HTTPs as a means of enslavement I was asked what is so terrible about the HTTPS protocol? This question comes up very often. What am I ready to give a detailed answer. One of the leading Gopher developers does not support Blink (Chromium) browsers. Why? The answer is obvious, because Google created a lot of special obstacles to both the project and the Gopher protocol itself. Why did they do it? The answer is obvious. There is a global war between the "new socialism", he is better known as cultural Marxism and the mass of democratic ideas of the right wing. In this situation, the means of communication are a weapon in this war. You may have forgotten. But in the early - mid-2000s, Google tried invade not only HTTP, but also Usenet/Fido standards, as well as Gopher. To my great delight, they were unable to do this. Since they received a rebuff from users. In retaliation, Google began to damage Gopher/Usenet. And in fact, he removed from his search results real information about alternative Internet protocols. And at the same time support they delete Gopher plugins of floodgap for their Chrome browsers. In a series of articles "The Dead Internet" I have clearly proved and shown that modern HTTPs is not just some kind of protocol. No. It is an instrument of total control and censorship. Where tested and approved texts are created by AI algorithms in 65% of cases. gopher:// gopher:// gopher:// In the HTTPs protocol, websites are censored at the browser level. In the HTTPs protocol, news is censored at the search engine level. In the HTTPs protocol, dissenters are searched for in social media, followed by their arrest with the support of Google, Facebook, and so on. Almost 95% of arrests for comments and news are related to the HTTPs protocol. And it doesn't matter where it happens. In the USA, Australia or Russia. The HTTPs protocol is a tool for controlling dissidents. Under the guise of supposedly secure encrypted data transmission, global surveillance and control takes place. Any wrong news is filtered and removed, and its creators receive prison sentences. The HTTPs protocol is a modern telegraph and telephone that is tapped by the "world behind the scenes" and special services. In Gopher/Fido/Usenet/DC ++/Irc/Gemini/BBS/Oscar/P2P and so on, Google and others have no power whatsoever. Therefore, these corporations, by the way, which banned of 80 million voters of US President Trump, openly mock us. Believing that they discredited all Internet protocols as obsolete, and they made it impossible for humans to use the above protocols. But the truth is, even in Gopher, they have no power whatsoever. They cannot delete news that they do not like. They cannot forbid writing the truth about Covid, the military dictatorship and global scams of the "world behind the scenes". They cannot revoke their fraudulent SSL certificates. They cannot block visits to sites at the browser level. Because they, being communists, do not understand a simple thing. Freedom cannot be driven into the FB "livestock building". Because there will always be people who, for the sake of the ideals of freedom, will support alternative means of communication. After all, real democracy comes from each individual person with an active life position. And the communist stall does not have evolutionary diversity. And therefore, over time, it will fall apart due to the inability to respond to the challenges of society. Already today Google, Twitter, FB, Microsoft, Oracle are a digital communist dictatorship. They can't think of anything better than to ban everything they don't like by introducing total censorship. And that's their problem. They repeat the path of the Soviet Union. There, too, everything was forbidden by the censors. But honest information still found a way out. The forbidden books were reprinted at night of thousands of dissenters, bypassing the publishing houses. The forbidden music was replicated on amateur tape recorders by thousands of music lovers. Prohibited films were secretly copied to VHS in the basements of thousands of pirates. And the forbidden articles were secretly replicated by thousands of chemists who knew how to make chemical copies of texts. The same is happening now at Google & co. They cannot stop the inevitable. Namely, to hide of truth. People will continue to work and communicate information to each other bypassing of HTTPs blockages. This is how the Soviet Union died. The USSR was hiding from the truth. Therefore Web2 will die too! Because many people looking for the truth. And you can't buy them for free sausage or app updates. Because the truth topmost.