpoint, it doesn't matter which one. The Warden will challenge you. You'll enter a minigame when circles representing the buttons to present are falling down four column. Press the appropriate button just as the falling circle reaches the circle at the bottom. Get through the sequence making fewer that 12 mistakes to get past the warden. The order the circles appear in will be in this orientation on the controller: down, left, left, left, down, left, left, down, up, up, down, down, left, left, up, up, right, right, down, down, left, down, down, right, down, down, left, down, right, down, right, left, right, left, down, down, left, left, up, up, right, right. Press a couple of buttons (or not) on the short trip to the second warden. Play the minigame again successfully to get past him. You must make fewer than 4 mistakes this time. This time the order is: down, left, left, down, left, left, down, up, up, up, up, down, down, left, left, up, up, right, right, down, down, left, down, down, right, down, down, left, down, right, down, right, left, right, left, down, down, left, left, up, up, right, right. NOTE: If you botch the dance enough time the Warden will let you through anyway. Watch the cutscene. --------------------------- 7.3.2 Chase the Were-Rabbit --------------------------- Objective: Chase the Were-Rabbit through the town center back to West Wallaby Street on a bunny hopper. You'll on the bunny hopper in the street on the south side of the church subdistrict. The were-rabbit bounds to the east and stops before a gate. Bounce after it. The were-rabbit will leap over the gate and pause a bit further on. You need to get over the gate as well, but the barbed wire on top will burst the bunny hopper. Fortunately there's a small platform on the left that you can bounce onto first and then smash over the gatehouse. Head down the center on the other side of the gate to avoid the sharp obstacles that will deflate the bunny hopper if you hit this. The were-rabbit will bound ahead and climb over the next gate. Avoid more sharp obstacles, including one in the center. Go over the gate by jumping on the crate and then smashing over the gatehouse. Go through the archway and the were-rabbit will head along Benny Hill. Follow it to avoid the sharp objects blocking the main road to the east. The were- rabbit will leap down to the right. Follow the were-rabbit down. Keep left to avoid the sharp obstacle as you head towards it. The were-rabbit will turn the corner to the south towards West Wallaby Street. Turn south and avoid the sharp obstacle. Turn east onto West Wallaby Street and head towards your yard where the were-rabbit is waiting. Keep to the center to avoid the sharp obstacles. When you get to your house a lengthy series of cutscenes will play. You'll get a CARD afterwards. ------------------------ 7.3.3 Disable the Device ------------------------ Objective: Destroy the Were-Device on the hill on the hill on the east side of the park. Mme Winnie Bago will brief you and Hutch, the rabbit that receive some of Wallaces personality is the mind transfer accident, on the Were Devices. Shield ask you to destroy the one up the hill on the east side of the park to receive off of the Mind-o-matic valve that Victor stole from it. Head up the stairs to the north of Winnie. There are a lot of were-weasel scattered over the hill. Double and triple combos are the best way to deal with them. Get the little balls of light, were-energy that they drop when you kill them. It take about 8 kills to fill on the energy bar for one of your characters but you won't be needing that many. The device is by the Cauliflower. After killing a few of the were-weasel, unleash some of your accumulated energy at it to bring down the shield. Once the shield is down you can safely walk up to it a few time to destroy it and recover the valve piece in it. You'll need to kill the were-weasel behind it when you walk up to it as they'll attack. Winnie will ask you to speak to here. Go back down the stairs and talk to here. She'll give you a CARD. -------------------------------- 7.3.4 Rex Leaching: Protect Rex -------------------------------- Objective: Defeat several waves of were-creatures before that can reduce Rex's health to 0. Rex is standing in the center circle in the soccer field. Go up to him and talk to him. Say yes when he asks for help to start the mission The first batch consists of were-weasels and gnomes bearing shovels. Double and triples combos work well against all of them. Try not to stray to far from Rex. The second wave contains were-weasels and a were-chicken. Deal with the weasels as before. Try jumping over the chicken and hitting it with combos from behind were its more vulnerable. There are three were-weasels in the third wave. Deal with them as before. Two were-chicken and a gnome attack in the final wave. Hit the chickens from from behind again and use a double combo on the gnome. Rex will give you a CARD after you defeat all of the enemies. ------------------------------------------------ 7.3.5 Mrs. Windfall: Vegetable Show Arrangement ------------------------------------------------ Objective: Escort Mrs. Windfall safely past several waves of were-creatures. Go through the number 1 tunnel to West Wallaby Street. Mrs. Windfall will be standing beside the first house on the north side of the side. Talk to her and say yes to her request for an escort to the church to begin the mission. Deal with the gnome with the launcher in the yard to the south, ideally from a distance with were-energy so you can keep up to Mrs Windfall, and then deal with the three were-weasel will be attacking Mrs. Windfall. Defeat them with combos. Deal with another batch of were-weasels that come out of an alley behind Mrs Windfall on her journey west, and then deal with the gnome in another yard to the south, again with were-energy. More were-weasels attack from the western-most yard as Mrs. Windfall reaches the corner. Defeat them with combos. More were-weasels will be waiting on Abbey Road where Mrs. Windfall turns west. Another batch is near the Back Gardens where she'll turn south. Defeat those and keep up with Mrs. Windfall. As Mrs. Windfall rounds the corner to the west towards the archway a Gnome will appear on a platform to the north. Attack the supports on the platform to knock the Gnome to the ground and then attack the Gnome a couple of times to destroy it. Two more were-weasels will attack as Mrs. Windfall reaches the archway. Defeat them and follow Mrs Windfall through the archway and the first gate. Two were-weasels and two were-chickens will attack between the two gates. Deal with the were-weasels first and then jump over the chickens as they approach and hit them from behind. Mrs. Windfall will continue through the gate and turn into the church grounds. Were-rats will attack in here. They go down quickly to combos but you may want to use were-energy because of there ranged attacks. Several of them will attack as Mrs. Windfall take the path toward the Churchyard Arena. Two were-chicken will appear on the step that lead to the Arena. Get behind them and attack them from the rear. Mrs. Windfall with turn north at the bottom of the stairs and reach the Reverend at the Church without further incident. She'll give you a CARD for escorting her safely. -------------------------------------------- 7.3.6 Revd Hedges: See the Vicar After Dark -------------------------------------------- Objective: Kill 10 Were-Rats for Reverend Hedges Time Limit: 2:59 While you're here you can talk to Reverend Hedge. Say yes to his request for help with some rats to begin the mission. The are two coffins to the west of the Church door. Hit them both to discover a were-rat in one of them. Hit it with a combo. Head north along the west side of the church, two were-rats will jump out and attack. Kill them will combos, your partner will likely kill on off them for you. Loop around the north side of the chucks and attack the support on the platform to the east to knock down a were rat. Kill it will a combo. Break open the two coffins along the north wall on the way to the garden to reveal another were-rat. Use a combo on it as well. Hit the coffin in the grave yard south of the garden to reveal the sixth were- rat. Use a combo to kill it. Four more coffin are to the east of it, the seventh were-rat is in one of them, kill it with a combo as well. Go north to the wall east of the garden and hit the support on the platform to knock down two were-rats. Destroy them both with combos. Head west from the southernmost of the four coffin at hit the two coffins in the second set of graves to reveal the last were-rat. Hit it will a combo. The Reverend will reward you with a card once your disposed of all 10 were- rats. ----------------------------------- 7.3.7 Mr. Windfall: Guard the Bank ----------------------------------- Objective: Protect Mr. Windfall from several waves of were-creatures. Time limit: 4:59 Hedge over to West Wallaby St and turn north by Mrs. Mulch's place on the alley that leads the northeast corner of Market Square. Take the second alley east to the area where you first met PC Mac. Mr. Windfall will be standing on the south side. Talk to Mr. Windfall. He'll ask for you'll help to protect the competition trophy. Say yes to accept the mission. A group of were-rats will attack first. Combos work well on them. More rats will appear as us kill the last one without a cut scene pause. Once that batch of were-rats is dealt with another group of were-rats will appear in a cutscene, along with a were-chicken. Deal with the were-rats first as their ranged attack can hurt Mr. Windfall. The were-rats will be reinforced with more after dealing with the initial batch. Get behind the were-chicken and uses combos on it, if you partner hasn't already dealt with it. The third cutscene is a large ground of were-rats and were-chicken, which will reinforced themselves for a while. You'll need to deal with the initial rats and then go after whatever gets closest. Mr. Windfall will give you a CARD after the third wave is dispatched. ------------------------------ 7.3.8 Back Gardens Night Arena ------------------------------ Objective: Destroy up to 3 Were-Devices to earn an equal number of cards and valves. Only one device needs to be destroyed to complete the mission. Money will be earned for killing were-creature. Time Limit: 4:59 Unless you quit for a while and reloads after dealing with Reverend Hedges previous quest the only thing avail now is the Back Garden. Go to the Warden and Talk to him. Say yes to his request to begin the mission. The warden will ask you to destroy three strange devices. NOTE: You're were-energy is drained at the beginning of this mission. You'll need to kill creatures to build it up to take down the shields on the devices. Deal with the Were-Weasels in the first plot to the north using combos. Go into the first yard to the some and break the crate. Two more Were-Weasels will appear for you to dispose of. Jump over the fence into the second plot to the south. Another were-weasel to dispose of will appear there. Head over to the second plot to the north. Deal with the were-weasels that pop out of the cold frames and the two that run in from the third plot. Unleash the were-energy that you've built up at the device in the third plot to the north from a safe distance. When the shield drops run up to it and hit it a few times to destroy it. Suck up one of the bombs that the scarecrow in the fourth plot is throwing at you and fire it back at him. Go to the third plot to the south to deal with some were-weasels and break a crate with another. Go back to the fourth plot to the north and deal with the were-weasels that pop out and the one in the crate. Ignore the were-rat on the building, its not worth going after it. Go across to the fourth plot to the south and deal with the were-rats that pop out of the cold-frame. Afterward suck up a bomb from the scarecrow in the fifth plot and fire it back to him. Go to the entrance to the fifth plot to the north and fire were-energy at the device to bring down the shield. Run up to it and hit it a few time to destroy the device. Deal with the were-weasels that appear. Deal with the were-rat is the center and the were-weasels in the sixth plot to the south, including one in the crate. Unleash were-energy on the final device in the seventh plot to the south and run up to it and destroy it, ending the mission. If you look at the payout you'll notice that Were-weasels are worth 1 coin, Were-rats and worth 5 coins. ----------------------------------------- 7.3.9 Chase the Were-Rabbit to Wallersey ----------------------------------------- Objective: Chase the Were-Rabbit through the Town Center to Wallersey while protecting any prize vegetables it might decide to snack on. The Were-Rabbit will bound down Abbey Road as you leave the Back Garden. He'll turn the corner towards Market Square. When you get the to corner he'll bound further into the Square. Three were- rats will attack as you approach the were-rabbit. Dispose of them with combos as the were-rabbit bounds into the alley to the east. Follow the Were-Rabbit as the alley loops to the south. Jump over the were- chicken on the way and hit it with combos from behind. Keep going south and the Were-Rabbit will bound to the east end of Pancho Villas. Follow it and deal with the Were-Chicken in the niche to the south. Approach the Were-Rabbit and it will bound up the stairs to the south onto West Wallaby Street. Follow it up the stairs and turn west toward when the Were-Rabbit is waiting beside the greenish car. Approach it and it will jump to the pumpkin in the yard by the car. Unleash short bursts of were-energy at the were-rabbit until it gives up on the pumpkin. Deal with some of the weasels and were-chickens that have appeared while you were doing this as the rabbit bounds west. Go through the yard toward the were-rabbit and it will jump to another pumpkin. Again use were-energy (or just whack away at it) until it gives up on its snack. Deal with any of the remaining Were-Weasels and Were-Chicken that appeared while you were attacking it. Head northwest towards the were-rabbit at the end of the street. It will bound north to Abbey Road and on into Wallersey. You'll receive a CARD once it does. --------------------------- 7.3.10 Get the Bolt Cutters --------------------------- Objective: Get the Bolt Cutters from the Wallersey Warden. No card reward for this. You'll be north of the entrance to Wallersey. Walk up to the Warden and talk to him. Say yes to his inquiry. He'll give you the bolt cutters. You can now cut padlocks like the ones on the gate to Wallersey, the one on the nighttime churchyard arena, and the one blocking the path to to the woods. Before you head into Wallersey lets deal with the remain task, explore the woods although there's no tasks at night for the moment, and take care of the night arena in the churchyard. ----------------------------------------------- 7.3.11 Revd Hedges: A Blight on the Town Square ----------------------------------------------- Objective: Destroy three were-bee hives and the were-bees for Reverend Hedges Time Limit: 2:59 Head over to the Market Square. Reverend Hedges will be in the southwest corner at the bottom of Benny Hill. Talk to him. He'll complain about a bee infestation. Say yes to his request to begin this mission. Head up Benny Hill and turn around when you get to the ramp on the right. The first beehive is by the glass covered switch almost directly above the Reverend. Gromit is the right height to just walk up to the hive and attack it a few times to destroy it. Try to dodge the were-bee when they make their attack runs and hit them a single time when they're down. Drop to the ground using the autobrolley to avoid getting stunned. Head north of the Reverend. Suck up one of the paint cans. Double jump onto the blue and white stripe booth. Turn towards the beehive on the Clock Tower and fire the can at it. Be prepared to be hit by the bee. You'll need to fire three cans at the hive to destroy it. Kill the bee afterwards when its stunned or by firing a can at it. Go onto the steps of the Town Hall after sucking up a paint can. Fire the can at the hive on the building to the east. Again you'll need to hit the hive with a can three times to destroy it. Either use jumping attacks on the two bees to hit them in the air, fire a can at them, or hit them when they're stunned from an attack run to deal with them. The Reverend will give you a CARD once the were-bees are gone. ----------------------- 7.3.12 Unlock the Woods ----------------------- Objective: Open the padlock to the Woods subdistrict. No card reward. Head through the arch in the northwest corner of the Market Square. There's a padlock on the gate to the north at the west end. Have Hutch use the Bolt Cutters on it. You'll need to alternate pressing the button in the right and down positions to build up the meter and make the final cut with the button in the left position. ---------------------------------- 7.3.13 Get the Woods: Buried Card ---------------------------------- Objective: Uncover a card buried under a pile of leaves. Head though the gate into the Woods subdistrict and turn east. Turn north at a sundial and go across the stone bridge and down the path. The path turns northeast towards a raised drawbridge. Jump into the river to the left of the drawbridge. Go through the tunnel to the northwest and jump out of the river on the right bank on the other side of the tunnel. Suck up the two piles of leaves here to real a CARD which you can now pick up. ---------------------------------------------- 7.3.14 Get the Woods: Follow the Canal Card ---------------------------------------------- Objective: Follow a string of ledges to get to a CARD in a cave on the other side of the canal from the Buried Card. Swim back to the drawbridge and jump out on the stairs on the southern bank. Jump onto the round island and jump across to the other side. Turn the winch on the drawbridge so that the other character can cross. Head northwest down the path to a fork. Follow the left fork until you get to a house (the right fork lead here eventually as well pass another farmhouse). Head northwest of the house between a tree and the chicken coops. There's a ledge to the left of the cave entrance here. Jump onto it. Double jump and pull up to the higher ledge to the west. Head south and jump up to a higher ledge. Double jump across the gap. Jump up two more higher ledges. You'll notice a card in a card just ahead. Jump and use the auto-brolley to glide down to get the CARD. ----------------------------------------- 7.3.15 Get the Woods: Electrifying Card ----------------------------------------- Objective: Retrieve the Card from a ledge in Growbag's cave in the Woods. Jump into the canal and swim back to the drawbridge and jump out on the stairs on the southern bank. Cross the lowered drawbridge and follow the path back to the farmhouse and head to the cave. (Or just switch to the other character who should still be beside the cave). Enter the cave. A path of railway ties lead to a large blue machine. To other paths are to you left, one leading south and the other west. Take the western path. Jump up two ledges and the end and turn right. Jump up three more ledges. Double jump across a gap. Jump up two more ledges to get the CARD. --------------------------------------- 7.3.16 Get the Woods: On a Ledge Card --------------------------------------- Objective: Retrieve Card after leaving Growbag's Cave by the southern path Drop back to the floor of the cavern and go around to the front of the machine. Take the path to the south this time. Wall jump at the end of the path and double jump across to the middle ledge leading up to the path to the other exit from the cave. Jump up to the path and follow it outside. Take a step forward to get the CARD on the ledge outside. ------------------------------ 7.3.17 Churchyard Night Arena ------------------------------ Objective: Destroy up to 3 Were-Devices to earn an equal number of cards and valves. Only one device needs to be destroyed to complete the mission. Money will be earned for killing were-creature. Time limit: 5:59 Drop down from the ledge to the ground on the side of the drawbridge nearest the town center. Unless you've stopped playing and reloads since opening up the woods there's nothing else to do here so make you're way over to the Churchyard. Have Hutch use the bolt cutters on the padlock. You'll need to repeated press the button in the right position to raise the meter. Make the final cut with the button in the left position. Say yes to the warden's question to begin the mission. Head through the gates to the west. There's a Giant Were-weasel there. You'll need to use several combos on it, pause between theme to avoid its attacks. Go west along the patch and dispatch the two were-weasels that hop out of the storm doors with combos. Turn north and jump over the approaching Were-Chicken and hit it will combos from behind. Go down the hill to the north where there are several were-chickens and were- weasels to dispose off. During the fight, if you stand on the left switch, the weasels will likely trigger the other raising a ramp, allowing access to two were-rats by the pumpkin, use combos to dispose of them, it will help if you can get the high ground. There's a padlock on the door past the pumpkin. Have Hutch use the bolt cutters on it. You'll need to alternate pressing the buttons in the up and left positions to fill the meter. Make the final cut with the button in the down position. Dispose to the were-weasels behind the door and then unleash were-energy at the first device there. When the shield falls go up to it and destroy it. Head back to the entrance and turn west at the storm doors. Two more were- weasels will pop out of the next set of storm doors. Dispose of them and continue down the hill. Use were-energy to destroy the beehive and dispose of the were-bees afterwards when they stun themselves attacks. Deal with the approaching were-chicken with combos from behind and deal with the were-weasels that pop out of the storm doors. Have Hutch use the screw driver on the panel to the right of the door on the building. The button to press will appear in these positions as you slowly rotate the thumbstick: Right, Left, Up, Down, Right, Down, Up, Right Two were-weasels will pop out of the building. Dispose of them and unleash were-energy on the device inside. When the shield fall go up to the device and hit it a few times to destroy it. Go back up the hill and head for the southeast corner. Air blast the box from the north side to release a bomb. Suck up the bomb and release in to the wooden covering to destroy it. Go down the ramp that was under the covering. You may be presses for time at this point, so you may want to ignore the were-weasels around the corner to the left and the were-rats below. Run of the ledge and use the autobrolly over the intermittent hot air. Float to the next hot air the left and land the small platform beside it. Turn left and wait for the hot air to start. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get across the hot air to the next platform. Turn right and wait for the first hot air to turn on. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get across the two hot airs to another small platform. Double jump across to the platform where the device sits in the distance. The platform that you land on will fall away. So quickly head for the solid area past it. Evade the enemies here, while you unleash were-energy on the device. Hit the device a few time to destroy it, ending the mission. ------------------------------------- 7.3.18 Jasmander: Where's Jasmander? ------------------------------------- Objective: Protect Jasmander from several waves of were-creature as you walk her home. You should notice that two missions have appeared in the Woods by the farm house. Make you way back there. The drawbridge along the way will be raised again so you'll need to use the winch again. Jasmander will be stand by the door of the farmhouse. Talk to her and she'll ask you to escort her home. Say yes to begin the mission. Follow Jasmander south along the path from the farmhouse past the fork before the drawbridge. Note that the drawbridge has been raised again. Deal with the two were-rats that appear when you get to the drawbridge using two and three hit combos and then run back to deal with the two were-chickens that have approached from behind. Get behind the were-chickens to deal with them. Turn the winch to lower the drawbridge so that Jasmander can proceed. Go along the path leading to the Town Center. You'll be abused by were-slugs when you get to the sundial at the town gate. They fall to a single hit. Go through the gate area a.k.a "Camp Walk" to the Market Square. Turn left when you get to the northwest corner of the square. You'll be attacks by several were-weasels and two were-badgers. The were-weasels can be dealt with using combos. For the were-badgers, either unleash were-energy at them or suck up something and fire it at them three or four times as melee attack will be blocked. Jasmander will turn south at the next corner. Five were-hedgehogs will attack her in the alley leading to Abbey Road. The only effective way to deal with were-hedgehogs is to use jump smashes (double jump and attack) to knock them on their backs and then another jump smash to finish them off. After dealing with the hedgehogs, Jasmander will run into Abbey Road and turn towards West Wallaby Street. A final were-badger will attack as Jasmander pause outside of her home. Unleash were-energy at it or suck up some vegetable from the first yard to fire at it. Jasmander will give you a CARD after the last were-creature is dealt with. ------------------------------- 7.3.19 Mr. Growbag: Power Cut! ------------------------------- Objective: Kill the were-creature that have broken Mr. Growbag's generator and get it started again. Time Limit: 3:59 Go back to the farmhouse. The drawbridge on the way will be raised again so you will need to lower it again. Mr. Growbag will be standing by the rain barrel at the northwest corner of the house. Talk to him and he'll ask you to fix his generator. Say yes to accept the mission. You'll be taken into Growbag's Cave. Kill the two were-weasels and the were- chicken on the ground with combos, attacking the were-chicken from behind. Jump up onto the blue generator at kill the were-weasel there. There are three winches on each side of the generate. Whistle for you partner to turn each winch some you can use the bungun to start the fans turning. Make sure to max out the gauge on the first fan so the light will remain green long enough to get the other two fan on the same side going. When all three fans on one side have green lights the electrode on that side will be charged. Repeat for the other side. Jump up to the top of the generator. There are two square switches by the guard on top that can be worked like bellows. Jump back and forth between the two switches. Whistle for your partner to pull that lever on top of the machine one you have the gauge maxed to restart the generator. Mr. Growbag will give you a card for restarting the generator. ---------------------- 7.3.20 Go to Wallersey ---------------------- Objective: Go into the Wallersey District. No card reward. There's currently nothing left to do at night in the Town Center District. So head back through the woods and the Market Square. Go up Benny Hill and go through the archway at the first gate. Turn south on the road between the gates, a.k.a. "Letsby Avenue" and approach the Wallersey gate. Have Hutch use the bolt cutters on the gate's padlock. Repeated press the button in the right position to build up the meter and make the final cut with the button in the left position. Say yes to the Warden inquiry to move into the Wallersey District ======================= 7.4 Night 1 (Wallersey) ======================= When you first enter Wallersey you'll be in the northern portion of district just south of the Town Center Warden. The are three main subdistricts to Wallersey. The northern subdistrict is Upper Town, a.k.a Top of Town. South of that you'll find the Lower Town. The southernmost area is the Seafront. You can also ride one to the boats in the Seafront Harbor to a Steamer ship. A subsection of the Lower Town subdistrict is the Nursery to the east. The shop can be access to the east of the entrance to the Seafront, when leaving the shop you have the option of visit the Greenhouse. Note: Returning to town from the Greenhouse will take you to the Seafront. There are three wardens in Wallersey that all you to move into two districts and an arena. Arena Warden ------------ The Allotments Warden is in the southwest of the Lower Town, in the tunnels that lead to the Seafront subdistrict. You won't be able to get into this arena at night until you've received a card there during the day. District Wardens ---------------- The Town Center Warden is in the center at the northern part of the Upper Town Subdistrict. You can talk to this warden anytime to return to the Town Center The Grimsley Warden is a bit to the west of the Town Center Warden in the Upper Town Subdistrict. You'll need to have acquired least 30 cards, including one from the Allotments Nighttime arena in order to get into Grimsley. (Grimsley is also accessible from the town center through the tunnel in the southwest corner of the Church subdistrict with the same requirements.) ------------------------------------------- 7.4.1 Get the Top of Town: After Dark Card ------------------------------------------- Objective: Pick up a card that only appears at night in the dead end east of the Town Center Warden. Head south from where you entered Wallersey and turn east at the junction. Go up to the switch and stand on it to open the gate ahead of you. Whistle for your partner to go through the gate and stand on the other switch so you can get through the gate as well. Turn south is this cul-de-sac. Near the south end are three gnomes that will attack you. Dispose of them with combos. Get the CARD that is on the ground ahead. Note: This card only appears at night. ------------------------------------ 7.4.2 Harriet Mulch: Hide and Sneak ------------------------------------ Objective: Trail the their to when he's hidden Harriet's stolen seed without being seen or falling to far behind. Head back out of the cul-de-sac as neither Gromit or Hutch can jump high enough to reach the other two cards here. Stand on the switch to open the gate and whistle for the other character to stand on the other switch so you can get through again. Head west past the street leading to the Town Center. Were-chicken will pop out of a door near the next junction and can be dealt will be attacking them with combos from behind. The are also two gnomes in the vicinity to deal with using combos. Ignore the Grimsley Warden to the north and the path leading down to the Lower Town Subdistrict to the south. Instead loop around back to the east. The street will curves south at an alley as the way east continues into an alley. You'll find Harriet Mulch here. Speak to her. She'll request your assistance in recovering some stolen seeds. Say yes to begin the mission. Hutch will be tackling this stealth mission alone. The thief will come out of a door to the east and will head down the alley to the east. NOTE: When trailing the thief come to a dead stop whenever the thief does, ideally behind some cover, to avoid being seen. Slowly follow the thief eastward. Keep right so you can move up a little more quickly when you can use the barrels for cover. Wait for the thief to get to the bottom of the stair before emerging from the barrels. Follow the thief as he heads into the tunnel. When he disappears around the corner, run up to the corner and come to a stop behind a barrel there. Let the thief move further down this tunnel before sneaking up to the next barrel to the right. The thief will go around another corner to the right. Run up to the corner and stop behind a barrel. Wait for the thief to move close another barrel to the southwest and make you're way towards it. Hug the wall to the right to avoid detection. Go up to the barrel as the thief cuts around the boat. Follow him after he turns the corner to the next side. Use the boat for cover until he moves to near the other end of the boat. Turn the corner using a couple of niches to the right for cover if necessary. Wait for the thief to pass the barrel and start heading towards the barrel, using it for cover. There's a platform ahead to the right that you can use for cover as the thief approaches a tunnel to the west. Run up to the tunnel west the thief turns to the south. Stop before you enter it as there's no cover inside. Wait for the thief to turn the next corner and run up to it. You'll notice the thief slide a panel open. Go up to the thief to catch him in the act. He'll offer a deal to return the seeds in exchange for you not telling PC Mac. You'll recover the seeds regardless of the choice. Harriet will give you a CARD for returning her seeds. You'll be returned to her after the mission. ------------------------------------------------- 7.4.3 Get the Top of Town: Working Together Card ------------------------------------------------- Objective: Get a card hidden behind a panel on the ledge over the second east- west street from the north of Wallersey. Go up the stairs across the street and a bit west from Harriet. Go along the ledge to the east. Jump on top of the turnstile beside the text reading "Churchill Fireworks". Whistle for the other character to use the bungun to spin the turnstile to create an updraft. Jump up and use the autobrolley to rise up to the ledge above. Pull the lever a bit to the west to open up a panel further west. Get the CARD inside the panel. Jump and use the autobrolley to float back down to the corner. --------------------------------------------- 7.4.4 Get the Lower Town: Off the Wall Card --------------------------------------------- Objective: Get a card floating in the air just outside the nursery. Head east into the alley. You may be attacked by a were-rat here, kill it with combos. Go down the stairs to the east into the Lower Town Go through the archway to the east. Turn south and go up the stairs to the right. In the small yard at the top do a wall jump, leading with a double jump, off