X-MEN NEXT DIMENSION (GAMECUBE VERSION) MOVELIST FOR ROGUE VERSION 1.0 BY: Christopher Wall EMAIL: christopher.wall@swipnet.se ______________________________________________________________________________ VERSION HISTORY ______________________________________________________________________________ Version 1.0 This is the completed version. Date: 6th of July 2003 Still Version 1.0 Changed my contibutor name Date: 27th of July 2003 ______________________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction 2. About Rogue 3. Movelist (Overview) 4. Punch moves 5. Kick moves 6. Throws and counters 7. Special moves 8. Super moves 9. My own combos ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. INTRODUCTION ______________________________________________________________________________ Hello everybody! Welcome to my Rogue guide for X-Men Next Dimension. This is a simple Character-based FAQ, where I list all of Rogue's moves, discovered and tested by yours truly, her costumes, some info about Rogue and some home- made combos. I thought maybe someone could find this FAQ necessary because as far as I know, this is the only place you can find this info about the moves. In section 3 there's a list of all of Rogue's moves and in sections 4-8 I describe what the moves look like, how much damage they take and the name if it exists. If you find any errors, please mail me. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. ABOUT ROGUE ______________________________________________________________________________ For all of you who aren't familiar with the X-Men world, I'll tell you a little about Rogue. She's a young mutant with a very special power: when she touches another human with her bare skin she absorbs that person's memories and feelings, the person who she touches usually falls in a deep coma. When she touches another mutant she gets his or her powers. During an encounter with Ms Marvel, Rogue touched her and acquired Ms Marvel's superpowers, including flight ability, superhuman strength and almost complete invulnerability. Rogue in the game: She's fast and powerful, so if you are an aggressive player she should suit you well. But remember, she hasn't got any long-distance attacks at all. Costumes: 1st A red and blue bodysuit 2nd Same as 1st, but blue and black 3rd (unlocked by clearing Story Mode) A dark blue and yellow bodysuit 4th (unlocked by clearing 20 wins in Survival Mode with Rogue) Same as 3rd, but red instead of yellow 5th (unlocked by clearing Arcade Mode on Expert difficulty with Rogue) A purple, yellow and silver bodysuit 6th (unlocked by clearing Time-attack Mode in under 15 minutes with Rogue) Same as 5th, but red, white and silver 7th (unlocked by defeating 8 opponents in Team Mode using only Rogue) A green and yellow bodysuit 8th (unlocked by clearing 40 wins in Survival Mode with any character) Same as 7th, but purple and pink ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. MOVELIST (OVERVIEW) ______________________________________________________________________________ P1 = Punch 1; done by pressing B on the Gamecube Controller P2 = Punch 2; done by pressing A on the Gamecube Controller K1 = Kick 1; done by pressing Y on the Gamecube Controller K2 = Kick 2; done by pressing X on the Gamecube Controller Th = Throw; done by pressing L on the Gamecube Controller Co = Counter; done by pressing R on the Gamecube Controller I'll write all direction in lower-case letters. For example: u=up I'll write a comma (,) if you are to push the direction right after each other I'll write a plus (+) if you are to push two buttons together. If I write a (+) in the damage values it means that the move is a combo and each value stands for each strike she makes. If I write a (*) in the damage values, it means that, in the move, Rogue strikes with the damage, which stands in the value before the (*) as many times as the value after the (*). PUNCH MOVES Standing P1 P1,P1 P1,P1,P1 P1,P1,P2 P1,P2 P1,P2,P2 P1,P2,P1 P1,P2,P1,P1 P1,P2,P1,P2 P1,P2,K2 P1,P2,K2,K2 P1,P2,K2,K2,P2 P1,P2,K2,P2 P1,P2,K2,P2,P2 P1,P2,K2,P2,K2 P1,P2,K2,P2,K2,P2 P1,P2,K2,P2,K2,P1 P1,P2,K2,P2,K2,P1,P1 P1,P2,K2,P2,K2,P1,P2 P1,K2 P1,K2,K2 P1,K2,K2,P2 P1,K2,P2 P1,K2,P2,P2 P1,K2,P2,K2 P1,K2,P2,K2,P2 P1,K2,P2,K2,P1 P1,K2,P2,K2,P1,P1 P1,K2,P2,K2,P1,P2 P1,K1 P1,K1,K1 P1,K1,K1,K1 P1,K1,K1,P2 P1,K1,K2 P1,K1,K2,K2 P1,K1,K2,K2,P2 P1,K1,K2,P2 P1,K1,K2,P2,P2 P1,K1,K2,P2,K2 P1,K1,K2,P2,K2,P2 P1,K1,K2,P2,K2,P1 P1,K1,K2,P2,K2,P1,P1 P1,K1,K2,P2,K2,P1,P2 f+P1 f+P1,P1 f+P1,P1,P1 f+P1,P2 P2 P2,P2 P2,P1 P2,P1,P1 P2,P1,P2 P2,K2 P2,K2,K2 P2,K2,K2,P2 P2,K2,P2 P2,K2,P2,P2 P2,K2,P2,K2 P2,K2,P2,K2,P2 P2,K2,P2,K2,P1 P2,K2,P2,K2,P1,P1 P2,K2,P2,K2,P1,P2 f+P2 f+P2,P2 f+P2,P2,P1 f+P2,P2,P1,P1 f+P2,P2,P1,P1,P1 f+P2,P2,P1,P1,P2 f,f+P2 b+P2 b+P2,P1 Crouching d+P1 d+P1,P1 d+P1,P2 d+P1,P2,P2 d+P1,P2,K2 d+P1,P2,K2,K2 d+P1,K1 d+P1,K1,P2 d+P1,K1,P2,P2 d+P1,K1,P2,K2 d+P1,K1,P2,K2,K2 d+P1,K1,K2 d+P1,K1,K2,K2 d+P1,K2 d+P1,K2,K2 d+P2 d+P2,P2 d+P2,K2 d+P2,K2,K2 df+P2 d,P2 Aerial P1 P1,P1 P1,P1,P2 P1,P1,P2,K2 P1,P1,P2,d+K2 P1,P1,K1 P1,P1,K1,K1 P1,P1,K1,K1,K1 P1,P1,K1,K1,P2 P1,P1,K1,K1,P2,K2 P1,P1,K1,K1,P2,d+K2 P1,P1,K1,K1,K2 P1,P1,K1,K1,d+K2 P1,P1,K1,P2 P1,P1,K1,P2,K2 P1,P1,K1,P2,d+K2 P1,P1,K1,K2 P1,P1,K1,d+K2 P1,P1,d+K1 P1,P1,d+K1,P2 P1,P1,d+K1,P2,K2 P1,P1,d+K1,P2,d+K2 P1,P1,d+K1,K2 P1,P1,d+K1,d+K2 P1,P1,K2 P1,P1,d+K2 P1,P2 P1,P2,K2 P1,P2,d+K2 P1,K1 P1,K1,K1 P1,K1,K1,K1 P1,K1,K1,P2 P1,K1,K1,P2,K2 P1,K1,K1,P2,d+K2 P1,K1,K1,K2 P1,K1,K1,d+K2 P1,K1,P2 P1,K1,P2,K2 P1,K1,P2,d+K2 P1,K1,K2 P1,K1,d+K2 P1,d+K1 P1,d+K1,P2 P1,d+K1,P2,K2 P1,d+K1,P2,d+K2 P1,d+K1,K2 P1,d+K1,d+K2 P1,K2 P1,d+K2 d+P1 d+P1,P2 d+P1,P2,K2 d+P1,P2,d+K2 d+P1,K1 d+P1,K1,K1 d+P1,K1,K1,K1 d+P1,K1,K1,P2 d+P1,K1,K1,P2,K2 d+P1,K1,K1,P2,d+K2 d+P1,K1,K1,K2 d+P1,K1,K1,d+K2 d+P1,K1,P2 d+P1,K1,P2,K2 d+P1,K1,P2,d+K2 d+P1,K1,K2 d+P1,K1,d+K2 d+P1,d+K1 d+P1,d+K1,P2 d+P1,d+K1,P2,K2 d+P1,d+K1,P2,d+K2 d+P1,d+K1,K2 d+P1,d+K1,d+K2 d+P1,K2 d+P1,d+K2 P2 P2,K2 P2,d+K2 KICK MOVES Standing K1 K1,K1 K1,K1,K1 K1,K1,P2 K1,K2 K1,K2,K2 K1,K2,K2,P2 K1,K2,P2 K1,K2,P2,P2 K1,K2,P2,K2 K1,K2,P2,K2,P2 K1,K2,P2,K2,P1 K1,K2,P2,K2,P1,P1 K1,K2,P2,K2,P1,P2 b+K1 K2 K2,K2 K2,K2,P2 K2,P2 K2,P2,P2 K2,P2,K2 K2,P2,K2,P2 K2,P2,K2,P1 K2,P2,K2,P1,P1 K2,P2,K2,P1,P2 b+K2 b+K2,P2 Crouching d+K1 d+K1,P2 d+K1,P2,P2 d+K1,P2,K2 d+K1,P2,K2,K2 d+K1,K2 d+K1,K2,K2 d+K2 d+K2,K2 df+K2 Aerial K1 K1,K1 K1,K1,K1 K1,K1,P2 K1,K1,P2,K2 K1,K1,P2,d+K2 K1,K1,K2 K1,K1,d+K2 K1,P2 K1,P2,K2 K1,P2,d+K2 K1,K2 K1,d+K2 d+K1 d+K1,P2 d+K1,P2,K2 d+K1,P2,d+K2 d+K1,K2 d+K1,d+K2 K2 d+K2 THROWS Standing L b+L Aerial L SPECIAL MOVES Standing d,df,f+P1 d,df,f+P2 d,db,b+P1 d,db,b+P2 d,df,f+K2 d,db,b+K1 P2+K1 Aerial d,df,f+P1 d,df,f+P2 d,df,f+K2 SUPER MOVES Standing K1+K2 Lv1 b+P1+P2 Lv2 d+P1+P2 Lv2 f+P1+P2 Lv3 f+K1+K2 Lv4 Aerial P1+P2 Lv1 ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. PUNCH MOVES ______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: There are two different "stances" for Rogue: one, the original, where she stands with her left fist in front; and one with her right fist in front. The only difference between the stances are that Rogue's moves are "mirrored". For example: if