Prohibition of doubt! Crytical review 1) YouTube IT Cartel Will Stop Monetizing Climate Change denying Content. This will concern the topics of global warming and the impact of greenhouse gases and human activities on the climate. Also, according to the new rules, climate change cannot be viewed as cheating or fraudulent. The company announced this in a published document. "We are announcing a new monetization policy for advertisers, publishers and YouTube creators that will prohibit advertising and monetization of content that is contrary to scientific consensus about the existence and causes of climate change. YouTube" Content will be checked both by algorithms and manually. The company promised that it will carefully consider all complaints in order to find out whether a false statement was filed as fact or in the context of a discussion. 2) Facebook user Louis Barclay developed the Unfollow Everything browser extension, which allowed one-click to completely clear the news feed on the social network. In 2020, he published a download tool in the Chrome Store, after which Facebook demanded to disable the extension, and the user was permanently blocked. He reported this in Slate Magazine. The IT cartel said the expansion threatened the company's profits. The program on CBS News reported that the number of views and clicks on ads, on which the platform's revenue depends, depends on the time spent on Facebook. According to Barclay, it is the news feed that makes users spend hours on social networks, and clearing it returns "a sense of control over their lives." Facebook's behavior isn't just anti-competitive, it's anti-consumer. We are being taught the platforms we need and then prevented from making legitimate choices about how we use them - not only by removing tools like Unfollow Everything, but also through manipulative designs and features. Said developer Louis Barclay. 3) Wikipedia has once again been disgraced by the low level of quality of materials. Russian researcher Anatoly Shirokoborodov found that Wikipedia systematically removes sources of all non-Western magazines and encyclopedias when beneficial Wiki-owners. They are being replaced by publications from Western scientific journals and materials from major media outlets. Basically, of course, of the leftist (neo-Marxist) wing. Therefore, it is not surprising that sovereign states, realizing the danger of ideological work by Wikipedia, are trying to intercept the initiative of filling its custom articles. Or they simply prohibit the IT cartel on their territory. Concluded the researcher.