the east wall to reach a card floating in the air. -------------------------------------------------- 7.4.5 Get the Lower Town: Search the Nursery Card -------------------------------------------------- Objective: Get a card hidden behind a panel in the nursery. Drop down from the small yard and continue east into the nursery. Follow the walkway to the south side of the main garden in the nursery all the way east. Turn north and go into the small shack in the northeast corner of the nursery. Whistle for the other character to pull the one of the levers, while you pull the other. This needs to be done at night as Wallace is too big to get into the shed. This opens a panel at the east end of the main nursery area containing a card. Go back along the walkway to the open panel and retrieve the card. ----------------------- 7.4.6 Leave the Nursery ----------------------- Objective: Destroy 30 Were-Slugs to get out of the Nursery. No card reward. An alarm goes off after retrieving the previous card. Were-Slugs start swarming into the nursery. They are easily dispatch with a single hit, so all that's necessary is to run around the nursery to kill 30 of them. The gates to the nursery will open after filling the quota. ------------------------------------------ 7.4.7 Get the Lower Town: Boatyard Card ------------------------------------------ Objective: Get the card floating in the air on the west side of the boatyard. Go back through the alley into the Lower Town. Go into the tunnel to the south of the fountain here. Make a right turn in the alley and go through it, turning right again at the other end. You'll be in a boat yard area. Go left heading west past the boat. To the right, north of an archway there are some barrels. Jump onto the barrels and start wall jumping up to a CARD. ------------------------------------------- 7.4.8 Get the Lower Town: On the Cliff Card ------------------------------------------- Objective: Get card that's sitting on a ledge on the west side on the lower town. If you care to fight a couple of gnomes, you have hutch cut off the padlock on the panel by the boat. Alternate pressing the buttons in the right and down positions to build up the meter and make the final with the button in the up position. The panel will pop up and the gnomes will come out. Head out the archway by the tunnel by where you walljumped to get the previous card. Turn left in the tunnel. Go by the tunnel heading east to the Seafront subdistrict, instead turning th corner to the southwest. Turn right at the next corner. This take you to the closed Allotments gate. The Warden's not here yet so turn right again. Kill the gnome it this area. Note Reverend Hedges is behind the red van to the north here. Ignore him for now and go up the winding ramp to the west of the reverend. Jump up the platform on the west side at the top of the stairs and go up the slope. Turn back to the south and go along the ledge over the area you jump climbed. A short distance onward, jump onto the wall to the east and drop down using the autobrolley to land on ledge with a CARD. ---------------------------------------------- 7.4.9 Get the Lower Town: Leap of Faith Card ---------------------------------------------- Objective: Get the card sitting on the roof on the east side of the westernmost area of the lower town. Jump and use the autobrolley to get back to the slope. Go back along the ledge just jumped from and follow it all the way south this time. Turn northeast at the gap near the end and step out onto the roof. Jump and use the autobrolley to glide across to the roof on the other side of the area. Land on the roof and get the CARD there. -------------------------------- 7.4.10 Revd Hedges: Heaven Above -------------------------------- Objective: Escort the Reverend safely past several waves of were-creatures. Jump off the roof top and float down to the Reverend. Talk to him and say yes to his request for an escort to Town to start the mission. Follow the reverend to the west. Run up to the were-rat that appear on the ramp ahead and deal with them with combos. There's a panel on the wall here, use the Bungun to suck a vegetable from it. Turn up the next ramp and shoot the were-rat the appear it the window with the vegetable. Suck up the vegetable again, or get another one and shoot the were-rat that appear in the alcove on the wall on the other side as you go up the next ramp to the west. Head north from the top of the ramp to the area with the prize leek. Were- slugs will attack, but they can be kill with a single hit each. A few more were-slugs and some gnomes will attack after the first batch of slugs is dealt with, the gnomes fall quickly to combos. A were-badger joins the were-slugs and gnomes in the final wave in this area, unleash were-energy at it to deal with it, or find something to suck up to shoot at it. The reverend will approach the lift here, but there's no way to raise the lift from here. You'll need to jump up the three ledges to the west side of this area and go up the slope. Double jump to the platform to the east at the top of the slope and double jump to the ledge on the other side. Go to one of the two levers and pull it while you whistle for the other character to pull the other lever. This will raise the lift with the Reverend on it. You'll be beset by several gnomes, were-rats, and were-chickens. Deal with the lot using combos, ideally hitting the were-chickens from behind. Double jump over to the ledge to the west that you crossed earlier. Whistle for you partner to pull to lever before the gap. Turn the winch on the platform to raise a walkway for the Reverend. Don't let go of the winch until the Reverend is safely across. Double jump after the Reverend as the walkway falls down. Go around the corner ahead to deal with the were-rats on their way down a slope. Go up the slope to dispose of two gnomes and then two were-chickens that appear. Three were-rat will show up as you fight the were-chickens, deal with them as well. The rest of the trip to the road leading to the Town Center goes without incident. The Reverend give you a CARD when you arrive. ---------------------------------- 7.4.11 Rob Blight: Open the Harbor ---------------------------------- Objective: Retrieve 12 gaskets around the harbor area for Rob Blight. Head south from the town center gate and turn west. Head down the slope to the southwest at the next junction. Turn left and the bottom of the slope. When you get to the sundial start heading down and to the south to an archway leading into a tunnel. Go into the tunnel and turn left. Go around a bend to the left and then take the first right into the Seafront Subdistrict. You'll find Rob Blight in this tunnel in front of the closed gate to the Harbor area. Talk to him. Say yes to him request to retrieve his engine gaskets to begin the mission. Rob will let you into the harbor area and close the gates behind you. Go along the dock to the south of the gate to get the first gasket. Deal with the were-chicken that attacks here by hitting it will combos from behind. Keep going south along this wooden dock and deal with another were-chicken. Get the second gasket on the brick pier at the end of the dock. Turn left and deal with a couple of rocket launching gnomes. Jump on the row boats in the center to get the third gasket. Go further along this pier and get the fourth gasket on the divider in the center while you dispose of two gnomes that break out of the crates here. Get the first gasket ahead to the left side of the pier. Jump and hit the wheel here to dump to gnome into the water and deal with the Were-Weasel with a combo. You'll be at a junction in the pier. Go right down the dead end and deal with the gnome guarding the sixth gasket. Return to the junction and turn towards the lighthouse. Deal with the three Were-Weasels and get the seventh gasket from the end of the pier. Return to the junction again. Take the remaining path along a wooden dock to the northeast. Deal with two gnomes guarding the eight gasket in the middle of the dock. Keep going along the wooden dock and deal with the rocket launching gnome at the end of the dock by the museum. Deal with the were-chicken and the were- weasels here. Turn left and go along the storefronts. Get the ninth gasket after a short distance. Keep going past the shop and harbor gate, dealing with some gnomes and were- weasels at the end of the brick pier near where you found the second gasket. Get the tenth gasket on the stairs just past here. Go back down the pier and head down a ramp to the water. Jump onto the boat to the right and double jump and use the autobrolley to reach a boat where the eleventh gasket can be found. You may need to just to get this one. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get back to the previous boat. Jump up the stair and go across the pier. You'll see the final gasket on the middle of the three boats their. Jump and use the autobrolley to glide down to it. Rob Blight will give you a CARD after retrieving all 12 gaskets. The harbor gate will be open now. --------------------------------- 7.4.12 Miss Blight: Whack-a-Mole --------------------------------- Objective: Hit 90 points worth of moles Time Limit: 0:59 Head right from the harbor entrance and talk to Miss Blight, who is standing in front of the "Grand Pavilion". Say yes to her offer to play a game. Whack-a-mole is the only choice available. The points awarded vary according to the color of the mole hit. Red = 1 point Blue = 5 points Orange = 10 points Try to get the moles in this order. Some red moles that aren't listed are ignored. Don't pause the game or the moles that are out will retract. [5] Hit the blue mole at the top of the center circle. [1] Hit the red mole to the left of the center circle. [1] Hit the red mole to the right of the center circle. [1] Hit the red mole on the right side. [5] Hit the blue mole at the top of the center circle. [5] Hit the blue mole in the lower left. [5] Hit the blue mole in the lower right [1] Hit one or both of the red moles in the center circle. [10] Hit the blue moles in the lower right and left. [5] Hit the blue mole in the center circle. [5] Hit the blue mole on the left side. [10] Hit the orange mole at the top [5] Hit the blue mole on the right side [1] Hit the red mole on the right side [10] Hit the orange mole at the top. Hit the red moles in the center if there's time. [5] Hit the blue mole in the center. There won't be time to get the other two. [5] Hit the blue mole on the left side. There won't be time to get to the one on the right. [10] Hit the orange mole at the top [5] Hit the blue mole in the center [5] Hit the blue mole to the right Miss Blight will give you a CARD for getting at least 90 point. You can play this game again after you get the card but there won't be any further reward. ----------------------------------------------------- 7.4.13 Get the Seafront: Bunny Hopper Challenge Card ----------------------------------------------------- Objective: Destroy 34 dotted crates. Time limit: 1:18 Continue going south from the Grand Pavilion past a store with tables in front of it. You'll see a poster on the wall reading Bunny Hopper Challenge. Examine the poster and answer yes to the question to begin the challenge. Bounce ahead on the pier in front of you and smash the first two crates before two gnomes. Don't waste time killing the gnomes, just ignore them. Try to move by bouncing and smashing, its faster that moving by the default hops. There are four more crates arranged in a square to the left a short ways ahead, smash those as well. Go further ahead to smash five crates arranges in an X. If you do it right you can get the one in the center at the same time as one of the others. Bounce over the barrels and smash the two crates on the other side, ideally in the same smash. Smash the crate to the left of the rowboat and then the one to the right before continuing down the pier. There are two squares of four crate each further along, on opposite sides of a divider. Smash the ones in the square to the right first and then the square to the left, ideally two crates at a time. Further along the divides are two crates on either side, smash the one on the left followed by the one on the right. At the end of the dividers at tow more crate, smash the on the right followed by the one on the left. Go along the left side of the pier and turn left. Smash the crate at the beginning of the wooden dock. Go further along the dock to smash another lone crate followed by a pair of crates that can be destroy at the same time.. There will be another single crate further down the pier and the final two which can be smashed together at the far end. You'll be rewarded with a CARD when you smash all of the crates within the time limit. ----------------------------------------------- 7.4.14 Get the Seafront: Visit the Museum Card ----------------------------------------------- Objective: Get the card from the top of the museum entrance. Go the other way along the storefront front the challenge posted, back past the harbor entrance all the way to the statue in from of the Museum. Attach you bungun to the statue with suction and pull the statue a short distance revealing a hot air updraft. Detach you bungun from the statue. Jump above the updraft and use the autobrolley to float up. --------------------------------------- 7.4.15 Rob Blight: Ahoy Land-Lubbers! --------------------------------------- Objective: Kill all of the were-creatures and establish electrical barriers arrow the prize marrow and onion. Drop back to the walkway in front of the harbor storefronts. Head back toward the harbor entrance. Drop to a lower portion of the pier to the left when you get to it and jump on the boat. Use this boat to get to the Steamer. Rob Blight is standing on the dock below the steamer. The only thing that you can do here at night is talk to him. Say yes to his request to help with the were-creatures overrunning the ship. You'll be taken onto the ship. Drop down to the west of Rob. Kill two pairs of were-rats with combos near where you drop down. You make need to go through the gap in the grating to trigger the first pair and head back towards Rob to trigger the second. As Gromit go through the gap in the grating. Go west to a barrier. Whistle for Hutch to turn the winch to let you through. Go west to another barrier. Whistle for Hutch to turn the winch on this on as well allowing you to go further. Stand on the drain cover and whistle for Hutch to use an Air Blast. You'll be blasted up to the next level. Pull the lever here to power up one side of an electrical panel at the west end of the boat. Jump down and deal with the were-rats that jump out of a porthole at the corner. Turn north and pull a lever release a gnome and a were-rat that can both be dealt with using combos. Continue north and turn east. Four were- rats will pop out when you approach a drain cover, dispose of them. Stand on the drain cover as Gromit and whistle for Hutch to Air Blast you up. Use the autobrolley when you reach the highest point of your trajectory and float south to a lever. Before you pull the lever, switch to Hutch and move him closer to the prize marrow to the west, keeping an eye on Gromit to make sure the he doesn't jump down. Switch back to Gromit and pull the lever to activate the other side of the electric panel. Switch to Hutch to defend the marrow from two were-rats that appear beside it. Go to one of the switches on the electric panel and whistle for the other character to pull the other while you pull the one you're at. This erects at electric barrier around the marrow. Unfortunately several enemies are trapped with it. First deal with the four were-rats that appear beside the marrow. Let the two gnomes approach and deal with them when they get closer to the marrow. Defend the marrow against two more were-rats that drop down beside it. Kill any remaining gnomes. As Gromit move onto the square platform. Whistle for Hutch to use an Airblast catapulting you forward. Use the autobrolley to float to the upper deck ahead. Jump onto the railing on the north side of the deck. Jump and use the autobrolley to get around the pile of crates and barrels. Move Gromit by the door ahead and switch to Hutch. Head around the electrical barrier to the west and jump up the pile of barrels and crates to get back inside the barrier. Get on the square panel and use an airblast. Use the autobrolley to float to the upper deck as you get catapulted. Jump onto the railing on the north side of the deck. autobrolley to get around the pile of crates and barrels. This triggers the release of some were-creature inside the cabin with the prize onion. Run down to the yellow switch past the door. Use the screwdriver on it. The buttons to press will appear in these positions: Right, Down, Left, Right, Up, Left, Right, Down Quickly run into the cabin and clear the enemies around the onion. The may be were-rats, were-slugs and gnomes here. The enemies will keep coming until you erect a barrier around the onion. Fire were-energy and the electric panel at the west end of the cabin to charge in up. Once the green lights are on you can use the panel to erect a barrier around the onion. Kill any remain enemies in the cabin. Rob will give you a CARD when you're finished and take you back to shore. There's nothing left to do at the moment is Wallersey so let's head back to the Town Center where there's one more mission that can be done tonight. ----------------------------------- 7.5 Night 1 (Town Center Revisited) ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 7.5.1 Mrs. Mulch: Search the Forest by Night --------------------------------------------- Objective: Escort Mrs Mulch home past several waves of were-creature. Make you're way from the Wallersey gate to the Woods via Benny Hill, Market Square, and Camp Walk. Go along the path and cross the river. Lower the drawbridge again. Mrs. Mulch will be a short ways along the left fork. Talk to Mrs. Mulch. Say yes to her request for an escort home to start the mission. Deal with the two were-chickens that approach you at the fork. Get behind them and hit them with combos. Run ahead of Mrs Mulch to deal with a were-rat at the bridge. Go back behind her to deal with another were-rat. Use the winch to lower the drawbridge. Shoot down the were-bees that get to close to Mrs Mulch with were-energy. Try to keep pace with her. Two were-chicken will come out of the town gates. Jump over them and hit them from behind with combos. Keep pace with Mrs Mulch along Camp Walk. Shoot down the gnome on the booth with were-energy and deal with the three coming from Benny Hill with combos. Mrs Mulch heads south across Market Square and turns east at the southwest corner. She then heads south toward Abbey Road. Where three gnomes will attack her. Use combos on them and run ahead around the corner to unleash were energy on the gnome with the missile launcher before Mrs Mulch becomes a target. Use combos on the three gnomes that come out of the first yard to the south on West Wallaby St. Follow Mrs. Mulch to the east down the street to her home without further incident. She'll give you a CARD for your troubles. -------------------- 7.5.2 Go on to Day 2 -------------------- Objective: Switch to Daytime. No card reward. There's nothing else remaining that you can do this evening. Find Sundial, the one in the gateway leading to the Woods will be ideal for the next days tasks. ======================== 7.6 Day 2 (Town Center) ======================== ---------------------------- 7.6.1 Mr. Caliche: Fowl Play ---------------------------- Objective: Return 6 of Mr. Growbag's chicken to their coop for Mr. Caliche. Head north from the entrance to the wood to the drawbridge. Again you'll need to jump across the river via the round island in the center and lower the drawbridge using the winch on the other side. Keep head towards the north, taking the left fork, to the farmhouse. You'll find Mr. Caliche standing between the farmhouse and the chicken coop. Talk to him. Say yes to his request to return the chicken that he accidentally released. The first chick is in the yard between Mr. Caliche and the cave. Suck it up with the bungun, you'll need to pull back on the control stick like you did with the fat rabbits to capture it. Walk up the plank to the chicken coop. You'll need to fire twice to get the chicken in the coop, the first shot to fire an egg to open the door, the second to fire the chicken inside. The second chick is in the small garden south of the farmhouse. Suck it up like the first one and return it to the coop. Go along the trail to the east of the farmhouse, turning south closed gate to Tottington Hall. There will by a larger open first to the west a short ways south. Hit the trap in the field to release a chicken. Suck it up and return it to the coop. Return along the path to the field. There are winch trap to the east of the path. Open it to release the fourth chicken. Suck it up and return it to the coop. Return to the winch trap and head south. Jump on the east end of the fence that you come to. Double jump up to the grassy ledge to the east. The first chick is in this area. Suck it up and return it to the coop. This time head back to the drawbridge and make sure that its down. Jump in the river and swim west through the tunnel. Jump onto the north bank. Suck up the final chicken here. Swim back down the river and get out on the stairs to the south by the drawbridge. Cross the drawbridge and return the chicken to the coop. Mr. Caliche will give you a card after returning all six chickens. ---------------------------------- 7.6.2 Mr. Growbag: Clear the Woods ---------------------------------- Objective: Clear 18 pests from the woods Time Limit: 3:59 From the farmhouse take the path east and turn south at the closed gate to Tottington Hall. Continue south to a fence and drop down to the path past it. Go southeast to the other building in the woods where you'll find Mr. Growbag. Talk to him. Say yes to his request to round up the pests in the forest to start the mission. There are some rabbits by the canal when you current are, more by the farmhouse, and some squirrels by the oak tree in the field between the canal and the oak tree where the drain is. Herd the 6 rabbits in the area when you are to the north of the building and west to the pipe. Whistle for you partner to block off a rabbit hole in the distance. Herd the rabbits up the pipe, past you partner and into the drain in the field by the oak tree. The are five squirrel in the clear around the oak tree. Suck them up one at a time and fire them into the drain. You make need to hit a trap if one or more of them get caught. If any are up in the tree suck up a mushroom at fire it near the tree to lure the squirrel out. Head north and then west to the farmhouse. Suck up the first rabbit on the path. Herd the two outside the chicken coop area into the coop are while you whistle for you partner to block off the hole. Here the other four rabbit in the coop area with the other two and herd them out. Go along the north and east side of the house. Then herd the lot east through the closed gate and south to the field with the oak tree. Herd them into the drain and fire the one you sucked up into the drain. Mr. Growbag will give you a CARD for clearing all 18 pests. ----------------------------------------------- 7.6.3 Get the Town Center: A Festive Tree Card ----------------------------------------------- Objective: Get the card on the other side of the wooden fence at the west end of West Wallaby Street. Head west from the building to get to the fork north of the drawbridge. Make your way south to the town gates. Go through Camp Walk, Market Squares. Take Abbey Road in the southeast corner of the square and turn south onto West Wallaby Street. The Bunny Hopper should be in front of your house. Jump on it and hop over to the wooden fence at the west end of the street. Bounce and smash to get over the fence and get the CARD from the other side. Bounce and smash to get back out afterwards and get off the hopper. NOTE: You could have jumped over the lower end of the spiked fence earlier, but its a lot trickier to pull of then this. ----------------------- 7.6.4 Head to Wallersey ----------------------- Objective: Go to Wallersey during the day. No card reward. Head west along West Wallaby Street and turn north toward Abbey Road. Go west and south. Turn west again and go through the archway. Go through the gate and turn south. Talk to the Wallersey Warden and say yes to reenter Wallersey. ---------------------- 7.7 Day 2 (Wallersey) ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- 7.7.1 Get the Top of Town: Clear the Rabbits Card -------------------------------------------------- Objective: Round up 25 pests in the Upper Town of Wallersey There are some rabbits in the street south of the Town Center Warden. Suck up the one on the car and herd the other four into the drain south of the car. Turn east and herd the rabbit on this street back to the drain. Get on the switch on the street east of the drain and whistle for the other character to get through the gate to the switch on the other side. Go through the gate while your partner holds it open. Have Wallace use an Air Blast on the pipe in the south east corner of this cul-de-sac. Round up the 14 rabbits that are on the ground in the cul-de-sac and herd them into the drain. You'll need to destroy some gnomes to the north. If any of the remain 5 drop down from the walkways above this area round them up as well. If you're really patient you can wait for all five to drop, but it's faster to go up and them. As Wallace jump up on the hedge in the northwest corner. Double jump up and grab the walkway to the south. Suck up the rock and fire it at the raised walkway to the north. Jump to the lowered walkway. Suck up the rabbit to the north. (Now is a good time to get the card from 7.7.2) Jump and use the autobrolley to float to the platform in the northeast corner. Double jump to the ledge over to the ledge south of here (getting the card from 7.7.3). Jump and use the autobrolley to float south to the southeastern portion of the walkway. Fire the rabbit toward the drain. Kill the gnome and suck up and fire the rabbits here to the drain. Suck an vegetable out of the panel here. Fire it at the raised walkway to the west. Jump across to the walkway and suck up the rabbit if its still here and fire it towards the drain. Suck up the rock here and fire it at the raised walkway to lower it. Drop down to the ground and round up any rabbits that missed the drain and herd them into it. You'll get a CARD for -------------------------------------------- 7.7.2 Get the Top of Town: On a Ledge Card -------------------------------------------- Objective: Get a card from the northern end walkway above the cul-de-sac east of the Town Center Warden. While you're clearing the rabbit from the Walkways in 7.7.1 get this CARD from the northern end after knocking down the walkway. ------------------------------------------ 7.7.3 Get the Top of Town: Swinging Card ------------------------------------------ Objective: Get a card on a platform over the east side of the cul-de-sac east of the Town Center Warden. Jump from the walkway just south of the card in 7.7.2 and use the autobrolley to float to the platform in the northeast corner. Double jump to the ledge over to the ledge south of here to get the CARD. ---------------------------------------- 7.7.4 Mr Dibber: Bunny Hopper Ornaments ---------------------------------------- Objective: Recover Mr. Dibbers 100 Ornaments while on a Bunny Hopper. Time Limit: 3:28 Leave the cul-de-sac by standing on the switch and whistling for the other character to stand on the one on the other side of the gate. Go west, past the junction to the Town Center to the next junction where you'll be attacked by two gnomes. Dispose of them with combos. Take the u-turn back to the east down the slope. Go into the alley to the east at the next turn. Mr. Dibber is on the north side near the eastern end of the alley. Talk to him and say yes to his request to recover the ornaments to that have been stolen from him. This begins the mission. This is a lot like PC Mac's mission to recover his notes, only the course is more challenging and there isn't as much time to spare. Only four of the ornaments are visible at a time with a new one appearing every time you get one. Head east from Mr Dibber to the first ornament. Bounce and smash to get onto the crates to get the next ornament. Bounce on to the ledge to the east to get another. Bounce and smash from the end of the ledge to get to the next ledge to the ledge to get another ornament. Do the same to get to the next two ledges getting more ornaments. Bounce and smash to get to the ledge to the right over the tunnel to get another ornament. Bounce down to the ledge past it to get another ornament. Bounce up the crates and ledge going west to get more ornaments. You should have 12 ornaments now. Drop down to the west and get the two ornament before the crates. Bounce onto the crates to get another and turn to the tunnel to the south. Get the ornament at the tunnel entrance and bounces and smash to get the next one thats higher up. Continue into the tunnel get another ornament at the corner. This should be the 18th. Turn left and bounce and smash up to get the next few ornament. Turn right into the ship yard. Get the ornament at the shipyard entrance, bounce and smash to get a high one and turn left. Get the ornament between the first two stacks and bounce and smash to the top of the second stack to get an ornament there. Bounce and smash to the top of the third stack to get another ornament. This should be the 28th. Turn right and drop down to the ground to get another Bounce up onto the platform behind the boat to get two more ornament. Turn towards the boat. Bounce and smash to the platform beside the boat and bounce along it to get more ornament. Bounce and smash to get to the metal platform to the right. Drop to the platform beside it and bounce along it to get more ornaments. You should now have 38. Head west and bounce and smash up to the platform to get an ornament there. Bounce past the drain getting more ornaments. Bounce and smash to get a high ornament in the turn. Turn left to get another. Bounce and smash to get a height ornament at the turn. Turn right to get another ornament. Bounce at smash to get the ornament at the end next corner. Turn right to get two more on the approach to the allotments. Turn right to get out into the open. Get the ornament on the ground at then bounce and smash to get the next one in the air. Get the next one on the ground and bounce and smash to get the one in the air and the next on the van. Get the one on the walkway past the van. This should be the 55th. Turn left and head towards the ramp. Bounce and smash your way up the ramps getting more ornaments. Follow the curved path getting more ornament and bounce and smash to get a high one. Turn back to the west and bounce up the ledged going up the wall by the prize leek, bouncing and smashing to get the higher ornaments. Get the ornaments on the slope. You should now have 72. Turn left and follow the ornaments around the corner to the right. Go up the slope getting ornaments. You should have 79 at the top of the slope. Follow the trail of ornaments to a giant leek. Bounce and smash to get the high one past it. Get the ornament on the platform past it and drop down to the right to get to more. You should have 90 now. Go across the street and get the 3 ornaments from the ledges. Drop down to get another below and one behind the car. Jump and smash up to the platform beside the car get the 96th ornament. Bounce and smash to the platform to the north to get two more. Turn the corner to the east to get the last two ornaments. Mr. Dibber will give you a card for returning his ornaments. He'll tell you that he's returning to his shop. --------------------------------- 7.7.5 Mr. Dibber: Crockery Smash --------------------------------- Objective: Smash all 48 of Mr. Dibbers pots. Time limit: 1:19 Head east down the slope. Jump over the railing to the south and go up to Mr. Dibber at his shop. This won't be on the map yet but you can talk to him and say yes to his request to dispose of his excess inventory to start this mission now. Destroy the six pots surround you first. Now out the supports on the platform to the west to destroy two more. Go counterclockwise around the perimeter from here. Jump and smash the one on the ledge. Do the same with the ledge around the corner. Suck and bomb out of the panel and fire in at the pots to its left dropping the ledge above, ideally destroying all 6 pots. Destroy the three pots on the ground in the corner. Jump and smash the one on the ledge above them. Knock over the stands and the supports under two platforms to get three more pots. Destroy the pot on the ground here. Destroy the tree pots under the shelf past here which topple four more above it. Get the ones in the shelves in the corner, jump to get the higher one. Knock out the support on the platform destroying two more pots. Suck a bomb out of the panel at fire at the pot above it. Knock out the support on the platform in the next corner. Destroy the pots on the ground here. Destroy the four pots in the lower shelf around the corner. Jump onto the shelve to destroy the last four. Mr. Dibber will give you a card the first time you do this. You can play this game again but there's no further reward. Don't believe the sign here, there aren't any coins to be won. ----------------------------------- 7.7.6 Mr. Crock: Save the Nursery ----------------------------------- Objective: Clear all the pests threatening the two prize leeks in the nursery. Leave Mr. Dibber's shop by the stairs to the east. Turn west at the top and head past the fountain and through the tunnel into the nursery. Mr. Crock will be standing in Front of the giant leek here. Speak to him and say yes to his request to clear up some pests to begin this mission. A hatch will open to the south of the nearest leek and 6 rabbits will pop out. Hit the hatch and whistle for Wallace to secure the hatch. Herd the rabbit towards the drain on the north side. Now the hatch to the north of the leek pops open letting out more rabbits. Hit is shut and whistle for Wallace to secure it. Round up the 6 rabbits into the drain that opens on the south