AI will drain the brain and take over our bodies For a long time, it was believed that the human brain pays attention to important information and experiences that we can track and learn from experience. But now researchers think it's more of a filter that filters out all that is useless. According to science journalist and US Navy veteran Tristan Greene, this seemingly insignificant difference could affect the fate of human civilization. This is due to the fact that artificial intelligence (AI) is designed with the interests of children and young people in mind. An AI that can learn quickly, but already possesses the key formula of independent development, should be on the right track, according to the Daily Star. But scientists' recent discovery that the brain writes its own "code" means that AI has nothing to copy. As scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology discovered a few years ago, misunderstood basal ganglia of the brain learn on their own over time. But a landmark MIT article showed that code is written as the brain develops. Greene wrote: “AI cannot experience anything. It doesn't matter how advanced the AI is or how good it is at making decisions that it can learn, it still can't taste, see, smell, feel or hear. " However, if humans can endow AI with the necessary functions to develop their own consciousness - as our brains do - artificial intelligence can quickly mimic human life. The writer added: “If we were to develop quantum artificial intelligence systems that could more accurately mimic the activity of the human brain, this could go a long way in creating the science needed to grow sentient organic matter. A reasonably robust brain-computer interface (like the ones Facebook and Neuralink are working on) should one day be able to speak the language of the brain. According to the paradigm where computers can transmit our senses and input data directly into our brains, it should be trivial for human-level AI to rewrite the material inside our gray matter that makes us human and replace it with a more logical model based on AI senses. ”In other words, in order to become a human, AI must burn out our brain, replacing it with a simulation of our code.