| | | | |=====| |=====| | | | | | | \ /\ / \ /\ / | | \| |/ \| |/ |=====| |=====| /=== /===\ /\ /\ /==\ /==\ ===== | | | | | | |__/ |__| | IWO | | | | | | \ | | | JIMA \=== \===/ | | \==/ | | | For Microsoft Windows 1.) Introduction I am Samcan. I am widening my experience in writing FAQs for of different computers and consoles. It’s a pity that some games such as this go without a guide for years to come. I hope you find the game guide information in this FAQ good to digest and aid you in your gameplay. If there's anything I missed feel free to bring it up in the Board of this game. Constructive criticism, complements and commentary are welcome. Nuf said, let's begin the FAQ. 2.) Information 2.A - TIPS: * Check enemy bodies for collectible bullets The ammo type will randomly be pistol or rifle. * Pay attention to signs that indicate minefields. Never venture into a minefield if there's no English sign next to the Japanese one. * Some weapons are slow to reload, so reload your weapons before going into combat to increase the chances of killing enemies before the next reload. * Head shots will kill an enemy quicker. This does not apply to Springfield Sniper rifle shots, which can kill in one shot wherever targeted. * Use your leaning ability to shoot round corners with less chance of being shot back. * Moving around prevents enemies (especially machinegunners) from getting a clear shot at you. * Land mines can be used against enemies if you can lure them into the mine's path. * If an enemy throws a grenade, keep your distance to avoid taking damage. * If any enemy proves to be troublesome to shoot, lob a grenade over any barrier or obstacle to take it out. * Caches have unlimited ammo with Type 97 Frag Grenades or bazooka rockets. Take advantage of them. * If an area has a point where you cannot go back, make sure you collect all the ammo and souvenirs or you won't be able to get them. * Guards pose a threat, troops are stronger and soldiers are stronger still (and are more likely to use grenades). Officers carry Type 100 SMGs, so try to take them out quickly. * To gain further hints, open your objectives and click on an unfinished objective. * Each mission has three souvenirs consisting of a Yamato Helmet, a Japanese Empire Flag and a Katana Sword (Or Ceremonial Sword). A Katana Sword can be easy to miss, since it is usually found impaled in a corpse. 2.B - GLITCHES: * Don't try to complete objectives before you receive them or the mission will be unwinnable. * Try to complete the mission in one go, because when restarting at a checkpoint, unwanted enemies spawn back and you can't get all three souvenirs. * Don't press F5, because it doesn't save your game. It changes your camera angles and you cannot return to First Person mode unless you restart the mission. 3.) Walkthrough MISSION 1 Saipan - Sniper Patrol Equipment: M1911A1 Pistol (24/8), Springfield Sniper Rifle (15/5), M2 Frag Grenades (3/1), Knife - Get through mines - Access the grove hut - Destroy the planes - Eliminate AA Crew Follow your squad up the road. The squad members will take out a few enemies along the way. Keeping them alive isn't your priority, so don't worry if they end up dead. You will see two bodies in a ditch, search them for ammunition. Eventually you'll get to a minefield. You should be safe crossing the minefield so long as you don't step on a mine. Be sure to snipe the guards at the grove hut. On one the palm trees is a dead officer with the FIRST SOUVENIR. At the other side of the minefield is a guardhouse with the SECOND SOUVENIR plus a KEYS on the table, which you need to enter the grove hut. Once inside the grove hut get ready to kill incoming guards. Past the grove hut, snipe the guard in the tower. More guards will come out from hiding when you approach the fence. If you don't manage to kill them quick enough they will go through the officer's hut. Be sure to snipe a machinegunner in a nest beyond the planes. Kill the officer in his hut and search the cabinets for ammunition. Also collect the THIRD SOUVENIR. Past the hut, climb the tower and snipe three soldiers on the airfield. Then proceed to plant C2 Charges on the two planes. Now go up the hill behind the barracks paast the tower and snipe another machinegunner in a nest across the airfield. Enter the bunker, killing any guards at the top platform, including an officer. Once there, set a charge on the flak gun, retreat to safety and the mission is done. MISSION 2 Saipan - Tbe Valley of Death Equipment: M1911A1 Pistol (24/8), Springfield Sniper Rifle (15/5), M2 Frag Grenades (3/1), Knife - Destroy radios - Clear top bunker - Destroy the AA guns Kill incoming guards around the banks and snipe all the machinegunners you can find. In the first bunker you enter, destroy the first radio and at the other side, cross the log. Kill more approaching guards and enter the second bunker to destroy the second radio. Move onwards on the twisting path, eliminating guards on the way, you'll see the third bunker. Snipe the enemies up there and you can destroy the last radio and collect the FIRST SOUVENIR. Four guards will