__ __ __ __ __ /\ \ __/\ \ __/\ \__/\ \ /\ \__ \ \ \/\ \ \ \/\_\ \ ,_\ \ \___ ___ __ __\ \ ,_\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \/\ \ \ \/\ \ _ `\ / __`\/\ \/\ \\ \ \/ \ \ \_/ \_\ \ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \/\ \L\ \ \ \_\ \\ \ \_ \ `\___x___/\ \_\ \__\\ \_\ \_\ \____/\ \____/ \ \__\ '\/__//__/ \/_/\/__/ \/_/\/_/\/___/ \/___/ \/__/ __ __ /\ \ __/\ \ __ \ \ \/\ \ \ \ __ _ __ ___ /\_\ ___ __ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /'__`\ /\`'__\/' _ `\/\ \ /' _ `\ /'_ `\ \ \ \_/ \_\ \/\ \L\.\_\ \ \/ /\ \/\ \ \ \/\ \/\ \/\ \L\ \ \ `\___x___/\ \__/.\_\\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \____ \ '\/__//__/ \/__/\/_/ \/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/___L\ \ /\____/ \_/__/ Published by: ___ __ ____ ___ _____ __ __ / __) /__\ ( _ \ / __)( _ )( \/ ) ( (__ /(__)\ )___/( (__ )(_)( ) ( \___)(__)(__)(__) \___)(_____)(_/\/\_) Developed by: __ . __. , . / `*._. _.| _ (__ -+-. . _|* _ \__.|[ (_.|(/, .__) | (_|(_]|(_) -------------------------------------------------------------DEMO GUIDE _______________________________________________________________________ -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- * An FAQ * - by - * Steve Taylor * - Began: 30/September/05 - * Finished: 30/September/05 * - E-Mail: jimfish@gmail.com - *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* To cut down on massive lists and TOCs, I've just made simple Ctrl +F strings for you. Want to visit the actual Walkthrough? Just type W-T in the search function. The guide's not that hard to navigate either way, but just a small feature to make it a little easier. Table of Contents: (I-I) Introduction (I-I) (C-C) Controls (C-C) (W-T) Walkthrough (W-T) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (I-I) INTRODUCTION (I-I) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Without Warning is a tale of survival. It's not fire-making, forest-living jungle life. No. It's a story of 6 survivors from a terrorist takeover of a chemical plant. 3 civillians, 3 special commandos. And guess what? You can play as each of them throughout the 12 Hour siege of the plant... "All of the action in Without Warning takes place over the course of a 12-hour period. Terrorists have infiltrated a chemical plant and a three-man team gets inside to take them down. Along the way there are three civilians that play a role in the operation as well. One is a security guard, another is a secretary, and the third is a cameraman who survived a crash in his news chopper after it was hit by a surface-to-air missile from the terrorists. The cameraman wants to get the story and survive while everyone else wants to get out of there and save as many hostages spread across the plant as possible. There are six playable characters in all, but the trick is that none of them really interact with each other directly. However, there will be several times where characters see others or the results of their actions during their own segment, such as seeing a firefight from afar." ~IGN.com's first impressions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C-C) CONTROLS (C-C) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a brief over-look of the controls. The game does include some quick pop-ups explaining some moves, but here they are in black and white for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XBOX CONTROLLER BUTTON LAYOUT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ ______ /L.TRIG\ /R.TRIG\ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`-,____,-`¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ / \ / /¯¯¯\ \¯\/¯/ (Y) \ Left Stick------|-> | | /_/\_\ (X) (B) | | \___/ XBOX (A) | (Back)------|-> O _____ | (Start)---------/--> O /_| |_\ /¯¯¯\ O <-\------(Black) | |_ + _| | | O <---|--------(White) D-PAD------|--------> \_|_|_/ \___/ <---------|----Right Stick / \ | /`--------¯¯¯¯¯¯--------`\ | | / Controller S \ | | / made by Thuyker \ | \____/ \____/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE CONTROLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lock-On To ______ ______ Enemies ----->/ \ / \ <------------Shoot /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`-,____,-`¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ / /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¯¯¯¯ Crouch / /¯¯¯\ \¯\/¯/ v (Y) <---\-------Throw Grenade Move/Control---|-> | | /_/\_\ (X) (B)<--|----------Melee | \___/ XBOX (A) <----|-Action | O _____ | / O /_| |_\ /¯¯¯\ O <-\--Reload Weapon | |_ + _| | | O <---|---NOT USED Change-----|--------> \_|_|_/ \___/ <----Look | View / \ | /`--------¯¯¯¯¯¯--------`\ | | / \ | | / \ | \____/ \____/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (W-T) WALK-THROUGH (W-T) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - 01:00, Jack Hooper, Workers' Quarters. - = = - - = PREVIOUSLY... : = - - = The leading area was secured and Hooper = - followed orders from Rivers to move to - = the workers' quarters. Following the death= - of team mate Ed Reagan, two remaining - = troopers could do with more allies. = - - = NOW... : = - - = Follow your orders and continute clearing = - the plant section by section starting - = with the workers' quarters. = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Welcome to the Jungle, Hooper. ------------------------------ Hooper will be briefed on the situation, just for the players' benefit. The objective is to sweep the Chemical Plant and rescue all of the hostages, with a shoot-to-kill policy for the terrorists. When Hooper's radio transmission is over, you're thrown in at the deep end. From your starting position, you'll see two guards chattering away in the distance, don't worry about them, as they can't see you. Take this time to toy around with the controls, as moving around can be tricky at first, but with practise you'll be able to manuever about with ease. Once you feel capable of taking on the tangos, hit X to crouch, and slowly make your way up the stairs and to the left, into the small worker's office. Once inside, get to the window and take aim. Thanks to the simple Lock-On feature, taking out enemies is a doddle, so pick a tango, lock onto him and take him down. After your first mark is dead, lock onto the next one and kill him as well. When you see a terrorist climb up some large crates to the right of the yard, head to the door and shoot him, then back to the window to kill the last remaining tangos. When they are killed you'll be given a cutscene showing another survivor taking on the terrorists. Once the scene's over, head through the newly opened gates. ************** ACTION POINT! ~22:04:44~ ACTION POINT! ************** ---------------------------------------------- - The room where Wilson, the Security guard, - - entered explodes. Nothing could of survived- - that blast. - --------------------------------------------- Anyway, keep sneaking and take quick aim on the enemy who runs out of a nearby door (Ducking behind a crate allows you to take aim more easily, since he does not know you're there). Keep progressing and head to the left hand side of the next set of gates. Fire upon the guy on the other side and then his friend who follows. When both are dead, shoot the barrel by the gate to destroy it. Head through. Take out both the tangos and head through the little side gate. On the other side, hit A by the door to start the lock-picking game. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- LOCK-PICKING MINI GAME *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- The puzzle looks simple, but it's not as simple as just keep pressing A until the lock opens. Instead, you must start by pushing all of the pins up, starting with the smallest first. As each of them drops back down, they will lock into place (indicated by a green light) if in the correct sequence. To pick this lock, do the following: -Hold A on the first pin. -Hold A on the third pin. -Hold A on the middle pin. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Then head on inside. ************** ACTION POINT! ~22:10:01~ ACTION POINT! ************** ---------------------------------------------- - Jack finds a live bomb strapped to a door, - - close to its detonation time... - --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - 1:05, Dave Wilson, Workers' Quarters. - = = - - = PREVIOUSLY... : = - - = Wilson found Joe, dead, shot by = - terrorists. Afterwards, the security guard- = briefly teamed up with Rivers but they = - split up again to cover more ground. - - - = NOW... : = - - =Joe's death weighs heavily upon you. You = -have one thought: it's time for payback! - = = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Listen to Dave's briefing on what to do to learn where you're headed. Since you've played around with Hooper's controls, you won't need to learn anything new for Wilson except the different guns. Anyway, head through the grey door and into the yard. Shoot the tango on the ground before going for the one of the platform above. Make your way up there by the stairs (You can see the action from earlier taking place!) and follow the platform around. Shoot the tango who comes out of the room ahead and go in there. Make use of the turned over tables as cover and take down the tango. When he is dead, rush