/\ /\ ______ \ \ / / / ___ \ \ \/ / __ |_| / / \ / |__| / / Wolverine's / \ / /____ Revenge / /\ \ |_______| / / \ \ \/ \/ Full FAQ/Walkthrough ======================================================================= /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Copyright 2003, Perfect Light All rights reserved Verison 0.5 Today's Topic: X2: Wolvrerine's Revenge For the Nintendo GameCube /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ======================================================================= THIS GUIDE IS DEDICATED TO WOLVERINE, THE MOST KICK-BUTT MEMBER OF THE X-MEN TEAM! If you're looking for a particular section, use Ctrl+F to find what you want. Enter the section number to find it. _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= 1) Introduction 2) Newsroom 3) Controls 4) Game Basics 5) Pick-Ups 5.1) Health Vials 5.2) Max Rage 5.3) Comic Covers 5.4) Cerebro Files 5.5) Dog Tags 6) Game Display 7) Strategy Guide 7.1) Guide Explanation 7.2) Walkthrough 7.2.1) Act I: Rebirth 7.2.2) Act II: Lone Wolf Down 7.2.3) Act III: Return to Weapon X 7.2.4) Act IV: Into The Void 7.2.5) Act V: Force of Nature 7.1.6) Act VI: The Deepest Cut 8) Dog Tag Explanation 9) Strike Moves 9.1) Level 1 9.2) Level 2 9.3) Level 3 9.4) Level 4 10) Stealth Tips 11) Costume List 12) Cheats 13) Acknowledgments 14) Disclaimer 15) A Fond Farewell! _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 1) I N T R O D U C T I O N ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= Let me start off by saying that I have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Wolverine's Revenge ever since I saw the title in my April issue of Nintendo Power. I followed the game closely until its release on April 16th. When April 19th came, I drove to Blockbuster and rented my copy. I want to tell all of you that I am definitely going to buy this game! It greatly surpasses the Spider-Man games I am quite fond of in fun factor, and overall replayability. I even got some of my friends into this game, and we play it together and share tips with each other. If you haven't figured it out, I'm crazy about this game! If you're a superhero-game fan, Wolverine fan, or just an X-men fan, pick up this game! You won't be disappointed. -Tobey _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 2) N E W S R O O M ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= Fifth Version - Version 0.5 * 8/31/03 My lack of updates has been due mainly to school, but I intent to finish this very soon. Oh, I changed my crappy Strike Moves list to something more genius (lol) and started Act IV. Even though I have completed the game several times, writing it all down is tedious work, so just hang in there, guys. Fourth Version - Version 0.4 * 8/19/03 I got Wolverine's Revenge for my b-day, and I have finally completed Act III. Sorry for the lack of updates, but I couldn't do anything until I bought the game. But now, expect a steady flow of updates each weekend. Thanks for your patience! Third Version - Version 0.3 * 6/13/03 I've been pretty busy with finals lately, but I've come back to this game recently, ready to finish up the guide. I started a part in Part III of Act 1, but I really can't do much updating until my birthday in August. That's when I'm going to buy this game and really start updating. Until then, just hang with me here! Sorry about this, guys. Second Version - Version 0.2 * 5/8/03 I updated quite a bit. Added a bit more info than I had before and put in some new level strategies for ya! This weekend is gonna be Update Time for me, guys, so just hang in there! First Version - Version 0.1 * Started on: 4/29/03 * Completed on: 4/31/03 I finished all of Act I, all but one Part in Act II, and started (just barely) the first parts of Act III. Once I can buy this game I'll really get into writing the Guide, but until then, this is all I have to give. It should be good enough to get you started on the right claw, though. Eventually, I'll add Cerebro files and things of the sort. _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 3) C O N T R O L S ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= Here is my controller for your viweing pleasure! ;;L;; ;;R;; / \ / -Z- \ \ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; / ; ,;;;;;;; NINTENDO ;;;;;;, ; / _____ ; GAMECUBE ; -Y- \ / / ;;;; \ ; ; ----- |\ / / ; oo ; \ ; ; ( A ) X \ ; \ ;;;; / ;Start/Pause; __\___/ | ; ; \____/ ; o ; /B \ ; |\ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\__/ /| | `.;;----; ;;;; ;;;; ;----;;.` | | ; \ / ___ ; | | / _|_ \ / / C \ \ | | ; \ | / \ \___/ / ; | | | \______/ \______/ | | | | | | \ | | / \_____/ \_____/ There ya go! That's my controller! Neat, isn't it? This is basically a copy of what is in the Instruction manual, so if you've read the manual, skip it. Free-Walking ------------ A Button: Punch/Slash B Button: Kick Control Stick: Move Wolverine C-Stick: Rotate Camera /L Shoulder Button: Stealth (lightly hold) \L Shoulder Button: Heightened Senses (push till it clicks) /R Shoulder Button: Crouch (Move CS to crawl) |R Shoulder Button (Hold) + A Button: Crouching Uppercut |R Shoulder Button (Hold) + X Button: Reverse Crouch Kick \R shoulder Button (Hold) + Y Button: Floorsweep Start Button: Pause X Button: Action Button Y Button: Jump Z Trigger: Sheathe/Unsheathe Claws Z Trigger (double tap): Feral Rage While Running ------------- B Button: Sliding tackle X Button: Spinning Attack Y Button + A Button: Claw Dive In Combat --------- (only listing new functions) /A Button: Grab enemy (when enemy is dazed) |A Button + X Button: Reverse Right Punch/Slash \A Button + Y Button: Reverse Left Punch/Slash /Control Stick: Tap Quickly for evades \Control Stick + Y Button: Jump over L Shoulder Button: Break Lock-On/Toggle Lock-On X Button: Throw enemy (only when holding enemy) Basic Combos ------------ /A, A Button: Double Punch/Slash Combo \A, A, A Button: Triple Punch/Slash Combo /B, B Button: Double Kick Combo |B, B, B Button: Triple Kick Combo \B, Y Buttons: Flip Kick Toward Enemy + Y, B Buttons: Flip Over and Kick Combo A, B Buttons: Slash & Flying Knee Kick Combo _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 4) G A M E B A S I C S ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= Punching: Using your fists is probably the most basic type of fighting you can have. Wolverine throws out punches very quickly, but the downside is they do so little damage it's almost not even worth doing. Kicking: A good way to beat the crap out of guys while you're trying to heal. You can