be coming for you, so try to snipe them and if you can't wait to kill them in the bunker. Continuing up the path, take the left one to a dead end to collect the SECOND SOUVENIR. Backtrack and take the right path. Some guards will toss grenades at you, so try to snipe them or quickly rush up the hill and take them out at their level. Snipe some guards in the AA platform. When the platform is clear plant a charge on the first AA gun and storm through the top bunker, kill a number of guards and collect the THIRD SOUVENIR near the locked door. The door unlocks after destroying the second AA gun. Watch out for a guard tossing grenades above the ladder. Snipe the guards on the bunker roof and use the mortar to destroy the last AA gun, ending the mission. MISSION 3 Saipan - Into Garapan Equipment: M1911A1 Pistol (24/8), Thompson M1928 (90/30), Bazooka (3/1), Knife - Clear the town of tanks - Destroy first tank - Destroy second tank - Destroy third tank - Destroy last tank Take care when dealing with two ambushing troops in the buildings below the hill. After getting through take out a troop and officer waiting in a wrecked house with a bazooka ammo cache. Use the bazooka to take out a machinegun nest above the vegetable field and deal with another incoming officer and troop. Tread carefully across the mines laid in the field. Amongst some troops is the first tank taking cover in the wrecked building down the road. Use a cache of bazooka ammo in one building if needed. After destroying the tank, keep an eye out for troops in the house. Inside the house get the FIRST SOUVENIR and take note of the bazooka ammo cache. More troops are positioned outside the open window. There's no coming back this way after going out of the window. More troops and an officer await you. After eliminating all the enemies, you'll find the second tank around the corner. Take out that tank. On the top floor of the building behind the tank is the SECOND SOUVENIR and another bazooka ammo cache. As you continue through the wrecked town, you'll face more troops. The third tank and last tanks are by the two tank barriers. An officer and a guard come out at you. Take out the third tanks from a safe position. Before dealing with the last tank, go into the wrecked house and kill a couple more troops. Use the bazooka cache if you need and take the THIRD SOUVENIR in the corner. Finish off the last tank and the mission ends. MISSION 4 Iwo Jima - Off the Beach Equipment: M1911A1 Pistol (24/8), M1 Garand Rifle (24/8), M2 Frag Grenades (3/1), Knife - Clear mortar pits - Clear all caves - Destroy tanks Watch for soldiers as you go up the beach. Past the tank barriers, soldiers will be crouching in sand pits. One pit has a mortar with a grenade cache. The next open area has a lot of soldiers hiding so take them out from safe spots. There will be another grenade cache in the direction of a bush. A few more soldiers are standing after the sandbags with a mortar pit and yet another grenade cache. As you continue, find two soldiers in the ledge above. The camouflaged tunnel is behind the tree. Do not try take out some soldiers behind the barbed wire because you are fully exposed at this position. Instead enter the tunnel and shoot those soldiers that come to you. You'll find the FIRST SOUVENIR. Lob a grenade over the sandbags outside and you'll have neutralized the second mortar pit. You'll find a flamethrower in a crate by the wall and a grenade cache on the other side. Inside the second tunnel, you run into some more soldiers and find the SECOND SOUVENIR behind the pile of crates and a grenade cache in front. Round the curve is three big crates, a single soldier and another grenade cache. More soldiers are going to ambush in the uneven area outside. There is also a tank at the end. Get close and plant a charge on it, taking out some soldiers beyond as well. The second tank is round the bend. Crouch down and quickly get round the tank to plant a charge on it. Pressing on, kill more soldiers as you enter the third tunnel. Find the THIRD SOUVENIR behind the crates. It's a one way trip down the pit. The difficult part now is take out the two last tanks across this last section while avoiding their shells and kill their escort soldiers too. When the tanks are destroyed that ends the mission. MISSION 5 Iwo Jima - Assault on Mt. Suribachi Equipment: M1911A1 Pistol (24/8), BAR (60/20), M2 Frag Grenades (3/1), Knife - Destroy pillboxes - Eliminate tank - Blow munitions - Destroy the spigot mortar You'll get some minimal if not too useful assistance from some marines. There's some pistol ammo in your tent and in the opposite tent. Kill some soldiers over the hill and an officer behind sandbags to disarm an artillery cannon. There is a grenade cache, plus a mortar which you can use to destroy the first pillbox. Eliminate some soldiers cowering behind sandbags on the ledges. One ledge has mortar you can use to destroy the second pillbox. Take the FIRST SOUVENIR from the back of the truck. Use the mortar on the next ledge to destroy the final pillbox. Also there is another grenade cache nearby. Kill soldiers