side. Now two hatches to the west will pop out and gnomes will start streaming out of them. Knock the southern one closes and whistle for Wallace to secure it while you deal with the gnomes. Destroy the first batch of gnomes for the other hatch and then knock it closed after a second bunch pops out. Whistle for Wallace to secure the hatch while you deal with the gnomes. Two more hatches pop out on the walls to the north and south of the eastern leek and several rabbits will pop out. Run up to the north hatch. Jump and hit it closed. Whistle for Wallace to secure it while you scare the rabbits away from the leek. Do the same with the other side. The rabbits should get sucked into the drains beside the hatches. Head east to where one of two hatches has popped open releasing gnomes. Hit it shut while defending against the gnomes and whistle for Wallace to secure it. Go over the to other side and do the same with a hatch there that had opened at the same time. Now the hatch between the previous two pops open. Hit it shut and whistle for Wallace to secure it while you chase down the gnome with the launcher. Mr. Crock while give you a CARD after all the hatches have been secured at the last pest dealt with. ---------------------------- 7.7.7 Mr Crock: Veg Sorter ---------------------------- Objective: Correctly sort 60 points worth of good and rotten vegetable within the time limit. Time Limit: 1:25 Go to the east side on the nursery where Mr. Crock will have another mission for you. Talk to his and say yes to his request to begin the mission. You'll be standing on a slope that vegetables are rolling down. You'll get 2 point for each pumpkin that you suck up at fire into the alleys on either side. If you suck up a rotten one it will be destroyed when you fire it getting you one point. Just keep sucking up pumpkins and firing them at the far side or dropping them into the nearest side. You should meet the quota without problem. Mr. Crock will give you a CARD when you make the quota. --------------------------------------- 7.7.8 Get the Lower Town: Rabbits Card --------------------------------------- Objective: Clear 18 rabbits from the shipyard area of the lower town. Leave the nursery to the west and turn south at the fountain. Go through the tunnel there. Destroy the two gnomes that will attack you. Turn right at the end of the tunnel towards the ship yard. Head down the hill to the left. There are three loose rabbit here to herd into one of the drains. Destroy the gnomes here while you're at it. Get onto the platform over the padlocked door to the northwest of the boot by bouncing of the small boat to the west of it or going around the street and drop to it from above. Herd the three loose rabbit there into on to the drain. The crate that you can attack and destroy here contains a gnome. There are three crates to the north of the western drain. Destroy them to release two rabbits and a gnome. Destroy the gnomes and herd the two rabbits into a drain. The remain crate that can be destroy with a melee attack by the other drain contains a gnome. Go to the platform to the east of the boat and destroy the gnome there. Jump on the hopper and use it to smash the crate with a dot there releasing a rabbit. Go up the street and drop to the platform northwest of the boat and smash the crate with a dot there with you're bunny hopper to release a fat rabbit. Drop to the south on the platform at smash the to crates there to release two more rabbits. Head south and smash the crate there to release another rabbit. Destroy the two crates on this side on the eastern drain to release a rabbit and a gnome. Smash the two crates on the opposite side of the drain to release two more rabbits. Get off the bunny hopper and herd the 8 rabbits you just released into the drains. Switch to Wallace and have him use the bolt cutters on the padlock northwest of the boat. Alternate pressing the buttons in the right and down positions to build up the meter and make the final cut with the button in the up position. Destroy the gnomes that were behind the door and here the last two rabbits into a drain. You'll receive a card for clearing up the rabbits. ------------------------------ 7.7.9 Harriet Mulch: Dollies! ------------------------------ Objective: Recover the 10 dolls that have been stolen from Harriet. Time Limit: 6:39 Now that the rabbit in the area have been cleaned up, Harriet Mulch will be standing to the west of the boat. Talk to her and she'll ask you to recover some dollies that have been stolen from her. Say yes to begin the mission. You can take to Harriet during this mission to get the location of a dolly that you haven't found yet. The first one is on the platform north of Harriet. Bounce off the boat to the west of the platform to get up to it and retrieve the dolly. The second dolly is on a ledge to the south west of Harriet. Stand on the drain cover between the two ledges them and Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast you up. Angle yourself to land on the eastern ledge to get the dolly. The third is on the a stack of wood to the east of the boat. Find a hopper and go there. Bounce and smash onto the middle stack and bounce and smash to the higher stack. Get off the hopper and stay on the stack to get the dolly. The fourth dolly is in a corner to the west of the platform north of Harriet. Walk over to it to get it. The fifth dolly is on a ledge over the higher portion of the street to the north. Go east around the boat and loop back to the west as you go up the street. Jump onto the lower ledge near the next turn in the street and jump onto the crates to the east. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get to the ledge with the dolly. The sixth dolly is in a cage to the south of the gate to west. Harriet doesn't mention this one as you'll have to get this one in the process of getting the seventh one that she does mention. Go to the case and Whistle for Wallace to open the cage. Go in and get the dolly. The seventh dolly is hidden behind a panel over the archway to the west. While in the cage where you got the sixth, pull the lever to raise a platform above the cage. Go back to the drain cover and whistle for Wallace Air Blast you up. Land on the ledge to the west. Jump over to the raised platform to the west. Wall jump starting to the south and jump your way up to the ledge to the north. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get to the ledge on the other side on the archway. Whistle for Wallace to pull the lever below to open the panel hiding the dolly. The eighth dolly is on a ledge to the southeast of Harriet, due south of the boat. Loop around to the northern portion of the street and go to the crane on the south side. Whistle from Wallace to suck open the panel on the crane and press the switch to raise the boat. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get on the boat's cabin. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get over to the ledge where the dolly lies. The ninth dolly is under the boat. Since you raised the boat you can just take a few steps east from Harriet and retrieve the dolly. The last dolly is on a table in the area behind where the padlocked door was. Head north from Harriet and jump on the table to get the dolly. Harriet will give you a CARD for returning her dollies. ------------------------------- 7.7.10 Alfie Crock: Race Alfie ------------------------------- Objective: Ring the bells on 10 distress beacons before Alfie can do the same. Head through the archway to the west of Harriet and turn left. Turn left at the next corner and head towards the Seafront. Turn right when you get to the Harbor entrance. Inside the harbor head east all the way to the Museum. Alfie Crock is there, wearing a parka in front of the museum doors. Talk to him, and he'll challenge you to a race. You need to hit 10 bells before Alfie does. Go along the store front to ring the two bells to the right. The third bell is to the right by the shop. The fourth bells will be at the first store west of the harbor gate. The fifth bell is at the west end of the store front. Turn around and go back to the pier. The sixth bell is to the right as you go down the pier. The seventh bell is to the left past the wooden dock. The eighth bell is to the right past the rowboat. The ninth bell is to the left at the end of the divider. The tenth bell is to the right at the beginning to the next divider. Alfie will give you a CARD when you beat him. ------------------------ 7.7.11 Go to the Steamer ------------------------ Object: Go out to the Steamer ship to do the daytime missions there. No card reward. Go ahead from the museum and drop down to the left beside the blue decked boat. Use the boat to get to the Steamer. ---------------------------------- 7.7.12 Rob Blight: Anchors Aweigh! ---------------------------------- Objective: Clear 20 pests from the deck to the southeast of Rob. Go up the dock by the ship. Jump and hit the wheel at the end to lower a walkway. Go up the walkway and talk to Rob Blight who is at the top of the Walkway. Talk to him and he'll ask you to clean up the pests on the poop deck. Say yes to start the mission. There is no time limit here so this can be done while you take on the other tasks here if you want. Head down the ramp to the east behind Rob. Have Wallace Air Blast the pipe here to open the drain. Head south east through the low platforms to the lone loose rabbit on the lower deck. Suck it up an take it back to the drain when you can release it. Jump onto the low platform northeast of the drain and whistle for Wallace to airblast two rabbits out of the pipe. Suck each one up and fire it in the direction of the drain. Go over to the low platform southeast of the drain and repeat the process with the two rabbits in that pipe. Drop down and herd the four rabbits into the drain. Stand on the switch to the south of the engine room cage. Start sucking with the bungun to open a hatch. Whistle for Wallace to airblast and fat rabbit into the cage. Repeat the process on the north side to put another fat rabbit into the cage. Jump onto the lift just south of the drain. Whistle for Wallace to use the winch to raise you up. Get off on the platform over the drain and suck up the rabbit here. Release it over the east side towards the engine room cage. Jump up and hit the wheel here to turn the screen hanging over the center of the deck. Step onto the spring board and use the autobrolley to float down to the engine room cage. Whistle for Wallace to pull the lever to open the small hole in the cage. Suck up each of the six rabbit in here and fire them through the hole. Jump over the hot air updraft and use the autobrolley to float out of the hole towards the drain. Herd the seven rabbits that are now loose on the deck into the drain. There's a drain cover south west of the drain. Stand on it and whistle for Wallace to use an Air Blast to flush out four rabbits. Herd them into the drain. Use the lift again. This time jump and use the autobrolley to get to the platform to the south. Jump and hit the wheel to the east to turn the screens again. Step on the springboard and use the autobrolley to reach a platform to the north. Use the bungun to spin the fan here opening a hatch northwest of the drain. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast the hatch to flush out the last four rabbit. Drop down and herd them into the drain. Rob Blight will give you a card when you're done. ----------------------------------- 7.7.13 Mr Mulch: Veg-B-Big Bottles ----------------------------------- Objective: Retrieve Mr Mulch's 8 Veg-B-Big Bottles from when the seagulls dropped them on the ship. You may have picked up a Veg-B-Big Bottles or two by now. If you have Mr. Mulch will have asked you to come talk to him about the rest. There's a springboard in a niche to the south of Rob Blight. Step on in and use the autobrolley to get to the upper deck. Head around the south side of the deck and talk to Mr. Mulch to learn about the bottles. Say yes to his request for help to officially start the mission. Mr. Mulch with tell you when each of the bottles are if you talk to him. The first one is behind the grating on the western part of the ship. Head west from Mr. Mulch and jump over the railing and use the autobrolley to float down to the deck below. Go through the gap in the railing to get the bottle. Get back to Mr. Mulch by jumping up to the ledge to the east. Jump over the hot air updraft and use the autobrolley to float up to the deck. Go east to Mr. Mulch. The second bottle is on the lower deck to the south of Mr. Mulch at the west end. Jump over the railing to the south and use the autobrolley to float down to the deck. Go west to get the bottle. Go east and use the springboard at the other end to spring up the upper deck. Jump up to the north and go west to return to Mr. Mulch. The third bottle is on the platform directly above Mr. Mulch. Go east and jump onto the steam valve. Jump onto the blue roof. Jump onto the platform to the west and go west to get the bottle. Drop down to Mr. Mulch. The fourth bottle is inside the cabin just south of where you talked to Rob Blight. As Gromit head east and go down the ramp to the north. Stand on the wooden platform and jump smash to fall through them. Whistle for Wallace to use the winch outside to raise a barrier. Stand on the drain cover and whistle for Wallace to Air Blast you up to the bottle. Break through the boards and drop down to Wallace. Use the springboard to the south to get back to the upper deck and go south and then west to return to Mr. Mulch. The fifth bottle is on the higher point of the dock when you boarded the ship. Head back to the east and then go north down the ramp. Jump down and go north to the boarding ramp. Double jump to the east and use the autobrolley to get to the walkway with the bottle which you can get at the east end. Make your way back to Mr. Mulch by going east and turning south at the top of the boarding ramp. Use the springboard to get up to the upper deck and go up the ramp to the south and head west to Mr. Mulch. The sixth bottle is east of the engine room cage. Head back to the east and then go north down the ramp. Jump down and go all the was east around the cage to get the bottle. Go west to the springboard and use it to get to the upper deck. Go up the ramp to the south and head west to Mr. Mulch. The seventh bottle is on the top of the ship. As Wallace, jump onto the steam vent to the east of Mr. Mulch. Jump onto the blue roof to the west. Jump onto the platform. Use the bun gun to suck up the piles of sand here. You'll likely find the card from 7.7.14 while your doing so in addition to the bottle, both should be in piles of sand between the smoke stacks. Jump onto the side to the north and drop to the platform on the other side. Drop down to the deck to return to Mr. Mulch. The final bottle is hidden under a ramp to the west. Go west of Mr. Mulch. Jump up to the north onto a white ledge. Jump up to the next ledge north and get the bottle under the ramp to the east. Mr. Mulch will give you a card for finding all of the bottles. -------------------------------------------------- 7.7.14: Get the Seafront: Top of the Steamer Card -------------------------------------------------- Objective: Uncover a card under a pile of sand on the top of the steamer ship. Suck up the piles of sand on top of the steamer ship when you get there while gathering Mr. Mulch's Veg-B-Big bottles. You'll find a CARD under one of them. ---------------------------------- 7.7.15 Alfie Crock: The Boat Race ---------------------------------- Objective: Smash 10 steam vents closed without letting the timer get to 0. Time Limit: 9 seconds plus 6 seconds per vent smashed. Make your way back to the top of the boarding ramp. Alfie is standing in a corner to the west. Talk to him and say yes to his challenge to begin the mission. You're going to need to move quick here. It may take a few attempts as you'll need to open the way up a bit by smashing crates. Bounce ahead and smash the first vent landing on the ledge ahead of it. Bounce over the two pipe ahead and smash the second vent landing past a third pipe. Bounce up the ledge ahead. Bounce and smash to get up the higher ledge. Smash the third vent ahead and turn left. Bounce and smash up two platform and smash the fourth vent. Go ahead past a massive pill of crates (smash them to clear the way for a future attempt) and smash the fifth vent at the corner. Turn right and bounce over the blue roof and smash the sixth vent on the other side of it landing on the blue roof past it. Turn the corner to the right and smash the seventh vent around the corner. Keep bouncing down the deck and smash the eighth and ninth vents. Turn right and the ninth vent and bounce and smash up two platforms and smash the tenth vent and land on the ramp to the right. Bounce up the ramp a bit and bounce and smash to get onto the roof. Smash the final vent there. Alfie will give you a card when you're finished. ---------------------- 7.7.16 Return to Shore ---------------------- Objective: Return to the Seafront. No card reward. We're finished with the steamer so go back to the boarding ramp and go down to the ship. Use the ship to return to shore. ----------------------------------------- 7.7.17 Granny Blight: Betty Blight's Veg ----------------------------------------- Objective: Protect Granny Blights marrow, while rounding up 18 pests. Head along the dock to the northwest and go up the ramp. Go west to the harbor gate and turn north. Turn west in the alley. Turn southwest at the junction. Go around a bend to west. Turn north at the Allotments Warden and go into westernmost area of the lower town. Granny Blight is standing by the prize marrow to the northwest. Talk to Her and say yes to her request for help, beginning the mission. A bunch of rabbit pop out near the marrow. Use Wallace to jump up and hit the vents above the windows near the marrow around herd the seven rabbits into the drain. More pests will appear from the southeast. Suck up the fat rabbit and fire it into the drain. There's a goat to deal with as well. Hit it to get it mad and stand between it and the barrel in front of the pen to the south of the marrow. Dodge when it charges and it will break the barrel. Hit it again and get it to charge into the pen. The barrel covered a hot air updraft. Jump over it and under the autobrolley to rise up to the platforms above. Suck up the three rabbit here and fire them at the drain. Drop down and herd them into the drain if you missed. Break the crate to the north of the drain and suck up the rabbit inside. Fire it into the drain. One of the crate by the red van contains a fat rabbit, the other two contain gnomes. Kill the gnomes and suck up the fat rabbit and fire it into the drain. There are only coins and a gnome in the remaining two crate. Theres a fan to the south of the red van. Use the bungun on it to release a goat. It will likely charge straight into the pen, if not deal with it like the first one. Switch to Gromit and wall jump onto the enclosure you released the goat from. Suck up the rabbit there and fire it into the drain. Go back to the fan. Just to the south are two hatches. Stand by there and whistle for Wallace to Air Blast two rabbit out of them. Suck each one up and take it back to the drain to complete the mission. Granny Blight will give you a CARD for completing the mission. ---------------------------- 7.7.18 Allotments Day Arena ---------------------------- Objective: Clear 25 pests for 1 card, 50 pests for 2 cards, or all 100 pests for three cards. Protect the vegetables and earn coins based on their remaining health. Only the 25 pest clearance is required to complete the game. Time Limit: 5:59 Go back into the tunnel to the south and talk to the Warden for the Allotments. Say yes to his question about tackling the pest problem in the allotments. He'll give you the Harvester upgrade for you're bungun after taking you inside the allotments. 100 Pest Locations ------------------ 4 rabbits in shack to north of gate 4 rabbits in shack to south of gate 5 rabbits in barrels to south of first drain. 5 rabbit by cauliflower on the platform west of the area with the barrels. 5 sheep near cauliflower on the platform west of the area with the barrels. 6 rabbits release from lighthouse by turning the winch with one character and use the bungun to spin the fan with the other. 2 rabbits in barrels by lighthouse 3 turkeys emerge from turkey coop to north of first drain. 4 rabbit appear near prize onion 2 rabbits on poles in area north of first drain 6 rabbit in cold frame to north of first drain 3 rabbit on roof north of entrance 3 rabbits in winch trap by northern drain 5 rabbits in cold frames by northern drain 5 chicken northwest of the northern drain near coop 5 rabbit in trap above chickens 1 rabbit in airblast pipe by chicken coop 4 rabbits near prize leek 3 rabbit in traps near prize leek 12 rabbit burrowing in garden near prize leek. 5 rabbit in building near burrowing rabbits 8 rabbits at west end (5 in northwest corner, 3 in the center) 100 Pest Strategy ----------------- You start at the east of the Allotments. Head south a bit from the entrance and suck open the shack just north of the closed gates to release the rabbits. Don't worry about herding this group for now. Set up the harvester in the potato patch and fire several rounds at the gate to bring it down. Disengage while the gate is falling. The first drain is on the other side. Suck open the shack south of the now open gate. Herd the rabbits inside into the drain. It's still too early to worry about the first batch, you'll be back for them later. Break all the barrels to the south of the first drain with melee attacks to release the rabbits. Do this a Gromit, I got a mission over as Wallace doing this once. Herd the rabbits into the drain. Jump up the hay bales west of where the barrels were. Whistle for Wallace to turn the winch on the sheep sheerer while you round up the rabbits that appear by the Cauliflower into the drain just past it. Start herding the sheep towards the opening in the sheerer. You may need to may 3 passes to get them all as they don't steer very well, hopefully you can get 2 in per pass. Head west to the lighthouse. Whistle for Wallace the turning the winch while you break the barrels here to release the rabbits inside and then use the bungun to spin the fan to get the rabbit to come down from the lighthouse. Herd the lot back to the previous drain to the east. Go back down the bales. Jump into the field north of the first drain. Try to get to the ramp on the turkey coop before the turkeys get to far down in and they should simply return to the coop. If they get by you, you'll have to waste time fighting to suck them in, try hitting them first to stun them. Knock down the rabbit on the pole by the coup. It will head for the prize onion, while you knock the rabbit off the other pole and suck open the cold frames. Herd these around to the onion where another batch has appeared. Herd the lot along the north wall and down the slope. Don't waste time going all the way to the drain as you'll be coming back. Step onto the front-end loader of the tractor by the onion. Whistle for your partner to turn the winch. Jump onto the roof north of the entrance to the allotments. Scare the rabbits down from there and herd them and the very first batch you release into the first drain. Jump in the area north of the first drain again and finish herding the rabbits into the drain to the west. Suck open the cold frame south of this drain and herd those rabbits into the drain. Jump above the hot air updraft, and use the autobrolley to rise up and glide over to the platform to the north beside the pile of bricks. Go to the hatch on the pipe between two platform here, and whistle for Wallace to air blast the rabbit inside out. Fire it at the pile of brick at the other end to break the platform at release some rabbits. Herb them to the drain. Release the rabbits in the winch trap here and herb them into the drain as well. There are to chicken in the plot to the west of the winch trap and three more closer to the coop to the west. If you pull back as soon as you feel the tension on the controls you can suck them up quickly. Take them to the ramp of the chicken coop and fire twice to get them inside. Make sure to get all five of them, its easy to miss the door. Suck open the door on the south side of the building south of the coop to release some rabbit. Set up the harvester in the plot west of the building and fire the burrowing rabbit and the screens to the south shattering them. Switch character to herd the rabbits from the building and the ones that were burrowing to the drain. Break the three traps around the drain and then herd those rabbit and the one that have appear by the prize leak into the drain, follow the fence, north, west, and south to do so efficiently. Jump onto the rail here. Jump off to the west and use the autobrolley to get to the northwest corner. Herd the five rabbit into the hole here. They'll pop out beside three other rabbits further south. Jump south and use the autobrolley to get across the platforms in the pit to the south. Once across herd the rabbit into another hole to the south. There appear on a platform over a machine further south. Whistle for the other character to work the machine, which opens a hatch with a green dot at the top of the machine, while you set up the harvester in the potato patch here. Fire at the green dot to open a drain on the platform, sucking the last of the pest in. -------------------------------- 7.7.19 Miss Blight: Duck Shoot! -------------------------------- Objective: Score 120 Point at the Bag a Bunny shooting game. Time limit: 0:59 Head east from the Allotments and go around a corner to the left. Go right at the junction and turn right through the harbor gate. Head west from the gate to Miss Blight in front of the Grand Pavilion. Talk to her and say yes to her offer to play a game. Select Duck Shoot to begin the game. You'll be using the harvester in this game. Shooting a rabbit will earn 5 point but shoot a vegetable will cost you 10 points. This means you need to shoot at least 24 rabbits, unless you get lucks and hit the object that may float across the screen for 20 points. If you pause the game the next batch of rabbit will come up. In all 29 rabbit may appear. NOTE: You can change you aim faster if you stop shooting. If you shoot all of the rabbit in a set the next set will come out immediately rather than waiting for the current set to time out. The first rabbit pop up in the lower right. Two more rabbit pop up along the bottom so you can just strafe left from the first one. The next rabbit pops up in the center. The fifth rabbit pops up in the hole in the lower left, be careful with this one as a pumpkin will pop up immediate when it fell. There are two rabbits in the next batch, one on the bottom and one that's barely visible about two thirds of the way up the right side. The next batch has three rabbit, the one in the lower right, one in the upper right, and one in the upper left. Try to get at least the ones on the right. Another rabbit pops up in the hole in the lower left. It's followed by one to the right along the bottom. The next rabbit will be in the center. The rabbit in the next batch is in the lower right, well clear on the pumpkin in the lower left. Next will be rabbits in the top right and top left corners. A pumpkin pops up in the center followed shortly be two rabbit below it at the bottom. Rabbit will appear in the lower left and lower right corners next. Be careful in the lower left as a pumpkin appear there afterward with a rabbit just to its right. A rabbit appears in the hole in the lower left after this. Three rabbit appear now, one in the upper left, one at the bottom, and the one that's almost hidden two thirds of the way up the right side. Be careful with the next batch with has two rabbits in the lower left with a pumpkin. Following them are rabbits in the upper left and lower right, with a pumpkin in the center. Next is a rabbit in the lower right with a pumpkin in the lower left. Miss Blight will give you a CARD when you beat the high score. ---------------------------------------------- 7.7.20 Get the Seafront: Behind the Door Card ---------------------------------------------- Objective: Get the Card behind the door on the west side on the harbor. Head as far to the west as you can from Miss Blight. Turn left and go along the wall. Jump over the gap (which you can wall jump out of if you fall in) to a turnip patch. Use the harvester in the turnip patch and open the four latches on the door to the cliff. You'll need to strafe around the latches fairly quickly because they'll snap closed. Once all four are open the door fall open. Disengage the harvester and get the CARD. ---------------------------- 7.7.21 Return to Town Center ---------------------------- Objective: Go back to the Town Center to complete the remainder of today missions. No card reward. Jump over the gap to the north of the turnip patch and head north along the wall. Turn east towards the harbor gate. Turn north through the gate. Turn right and go around a left turn to the shipyard. Go up the street in front of you and turn left. Turn right and the next corner. Turn left at the junction with the alley. Take the u-turn to the right, destroying the gnomes. Go east and turn north. Talk to the Town Center Warden and say yes to get through the gate. ---------------------------------- 7.8 Day 2 (Town Center Revisited) ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------- 7.8.1 Get the Church: Harvester Card ------------------------------------- Objective: Get the card behind the gate in the northwest corner of the Church grounds. Go north from the Warden and turn left towards the church. Go through the gate and turn right into the Church grounds. Head to the northwest corner. Stand on the pile of rocks by the tree. Set up the harvester and fire at the gate to the north to knock it down. Disengage the harvester. Go through the gate to get a CARD. ------------------------------------ 7.8.2 Get the Park: Harvester Card ------------------------------------ Objective: Get a card from the boarded up cave in the Park. Head southeast across the churchyard to the street. Make your way east to the Town Center. Follow the southern boundary of the Town Center along Abbey Road and West Wallaby Street. Go through the number 1 tunnel into the park area. Head northeast of the tunnel exit toward the boarded up cave on the cliff. Stand on the pill of rocks nearby and set up the harvester. Fire at the boards to destroy them. Disengage the harvester and go into the cave to get a CARD. ------------------------------------- 7.8.3 Get the Park: Across the Canal ------------------------------------- Objective: Get the card on the other side of the canal on the northern side of the park. Jump up to the rocks by the boarded up cave to get to the tree by the Cauliflower. Jump over the fence and jump up the rocks on the other side of the tree to get to the top of the hill. There's a pile of rocks past the Pumpkin here, need a tree. Set up the harvester and fire at the discolored fence here to destroy it. Disengage the harvester and go up to the destroyed fence. Jump west off of the hill through the destroy fence. Use the autobrolley to follow a trail of coins north to the strip of land on the other side of the canal to the north. Get the CARD at the eastern end of this strip of land. NOTE: You can also get to this strip of land by jumping from the ledge north of the number 3 tunnel in the Town Center and using the autobrolley to land at the western end just barely making it. I don't think this was intentional due to the trail of coins from the breakable fence on the hill. -------------------------------- 7.8.4 Mr Growbag: Escaped Sheep -------------------------------- Objective: Round up 10 sheep and 2 goats for Mr. Growbag Time Limit: 9:58 Double jump and use the autobrolley to get back across the canal. Head west through the number 3 gate. Take the northern path here, "Janet Portier St.". Follow it to the northeastern corner of the town hall. Go south into the Market Square and head west. Take Camp Walk into the Woods. Head north to the drawbridge which has been raised again. Jump across the river using the island to the left of the bridge. Turn the winch to lower the bridge again. Head north to the fork in the road. Mr. Growbag will be standing there. Speak to him and say yes to his request to round up his escaped sheep to begin the mission. Take the fork to the east where you'll find one of the goats. Give it a whack and position yourself between it and the fallen log. Dodge it when it charges and it will destroy the log. Keep luring it down the path and around a turn to the south and then west. You'll find to goats pens here, lure it into one of them. A sheep will be in the yard here. Herd it east and then north collecting two more sheep in the corner. Herd the trio west through the broken log to the fork. Herd them north to the farmhouse, pickup up a fourth just before the house. Herd them west past the chicken coop to the pens. Herd the sheep to the south of the pens into a pen. Cut through the garden to the south of the farm house. Ignore the sheep on the east side, you'll be coming back for it. Follow the path to the closed gate south past the field with the oak tree. A second goat is near the pipe leading down the path to the fork. Hit and and lure it south to the path by the broken tree and from there into the second goat pen following the same path as the first goat. Return to the pipe and jump up on the ledge at its top end. There a sheep to the right, start herding it. Another sheep is by the tree ahead herd the two past the gap to the west, which lead to the oak tree's field. Go into the field and herd the two sheep that are into herd back to the previous two. Herd the four of them, north to the closed gate and then west. Turn the herd north along the east side of the house to get the last sheep. Turn the herd west along the north side of the house and past the chicken coop and into the pens to complete the mission. Mr. Growbag will give you a CARD for rounding up the sheep and goats. ------------------------------------------ 7.8.5 Get the Woods: The Old Tunnel Card ------------------------------------------ Objective: Get