XXX XXX IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII X X II II II XX II II II X X II II II XXX XXX IIIIII IIIIII IIIIII Version 1.12 June 16th, 2004 By : Jonathan ( ) XIII Weapons and Item FAQ Version 1.12 (1)Index (2)Legal Information (3)Introduction (4)Weapons (5)Items (6)Special Thanks (7)Contact Information (8)Credit (9)Frequently Asked Questions (10)Version Updates (2)Legal Information This FAQ is copyrighted and may only be used on and . DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT steal this FAQ and claim it as your own. It is called plagiarism. This is a quick way for you to lose some money. All weapons are copyright of Ubisoft. (3)Introduction In my FAQ I'm going to give the weapon descriptions as told by the game book. I will tell you my opinion of the weapon and give you it's damage (rated out of 5) and how to use it's primary and secondary fire. I will also talk about Xbox Live play and the weapons usefulness online. Fire rates and Reload rates are included too. It will be ranked out of Slow, Decent or Fast. Items are also included. (4)Weapons -Fists (my description): Very fast attack but weak. Only use when you have no ammo. My Opinion for Story Mode - Use only when your out of ammo. My Opinion for Live - Don't bother using it. Your better off running away. Primary Damage - 1/5 Secondary Damage - N/A Primary Fire - Punch Secondary Fire - N/A Primary Fire Rate - Fast Secondary Fire Rate - N/A Reload Rate - No reload required Clip Capacity - Infinite Use-able objects (my description): Walk up to any object and hit the action button. XIII will pick it up and use it as a weapon. This includes Chairs, glass fragments, brooms, etc. My Opinion for Story Mode - Knocks an enemy out cold in one hit. The only downside is you have to get close to use it. My Opinion for Live - (Not available on Live) Primary Damage - 5/5 Secondary Damage - N/A Primary Fire - Slam Secondary Fire - N/A Primary Fire Rate - Decent Secondary Fire Rate - N/A Reload Rate - No reload required Clip Capacity - No clips used -Knife: "Highly effective in hand-to-hand combat and at short range. Much less precise when used from a distance." My Opinion for Story Mode - Only use this weapon if stealth is needed and be sure to aim for your enemies head. My Opinion for Live - Only use as your last resort. This is the last weapon you will want to use. Primary Damage - 1/5 Secondary Damage - 2/5 Primary Fire - Throw Secondary Fire - Stab Primary Fire Rate - Decent Secondary Fire Rate - Decent Reload Rate - No reload required Clip Capacity - No clips used -9mm Pistol: "The most frequently encountered handgun in the game. It can sometimes be fitted with a silencer for infiltration missions." My Opinion for Story Mode - You get this in the first few levels of the game. Be on the lookout for better weapons and go for headshots since this is a weak weapon also. My Opinion for Live - This is your starting respawn weapon and you don't get much ammo with it. Find a new weapon ASAP. Primary Damage - 1/5 Secondary Damage - N/A Primary Fire - 1/5 Secondary Fire - N/A Primary Fire Rate - Fast Secondary Fire Rate - N/A Reload Rate - Decent Clip Capacity - 13 Grenade: "An ultra-powerful weapon. Use with care, otherwise you'll blow up yourself." My Opinion for Story Mode - Toss a few of these bad boys around the corner where you know enemies are. They are to stupid to move out of the way. My Opinion for Live - If used right it can be a one hit kill. Be sure to hold the fuse for a while so adversaries won't have time to react. Toss them in rooms also, you may get a kill or flush a camper out. Primary Damage - 5/5 Secondary Damage - 5/5 Primary Fire - Start grenade timer and throw ahead of you. Secondary Fire - Start grenade timer and drop at feet. Primary Fire Rate - Decent Secondary Fire Rate - Decent Reload Rate - No reload required Clip Capacity - No clips used -.44 Special: A very powerful gun. It can prove highly effective at short and medium range." My Opinion for Story Mode - A nice step up from the pistol My Opinion for Live - Use the secondary fire that shoots out all 6 rounds in a second or two. If you hit a foe's head once or twice they will go down. Primary Damage - 4/5 Secondary Damage - 4/5 Primary Fire - Shoot one bullet at a time Secondary Fire - Shoot bullets fast until empty Primary Fire Rate - Slow Secondary Fire Rate - Fast Reload Rate - Slow Clip Capacity - 6 -Shotgun and Pump-Action Shotgun: "Shotguns (are) for close combat. They are powerful weapons, but this advantage is offset by their fairly low rate of fire." My Opinion for Story Mode - Use the shotgun when you are in close quarter situations. Never use it from far away because you are wasting bullets. Aim for the chest region and pull the trigger. Use the melee secondary mode if you