keep your claws in and heal, and they do slightly more damage than punches do. Claws: Now, your claws are where it's at! Draw your claws (which replace your punches) and punish those bad guys. You can use your claws for just about anything; slashing through doors, breaking glass, cutting through wires, killing enemies, etc. Also, your claws move slower than punches, but do a considerable amount more damage than punching. Feral Rage: Above the Health Meter you should notice yet another bar. If Wolverine gets hit or hits someone else, this meter will rise. When it gets to full, you can double-tap Z to go into Rage mode. The good thing about this is that you are twice as fast in attacking and running and your attacks do much more damage than normal. Also, you take next to no damage when under attack. The downside? You can't use your healing powers, your vision is impaired from your blind fury, and you can't use Stealth or Heightened Senses. So, if you're in a stealth level, this would be bad. Throwing: Throwing guards is very helpful in levels like in ACT II, Part III. When a guard is dazed, press A with your claws sheathed when "Strike!" comes up. You will pick the guard up. While he struggles, you can press Z to unsheathe your claws and kill him instantly, but it doesn't matter either way. Press X to throw the person, or A to punch them in the gut (or stab them with your blades out). Heightened Senses: When you hold down L, you can see smell, footprints, trip wires, in dark places, mines underground, etc. It's a very useful thing to use in the stealth levels. _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 5) P I C K - U P S ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= Health Vials---5.1 Replenishes various amounts of Health, depending on size. Very useful in tough levels. Max Rage-------5.2 Instantly sends Wolvie into Feral Rage without having to build up his Rage Meter. Great for taking out large number of enemies and not taking too much damage. Comic Covers---5.3 If you collect these things, you can unlock the alternate costumes for Wolvie to wear. Cerebro Files--5.4 When you get one of these, you can view information about the character you collected in Cerebro from the main menu. More for fun than serving an actual purpose. Dog Tags-------5.5 The more Dog tags you collect, the more you increase your Strike Level. _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 6) G A M E D I S P L A Y ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= Rage Meter | __________|________________________________ | ________|_________ | Wolvie's Head-->| \_______________|__ [ Wolvie's ]<---Appears at (shows current | |__/__________________| [ Time Here ] | start of mood) |^ ^ | new Act || | | Temp Meter -----. | | comes here | | | | | | Health ----------. | | | | | | | When "Strike!"---[ Strike Will ] | is able to, | [ Appear Here ] | it is shown |___________________________________________| here NOTE!: The Temp Meter only comes into play in ONE level! That's ALL! Cool li'l drawing, no? _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 7) S T R A T E G Y G U I D E ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= Guide Explanation-----7.1 This is a little section dedicated to helping you understand how I set up the guide. This guide is written as if you had no Cheats on and were playing with a want for the Dog Tags (I will show you how to be stealthy). You don't need me to tell you how to mindlessly slaughter baddies, you can do that on your own! Also, I call Stealth Strikes "SS" throughout the guide. Each Act is seperated into three to seven Parts. I will have a title for the act, and then a little title underneath it for the Part. Also, for the costumes in the game, I will show you how and exactly where to collect them during gameplay. When a costume is near, you'll see "COSTUME ALERT" pop up like that, much like I had in my old GameCube title Spider-Man: The Movie guide with the Combo Alerts through the span of the guide. Anyhoo, there are four things to watch for: "WARNING!" will describe a warning that is usually fatal if left not taken care of. "NOTE!" and "REMEMBER!" will tell you something you should remember, and "TIP!" will give a tip on doing something that I just described. Walkthrough-----7.2 /\ /\ /\ --\ \-\ \-\ \------------------------------------- \ \ \ \ \ \ ACT I: Rebirth (7.2.1) ----\ \-\ \-\ \----------------------------------- \/ \/ \/ Weapon X Facility, 1968 Part I ------ After the scientists decide to shut you down, Wolverine says he's a man, not an animal! Shortly thereafter, you will gain control. As Wolverine, keep your claws out and move forward to the two guys ahead. Use the A button to attack and take them down. If you see "Strike!" on the bottom of the screen, press X to take them all out at once. Once they're all defeated, you can sheathe your claws (Z) and stand still. You'll soon begin the healing process, which is a good thing if you took some damage in the fight. When you think you're in tip-top shape, run to the door to the left of the starting point and you'll notice it's locked. Draw your claws and slash at the control panel to the right side. The door will open when you get near it now. When you step onto the ramp, press L to enter Stealth mode. Go to the left wall and creep along it with the Control Stick. At the very end, keep pressing it, and he'll lean around the corner. When "Strike!" appears at the bottom of the screen, press X to kill him quietly. When he falls, you'll get 10,000 extra points, AND your first Dog Tag. Keep in Stealth mode and walk into the open. In the middle of the area is a large pillarlike structure. Near it will be another guard, with his back turned. Creep slowly up to him and do a Stealth Strike (henceforth known as SS). Once he is down, grab your second Dog Tag and move to your right. There is another guard there, and you can SS him. The final guard in this area is rather hard to SS. If you can do it to him, great job. He's standing out in the open. Wait for him to turn his back, sneak behind him, and strike! Now it's time to go into the minefield ahead of you. Walk through the door, and Wolverine will say that he'd "better use my powers on this one." Heed his advice and hold down L. This way, you can see the mines underfoot. The direction you should be headed in is diagonally northeast. There's a large metal door there. When you get near it, it will open automatically. You should see two guards standing at computer consoles side-by-side. You can SS one of them (the other will