Covid tales - media review 1) Ekaterenburg, Russia mass protest against QR codes. Video. 2) The head of the British Ministry of Health Sajid Javid said that he agreed with the recommendation of the Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Immunizations (JCVI) to reduce the time between the main course of vaccination against COVID-19 and revaccination from 6 to 3 months ( 3) Police have closed a private coronavirus vaccination facility at Lubeck airport. It was opened by the owner of the building - a German businessman and physician Winfried Stecker. He suggested that people be vaccinated with a drug of his own production. This was reported by the Welt TV channel ( The police seized vials of medicine, medical devices and lists of those who were going to be vaccinated. 50 people have already received an injection of a vaccine independent of the "world behind the scenes". Another 150 citizens were in line. 4) The Australian government adopts a law to de-anonymize online trolls, IT giants such as Facebook and Twitter will be responsible for identifying them ( Prime Minister Scott Morrison, whose government is preparing for elections in the first half of 2022, said the new law would protect Australians from online harassment and harassment. Although it is obvious that, first of all, the law is aimed at combating independent information regarding Covid and vaccines in general.