the card from the boarded up tunnel on the east side of the Woods. Take the east path at the fork it the woods. Go past the log the was broken in the previous mission and jump on the fence to the north past the pipe. Jump onto the grassy ledge east of the fence. Set up the harvester in the pile of rocks to by the boarded up tunnel here. Fire at the boards to destroy them. Disengage the harvester and go into the tunnel to get a CARD. -------------------- 7.8.6 Go to Night 2 -------------------- Objective: Use a sundial to change to the second night. Head west back to the fork and go south to the drawbridge. Who keeps raising this thing. Use the winch to lower the drawbridge and go south to the sundial at the gates to move on to the second night. ========================= 7.9 Night 2 (Town Center) ========================= ---------------------------------- 7.9.1 Get the Woods: Ambush Card ---------------------------------- Objective: Destroy some were-creatures that attack you on the east side on the woods. Head north from the entrance to the Woods to the drawbridge. Jump across the river and lower the drawbridge. Proceed north to the fork. Take the east fork. Jump over the fallen log and keep going east to the pipe. Jump on the ledge the pipe slants down from. Head north along the path until you get ambushed just after you pass the field with the oak. Three were-badges and a were-hedgehog will attack. The were-hedgehog will roll around the corner ahead of you first. Use a couple of jump smashed to destroy it. Suck up one of the mushrooms here and go north. Go around the corner to the west and fire the mushroom at one of the were-badgers. Unleash the little were-energy it has. Keep sucking up mushroom and firing them at the were- badgers until all of them have been destroyed. You'll receive a CARD after defeating them all. Backtrack to the entrance to the woods. --------------------------------------- 7.9.2 Get the Town Center: Ambush Card --------------------------------------- Objective: Defeat two were-hedgehogs and three were-badgers in Abbey Road. Head through Camp Walk and Market Square to Abbey Road. You'll be ambush by two were-hedgehogs. These can easily be dealt with two jump smashes each. Three were-badgers will appear now. Unleash your supply of were-energy. Unfortunately there isn't any ammo to by had so you'll need to resort to melee to finish them off. Double team the same were-badger that your partner attacks. You'll receive a CARD after defeating the five enemies. ---------------------------------- 7.9.3 Get the Park: Ambush Card ---------------------------------- Objective: Defeat three were-chickens and two were-weasels in the number two tunnel between the Town Center and the Park. Go south from Abbey Road onto West Wallaby Street. Head east and turn north at the alley. Go through the number 2 tunnel. You'll be attacked by a total three were-chickens and two were-weasels in the tunnel. Use combos on both, attacking the were-chickens from behind when possible. You'll receive a CARD after defeating the five enemies. ----------------------------------- 7.9.4 Get the Church: Ambush Card ----------------------------------- Objective: Deal with three-were rats and two were-chickens in by the Grimsley Warden. Go west out of the turn and go up the alley to the South to West Wallaby Street. Go to the west end of the street and turn north to Abbey Road. Go south from Abbey Road on the street the turn west towards the archway. Go through the archway and two gates. Go west down the street into the tunnel leading to the Grimsley Warden. You'll be ambush by three were-rats and two were-chickens. Use combos on all of them, attacking the were-chickens from behind. You'll receive a CARD after defeating the five enemies. ---------------------- 7.9.5 Go to Wallersey ---------------------- Objective: Go to Wallersey during the second night. No Card reward. Go east through the tunnel and down the street south of the Church grounds. Go through the gate and turn south towards Wallersey. Talk to the Warden and say yes to get through the Gate. ========================= 7.10 Night 2 (Wallersey) ========================= ------------------------------- 7.10.1 Mr. Dibber: Time for Bed ------------------------------- Objective: Escort Mr. Dibber home from his shop past several waves of were- creatures. Head south from the Warden and turn west and the junction. Destroy the were- chicken and gnomes at the next junction and go around the u-turn to the left. Go east at the next corning into the alley and down the slope. Destroy the were-chicken at the bottom of the slope. Mr. Dibber is in his shop to the south of the bottom of the slope. Go up to him and talk to him. Say yes to his request for help getting home to begin the mission. Follow Mr. Dibber south towards the slope. A bunch of gnomes with melee weapons will start attacking before you make it to the slope. After killing some of the with combos they appear in other corners of the shop area. Later they be joined by a few were-chicken, which you can deal with using combos from behind. A couple of gnomes with launcher appear after the were- chickens, unleash were-energy on these. After this batch of enemies is dealt with follow Mr. Dibber to the slope again. Go up the slope and turn north. Kill the two were-chickens that attack and then run north to protect Mr. Dibber from three gnomes. Then go back to the south to deal with two were- rat. Go back north to deal with two were-chickens, a few were-rats, and a gnome with a launch. Go back south to deal with four final gnomes. Mr. Dibber will give you a CARD for getting him home. ------------------------------------- 7.10.2 Mr. Dibber: Where's My Key's ------------------------------------- Objective: Find 3 keys for Mr. Dibber. Time Limit: 2:59 Talk to Mr. Dibber again while you're beside him. Say yes to his request to find his 3 keys to start the mission. What you do here is run around smashing pots. Unfortunately the pots they appear in are randomized so I can't tell you what pots to look in. There are pots on the platforms above Mr. Dibber, that you need to get on from the top of the slope to the west. The are more pots on the platforms to south of him, jump up the crates in the corner to get to them.. More pots are at the steps behind him and along the road to his shop. There are also in the shop itself. Keep smashing until you find all of the keys Mr. Dibber will give you a CARD for finding all of this keys. -------------------------------- 7.10.3 Allotments Nighttime Arena -------------------------------- Objective: Destroy up to 3 Were-Devices to earn an equal number of cards and valves. Only one device needs to be destroyed to complete the mission. Money will be earned for killing were-creature. Time Limit: 6:00 Head south from Mr. Dibber, past the fountain, and into the tunnel. Turn right at the corner and then right again at the other end to get into the ship yard. Go left, down the slope and head west through the archway at the far end of the ship yard. Turn left in the tunnel. Turn right at the junction, and then go around the next corner to the right to get to the Allotments. Talk to the Warden and say yes to his request to begin the mission. Head south from the entrance at destroy the gnomes that pop out of the sheds with combos. Set up the harvester in the potato patch at fire at the gate to the west to knock it down. Disengage as its falling. Head through the gate and go into the vegetable patch to the south on the other side. Destroy the three Were-Weasels that pop out of the barrels with combos. Jump up the hay bales to the west. Kill the three were-rats south of the Cauliflower with combos. Head west, past the cauliflower. Destroy three more were-rats at the light house. Turn to the south on the other side of the lighthouse. Kill the three were- weasels that pop out of the barrels. Whistle for the other character to turn the winch while you use the bungun to spin the fan to open up the lighthouse door. Kill the two were-rats that come out of the light house. Unleash some were-energy on the first device inside the lighthouse to bring down the shield. After the shield fall, go up to the device and hit it a few times to destroy it. Switch to Hutch. Go north of the lighthouse and head back east and down the hay bales. Turn around and head back to the west down the center path. Jump up to the blue building to the north. Clear the were-hedgehog in the field beside in using two jump smashes. The were-chickens will likely stay a safe distance away, but if not get behind them and use combos. Have Hutch use the screwdriver on the panel by the door. The buttons to press will appear in these positions: Left, Right, Up, Down, Right, Down, Up, Right Lure the were-chicken away from the device before you try to get behind it to use some combos to kill it. Go back to the device in the building and unleash some were-energy on it to bring down the shield. Once the shield is down hit the device a few times to destroy it. Finishing going down the center path and turn right at the end. Kill the two were-hedgehogs here. Jump and use the autobrolley to cross the pit ahead of you, landing on the platform to the left on the way across. You may want to whistle to make sure the other character is keeping up. Go north on the other side of the pit until you come to a door with two switches to the east. Whistle for the other character to push one of the switches while you press the other one to open the gate. Go into the large chamber through the gate. Jump over the edge and use the autobrolley to float down to the were-badger in the center of the lower portion of the room, while you let the other character deal with the various enemies along the slopes on the side of the room. Unleash were-energy on the were-badger to kill it. You'll notice that there are three switches down here. The third device is behind a closed gate at the top of the slope past them to the east. Since there are only two of you, you'll need to find something to weight down the third switch and luring and enemy onto it won't work. The worn path leading to the middle switch is a clue. There a crack column at the other end of the path. Attach the bungun to it and you'll find the you can pull the lower piece of the column all the way to the switch. Stand on one of the other switches and whistle for you partner to stand on the third. Kill all of the were-weasels that appear and the gate in front of the device will open, releasing three were-hedgehogs. Jump over them as they roll down the slope (or kill them if you still have lots of time) and unleash were- energy on the device. Hit the device a few times to destroy it. ------------------------------- 7.10.4 Were-Rabbit to Grimsley ------------------------------- Objective: Chase the Were-Rabbit to Grimsley while preventing it from eating some prize vegetables Immediately after finishing the Night Allotments, you'll see the Were-Rabbit on the red van to the north. It will bound up the slope west. Chase after it, destroying two were-weasels using combos beside the prize marrow. Go up the slope from there. The were-rabbit will bound over to the prize leek. Unleash the little were-energy you've accumulated at it and then start hitting it from behind, likely killing a were-weasel in the process. After the Were-Rabbit scales the wall kill any remaining were-weasels. Go the ledges southwest of the leek and jump you way north across them. Go up the slope and turn left towards the were-rabbit. It will bound up a slope to the north will you deal with three gnomes using combos. Follow the were-rabbit up the slope. Run past the gnomes at the top of the slope towards the were-rabbit which is about to chow down on another leek. Unleash you're were-energy at it and then start hitting it from behind until it bounds toward the gate to Grimsley. Head towards it and it will jump over the gate, ending the mission. You'll receive a CARD afterwards. --------------------- 7.10.5 Enter Grimsley --------------------- Objective: Enter the Grimsley District at night. No card reward. Provide you go all of the other cards to this point there's nothing else to do it either Wallersey or the Town Center for the time being. Talk to the Grimsley Warden since you're standing beside him and say yes to enter Grimsley. ======================== 7.11 Night 2 (Grimsley) ======================== You'll either be north of the Warden to Wallersey on Mean Street if you're following the walkthrough, or west of the Warden to the Town Center if you entered from there instead. Grimsley is divided in two main subdistricts, South Grimsley, which contain the residential and commercial building of the town, and North Grimsley, which is the industrial area. There's a single street that loops around through a couple of tunnels around the two subdistricts. There's also a Junkyard on the east side on South Grimsley. There are a few larger open areas on the outside of the loop and an alley running between the building in the southern portion. You'll find one of Mr. Caliche's Shops on the west side of South Grimsley, just north of the fire engine on the other side of the street.. You'll find Wardens for two arenas and two districts in Grimsley. Arena Wardens ------------- The Farm Warden is just to the west of the Wallersey Warden on the south side of Grimsley. The Factory Warden is on the east side of Grimsley on Rage Road just north of the Totters Lane Tunnel. District Wardens The Wallersey Warden is on Mean Street on the south side of Grimsley. The Town Center Warden is on the east side of North Grimsley to the north of the Factory Warden and under the monorails above on Drunken Drive. ----------------------------------------------------- 7.11.1 Get the Industrial Area: Totter's Lane Ambush ----------------------------------------------------- Objective: Defeat several gnomes, were-chickens, and a were-badger and destroy a device in the Tunnel on the east side of Grimsley. Go north along Mean street and turn right at the junction. Go Around the curve to the left. Go past Totter's Lane, with leaded to the Scrapyard and head north into the tunnel. (If you came into Grimsley from the Town Center head west down Drunken Drives and turn left onto Rage Road at the junction, entering the tunnel from the north.) Head towards the large circle. A device will pop up as you pass the circle. Gnomes with launches will appear on the high platforms. While at first this seems an impossible situation without any were-energy, you'll notice a switch under each platform. Press them to trigger steam jets that knock the gnomes down and them finish them off with combos. Several were-chickens attack next. Get behind them and uses combos. A were-badger attacks next. Use some of your were-energy on it. Once its gone all that remains is to use some were-energy on the device to bring down the shield. After the shield is down hit the device a few times to destroy it. You'll get a CARD after defeating the enemies and destroying the device. --------------------------------------------- 7.11.2 Get the Town: Growbag's Curtains Card --------------------------------------------- Objective: Get a card behind some curtains on a building northwest of the Wallersey Warden. Leave the tunnel through the southern exit and follow the road past Totter's Lane and around a turn to the right. Go past the road south to Wallersey. A bit west of the road to the Wallersey Warden is an alley to the north. Go into it and wall jump up to the top of the building to the west. Use the bungun to pull away the curtains on the window here. Get close enough to the window while you're doing so and you'll get a CARD. NOTE: Mr. Growbag stands by this building during the day, thus the name of the card. -------------------------------- 7.11.3 Get the Town: Fire! Card -------------------------------- Objective: Defeat several were-chickens, were-weasels, were-rats, and a were- badger, and destroy a device near the fire engine on the west side of South Grimsley. Drop down from the building and follow the street to the west, past the Farm and a yard to the south. Turn the corner to the north and go past the large circle near the fire engine. A device will emerge from the circle and some were-chickens will attack. Get behind the were-chickens and hit them will combos. A lot of were-weasel attack while you deal with the were-chickens. Use combos on them. Next up are several were-rats. Combos work on them as well. Finally a were-badger will come out. Use were-energy on it. Unleash were-energy on the device to bring down the shield on it. Once the shield is down hit it a few times to destroy it. You'll get a CARD for defeating all of the enemies and destroying the device. ---------------------------------------- 7.11.4 Miss Crock: Restart the Factory ---------------------------------------- Objective: Activate the five generators inside the factory. Time Limit: 9:59 Head north past the shop and theater. Turn the corner to the west. Turn into the western north to the north. Miss Crock is standing on the east side of the street at the north end of the tunnel. Speak to her. Say yes to her request to investigate the noises coming from the factory to begin the mission. Head west from Miss Crock. Jump off the edge to the lower area, using the autobrolley to break your fall. The first generator on the wall to the east of where you'll land. Whistle for the other character to use his bungun on it while you do the same. This opens the door just south of the generator. Go through the door and a were-badger will attack. Suck up a paint can at the door and fire it at the were-badger. Hit it four more times with paint cans to kill it. (If you have were-energy feel free to use it instead.) Suck up a paint can and go around the corner to the left. Take the next corner to the right where another were-badger will attack. Fire the paint can and any built-up were-energy at the were-badger to deal with it. Go around the next corner to the right. At the next corner you'll be attacked... oh wait it's just a cracker box. Turn the corner to the left. Shoot the gnome on the cage in the room ahead with the were-energy from the last were-badger. Destroy the gnomes that come from the sides of the entrance to this larger room with combos. Get behind the were-chickens on the other side of the cage the gnome with the launcher was on and use combos on them. As Gromit, stand on the lift to the right past the cage and whistle for the other character to use his Bungun on the fan to raise the lift. Double jump to the west to grab on the platform there. Press the switch on the lift with the second generator to lower the generator to the ground. Whistle for the other character to use his bungun on the generator while you do the same. This opens on of the four panels on the monorail door. Go back to the lift east of the cage and whistle for the other character to use his bun gun to raise the lift. Jump and use the autobrolley to get the the walkway spanning the room to the north the top of the lift. Drop down on the other side and stand on the switch on the west side of the dividing fence. Whistle for other character to do the same on the switch on the other side to open a way through on the ground. Start dealing with the three were-chickens that will be attacking you by now and well as a bunch of gnomes. Once they're gone whistle for the other character to use his bungun on the second generator here while you to the same to open the second of four panels on the monorail door. Jump up the crates to the east and get back on the walkway. Double jump north and use the autobrolley to reach a platform on the east side. Whistle for the other character to get on the lift and then use the bungun on the fan here to raise him up. Whistle for you partner to use his bungun on the fourth generator here and do the same. This opens up the third panel on the monorail door. Fire some were-energy at the gnome with a launcher on the other side of the room to destroy it. Stand beside the generator you just activator and whistle for the other character to press the button down below. Start running across the panels that flip up to the north. When they start flipping down behind you, jump and use the autobrolley to make it the rest of the way to the platform in the northeast corner. Pull the lever here. Switch to the other character and set up the harvester in the turnip patch. Keep firing at the gnomes that emerge from the three portals that pulling the lever opens until all three of the portals close again, aim for their heads. Once you've destroyed all on the gnomes, the cage will be lifted from the last generator to the north. Whistle for the other character to use his bungun on it while you do likewise. This opens the final panel on the monorail door. Miss Crock will give you a CARD for activating all five generators. ------------------ 7.11.6 Go to Day 3 ------------------ There's nothing left that you can do tonight so go to the sundial north of Miss Crock and use it to go to the next day. ===================== 7.12 Day 3 (Grimsley) ===================== -------------------------------------------- 7.12.1 Miss Crock: Feed the Factory Pumpkin -------------------------------------------- Objective: Shoot 10 Pumpkins into the open pipes after getting Wallace to Air Blast them out. Time Limit: 1:29 Go north to Miss Crock, who is still in the same spot as she was at night. Talk to her and she'll request your help it feeding her vegetables. Say yes to begin the mission. As Gromit go to the lift south of Miss Cross and whistle for Wallace to use his bungun on a fan to raise it. Go onto the walkway to the north where there are four hatches above a network of pipes. Only one of the hatches will be currently connected to the open end below. Start sucking with the bungun over it after you've visually traced the path back, and whistle for Wallace to Air Blast a pumpkin out for you to suck up. The pipes will shift randomly after the Air Blast leaving a different hatch lined up for the next one. Once you have a pumpkin sucked up you need to see whether the pipe at the north end, the pipe in the center, or the pipe at the south end at open. Jump up and fire at the open pipe to send the pumpkin on its way. For the pipes on the ends try standing on the hatch at the same end when you jump. For the pipe in the center, line yourself up with it in the center of the walkway before you jump. The open pipe will reset randomly after getting a pumpkin into the open pipe, possibly remaining the same. Repeat the process 9 more times to complete the mission. Miss Crock will give you a CARD after you get 10 pumpkins into the pipes. --------------------------------------------------- 7.12.2 Get the Industrial Area: Rabbit Warren Card --------------------------------------------------- Objective: Round up 10 rabbit under a grate in the northwest corner of the looping street. Head north to the corner of the building to the east. Pull the lever on the west side of the street to open a drain. There's a metal wind catcher on the east side of the street. As Gromit use the bungun on it to raise the lift its on top of. Step into it and stop using the suction on the bungun to allow the lift to descend. Eight rabbits will pop out of a hole in the wall by the lift. Herd them around the perimeter to the northwest corner, gathering the ninth one on the way. Backtrack past the white gate and use the bungun to suck it open leaving the rabbit on the other side. Switch to Wallace, and Gromit will keep to gate open. Walk over top of the grate, scaring the nine rabbit into the center to join the tenth one there. Switch back to Gromit to close the gate. Switch back to Wallace and suck the rabbit out of the grate through the brown pipe west of the grates. Herd the lot of them into the drain you opened earlier. You'll receive a CARD after clearing all 10 down the drain. Enter the lift as Gromit and whistle for Wallace to use his bungun to raise you up. Get out of the lift. ------------------------------- 7.12.3 Mr. Dibber: Locked Out! ------------------------------- Objective: Break all 41 of the pots at Mr. Dibber's Shop in Grimsley Time Limit: 1:58 Mr. Dibber is standing in front of his stand to the east of the grate. Talk to him and he'll request your aid in locating the key that he believes that he dropped into one of the pots on display. Say yes to begin the mission. Do this as Gromit. Jump into the stand to the east of Mr. Dibber and destroy the 8 pots there first by attacking them. Drop down to the east and jump to hit the pots on the three poles on the north side. Jump onto the small square platform along the eastern wall at destroy the 4 pots there. Destroy the 7 pots on the ground to the south and then west at the same time as you knock out the supports on the platform to in the southeast corner, dumping 4 more pots to the ground where they'll break. Jump onto the square platform in the center on the shop and destroy the 4 pot on it. Jump onto the awning over the main stand. Bounce up off it at hit the three pots in the air above it. Bounce from the southern end of the awning to grab onto a platform high on the wall to the south. Destroy the four pots there. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast a bomb out of the pipe to the west and suck in up. Shoot it down the pipe on the east side to destroy the last 4 pot in the cage below. Mr. Dibber will find the lost keys in his pocket, but will give you a CARD for getting rid of the hideous pots. ----------------------------------------------------- 7.12.4 Get the Industrial Area: Rabbit Station Card ----------------------------------------------------- Objective: Round up 10 rabbits at the monorail station to the north of the Town Center Warden. Head east down the street on the north side of Mr. Dibbers shop. Turn left at the junction. Go north to the red phone booth and go up the twisting slope to the east up to the monorail station landing. You'll notice that there's an open drain in the southeast corner here. Go around the top of the slope to the southwest corner and jump onto the small ledge by the lamp post. Double jump and suck the rabbit from the top of the lamp. Go to the drain and fire the rabbit into it. Break the crate on the north side of the drain to release a rabbit. Whistle for you're partner to suck open the phone booth to the east with his bungun and go inside to scare out three more rabbits. Go to the north end on the landing at break the four crates along it to release four more rabbits. As Wallace, jump onto the fence near the lamppost in the northwest part of the landing. Double jump and use the bungun to suck it up. Herd the 8 rabbits you just release back to the drain and fire the last rabbit into it. You'll receive a CARD for clearing the rabbits. -------------------------------------- 7.12.5 Mr. Caliche: Save the Factory -------------------------------------- Objective: Smash 10 ventilation outlets closed using the bunny hopper. Time Limit: 1:28 Go down the slope on the west side of the station. Head south, past the junction, to where Mr. Caliche is standing. Talk to him. Say yes to his request and he'll ask you to help him get a fat rabbit out of the factory ventilation system by smashing shut 10 ventilation outlets using a bunny hopper. Bounce and smash up two platforms behind Mr. Caliche. Bounce onto the small platform to the right and smash up to the top of the first outlet. Smash it close and head forward to the second outlet, smashing it shut as well. Keep smashing forward to get to the top of the third outlet to smash it close and go forward to the ledge ahead. Turn left and smash onto the fourth outlet and smash it shut. You'll need to smash from the edge ahead and go forward, smashing the end of the fifth outlet. Turn left and smash up to the top of the sixth outlet and smash it close. Smash onto the ledge to the left ahead and smash up to the top of the seventh outlet and smash it closed. Drop over the ledge to the north ahead of your. Smash onto the either outlet which is to the east. Smash in shut and smash onto the ninth outlet west from there. Smash it closed as well. Smash to the west onto the top of the hot air updraft. Bounce to into western edge and smash forward to the final outlet, smashing it shut on the way down. (If you miss here you can get back out the updraft by smashing north from the ledge beside the first outlet) The rabbit will be forced out of the vent where its stuck. Mr. Caliche will give you a CARD for sealing the ten outlets. ------------------------------------------------- 7.12.6 Get the Industrial Area: Search High Card ------------------------------------------------- Objective: Get a card sitting on a high roof at the junction near the Town Center Warden. Jump up the two ledges to the east of Mr. Caliche. (You'll need to alternate both characters along here for the next card so you may as well do it now). Go east and double jump up to the lower outlet. Double jump onto the outlet to the west. Double jump up to the hot air updraft. Get both characters here. Jump over the updraft and use the autobrolley to rise up. Glide to the west to the walkway high above the other side of the street. Repeat for the second character. Take Wallace to the north end of the Walkway and double jump to get on the roof there to get a CARD. ----------------------------------------------- 7.12.7 Get the Industrial Area: Press and Run ----------------------------------------------- Objective: Get a card that appears after pushing the switch on the high walkway over the junction near the Town Center Warden. Time Limit: 0:24 Remain as Wallace and drop back down to the walkway and go to the switch. Whistle for Gromit to use his bungun on the switch to suck the cover open. Press the switch to cause a card to appear on the Walkway above Miss Crock to the west and south. Drop down to the street to the west of the walkway, using the autobrolley briefly to break your fall. Run west and jump up into Mr Dibbers shop area just before the high pole. Jump onto the square platform in the center and jump onto the awning. Bounce and spring off the awning and use the autobrolley to glide around the corner to the southwest. Make sure you switch a bit wide to avoid having to pull yourself onto the small platform above the southern pipe, instead landing on the lower walkway past it. Run to the south end to get the CARD as time's runs out and the screen starts to fade. ------------------------------------------- 7.12.8 Get the Town: Clear the Cinema Card ------------------------------------------- Objective: Clear the 10 rabbit at the theatre on the west side of South Grimsley. Head south through the tunnel by Miss Crock. Turn left and the corner on the other side of the tunnel. Turn right at the next corner. Go up the ramp to the north when you get to Caliche 'n' Carry. Note the open drain by the ramp. Jump onto the bench and double jump south to the marquee. Suck up the three rabbits here and fire them south into the drain. Jump up to the roof to the east from the south end of the marquee. Suck up the rabbit here. Fire it at the "Housewives" poster so that it will fall into the drain. Jump up to the ledge east of you and jump around the corner to the northeast. Drop down to the corner to the north and break the crate. Suck up the rabbit and head west. Drop to the ground and head south to the drain. Fire the rabbit into it. As Wallace, head north and jump onto the dark gray roof with the three pipe. Jump from the east side of it between the two crates to a short walkway to the south. Double jump north to the walkway there. Break the crate to release a rabbit. Suck it up and drop back to the gray roof. Release the rabbit and scare it down the sloped roof on the south edge of this roof. Suck up loose rabbit on the corner and releasing it down the sloped roof as well. Break the two crates on the east side of the roof to release rabbits and suck them up. Release them on the sloped roof and scare them down to join the others. Drop over the west edge of the roof and break the crate against the north wall to release a rabbit. Herd it south, picking up the other four along the way. Herd the lot back to the drain. You'll receive a CARD for clearing all 10 rabbits. ------------------------------------------- 7.12.9 Get the Town: Fire the Furnace Card ------------------------------------------- Objective: Round up the 10 rabbit inside the Bunny Boiler on the east side of South Grimsley Head south from the theatre and turn left and the corner. Turn left at the corner past the road south to Wallersey. Head north past the road into the Junkyard and turn west into the alley by the Bunny Boiler. Break the crates here to reveal a pile of coal. Whistle for the other character to use the bungun to suck open the boiler. Set up the harvester in the pile of coal and start firing it into the open boiler to build up some pressure. When the pressure counter gets to 50 and bunch of rabbits pop out of it and a drain opens in the street. Herd all 10 rabbits into the drain. You'll get a CARD for clearing the 10 rabbits. -------------------------------------------------- 7.12.10 PC Macintosh: Anti-Pesto Devices Gone Mad -------------------------------------------------- Objective: Destroy the gnomes and other rogue equipment and seal of some hatches for PC Mac to protect the prize Pumpkin and Onion. Time Limit: 4:52 after getting close to the scare crow. Head south from the bunny boiler and turn west at the corner. Go to the western corner of this street and talk to PC Mac there. Say yes to his request for help to begin the mission. Go through the archway beside PC Mac to enter a garden area. Destroy the rogue garbage can with a couple of combos. Do the same with the gnome at the entrance and the gnomes with launchers running about. The timer will start once you go by the scarecrow. Suck up one of the bombs from the scarecrow and fire it back to disable it. Destroy the various enemies around the field. There are now three hatches that will need to be sealed. When a gnome pops out of the hatch on the ground by the entrance, give the hatch a whack to close it, stopping the flow of gnomes there. Push the trolley by the scarecrow against the hatch on the wall to prevent enemies from getting out there. Head to the north end of the garden. Pull the trolley under the winch by the open hatch. Have Wallace jump on top of the trolley. Switch to Gromit and jump and hit the hatch shut. Switch back to Wallace and turn the winch to seal the hatch ending the mission. PC Mac will give you a CARD after all three hatches at sealed. ------------------------------------- 7.12.11 Jasmander: Capture the Goats ------------------------------------- Objective: Round up 7 Goats for Jasmander and lure then into the large traps around Grimsley. Go east of PC Mac and turn south toward the Farm. Jasmander will be standing in front of the Warden. Talk to her and say yes to her request for help with the escaped goats to begin the mission. What you need to do is lure the seven goats scattered above Grimsley into the large green squares with wooden boundaries to trap them in crates. You can only trap one goat in each square so you'll need to find seven of them. The crates vanish if you save and reload later, but the traps still count as being used. The first goat is on top of the building north of the farm on the other side of the street. Go into the alley, "Kirstey Alley", to the east of it and wall jump up to the roof. Hit or use the bungun to make the goat mad and get it to charge off the south side. Lure in to the trap on the south side of the street to the west of the farm. Go into the garden area in the southwest corner. Turn north and jump over two fences. Go past the second goat at the police station door and pull the level north of the door to open a gate. Lure the goat through the gate into the trap on the other side. Head over to the other side of south Grimsley, to the Bunny Boiler. The third goat in on the second floor of the broken building north of the building. Have Wallace Air blast the fireplace on the ground floor to knock the goat to the ground. Lure it into the trap in the corner on the west side of the broken building. Head north through the tunnel by the bunny boiler. Go past the factory and jump up the two platforms on its north side to the east. Jump onto the smaller platform on the south side of the second platform and jump onto the roof beside the vent outlet to the fourth goat. Lure in off the western edge of the building and then to one of the two traps to the north. Jump back up the two platforms on the north side on the factory. This time go east to the furthest outlet. Double jump to get on the outlet. Double jump to the outlet to the west. Double jump onto the updraft. Jump and use the autobrolley to rise up and float across the street to the west, landing on the high walkway on the other side. Hit the fifth goat to get it to charge off the south end and then lure it into the other trap to the southeast of the junction. Head west to Mr. Dibber's shop. Get on top of the awning here and start bounces. Use the bungun when springing off the north end of the awning to suck the sixth goat off the high pole. Lure it west across the street to the trap by the drain lever. Head south to the lift by Miss Crock. Get on the lift and whistle for the other character to use the bungun on the fan to raise the lift. Jump off the final goat on the walkway and lure it off the north end into the final trap below. Once you have all seven goats trapped return to Jasmander and talk to her to get a CARD. ---------------------- 7.12.12 Farm Day Arena ---------------------- Objective: Clear 25 pests for 1 card, 50 pests for 2 cards, or all 100 pests for three cards. Protect the vegetables and earn coins based on their remaining health. Only the 25 pest clearance is required to complete the game. Time Limit: 5:59 Talk to the Warden behind Jasmander and say yes to his request to begin the challenge. He'll give you the autobunter at the beginning of the challenge 100 Pest Locations ------------------ (Area 1) 2 Sheep loose in first area 6 Rabbits that appear after penning the sheep. 