Colored people blame whites for Covid deaths In an article in The Guardian, Achal Prabhala is the AccessIBSA project coordinator, who runs campaigns for access to medicines in India, Brazil and South Africa, and Chelsea Clinton is an associate professor at the School of Public Health of Columbia University, vice chairman of the Clinton Foundation in New York, blamed whites for deaths on the African continent from Covid-19. Using the example of the doctor Abraham Sohai Nkomo, who died from COVID-19 in Pretoria, a city in South Africa, at the age of 80. They blame the rich countries, the quote: "To date, less than 3% of the population of the African continent is vaccinated because the rich countries have bought and accumulated almost all of the world's vaccine stocks." When South Africa and India proposed to the WTO to abandon the pharmaceutical monopoly system in October 2020, this was done in order to avoid exactly the situation in which these countries now find themselves. Vaccines are still in short supply for them due to corporations limiting who can produce them, while existing stocks are largely bought up by wealthy countries. The resulting global deficit leads to avoidable deaths in poor countries. All rich countries were initially opposed to the rejection when it was first proposed, including the US government, which was then led by the Trump administration. Never mind that the majority of the world's population wanted to give up rights; while the rich countries opposed it, the WTO, which operates on a consensus model, where every member must agree in order for a proposal to move forward, could not even start discussing it. Never mind that vaccinating more people everywhere is also beneficial for people in rich countries. The less a virus circulates, the lower its chances of mutating or developing. Reported by the authors of the article. In May of this year, the US government announced its support for the refusal, effectively giving the amended proposal a chance. The opening of a global manufacturing facility has taken on new urgency. Until recently, one theory was that Western pharmaceutical companies would soon stop shipping to rich countries and could focus on poor countries next year. That theory collapsed when wealthy countries allowed boosters for some of their populations in the past few weeks, effectively delaying the first dose for most of the world in order to introduce a third of the already vaccinated minority. It remains only to smile at this article. Countries with a colored population do not want to see, it is obvious that besides them there are states of the so-called second world. These are industrial states such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Argentina, Chile and so on. Also, the authors of the article clearly avoid the fact that there are Chinese, Russian, Iranian, Kazhastan and Indian vaccines. In any case, this material serves as clear evidence of media manipulation.