see you once you do this), for a Dog Tag. Once you take one down, slaughter the other by any means necessary. WARNING!: If either guard trips the alarm on the left wall as you enter, many guards will arrive outside the door and just outside the minefield. Needless to say, avoid this at all costs. COSTUME ALERT (Ultimate X-Men): You can snag the costume in this room by slashing a file cabinet in front of a weak wall (as in, one that doesn't look like the others). Once they're down, exit the room and make your way back across the minefield. On the other side, you'll be up against a rather strong soldier. You can't be stealthy with him. Just whip out your claws and take him down. There's a large brown door up a ramp that you have to go through, so head over there and go through it. When you go through this door, you'll spot a guard to your left under a truck. Go into Stealth mode and sneak up on him. After you SS him, collect the Dog Tag and then subdue his buddy around the corner. Through the large metal door, you'll come upon a room with a ramp that slants down, and several guards. Go all-out and kill them all (you can't be stealthy), and once they're all down, hit the computer console on the right wall (realative to coming in) and walk through the now-open door to end the stage. Part II ------- You need to be careful here. As you move down underground, keep your claws out. You'll need them. When you come to the area with around four guards, kill the one in the center of the road first. He's holding a stunner that kills you easily. If you do get electrocuted, wave the Control stick back and forth to free yourself. Once you've downed all of them, sheathe your claws and lick your wounds. Then, continue. WARNING!: That guy with the tazer can kill you VERY quickly if you're not paying attention. TAKE HIM DOWN FIRST! When you reach the room with the fires, kill the guys to your right, and then take down the ones on your left. There are around five total, I believe. COSTUME ALERT (Patch): Jump through the fires between the two trucks and snatch the comic laying behind them. When you come back out, I suggest taking in your claws and healing from the fire. After a bit more, you will end up in a tunnel with some mines in them. Apparantly, they activate when you get near them, so stand next to them, wait until they start beeping really fast, and then run away. If you get damaged just auto-heal yourself. To the left is a tunnel (use Heightened Senses to see it) containing the Cerebro file for Wolvie himself. Walk from the tunnel and Sabertooth will slam you against the wall and growl a threat. Ignore him and go through the door straight ahead. Once you make it inside, the room will fill with choking gas, so you therefore must kill all the guards in here before you die. There are three of them, and once they're all dead, the gas clears. Sheathe your claws and heal (you'll definitely need it) and then take care of the two guards that come in. Go up the stairs and take a left. Dispose of the guard in any fashion you see fit and then climb the ladder. There's a Cerebro file at the top so snag it. Back on the ground, move out the door and head left. Down the stairs and to the left, there's a guard that'll be standing there. Enter Heightened Senses mode and sneak up to him. Once you've gotten "Strike!" to appear, press X to toss him into the water. Collect the Dog Tag. Then, go to the switch on the right side of the room (realative to where to came in) and hit it. Several more guards will come out of the doors. Spin around and prepare for battle. Kill the two guards near you, the one up ahead, and go right down the hall. Through the next door, buffet the two and continue. When the guard brings up the lasers, go into Heightened Senses mode to see them. Sneak around the laser paths and then break through the glass. The guard is dead. Odd. Hit the panel to turn off the lasers, and then go to the breakable door. Slash it down with your claws and move through. Part III -------- At the top of the stairs you're all alone. Waiting for you at the bottom are around four heavily-armed guards. I suggest sprint down as fast as you can and just using the Spinning Attack to take down more than one guard at a time. You can be really overwhelmed in this area, so just take it slowly. Once you have the Keycard, take the thing and then go through the door. If you're in need of Health, there's a room to your left packed with guards as well as health vials. To your right is where you need to go. Heighten your senses and press yourself onto the wall in front of you. Move along the wall and SS the guy around the corner. If you don't SS him, you'll have to fight him, and he's tough. As well as this, more guys come out to get you. After that guy falls, move down the hall and go to your first right. Move along the hall and then go into the door on your left. SS the guy inside if you can and then move into the hall with the guy you first SS'ed. (the one with slots in the ground). Move along it and use the L Trigger Button to put yourself against the left wall. SS the guy at the end and then head down the right hall. Continued soon... Part IV ------- Time for a battle with Sabretooth. Draw your claws and attack mercilessly, making sure to dodge his swipes. The only way you can completely kill him is to use the tank...thing. Once his health is down, get behind him facing the tank. When "Strike!" appears, hit X to ram him into the tank. After doing this three times, he's down. Go to him, and use X to finish him off. Pick up the Cerebro files and Dog Tags. Follow the rooms and passages back to the elevator place. Go back out the door and keep going. Move out the big red door and go down the halls. Across from where you come back in is a large red door that was inaccessible in Part II. Go through it and through a large red pipe to find the Prof you need! /\ /\ /\ --\ \-\ \-\ \------------------------------------- \ \ \ \ \ \ ACT II: Lone Wolf Down (7.2.2) ----\ \-\ \-\ \----------------------------------- \/ \/ \/ Part I ------ After the plane crashes, Wolverine slowly picks himself up. His healing factor has been impaired by the crash, as well as the fact that he had almost no health left. All right, it's stealth time. When the game begins, sheathe your claws to start the healing process. While you wait for more health, activate Heightened Senses mode and watch the guard around the corner, but DO NOT MOVE!!! WARNING!: If you move out and kill him, the helicopter will shoot you dead. I promise you that. Once