1 Sheep on ledge above pens 2 Rabbits on poles a tarp is stretched between. 4 Rabbits that appear after penning the third sheep. 5 Rabbits in frame in south of gate to area 2 released by using the bungun on the gnome. 5 Rabbits in frame in west of gate to area 2released by using the bungun on the gnome. 10 Rabbit behind two lever door in the northwest corner 5 Rabbit under bale trolley. 5 Fat Rabbits in window on roof. (Area 2) 5 Fat Rabbits in crates 5 Rabbits behind two lever door. 2 Sheep behind machine on the north side. 10 Rabbit released by penning the sheep. 9 Rabbit in machine on north side. 4 Fat Rabbit that appear when approaching the giant leek 4 Rabbits that appear when approaching the giant leek. 5 Rabbit release by using the autobunter on the gain on the water tank by the giant leek. (Area 3) 7 Fat Rabbit in behind the door with the barrels in from. Suck up a scarecrow bomb to blast the doors. 5 Rabbits release by use the autobunter on the chain by the drain on the eastern side of this area. 100 Pest Strategy ----------------- Jump and use the autobunter to suck up the change to open the door to the first area. (Area 1) Head east into the first area and herd the two sheep here into the inner pen in the southeast corner. Quickly herd the rabbit that appear into the drain to the west of the pen before they have a chance to get to the pumpkin. Stand on the frame to the north of the pen and whistle for the other character to pull the lever to spring you up to the ledge. Herd the sheep down and into the inner pen. Knock the two rabbits off the poles and round them and the rabbits that appeared after penning the sheep into a drain. Use the bungun on the gnome by the springboard frame to open the frame to the north. Herd the rabbit into the drain to the west. Do the same on the gnome north of this drain and herd those rabbits into the northwest corner of this area. Whistle for your partner to pull one of the levers while you pull the other. Herd all of those rabbits into the drain. Attach a bungun to the bale trolley and pull it to the north. Herd the rabbits that are released into a drain. Double jump onto the bale trolley and jump onto the roof. Use the bungun on the window and herd the fat rabbits of the roof and into a drain. Get back on the roof and double jump and use the autobrolley to get through the gap in the fencing on the top of the wall to the north to get into the second area. (Area 2) Break the crates on the other side of the fence and herd the five fat rabbits in them into the drain that was under one. Pull the lever in the southeast corner to open the gate allowing the other character in. Whistle for the other character to pull one of the levers on the door on the north side while you pull the other. Herd the rabbits that are released into the drain. Head the two sheep behind the machine on the north side into the pen in the northeast corner. Herd the rabbits that appear in the northeast corner into the drain. Jump onto the machine as Gromit. Stand on each of the tree valves and whistle for Wallace to airblast out the rabbits onto the roof to the north. Jump onto the roof and herd the rabbits into the rabbit into the drain there. If any have gone down the pipe herd them into the lower drain with the other character. Head east along the roof to the giant leek, on the way jump and up the autobunter on the water tank chain to release some rabbit. Herd the fat rabbit and rabbits that appear back to the drain along with the ones from the water tank. Go the gate to the third area on the south fence. Whistle for the other character to pull one of the levers while you pull the other. (Area 3) Suck up a bomb from the scarecrow and fire at the door to the south of the gate. Suck up a and bomb and use it to destroy the scarecrow. Herd the fat rabbits into the drain to the east. Jump up and use the autobunter on the chain under the red tank here to release the last for the rabbits. Herd them into the drain. -------------------------------------- 7.12.13 Mr Growbag: Collect The Seeds -------------------------------------- Objective: Go across the rooftop and use the autobunter to recover 80 pumpkin seed for Mr. Growbag. Time Limit: 0:59 Switch to become Gromit. Go north across the street from the Farm and talk to Mr. Growbag. He'll ask you to help him recover his prize Pumpkin seeds that have blown away. Say yes to begin the mission. Follow the trail of seed north into Kirstey Alley and wall jump up to the roof of the building behind Mr. Growbag. Go north along the roof top. You should have 12 seeds at the northern edge. Double jump to the roof to the north. Jump up onto the higher part to the west and then jump to the ledge to the northeast east. Jump and use the autobrolley to float down through the string of seed to the rooftop to the northwest. You should have 30 seeds now. Double jump and use the autobrolley to reach the walkway to the west. Turn north and double jump to the next walkway. Double jump to the next walkway to the north. You should have 40 seeds now. Jump to the west and use the autobunter to grab onto the bunting to the west and swing through the seeds in the arc. You're total should be 49. Jump west from the end of the swing and use the autobunter again to get the seeds from the next arc. You should have 58 now. Jump south from the end of the swing and use the autobunter to get the seed from the next arc. You should have 65 now. Jump forward towards the gate to the south, using the autobrolley to slow your descent until your close enough to use the autobunter to get the seed from the next arc. Your total should by 71. Land on the roof to the south to get two more seed. Jump south and use the autobunter to get the last of the seed from the final arc. Mr. Growbag will give you a CARD for recovering his seeds. -------------------------------------- 7.12.14 Get the Town: Press Chase Card -------------------------------------- Objective: Get the card that appears at the north end of the Totter's Lane tunnel after pressing a switch on the top of the theatre. Time Limit: 0:24 Go west from Mr. Growbag and go around the corner to the north. Go up the ramp past the shop to the theater. Jump onto the bench to the north and double jump to the marquee. Switch character to get the other one up here. Jump onto the roof to the west and jump over the higher portion to a glass covered switch. Switch character to get the other one here. Switch to become Wallace. Whistle for the other character to suck the cover open while you press the switch. Jump onto the backyard to the south and use the autobunter to swing east. Jump and under the autobrolley to make in to the awning. Bounce and spring up, using the autobrolley to make it to the second floor of the broken building. Jump and use the autobrolley to get to the southern platform on the east side of the tunnel. Double jump north across the three platforms to get to the CARD. ------------------------------------------ 7.12.15 Mr. Leaching: Clear the Scrapyard ------------------------------------------ Objective: Clear the 37 pests from the Scrapyard. Go out of the south end of the tunnel and turn east into Totter's Lane. Speak to Mr. Leaching here in front of the Holey Scrap Scrapyard. Talk to him and he'll request you're help. Say yes to begin the mission. Head south through the gate that Mr. Leaching will open. Herd the two rabbit by the purple east into the drain and suck up the fat rabbit by the bus and fire it into the drain. Go back to the purple car and suck the doors open to let the two rabbit inside out. Hit the hood and trunk to release four more rabbits. Herd them all into the drain as well. Hit the hood and trunk of the pink car and suck open its doors to release 6 more rabbits. Herd them into the drain. Suck a fat rabbit out of the train car north of the pink car at its western end. While you're sucking switch characters. Jump on the stacked cars in the northeast corner. Whistle for the other character to use his bungun on the pipes and turn the winch when the steam start to come out. The windows on the upper train car will pop open, releasing four rabbits. Herd these rabbits into the drain. As Wallace, jump back onto the pile of cars and jump up to on of the windows that popped open. Jump onto the roof and suck up the rabbit here. Fire it down to the ground in the direction of the drain. Drop down and herd it into the drain. Suck open the from door of the train car on the ground. Start sucking at the hole at the west end of the train car (where you got the fat rabbit earlier). Switch characters and enter the train to scare the other four rabbit out the door. Herd them into the drain. Go to the pair of switches southwest of the purple car. Whistle for the other character to press onto while you press the other to close the walls on the car crusher to the east. Have Gromit wall jump up the closed walls to the top off the car crusher. Suck up the two rabbit on top and fire them at the drain, or scare them door. Go to the east end of the crusher and whistle for Wallace to Air Blast a rabbit out of the pipe. Suck it up and fire it towards the drain. Drop to the ground and herd the rabbits into the drain. Turn the winch by the airblast pipe of the crusher until the crane shadow is over the drain. Get back on top of the car crusher. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get to the top of the blue bus. Whistle for Wallace to use an airblast to force a rabbit out of the pipe at the west end of the bus and suck it up. Fire it to the ground in the direction of the drain. Double jump toward the main building to the northwest, using the autobunter to swing from the crane to make it. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast a rabbit out of the pipe on the end of the building and suck it up. Fire it down to the ground in the direction of the drain. Go to the level and whistle for Wallace to climb onto the pallet on the forklift. Pull the lever to raise him up. Switch to Wallace and get him onto the roof. Go to the two wind catchers at the west end of the roof. Whistle for the other character to use the bungun to raise it and suck the rabbit out of each on. Fire them to the ground in the direction of the drain. Drop to the ledge to the south of the wind catcher and scare the two fat rabbits down to the ground. Round up all of the rabbits you've fired to the ground since the bus and herd them into the drain. Go to the shed to the south of the Junkyard entrance and suck the door open, releasing the last three fat rabbits. Herd them into the drain to complete the mission. Mr. Leaching will give you a CARD after you've rounded up all of the pests. ------------------------- 7.12.16 Factory Day Arena ------------------------- Objective: Clear 25 pests for 1 card, 50 pests for 2 cards, or all 100 pests for three cards. Protect the vegetables and earn coins based on their remaining health. Only the 25 pest clearance is required to complete the game. Time Limit: 7:59 Head west out of the Junkyard and turn north into the tunnel. Go through the tunnel and talk to the Factory Warden on the other end. Say yes to his request for help to begin the challenge. 100 Pest Locations ------------------ 5 rabbit in hopper to east of entrance. 1 Sheep just past crates at the entrance. 5 fat rabbits in crates over the turnip patch at the entrance. 5 rabbits inside piece of pipe behind wooden barrier near the turnip patch. 5 rabbit in steam pipe will loose valve in south east corner. 2 sheep in cage to east of entrance. 5 rabbits released by penning previous sheep. 10 rabbits in the drawers in the area above the cage east of the entrance. 3 rabbit in cage to west of entrance. 10 rabbits in steam vents to west of entrance 5 rabbits that appear near the giant onion. 2 loose rabbit over the western updraft. 3 rabbits in the geared door over the western updraft. 5 rabbits in the machine jammed with a crate over the western updraft. 5 rabbits that attack the prize marrow when you approach the drain for the previous 10. 4 sheep in the pit in the northwest corner 5 rabbits that attack the marrow after rounding up the sheep 10 rabbits release by shooting bombs into the two pipe over the northwestern pit. 5 rabbits that appear by the giant leek on the platform on the north side west of the entrance. 5 rabbit release by using the autobunter on the platform with the prize leek. 100 Pest Strategy ----------------- Drop down from the entrance. Just up and hit the pendulum under the hopper to the left. Herd the rabbits that fall out of the hopper into the drain. The drain closed afterward. Break the crates to release the fat rabbits. Herd them into the drain. While your herding the rabbit herd the sheep into the pen. Go into the southeast corner. Wall jump up the green column and double jump to the top of the open steam vent. Use a jump smash to close it, releasing some rabbits. Herd them west past the wooden panel. Set up the harvester in the turnip patch. Shoot door the wooden panel. Disengage the harvester. Attach a bungun to the trolley with the pipe piece on it and pull it out. Have Wallace airblast the rabbits out of it to join the others. Herd the ten of them west and south into a drain. Go back to the green column in the southeast as Gromit. Wall jump up them and drop into the cage. Smash the crate behind the trolley and stand clear. Switch to Wallace and attach a bungun to the trolley and push it all of the way to the wall. Herd the two sheep in here into the pen. Herd the rabbits that appear into the cage and the drain that opened up there. As Wallace jump over the updraft that was reveal after moving the trolley and use the autobrolley to rise up. Float over to the top of the trolley. Double jump to the north to the ledge with the lever. Whistle for Gromit to get on the lift below and pull the left to raise him up. Double jump up to the ledge to the east. Switch character and do it again so both characters are on the ledge. Whistle for the other character to start sucking on one of the two sets of drawers. Jump and use the bungun to release the rabbit in the drawers. Repeat for the other set and herd the lot into the drain here. Drop down and head to the drain just west of the entrance. Whistle for the other character to use his bungun on the pipe while you turn the winch here to suck some rabbit out of a cage and into the drain. Jump onto the green box on the pipes and from there jump onto one of the steam vents. Use a jump smash to seal it forcing out some rabbits. Do the same with the other vent. Herd the lot of rabbits into the drain. Switch to Wallace and jump back on the green box. Jump onto the hopper at the east end of the pipes and jump up to the prize. Scare the rabbits down the pipe to the west. Drop to the ground and herd those rabbits into a drain. Use the bungun on one of the fan by the gate to the west. Whistle for your partner to do the same with the other one to open the gate. Pull the lever behind the gate to start up the western updraft. Jump above the updraft and use the autobrolley to float up it. Land on the ledge to the north. Double jump up to the ledge to the west. Use the bungun on the geared door to release the rabbits. Start herding the south gathering the other two. Pause to break the crate at wait for the batch to hop out of the machine. Herd the lot into the drain. Drop down to the right to the prize marrow and herd the rabbits that area attacking it into pipe on the west side. Drop down and herd them into the drain. Jump above the updraft by the drain and use the autobrolley to reach the platform with the prize leek. Jump and use the autobunter to pull the change above the leek to release some rabbit. Herd them and the rabbits that appeared on their own into the pipe on the east side. Drop down and herd them into the drain. Drop down into the pit to in the northwest corner. Break the crate to reveal a drain. Herd the four sheep onto the frame and pull the lever to catapult them south to the floor above. Switch to Gromit and jump onto the lift in the northeast corner of the pit. Whistle for Wallace to use his bun gun on the fan to lit you up. Jump to the platform to the west. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast out a bomb and fire it down one of the two pipes marked with a bomb. Repeat for the other pipe. Drop to the ground and herd the rabbits the bombs flush out into the drain. Jump out of the pit using the pipes in the southeast corner. Herd the sheep into the pen. Go to the western updraft and ride it up using your autobrolley. Drift down to the prize marrow and herd the rabbits into the pipe on the west side. Drop down and herd the rabbits into the drain to complete the challenge. ------------------------- 7.12.17 Go to Town Center ------------------------- Objective: Go to town center during the day to complete a task and find some cards that required the autobunter. No card reward. Go north from the factory and turn east at the junction. Talk to the Warden and say yes to go to the Town Center. ========================= 7.13 Day 3 (Town Center) ========================= ------------------------------------------ 7.13.1 Get the Church: Ring the Bell Card ------------------------------------------ Objective: Use the Autobunter on the bell cord at the Church entrance. Head northeast through the tunnel and go west down the street. Turn north into the churchyard. Head northwest towards the church. Stand in the entryway for the church and use the autobunter to pull the bell cord there, ringing the bell. Get the CARD that falls to the ground in front of the Church. ------------------------------------- 7.13.2 Mr. Mulch: Mr. Mulch's Seeds ------------------------------------- Objective: Recover 100 seeds for Mr. Mulch in the Town Center and Market Square Time Limit: 1:18 Leave the church grounds and head east through the gates and archway to the Town Center. Mr. Mulch with be standing to the left of the other side of the archway. Talk to him and say yes to begin the mission to recover his scattered seed. Jump onto the ledge north of Mr. Mulch. Run along in collecting the 6 seeds on it. Jump to the right and use the autobunter to get the seeds in the arch. Jump off and use the autobrolley to get another seed on the way down to the ledge. Follow the trail of seed to the switch. You should have 20 now. Double jump to the east and use the autobrolley to get the seeds going down to the awning. Bounce and spring under the column of seeds on the awning and land on the roof top. Follow the trail of seeds as it snakes to the east side of the roof. You should have 49 now. Jump west to the window sill. Jump to the next sill. Jump north and use the autobrolley to get the seeds on the way down to the awning. Bounce and spring up to the sill to the south, use the autobrolley if necessary. Double jump to the next sill and jump to the northern most sill. You should have 62 seeds now. Double jump forwards and use the autobrolley briefly. Switch to the autobunter as you reach the building to the right and collect the seeds in the arc to the east of the town hall. Jump over the far end of the arc and use the autobrolley to get the seeds on the way to the platform to the north. You should have 71 seeds now. Drop of the east end of the platform and used the autobrolley to get the seeds on the way down to the top of the red mail box. Jump and uses the autobrolley to get the seeds going to the north side of the canal. Follow the seeds east along the north side of the canal. You should have 84 when the path turns across the canal. Jump across the canal and follow the seeds west and then jump onto the ledge around the corner of the building to the south to get the last of them. Mr. Mulch will give you a CARD for collecting all of his seeds. --------------------------------------------- 7.13.3 Get the Town Center: On a Ledge Card --------------------------------------------- Objective: Get the card from the high ledge to the south of the number 3 tunnel to the park. Go northeast down Benny hill into the Market Square. Head across the square to the alley to the east of the Town Hall. Go into the alley and turn east. Turn south at the corner and turn east at the next one. Head up the stairs ahead on Janet Porter St. Turn north just before the number three tunnel. Head up the ramp to the left and cross over to the other side on the bridge. Go back along the ledge to the south. Jump off the ledge and use the autobunter on the bunting to swing across the gap to the ledge on the other side. Pick up the CARD there. NOTE: Its possible to get up here a lot earlier with the bunny hopper if you can bounce of the crates just right. -------------------------------------- 7.13.4 Get the Park: Roller Door Card -------------------------------------- Objective: Get the card behind the door in front of the trunk to the east of the number 2 tunnel. Drop down from the ledge and go through the number 3 tunnel. Cut across the west end of the soccer fields and jump up to the exit from the number 2 tunnel. Go east past the truck to a door. Jump and use the autobunter on the cord over the door to roll up the covering on the door. Go into the niche behind the door to get the CARD. -------------------------------------------- 7.13.5 Get the Park: Grandstand View Card -------------------------------------------- Objective: Get the card on the high ledge over the soccer field to the south of the number 3 tunnel. Head northeast from the door at jump up the rocks to the tree. Jump over the fence to the Cauliflower and jump up the rocks on the other side of the tree to get to the top of the hill. Head north to the pile of rocks and set up the harvester. Fire the rocks and the discolored fence to destroy it. Disengage the harvester. Go up to the newly created gap in the fence and jump to the west. Use the autobrolley to drift to the north, following a string of coins to the north side of the canal. Head to the west end of this strip of land and bounce of the mattress on the ground to get to the one on the top of the pile. Bounce and spring off this mattress and go south in the air. Use the autobunter to grab the bunting over the number 3 tunnel. Jump at the end of the swing and use the autobrolley to float down to the ledge with the CARD. --------------------- 7.13.6 Go to Wallersey --------------------- Objective: Go to Wallersey during the day to get some cards that require the autobunter. Drop to the ground from the ledge and head south to the number 2 tunnel. Go through this tunnel and go west down the alley. Turn south onto West Wallaby Street. Go west to the end of the street and turn north onto Abbey Road. Turn south to the road that goes up through the archway to the west. Go through the gate past the archway. Turn south between the gates and go up to the Wallersey Warden. Talk to the Warden and say yes to get into Wallersey. ====================== 7.14 Day 3 (Wallersey) ====================== ---------------------------------------------- 7.14.1 Get the Top of Town: Secret Wall Card ---------------------------------------------- Objective: Get the card behind a secret wall at the west end of the alley leading to Mr. Dibber's Wallersey shop. Use the autobunter on the ledge above to open the door. Go south from the Town Center Warden. Turn west at the junction. Turn south onto the plot with the Prize Leek. Jump to the grassy ledge to the east. Double jump and use the autobrolley to cross a wide gap to the east to another grassy ledge. Jump and use the autobunter to pull the chain here. This opens a door behind the vines below this ledge. Drop off the south side and go into this door to get a CARD. ----------------------------------------- 7.14.2 Get the Seafront: On a Ledge Card ----------------------------------------- Objective: Get the card from the high ledge to the west of the harbor entrance by swinging on the buntings along the storefronts. Head south down the street and turn east at corner. Go down the street turning south around the ship. Go into the tunnel south of the boat and turn right. Turn left and go through the harbor gate. Turn left and go almost all of the way to the museum, stopping at the building with the large covered entrance. Stand on the drain cover to the south east of the entrance as Gromit. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast you up. Use to autobrolley to land to top of the entranceway to the northwest. Jump to the northwest and use the autobunter to swing across to the next balcony when you can jump off. Go along the balcony to the corner to the west. Jump to the west and use the autobrolley to land on a black platform. Double jump and use the autobrolley to reach the next platform. Double jump and grab the ledge to the right to get into a niche. Wall jump up to the ledge above the harbor gate in the niche. Double jump west and use the autobunter to swing to the west. Jump off an the end of the arc and use the autobrolley to land on the nearby ledge with a CARD. ------------------------------------------------ 7.14.3 Get the Seafront: As Far As You Can Card ------------------------------------------------ Objective: Get the card sitting on the island on the west side of the harbor. Drop down from the ledge and go as far west as you can along the storefronts. Turn south at the wall. Jump the gap to get to the turnip patch. Go past the turnips and up the grassy ramp along the wall. Jump to the south and use the autobunter to swing across this gap to the ledge on the other side. Jump from the southeastern end of the ledge and use the autobunter to switch out further. Land on the hot air updraft. Jump above the updraft and use the autobrolley to rise up. Push southeast toward the island with the rocks. Land by the rocks to get the CARD there. -------------------------------------- 7.14.4 Proceed to Night 3 in Grimsley -------------------------------------- Objective: Return to Grimsley and go to night. No Card Reward. Jump over the updraft on this island and float up the using the autobrolley. Drift north to the pier with the lighthouse and ledge there. Head northwest to the storefronts and turn east toward the harbor gate. Go north through the harbor gate and turn west. Turn left and the junction in the tunnels. Go around a corner to the right. Turn north at the Allotments Warden and head north to the red van. Go up the twisting ramp to the west. Jump up the three platform to the west at the top of the ramp. Go up another ramp to the north and turn west. Turn north around the corner. Destroy the two gnomes and turn left toward the Grimsley Warden. Talk to the Ward and Say yes to enter Grimsley. Head north and turn west to get to the nearest Sundial. Use it to change to night. ======================= 7.15 Night 3 (Grimsley) ======================= -------------------------------------------- 7.15.1 Get the Town: Light up the Town Card -------------------------------------------- Objective: Turn on the 8 lamps in South Grimsley. The order the lights are turned on doesn't matter. Let's get to a good starting point. Go north along the street and turn west. Go west to the tunnel entrance. Jump and use the autobunter to pull the cord on the lamp at the tunnel entrance to turn it on. Turn around and head east and turn south at the corner. The second lamps is across the street from the shop. Turn it on using the autobunter. Go south further on the street. You'll find the third lamp across the street from the fire engine. Turn it on using the autobunter. The fourth light is a bit further south just around the corner, on the south side of the street to the west of the Farm. Turn it on using the autobunter. Go east to the junction. The fifth light is on the north side of the street here. Turn it on using the autobunter. Head south from the junction toward the Wallersey Warden. The sixth lamp is just east of him. Turn it on using the autobunter. Go back to the junction and go east. Go around the corner to the north. The seventh lamp will be on the east side of the street at the junction with Totters Lane. Turn it on using the autobunter. Go north past Totters Lane to the final lamp on the west side of the street, beside the bunny boiler. Turn it on using the autobunter. You'll get a CARD for turning on all of the lamps in South Grimsley. ----------------------------------------------- 7.15.2 Get the Industrial Area: Lights Out Card ----------------------------------------------- Objective: Turn on the 12 lamps in North Grimsley. Go through the Totter's Lane tunnel to the north. The first two lamps here are to the east side of the street beside the Factory Warden. Turn them on with the autobunter like the one's in South Grimsley. Head north to the junction. There are two more lamps here. Turn them on with the autobunter. Head north from the junctions. there are two more lamps on the west side of the street. Turn them on with the autobunter. Go up the twisting ramp up to the monorail station. There are two more lamps here, one in the southwest corner, the other further north on the west side. Turn them on with the autobunter. Go back down the ramp and return to the junction. Head west from the junction past Mr. Dibber's shop. Turn the corner to the south. The are three lamps along the west side of this street. Turn them on with the autobunter. The final lamp is on the twisting ramp down from the west side of the street. Go down the ramp to it and turn it on using the autobunter. You'll get a CARD for turning on all of the lamps in North Grimsley. -------------------------------------------- 7.15.3 PC Mackintosh: Enter the Old Factory -------------------------------------------- Objective: Ride the monorail into the old factory. Time Limit: 4:59 Return to the junction to the west of the Town Center Warden in North Grimsley. Talk to PC Mac, who will be standing on the corner. Say yes to his statement to begin the mission. You'll be Hutch for this mission. Suck up the paint can at the southeast corner of the junction. Turn south and fire the can at the were-badger. Suck it up again (or the stones thrown by the were-rats above) and keep firing it until the were-badger is dead. Double jump up the two platforms to the east of the were-badger. Turn south and jump onto the smaller platform and then onto the roof. Use combos on the two were-rats here and get behind the were-chicken before using combos on it. Double jump onto the higher roof to the south and jump onto the vent outlet. Double jump to the next vent outlet and deal with the were-rat there. Drop down to deal with the were-chicken below. Double jump up to the ledge to the south. Jump up to the east. Jump around the corner to the north. A were-chicken will ambush you from behind the vent outlet, deal with it. Continue west along the roof. Turn north at the edge and deal with the three were-rats at the monorail tunnels. Pull the lever to start the monorail car moving. Jump into the car as it leave the station. Stand behind the pile of turnip and just keep sucking them up and firing them at the were-bees and the three road blocks as you ride the rest of the way to the old factory. Watch the cutscene of Hutch dealing with the occupants of the factory. PC Mac will give you a CARD afterwards. --------------------------------------- 7.15.4 Mr. Leaching: Strange Creatures --------------------------------------- Objective: Destroy 23 were-creatures and gnomes in the Junkyard for Mr. Caliche. Head south through from the junction through the Totter's Lane Tunnel. Turn east onto Totter's Lane a bit south of the exit from the tunnel into the Junkyard. Talk to Mr. Caliche here. Say yes to here request to clear the strange creatures out of the scrapyard to begin the mission. Go south through the junkyard gates after Mr. Leaching opens them. Destroy the three were-weasels that pop out of the shed and the two gnomes that approach from the south with combos. Use were-energy on the gnome with the launcher to the east and another one on the platform on the south side of the main building. Also use the were-energy on the gnome sitting on the platform above the switches on the car crusher. While you're in the neighborhood of those switches, go over to them and whistle for your partner to press one of them while you press the other to close the crusher far enough to wall jump. Before you do so lets deal with some other enemies first. Hit the hood of the purple car to release 5 were-rats. Use combos on them. Destroy the two gnomes by the winch on the crane in front of the purple car. Turn the winch so that the shadow points northeast. I think there's a third gnome in the vicinity of the pink car that the other character dealt with, scout around there for good measure if you don't have 16 kills. Wall jump up to the top of the car crusher. Deal with the two gnomes there. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get to the top of the blue bus. Deal with the four gnomes that pop out of the pipe. Have the other character deal with any that survive the fall to the ground if you knock them off the bus. Jump and use the autobunter to get to the top of the main building to the northwest. Unleash were-energy on the were-badger on top of the building to kill it. Mr. Leaching will give you a CARD for destroying all of the were-creatures. ----------------------- 7.15.5 Farm Night Arena ----------------------- Objective: Destroy up to 3 Were-Devices to earn an equal number of cards and valves. Only one device needs to be destroyed to complete the mission. Money will be earned for killing were-creature. Time Limit: 4:59 Go east from the junkyard and turn south. Turn east and the corner. Go path the road south to Wallersey and enter the yard just past it with the Farm Warden to the south. Talk to the Farm Warden and say yes to begin the challenge. Jump and use the autobunter to open the door to the first area of the farm. Destroy the were-slugs here will and single hit and the gnome with combos. There's a gnome with a launcher on the ledge in the southeast corner that you can fire some were-energy at to destroy it. Another gnome and a were-chicken are around the northeast corner. Use combos from behind to deal with the were-chicken. Go to the northwest corner of this area beside the closed door. Whistle for the other character to hit one of the round panels beside the door while you hit the other to open it. Kill the three were-weasels inside with combos. Unleash were-energy at the device to bring down the shield and hit the device a few times to destroy it. Use the bungun to pull out the bale trolley. Double jump on top of it and jump on the roof. The two were-rats here can be dealt with using combos. Jump to the north and use the autobrolley to get through the gap in the fencing on top of the wall. Head south and pull the lever to open the gate to let the other character through. Kill the were-slugs and were-chicken here. Ignore the crates containing were-weasels. Also ignore the panel on the west wall as the door behind only contains were-weasels and a were hedgehog. If you choose to have Hutch open it with the screwdriver anyway, the button to press will appear in these positions: Up, Down, Right, Left, Right, Up, Left, Right Go the to gate on the east side and whistle for the other character to pull one of the levers while you pull the other to open the gate. Go east into the next section and destroy the were-rats and the were-chicken. Have Hutch use the bolt cutter on the padlock to the south of the gate. Alternate pressing the buttons in the down and right positions to build up the meter and press the button in the left position to make the final cut. Kill the were-hedgehog inside with a couple of jump smashes and unleash were- energy on the device to bring down the shield. Hit the device a few times to destroying after the shield is down. Head east and go around the corner to the south. Jump over the lower fence to the east and ignore the crate containing a were-weasel. Turn south again up the ramp. Kill the were-slugs and were-chicken. The rogue trash can be dealt with using combos. Jump onto the bale in front of the platform to the southwest. Double jump onto the platform. Use were-energy on the gnomes. Turn the winch to release the lever. Pull the lever to open the gate on the east side. Drop off the platform and kill the two were-weasels. Unleash were-energy at the third device to bring down the shield. After the shield is down hit the device a few times to destroy it. -------------------------------------------------- 7.15.6 (Chase the) Were-Rabbit to Tottington Hall -------------------------------------------------- Objective: Chase the Were-Rabbit through Grimsley. Immediately after completing the Grimsley Farm Night Arena the Were-Rabbit will show up on the street to the west of the farm. When you approach it, it will jump into the garden area through the alley to the south. Follow it around the corner to the northwest to the prize pumpkin and start hitting it. Keep at until it bounds off to the south. Kill some of the were- weasels and were-chickens that showed up while you were hitting the Were- Rabbit. Use combos, dealing with the were-chickens from behind. When you see the second pumpkin counter appear jump over the fence in the northwest corner and start hitting it until it bounds off and over a wall to Tottington Hall. You'll receive a CARD for chasing the Were-Rabbit off. A warden will tell you that Lady Tottington requests your presence. You'll need to take care of the last night arena before you can go see her though. ------------------------------------------------- 7.15.7 PC Mackintosh: Protect the Giant Pumpkin ------------------------------------------------- Objective: Escort a Prize Pumpkin to the monorail station. Go around the corner to the east from where the were-rabbit chase ended and talk to PC Mac. He'll ask you to run an errand for him. Say yes to begin the mission. Follow PC Mac north to the corner. Several were-weasels will attack around the corner to the west. Use combos to deal with them. Follow PC Mac west and through the tunnel to the north. Use were-energy to dispatch the two were-badgers that attack at the north end of the tunnel. Double team them with combos if you run out of energy. Follow PC Mac north to Miss Crock to pick up her pumpkin. Its on a auto navigating protopad so all you'll need to do is follow it. PC Mac departs. Follow the pumpkin to the lift on the west side of the street. Whistle for the other character to pull one of the levers while you pull the other to lower the lift. Try not to get run over by the protopad or you'll need to start over. Jump after the pumpkin, using the autobrolley to break your fall. Follow the pumpkin as it turns north. Use were-energy on the were-badger that appears behind the pumpkin and deal with the two were-hedgehogs using jump smashes. Deal with the three were-rats around the corner to the east using combos. Two more were-rats further east need to be deal with as well. Turn a corner to the north and another east and deal with two more were-rats. Follow the protopad northeast to the ramp below the monorail station. Get behind the three approaching were-chickens and use combo on the from behind. Afterward unleash were-energy on the were-badger descending the ramp. Climb the ramp while the protopad waits on a lift at the bottom. Use were- energy or jumping attacks on the second were-badger on the ramp. Kill the were-slugs at the top of the ramp with single hits. Head to the north wall and turn the winch to raise up the pumpkin. It will go the rest of the way without incident. PC Mac will give you a CARD for safely escorting the Pumpkin. --------------------------- 7.15.8 Factory Night Arena --------------------------- Objective: Destroy up to 3 Were-Devices to earn an equal number of cards and valves. Only one device needs to be destroyed to complete the mission. Money will be earned for killing were-creature. Time Limit: 4:59 Head north from PC Mac. Go around the corner to the west and turn north again. Go all the way through the tunnel and past Mr. Dibbers shop. Turn east at head for the junction. Turn south at the junction and go up to the Factory Warden. Speak to the Warden as say yes to begin the final night arena challenge. Drop down into the factory south of the entrance. Set up the harvester in the turnip patch and fire the turnip at the wooden panel to the south. Disengage the harvester after destroying the panel. Attach the bungun to the pipe piece on the trolley behind where the panel was and pull it out. Have Hutch Air Blast it to destroy the door to the west. Suck up turnips from the patch and fire there at the were-rat and two were- badgers inside to kill them. Unleash were-energy at the device inside to bring down the shield. After the shield falls hit the device a few times to destroy it. Head east of the turnip patch. Jump over the updraft and use the autobrolley to rise up. Float to the top of the platform to the east. Double jump up to the higher platform to the north. Double jump up to the ledge above that to the east and pull the lever in the southwest corner while the were-weasels and were-rats are spilling out of the drawers, opening up the gates on the second device below. Kill the were-weasels and were-rats with combos and drop down into the cage below. Unleash were-energy on the device to bring down the shield. Hit the device a few times after the shield is down to destroy it. Head west, past the turnip patch. Jump over the conveyor. Kill the were-rats that pop out of the pipes to the south. Drop into the pit in the northwest corner. Get behind the were-chickens here to destroy them with combos. Kill the rats coming out of the pipe. As Gromit on the lift in the northeast corner. Whistle for Hutch to use his bungun on the fan to raise you up. Jump onto the platform to the west and kill the were-rats that pop out of the pipes. Pull the lever at the west end on the platform to extend a walkway to the south. Use the bungun on the gear assembly on the walkway and whistle for Hutch to do the same with the gear assembly below. This causes the third device to rise from the floor of the pit. Destroy the were-rats that appear and drop to the floor of the pit to help out with the were-chickens. Unleash were-energy on the device to lower the shield. Once the shield is down destroy the device by hitting it a few times. ----------------------------- 7.15.9 Go to Tottington Hall ----------------------------- Objectives: Go to Tottington Hall at Night. No card reward. Apart for one mission in Grimsley that need to way for daytime, we're finished with everything outside of Tottington Hall. It's not possible to get there directly from Grimsley. Go north from the factory turn east at the Junction. Talk to the Town Center Warden as say yes to enter the Town Center. Follow the southern boundary of the Town Center east through the Church Subdistrict, down Abbey Road and West Wallaby Street, through the number 1 tunnel to the park. Keep going east and talk to the Tottington Hall Warden. Say yes to proceed to Tottington Hall. Watch the cutscene of Victor and Miss Tottington. ============================== 7.16 Night 3 (Tottington Hall) ============================== This have changed since you were last at Totting Hall in the Tutorial. The field to the east of the hall is now occupied by the Fete, a fairgrounds which can be accessed during the day. There's are some Woods to the north after you're allow to cut the padlock to the gate to them. The Walled Garden is no longer accessible, however you can go through the tent on the north side of the hall, when required by a task, to get to the Patio, which consists of Miss Tottington's backyard and hedge maze. There are Two Wardens here. Both will take you to the Town Center. One of them is in front of the Mansion, the other at the west end of the road to the north. During the day, Mme Winnie Bago will also server as a Warden to the finale if you've completed all of the Lady Tottington missions and completed the night arenas by getting at leave one valve from each. You start of at the front door to the Mansion by the western gate of the Fete. There's no real reason to go down either the north or south roads at this time. If you go along the northern road you'll get attack by sever trios of giant Were-Weasels that can be dealt with using combos. There are a couple of crates containing bunny hoppers at the north gate to the Fete. The south road lead to a closed gate where you'll be attacked by giant Were- weasels as well. ---------------------------------------------------- 7.16.1 Lady Tottington: Creature in the Fairground ---------------------------------------------------- Objective: Clear 40 Were-Creature from the Fete for Lady Tottington Time Limit: 9:52 Lady Tottington is standing just to the north of the western entrance to the Fete. Talk to her. Say yes to her request to rid the Fairgrounds of were- creatures to begin the mission. You'll be taken to the western exit from the Fete. Two were-hedgehogs will roll out of the tower to the north of the exit. Kill them with a couple of jump smashes. Do the same to the three that appear after the first two are killed. Two were-bees will now break out of the crates by the west exit. Fire were-energy at them to bring them down. Head east from the crates by the west exit, towards the tent. Unleash were- energy at the were-badger that emerged from the tent. Do the same to a second were-badger that appears after the first one is dealt with. Get closed to the tent and a were-bee will pop out of the crate by the tent. Use were-energy or just hit it when it makes an attack run. Head north and use combos on the five gnomes that spill out of the red tent. Go between the tent and the tower to the west and two were-hedgehogs will pop out of crates, use jump smashes on them. Head east past the red tent. Another were-hedgehog will pop out of another crate and two were-chicken will come at you from the booth with the springy surfaces to the east. Use jump smashes on the were-hedgehog and get behind the were-chickens and use combos. Two more were-chickens will attack as you go east to take on the first two. Use were-energy on the 5 gnomes with launches on the teacup ride. Go east to the yellow and red stripe tent. Use were-energy on the two were- badger that come out of it. You may run out for the next two were-badgers so either double team them with your partner or use jumping attacks. Use jump smashes on the were-hedgehog that joins the fray. Go west a bit and knock out the support on the platform that the were-rat is standing on. Finish it off with a combo. Unleash were-energy to destroy the were-bee need on the pole east of this platform at destroy the surviving bees from the nest (hive and bees counts as 1 kill total). Turn the winch on the cage to the north of the yellow and red stripe tent entrance where you fought the were-badger. This releases the were-weasel inside. Kill it with combos. Go around the south side of the tent. Deal with another were-hedgehog that pops out of a crate. Knock out the support on the platform at deal with the were-rat. Use were-energy to destroy the were-bee nest to the south of the tent and destroy any surviving bees from the nest. Turn the winch on the cage on the south side of the tent to release the were- weasel inside. Destroy it with combos. The last enemy is try to find. Go back to the first tent with were-badgers, the red and while one. Jump onto the crates on its west side and jump on top of the tent. Destroy the hive at the top with combos. It won't be necessary to kill any surviving bees from the nest. Lady Tottington will give you a CARD for clearing the Fete. Watch the scene for Miss Tottington heading towards her backyard. ------------------------------------------- 7.16.2 Get the Tottington Hall: Ambush Card ------------------------------------------- Objective: Get the Card that appears after defeating the were-badger and were-hedgehogs in the cavern at the end of the hedge maze. Head north and go west through the gap in the tent to the Patio. Go west past Miss Tottington and turn south through her garden. Step on the stone in front of the closed gate to the hedge maze to open the gate. Go through the gate and turn left at the Cauliflower and step on the stone there to open the gate beside it. Go through that gate and step on the stone there to open a gate to the north. Go back through the gate and go south to the junction. Kill the two were- hedgehogs that appear using jump smashes. Go through the open gate on the eastern path as step on the stone there to open the gates on the western and southern paths. Take the southern path and kill the two were-hedgehogs that appear with jump smashes. Go through the gate into a small cavern. Kill the four were-hogs that ambush you with jump smashes and the were-badger by unleashing were- energy. A CARD appear on the fountain in here. Jump up to get it. ------------------------------------------ 7.16.3 Get the Totting Hall: Smashing Card ------------------------------------------ Objective: Destroy the 15 vases in the Patio area. Jump onto the fountain in the cavern and hit the vase to destroy it. Go north to the junction and go west to the prize Marrow. Use a jump smash to destroy the vase on the pedestal north of the Marrow. Go east to the junction and then north all of the way out of the maze. Use jump smashes to destroy the two vases to either side of the maze entrance. Jump onto the garden's northern fence. There are four vases along it to destroy with attacks. Go along the fence on the west side of the garden. Destroy the single vase in the center of it. Similarly, destroy the four vases along the southern fence. The last two vases are on top of the door on the east side of the garden. Wall jump up to the top of the door from either side and hit those vases. You'll get a CARD for destroying all of the vases. ------------------------------------------ 7.16.4 Lady Tottington: Moonlight Meander ------------------------------------------ Objective: Protect Lady Tottington and her Prize onion from several waves of were-creatures. Drop back to the ground and go the south side of the garden. Talk to Miss Tottington there. She'll request you're protection. Say yes to begin the mission. Kill the two pairs of were-hedgehog that appear behind Lady Tottington with jump smashes. Once the second group is dead, run past the large group of were-rat to deal with the two that are attacking the prize onion first using combos. Deal with the larger group afterward. Miss Tottington will now approach the prize onion. Get behind the were- chicken that approaches the onion and hit it with combos from behind. Them use combos on the large group of gnomes that will be targeting Lady Tottington. Lady Tottington with head into the garden behind her mansion. Hang back as two were-badger will be heading for the prize onion. Unleash were-energy onto them to deal with them quickly from a distance, ideally from the direction of the garden. Lady Tottington will have been surround by 11 were-creatures in the interim. Race into the garden and deal with the were-weasel and were-bees using combos. Lady Tottington will give you a CARD after defeating this final batch of were- creatures. --------------------------------------- 7.16.5 Go to Grimsley and switch to Day --------------------------------------- Objective: Go to Grimsley during the day to do the last task outside of Tottington Hall. No card reward. There's nothing left to do at night and only one thing left outside of Tottington during the day so let's get into position to deal with it. Head north out of Lady Tottington's garden and turn east and go through the gap in the tent. Turn south and go up to the Town Center Warden in front of the mansion. Say yes to return to the town center. Head west along the south side of the town center all the way to the Grimsley Warden. Talk to him and say yes to enter Grimsley. Head west to the junction and turn south. Go through the tunnel and turn east into Totter's Lane into the Junkyard. Use the sundial in here to switch to Day. ===================== 7.17 Day 4 (Grimsley) ===================== ------------------------------------ 7.17.1 Mr. Leaching: Open the Safes ------------------------------------ Objective: Crack Mr. Leaching's three safes Talk to Mr. Leaching. He'll ask for help with his forgotten safe combination. Safe yes to begin the mission. Head south into the Junkyard. Switch to Wallace. Double jump onto the platform above the switches for the car crusher. Jump onto the pipes at the back of the platform. Double jump and pull yourself over the fence onto the top of the car crusher to the left. Use the screwdriver on the safe here. The buttons to press will appear in these positions: Right, Down, Left, Left, Up, Down, Right, Left Switch to Gromit and go to the crane winch to the east. Turn the winch so that crane's shadow points northeast. Switch back to Wallace, hopefully he's still on the car crusher, if not get back up there. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get to the top of the blue bus. Use the screwdriver on the safe there. The buttons to press will appear in these positions: Right, Down, Down, Right, Left, Left, Left, Up Jump northeast towards the crane and use the autobunter to swing to the roof of the main building. Double jump to the top of the upper train car from the northeast corner of the roof. Use the screwdriver on the safe there. The buttons to press will appear in these positions: Right, Up, Left, Down, Up, Right, Left, Right Mr. Leaching will give you a CARD after cracking all three of his safes. -------------------------------- 7.17.2 Return to Tottington Hall -------------------------------- Objective: Go back to Tottington Hall to complete the remainder of the games missions. No card reward. Leave the Junkyard to the west and turn north. Go through the tunnel and keep going north to the junction. Talk to the Town Center Warden as say yes to enter the Town Center. Follow the southern boundary of the Town Center east through the Church Subdistrict, down Abbey Road and West Wallaby Street, through the number 1 tunnel to the park. Keep going east and talk to the Tottington Hall Warden. Say yes to proceed to Tottington Hall. ============================ 7.18 Day 4 (Tottington Hall) ============================ ---------------------------------------- 7.18.1 Lady Tottington: Clear the Patio ---------------------------------------- Objective: Clear 40 pests from the garden and maze behind the mansion for Lady Tottington You'll be standing in from the Tottington Hall mansion. Lady Tottington is standing in front of the door to the mansion. Talk to her. Say yes to her request for help with the pests in the gardens to begin the mission. Head north to the tent. The man north of the gap will tell you to go through, do so. Hug the bush to the right as you enter since a group of 6 rabbits appears ahead of you. This allows you to herd them west and south to the center of the garden. Hit the statue several times to destroy it and herd the rabbits into it. Return to the north where a group of rabbits will be going after the prize onion. Herd the four of them to them drains. Try to avoid the holes beside the shrubs here. While you here you may want to hit the beehive on the west wall a few times to destroy it. There's a loose turkey near the fountain. Herd it south for now. Another group of rabbits pops out near the gate to the hedge maze. Herd the five of them back to the drain. Round up the turkey. Hit it to stun it and suck it up. Stand on the stone in front of the gate to the maze to open the gate. Go through the gate and pull the lever by the green house/turkey pen to open the door. Fire the turkey you sucked up into it. By now some rabbits have appear by the Cauliflower to the west of the makeshift turkey pen. Herd the six of them into the drain further into the maze, south of the pen. Chase down the turkey near the drain, hit it to stun it and suck in up. You'll likely flush out a group of five rabbits to the east of the drain as you do so, herd them into the drain. Take the turkey back to the pen and fire it inside. Step on the stone near the pen to open the gate beside it. Suck up the turkey inside after stunning it. Fire it into the pen. Step on the stone in here and the one to the east of the drain to open the other gates. Go into the area to the west of the drain by the Prize Marrow. Hit the trap here to release a turkey. Hit the turkey to stun it and suck it up. Herd the five rabbits here into drain. Fire the turkey into the pen. Return to the garden. As Gromit, jump onto the ledge to the west of the back door of the mansion. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast the two fat rabbits out of the compost bins to the north of the door and suck them up. Fire them into the drain. The last three pests are turkeys caught in two levers traps. The two of three trap can be found to the northwest and southwest of the fountain drain, the final one is to the north beside the prize onion and pumpkin. Open them one at a time by whistling for the other character to pull one lever while you pull the other. Hit the turkey inside to stun it and suck it up with the bungun. Go to the pen in the maze and fire the turkey inside. Repeat with the other two traps. Lady Tottington will give you a CARD after you've cleared all of the pests. You'll be back at the main door to the mansion. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.18.2 Mr Burroughs: Clear the Fair Ground (Lady Tottington Task) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Objective: Clear the 50 pest from the Fete for Mr. Burroughs to get one of Lady Tottington's Cards. Go through the gate to the Fete to the east of the Mansion. Once inside turn north and you'll see a bearded man. This is Mr. Burroughs. Talk to him and he'll ask you to help with the rabbits on the Fete. Say yes to officially begin the mission. Go up the ramp on the tower by Mr. Burroughs. Suck up the rabbit at the top of the ramp. Take it over to the drain to the south of the two and fire it into it. Go back behind the tower and destroy the crate there. Suck up the rabbit inside and take it back to the drain. Fire it in. There's a crate with a target on it by the tent to the east of this drain, that is the tent the Mr. Caliche is stain by. Jump and attack to hit the target to release four rabbits. Herd them into the drain. Go beside Mr. Caliche under a cord. Jump and use the autobunter to release 5 rabbits from the tent. Herd them into the drain. There's a crate with a lever beside it to the southwest of this drain, north of the Battle of Britain ride. Pull the lever to release 4 rabbits and herd them southwest to another drain by the Battle of Britain ride. Three of the planes in the Battle of Britain ride have rabbits in them. Use jump smashes to dislodge the rabbits and suck them up. Fire them into the drain. Two rabbits are sitting in the Roadshow antiques booth to the west of the drain. Suck them up and fire them into the drain. Do the same with the rabbit sitting on the crate by the boot. Switch to Wallace and jump onto the Roadshow Antiques boot and jump onto the dresser beside it. Suck up the rabbit there and fire it into the drain. Suck open the dresser and herd the five rabbits inside into the drain. Go over to the pile of crates on south side of the Battle of Britain ride. Smash the northwest crates to release a rabbit and suck it up. Take it back to the drain. Fire the rabbit into the drain. Return to the pile of crates and hit the target on the top one. Herd the five rabbit inside back to the drain. Head east, past the Ferris wheel to the "Ball Larks" game. Suck up the two rabbits sitting to the crates here and fire them into the nearby drain. Suck up the rabbit by the strength test north of "Ball Larks" and fire it into the drain as well. Break the crate to the north of the strength test to release a rabbit and hit the target on the larger crate beside it to release 4 more. Herd the lot to the drain. Turn the winch on the cage to the northeast of the drain. Suck up the rabbit inside and fire it into the drain. Pull the lever to the north of the drain to release 4 rabbit. Herd them back to the drain. Head to the entrance to the tent to the north of the drain. Have Gromit use the autobunter on the cord to open the tent, releasing the last 4 rabbits. Herd them back to the drain. Mr. Burroughs will give you one of Lady Tottington's CARDs for clearing all of the pests in the Fete. You'll be back beside Mr. Burroughs on the west side of the Fete. ------------------------------------- 7.18.3 Mr. Caliche: Bag-A-Bunny Game ------------------------------------- Objective: Score at least 100 points in the Fete's Bag-A-Bunny shooting game. Time Limit: 0:59 Head east, past the tower, to the Bag-A-Bunny tent that Mr. Caliche is standing beside. Talk to him. Say yes to his offer to play a game to begin the mission. Just keep firing at the rabbits that appear on the tops of the building, along the bottom. Rabbits also appear on the tower, roller coaster, and Ferris wheel. The point values for the rabbits vary from 1 to 10 points. As long as you keep firing and don't let any for the rabbits sit for too long, as this may prevent others from appearing, there will be more than enough points. Mr. Caliche will give you a CARD the first time you get 100 or more points. If you play again you'll receive 25 coins for breaking 100. ------------------------------------------------ 7.18.4 Get the Tottington Hall: Coconut Shy Card ------------------------------------------------ Objective: Shoot down the 10 coconuts using at most 25 oranges. Time Limit: 0:28 Head south from Mr. Caliche, past the Battle of Britain to the Coconut Shy booth on the south side of the Fete. Talk to the man to the left of the booth. Say yes to try the game. You'll be using the Harvester to play this game. Aim the harvester at a coconut and fire a single orange. Adjust your aim if you miss and try again. Repeat for all 10 coconuts. Don't try strafing the coconuts as you'll run out of oranges. You'll get a CARD when you knock down all of the coconuts within the time and ammo limits. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7.18.5 Miss Thrip : Lady Tottington's Seeds (Lady Tottington Task) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Objective: Collect 100 seeds that are scattered about the Fete. Time Limit: 1:19 Go north from the Coconut Shy Booth and talk to Miss Thrip who's standing on the north side of the ferris wheel. She'll request your help to recover Lady Tottington's seeds. Say yes to begin the mission. Head south towards the orange crate following the trail of seed. Double jump onto the crate. Jump to get the seed above the crate and drop off the other side. Turn east until you're lined up with the ferris wheel. You should have 12 seed now. Double jump up to the red seat. Jump over the back of the seat to land on the blue seat at the bottom. Jump over the back of the blue seat to the ground and then jump onto the red seat. Jump up to the next blue seat and then to the next red seat. You should have 22 seeds as you jump over the back of the red seat, use the autobrolley to break your fall. Follow the seeds to the teacup ride and jump onto the teacup. Double jump counterclockwise three more teacups. You should have 45 seeds now. Double jump over to the bouncy castle. Spring over to the west side of the casts from the red circle. Spring from the bounce platform at the west end to the crate and red circle by the tent. You should have 59 seeds now. Jump onto the tent and run across it. You should have 66 seeds on the other side. Jump and use the autobrolley to get over to the crates. You should have 72 seeds now. Jump over to the ramp on the tower and run up to the top of the ramp. You should have 85 seeds now. Double jump and use the autobrolley to float down through the line of seeds to the south to complete the mission on the competition table. Miss Thrip will give you Lady Tottington's CARD for gathering all of the seeds. --------------------------------- 7.18.6 Mr. Growbag: Bouncy Castle --------------------------------- Objective: Clear the 10 rabbits that are floating in balloon above the Fete near the Bouncy Castle. Head north from the Ferris wheel, past the Bag-A-Bunny tent to the Bouncy Castle where you'll find Mr. Growbag. Talk to him and say yes to him to begin the mission. Mr. Growbag will want you to round up the rabbits that are floating above in his basket balloons. Before you can round them up, you'll need to break the balloons the rabbits are in first. All of the balloons are in the general area of the bouncy castle. There are two ways to go about bursting the balloons. One is the spring off the bouncy castle and hit them, however not all of the balloons are in range for this. The other way is to set up the Harvester in a crate of oranges, the one on the other side of the teacup ride is ideal for this. However you get the rabbits down, herd them into the drain to the northeast of the teacup ride. Mr. Growbag will give you a CARD after all ten are rounded up. --------------------------------------- 7.18.7 Lady Tottington: Clear the Woods --------------------------------------- Objective: Round up the 75 pests in the Woods for Lady Tottington, while preventing the Prize Pumpkin, Cauliflower, and Marrow from getting eaten. Head east from Mr. Growbag and go through the northern exit from the Fete there. You'll find yourself near Lady Tottington at the padlocked entrance to the Woods. Talk to her and say yes to her request to help with the pests in the woods. This allows you to cut the padlock on the gates to the woods to begin the mission. Have Wallace use the bolt cutters on the padlock. Alternate pressing the buttons in the left and right positions to build up the meter. Press the button in the down position to make the final cut. This area can be tricky. At first glance there are only 2 drain capable of holding 30 pests each, plus you seem to be about a dozen pest short. This is because a third drain and the remaining pests are buried under leaves, much like the card and veg-b-big bottle were buried under the sand on top of the steamer. Head northwest into the woods. Turn northeast around a corner and then northwest again. Jump over the first log and onto the second log laying across the path. Double jump up to the ledge on the right where a squirrel sits and suck it up with the bungun. Drop down and continue northwest. Jump onto the block to the left at the wall. Jump onto the wall and drop over on the other side. Turn east into the area with stumps. Go past the stumps and jump onto the wall on the other side. Fire the squirrel to the east to deal with later. Turn around and double jump to the northern stump. Suck the squirrel off the other stump and get back onto the wall. Fire the squire over to the other one. Drop back down on the west side of the wall. There will be a hedgehog buried in the leaves on the north side of the wall. Suck it up and jump back onto the wall. Drop down onto the other side. You should see three squirrels here, the two you shot over the wall and another one. Ignore them and head east under the suspended traps. Release the hedgehog past the pile of stones in side of the prize marrow. Suck up the pile of leaves north east of the pile of stones to reveal the drain. Suck up the squirrels and the hedgehog you shot over and fire them into the drain. Do the same with the other squirrel you saw after you jumped over the wall to the west. Suck up the pile of leaves under the ledge the prize marrow is on. Suck up the three hedgehogs underneath and fire them into the drain. As Gromit, jump onto the ledge beside the prize marrow and suck up the squirrel that may jump of the higher stump. Fire it into the drain. Jump back up by the prize marrow and double jump onto the stump behind it. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast the compost bin behind the stump and suck up the squirrel inside. Jump on the small block to the north of the drain by a wall overlooking another drain. Whistle for Wallace to air blast the squirrel out of the compost bin by the wall and suck it up. Fire it into the drain. Suck up the leaves by the three to the west of the pile of rocks suck up the three hedgehogs underneath and fire them into the drain. Set up the harvester in the pile of rocks. Fire the rocks to the west at the two suspended traps. In all 10 rabbits will be released. Herd them back to the drain. Jump up by the pile of rock by the wall to the west. This is the wall you shot the first two squirrels over. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast the compost bin and suck up the squirrel inside. Take it back to the drain and fire it in. That takes care of the first 24 pests in the vicinity of the prize marrow. Take the path north of the last compost bin to the prize cauliflower's area. There will be a three loose squirrels to suck up here, including the one in the path to the west. Fire them into the drain here. Jump up by the prize cauliflower and turn around to suck the squirrel off the high stump. Fire it into the drain. Suck up the pile of leaves to the east of the drain. Suck up the three hedgehogs underneath and fire them into the drain. Do the same with the three hedgehogs under the pile of leaves in the corner to the west of the drain. Jump back up by the Cauliflower. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast the squirrel out of the compost bin by the large stump. Fire it into the drain. Double jump onto the stump behind the cauliflower. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast the squirrel out of the compost bin and suck it up. Take it to the drain and fire it in. Set up the harvester in the pile of stones by the Cauliflower. Fire it at the two suspended traps. This releases a total of 10 rabbits that you can herd into the drain. Jump up by the Cauliflower and jump over the brambles behind it. Suck up the squirrel there and take it back to the drain. Fire it into the drain. This takes care of all 23 pests around the Cauliflower. Its time to move on to the prize pumpkin to take care of the rest. West down the path to the west. Drop down by the stump ahead and head to the prize pumpkin on the ground ahead. This is the only vegetable in the woods in any real danger as it isn't elevated like the previous two. Heading there first will scare the loose squirrel up a tree to deal with later. The first order of business in to set up the harvester in the pile of rocks by the pumpkin. Fire the at the beehives in the trees to the south of the pumpkin so that the bees will stop attacking. There may be another loose squirrel by the tree the fire one ran up. Suck it up and shoot it into the drain. Switch to Wallace. There's a change that the squirrel on the stump by the drain may fall in on its own, otherwise double jump to the branch on it and jump up to suck it up. Go back to the path where you entered this area. Double jump on the shorter stump, under the suspended trap, and stuck to squirrel off the high stump at the entrance to the path. Take the squirrel back to the drain and fire it inside. Get back on the stump at the area entrance. Double jump to the branch on the taller stump under the suspended trap. Jump to the top of the stump and suck up the squirrel there. Now is a good time to get the card from 7.18.8 by double jump and using the autobrolley to float to the branch with it on. Jump off afterwards and float to the ground with the autobrolley so that you don't lose the squirrel, and fire it into the drain. Switch to Gromit. Double jump onto the lower stump near the area entrance. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast the squirrel out of the compost bin and suck it up. Take it to the drain and fire it in. Double jump onto the prize pumpkin. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast the squirrel out of the compost bin and suck it up. Take it to the drain and fire it in. Double jump onto the shed on the north side. Whistle for Wallace to Air Blast the squirrel out of the compost bin and suck it up, wait until you see the squirrel or you may get a rock. Take it (the squirrel not the rock) to the drain and fire it in. Set up the harvester in the rocks by the last compost bin and fire the rocks at the trap above the drain and little to the east. This release five rabbits that should by herded to the drain before there go four the pumpkin. While beside the drain, start using the bungun on the door of the shack. Whistle for the other character to do the same. Suck up the fire squirrels inside and fire them into the drain. Switch to Wallace. Double jump onto the stump by the pumpkin. Suck the squirrel(s) that ran up the tree off from there and fire it/them into the drain. Set up the harvester in the pile of stones on the south side of the area. Shoot the remaining two traps from there releasing the last 10 rabbits. Herd them into the drain to complete the mission. Lady Tottington will give you a CARD for clearing the pests from the woods. ---------------------------------------------------- 7.18.8 Get the Tottington Hall: Up in the Trees Card ---------------------------------------------------- Objective: Get the card from the high tree branch in the area with the Prize Pumpkin in the Woods. You should have got this card while clearing the Woods in 7.18.7. If not head for the area with the prize Pumpkin. Jump onto the short stump near the pumpkin area entrance in the southwest corner of the area. Double jump to the branch of the stump under the trap. Jump to the top of the stump. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get to the CARD. -------------------------------------- 7.18.9 Mr. Dibber: Chase the Butterfly -------------------------------------- Objective: Chase the butterfly through the Woods, scaring it away from the Carnivorous plants before it gets eaten. Time Limit: Each Carnivorous plant has a separate time limit after the butterfly lands on it. The faster you reach the butterfly the more time you'll have for the next one. I think each landing gives you 0:09 of additional time. After Clearing the Woods for Lady Tottington you'll be back at the entrance to the Woods. Talk to Mr. Dibber there. Say yes to his request to herd the butterfly back to the entrance to woods for him to catch. This will start the mission. I recommend using Wallace for this mission as he can jump higher than Gromit. The Butterfly is sitting on the ground just inside the entrance to the northwest. Approach it and it will fly further into the woods. Follow it around the turn to the northeast and another to the northwest. When it lands on the first carnivorous plant you have 0:09 to jump onto the second logs and then jump up to the ledge with the plant to scare the butterfly further into the woods. Double jump and float northwest over the wall using the autobrolley. Turn east and go past the stump the butterfly has landed on to the wall. Double jump onto the wall and turn around. Double jump and use the autobrolley to float to the stump with the plant, causing the butterfly to fly further into the woods. Turn back to the east and double jump back to the wall. Drop down and head east towards the marrow. The butterfly will land by the third plant. Double jump up beside the marrow. Double jump to the stump behind the marrow. Double jump up to the tree house where the plant is. The butterfly now flies towards the Cauliflower. Drop down and head west past the Marrow. Turn to the north and double jump onto the fence by the wall. The butterfly lands on a tall stump. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get near the Cauliflower. Double jump up to the Cauliflower and turn around. Double jump to the stump with the plant causing the butterfly to fly off to the other side of the Cauliflower. Double jump back to the Cauliflower. Double jump onto the stump behind it. Double jump up to the tree house where the plant it. The butterfly will fly off. Chase the butterfly through the bramble filled path behind the tree house. It will land on a stump at the other end that you can jump onto to scare the butterfly further. Double jump and use the autobrolley to float northwest towards the stumps in the corner. Double jump on the lower one's branch and then double jump to branch on the higher one. Jump to the top of the higher stump where the plant is. The butterfly will fly off again. Head southwest to the path and go past the stump the butterfly landed on. Jump up onto the ledges and turn around and jump back to the stump. The butterfly will fly off again towards the entrance. Turn around again and head east down the path and turn south down another one. Jump onto the wall to the west to when the butterfly has landed on another plant. The butterfly will continue heading in the direction of the entrance. Follow it west and turn southeast. Jump on the block by the wall and jump onto the wall to scare the butterfly away from the final plant. Follow the butterfly the rest of the way to the entrance, where Mr. Dibber will give you a CARD. ------------------------------------------- 7.18.10 Get the Tottington Hall: Woods Card ------------------------------------------- Objective: Destroy the 6 crates with spots in the woods and the 4 crates with spots in the Fete using a bunny hopper. Woods ----- There are two purple crates by the northern entrance to the fete. Break one of them to get a Bunny Hopper. Get on Hopper. If and when the hopper breaks in the woods it will respawn here. Bounce north into the woods. You'll need to watch out for the thorny brambles here to avoid the trek back to the Fete entrance. Smash the first crate just to the left inside the gate to the Woods. Head northwest, and then northeast. Turn northwest again and smash the second crate on the other side of the logs. Keep left as you go ahead to avoid the brambles. Bounce and smash over the wall. Turn east through the stumps keeping left. Bounce and smash over the next wall. Turn north through the path on the other side of the wall towards the cauliflowers area. Smash the third crate against the wall in the southeast corner. Bounce and smash up to the Cauliflower. Go up to the brambles blocking the path north of the Cauliflower. Bounce and smash over them landing to the right before the lone bramble there. Bounce and smash over that bramble to avoid the ones to the left. Bounce over the wall ahead, smashing the fourth crate on the other side of it to the right. It not realistic to get the last two in the woods without breaking the hopper here, when you do go back to the entrance to the Fete and get a replacement. There return to the area with the Cauliflower. This time take the clear path to the west to the area with the pumpkin. Smash the fifth crate in the northwest corner by the log pile near the shed. Careful bounce down the center of the path to the south of the last crate through the brambles to either side. Go around the loan bramble in the center. Bounce and smash over the wall and smash the six crate on the other side. Get off the hopper and jump onto the stump to the south. Double jump over the brambles and jump onto the log. Double jump onto the log in the bramble filled pit ahead. Double jump onto the wall ahead with is just south of the wall on the path back to the entrance, which you should now head towards. Once your out of the woods, go through the northern entrance to the fete. Fete ---- Head south to the green and white tent, which is the Caliche 'n' Carry shop. There are two purple crates by it. Smash one and get on the bunny hopper inside. The seventh crate is just to the north of the soccer challenge booth beside you. Destroy it with a smash. Head west and destroy the eighth crate to the south of the Battle of Britain. Go to the northwest corner and destroy the ninth crate behind the tower. The final crate to be destroyed is behind the doughnut booth near the northern exit. You'll receive a CARD for destroy all 10 crates with dots. Get off the bunny hopper. ------------------------------------- 7.18.11 Jasmander: Football Shootout! ------------------------------------- Objective: Kick the soccer ball through the 5 holes with lights Time Limit: 1:29 Head over to the southwest corner of the Fete. Talk to Jasmander at the Ball Larks booth. Say yes to her challenge to begin the mission. You may need to do this a few time before you get a decent distribution of light. 5 of the 11 hole are lit. The high and low kicks use the same buttons as the football challenges back in the Town Center Park subdistrict. I find Gromit shoots a little straighter that Wallace. The lower holes won't be much of an issue with low kicks, although the one on the rear panel need to be lined up a little more carefully. With the higher holes try heading straight for them and using high kicks, you'll need to experiment to get the distances down for each hole. Jasmander will give you a CARD the first time you complete this challenge. ------------------------------------- 7.18.12 Mme Winnie Bago: Go to Finale ------------------------------------- Objective: Proceed to the Finale. If you've finished all of the night arenas and all of Lady Tottington's mission you can go up to Mme. Winnie Bago on the west side of the Fete just south of the exit. Talk to here and say yes to proceed to the Finale after watching a cutscene of the beginning of the Vegetable Competition. =========== 7.19 Finale =========== ---------------------------------------------- 7.19.1 Chase the Were-Rabbit Through the Woods ---------------------------------------------- Objective: Chase the Were-Rabbit Through the Woods and prevent it from eating the prize vegetables. You'll be at the entrance to the Woods. The Were-Rabbit with bound along the path to the northwest. NOTE: There will be several were-creature in the woods. I recommend ignoring them and just keep following the were-rabbit as there won't be time to fight the others when the were-rabbit get to the prize vegetable. Follow the Were-Rabbit to the northwest and it will bound northeast around the corner. Run past the were-weasels and the were-rabbit will bound off to the northwest. Follow it again, ignoring the were-rats. The were-rabbit will bound off to the east as you reach the wall. Jump on the block to the left and then jump onto the wall and drop over to the other side. Turn east ignoring the were-creature. Double jump onto the wall at its center to avoid the were-rat on top of it. Drop down on the other side and run towards the marrow where the Were-Rabbit will be about to start eating. Set up the Harvester in the pile of stones beside the Marrow and fire the stones at the Were-Rabbit until it bounds off. Disengage the Harvester. Drop down to the west and double jump onto the wall to the north from the block on its west end. Double jump and use the autobrolley to get down to the Cauliflower. Set up the Harvester in the rocks behind the Were-Rabbit and fire them at the Were-Rabbit until it bounds off. Disengage the Harvester. Jump over the brambles on the path north of the Cauliflower. Go around the brambles on the path and the Were-Rabbit will bound over to the Prize Pumpkin. Jump over the log and turn left. Jump onto the wall. Double jump and use the autobrolley to float down to the pile of stones to the west of the pumpkin. Set up the Harvester in the pile of stones and fire the stones at the Were- Rabbit until it bounds off. Head down the bramble filled path in the northwest part of this area. Jump over the log and wall chasing the were-rabbit. Jump onto the stump and double jump over the brambles. Jump onto the log. Double jump onto the log in the center of the bramble pit. Double jump to the wall on the south side of the pit and the Were-Rabbit bounds further to the south. Jump onto the Wall to the south and chase the Were-Rabbit back to the Woods entrance. You'll receive a CARD after chasing the Were-Rabbit back to the Fete. Watch the cutscene. ---------------------------- 7.19.2 Save the Were-Rabbit! ---------------------------- Objective: Shoot down Phillip's plane. Its time for the final show down. Gromit will be fly a plane as he chases the one flown by Victor's dog, Phillip. While you can break open the crates around the fairground for homing missiles, it is hardly worth it as they'll likely hit one of the obstacles as Phillip turns around them. Ignore the gnome blimps as well. The time spent on them is better spent shooting at Phillip. All you really need to do is keep Phillip centered as you constantly fire at him. Pause only to avoid running into the buildings in the fairground. You'll wear away Phillip's health steadily and should defeat him without much trouble. You'll earn the final CARD after destroying Phillip's plane. If for some reason you turnoff off the autosave, the Save screen will pop up, make sure to save now. Continue and watch the final cut scene and the credits. If you grew you're marrow large enough there will be an extra cutscene of Lady Tottington awarding the Golden Carrot to Gromit. If you found all 168 card there when be an extra cut scene with PC Mac giving the West Wallaby Bravery Award to Wallace and Gromit. ==================== 7.20 Post Game Stuff ==================== If you reload the save after completing the game, you can continue to explore the four districts. If you've missed any card you can go back and get them or grow you're marrow some more. You can replay the last two missions by talking to Mme. Winnie Bago in the Fete again. You may notice that some plaques have appeared on various buildings and objects around town. These can by read, some of them are humorous. The are also other objects like some of the graves in the Church grounds, a few doors and gates, that have writing on them as well. ****************************************************************************** 8. Journal ****************************************************************************** This section give a transcript of the in game descriptions for the various journal entries. NOTE: Any controls listed in here are for the Xbox version. ==================== 8.1 Bun Gun Upgrades ==================== Bundar ------ The Bundar shows you the locations of key items in the game - pests, veggies, people and much more. Available from beginning. Airblast -------- Wallace's Airblast Upgrade ca n be used to release stuck pests and bits of machinery. Just Hold X until charged and let it rip! Available from beginning. Screwdriver ----------- Rotate the Screwdriver to find the symbols, then press the correct symbol when it appears. Get all 8 in the time limit to disable the lock. Obtained from Back Gardens Warden. Auto-Brolly ----------- The Auto-Brolly Upgrade Allows you to float safely From great heights without falling. You can also use it in updraughts of warm air to float into the sky. Obtained from Churchyard Warden. Bunny Hopper ------------ Bounce around town with your shiny new bunny hopper. Ideal for covering large distances at speed. You can also smash down on it to get things moving. But Watch out for sharp objects. Obtained during first Were-Rabbit chase. Bolt Cutters ------------ Use your new Bolt Cutters to cut through Padlocks, Hammer the buttons as fast as you can to squeeze the jaws closed. Hit the Final button to snap the lock. Obtained from Wallersey Warden. Harvester --------- The Harvester Bungun upgrade allows you to plant the Bungun in a vegetable patch and automatically suck up and shoot the veggies. Rapid fire veggie Gun! Obtained from Allotments Warden. Auto-Bunter ----------- The Auto-Bunter Upgrade allows you to focus the vortex onto a length of rope or bunting, and swing around Tarzan-Style. Obtained from Farm Warden. ===================== 8.2 Enemies (Daytime) ===================== Rabbit ------ This is the easiest rabbit to capture. Simply suck him up using your Bungun. Pull against the vortex to suck him up faster. Fat Rabbit ---------- Likes his carrots, this rabbit. With more weight behind him, he'll break free from your bungun unless you pull against the vortex to suck him up. Squirrel -------- These are anti-social types and they will not herd together. They're slippery little devils too that can shift if scared, trees being their favorite bolt- holes. Hedgehog -------- Much like a rabbit to capture, but these are anti-social types, so they will not herd together, making it that much harder to capture the blighters. Sheep ----- Sheep are obviously too big to fit into the Bungun. Sucking them will have little effect in controlling these large pest. Best to herd these guys into the pens provided then. Goat ---- These angry pests will charge at you if you annoy them. If you're quick, you can use this to your advantage! They must be captured in their pens. Chicken ------- Easily Scared, these pests must be rounded up and secured in a coop. Once in your bungun, you'll be able to fire a single egg before the chicken. Turkey ------ The much bigger cousin of the chicken, turkeys take some pulling out of the sky before you can tame them. Alternatively, if you can stun them with something, they'll be much easier to round up. =================== 8.3 Enemies (Night) =================== Were-Weasel ----------- Were-Weasels aren't Very Tough, but they will attack in groups, and if they get a hit on you with their clubs, you'll certainly know about it. Giant Were-Weasel ----------------- Larger than a standard weasel, these guys are a bit tougher to dispatch, and pack a much heavier punch with their bigger clubs. Were-Rat -------- Slippery little fellows, these. Cowardly by nature, they'll pop out of the most unlikely places and check rocks at you. If cornered they'll give a nasty whip with their tails too. Were-Chicken ------------ These monsters will charge at you and try to give you a bit of a slap. They're quite tough, but a few good blows from your bungun should sort them out. Were-Badger ----------- The Were-Badger is big, really big. As well as a swipe from his powerful claws, he can draw on the power of the devices for a super attack. Try whacking him round the chops for best effect. Were-hedgehog ------------ These spike nuisances will roll at you to hurt you. Block them and hit them onto their backs, then use your jump smash move to finish them off. Were-Slug --------- A quick swipe of the Bungun will remove these slimy foes. But beware of their poisonous spit-balls. Were-Bee -------- Having grown to super-size, these beasties pack quite a sting. Wallop them from the skies, or suck them up and shoot them at something. ========================== 8.4 Pest Control Equipment ========================== Anti-Pesto Garden Gnome ----------------------- In the front-line defence of garden veg, the gnome pest-sensor is an anti- pesto must. But who's nobbled the gnomes to make them turn on their creators? Anti-Pesto Mechanical Bin ------------------------- Once a safe and humane storage until for captured pests, this anti-pesto invention has also turned against its creators. Anti-Pesto Scarecrow -------------------- Designed to scare pests away from veg with a loud bang! But they've turned nasty, and it's not just the pests they're targeting now. Veg Alarm --------- Hi-Tech infra-red motion sensors feed into this top-of-the-range, super-loud alarm. Easily mounted on any external wall, it's trigged when prize veggies are under attack. Anti-Pesto Lever Trap --------------------- Anti-Pesto Patented pest trap. Pull the lever to release the door and find out what's inside. Anti-Pesto Winch Trap --------------------- Anti-Pesto Patented pest trap. Turn the winch to release the door and find out what's inside. Vac-Drain --------- Having connected up the Bunvac 6000 to the town's drainage system, Wallace and Gromit can now use the powerful suction vortices to safely transport the pests straight back to their basement. Cold Frame ---------- Anti-Pesto's Patented Pest-Free Vegetable Propagator. Guaranteed free of pests. Use the Lever to open the top, but be careful as it has a stiff spring action! Control Panel ------------- An electronic security system that's no match for Wallace's Screwdriver. Anti-Pesto Supply Unit ---------------------- Activate the supply unit by sucking at it with your Bungun to receive useful items. ======================= 8.5 Miscellaneous Items ======================= Sundial ------- Stand on one of these and press (Y) to change night into day. Auto-Bunting ------------ These units have been hung around the town all ready for the Vegetable Competition. But our heroes have a far better use for them! Victor's Were-Device -------------------- The cause of all the night-time were-creatures, these must be destroyed. Shoot the shields with were-energy and then bash the batteries out. Mind Manipulation-o-matic Valve ------------------------------- The stolen valves from Wallace's Mind-O-Matic. Collect as many of these as you can (There's one in each of Victor's Devices) to return Wallace to Normal. Compost Bin ----------- Standard Garden Issue Composter, But Also a Great Place for those mischievous Bunnies to Hide. Airblast them to see What's inside. Padlock ------- Traditionally used by people to secure items and prevent access, these little devices pose no problem to Wallace and his new Bolt Cutters. Bunter Switch ------------- Once you've received the Auto-Bunter Upgrade, these levers can be pulled to activate various doors and machinery. Cracker Crate ------------- Smash this crate open to find the health-restoring prize hidden inside. Health Upgrades --------------- Small and large crackers can be collected to restore your health. A cheese will restore you back to full health. Bonus Card ---------- Find and collect these around the town to help build up your collection. Blast Funnel ------------ Get Wallace to Airblast these to unstick machinery or clear stuck pests. Were-Energy Sphere ------------------ Left behind when were-creatures are destroyed, you can store this energy in your Bungun and fire it out to destroy things. ============================ 8.6 Marrow Growing Equipment ============================ Veg-B-Big Bottle ---------------- Small and Large Bottles will instantly increase the size of your marrow. Useful for winning that prize! Gramophone Player ----------------- Allows you to play records that you buy, to keep your marrow happy. Records ------- Choose from a Number of different records and play them on the Gramophone. Watering Can ------------ You'll need this to keep your marrow watered. Carpet ------ Tired of standing on that muddy floor? Why not invest in a carpet. Ribbon ------ Why not brighten up your whole greenhouse with this festive item? Thermostat ---------- Monitor the Temperature in your Greenhouse to keep your marrow at the optimum growing temperature. pH Bottle --------- Keep the pH level of the soil in check using these bottles. Wallpaper --------- Bored of the Wooden Bench? Try adding or changing the wallpaper. ****************************************************************************** 9. Card Sets Locations ****************************************************************************** Note: You get a health upgrade of an extra cracker for every eight cards you receive until you're health maxes out at 96 cards. If you've located all 168 cards at the end of the game, you'll cut an extra cut scene after the credits featuring PC Mac. =========== 9.1 Top Row =========== ------------------------ 9.1.1 The Blight Family ------------------------ Top Left -------- Initial Title: Open the Harbor In Progress Title: Collect All Rob's Gaskets Completed Title: Harbor Opened Retrieve 12 gaskets guarded by were-creatures from the harbor area for Rob Blight. Top Center ---------- Initial Title: Anchors Aweigh! In Progress Title: Clear the Pests for the Boat Completed Title: Pests Removed from the Boat Clear all 20 pests from the aft area on the boat for Rob Blight Top Right --------- Initial Title: Ahoy Land Lubbers! In Progress Title: Remove the Beasts from the Boat Completed Title: Rob's Steamer is safe. Destroy all of the were-creature and erect electric barriers around two prize vegetables on the steamer for Rob Blight. Bottom Left ----------- Initial Title: Whack-a-Mole! In Progress Title: Hit as Many Moles as you can. Completed Title: Whack-a-Mole Score 90 at Miss Blight's Grand Pavilion in Whack-a-mole. Bottom Center ------------- Initial Title: Duck Shoot! In Progress Title: Shoot as Many Targets in the Time Limit Completed Title: Duckshoot Score at least 120 points in Miss Blight's Bag a Bunny shooting game. Bottom Right ------------ Initial Title: Betty Blight's Veg In Progress Title: Find and Remove All The Pests Completed Title: Betty's Veg is Saved Protect Granny Blights prize veg from 18 pests. ------------------------ 9.1.2 The Caliche Family ------------------------ Top Left -------- Initial Title: Fowl Play In Progress Title: Find and Return All of the Chickens Completed Title: All of Growbag's Chickens Returned Return the six escaped chickens to the coop for Mr. Caliche Top Center ---------- Initial Title: Save the Factory In Progress Title: Use the Hopper to Shut off the Outlets Completed Title: Saved the Factory Seal the 10 steam outlets on the factory using a bunny hopper for Mr. Caliche Top Right --------- Title: Bag-A-Bunny Score at least 100 points in the Bag-A-Bunny game at the Fete. Bottom Left ----------- Title: Football Shootout Kick the soccer ball through the five holes with lights at the Ball Larks booth for Jasmander Bottom Center ------------- Initial Title: Where's Jasmander? In Progress Title: Escort Jasmander Home Completed Title: Jasmander Returned Home Safely Protect Jasmander from were-creature as you walk her home from the woods at night. Bottom Right ------------ Initial Title: Capture the Goats In Progress Title: Find and Return All the Escaped Goats Completed Title: Returned all the Goats Round up seven goats around North and South Grimsley into large crate traps for Jasmander. ----------------------- 9.1.3 The Crock Family ----------------------- Top Left -------- Initial Title: Save the Nursery In Progress Title: Save the Veg from the Rabbits Completed Title: Nursery Veg Saved. Secure the hatches in the nursery and clear the rabbits and gnomes that popped out of them for Mr. Crock. Top Center ---------- Initial Title: Veg Sorter In Progress Title: Destroy The Rotten Veg and Rescue the Good Ones Completed Title: Successful Veg Sorting Sort 60 Points worth of pumpkins for Mr. Crock. Good pumpkins are worth 2 points, rotten ones are worth 1 point. Top Right --------- Initial Title: Feed the Factory Pumpkin In Progress Title: Redirect the Supplies to the Correct Pipes Completed Title: Factory Pumpkin Fed Get Wallace to Air Blast out 10 pumpkins and shoot them into whichever of the three pipe is open. Bottom Left ----------- Initial Title: Restart the Factory In Progress Title: Get Inside the Factory and Find the Problem. Completed Title: Factory Restarted Activate five generators in the factory for Miss Crock. Bottom Center ------------- Initial Title: Race Alfie In Progress Title: Hit 10 Bells before Alfie Does Completed Title: Beaten Alfie Crock Hit 10 bells in the Seafront area before Alfie does. Bottom Right ------------ Initial Title: The Boat Race In Progress Title: Bounce to the Top of the Boat Completed Title: Hopped Up the Boat Bounce up to the top of the boat on a bunny hopper, smashing 10 steam vents closed along the way. ----------------- 9.1.4 Mr. Dibber ----------------- Top Left -------- Initial Title: Time for Bed In Progress Title: Escort Mr Dibber Home from His Shop Completed Title: Mr Dibber Safely Reached