Brainworms kill 50000 people a year Three years ago, a 38-year-old resident of Boston (USA) was fast asleep next to his wife and suddenly fell to the floor in convulsions. He uttered meaningless words and clearly did not understand what was happening to him. The family called an ambulance and the doctors were horrified to find blood in his mouth - fortunately, he just bit his tongue. The case turned out to be very strange, because upon further examination of the man, no signs of chronic diseases that could cause seizures were found. For a while, the man suppressed the symptoms with sedatives, but then doctors found the source of his problems. It turned out that during the years of living in the countryside, a parasitic worm, which is dangerous for all animals, penetrated into his brain. According to Science Alert (, it was possible to find the cause of the seizures in the man only after studying his biography. It turned out that about 20 years ago he lived in one of the rural areas of Guatemala. In the images of his brain, doctors found several cysts - the so-called cavities in tissues or organs that have walls and contents. In the course of further study, it turned out that these formations remained as a result of the vital activity of parasitic pork tapeworms (Taenia solium). The man suffered from neurocysticercosis. This is the name of the disease that occurs when a person is infected with pork tapeworm. The disease is believed to threaten the health of millions of people around the world. Some sources say that 50,000 people die each year due to pork tapeworms, and the survivors remain disabled for life. The larvae trapped in the brain caused epilepsy in the man, because they pressed on some areas of him. According to the scientific journal American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (, a 25-year-old Australian woman once needed brain surgery to remove problem growths. They led to headaches and blurred vision. As for the Boston man, he was treated with medications for inflammation, seizures and parasites. He was discharged from the hospital after 5 days and has not had symptoms for the third year. However, according to doctor Andrew Cole, the man will still have to take medication for seizures. And all because the damage after the cyst will not go anywhere and can lead to seizures.