you press P1 in the left stance she will punch with her left hand but if you press P1 in the right stance she'll do the same move with her right hand. I'll describe all moves starting from the left stance. NOTE 2: *LAUNCHER* = A move which can start a Air Combo *THROW* = You have to be close to the opponent *STUNNER* = Will stun the opponent NOTE 3: All the damage values are tested on Cyclops. ________ Standing ________ COMMAND: P1 DAMAGE: 1440 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face. COMMAND: P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1600 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face and a right straight punch to the stomach. *STUNNER* COMMAND: P1,P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1600+1260 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right straight punch to the stomach and a left uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: P1,P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1600+1680 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right straight punch to the stomach and a big left hook to the body. COMMAND: P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face and a short right punch to the stomach. COMMAND: P1,P2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach and a left uppercut. COMMAND: P1,P2,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1260 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach and a low left hook also to the stomach. *STUNNER* COMMAND: P1,P2,P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1260+1080 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach, a low left hook also to the stomach and a right uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: P1,P2,P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1260+1440 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach, a low left hook also to the stomach and a big right hook to the body. COMMAND: P1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach and a thrusting right mid kick. COMMAND: P1,P2,K2,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+1200 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach, a thrusting right mid kick and a jumping left kick to the head. COMMAND: P1,P2,K2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+1200+1200 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach, a thrusting right mid kick, a jumping left kick to the head and a right hook punch performed in mid-air. COMMAND: P1,P2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach, a thrusting right mid kick and a left hook to the body. COMMAND: P1,P2,K2,P2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960+1440 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body and a big two-handed uppercut. COMMAND: P1,P2,K2,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960+800 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body and a very low thrusting left kick. COMMAND: P1,P2,K2,P2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960+800+959 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick and a big right hook to the body. COMMAND: P1,P2,K2,P2,K2,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960+800+799 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick and a right straight punch to the stomach. *STUNNER* COMMAND: P1,P2,K2,P2,K2,P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960+800+799+539 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick, a right straight punch to the stomach and a left uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: P1,P2,K2,P2,K2,P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960+800+799+719 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a short right punch to the stomach, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick, a right straight punch to the stomach and a big left hook to the body. COMMAND: P1,K1 DAMAGE: 1440+1280 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face and a right knee to the body. COMMAND: P1,K1,K1 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1260 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right knee to the body and a left low kick. COMMAND: P1,K1,K1,K1 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1260+1440 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right knee to the body, a left low kick and a right "stomping" mid kick. COMMAND: P1,K1,K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1260+1440 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right knee to the body, a left low kick and a big two-handed uppercut. COMMAND: P1,K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right knee to the body and a thrusting right mid kick. COMMAND: P1,K1,K2,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+1200 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick and a jumping left kick to the head. COMMAND: P1,K1,K2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+1200+1200 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a jumping left kick to the head and a right hook punch performed in mid-air. COMMAND: P1,K1,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick and a left hook to the body. COMMAND: P1,K1,K2,P2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960+1440 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body and a big two-handed uppercut. COMMAND: P1,K1,K2,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960+800 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body and a very low thrusting left kick. COMMAND: P1,K1,K2,P2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960+800+959 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick and a big right hook to the body. COMMAND: P1,K1,K2,P2,K2,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960+800+799 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick and a right straight punch to the stomach. *STUNNER* COMMAND: P1,K1,K2,P2,K2,P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960+800+799+539 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick, a right straight punch to the stomach and a left uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: P1,K1,K2,P2,K2,P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1280+1330+960+800+799+719 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick, a right straight punch to the stomach and a big left hook to the body. COMMAND: P1,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face and a thrusting left mid kick. COMMAND: P1,K2,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1400 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting left mid kick and a jumping right kick to the head. COMMAND: P1,K2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1400+1440 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting left mid kick, a jumping right kick to the head and a left hook punch performed in mid-air. COMMAND: P1,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting left mid kick and a right hook to the body. COMMAND: P1,K2,P2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+1140 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting left mid kick, a right hook to the body and a big two-handed uppercut. COMMAND: P1,K2,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting left mid kick, a right hook to the body and a very low thrusting right kick. COMMAND: P1,K2,P2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960+1200 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting left mid kick, a right hook to the body, a very low thrusting right kick and a big left hook to the body. COMMAND: P1,K2,P2,K2,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960+1000 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting left mid kick, a right hook to the body, a very low thrusting right kick, a big left hook to the body and a left straight punch to the stomach. *STUNNER* COMMAND: P1,K2,P2,K2,P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960+1000+900 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting left mid kick, a right hook to the body, a very low thrusting right kick, a big left hook to the body, a left straight punch to the stomach and a right uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: P1,K2,P2,K2,P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960+1000+959 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting left mid kick, a right hook to the body, a very low thrusting right kick, a big left hook to the body, a left straight punch to the stomach and a big right hook to the body. COMMAND: f+P1 DAMAGE: 1710 DESCRIPTION: A left hook to the body. COMMAND: f+P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1710+1440 DESCRIPTION: A left hook to the body and a right hook to the body. COMMAND: f+P1,P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1710+1440+1330 DESCRIPTION: A left hook to the body, a right hook to the body and a left uppercut. COMMAND: f+P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1710+1920 DESCRIPTION: A left hook to the body and a big two-handed uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: P2 DAMAGE: 1440 DESCRIPTION: A short right punch to the stomach. COMMAND: P2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520 DESCRIPTION: A short right punch to the stomach and a left uppercut. COMMAND: P2,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1440 DESCRIPTION: A short right punch to the stomach and a low left hook also to the stomach. *STUNNER* COMMAND: P2,P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1440+1260 DESCRIPTION: A short right punch to the stomach, a low left hook also to the stomach and a right uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: P2,P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1440+1440 DESCRIPTION: A short right punch to the stomach, a low left hook also to the stomach and a big right hook to the body. COMMAND: P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face and a thrusting right mid kick. COMMAND: P2,K2,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1400 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting right mid kick and a jumping left kick to the head. COMMAND: P2,K2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1400+1440 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting right mid kick, a jumping left kick to the head and a right hook punch performed in mid-air. COMMAND: P2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting right mid kick and a left hook to the body. COMMAND: P2,K2,P2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+1140 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body and a big two-handed uppercut. COMMAND: P2,K2,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body and a very low thrusting left kick. COMMAND: P2,K2,P2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960+1200 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting right kick and a big left hook to the body. COMMAND: P2,K2,P2,K2,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960+1000 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick, a big right hook to the body and a right straight punch to the stomach. *STUNNER* COMMAND: P2,K2,P2,K2,P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960+1000+900 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick, a big right hook to the body, a right straight punch to the stomach and a left uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: P2,K2,P2,K2,P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960+1000+959 DESCRIPTION: A left backhand blow to the face, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick, a big right hook to the body, a right straight punch to the stomach and a big left hook to the body. COMMAND: f+P2 DAMAGE: 1620 DESCRIPTION: A left hook to the body. COMMAND: f+P2,P2 DAMAGE: 1620+1440 DESCRIPTION: A left hook to the body and a right hook to the body. COMMAND: f+P2,P2,P1 DAMAGE: 1620+1440+1260 DESCRIPTION: A left hook to the body, a right hook to the body and a left low hook. COMMAND: f+P2,P2,P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1620+1440+1260+1200 DESCRIPTION: A left hook to the body, a right hook to the body, a left low hook and a right straight punch to the stomach. *STUNNER* COMMAND: f+P2,P2,P1,P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1620+1440+1260+1200+900 DESCRIPTION: A left hook to the body, a right hook to the body, a left low hook, a right straight punch to the stomach and a left uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: f+P2,P2,P1,P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1620+1440+1260+1200+1200 DESCRIPTION: A left hook to the body, a right hook to the body, a left low hook, a right straight punch to the stomach and a big left hook to the body. COMMAND: f,f+P2 DAMAGE: 1980 DESCRIPTION: A left shoulder tackle. *STUNNER* _________ Crouching _________ COMMAND: d+P1 DAMAGE: 1260 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left straight punch. COMMAND: d+P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1260+1520 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left straight punch and a crouching two-handed uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: d+P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1260+1360 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left straight punch and a crouching right straight punch. COMMAND: d+P1,P2,P2 DAMAGE: 1260+1360+1330 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left straight punch, a crouching right straight punch and a crouching two-handed uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: d+P1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1360+1190 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left straight punch, a crouching right straight punch and a crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick. COMMAND: d+P1,P2,K2,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1360+1190+1200 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left straight punch, a crouching right straight punch, a crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick and a very low horizontal drop-kick. *STUNNER* COMMAND: d+P1,K1 DAMAGE: 1260+1200 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left straight punch and a crouching left kick. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1260+1200+1190 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left straight punch, a crouching left kick and a crouching right straight punch. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,P2,P2 DAMAGE: 1260+1200+1190+1140 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left straight punch, a crouching left kick, a crouching right straight punch and a crouching two-handed uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: d+P1,K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1200+1190+1020 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left straight punch, a crouching left kick, a crouching right straight punch and a crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,P2,K2,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1200+1190+1020+1000 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left straight punch, a crouching left kick, a crouching right straight punch, a crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick and a very low horizontal drop-kick. *STUNNER* COMMAND: d+P1,K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1200+1190 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left straight punch, a crouching left kick and a crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,K2,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1200+1190+1200 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left straight punch, a crouching left kick, a crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick and a very low horizontal drop-kick. *STUNNER* COMMAND: d+P2 DAMAGE: 1530 DESCRIPTION: A crouching right straight punch. COMMAND: d+P2,P2 DAMAGE: 1530+1520 DESCRIPTION: A crouching right straight punch and a crouching two-handed uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: d+P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1530+1360 DESCRIPTION: A crouching right straight punch and a crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick. COMMAND: d+P2,K2,K2 DAMAGE: 1530+1360+1400 DESCRIPTION: A crouching right straight punch, a crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick and a very low horizontal drop-kick. *STUNNER* COMMAND: d,P2 DAMAGE: 1800 DESCRIPTION: A big two-handed uppercut. *LAUNCHER* ______ Aerial ______ NOTE: All commands performed while jumping or after a launcher. COMMAND: P1 DAMAGE: 1260 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow. COMMAND: P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1260+1 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow and a downward right hook. COMMAND: P1,P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1120 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: P1,P1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1120+1020 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,P1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1120+900 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,P1,K1 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1400 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook and a downward double knee. COMMAND: P1,P1,K1,K1 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1400+1140 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward double knee and a downward right knee. COMMAND: P1,P1,K1,K1,K1 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1400+1140+750 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward double knee, a downward right knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,P1,K1,K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1400+1140+800 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward double knee, a downward right knee and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: P1,P1,K1,K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1400+1140+800+676 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward double knee, a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,P1,K1,K1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1400+1140+800+599 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward double knee, a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,P1,K1,K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1400+1140+850 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward double knee, a downward right knee and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,P1,K1,K1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1400+1140+750 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward double knee, a downward right knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,P1,K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1400+960 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward double knee and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: P1,P1,K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1400+960+850 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward double knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,P1,K1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1400+960+750 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward double knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,P1,K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1400+1020 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward double knee and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,P1,K1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1400+900 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward double knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,P1,d+K1 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1330 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook and a downward right knee. COMMAND: P1,P1,d+K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1330+960 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward right knee and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: P1,P1,d+K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1330+960+850 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,P1,d+K1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1330+960+750 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,P1,d+K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1330+1020 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward right knee and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,P1,d+K1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1330+900 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook, a downward right knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,P1,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1190 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,P1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1+1050 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right hook and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1260+1280 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: P1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1280+1190 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1280+1050 