as you pass the bunker and clear out the makeshift barricade to the left. Over the next hill, jump into the trench. Kill a couple of soldiers in the trench and make your way out. There's two more soldiers by a flatbed truck. Kill an officer in the guardhouse and plant an explosive on the tank. There is also the SECOND SOUVENIR in the guardhouse and a grenade cache just outside. Kill the soldier by the next gate. Optionally you can kill a lone soldier on the low path. However you need to avoid the machinegunners in the bunker above and make your way up the slopes to a tunnel going into the bunker killing a soldier that comes up behind you in addition to the ones ahead, before you find yourself massacred. Get the grenade cache if you need it before setting a charge on the pile of munitions. There will be another munitions pile up ahead. As you traverse through the tunnels, kill a few more soldiers once you find the right path. You'll see the third munitions pile along with a grenade cache. When you've blown up the third munitions, go up the tunnel killing more soldiers on the way. At the top is the last munitions pile to blow up. When you do, a door opens further up into a bunker. After taking out some more soldiers who were manning the machineguns, find the THIRD SOUVENIR under the stairs. There is also a grenade cache in the small room. A couple more soldiers await you up the stairs, plus two more just outside the door. Plant a charge on the mortar to complete your mission. MISSION 6 Iwo Jima - Take Airfield #1 Equipment: M1911A1 Pistol (24/8), M1 Garand Rifle (24/8), M2 Frag Grenades (3/1), Knife - Access tarmac - Destroy pillboxes - Sabotage planes - Contact HQ Go up the hill. There will be some soldiers in the open area, some of them in spider holes. There's also a grenade cache in a small storehouse. Rush across the area to avoid the machinegunner in the pillbox and target it from behind the wooden barrier by the truck. When you fought your way through the path, there's two more pillboxes up ahead. Take them out from behind cover. At the end of the path is another pillbox around the corner. After you've dealt with it, you'll see the fence perimeter of the airfield over the edge. Take out the soldiers plus an officer patrolling the area. There's a grenade cache in the middle hut on the other side of the perimeter fence. Four pillboxes lies on a hill beyond, so choose good spots to throw grenades at them. As you press on, a plane will crash land on the perimeter fence, leaving you free to enter. Traverse around the airfield, killing any incoming soldiers and officers. More soldiers will randomly spawn from time to time. There are also barrels that you can shoot to blast any nearby enemies. A grenade cache lies in the big hut by the first plane. After planting a charge, take a path to the motor pool. A grenade cache is inside the garage. When you cross the gap, you'll immediately find the second plane. In the middle big hut is a grenade cache and the THIRD SOUVENIR on the wall outside. You'll find the last plane to destroy. Another grenade cache is outside the fuel depot. Head to the enclosure, (which is now unlocked) kill all enemies and head to the office to use the radio, ending the mission. MISSION 7 Iwo Jima - Defend the Dinah Might Equipment: M1911A1 Pistol (24/8), BAR (60/20), M2 Frag Grenades (3/1), Knife - Go defend our planes - Save the fuel dump - Protect our vehicles - HQ is under attack - Ignite 10 barrels You can get some assistance from your fellow allies around the area. Go around the airfield and light up ten open barrels on legs to illuminate the area, killing any stray soldiers you find. In garage at the motor pool is the FIRST SOUVENIR. In the small hut near where you previously destroyed the first plane is the SECOND SOUVENIR. In the fuel dump is the THIRD SOUVENIR in the middle hut with many crates. At some point you need to repel a Japanese attack against your allied planes by killing all the invaders. You'll also need to do the same at the fuel dump, the motor pool and the HQ enclosure. When all your objectives are complete so is your mission. MISSION 8 Iwo Jima - Turkey Knob Equipment: M1911A1 Pistol (24/8), Thompson M1928 (90/30), Bazooka (3/1), Knife - Breach enemy bunkers - Cross the minefield - Disable gun battery Carefully manuever in the trenches. Kill a couple of soldiers and the machinegunners in the two bunker hatches. Penetrate the bunker from the roof of the second hatch. You can't get out of the bunker once you're inside. A mix of officers and soldiers patrol the bunker tunnels. There is a tripwire trap near a body, but you can disarm it and collect some ammo lying and the FIRST SOUVENIR. You can blow the barrels beyond if you wish. In a room with a machine is a cache of bazooka ammo. At the top of the stairs plant a charge on the door. Outside the bunker, you'll face more machinegunners. Take out the higher ones with your bazooka. Go through the trenches and take out two more machinegunners. Optionally you can sneak into that bunker through the back and have access to a bazooka ammo cache. Nearing the