you've got a reasonable amount of health (1/4 or so), wait for the man to have his back turned, and then slowly sneak up on him. When "Strike!" pops up, hit X and kill him. Get the Dog tag and the helicopter will shortly leave. If not, wait behind it for a bit longer until it leaves. Move to the edge and stand near it. If you stand in the right spot while crouching, "Strike!" will come up. Hit X to leap down and kill the guy, earning a Dog Tag. Over to your right from where you jumped down you can kill another guy for yet another Dog Tag from above. There's a hill to your right. Go up it and circle around. You can find some Health up there to heal yourself with. Once you've got it, go back down the hill and move to the broken fence. Go up that hill to the right of it and go to the edge. Activate your heightened sense and look for the green scent trail. Move to the edge of the cliff until you see "Strike!" come up and then kill him quickly! If you follow the dirt road, you'll eventually come to a broken bridge. As Wolvie inquires what could have happened, a guy is struggling to hang onto the truck. Jump across the gap and go around the right side. The guy then slips and dangles. He only has five seconds before he falls, so run over and kneel next to him. When "Strike!" comes up, hit X to save him from falling and you'll hurl him into the back of the truck. Grab the Health and Dog Tag and move back across the bridge onto solid ground. Across from where you come off the bridge you'll see a generator. Draw your claws and tear through the fence. Jam your claws into the generator by pressing X near it, and then wiggle the Control stick back and forth to free yourself before you die! Go to your left and move up the hill. There will be several guys up there. You can sneak around and SS them, earning some more Dog Tags. Anyway, I think there are three of them, so move to the guy with his back turned that stands just to the right (realative to looking straight at it) side of the ramp leading down on the far wall. Creep up behind him and SS him. Then, hop down and go through the door, ignoring the two guards and helicopter. Once you're inside, follow the passage until you come to a large room. To your right is a staircase, so go up it. Turn left and keep going. Jump the gap and move into the next room. Unsheathe your claws and bust on through the weak wall to your left. Put them away and wait till you start to heal (if you need it). TIP!: Make sure you're at full Health right now. Trust me! Once you enter the room, the control panel you want to activate the lift is to your left. Go and trigger it, and then guards will come pouring into the room. I think there are around eight or nine of them, and NO, STEALTH WILL NOT GET YOU PAST THEM!!! COSTUME ALERT (Classic Tan/Orange): Right when you enter through the weak wall, the comic is dead ahead of you. If your health is at full, you're in good shape. Go out of the room and leap the banister. I recommend using the Slide Tackle (running + B) or the Spinning Attack (running + X) to disarm the guards of their guns. When they have no guns, using Strikes (and surviving) becomes much easier. After you've put down all the guards, heal yourself to at least half and then go to the lift (to your left from the entering point) and hit the button in the middle on the right. It will activate and take you down. Once you exit the level ends. PART II ------- Okay, this level may take some getting used to, but once you've got the stealth down, it'll be a cinch. This is a great place to earn LOTS of Dog Tags (I think you can get nine or ten here). From the start, go up the little ramp and into the room. Start the computer and watch as the monster guy (his name is Wendigo) growls and runs off. Exit this room and head right. Go across the raised area and into the next room, which is like a barracks place for the military. COSTUME ALERT (Classic Yellow/Blue): To your left and around the corner is another weak wall. Blow the tank with your claws and collect the comic book. Go back outside and head left. Continue around the corner and turn on the Heightened Senses. You'll see a hole near the floor. Crouch down and lumber through it. The view changed to first-person, so maneuver through the rubble until you reach the end. Now is the stealth part. Once Xavior quits yaking, activate Stealth. Go to your left, and press yourself against the wall. Move to the right, and SS the guy around the corner for a Dog Tag. Move back into the dark and look right this time. There's a guard over there. Hold down L and sneak up on him. When you get behind him, SS him to end his life for good, and get another Dog Tag. Now, turn around and you'll see a bride thing close to you. Stealth-walk over to it and press your back against the left side. Slowly inch along, and SS the guy around the corner. Go left and you'll find a guy at a computer console. SS him after approaching in stealth mode and then turn around. Keep going in stealth mode until you come to a right turn. Go against the wall. SS the guy around the corner. Now, there's a guy up ahead across the next bridge. You can hide out until he turns his back and then sneak up and SS him for another Dog Tag, but you don't have to. REMEMBER!: Hit the switch in that small room to turn on the engines to distract the guards. If you don't do this, the next part becomes nearly impossible. Walk to the right of the switch to the un-railed edge. Crouch down (hold R) and "Strike!" will appear. Press X to SS a guy on the ground. Once he's down, activate Heightened Senses mode and run forward begind the large object ahead. Go in between it and the ramp. Look around the corner and you'll see more guards some distance away. Hide and wait until they look away, and then SS them both. At the end of the line, sneak around the large object to the left and press your back against the wall. There's a guy around the corner you can SS for the final Dog Tag in this level. Quickly fillet his buddy before the guy activates the alarm or kills you. Now, if you followed my instructions perfectly, you should have gotten ten more Dog Tags! Go you! Head into the mine and then turn on your Heightened Senses. Head left and into the mine. A cave-in will block your escape, so it's time to go further into the mine! Part III -------- The only way to see in the mine is to use Heightened Senses. So, move down the mine, following the tracks. When you reach guards, sneak up behind them and SS them for Dog Tags! Eventually, you'll come in the light and meet Wendigo. WARNING!: If you get too near Wendigo, he'll rip your head off! ;) Now that's some incentive to stay away. Okay, he wants guards to satifsy his hunger. So, use the guards that drop down and beat them sensless (without claws). Once "Strike!" comes up, press A to grab them. Run to Wendigo (but not so close that he eats you) and then throw the guy with X. Wendigo will run off. Follow him and give him three guys to eat at various locations. After this, follow the beast up onto his fighting area. Time to battle! Part IV ------- Wendigo is a pretty fun boss, but challenging, so listen up! I'm only saying this as many times as you decide to read it over. *cough* Bad joke. Okay, moving on! To defeat Wendigo, you have to throw him by the tail five times. This may seem easy, but if you fall from the field, you instantly get impailed on a spike, so you can't mess around. As Wendigo comes charging at you, run as fast as you can AWAY from him. Dodge around the ice pillars or whatnot, just DON'T LET HIM SMACK YOU!!! If he does, you might fall off. So, wait until he stops following you, and then he'll stop trying to stike you. Run behind him and whack his back. When "Strike!" comes up, press X, and rotate the Control Stick to build up the meter at the bottom and throw him. Repeat this five times, and then end the battle by smacking his front with X as he faints. REMEMBER!: If you throw him off the arena by accident, he won't take any damage. REMEMBER!: Keep your claws in to heal unless you're attacking him. This will greatly increase your chances of coming out of this fight alive, trust me. /\ /\ /\ --\ \-\ \-\ \------------------------------------- \ \ \ \ \ \ ACT III: Return to Weapon X (7.2.3) ----\ \-\ \-\ \----------------------------------- \/ \/ \/ Part I ------ After Wendigo tosses you down the mountainside, you'll end up at another military base. From the start, go forward and bit and you'll spot some stairs on the left leading down. Go down them in Stealth Mode and through the door. To the right is a guy at the camera controls. If you don't want him on your butt, sneak up and SS his head into the desk. Grab the Dog Tag and move out of the room. Head left, and go around the corner. You will eventually come to a door on your left. Move through it in Heightened Senses mode and look right. Around the right corner, press yourself onto the right wall. Move silently along it and SS the guy around the corner. Go abck into Heightened Senses mode and follow the blinking footsteps. They'll lead you up stairs and around several corners. SS the guy at the console and collect the Dog tag. Move back into the original room and get to the generators. Two slashes with your claws to each will take out the green force field outside. WARNING!: If that guard sees you, he'll alert more guards that show up outside. Go past where the field and into the next room. Move stealthily and press yourself against the left wall. SS the guy and colect the Tag around the corner, and then press yourself against the front of the truck. SS the guy around THAT corner and move to the stairs. Now, activate your Heightened Senses and you'll see a red line move up and down at the top of the stairs. WARNING!: If that line passes through you, you'll have an auto-gun to handle. Move past the line and sneak up behind the only guy in this room. SS him to claim the Dog Tag and then search the boxes for the decoding device for a door later on. That'll come in handy. TIP!: You can move more easily past the triplaser if you run past it on all-fours (hold R and move to make him crawl). Wolvie moves quicker but still can't be heard. Go back out the way you came in and past the trucks. At the next intersection, head left and avoid the auto-turret at the end of the street to your nearly-immediate right. Climb up the ladder to your right and you'll land up right in front of a guard. SS him if you can and then cross the bridge. Use the decoder to open the door. In the next area, you can sneak around the kill the guys that way, but I just ran around and slaughtered everyone I ran into. There's plenty of time to heal. So, do it to it and down every guy here. Once that's done, there's a wooden door in this area across that tiny bridge. Break it down with your claws and then enter Heightened Senes mode. There's around eight guys asleep in here, so it's ample Dog tag opportinuty. Sneak to the foot of the bed and press X to ram their privates against the post and slit their throat. Once each is dead, claims the tags and move to the far wall. Grab the Keycard and exit the room. Go to the door it works with (the game will show you). After you go through here, head left and down the ramp. Now, this is a minefield, so go into Heightened Senses mode. Also, there's guys shooting at you, so you'll have to avoid them. Just keep trying until you make it. Sometimes, you can rest and heal as they stop shooting in some places. Upon arriving in the room down the ramp, head right and kill the three guys on your butt today. After they're all down, activate the door to the gun and then go back to the minefield. The guys that came for you will be waiting, but since once died from a mine, only two will remain. Take them down, and then go to the gun turret in the next room (the game shows you where it is). Kill the guy and press X to take the turret for yourself. R fires the thing, and the Control Stick aims. The guys that come are infinite, so kill the ones and then aim for the upper-right. Shoot that box by the gate to disable the electricity. After it explodes several times, the electricity will go down. WARNING!: If you hear a clink-clink sound, someone threw a grenade. Hold X to exit, heal, and then resume. Go out and run back up the ramp to your right. Outside, leap from the bridge and move to the gate. Slash it down with your claws and jump through. In the next area, try to get some SS, but don't count on it. After you make it to a large area with guys shooting from jeeps, kill them both and move past them. Head right and thrugh the garage door. Move through the area and avoid camera detection (you can see their rage from the darkened areas) and you'll eventually be able to set the guns on themselves. WARNING!: If you don't do this first, you'll be killed nearly instaneously when you go inside that building without reprogramming the guns. Run up the stairs and you'll see Kirby inside (not the pink Nintendo puff-ball). He's pretty tough, so hack and slash till he gives up his item, and then go back outside. The view goes way high up the the