Vaccines: graphene, metal, parasites Disclosure of specific vaccine ingredients is a human right and international law governed by the Nuremberg Code. Since a complete list of Covid "vaccine" ingredients is not available, Dr. Robert Young and his team conducted a study ( to determine specific ingredients in Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, Jassen injections. On August 20, 2021, the researchers published their findings. The doctor and his team of scientists confirmed what La Quinta Columna researchers had previously discovered - toxic nanometallic substances that are magnetotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic (damage DNA replication) to all living organisms. One of the "vaccines" even contained dangerous parasites. Taken together, the components of the "vaccine", which include graphene oxide and which can be influenced by external sources of radiation, create a toxic chemical and radiation soup inside our bodies. In particular, graphene oxide is used to relieve negative memories in people who have experienced severe mental trauma. Young's team discovered liposomal capsids - microscopic lipid capsules. They formally designed to envelop mRNA, protecting genetic material from destruction when transferred into the human body. However, the main component of these capsules was not mRNA, but graphene oxide. All four Covid "vaccines" contain relatively high levels of graphene oxide, but Pfizer and Moderna's liposomal capsids are 100% graphene oxide. After extracting mRNA from them. Graphene oxide is cytotoxic, genotoxic and magnetotoxic. The liposome delivers graphene oxide to specific organs, glands and tissues, namely the ovaries and testes. The nervous system, heart and brain also receive graphene. Trypanosoma cruzi, a parasite with several lethal variants, was found in the Pfizer injection. In AstraZeneca "vaccines", Dr. Young and his team identified histidine, sucrose, polyethylene glycol, and ethylene alcohol, which were also found in Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen injections. It is known that injections of these substances and ethylene alcohol are carcinogenic and genotoxic. The Janssen vaccine contains particles of stainless steel that are glued together with reduced graphene oxide "carbon glue". This aggregate has a strong magnetic field and can cause abnormal blood coagulation and the "corona effect" or "spike protein effect". Simply put, lead to deep vessel thrombosis. About which other researchers have already written many times. The Moderna "vaccine" contains a variety of spherical foreign bodies with bubble-shaped cavities. These toxic nanoparticles are cadmium selenide quantum dots that are cytotoxic and genotoxic. Quantum dots are semiconductor nanoparticles that glow in a specific color after being illuminated. Their color depends on the size of the nanoparticles. Dr. Young's article concludes that these injections are "NOT vaccines, but nanotechnology drugs that work as gene therapy ... All of these so-called" vaccines "are patented and therefore their actual content is kept secret, even to consumers. have information about what they put into body through vaccination. " According to Dr. Young, about 500 million people worldwide have already been injured, and potentially 35 million (I have already published statistics for different countries) people have died due to Covid injections. This number is likely to increase in the coming months, as people who have had two injections are 13 times more likely to be injured, hospitalized, or dying from the Delta Variant compared to naturally immune people. Dr. Young said it's best to stop injecting poison into your body, "These [Covid] vaccinations are dangerous because the nanoparticles can go right through the blood-brain barrier and reach the nerve cells in the brain."