sandbags, take out another machinegunner and carefully cross the minefield. The mines here are pretty difficult to see. It's best to jump on to grey rocks. Gun down all enemies at the next bunker entrance and go inside. There's two ammo boxes before the metal door. To the left of the ammo store is an officer, the SECOND SOUVENIR and a rocket ammo cache. To the right of the ammo store, kill an officer and get the THIRD SOUVENIR in the room after him. Kill another officer in the sleeping quarters. At the exit of that bunker, kill some soldiers and machinegunners around the next bunkers. Going through a gap in the cliffs, plant a charge on the battery door. Kill all remaining enemies and plant charges on the three artillery guns. Enemies spawn with each gun destroyed. After the guns are destroyed your mission has ended. MISSION 9 Iwo Jima - The Amphitheater Equipment: M101 Pistol (24/8), M1 Garand Rifle (24/8), M2 Frag Grenades (3/1), Knife - Find slot canyon - Destroy mortar pit - Locate ammo cache Head to the immediate right to destroy a pillbox. Kill one soldier on a cliff and another down below. Kill another soldier behind a rock and attack some more behind sandbags up the slope. There's also a couple of ammo boxes and at the edge of the sandbags is the FIRST SOUVENIR. Around the rock spire is another sandbag wall with two soldiers, two more ammo boxes and a grenade cache. Down in the canyon, kill a soldier and an officer and blow up a pillbox. After engaging another soldier and officer, you'll find a flamethrower near a wrecked car and a soldier perched above to the left. Some officers await behind the rocks as well a couple more behind sandbags and a few machinegunners in various bunker openings. After the sandbags is a bunker with the some mortars to plant a charge, two ammo boxes and a grenade cache. Be sure to take the SECOND SOUVENIR too. Outside the bunker is a the mortar launcher which you need to plant a charge on. When the mortar launcher is destroyed, work your way round the cliffs towards the upper bunker. Take out the machinegunners and an officer and enter the bunker. There is a grenade cache and two ammo boxes near one of the openings. On the other side, you must carefully cross a minefield. Keep close to the right edge, shooting any sniping soldiers on cliff sides and machinegunners in bunker openings. Remember to watch out for mines. In bunker with two machinegunners has two ammo boxes and a grenade cache. To get around the minefields, find the rock ramp and hug the cliff walls until you find the mortar pit. Inside the ammo store, get the THIRD SOUVENIR and plant a charge on the ammunition to end the mission. MISSION 10 Iwo Jima - Senda's Charge Equipment: M1911A1 Pistol (24/8), BAR (60/20), M2 Frag Grenades (3/1), Knife - Go help your men - Secure Fort Apache The FIRST SOUVENIR is right by where you start. Follow the allied ranger to the central platform. Use the different A-points on the map to fire a mortar on that particular location. You'll need to do that to defend your positions from waves of enemy soldiers. You can also pick some ammo boxes and use a grenade cache if any soldiers get too close to your position. If any soldiers get too close, they will try to kill your mortar operators, rendering them useless. After the waves of soldiers have been killed off, you're ready for your next objective. Go to a brick wall on the far end of the trenches to acquire the SECOND SOUVENIR. Follow the allied ranger to the fort overrun by soldiers. You may wish to kill a couple of officers on the burning tower from this height. Your ranger will mostly likely get killed at that point but proceed. There's an ammo pickup by the first tent. Inside the tower find the THIRD SOUVENIR as well as a grenade cache. Try to take out as many soldiers and officers before entering an alcove because as soon as you do, you have one minute to disarm four explosives set to blow up the Americans' Ammunition around the fort premises. The first is in right alcove from the one you start, the second is in the middle alcove, the third and the last is in the left alcove. There is also an ammo box in that same alcove. If you don't get all bombs disarmed you will fail the mission. Kill the soldier that opens the gate and proceed over the cliffside. Don't run into any minefields, just go through the trench. Go up a ladder and straight across you'll find two grenade caches and many ammo boxes. There are a few more boxes scattered around the fort. Go up a ramp and you have a grenade cache, some ammo boxes and another map to coordinate six mortars at your disposal. Try not to let any stragglers get through or they'll disable one of the mortar pits. After you've repelled a number of enemy waves, your next objective is to radio for support and hold them off for a minute. Take cover so you can kill the remaining enemies safely and when the planes arrive, your mission is complete. 4.) Copyright and Thanks "WWII Combat: Iwo Jima" by Direct Action Games and Groove Games (C) 2006 FAQ by by Samcan (C) 2018 Thank you for reading. I look forward to briefing you in another FAQ.