helicopter. Run past everything (unless you like dying) and back through the once-electrified gate. Near ythat ladder you first used (across the street) is a door. Go through it and you'll come to that room from an earlier level. Kill the guards here, and hit the switch to open the tunnel door. Move through it and you're finished. Part II ------- Continue moving downwards into the tunnels. You'll soon find out via a cutscene how to deactivate the force field on that access tunnel. Move into the room, and prepare for a fight. There are two guys on your left, one in a jeep and one on the ground, and then three on your right. All of them hold some kind of gun, so take them all out using any method necessary. Once you are finished, heal yourself, and then ove to the right side of the room, up the stairs, and down the tunnel. On your right are around five guys that are all armed, so take them out. Head down the tunnel and move up the stairs. There are two guys in this room. One on the far wall by the console, and the other on the other side. SS them both using Heightened Senses Mode and then flip the switch (after grabbing your two new Dog tags). Head back down to the previous room and you'll come into meeting with three more armed guards. Disarm them all of their guns and then use the Strike! moves to kill them quickly. Now, move through where the force field was located before. You'll come into a room with flashing walls and guys hiding behind crates. There are two of them, I believe. SS them both, and then move to your left and up the ramp. You'll come to another guard you can SS and get a Keycard from. Head back down the ramp and go left again into the room where Sabretooth attacked you years ago. The dent is even on the wall from before. Head up the stairs to the door and move through it. Heal yourself before you do if necessary. This is the room where you were gassed, and there are now three armed guards in here. SS at least one of them and then take out the other two. Now move up the stairs on the left wall of the room (realative from where you came in). There are five armed men on your right, and one on your left. Kill them hard and fast, don't get lit on fire, and try to knock them into the flames. Heal yourself when the battle is over and move to the left side of the room. Head through the door and climb the ladder. Kill the guy up top, steal his keycard, and then head through the door to the left of the room you're in. You'll soon come to a set of tripwires you'll have to pass using Heightened Senses Mode. There are three moving, red triplasers you'll have to pass through. I suggest activating Heightened Senses (it'll be impossible without this) and then holding R to crawl as well. You can move faster when you crawl, and you're also a smaller target. So, suck in a deep breath and plunge through. If you mess up, the door slams shut and you'll have to start over. It's not that hard once you get the pattern. Stand as close as you can and then move through. In the next room, move into the little previously-glassed-in room and flip the switch. Head through the now-open door and combat the two armed guards. Head over to the new switch and flip it, too. This will unlock the door to the stairwell. Go back into the previous room, head left, go through the door and to the stairwell. Part III -------- As you move down the stairs, you'll meet an armed guard on the way. Take him out and continue. As you progress down the stairs, you'll run into three more guards, one with a flamethrower. Grab his keycard and momve through the door, which locks behind you. Go down the left tunnel and you'll find the terminals. However, you need the cards to make them of any use. Back in the hallway, activate Heightened Senses and follow the glowing footprints. You'll be led to a small room with a scientist in it, but the door is locked. Unsheathe your claws, break the glass and hop in. Once you've got the disk, go back to the terminal and insert Disk A. Move back into the hallway and follow the second set of glowing footprints (using Heightened Senses). The door is, again, locked, so break the glass with your claws and jump in. When you have Disk B, head back to the terminal and put it in. Now, you have to activate the security console, so go to the right side of the room (realative to the entrance) and move up the stairs. Then, flip the switch. You'll activate an alarm, and guards will come pouring in. Jump down from the terminal and you'll run into three guards. Disarm them all using Running+X and then use Strikes to defeat them. Out in the hall, continue around the corner and you'll run into three more. Defeat them in the same fashion. Move down the hall, to the left, and down a ramp. Four guys come at you, so kill them all. A scientist will open the door, and Wolverine moved through automatically. COSTUME ALERT (Movie): In the middle of the room, in plain view during the cutscene, sits the comic for your new costume. Just jump over the railing, collect it, and then get out with the ladder. Follow the platforms around, go up some stairs, and meet with the scientist. He agrees to help you if you handle the guards. No problem. After he finished, jump from the platform, head right, round the corner, and combat the three guards up there. Once they're dead, follow the scientist. He'll lead you to another door and then you'll have to go through it. In the next room, you'll run into dozens of guards through the halls. Your best best is to count on your Feral Rage and healing factor to get you through. If you're running low, pull back and lick your wounds. Once everyone is dead, follow the scientist again. In the next area you come to, make sure you are at full Health. About eight guards are up gainst you, so I suggest using the Spinning Attack (Running+X) to disarm them of guns. Then use brute force to destroy them all. Stealth will not help you here. When they're all dead, go onto the lift and you'll sink further into the complex. Part IV ------- When the lift comes to a halt, you'll open up to a room crawling with guards. There is no better way to kill them all, and steal won't help because they all know you're here. Run around and rid the room of each and every one. Before fighting them, disarm them as you come to each one to make them less of a faraway threat. When they are all gone, you'll get a keycard and realize you've got to move that gigantic block out of your way. On the other side of the room, up some flights of stairs, you'll find a box with two levers on it. Flip them to move to