Cats are carriers of pneumonic plague According to statistics, 5-6 cases of plague infection are recorded in the western United States every year. Typically, rodents and other animals infect humans with the bubonic plague. This form of the disease develops when the plague bacillus penetrates the skin, that is, even with physical contact of an infected organism with a healthy one. And the pulmonary form is less common because it is transmitted by airborne droplets or by direct infection with unclean hands on the mucous membranes. Despite the fact that outbreaks of plague are often recorded in the United States, they are not the leader in terms of incidence. In 2006, about 300 people contracted the plague in the Republic of the Congo. At the end of 2017, a large outbreak occurred on the island of Madagascar. And in 2019, the center of the spread of plague was discovered in China and this news was very much discussed. It is important to note that in the latter case, one of the men admitted to the hospital contracted the plague from poorly cooked rabbit meat. And this outbreak was not the only one in recent years - in 2014, due to the death of a 38-year-old man, the authorities even had to isolate part of the city of Humen. Despite such a complex method of infection, it was pneumonic plague that was recently diagnosed in a resident of Fremont, Wyoming. This is the seventh case of plague infection in this area, and the source of the disease was domestic cats. It is believed that animals could freely walk in nearby areas, where the likelihood of meeting infected rodents is very high. It is also possible that they encountered plague fleas directly. Reported by Hi news.