run out of ammo and are up close. My Opinion for Live - Obviously use this in close quarter situations. Aim for the chest and since the chamber doesn't hold many shells be sure to reload when you get a chance. Only use melee attacks if you are up close and have no ammo left for any guns. Primary Damage - 4/5 Secondary Damage - 2/5 Primary Fire - Shoots a shell Secondary Fire - Uses butt of Shotgun for quick melee attack Primary Fire Rate - Slow Secondary Fire Rate - Decent Reload Rate - Slow Clip Capacity - 5 Harpoon Launcher: "Though intended for underwater combat, this weapon is also highly effective on the ground." My Opinion for Story Mode - Only use this underwater. Never use it on land unless you ran out of bullets for all your weapons. My Opinion for Live - (Not available on Live) Primary Damage - 3/5 Secondary Damage - N/A Primary Fire - Shoots a harpoon Secondary Fire - N/A Primary Fire Rate - Decent Secondary Fire Rate - N/A Reload Rate - Decent Clip Capacity - 1 -Simple Crossbows: "There are 2 models of these silent weapons, with 1 bolt and 3 bolts in the clip. They're ideal for eliminating soldiers on guard duty and at long range." My Opinion for Story Mode - Only use crossbows on stealth levels or as a lost resort. Neither crossbows can hold a lot of bolts. Always go for headshots because it is one hit kill. If it hits below the head it will not kill them and they will be alerted. My Opinion for Live - Makes a decent sniper weapon for campers but other than that it's useless. If you have to use it though go for headshots. Primary Damage - 2/5 Secondary Damage - N/A Primary Fire - Shoots one bolt Secondary Fire - Uses scope Primary Fire Rate - Slow Secondary Fire Rate - N/A Reload Rate - Slow Clip Capacity - 1 to 3 -Mini Gun: "A handheld submachine gun. This arm is extremely effective in close combat, but watch out for the recoil when shooting in bursts." My Opinion for Story Mode - Use the Mini Gun for taking out groups of bunched up enemies. If you can get in close aim for the head but otherwise aim for the chest. My Opinion for Live - Very inaccurate from far away. Use in close to medium ranged situations. Spray a bunch of bullets at the chest region up close for a quick kill. Pick up something more accurate if possible. Primary Damage - 3/5 Secondary Damage - N/A Primary Fire - Sprays out bullets Secondary Fire - N/A Primary Fire Rate - Fast Secondary Fire Rate - N/A Reload Rate - Fast Clip Capacity - 32 -Kalash: "The favorite weapon of the mercenaries employed by the Conspiracy. It's equally effective over short and medium range." My Opinion for Story Mode - Up close fire at the chest and just spray the bullets. If you from far back aim for the head and fire in bursts. My Opinion for Live - The Kalash is one of the weapons you will want to be your primary weapon. Fire in 3 round bursts and aim for the head. Primary Damage - 4/5 Secondary Damage - N/A Primary Fire - Shoots out bullets in either 3 round burst or automatic Secondary Fire - Switches between burst and auto Primary Fire Rate - Fast Secondary Fire Rate - N/A Reload Rate - Fast Clip Capacity - 30 -Assault Rifle: "As deadly as it's twin, the Kalsah. What's more, this assault rifle is fitted with a grenade-launching tube which can wreak havoc in enclosed spaces." My Opinion for Story Mode - This will be your primary weapon in story mode for most of the game. Powerful and accurate from all ranges. Just aim for the head. Conserve your grenade rounds. You won't find many, use them on close grouped enemies. My Opinion for Live - Always be using this whenever possible. Aim for the head and shoot the grenades at your foe's feet. It's fairly easy to get a kill or two using the grenades. You won't find a lot of rounds though since it's powerful. Primary Damage - 4/5 Secondary Damage - 5/5 Primary Fire - Shoots bullets in automatic Secondary Fire - Shoots out grenades Primary Fire Rate - Fast Secondary Fire Rate - Slow Reload Rate - Fast Clip Capacity - 30 Grenade Capacity - 1 -Machine Gun: "This is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. The big drawback is the excessive weight, which slows XIII down when he's using it." My Opinion for Story Mode - Very powerful. Use it during boss fights, when you don't have to run a lot. My Opinion for Live - Don't use from far away and aim for the chest. It makes you run very slow and you don't get much ammo for it. Switch to burst for far away shots. Primary Damage - 5/5 Secondary Damage - N/A Primary Fire - Shoots out bullets in either 3 round burst or automatic Secondary Fire - Switches between burst and auto Primary Fire Rate - Decent Secondary Fire Rate - N/A Reload Rate - Slow Clip Capacity - 100 Bazooka: "Unquestionably the most powerful weapon in the game. It can kill large numbers of enemies with a single