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                       Endangered Software Society
       Welcome to the official gopher for the nascent ESS, a society
       dedicated to preserving our civilization's software heritage. There
       are already a number of organizations with similar aims -- several
       linked below -- but one thing which differentiates the ESS from some
       others is that the ESS strives to preserve the usefulness of old
       software in addition to the code itself.
       Employing Gopher to expose our resources to the Internet is a perfect
       distillation of our mission and our values. The gopher protocol is one
       of the earliest hypertext protocols. Despite being almost entirely
       supplanted by the World Wide Web, it remains useful even today. It is
       an interesting alternative to HTTP and even has some advantages over
       its more successful sibling.
       This site is very much a work in progress, so please revisit every so
       often to see what we've been up to. Also, at this early stage, the
       Society is primarily an extension of the founder's interests, there
       being only one member. At times I may be a little loose in my usage of
       personal pronouns, but I will try to stick with first person plural
       when speaking for the Society as I envision it.
 (DIR) Software Media Preservation
 (DIR) Games
 (DIR) Gopher
 (TXT) Contribute
       Other software preservation projects:
 (HTM) Cyber1
 (HTM) Software Preservation Society
 (HTM) Software Heritage
       Other useful and/or interesting gophers:
 (DIR) Floodgap Systems gopher root