the magnetic beam and lift the box out of your way. However, in doing so, you accidently kill the scientist who's helping you. Oh well. In the room beyond, you run into several armed guards, so whip out your claws and slash some sense into those f00s. Head gthrough the blue tunnels, take out the guy in the glowing green room, and then take out two more guys in the stairwell. Keep going dwon the stairs, kill more guys, head through another glowing green room, acorss a bridge, stealthy sneak up on the three guys and kill them, then go through another circular door. WARNING!: If you fall over the side in this area (one of the few areas you can fall) you'll be dead instantly. Fight your way acorss the birdges surrounded in green gas, disarming guards as you go, until uyou reach the elevator on the other side. Get into it and heal yourself before you move out. Move through the green tunnels and then head through the door on the far wall. You'll come into a room that looks strangely like Cerebro, but significantly low-tech. Wolverine looks up some information on the files, and discovers he'll have to make a trip into the Void prison if he wants anymore information. Some nerve gas snaps on, and Wolvie makes his way out of the complex. Time to head for the Vault! That is, if Sabretooth didn't get in your way! Part V ------ Time for Sabretooth again! Yay! This time, he's pretty tough. The first thing you have to do is knock him into that large truck on the NW corner (realative to facing the house). Beat him down, and watch out for his attacks. Try and lure him to the tank, and then throw him into it when "Strike!" appears. Once you've done that, he starts to use barrels from the overturned trucks. As he throws them, sheathe your claws and punch the barrels back at him. His health will drop quickly with this method. When his health starts to dwindle, he leaps up high and lands hard to crush you. As he does this, a small green circle appears on the ground as he comes down, near his landing location. Get into that circle and hit X to jump up and finish him off. Not too hard once you've got it down, but rather difficult to begin with (I died four times). /\ /\ /\ --\ \-\ \-\ \------------------------------------- \ \ \ \ \ \ ACT IV: Into The Void (7.2.4) ----\ \-\ \-\ \----------------------------------- \/ \/ \/ Part I ------ After Wolvie steals the guard's costume, you need to deactivate the force field to continue. So, head to your right and hit the button. The field will drop. It only takes several seconds to come back on, so sprint out the door and move through. Now, you're in enemy territory, so it's time to lay low. WARNING!: DO NOT use your claws to break the glass and move through, or a guard i nthe next room might spot you. WARNING@!: Unsheathing your blades is asking for trouble. WARNING!: Do not get too close to any of the guards or they will notice you don't exactly work at The Vault. On the far side of the wall on the left side, there is a ladder. Head over to it and wait for all the guards to move out of your way. Grab onto it with X and head up it. When you reach the top, move around the ledge to your right, grab the Cerebro file, and then keep going. Soon, you'll run into a console, so hit it. On the ground, the electricity snaps on ,and you fry about six guards below you without raising any fuss. SS the guy to your left and then leap over the railing. Don't land on the electrified area of the floor, or you'll be zapped for a lot of Health. Unsheathe your claws and then prepare to fight. Take out the two guys left (there were two everytime I did this) and then pick up the Keycard. Move through the door in Heightened Senses Mode, SS ythe guy ahead, and then try to SS one of the others. Kill the last guy, and then head through the door into the barracks. If you end up in a cafeteria, you went the wrong way. Sneak in Heightened Senses Mode and follow the glowing footprints. You'll eventually come to a Droid Control device, so grab it and move into the cafateria. Continue through and you'll run into a Heat Sensor. Double back, kill the three guys that come to get you, and move into the kitchens. Dispose of the cook, and then locate the freezer on the far wall. Continued soon... Part II ------- Coming soon... Part III -------- Coming soon... Part IV ------- Coming soon... Part V ------ Coming soon... Part VI ------- Coming soon... Part VII -------- Coming soon... /\ /\ /\ --\ \-\ \-\ \------------------------------------- \ \ \ \ \ \ ACT V: Force of Nature (7.2.5) ----\ \-\ \-\ \----------------------------------- \/ \/ \/ Part I ------ Coming soon... Part II ------- Coming soon... /\ /\ /\ --\ \-\ \-\ \------------------------------------- \ \ \ \ \ \ ACT VI: The Deepest Cut (7.2.6) ----\ \-\ \-\ \----------------------------------- \/ \/ \/ Coming soon... _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 8) D O G T A G E X P L A N A T I O N ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= If you want to make Wolverine more powerful, and pull off more spectacular moves, you'll have to collect many Dog Tags throughout the game. The main way to get these is by defeating enemies, but not just the old-fashioned hack-and-slash. You have to be stealthy about it. For every stealth strike you accomplish, you get one Dog Tag, plus 10,000 bonus points. If you can collect 60 Dog Tags (not an easy feat), you'll have Wolverine powered up as much as he can go (Strike Move-wise). _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 9) S T R I K E M O V E S ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= W = Wolverine O = Enemy This table can be found in the Start menu. ______________________________________________________ | Strike | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | Position | X | X,Y | X,Y,X | X,Y,X,Y | |__________|__________|__________|__________|__________| | O | | | | | | | | cyclone | the | rack 'n' | surgical | | W--O | claw | guilotine| ruin | precision| |__________|__________|__________|__________|__________| | O | | | | | | | | raining | over and | body bag | wipeout | | O--W | pain | out | | | |__________|__________|__________|__________|__________| | | | | | | | | slice 'n'| bustin' | double | hama's | | O--W--O | dice | heads | whammy | hammer | |__________|__________|__________|__________|__________| | O | | | | | | | | claw | dance of | claw | leaping | | O--W--O | city | death | slam | wolf | |__________|__________|__________|__________|__________| _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 10) S T E A L T H T