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,K1 DAMAGE: 1260+1600 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow and a downward double knee. COMMAND: P1,K1,K1 DAMAGE: 1260+1600+1330 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward double knee and a downward right knee. COMMAND: P1,K1,K1,K1 DAMAGE: 1260+1600+1330+900 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward double knee, a downward right knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,K1,K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1260+1600+1330+960 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward double knee, a downward right knee and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: P1,K1,K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1600+1330+960+850 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward double knee, a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,K1,K1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1600+1330+960+750 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward double knee, a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,K1,K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1600+1330+1020 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward double knee, a downward right knee and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,K1,K1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1600+1330+900 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward double knee, a downward right knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1260+1600+1120 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward double knee and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: P1,K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1600+1120+1020 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward double knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,K1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1600+1120+900 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward double knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1600+1190 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward double knee and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,K1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1600+1050 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward double knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,d+K1 DAMAGE: 1260+1520 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, and a downward right knee. COMMAND: P1,d+K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1260+1520+1120 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right knee and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: P1,d+K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1520+1120+1020 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,d+K1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1520+1120+900 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,d+K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1520+1190 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right knee and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,d+K1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1520+1050 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow, a downward right knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P1,K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1360 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow and a forward flip. COMMAND: P1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1260+1200 DESCRIPTION: A downward left elbow and a right axe kick. COMMAND: d+P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1+1280 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: d+P1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1+1280+1190 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: d+P1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1+1280+1050 DESCRIPTION: A a downward right hook, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: d+P1,K1 DAMAGE: 1+1600 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook and a downward double knee. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,K1 DAMAGE: 1+1600+1330 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward double knee and a downward right knee. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,K1,K1 DAMAGE: 1+1600+1330+900 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward double knee, a downward right knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1+1600+1330+960 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward double knee, a downward right knee and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1+1600+1330+960+850 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward double knee, a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,K1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1+1600+1330+960+750 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook a downward double knee, a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1+1600+1330+1020 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward double knee, a downward right knee and a forward flip. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,K1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1+1600+1330+900 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward double knee, a downward right knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1+1600+1120 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward double knee and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1+1600+1120+1020 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward double knee and a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1+1600+1120+900 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward double knee and a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1+1600+1190 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward double knee and a forward flip. COMMAND: d+P1,K1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1+1600+1050 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward double knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: d+P1,d+K1 DAMAGE: 1+1520 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook and a downward right knee. COMMAND: d+P1,d+K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1+1520+1120 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward right knee and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: d+P1,d+K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1+1520+1120+1020 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: d+P1,d+K1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1+1520+1120+900 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: d+P1,d+K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1+1520+1190 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward right knee and a forward flip. COMMAND: d+P1,d+K1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1+1520+1050 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook, a downward right knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: d+P1,K2 DAMAGE: 1+1360 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook and a forward flip. COMMAND: d+P1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1+1200 DESCRIPTION: A downward right hook and a right axe kick. COMMAND: P2 DAMAGE: 1440 DESCRIPTION: A two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1360 DESCRIPTION: A two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1200 DESCRIPTION: A two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. KICK MOVES ______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: There are two different "stances" for Rogue: one, the original, where she stands with her left fist in front; and one with her right fist in front. The only difference between the stances are that Rogue's moves are "mirrored". For example: if you press P1 in the left stance she will punch with her left hand but if you press P1 in the right stance she'll do the same move with her right hand. I'll describe all moves starting from the left stance. NOTE 2: *LAUNCHER* = A move which can start a Air Combo *THROW* = You have to be close to the opponent *STUNNER* = Will stun the opponent NOTE 3: All the damage values are tested on Cyclops. ________ Standing ________ COMMAND: K1 DAMAGE: 1440 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body. COMMAND: K1,K1 DAMAGE: 1440+1440 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body and a left low kick. COMMAND: K1,K1,K1 DAMAGE: 1440+1440+1680 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body, a left low kick and a right "stomping" mid kick. COMMAND: K1,K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1440+1680 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body, a left low kick and a big two-handed uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body and a thrusting right mid kick. COMMAND: K1,K2,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1400 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick and a jumping left kick to the head. COMMAND: K1,K2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1400+1440 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a jumping left kick to the head and a right hook punch performed in mid-air. COMMAND: K1,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick and a left hook to the body. COMMAND: K1,K2,P2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+1140 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body and a big two-handed uppercut. COMMAND: K1,K2,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body and a very low thrusting left kick. COMMAND: K1,K2,P2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960+1200 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting right kick and a big left hook to the body. COMMAND: K1,K2,P2,K2,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960+1000 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick, a big right hook to the body and a right straight punch to the stomach. *STUNNER* COMMAND: K1,K2,P2,K2,P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960+1000+900 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick, a big right hook to the body, a right straight punch to the stomach and a left uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: K1,K2,P2,K2,P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1440+1520+1120+960+1000+959 DESCRIPTION: A right knee to the body, a thrusting right mid kick, a left hook to the body, a very low thrusting left kick, a big right hook to the body, a right straight punch to the stomach and a big left hook to the body. COMMAND: b+K1 DAMAGE: 2160 DESCRIPTION: A right "stomping" mid kick. COMMAND: K2 DAMAGE: 1710 DESCRIPTION: A thrusting left mid kick. COMMAND: K2,K2 DAMAGE: 1710+1600 DESCRIPTION: A thrusting left mid kick and a jumping right kick to the head. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: K2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1710+1600+1680 DESCRIPTION: A thrusting left mid kick, a jumping right kick to the head and a left hook punch performed in mid-air. COMMAND: K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1710+1280 DESCRIPTION: A thrusting left mid kick and a right hook to the body. COMMAND: K2,P2,P2 DAMAGE: 1710+1280+1680 DESCRIPTION: A thrusting left mid kick, a right hook to the body and a big two-handed uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: K2,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1710+1280+1120 DESCRIPTION: A thrusting left mid kick, a right hook to the body and a very low thrusting right kick. COMMAND: K2,P2,K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1710+1280+1120+1440 DESCRIPTION: A thrusting left mid kick, a right hook to the body, a very low thrusting right kick and a big left hook to the body. COMMAND: K2,P2,K2,P1 DAMAGE: 1710+1280+1120+1200 DESCRIPTION: A thrusting left mid kick, a right hook to the body, a very low thrusting right kick and a left straight punch to the stomach. *STUNNER* COMMAND: K2,P2,K2,P1,P1 DAMAGE: 1710+1280+1120+1200+900 DESCRIPTION: A thrusting left mid kick, a right hook to the body, a very low thrusting right kick, a left straight punch to the stomach and a right uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: K2,P2,K2,P1,P2 DAMAGE: 1710+1280+1120+1200+1200 DESCRIPTION: A thrusting left mid kick, a right hook to the body, a very low thrusting right kick, a left straight punch to the stomach and a big right hook to the body. COMMAND: b+K2 DAMAGE: 1800 DESCRIPTION: A jumping right kick to the head. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: b+K2,P2 DAMAGE: 1800+1920 DESCRIPTION: A jumping right kick to the head and a left hook punch performed in mid-air. _________ Crouching _________ COMMAND: d+K1 DAMAGE: 1350 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left kick. COMMAND: d+K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1350+1360 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left kick and a crouching right straight punch. COMMAND: d+K1,P2,P2 DAMAGE: 1350+1360+1330 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left kick, a crouching right straight punch and a crouching two-handed uppercut. *LAUNCHER* COMMAND: d+K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1350+1360+1190 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left kick, a crouching right straight punch and a crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick. COMMAND: d+K1,P2,K2,K2 DAMAGE: 1350+1360+1190+1200 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left kick, a crouching right straight punch, a crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick and a very low horizontal drop-kick. *STUNNER* COMMAND: d+K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1350+1360 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left kick and a crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick. COMMAND: d+K1,K2,K2 DAMAGE: 1350+1360+1400 DESCRIPTION: A crouching left kick, a crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick and a very low horizontal drop-kick. *STUNNER* COMMAND: d+K2 DAMAGE: 1530 DESCRIPTION: A crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick. COMMAND: d+K2,K2 DAMAGE: 1530+1600 DESCRIPTION: A crouching "right-legged" roundhouse kick and a very low horizontal drop-kick. *STUNNER* COMMAND: df+K2 DAMAGE: 1800 DESCRIPTION: A very low horizontal drop-kick. *STUNNER* ______ Aerial ______ NOTE: All commands performed while jumping or after a launcher. COMMAND: K1 DAMAGE: 1800 DESCRIPTION: A downward double knee. COMMAND: K1,K1 DAMAGE: 1800+1520 DESCRIPTION: A downward double knee and a downward right knee. COMMAND: K1,K1,K1 DAMAGE: 1800+1520+1050 DESCRIPTION: A downward double knee, a downward right knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: K1,K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1800+1520+1120 DESCRIPTION: A downward double knee, a downward right knee and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: K1,K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1800+1520+1120+1020 DESCRIPTION: A downward double knee, a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: K1,K1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1800+1520+1120+900 DESCRIPTION: A downward double knee, a downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: K1,K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1800+1520+1190 DESCRIPTION: A downward double knee, a downward right knee and a forward flip. COMMAND: K1,K1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1800+1520+1050 DESCRIPTION: A downward double knee, a downward right knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1800+1280 DESCRIPTION: A downward double knee and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1800+1280+1190 DESCRIPTION: A downward double knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: K1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1800+1280+1050 DESCRIPTION: A downward double knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1800+1360 DESCRIPTION: A downward double knee and a forward flip. COMMAND: K1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1800+1200 DESCRIPTION: A downward double knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: d+K1 DAMAGE: 1710 DESCRIPTION: A downward right knee. COMMAND: d+K1,P2 DAMAGE: 1710+1280 DESCRIPTION: A downward right knee and a two-handed hammer punch. COMMAND: d+K1,P2,K2 DAMAGE: 1710+1280+1190 DESCRIPTION: A downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a forward flip. COMMAND: d+K1,P2,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1710+1280+1050 DESCRIPTION: A downward right knee, a two-handed hammer punch and a right axe kick. COMMAND: d+K1,K2 DAMAGE: 1710+1360 DESCRIPTION: A downward right knee and a forward flip. COMMAND: d+K1,d+K2 DAMAGE: 1710+1200 DESCRIPTION: A downward right knee and a right axe kick. COMMAND: K2 DAMAGE: 1530 DESCRIPTION: A forward flip. COMMAND: d+K2 DAMAGE: 1350 DESCRIPTION: A right axe kick. ______________________________________________________________________________ 6. THROWS AND COUNTERS ______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: There are two different "stances" for Rogue: one, the original, where she stands with her left fist in front; and one with her right fist in front. The only difference between the stances are that Rogue's moves are "mirrored". For example: if you press P1 in the left stance she will punch with her left hand but if you press P1 in the right stance she'll do the same move with her right hand. I'll describe all moves starting from the left stance. NOTE 2: *LAUNCHER* = A move which can start a Air Combo *THROW* = K1ou have to be close to the opponent *STUNNER* = Will stun the opponent NOTE 3: All the damage values are tested on Cyclops. ________ Standing ________ COMMAND: L DAMAGE: 0+0+3010 DESCRIPTION: Rogue's main throw. She grabs the opponent's shoulders and tosses him high up in the air. When he comes falling down, Rogue does a straight right punch that sends him flying horizontally. *THROW* COMMAND: b+L DAMAGE: 0+900+800+1980 DESCRIPTION: Another throw. She grabs the opponent's arm, then steps in, so she's next to him and smashes her right elbow into the victim's side. She turns and hits him in the face with a right straight punch and finally delivers a left straight punch to the stomach that sends the opponent flying. *THROW* COMMAND: f+R DESCRIPTION: Rogue's punch counter. She grabs the opponent's punching arm and flies up in the air with him, then smashes him down to the ground with a punch. COMMAND: b+R DESCRIPTION: Rogue's kick counter. She grabs the opponent's kicking leg, turns so that her back is towards him and throws him over her shoulder. COMMAND: d+R DESCRIPTION: Rogue's low kick counter. She blocks the kick, then does a big two-handed uppercut. ______ Aerial ______ NOTE: All commands performed while jumping or after a launcher. COMMAND: L DAMAGE: 0+2870 DESCRIPTION: Rogue's air throw. She grabs the opponent, flies upwards, spinning slightly, then smashes him to the ground with both hands. ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. SPECIAL MOVES ______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: There are two different "stances" for Rogue: one, the original, where she stands with her left fist in front; and one with her right fist in front. The only difference between the stances are that Rogue's moves are "mirrored". For example: if you press P1 in the left stance she will punch with her left hand but if you press P1 in the right stance she'll do the same move with her right hand. I'll describe all moves starting from the left stance. NOTE 2: *LAUNCHER* = A move which can start a Air Combo *THROW* = You have to be close to the opponent *STUNNER* = Will stun the opponent NOTE 3: All the damage values are tested on Cyclops, except the absorbed abilities values which are tested on the character that Rogue steals the move from. ________ Standing ________ NAME: Jaw Splitter 1 COMMAND: d,df,f+P1 DAMAGE: 2610 DESCRIPTION: A big right spinning uppercut. NAME: Jaw Splitter 2 COMMAND: d,df,f+P2 DAMAGE: 3060 DESCRIPTION: The same as the first one, but she goes a little higher and it starts off a air combo. *LAUNCHER* NAME: Belle Ringer 1 COMMAND: d,db,b+P1 DAMAGE: 2610 DESCRIPTION: A dashing right hook punch to the opponent's body. NAME: Belle Ringer 2 COMMAND: d,db,b+P2 DAMAGE: 3060 DESCRIPTION: The same as the first one, but she dashes further. NAME: Kiss Me COMMAND: P2+K1 DAMAGE: 1 DESCRIPTION: Rogue blows the opponent a kiss. *STUNNER* NAME: Southern Charm COMMAND: d,df,f+K2 DAMAGE: 810+157*8+800 DESCRIPTION: Rogue flies towards the opponent and if she hits, she grabs his shirt and draws him towards herself. She kisses him on the lips then pushes him to the floor. This moves triggers the Absorbed Ability-move. *THROW* NAME: Absorbed Ability COMMAND: d,db,b+K1 DAMAGE: Differs DESCRIPTION: You can only use this move if you have used "Southern Charm" or "Take Your Breath". The Absorb Ability command lets Rogue steal one of the moves of the opponent she has kissed. She can only use the move during one round. Next in my FAQ follows a list of the moves she steals from each of the game's characters: the moves' names, how much damage they take and descriptions. CHARACTER: Cyclops NAME: Beam Bolt DAMAGE: 2610 DESCRIPTION: She shoots a laser beam out of her eyes. CHARACTER: Wolverine NAME: Regeneration DAMAGE: N/A DESCRIPTION: A green light glows around her and her energy bar goes up. CHARACTER: Gambit NAME: ? DAMAGE: N/A DESCRIPTION: Her hands start to glow in a purple light and her attack power increases. CHARACTER: Storm NAME: Wind Scroll DAMAGE: 891 DESCRIPTION: Rogue flies vertically and spinning towards her opponent with lighting surrounding her. CHARACTER: Beast NAME: Spring Kick DAMAGE: 2610 DESCRIPTION: She does a front flip. CHARACTER: Phoenix NAME: ? DAMAGE: 2818 DESCRIPTION: Rogue shoots a purple ball from her head. CHARACTER: Toad NAME: Venomous Spew DAMAGE: 2714 DESCRIPTION: She spits green goo. CHARACTER: Mystique NAME: Hurricane Flip DAMAGE: 2714 DESCRIPTION: Rogue grabs the opponent, then spins to his back and slams his head to the ground. *THROW* CHARACTER: Sabretooth NAME: Rampant Strength DAMAGE: N/A DESCRIPTION: A green light surrounds Rogue and her attack power increases. CHARACTER: Magneto NAME: Core Press DAMAGE: 2479 DESCRIPTION: She summons two big blue balls that collide with eachother. CHARACTER: Nightcrawler NAME: Ground Bamf DAMAGE: N/A DESCRIPTION: She teleports herself in a black and purple cloud. CHARACTER: Rogue NAME: ? DAMAGE: 1539 DESCRIPTION: Rogue does a dashing left hook. CHARACTER: Forge NAME: Mine Toss DAMAGE: 2610 DESCRIPTION: She throws a mine at the opponent. CHARACTER: Juggernaut NAME: Ramming Speed DAMAGE: 2283 DESCRIPTION: She does a running headbutt (which we in Sweden like to call a "danish head"). CHARACTER: Psylocke NAME: Ninja Assault DAMAGE: 1485+1320 DESCRIPTION: She does a right hook to the body and then a big jumping right uppercut. CHARACTER: Havok NAME: High Plasma Blast DAMAGE: 2610 DESCRIPTION: She shoots a yellow beam from her right fist. CHARACTER: Lady Deathstrike NAME: Skewered DAMAGE: 1485+1320 DESCRIPTION: Rogue extends both of her arm parallelly. If she hits she draws both of her arms sideways. CHARACTER: Betsy NAME: Telepathic Link DAMAGE: 315*9 DESCRIPTION: Rogue uses the opponent as a springboard, does a backflip in the air then levitates vertically in front of him and shocks his head with a telepathic knife. *THROW* CHARACTER: Bishop NAME: Simage Blast DAMAGE: 1*3 DESCRIPTION: She shoots a pink beam from her fist. CHARACTER: Dark Phoenix NAME: Cosmic Radiation DAMAGE: 2203+1958 DESCRIPTION: She summons a big fireball from the ground and shoots it at the opponent. CHARACTER: Sentinel A NAME: Binary Orbs DAMAGE: 1296+1152 DESCRIPTION: She shoots two pink balls at the opponent. CHARACTER: Sentinel B NAME: Ion Stream DAMAGE: 316*10 DESCRIPTION: Rogue pounds the ground with both fists, creating a pink stream. CHARACTER: Bastion NAME: Homing Orbs DAMAGE: 1410+1264 DESCRIPTION: She shoots two purple balls at the opponent. CHARACTER: Blob NAME: Aftershock DAMAGE: 2283 DESCRIPTION: She stomps the ground with a "sumo-stomp". ______ Aerial ______ NOTE: All commands performed while jumping or after a launcher. NAME: Sugar and Spice 1 COMMAND: d,df,f+P1 DAMAGE: 3060 DESCRIPTION: Rogue dives diagonally to the floor, fist first. *STUNNER* NAME: Sugar and Spice 2 COMMAND: d,df,f+P2 DAMAGE: 3060 DESCRIPTION: Same as the first one, but she dives in a wider angle. NAME: Blue Grass Throw COMMAND: d,df,f+K2 DAMAGE: 810+1 DESCRIPTION: Rogue dashes forward through the air and grabs the opponent by the head, flies upwards spinning slowly and punches him down to the ground with both hands. *THROW* ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. SUPER MOVES ______________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: There are two different "stances" for Rogue: one, the original, where she stands with her left fist in front; and one with her right fist in front. The only difference between the stances are that Rogue's moves are "mirrored". For example: if you press P1 in the left stance she will punch with her left hand but if you press P1 in the right stance she'll do the same move with her right hand. I'll describe all moves starting from the left stance. NOTE 2: *LAUNCHER* = A move which can start a Air Combo *THROW* = You have to be close to the opponent *STUNNER* = Will stun the opponent NOTE 3: All the damage values are tested on Cyclops. ________ Standing ________ NAME: Take Your Breath LEVEL: 1 COMMAND: K1+K2 DAMAGE: 500+35*130+1 DESCRIPTION: Rogue grabs the opponent's shoulders and flies up into the air with him, where she kisses him (or her) for quite a while then let's him fall to the ground. *THROW* NAME: Brown Sugar LEVEL: 2 COMMAND: b+P1+P2 DAMAGE: 475*16 DESCRIPTION: A "spiraling" uppercut. NAME: Bone Breaking Blows LEVEL: 2 COMMAND: d+P1+P2 DAMAGE: 1000+1500*3+3500 DESCRIPTION: Rogue does a cool-looking 5 hit punch combo: a right hook to the body, a left hook to the body, a right stomach blow, a left uppercut and a right knock-out uppercut in mid-air. *THROW* NAME: Meteor Punch LEVEL: 3 COMMAND: b+P1+P2 DAMAGE: 500+7000+7000 DESCRIPTION: Rogue flies up in to the air with her right fist first, then does a 1½ flip high up in the air and comes crashing down to the ground, causing an explosion. If you do the command right next to the opponent, he will follow Rogue up in the air. In that case the damage values I wrote is correct, but if you only hit him with the explosion, the damage given is 500. NAME: Around the World LEVEL: 4 COMMAND: f+K1+K2 DAMAGE: 1500+4500*3 DESCRIPTION: A cool-looking 4 hit combo. She starts with a right uppercut which sends the opponent flying diagonally up in the air, flies after him and does a left thrusting kick that makes him fly horizonally, flies after him again and does a two-handed "volleyball smash" which makes him go diagonally towards the ground. She flies after him again and lands on the ground where she catches him with a left upper to the stomach. *THROW* ______ Aerial ______ NOTE: All commands performed while jumping or after a launcher. NAME: Hyper Belle Ringer LEVEL: 1 COMMAND: P1+P2 DAMAGE: 5500 DESCRIPTION: A dashing big right hook punch. ______________________________________________________________________________ 8. MY OWN COMBOS ______________________________________________________________________________ Here I will list 4 of my own combos. One that requires a level 1 super bar, one that requires a level 2, one that requires a level 4 and one that doesn't require any super bar levels at all. Remember that I haven't exactly pushed myself to the limit in creating these combos. I'm sure that both you and I can create better ones. A "'" in the command sequence means that you have stunned your opponent. COMBO NR 1 LEVEL: - COMMAND: P1,K1,K2,K2,u,P1,K1,P2,K2 HITS: 8 DAMAGE: 7567 COMBO NR 2 LEVEL: 1 COMMAND: P1,P2,K2,P2,K2,P1,'K2,K2,u,P1,P1,K1,K1,P1+P2 HITS: 13 DAMAGE: 13608 COMBO NR 3 LEVEL: 2 COMMAND: f+P2,P2,P1,P1,'d+P1+P2 HITS: 9 DAMAGE: 14520 COMBO NR 4 LEVEL: 4 COMMAND: d+P1,K1,P2,K2,K2,'f+K1+K2 HITS: 9 DAMAGE: 20670 That's all from me! It's been fun. Copyright (c) 2003 Christopher Wall