short. Take care not to fire at too close range, if you don't want to injure yourself." My Opinion for Story Mode - Just use on groups of enemies and aim for the feet for some splash damage. Be sure not to blow yourself up. My Opinion for Live - Always aim for the feet and keep your distance from the explosion. Primary Damage - 5/5 Secondary Damage - 2/5 Primary Fire - Shoots a bazooka casing Secondary Fire - Pulls out bazooka casing and is used as melee weapon. Primary Fire Rate - Decent Secondary Fire Rate - Slow Reload Rate - Slow Clip Capacity - 1 -Sniper Rifle: "With it's very long range and firepower the Sniper Rifle has no cause to be jealous of assault rifles. It is very useful for eliminating enemies lying in an ambush far away. My Opinion for Story Mode - Use from far away and aim for the head. Crouch to become more accurate. My Opinion for Live - Get up close and personal and aim for the head. One headshot is an instant kill. Primary Damage - 5/5 Secondary Damage - N/A Primary Fire - Shoots one bullet at a time Secondary Fire - Scope Primary Fire Rate - Slow Secondary Fire Rate - N/A Reload Rate - Decent Clip Capacity - 10 (5)Items --Medkit: "Enables you to pick up 25 or 50 health points (if you have acquired the Medical Care skill)." My Opinion for Story Mode - Health is what determines if you live or die, not body armor. Always have as much health as possible. My Opinion for Live - Always have health and don't rely on body armor. -Full Medkit: "Enables you to pick up 50 or 100 health points (if you have acquired the Medical Care skill)." My Opinion for Story Mode - Keep a lookout for these since they restore a lot of health. My Opinion for Live - You won't find many of these just laying around on Live. Be sure to be the first to grab them. -Key: "Each key corresponds to a particular door. You'll have to find a lot of keys on the guards." My Opinion for Story Mode - Find them and use them. Make sure not to miss one. My Opinion for Live - (Not available on Live) -Lock pick: "An essential tool for picking even the most stubborn locks." My Opinion for Story Mode - You won't be using this a lot. If you need to though pull it out and press fire on the door. My Opinion for Live - (Not available on Live) -Magnetic Pass: "The best-protected buildings use this highly sophisticated security system." My Opinion for Story Mode - Just like keys. Pick all of them you see up and don't miss one. My Opinion for Live - (Not available on Live) -Grapnel: "Both indoors and outdoors, the grapnel will help you get into the most hard to reach corners of the game." My Opinion for Story Mode - If there is a wall in your way look for a place to attach your Grapnel hook. Hold forward to swing forward and backward to swing backward. My Opinion for Live - (Not available on Live) -Body Armor (my description)- A Kevlar vest that protect only your chest and back. My Opinion for Story Mode - Stock up on this as it will conserve your health. My Opinion for Live - It's better than nothing but if you have a choice pick up the Armored Helmet instead. -Armored Helmet (my description)- A Kevlar helmet that protects only your head. My Opinion for Story Mode - Enemies rarely hit you in the head. Don't worry about this to much. My Opinion for Live - Best armor because you are protected from headshots. (6)Special Thanks - God (For allowing me to write this) - CJAYC (For making - Ubisoft (For marketing XIII) - Microsoft (For making Xbox what it is now) - LUE (For supporting me in writing this FAQ. LUESHI forever!) - Mods (For keeping the Gamefaqs boards free of trolls, flamers and idiots.) (7)Contact Information If I have made a grammatical mistake or left out anything contact me at . I WILL give you credit and thanks. (8)Credit - Ubisoft's XIII Instruction Manual (9)Frequently Asked Questions Q: Can I use your FAQ on my site? A: Yes if I give you permission. Don't try to contact me unless you have a decent amount of visitors on your site per week. Q: Do you still play on Live? A: Yes, my Gamertag is MetallicDeath. I won't accept your invite if I don't know who you are, so send me an email. Q: What is your opinion on XIII. A: A great sleeper-hit. I was opposed to cell-shading until I saw this game in action. Q: I liked this game. Is there anything similar to it? A: Check out some of the James Bond games. Q: Are you going to make anymore FAQS? A: Yes, I'm going to start working on some more. (10)Version Updates Fixed for Version 1.10 - Fixed 3 gun details - Fixed a few grammatical errors - Fixed Special Thanks - Added Items section - Fixed dividers - Added Fire Rate - Added Reload Time - Added Clip Capacity Fixed for Version 1.11 -Fixed dividers -Corrected spacing error -Fixed grammatical errors -Fixed introduction -Fixed weapon name Fixed for Version 1.12 -Fixed email