through to the next door. A countdown will flash on the screen, indictating how much time you've got before the room goes sky-high, and believe me, it's not a lot of time! ************** ACTION POINT! ~22:04:44~ ACTION POINT! ************** ---------------------------------------------- - Wilson just manages to escape from the - - explosive packed room in the nick-of-time. - - But did he survive? And at what cost? ... - --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - 01:15, Jack Hooper, Workers' Quarters. - = = - - = PREVIOUSLY... : = - - = The workers' quarters were riggerd to = - blow and Hooper unknowingly walked - = straight into the heart of it. = - - = NOW... : = - - = Defuse the bombs. The clock's ticking! = -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Once again, pay close attention to the briefing and then be prepared for a rush of a level. The C4s' timer is rigged to blow for 2 minutes! You have until then to find it and defuse it. Run forward and shoot the tango who comes out through the doors and back to where you began. Blast up the tango which comes down the staircase and then hit A on the little door where the bomb is planted to go into a mini-game. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- BOMB-DISPOSAL MINI GAME *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- In order to defuse a bomb, you will need to play a game of QTE. In other words, hit the buttons which correspond with the buttons which come up on screen in time to disarm it. It's not that simple though. You don't just hit the buttons as they appear, but you need to wait until they pass to the top of the wires. It's hard to understand in writing, but once you are playing it, you'll see what I mean. The button sequences are random, so I can't list them, but it's an easy event once you know how to do it. --- *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* What?! The timer's still going even though I disarmed it?! Relax. There's not just one bomb. There's 3. But thankfully, you just got rid of one. Be quick about this, so head up the stairs and go into the first room on the left to find the next bomb. Using the method already mentioned, defuse it and then back down the stairs into the starting room. Go further into the room and you'll see some descending stairs to your left. Go down them to find the final bomb. Defuse it. Command will radio in and contact you, listen to the command and then head back up the stairs. Turn right and go up the large stairs, killing the terrorist which surfaces. Turn left and cross the walkway and into the kitchen from earlier. Once again, make full use of the tables as cover and kill the three bandits, two by the door, one behind the counter. Once they are down, head through to the door into the next room... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CUTSCENE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Hooper will discover the body of Wilson lying on the floor. Thankfully, he's not dead yet! The blast of the bomb only caught his leg, wounding him. Watch the wonderful closing moments of the demo where Hooper and Wilson join forces to bring down the terrorists. What an ending... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Information and Acknowledgements: -------------------------------------- Thanks to: -GameFAQs: For hosting this guide and being the best damn site in the world. -Capcom: For being the Daddy of Gaming. <3 MegaMan. <3 Resi Evil. <3 -Official XBox Magazine: For bringing me this little gem I never knew about. -Thuyker: For the Controller ASCII. <3 -A really long, irritating day which was made all brilliant again thanks to this kind, generous demo. -http://www.network-science.de/ascii/'s wonderful ASCII generator! -And God...even though he still does not do a thing. - =============================================================== This text file, "Without Warning Demo Guide" may not be republished and reprinted for any charges and/or profits. This includes being reproduced in books, magazines, ebooks, CDs, DVDs, on other web sites other than GameFAQs without the permission of the original author. Any changes to this file without the permission of the author is wrong and breaks the law of copyright, so please don't it. And as the legal owner of this guide, I bare the right to require any reproduced copies of this guides to be removed from any source of media that may use this guide. You are free to save it for later reference, and you may also print it if you wish. Pfft...that's a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo, ain't it? _|-|_ Copyright 2005 Steve 'Jimfish' Taylor. <(o_q)>TM