New socialism future dystopia shape The head of Nvidia said that their goal is to combine the real world and the virtual. Oh yeah guys! Communist futurists called this idea "new socialism", a mixed economic system. When corporations will provide free services in exchange for your life. In other words, if under classical communism the state is engaged in the police, army, medicine, education, then under the new socialism, corporations will take care of your whole life. In exchange for subscriptions and services. True, people will be deprived of weapons, elections of representatives, as well as property. The society will become like Cuba or Belarus. The only difference is that your whole life will depend on subscriptions. And if you lose the ability to pay for subscriptions. Then the fate of an outcast awaits you. This is not a "conspiracy theory", it is an economic model of the future. Global Facebook who will includes everything from cars to socks. “New, good” socialism differs from “bad, old” socialism precisely in that corporations will take the place of the state. Everyone who has been banned by Facebook or VK for their political position knows what this means in the future. This is a ended form of social engineering. In comparison with, even North Korea will turn out to be a democratic country. How will it look in reality? In 2007, a low-budget, low-profile dystopia film called "Nightmare City 2035" was released on US screens. It feels like the filmmakers knew what to expect everyone in 2035. The story tells us about a world where virtual reality is combined with phisical reality. The society is divided into those who are connected to the hologram through chips and everyone else. People who are not connected to the system are criminals. Because they see that the physical world has fallen into desolation. And that the society in which the chipped people live is an ordinary totalitarian dictatorship of cyber technologies. For me, this film is an illustration of what the communists want from us. Having lost the Cold War, the Marxists decided to build a new Gulag with the help of IT technologies. However, they do not even hide their intentions. IT cartels are a new form of communist dictatorship, slowly but surely aganist on democracy. The place of comrades from the Politburo will be taken by comrades from the IT cartels. There will be talking heads instead of parliament. And if people don't do anything, the great idea of the Republic will disappear forever.