I P S ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= Stealth plays in important role in this game, since it helps you avoid a lot of fights that might kill you if you fought all-out. Even with Wolvie's speed-healing, he is no match for some of the battles you can get out of through stealth. Another benefit of stealth is earning Dog Tags, which are the only way to upgrade your Strike Level. If you ever hope of beating this game, you should at least upgrade to Level 3. Also, if you use stealth, you can witness some pretty cool moves. Maybe it's just me, but I like seeing Wolverine snap some guy's spine and let him fall to the ground. So, the best way to be stealthy is to wait until the guard has his back turned. Easier said than done, but you can easily tell by the arrows above the guard's head. If they are facing away from you, it's safe to spring out and kill him! Another thing to keep in mind is about being able to tell whether or not someone is looking away is the example kill. I made this name up myself, but it's not that hard so see. If a guard has his back turned and you're in Stealth Mode, you can see a ghostlike Wolvie behind him, jumping at him. This is an image of what you will do if you try to kill him with stealth. If you see this, it's safe to make the kill! If you like living, being stealthy is the only way to go! _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 11) C O S T U M E L I S T ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= Ultimate X-Men: Act I, Part I Patch: Act I, Part II Classic Tan and Orange: Act II, Part I Classic Yellow and Blue: Act II, Part II Movie: Act III, Part III Alex Ross: Act IV, Part II _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 12) C H E A T C O D E S ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= (Enter at main menu, a sound will confirm correct entry) All Costumes: B, X, B, Y, Y, Y, L, L, Z All Cerebro Files: B, X, B, Y, Y, Y, R, R, Z Level Select: B, X, B, Y, B, X, L, R, Z Invulnerability: B, B, X, X, Y, Y, X, X, L, L, R, R, Z WARNING!!!: IF YOU USE THE LEVEL SELECT CODE, DO NOT SAVE WITH IT ON! IT WILL MESS UP YOUR ABILITY TO GAIN DOG TAGS, WHICH (IN MY OPINION) SCREWS THE GAME UP. LEVEL SELECT IS THE ONLY ONE THAT DOES THIS, SO KEEP THAT IN MIND. (WARNING: If you want to collect Dog Tags again after saving with Level Select activated, you'll have to start a whole new file!!!) _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 13) A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= * Thanx to JadeHawk777 for helping me when I got stuck (even though I got the game before he did). * Thanx to Nintendo Power for having that preview to this awesome game! * Thanx to Activision for making this incredible game! You guys are great, and I love all your games! _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 14) D I S C L A I M E R ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= Copyright (c) 2003 by Perfect Light All rights reserved The following sites have my personal permission to post this: gamefaqs.com That's it! If I catch you with it on your site if you're not gamefaqs you'll be in for serious trouble. I WILL catch you, you WILL be sorry, and you WILL pay the consequences! There! I said it. If you do not plan on posting this on gamefaqs.com but some other whatever.com, I will write out a polite e-mail asking you to please remove it. If you fail to do so, I will be forced to take it to court and press carges. GameFAQs even states that suing a webiste for posting your FAQ without permission is easy, and the owner of the FAQ can easily win. Plagerism is already bad, so don't add to the problem. Got it? You're smart, intelligent people, so just be smart. Also, certain e-mails I won't accept. If you scream and shout at me, writing something like: You (insert explicitive here), you said you can kill (insert enemy here) in (insert #) shots and it took me (insert another #) you little (insert various explicitives here)!!! You're not cute, no one's laughing, and you're obviously not very mature. And I don't have anything to say to you if you talk to me like that. However, if you have anything DECENT to contribute, feel free to drop me a line at Jetstorm777@aol.com anytime! If I do give you permission to put this up on your site, don't abuse the previlage. You're not allowed to put advertising baners up, or anything else. Just leave it as it is. You may spell-check or add things, put please please please DO NOT take ANYTHING out, and this Disclaimer must remain intact. You may not sell this FAQ, or in any other way shape or form make money off this FAQ at all. I believe that part is clear. Next! If you see anything wrong in this FAQ, no matter how minute, e-mail me to correct it. I like being corrected, but DO NOT be nasty, or I'll just delete your message after having a few laughs about how dumb you are. REMEMBER: IF YOU SEND ME AN E-MAIL WITH POOR GRAMMAR, YOU WILL *NOT* GET A RESPONSE FROM NOW ON! I'm sick of reading: "I need help but I'm not sure and by the way your guide is cool sweet and lke it do you know how to help me?" No, that's not going to cut it. I want neat, properly written letters so that I can actually READ and UNDERSTAND it! NO MORE GIBBERISH! Also, please put "Wolverine's Revenge Guide" in the title to help me. I get too many guide questions from my other guides to try to organize what question is for what game. _ _ ____ ==| |==| || __ \======================================================= | |/\| || / 15) A F O N D F A R E W E L L ! ==|__/\__||_|\_\======================================================= This is my ninth guide, and I'm proud to say we, again, made it to the end of the game! Chalk up another win for the super-hero games, and be ready for whatever games Activision throws at us next. You can bet I'll be there to lend a helping claw! I give you the Kirby salute: (>-.-)> This is Perfect Light, signing off! This document was written by and is a property of, Perfect Light ;) Thanx for reading my Wolverine's Revenge Guide, from: ____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ ________ | __ \ | ___| | __ \ | ___| | ___| / __ \ |__ __| ||__|| | |___ ||__|| | |___ | |___ | | \_| | | | ___/ | ___| | _ / | ___| | ___| | | _ | | | | | |___ | |\ \ | | | |___ | |__/ | | | |_| |_____| |_| \_\ |_| |_____| \_____/ |__| _ ________ _____ __ __ ________ | | |__ __| / ____| | | | | |__ __| | | | | | | ___ | |__| | | | | | | | | | |_ | | __ | | | | |____ __| |__ | |___| | | | | | | | |______| |________| \______| |__| |__| |__| ~ End Of Document ~