Is Biden a communist Muslim? (Russian conspirancy) In an interview with Russian human rights activist and lawyer Mark Feigen on August 29, 2021, a former aide to President Putin, Andrei Illarionov, who migrated to the United States, made a number of interesting judgments. In particular, Illarionov said that the fall of Kabul was artificially orchestrated by the Joe Biden administration. Back in July, the United States stopped supplying ammunition to the Afghan army. And the promised $ 3.5 billion was never allocated. Three months before the start of the exit from Afghanistan, the US President overturned the law allowing the evacuation of Afghans who worked with Americans to the United States. Illarionov also said that the Biden administration gave the Taliban lists of Afghan civilian employees who worked with the Americans. A former Putin aide and now a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, he also noted that Biden has congratulated Muslims on their holidays three times this year. But he did not congratulate Jews, Catholics, or Orthodox Christians on Easter. Illarionov also noted that Biden introduced a political racial theory in relation to white Americans. Based on the ideals of Marxism, and specifically excluding the national component of nations in exchange for a class one. Illarionov noted that the Biden administration began withdrawing troops without warning its NATO allies. British Prime Minister Johnson was unable to contact Biden for two days. He could not believe that the United States was beginning to withdraw its troops unilaterally. Illarionov recalled that Biden, being a congressman in the 70s, voted against the import of refugees from South Vietnam in 1975. Including voted against the legalization of those people who have already been evacuated to the United States. At the end of the broadcast, Illarionov said that the goal of mister Biden of throwing an unsecured $ 6 trillion into the economy was aimed at the collapse of the United States in the form in which we are accustomed to perceive they. Namely, as a bastion of Western democracy. Illarionov also expressed the opinion that at least 1 million illegal migrants entered the United States from Mexico in 7 months of this year. Likewise, the Biden administration is cutting funding for the police amid growing crimes. All these facts from an outside observer once again reminded me of the "global reset" project conceived by the new socialists to change the world. In the spring, at a meeting with Putin, Biden passed on data on secret US facilities that cannot be attacked by hackers. Since then, no one has mentioned this information anywhere else. Nobody knows what these objects are and why they are so important. Illarionov pointed out. But these are so important objects that even the main enemy of the United States, Putin, did not want to discuss the information received. Perhaps it is too dangerous for the very existence of our civilization. We must also remember that the money that was supposed to support Ukraine was strangely allocated to Palestinian terrorists after the attempt to destroy Israel. Afghanistan had the status of a US ally, like Taiwan. But he collapsed for 5 weeks. Biden's advisers have supported Iran in its plans to enrich uranium. It looks like a new global world war is planned with a center in Asia. At least all the facts are similar to the alignment of forces before the Second World War in Europe. The world behind the scenes wants to use the explosive region to eliminate all competitors. To establish a new socialism everywhere.