His House Escort Mr Dibber to his home safely past several waves of were creature. Top Center ---------- Initial Title: Bunny Hopper Ornaments In Progress Title: Return all the Ornaments Completed Title: Dibber's Ornaments returned safely. Retrieve 100 ornaments will on a bunny hopper for Mr. dibber. Top Right --------- Initial Title: Where's My Keys In Progress Title: Find Mr Dibber's Keys Completed Title: Found Mr Dibber's Keys Find 3 Keys for Mr. Dibber Bottom Left ----------- Title: Crockery Smash Destroy the 48 pots in Mr. Dibbers shop in Wallersey. Bottom Center ------------- Initial Title: Locked Out! In Progress Title: Find Mr Dibber's Key Before It's Too Late Completed Title: Found Mr Dibber's Keys Breaking 41 pots at Mr. Dibber's Shop in North Grimsley. Bottom Right ------------ Initial Title: Catch the Butterfly In Progress Title: Catch the Butterfly for Mr. Dibber Completed Title: Caught the Butterfly Chase the butterfly through the woods and away from Carnivorous plants to Mr. Dibber at the entrance. ---------------- 9.1.5 Mr Growbag ---------------- Top Left -------- Initial Title: Growbag's Rabbit Problem In Progress Title: Clear All the rabbits from West Wallaby Street Completed Title: West Wallaby St. Rabbits Removed Clear all 30 rabbit from the West Wallaby street after talking to Mr. Growbag. Top Center ---------- Initial Title: Clear the Woods In Progress Title: Remove All The Pests From The Woods. Completed Title: Woods Cleared of Pests Clear the woods of 18 pests for Mr. Growbag. Top Right --------- Initial Title: Power Cut! In Progress Title: Restart Growbag's Generator Completed Title: Growbag's Generator Restarted Start up the generator in Growbag's Cave after dealing with a few were- creatures. Bottom Left ----------- Initial Title: Escaped Sheep In Progress Title: Round up all the Sheep and Goats Completed Title: Sheep and Goats All Penned Round up 10 sheep and 2 goats in the Woods for Mr. Growbag. Bottom Center ------------- Initial Title: Collect the Seeds In Progress Title: Collect All Growbag's Seeds in Time Completed Title: Collected Growbag's Seeds Collect 80 seeds for Mr Growbag by going across the rooftop and using the autobunter. Bottom Right ------------ Initial Title: Bouncy Castle In Progress Title: Clear the Pests from the Bouncy Castle Completed Title: Bouncy Castle Clear 10 rabbit from the balloons above the Bouncy Castle in the Fete. ---------------------- 9.1.6 Rev & Mrs Hedges ---------------------- Top Left -------- Initial Title: Clear the Town Hall In Progress Title: Clear All the Rabbits from the Town Hall in Time Completed Title: Town Hall Cleared Clear 15 Rabbit from the Town Hall for Mrs Hedges. Top Center ---------- Initial Title: See the Vicar After Dark In Progress Title: Find and Exterminate all the Were-rats Completed Title: Churchyard Cleared of Were-rats. Destroy 10 Were-Rats in the Church ground for the Reverend. Top Right --------- Initial Title: The Vicar's Glasshouse In Progress Title: Remove all the Pests from the Churchyard Completed Title: Churchyard Cleared of Pests Clear 35 pests by the garden near the church for Reverend Hedges. Bottom Left ----------- Initial Title: A Blight on the Town Square In Progress Title: Clear all the Were-bees Completed Title: Town Square Cleared of Were-Bees Destroy three hives of were-bees for Reverend Hedges Bottom Center ------------- Initial Title: Holy Water In Progress Title: Return the Bottles of Holy Water Completed Title: Returned the Vicar's Bottles Retrieve three bottle of Holy Water from the Sever for Reverend Hedges. Bottom Right ------------ Initial Title: Heavens Above! In Progress Title: Escort the Reverend Back to Town Completed Title: Vicar Safely Escorted From Wallersey Escort Reverend Hedges past several waves of were-creatures from the western portion of the Lower Town in Wallersey to the gates to the Town Center. ------------------------- 9.1.7 The Leaching Family ------------------------- Top Left -------- Initial Title: Mr Leaching's Breakdown In Progress Title: Deliver the Barrels to Mr Leaching's 3 Waiting Customers Completed Title: Barrels Delivered to the Customers Deliver three barrels for Mr. Leaching. Top Center ---------- Initial Title: Clear the Scrapyard In Progress Title: Clear all the Pests From Mr Leaching's Scrapyard Completed Title: Clear 37 pest from the Scrapyard on the east side of South Grimsley for Mr. Leaching. Top Right --------- Initial Title: Strange Creatures In Progress Title: Remove All the Creatures from the Scrapyard Completed Title: Cleared the Scrapyard Destroy 23 were-creatures and gnomes in the junkyard for Mr. Leaching Bottom Left ----------- Initial Title: Open the Safes In Progress Title: Open Mr. Leaching's Safes Completed Title: Mr. Leaching's Safes Cracked Crack the three safes in the Junkyard for Mr. Leaching. Bottom Center ------------- Initial Title: Race Rex In Progress Title: Hit 10 Streetlamps before you Rex to win the card off him Completed Title: Beat Rex Leaching Win the race to light 10 Street Lamps against Rex in the market square area. Bottom Right ------------ Initial Title: Protect Rex In Progress Title: Protect Rex from the Beasts Completed Title: Rex is Safe Protect Rex from four waves for were-creatures and gnomes. ============== 9.2 Second Row ============== ------------------- 9.2.1 PC Mackintosh ------------------- Top Left -------- Initial Title: Speak to PC Mac In Progress Title: Suck up the Posters Completed Title: Were-Rabbit Posters Removed Remove the first 10 "Beware the Beast" posters in the Town Center/Market Square Areas for PC Mac. Top Center ---------- Initial Title: Speak to PC Mac In Progress Title: Suck up the Posters Completed Title: All Were-Rabbit Posters Removed Remove the second batch of 10 "Beware the Beast" posters in the Town Center/Market Square Areas for PC Mac. Top Right --------- Initial Title: The Long Arm of the Law In Progress Title: Return PC Mac's notes Completed Title: Returned All PC Mac's Notes Retrieve 70 notebook pages while on the bunny hopper for PC Mac. Bottom Left ----------- Initial Title: Enter the Old Factory In Progress Title: Follow the Monorail To Its End Completed Title: Monorail Chase Get into the old factory by riding the monorail. Several were-creature and road blocks will need to be dealt with. Bottom Center ------------- Initial Title: Anti-Pesto Devices Gone Mad In Progress Title: Destroy the Rogue Anti-Pesto Devices Completed Title: Rogue Anti-Pesto Devices Recovered Destroy all of the Rogue Devices and seal three hatches in the garden behind PC Mac. Bottom Right ------------ Initial Title: Protect the Giant Pumpkin In Progress Title: Escort the Giant Pumpkin to the Station Completed Title: Giant Pumpkin Ready for the Competition. Assist PC Mac in escorting Miss Crocks Prize Pumpkin to the monorail station safely past several waves of were-creatures. ---------------------- 9.2.2 The Mulch Family ---------------------- Top Left -------- Initial Title: Mr. Mulch's Seeds In Progress Title: Collect All The Seeds Before They Blow Away Completed Title: Collected all Mr. Mulch's Seeds Recover 100 seeds for Mr. Mulch around the Town Center and Market Square. Top Center ---------- Initial Title: Veg-B-Big Bottles! In Progress Title: Veg-B-Big Bottles Completed Title: Collected all the Veg-B-Big Bottles Find 8 Veg-B-Big bottles on the steamer ship for Mr. Mulch. Top Right --------- Initial Title: Search the Forest by Darkness In Progress Title: Escort Mrs Mulch to Safety Completed Title: Mrs Mulch Home Safe Escort Mrs Mulch from the wood to her home past several waves of were- creatures. Bottom Left ----------- Initial Title: Vegetable Pie! In Progress Title: Find Mrs Mulch's Pie Ingredients - Cauliflower, zucchini, turnip and wild mushroom Completed Title: Ingredients collected for Mrs Mulch's Pie Collect the four ingredient requested by Mrs. Mulch and drop them in her basket. Bottom Center ------------- Initial Title: Hide and Sneak In Progress Title: Find Where the thief's Hidden Harriet's Seeds Completed Title: Found Harriet's Seeds Trail thief to where he's hidden Harriet's Seeds Bottom Right ------------ Initial Title: Dollies! In Progress Title: Find Harriet's 10 Dolls Completed Title: Find 10 Dolls Find Harriets 10 Dolls in the shipyard of the Lower Town within the time limit. ---------------------- 9.2.3 Lady Tottington ---------------------- Top Left -------- Initial Title: Clear the Patio In Progress Title: Clear the Pests from the Rear Patio. Completed Title: Tottington Hall Patio Cleared Clear all 40 pests from the garden and maze at the back of the mansion for Lady Tottington. Top Center ---------- Initial Title: Clear the Woods In Progress Title: Clear the pests from the Tottington Hall Woods. Completed Title: Tottington Hall Woods Cleared Clear 75 pest from the woods for Lady Tottington. Be sure to look under the leaves. Top Right --------- Initial Title: Moonlight Meander In Progress Title: Protect Lady Tottington on Her Night Stroll. Completed Title: Midnight Vegetable Visited. Protect Lady Tottington and her prize Onion from several waves of were- creatures. Bottom Left ----------- Initial Title: Lady Tottington's Seeds In Progress Title: Collect All the Seeds in Time Completed Title: Safe Collection of All the Seeds. Collect 100 seeds for Miss Thrip in the Fete. Bottom Center ------------- Initial Title: Clear the Fairground In Progress Title: Collect all the Rabbits in the Fairground Completed Title: Fairgrounds Cleared of Rabbits Clear all 50 pests in the fairgrounds for Mr. Burroughs. Bottom Right ------------ Initial Title: Creatures in the Fairground In Progress Title: Clear the Fairgrounds of Were-Creature Completed Title: Fair Cleared For the Vegetable Competition. Kill the 40 Were-Creature in the Fete for Lady Tottington. -------------------------- 9.2.4 The Windfall Family -------------------------- Top Left -------- Initial Title: Clear the Bank In Progress Title: Sort All of Mr Windfall's Veg Completed Title: Bank Veg Sorted Correct sort 40 vegetable for Mr. Windfall before you get 10 wrong. Top Center ---------- Initial Title: Guard the Bank In Progress Title: Protect the Bank from the Marauding Creatures Completed Title: The Bank is Safe Protect Mr. Windfall from several waves of Were-Creatures. Top Right --------- Initial Title: Mrs Windfall's Veg In Progress Title: Protect the Veg Completed Title: Mrs Windfall's Veg is safe Clear 40 pests from Mrs Windfall's garden before they eat up her vegetables. Bottom Left ----------- Initial Title: Vegetable Show Arrangements In Progress Title: Escort Mrs Windfall to the Church Completed Title: Mrs Windfall Safely Reached the Church Escort Mrs Windfall safely past several were-creature from the east end of West Wallaby Street to the Church. Bottom Center ------------- Initial Title: Pip's Bullseye Game In Progress Title: Kick the Ball and hit the targets in the time limit Completed Title: Bullseye! Clear the three rounds of Pip's football training game. Bottom Right ------------ Initial Title: Pip's Football Challenge In Progress Title: Beat Pip in Goal Completed Title: 3 Goals Scored Score three goals in a row against pip. ---------------------- 9.2.5 The Were-Rabbit ---------------------- Top Left -------- In Progress Title: Chase the Were Rabbit Completed Title: Wallace is the Were-Rabbit Chase the Were-Rabbit from the Grimsley tunnel to your house on West Wallaby Street while on a bunny hopper. Top Center ---------- Initial Title: Were-Rabbit to Wallersey In Progress Title: Chase the Were-Rabbit Completed Title: Were-Rabbit Chased to Wallersey Chase the Were-Rabbit around the Town Center and stop it from eating two pumpkins. Top Right --------- Initial Title: Were-Rabbit to Grimsley In Progress Title: Chase the Were-Rabbit Completed Title: Were-Rabbit Chased to Grimsley Chase the Were-Rabbit through Wallersey and prevent it from eating two prize leeks. Bottom Left ----------- Initial Title: Were-Rabbit To Tottington Hall In Progress Title: Chase the Were-Rabbit Completed Title: Were-Rabbit Chased to Tottington Hall Briefly chase the Were-Rabbit through the garden area in the southwest corner of South Grimsley protecting two Prize Pumpkins. Bottom Center ------------- Completed Title: Were-Rabbit Chased Through the Woods Chase the Were-Rabbit through the Woods and prevent it from eating the prize vegetables. Bottom Right ------------ In Progress Title: Save the Were-Rabbit! Completed Title: The Were-Rabbit is Safe Defeat Phillip in the final dogfight. -------------- 9.2.6 Tutorial -------------- Top Left -------- Initial Title: Clear the Front Lawn In Progress Title: Clear the Front Lawn of Rabbits (only appears after completing task and before reporting in) Completed Title: Front Lawn Cleared Capture all 30 rabbit in Lady Tottington's front yard and talk to her. Top Center ---------- Initial Title: Walled Garden In Progress Title: Collect all the rabbits and protect the Butler's Veg Completed Title: Cleared the Walled Garden Successfully collect all 25 rabbits in the walled garden before they destroy the pumpkin and talk to Lady Tottington. Top Right --------- Initial Title: Ghastly Statues In Progress Title: Find all 6 of the Statues Completed Title: Returned Lady Tottington's Statues Collect all six statues and talk to Lady Tottington. Bottom Left ----------- In Progress Title: Convince the Wardens to Left You Past Completed Title: Lady Were-Rabbit Success Make the Were-Rabbit lure dance for the two Wardens. You don't need to dance well. Bottom Center ------------- Initial Title: Winnie's Van In Progress Title: Fix Winnie's Van Completed Title: Winnie's Van Fixed Use the screwdriver to fix Winnie's Van Bottom Right ------------ Initial Title: Disable the Device In Progress Title: Get Rid of the Were-Creatures and Destroy the Device Completed Title: First Diabolical Device Destroyed Destroy the device on the hill in the park by building up were-energy by defeating were-creature, unleashing the energy on the device to take down the shield, and smashing it once the shield is down. --------------------- 9.2.7 Tottington Hall --------------------- Top Left -------- Title: Tutorial Bird Bath beside road to left of hall (when facing the hall). Jump onto the bird bath to get it. Top Center ---------- Title: Ambush Defeat the four were-hedgehogs and the were-badger in the cavern in the hedge maze behind the Mansion. Top Right --------- Title: Smashing! Destroy all 15 vases in the Patio area behind the Mansion. Bottom Left ----------- Title: Woods Destroy the 6 crates with dots in the Woods and the 4 crates with dots in the Fete. Bottom Center ------------- Title: Coconut Shy Knock down 10 coconuts using 25 oranges within 28 seconds. Bottom Right ------------ Title: Up in the Trees Jump you way up the stumps to get to this card on a branch over the prize pumpkin in the woods. ============= 9.3 Third Row ============= --------------------------- 9.3.1 Town Center - Church --------------------------- Top Left -------- Title: Look Below Card appear for 28 sec after pressing a switch in the sewer under the eastern manhole. Top Center ---------- Title: Off the Wall Spring off the truck bed on the road to the Wallersey Warden and use the autobrolley to get to the card on the window sill around the corner to the north. Top Right --------- Title: Entombed Step on the five switches in the yard around the church in numbered order to open the sarcophagus containing the card. Bottom Left ----------- Title: Ring the Bell Go to the Church entrance and use the autobunter on the bell cord there. Bottom Center ------------- Title: Ambush Defeat three were-rats and two were-chickens beside the Grimsley Warden after completing the Daytime Allotments. Bottom Right ------------ Title: Harvester Behind the gate in the northwest corner of the Church grounds. Use the harvester to knock it down. -------------------------------- 9.3.2 Town Center - Town Center -------------------------------- Top Left -------- Title: On a ledge Swing on the bunting over the number 3 tunnel to reach the card on the ledge to the south. Leave Growbag's Cave via the southern path to find the card on a ledge. Top Center ---------- Title: What's the Time On the ledge on the clock tower in the Market Square. Double jump from the top of the red phone booth to get to it. Top Right --------- Title: Press Me Card appears on a sill southeast of the town hall for a few seconds after pressing the button above the southwest corner of Market Square. Make you way across the awnings and sills to get to it. Bottom Left ----------- Title: Washing Card appears for 8 seconds after pressing switch in alley north of the east end of West Wallaby St. Head west down the alley to the north to get to the card. Bottom Center ------------- Title: Ambush Destroy two were-hedgehogs and three were-badges in Abbey Road after completing the Daytime Allotments. Bottom Right ------------ Title: A Festive Tree Bounce over the wooden fence at the west end of West Wallaby Street. ------------------------- 9.3.3 Town Center - Park ------------------------- Top Left -------- Title: Across the Canal At the eastern end of the strip of land to the north of the canal in the park. Use the autobrolley to float here from the top of the hill after destroying a piece of fencing with the harvester. Top Center ---------- Title: Roller Door Behind the door to the east of the number 2 gate. Use the autobunter to roll up the covering on the door. Top Right --------- Title: Hill Climbing Push the button on the north side of the number one tunnel to the Town Center subdistrict to cause the card to appear for 28 seconds in a tree near the Cauliflower on the hill to the north east. Bottom Left ----------- Title: Harvester Inside a boarded up cave in the Park southeast of the soccer field. Use the harvester in the pile of rock to destroy the boards. Bottom Center ------------- Title: Ambush Defeat three were-chicken and two were-weasels in the number 2 tunnel between the town center and the parks after completing the daytime allotments. Bottom Right ------------ Title: Grandstand View On a ledge to the south of the number 3 tunnel. Spring of the mattress on the north side on the canal and use the autobunter to get to the ledge. ------------------------- 9.3.4 Town Center - Woods ------------------------- Top Left -------- Title: On a Ledge Go through Growbag's Cave following the southern path from the machine. Go out the exit up some ledges from there to get the card. Top Center ---------- Title: Buried Under a pile of leaves through the tunnel northwest of the drawbridge. Top Right --------- Title: Electrifying Follow the ledges on the western path from the machine in Growbag's Cave in the Woods. Bottom Left ----------- Title: Follow the Canal In a cave on the other side of the canal from the Buried card. Follow a string of ledged from the cave near the Farmhouse to get to it. Bottom Center ------------- Title: Ambush Destroy a were-hedgehog and three were-badgers on the east side of the Woods after completing the Daytime Allotments Bottom Right ------------ Title: The Old Tunnel In a boarded up tunnel on the east side of the woods. Use the harvester in the nearby rocks to destroy the boards. ---------------------- 9.3.5 The Back Gardens ---------------------- Top Left -------- In Progress Title: 25 Pests Completed Title: 25 Pest Collected Clear 25 pests within the time limit. Top Center ---------- In Progress Title: 50 Pests Completed Title: 50 Pests Collected Clear 50 pests within the time limit. Top Right --------- In Progress Title: 100 Pests Completed Title: 100 Pests Collected Clear all 100 pests within the time limit. Bottom Left ----------- In Progress Title: 1st Valve Completed Title: 1st Valve Collected Destroy at least one were-device within the time limit. Bottom Center ------------- In Progress Title: 2nd Valve Completed Title: 2nd Valve Collected Destroy at least two were-devices within the time limit. Bottom Right ------------ In Progress Title: 3rd Valve Completed Title: 3rd Valve Collected Destroy at least three were-devices within the time limit. -------------------- 9.3.6 The Churchyard -------------------- Top Left -------- In Progress Title: 25 Pests Completed Title: 25 Pest Collected Clear 25 pests within the time limit. Top Center ---------- In Progress Title: 50 Pests Completed Title: 50 Pests Collected Clear 50 pests within the time limit. Top Right --------- In Progress Title: 100 Pests Completed Title: 100 Pests Collected Clear all 100 pests within the time limit. Bottom Left ----------- In Progress Title: 1st Valve Completed Title: 1st Valve Collected Destroy at least one were-device within the time limit. Bottom Center ------------- In Progress Title: 2nd Valve Completed Title: 2nd Valve Collected Destroy at least two were-devices within the time limit. Bottom Right ------------ In Progress Title: 3rd Valve Completed Title: 3rd Valve Collected Destroy at least three were-devices within the time limit. ------------------------------ 9.3.7 Wallersey - Top of Town ------------------------------ Top Left -------- Title: Swinging On a ledge in the northeast corner of the cul-de-sac east of the Town Center Warden. Wallace will be needed to jump up to the walkways above the cul-de- sac and use the autobrolley to get here. Top Center ---------- Title: On a Ledge At the northern end of the walkway over the cul-de-sac east of the Town Center Warden. Wallace is need to jump up to the walkway and fire something at the raised walkways to gain access to this card. Top Right --------- Title: Secret Wall Behind a secret door at the west end of the alley leading to Mr. Dibber's shop. Use the autobunter on the ledge above to open the door. Bottom Left ----------- Title: Working Together Hidden in a panel on a higher ledge on the south side of the second east west street from the north side of the district. Create and updraft on a turnstile to get to the ledge and pull a lever there to open the panel. Bottom Center ------------- Title: After Dark In dead end to east of Town Center Warden. This card appear at night on the ground. Bottom Right ------------ Title: Clear the Rabbits Round up the 25 rabbits in the street south of the Town Center Warden and in the cul-de-sac to the east. =============== 9.4. Bottom Row =============== --------------------------- 9.4.1 Wallersey - Seafront --------------------------- Top Left -------- Title: Visit the Museum Pull the statue at the end of the store front east of the harbor entrance off a hot air updraft and use the autobrolly over it to float over to the top of the museum entrance. Top Center ---------- Title: As Far As You Can On an island in the southwestern part of the harbor. Use the autobunter and autobrolley to reach the island from the western shore. Top Right --------- Title: Behind the Door Use the harvester to shoot off the latches on the door on the west side of the harbor. Bottom Left ----------- Title: Hopper Challenge Examine the Poster on the wall past the building with the picnic table to the right of the harbor entrance. Destroy 34 crates within the time limit. Bottom Center ------------- Title: Top of the Steamer Under a pile of sand on the top of the steamer ship. Bottom Right ------------ Title: On a Ledge On a ledge to the west of the harbor entrance. Use the autobunter to get along the ledge of the store fronts to get to her. ----------------------------- 9.4.2 Wallersey - Lower Town ----------------------------- Top Left -------- Title: Boatyard Get the card floating in the air on the west side of the boatyard by wall jumping. Top Center ---------- Title: Leap of Faith On a rooftop on the east side on the westernmost Lower Town area. Use the autobrolley to get from a ledge on the other side of the area. Top Right --------- Title: On the Cliff Sitting on a ledge on the west side of the lower town's western most area where the prize marrow and leek can by found. Bottom Left ----------- Title: Search the Nursery Retrieve card hidden behind a panel on the east side of the nursery after pulling two lever in the shack with Hutch and Gromit. Bottom Center ------------- Title: Rabbits! Clear 18 rabbits from the boatyard area of the lower town. Bottom Right ------------ Title: Off the Wall Do a double jump and wall jump off a wall to get this card floating in the air over a small yard to the west of the nursery. --------------------- 9.4.3 The Allotments --------------------- Top Left -------- In Progress Title: 25 Pests Completed Title: 25 Pest Collected Clear 25 pests within the time limit. Top Center ---------- In Progress Title: 50 Pests Completed Title: 50 Pests Collected Clear 50 pests within the time limit. Top Right --------- In Progress Title: 100 Pests Completed Title: 100 Pests Collected Clear all 100 pests within the time limit. Bottom Left ----------- In Progress Title: 1st Valve Completed Title: 1st Valve Collected Destroy at least one were-device within the time limit. Bottom Center ------------- In Progress Title: 2nd Valve Completed Title: 2nd Valve Collected Destroy at least two were-devices within the time limit. Bottom Right ------------ In Progress Title: 3rd Valve Completed Title: 3rd Valve Collected Destroy at least three were-devices within the time limit. ---------------------- 9.4.4 Grimsley - Town ---------------------- Top Left -------- Title: Press Chase Get the card that appears on the northern platform in the tunnel north of Totter's Lane after pressing a button on the roof of the theater. Top Center ---------- Title: Fire The Furnace Clear the 10 rabbit out of the Bunny Boiler on the east side of South Grimsley. Top Right --------- Title: Fire! Defeat several enemies and destroy a device by the fire engine on the western street in South Grimsley. Bottom Left ----------- Title: Growbag's Curtains Behind a curtain on top of the building northwest of the Wallersey Warden. Bottom Center ------------- Title: Light Up the Town Turn on all 8 lamps in South Grimsley. Bottom Right ------------ Title: Clear the Cinema Clear the 10 rabbit from the theatre on the west side of South Grimsley. --------------------------------- 9.4.5 Grimsley - Industrial Area --------------------------------- Top Left -------- Title: Rabbit Warren Clear the 10 rabbits out from under the grate at the northwest corner of the looping street in Grimsley. Top Center ---------- Title: Press and Run Get the card that appears on the walkway above Miss Crock after pressing the button on the high walkway over the junction west of the Town Center Warden. Top Right --------- Title: Totters Lane Ambush Defeat several enemies and destroy a device in the tunnel on the east side of Grimsley. Bottom Left ----------- Title: Search High On a high roof at the junction near the Town Center Warden. Glide west from the hot air updraft on the factory to get to a walkway that the roof can be reached from. Bottom Center ------------- Title: Lights Out Turn on all 12 lamps in North Grimsley. Bottom Right ------------ Title: Rabbit Station Clear the 10 Rabbits from the monorail station to the north of the Town Center Warden. -------------------- 9.4.6 The Town Farm -------------------- Top Left -------- In Progress Title: 25 Pests Completed Title: 25 Pest Collected Clear 25 pests within the time limit. Top Center ---------- In Progress Title: 50 Pests Completed Title: 50 Pests Collected Clear 50 pests within the time limit. Top Right --------- In Progress Title: 100 Pests Completed Title: 100 Pests Collected Clear all 100 pests within the time limit. Bottom Left ----------- In Progress Title: 1st Valve Completed Title: 1st Valve Collected Destroy at least one were-device within the time limit. Bottom Center ------------- In Progress Title: 2nd Valve Completed Title: 2nd Valve Collected Destroy at least two were-devices within the time limit. Bottom Right ------------ In Progress Title: 3rd Valve Completed Title: 3rd Valve Collected Destroy at least three were-devices within the time limit. ----------------------- 9.4.7 Grimsley Factory ----------------------- Top Left -------- In Progress Title: 25 Pests Completed Title: 25 Pest Collected Clear 25 pests within the time limit. Top Center ---------- In Progress Title: 50 Pests Completed Title: 50 Pests Collected Clear 50 pests within the time limit. Top Right --------- In Progress Title: 100 Pests Completed Title: 100 Pests Collected Clear all 100 pests within the time limit. Bottom Left ----------- In Progress Title: 1st Valve Completed Title: 1st Valve Collected Destroy at least one were-device within the time limit. Bottom Center ------------- In Progress Title: 2nd Valve Completed Title: 2nd Valve Collected Destroy at least two were-devices within the time limit. Bottom Right ------------ In Progress Title: 3rd Valve Completed Title: 3rd Valve Collected Destroy at least three were-devices within the time limit. ****************************************************************************** 10. Mr Caliche's Shops ****************************************************************************** There a shop selling greenhouse supplies and decorations in each of the four districts. It can also be accessed from the greenhouse (and the green house from it) Large Veg-B-Big Bottle: 200 Coins Watering Can: 40 Coins Gramophone: 220 Coins Records: 60 Coins (available after buying gramophone) Thermostat: 60 Coins Carpet: 50 Coins Wallpaper: 40 Coins Colored Ribbons: 25 coins Small Veg-B-Big Bottle: 120 Coins pH Neutralizer Bottle: 60 Coins The coins can be earned by picking/sucking them up from when they lay around town, or buy earning them in the arenas. The coins respawn whenever you reenter a district from an arena or district and the arenas can be replayed as often as you like so there is little point in documenting the coin locations. Shop Locations: North east corner of Market Square in Town Center Seafront in Wallersey to the east of the Harbor entrance. On the west street in South Grimsley north of the fire engine. Tent in Fete in Tottington hall. Record Selection: There are 15 different records with the various themes from the games. They are: Town Theme Reverent Theme Intrigue Theme Dark Theme Arena Theme Dramatic Theme Moonlight Theme Suspense Theme March Theme Action Theme Maritime Theme Industrial Theme Triumphant Theme Tottington Theme Fairground Theme ****************************************************************************** 11. Marrow Growing 101 ****************************************************************************** The only real purpose to increasing your marrow's size is to earn an extra cutscene after the closing credits. During the first day make sure to earn enough coins to buy the Watering Can, Thermostat, pH neutralizer, and a Large Veg-B-Big bottle. Once you have all of those go the Greenhouse (conveniently accessible through the shop). The table to the left in the greenhouse has you're usable items. If the ph light in the lower left is red use the neutralizer. Use the Large Bottle of Veg-B-Big, you'll only allowed to use one bottle per time cycle so don't waste money on the small bottles that provide lesser growth. In the lower right corner of the green house is the thermostat. Turn it into the red to raise the temperature or into the green to lower the temperate until the temperature meter to the left is on the green line. In the top left corner of the green house is the water can valve. Turn to valve slightly to raise the water level meter to the left up to the green line. If you accidentally go above the green line, you can raise the temperature to evaporate the water before lowering it again. With the exception of the first night which is the same time period as the first day, during each following night and day period, buy a Large Bottle of Veg-B-Big, a pH neutralizer in a shop and go to the greenhouse. Repeat the tasks from the first day. You may want to acquire the gramophone and a collection of records, as well as decoration the greenhouse with carpet, ribbon, and wallpaper. Following this procedure will ensure that your marrow is large enough to win the competition to get the extra cutscene. ****************************************************************************** 12. Glitches ****************************************************************************** In a post on Gamefaqs, mdedmon mentions a glitch where he got stuck in the harbor behind the closed harbor gate after saving near the Allotments. This was before Rob Blight's Open the Harbor task was activated. There's no way other way out of the harbor and no sundial in the area to change the time of day. This is a gamestopper, avoid ending sessions in Wallersey prior to finishing the mission for Rob Blight to open up the Harbor to avoid it. ****************************************************************************** 13. LEGAL ****************************************************************************** This document is Copyright 2005, 2006 MysticWeirdo aka Warren Grieder. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Permission to host this document is given to the following: GameFAQs IGN Sites that DO NOT have permission and never will: fuska.nu cheats.de CheatCC.com cheatindex.com supercheats.de This file may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission, except GameFaqs and IGN. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ****************************************************************************** 14. Contact Information ****************************************************************************** For suggestions and/or corrections for this guide please email: mystic.weirdo [at] gmail.com The most recent version of this guide will be on www.gamefaqs.com. Please check there before contacting me with additions/corrections. Please include Were-Rabbit FAQ in the subject of any email regarding this FAQ. (As I've also written for another Wallace and Gromit game, it is necessary to distinguish the two in the subject line.) ****************************************************************************** 15. Credits ****************************************************************************** Thanks go to the following: Aardman Animations, Konami Digital Entertainment, and Frontier Developments Ltd. for making this great game. The following sites for hosting this FAQ: GameFAQs IGN mdedmon for reporting a possibly gamestopping glitch saving in Wallersey at night. Thanks to Jaykay for the PS2 control listing. ****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************