Date: Sat 27 Mar 2021 04:12:55 PM GMT Title: New Phlogit Script Author: MeaTLoTioN ____ _ _ _ ___ ____ ___ _____ | _ \| | | | | / _ \ / ___|_ _|_ _| | |_) | |_| | | | | | | | _ | | | | | __/| _ | |__| |_| | |_| || | | | |_| |_| |_|_____\___/ \____|___| |_| ======================================== So here I am thinking how to make this work easier for myself so that I can spend more time creating stuff for it, than figuring out how to keep things organised, and I wondered how I could make myself an automation script to make draft "phlogs" and publish them just with a single command. It needed to add stuff to the top of the file, i.e. Date published, author, title, and then update the gophermap to show a new post, and update the last updated date too. TLDR; I gained some XP on my bash foo. Looks like it works nicely... I create a text file with the actual content I want in the post, then I run my script using the filename as an argument. It then uses the filename, replaces _ for spaces and capitalises each word, and then edits the gophermap to add a new entry and set the dates etc. This will be my first live test. Here goes... That's all for now, peace and love to all. MeaTLoTioN