A set of useless facts from arround the world 1) Andean rock cockerel - the national bird of Peru 2) In 2019, the Tree of Friendship, which the presidents of France and the United States planted at the White House as a symbol of friendship, died when it was quarantined, "which is mandatory for any living organism imported to the USA" 3) When there were no refrigerators, in Ancient Russia and in France frogs were placed in milk so that it would not turn sour. Discharge from frog skin was allegedly believed to have an anti-fungal effect 4) Texas resident sentenced to 50 years in prison for stealing $1.2 million fajitas Fajitas - a dish of Texas-Mexican cuisine. It is grilled and chopped meat with vegetables, wrapped in a tortilla. 5) Skrillex DJ's track "Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites" prevents mosquitoes from mating and reduces their biting 6) Missing Indonesian woman found inside a 7-meter reticulated python 7) Piranha soup is a popular dish and aphrodisiac in Brazil 8) The remains of the sunken ship "Titanic" were found by accident during a secret US mission to investigate two sunken submarines. The military did not even hope that the oceanographer would find the Titanic 9) In Dubai, you can buy gold bars from the vending machine. Nowadays, golden machines have appeared in several other countries. 10) In 1996, a man invaded a radio station in New Zealand. He took the leader hostage and demanded that they play Kermit Frog's song "Rainbow Connection" on the radio 11) In the Middle Ages, women of the upper classes of society locked themselves in a special room a few days before giving birth. Only women were allowed to visit them, and they also carefully closed the windows with curtains so that the light would not damage the eyes of the future mother. 12) There is a tradition in Turkey: when the groom comes to woo his relatives, the bride prepares Turkish coffee and adds a lot of salt to the groom's cup. If he calmly drank coffee, he is patient and ready for family life 13) One of the proposed systems for measuring time on Mars is the Darius calendar. According to it, the Martian year lasts 668.5 Martian days. A week consists of 7 days and a month lasts 27-28 days 14) Nintendo consoles have been exhibited in the United States since 1983 at the same price - $ 199 15) Morgan Freeman gave up his drama education because he wanted to become an Air Force fighter pilot. He worked four years in the field of radar repair, and at the age of 65 he received his first pilot's license. 16) Sperm whales look for habitats with a lot of bioluminescent plankton - but they do not eat plankton. When the fish gets close to the plankton, it starts to glow. This helps the sperm whale find its prey faster and feast on 17) In 1934, Mahatma Gandhi valued his autograph at 5 rupees to raise money for charity. He decided to do this when the British organization that runs his foundation refused to help. 18) Bolivia always has a permanent river navy ready in case it has to reclaim the coast that Chile lost in the 19th century 19) In the state of Texas, the United States once introduced a government program to control local weather. And Texas also obliges all criminals to warn their victims about an impending crime against them at least 24 hours in advance, describing all the details. 20) Hayden Christensen is the only Star Wars actor to star in all parts with a lightsaber of the same design. He was brought closer to the sword, which appeared in the 1977 film, when Obi-Wan gave the sword to little Luke. 21) A few days before the famous Gettysburg speech in 1863, Abraham Lincoln saw at one performance of his future assassin - actor John Wilkes. He played the villain and gave an angry speech, and someone said to Lincoln: "It seems like he is speaking these words to you." Lincoln replied, "He's pretty sharp on the tongue, isn't he?" 22) During sex, five times more hormones are produced than during masturbation 23) After a conflict with the participation of Mormons in 1838, the Missouri government in the United States allowed them to be legally killed. The law was repealed in 1976 24) Cicada 3301 is an anonymous organization that publishes hacker riddles and puzzles on breaking ciphers on the Internet. There are versions that with the help of this service hackers are recruited into the ranks of underground groups or talented candidates for special services are selected 25) During the Olympic Games, they often use the recording of the sounds of water while rowing, because the sounds themselves are not heard due to motor boats and a helicopter 26) Hackers turn CCTV cameras into bitcoin miners 27) Michigan became the first US state to abolish the death penalty. This happened in 1846. In the same year, Tuscany (Italy) and Liechtenstein were the first in the world to abolish the death penalty 28) The organs of a 100-year-old turtle are indistinguishable from those of a growing individual 29) The South Park team needed 100 hours a week to create one episode 30) In 1759 an American farmer shot and killed a pig that was eating his potatoes. That pig belonged to a British colonist. The conflict began with the participation of 461 Americans with 14 artillery mounts, and 2,140 British with 5 ships. The pig remained the only victim of the conflict. 31) Hugh Hefner's dad, an accountant, turned him down when he wanted to start Playboy - he thought it was a bad business idea. However, Hefner's mother gave him $ 1,000 of her savings to start. 32) Soy sauce made from fermented soybeans contains antioxidants 10 times more effective than red wine. Its use can reduce the risk of heart disease 33) The Rolling Stones loved backing vocalist Merry Clayton's voice on "Gimme Shelter" so much that they hooted and supported her during the recording. They decided to leave these exclamations on the studio recording 34) George Lamson is the only survivor of the Boeing 747 plane crash near Tokyo on August 12, 1985. He was 17 years old. As an adult, he organized a community of plane crash survivors from around the world to develop a recovery and support program 35) The port of Aralsk in Kazakhstan. Once it was the center of fishing, but in the second half of the 20th century there was a sharp decline in the level of the Aral Sea. Since the 90s, the city has been officially included in the Aral Sea zone of ecological disaster 36) From the 1800s to the 1960s, the Namaqua people of southern Africa used baboons as goat herders. They protected and accompanied the herd, and also saddled large individuals like a horses 37) Until the 17th century, thermometers were filled with cognac 38) Eugene Debs, a leader of the labor and leftist movement in the United States, ran for the presidency 5 times. He last ran in 1920, while he was in prison for organizing an opposition movement. 39) A kilogram of real elite Da Hong Pao tea costs $ 1.25 million